Review  Death and Life on my Futon by Kenny N Gamera


Kenny used the 'd' word when he posted this story. Yes, he dared
me to review it. I wish I could pass up on a dare, but somethings
in life are a constant.


<Brief outline only>

Summarising this story is a challenge as it is a little (?)
metaphysical. It's about (my interpretation) unrequited love,
loss, yearning and passing. It's about life, love, loss and just
maybe - cats. Confused? Read it and weep :-)


<What was worthy of comment>

The imagery is superb, almost cinematographic in detail. When
our hero enters the crowded club and observes the object of his
desire standing at the bar, the surroundings fade and 'Kenny the
cameraman' brings a soft but defined focus onto the dark one. His
sorrow at the rebuff he get resounds in him and in us. The ending
is consummation in its fullest sense, disturbingly bleak and yet
attractive. This story gives me the feeling that I am staring
into an artwork by Edvard Munch. Complex, but more than a sum of
its parts.


<What detracted from the story>

A mild sense of aphasia.


<How well evolved was the environment> Marks out of  20


Brilliant, masterful, wonderful. <Sorry to gush - but I like it.>


<How well did the story progress and develop> Marks out of  20


The story progresses in ways you would not expect, nor initially
predict. I think this story is anonymous enough (and in this
unusual story type this works) and generic enough for many
interpretations. Each reader is likely (will need?) to interpret
the story from their own experience and perspective.


<Just how erotic a read is this (erotic, not sexy!)> Marks out of


This story encompasses much in such a small amount of text it is
difficult to mark here. I could score it less than 10, or virtual
perfection. I err to the second, as the emotional gamut the hero
experiences is so wide. This in my opinion makes it a highly
charged story, and so highly erotic. I take the unusual step of
explaining my thought processes here, due to the fact that others
may well argue this one from the opposite perspective. You could
see this story in a negative, sour way. I chose not to do that.


<The boring bit, grammar, typo's etc.> Marks out of 20


Although this is written in prose form, there is something almost
poetic about this piece. It is very difficult to find any area's
of criticism, partly due to good writing (and editing no doubt),
and partly due to the nature of the beast. This is not only not
your average sex story, it is not your average story at all.


<What did I feel having read the story, did I want to read more?>
Marks out of 20


Do I understand it? No. Yes. Well, sort of maybe. But to be
honest, I understand more than I want to, and the rest I don't
want explained to me. I want it to retain its mystique.

Read it, everyone, please read it. This is the first story I have
reviewed where I find myself desperate for other's comments. I
consider this to be one of the best stories I have ever read, as
it asks so many universal questions. This could however just be
me. I'm a quirky soul you know. I feel, feel - rather than think,
that this is a great story.

Total score

89 Yotties out of 100. <An average score would therefore be 50>

Readability guide        00-20 must try harder. 
                         20-40 needs development 
                         40-60 readable 
                         60-80 good read 
                         80-99 should read 
                         100 reserved for my stories :-)