Spacehounds of Ipecac - by Stasya T Canine Review


<Brief outline only>

Our hero (?) and heroine (?) have a mission of devastating importance.
Both have been affected by their very first mission (as a couple) to the 
Suppositorians planet. It seems this visit went to their heads, or at least 
their minds, in a big way. Now they have to revisit the planet and retrieve
a much prized cargo.

The story is flagged by the author :

This one was done with a lot of respect, even though some folks won't 
appreciate the way my respect has expressed itself.

This was, of course, inspired by E.E 'Doc' Smith's 'Lensman' series and all 
those other wonderful space operas that he and others wrote.  :)

I hope I've managed to generate the 'feel' of those old space operas.  
Comments and suggestions on ways to recapture that memorable 'atmosphere' 
will be appreciated.


<What was worthy of comment>

'Opera' may be a grandiose term, this is pure farce, but none the worse 
for that. A fantastic romp through the genre, with nods in several 
directions (sometimes at the same time). Genuinely funny, with the most
inspired space ship control mechanism I have come (groan) across.
An Olympian task (you will need to read it to get that).

To give you a feel here is a brief extract:

'Geeky nodded as he remembered the last delivery.  "And have lots of 
vaseline handy.  They don't carry any of their own."  He sighed.  
"That's the last time we'll ever send out newlyweds on a survey mission 
- *if* I have anything to say about future policy."'


<What detracted from the story>

You have to be up to reading it! What I mean is, it is directed at a niche
of readers who will get not only the funnies, but the context. In addition
STC always expects the reader to work. The action, references and ideas
flow thick and fast. It may therefore (and unfortunately) appeal to a 
limited audience.


<How well evolved was the environment> Marks out of  20


Some things are quite detailed, others aren't. More information on the 
home world of the Suppositorians would be appreciated, but then I am
a SF geek. The general 'feel' of the aliens is quite detailed, although
not down to the individual hairs :-)


<How well did the story progress and develop> Marks out of  20


Impressive, smooth, and while not an easy read, one that can be enjoyed
on several levels. May require re-reading (I did) to get the overall
shape of events.


<Just how erotic a read is this (erotic, not sexy!)> Marks out of  20


Oh boy, (thank you STC!) how do I rank this? Not noticeably sexual, but 
threaded through with the need for sex and its importance to humans. 
Fortunately I'm not rating it as a sex story, that helps. It is erotic
but not sensual in any conventional term.


<The boring bit, grammar, typo’s etc.> Marks out of 20


To me as a reader this was masterly, a technically 'well' written story.


<What did I feel having read the story, did I want to read more?> Marks out of 20


Well I did want to read more, but possibly more in *this* story, more detail and
a little more room to breathe would have been nice. It is very amusing, and at the
same time 'tips its hat' to SF conventions. Some of the images (once they had 
crystallised) brought a very wide grin to my lips.

If this were a car it would be a BMW Mini, not luxurious, not the most comfortable
ride, but tremendous fun!

Total score

71 Yotties out of 100.

Readability guide           00-20 must try harder.
                            20-40 needs development
                            40-60 readable
                            60-80 good read
                            80-99 should read
                            100 reserved for my stories :-)