T h e   H o o k e r   D a n a

A good girl from a good home throws all comfortable a
"normal" things in life down the drain, and becomes the
cheapest street-dwelling hooker available – out of a mere
self-destructive impulse.

A Roman by Yonny Love (citruslove12@yahoo.com)

All Right Reserved to ©Yonny Love, 2004

P r e f a c e

I've ruined my life.
No, truly, this is it: I'd had a life, and I've destroyed it, simply
at my ease. No one forced me to do it; it has been all my
project. C'mon Dana, I told myself unconciously, why to have
this comfy life, when all is tidy neatly and everything is well
aqnd finely secured? Let's risk things! Let's throw safety out
of the window, and economical security down the drain. Let's
be wild!

But I guess, I really should start this all by introducing
myself. So, hello, my name is Dana and I'm a whore. Nice to
meet you. No. I must rephrase it, for it would be more
accurate: Hello, my name is Dana, and I'm the stupidest
person alive, who chose to be a cheap street-dwelling
prostitute, inspite of the fact, that she had every other choice
being handed to her upon a silver-tray. Now, how is THAT
for a self-destructive neurosis?

I should be the number 1 choice as an issue for the most
ironic joke ever! Just for you to understand things now…

I was born 25 years ago, as Dana Luberstein, daughter of
the successful lawyer Adam Luberstein and the highschool
principle, Edna Luberstein-Levin. Oh, you must be thinking -
now we've found it, the main cause to this drastic flaw in her
personality! Her workaholic, career-centered parents! Ho,
How Much easier would things have been for my concious,
had it been so! But – sorry dudes, you're WRONG: My
parents have always been the most compassionate, listening
AND sensitive people I have ever known. They did all they
had possibly could and tried their best in order to prevent my
degradation – but, everything they had done was just for
vain: I wanted to be ruined.

I guess it was just my destiny, to destroy myself – you know
the greeks held the faith, that a person's character is his fate
in life. I do fully believe that, too, as there's no other logical
reason to explain, why should my life have taken the path I –
so I'd, blindly, kept telling myself, up until it has just become
too late – wanted the least of all to occur. In my childhood
and youth, all had been great: I'd been among the best pupils
at schools, received grades, that had always varied between
good and excellent, had several good friends, was the chief-
editor of the highschool newspaper, and even arranged the
class-party for the school-year's end when I was 17. But it
had been right back then, by that specific summer, that all
things had started to go downhill.

I fell inLove with some motorcycle-rider, Iddo, who was
just the most handsome and gorgeous and sexy and hot and
whatever else you might call it in the entire school. So,
needless to say he had better, more attractive options than
the nerd, though somewhat popular, girl from the next block.
But anyway, for a while it seemed - to me however – that he
had honestly chose ME to be his prime girlfriend for the
next – and last - school-year to come. Boy, had I been

It is so incredibly funny now, to think just how mature I
had, back then, thought him to be – considering how
terribly childish he truly was. The guy just had 4 things
on his mind: Sex, motorcycles, basketball and beer. And
even at these few proffessionalities, his taste had been a
disaster! "Sex" meant that the girl should lie down,
without moving and preferrably without even breating,
while he – "da bull", as he so stupidly defined himself –
was entering her and emptying his stupid balls inside
her (and, needless to say – no condoms, nor pills, were
heard of around THIS neanderthal's ever-so-primitive
domain…); had the girl moved, or said anything – let
alone scream, god forbid! – he would IMMEDIATELY
slap her and cry out, "how can I concentrate like that,
ha, stupid female?" yes – just like that. Whenever he'd
mounted a motorcycle, nobody's life around him had
been safe – he was driving through parks, sidewalks,
red lights and stop signs like some maniac from hell
(and I still cannot explain, how did it took him almost
eight months to "finally" hit a 3 year old girl on the
pedestrian-lane and causing her to spend all the rest
of her life in a wheel-chair – which had, at last, sent
him into jail for half a year, and waiting four more
years, before he could drive again – a car this time;
recently, by the way, I'd heard his name again – he
was fasting to over 180 KM per hour near a kinder-
garden, drove over 3 little boys and their pregnant
mother and was sent again to jail, for 5 years this
time; I wonder, when will he be able to slughter
innocent pedestrians again – in 2009, or already by
the beginning of 2008? Well – who gives a damn).
When regarding his basketball achivements, here
I've got to admit he did have something in him; but,
as for his taste in beer…

During my street-career, I had been forced to drink
several shocking substances (we'll come to that part
later, don't worry); but, ABSOLUTLY NONE of them
had even been half as terrible, as his version to beer –
which, to top it all, he'd always called "divine".

So, why DID I fall inLove with such a degenerated
bastard? I can think of only two possible reasons:

1) I was unbelievably stupid, and

2) Already then, my only real and honest dream, had
been one: destroying myself completely. I am totally
unable to find any other reason for this, I'm sorry.