Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Mg* ped 1st cons rom inc preg anal oral mc ScFi Author: YAWN - Yet Another Writing Newbie. Copyright 2010-2011 YAWN Electronic distribution permission granted to Permission for any other use must be obtained by contacting the author via If you can't tell this is fiction from the copyright date and the story dates, you're either not old enough or not smart enough to be reading it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tuesday, 18 August 2015 07:30 Blrrrrpt! Blrrrrpt! What's that noise? And what kind of insect is on my neck? Swat! "Ouch! Daddy, it's me!" "Since when is my daughter still in her gown and only doing raspberries?" "Since the phone woke me up and it was Colonel Mason. He wants you to look at some mickey size stuff." "Did he say 'seismic'?" "Yeah, that's what he said. I was still yawning when I talked to him." "Did he say when he wanted me to come? Or where?" "After we have breakfast. In the Comms room. Can I go with you?" "You can come if you bring a book or a quiet game." "I have a new book; I'll take it." "Then let's go eat." "No kissy-face?" "A little after breakfast, but you had a lot last night." "I know, but when I faint, it seems like doesn't last very long." "Tonight let's try something that won't make the feeling as strong, but you can enjoy it longer." "OK. What's for breakfast?" "I'll have rib of Molly and I'll take a big bite right here!" "Stop! I gotta go pee!" "I thought so, but a good tickle was the only way to convince you." "You're mean!" "No, just successful in directing the actions of another person. You went without an argument and now we'll have time for a little kissy-face after we eat." "As long as it was for kissy-face..." "What do you want for breakfast?" "Krispy Krackles." "Sorry. One thing that a mother has to do is take care of her children. When you're pregnant, that means eating the right foods. Look at this chart from Dr. Chambers. See anything that you want?" "Do I have to eat these at the time she says? I'd rather have the PB&J with banana and apple for breakfast and the eggs and stuff later in the day." "As long as you get the proper balance of foods, the time of day isn't important. One PB&J with banana and apple and a glass of milk coming up. Did you remember the morning sickness pill last night?" "No, I was too busy making more babies." "Well, it's unlikely that you can make more babies while you're pregnant. Here, take this pill and wait about 10 minutes before you start eating. Go get dressed while you wait." "What do I wear?" "Whatever you want - that I approve of. It's OK if you look pregnant; that's one of the reasons all the Daddies and little girls are here." "OK, my Alice dress. It's a little big and doesn't show much if the sash isn't tied tight. Will you tie it for me?" "Show me how snug or loose you want the sash." "Like this." "OK, my pretty daughter is in her pretty dress." "You're silly, but I love it when you say 'daughter' and when you tell me I'm pretty." "Then eat your breakfast, daughter." "Yes, Daddy. Did you eat anything?" "PB&J with banana. Enjoy that banana - we may not have bananas again for a long, long time." "What about apples?" "We'll have dried apples and canned apples. Not quite the same - they aren't crunchy when you bite them - but OK for some things such as apple pie. In a few years, we might start trying to grow apple trees." "I'm done." "Brush your teeth. I'll put a towel over your front so you won't get toothpaste on your dress." "OK." "I'm done, again." "Then let's go see Colonel Mason." "Good morning, Ed." "Good morning, George. Molly." "What's changed that you want me to look at, Ed?" "The San Andreas fault is getting active again." "It certainly is. How old is this data?" "About 2 hours. You can get current data on computer #5, George." "The activity is increasing. This looks like the patterns that led up to the last big quake out there." "Would a big quake along the San Andreas affect Yellowstone?" "Off the top of my head? It certainly might. Can I get access to Daniel's server farm from here, Ed?" "Yes. The link to PAC-info gets you there. I don't remember where the data is." "Drive 'M' for 'Molly' has the last 12 months." "Thanks, Honey. Glad you remembered. There's a link here to older data. Typical Daniel humor: the last few earthquakes are listed as 'possible big one', the magnitude, and the date. Here's the one I was looking for - it was a 7.3. Reports of glass rattling all the way to Yellowstone. We've been lucky so far. The ash clouds are beginning to dissipate, although the lava is still oozing. If this quake is 7.3 or greater, it may very well be the trigger for a major blast from Yellowstone - the TEOTWAWKI event that we hoped might not happen." "Daddy, what is TEOTWAWKI?" "It's an acronym, Molly, just a much longer one. You know that the ash and lava from the Yellowstone volcano have made things difficult for many people. Planes aren't flying, most cars and trucks aren't running, ships aren't bringing goods from other countries..." "Like the banana this morning? You said it might be a long time before we ever got another one." "Very good, smart girl. TEOTWAWKI stands for 'The End of The World As We Know It'. The world you knew had cars and planes and bananas and playing outside in the sun and lots of other things that we don't have right now. If Yellowstone erupts in a big way, most of the people on Earth will die. The ash will block the sunlight and stop tractors from running - which will stop the production of food. No potatoes, no wheat for flour, no oats for cereal, no peanuts for peanut butter, no apples, no chickens for eggs or chicken enchiladas, no anything that grows out of the ground. The ash in the streams and rivers and lakes and oceans will mean there will be no fish, no shrimp, no oysters or anything else that lives in water." "But how will we get food?" "Remember the Commissary here? There are warehouses of supplies on several levels of the Survival Building. There are places where we can do hydroponic gardening - where things grow in big tanks of water with the right nutrients instead of growing in dirt. But running the hydroponic gardens requires more people than we have now. That's why it's important that we take very good care of the girls that are here so they can have babies who will grow up to run the hydroponic gardens." "You said this morning you might try growing apples in a few years - you meant when there are enough people?" "Yes, Molly, that's exactly what I meant." "But won't it be a long time before my twins are able to do the work that's needed?" "About 12 ye..." "TWINS!!??" "Yes, Ed. Dr. Chambers confirmed it yesterday. I'll soon have three little girls to take care of - and will need larger quarters in a few years." "But Molly's so small..." "It's Molly's choice to explain how it happened, but from her blush I don't think she wants to right now. Dr. Chambers said Caesarean delivery would be the only option for someone so small." "Can she make it 4 1/2 months?" "The current gestation time is estimated at four and a half months for a single baby, but Molly will likely be on bed rest at three months and things will progress as dictated by her body." "Do we need to do anything special for her?" "Since bananas are no longer available anywhere, I don't think so. We have powdered milk and apple juice, so she'll have some things she likes and the pharmacy has the pre-natal vitamins and anti-nausea medications she needs." "But there must be something special we can do for the first mother in our project?" "For now, just help her with the surprise birthday party for Beth. We may need your help getting Jane and Lacey involved with the building and painting. If Molly gets some unusual food cravings later on, you can help search the warehouse areas." "George, have you decided whether you'll try teaching?" "Yes, Ed. I'll start a class next Monday. I've looked over several sets of lesson plans and I think I've pulled together pieces that will work for the wide grade level I'll have. If I run out the door screaming, you'll know I wasn't successful." "Daddy, you'd never run out the door screaming because you care too much about learning. I want to be in your class and so do Beth and Sheila. I think Jane does, but she doesn't want to admit that school might be fun if you had the right teacher. I haven't talked with Lacey, but Beth says Lacey loves to read, so I think she likes school and she'll love having you for a teacher." "Well, George, I think you've just received the highest possible recommendation." "This girl was asking me to be her teacher before we knew about the Survival Buildings, so her opinion might not be valid." "Daddy, my opinion is better than anyone else's because I have more experience with you as a teacher!" "I know, Honey, I'm just teasing you. Back to the data - a Code Yellow alert is certainly justified. Code Orange if the fault gets more active. Code Red if the earthquake hits at any magnitude above 7.3 or if Yellowstone shows a 15% increase in activity. There's a lot more that we don't know about the fault line and magma chamber interconnects than we do know. Better a near panic than a totally unprepared populace." "You're scaring me, George." "You're scaring me, too, Daddy." "The scare factor is what brought us together in what we think will be a safe place for a long time - long enough for the ash to clear and us to try to repopulate the world. I think the scare factor will get much higher over the next few days. Ed, can this building be locked down such that people cannot enter even with heavy equipment or explosives?" "You really think it will be that bad, George?" "How many people know something about this site because of a spouse or sibling being involved in the project? I know that you used drugs and hypnotic suggestion to try to control the spread of information, but in a TEOTWAWKI event, people will try to save those closest to them - and some people will do anything for money. What would you do if a National Guard tank came through the fence and took aim?" "There are blast doors that should resist anything short of a direct nuke strike. We might then have to dig out from another level when the time came to leave the Building." "Do the outside cameras have motion sensors?" "Yes." "Set them to alert on any movement bigger than a raccoon inside the fence and any motorcycle or larger movement outside the fence. Until Yellowstone either settles down or has a full eruption, we need someone monitoring the camera alarms - in this room, so they can see exactly what's happening and know whether to close the blast doors. Pass the word to the other sites to do the same." "We may only have 6 or 8 qualified people here. That will make for some long hours. Some of the other sites have more people and will find it less difficult to cover 24 hours." "Make it four hour shifts. Longer than that and you start to miss things - or see things. Let the people choose their best hours and work from that to make the schedule. I'm OK until 2AM almost any day, but not so good after that. Set up sleeping areas here for the on-watch person's children if they don't have someone who can take them. They'll feel better knowing they can hear the start of a nightmare. I don't know about the other kids, but Molly has premonitions that she can't explain - the night the fire alarm went off at the hotel, she had asked me to rub her back to help her go to sleep as we were riding back to the hotel, much earlier than her usual bedtime. We may not know what is going to happen, but we'll know to be on higher alert." "OK, George. Now you know why you're in charge of all the sites. You just condensed 10 pages of the 'In Case Of...' document into less than 10 sentences. I'll get the word out to the other sites." "I'll take the first shift and you can contact the other qualified people to work out the schedule. Molly, when will you be finished with your book?" "About an hour." "Did you bring anything else to keep you busy?" "I have another book, I brought things to make a birthday card for Beth, and I want you to check the Roman Numerals book to see it I got the answers right." "You did this book by yourself, Molly?" "Yes, Mr. Mason. I asked Daddy if he could teach me about Roman Numerals and he got me this book to work on while we were driving in the G-O-O-D." "How did I do, Daddy?" "You got all the answers right, smart girl'." "Jane worked on that book at the end of 3rd grade and she needed help with it. Your Daddy is right when he calls you 'smart girl'." "Really??" "Yes, really. How do you keep up with her, George?" "I'm just glad that she loves me and thinks I'm pretty special even when I'm slow to catch on." +I love your mind hugs, Daddy! "If you have things under control here, George, I'll get the others for a quick conference call and make the schedule." "If you do have enough people, see if some of them are willing to 'float' so the others can have a day off once a week. The constant waiting will be very tiring." "Good thought, George. I'll make paper copies of the schedule and also have it available via the housing Comms link in about an hour. The schedule will have the name, hours, and local phone of everyone, including the 'floaters' - they can also fill in if there's an accident or illness. Be back in an hour or so." +Can we do some kissy-face? +You must be aware that I may have to stop and do things to keep us safe - no whining if it happens. +I understand. You're always trying to keep us safe. I'll try not to be too disappointed if you stop in the middle of something. +First we lock the doors to the Comms area and close the blinds. Other people know what we're doing - you are the first pregnant girl here - but we don't have to let them watch. +OK, Daddy. Didn't you say some people get the good feeling just watching? +Yes, Honey. But I would only let someone watch if you were OK with that person watching. +Like if Sheila wanted to know how we did something and I said we could show her? +Yes, Molly. Only if it was something that you chose to allow someone else to see. +Take off your shirt and I'll get naked - I want to rub all of me on you. +If you're going to faint, we need a place for you to sleep and something to cover you so you don't get cold. There's a sofa in the little office here and there's a coat on the coat rack. That's all we need. +I love being naked against your skin and now my boobies are so sensitive that the hair on your chest tickles! +Give me your tongue, Dyson. +Here! So soft, and warm, and wiggly. How did I wind up with this incredible little girl - who isn't exactly a little girl, since she's carrying twins - and how did I become the one person she wants to spend her life with? I know the practical answers, but there must be something more than military planing that brought the two of us together for what may be decades. +Suck it harder, Daddy. Rub my butt. +Yes, horny girl. +That bulge in your jeans says you're horny too. Anyone would be with this beautiful, naked girl rubbing herself all over them. It's even better when I love her and I know she loves me. +Squeeze my butt harder. And she humps my stomach. Wonder how long until I can enter her fully and she can hump me until I squirt directly into her womb? +Put the head in me! +Are you ready so soon? +With you thinking about me being beautiful and wanting to put your penis all the way in me, I'll go any second! +Here, put it in the right place. Pull me in but no more than last time - we have two other little girls to take care of. +Hurry or I'll faint before you squirt! +Just a little more, Honey. Suck my tongue. +All the way to my stomach! She tries, but it's still attached. I'm almost there. Just another rub of that perfect butt. Wonder if she can take a finger there at the same time as the head in her vagina? +Lick my fingers, Honey. One in, now two and I'm gone. +Oh, Dad... She's gone again. Is she even breathing? Yes, very slow and shallow. I need to do some slow buildups that give little orgasms that she can stay awake to enjoy. Maybe next time - when the scare factor doesn't make both of us hurry. I'm out - my traitor is doing his usual too soon exit. Get her underwear back on - Sleeping Beauty, how appropriate. Hold her up and slip the Alice dress over her head and arms. No need to tie the sash until she wakes. Ease her onto the sofa. If I turn it a little, I can see her from the watch station. Use the coat for cover. Kiss those beautiful lips - this time a gentle, fatherly kiss. Now back to the outside world. Bleep! Bleep! Bleep! Vehicle motion alarm at the gate. Deuce and a half painted like ours - but the back cover and the air cleaner are wrong - that's not a Repopulate Project vehicle. They're waving for attention - someone authorized to be here would have a remote. Try the intercom - first in listen mode: 'My brother-in-law was a cop and he said they had some kind of underground shelter here. We just need to look and act like we belong. I know your uniform doesn't fit; pull it back so it looks good on the front.' Now the other way: "Soldier! Identify yourself and your mission! Show me your papers!" "Lt. Smith and 4 others, sir. Our papers were lost in a firefight about 100 miles back." No, that's Captain's insignia. I don't see any bullet holes in the vehicle and it would not have survived more than 20 miles of this ash. The stains on your uniform look like blood to me. I think I know how and where you got the vehicle - the National Guard armory is only 6 miles away. "Did General Halftrack give you a password?" "Yes, 'survival'. General Halftrack is only in the comics and there is no password for entry here. Enable the inner barrier. "Bring your vehicle in when I open the gate. If you have more than one vehicle, the others must wait until you clear the inner barrier." Gate open, here come the two Humvees that were behind him. Obviously not thinking further ahead than their next beer. Gatling guns in a cross fire across the entry. Roar! Both Humvees are against the inner barrier. Our Mr. Smith is trying to back out - let's give that vehicle some armor piercing rounds. Roar! Someone is still moving? Double the charge on the fence and the inner barrier. Not quite deadly, but definitely causes unconsciousness. Got him. Another vehicle in the street? Looks like he's in panic mode and has forgotten how to drive a straight - moves it about a foot and it stops. I'll let him get away. He'll be good PR to keep others away. Someone is at the door to Comms. Release the lock and let them in. "George, I heard the alarms and then the Gatling guns. What's going on?" "Our first group of intruders. One of them is still alive. Get an armed crew out to pick him up for interrogation and to clear the wrecked vehicles. We'll learn what we can from this one, then scare him a little more and turn him loose to be good negative PR for this site." "How did you know?" "Vehicle had the right paint, but it's an old deuce and a half. He had Captain's insignia and identified himself as Lt. Smith. I asked if General Halftrack had given him the password and he said 'Yes'." "George, you're the only person I know who injects that kind of humor into a life-and-death situation - General Halftrack indeed." "Daddy, what happened? Why is Mr. Mason laughing?" "Molly, someone who doesn't have an RFID tag or a remote for the gate tried to get in and I stopped them. They said their paperwork had been lost, so I asked a question that someone who is supposed to be here would know the answer to. Colonel Mason thought the question I asked was funny." "So, what did you ask them?" "I asked if General Halftrack had given them the password." "But General Halftrack is in the comics!" "That's right Honey, but the person said 'Yes'." "Even I know better than that." "Yes, smart girl, you certainly do." "What did you do to him?" "He touched the electric fence and was knocked unconscious. Colonel Mason sent some men to bring him in and ask him some questions, such as where he got the truck, who else is involved, whether any more people are coming to try to get in." "What will you do with him?" "We certainly don't want people like that living with us, so we'll give him a good scare and put him back outside the fence - on foot. He'll probably tell other people about what happened to him and they won't try to get in." "You're smart, Daddy." "I get that from my smart daughter." "You're silly." "That too. But some people don't know how to be silly. Would they be fun to be around?" "No. I guess I'll keep you for my Daddy." "Thank you, Molly." +Can we go back to our place? +Not yet. Colonel Mason doesn't have the schedule in his hand, so he was probably interrupted while he was making it. +OK. How much longer? +Maybe an hour. "George, I've talked with all the qualified people. We have 10, so I'll make the schedule using them. I should be finished in about an hour. Ian will take the next shift and I'll take care of Beth and Jane while he's here. I'm sure the girls can find something to do together, although Beth wants some one-on-one time me." "Sounds like we can go eat in about an hour, Molly." "That's good - I'm hungry!" "After we eat, would you like to work on the dollhouse for Beth?" "Yes!" "Ed, Beth could get her one-on-one time with you while Jane and Lacey help Molly with the dollhouse. There are walls to paint, wallpaper to make and install, and assembly to be done." "Good idea, George. Call me when you're ready." "Daddy, can we have pancakes tonight?" "Are pancakes on your food list for the week?" "I don't remember seeing them." "Then what do you think the answer is?" "No?" "Correct, Honey. We can make some adjustments to the food list, but we won't leave out any food group that Dr. Chambers says you should have. However, if you have breakfast foods tonight - eggs and turkey bacon - then you may have two pancakes after you eat the other things." "But I want a whole plateful of pancakes!" "I know how much you love them, Molly, but it's important that you take care of your babies." "You're right, Daddy, but how long will I have to wait before I can eat what I want?" "That depends on whether your body is ready to breast feed two babies. I don't think that it will be; in that case you can have a wider choice of foods than if you were breastfeeding." "Why does breastfeeding make a difference?" "What does your body make the milk from?" "From what I eat?" "Yes, so you must eat the things that are best for you and your babies when you are breastfeeding." "If I can't breastfeed two babies, what will they eat?" "We'll use the baby formula that comes in cans. The types that are in the Commissary are powdered, so we just add the right amount of water, stir, and put it in a baby bottle." "What do I do if both babies are hungry at the same time? I can only hold one baby and one bottle." "That's another reason you'll have help. I'll be there part of the time and you'll have some nurses to help when I'm not there." "Colonel Wilson, I'm here to take the watch." "Thanks, Ian. Molly, let's go eat then we can get Jane and Lacey to help with the dollhouse while Beth spends time with her Grandpa Ed." "Hurry up, Daddy! I'm hungry! I didn't have the eggs and stuff at breakfast, so I like your idea of having breakfast now and adding a bunch of pancakes!" "How many pancakes did I say you could have?" "You said two, but I was hoping you wouldn't remember." "You want to help cook?" "Just the eggs - I couldn't stop making pancakes if I had the batter in my hand." "I love my honest girl. I thought you might feel that way. Here, you beat the eggs and I'll pour them in the skillet - remember they sometimes spatter. When they stop sizzling, you can stir and turn them just the way you want them. I'll fix the pancakes while you eat the eggs." "OK, Daddy. Are you sure I can only have two pancakes?" "Yes, Honey. Even with that look on your face and your hand in my trousers, the limit is two." "You're mean!" "No, just taking care of all three of my little girls." "I'm being a brat and you still gave me a mind hug. Why?" "Because you're acting like a six year old and I love my six year old." "I love you, too. You're the best Daddy in the world!" "Thank you, Molly. Ready for your pancakes?" "Yes, Daddy. Are you eating anything?" "Eggs, bacon, and the other pancakes - it's hard to measure out just enough mix and other ingredients for two pancakes." "Can I call Jane and Lacey now?" "Yes. Ask Colonel Mason if his granddaughters can come and play with you until bedtime. He knows what you have planned." "We do Beth's dollhouse and Beth does stuff with her Grandpa Ed?" "Correct, smart girl." "Mr. Mason, this is Molly. Can Jane and Lacey and Beth come and play until bedtime?" "Let me ask them, Molly." "Girls, Molly is asking if you want to come play?" "Molly, Jane and Lacey want to come but Beth says she wants to stay with me. Is that OK?" "Yes, Mr. Mason." "They'll be at your door very soon." Knock! Knock! "Hi, Jane. Hi, Lacey." "Hi, Molly." "Daddy and me cut the parts for the dollhouse earlier today. We need to paint the inside walls and make wallpaper for some of the walls. Jane, you're good in art. Can you make some wallpaper like the description your Daddy wrote here?" "I think so, Molly." "Lacey, we can paint while Jane makes wallpaper. We need to come up with an oak tree for the front yard - and a tire swing." "OK, I can help paint. Jane, could you make a tree out of wood or clay or something?" "If I had some wood for a trunk, I could make the green leafy branches from a green sponge. Mr. Wilson, do you have any ideas for the swing?" "Let's all go down the shop and see if we can find the pieces you need. We can stop by the Commissary for the green sponge. I may have an idea for the swing." "Beth will be so surprised!" "I'm sure she will be, Lacey, and it's very sweet of you girls to work so hard on a gift for someone else." "OK, girls. Some rules in the shop. You only use the hand tools - the power tools are only to be used by adults unless one of you is given special permission - and that will be a one-time only permission. You wear safety glasses while you're here. You wear work gloves when using tools. Everybody understand?" "Yes, Mr. Wilson." "Yes, Mr. Wilson." "Mr. Wilson, why didn't Molly say 'yes'?" "Because we had this talk earlier, Jane, when she helped sand the pieces I cut out." "OK." "All the inside walls and the floor have sticky notes on them to identify which piece they are and whether they get paint or wallpaper. Some walls get both, so we have to do them in the proper order - paint first and let it dry before the wallpaper is put on. The markers, watercolors and paper you need to make wallpaper are on this table, Jane. Lacey, you and Molly can paint at this table. Before you start painting, put on these smocks so you don't get paint on your clothes. Neither your Daddy nor your Grandpa Ed will be happy if that happens and Beth might wonder how you got paint on your clothes while playing with Molly." "What about the outside?" "Lacey, after all the inside paint and wallpaper are dry, we'll glue the walls to the floor and to the other walls where they meet and put some staples in with this staple gun. I think Jane's hands might be big enough to use this tool. After the glue dries, you can paint the outside. We don't have any magic roof paint that makes it look like shingles, so you'll paint the roof brown and after it dries you'll use a fine marker to outline the 'shingles'. We'll do the same for the 'bricks' in the walkway and the 'planks' in the floor." "Your Daddy sure is smart, Molly." "I think so too, Jane." "How much longer until the paint is dry and I can paint the other side?" "I think we'll be doing that tomorrow, Lacey." "But I want to finish now!" "I know, but it's almost Molly's bedtime so it's time for us to go back to our quarters. We'll put the lids on the paint and other things and clean our work area. If we wait overnight, we know the paint will be dry. And I think I have the 'swing'." "Those are just some washers with big holes in them." "That's what they are, Jane, but if we glue them together and paint them black, they will look like a tire with tread. Right, Daddy?" "Yes, Molly. That's exactly what we'll do. We didn't get the tree finished, but I think Jane knows exactly how she'll make it." "I do, Mr. Wilson." "Leave the smocks and your safety glasses here. You'll be using them tomorrow. Scoot to the elevator. Remember that you're going to our quarters in case Beth and Grandpa Ed come to get you." "Yes, Mr. Wilson. Thank you for inviting us to help, Molly. I had a lot of fun." "Me, too, Molly." "You're welcome. We'll have more fun tomorrow." Ring! Ring! "Wilson quarters. This is Molly." "Hi, Molly. This is Colonel Mason. Will you tell Jane and Lacey it's time to come back to my quarters?" "Yes, Mr. Mason." "Thank you, Molly." "Jane, Lacey. Your Grandpa Ed says it's time to come back." "Good night, Molly; good night, Mr. Wilson." "Goodnight girls." +Can we do kissy-face now? +Yes, but only a little - it's been a busy day for you and you really need to sleep. Take your morning sickness pill and brush your teeth. I'll start the shower. +Yes! +Remember not to 'yell'. +Sorry, Daddy. I'm always excited about a bath or shower with you. "Water temperature OK?" "Just right. You sit down so I can back up and take you in me." "Sorry, Honey. First you get clean, then we do the 'fun' stuff." "You sound just like my first Daddy." "Then I must be doing something right." "I love you so much! I'm glad you're my Daddy now." "Me too, Molly. But you still need to wash." "Will you wash me? With your hands? And touch all the good places?" "Yes, I'll wash you with my hands, but first I touch all the places with sawdust and paint - starting with your hair." "OK. Do my hair. My eyes are closed so soap won't get in them." "Thank you, Honey. The sooner we get the necessary things done, the sooner we can do the fun things." "I know - so will you hurry up?" "Hurry on your nipples?" "No, just be gentle - they're still sore." "They will probably be sore until they stop growing." "When will that be?" "You should ask Dr. Chambers when we see her next week." "OK. That's on my list of things to do." "Hurry on your butt?" "No, you can wash it gentle and then hard as long as you want to." "I'll stop before we wrinkle up like raisins. Now I need to wash me." "Get on your knees and I'll wash your top half. Then you can stand up and I'll wash the rest of you." "OK, Honey. Just remember to save the squirt if you want to do it in bed." "You're washed - you need to rinse off the soap. And come to bed and squirt in me." "Not until we're both dry - I still don't want to sleep on cold, wet sheets." "Then hurry and dry me." "OK." "You don't have to hurry on my boobies." "But you said hurry." "And don't hurry on my butt." "But you said hurry." "Hurry everywhere else but not those places." "You're dry. Let's go to bed." "Carry me? And rub my butt?" "Silly girl - it's only 6 steps." "But I want to rub tummies with you all the way." "OK, tummy rub. One, two, three, four, five, six - and I drop you on the bed." "You get on the bed too. I want to kissy-face and have your penis in my butt and have you squirt in my vagina again and ..." "In spite of your 'I wanna do everything', I can feel that you're tired tonight - almost as tired as you were the night before you woke up sick and we went to see Dr. Chambers. You get a little kissy-face and one other thing - not everything at once." "You really do love me, Daddy. I know how much you like doing all these things with me and you're not letting yourself have that fun either. OK. Kissy-face and I back down and get you in my butt just enough for you to squirt?" "Yes, Honey, we can do that. Do you want to sleep snuggled up even if you don't know it?" "I'll know when I wake up in the morning. Let's do it!" +Slow down, Dyson. I don't want stretch marks on my tongue. +It's hard to slow down, Daddy. We don't get to do very much and I think being pregnant makes me hornier than before. +You may be right, Molly. I understand that happens to some pregnant girls. +Lubricate your penis and get it in me. +Back down just a little - I have to let go of your tongue for you to do this. +I know - give me your tongue. I can still suck it a little. +OK, Honey. +Ooohh! You're in me on both ends! +No so loud, Molly. +I can't help it, Daddy. It feels so good! +Let go of my tongue and back up a little more. Then I can reach both your boobies for some rubbing and twisting. +Squirt quick. I'm about to go. +Just a couple more up and down, Honey. +Hurry - I'm tingly all over! +OK here it comes. +I love yo... Once again I have a naked and totally limp little girl on top of me. Time to move her to one side of the bed and curl up behind her. So soft, so smooth, so warm. I could stay here foreve...