Welcome to Wilson in Southern CA

The town of Wilson is located northwest of Los Angeles, California about 150 miles north of Los Angeles on the Pacific Ocean and is so small that the town only has one Middle school and one High school and they are both located in the same building. The only park in town is right behind the school and the school uses the pool for meets and practice.

The town has a nice Italian restaurant called Casa Maria, a local burger hut called Cave, an ice-cream parlor called Colors of Ice Cream. The only grocery store is Wilson's Safeway and Drug Store.

On Main Street, we have Phelps’s Hardware and three gas stations, one them is also a convenience store that sells California Power Ball lottery tickets and rents movies, one of the other gas stations has three bays for fixing cars, while the last gas station on the way out of the city has a small car dealership that uses almost all of its parking and one of the station’s service bays for washing cars before they go on sale.

We have a huge movie theatre that shows five different movies at a time.

We have James Construction Co., which is owned by Jeffery James. We have a realty company called Jack Ray Realtors, LLC and Walters’ Chemical Co. and Charter's Investment Co.

They are starting to build a Walmart Superstore.

We had a campground, south of town, where the kids could go to dances and the school held parties at but it closed down about three months also, but now we have a club on Sunday; they open up for the kids to come to, but during the week it is a topless club called Marilyn A Go Go, which is named after Marilyn Monroe, whom the owner is very fond of.