Life continues to fuck me over hard, but maybe it'll get 
tired of it sooner or later.  I'll keep writing anyway.  
Once again, end of bitchfest.  I want to think everybody 
gave me feedback on earlier chapters of this story.  As I 
have said before, I hope to prove that I will not fail or 
falter.  I'm still trying for one chapter per month from 
this point on, but maybe I'll be able to do better.  As 
always, not even I know how long this story will end up 
being, again, we are still only in the beginning and I 
don't know the end of this journey anymore than you do.  I 
will continue to give props to CSquared as his is the first 
story beyond mine that I have ever run across, where 
somebody had telekinesis, but did not have the ability of 
telepathy (always excepting the early eighties movie 
"Zapped!" with Scott Baio, and the debate on my end of 
reality is raging on as to whether or not he was mildly 
telepathic).  But even in Powers there are telepaths on 
hand to pull an Obi-Wan and conveniently make everyone 
forget.  So how much more difficult would life be if those 
with the super-human power to move things with their minds 
couldn't erase the memory from the standers-by?  How hard 
would it be for someone to have pure telekinesis, with no 
telepathy, and no one around to help them out?  In short, a 
world where telekinesis was suddenly real, but telepathy 
was still a pipe dream?  Let's find out.  Now, as always, 
please send any and all comments to me.  Suggestions and 
criticisms will be gratefully accepted.  Flames, however, 
will be ignored.  Please, do me a favor and tell me what 
you think.  After all, it really is the only payment we 
online authors get <g>.  Oh, and to answer a question that 
is popping up - often - lately, yes, there will be sex 
dammit!  But let's face it, this is the beginning, people.  
So far, the stage is still being set (I thought it was done 
being set up until this chapter, lol).  So patience, 
please, I won't write a stroke-story, it just isn't in me.  
My stories, and yes I am writing three others now, will all 
be quite long and drawn out.  Just like the ones *I* like 
to read, neh?

And before I forget, if you like this type of story, I'd 
highly suggest checking out the works of "The Book" series 
by Blackie and "Tim, the Teenaged MC" by Rass Senip, which 
he is updating again <g>.  Admittedly, they are mostly 
telepathy with a bare touch of telekinesis, but they are 
works for the ages.  And then there is the newer work, but 
every bit as good, by CSquared, "Powers" which seems to 
have equal amounts of telepathy and telekinesis as time 
goes by, and I believe it will join the previous two as 
works to be remembered.


One last thing, as something of a pre-script.  It's getting 
toward the end of the year now and I have something to say.  
I've heard a lot of intolerance over the last ten years 
especially.  Saying Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy 
Kwanzaa, Joyous Yuletide, or Merry Solstice to the wrong 
people makes them actually angry.  Look, people, what in 
the fuck does it matter?  Since before Christianity or even 
Judaism this has been a special time of year!  It goes so 
far back that it almost predates any organized religion, 
people!  Take it in the manner it's meant.  If you are 
Catholic and someone wishes you Happy Hanukkah, smile and 
thank them.  If you are Wiccan and someone says Merry 
Christmas, they _aren't_ trying to convert you, they are 
just wishing you joy of the season!  No matter what they 
say, they are just trying to be nice to you.  For fucks 
sake, if someone wishes you Good Fungoi and says they hope 
you have a lifetime of amazing orgasms, smile, thank them, 
and *then*, after you won't offend them, you can wonder 
what the hell that was all about!  Get over yourselves 
people!!  And just enjoy the damn season, it is the time 
for gathering and family and good things.


Pure Telekinesis by: Waylan Dagger 
( (c) 2008

Chapter 6 : Football and Family

Ang looked up at the huge boy in a Letterman's Jacket with 
terror in her eyes as he knocked her books out of her 
hands.  Her back was to a wall and he stood in front of her 
as the high school crowd flowed by, on their way to lunch 
and oblivious to her plight.

"So big Jimmy D ain't here for you ta call out to.  An' I 
been wonderin' if there was anythin' under his little sis's 
sweater of is she's as flat as she looks," the jock said as 
he reached for her.

She watched, terrified and a sick feeling in her stomach, 
as his hand approached her chest.  But it stopped as a 
scream like a little girl's burst out of his suddenly pain-
stretched mouth.  The hand that had been questing for her 
was now next to her shoulder, supporting his weight against 
the wall.  The other had dived downward.

"Get the fuck away form her or I swear I'll kick them off 
of you," David's voice snarled from behind the jock.

"I can't fuckin' move, asshole," the large boy wheezed out 
between sobs.

Ang looked down and saw that the boy's other hand had 
wrapped protectively around his crotch.  Then a tennis shoe 
appeared.  It slammed up into the hand and what it was 
trying to protect.  The jock let out a squeal and folded.  
He fell to the ground on one side, and started to make 
retching noises.

David reached out and pulled Ang over and way from the 
jock, then wrapped an arm around her and cradled her 
against him.  "You ok?" he asked the trembling girl.

She melted against him and sighed, "Yeah."

David nodded and looked down at the jock, wiping at his 
nose.  Ang noticed a tinge of red on his fingers as he 
said,  "You leave her the fuck alone, Stan.  And let 
everyone else know how I react when she ain't left alone."

Stan glared up at David, still curled around his injured 
privates.  "Fuck you, you fucking freak.  Your ass is dead, 
motherfucker," he snarled out, spit flying out of his 

"You'd have to get through me first, number twenty six," 
Rick's voice came out of the sudden crowd that had formed 
around the 'fight,' made up of the same teenagers who 
hadn't cared that a girl could have ended up being raped.  
Rick appeared through the crowd's edge a moment later.  
"An' I think I'll go to the Coach on this one.  I flat 
promise ya that you ain't never gonna play on _my_ team 
ever again."

Stan looked up at Rick.  "That little fuck kicked me in the 
nuts, man.  For no fuckin' reason!"

David looked over at Rick and softly said, "Anyone so much 
as touches Ang again an' I'm gonna hospitalize 'em."

Rick looked at the two clinging together and shook his 
head.  "Jimmy D ain't gonna be happy about this, David.  He 
told you not to get near her an all."

Ang tensed and looked from "The Man" to David.  David just 
nodded.  "I'll handle James Dean," he said.  "But Rick, 
your starters are gettin' outta control, man."

Rick grimaced.  "Don't I know it.  Look, are you an' Ang 
willin' to skip most o' lunch and go see Coach Brighton?"

David looked down at Ang, who nodded up at him.  "Yeah," he 
said, looking back at Rick.  "We can do that."

All three got through the rapidly dispersing crowd before a 
teacher's voice shouted out, "All right, what happened 

The trio walked around the front of the school to avoid the 
lunchtime cafeteria crowding.  Rick looked over and blinked 
as he saw the two others firmly holding hands.  "So," he 
said, looking at David, "I see you made another friend 
after almost knockin' her down yesterday."

"No he didn't!" Ang piped up, her voice almost angry and 
definitely defensive.  "He's taking me to the game and 
dinner after tonight!"

Rick almost tripped on his own feet in surprise.  "David!  
You got outta the 'friend' stage at last?"

David grinned at Ang.  "Yep."

Rick shook his head.  "What was Jimmy D's reaction?"

"Ah," David said as his eyes left Ang, who had bit her 
bottom lip and who was obviously having trouble suppressing 
a giggle.  "He doesn't know yet."

Rick laughed and shook his head.  "You don't do shit by 
halves, do ya?"

David shrugged and ran his free hand through his hair, 
stopping again to trace the bandage.  "I'll be honest, with 
you Rick," he said as he grinned.  "I don't give a shit 
about James' reaction."

Rick nodded.  "Yeah.  You wouldn't.  Look, you gonna need 
some backup when ya tell him?"

"He doesn't need it," Ang piped up, and almost wrapped 
herself around David's arm.

Rick laughed again.  "No, David wouldn't, would he?"  He 
chuckle, then looked at David with a serious expression.  
"Hey, man, you _gotta_ tell me how you did that locker 

"Well," said David.  "That's somethin' me an' Johnny 
figured out years ago.  You remember how much shit we used 
to get inta."

Rick smiled and nodded.  "Yeah.  Like that time when we 
were freshmen..."

And Ang listened to the two boys, wondering, as the tale 
unfolded, how in the world both Johnny and David escaped 
being expelled years before... And exactly where had they 
gotten thirty pigs?

Coach Brighton nodded from behind his desk as the three 
teenagers finished their recitation of the exciting events 
in the hallway.  "Well," he said quietly as he pushed 
himself to his feet, appearing larger-than-life at 7'1" and 
as heavily muscled as a linebacker to boot.  Ang trembled 
against David as she looked up at the massive man, but then 
looked puzzled as he began to speak.  His voice didn't 
match.  It was soft, almost effete, and has a very slight 
lisp.  "It appears that Mr. Predmore didn't conduct himself 
in the manner I expect of our first-string players, is that 
correct, Mr. Giles?"

Rick nodded.  "Yes, sir.  That's about right.  An' it's 
spreading to the rest of the team."

Coach Brighton shook his head sadly and Ang opened her 
mouth to speak, but David subtly waved her to silence.  She 
nodded and subsided as Coach Brighton sighed and turned to 
look at the football roster on the wall.  "Mr. Dean is 
_not_ up to Mr. Predmore's playing standard and would 
likely act the fool about campus if I moved him to the 
starting lineup."

Rick nodded.  "Yes, sir.  He would.  In fact, he already 
does."  Rick frowned, then snapped his fingers.  "What 
about that new player, the freshman.  You know..." and he 
tapped his foot and closed his eyes, trying to recall.

"Nicholas Escamilla," Coach Brighton said and Rick nodded 
and opened his eyes, smiling.  "As good as Mr. Predmore in 
our practice sessions and he seems to be improving already.    
But he's never played a high school game before."  He 
turned and looked at Rick.  "Do you think he would behave 
well after the rare promotion, or would we be looking at 
another James Dean?"

"I, ah, don't really know him," Rick confessed.  "It ain't 
like I move in freshman circles, ya know?  I just, like, 
see him at practice, all the second stringers including 
Jimmy D bouncin' off him like they wasn't there.  I think 
I'd be safe with him on the line.  Maybe safer than I was 
with Stan, ya know?"

Coach Brighton nodded and sighed.  "Well, Mr. Dean is only 
here through the end of this year.  If Mr. Escamilla turns 
out just as bad I'll have to deal with him for four.  We 
may have to go with the evil we know instead of a boy that 
can be good or bad.  I'm sorry Rick, I know this is going 
to make your offensive line weaker, but..."

"But he's a sweetheart," Ang burst out.

Coach Brighton blinked.  "Who is that, Miss?"

"Nick.  He's a real nice guy, sir," she said, getting 
quieter as she got to the end of her sentence.

Coach Brighton tilted his head.  "You know Mr. Escamilla?"

Ang nodded and tried to talk, then squeaked and huddled 
against David.  David smiled down at her and nodded.  She 
opened her mouth again and almost whispered, "He stopped a 
lot of the teasing I was getting last year after I had to 
get glasses."  She looked up, and up, at Coach Brighton and 
almost shouted, "He's nothing like my brother!"

Coach Brighton looked confused.  "Your brother?"

"Coach," David spoke up.  "We didn't give you Ang's last 
name when we came in, and I'm sorry about that.  It's Dean 
and her brother is James."

Coach Brighton actually giggled.  "James Dean's own sister 
would rather that an untried freshman would take the field 
instead of him?"

"I'd rather see my goldfish playing instead of him," Ang 
snarled, venom dripping from her voice.

Rick grimaced.  "He's pretty much hated by everyone 'cept 
the crowd of followers he's gathered, Coach."

Coach Brighton nodded.  "Then I'll call Mr. Escamilla out 
of lunch or class, whichever he has now, and give him the 
news that he is starting in the game tonight.  As for Mr. 

"Coach Brighton?" David interrupted.

"Yes, David?" the huge man looked surprised to be 
interrupted.  And Rick looked surprised about something as 

"Stan wouldn't be properly punished by just being kicked 
off the team."  He raised his hand as Coach Brighton opened 
his mouth.  "I know, it's a horrible thing to do to a 
starting player, but there is something worse.  Remember 
when you were talking about your college days and how your 
coach used to threaten guys with the possibility of being 
'fourth string?"  David waited until Coach Brighton nodded.  
"Well, bench him, and assign him to that theoretical fourth 
string.  He wouldn't even be allowed off the bench during 
practice.  The only way out would be to admit he was a 
loser and quit."

Coach Brighton blinked and, in a voice even softer than it 
had been, said, "David, I know how angry you have been at 
the world.  I felt its brunt myself, not long ago.  But I 
hope you aren't becoming vindictive."

David shook his head slowly.  "Not vindictive.  Defensive."  
He let go of Ang's hand to put his arm around her and pull 
her close.  "I'm _not_ going to let anyone fuck with my 

Rick looked at David like he'd lost his mind, knowing full 
well that this man does not put up with swearing of any 
kind.  But he was further surprised when, instead of 
exploding, Coach Brighton said, "Girlfriend?"  David nodded 
and both he and Ang were suddenly wrapped up in a huge hug 
from the massive man.  "Your mother would have been 
delighted, David," he said as he let them go.

David smiled and took possession of Ang's hand again, who 
was standing there, looking completely stunned.  "I know.  
Especially with Ang."

Coach Brighton smiled and sat down again, allowing the 
three teenagers to stop craning their necks to talk to him.  
"Fourth string it is, then.  I'll inform the concerned 
parties.  You children have a good day now," he said, 
absentmindedly, as he turned to make changes on the 
football roster.

The trio filed quietly out.

"I didn't know you knew the Coach, David," Rick said after 
they got out of the gymnasium.

"Yeah.  He knew my parents."

Rick nodded, finally understanding why David got to be on a 
first name basis from Coach Brighton, and wondered off 
toward the main buildings.

"Isn't he going to say bye or anything?" Ang asked.

"Rick?" David said, smiling.  "Hell no.  He just comes and 

Ang smiled at David and leaned into him as they walked 
toward the Office and Cafeteria building.  "It's nice to 
know you don't have a 'thing' about gay people."

David blinked.  "No.  I don't.  But what brought that on?"

"You know," she said and giggled, thrilling David yet 
again, "Coach Brighton."

David stopped walking in surprise.  "Morton Brighton?"  She 
nodded and David chuckled.  "Sorry, Ang, he's as straight 
as the proverbial arrow."

She blinked.  "But from what Jimmy says and now that I've 
heard him myself..." she trailed off.

David looked around and, not seeing anyone, quietly said, 
"Don't let it out, but he has a wife and two young kids.  
His wife and my Mom've been friends for, like, ever.  Since 
they were in college or maybe before, I could never get the 
complete story.  Otherwise I wouldn't know about them 
either.  He left his last coaching job because of all the 
hell she went through, entirely due to people thinking he 
was gay."

Ang nodded.  "Yeah, especially people like my brother.  I 
won't tell anyone."

David nodded and grinned.  "I can flat guarantee you'll 
meet her, though."

"At the football game?"

David snorted and shook his head.  "Nah.  Mr. Brighton 
keeps his home and work life very separate now.  Not to 
mention the fact that she hates football these days.  No, 
she'll want to meet you," and he sighed as a single tear 
fell from him, "'cause Mom can't."

He had to stop walking as an Ang had plastered herself to 
him as she hugged him fiercely, her face pressed into his 
chest.  He wrapped his arms gently around her and let his 
eyes close, smiling.  Until a wolf-whistle came from 
somewhere and his eyes shot open.

The lunch crowd was streaming out of the building in 
different directions as they headed for their classes and a 
massive Latino boy was clapping as he walked toward the 
couple.  "Nice one, Brain," he said in a slightly accented 
voice.  "Jimmy D gets hospitalized and' you finally get 
outta your shell."

David bristled but Ang put a restraining hand on his arm.  
"You be nice, Pinky," she said, smiling.  "Or I'll let 
David take care of you like he did Stan."

The boy whistled.  "That was you, man?"

"Yeah," David grunted.  "And I'd do it again.  And will if 
anyone at all fucks with Ang."

The boy nodded.  "You got yourself another friend to 
protect ya now, eh, Brain?"

Ang giggled again and David had to focus to stay angry.  
"No, Pinky. He's my boyfriend."

The boy's eyes went wide.  "Madre de Dios.  Is that why 
Jimmy D wrecked his car an be in the hospital?"

"Nah," she said.  "He don't know yet."

The large boy laughed and shook his head.  "He be one mean 
bastard, Brain.  I'll help you take over the world, but I 
ain't up to that much heat."

David laughed suddenly.  "Are you pondering what I'm 

The boy grinned.  "I think so, but where are we gonna get a 
spark plug and a jar of mayonnaise at this hour?"

Ang grinned as well.  "That is my and Nick's favorite 
cartoon!" she enthused.

"It's a good show," David conceded.  "But the Roadrunner 

"Uh oh," Mick said, backing off.  "I think I don't wanna 
get in the middle of the first lover's fight."

Ang let go of David's hand to smack his arm.  "He's just 
uncultured.  We'll discuss it later."

David smiled down to her, then looked back at nick and 
extended his hand.  "You'd be Nick Escamilla, right?"

Nick took his hand and shook it.  "Ang been talking about 
me, huh?"

David nodded.  "I'm David Julian and yeah, some.  But I 
mostly know your name cause I know Coach Brighton is 
lookin' for ya."

Nick nodded.  "You know what 'bout, Dave?"

David winced.  "Please, man, it's David.  I hate the other 

Nick nodded.  "Yeah, I hate Nicky too, but Brain over there 
kept callin' me that before.  I like Pinky lots more."

David smiled.  "And before ya ask again, yeah, I know what 
the Coach wants, but I'll leave that to him.  It ain't 
nothin' bad an' he's never forgive me for givin' it away."

Nick nodded, blew a kiss to Ang, and walked toward the Gym.  
David recaptured Ang's hand and said, "He's an experience."

"Yeah," Ang said, smiling.  "And if he'd concentrate on 
math half as hard as he does on messing around and girls, 
he'd never need help.  That's how we met, sorta like how 
you and Janice Coleman are friends."

"Tutor?" David asked.

"Yeah," she said again, smiling.  "He was almost held back 
last year 'cause of math.  Jimmy didn't like him coming 
over, though."  Her smile faded as she mentioned her 

"You're worried about him," David stated.

"Yeah," Ang sighed.  "He's a dickhead but he's still my 

David just blinked as he heard Ang swear.  She looked up at 
him and grinned impishly.  "It isn't as if I don't know the 
words, you know."  Her grin broadened and David thought he 
knew exactly what pixies looked like now.  "I just save 'em 
for when I'm talking about or to the right people."

David shook his head, grinning in response to her, then 
softly touched her cheek.  "Look, let's get out of here and 
go see your brother.  We'll clear it with Mr. Maherty, then 
walk to my house and I'll drive you from there."

Less than an hour later they were walking through the 
hospital toward the room that Jimmy D had been assigned to 
for overnight observation.

"Here comes the first hurdle," Ang muttered as they walked 
into the room, hand in hand.

Jimmy D had looked toward the door's movement so he was the 
first to spot them.  "Damn it, you lying fuckin' brat," he 
said to Ang.  "I don't want _you_ of all people here.  An I 
thought I told you to keep your hands offa her, Davey 

Ang pulled up short as if she'd been slapped and David 
snarled out, "She was worried about you, asshole.  I'm just 
sorry they didn't' have to wire your fucking mouth shut!" 
and he steered Ang back out of the room and into the hall.

Ang looked at him for half a second after the door closed, 
then collapsed against his chest, sobbing.

Before David could do more than get his arms around her, a 
man with an almost-military buzz cut and a two piece suit 
burst out of the room right behind him.  "Just who the hell 
do you think you are!" he demanded, glaring at David, who 
had begun to turn as soon as he heard the door open.

David immediately noted the family resemblance between 
Jimmy D and this man.  He quickly estimated the man to be 
in his mid-50's, by the light lines around his eyes and 
mouth, lack of serious lines on his face, and hair 
beginning to go gray.  Due to the resemblance and age 
bracket, too young to be a grandparent of a teenager, he 
knew this must be James' and Ang's father.  And the fact 
that he stood around half a foot taller than David didn't 
go unnoticed by the observant teen, but David ignored that 
and took special note of the fact that the suit hid heavy 
muscle, not fat, and knew he'd have to make the first hit 
count if it came to that.  And from this man's stance, it 
just might.  David turned the danger notch of such an 
encounter up quite a bit higher as he was sure that the job 
that Ang had told him about would require her father to be 
effective at defending himself in hand-to-hand combat.  
David also managed to see that he had all of his teeth, 
apparently original, and no scars or signs of a prior 
broken jaw or nose.  David judged it likely that no one had 
ever tried swinging for the large man's face as they 
wouldn't want to fight with him if they could avoid it, and 
the times they couldn't, the stomach or the balls would be 
the normally sensible first targets, the first because it's 
a broad target on anyone, the second because it is usually 
immobilizing.  So the face would be the best place to 
attack, rather then the heavily muscled midriff or a kick 
to the balls, which Mr. Dean would likely react 
automatically to.  As always with David, this evaluation 
took less time than the man took to draw in a breath to 
continue his tirade, and David was already pushing Ang 
behind him.

"I'm Ang's boyfriend," he snapped back.  "And I won't let 
your elitist asshole of a son talk that way to her!"

Mr. Dean visibly puffed up, muscles hardening under his 
suit.  "My daughter is not allowed to date and wouldn't be 
allowed _near_ a smartass punk like you even if she were!"

David deliberately turned his back on Mr. Dean and took 
Ang's hand.  "Come on," he said calmly to her.  "We're 

Ang just had time to nod before Mr. Dean roared, "Get your 
fucking hands off my daughter!" and his hand came down to 
grab David's shoulder.

"Henry Michael Dean!" A woman's voice snapped out.  "You 
let go of that boy this instant and explain yourself!"

David had let go of Ang and turned with the intention of 
trying to knock him out with one blow, but stopped dead at 
the sound of _that_ voice.  He'd only heard his mother use 
_that_ voice twice on him and once on his father.  David 
couldn't stop himself from wincing in sympathy.

"But, Nancy, he..." Henry got out before the tiny woman 
reached up and slapped him, hard.

"Every damn time James acts up, you go and blow up at 
whoever, as if he's a fuse and you are the dynamite in a 
testosterone factory!" the woman that David though was 
probably Ang's mother fumed up at Ang's father.

David couldn't help but notice that she looked more like 
Ang's big sister than her mother, as tiny as she was.  She 
wasn't over 5'2" and almost as slim as he knew Ang was from 
his mind catching her in the nurse's office... as well as 
their time on his living room floor.  Her hair was jet 
black where Ang's was a very dark brown, and her eyes were 
bright blue versus Ang's hazel, but otherwise they could 
almost have been sisters, as he really couldn't estimate 
her age.  She looked twenty but he supposed, possibly, she 
could be as old as forty, he just didn't know.

Henry just touched his cheek where a dark but small 
handprint was already showing as the fuming woman 
continued, "Now you can just shut the hell up while I try 
to fix this mess you've made!"

She shoved the stunned man backward as she stepped between 
him and a bemused David.  She said, "I'm sorry about my son 
and my husband.  I'm Nancy Dean, Angela's mother," and 
extended her hand toward the teen.

David took her hand automatically and shook it gently as 
his normally quick brain tried to recover.  "Like mother 
like daughter, they both throw me off balance," he thought 
to himself and blushed as the woman giggled, a light 
tinkling sound rather than her daughter's throaty sound.

He looked over his shoulder with a slightly panicked look 
and Ang said, "Yeah, you did it again."  She looked around 
him and said, "He sometimes forgets to keep his thoughts in 
his head, Momma."

Desperately trying to recover, David looked back at Nancy 
and got out, "Uh, pleased to meet you, ma'am.  I'm David.  
Julian, that is."

The small woman smirked.  "Which is it, David or Julian?"

"Both," he said, blushing again.  "David Julian."  He 
wondered if he could make a bigger ass out of himself and 
ran his hand up through his hair, unconsciously stopping to 
trace the bandage there.

His movement had drawn Nancy's attention and she frowned as 
she noticed the bandage.  "Were you injured recently, 

David dropped his hand and shook his head.  "No, ma'am.  
Not recently."  I was..." and he stopped to take in a 

Ang stepped up next to him and took his hand in both of 
hers, pressing it softly.  "David's family are the ones we 
got the flier about, Momma.  Right after Christmas, 

Henry looked surprised but Nancy softly said, "Oh, you poor 

David shrugged.  "Instant orphan, just add car crash 
according to James."

"He didn't really say that did he?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, Daddy, he did, almost immediately after I met 
David," Ang asserted, nodding her head once.

"That boy," Nancy sighed and shook her head.

Henry frowned.  "Well, that still doesn't give you a right 
to treat him like you did, Dave.  Especially after he had a 
major accident!"

David flared up and actually snarled as his mouth opened, 
and Nancy turned to her husband in shock, but they both 
stopped as Ang flashed past David and slapped her father 
just as hard as her mother had, and nearly in the same 

"David was defending me," she snapped at her stunned 
father.  "James' accident was _nothing_ in comparison to 
David's!  And for your information he _is_ my boyfriend and 
if you don't like it that's just too bad!"  Henry began to 
swell up and opened his mouth, but Ang overrode him as her 
voice rose to a full-blown shriek.  "He's taking me to the 
game and dinner tonight and that's final!  And I don't even 
want to _look_ at you right now!"

Ang burst into tears as soon as she had finished and ran 
past David, sobbing hard.  David spun as she passed him to 
run after her, but was stopped by her father's hand on his 
shoulder again.  David couldn't even think, Ang was 
hurting, so he just reacted.  He let the hand spin him 
around and focused the momentum of that spin and all the 
strength he could muster behind a fist, which landed on 
Henry's jaw.  Henry shot backward and landed against the 
wall, then fell on his side, and didn't move.

"Oh, shit," David breathed as he realized what he'd done.

Nancy's eyes were wide, but she took a calming breath, 
shook her head and, in a soft voice very like Ang's, said, 
"Go help Angela.  I'll see what I can do about my idiot 

"Right," David grunted.  "Sorry," he said, then turned down 
the corridor and sprinted after Ang.

"Ang?" David said softly as he skidded to a stop behind 

Ang stopped battering on the elevator button and turned to 
fall against him.  "I can't believe," she sobbed against 
his chest as he gathered her firmly up into his arms.  "I 
can't believe Daddy would treat me like that!"

"Shh," David said and stroked her hair.  "He's just upset 
about your brother getting hurt and he's not taking it 

She sniffled and looked up at David, who stopped stroking 
her hair so he could unwrap his arm and gently wipe her 
tears away.  "This is going to sound weird, so just listen.  
I'm really glad you didn't know me right after the 
accident," he said, and put a finger on her lips as she 
started to speak.  "You should have heard the things I said 
to Mr. Maherty and Johnny and Rick and Janice.  Hell, you 
should have heard the awful things I called Mr. Brighton 
and my Aunt Laura, they were closest to my family.  I would 
have hurt you, bad.  And that's something I really don't 
ever want to do."

And nodded as he talked and sniffed a bit, still 
recovering.  As he finished, her hand came up behind his 
neck and gently pulled downward.  David smiled slightly and 
bent down, aiming for a kiss on her cheek, but she turned 
her head and her lips met his in their second kiss.

If David could have thought, he would have wondered if he'd 
been plugged into a light socket.   As it was, his brain 
tripped offline and he pushed Ang back against the wall and 
pressed his lips tight against hers.  Her eyes started to 
close and she opened her mouth slightly to moan heavily 
against his lips and, acting on pure instinct, she flicked 
her tongue out to touch his bottom lip.  In a pure 
reaction, David's mouth opened slightly and his tongue 
brushed against hers.  Both of their eyes closed as David 
let out what could best be described as a growl and Ang 
started purring.  Their mouths opened as their lips stayed 
locked tightly together, and their tongues flashed back and 
forth, sliding and twining about each other.  Ang pulled 
herself closer to David and David crushed her body to him, 
his growling and her purring increasing in volume.  They 
were so close that David could feel Ang's hard nipples 
through her heavy sweater and Ang's belly was pressed up 
against his reaction.  She was actually trying to pull 
herself up to grind her crotch against his as they had to 
break apart, entirely due to a lack of air.  David and 
Ang's eyes flew open and they both moaned as their burning 
gazes met.

They would have started again and probably gone farther, 
even though they were in a very public hallway, if a soft 
voice hadn't said, "I'm glad I got Henry to stay behind.  I 
don't think he'd have reacted well to this at all."


Unfortunately, all the people willing to edit my work have 
temporarily lost internet access.  So any typos or glaring 
plot holes are my mistake alone.

This story is copyrighted by me, the author, Waylan Dagger.  
Please do not repost this story or post it on an archive 
without obtaining permission first.  I can almost guarantee 
that permission will be granted, but I would like the 
courtesy.  I can be reached at