Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. George Douglas 02 - (Discovery) Sandra Coleman was worried, the past few days she'd been feeling sick, especially in the mornings, and she was `late' she couldn't understand it, she checked her calendar, no doubt about it, she was overdue, she been so busy that she hadn't really noticed this before. She checked the calendar closely, yes that would make it, she gasped, The Date! The first time she met up with George Douglas, but she'd been so careful that night, she knew that she was `under the influence' but she remembered that George was covered by the condom, so what had gone wrong? She got to work early enough to be able to go to a pharmacy and she brought one of those home pregnancy tests. She quickly went into the toilet and grabbed a spare cubical, she felt awkward about getting the stick wet, but then she placed it into the testing unit, muttering to herself `Please be blue, please be blue!' The treacherous paper didn't listen to her; it turned to a happy shade of pink! She looked at it in shock. --------------------------------- George Douglas was a happy man. Ever since that first night with Sandra he'd been relaxed, Sandra left before Cathy had gotten up. She arranged for a taxi to take her back to the restaurant to pick up her car. George and Cathy went there later, but not until she had asked all types of questions about his date, she'd even found a used condom in the waste bin where he'd been negligent in disposing of. Her comment about it being damp on the outside hadn't registered with him, although Cathy did seem happy about that! Over the next few months she would pester George as to when he was going to see Sandra again, at first he kept putting it off, and it wasn't that he wanted it to be a one-night-stand, far from it. He was worried that it would affect Cathy, he'd learnt from Rachael how many second marriages failed because the children didn't like their new parents, and he didn't want to lose Cathy! He hadn't even applied to that `lonely hearts club' for a new contact, he'd been so happy with Sandra that he knew she'd be right for him, but how to approach Cathy about it. But he'd finally relented and had met up with Sandra a couple of times, they didn't reach the heights of their first meeting but they were both very happy with the way things were going He was still thinking about it when his phone rang, he answered it. "Yes Helen?" He asked his secretary. "Mr. Douglas there's a Mrs. Sandra Henderson on line two," Helen Jones, George's secretary said, "she needs to talk to you regarding a paternity case, I did try to tell her that you didn't deal with that type of case but she says its urgent." George was puzzled; he remembered that Sandra was also in company law so paternity wouldn't be her subject either. "That's okay Helen, I'll talk to her." He said in a smooth tone. He heard the click of the phone as his secretary passed the call through, he greeted Helen warmly, "Good morning Sandra, now what's the problem?" Sandra was now very worried, she didn't want to shout it to the whole world that she was pregnant, but she had to let George know, she didn't want to do anything rash and she did need his advice and support. "Hello George, I have a problem in a paternity case that I'm currently working on, it's been developing for the last month and I need some urgent advice about it," She was trying to be cautious in her approach, hiding her words in legal jargonise just in case anyone was eavesdropping. George was now completely puzzled, she hadn't mentioned anything about a paternity case when they last met, although she didn't go into much details of her other cases, just the ones they worked on, and anyway it was only couple of months ago that they. . . George's mouth went dry; he remembered what Cathy had said about the condom she found, wet on the outside! He'd assumed that it had been Sandra's juices still on it. "That sounds very interesting." He said, "I take it that the father denies all charges?" "That's the problem," Sandra said, "The plaintiff hasn't even seen the father to tell him, and she's very concerned that he wouldn't want to see her again?" Sandra's voice sounded as if it was cracking, George was concerned for her. "I think we need to discuss this at length," He told her, "Why don't we do lunch at Marco's at," He looked at his watch and quickly went through his appointments for that day, "Lets say 1:30?" "I think I could make that." Sandra said sounding relieved, "I'll see you there with all the necessary documents." They carried on with meaningless small talk before finishing the conversation, and then George picked up the phone again. "Helen, I'm going to be out at lunch," He told his secretary, "Yes sir I'll note you down at Marco's should anything crop up," She told him and then added, "I wasn't aware you were interested in family court subjects?" "It was something my wife dealt with," He said, "A part of it seemed to rub off on me." It was after he put the phone down that he realised that he hadn't mentioned where he was eating, but Helen already knew, either he was so predictable or . . . He didn't finish the thought. -------------------------------------------------- Sandra couldn't concentrate on the morning's work as she was so flustered. "Get a grip on yourself, it's not the end of the world," She was telling herself, "These tests aren't infallible after all, the slightest mistake and you get the wrong result" She carried on talking away to herself, and then she wondered why she'd phone George up straight away, it wasn't as if he was to blame, was it? Her inner conscience spoke up. "It takes two to tango, just like it takes two to make a baby." There it was out in the air, a baby! Not a mistake, but a living breathing flesh and blood baby! Only it wasn't just yet! She still had time to go to a clinic and get an abortion. The term stuck in her throat, how could she even think of such a thing? She was glad that she kept the conversation, as if it was just another case, she liked the way that George had suggested a meeting that lunch. She'd be able to see just what type of man he was, in her heart she knew that he had every right to refuse her story. She still didn't see what had happened, but since she hadn't seen another man for the past three months there was only one person who it could have been. The clock seemed to run so slowly, as if fate was making a mockery of the problem, she couldn't confide to the others in the office, partly because most of them were men and most of the women wouldn't know what to do with a baby if it bit them! She smiled at the thought, the first time she smiled that morning. When it was time she told her secretary where she'd be and started off to drive to the restaurant. Once she got there she found that George had already booked a table for them, and was waiting for her, she smiled at him, glad to see him, but dreading what he would do once she told him. He stood up as she approached him, `still the gentleman' she thought and then tears started to spring to her eyes, how could she do this to him, it wasn't his fault he'd done everything she could have expected. "Come on Sandra, don't worry!" George was saying as he sat her down, he'd taken a handkerchief from his pocket and was handing it to her, "Now just tell me all about it." He said in a friendly tone, she took a few minutes to compose herself and then started her story. He listened to all of it, which was pretty short, her last few days, how she'd been feeling, then getting the home test and its result, she finished by saying, "..And it wasn't until I arrived her that I realise that you could think it was all a plot to get you to marry me, but I promise you George that's the last thing I would do, I just need advice, should I get it aborted? I don't like the idea but how can I raise another child? I feel such a fool!" George smiled at her and motioned to a waiter who brought over the starter; Sandra looked at the plate and despite herself started laughing. She took the tongs and speared the snail from its shell. "You see," George said, "Things aren't that bad, now I'll tell you a story while you eat your dinner." George settled back and, between eating snails with Sandra, started to speak again, "A few days after our date I tried to send an email to Sweethearts Club, but it couldn't be delivered, at first I thought their server was down and didn't think of it again. Then I realised that I hadn't received a bill from them for their services, and so I tried again but it still failed to get to them." With the snails finished off the pair waited for the next course, Sandra realised that George had ordered the same as they had on their first date. "So I asked my secretary to find out their address," George continued, he looked at Sandra and smiled, "Do you know what?" She shook her head, "There is no such company!" at her surprised look he nodded, "They never existed." Sandra's mouth was open in surprise. "But how did they get our names, I mean there must be a mistake?" she said. "Oh I agree," George said, "The fact remains that we both received instructions along with a photograph, it was nice of them wasn't it?" He said smiling. This confused Sandra, "Nice of whom?" She asked. "Cathy and Chris. Our children, who else?" George said still smiling. "But what did they do?" Asked a puzzled Sandra, just then their main course arrived, it was two 8oz stakes done medium-well with all the trimmings, Sandra just looked at the plate and shook her head, George smiled again and pointed to her plate, "You'd better; you are eating for two you know!" He said, she laughed he was relaxing her, but how could she say the things that were going through her head, Then George dropped his bombshell, "We've been royally set up, you do realise that don't you." Sandra opened her mouth to object to that but then thought through George's statement, she closed her mouth and nodded. "I think I do now!" She said, and then realised something, she went for her bag and fumbled through it before finding, hidden away in a corner, a silver foil container holding the last condom that her son had `thoughtfully' provided. She looked closely at it for several minutes before finally seeing what was there. She passed it to George, who took it without a word; he copied her search before he saw the small, but undeniable, pinpricks in the foil. Sandra shook her head. "He knew how I was feeling! He knew and told me he brought these so that I could enjoy myself without worrying," She said, but then a thought struck her, "But how could he know that it would work, I mean he couldn't have known my cycle?" She shook her head, "It must have been luck." George gave a small smile and shook his head. "I don't think they were purely on their own in this?" He said, "I mean they did most of the work, but there had to be someone else helping them." Sandra nodded in thought and then she sat upright. "Why that interfering old . . . old. . . I don't know what she is, either a witch or busybody!" She exclaimed, at George's look she explained, "The only one I know who would do such a thing is my mother! She's always saying that I should marry again! When I get my hands on her..." George stepped in, "I think you would thank her." He said Sandra shook her head, "Oh no!" She said, "It was hard enough giving birth to Chris, I daren't think how much harder it would be for the second!" her face was going red. "Well look at it this way," George quickly said, "You won't have to pay out for babysitters, since our kids would be grounded for the next few years anyway." He smiled at her, "You are happy with the idea of having to look after a young girl who's been depending on her father for so long?" "Well I don't know," Sandra started to say, her colour slowly returning to normal, "I've had to bring up Chris in the past few months, I mean his father does his bit but I've never really. . ." She broke off George's words penetrating her mind, she looked at him he was watching her closely, "What do you mean George?" George swallowed, he'd been building up to this for the whole meal, that was why he'd ordered all of this, he got up and went to her chair, he held her hand and smiled at her, "I should really have prepared myself for this," He said, "I really need a ring, but I suppose. . ." He got down onto one knee and looked at Sandra again, "Sandra Henderson, will you do me the honour of being my wife?" Sandra was shocked, she didn't expect this - she thought that George would be angry, shout at her call her all sorts of names and she wouldn't have argued. She had felt that she was to blame. She just sat there, the blood draining from her face as the shock started to establish itself; she shook her head. "George you don't know what you're saying, how could you love me? I have a son and I'm divorced you wouldn't be able to introduce me to your friends they'd know all about me," She babbled away, George stopped her by the only way he could think of, he kissed her. She melted into his arms with the force of his kiss, and looked at him, seeing the light of love in his eyes. She wondered if she was doing the right thing, and then she realised that whatever she did now would dictate the rest of her life. She pulled back but held onto him, "George if we do, will we regret it?" she asked. "Sandra if we don't I think we'll regret it forever" He told her, she closed her eyes and thought for a moment before nodding her head. "Then yes George I will marry you." She smiled a wicked thought had just struck her, "But first I think we should let the kids meet each other, after all the hard work they've put into our meeting it what they deserve." George met her eyes seeing the light of mischief shining in them, he nodded, "I think that's a very good idea," He said, "but we'll let them think that we're angry with them and let them squirm first, just as they've made us squirm for the past few weeks. And they laughed, they were still laughing when the bill was presented and paid by George. --------------------------------------------------------------- When she returned to her office her secretary looked at her, "Wow Mrs. Henderson, what did you do at lunch time?" The voice was full of wonder at the change, "Or shouldn't I want to know?" she added, Sandra nodded in a dreamy way at her, "It's okay Janice, I've just got engaged to a wonderful guy!" she confided in her, Janice looked at her hands and shook her head. "No. Way! If you haven't got a rock then you ain't got the guy, anyway does he know about your kid?" she asked, Sandra shook her head, "I don't need a ring for this guy; he's already given me something special!" Sandra told her, Janice looked puzzled for a moment and then put two and two together, "You're not pregnant are you? Aren't you afraid that he's going to skip out on you? I'll get hold of Jack in Family, he's bound to be able to get you a breach of promise case, and it will be at cost price." Janice was reaching for the phone when Sandra stopped her. "You will do no such thing Janice, or you'll be looking for a new job!" although her voice sounded fierce her eyes were shining with fun as she joked with her friend "Alright then, tell me about him? How did you meet? Is he a hunk? Spill!" Janice was all ears. "Well, he's a perfect gentleman for a start." Sandra started and then told Janice about the dinner on their first date. Janice listened as Sandra ran through the events, she laughed though when Sandra spoke of the snails, and how she made George eat the first one, she listened avidly when Sandra told her of their trip home, and of the night spent at George's house. "You mean you were at it like minks" Janice said, "You've got me creaming my pants already." Then she thought about it and said, "Hey you told me he wore a rubber, one that you gave him?" Sandra nodded, "So how come you're preggers then?" Sandra sighed, "It seems somebody decided to use a pin on them, at least that's what we think." Janice shook her head. "You know those pharmacists should really check their stocks!" She said, Sandra smiled faintly, "I think they were okay when they were brought," She said, "My son must have got them from somewhere, just before he introduced them to the pins. Janice's jaw dropped. "You mean Chris! He wouldn't do that! I didn't think he'd be that sneaky." Janice finally said, "Anyway why would he do that anyway?" Sandra shook her head, "We don't know, but we're going to find out tonight!" she told Janice, then she went to her office, "Now shall we end the gossip and get back to work, I've got cases to deal with!" Janice raised a thumb and turned back to her keyboard. ----------------------- George was seated behind his desk, shaking his head, those conniving, charming kids! He knew they'd somehow got him and Sandra together, and they deserved an appropriate punishment for that, no good deed should go unpunished. He checked his schedule for the next week, there were a couple of cases that his junior would be able to handle; he went to pick up his phone when it rang - it was his secretary Helen. "Mr. Douglas? Mr. Smythe would like to have a word with you in his office, I've checked your calendar and you have nothing booked for the next hour." George wondered what was wrong. Robert Smythe was the senior partner in the law firm George worked for, and where George was in company law Robert was involved in Criminal Law, and had made his name in some famous cases. It was a rare thing when he asked people to see him, most of the time when such a thing did happen it was followed by the dismissal of that person, George tried to think what he'd done wrong recently but nothing came to mind. "Certainly Helen, if you can let his secretary know I'll be there in a few minutes." He tried to sound cheerful, but thought that his time at the partnership was close to finishing and wondered where he would be able to go next, he checked that he was dressed correctly - at least when meeting a senior partner he'd go out in style. He walked from his office to the lift pressed the button for the next floor up, waited for the car to arrive and the doors to open, stepped into it and rose with the lift. When the door opened he was surprised to see Robert Smythe waiting for him, a smile on his face, George really was worried, was he going to be thrown out right there and then? "George, it's been too long since we've had a chat." Robert was sounding friendly, the lull before the storm? "I've been reviewing your case work, it's excellent by the way, and you've done good things for us." He had taken Gorge by the arm and was walking along the corridor to where the partners' offices were, as they were approaching Robert's office he stopped. "George, you're going the wrong way, we turn here." George looked in the direction that Robert was showing him, the door to the office was open, but the paint on it was still wet. `George Douglas - Senior Partner - Business division' was neatly inscribed on the raise wooden plaque "As I've said, you've done exceptional work for us, and we had to find some way to repay you, the board had a meeting and they decided to offer you a place, I hope you're going to accept, we paid quite a bit for the gold paint!" Robert said with a smile on his face. "Mr. Smythe." George began but was interrupted by Robert. "George, now that you're here you can call be Robert, or else I'll start looking around for my father, and he's been dead for several years now." Robert was still smiling when he said that and George could see the corners of his eyes crinkling as he did so. So he nodded his head in surrender. "Very well, Robert!" he said, "This is a shock, the second I've had today, but I will say that I'm grateful for your offer and I will accept, as long as you think I'm good enough." Robert clapped George on the shoulder, "Good enough, the others were asking why you hadn't been brought up to here long ago. I must admit that there was a time when we were worried about you, but you've shaken that off now." Robert was leading George behind the desk and into the chair that was waiting there. George sat down in a daze, Robert smiled as he watched his newest senior try to regain his senses, he went to a small drinks cabinet and poured two glasses of brandy out, placed on in George's hands and then sat opposite him, he raised his glass. "I think you need this one George, you don't normally drink, either here or at home I know that." George sank the drink coughing as it went down, and then he looked at Robert. "You've been having me watched?" He asked in surprise. Robert nodded his head. "I'm afraid so George." Robert raised his hands to calm George down, "Its standard practice, just so that we don't have any surprises when a new partner is nominated, you do remember Richard who left last year?" George nodded his head Robert carried on, "Well he was lined up for promotion but we found out that he was skimming from his clients, and using their information to play the stock market, it would have ruined the company. So we fired him and reported him to the ethics committee." Robert shook his head. "We can't take any risks, by the way how's your relationship with Sandra Coleman getting on? We've got an office pool that you'd be proposing to her soon." George was flabbergasted, he thought that they'd been so careful; they hadn't even mentioned anything at work just in case people thought that they were colluding with each other on cases. Robert smiled at his colleague's discomfort. "It's perfectly fine George! We know that you'd never do anything dishonest and Sandra has the perfect record for her work as well, we're only annoyed that she didn't apply to us first instead of her current employers." Robert said, "Since we lost Rachael and almost lost you." George's head flicked up at that, his mouth open, Robert nodded. "I know that you did a lot of work during that time, but you were driving yourself too hard. We still don't know what it was that brought you out, but the holiday you went on was the best thing for you, by the way we almost ordered you to go but you beat us to it!" Robert smiled at that, "We've rearranged your appointments for today and tomorrow, to let you get used to your new office." Robert exited the office leaving George to sit in stunned silence. He looked at the desk in wonder; he'd been working for the partnership for some time and had never thought of this, he didn't know quite what to do. There was a knock at the door, he went to get up to open it and found a button on the desk marked `door', he pushed it and the door opened. Helen was outside the door looking in, she was pushing a small cart on which were the files and all his property from his old office and she was smiling at him. "Am I still welcomed here Mr. Douglas?" Helen asked him, at his puzzled look she continued, "Well I was one of the people keeping an eye on you, so I suppose if you don't want me to work for you again I'll understand." George smiled slightly, so that explains why she seemed to know everything. "I don't know Helen, are you still watching me?" George asked her, she shook her head. "No!" She said empathetically, "now that you're up here I'm back to my normal job." George looked at her quizzically, she shrugged, "I'm really part of a special team employed by the partnership, I'm a fully trained legal secretary, but I've also have a particular interest in this company "So what is your normal job?" George asked her. "I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't tell you that just yet." She told him, while unloading the cart. "So how were you aware of my first meeting with Sandra?" George asked "There is a night team outside your house, that's how we knew about your meetings with Mrs. Coleman and your favourite restaurants," she told him, "We've been getting reports about you every day." "And you also listened into my private conversations?" George said evenly. Helen avoided his eyes, "Yes sir, I'm sorry but I was on orders to make sure you weren't passing information on to others or using your knowledge to make a killing on the stock market." She looked into his eyes as she added. "It was something I knew you wouldn't do, but I had to check anyway." She seemed so disheartened over the matter and George couldn't really find it in his heart to dismiss her and so. . . "That's okay Helen, I understand." George told her, her eyes rose to meet his and her smile was back, "So how was the meeting with Sandra?" she asked him, watching his eyes light up as he thought back to the dinner earlier. "I suppose you should know. There's going to be a change in my life." He told her, "I've asked Sandra to marry me." Helen dropped her eyes for a moment and then she forced a smile. "Th . . . That's marvellous news Mr. Douglas, I hope you'll both be very happy." ---------------------------------------- George looked at Helen closely, there were tears in her eyes, and he was starting to get uncomfortable as most men do with crying women. "What's wrong Helen?" He asked her, she shook her head. "It. . . It's nothing Mr. Douglas, just an eyelash in my eye." Helen told him, she quickly excused herself from his office and went to the toilets nearby. "You're stupid Helen Jones, as if George would think about you as other than a secretary!" she was saying to herself as she dabbed her eyes with a tissue. This was her problem; she wanted to be assigned to George Douglas when he was suggested as a possible candidate for the partnership. What the general members of the company weren't aware of was that the partnership they worked for was owned by a consortium of three families, Helen was actually a daughter of one of the families, but she also liked to play at working undercover. But she had forgotten the first rule when acting undercover - never get involved! She had managed to talk to Cathy when she first appeared in the office. She learnt that the girl was scouting for a possible date for her father but then found out the real reason for the apparent search was to ensure that he wasn't secretly dating anyone from the office. Then, when she heard the report about his meeting with Sandra Henderson, she realised that the girl was working to her own agenda! When the second team reported a boy was watching George as well and research reported that his name was Christopher Henderson she put the two together and had smiled to herself. When she reported to her family that the kids were working as marriage brokers there was great amusement, but then it seemed that their scheme had worked! It was at this point that Helen had finally admitted to herself that she was in love with George Douglas. She checked her face in the mirror shook her hair and went back to George's new office, where George was still sitting, he was deep in thought and only looked up when Helen asked him if there was anything wrong, he shook his head and gave a small smile. "No Helen." He said, "I was just going through what you said, it's a bit of a shock," He waved his arms to encompass the room, "All this! And I'm still not certain what I'm supposed to be doing!" He finished; Helen went into her secretary mode. "Your appointments for all except the important cases have been referred to the junior staff; the important cases will need reviewing to see who will be the best to deal with them, or for you to continue with. Tomorrow there is a general meeting of the senior partners." Helen looked at him when she said this, "It's important that you attend this meeting and for that reason you have no appointments before or after this meeting." She paused before carrying on, "And I hope you won't mind if I wish your new secretary all the best in her job." George looked at Helen sharply. "Why? I mean aren't you going to continue being my secretary?" He said noticing that she wasn't watching him; in fact she was avoiding his gaze completely. "I'm sorry Mr. Douglas, but I don't think it would be proper for me to do so, I've already told you too much and I think I would be reassigned." She told him, George knew that there was more to this than she was letting him know and so he shook his head. "I'm sorry Helen, but I don't think I can let you." He said, "Do you know how long it takes to break in a new secretary? They never get the coffee right, their filing system is so strange I lose any work that I was doing! No I'm sorry Helen I won't allow it!" His smile showed her that he wasn't angry with her, but his eyes told her that he was serious. "Very well Mr. Douglas, if you insist, but it might be that others may not allow me to stay." She began, but George stopped her. "I hope not, but if they do I'll cause such a stink that they might reconsider." Then his tone softened, "Helen I do mean it, you are an excellent secretary and it would be a wrench to lose you. And after all this time I think you could call be George, when we're alone." She gave him a shocked look and then she said, "Mr. Douglas, what would the other partners think! We have to maintain standards you know!" and then she burst into laughter, "That's what Mrs. Witherspoon would have said." Referring to the elderly secretary who was lodged outside Mr. Smythe's office. She was well known for her attitude to the younger secretaries and their scandalous ways. "Well let her maintain standards then, but here in my office my rules stand, is that clear?" He said, she smiled and then saluted. "Sir, yes sir!" she exclaimed and then laughed again. "There Helen isn't that better." George said smiling. She nodded, "Yes Mr. Dou. . . I mean George, but what about our working relationship?" She ventured to ask him. "What about it?" George asked her. "Well . . . Nothing really I suppose." She was kicking herself that it sounded so lame, "I'll get on with this filing then?" She asked him, George nodded and then returned his attention to his desk. There were two phones, an internal, external and one other which he didn't recognise, when he asked Helen about it she told him that it was only for receiving calls from Robert - this wasn't true but at the time it was all she was allowed to tell him. He picked up the external phone and listened to the tone, he then dialled a number. "Turner and Wilson's attorneys, Janice Long speaking Mrs. Henderson's secretary, how may I help you?" The voice at the other end was pleasant and sounded attractive, George smiled. "Good afternoon Janice, my name is George Douglas, is it possible that Sandra is available?" "One moment please sir, I'll just check for you." And George found himself listening to music, which is just as well because he didn't hear Janice's words to Sandra. "Mrs. Henderson there a dishy sounding man on the phone called George Douglas who wants to talk to you, maybe you should give up Mr. Right and go with this guy?" She heard Sandra's laugh, "Okay Janice, if he's any good I'll think about it, could you pass him through please." Sandra said, and Janice took George's call off hold. "Mr. Douglas?" She said, "I'm just transferring you." And completed the connection, she was tempted to listen into the call but her training managed to stop her. George was please to hear the bubbling laughter from Sandra as she answered his call. "I'm glad to hear that you feel fine now," He started, "I was wondering if you had anything planned for tonight?" Sandra was slightly puzzled but decided to go along with him, "Well, apart from getting Chris something to eat I've nothing on, why?" "I need to see you tonight at my house, why don't you ask Chris to join us, that way he can meet Cathy and we'll see how they get on, I've also got some news for you." He sounded so happy that Sandra knew that he didn't have second thoughts. "Fine, I'll get in touch with Chris and get him to meet us, I think he's got some club after school that he attends." She said. "Good, we'll see you then about seven?" George asked, and then added before Sandra could reply, "By the way, don't give Chris my address, and just see if he asks you first." "Seven sounds fine for me, but what do you mean about Chris?" She asked him puzzled. "I'm being devious," George said, "I'm just seeing if he knows where I live, this way we'll find out. I'd better go, see you at seven. Love you, bye." ------------------------------ Sandra echoed his words of `love you' and hung up. She smiled as she looked at the phone; there was a knock on the door. "Well?" Asked Janice, "What's happening?" Sandra smiled, "I'm going to his house tonight for a meeting," She said, "He wants to meet Chris." Janice looked open mouthed at that, "I was only kidding! Your Mr. Right seemed the guy for you; you shouldn't throw him over for someone who just sounds good on the phone!" Sandra nodded. "You're right Janice. I'll just see what he's like before I make up my mind." She told her scandalised secretary, "If you can get a message to Chris's school for me, let him know that we're expected at George Douglas's address by seven." "Certainly, what's the address?" Janice asked nodding away. "Oh. If he needs to know he can call me," She said, "But Janice!" at Janice's look she smiled, "There's no need to tell him that either." Janice was still puzzled but nodded anyway as she returned to her office to make the call. ------------------------- In his office George was starting to relax. Helen had finished the filing and was ensuring that everything was in it correct place. "Helen, I don't want to sit here doing nothing." George wasn't one to delay his work, and generally felt uncomfortable when he wasn't working, "Let's go through the current client list and see who should be assigned to carry on with them." George had wondered if he should have warned Cathy about the visitors that night, but then he smiled. She always wanted to cook a large meal with little notice, although it was a nasty trick to play on his daughter, it would be fun to see if she could manage it, if not there was always a restaurant available. And so the remainder of the day finished off with Helen and George working away.