Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Not a Girl's World intro In a few hundred years in the future, females lose basically all their rights and are completely owned by men. The society becomes very manly and women are frequently abused. The abuse isn't usually as severe as beatings and rape by sexual intercourse, but there are other things. Here are some of the ways this things have changed: -The age of majority for females became 25, while for males it became 15. -Underage females are kept stricly under their parents' authority. But they can be kept longer if they have wanted to. Girls can't live indepdently untinl they hit the age of majority. But the age of majority can be extended beyond 25 if it is found out that the young lady would be a bad adult. Also, many parents keep the same rules for girls/women at the age of majority as long as they live at home. -Most females living at home are given this drug called "Debilitator". This makes the females much more meek, submissive and easy to handle. This makes them as weak emotionally as a 5 year old child and anyone can make them do anything or scare them if the perpetrator has enough willpower and assertiveness. Even an assertive 8 year old boy can control a girl ages 12 or even older. The girls on this drug feel so weak, helpless and powerless emotionally. The drug also makes them behave much more immature for their age and gets rid of all the body hair below the neck. This drug helps people view that an 11 year old boy is much more mature and reliable than a 16 year old girl. Also, girls who resist being bathed, resisting orders and other things, are usually forced to get naked and spanked severely. They can spank their buttocks and even their breasts to make it more severe. -Some things that parents do to their female children is give them baths and spank them. Both are done with the girls completely nude. Even 24 year old (and some older) women have to get nude or the spanking, and are bathed regularly. Girls aren't trusted to bathe themselves and many times younger boys bathe them. This is always extremely humiliating to the girls, especially the ones who have hit puberty and the older ones (21+). But because of Debilitator, even a 12 yaer old boy can handle a girl in her late teens and bathe and spank her. -Girls' education is much more slow than the boys' is. Girls go very slowly and even start later. They aren't given a sex education until they are at the, or approaching, the age of majority and usually graduate college at the age of majority, which is 25. After that, a lot of them get a job and move out. Dina is a 23 year old girl living in an institution for females. This institution has females of ALL ages. I have called Dina a "girl" here even at her age because here there are no "women". Everyone here is being treated as a young girl. They even call females like Dina's age and older a "little girl" here to infantilize and tease them. Here, girls are being taken cared of by boys and men of including, being dressed and undressed, caring for their female hygiene, bathing them, putting make up on them, disciplining them and overall taking care of them. Girls here take courses too and do activities. Sometimes the girls are being sent to a beach. Girls frequently complain of being naked in front of boys and being bathed where even their breasts and private parts are being washed. Boys frequently masturbate the girls in the showers/baths by rubbing the girls' clits and put their fingers inside the girls' vaginas after they have rinsed their fingers with water (because you know can't put a soapy finger inside the vagina.) The institution knows that this happens and just doesn't care. The girls do not like it but they do not understand it because they have had no sex education and do not mentally think that this is wrong. Generally, girls who haven't hit puberty yet (which usually happens at ages 12-13 for them) do not complain about being. But after they do hit puberty, it gets very embarrassing, especially if younger boy bathes them. They can even cry during their baths as their bodies are being washed. an 8 year old boy bathing a 12 year old girl who has hit puberty and already has breasts is something that is very common and is very embarassing to the girl. Young boys can get "power intoxicated" bathing an older girl and exert their powers on the girls. Certainly a strong-willed 8 year old boy bathing an already-pubescent 12 year old girl is very power intoxicating and he abuses this power. It also happens to 12 year old boys who bathe 18 year old girls. The bathing rooms have huge bathtubs. These bathtubs are big enough to hold 5 people there. The rooms themselves do not have a door and have windows in the walls and people passing by the bathing rooms can easily see naked girls being bathed by boys. This is extra humiliating to the girls. Some boys (the older ones, and certainly not preteens) who take care of the same girls form a bond with them and may try to help the girls. They may be loving towards the girls and even stop abusing them. They may even make a deal with girls to go inside the rooms with girls and pretend to bathe them but it will be the girls who bathe themselves while the boys just watch. There are no cameras inside the private bathing rooms (a boy can request a private bathing room with any 1 or more girls if he so wishes) and no one can find out. It is certainly not unheard of that after the boys and the girls who leave the institution to fall in love and get married and such. If you have any comments, complains, suggestions or if you would like to add or edit any content here (or anything else) email me at . I would love positive feedback, even just telling me that you have liked my stories. I am a fairly new writer and have written very little, after all.