Keywords: M/F anal, oral
Author: W R Jenkins
Title: Buggery in the Badlands: Apache Ass-rangers

  Disclaimer:(standard) Do not screw up. Do not do anything illegal.
 This includes specifically (but not limited to) reading on if you are 
under 18- 21 in some localities  If you are underage you must leave 
now. If you're young and curious, this is not the place to get the 
straight story. You act like this and people will look at you strange 
and give you a wide berth. Also, don't try this at home. Some of this 
stuff is just plain wrong, most of it is unsafe in the present viral 
climate and some of it doesn't work in this universe. They are stories. 
They deal with ideas, fantasies and thoughts that might not even be 
pleasant in real life. Thoughts are like that. Fantasies are there so
we can toy with the sensations without feeling or inflicting the pain, 
despair or humiliation. End Sermon.

Buggery in the Badlands
    Tales from the Untamed Youth of our Country when Victims were
victimized without compromise and Damsels fucked right up the butt
with no pause. And bloody retribution from victims left living, angry 
relatives and husbands pissed off about the trespass on their private 

Apache Ass-rangers
"Now there's something you don't see every day, Black Eagle," Bear
Tooth remarked.

"What's that, Bear Tooth?" Black Eagle inquired.

"A white woman stumbling naked in the desert," Bear Tooth said and

"Oh, I don't know, Bear Tooth," Black Eagle said. "I hear Mexican
Bandits often abandon their victims to the cruel sun and eventualities
of fate."

"Then are we eventually going to investigate?" Bear Tooth asked

Happy enough they were not Chauncey and Edgar, although thinking
their exchange might have been more humorous for it, Black Eagle 
nodded assent and they set off at a trot, shouting and whooping as is 
the idiom of heathen dirt worshippers.

Justly terrified by this noisy approach, the naked woman tried to 
stumble the way she had come, but couldn't have out-distanced them 
if they were walking - slowly, much less approaching on horseback. 
They arrived as she had her obligatory stumble and fall and they 
reined in their ponies on either side of her prostrate body.

"You take a foot and I'll take a foot and we'll see if she can keep her 
head from bumping along the ground when we ride," suggested Bear 

"She can't do that," said Black Eagle.

"What if you take a hand and I take a hand and we see of she can 
hold up her legs," Bear Tooth substituted.

"Now that will work, but why don't you take a hand and a foot and I'll 
do the same and we'll terrify her by watching the prairie bouncing up 
and down beneath her while she imagines her pitiful fate?" Black 
Eagle put forward.

"But then she doesn't have to work," Bear Tooth complained.

"No, but I think she'll be in better condition when we reach camp, 
except for her complete terror and paralyzing fear of our intentions," 
Black Eagle explained his reasoning patiently.

"And still not know the half of it," Bear Tooth agreed.

Evidently too fatigued and near death to scream much, the woman 
mostly bounced along dumbly, suspended between the two Apache. 
She didn't, as might be expected, even notice their remarkable 
horsemanship to so evenly urge their ponies and maintain the even 
distance between them over the rough terrain.

She was so little fun that Black Eagle and Bear Tooth had to resort to 
wrapping her in rough blankets after sponging her burned skin and 
letting her drink. So barely conscious was she that they decided to 
give her an additional day before they began.

When she began to make wondering, grateful sounds, they decided 
she was revived enough.

"It's a cock. Suck it, bitch," Bear Tooth demanded, pushing the 
aforementioned cock in her face.

Despite her first shocked reaction and pretense that they were 
speaking a foreign language, she sucked cock as told when Bear 
Tooth pushed it in her face. She seemed reluctant, but fearful, which 
was an acceptable reaction as long as she kept Bear Tooths' cock in 
her mouth.

"They've got whores that do this on the Navaho reservation," Bear 
Tooth explained. "Feels good, You ought to try it."

"You mix with Navahos?" Black Eagle reacted with disgust.

Having his cock sucked was much more agreeable, but neither of 
them was willing to let a white woman off with that. After Black 
Eagle's turn they looked at each other and then down at the naked 
woman between their hard cocks.

"We've got to fuck her in the ass," Bear Tooth said simply and Black 
Eagle nodded.

 That proved to be easier than either of them thought. The woman 
was frightened enough that  she remained where she was put when 
moved and only whined as Bear Tooth pressed his cock to her 
asshole. It was also easier to breech the tight muscle and seemed to 
distress the woman more than expected.

"I think the Mexicans, or whoever left her out in the desert, already 
went this route," Bear Tooth commented with his cock in her ass. "It 
hurts her too much for how easy it is."

"You're such a sweet savage," Black Eagle mocked him. "Always 
thinking of your victim first."

"I'm just saying," Bear Tooth said with offense, "It's not like we're the 
first to tred the terrain back here."

"Knew how to suck cock, too," Black Eagle added, "I guess we've got 
us a cast-off, a hand-me-down."

"Still tight," Bear Tooth grunted and rammed his cock the rest of the 
way up her ass.

Being proud warriors as well as heathen dirt worshippers and brutal 
savages, they couldn't help admiring the brave way the woman 
whimpered, but didn't try to escape, as Bear Tooth rammed his cock 
in her ass. She took it with much distress but no attempts at evasion. 
Bear Tooth was very appreciative of her courage as he fucked her 
tight ass without having to fight her.

"I think we've got a keeper," Bear Tooth enthused after he had filled 
her ass with spooge after a spirited and extended ass-fuck. "She's 
tamed but not broken... unless I just broke her."

"Laugh all you want," Black Eagle said with less amusement, "I can 
hear Laughing Rain now when you tell her: hey honey, I've brought 
home a white woman to fuck."

"Well, you could take her and let me visit sometimes... at night... after 
laughing Rain is asleep," Bear Tooth suggested.

"Or I could sell her to the first white man I see for a bottle of fire 
water and get Wild Indian drunk and go on the warpath," Black Eagle 
replied. "You better get what you want now. Even if I keep her, I'm not
sure I'd share."

"But we're brothers," Bear Tooth whined, "Fellow warriors with a bond 
of blood forged in battle. You can't keep her to yourself."

"Get your head out of the sky and look to the woman," Black Eagle 
rebuked Bear Tooth. "She passed out or something. She just fell 

With no concept of, or concern for, the wildly imaginative tortures and 
abuse the woman was attributing to their mundane exchange, the 
braves were puzzled by her faint. When she was jumpy when she 
came around, they decided to observe her a while, which was no
favor to her frazzled nerves.

She may have been resigned to her fate, at first, but her own 
chimeras of pain and unendurable torment had undone her resolve. 
She only slowly realized that her fears were unsupported by the 
actions of the two Indians. They'd used her sexually, but she 
expected that from anyone with a prick. Now they were doing nothing 
and her courage returned.

"Hey, she's not looking at you like you're going to set her on fire 
anymore," Bear Tooth observed.

"Stupid bitch. This is just when I'd set her on fire," Black Eagle 
snorted. "But if she isn't going to fall over again, I guess it's time I 
fucked her in the ass."

However she processed Black Eagle's approach, mostly by thinking 
they could read her thoughts, she was no less passive to him turning 
her over and pullihg her butt up. It's not hard to suspect she was 
prepared for his cock to push against her asshole, however 
unprepared she was for the lingering pain when he shoved it in.

Still, she took it like she had no choice because she had no choice. 
Whatever they did to her, she would have been already dead if they 
had not arrived to rape her. She wasn't grateful for the cock ravaging 
her ass, but she was grateful to be alive for the torment of having the 
cock rip her a bigger one.

For his part, and to be fair, Bear Tooth did too, Black Eagle 
appreciated her courage more than her whining. He found it easy 
enough to ignore as he pumped his cock in her ass, but it wasn't a 
thrill for him. The good part was the tight ass and beyond that he 
didn't care.

"What's the matter?" Bear Tooth asked as Black Eagle pumped away, 
"You don't seem to be enjoying it like you used to. A good rape 
doesn't do it for you anymore?"

"A good one, yeah," Black Eagle responded, "But this is a halfsie. I 
respect her courage, so no fun with the screaming and begging, but 
her ass is tight, not as tight as might be, but tight, so that's okay. I 
guess I'm ambivalent."

"Then pump your ambivalent ass faster and I bet you like it more," 
Bear Tooth suggested.

Black Eagle knew how to fuck white women in the ass. He didn't need 
coaching. Still, he was going to have to fuck her faster and harder 
sooner or later. It irritated him that Bear Tooth had said it and now 
he'd have to look like he was listening.

"I know how to fuck a white woman in the ass," Black Eagle said to 
rescue his dignity. "Go make a fire or something."

This casual use and the calm demeanor of her captors had to be 
keeping the poor woman in a permanent state of uncertainty, but we 
know you care as much as Bear Tooth or Black Eagle. She was left 
to desperately cling to each minute of life left to her and fear the next 
minute. She was a woman; She couldn't take it. She had to assert 
some control.

"Black Eagle, she's trying to yank my cock," Bear Tooth reported after 
they laid down to sleep.

"Why tell me? You proud or something?" Black Eagle responded 

"Because I didn't tell her to," Bear Tooth answered. "She just crawled 
over and made some goofy hand signs and then clamped on my 

"So she likes you. Let her yank you off and be quiet," Black Eagle 
said grumpily.

"But Laughing Rain..." Bear Tooth trailed off.

Grasping onto some memory of their first encounter, the woman had 
sucked Bear Tooth off once he'd stopped tattling to Black Eagle. Now 
she was not the only one dealing with a measure of confusion.

"If she'd gone to you this would be great," Bear Tooth was moaning. 
"You'd have this eager slut seeing to your comfort and I'd visit. But 
not me. You're right about Laughing Rain not understanding."

"She went to you because you're the softie," Black Eagle teased 
Bear Tooth, "She knows I'm all business and not likely to be swayed."

"Swayed to do what?" Bear Tooth wanted to know, "Fuck her? She 
can't ask for anything because we don't understand her. And she's 
got to know I'm even less likely to let her go if she keeps sucking my 

"See how much trouble women are?" Black Eagle asked. "Selling her 
for fire water sounds better now, huh?"

But Black Eagle was not as blase as he pretended. Every time she 
was behind him on his pony, she had her hand in his loincloth, rubbing 
him for comfort. It wasn't even like she was trying to get him off, just 
friendly like. As much as he knew she did the same for Bear Tooth 
when she rode behind him, it still argued a willingness if not 

She wasn't much use, burnt to a crisp and only slowly rejoining the 
living, but she did have all the right parts in the right places. There 
was that lingering problem of being a white eyes, however. That was 
problematic even when you claimed one during a raid and Black 
Eagle couldn't honestly say they were raiding the sagebrush where 
they found her.

"Sorry bitch, but you're an ambivalent ass fuck and you suck cock all 
right, but that puts me in mind of Navahos and I'm more the lone 
warrior type anyway," Black Eagle told Kate as he sold her to a white 
man for a bottle of fire water.

"You want me to translate that for her?"  the white man graciously 
offered in addition to the whiskey.

"Why the fuck would I want that?" Black Eagle asked. "It wouldn't be 
that funny if she understood."

"So - war path?" Bear Tooth asked as they rode off and left Kate to 
her sad fate and the lusts of another man.

"I was thinking we'd share the fire water when we get back so you get 
all weepy - like you do - and tell Laughing Rain everything," Black 
Eagle said.

"You're a prick, you know that don't you?" Bear Tooth replied.