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                        White House Advocates S&M

                          by Vivian Darkbloom


   While we were pleased to note that the President has finally,
   reluctantly, agreed not to veto a bill preventing cruel treatment
   of detainees, it would have been more encouraging were it
   impelled by a genuine sense of morality rather than by
   embarrassing questions and pressure from congress and the
   international community. Noting further that the vice president
   has so far been silent, thus failing to refute his idiotic
   assertion that torture is somehow justified in certain
   situations, the title of this piece stands.

   It was furthermore disturbing to note that a recent poll
   indicated that 60% of the American public cannot tell right from
   wrong. That is, 60% of the population polled believes that
   torture is acceptable in certain situations. The belief that one
   might get more information by causing another human being to
   suffer is a sick and twisted line of reasoning that flies in the
   face of logic, history, and the testimony of modern experts.

   It can hardly be a coincidence a similar percentage of the
   population embraces the backwards and brutal religious dogma
   which fueled the recent fascination with torture as demonstrated
   by the disgustingly high box-office sales for "The Passion of the
   Christ." Hypocritical contradictions such as "pro-life"
   politicians who love to sign execution warrants (e.g. the
   President) are easily explained by the failure of critical
   analysis which starts with the goofball belief that a Loving God
   would sentence someone to everlasting punishment based on the
   actions of a finite lifespan.

   The outcome is a lurid compulsive fascination with suffering
   that, for many, has become an uncontrollable addiction.

   Talk about kinky. If there's one squick Auntie Viv holds sacred,
   it's the aversion to cruelty.

   And if Bush weren't lying when he said "we do not torture," he
   wouldn't have struggled so hard to veto legislation banning it.

   Listening to the swaggering vapidity of Bush's rhetoric is a form
   of punishment in itself! A useful tool when being submitted to
   such agony is Auntie Viv's truth transformer: the truth may be
   discovered by applying logical inversion to whatever the
   president says. Just put a "not" in front and you'll get the

   The truth is that the president and his gang of thugs have
   lowered the level of Republican sliminess to new depths. The
   driving force behind Republican "ideology" is greed, we knew
   that. Republicans are greedy thieves, we knew that.

   What's unprecedented is the sheer magnitude of blatant cruelty.
   Never before, have such a genuinely mean-spirited downright nasty
   bunch of truly evil vermin had such a grip on power in this

   Apply Auntie Viv's truth transformer to Bush's claim that he's
   Christian. "Not!" Christ taught life and love. The president has
   consistently displayed a positive fetish for execution, war, and
   torture. Oh, but he'll bend over backwards in a pointless charade
   to save a "life" when the quality of living has long since fled
   away. Never before have we seen such blatant disrespect for human
   rights and dignity, nor such an egregious erosion of the positive
   values associated with the adjective "American."

   Apply Auntie Viv's truth-transformer to the Republican's labeling
   of liberals as "enemies of the American way."

   "Not!" Once again, the Republicans cloud the issue by accusing
   their opponents of what they are themselves guilty of.

   This "State of war" privilege is one of the most cynical lies
   yet. The pre-emptive "War" is just an Orwellian hoax to distract
   from the sheer fraudulent plundering, smoke and mirrors to
   conceal the rich as they steal from the poor in ever-growing

   The terrible and senseless war that has cost so many lives, that
   has stretched the resources of our nation so thin that
   disadvantaged (i.e. exploited) people of non-white ethnicity are
   left stranded in the event of emergency; this senseless war was
   motivated solely by the lust for power, because pit-bull Rove
   knew even a lazy mediocre imbecile like "W" could get re-elected
   so long as there was a "war" going on. What a nasty scam.

   The evidence is overwhelming. The White House vermin are just
   plain mean. So it's no shock to see them advocate torture (again)
   and lie about it (again).

   Bush and Dick are way more obscene than anything you'll find in
   Auntie Viv's tales of love and happiness. The creeps in the White
   House want just the opposite: terror and suffering.

   That little voice of sanity has been saying "Not!" all long. Time
   to start listening!


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