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                          by Vivian Darkbloom

   WARNING! If you are younger than 18, you should be aware that
   this story contains graphic detailed descriptions of such
   disturbing activities as flossing regularly, willing enjoyment of
   classical music, and completing ones homework on time. There is
   also some math involved.

   We therefore recommend a more wholesome, socially acceptable
   activity, such as watching a Britney Spears or Shirley Temple



                          by Vivian Darkbloom

   Pling! Pling! Pling! The tennis racquet sounded like an alien
   harp as I bounced the ball in the center sweet-spot. Perfect
   spring day, perfect blue sky for bicycle-riding under, clear with
   warm breezes filled with gently sweet-scented flower and earth
   aroma; perfect weather for shorts, bicycle-riding to the local
   park, to practice serves and backhands against the cement
   backboard. The endorphins rushed and the sun felt good on my
   calves as I swung and smashed the perfect serve, bounced on the
   wall, the ball searing towards me through the balmy springtime
   air, swung again with backhand this time, but not so perfect, in
   fact, sent the ball spinning back against the wall behind me.

   Glancing back, ah yes, the wall. The ancient ivy-covered
   perimeter surrounding the Moriarty estate. Little would have
   reached my senses regarding this family, had they not raised such
   a fuss over the park being built so close to their property. As
   it turned out, the land was a commons, the public wanted the
   park, and that was where to build it. So in went the park, and
   disappeared Moriarty the elder from the public eye with an
   exasperated "Humph!"

   Other information surfaced, that their money had come from
   longstanding interest with the luxury cruise-line trade, and that
   strange rumors often circulated about what went on within the
   walls of the estate while the responsible guardians were out
   surveying their floating castles bobbing about in the Caribbean
   and the Mediterranean.

   Another fluorescent green tennis ball, pling! Pling! Pling!
   Smash! This time not so perfect a serve, and as I frantically
   angled my racquet to compensate, the ball glanced in a wildly
   spinning arc behind me. I heard giggling from behind the wall.

   Walking over to retrieve the missing, I could only find the one.
   As I stood puzzling over what to do (the wall was too high and
   short on toeholds to climb, for me at least), I heard a voice.

   "Hey mister!" off to my right. I walked in that direction, around
   a corner, under the shade of a large oak tree, to see something I
   hadn't noticed earlier: an ancient, weathered, moss-encrusted
   door. The viewing slot had been pushed open and through it I saw
   a line of shining faces, grinning at me through the rusted

   "You want your ball back?" asked a blonde girl, her hair tied
   back with bangs curling over the forehead. They all looked to be
   about eleven years old. She tossed my ball and caught it
   repeatedly, then missed catching it and it flew out of my sight,
   causing the grins to flare up into a ripple of giggles as the
   blonde face disappeared then reappeared again blushing.

   Intrigued, I was in no hurry to end the transaction. "So," I
   finally was able to say, "would you like to toss it back over the

   She shrugged. "Could. Or I could just open the gate. What's the
   magic password?"

   I rolled my eyes. More giggles. Opening the gate didn't look too
   plausible, as the hinges were crusted over with corrosion and
   rot. Faintly, I could have sworn I heard the whispered password
   suggestions: "vagina!" "orgasm!" but it must have been my

   "You guys," an Asian girl with long black hair gave a look of
   disapproval. "How about, Pascal's triangle?" She looked pleased
   with herself.

   "What about it?" I asked.

   "I know!" shouted the brunette. "recite the 5th row of Pascal"s
   triangle, and we'll give your ball back.

   "No, that's too hard," said the blonde.

   I was thinking. "Let's see... 1, 1 1, then 1 2 1, then 1 3 3 1,
   then 1 4 6 4 1. That's the 5th row. So can I have my ball back?

   "Hey, you're pretty smart!" remarked a girl with curly long
   reddish hair. "Can you come help us with our homework?"

   A face I had not seen before appeared to check me out, an
   olive-skinned girl of the same skinny, gangling build as the
   rest, with mysterious dark eyes and golden-blonde hair.

   "OK, fair is fair," said the light-skinned blonde, and I heard a
   series of electronic beeps followed by a pneumatic "click," and
   the door swung easily inwards. My ball bounced in tiny dribbles
   towards me.

   I knelt down to snatch it, then glanced up at the blonde girl who
   stood over me. I didn't intend to allow my eyes to linger near
   her crotch, but it looked as though she was not wearing any
   panties under her pastel yellow shorts. A tiny spot of moisture
   had appeared right in the center of them. Her soft, young lips
   were parted gently as she sighed, and a wispy strand of hair that
   had escaped the ponytail drifted across her cheek.

   I cleared my throat. "Thanks," I said, standing. The soldier
   inside my own white tennis shorts was coming to attention, a fact
   which she was apparently trying to ignore, but kept stealing
   glances towards.

   "My name is Amy Moriarty," she said, reaching out her hand with
   fragile authority.

   I accepted, raising it to my lips to place a gentle kiss on her
   soft, white knuckles. "Pleased to meet you," I said.

   "Can you come help us with our homework? Please?" pleaded the
   brunette girl, stepping out from behind her.

   Suddenly there was a chorus of girls around me, pleading for me
   to help them with their homework. The vexing aroma of young
   female combined with the spring flower scent, unfairly (I am
   afraid) swaying my response in the direction of the affirmative.

   "Well, maybe. For a little while," I concluded reluctantly.

   This resulted in a burst of cheers, and I gathered my things into
   the rear bicycle basket, and followed them through the gate into
   the mysterious garden beyond.

   As we strolled through the beautiful grounds, further details
   were inked over the sketch of the story ... As I had guiltily
   hoped, the parents were on an excursion, overseeing a yacht
   somewhere in Greece, during which time Amy, the blonde heiress
   had invited the other four girls over for a sleep-over, under the
   not-so-close observation of her nanny, Christine.

   "Christine's always spending time with Fanny," explained Amy,
   Fanny being the lesbian lover, and so long as both kept quiet and
   Amy didn't get caught in too much mischief, both Amy and her
   nanny gave good reports on each other, to great mutual benefit on
   both sides.

   The Japanese girl was named Sue, and stereotypically of her
   culture displayed the reserve and methodical tidiness, legible
   handwriting, and so on. It turned out that she had quite a head
   for math, and got straight As in all her classes. She liked to
   draw wide-eyed Anime girls in the margins of her homework.

   Britney was the vivacious brunette, studying to be an actress.
   She was the lead in all the school plays, and loved being the
   center of attention, by telling a joke or story.

   Melissa was the quietest, the mysterious beauty with dark eyes,
   olive-skin, and golden-blond hair with natural glittering
   highlights that were entrancing to watch. It turned out she loved
   horses, and was also quite a capable artist, rendering landscapes
   and medieval figures in pastels and watercolor.

   Aurora was a pale beauty with long, bodacious reddish curls
   cascading in a lively waterfall down her back. Her pale skin was
   spattered with freckles like tiny leopard spots belying a wild
   inner nature.

   All the girls were about eleven, and in spite of their absence of
   breasts or other secondary feminine traits, I found myself as I
   walked my bicycle down the path trying to decide which of them I
   would most prefer to have sex with. They all chattered away, and
   Sue (the Japanese) and Aurora (the redhead) held hands as we
   slowly strolled the enormous grounds of the estate, occasionally
   kissing one another on the cheek. The landscaping around us,
   though recently maintained, was dense and gnarled with age, and
   every now and then we would come upon a stand of exotic,
   sweet-smelling beautifully colored flowers. The girls would then
   stand around for a minute, closing eyes to sigh in the fragrance,
   to awe breathlessly at the natural beauty.

   We came upon a clearing, a manicured lawn, the swimming pool with
   hot tub under a vine-infested trellis nearby, drooping wisteria
   all around.

   "You can put your bike here," Amy led me to a large shed with
   ample space for my bike. She smiled graciously.

   Soon we found ourselves drinking tea at a glass table overlooking
   the garden, in a cozy little valley belonging entirely to the
   estate. Complete privacy.

   "An apple for the teacher," Britney, the brunette handed me and
   apple, which I immediately bit into. The tennis workout had made
   me a bit hungry. Britney wore a white halter-top with red trim,
   and a matching red skirt with white polka-dots. The color
   combination with her dark hair, pale skin, and red lipstick was

   "Now," said Sue, "The extra-credit question. See we had to draw
   out Pascal's triangle, which is pretty simple."

   "Could you explain it again, please?" Britney asked the Japanese
   girl. "I don't quite remember it."

   "OK!" replied Sue, smiling, pleased to be in her element. Aurora,
   the redhead, sat very close next to her, absently gazing with
   admiration, her arm lightly draped across Sue's back.

   Gentle piano music began drifting out from inside the house, and
   Melissa, the olive-skinned mysterious one made her way
   self-consciously out the sliding glass door.

   "Thanks, babe," said Amy, the blonde, smiling at Melissa. "I love
   Schumann. Here," she pulled out her chair slightly, and Melissa
   silently accepted the invitation to sit in her lap.

   "You start with 1 at the very top, see," said Sue. "Each row has
   one more number in it, and each position is the sum of the two
   figures above it. So the second row is two 1s, and the third is 1
   2 1, because 1 plus one is two, like so:"
     1 1
    1 2 1

   "OK," said Britney. "So, below the 2 and 1 is 3, because 1 and 2
   is 3."

   "Right. And 1 plus 0 is 1, so there is always a 1 on either end."
   Sue continued the figure, as redhead Aurora, sitting close,
   gently caressed her hair.
     1 1
    1 2 1
   1 3 3 1

   "And the next row is similar,"
     1 1
    1 2 1
   1 3 3 1
  1 4 6 4 1

   "Right," I said. "So what was the question?"

   "Well, the textbook had an extra-credit question about
   combinations, but I didn't quite understand."

   "Oh, yes," I replied. "The numbers of possible subsets with n

   "What?" demanded Amy, bouncing Melissa on her bare knees. Melissa
   looked around at her quietly, with a smile like Mona Lisa.

   "Look, it's easier if you use an example. Say I have an apple, an
   orange, and a banana. How many possible subsets are there? Look
   at the 4th row, 1 3 3 1. The first 1 represents a subset with
   none. the next, 3, represents 3 possibilities with 1 item, namely
   an apple, an orange, or a banana. The next 3 represents the
   possible subsets with two items : the apple and the orange, the
   apple and the banana, and the orange and the banana. The last 1
   represents the subset that contains all three of them." I took
   another bite of my apple.

   "Hmm..." replied Britney. "I think I get it. Let's see. For
   example, if we had a set with Amy Sue and Melissa. We could have
   Amy playing with herself, Sue playing with herself --"

   "Hey!" exclaimed Sue.

   "You know you do," said Amy. "I've seen you do it." Sue raised
   her eyebrows, thoughtful. Aurora blushed next to her, and her
   running of her fingers through the thick, black Asian hair was
   slightly agitated for a minute.

   " -- and then, " continued Britney, " Melissa playing with
   herself. Then, Amy and Sue having sex, Sue and Melissa having
   sex, Melissa and Amy having sex, then all three of them having
   sex together. Now I get it!"

   I nearly choked on a bite of apple, but succeeded in maintaining.

   "See," said Amy, "you just need to find the right example."

   "Right," I said.

   "You could write a story about it," said Britney, "and get credit
   for both math and creative writing."

   "And Biology," said Melissa softly, smiling.

   I placed the core of the apple on the saucer, sipping some more
   tea and running my tongue over my teeth. "I think I have some
   apple-peel stuck in my teeth," I said. "Do you happen to have a

   "I think we're out. But we've got floss," replied Amy. She
   squeezed Melissa gently on the arm, and the olive-skinned girl
   got up from Amy's lap, as Amy arose, leading me into the house.

   In the bathroom, we stood face to face in front of the
   surrounding mirrors, as she carefully measured out a length of
   floss and snapped it on the blade. She gazed up at, her green
   eyes twinkling. "Here, I'll do it for you." She motioned me sit
   on a chair nearby. I sat down, and then she caused my head to
   swim by spreading her legs to sit on my lap facing me.

   Face to face we sat, her gently bouncing as she carefully pulling
   the thread between each pair of teeth. "You know, you should
   floss regularly," she said, as I felt the warm soft flesh of her
   pubic arch pressing against the rising bulk within my shorts,
   gently rhythmically caressing me with her slightly trembling
   pelvic motion as her hands worked in my mouth.

   "Ah," she said, letting the floss fall to the floor, placing her
   two hands on either side of my face. Her face, a fraction of an
   inch from mine, was flush with affection, and I could feel the
   gentle warmth of her breath against my skin. From this vantage
   point, I was now certain that she was not wearing any panties
   underneath her shorts.

   Suddenly her lips were wet and soft against mine, and her tongue
   plunged into exploring my mouth. I pulled her closer, running my
   hands across her back, across her smooth chest, gently grasping
   her thin shoulders. The moans and sharp breathing of vicious
   passion continued for a minute, and then gently trailed off into
   a series of gentle, loving kisses, until her lips floated away
   like little butterflies into the air. She shifted her weight on
   top of me, the now bulging muscle she rested her crease on,
   leaning forward to lie across my chest and whisper in my ear, "I
   want you inside of me. We all do."

   "Oh," I said.

   She stood mischeviously, a devilish grin on her face, and held
   her hand out to me.

   As I glanced back, I could see the silhouette against the wall of
   a girl pulling her hand out of her pants, heard the quiet
   tell-tale snap of waistband elastic, followed by hushed whispers
   and footsteps away. As Amy led me slowly back out to the group, I
   wondered who had been watching us.

   Back at the table, Sue was puzzling over her homework. Aurora the
   redhead had somehow lost her shirt, and I could see that the
   sparse freckles extended across her thin, smooth chest, which was
   also decorated with twin tiny precursors of nipples that I found
   myself unwittingly fascinated with. They appeared wet, as though
   someone had been licking them.

   "So," asked Sue mathematically, "Say you wanted to have sex with
   the five of us in all possible combinations, then that would be
   the sixth row?"

 1 5 10 10 5 1

   "Um, yes," I replied. "That would be correct."

   "So how many times would you have to have sex with us to do all
   the combinations?" she persisted.

   I laughed. "Well there's another fascinating property of Pascal's
   triangle," I said.

   "Fascinating," echoed Amy, rolling her eyes and sitting on my

   "If you add up each row, you get the successive powers of two."
        1            = 1  = 2^0
       1+1           = 2  = 2^1
      1+2+1          = 4  = 2^2
     1+3+3+1         = 8  = 2^3
    1+4+6+4+1        = 16 = 2^4

   "Oh!" exclaimed Sue. "So the sum of the fifth row would be two to
   the fifth, or 32. Cool!"

   Melissa, the quiet olive-golden one, raised her eyebrows. She too
   had somehow lost her shirt, I noticed, as I gazed at her two
   dark, sensuous nipplets. She sat calmly, sketching in pencil a
   startlingly realistic picture of two horses running through a

   "Whoa. That's a lot of orgasms," said Britney.

   "Better get started then," said Amy, and she started bouncing
   gently on my lap.

   "Which totally sense if you think about the combinations as
   sequentially counting in base two, with each combination of 1s
   and 0s representing the various possibilities. Not to mention
   that Pascal's triangle also gives the coefficients of a binomial
   raised to the successive powers..."

   Amy turned around and forcefully kissed me, which sadly prevented
   my further discussion of fascinating properties.

   The other girls appeared slightly astonished by her affection,
   but not too. Aurora kissed Sue passionately on the lips, and the
   Sue responded with feeling.

   I now have disappointing news for those readers who have been
   following the narrative in pursuit of mathematical edification,
   as I fear the quality of the theoretical discussion declined
   significantly from this point onward. I wish I could report
   differently, but then I should not be a faithful recorder of
   these events which took place in my imagination.

   "Time to play roulette!" exclaimed Amy.

   "Oh, there's another excellent example of the principles of
   probability..." I said before Amy clamped her hand over my mouth.

   "Everyone remember the rules?" asked Amy.

   "Let's see," said Britney. "We go around in a circle, each taking
   turns having sex with him until he pops. The one he creams in, or
   on, goes out of the circle for the next round, until only one
   person is left, who is the winner. Then we all have to do
   whatever she asks us to do while he creams inside of her. "

   "Which orifice?"

   "Her choice."

   "Does someone have the timer?"

   It was produced, and set in the middle of the table, a small
   hourglass-style 3-minute egg timer, set in a pink plastic frame.

   "Hey, and you can still help out, even if you're out of the
   circle. OK?"

   "So let's start with kissing," said Amy. She turned to me. "You
   have to go around the circle, kissing each one of us in turn
   until the timer runs out."

   "Let's sit on the grass."

   As I watched, they spread out a bright blue blanket on the lawn
   nearby, and Amy led me over, sitting me down in the middle as the
   girls sat in a circle around me. Scanning from left to right,
   blonde Amy, brunette Britney, Asian Sue, red-headed Aurora, and
   olive-gold-blonde Melissa; then back to Amy....

   I sat facing Amy, quietly mesmerized by the translucence of her
   soft, pale skin in the afternoon sun, the moist, full readiness
   of her tiny lips, her thin, small form as she half-knelt, pelvis
   twitching in front of me.

   "Are you sure we should be doing this?" I asked.

   She rolled her eyes. "Just kiss me, you imbecile," she replied,
   reaching out to pull me to her by the handle inside my shorts. My
   mouth was full of her tongue, and neither did she let go with her
   hand. She sighed with pleasure, and as Melissa's hand slipped
   inside her shorts and began rhythmically caressing, the caresses
   echoed in Amy's hand on me, as the three of us loved each other.
   Time stood still, for an eternity of pure pleasure.

   "Next!" shouted Sue, flipping the hourglass.

   Amy smiled, looking over at brunette Britney to my right. Britney
   returned the smile, times three. Her hand joined Amy's on my now
   bulging organ, and our faces inches apart, she reached out her
   thin, soft hand and gently caressed my hair. As our mouths joined
   in sweetness, she pressed herself against me, wrapping her arms
   around me in aggressively passionate embrace. My hands explored
   every curve of her body, her smooth chest, her slender waist, her
   thin thighs. The two hands, hers and Amy's took turns exploring
   the regions of my crotch.

   "Next!" shouted Sue, flipping the hourglass. She grinned. "Which
   would be me!"

   "You know," said Amy to Britney, looking at their hands together
   on my shorts, "I think it must be a bit crowded in there."

   "Oh, it's OK," I said, but the girls had already carefully peeled
   my shorts down my legs, and the stiffness of my iron shaft stood
   erect, naked in front of them. All of the girls inhaled, as if of
   one mind.

   Britney crossed herself. The other girls looked at her curiously.
   "Catholic school," she explained. "We learn about all sorts of
   cool things like the seven deadly sins..."

   "Which sins?"

   She sat up, tossing her head, reciting: "Well. That would be
   pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, and sloth."

   A low whistle.

   "And," she continued, "I plan to commit them all before I turn

   "Ahem," said Sue. "My turn... and you better reset the

   "It's OK ... we hadn't turned it over yet."

   Sue faced me towards her, I loved the classic slant of her Asian
   eyes, the twinkling dragon-like gaze of those dark eyes. She
   kissed me, and I found myself caressing her silky, long black
   beautiful hair. "Here," she moaned, and redirected my hand inside
   her shorts, where my fingers discovered soft smooth folds, and
   probing further yielded pliant juicy moistness. "Unh," she said,
   her tongue and lips on mine as I thrust my finger inside her.

   Amy and Britney lightly caressed my naked, ready organ, with
   their hands. Both wore the soft, glowing expressions of intimate
   gentleness. As Amy touched the drop of liquid on the tip, she
   raised her eyebrows.

   "Time! My turn," said red-headed Aurora, and I turned once again
   to face her gleaming aura of red curly hair, sensuously lit by
   the sunlight. She wasted little time, lips reaching calmly over
   to mine, connecting, caressing in sweetness. I tasted chocolaty
   mint on her teeth, and given that my finger was still in Sue's
   wet vagina, it only seemed right that she should lean over and
   begin placing gentle, wet kisses all over Aurora's cheek.

   I felt moistness on the glans, and glanced down to see Britney's
   tongue on my tip. She smiled devilishly and raised her eyebrows,
   devouring the entire tip. The penetration into her lips sent
   electric thrills of pleasure down my spine, echoing in my pelvic

   Then it was time for Melissa, who I decided was my favorite. I
   released my hand from inside Sue's shorts, so that I could place
   one hand on either of Melissa's cheeks, gazing gently into her
   eyes. She seemed like the only girl in the world to me, quite an
   accomplishment given that my left hand reeked of Sue's vaginal
   fluids as and that Britney was growing more and more daring in
   her tongue-exploration, caressing my testicles gently with her

   I gazed at Melissa, and she silently squealed back, smiling in
   her shyness. Her eyes gleamed Mona-Lisa-like, with the high
   spirit of wild horses, I slowly reached over and held the
   preciousness of her lips with mine, slowly stroking, probing into
   her mouth with the tip of my tongue. "Oh Melissa," I moaned. "I
   love you!"

   As I felt the passion surge for Melissa, with her beautiful, thin
   bare, breastless chest, kneeling legs spread before me, a finger
   caressed down the crack of my buns, and I exploded into Britney's

   Well, the first jet went onto her nose, across her cheek, with a
   little winding up in her dark hair, before she thrust me into her
   mouth and lovingly, hungrily suckled the successive squirts as I
   pushed deeper into her.

   "Uh - Uh - Uh - Uh - Uh - Uh... ahh," I said Amy was right there,
   licking up the giant drop from Britney's face, and when she was
   done the two of them kissed. Sue and Aurora were kissing and
   feeling each other, and I drew Melissa to me. She returned my
   kisses passionately as I smeared my juice and Britney's saliva on
   the outside of her shorts with my gently fading impulsive
   residual thrusts.

   We all lay for awhile in the pleasant glow of good company.

   I fear I must once again apologize to the poor reader, for I fear
   the quality of the mathematical discussion has thus far has
   suffered from interference by other elements of the narrative.
   Perhaps the situation will be rectified below; not in the sense
   of employing one's rectum as an erogenous zone, so much as to
   "make right," as it were, more rectangular, which I would assume
   to be less trapezoidal. Though it was never clear if one were to
   trap one, what use is a zoid?

   "Love," Melissa teased me as we lay together lazily caressing.
   "Isn't that a score in tennis, derived from the French word
   L'oeuf, meaning goose-egg, zero, zip, zilch?"

   "How can you say that?" I replied.

   "Well," she propped herself on an elbow. "Maybe it has to do with
   the fact you were having an orgasm in another girl's face while
   you were saying it to me."

   "You girls," I said. "So fussy about body language."

   She smiled at me. "That's OK. I like having orgasms between two
   girls too. Or three. Or four."

   "Well," I said, as I leaned over and gently kissed her on the
   cheek. She turned her head to kiss me forcefully on the lips,
   reaching out and pressing her hand against the back of my head.

   "Well," she said slyly. "I'll let it slide this time, But you
   need to do penance."

   "How?" I asked.

   "Well. First," she produced a hairbrush. "You got my hair all
   messy, so you need to fix it."

   "Fair enough," I said.

   She sat in my lap, which was comfortable enough. She was wearing
   nothing but her white panties, whereas I had lost everything but
   my shirt. I set to work gently pulling the brush through the
   strands of her tangled mane. I breathed in the feminine smell of
   her beautiful locks with great pleasure. Periodically, a gentle
   tug with the brush would cause her to shiver briefly. "Tingles,"
   she would whisper.

   This went on for some time, and when the tangles were pretty much
   resolved by the brush I lay it down and began simply running my
   fingers through her soft, sensuous curls. Finally, she wrapped a
   hand each around my two index fingers, her tiny fingers curled
   delicately around mine, and she drew my hands down, setting them
   in her lap.

   "Now you have to give me a massage," she said, "full-body."

   "Well," I said.

   "Here," she produced a bottle of massage oil, and handed it to
   me, flopping face down on the blanket.

   I opened the bottle and squirted some into the palm of my hand.
   It was sweetly and subtly scented of jasmine. I rubbed my hands
   together, then sat next to her delicate, soft, smooth body lying
   limp, and trusting beside me. Gently I spread the sweet oil on
   her back. She sighed as I loved her with my caressing strokes up
   and down her back, down her thin arms to each tiny hand, feeling
   each little finger soft and pliant in mine. I played with her
   tight little buttocks through the panties, the tips of my fingers
   flirting with the various apertures, eliciting a quiet moan; down
   her legs to her feet. Then I returned to her back, sitting on her
   butt for easier access. My bare penis lay pressed against the
   flimsy cotton fabric that covered the crack her buns, and as I
   massaged her tiny back and shoulders lovingly, I felt myself
   growing comfortably.

   The other girls were exploring each other's bodies, in their
   respective pairs, Amy with Britney and Aurora with Sue, though
   occasionally one would reach over to the other couple to

   "Other side?" I asked Melissa.

   "'K," she muttered, lazily sitting up, and turning over, now
   lying face up before me, eyes closed in anticipation. I began
   with her feet, working my way up her thighs, and as she relaxed
   into it I sat gently on her pelvis, penis pressed against her
   vaginal crevice through the flimsy fabric. I stroked my hands up
   and down her smooth chest, across her dime-sized nipples, which I
   then found myself tasting with the tip of my tongue.

   "This is fun!" I commented.

   She opened her eyes slightly. "Yeah," she replied. "I think you
   got your willie in a woody."

   "A woody in my willie?" She was right -- we both looked down at
   the horn standing out from my body, pressed against her pantied

   "A willy woody. Really? Goody," she replied, deftly slipping the
   panties down and off her leg. I was kneeling in between her legs
   as she performed this maneuver, while she laid back, widening her
   knees and pushing up her pelvis in anticipation, I studied her
   virgin 11-year-old sexual organs, fascinated by the smooth soft
   creases culminating in the miniature magical valley of soft
   lubrication and sensitive tissues, the waiting aperture, ready to
   grasp and mouth my stiffening unicorn.

   I lay back down on top of her, my shaft falling naturally into
   her valley. She smiled at me, batting her eyelashes, reaching
   down and guiding the tip into the soft spot in the middle. I
   pushed, and it gave, surrounding my sensitized head with a tiny,
   warm embrace.

   "Uh," she said, marveling at the sensations of this first
   penetration. I felt the sparks swirl love between us as I
   increased the pressure, and felt a little pop, "Ah," she said.

   We settled into a rhythmic dance, my enormous organ like a butter
   churn inside her tiny body, until her eyes turned glazed, and
   after a few moments she lost control, clutching my forearms
   repeatedly with her tiny hands. I felt the delicate spasms around
   my shaft. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahhh... Wow." she said, softening beneath
   me. "That was amazing."

   The ache of my desire was mounting, the pressure of the horn
   almost frightening.

   Melissa drew away from me, and I found myself having popped out,
   flailing in midair. She got up on her knees and grabbed me,
   forcing me to follow her towards where Amy lay on top of Britney,
   in sixty-nine position, Amy's butt sticking up, revealing various
   points of entry, as her face lay buried amid loud slurping sounds
   in Britney's crotch.

   Britney, for her part, was lying face up beneath (and facing)
   Amy's cute little pussy, with her head thrown back, eyes closed,
   noisily registering every thrust of Amy's tongue.

   Melissa led my stiffened penis, liberally covered with her
   juices, including a little blood, over to the beautiful childlike
   buttocks gyrating over Britney's face and brunette hair. Britney
   opened her eyes enough to notice it, and gently reached up,
   brushing my testicles.

   The two hands, Britney's and Melissa's, ably guided the tip of me
   into the opening of Amy's vagina. For the first time, Amy noticed
   what was happening, and responded by widening her legs and
   pushing back to embrace me inside of her. Melissa pushed on my
   butt, and between the two girls I found my aching organ once
   again submerged in the blissful warmth of moist, lubricated
   ecstasy. The electricity between us shimmered through our bodies
   as I began gently thrusting, as our pelvises fell into a rhythmic
   dance of suspense and plunging.

   As I mushed around Melissa's vaginal juices inside of Amy,
   Melissa came around in front of me, and straddled the two girls,
   standing with her cute little crotch right in my face. She placed
   her hands on either side of my head to keep her balance. I licked
   her tiny navel. I felt Britney's hands brushing gently on my
   balls as I plunged inside of Amy, then drew out again to expose
   the moist shaft to sunlight.

   The rhythm of our fucking continued as I delicately traced a line
   with my tongue, down from Melissa's cute little belly button,
   down, down, slowly down, and when I had nearly reached the top of
   her magical valley, she arced her pelvis upward in anticipation.

   The tip of my tongue found the soft reddish pearl buried like a
   treasure in the sweet slime, and I chased it back and forth in
   rhythm as I plied my stiff rod in Amy's increasingly churning

   I listened, mesmerized, to the counterpoint of the three girls
   moaning in turn.

   Melissa had her second orgasm, this time with my tongue gently
   teasing her clitoris. Once again I sensed the tiny spasms as her
   grip tightened on either side of my head, and she pressed my face
   against her. "Oh -- Oh -- Oh -- Oh! Wow," she said. A few drops
   of warm fluid dripped out onto Amy's back.

   Amy must have sensed the release, because I then felt the
   twitching of her muscles squeezing me. "Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!

   Next I knew, I felt Britney's fingers caressing the base of my
   shaft, and it was all over for me.

   "Oh, Melissa, I love you so much!" I cried helplessly, fiercely
   devouring her sweet soft red rose as the insane pressure finally
   released itself, and Vesuvius exploded molten love-lava into the
   sweet forbidden cavity between Amy's tiny cute buttocks. "Oh, oh,
   oh, oh, oh! Oh!" the final thrust pushing my wicked thorn into
   her very soul, piercing the insulation to touch the bare
   high-voltage wire with sweeping alternating currents of passion
   and energy, connecting the orgasms in the deep tissues of the
   bottom of the ocean, finally releasing the flood-waters from
   subterranean caverns into the waiting sands and seas below.

   As my head groggily fogged over, tongue deep in the delectable
   red creases of Melissa, I felt Britney gently squeeze my balls
   involuntary spasms of bliss coursed through her body. "Eh - Eh -
   Eh - Eh - Eh!"

   Soon, we were laying beside each other, in a comfortable
   spaghetti of softly embracing limbs and bodies. Melissa's face
   was in front of me, and we gazed into each other's eyes.

   "You know what I said about Love being a goose-egg," she said.
   "Well, how am I supposed to believe you telling me you love me,
   if you only tell me you love me while you're having an orgasm
   inside another girl?"

   I had to laugh. "You're so fussy about body language!" I

   Asian Sue and redhead Aurora were moaning away in their own 69
   next to us, and shortly they both climaxed in passionate yells,
   which then subsided to leave the afternoon silence to the panting
   breaths and birdcalls.

   A voice crackled on an intercom speaker, which I had not noticed
   until now. ... "Amy, you want to invite your friends to come down
   and eat?"

   Amy winked at us. She pressed the button. "Be right there,
   Parvati." Then she reassured us : "Don't worry - she can't hear
   us unless I press the button."

   So the mansion was equipped with an older Indian woman who did
   the cooking for them all. We dressed and filed into the house,
   through the labyrinthine passages to the dining room, where the
   table was spread with delicacies.

   The cook-lady raised her eyebrows at me. "You have a new friend,

   "Yeah, he's teaching us about math."

   "Yeah, We're learning all about Pascal's triangle."

   As the wonderfully diverse food-aromas filled the air, we ate
   with the usual sort of conversation. First, Britney said grace,
   "I go to Catholic School," she explained... We all took hands in
   the circle. "Dear Lord, bless this table, and the food on it.
   Holy Mary, mother of God, Grant us thy protection and peace.


   Then there was the usual sort of dinner-time conversation.

   "So if Mary was mother of God, then who was God's father?


   "Wouldn't that be incest?"

   "Could you pass the rice? Thanks."

   "And I hear he was a lot older than her, too."

   "So God is a pedophile. That would explain some things."

   "Before Freud, even."

   "What's Freud?"

   "He was this old guy with a cigar who said boys want to kill
   their father so they can have sex with their mom."

   "What about girls?"

   "Oh, we just wait to have sex with Mom until Dad's at work."

   "Do you think Bill smoked the cigar after he stuck it in Monica's

   "Wouldn't have been hard to light?"

   "Silly. You have to let it dry out first. Then he'd light up and
   everyone would be saying `where'd you get that sweet thang?'"

   "Could I have the broccoli, please? Thanks."

   And so on.


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