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                              Read Comments

   Many thanks to my loyal readers, for sending such wonderful
   supportive comments!

   Below are selected letters, always edited to preserve anonymity.
   Some are from the feedback system.


   Jul 2, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Just read the latest ... and ... of course ... you
   left us all hanging. I know that's just a
   technique you writers employ but damn ... it was
   getting really interesting! <laugh>
   Speaking of payments ... we're having our
   national holiday celebrating our independence
   today. I saw some youngsters returning from one
   of the local parks ... where someone was doing
   face painting. One girl was about nine and her
   sister was around five. Both were painted as
   exotic felines. If you were ever to intermix a
   furry theme ... with your favourite genre ... it
   could get very ... erm ... hot? Mind you, they
   were considerably younger than your current
   Anyhoo ... I really enjoyed this latest
   instalment ... and am eagerly awaiting the next
   one. (Is there any chance that Sangrelysia will
   never end?)
   Oh well ... we can only wish.
   Thanks again, Auntie Viv.

   Jun 20, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Good evening, Auntie V;
   You have such a lyrical writing style ... your
   words just flow along ... without apparent effort
   or stress. Personally, I think the combination of
   magic and Mf genres lend itself to your gifts ...
   and I also believe you can exploit those same
   gifts for all they're worth.
   By the way, the above doesn't mean that I don't
   know that writing can often mean tons of sweat and
   loads of emotional energy. Still ... you make it
   look so effortless and almost dreamy. All of
   this is an unmistakeable sign of skill and
   Thank you so much for your gifts to us. We
   readers get so much for so little contribution.

   Jun 20, 2006 - Muzak To My Ears

   You are right about November - I was talking about the
   Presidential in '08 where apparently Hillary is the great
   Democratic hope.
   I'll be surprised if there is a leadership change in congress
   this year.
   Sorry, even if I am a Californian, I can't imagine Pelosi and
   Boxer being in leadership.
   (Opinions are like rectums, everyone has one!)
   Keep writing, wish I could but I sure enjoy the reading

   Jun 20, 2006 - Muzak To My Ears

   It would have been a lot better if you'd kept
   politics out of it.
   The elections are over, there will be another in
   a bit over 2 years.

   Jun 19, 2006 - Muzak To My Ears

   I have read your efforts in the past, have you
   marked in my favorites, and just wanted to thank
   you for practicing your craft in a manner that
   reaches out and not only entertains, but touches
   places, not often reached.
   Thank you,

   Jun 18, 2006 - Muzak To My Ears

   Excellent! I gave your story a 10. At the time I
   voted the score for it was 8.38 and I'm astounded
   it isn't higher. The story is very well written,
   hilarious and sexy. That's a difficult
   combination that would be beyond the abilities of
   the vast majority of writers. I've read several
   of your stories and I think this one is the best.

   Jun 18, 2006 - Katya

   If you had half the fun writing this as me
   reading, you must be a very happy girl
   I'm sure you are a teacher for english
   literature in real life.

   Jun 18, 2006 - Muzak To My Ears

   I would like to get this stuff you are smoking ;)

   Jun 18, 2006 - Muzak To My Ears

   I simply cannot believe the low score for this
   story.....although I should quit being surprised
   how certain types of stories automatically get
   rejected by some readers...(making you wonder why
   they even bother to read them).....nonetheless, I
   thought this a fine, evocative story, well
   written and I personally am glad to have read it!
   Thanks for writing, J

   Jun 17, 2006 - Muzak To My Ears

   I'm sorry that this story has recived such a low
   score. I think it is as good as many I have read
   here that are well in the 9+ range. Some readers
   just don't get it, and unfortunatly there are
   others out to lower authers rating. I did my part
   to raise your score and I hope others read this
   and think the same. It is hard work writing and
   for all those who don't pay, they should at
   least be polite and if they don't like it, fuck
   off! LOL

   Jun 17, 2006 - Muzak To My Ears

   Good evening, Mistress of the Night;
   Aha! Demand a recount. Those other 21 voters
   obviously don't know Excellence when they read
   An intriguing, not totally predictable but
   defintitely an erotic little story, Auntie Viv.
   I enjoyed this one very much.
   Your voting average is only 8 ... and that leads
   me to think there're loads of readers who don't
   know how lucky they are to have you writing your
   Thank you for all the effort you put into this
   one, Viv. Great fun!

   Jun 13, 2006 - Karina

   HOLY GOD!!!
   A story, of what should be the most forbiden
   activity, told with caring sensitivity. One of
   the most captivating short stories that I have
   rea; maybe ever written. Dispite the nature of
   the story I was compelled to rate this as
   An artistic presentation.

   Jun 13, 2006 - The Hot Kitten Cafe

   Difinitly a "9" - Very Good. The inuendo is
   most erotic!

   Jun 13, 2006 - Turn table

   A nice twist to constant theme.
   Now I'm wondering what the agents are thinking,
   and what they will do.

   Jun 12, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Hi Vivian:
   I found the story (not hard, just had to go back to your asstr
   site), so the attached jpeg has a graphical description of what I
   did. Your translation below was pretty close. X2S is "O" and, my
   mistake, +1-3 should have been +1-4, and hence a "D".
   Vivian Darkbloom wrote:
   > Not sure what X2S is... So I'm getting:
   > X1-3, G
   > X2S
   > X2S,
   > +1-3 C
   > +2-2, J
   > X1-3, G
   > +1-2 B
   > Still a bit mystified, I'm afraid.
   > ~~Vivian

   Jun 12, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Hi there, Viv;
   Interesting chapter ... a little bit of cosmology
   ... a little bit of sex(-ual attraction) ... a
   little bit of magic ... a little bit of punning
   ... all to the enjoyment of your readers.
   I know that ... at some point ... this story will
   end ... but Jeeze ... I wish it could go on
   Thanks very much for gifting us with your
   writing. You do such a damn good job of it ...
   and I'm sure I'm not the only one who is a
   devoted admirer.
   And ... the genre's okay, too.

   Jun 11, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Hey Vivian,
   Ah, and she incorporates the "how she doin'
   that" question. That's, what, three times
   stuff I asked about got directly answered in the
   story? Cool! <struts like proud rooster> ;-)
   The techno-magic mix you mention in the blog can
   be tricky. I mean, magic is the art of making
   the impossible happen, largely limited by only
   finding the right rare spell or intuiting the
   proper, unique circumstances. Science sets up
   limits on the possible, but gives rules for
   devising formulas for anything & specializes in
   predicting events. Combining the two either
   makes something completely unworkable or a world
   without any real limitations, neither great for
   storytelling frameworks.
   (I found this out the hard way when a friend gave
   me his RPG system for the techno-magic world he'd
   come up with to develop for him. I had the better
   science background, and he prefered to just
   role-play in that setting, not run it.)
   Well, anyways, sorry to hear the story is drawing
   to a close so soon. I'll just enjoy it while
   it's still here. Thanks for sharing the great

   Jun 11, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   One of your stories involved a visual coding for letters of the
   alphabet. The first one was, as I recall, X where a,b,c,d went
   into the V shaped spaces in the X, starting at the top. To do it
   without the visual code in ASCII (text alone) you specify which
   shape (say X, but since there are two "X's" you must specify
   which one, first or second, and then the position numberically.
   Hence my coding in the message. Less mystification now?
   Vivian Darkbloom wrote:
   > Hi C_____
   > Thank you for your supportive comments about my stories.
   > >>
   > What Fun! X1-3,X2S X2S,+1-3 +2-2, X1-3, +1-2 !
   > <<
   > I confess, I'm completely puzzled. Did I miss something?
   > Thank you for reading...
   > ~~Vivian

   Jun 11, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   still wonder where this will go to m8
   good reading, thanks

   Jun 7, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Hi Vivian,
   Thank you for your prompt and polite reply. I had to smile at
   your response to my comments about Sylvia: you used exactly the
   same sort of words I would have if a reader had made a similar
   comment about one of my characters. The biter bit :-)
   I hadn't noticed the lack of a verb in the sentence I
   highlighted: my word processor is always complaining about the
   same sort of thing. I'm not fixated on verbs. What stuck me was
   that that it read 'clumsily'. Your prose is fluid and flows
   easily off the page into the mind but that sentence didn't, imho.
   I don't want to make a big thing about it and appear to be
   hyper-critical so perhaps I should just shut up.
   I'm glad you have the story mapped out. I wish I was as
   Best regards,
   Vivian Darkbloom writes:
   > Hi C____
   > Thank you for your detailed analysis. I appreciate your
   spending the
   > time, especially since it is a story outside of your preferred
   > As you point out, the opening sentence of chapter 3 has no
   verb. I
   > should probably fix it. I suspect there are many such loose
   > strewn about, but the first sentence, dear me.
   > Sylvia is a precocious one, it's true. Then, growing up in
   > Sangrelysia, you know how it goes. Something about the magic in
   > air, and perhaps time moves along differently, so at age ten
   she might
   > be ahead of other girls you know.
   > The reason for progressively posting chapters to SOL isn't the
   > counts, but the responses. At this point, they're what I need
   to get
   > the story out. The outline is all mapped out already, so it's
   just a
   > matter of keeping the flow of words going, so having reader
   feedback is
   > a helpful way to stay engaged.
   > Thanks for reading, and again for your comments!
   > ~~Vivian

   Jun 5, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Thanks, Auntie Viv.
   "Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to get your heart's
   desire; the
   other is to get it."
   --George Bernard Shaw

   Jun 4, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   This story is interesting and I am enjoying it. I
   think different authors have their unique style
   and there will always be readers who do not like
   this or the other.
   The only critique I have is that this story has
   two dominant characters and you might want to add
   a couple more. Even Roderick, the king etc. are
   weakly defined and characterized next to the the
   magician and Sylvia.
   Focus on the story, add some more characters,
   plots, twists and turns. Most important enjoy

   Jun 4, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Still enjoying this one. Especially with the
   occasional jabs toward traditional Sword and
   Sorcery stories. I'd prefer it that the princess
   be older than 10 but I guess the relationship is
   ok in this universe so who am I to complain. Love
   your descriptions. Ignore those who complain about
   your language.

   Jun 4, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   good, interesting chapter m8
   please do go on, thanks

   Jun 4, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   I do not, as a matter of general course, pay any
   attention to stories involving sex with
   pre-pubescent girls (or boys, come to that). I
   do not score them - I am at one with you on your
   blog point - I simply do not read them. We each
   have our likes and dislikes but imho,
   pre-pubescent sex smacks of child abuse. That,
   however, is my problem, not yours. I have the
   same reaction to torture, snuff, scat and a
   number of other topics though, naturally, not for
   the same reason.
   I do, however, enjoy fantasy - true fantasy born
   of the deep and vivid imagination of the author,
   not the tired and tedious sword-and-sorcery
   rubbish that weighs down the shelves of the local
   bookstore - so I started to read your story. I am
   immensely glad I did for you approach the genre
   with a light and deft hand. Your style is
   oblique, reminding me a bit of Moorcock, though
   less prosey, and others. Your characters are
   nicely drawn, almost pastiches without descending
   into caricature, and you have a sure touch with
   humour. Your descriptions of sex are positively
   scintillating. I get the definite impression
   that this is a story that does not take itself
   too seriously while, at the same time, being a
   jolly good read.
   If I could take the liberty of introducing a
   couple of minor criticisms... The first is that,
   on occasion, your local colour is just a trifle
   heavy-handed and stands out from the rest of your
   delicately-phrased prose. For example, at the
   start of Ch.3 you desribe the smells of the
   market-place. You begin, "The stench of the
   afternoon marketplace of hay...". I felt
   that something like, "The afternoon market-place
   smelt as afternoon market-places always do - of
   hay..." would have been defter. The second
   point relates to Sylvia. I know you have
   explicitly stated she is a 10yo. I feel, perhaps
   incorrectly, that you say that out of habit rather
   than conviction for, by her actions, speech and
   reasoning, she exceeds that age by several years.
   As my alter-ego is currently experiencing his
   third child pass through the teenage years, I
   have to say that Sylvia is not consitent with the
   age she is portayed. 13 I would accept, 12 at a
   long pinch, but not 10. I know this is fantasy,
   but still...
   Having made these minor comments, I would not
   like you to think I do not like the story. I do
   and am looking forward to finding out more about
   the red dragon, the whereabouts of Sylvia's
   parents and the ultimate fate of the wicked King
   - unpleasant I hope.
   Finally, would you permit me to give you a word
   of advice: don't write and post by chapter.
   Write whole sections even if each chapter if
   posted singly. I know continuous posting keeps
   the hit rate up but it can lead to the pitfall of
   churning where the author loses track of the
   overall structure of his/her story and keeps
   churning out the words like a soap-opera. It
   seems to happen to SoL authors with depressing
   regularity. You need to keep your story tight
   and terse, each word being carefully considered
   and laid delicately on the page.
   Forgive me if this is an attempt to teach ones
   mother's mother how to extract the interior of a
   hen's produce by suction.
   Best regards,

   Jun 3, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   As always looking foreward to the next installment
   in this venture. Wonderful use of analogy and

   Jun 3, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Hey Vivian,
   Aha, got both the butterfly & hostage aspects
   attended to! Cool!
   Though, while they wouldn't have love missives,
   there's always spy reports & correspondance
   between co-conspirators -- and <shudder>
   inter-office memos! ;-D An origami shape they
   might use there to hide in plain sight would
   probably be like a beetle, though with a
   corresponding "bug zapper" to act similarly to
   a firewall. (Probably only lets notes thru with
   the correct code or blood splashed on it. Or
   By the way, in your description in the last
   chapter about the metaspheres, it occurs to me to
   ask just HOW Elwrong's spells are working? If
   they are spells she learned in the evil realm,
   wouldn't her casting them in Sangrelysia be like
   trying to run a normal Windows program on a Mac
   (or vice versa)? She's either using local
   spells or has found a way to interface into her
   home metasphere. And since her home sphere
   sounds a lot like a very virus-infected computer
   system, that could do some nasty stuff to "the
   realm of St Lily of the Ashes" (stretched pun,
   based on San, Grey & Lys).
   [Which reminds me. Might the locals give their
   place a nickname, given the name is so long?
   Just curious, since we Pennsylvanians often call
   home "P-A". Maybe they'd say "
   Okay, enough with the probing questions and
   insightful suggestions. <roll eyes> Sorry, I get
   kind of into all these theoretical questions about
   stories I like, especially those dealing with how
   magical or psionic/psychic systems might work.
   (I'm even worse with time travel tales.) Not
   nitpicking or anything, just I seem to equate
   interest with the need to consider the larger
   ramifications of what the author sets up. By how
   much I've written here, looks like you're doing
   a good job! <g>
   Seriously, looking good, madame! Very intriguing
   story. Thanks for sharing this great read!

   Jun 2, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   I like the way you are writing this. Over the top
   descriptions, lots of adjectives and adverbs, and
   quite a bit of humor. I find the setting fun ...
   "ancient" sounding castle but animated door
   knocker asking for credit cards and security
   codes. A young but surprisingly wise sounding
   princess. A wise but surprisingly vulnerable
   wizard. The gaggle of "ladies" in waiting
   asking "are we there yet?"
   Good job

   Jun 2, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Witty, Charismatic and quite entertaining. Keep up with this
   style and you will attain the ranks of fame with the dezins of
   this abode.

   May 31, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   I am enjoying it!

   May 30, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Hi Vivian,
   Nice and interesting.
   Please keep up with your writing of this intrigueing and
   entertaining story.

   May 30, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Sorry that your scores are not what you might wish them to be.
   Your prose is wonderful and your characters witty.
   If I were to guess, I would say that you may have some unpopular
   themes in your stories and you may be whimiscal enough to upset
   some of those who would otherwise be totally enamored of your
   I just read a bit of a couple of your stories and am working
   through Sangrelysia and I love the wizard and his whimiscal
   actions against the sovereign. The same whimsy detracts from the
   intensity of the tale and may hurt your score.
   I think the sex scenes with the young girls may also detract from
   the quality of your work.
   For what it is worth, I know of several of my favorite authors on
   SOL who suffer anguish over the ratings.
   Love the work. Please keep it up.

   May 30, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Heh, King George the Buffoon. Gee, that's not a reference to
   someone we all know and love, is it? >:-D (Now, if the
   Hieronymous and Megan names are also references, not quite
   getting those. Neither the names nor the descriptions seem to
   match the Clintons in any meaningful manner; heck, only thing
   Hieronymous brings to mind for me is Bosch, and his stuff doesn't
   quite fit the imagery of this story.)
   Do have a few questions. One, what about Sylvia's friends, the
   ladies-in-waiting? Pretty sure the liw's weren't actually
   servants, but LADIES, noblewomen from lesser courts, largely
   brought in to act as friends to the royal women (and as hostages
   to their parents' good will).Even if they are not, they are still
   probably almost completely cut off from their families & would
   make good hostages to SYLVIA'S good will, given her close
   friendship (especially if George's cronies ever sniffed out their
   true relationship). They also might just hurt the elf maid for
   spite against him.
   Another question is the security of that little "butterfly
   missive" trick. If this Elwrong (love the name!) is that good,
   might she not be aware of that trick and set up a means to detect
   any those girls get, then follow one back? (Heck, although the
   wizard can't get one, being nameless, Elwrong could send her own
   to Sylvia, either following it, coating it with a poison dust, or
   ((By the way, true 'phoenices' [best guess for plural, based on
   similar ending to "matrix"] do only get reborn at the start of
   each millenium.))
   Oh well, minor concerns. Otherwise, very interesting story. Not
   sure what you mean in the blog about stuff the complainers aren't
   getting (either it all seems obvious to me or I'm too dense to
   even notice it. <g>) However, the ante-chronal doppelgangers have
   me intrigued, and the mysterious orb has all sorts of
   That & I like a magical culture that creates modern-like
   amenities. Neat idea. Given my cooking skills, though, what I
   could use some device hooked to the pantry to cook meals for me,
   maybe some kind of mobile dumbwaiter with heating
   & cooling compartments. :-S
   Thanks for the great story!

   May 29, 2006 - Kylie and Serena

   I was able, without hesitation, to vote "9" - very good - for
   this story. Your introduction emphasuzung "fantacy" let me relax
   [lol] and enjoy.
   Without you describing physical features of your main characters
   I was able to "see" the action as if seated along side.

   May 29, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Yes it is fun to go overboard every now and then. Maybe you
   should look into getting published though, the quality of your
   work certainly merits it.
   I really did enjoy the story and gave it the 10 that I think it

   May 29, 2006 - Mist Opportunities

   oh, how I would love to live in such a wonderful world. thanks
   for sharing your fantasy

   May 29, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   nice magic m8
   good storyline
   please continue

   May 29, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   A little overboard on the political allusions, but overall an
   enjoyable read.
   Keep up the good work.

   May 29, 2006 - Mist Opportunities

   A great story up until the last paragraphs when you went a little
   overbord with the fancy verbal imagery.*grin*
   Other than that, an intriguing tale with an interesting premise.
   Now I'm off to reald more of your works .

   May 29, 2006 - Mist Opportunities

   I did not yet "vote a score" for this story; my emotions are too
   convoluted at this time. I am not certain, but I believe this is
   the first time I have read you.
   This is a well writen story and I could NOT put it down until I
   read each and every word. This story is emotional and pulled
   strongly at my heartstrings; I like it a lot.
   The ending disapointed me. Lee was too cruel to Sarah in the way
   he ravaged her body to satisfy his own lust to find a receptical
   for his semen. In my eye, Lee should have concentrated more on
   Sahah's awakening and enjoyment and brought her
   the needed extasy and feeling of belonging LONG before he shoved
   his large manhood into her tiny sheath.
   I do believe [even in this horribly regulated world] that a young
   girl should be awakened by an older, but very gentle, older man -
   a father figure. A slow and gentle relationship. Lee should
   possibly have attempted to take care of any hurts Sarah suffered
   at the hands of her father.
   Just my thoughts and feelings,
   And thanks for posting this for me.

   May 29, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Outstanding!! More please and soon. Thank you.

   May 28, 2006 - Katya

   A good story but those high-flown words made the story flow a bit
   Keep the words SIMPLE.

   May 27, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   I gave your story a 10, even though I haven't read it in depth,
   but I did like what I saw.
   By turning in such a Lo-o-o-o-n-g first installement you may have
   inadvertently slowed down the votes you could have gotten due to
   people just downloading it to read offline.
   I know I was tempted.
   I hope to give you better feedback later after I've had a chance
   to actually READ it through.

   May 27, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   The 'Interlude" was something else again ... terrifically erotic
   and very sensual. (Those magenta inserts in dark hair are a
   This is quite a story, Viv. I hope it never ends! <laugh>
   Thanks for the latest chapters.

   May 26, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Just excellent, really loved the humour and the overall idea. I
   love your lanaguage too. I think you lost the pacing a little bit
   near the end but that depends a bit on where you go with the next
   chapters. Keep it up!

   May 20, 2006 - Mist Opportunities

   Oh my, I loved this story, especially the prose.
   "...brutishly tickling her briny bitter inner sliminess with his
   sensitive tongue
   "...thick hairy snake, wild and animalistic as it emerged from
   its dark curly lion's mane, rearing its stiff head in solid
   "...urgent urge, a furious fucking rage to tear open their most
   secret insides and lay bare before the open knife of searing
   incision the built up longing and repression.
   Urgent urge, that is a classic. I think you could win the
   Bulwer-Lytten contest with those lines. lol.
   Thanks for sharing your story

   May 19, 2006 - Kylie and Serena

   Another winner. This one is nicely sensuous, from start to

   May 19, 2006 - PED XING

   That was X-actly what I though it was going to be.

   May 19, 2006 - PED XING

   Amusing... in a twisted way :-)
   Punchline needs a bit more... something though.
   Lacks punch.

   May 19, 2006 - PED XING


   May 19, 2006 - PED XING

   Now there are a set of puns worthy of Xanth. An X rated Xanth...

   May 18, 2006 - Turntable

   LOL! Nice little twist. Very different from the style of "cinema

   May 15, 2006 - Katya

   What _were_ you smoking when you wrote this? ROTFL! It's really
   hard to choke the chicken while chortling. Gnostic scriptures,
   alliteration, Lovecraft and purple romance?

   May 15, 2006 - Jasmin

   outstanding story.....

   May 14, 2006 - Jasmin

   A terrific mix of sex, humour and love ... erm ... or something
   like that!
   Actually, this has been a thoroughly enjoyable read, though it
   was marred by a couple of missing words here and there. I think
   your editor is due for a round of severe chastisment.
   Still ... a lot of fun and some truly sensual descriptions.
   Thanks a bunch for the pleasure, Aunt V. As always, we readers
   are the lucky ones.

   May 14, 2006 - Jasmin

   Very good story, are you planning on going anywhere with it? With
   all the loose ends, I see several possibilities.

   May 14, 2006 - Jasmin

   A lovely romp. Thanks!

   May 14, 2006 - Jasmin

   Cool story. I hope you do more in a similar vein.

   May 13, 2006 - Jasmin

   A real writer you be. You should publish this. Plot, decent POV,
   intrigue, sex and a fun resolution.

   May 12, 2006 - Jasmin

   A wonderful story! I had for some reason skipped over it on your page, I am glad you posted it here. Thanks for sharing
   it with us.

   May 12, 2006 - Jasmin

   I've read this story some time back somewhere else, and it's so
   nice to find it on SOL. funny, romantic, phantastic !

   May 12, 2006 - Jasmin

   Well, out of pure boredom I started to read this, and it is
   actually very nice! Amusing too. Nice work.

   Apr 30, 2006 - Turntable

   Okay, I had to sneak a peak at another of your stories and picked
   this one.
   This one made me laugh loud and long, bringing my wife in to see
   what was so funny.
   "Nothing, dear," I said, relieved she wasn't wearing her glasses.
   It'll take hours for me to stop grinning.

   Apr 30, 2006 - Invasion of the Bawdy Snatches

   Wel, that was fun, and damn funny! It certainly had me chuckling
   a lot. Thanks for that.

   Apr 29, 2006 - Invasion of the Bawdy Snatches

   That was so cool.

   Apr 29, 2006 - Invasion of the Bawdy Snatches

   Thanks for this one. I think that I read it on your site ...
   'cause the punch line is still a hoot!

   Apr 28, 2006 - Invasion of the Bawdy Snatches

   Oh my, too funny. I laughed my way through that. And the ending
   line was pure poetry...Thin mint?
   You have a fantastic sense of humor and a great gift with the
   written word.

   Apr 28, 2006 - Invasion of the Bawdy Snatches

   Thank you for a fun story. Fits well with the Kenny, Frank, and
   Russ Girl Scout Nookie collection over at

   Apr 28, 2006 - Invasion of the Bawdy Snatches

   Very interesting story line. Some of the lines sort of reminded
   me of some Monty Python skits. Kepp up the great work.

   Apr 28, 2006 - Invasion of the Bawdy Snatches

   Miss Darkbloom this was a very cool bit of fun.
   Good humor and just a lil touch of kink. Thanks
   much and I plan to see what else I find of yours.

   Apr 24, 2006 - Turn Table

   That quote about the law enforcement authorities having the
   BIGGEST stash of child porn is actually right.
   What you apparently DON'T get, is that the laws against adults
   having sex with children are NOT about protecting the children!
   They are about women and men in marriages, not wanting some
   teenybopper or younger to steal their husband or
   wife away from her or him.
   Basically, it is ALL jealousy on the part of the women and men
   involved, because children up to about the age of 7 CANNOT get
   pregnant, unless they are some freakishly advanced child.
   There is the consideration of sexual disease, but children who
   are sexually active are no more in danger from that than adults

   Apr 23, 2006 - Katya

   It would be a lot easier to read this without the complex
   adjectives describing situations and body parts. Just my 2 cents
   worth. :-)

   Apr 23, 2006 - Katya - chapter 5

   This chapter brings your story to a wonderful close. Any time I
   think that you are getting a little too florid, you pull it back
   ... and move the characters along.
   Of course, I was very much taken by the mention of the girl scout
   cookies at the end. Quite a zinger!
   Thanks very much for all your effort and work. Our roles as
   readers are made so much easier by your writings.

   Apr 23, 2006 - Katya

   A delightful story delightfully told!
   I especially enjoyerd the alliterative "luxuriated in lascivious
   It is such a pleasure to find someone writing in this genre who
   is also literate.
   Please write more

   Apr 22, 2006 - Katya

   Sorry you're not getting higher scores. Your writing is great!
   However, as I always say:
   "Eclectic husbandry of sesquepedalia precludes dysphasia."
   Or, on the other hand, most readers on this site might need a
   Keep it up, I like your style. It's very refreshing. Don't sweat
   the scores.

   Apr 21, 2006 - 

   I feel I must offer you praise, if only for one
   me an excuse to feel like less of a dirty pervert. I can read
   your stories and pretend I am reading something of literary value
   rather than just cheap purient thrills. That said, I did find
   myself scratching my head as to why you as a woman would play so
   completely into the hidden desires of hot-blooded heterosexual
   men. What guy out there doesn't dream of finding a cute,
   innocent, yet sensual girl who waiting for them only to share her
   deepest sexual fantasies with. My latest conclusion is that
   there's a level of intentional perversity going on here, that
   there's a part of you who's writing these stories merely to press
   some of the most sensitive buttons you can think of. That said I
   must commend you for having girls who are the initiators of all
   the delicious action that occurs in these pages but also for
   writing characters that have a healthy sexuality and are not
   being forced/suffering from ! abuse or lack of self
   esteem/looking for money or status. I will end by thanking you
   for sharing your stories with us, I check back often for new
   ones. And keep on pressing those buttons, I know I like having
   mine pressed very much ;)

   Apr 15, 2006 - 

   best wishes from europe

   Apr 14, 2006 - Hot Kitten Cafe

   Since I see that you are re-doing some of your stories and
   re-posting others puuuleeeeeaaaase consider a sequal to Hot
   Kitten Cafe... simply the hottest erotic story I've ever read. If
   you do... ... ...I'd... I'd be your best friend!

   Apr 13, 2006 - Katya - chapter 4

   Priceless ... absolutely priceless, Auntie Viv!
   Ah ... an excellent chapter ... continuing this story line. I
   know that you fashion and sculpt your writing ... but I do hope
   the next instalment is in the hopper.
   Thanks for the entertainment and the pleasure.

   Apr 9, 2006 - Lydia

   Very very naughty indeed I must say , ah yes that was the point.
   Well then it was perfectly done. Enchore Please

   Apr 9, 2006 - Lydia

   pls continue

   Apr 9, 2006 - Lydia

   Wow, Vivian, I think that's the hotest yet. I gave you a "10" and
   you deserve it. Good story.

   Apr 9, 2006 - Karina

   Great story. Thank you for these beautiful pages.

   Apr 8, 2006 - Lydia

   Vivian, again a great story, like the build up and the finish.
   Enjoy the naughtiess with out the guilt. Very good.

   Apr 8, 2006 - Lydia

   Love the story and hope too find more of your stories. Keep up
   the good wrok , how can i find more of your stories

   Apr 8, 2006 - Karina

   Lyrical and written without the rude bludgeons of stroke porn.
   This is how a love story should be written. For me it is more
   moving than the usual blow by blow descriptions of panting sex.

   Apr 7, 2006 - Reelin' in Iraq

   Congratulations on having written one of the stories I would have
   liked to write
   (if I had the talent).
   I'm a long-retired scientist/engineer
   who started working on ballistic missiles in the 1950s (Atlas,
   Titan, and Thor), did semiconductor manaufacturing and research,
   designed early airbreathing missiies and the 2nd generation
   computer for Trident missile subs. Along the way I'd done
   artillery fuzes, spook recon stuff, and wound up doing military
   space stuff. What that adds up to is a lot of military toymaking,
   a lot of interaction with high level planners (up to 3 star), and
   a healthy respect for what can and cannot be done by military
   In the end, very few of the world's problems should be dealt with
   in a military fashion! I was building a generations of toys to
   avoid the need to use them. I am a pacifist, complete with
   standing on the corner with a candle and placard. The present
   junta running the U nited States is a bunch of crazies, who
   misunderstand warfare and its few uses.
   You wrote a better Iraq story than I would have for several
   reasons, one of which is that I would no be so restrained. My
   extended family (I welcome with open arms all who join by
   marriage) has Protestant, Catholic, Wiccan, Sunni, Shia, Kurd
   I love them all, and cannot bide intolerance. Naturally, the folk
   in my large tribe tend toward the more tolerant of their
   respective beliefs.
   So you can see why I think that writing barrier-lowering
   literature is one of the higher callings.
   Congratulations and thank you.

   Apr 7, 2006 - Lydia

   Great. I'm sorry that it's not part of a longer story. You only
   fufilled to of the 9 possibilities ;-}

   Apr 6, 2006 - Karina

   Just got through re-reading Katrina. Like it before and it's even
   better now. I enjoy your stories as you paint such graphic, yet
   subtle pictures of what is going on. As a photographer, who found
   he could write, I really enjoy this. Many writers just can't
   convey the images they are trying to provide. You are the
   exception and I do enjoy the adult/girl situations. Keep up the
   good work. Thanks again.

   Apr 5, 2006 - Turntable

   Turn Table has always been a favorite or mine. I always liked it
   and have often gone back to re-read it on Asstr. Other songs for
   you to consider in future stories are songs by KoRn. They're
   lyrics often include things about children. Daddy, Mr. Rogers,
   Trash; are some I think you may enjoy.

   Apr 3, 2006 - 

   After the stories I've read (most recently Cinema Sin), you are
   absolutely and totally my favorite artist on ASSTR. Just thought
   you might like to know

   Apr 1, 2006 - Kylie and Serena

   Excellent. A 10.

   Apr 1, 2006 - Kylie and Serena

   very good.I enjoyed it

   Apr 1, 2006 - Kylie and Serena

   Vivian, very nice story got me going and got me hard as I read
   the story. Nice. It seems that stories are more erotic if written
   by a woman, and a mature women even hotter. I cann't wait to read
   the rest of your stories and get some relief.

   Apr 1, 2006 - Turntable

   I just wonder why this wonderful story has such a low score.

   Mar 31, 2006 - Kylie and Serena

   The delightful part of this story is that the two little girls
   have set in motion actions that this grown man is almost
   powerless to prevent.
   But what your story misses is that these two little girls must
   (eventually) discover that their resulting pleasure is so
   addictive that they must return to his cock every day or two. As
   you extend this story to rectify your oversight, perhaps he can
   somehow inform his young charges that this is something that a
   great percentage of adults do frequently with great urgency, and
   that pregnancy occasionally results therefrom!

   Mar 31, 2006 - Kylie and Serena

   Mmmm. Excellent story. Now if it had just been Daddy/daughter and
   young friend . . . :-)

   Mar 31, 2006 - Kylie and Serena

   You have some great stories and this is another to add to your
   collection. Thanks.

   Mar 29, 2006 - Turntable

   I laughed my ass off!!!

   Mar 24, 2006 - Turntable

   Very clever.

   Mar 24, 2006 - Reelin' in Iraq

   An excellent story so I gave it a 10.

   Mar 24, 2006 - Thanksgiving

   I just wanted to tell you how much I love your story
   "Thanksgiving," and make one request:
   Please, more incest! A little girl with her own Daddy, or a
   little girl with her Daddy and Mommy, or at least with Mommy
   knowing and approving--how sweet and wonderful and natural and
   right that is.

   Mar 21, 2006 - Cinema Sin

   Wow. Almost overdid it with the flowery prose, but a really great
   story. Very different take on the older man / younger girl theme,
   romantic and hot all at the same time.
   Great read. Thanks.

   Mar 19, 2006 - Cinema Sin

   Was this a banned entry from the Bulwer-Lytton writing contest? A
   little too purple for my taste, but it *does* follow the style.
   Write on!

   Mar 19, 2006 - 

   Hi Auntie
   I blundered upon your site just a few months ago, and have
   mightily enjoyed it. There is just something...uh...fecundmellow
   about it.

   Mar 18, 2006 - Cinema Sin

   too much flowery prose - should be writing for a culinary revue

   Mar 18, 2006 - Cinema Sin

   You try way, way, WAY too hard! Just write in plain English. Your
   plot seems fine, but your attempts at "flowery" language fail
   pathetically. This misuse of language distracts the reader and
   detracts from the story.

   Mar 18, 2006 - Cinema Sin

   Your intent was good but your massive use of the intellect to
   purvey your message was at best ... a miss. I lost interest by
   the tenth paragraph.
   I'm sorry to say I didn't finish your story. Being an author on
   SOL I have received many e-mails detailing the reader's dislike
   of a chapter or even the ending. I normally wouldn't send one
   like this but I felt complelled.

   Mar 18, 2006 - Cinema Sin

   Excellent story line. Done very good, with just the right amount
   of humor.

   Mar 18, 2006 - Katya

   Despite my critique, Cinema Sin was good enough that I went to
   your page and looked up this one. This one never quite goes over
   the top, just
   peeks over the crest from time to time. Since Cinema Sin shows up
   as a new tale or an update, I figure it was something of an
   experiment, trying to push a little harder.
   The sex scenes in both manage to be both allusive and very hot.
   And they bring back my regret that the one time an underager came
   on to adult me I fended her off as gracefully as I could.

   Mar 18, 2006 - Cinema Sin

   Good writing, initially taken to excess. Later, when you tone it
   down a wee bit, the reader gets a chance to breathe and pays more
   attention to the characters and story without so many of the
   sentences shouting "Look at me!"
   Your lead paragraph is an example of what Clifton Fadiman
   (writing of Faulkner) once called the "nonstop, or life,
   sentence." Marathon sentences can work, in context (cf Faulkner,
   Henry James, Dwight MacDonald...and even Paige Turner [who only
   tried it once, and to good effect]), but as a lead it flags the
   saying "You're gonna have some work ahead of you"--not inviting.
   Back in college I was working on a novel that got similarly
   florid. A friend, reading it, said "You gotta go read some
   Hemingway--as a douche."
   (On the other hand, you look like you're going to actually finish
   this novel -- mine petered out over the ensuing several years.)
   And by the way, it's spelled "Oedipal."
   But, as I said at the beginning, basically good stuff, that gets
   better as it goes along. I've been a professional writer and
   editor for 40+ years (non-fiction), and I wouldn't bother if I
   didn't actually like what you're doing right.
   Is the vagueness about the protagonist's age deliberate? It's a
   slightly different story if he's 19, or 39, or 59.

   Mar 18, 2006 - Cinema Sin

   Another beautiful story, Auntie V.
   Gosh ... but you write this stuff well. I especially liked that
   final reference to the Wizard and the Princess ... but then I am
   waiting for you to finish that story, too.
   I thoroughly enjoyed the interplay between the (assumed) older
   man and the younger girls ... but had to remind myself that this
   was fantasy ... and should be left as such. <grin>
   Thanks very much for the story ... and all your other work, as

   Mar 17, 2006 - Katya

   just a great story i hope you write more soon.

   Mar 13, 2006 - Katya

   this is a excellent series carnt wait for the next one well done.

   Mar 12, 2006 - Katya

   I love your use of language in all your work ...not just this
   story. You, dear lady are one of my favorite authors and have
   been for quite some time.

   Mar 12, 2006 - Karina

   fantastic - more

   Mar 12, 2006 - Katya

   can't wait !!!!

   Mar 12, 2006 - Katya

   hey i luv ur work!! keep it up! :D

   Mar 12, 2006 - Karina

   It is nice to read a story that is not unrealistic and is
   pleasent for both parties in the equation. I am of the opinion
   that people should be taught the skills that they will need in
   life, when they ask the question of a person whom they trust will
   teach them in the proper manner, no matter what those skills are.
   To be honest with a young person is always the policy, as deceit
   only breeds more deceit.

   Mar 12, 2006 - Katya

   We thought it was cute using the biblical conitations with
   someone else's discriptions of what was writtin...and then in his
   minds eye all the things that tanspired as well, and then there
   is the " rerward for being a " good 7 faithful"
   servent...that was really good !! Thank you Miss Vivian..we
   appreciated that alot..have a great week...

   Mar 10, 2006 - Reelin' in Iraq

   Thank you!
   I cried. This story so reminded me of the "little" girl I could
   not bring back with me from Viet Nam...

   Mar 10, 2006 - Reelin' in Iraq

   Very good story, but it was over all too soon.

   Mar 10, 2006 - Katya

   Great effort! More please.

   Mar 10, 2006 - Katya

   Good start. Cannot wait until the next chapter.

   Mar 10, 2006 - Reelin' in Iraq

   Lovely, simply lovely. My attraction to stories about children is
   generally based upon my pantie fetish . . . a longing to
   experience my first orgasm yet again . . . and . . . what? To be
   that child seduced with sensuality and affection and LOVE. A love
   that I never had or have had.
   You gave/give me that for which I am grateful.
   Thank you.

   Mar 10, 2006 - Reelin' in Iraq

   Damn girl...You even took time to research for an erotic story.
   Very well done and amazingly hot without being vulgar A perfect

   Mar 10, 2006 - Reelin' in Iraq

   except for the obvious bush hatinng it was a decent enough story

   Mar 10, 2006 - Reelin' in Iraq

   Nice story, even better sentiments!

   Mar 6, 2006 - Katya

   That was one of the most erotic things I have read in a while .
   Please post more of this story. Thanks for the read.

   Mar 4, 2006 - Katya

   Very good so far

   Mar 2, 2006 - Katya

   dont leave us hanging

   Mar 2, 2006 - Katya

   Excellent start,looking forward to further chapters. Keep up the
   great writing.

   Mar 2, 2006 - Katya

   Excellent, so far. Please let me know when you continue the

   Feb 26, 2006 - School of Tender Rockers

   loved the idea of a grown man the reluctant toy of so many young
   ladies. your writing is very captivating. would love reading

   Feb 24, 2006 - School of Tender Rockers

   great imagination!

   Feb 24, 2006 - School of Tender Rockers

   Very erotic,just like your other offerings. You have some
   imagination and a way with words. Thanks for the great reads.

   Feb 24, 2006 - School of Tender Rockers

   A very good quick stroke story. Thanks

   Feb 23, 2006 - Karina

   Beautiful story. I could almost thing I was there. I'd give you a
   10, but don't see a place to score. You scored big with me on
   this one.

   Feb 23, 2006 - School of Tender Rockers

   what an imagination!

   Feb 13, 2006 - Karina

   What a beautiful love story. Thank You

   Feb 13, 2006 - Karina

   I have seldom been so move and tittilated by an online story.
   Congratulations on a great story.

   Feb 13, 2006 - Karina

   Just a reiteration of my review of this story:
   Think early John Crowley - say "Engine Summer". The plot isn't
   much, though probably enough for a story this short - somewhere
   between a romance and an obsession. The characters are well
   The strength of this story is the words. They are like paintings,
   alternately vivid and subtle. There are a few rough spots that a
   really good editor could fix up, but the editor would have his
   work cut out for him to repair the minor glitches without hurting
   the quality of the prose.
   Not a story for everyone due to both the writing style and the
   subject matter, but for those who like this sort of writing it's

   Feb 12, 2006 - Karina

   You sure use a lot of similes and metaphors, but I still gave it
   a ten.

   Feb 11, 2006 - Karina

   Well written and hot too.

   Feb 11, 2006 - Karina

   You have a flare for putting a subject in the right
   prospective.Will watch for your next effort.

   Feb 11, 2006 - Karina

   I saw this as a gentle shared experience between two beings. take
   away all convention and it was a real love story.Thank you!!!.

   Feb 10, 2006 - Karina

   Oh that was beautifull and so sensitive. I am sure it is 100%
   from your imagination. Oh yeh?
   Is there anymore to it?
   Thank you.

   Feb 10, 2006 - Karina

   I do remember reading on your site ... but it was better this
   time around. I will be forever grateful for the metaphor of the
   'million cherry blossoms'. That certainly is an image worth
   Society's disapproval of the context of this story makes the
   argument for fantasy even stronger.
   Thanks very much for the pleasure of this story.

   Feb 10, 2006 - Karina

   delicious !!

   Feb 10, 2006 - Karina

   ps: this is my FIRST time at commenting on any story, and I'm a
   long time reader/bumbling writer.

   Feb 7, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Hi Auntie Vi;
   Noticed your new posts in ASSM ... and came here to read them.
   Marvellous imaginery ... especially in Chapter 13 (?). Damn ... I
   can't remember the chapter numbers.
   Anyhoo ... very, very enjoyable ... and I'm glad to see the
   wizard and the princess together in bed. That moves that element
   of the story along as well.
   As always, thanks for writing and posting your work. We readers
   really enjoy it.

   Feb 4, 2006 - 

   Wow! Very nice writing. Yummy.

   Jan 28, 2006 - 

   Auntie Viv, ROTFLMAO!
   I try to send this again. I went to copy my text, and my comment
   box disappeared.
   So I was saying that I was remiss in my last website update in
   missing you. My site gets a major overhaul on Groundhog day.
   Actually that's the day I'm loading the revised pages, and this
   time I did add you.
   This is what I had to say:
   Vivian Darkbloom
   On ASSTR at -
   This is one of the authors I most admire! Gutsy! While she enjoys
   her Science Fiction, this Lady tackles some subjects that would
   probably have the Moron Majority (or Moral Mafia) knocking at her
   Thanks for making me a more daring writer!

   Jan 23, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   I've just finished Chapter 12 ... and I'm sure I'm only going to
   repeat what your other readers have already said. This is a
   thoroughly enjoyable and enchanting read. Frankly, I'd like to be
   able to put off reading any more until you're done ... but I
   So ... your ever loyal readership remains hungry for more ...
   more ... more.
   Thanks for what you've given us so far.

   Jan 12, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   Good morning, Auntie V;
   Just read the latest chapter of your Sangrelysia story. I do hope
   there's another on its way very soon. I am sure that I'm not the
   only who has 'complained' ... but that's what you get when you
   write stories of this calibre. The better you write, the more we
   Readers are such insatiable types. <grin>
   Thanks for writing for us.

   Jan 4, 2006 - Sangrelysia

   I've just finished Chapter 9 of Sangrelysia. This is an excellent
   story ... on a couple of different levels. (There are, of course,
   some elements of Piers Anthony.)
   I do thank you for writing this ... and encourage you to continue
   writing chapters. The wait for the next ones will be too long,
   Thanks ... entertaining your readers is, I hope, a joyful task.

   Dec 26, 2005 - 

   Precious Auntie!
   I really can't decide which of your writings I apreciate better,
   the 'prurient' or the political ones, seriously!
   I bow deeply to your talent.

   Dec 24, 2005 - Girl Love

   "I would rather fail in a cause that someday will triumph than to
   win in a cause that I know someday will fail." -- Woodrow Wilson

   Dec 20, 2005 - Hot Kitten Cafe

   By the way did you catch any of the reviews of Lolita on its
   50th? My God, its just as if we were back in 1950 and nothing had
   changed. Well, of course there have been changes but mostly for
   the worse.
   I want you to know that Ive thought long and hard before writing
   to you again about Hot Kitten Cafe but I cant leave it alone. I
   re-read it today and I always have the impression that there are
   interesting shadows moving in the story just at the limits of my
   peripheral vision.
   The story is perfect, still at the top of my list, an erotic
   crank that turns my motor in unbearably delightful ways but, but,
   I would, so like to have a portrayal of what happens next. It
   wouldnt hurt the original at all I have rationalized, so you
   could make an addition without harming anything that came before.
   But I wonder do you hold this tale in as high regard? Do you
   think you could set the ethereal mood again? If you would be
   tempted I would be ecstatic to devour the words slipping Sapphire
   into Ezeriah as he in turn but, really any direction you felt
   like taking the boy and girls would be welcome.
   If it will sweeten my request in the slightest I am posting a
   story of my own on ASST, tonight if all goes well, entitled,
   Queen Sacrifice. And so thats my best pitch. Please dont feel
   pressed by any of this youve already rung the gong as far as Im

   Dec 5, 2005 - Sangrelysia

   Love "Sangrelysia." Nice political allegory, complete with a
   "bumbling King George." Looking forward to more.
   Keep your tongue burried squarely in your cheek.

   Dec 2, 2005 - 

   Hello....I just wanted to tell you how wonderful you writing is.
   It makes my heart sing just reading your stories. I hope you're
   going to add more stories to your website. Thank you again.

   Nov 26, 2005 - 

   how different,very captivating,your feelings flow; like the wind
   in the fall, when blowing through the multi flavored leaves, not
   knowing where you send me,one leaf to the next;;;;;;

   Nov 24, 2005 - Hot Kitten Cafe

   I had to write to say that The Hot Kitten Café is the best
   erotic story, by at least an order of magnitude, that I've ever
   read. All your other stories are erudite, imaginative and
   elegantly written but HKC has an erotic tension as no other that
   has passed beneath my eyes. The story kind of roots around inside
   you evoking feelings for 'more' while at the same time I found
   myself not wanting to spoil the mood by having even one more
   added word.
   It's the kind of layered story that you want to re-read as soon
   as you finish it the first time. The characters are more nuanced
   than hammered out, the social dynamic changing, people and
   vectors coming and going in and out of focus: Not a single word
   wasted! For some reason it kept reminding me of the movie Night
   of the Hunter with Robert Mitchum.
   I suppose what makes the story so compelling is that I was always
   one step behind. As I savored and 'unwrapped' each development
   some new glance or word was drawing me away, my task unfinished.
   You veer off e.g. the 'blue cheek', the tea leaves, instructing
   and torturing the reader at the same time. And the whole ending
   with the imagery of the catls tail, as I pictured it, erect,
   twitching impatiently back and forth left me restless and
   unsatisfied: Perfect!

   Nov 22, 2005 - Karina

   You obviously have fun writing this stuff, which is good.
   One thing occurs to me as I read your stories though -
   "Passersby stared at me curiously as I stood facing a haphazard
   diagonal, staring intently ahead of me in the dusk twilight. In
   lonely absence, her aura haunted me as the fading warmth of the
   day. While I thought to myself that, just maybe, I was feeling
   the way she had felt, that very last time I saw her, standing in
   that same spot, facing the same direction, at a bizarre angle to
   the flow of traffic, ignoring the absent stares of orthogonally
   half-drunk voyagers in bright tacky warm-weather clothes, feeling
   the warm roughness of the sandy cement against the soles of my
   bare feet."
   It seems too much - as if the story is groaning under the weight
   of its own self-importance. Good writing for me is light and
   snappy. I would never write anything like the paragraph I've
   quoted, mainly because I don't have the ability, but also because
   I write with a reader in mind. I want to transport them to the
   world I've created, not impress them with my use of language. The
   story is king - cut, cut, cut - murder your babies.
   Sorry, got carried away there. Very impressive all the same.

   Nov 20, 2005 - A Badly Writin Sex Story

   I especially liked the ridiculously written sex story!

   Nov 3, 2005 - 

   I'm not sure this email will get to you, or if you want them to.
   But I write to let you know how much I enjoy your work. Your
   writing not only shows all the sensual delight in the subject
   matter, but also revels the respect and concern for characters
   much of the world would refuse to believe. I?m rapidly becoming
   your biggest fan and I hope to read, enjoy, and learn from your
   future stories.

   Oct 18, 2005 - 

   i Love your stories...and the making-people-happy viewpoint
   behind them.

   Oct 12, 2005 - 

   I love your stories. The one about Iraq was beautiful, I'd love
   to read a sequel to that one. Gorgeous style.

   Oct 8, 2005 - 

   I somehow browsed ASSTR and found your delightful page. Your
   philosophy is refreshing, for which I thank you.

   Oct 5, 2005 - 

   love your stories.the way you write ,i can just visulize what is
   going on.i look forward to reading more of your stories.

   Oct 4, 2005 - Sangrelysia

   I've just started to read "Sangrelysia" ... and this is going to
   be a good one! I'll keep an eye on ASSM ... to check on new
   Please continue writing. We readers are unanimous in our opinion
   that ... as Tony the Tiger would have said ... you're great!
   Thanks for writing

   Oct 2, 2005 - 

   I enjoy your stories very much. I think these are written with
   style and caring.

   Oct 1, 2005 - 

   "Y'all" meaning you are from the south or Oklahoma? (which is
   where I am from)Not many people outside of OK have I heard use
   that expression. Back to your stories, interesting concepts,
   could be more in-depth (I think that is a personal preference on
   my part), all-in-all good work

   Oct 1, 2005 - A Badly Writin Sex Story

   I LOVE the bad writing story. It had all of my pet peeves, lol. I
   hope you didn't use any of my stories as inspiration...

   Sep 22, 2005 - A Badly Writin Sex Story

   So you're more interesting than most, quirky, funny, pretentious
   in that unpretentious sort of way, amusing, even (and I say this
   meaning no disrespect) literary. I just wish you'd stop making
   fun of my editors, or the fact that my penis has to bend at the

   Sep 22, 2005 - 

   leave politics out of your stories

   Sep 22, 2005 - A Badly Writin Sex Story

   This story is hysterical! (or at least I was, while reading it!)
   thanks for posting it

   Sep 22, 2005 - A Badly Writin Sex Story

   Here we go again!
   I got up late and wanted to speed things along by eating
   breakfast while I checked the stories in the Moderation Center.
   But noooooooooo!
   YOU had to go post "A Badly Writin Sex Story" last night, and I
   had to read ALL of it before I approved it, and I couldn't eat
   while I was reading or I'd have spewed breakfast all over the
   And not only that, you made me sit here and ask, "WHY DIDN'T I
   Over and over.
   Ad nauseum.
   Until it went out at ten after the hour.
   I hope you're happy!
   'Cause I sure am. Damned good..

   Sep 20, 2005 - 

   Loved your work!

   Sep 16, 2005 - 

   Magnificent job formatting and the slow building to a gentle
   climax. Your knack for prose is superb!

   Sep 13, 2005 - 

   VIVIAN-read more of your stories-enjoyed the hawaian girl so
   much- uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu turn me on and i get so moist
   reading what uuuuuuuuuuuuuu have-

   Sep 12, 2005 - 

   uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu are such a great writter am so pleased and
   thrilled to read your stories

   Sep 10, 2005 - 

   Viv, you and the likes of you, though creative and having a
   modicum of skills, are the scourge of the earth. Your palate's
   hunger to demonize MANkind and bring forth heretical thoughts for
   possible blossom fortunately will always be confined to a
   minority of "impossibilists", or atheists. Now we are in "the end
   days", and lucky for you that you may well see it all. That is
   your fondest wish; is it not.

   Sep 10, 2005 - Karina

   I just loved your story entitled Karina. Never have I read a
   sweeter and more fulfilling tale of rapturous girllove. My only
   problem was the unexpected sexual maturity of a precotious girl
   so young. But it's exciting to imagine that there might be such a
   girl out there...somewhere, just waiting for the caring
   insightful lover to come around. From your bio, I can well expect
   you might have enjoyed more than a few sapphic trysts with your
   preteen converts.
   Keep up the good work, Vivian. I'm just loving it.

   Sep 5, 2005 - Cinema Sin

   It's all YOUR fault!
   All I wanted to do was scan through your post to make sure that
   it wasn't screwed up like a couple of the others (new server
   still has some bugs in it) and I found myself READING THE WHOLE
   THING before I approved it.
   Now I'm behind, and it's all because you wrote such a nicely
   engaging, erotic little story that was fun to read!

   Aug 8, 2005 - 


   Aug 5, 2005 - Karina

   I have just read Karina. What can I say? Thank you. It's so
   delightful to read something that's easily two orders better than
   what's circulating around a.s.s. or these days. It's
   reminiscent of days long gone:
   ah yes, those were truly memorable times, before Usenet got so
   tragically diluted.
   Karina is just refreshingly good. It's simply so good that I'm
   willing to overlook the tense shifting, or expressions like
   "burgeoning codpiece" and "curving steel-edged ironwood root."
   You will have to take me on my word that this is unspeakably high
   praise from me indeed.
   Karina struck a chord with me. It left me with that feeling one
   gets after a truly remarkable film: introspective, and both
   satisfied yet profoundly empty because it's over. A rare gift, to
   be sure. Karina's one major flaw is that it's a short story and
   not a 1000 page novel.
   The best part is that you have more stories. I'm tempted, but no,
   I won't read them all in one night.
   I have also read your short essay titled "Girl Love." There is
   plenty to be said, but that discourse can wait for another time.
   It's late and I wanted to send this comment before bed. If I
   don't do it now, I never will.
   Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I am genuinely happy to see
   that no Microsoft products were used in the creation of your
   site. It might be reasonable to assume then that you're a Mac
   user. If that's the case,
   don't worry, I won't hold it against you. Nobody's perfect.

   Aug 5, 2005 - 

   Great stories!! Love to read about girls with girls!!

   Aug 3, 2005 - 

   I really enjoyed the non-fiction writing on girl love. Yes, have
   to admit that I have seen some very cute 9- to 10-year olds that
   I would like to get up close and personal with. However, with all
   the taboos I would never even try such a thing.
   Maybe that's why I enjoy reading about cross generational sex and
   love. Your story about the guy and his pre-teen lover in the
   tropics was great. The story, while fiction, had some truth to
   it. Wonder how many couple would love to give their kid to
   someone else to be with.

   Aug 1, 2005 - Katya

   I enjoyed the story of the little girl and the babysitter having
   sex in the bathroom. I can't decide if I like to read about
   little girls and older men or little boys and older women but
   both are exciting. Thanks for sharing your writing talent.

   Jul 23, 2005 - 

   Thank you Vivian for you sweet erotic tales of young girls
   enjoying their sexuality.
   I enjoy reading and imagining myself in them.
   I enjoy that they are non violent and consentual.
   You write with an amaising beauty and your stories are never
   I can realy see your characters in my minds eye. They seem very
   I eagerly await your next sexy tale!
   Please keep up the good work.

   Jul 17, 2005 - 

   My -goodness-, you have an exquisite talent with words. I'd be
   surprised to learn you don't write (in some capacity)
   professionally. I don't often think to send in comments, but I've
   just read Thanksgiving, and it was captivating from start to
   finish. I think I'm off to read some more. Thanks for sharing
   your gift.

   Jul 13, 2005 - 

   hi! I really love your stories. especially the younger girls with
   older men. I dont know where you get your ideas but its great to
   hear others have the same interest I do.

   Jul 7, 2005 - 

   I found your stories while browsing through ASSTR, and I
   sincerely like your writings. I've even thought much of the same
   thing about those PED XING signs... All your stories have made me
   laugh, while doing that other job. *wink*wink*
   Just so you know, this is the first time I've bothered to write
   any of the authors I've read. Your work is so different from all
   the other stuff I've read. It's quite refreshing to read an
   author who not only knows where to put their "they're"s and their
   "their"s, but aside from grammar, your work takes a radically
   different viewpoint on the whole issue, it's something I can't
   quite describe. Possibly something about the fact that you have
   no problem including that kind of humor in this kind of a story.
   I don't know; I don't feel like writing an essay about it... but
   I like it.
   Thank you, and please carry on whatever it is that you're doing.

   May 19, 2005 - Hot Kitten Cafe

   I just read Hot Kitten Cafe on ASSM and have to admit I'm at a
   complete loss. I enjoyed the story, especially the heavy
   sensuality in the descriptions. But, the story just seemed to end
   almost mid-paragraph. I have no idea if that was the end or not.
   Is there more?

   Mar 27, 2005 - The Invasion of the Bawdy Snatches (repost)

   I'm glad you did that. I enjoyed it a lot and I'm sorry that I
   missed it the first time through.
   Excellent work.

   Nov 13, 2004 - Jesus and the Children

   My stomach hurts for laughing. What a hand grenade! Needless to
   say, this is very ballsy and clever. "The Son the Lord of the
   Angel" -- who would have thought I'd find my theological lesson
   for the day on!

   Sep 9, 2004 - Jasmin

   A fantastic story!!!
   I loved every second of it. I first saw the sci-fi code and
   thought yuck. But, I loved the story "Karina", so I took a
   chance. I hope that doesn't make me a geek for reading sci-fi. I
   already own enough geekness.
   I'm amazed. The story was well put together. I of course thought
   the preface should have been first. But, it was still worth the
   I have a hard time remembering what was in each part. But after
   Jasmin and her old man find there home and she wants to travel...
   The next part they are fight against the inquisition. I found a
   peace of mind, with her finding her family and sharing the love,
   then all of sudden I'm jerked out of chair because they are
   looking for trouble.
   I've also read your other stories. So this one was complete
   opposite. And it was very nice!
   I would love to meet one of you male characters they are all so
   Thank you for writing!!

   Sep 4, 2004 - Jasmin

   I love the humor! Good story so far. I love the political
   innuendos too!
   Thanks for writing.

   Aug 30, 2004 - Jasmin

   I like your story, including your science fiction idea of a
   general purpose reality altering device.
   I also liked your story that involved Pascal's triangle.

   Aug 14, 2004 - Karina

   Lovely story. I loved it.
   Thank you.

   Apr 6, 2004 - Reelin' in Iraq

   Thank you for a beautiful story.


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