       T H E   H O M E R   V A R G A S   S T O R Y   A R C H I V E
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Archive name: alex.txt
Authors name: Homer Vargas
Story title : On Further Examination
(c) Copyright Homer Vargas - 1998 - This work is
copyrighted to the author, with all rights reserved.
This story may be archived and displayed on non-
commercial web sites without permission, but please
make no chages to the text and do not remove the
author name or address.   Thank you

Although this story is self contained, it contains 
allusions to an earlier story, "The Examination."
I like to think you will enjoy this one more if you
have read the other one.

On Further Examination
by Homer Vargas

	Robert Ames was growing concerned.  Angelica Lopez had 
disappeared behind the inner office door of the clinic over 
an hour ago.  With perfect hindsight he realized they could 
have left some notes back at the offices of Post outlining 
the story they were following.

	It had all seemed so unreal that night a few weeks ago.  
He and his curvy girlfriend had just finished making love, 
passionate and satisfying as always, when she looked over 
at him with a strange expression in dark eyes.

	"Darling, if I agreed to marry you, would you want me 
to quit my job at the Post and stay home to do nothing but 
keep house for and make little brown babies for you?"

	"Mi Amor!  How can you ask such a thing?  You know I 
love you and want to marry you, but why would I want you to 
give up your career at the Post?  You're a superb reporter; 
a rising star there; that would be so stupid.  As for 
having kids, sure I'd like us to have one or two later on, 
but not for you to be nothing but a housekeeper and 

	"That's a politically correct answer, Robert," she 
grinned, "But are you sure?  Suppose I could be turned into 
a horny, submissive little slut who wanted nothing more 
than to please you.  Wouldn't you like to have a fuck toy?"

	"I'd rather have a woman."

	"I think I believe you, darling," Angelica replied, her 
eyes glowing with admiration that was almost love.  "But 
not all men, maybe not many men, are like that.  Do you 
remember Emma Parks?"

	"Uh...I think so.  She's that school chum of yours?  On 
the fast track at BBD&R.  Didn't we attend her wedding a 
year or two ago?  Yes, quite pretty.  Why do you ask?  You 
haven't mentioned her for some time."

	"I had lost track of her.  I heard she left BBD&R soon 
after she got married.  Well, a couple of weeks ago I ran 
into her at that big new suburban hyper-mart.  Remember 
when I got the box of paper for our printer?  I hardly 
recognized her when I saw her in the ladies room.  She was 
sitting beside a stroller with a strapping toddler in it as 
she was nursing a little one.  And she was pregnant!

	"Wow! She didn't look like the housewife type to me, 
from what I remember."

	"That's just it.  She wasn't!  She had told me before 
she married she intended to continue her career and wasn't 
sure she even wanted to have children.  The Emma I met 
yesterday was a totally different woman.  All she wanted to 
talk about was her babies and her Frank.  She seemed more 
obsessed with him than in love.  Frank said this.  Frank 
did that.  Frank likes her to do so and do.  I think she 
would have told me how wonderfully he makes love to her and 
how often he gets her off, if I hadn't stopped her.


	"I thought so, but she didn't.  She even mentioned 
several of her friends that had undergone similar changes 
in their lives.  That was when my reporter's instincts 
kicked in.  I didn't particularly like what I saw in Emma, 
but if it were some kind of perverse social trend, well, it 
might be worth a feature."

	"So that's the mysterious project you have been working 
on," Robert grinned at his clever lover.

	"Yes, and I think I need your help."

	"Leads turn so cold you need help from the sports 

	"On the contrary.  I found plenty of material for an 
ordinary feature, but I may have found something else, 

	"Oh?" Robert replied, his curiosity peeked.

	"When I interviewed the women, several mentioned the 
same gynecologist, a Dr. James Bock.  I think there is 
something wrong with this picture and with these women.  
It's like they were all "fixed" to be submissive little 
wives, regardless of their previous personalities."

	"Now hold on, Angelica.  Women do change their 
priorities over time.  At some point many women decide it's 
time to start a family," Robert objected.

	"Robert!  These are women like me, in their mid 
twenties, a little early to be hearing the "biological 
clock" tick.  And why would it strike for all of them at 
the same hour?  Will you take me seriously enough at least 
to check out this Bock clinic while I continue interviewing 
the women?"

	Skeptical at first, Robert himself was soon convinced 
that indeed, something strange was going on at Dr. James 
Bock's clinic.  For one thing, it had not always been the 
clinic of James Bock.  Until about three years ago, it had 
belonged to Dr. Janet McGuire, a cracker-jack gynecologist 
of about 35 who had developed a downtown practice catering 
to career women.  Then the young James Bock had shown up 
just out of medical school for a job interview.  He got the 
job ... and Dr. McGuire, too.  Within days the former 
heartbreaker was wandering around her office with dreamy, 
unfocused eyes.  After each "consultation" with her younger 
partner, Janet emerged looking even more flushed and dazed.  
The women who worked with Janet sniggered, guessing what 
went on during those "consultations."

	No one was surprised, therefore, when a week or so 
later Janet let it slip that she and Dr. Bock were living 
together.  They were puzzled, however, when Janet started 
coming in later and later each morning until one day she 
happily announced she was pregnant.  Seeing the way Janet 
mooned at James whenever she was near him, no one needed to 
ask who had put the baby in the pretty gynecologist.  The 
staff watched Janet's belly grow beneath maternity dresses 
which seemed to get skimpier by the week and her need for 
"consultations" with a very self-satisfied Dr. Bock became 
more frequent.  Then the bombshell.  Janet called everyone 
together to tell them James had decided she should stay 
home to "take care of herself until the baby arrived"  
Consequently she would withdraw from the practice 

	Stranger still, Robert learned that in the ensuing 
months the four women working at the clinic also became 
pregnant -- and the order was far from random!  Megan, the 
youngest nurse had only barely started to show when Suzy 
the bimbo receptionist went on maternity leave.  Suzy was 
back to cover for Megan by the time she was almost too big 
to walk.  Ruth scolded Alice, the office manager, for 
letting her husband make her pregnant again "at her age."  
By the time Alice returned to work, however, she had to 
bite her tongue not to ask Ruth who had put the office 
manager,  a divorced mother of teens, back into maternity 

	"The way you describe Janet and those women is just 
like the women I'm interviewing," Angelica remarked when 
Robert told her about his findings.  "The change is sudden 
and total.  One day they are bright, aggressive career 
girls, the next, docile homebodies whose lives revolve 
around their men and their bulging bellies.  All they talk 
about is her husbands or boyfriends -- what he likes, how 
he wants her to dress, what he thinks, how to please him, 
and how to get him into bed more frequently, not that that 
seems to be a problem.  To hear them talk, they all fuck 
like bunnies.  And none of them use any kind of 
contraception.  Every woman I talked to had one or two 
children already and most were expecting another," Angelica 
finished, shaking her head.

	That was the conversation which had led Robert here 
with Angelica.  It had been her idea to make an appointment 
with Dr. Bock to find out just what was going on at this 
odd clinic.  She had assumed the name of Angelica Carlisle 
and posed as a married woman who was planning on starting a 
family and wanted to get a check up.  She had returned from 
her visit yesterday subdued and to Robert's surprise, did 
not want to make love that night.  She hadn't said much 
about what happened, just that the doctor wanted to see her 
today with her "husband."  So here he was.

	As Robert watched the traffic in and out of the same 
door that his Angelica had gone through, he had more and 
more cause to worry.  Each woman when she entered seemed 
cool, even bored with the chore.  But each one emerged a 
half hour or so later flushed, glowing, and rather out of 

	At last the door open and a tall black woman stepped 
out.  "Mr. Carlisle?"  She held the door and waited until 
Robert entered the dimly lit room.  Only as his eyes 
adjusted could he take in the sight.  She was magnificent!  
She towered over him and only partly due to the five inch 
heals she wore.  The smock came down only inches below her 
crotch showing off those long smooth chocolate legs that 
riveted Robert's eyes.  Until ...  he noticed the abundant 
breasts displayed more than concealed by the plunging 
neckline of this parody of medical garb.

	Stunned by the sexy nurse, Robert almost didn't hear 
her close the door and say, "Please sit down make yourself 
comfortable, Mr. Carlisle."  He did sit, but he wasn't 
comfortable.  The low couch to which she ushered him 
afforded him too clear a view up under her smock as she sat 
down in the chair opposite him.  "Or should I call you Mr. 

	"But my name is ..."  he stammered, not able to think 
too clearly.

	"Robert Ames and your girlfriend is Angelica Lopez."  
the nurse said matter of factly.  "I am Amaka and we need 
to talk."

	"But ....  How did you ..."

	"Why Angelica told Dr. Bock everything during her visit 

	"Impossible!" he barked with more conviction than he 

	"Pretty slick, the way you found out about us and 
conned your girlfriend into coming here, by the way.  We 
usually work only on referral.  Would you like to see how 
we put her under?  She put up quite a fight!"  Amaka 
grinned, not waiting for  an answer.

	The smiling nurse touched the control of a video screen 
that sprang to life.  "I first just try to put them at 
ease," the nurse explained.  The image showed Angelica in 
this same room, talking with Amaka.  They laughed together, 
seeming to share a joke, probably at the expense of men 
from the mischief in their eyes.  Then as Amaka spoke she 
unobtrusively pulled a pendant from a drawer and held it 
idly in her hand.  The two women continued to talk, but, to 
his horror, Robert saw Angelica's eyes become fastened on 
the pendant.  Slowly her expression faded to blank as Amaka 
twirled the shiny object.

	Amaka turned on the audio so Robert could hear their 
idle chatter as she watched Angelica seem to be quietly 
nodding off.  Angelica's eyelids drooped and her head bowed 
forward. Her arms grew limp at her sides.  Pressing her 
advantage, the nurse brought the twirling pendant closer to 
Angelica's face and began to swing it back and forth before 
her eyes, softly saying, "Isn't this the cutest thing?  
Look how it sparkles.  I find it so relaxing just to look 
at it. So relaxing... It makes me want to lean back and 
relax.  Just lean back for me, now. That's it. There's no 
hurry... You don't have to be anywhere... We can just relax 
and talk... Relax for me..."

	"Your girlfriend was a pretty tough cookie," Amaka 
broke in.  "By this point most other women are gone.  I 
have to admit she surprised me.."  The video scene jumped 

	Abruptly, Angelica sat up straight, opened her eyes 
wide, and grinned triumphantly. "Pretty much what I 
expected, I guess," Angelica exclaimed.  "Though I am 
surprised people can still be hypnotized by that old 'gaze 
into my pendant' routine.  I knew you must be using some 
kind of mind control to brainwash your little Stepford 

	If Amaka was surprised, she didn't show it.  "Actually, 
that was just the initial preparation, to get you in a 
receptive frame of mind.  The real brainwashing comes later 
and takes a lot longer.  After all, we going to introduce 
some pretty drastic changes in your personality."

	"Thanks, sister, but I don't need to know the whole 
process.  I've got plenty for a story that will send you 
and this Dr. Bock, if he really is a doctor, scurrying to 
another state if you don't go to prison." Angelica jousted.

	"Oh, but I insist you stay to experience the whole 
thing, although you may change your mind about writing a 
news report about us," Amaka smirked.

	"Like hell!" said Angelica, her eyes flashing in anger. 
"You think I'm an idiot? I'm not going to sit here and let 
you pull your little scam on me. I'm out here!"

	Angelica stood up, but the nurse, a good deal bigger 
and stronger than she, caught her off-balance and pushed 
her back down into a seated position, this time with the 
black woman half lying on top of her. "Get off me you 
witch!" Angelica yelled, struggling to get away. "Dammit, 
get off!"

	Amaka rolled a little to the right to capture one of 
the smaller girl's arms.  Angelica kept yelling abuse while 
Amaka was eerily silent and determined.  Presently, the 
nurse succeeded in catching and immobilizing Angelica's 
remaining free arm.  The nurse now had her right arm behind 
Angelica's back. With her right hand she gripped Angelica's 
right wrist, so that now both the smaller girl's arms were 
immobilized while Amaka's left hand was free. She used it 
to bring the pendant before her struggling captive's wide, 
desperate eyes.

	"OK," Amaka said soothingly. "You put up a really good 
fight, but it must have really tired you out.  It's time 
for you to be a good little girl and take a little nap." 
She began to twirl the pendant. "Come on, baby.  You may 
think you were only pretending to go under before, but you 
were sinking, girl.  Now you are starting to feel sleepy 
again.  You were so close before.  It will be so easy now 
to go to sleep for me.  That's right, you're so drowsy.  
Come on, relax for me.  Close those pretty eyes for Amaka. 
You can't fight it, you know... You're going to sleep for 
me... Sleep for me... Sleep for me..."

	Oh, no, Robert thought, pride in his girlfriend turning 
to fear as he watched Angelica begin to succumb to Amaka's 
hypnotic words.  Then he say her snap back.  "Bullshit!" 
Angelica spat in a voice that was half angry defiance and 
half desperate fear but seemed to lack conviction. She 
screwed her eyes shut to block out the view of the pendant 
and kept struggling to get free.

	"Oh, don't be like that," Amaka coaxed. Angelica kept 
struggling furiously, using all he strength.  Amaka's 
hypnotic suggestions kept getting interrupted in mid-
command as she had to shift position to maintain control of 
the twisting, squirming smaller girl.  At one moment Robert 
thought Angelica would succeed in getting loose, but the 
nurse had the advantages of strength, size, and being on 
top. She could not keep up her desperate effort for long.  
Angelica was breathing hard and seemed to be tiring. She 
could no longer squirm constantly, but struggled and 
rested, struggled and rested.

	Angelica's  furious movements had left her ass shifted 
forward on the couch almost to the edge, her short skirt 
rucked up and her legs slightly parted.  In a fluid 
movement Amaka took advantage of this vulnerability, 
rolling back to her left and pushing her thigh between 
Angelica's legs to press down on the smaller girl's mound. 
She began to rock rhythmically against her.

	Angelica's eyes snapped open in shock. "What are you 
DOING?" she squealed.

	"Distracting you, honey," said Amaka with a smile. "I'm 
using sex to break your concentration and wear down your 
resistance and will power.  Haven't you done the same a 
hundred times to your boyfriends?  Mmm, I think I feel you 
responding to me already, you hot little thing.  You want 
me, don't you? You want Amaka to make you hot and make you 
sleepy. Come on and go to sleep for me. Go under for me, 
and I'll make you soooo happy. Relax and enjoy it. Don't 
fight it. Give in." Her voice became dreamy and seductive. 
"Surrender to me, honey. You know you want to... Sleep for 
me... You can't help yourself... You can't fight the 
pendant  anymore... It makes you want me ... want me to own 
you... Come on, baby, give up... Give in to the sound of my 
voice and the feel of my body against you... Let me make 
you feel good... Let me fuck you to sleep... Sleep for 

	Robert's pulse was racing as he witnessed his 
girlfriend's seduction but took heart to see Angelica 
change tactics.  Now she squeezed her eyes tightly shut, as 
if trying not to let in even a glimpse of the sparking 
jewel that was sapping her remaining will.

	Amaka bumped her captive's nose with the pendant and 
taunted her, "Oh, come on, honey. Be a good little girl and 
take your medicine. Open those cute little eyes one more 
time and take one last look at my pretty pendant. One more 
look and it'll be all over. One more look and you won't 
have to fight me any more Come on. Just a little peek, a 
tiny peek at my pretty toy.  You know you want to."

	As she said this, Amaka gently put the pendant down on 
the couch, as if it were no longer needed, but continued to 
pretend holding the pendant  "Come on, my sweet and open 
those dark eyes and look at it, so pretty, so pretty." 
Robert's heart fell again as he saw Amaka's trick.  She was 
making Angelica want to keep her eyes shut, and Angelica 
was falling for it.

	And all the while on that screen Amaka kept rocking her 
thigh against her victim's pubic mound, and Angelica's hips 
now seemed to be keeping time with her.  He knew how easily 
Angelica became excited from direct stimulation of her sex.

	The weakening girl now seemed to have hardly any fight 
left in her. Her face held none of the anger it had so 
plainly shown before, the remaining expression having 
become a mixture of fear, frustration, and almost pleading. 
But still she kept her eyes tight shut and seemed 
determined not to surrender, to that fatal imaginary 
pendant that now seemed to be hypnotizing her only from its 
memory in her mind.

	Amaka waved a hand toward the television. "Well, at 
this point I really thought I had her, but she was amazing.  
I have to admit, your girlfriend is the biggest challenge 
I've ever faced."

	On the screen Angelica seemed to be tapping some inner 
reserve of strength. A moment ago she looked at the edge of 
surrender, but now she was fighting back again, if not 
physically. She had stopped writhing about, evidently 
having realized that it was pointless and was only tiring 
her more quickly, but there was renewed determination in 
her face. "Let me GO, you bitch. It isn't going to work on 

	"Sure it's going to work on you," the Amaka on tape 
said with chilling certainty. "It works on any woman, my 
pet.  You're already responding to me. I can feel your 
pussy's wetness on my thigh.  You're getting completely 
turned on, and it's silly to deny it. You know it, I know 
it. And of course I've already made you close your eyes."

	Angelica quickly jerked her eyes open. "Gotcha!" said 
Amaka. "And guess what? I don't need a pendant to put you 
under, honey. That's just a prop, a device to distract the 
conscious mind and keep it focused on something else while 
I entrap your subconscious.  I can accomplish that a lot of 
ways, with a flashing light, with rhythmic sounds.  I can 
control a weak-willed person with just my eyes.  But my 
favorite technique to make my target helpless even before I 
hypnotize them, is massage.

	And what's the best kind of massage, a massage of your 
sex.  You can put somebody under and they never know what 
hit them.  You know what I mean, don't you?  Most women do.  
Sex is out weapon, a powerful weapon, a drug. Nothing's 
more distracting than sex.  Nothing else turns the mind to 
jelly so quickly.  What is seduction but hypnosis?  Women 
have been hypnotizing men with sex for years, and it was so 
natural that most of them never even realized what they 
were doing!

	But believe me, I know what I'm doing, and that's why 
you're about to go under, baby.  Ooh, just feel you, you're 
so wet. I've got you right where I want you, and that's the 
only part of you still squirming.  Come on now, you little 
minx.  Relax for me.  Stop trying to fight it. That's it... 
I feel you giving in now... That's it... Just relax for 
me... Just let go completely for me... Oh, baby, I feel you 
getting weaker... Just a little more now... Breathe in... 
Breathe out... Feel me against you... Feel me arousing 
you... I'm going to make you come, and then you can 
sleep... You'll have to sleep... Get ready to come for 
me... Relax for me... Relax... Now get ready to come and go 
sleep... Are you ready? Yes you are... You're really gone 
now... You're going under... You're going... You're..."

	As Angelica's resistance waned Amaka was able to force 
one of her muscular legs between Angelica's slim thighs.  
Now Amaka was able to move it up and down, not just rocking 
against her prey's mound but rubbing and caressing her 
weakest spot.

	"Have you ever seen how they hypnotize an alligator?" 
Amaka asked Robert.  "That's what finally put her under."   
Robert watched as Amaka began running her free hand lightly 
over Angelica's body, brushing her breasts, her stomach, 
her side, her mons, while her leg kept up its stroking 
between the girl's thighs.

	Robert watched this in open-mouthed amazement. The 
nurse had clearly lost her mind.  Did she seriously think 
that Florida alligator wrestling was a real hypnosis 
technique? Or even if it was, that it could possibly work 
on his strong willed girlfriend?

	But to his surprise, he saw that Angelica was very 
obviously responding.  Even through her thin blouse it was 
clear that her nipples were hugely erect. Her hips rocked a 
little in time with Amaka's expert leg strokes on her 
pussy. She gave out a few involuntary sounds of pleasure.  
Still the brave, determined girl still seemed to be 
resisting, her muscles tense.  But gradually, little by 
little, the tension was going out of her. It might not be 
hypnosis, but it was having a devastating effect.

	Robert saw Amaka shift a little to put her lips near 
Angelica's ear.  Evidently realizing that her prey was 
falling under her control at least sexually, she was going 
to resume her attempt to hypnotize her. "Relax for me," she 
commanded in a seductive whisper. "Relax now... You can't 
hold out any longer... Give up... Don't fight it... 
Surrender... You can't resist... Relax for me..."

	But instead of relaxing at the sultry sound, Angelica 
had stiffened.

	She's still fighting, thought Robert with amazement and 
pride. But then he realized what was really happening.

	Robert had learned how vulnerable Angelica's ears were.  
He could always send her into a blind rut by blowing in her 
ear.  He hoped Amaka would misunderstand her reaction, that 
she would think her approach had somehow backfired, not 
realize she'd discovered a major weakness in his 

	On the tape Amaka seemed puzzled by the girl's 
reaction, but she put her mouth to the girl's ear once 
again.  "Come on," she breathed, "Go to sleep for me.  Come 
on!  Let me fuck you to sleep. I'm going to ffffffuck you 
to sssssleep."

	Like a man watching his team go down to defeat, Robert 
felt a sinking despair. That last sentence was Angelica's 
undoing, not because of the words but the whispered 
sibilant syllables, Amaka's breath rushing into her ear.  
It was too much!  Angelica let out a loud, high-pitched, 
helpless whimper of utter sexual surrender.

	"Ohhh, what is this?" said the nurse with a note of 
triumph in her voice.  Amaka put her face to the side of 
Angelica's head. It was impossible to see on the television 
monitor exactly what was going on, but she was either 
blowing into the ear or tonguing it.  Either way, the 
effect on Angelica was electric.  Twitching and jerking 
violently, Angelica gasped and moaned with unresisting 
pleasure. Her eyes were half-open and dazed.

	Still ministering to the ear, Amaka began to speak 
again, this time in a rough, loud whisper, not just saying 
but blowing hypnotic words into Angelica's defenseless 
mind. "I've got you now, honey.  I know what turns you on.  
There's no point fighting any longer. Give in. Tell me you 
want it Say it. Sssssssay it..."

	Angelica's whimper sounded like a very weak "no..."

	"Give in to me... Ssssssssurender... SSSSSSSSssay it."

	Robert wasn't sure he heard it, but while one of the 
weak and incoherent sounds coming out of his quivering 
fiancee seemed to be "...no..." another sounded like 

	"I've got you, baby!  Don't fight me .. You can't 
fight.. Go to sleep for me... Go to sleep for me when I 
make you come... You're going to come so good for me now... 
You're going to come for me and go to sleep and then I'm 
going to make you come again and again until you're nothing 
but my little toy.  Won't that be fun? Now ssssssurrender 
to me.  Come for me and ssssssleep."

	Amaka's leg was now making rapid little circles on 
Angelica's pussy, and Angelica's hips were bucking against 
it in spasms. The smaller girl's voice was coming in 
chokes, sobs, and whimpers of ecstasy.  Then Angelica's 
body bucked violently.  She held her breath, her face 
twisted in the throes of orgasm, and then she finally let 
out a whimpered but unmistakable "Yes!"

	"Hell of a girl, Robert," Amaka admitted.  "I've never 
seen such a tough bitch.  If she knew what she was doing, 
she could turn any man inside out.  No wonder you figured 
you needed some help with her.  Well, from here on, let's 
just hit the high points,"

	Robert groaned inwardly as the scene changed again.  It 
was really over. Angelica was under, no longer faking but 
totally in the power of the beautiful black nurse.  Amaka 
pulled the entranced and unresisting Angelica to a standing 
position and began to undress her. In a moment Angelica's 
pert breasts were in view and the nurse was expertly 
fondling them with one hand while the other went into 
Angelica's panties.  Moments later Robert saw Angelica 
shudder and cum again so hard that she would have collapsed 
if Amaka hadn't held her.

	"That little girlfriend of yours is hot!  I can't make 
many women come that way, just with my hands.  Most need 
this ..." she continued.  The scene changed again.  
Angelica was laid out on an examining table with her legs 
in stirrups.  It would have been uncomfortable except it 
was obvious Angelica was totally unaware of anything except 
Amaka's head between her legs.  Angelica's head thrashed 
from side to side in what appeared to be an almost 
continuous orgasm.

	"James likes to have me warm up the ladies before he 
has them.  It saves time and I'm sure they enjoy it more 
that way, too," Amaka explained.  The next scene was the 
one Robert had been dreading.  Sure enough there was his 
girlfriend with her legs wrapped around the waist of a 
handsome man wearing nothing but a stethoscope around his 
neck.  Thankfully, Amaka had turned off the  audio so 
Robert could not actually hear Angelica screaming in 
ecstasy, though she clearly was.  Transfixed, Robert 
watched Angelica mindlessly meet the doctor, thrust for 
thrust until at last it was obvious that he, too, lost 
control.  With a final wrenching spasm, the man blasted his 
sperm into a quivering Angelica.  The hot jism triggered 
its own final response in her shaken body.  She arched, 
grew momentarily rigid, then fell back onto the table, limp 
and unconscious.

	"This is the boring part, but it's what really does the 
job.  All the rest is just preparing her mind to accept the 
programming," Amaka explained as the scene shifted again to 
show Angelica apparently peacefully asleep with something 
like headphones over her ears and another apparatus around 
her crotch.  No, not exactly asleep peacefully, Robert 
noticed.  Angelica was slowly writhing.  "The electronic 
stimulator is keeping her highly aroused.  The desire for 
sex prevents her from forming any defense as she hears the 
conditioning tape.  When she responds properly to certain 
cues during the "lessons" it reward her by making her come.  
When we're finished with her, there is a tight link between 
pleasing her man and her own sexual pleasure."

	Amaka switched off the video and directed her attention 
to Robert.  "Since we weren't sure just what you'd want, we 
pretty much gave her the standard treatment," Amaka said, 
matter of factly.

	"You did what?"

	"We installed the personality traits that most men ask 
for." Amaka explained.  "In the first place, unquestioned 
love and devotion.  She now thinks you are little short of 
a god and knows she is very, very fortunate to be your 
woman.  Therefore, she is not going to cross you in any way 
that might jeopardize that relationship.  This means that 
she wants to make you a happy man, if you know what I 
mean," Amaka grinned.

"Of course we didn't want this to be a chore for poor 
Angelica, so we increased her libido by a factor of six or 
seven.  Roughly, if before she was *willing* to have sex 
several time a week, now she'll *want* it several times a 
day.  But there is no reason to be concerned," Amaka added 
hastily, seeing Robert blanch,  "Even if she wants more 
than you can provide, leaving her a little frustrated won't 
do her any harm.  She'll just be that much hotter when you 
do put it to her.  Besides, she would never think of 
nagging you or demanding sex no matter how horny she gets.  
I don't guarantee that she won't try to seduce you, 
though," Amaka added with a feminine smirk.  "We fixed her 
really to enjoy sex with you.  She will turn on like a 
light bulb if you so much as brush her tits or ass and you 
will find you can climax her with your fingers in almost no 

"We also minimized any tendency to jealousy.  Although she 
really will not *like* it if you choose to have other 
women, she'll put up with it as a minor foible of her 
otherwise wonderful lover.  We could, if you wish, add a 
preference for threesomes, but few of our clients ask for 
that.  Likewise, if you intend to share her around, we 
probably ought to program that specifically, although you 
can most likely get her to do it a few times without it.  
Similarly, we did not include any special enjoyment of anal 
sex.  We find men of your socioeconomic group generally 
don't go for it, though it's up to you"

"You might want to consider letting us turn her on to girl-
girl sex." Amaka continued, sounding like a new car 
salesman discussing options.  "Some men think that creates 
competition for them, but it doesn't really.  It can be 
quite convenient, for example, to have your girlfriend fall 
for one of your mistresses and then get them together.  
Believe me, fucking a pussy that has been properly warmed 
up by another woman's mouth can be HOT!."

"Not to overlook the most important feature, you'll be 
pleased to find Angelica is really keen to start making 
babies for you.  In fact, the poor kid is just a little 
paranoid about being twenty five already without having 
even one child when so many of her friends have had two or 
three.  I strongly recommend you put a bun in that cute 
little oven as soon as possible.  Finding herself slowed 
down by a big belly and engorged tits will help stabilize 
the other personality changes we've introduced.  If you 
keep her long enough, she will probably want to give you 
six or seven children, although I understand that she earns 
big bucks at the newspaper so  you may not want to keep her 
off the job that much time.  Again, don't worry about what 
*she* wants.  Keep her pregnant all the time or let her eat 
her heart out for more babies; she'll adore you the same."

"Well, that about covers it.  I trust you will be pleased 
with your new and 'improved' girlfriend, soon to be wife, 
right?  Amaka smiled.  "In return, we ask only that you not 
pursue the news report she was working on.  Angelica has, 
of course, totally forgotten it."

For several long seconds Robert just stared at the 
beautiful black woman as he tried to absorb everything he 
had seen and heard.  At last he drew a deep breath, "Well, 
I guess I do have to thank you, Ms ...uh ... Amaka," he 
said at last, his voice dripping with sarcasm.  "But giving 
up the story on this hellish clinic is the *last* thing 
I'll do.  You have just provided me with enough material to 
nail you good!  I've got some killer quotes; too bad we 
can't use all of them in a family newspaper, even post 

If Robert expected the sexy nurse to be taken aback, he was 
surprised.  "I've got to hand it to James," Amaka said, 
smiling and shaking her head in amazement.  "He said you'd 
react this way.  Angelica told him that you were not at all 
a machista, but after a few session on the tapes a woman's 
judgment about the man in her life is unreliable to say the 
least.  Most of James's patients will swear that their 
husbands or boyfriends are ardent feminists.  They'll swear 
it even when he brings his mistress home to screw while 
she's off giving birth to his baby.  After all, the women 
believe anything their men tell them.  Guys know that the 
only way to get into a girls pants nowadays is to play the 
enlightened 'man of the 90's, so that's what they do.  But 
you seem to be the real McCoy," Amaka said, her eyes wide 
in amazement

"You're damned right I am, and you are going to undo all 
the vile tampering with Angelica and give me back the 
tough-minded, independent woman I love." Robert demanded.  
"If you don't, I'll go to the district attorney and in 
addition to being out of business, you'll face charges for 
kidnapping and sexual abuse."

"Astounding!" Amaka sighed but continued.  "I don't think 
going to the authorities would be a good idea, Robert.  We 
got there first.  Perhaps you remember the DA dumped his 
over-forty wife for that frisky little blonde prosecutor in 
his office?  Well, the silly bitch began to take herself 
too seriously.  As a trophy wife, she wasn't working out as 
expected.  She continued screwing around with the junior 
prosecutors and some of the cops, hardly ever fucked the 
old boy, and absolutely refused to let him get her 

Well, fortunately, Dr. Bock heard about the DA's problem 
and we got her here for an appointment.  Now Miss ex-hot 
shot lawyer is happy as a kitten, staying home nursing the 
DA's first baby and expecting a second.  As for the Chief 
of Police, he is overjoyed with our services.  He has his 
wife at home started on producing a second family for him 
while down at the station three of the prettiest 
policewomen are out on maternity leave."

"I don't care who else gets burned, when this hits the 
news, you're out of business, Robert said.

"You're no doubt right, so we'll make sure this never does 
'hit the news.'  Angelica can be made to forget, has in 
fact already forgotten.  I so hoped you would play along in 
exchange for control of most men's fantasy woman.  But as 
James predicted, you're just not the kind of man to control 
a woman.  Of course, that makes it easy for a woman to 
control you," she smiled confidently.

	"Oh, no," Robert said.  "I'm wise to the pendant 
gambit. The only way you managed to finally get Angelica 
was to dominate her physically!" Robert stood up and 
grinned mirthlessly down at the nurse, returning smirk for 
smirk. "You're a big girl, but I don't really think you'd 
have any chance of overpowering me, do you?"

	"Oh, I might," she said sweetly.  "You'd probably beat 
me in a fair fight, but I don't fight fair."

	"Fair or not, you've met your match. I'm blowing the 
lid off your operation and I'm getting my fiancee back, and 
there's not a goddam thing you can do to stop me."

"Oh, my, I guess we should have known that a bright man 
like you could not be put under so easily" Amaka smiled 
disarmingly.  "How foolish to think that big sexy woman 
could seduce a man like you, even if she does have big ... 
soft ... round ... titties that are so hard to take your 
eyes off of." the nurse cooed  "And you are far to clever 
to allow a woman to arose you by letting you peek up 
between her legs.  You could never be distracted by 
wondering if your adversary is wearing panties or not, 
could you?

"No, I can't." Robert agreed, but his eyes remained fasted 
between Amaka's delightful thighs.

"And even if you did become aroused, your prick beginning 
to stiffen as I see yours is, you would still be able to 
resist my commands.  Even with a raging hard-on, a strong-
minded man like you would not just start taking orders from 
a woman.  You may be horny, you may be thinking how nice it 
would be if I fucked you.  You might want me to lay you 
back on that couch where you are sitting and lower my juicy 
cunt over your hard erect penis, but you can still control 
your self, can't you?

"Yes," Robert agreed, nodding his head without blinking or 
taking his eyes off Amaka's breasts.

"A flashing locket hanging between my boobies would not put 
*you* into a trance.  Even if you obey my command to 
continue looking at my big soft tits so that the locket can 
continue to flash in you eyes, flashing, flashing so that 
it is difficult to think about anything but my titties and 
the locket, your will power would remain strong.  You can't 
be ordered around like a puppet, can you, Robert?" Amaka 
asked as she came and stood in front of the helpless man.

"No," Robert said robotically and he gazed up at the black 
woman who now towered over him, his eyes fixed on the 
twirling locket Amaka deployed.

"No, Robert, you will not do what I say just because your 
will is slipping away from you.  You're not falling into my 
power, because lust has made you too weak to resist my 
commands.  You will obey me because you are a little boy at 
a doctor's office and I am your nurse.  You are going to do 
everything your sexy nurse tells you, aren't you, Robert?" 
Amaka asked with a reassuring smile.

Robert smiled back and nodded.

"That's a good boy.  Now since this is your first time to 
visit me, I want you to take off all your clothes.  Will 
you do that for me, Robert?"

"Yes, ma'am," Robert replied, falling seamlessly into the 
little-boy role in which Amaka had cast him.  With only a 
little embarrassment, Robert began to remove his shirt and 

"Would you like me to help you?" Amaka inquired as she 
unsnapped his boxers and let them fall to the floor.

"Thank you," Robert replied politely.

"Oh, my, Robert, you are a *big* boy, aren't you?  Amaka 
asked as she took his erect penis and began to stroke it.  
"This must feel very good for a big boy like you.  Do you 
like what I'm doing to you Robert?

Robert could only grin in agreement.

"Of course you do," Amaka said, slipping into baby talk.  
"A big boy likes to have a woman's hand on his thing-y, 
Robert.  If you want me to keep playing with your thing-y 
and making you feel really good like this, you'd better let 
me put you down on this couch. ... Uh huh, like that.  Are 
you comfortable, sweetie?

Robert couldn't answer,  The delicate strokes of Amaka's 
hand felt too good.

"This is your penis, Robert.  I know you like me to play 
with your penis.  It makes you feel so peaceful, so 
relaxed.  All you want is for me to continue.  So peaceful, 
so relaxed but sort of sleepy, right?  You'd like to go to 
sleep, Robert, cuddle up with me and suck on my big titties 
and drift off to sleep.  I would be so easy if you weren't 
so horny.  Would you like me to help you not to be horny?  
I could make you feel good so you can go to sleep, deeply 
to sleep.  Do you want me to make you feel good?"

Robert's eyes were closed, clearly lost in the powerful 
arousal Amaka induced.  He was totally unaware when the his 
beautiful seductress dropped her skimpy garment and 
clambered onto the couch with him.  He made no effort to 
resist -- how could he? -- when the smiling woman took his 
cock and guided it into her dripping cunt.  Robert's mind 
was elsewhere, suffocated beneath a warm, thick, erotic 
blanket when Amaka began purposefully to ride up and down 
on his rigid cock.  The last fragments of his will were 
spirited away by her soft sing-song voice.  "Oh, Robert, 
baby, you want to come so bad, don't you.  You need to come 
so like a big boy you can sleep.  I can make you come, 
Robert, make you sleep.  Just relax and let me fuck you ... 
fuck you to sleep ... fuck you to sleep ... fuck you ... to 
... sle.e.e.e.p."

As the beautiful black dominatrix's voice fell to a whisper 
Robert began to moan, softly then louder and louder until 
he bellowed in incoherent surrender.  Amaka felt his balls 
erupt with cum as spasm after spasm of orgasm skewered his 
mind and will.  His body fell limp; his mind opened, 
becoming a blank page, a page waiting to be written upon.  
Amaka smiled to herself, knowing the author was ready and 
not far away.

Reluctantly Amaka pulled her sperm-drenched cunt from 
around the softening cock of the sated and entranced young 
reporter.  As she arose, she saw she had an audience.  
James and Angelica were standing in the door.  James's eyes 
were bright with admiration for his beautiful and talented 
lover.  Angelica was disheveled but she wore the radiant, 
spacey expression a session with James always produced in 
women.  She had let James hastily pull on her panties, but 
the soaked crotch and the semen leaking down her leg showed 
just why the young journalist looked so happy.

"Entertain yourself, my dear," James instructed and 
Angelica's eyes grew dim.  He directed her to a recliner 
where the young woman lay back and thrust her hand into her 
panties.  Soon her soft moans indicated she needed no more 
of his attention.

"Good work, darling," he said as he approached and kissed 
Amaka who was still admiring her unconscious victim.  "Look 
at that face.  I've never seen a man with a grin like that.  
You must have fucked him down to his reptile brain!" James 

"You did pretty well with Miss Salamander yourself," Amaka 
chuckled and kissed him back, pressing her body hard 
against his muscular frame.  "So, what do I get as a 
reward?" she whispered smokily, breaking the kiss.

"Reward?  I thought you worked for me from sheer devotion!" 
James teased.

"You know what I'm devoted to," Amaka growled, fondling his 
prick which responded as she hoped.

"Well, we don't have any other clients this evening." James 
agreed.  "Put him on the machines and we'll have some time 
to kill."  Quickly Amaka lowered the earphone-like device 
over Robert's head and made an adjustment to a dial.  Then 
she fastened the other apparatus over his groin.  "Going to 
give him a 'seven?'" James asked.

"No, just a six," Amaka replied.  "Angelica says he's a 
quick recharge.  I don't want to stimulate him too much.  
If he ejaculates, I'll have to start all over," the busy 
woman replied as she made a final check of the equipment.  
"There.  A couple of hours of subliminal instruction while 
in a state of high arousal should do him.  And now," she 
continued, turning to her companion with a lustful smirk, 
"I can think of something much better to do with the time 
than kill it!"


An hour of so later Amaka awoke from the little nap she 
always fell into after she and James fucked.  She wondered 
if it was possible to be awakened just by the intense 
sensations of contentment and completeness James always 
left her with.  That little nap, she was sure, wasn't quite 
natural.  She suspected he used it to reinforce her 
conditioning.  Still, she had the feeling that *her* 
conditioning was not as complete, not as "heavy" as that of 
James's clients.

Perhaps it was his control of her mind made it impossible 
for her to feel jealousy for Janet to whom James went home 
every night.  Amaka knew he still screwed her.  After all, 
Janet was expecting again.  But Amaka felt it was more out 
of loyalty than lust.  Unlike Amaka, Janet had retained 
most of the weight she gained with each pregnancy and now 
was border line obese.  Amaka wondered if there wasn't a 
tiny part of Janet's mind that remained unconditioned that 
part was making her unhappy.  Amaka had asked James about 
it one time but James just shook his head a little sadly.

Amaka had no such problem.  James could bend her own will 
to his, easily enough of course, but what was there to 
bend?  With James she had an interesting job for which he 
paid her very well.  He was a handsome man and a marvelous 
lover.  Unless *everything* was an illusion.  Maybe James 
was really fat and had buck teeth, Amaka laughed to 
herself.  But she had seen how women reacted to James when 
they first saw him, before they were conditioned.  No, 
James really was a hunk.  And finally he had given her two 
adorable cafe au lait daughters, Ifi and Efe, and the 
slightly darker Jerome.  What more could a woman want?

Mamma, who took care of the kids, agreed these three were 
great, but she was on Amaka's neck again.  With Jerome 
going on six months, Mamma thought it was past time to get 
another grandchild on the way.  If her employer didn't want 
to get her pregnant, Mamma had hinted, Amaka could find 
some other nice white boy to do the job  Well, Amaka didn't 
think Mamma would have to grouse much longer.  This was her 
week to ovulate and Amaka had remained mum when James had 
neglected to use a condom the last few times they had 
fucked.  Amaka was pretty sure James didn't intend to make 
her pregnant just yet, but what were feminine wiles for, if 
not to use against the male of the species?  James hadn't 
been watching the calendar and she had.

Moving slowly so as not to disturb the beautiful afterglow 
of sex, Amaka slipped a hand between her legs.  A glob of 
James's thick come was slowly oozing from her pussy.  No 
hurry.  There was plenty more where that had come from.  
Without needing to open her eyes, her other hand reached 
over to the drawer beside this bed she and James used for 
office sex and removed a cervical cap.  She felt it slip 
comfortably into place.  There, that would keep her full.

Amaka had come really hard when James had shot his jizz 
into her this time.  It was unscientific, but she just felt 
this was it.  Best not to take any chances, however.  She 
scooted a pillow under her ass to raise the angle of her 
cervix and reached for her clit.  Another old wives tale, 
perhaps, but orgasm after impregnation was said to promote 
conception.  It couldn't hurt and it sure felt good,  Maybe 
the old wives had been knocked up enough times to know 
something.  One soft orgasm followed another until she 
dozed again.

Amaka was awakened again, this time by James's voice from 
the next room.  Sleeping with her boss was probably part of 
her job description (or at least a perk).  Sleeping on the 
job was not.  Pulling on her smock, Amaka followed her 
lover's voice to the main room.  There James was sitting 
with a fully clothed and wide awake Angelica Lopez, talking 
business.  Amaka was amazed at the transformation.  The 
Post's reporter seemed completely normal again, even 
feisty.  Gone was the docile subservience, the look of lost 
adoration Amaka had seen shortly before.  Angelica probably 
knew little of what had gone on the last few hours.

"It's a big responsibility, Angelica.  I'm sure you will 
handle it well" James said

"Of course I will.  But do you mean he'll do *anything* I 
tell him?" she inquired.

"Well, don't test the limits by asking him to jump off a 
building, but, yes, just about anything a man's loving 
girlfriend could ask, he'll do."

"And will he still be OK ...  uh, ... you know, ...?"

"In bed?" James smiled reassuringly.  "Better than ever!  
Remember you said he would never eat you?  Well, you'll 
find now he will not only do it, but he will do it damned 
well.  And we've improved his stamina, too.  He should be 
good for at least two or three times per night.  I think 
you're going to be a very happy woman."

"Sounds perfect.  Can I take him home now?"

"Give us this weekend for that final procedure I 
mentioned," James replied.  "He'll be yours on Sunday 

"As you say, James." she replied.  Turning to her 
unconscious boyfriend, Angelica blew him a kiss walked 


Robert had had a bad day.  Percy Cummings, his editor, had 
not liked Robert's latest series on the local baseball 
team.  "Damnit Robert, it was full of fluff about how hard 
travel days are on their wives and girlfriends.  *Men* read 
the sports pages and they don't read it for that!  You 
haven't written a decent, hard-hitting sports story in two 
months now.  What's wrong?"

Robert didn't know what was wrong.  He was just glad to be 
home and in his kitchen where he could concentrate on 
making dinner for Angelica.  She had called and promised to 
be home by 8:30.  He had another half hour to get 
everything perfect for her.  He had set the table and the 
vichyssoise was ready.  He turned his attention to the 
Caesar dressing.  The oven timer rang just as Angelica 

Robert's bad day was over!  Joy overwhelmed him as he took 
in sight of his sexy girlfriend.  Always pretty, Angelica 
had gotten so much hotter in the last couple of months.  
The heels, that tailored suit with a skirt that stopped six 
inches above her knee, the earrings, the makeup.  Angelica 
had become a babe!  And it hadn't hurt her career at the 
Post, where the senior editors were all middle aged men.

"Oh what a nice welcome for a tired working girl," Angelica 
giggled as Robert kissed her passionately and squeezed her 
butt.  "Tch Tch!  Time enough for that later, darling.  
Dinner smells wonderful!"

During the meal Angelica told Robert the good news she had 
hinted at over the phone.  "They're putting me in charge of 
Style, page two," she bubbled.  "Apparently the series I 
did on career women who drop out to have babies and spend 
more time with their husbands has been a huge success.  
I've got to transcribe some notes, but I think we should 
celebrate.  Don't be long," she winked as she arose from 
the table.

Scrubbing the flambe pan took longer than Robert expected 
so he was still at the sink when Angelica re-appeared in 
the kitchen door.  Pots and pans were forgotten when Robert 
saw his girlfriend in a new pink baby doll pajama.  "Coming 
to bed, darling?" Angelica lilted and wiggled off, knowing 
what the answer would be.

A half hour and several orgasm later Angelica was still in 
the saddle.  She had Robert on his back with his oh-so-
satisfying cock well up inside her.  She was going for 
another good come or two when she felt his body stiffen.  
"Slow down, lover boy!" she cried, but it was too late.  
She was able to get herself off just one more time as her 
horny boyfriend shoot his balls into her hungry cunt. 
Angelica looked down into the half-closed eyes of her 
totally satisfied man.  It was time to tell him she 

"I didn't finish giving you all the news, honey."

"Huh?"  Robert responded, finding it a little hard to 
concentrate after the way Angelica had just fucked him.

"I've been thinking about what you keep asking me, and I've 
decided yes."

For a moment the words didn't make any sense.  Then Robert 
exploded with joy.  "You will?  You'll marry me?  Oh, 
darling, that's wonderful.  When?  When?"

"Let's do it next month," she said excitedly.

"Next month?" Robert asked, suddenly puzzled.  "Isn't that 
short notice?  I mean, I've been after you to marry me for 
years.  Por qu‚ tan pronto?"

"Well, we don't want our families to be upset, do we?" 
Angelica replied mysteriously.

"Our families?  My parents adore you and your folks like 
me, too.  What's there to be upset about if we take time to 
make this a real occasion?"

"Ay! Robertito," Angelica laughed and kissed him.  "You are 
slow, but so lovable.  Do I have to spell it out for you, 
honey?  I went to see Dr. Bock, today.  I'm already two 
months pregnant!"

Robert thought he had died and gone to heaven.  He pulled 
Angelica down to his chest and practically devoured her 
with kisses.  As he blathered endearments his body reacted 
in a way he didn't realize, but Angelica did.

"Oh, Bobby, you naughty boy!" Angela laughed.  She was 
calling him "Bobby" more and more often these days Robert 
vaguely noted.  "I think you *like* the idea letting a 
pregnant woman fuck you," Angelica grinned, feeling her 
boyfriend stiffen inside her again.  "Are you going to let 
me fuck you when I am all gordita and my belly is all 
pushed out with the beb‚?  What if I get so big that once I 
am on top, you won't be able to get me off.  Then I could 
fuck you even if you didn't want me to."

Robert was insane with desire as Angelica humped his 
resurrected prick.  "You'd better like it lover," she 
admonished, "Because I'm gong to need a lot of fucking for 
the next seven months and," she paused for effect just 
before he was about to explode, "I'm planning to have 
muchos beb‚s."


Six months later Angelica was a happy if uncomfortably 
pregnant woman.  Lying beside her was her equally happy if  
tuckered-out husband.  She had just finished having him 
give it to her doggie style for almost an hour.  "Orgasms 
are almost as much fun for the baby as for the mother," she 
had assured him to keep him going.  At last she took pity 
on him and let him come.  He had almost fallen off her in 
exhaustion.  A good time to talk, she thought.

"Tu mam  was over this afternoon," Angelica said, not 
expecting a reply and not getting one, "So was mine.  We 
got to talking about what to do after la bebita arrives."

"Oh, yeah," Robert sighed a little recovered.  "I've been 
looking for infant care providers here and near work, too."

"That's so sweet of you, honey," Angelica said, "But the 
three of us were thinking that we just don't like the idea 
of strangers taking care of the baby, especially for the 
first two or three years."

"Oh?" Robert asked sleepily,  "Does your mother want to 
take care of her, or does mine?"

"Don't be silly, darling." Angelica laughed.  "Soon both of 
them are going to be far to busy for that.  But we do think 
it should be someone in the familia."

Robert looked up with admiration at his beautiful pregnant 
wife.  "No, honey.  They've just made you Editor of the 
Style section," he protested.  "You can afford a couple of 
week of maternity leave, but I can't ask you to take years 
out of your career, even to take care of nuestra hijita.  
It's too big a sacrifice."

"That's what we were thinking, too, darling," Angelica 
agreed, taking hold of Robert's prick and dropping down 
into her "special" voice.  "I was thinking maybe *you* 
could take care of her."

Robert started to object, but felt a wave of sweetness roll 
over him as it often did when Angelica spoke.  When he felt 
that way, he knew what would happen.  She was going to fuck 
him and he was going to do anything she asked.  It was no 
use arguing.

"I mean, your career really isn't going anywhere, Robert," 
Angelica added logically.  "They've been moving you from 
one dinky assignment to another.  Why bother?  With my 
promotion we'll have more than enough money.  I'll buy us a 
real house, a big one.  You won't need to work and I know 
you will be wonderful at child care.  Will you do it, 
Amorcito, para mi?"

Robert was agreeing.  Angelica knew he would.  He always 
did, when she wanted him to.  Robert would be her house-
husband and he would be happy doing it; Angelica would fuck 
him enough to see to that.  Still, she felt a pang of 
guilt.  She had been careful never actually to lie by 
saying "our" baby, but she had led Robert believe the child 
in her womb was his.  Angelica in fact remembered the 
afternoon it had been put there during one of her frequent 
"checkups" at James's office.

It was part of the deal.  James gave her Robert, sweet, 
docile, and always available to satisfy her raging need for 
sex.  In return Angelica would give James babies.  This was 
only the first.  She didn't know how many he wanted.  She 
didn't care.  When James looked at her that special way, 
she wanted more than anything for him to make her pregnant, 
wanted him to make her a woman in the way Robert never 

Robert, the dear, would never know, of course.  Any baby of 
hers would probably inherit her dark skin and eyes and 
James looked a lot like Robert.  Her poor husband was 
unaware of the little snip James had performed on him that 
weekend months ago so that Angelica would never have an 
"accident" with Robert.

The monetary guilt passed; Angelica was happy again.  She 
had a wonderful lover who promised to give her a houseful 
of babies and a wonderful husband to take care of them.

"Honey?"  Robert asked in a small, resigned voice, as he 
tenderly stroked Angelica's swollen tummy, "What did you 
mean when you said that your mother and mine would soon be 
'too busy' to take care of nuestra bebita?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you?"  Angelica replied sweetly. "That's 
why they came by here, to tell me the good news.  They had 
just come from Dr. Bock's.  They're both pregnant."

The End

I want to thank "Gary Grant" for taking Angelica seriously 
enough to suggest putting more fight into her.  He will 
note the insertions from the earlier draft.  I hope others 
do not.

Comments (please) to
Homer Vargas
It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with
strangers. But it isn't okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex
with strangers!!  You only have one body per lifetime,
so take good care of it.