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                         #   #   #  #   #   #

                         A View to the Future
                           Uther Pendragon

Joe was shocked that Dave objected to picking up Janice and *Kenny* on 
his way to the picnic.  Sure their sister had been a pain as long as 
Joe could remember, but her son was sweet.  If Dave had let Joe ride 
with him, he'd have kept Kenny amused through the drive.

As soon as he got to the woods, Dave left them for a walk with Barb, 
getting back after the hot dogs were cooked.  Those two ate across 
from Joe, Kenny, and Janice.  After the meal was finished, Joe took 
Kenny back a bit to play.  "Not too rough just after eating," Janice 
called to him when the two of them had fallen on the ground.

When he looked over to respond, he could see right up Barb's skirt to 
her hair.  He rolled over on his stomach to hide his instant hardon.  
Now he could understand Dave's interest in her, almost understand 
Dave's preferrence for not having passengers in the back seat.

The end
A View to the Future
Uther Pendragon

For some other very-short stories, see:
"Flash Flood" 

This is indexed with my other stories not otherwise classified 
Games, Jokes and Challenges

The directory to all my stories in this format can be found at: