Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Teachers Pet Uther Pendragon MF pett This material is copyright, 2009, by Uther Pendragon. All rights reserved. I specifically grant the right of downloading and keeping one electronic copy for your personal reading so long as this notice is included. Reposting requires previous permission. If you have any comments or requests, please e-mail them to me at . All persons here depicted, except public figures depicted as public figures in the background, are figments of my imagination. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. "She answers me: 'But, Miss Sanders, I loved him so much.'" "The ultimate excuse. Obviously, he didn't love her; he notched his belt and went on. These kids!" "And, Paul, none of the girls in your high school got pregnant?" "Oh, there were girls at the graduation ceremony glad enough that the robes were so loose. But seniors are one thing; freshmen are another." "Jennifer is in 10th grade." "When is she due?" "Sometime in January." "Looks more like October." "She's a small girl." "My point exactly. Anyway, if she's due in January, she was impregnated in April. A freshman then." . . . "I'm sorry." "Why?" "You ask me for a date, drive me all across the county so we won't bump into parents, fellow teachers, or -- God forbid -- students; you buy me this scrumptious food. Then I turn the evening into just another workshop on teens in trouble." "Well, really, I wasn't just trying to hide you. I think this is the best Pad Thai I've found in the county." "It is delicious." "And teaching is more than what we do. It's what we are. I'll bet that when the Dodgers are socializing, baseball comes up." "Even so, I might have kept counseling from coming up until later. Where was this marvelously moral place where you went to high school?" . . . "You'll date a beautiful, dark-eyed, coworker." "Help. I'm prisoner in a fortune-cookie factory." "What does it really say?" "Nope. It wouldn't be fair unless you told me what yours really said, and I prefer the version you claimed." "Ready to go?" . . . "That was delicious. You told the truth about the food, even if your description of me was blarney. You have much prettier girls in your classes." "I'll admit that some of the girls in Senior English could compete with you from the neck down, but you'd have to sew their mouths shut to make them bearable -- much less make them attractive." "Maybe you'd like to sew my mouth shut, too, after I spoiled the meal with my talk about Jennifer." "You didn't spoil the meal for me. I like it that you care about your students, even if I might care about mine a little less. . . . You know what the problem is?" "The problem with us? The problem with them? the problem with . . . ?" "The problem with them. Teenagers don't pet any more. When you and I were in high school, we got over our awkwardness, we danced, we kissed -- I can remember when getting a kiss in private, rather than at the front door, was a serious bonus requiring a serious verbal commitment -- we necked. By then, we were older, and we had moved gradually through several steps. If a boy wanted more from a girl, he damned-well promised her protection." "Although there were pregnant girls in your graduating class." "Well, yes. It wasn't always a perfect system. But it worked a lot better than the current shortcuts. I swear, when these guys decide that girls won't give them cooties, they go out and risk giving them crabs -- or babies." "A ringing endorsement of petting. One might think that you had an agenda that went beyond high-school mores." "Actually, I hadn't. . . . Though. . . . With a beautiful woman in the car with me, I was stupid not to." "I doubt that you're stupid." "Fast at learning about literature, slow at learning about life. I did mention, though about what a treat it was to get a kiss before getting to the front door." "So you did." "Ya think I could get that treat if I pulled over into one of these farm roads?" "Well . . . I don't want to risk the scandal of kissing at my front door. Students see Mr. Davis and Miss Sanders smooching, and it would be all over the school the next morning." . . . "In that case, turning in here was something I did to protect your reputation. Are we far enough from the road here?" "Yes. And nobody's going to bother us from that house." "Mmmm. . . . More of a treat than it was in high school. Of course, I now have a beautiful woman beside me." "And you're much gentler with these than my high-school dates were. They'd mostly grab a breast and maul." "They were scoring points. I appreciate how beautiful these are. . . . Mmm, and responsive." "Oh, Paul. . . . Oh yes." "Delightful, mmm delicious Sandy. . . . Smooth Sandy, paradoxical as it sounds." "Now, you sound like an English teacher." "It's not only what we do; it's who we are. I love you, but it's an English teacher's love." . . . "Oh, Paul! Yes, right there," "Can you scoot a little forward in the seat? . . . That's great." "Oh, your fingers. Your, clever, clever fingers." "Your, warmth. Your smoothness. . . . Your slickness." "Oh, Paul, kiss me!" "Darling. . . . Mmmm." "Mmm. . . . Mmmunh." "Yes, darling. Yes, love. Yes, my darling!" "Ah! . . . Yesss!" . . . "Sandy, you are magnificent." "You talk as if it was something I had given you. Your turn is in a minute." "It's something you allowed me to witness. Witnessing that was a major erotic experience. One reason that I'm not trying to hurry you is that I've had a great deal of pleasure." "This doesn't look like it." "Your touch is so sweet. I said 'pleasure.' I haven't had a climax, but I trust that I shall. I have had pleasure." "Well, maybe we should see about that trust. Do you have something?" "There is a packet of Kleenex in the glove compartment. Unless you intended to go further than I think you did." "In the front seat of a Toyota? We should have something to look forward to. . . . Can I use one of these for myself?" "Be my guest. Pass me two, and I'll catch the spill when it comes." "There you go. . . .Oh, it's so firm underneath -- velvet wrapping steel." "Oh, darling. . . . I guessed that your breasts were beautiful from seeing you dressed, but I didn't appreciate your fingers until now." "Do you like that?" "Oh yes. Can't you tell?" "You mean you aren't always this hard? I know you don't usually breathe like this." . . . "Oh, darling! . . . Oh! . . . Ohhhh!" "I'll need another Kleenex. You didn't catch it all." "Be my guest. Give the used ones to me and I'll toss them out this window. Give me another for my own fingers." "There certainly was a lot." "More than I expected. I knew you turned me on, but this must have been accumulating since I picked you up." "It's my fault, eh?" "It's your accomplishment. You are one sexy lady. . . . Ready to roll?" "Sure." The end Teachers Pet Uther Pendragon My thanks to Denny for editing this.