Taboo Stuff

This folder contains fiction that is intended as ADULT entertainment. It
contains material of an adult, explicit, SEXUAL nature. If you are offended
by sexually explicit content or language, please do not read any further.
Equally - if you are under the age of 16, piss off back to school or get on
with your homework. For non UK readers, the consensual legal age for sex in
the UK is 16, so donıt come griping back to me., explicit, SEXUAL DO NOT
read any further.

(Warning! These stories include graphic descriptions of sex  between adults
and young children).

(Based on a newspaper article about a family uprooting for change of living
and the cheeky grin of the daughter)
An eight year old promiscuous girl cleverly manipulates a wealthy black man
who has bought their house into having sex in exchange for good things. He
finds some surprises about her family life too.

(Based on a magazine article about the slimming success of a woman and how
it affected her life with her family).
Female penetration with four year old girl, lesbian abusers, voyeurism,

(Based on reading about show business midget troupe and one of  their team
getting jailed for child abuse)
A show business midget blackmails his boss and fucks the bossıs twelve tear
old Grand daughter.

THE THREE MUCKY Ts.   To be illustrated
(Based on an illustrated foreign story I found on the net. I modified it,
improved the English and re drew the illustrations)
Three ten year old boys compare cocks and the one with the biggest fucks the
village girls including his sister.

FUCK SOPHIE  Unfinished
(Based on a news story about a promiscuous girl)
A ten year old girl is raped by her brother and his friend and becomes
horny, she then seduces her motherıs boyfriend.

(Based on two news stories)
A mentally deficient man trained to fuck his old mother, rapes a twelve year
old girl who has just given birth. She accidentally dies.

(Based on various news stories about police abuse and an actual happening to
Four stories, all involving corrupt police and including an incident in the
last story that happened to me. Includes necrophilia, bestiality and the
rape and accidental death of a seven year old girl.

(A sequel to Extra Exercise)
Total family fucking from Grandfather, daughters, uncles, sisters, sons and
playing with baby genitals