Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. MAX WEBB Ch7 Another Breakthrough? Next morning saw Max moving slowly and carefully after the long night when she accepted Rob Law as her Master. She hurt all over but she wouldn't have traded it for anything. Staying naked she moved around in the flat, getting ready for work, while Law still slept. Eventually Max realised she would have to wake him if they were going to get to work on time. "Come on, sleepy-head, time to wake up," Max gently shook him by the shoulder while stroking his forehead. Rob stirred. "Hmmm, what -" "It's time to get dressed, we've still got to work out how Dick Strong fits in with Sur and who's doing what and why at Sur's," "Max - wh-" Law interrupted himself as he opened his eyes to see his naked Slave bending over him. "Good girl, you aren't dressed. Come here and let me hold my beautiful Slave," He pulled Max onto the bed, and caressed her thighs and mound. Despite the 'exercise' Max's body had experienced, she felt herself melt as her lover touched her cunt lips. "Law - Rob, please don't, we'll be la-" Max's words died in her throat as she felt herself drown in orgasmic ecstasy. "Thought I told you not to question me," he said with a smile. "Right now I want to watch you cum on my finger then my tongue then my cock," Max arched her back as her Master stroked her pussy's inner velvet. She wanted to let go, but she knew she had to ask. "Please?" "Yes Max, cum," There was no stopping her now. Max bathed her lover's fingers in her juices then felt him lick them away as she fell into the maelstrom again. There was a brief respite before Max felt his hard cock in her and his fingers stroking her clit to magnify the effects. Truly drained now, Max lay beneath Rob and gazed up at him radiating her pleasure at the hidden passions and desires that he was releasing from her. + + + + + + When they finally got to the office, Max found she could think clearer than she'd expected to. Looking through her scrawled notes, something dropped into place. Strong had been involved with surveillance of a petty but extensive fraud gang a year ago. One of the addresses they had been watching was Anne Maynard's, Sur's P.A. Reading the file that Andi had brought Max it appeared that Anne had been suspected of involvement, but the police hadn't been able to prove anything. Wondering when Anne had started working for Sur, Max slowly walked through to the outer office to get Law's notes. She stopped in her tracks as she read 'AM - no link to gang, but friends with Fi Symmonds'. The name rang bells in Max's memory. Where had she seen that name before? The answer came to her as she walked into Law's chair. One of Sur's customers was listed as 'I.F & Fi Symmonds'. Max remembered smothering a giggle as she had misread it as 'IFFI Symmonds'. Could there be a connection? "What are you smirking at?" Law asked. "At my dratted dyslexia and misreading, that's all," Max replied. "Though I think we have a tenuous link between Sur and Strong," "Oh? How?" Max explained her thoughts but Law objected, saying there wasn't any evidence. "I know that, Rob, but I know there is a link somehow. Otherwise why would Lez send that file over?" "We're assuming it was Lez who sent them," "If he didn't, who DID?" Max asked. "I don't know," Law replied as he stroked her thighs. "I do know something though..." "Rob - no, we have to work. Sur will be wondering what he is paying for if we can't give him a better report than last time. Please - stop it!!!" Max was sidestepping his hands as she spoke. "That's not what you said earlier. All right, I'll wait - for now, but be prepared to work very hard to please me tonight," Law said smiling at her. "I will, but right now I am in charge and I am going to hunt down that link. Ring you at lunchtime if not before, OK? I'm starting at the reference library," "Mmm," Law was half listening, half reading his notes as Max left. + + + + + + In the reference library Max asked for the electoral roll, not that she knew what she was looking for, but it was somewhere to start. While she waited she browsed a CD containing back issues of a local newspaper, pausing at the columns with the announcements of Births, Marriages and Deaths. It always amused her to see the names people were lumbered with at birth or ended up with when they married: her dentist was a 'Liz Taylor' (although that was as a result of marriage). None of the text captured her immediate interest but a photo did. One of the people in it was Dick Strong. His sister had married an I. Frank Symmonds. Looking at the accompanying text, Max was flabbergasted to see that his first name was Icarus! It was at times like this that Max thanked her parents for her ordinary name of 'Maxine'. Max looked at the date. The newspaper 'cutting' was eighteen months old, which meant that when the investigation into the fraud gang was going on Strong was Frank Symmonds' brother-in-law. Staring unseeingly at the screen, Max thought things through. Strong had not admitted the family connection, and Max wondered whether that was why so little progress had been made during the four-month investigation. Probably. It still didn't link Anne in anywhere though, beyond circumstantially. When the librarian brought the electoral roll, Max looked up Symmonds as well as Anne Maynard and discovered that they lived relatively close to each other. They also lived within easy walking distance of Dick Strong's home. What was Strong's connection in all this? Deciding to take a drive around the neighbourhood where the suspects lived, Max left the library. She had borrowed Law's Mini when she left the office and was soon driving across town. Arriving at the new housing estate Max drove in a casual manner, as if she was looking at houses. There were a few up for sale and she parked outside one of the two show homes and went in and looked around. The house was a typical show home, all shining surfaces, new paint and sales girls eager to show the best features. While wandering around she opened a door leading to the master bedroom, and suddenly wondered whether she would ever be in a relationship looking seriously around for a property like this of her own. She sighed and imagined Law tying her to the bed, "No" she reflected, "No normal relationship for me, but then what's normal?" She suddenly decided this was getting her nowhere and walked downstairs, telling the salesgirl she would think about it. Once back in the car Max went over in her mind what she needed to do, the connection with Anne Maynard and Fi Symmonds was her link to Strong, there had to be some...... Max suddenly froze and slid down in the seat. There were three women coming out of the house opposite, one she recognised as Nancy Dyer, and one just had to be Anne Maynard, and the third one possibly Fi? One of the women had similar colouring and style as Nancy and was almost a younger version of her; it had to be Cousin Anne. Although she had never seen Anne's face, Max had not forgotten how she and her cousin Nancy had reduced her from the smart detective she thought of herself as to a stripped, sobbing and spanked plaything at the warehouse on the edge of town. Fi must be getting brother in law Strong to help Anne with some sort of criminal activity. Max slipped further down in her seat, revealing acres of thigh and a glimpse of stocking top, "Damn these clothes Law makes me wear!" she swore, as she tried to no avail to pull her skirt down a bit. She watched the women through the car window using her rear view mirror. Nancy got into her car and drove off. The other two carried on walking down the street, one (Fi?) was a tall, dyed platinum blonde with strong features, not beautiful but striking looking, her hair was long and she was quite petite, about 5ft 3. She was dressed in smart white trousers and a red top, and was talking animatedly to the other woman. Max squirmed in her seat to see where they were going, and suddenly realised with a sharp intake of breath that she was putting on quite a show for two workmen standing looking in the car window! Her skirt had now risen to the top of her thighs and her stocking tops were displayed along with the skimpy red panties Law insisted she wore. "Hello Darling, wanna date?" came the predictable question along with a raucous wolf whistle. With a face as red as her underwear Max started the car, slammed it into gear, stalled and finally managed to drive away from her tormentors. After driving a few miles she drew into a lay-by in a quiet road and rang Law as she had promised. After a few rings she heard Law's distinctive voice. "Hello, Max Webb Investigations here," "Law, its Max, I have had a stroke of luck, I saw Nancy with what could only be her cousin Anne, and also I think it was Fi with them, Strong's sister in law. They were coming out of a house together.." "Hardly a criminal activity", Law interrupted, "but there obviously is a link there to record, if we could only catch them together with Strong, still we're getting somewhere I think, anything else?". "Well," said Max, "I am going to have to talk with you about what I wear when I am investigating," She related what had happened with the workmen and her trouble with short skirts and skimpy underwear. Law laughed uproariously and said, "There's no way I'm going to let you change anything and I think you deserve a punishment for even suggesting it!" "Law!" I'm not...." started a frustrated Max. "Hang on a mo," said Law, "someone at the door," Max listened as Law put down the phone, and went to answer an insistent knocking at the office door. She heard the sound of raised voices and then a single shot.. "Law! Are you alright! Rob!" screamed a frantic Max, but all she heard was the sound of the phone being put down on its cradle, the line went dead....... Max tore the car around the corner and into the car park outside her office. She had driven the ten miles back in record time, and in terrible dread of what she would find she jumped out of the car, leaving the door open and ran into the building. The usually slow lift seemed to take hours and the building seemed quiet and hushed as if it was taking in what had happened inside its walls. Max was frantic with worry but still had the presence of mind to have her gun at the ready as she approached the door to her suite of offices. The door was firmly closed and with trepidation in her heart she eased it open a fraction. The room was in darkness, Looking hard, she peered into the office, adjusting her eyes to the gloom, but there was no one there. She eased inside and edged along the floor to the door to her inner office. Putting her ear to the door she heard a groan, and with no thought of her own safety she barged open the door, "Law!" she screamed as she saw his massive frame lying on the floor. Max threw herself at the still frame, she saw with some relief that he was still breathing but the side of his head was bleeding. "Law," she said gently, "can you hear me?" Suddenly someone was behind her, pulling her up from the floor by her hair, "No, he can't hear you, but I can," Her arms were twisted behind her and she felt duct tape wrapping around her wrists. She was completely taken by surprise, she had forgotten the first rule, to check there is no one else there. Still being pulled by the hair Max was propelled across the room and then flung violently into her chair. She managed to get sight of her attacker at last. Copyright Too-Kay, 2000 All rights reserved. Do not reprint or post without permission. tookaywheels @ -- Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyright with all rights reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated. +----------------------------------------------------- E-mail me at tookaywheels @