Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Sam and The Weasel. Timberwolf. Mg, Mgg, gg, other stuff as well. The usual disclaimers apply here. If you're too young, find this stuff objectionable, or are too tight-assed to read it, bugger off, you shouldn't even be here. Feedback is always welcome, and you can email me at: Enjoy! Chapter One. Sam wasn't his real name. He just told people that as it was short and simple, easy to remember, and he'd say no more, and keep to himself. He was a loner, shunning the company of humans, preferring to spend his time with himself. He liked it that way. He was an itinerant, moving from place to place, town to town, hitching all over the country picking up work where he could, going hungry when he couldn't. He'd come to know the abandoned buildings, houses, and shacks everywhere he went, and he'd hole up when he'd have the chance to, otherwise, he'd just put his tarp up in a grove of trees, or anywhere he could, and make camp. Sam wasn't a dirty man. His body and clothes were always kept clean, and he shaved every day, but kept a moustache, trimmed and neat, worn in a cowboy style favoured by a TV actor he liked, a habit left over from his previous life, a life that was happy, where he had a wife, and three children, and it hurt him to think about that, because he didn't understand how suddenly it all came crashing down around him. He'd been a high-profile executive, and he and his wife enjoyed the fruits of his labour. House, cars, a holiday home by a lake, and money in the bank. Lots of money in the bank. Then one carefree day he walked in the door, home early from work, and his wife was there with another man, in the bedroom, rutting like a pair of dogs in heat. Sam had stood there, stunned. He hadn't seen it coming, and he was at a loss to understand why she was cheating on him, in his own bed, at that! His wife was humping her hips up at the man, and when the man turned his head as he was ejaculating, Sam felt his guts hit the floor. It was Roger, his best friend, and a close colleague from work! Then his wife saw him, and laughed. She just lay there nude, not covering herself, as Roger rolled over, and lay beside her. She started to call him names, eviscerating him, and she had a mad gleam in her eye as she did so. Roger didn't say a word, he just lay there nude and grinned. Sam walked out, and left. In the course of the next few months, his wife, Jenny, took him for everything. The house, the cars, the holiday home, and to be extra catty, she got the funds from his accounts as well. Sam was left with nothing. Even the children had turned their backs on him. That had hurt the most. Sam was at a deep low point in his life, and the only thing Jenny didn't want, was his handgun. She had given it back to him, personally. She had even tried to get him to use it on himself, so that she could claim the insurance! So Sam, who'd spent time in the woods as a means of unwinding and de-stressing, packed up his gear, and walked away. He was free now, but he carried a load of grief and shame with him that weighed him down more than the pack did. *** So here he was, seven and a half years later, and he was sitting by the fireplace in an old abondoned house many miles from the nearest town, and he stared into the flames as he stirred the coals, his mind a blank, just watching the flames as they danced and ate slowly through the pine logs he'd collected that afternoon.. He had bought supplies from the local store, paid for by doing some menial labour, and when he'd finished, the storekeeper handed him the bag of groceries, thanked him for a job well done, and told him he was welcome back any time, because although he was what some would label a hobo, he had a way of getting people to like him, and more than once, the sadness in his eyes would cause a widow, or a woman who wasn't, to take him into her bed for the night, and he always made them feel special as payment for their kindness. He made the women understand, when they'd asked him to stay, that he wasn't looking for a full-time relationship, that it was just too hard for him to reconnect with female company again, and they always understood, or seemed to, and told him that if he was passing through again, to call in, and a meal would be waiting for him. He'd smile, kiss them on the cheek, and walk away, never looking back. So, this night, as he prepared for bed, a sleeping bag and an old mattress for sleeping arrangements, Sam began to think of the future again, surprising himself, because he never allowed himself to, it was something that frightened him, if he was honest with himself. A hard winter was coming, and he didn't want to be caught out on the road. One time, he'd come across the body of another itinerant, who'd been caught out in the weather, and snow was still on his frozen corpse. That gave Sam a chill, and not from the cold wind blowing. Then he rolled his body into the sleeping bag, and drifted off, listening to the logs hiss and spit, the flames crackling, greedily eating into the pine coals. *** A noise woke him, and he felt a prescence in the room with him. Whoever or whatever it was, the movement across the room was almost silent. Sam cracked his eyes open to a sliver, and saw a small shadowy figure creep across the room, and Sam just lay there, breathing normally, slow deep breaths, and didn't move. The figure stopped, threw a look at him, and continued on, heading for his pack, and the food. After the shadowy figure passed him, he was moving, slowly, silently, himself. A bowie knife was in his hand, and he knew how to use it. He'd taken it off a hobo that tried to rob him, and although Sam was unarmed, he fought back, getting a small cut on his arm in the process, and decked the fellow. But in the scuffle, he'd hit the smelly, dirty, foul-breathed, foul-mouthed man too hard, and Sam heard his neck snap. He didn't get up. He was dead, so Sam searched his corpse, found the sheath for the knife, some coins, and a couple of dollar bills, but nothing else worth keeping. Sam dragged the body to a nearby ravine, and rolled it in, and went back, picked up the knife, his pack, and strode away from there, and amazingly enough, he felt no anger, no shame, nothing at all from killing the bum. So Sam went into crouch, then stood slowly, rising over the thief in the night, as he, a boy, Sam guessed, began to rifle through his belongings, the man on the floor forgotten, and he heard a gasp of joy as the tins of food were found. Thats when Sam dropped the hammer. He spoke, his voice loud in the room, and said "What the hell do you think you're doing, boy?" The child jumped, gave a shriek, and went to dart away around the angry man. But Sam was quicker, and collared the hellcat, who fought back and punched, scratching and biting to get away. Sam dropped the knife, and it was kicked away, so that the little thief wasn't hurt, or could grab it to use it on him. They battled in silence, grunts the only sound that could be heard. The boy didn't make a sound otherwise, and Sam was starting to get pissed off, and to end the melee, he picked up the boy, and as his feet left the floor, Sam hurled him into the wall, shaking it, and the boy's head snapped back, and with a loud thump, it connected with the wall, and then, unconscious, the child thumped to the floor on his butt, not making a whimper. The angry man stood there, his chest heaving as he brought his breathing under control. When he was breathing normally again, he regarded the sleeping young boy, who coudn't have no more than eleven or twelve, and then he moved to him, and when he went to raise him up his fingers felt the ribs of the skinny body. Then swearing, Sam raised the tails of his shirt, and saw an emaciated torso, the ribs showing plainly, the belly concave with malnutrition, the hip bones jutting and sharp. No wonder the boy wouldn't let go of the groceries, Sam thought to himself, and then he lifted one of the boy's eyelids, saw he'd got himself a concussion by his head hitting the wall. So Sam lifted the unconscious boy into his arms, and the odour of the small body assaulted his olfactory senses. The child stank, and Sam smelled sweat, dirt, corruption, and urine. The suddenly contrite man looked down into the sleeping face, and saw a young innocent face, the cheekbones thinly covered over by skin, and the boy had a faintly girlish look. Sam stood still, his brow furrowing, and just to make sure, laid the child down on his sleeping bag, and undid his filthy dirt-caked jeans, sliding them down the skinny thighs. He was surprised to see a small filthy pair of girl's cotton panties, and there was no doubt about it, he had an adolescent girl lying there, and she was filthy, dirt caked all over her, and the smell from her panties caused him to wrinkle his nose, the fragrance of dirt, urine and faeces emanating from them. *** The crotch panel of the panties were also stained green, from old blood, and he wondered if the girl was having her periods, and if so, how did she take care of herself? He pondered this turn of events for the rest of the night, not sleeping, keeping a careful eye on his sleeping charge. The next day, the child was still unconscious, but breathing normally, so Sam got some water from a tap, happy that there was still pressure enough to be usable, and stripped the adolescent, and washed her, from head to toe. She was actually quite pretty, once the grime was removed to show him her face, and as Sam had once had a daughter, he held her gently, washing away the dirt and grime from her hair and body, and after changing the basin of water several times, it was afternoon before he'd got her completely clean. She had beautiful chestnut hair that hung just past her shoulders, and when it was wet, Sam brushed it by running his comb through it, breaking up the snarls and combing out the debris in it. The lonely man also made a hot sweet tea, and fed that to the girl, drop by drop, and when the liquid touched her lips, she gasped, and her tongue darted out, the emaciated body craving liquid. He did this on a regular basis, and as she slept, he had took her clothing away, washing them in cold water, finding an old box of detergent under a pile of rubble in another room, the box chewed by rodents, but although the detergent was caked solid, it was still usable. He had to wash the clothes a few times, changing the water over and over again, until finally, they were recognisable as normal clothes, and then he hung them out to dry. With the clement weather, that only took a couple of hours. As he'd washed the crusted gunk from her private parts, which had a rash, and a sparse scattering of pubic hair, the pubic mound prominent, and anus, the girl had groaned, and her hands fluttered weakly, as if trying to keep his hands away from there, but apologising to the unaware child, he persevered, until she was clean, and smelled better. Sam went to his pack, and from a first-aid kit, took a tube of antiseptic cream, and applied some of that to her rash. Sam noticed that she had previously had sexual contact of some description, and she definitey wasn't a virgin anymore. He felt an angry heat at that, silently cursing the vile animal who'd had penetrated the immature body of the child before him. Sam didn't know who, and knew he couldn't do anything about it if he tried. He 'd probably be told to mind his own business, folks being what they were. Sam had no illusions about people anymore. His ex-wife and so-called 'best friend' saw to that. So tending the sonambulent child became his world. Then pulling out an old tee shirt, the girl's new protector and friend slipped her now clean and dry panties back up her thin legs, and tucked them snug on her. Then he dressed her in the old tee shirt, to give her a measure of modesty when she woke. She had scratch marks around her puffy nipples,and Sam wondered how she'd got them. They were healing, a week or two old, and had crusted with bood, and they looked like scratches from fingernails, not from any fall in a natural setting. They were wider than her own fingers, so an adult had given them to her. She'd had a hard life, and Sam found himself wanting to take her from there, never let her out of his sight, and prepared to do violence to protect her. Which brought up another problem. Who and where were her parents? The only place near here was an abandoned hobo camp, called 'The Dump', where people dumped their trash, and occasionally, teens would come out to the place, smoking pot and drinking beer, and letting loose, and sometimes starting fires, causing the local fire department to place that area under ban, and several boys who thought they were smarter that the fire department and police found themselves under arrest, and punished. *** Sam came to decision, one that was to change his life after that. He decided to go look for the child's parents, and he was going to start at The Dump, and see if they were there. If they were, he had a few choice words to say to them! It was a half hour walk from the house, and through a belt of trees. So, checking to see if the girl was sleeping okay, he started to walk, and a little time later, he had The Dump in sight. Then, as he neared it, he could smell a foul sweetish stench coming from there. Rounding a bend, past a pile of old appliances, he saw a car, one of the back doors open, and next to that, a made-do shelter. Coming closer to the smell of corruption, he saw a body on the ground. It had been dragged, and Sam saw bite marks on it, and some of the flesh from the face was missing, and the bones and teeth grinned at him. It was the body of a male, about six feet tall, stocky, and the arms, what was left of them, were covered in prison tattoos. He'd been shot several times, and was covered in old black blood. In the shelter, he found the body of a female, about five-six. She had been shot multiple times as well, and by the bloody rags nearby, he guessed that a make-shift job had been done to staunch the flow of blood, as it looked someone had tried to patch her up. But that had availed the two nothing, both dying of their wounds. In the back pocket of the man's jeans, there was a wallet, containing an old photograph, and he, the woman, and the child back in the house stared out at him, but none were smiling. Sam put the photo in his back pocket. Maybe the child would want it. Leaving the bodies, Sam made his way to the car, and using the keys in the ignition, he found that the battery still had life in it, so he took the keys, and going to the rear of the vehicle, he opened the trunk, and found three large new sports bags. Opening the zipper on one, he saw money. Lots and lots of money, in used bills. Sam stood there, and shivered. Fate was a cruel mistress, but when she smiled on you, you accepted what she gave you, no questions asked. *** There was more money in the other two bags, and then Sam remembered that a week previously, an armoured car in a distant city had been held up, and two and a half million dollars in used bills had been taken, and were still missing. Sam made a quick mental tally, and that was almost the exact amount he'd lost in the divorce. But the robbers didn't get off lightly. There were seven dead, five of the robbers, and two of the security guards killed in the shoot-out. The two robbers who'd got away were suffering from gunshot wounds, and Sam knew where they were, now. The police and government agancies were looking for the robbers and the get-away vehicle, but the description of it didn't match the one he was looking at. Sam looked through the car, and found the vehicle's registration, and as he still had his licence, he was legal to drive it. Throwing anything he didn't need, including a pile of empty take-out containers, several weapons and some ammunition, and other assorted trash away, he closed up the car, got in, started it first go, and drove back to the house. The child woke the third day, in the late evening, and as he came into the room with a armload of firewood, hearing the faint sounds of wild dogs snarling, he found her lying there, looking at him with brilliant green eyes, and they had a desperate, feral look about them. He walked past her, dropped the wood onto the floor, and saying nothing, he began to fix her a meal. She was silent as she watched him, flinching when he came too close, and she was intimidated, he saw, by the tallness of him towering over her, the weatherbeaten look and the grave face. When the meal of beans and bacon was ready, he held it out to her, but she made no move to take it. So he put it down on the floor where she could reach it, put a spoon on the plate, and sat back, while he got the fire restarted. When it was crackling and sending out heat, he sat cross-legged away from it, and stared into the flames, and rolled a smoke. "Who the fuck are you?" she said. "Sam", he replied. "You can't hold me," she said. "Mom and Dad are out looking for me, and they'll kill you for kidnapping me!" she said, darting looks at the doorway. "I met your parents yesterday," Sam drawled, looking at her suddenly frightened face. "They'd looked really good after the wild dogs and rats got through with them. I said hello for you." *** "Look, girl," he said, his tone even. "I know who your parents were. A pair of gun happy fools that robbed an armoured car, and made off with a pile of money. But," he shook his head, not breaking eye contact, "they paid for it in blood. They're never coming back for you." The child now held herself, suddenly realising her fate hung in the hands of this hard-eyed stranger. She started to twitch her lip, and looked ready to break down any second. "As I said, my name is Sam. What's yours?" The frightened child just sat there, and then she did cry, the sobs shaking her, and she felt alone, abandoned. She had no-one now, and she didn't know this dreadful stranger in front of her, filling her with terror. Would he rape her, like her father, and uncles, whom were all dead now, did? Would he kill her, and drive away with the money her parents died for? Would he even rape and kill her? She didn't know!, and so she gave up finally, crying. Sam sat there on the floor, watching her go through her crisis, but he did nothing to help her. She had to come to him, ask him for help. She cried and sobbed, holding herself, rocking slightly sideways, as if to comfort herself. Then, her neglected body took over through her grief, and she could smell the cooling bacon and beans. Watching Sam warily, sniffling, she took the plate, and held it close to herself, and began to eat, forcing mouthful after mouthful in, almost choking as she ate. "You'll have cramps if you do that", Sam said quietly. "Eat slowly, otherwise you'll throw it all up, and dehydrate your body." Sam had put his canteen on the fire, and was making hot sweet tea for the girl. When it was ready, he held it out to her, she did nothing, her hands full, so he placed it by her knees, tucked under the stretched tee shirt hem. With a cry, the girl jumped to her feet, and rushed outside, where she vomited loudly and violently, her shrunken stomach rejecting the food she'd forced into it, so Sam went out to her, and held her until she was finished, wiping her face, then helped the staggering child back into the warm room, sitting her down and saying, "Just as well I made more. I had a feeling you were going to do that. I did it myself, first time I was starving!" *** The second time she tried to eat, her mouth flooded with saliva, and she couldn't get enough. The beans were the finest meal she'd ever eaten, her eyes flooding with tears of gratitude, so Sam opened his pack, and put a can of Irish stew on to heat, while she sipped at the tea. She screwed up her nose at the taste of it, but he told her to drink, as she needed to the liquid and glucose to give her strength. Almost despite herself, the girl lost the desperate and feral look, and started to relax, slowly filling up on food and drink, becoming content at this small measure of normalcy. Sam dished up half the stew for her, and ate the rest, and they said nothing while they ate. Sam broke out a packet of chocolate bicuits, and they crunched on them as a dessert. The tall man watched the girl, while she watched him. Finally, she gave a burp, slapped her hand over her mouth with a guitly look, and so Sam belched loudly, and then they were laughing, both relaxed and warm in the house. They still said nothing, just listening to the crackle and hiss of the fire. "Tomorrow", Sam told her breaking the silence, "I'm getting in the car, and leaving this place". She darted a frightened look at him. The adolescent became desperate. Was he going to dump her there? She remembered how hungry and thirsty she'd been, how the tears had come from her eyes as she cried, her stomach hurting from emptiness. Then he continued. "I'm giving you the option, the choice, of coming with me. I can look after you, and I'd consider it an honor to do so. Or, I could drop you off somewhere, anywhere you name, and we'll go our seperate ways." He said nothing more, waiting for her. The child was stunned. He was offering her a chance to go with him and be looked after? He wasn't going to abandon her, quite the opposite, in fact, but also offering her the choice to go home, where she had grown up, and she thought of Mrs Andretti, the lovely Italian woman upstairs from her, who always had a smile for her, and a boiling pot of spaghetti on, and she felt a pang of loss, for her old life, and the couple, who, although they had abused her, were, after all, her parents, who had demanded her loyalty. But they were gone now, and she didn't know of anyone who would take her in. The quiet man said, "Sleep on it, and you can tell me your answer in the morning" Chapter Two. That night, due to the expediency of comfort, and causing the child some discomfort in return, they had to sleep side by side, and the girl lay on her side on the mattress, her back to him, stiff as a board under the sleeping bag, and she trembled, causing Sam to say testily, "Girl, we've been sleeping this way for the last couple of nights! I haven't touched you in any way improperly, and now that you're awake, I'm not about to start! Now, go to sleep, dammit!" The young female rolled toward him, and gaped. "You've slept with me? And didn't touch me? Holy cow, are you gay?" He looked at her, and snorted. "No, I'm not gay! I have a healthy interests in females, adult females, and you're too young to be called adult! But remember this! You're all clean now, and who, may I ask, did that?" He lay back and closed his eyes while she digested that, and she blushed to her roots, and squeaked in surprise, realising that, indeed she was clean! She hadn't noticed, not realising that she was even dressed differently. Waking up in the company of a man that had knocked her lights out had given her other things to worry about. Then she was squirming, but for another reason. "What's the matter this time?," the man asked her. "I gotta go," she mumbled. Sam got up, and from his pack, pulled out a small folding shovel, and roll of toilet paper, handed them to her, and said, "Don't go far. Those wild dogs haven't finished with the bodies, and they're still out there." She was out and back in fast. As she stood there, she looked undecided about something, then with a suffering look on her face, and a choked sob, she knelt on the mattress, pulled back the sleeping bag, and reached for Sam's belt. As she was undoing it, he gently grabbed her hand, and said quietly, "What are you doing?" She began to cry, and told him she had to pay him back for his kindness, and she didn't know what else to do, and she said she had had to do this before, but didn't mention who to, or with. Sam said to her gently, "You don't have to do this, no matter what you think, or who told you that you have to do it this way. I'd do it for my own daughter, so we're even, okay? Lie down and sleep." So she lay down, and this time, she cuddled into him, looking fearfully at his face, and he had the impression that she'd never cuddled before. So, he put his arm around her shoulders, and she snuggled in, her hands up against his ribs, her head on his chest, and then he said to her, "You still haven't told me what your name is. I'm going to call you 'Weasel'. You sure fight like one, all claws and teeth! She giggled, and he decided he liked the sound of it. *** Sam was loading his gear, all packed and rolled, into the car. Weasel stood by, watching him, dressed in her clothes. Sam had given her the tube of cream, and told her to go into the other room, and clean herself, and put more on her rash. The child looked at him with a blush, but did as she was asked. She hadn't said anything during breakfast, so Sam kept his peace, letting her decide what she wanted to do. When the gear was stowed, he got in, and Weasel slid into the passenger seat, riding shotgun, and as she snapped the seat belt on, she looked out the front windscreen, and asked, "So, where are we going?" They drove north for a couple of hours, then pulled into a gas station, and while Sam gassed the car, Weasel got out and stretched her legs, then went into the store, and was looking at some ice creams, looking at the selections. Sam called out, and said, "Grab two Rocky Roads, will you, Weasel?," and the woman behind the counter gave a start, and began, with an angry look, to open her mouth, about to speak, but Weasel was there, and fixing her green eyes on the woman. The girl snarled, and bared her teeth at her.With the child's emaciated looks, and thin body, the woman looked worried. "You see what I have to put up with?," Sam said conversationally. "An experiment in cross genetics went wrong, and now I'm stuck with this monster!" Weasel, just to drive the point home, gave a good imitation of a weasel's hiss, and bared her teeth again. Then after collecting his change, they left the woman standing there, her jaw dropping from shock. As they drove away, Sam and Weasel were roaring with laughter. *** At the next stop, Weasel got out to use the restroom, and when she came back out, Sam said, "I'm hungry. How about some lunch?" Weasel's face shone with a smile, and asked if she could pick the place, and then when she'd done so, a nice homely cafe situated off to the side, almost secluded, she perused the laminated menu, and Sam sat there, waitng for her to choose something. She settled on Shepherd's pie, with everything, apricot pie and ice cream for dessert. Sam made his choice, and the waitress left them alone. When the food arrived, Sam and Weasel were deep in discussion about clothes, as Sam had mentioned they both needed new ones, with winter just around the corner, and then Weasel tucked into her meal, and didn't stop until she'd finished everything, even wiping the plate with her finger, to get the last bit of gravy. So at the last town they stopped at before dark settled in, Sam paid for a motel room for the both of them, and then after taking his gear into the room, including the three bags, he sifted through one, and grabbed several hundred dollars. And then they were off on a shopping spree. Weasel had a ball! New underwear, jeans, dresses, shoes, slips, the list was amazingly long, and she was awhirl with happiness. Sam went into a men's store, and he got two of everything, jeans, underwear, socks, shirts, and a couple of warm jackets, reminding Weasel that winter was coming up, and they both needed warm clothing. *** That night, they had take-out, and sat on the big double bed eating it, and watched a silly program on the television. Weasel was a bundle of joy, and she couldn't sit still. She dragged all of her new clothes out, and sat there with them all around her, and her hand kept straying to them, touching them, caressing them almost. Sam had made sure she had toiletries, and a new hairbrush as well. Weasel got up and hugged him, and began to cry softly, and so Sam just held her, stroking her hair, murmuring soft words into her ear. When Sam had cautiously brought up the subject of periods, Weasel told him she hadn't had one yet, and was sure she was due anytime now. He tried to tell her about them, but Weasel giggled, and told him she'd "already had that conversation, thanks!" That relieved Sam tremendously, but he still felt disappointed, and he wasn't sure why. He'd looked forward to his daughter's first period, so that he could play the proud father, and shower her with gifts. He grinned ruefully at the memory, and pondered the vast gulf between that man, and the man he was now. No longer proud and haughty, he had become humbled and quiet. Weasel chattered, still on her shopping buzz, and when she went quiet, eyes and head drooping, Sam was quick to get her to shower before bed, before she flaked out in her clothes. She was exhausted. She took a long time in there, relishing the water as it cascaded down on her emaciated, but recovering body. Sam tucked her into the single bed, and went to have his shower. When he came back into the room, Weasel was in his bed, asleep. He left her there, turned out the lights, climbed in, and was asleep quickly. *** The next morning, the sun was shining into the room, and Sam opened his eyes to find Weasel sitting up, looking at him, her green eyes fixed on his face. He groaned, and told her to go have another shower, and stop trying to hynotise him. She giggled, and got out of bed, and he noticed she was wearing his old tee shirt, and was wearing a pair of her new panties, sky blue with a little bear on the front. She walked into the bathroom, and as the water was running, she was humming. When she'd finished, she came out just in her panties, brushing her hair, and proceeded to sort through her new wardrobe, choosing clothes for the day. She was so thin!, Sam noticed, and her puffy nipples, a pale pink colour, seemed extraordinarily large, her ribs still showed, and Sam decided that he'd make sure she ate well for the next couple of weeks, to put some meat on her bones. God knew, enough of them were showing! She was still skinny from malnutrition, and Sam's heart broke for her. Her pubic mound seemed abnormally large, because of the fat that had been lost from her legs. She stood five feet nothing tall, or so, looking so small and tiny, like an elf. But she glowed from the shower, and happiness, as though desperately trying to forget the last few weeks with her dead parents. Weasel put all of her old clothes into one of the shopping bags, and taking Sam's hand, they went out to the dumpster, and she held the bag for a moment, then tossed it in. Sam had given her the photograph, and it was now in the bag. She didnt wan't to look at it. She said nothing as she walked away, never looking back. When they stopped for the night, at a town that Weasel decided she liked, she asked Sam how long were they going to travel for? Sam thought about it, and told her he'd been on the road for so long, he hadn't thought about staying anywhere in particular. So after a restaurant dinner, Weasel telling him she'd never been in a restaurant, she ate a large meal that had her burping during dessert, they retired to the motel, and Weasel began her campaign to settle down. *** Weasel told Sam they were staying there for a couple of days, "to check out places!", he humoured her, paying for the difference. He explained to the clerk that Weasel was his daughter, when asked about her, which earned him a smirk from the teenaged boy, who almost earned himself a beating from Sam. Weasel had seen the smirk, and threatened to smash his teeth in, so he backed off and became very polite after that. They walked down the main street, and it was a lovely town, Sam decided, so he and Weasel decided to lunch at a small cafe, and had croissants, and pretended to be visiting royalty, and then they both ended up laughing, unable to get the British accents correctly. Together, they looked into the various realtors, viewing the different houses for rent or sale, and one agent took them to a secluded house on the waterfront, the town being beside a lake. Weasel fell in love with it immediately. It had it's own jetty, and a boat could be tied up underneath it, The house was fully insulated, top and bottom, and it had internet access. "We''ll take it!", she announced, so Weasel and Sam signed the tenancy agreement, and for the first time in almost eight years, Sam had a home, and an almost-daughter again! The house was full of wood, and had lots of character, tongue-in-groove, and bare rafters. It had a wood floor, was two stories, and as they ate their first dinner in their new place, Weasel was making plans for getting the house paid for so that they could own it. Sam could see the benefits of that, and when he called the realtor the next day, asking him the price, Weasel used her immature charms to beat him down, and the realtor was sure surprised when they came into his office and put cash, a lot of cash, on his desk. They explained it away by saying they'd won it in Vegas, and had insisted they be paid in cash, and now it had to put it into the bank. The realtor knew the bank manager, and called him, and at the end of that day, they had a joint bank account, and a credit card each, which Sam told her to be careful with, and smirking, she promptly poked her tongue out at him, then grinned, the papers were signed, and everyone was happy. Sam explained the difference between the name on his driver's licence, and the name he was using, by saying that Sam was a nickname from his childhood, and that was accepted as one of his quirks. *** That evening after dinner, Weasel, who'd looked at his driver's liscence, said, "Shelby Danby? That's really your name?" "Don't beat it into the ground!", he growled. "My father had illusions of grandeur. He was a store clerk who dreamed of making it big and owning a mansion!" Weasel left it alone, and changed the subject. "How am we going to explain my lack of records when I get enrolled at the local school?" Before he could say anything, she said, "Francesca Danby! That has a ring to it, don't you think?" "Francesca? That's really your name?" he said, repeating her words back at her. "Oh, have your fun, why don't you? Smartass!", but she laughed, and came over to sit on his lap. Sam held her, and asked her if she was okay? He was looking at her, and noticed a slight look of wistfulness, sorrow, and loss in her eyes. She gazed at him, and slid a fingertip along his jaw-line. It was several minutes before she spoke again. "My name is Francesca Mary Louisa Consuela Parker, half Honduran, half Irish. Mom was a maid who came here looking for work, and she met and married my father. He was a good man, but ran with a gang, and he changed, becoming a violent criminal, and that resulted in the armoured car robbery. He'd been in prison a few times. The rest is history, and I want to forget it all, before the time you found me. Or before I was so hungry, I tried to rob you." "I'm an orphan," she said. I've been watching you, and you're a good man, Sam. You don't want to hurt me, or make me do things," and she shuddered slightly, "that I don't want to do. You took care of me! You could have left me back there at that house, and drove off, but you took responsibility for a homeless starving kid who had no-one except two corpses for company!" "Then," she said, quietly, "you could have had your way with me, and no-one would have known, but you were the perfect gentleman, and that told me who you were. I want you to know that, when the time is right, you can collect on that debt." "It's not a debt," he growled, but she stalled him by putting her fingertips on his lips. "Let me finish!" she said. Weasel fixed those amazing green eyes on him, and they glowed with intent. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you! I love you, Sam!" Sam looked at her, sitting on his lap, a serious look on her face, her hands balled into fists, gripping his shirt front, her green eyes looking directly into his. He thought over what she'd told him, and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. "How old are you, Francesca?" he asked, using her real name for the first time, relishing the way it rolled off his tongue. "I don't see how it matters, but I'm thirteen. I know I don't look it, but I used to have a nice figure once. As long as you keep feeding me, I'll fill out!" "Thirteen? Damn girl, I'd have thought you were no more that eleven, tops, when I slammed you into that wall! I'm really sorry for that, but you were robbing me at the time!" He grinned at her, and she softened, and threw her arms around him, and kissed him on the cheek before she lay her head on his chest. She laughed, and told him, "You're forgiven, you big lump of a man!" Then she changed the subject back, and said, "But what about school? I like the idea of home-schooling, but I want to meet people, and make friends! I didn't have too many in my old neighbourhood, and I wasn't allowed to mix with anyone who wasn't 'one of us!' *** So they came up with a cover story. They were in witness protection, hiding out from a cartel who was looking for them. And amazingly enough, the Principle accepted the story, her imagination running riot from watching cop shows on television, promising to keep it under her hat, and also promising that, as they had neighbourhood watch in their town, any suspicious characters asking about them would be reported to them instantly. So they settled into their new lives. Francesca, who still wanted to be called Weasel, filled out, and suddenly there was a lush, full figured young woman in the house, who would walk around in just her panties at night, even when she had her periods, and she had a startling effect on Sam. He accepted her nightly parades, and would watch her as she walked, stretched, and moved, seemingly with the intention of proving to him that she was indeed a desirable young woman. She would sit in an old large armchair she'd bought at a thrift store, reading, nude from the waist up, her legs tucked up underneath her in the age-old feminine way, her puffy pink nipples hard under his eyes. She'd always have a smile on her face, and her green eyes would dance when she'd 'caught' him looking at her charms. Her periods were regular as clockwork, and you could set the calendar by them. Weasel didn't seem to be suffering any ill-effects from her enforced malnutrition, so Sam got her to have regular check-ups anyway, and she was given a clean bill of health. Weasel was doing well at school, she'd made friends easily, and several boys would knock on the door, she'd talk to them, then close the door in their faces, then decide whether she'd go out on dates with them. She did a couple of times, and always in the company of others. Weasel made it clear to the boys these rules: Double or more dates only. No kissing, no groping, no holding hands, and no, repeat no, asking for sex. If they didn't like it, too bad for them. Funny thing, but she became a popular girl, and at least three boys a week would knock on their door, or approach her at school. Only once, and it was only once, a boy who'd agreed to her rules, a school football team quarterback, tried to force himself on her when she told him no determinedly. She got pissed, and put him in the hospital, from the simple expedient of beating the crap out of him. Don't mess with a barrio kid! She became really popular at school, especially with the girls who'd caved, and let him have his way. He wouldn't press charges out of embarrassment, and the girls of the school banded around Weasel, a solid phalanx of femininity. The girls found themselves being treated with respect from the boys after that. Weasel told Sam, laughing, that the boy concerned would actually duck into a doorway to get out of her way if he saw her coming down the hallway, even hiding in a girl's toilet to do it! It took them a while to calm down from that one! *** Then Weasel's sixteenth birthday rolled around, and Sam was just getting up from his computer, working on a building project, as he'd started a small handyman business, and was doing his thing, getting quotes for materials and hourly rates, when Weasel came into the room after school, and announced that she was having her party at the house, and she'd invited several of her friends over to go through the planning details. Sam got up, and said he'd go, and leave her to it, as he needed to visit the hardware store, and talk with a guy there before it closed. As he went to go out the door, he ran into a little blonde-haired girl, about five foot tall, with a slim figure, and Sam could see the tops of her pale breasts down the front of her school blouse, and he noticed she was wearing a white lacy bra. She squealed in surprise as she walked face first into him. Her eyes travelled up his body, and when she saw his blue eyes looking into hers, she blushed, her jaw dropped open, and she became speechless, just staring at him. Sam could feel her nipples start to get hard, poking him in his stomach. Weasel laughed behind her, and introduced her as Melanie, one of her friends from school. Sam smiled at her, and in a quiet husky voice, said "Hi, Melanie!" Melanie was still her school uniform, and Sam thought she looked tasty, but kept that to himself. But Weasel saw the look in his eye, and said, "Down, tiger!", and then Melanie turned around to the girl behind her, and apologised! Weasel just smiled at her, and said it was alright, she could look, but no touching, alright? Melanie looked back at Sam, and sighed, but agreed. Then Sam left, and Weasel and Melanie went into a huddle in the living room, and the young woman kept having to pull Melanie's thoughts back on track, as she'd get a far-away look in her eye, and lose concentration. She was saved from beating Melanie to death by the arrival of Gillian and Sonia, both slim seventeen year-olds, cheerleaders, who were part of Weasel's circle. Both girls had met Sam before, had both gone through the gush-crush thing, and looked with pity on Melanie, who was in hormone shock. In the end, Melanie calmed down, they let her sit in, and before long, they were all in a party frenzy. Sam had promised to go out that night, and visit friends that lived down the street. *** So the night finally arrived, and it was ladies night, teenage style. There was no alcohol allowed, and definitely no boys allowed, either! At least twenty girls turned up, and they were having a ball, and that's when the trouble started. The quarterback had turned up with his cronies, and to save face, he was drunk and trying to barge into the house, egged on by his friends, attempting to kiss the birthday girl. But she refused to let him pass the door, furiously telling him to go home and sleep it off, and, when having enough of being ribbed by his crew, and still hurting emotionally from getting beaten up by a girl, he swung a punch, and it connected with Weasel's head, and she went down, flying back to land on her side, dizzy and half-unconscious. Pandemoniun erupted, and girls were screaming, and the boy's friends left in a squeal of tyre smoke at that point. A call was made to Sam by a screaming friend of Weasels', who was there in a short time. Several of the older girls had pinned down the inebriated teenaged boy by the time Sam got there, by sitting on him, and he was bellowing in an inarticulate rage, fighting to get to his feet. Seeing Sam arrive, the girls let him up, he rose to his feet, then bellowing like a bull, he charged and swung at Sam. Sam stepped inside his wild haymaker, blocked the arm with his, and jabbed at the boy's face. There was a loud crack!, and the drunken raging teen went down, and he didn't get back up, snoring on the deck. The police were called, and they took him away in handcuffs, trying to stand on wobbly legs, and spitting blood and teeth. He was transferred to another school, and his parents paid hundreds of dollars to fix his face. The boy's father, a wealthy industrialist, wanted to press charges against Sam and Weasel, but the local police chief just laughed in his face, and told him, "Good luck with that!" Everyone in town knew of his Lothario son, and that family were not well liked in the area because of it. Sam picked Weasel up, and ignoring the chaos around him, he carried his girl into the lounge, put her in her favourite chair, and curtly told some girls to go get him a wet cloth so that he could wipe her face. Now that they had something to do, they calmed down, and in a moment, a warm wet cloth was pressed into his hand, and the girls were huddled around Weasel, cooing and fussing like mother hens. A shiner was already forming on Weasel's face, and she was crying, more in pain than in humiliation. She had had to defend herself against the advances of the neighbourhood toughs that attempted to force her to have sex with them, so she was resilient, but it still hurts when a fist plants itself against the side of your face at full power. Sam wiped her face, and she winced, held his hand up against her head, and was smiling in thanks up at him. The cloth was replenished again. The party fizzled out after that. The girls, most of them in shock, went home, but thanked Francesca for the invite, and hoped she'd get better soon. Stupid wishes, when she'd see them on Monday for school, but it was meant well, and soon, it was just Weasel and Sam in the living room, and Sam was attendant upon her, making sure his girl was doing fine. *** Sam helped Weasel to her room, but she refused to stay in there, and holding her head, went into the bathroom, and ran the shower. She told him to just turn out the lights, and she'd clean up tomorrow. She had her shower, and then she slid into his bed, while he had his shower. When he came into his room, rubbing a towel over his head, he saw her her, and asked her, what was she doing? Weasel lay back, and she was nude from the waist up and her breasts were bare, and she told him that she didn't want to sleep alone tonight, and would he mind if she slept with him? He told her no, if she wanted to do that he was fine with it, and then Sam turned out the light, and they lay there together in the moonlight, holding each other, not saying anything. Weasel lay beside him, her head on his chest, and began to stroke his chest lightly, softly, and he shifted, and then before her eyes, a little tent began to form in front of her. "Oh, that's interesting, the elves are going camping!," she quipped. Sam laughed and apologised, saying it had beem awhile since he'd had a warm body but his own in his bed, and tried to make it go away, but wasn't having much luck. Weasel slid her hand under the blankets, and gently felt him, and he was a solid bar, and he jumped at the contact. "Well," she said, "we can't have you in this condition, Sam! You'd get no sleep! Would you like me to do something about it?" Sam looked at her and saw the flash of her teeth. She was smiling, and her green eyes shone in the moonlight, mesmerising him, and he heard himself say, "Yes, yes I would.". She slipped the blankets out of the way, pushing them down his legs, and took him into her hand, and began to stroke him slowly. Her hand was light and feathery on his shaft, and the sensations created made him groan with need. Then Weasel moved down his body, giving him light kisses and nips, stopping to lick his belly button, then moving slowly but surely to his raging hard pole. Weasel ran her tip of her tongue through his pubic hair, and then he felt her breath on his glans, and she softly licked it and a shudder ran through him, and he groaned again, relaxing into the warmth of her mouth around the head. She began a rolling motion with her hand, and ran it up and down his swollen shaft, letting her saliva dribble down to lubricate her hand as she moved it around it. Sam was in a state of bliss, not having had this done since before he got married, so long ago. Sam could feel her breasts as they swung against his belly, and when he would feel a nipple drag across a patch of bare skin, he'd shiver with excitement. Then he felt his body respond to her ministrations, and started to climb his peak, the fluid bubbling in his balls. Weasel's hand never tired as it moved, and her tongue slid across the tip and around it, and the fact she never took him fully into her mouth seemed to be even more sexier, and before he knew it, Sam was moving his hips,and with a loud cry of suppressed need being released, he spurted into Weasel's mouth, and she surprised him by swallowing, and taking it all, spluttering only once as the first jet hit her tonsils. *** The next morning, Weasel got out of bed humming, an ugly bruise marring her features, but she remained in a good humour, and Sam found himself distracted, unable to concentrate, his mind returning time and again to the events of the night before, especially the time in his bed. Weasel said nothing about what happened, and neither did Sam, but it hung in the air, and Weasel would smile, a secretive smile, when she looked at him. Finally, at dinner, as they were talking quietly, he pushed his plate away, half-finished, and told Weasel he had to say something.The young woman told him, without looking up, no he didn't, he needed it to happen, and to leave it alone. "If you want to know the truth," she told him, looking up at him with a serious look on her face, "I'm amazed I've managed to keep my hands off you for this long. It was hard for me sometimes, real torture, not to join you in your bed!" Sam sat there, unable to think of anything to say, so he remained silent. He was never a good conversationalist after the divorce, especially with women, although it was his gift of the gab, good looks and rugged strength that had attracted Jenny to him. He forced her out of his thoughts, feeling the old pain stab him. "I've made up my mind, Sam," Weasel continued, matter-of-factly. "As soon as this bruising is gone, and the doctor tells me I'm fine, you can collect on that old debt." Sam started, remembering the conversation they'd had not long after they'd moved into the house. "And," she said, "you will not back out of doing it." She looked into his eyes, and he fell into them, a deep pair of green pools of liquid sunshine and love. Sam had an epiphany then, realising that he loved this amazing young woman. He nodded, and then returned to his meal, poking at it, eating slowly, lost in thought. *** Two weeks later, and the swelling and bruising was almost gone, just some faint yellowish shadows marred the otherwise lovely face of Weasel, who covered it with make-up. When she had gone back to school, the buddies of the teenage boy who'd hit her were nearly lynched when the students saw Weasel's face, and heard what had happened. There was a mass feeling of anger as Weasel, or Francesca as she was known at school, went to her classes. Some teachers wanted her to go home, some for less than sympathetic reasons, and it came to light that several girls were treated similarly at home, and violence toward women became a much-talked about subject in the homes of the townspeople, leading to new laws being passed that severely punished those who couldn't keep their hands to themselves, most of the men the more vocal ones who pressed for the law changes! Sam was in his study, a small room that he'd converted to suit his business needs, and he was just thinking about making a cup of coffee when Weasel came in with one. She put it down near his hand, on a coaster, and picked up his empty one. She ran her fingers through the hair at the back of his head, and leaned down to kiss him on the top of his head. "Don't be long," she whispered in his ear, then walked out of the room. Sam had been waiting for her to tell him when she'd be ready for the long-awaited assignation, and he was excited, thrilled, and yet nervous and twitchy about the prospect of it happening. He sat there, still and unmoving, his gaze unfocussed, his eyes seeing, yet not seeing, the computer screen. He was in two minds about their making love. When he'd cared for her back at the old house, he felt more protective toward her, as a father would his daughter, knowing all the while she wasn't, yet as her watched her recover and grow into a lovely, bright, beautiful mature young woman, his feelings had changed, and he felt more like a big brother toward her than anything, despite the fact that they weren't related at all. Francesca had persuaded him to give her his last name, Danby, and as far as anyone in the town knew, they were father and daughter, and it was accepted as fact. They said and did nothing to change or persuade anyone's mind about it, they just went ahead and let the people think what they wanted to think. Sam had made some investments, and they were coming to fruition, and so future worries about money wasn't even a possibility. The money in their joint bank account grew thanks to the interest building up, and it looked to both of them that they could retire relatively well off, if not wealthy. Some of the single women in the town had made themselves known to him, and Weasel, surprising him, had encouraged him to go out on dates, wanting to know all the sordid details afterward, and they would laugh at her inquisitiveness, however reluctantly he wanted to talk about his dates. Sometimes, he would walk in the door in the morning, and Weasel, no matter how early he'd come home, would be waiting for him, with a hot coffee for him, sitting at the kitchen table, ready for him to fill her in, and give her the details. *** So Sam sighed, turned off the computer, and had his shower, and when he got to his room, Weasel was waiting under the covers for him. *** Sam stood in the middle of the room, and looked at the young woman in his bed. She was sitting up, her back against the headrest, a pillow behind her for comfort, and she was looking right back at him. Both of them said nothing. Both of them knew why she was there, and both were looking forward to the coming event. Sam gazed at her, and she pulled her shoulders back a little, pushing her lovely breasts out, inviting him to look and admire them. They had filled out nicely, and they sat on her chest, full, round, and tipped by rosy pink puffy nipples, which hardened under his hungry gaze. Her skin was smooth and pale, her shoulders framed by her chestnut hair that had grown, and now hung down to the tops of her breasts. Her eyes were smoky with desire, and she kept smiling at him, then she moved, and she was kneeling on the bed, the blankets falling down and off her body, and Sam sucked in his breath, because she was glorious in her nakedness. Sam went from flaccid to hard, and Weasel grinned as she watched his manhood grow, and she licked her lips, her pink tongue sliding across her lips, causing Sam to moan softly as he saw that. Weasel's waist was slim and curving down to well shaped hips, her belly flat and slightly muscular, from exercise gained at school sports, which she excelled at. Her mons was a little plump, with a sparse covering of pubic hair that was the same colour as the hair on her head, that curved inward and met in the middle. He saw that she kept it trimmed and neat. Her clitoral hood was showing, and as her desire grew, Sam saw her inner lips, and he saw moisture on them. That's when the fragrance of her arousal wafted through the room, his erect penis twitched, and she chuckled throatily when she saw his reaction. Weasel held out her arms, so he walked forward, his erect member swaying, and after all this time, they were finally united, holding each other, kissing, their mouths hungrily devouring each other. She drew him down, still kissing him, his hands roaming over her supine body causing her to moan into his mouth, then she rolled them both over, and with a wicked grin, she knelt by him, and began to run her fingernails and hair slowly and lightly over his chest and belly, always meeting at his pubic hair on either side of his hard tumescence, but never going past that line. Weasel began to kiss his belly, running her tongue in small light circles all over it, one hand rubbing his thighs and legs, the other his chest, and the effect to Sam was amazing, tactile and electric.Then the hand on his chest began to roll and lightly pinch his nipples, while the other began to rub his erection and just barely touch it to stroke it. Sam was in a world of sexually charged bliss. He went to touch Weasel, but she said, "No, not yet!", and chuckled throatily again, not once breaking contact with his skin.So Sam put his hands under his head, and entwined his fingers, leaving her to play him like a violin, and he quickly became highly strung, fully excited now by the game she was playing, a game he was in complete agreement with. Then she moved, dragging her nose, lips and chin on the taught skin of his belly, causing him to hunch up, as it tickled, making her almost giggle, then her breath was on the tip of his manhood, and for a few heartbeats, she stayed there, her cheek on his belly, just softly blowing air onto him. Then the tip of her tongue touched him, and his penis jumped, then she had her lips on the tip, not quite a kiss, and slowly, oh so incredibly slowly, she took him in, as if she were inhaling him with every breath. Then she began to use her tongue to stroke him, and it felt like a caterpiller on him, dancing and wriggling as she went lower, then she'd pull her head back a little, her tongue still moving, dragging her top teeth lightly up his straining penis, then she go back down the length, and repeat her actions. Weasel did this for several minutes, driving him to ecstatic heights, and she went further, and lifting her leg, straddled his shoulders, and he saw her hidden womanly charms for the first time, and he just looked at them, marvelling at the sight. Her vagina was plump and open, her lips peeking out and spread, waiting for his attentions. They were wet and slick with her arousal, and the smell of her was clean and heady. She gave her hips a wiggle, demanding attention, so he raised his head, held her thighs and gave her a slow swipe, from her clitoral hood to her anus. Weasel clamped her lips shut, and growled at the touch. She began a suction then, her tongue still moving, and he licked and caressed her centre, his tongue moving constantly, dipping into her, sliding across her outer lips, and she began to move over him, driving herself down onto his mouth, and began to give gutteral grunts, riding his face to her climax. Suddenly she got off him, and lying on her back, gasped, "Enough! Now, Sam, now!". Sam positioned himself, on a sexual plateau that demanded release, and she was glassy-eyed, her face in a rictus of desire, holding him at her sopping opening, and he drove down, and buried himself in one lunge, and Weasel cried out, hunching her hips up at him, tears in her eyes, and she was sobbing, "Do it now! Please!". So he began to move, in and out, and she was hunching back at him, and for several minutes, or hours, they never knew, lost in the desperation of the moment, their hips flashing, slapping against each other, until Sam could feel his climax approaching, ever faster, and Weasel was crying out, riding her own pleasurable release, holding him as he slammed into her. He could feel her slick tunnel clenching him, then with a drawn-out groan of release, he jetted himself into her, and she rode him, taking him into her body, then he collapsed onto her, both of them laying there gasping, spent, covered in sweat. Chapter Three When Sam woke the next morning, he was lying on his back, and Weasel was sitting astride him, and he was buried in her. She was moving slowly, eyes closed, a big grin on her face, and he could feel her snug channel as it gripped and slid on him, so soft and silky. "Mmmm, thats nice," he said, feeling warm and comfortable, but he also could feel a climax building. Weasel giggled, and she contracted around him. "Yes it is!" she said, smiling. "Nothing like the hair of the dog in the morning!" "Otherwise known as a Morning Glory," Sam told her. Weasel giggled again, and then her eyes flew open, and she was moving faster, panting, riding a climax. That set Sam off, and he felt his fluid pour through his member, and into her. When they'd calmed down, she climbed off him, his flaccid member wet and sticky from their juices. She walked to the shower, and as she went out the door, Sam saw his seminal fluid running down her thigh, and he lay there, smiling, feeling at peace. Then the shower was running, and Weasel called out, "Well? Am I going to be in here by myself?" His feet were on the floor and he was moving before he knew it. *** Wednesday night, and it was pouring with rain outside. The weather had changed with a vengeance, and it was cold and blustery. The water of the lake, blue and cheery a few days ago, was now a dark slate gray, white foam-tipped waves were driven by the wind, and spray slashed into the air, and looked it freezing and uninviting. The wind picked up, and they stood, arms around each other, watching the rain turn, going from straight down, to tilting sideways. There was a banging on the door, and looking at each other, wondering who'd be out in such weather, Weasel went and answered the door, and a wet and bedraggled girl stumbled in, took off her raincoat, and it was Sonia, one of Weasel's friends from school standing there, rubbing her arms, and stamping her feet, trying to warm them up. "Sorry to intrude," she said, "but my parents are away for a couple of days, and I was going nuts sitting in the house all alone, and I was wondering if I could stay here tonight?" She looked forlorn, and just then, thunder cracked and rumbled through the air. Sonia trembled, looking up, her wet hair dripping water. "Of course you can!" Weasel said. "You can sleep with me tonight. Did you get the call from Miss Parsons saying school was cancelled for the next couple of days because of the storm?", she asked the shivering girl. Sonia replied in the positive, and then Weasel went into the kitchen, putting the kettle on, and soon, the girl was sitting in the living room, her feet up on the couch sitting cross-legged, a hot cup of hot chocolate held in her hands, looking out across the lake, sipping her drink. Sam sat at the other end of the couch, and no-one spoke for several minutes, everyone lost in their own thoughts, until Weasel got up, and took Sonia's hand, towing her upstairs to her room. Sam could hear Weasel telling the girl to take her clothes off, and to put some of hers on, both young women being approximately the same size. Some minutes later, there was the sound of feminine laughter, and it tinkled in the air, and the house became brighter. Weasel came down, and put the wet clothes in the drier. Sam cooked dinner that night, and he'd made an Irish stew, adding spices in to flavour it. Sonia was impressed, as she'd never seen a man cook before, and she oohed and ahhed as she ate, saying the meal was delicious, and asked him where he'd learned to cook? Sam sat there silently before answering, then told her quietly that he'd spent some time on the road, and had had to learn to cook for himself, then said no more, although Sonia looked like she had more questions. When Sam wasn't forthcoming, Weasel put her hand on her arm, and told her friend that it was a painful part of Sam's past, and he didn't like talking about it, and with a sympathetic look, Sonia said no more, but concentrated on her meal instead. She must have liked it, because she went back for seconds, and Sam cheered up as he saw that. "Well, at least I haven't poisoned anyone!" he joked, and then they were laughing, and the girls talked about school, the weather, the storm, and other things, filling the air with chatter, as if to drown out the storm outside. Sam sat there watching them, proud of his girl as she chatted with her friend, drawing her out, and captivating her. *** They didn't have a television, preferring instead to read, and after dinner, Weasel showed her friend their small library, accumulated since they'd arrived in town, and it sat in a bookcase that Sam had built himself. It was floor to ceiling, with seven wide shelves, and the subject matter was eclectic. When Sonia asked why there was a couple of children's books there, Weasel told her they were books that she'd loved as a child, and when she saw them in the second-hand bookstore, she just had to have them, reminding her of happier times. Sonia had seen the bookcase when they were planning the party, and when she had been there during it, but hadn't paid any attention to it. Now she went through the titles, and exclaimed, "I know this book! I've read it!" It was a book about old abandoned houses throughout the country, and Sam had bought it, because, amazing him and Weasel both, it had a photo of the house they had both been in, when they had first met, taken from the front of the building. Sonia took it from the bookshelf, and brought it over to show them, sat down next to Sam, on one side of him with Weasel on the other, leafing through it, looking at the photos that were on every page. Sam gently took it from her, asking if he could, so she handed it to him, and as he went through it, both girls were enraptured as he spoke of the places he'd stayed in, and in a quiet voice, lost in his own memories, he told them about the various places he'd been to, describing in detail the layout of the houses, and his time there. His voice cracked a couple of times, and the two teens could hear the pain there as he spoke, and then Weasel sat closer to him, holding him, looking up at his face, tears beginning to form, and then Sonia was on the other side of him, and she, too, was holding him, and he was cocooned in an embrace of love and understanding, them not knowing the source of his grief, but supporting him, silently encouraging him to pour it out, and let it go. In the end, the book was forgotten, and lay open in his lap, and Sam hung his head, and cried, so the two young women held him tight as he sobbed, and then the story of his failed marriage came pouring from him, along with the accumulated pain, loss, and festering poison he'd carried around with him all this time, and when he had finished, he sat there, quietly sobbing, and he felt empty, hollow, but at peace, finally. *** They sat there for an interminable time, saying nothing, just holding each other. Sam had put his arms around the two girls, and was hugging them, grateful for the love and support they'd shown him. They were still hugging him back, weeping silently, each thinking their own thoughts, searching their own memories. It was a new man who finally sat up, and scrubbing the tears from his eyes, he announced he was sleepy, and surely it must be bedtime? The pair of sweet smelling angels by his side disentangled themselves from him, and taking Sonia's hand, Weasel announced they were going to shower, and get ready for bed. Sam told them to leave him some hot wather, otherwise he'd might as well have his shower out in the rain, and laughing fit to bust, the girls ran up the stairs, and then they were talking, and the Sam heard the water running. Sam was in his room, getting ready for bed, waiting for the bathroom, when Weasel came out first, and crossed to him, held him close, then kissed him on the cheek. She was wearing a tee shirt and panties, the tee shirt a concession to modesty now that her friend was in the house, and shortly afterward, Sonia came out as well, and she was dressed similarly, but wearing one of Weasel's tee shirts. Sonia stood at the door of Sam's bedroom, and she stood hipshot, leaning up against the frame. The tee shirt didn't quite cover her pubic area, Sam noticing she wore a pair of Weasel's panties, pink and almost sheer. Sonia was shaved clean, and Sam could see the definition of her sex, and his desire began to build, having two gorgeous young women in the house with him. Sam looked at her figure, and his penis twitched, causing Weasel to give a low chuckle. Sonia, with her browny-blondish hair that hung free to her shoulders, was lithe and slim, her bare legs were long and slightly tanned, from spending time outdoors in shorts. Sam could see the tan lines easily, where it bordered the white of her hips at the tops of her thighs, and her breasts were free of a bra, and hung loose and high on her chest, a C cup, and firm. As their eyes met, her nipples hardened, pushing through the fabric of her shirt. Sonia gave him a secret, interested smile. But she stood there saying nothing, waiting for Weasel. Weasel had turned and was looking at Sonia, saw the look in her eyes, then she turned back to Sam, noticing his gaze, and a calculating look was on her face, but she just kissed him again, and left him, taking Sonia by the hand, closed his door, and they went to bed, leaving him standing there, with a hard-on in his shorts. *** Later that night, Sam got up, and opening his door quietly, crossed to the bathroom, needing to relieve himself, and he noticed in passing that Weasel's bedroom door was ajar slightly, and as he was about to cross the hallway going back to his room, he heard a low moan, and debating whether or not to investigate, he took a chance, and peeked throught the gap between the door frame and door, and what he saw made him hard again. Sonia was nude, and in the low light coming in through the window, he saw her lying on her back, her legs open, stroking her own breasts and rolling her nipples with a couple of fingers, looking down at Weasel, and Weasel was between them, her head at the teenager's pubic area, and she was busing licking the girl's shaven and smooth pussy, and making humming noises, causing the prone young woman to gasp, and move her hips in a rolling motion. Then Sonia began to moan quietly, and she was near her peak, then Weasel slid a finger into her, moving it, and Sonia gave a mewling cry, and thrashed against her friend, finally subsiding, then Weasel moved up her body, giving little kisses, and Sam saw that she was nude as well, then the two young goddesses held each other, kissing softly, gently. Sam moved away from the door, and quietly shut his own, a little embarrassed for invading their privacy. The next morning, being the man he was, Sam asked Weasel if he could talk to her while Sonia was in the shower, Weasel having had hers first, and as they stood in his room, his door closed slightly to give them some privacy, he admitted to Weasel what he had done, standing at their door and watching the show of love and closeness between the two girls, and asked her forgiveness for spying on them. Weasel stood there for a moment, then threw her arms around him, surprising him, and laughed, holding him tight. "Oh, you silly man, but I do love you!" she said to him. "No forgiveness is neccesary! If you enjoyed watching us, then I'm glad! I left the door open on purpose! I didn't know if you'd see us, but secretly, I suppose, I hoped you would." She stepped back, and told him they'd talk later about it, and told him to get dressed, as breakfast would be ready soon, and then walked off, leaving him standing there stunned. They'd put Sonia's wet clothes into the dryer, and she was dressed again, and together they ate in silence, with Sonia casting furtive glances at Sam. He pretended not to notice, then Weasel put her hand on Sonia's knee, and the girl jumped, Weasel asking Sonia when her parents would be home again. "Sunday evening," she replied. "They go off occasionally for, um, club meetings." But she said no more, a blush on her face, and she looked down at her breakfast, and continued to eat. Weasel looked at her, and said with a casual, "Would you like to stay here until they get back?," Sonia looked up, her grey eyes meeting Sam's, then looking at Weasel, she blushed again, and replied, "only if it's okay with Sam!" before eating again. Weasel looked at Sam, a naughty grin on her face, and Sam smiled, and assured the uncomfortable girl that, indeed it was, better than her staying in an empty house, and he and Weasel would be glad to have her. At that, Weasel choked with laughter, and confused, Sonia looked at her, a frown creasing her brows, unsure of the joke, or what she had said. So Sam gave Weasel the car keys, and together the girls went to Sonia's house, where she packed a bag, and after doing some shopping, returned home, and soon, they were all sitting around the living room chatting, and reading at the same time. *** Weasel had convinced Sam to give up smoking, saying he stunk, and to shave his moustache off, and told him he looked handsome, and with his wide shoulders and trim figure, thanks to him working out a local gym, women would always stop, or walk past, and give him the once-over, some of them not quite drooling. Weasel was always proud to be seen in his company, relishing the thought that this man with her was hers, and she had a slight propreital attitude toward him, and she would willingly share him, just so long as he came home to her every time. As mentioned before, Sam had gone out on dates, and had to break a couple of hearts when the women he had been with would try to get him to come around to their way of thinking, and make the arrangement permanent. But Sam thought of his girl at home, and knew that she wouldn't agree, and tried to part good friends. Knowing that he wouldn't bend to their wiles, they let him go, and sighed into their pillows each night. Sam was happy with his arrangement with Weasel, loving her in some undefined way, and would hold her, tell her he loved her, and she would hug him tight, and say she loved him too. Weasel and Sam had made love a few of times since that first night, and they were happy, and would hold each other afterward, content. Sam was satisfied to let Weasel come to him when she was ready, or feeling down, and that led to them to begin making out, then they'd be nude, events taking their own course after that. Weasel discovered that Sam loved giving her oral sex, and would he spend a long time between her thighs, driving her to the peak of orgasm again and again, until she would push him away, her hand between her legs, which she closed and drew up, and gasp, "Enough! I surrender!", but she always welcomed him back to do it again. *** The last time it had happened, Weasel was in her chair, wearing only panties, and Sam had silently came up to her, and kneeling in front of her, he began kissing her knees, and she looked at him, put her book down on the floor, and slid down, her panties creating a pleasing camel-toe, knowing what he had in mind. Sam kissed his way up her thighs, and with Weasel lifting her bottom, he slowly slid her panties down, and off, and as she parted her legs, she raised herself to give him better access to her now wet and hungry sex. Sam pulled her down until her bottom was on the edge of the seat, and began to kiss the inside of her thighs, swapping from one to the other, her legs wide open and off the floor. Weasel was beginning to gasp, her skin alive with his light kisses, and Sam used his tongue to lightly lick her, flicking at her epidermis like a snake, causing goosebumps to raise on her naked flesh. Her aroma was heady and exciting, sweet and fresh. Sam moved his mouth closer to her wet and open lips, which were like a flower, pink and aroused from expectation. He ran his tongue slowly up from her anus to her clit, Weasel giving a cat-like meow as he did so. Then he went back and did it again, then again, then he dipped his head, and ran his tip of his tongue around her sphincter, making Weasel writhed on the chair, gasping and panting, jerking her hips, wanting him to go higher to her clitoris, but he stayed there, his tongue driving her into a frenzy of desire, gently penetrating her. Then when she was almost going crazy from his attentions, and her anus was very wet from his saliva and her secretions, he moved up to her clit, stroking her outer and inner lips with his tongue as he went, spending some time on them, and when he stroked his tongue over her clit forcefully, he slid a finger into her back passage, and Weasel reared up and screamed in orgasm, thrashing as he licked her clit, putting pressure on her nubbin, moving his finger slowly in her nether region, sliding it in and out, rotating it as he did so. Then he withdrew his finger, and Weasel groaned in disapointment, but he slid a finger into her slick vaginal tunnel, and his fingertip found her hidden spot, Weasel arching her back as he manipulated it. As she began to close in on her release, he re-inserted another finger into her anus, and the combined feelings of the two fingers moving in her drove her over the edge, and she bucked and wailed as her climax powered through her body. *** She sat there, her chest heaving, her breasts rising and falling as she tried to get her breath back. Sam still had his fingers inserted in her, feeling her muscles contracting around them. Weasel was a mess. Her hair was wild and mussed, from where she'd tossed her head back and forth against the chair back, and her green eyes glittered at him feverishly. Her chest had pink fingermarks on it where she had grabbed her own breasts, and they were fading as he watched. Weasel had put her legs back down on the floor to support herself, and as he slowly withdrew his fingers, she moaned, and her hips twitched. Sam handed her her panties, and asked Weasel if she was thirsty, and would she like something to drink? She gave a crooked grin, and told him yes, and so he left her there to pull herself back together, and she had to try twice to put the panties on, before they were once again around her waist, snug on her. As Sam made the drinks, Weasel got up, and on weak legs, tottered up to the bathroom. She took a while, and when she returned, she was looking presentable again, she went to him and hugged him, and hummed into his chest before releasing him, and picking up her hot drink, sat back down on her chair, and with a smile on her face, picked up her book, and began to read again, but glancing his way occasionally. She raised her leg, her foot resting on the edge of the chair, and lightly stroked herself, and hummed softly. Sam lay on the couch, reading as well, but he too, had a smile on his face, and pretended ignorance. *** That night, both young women were in panties and tees, Weasel having persuaded Sonia to dress that way after their shower together, saying that's how she normally dressed when it was just Sam and herself in the house. Weasel didn't tell her that that wasn't really the case, but she told her the lie to protect her friend. When Sonia asked, Weasel told her that Sam was cool with it, and that he wouldn't throw her to the floor and rape her. So, in some trepidation, Sonia stood before Sam, feeling a little self-conscious, and as soon as Sam smiled, and told her to sit down and relax, she gathered her courage, and did so. After a while, seeing that Sam wasn't going to turn into a sex-crazed monster, Sonia became relaxed, and was talking to Weasel, sitting on her hip, leaning her weight on her arm and hand, looking at some old records that Sam had collected, and telling Sam she'd never heard of the artists, but did remember some of the songs from the radio. Sam told her that if she wanted to, she could put some on and listen to them if she wanted, and with great care, she did play a few. The sounds of fifties, sixties, and seventies Rock 'n Roll filled the house, and soon, the girls got up, and egging each other on, began to dance, mimicking the movements of long almost-forgotten dances, gyrating their hips and swaying, giggles filling the air, and having a ball. Sam sat there watching them, so they ganged up on him, dragging him protesting to join them, they giggled, squealed, and laughed at his antics, as he hadn't danced for years, and was out of practice. Then the records were changed, one with slow dances this time, the record being love songs, first Weasel danced with Sam, they were holding each other, and dancing slow and close, moving together, then when the song had ended, Weasel told Sonia to dance with Sam, and blushing, she moved into his arms, and together, they too moved slowly, and then Sonia sighed, and suddenly, the two were kissing, still swaying gently, her hand behind his head, drawing him down to her waiting and parted lips, her eyes closed. When the song ended, Sonia had a glazed look in her eyes, and then she started, and realising what she'd done, was horrified, apologising profusely to Sam and then to Weasel, hugging her friend, blushing deep crimson with mortification. Weasel just smiled at her, and said, "You didn't kiss me, although I wouldn't have minded, but as Sam was the one you kissed, shouldn't you go to him, and make it up to him?" Sonia stood there, and the import of Weasel's words dawned on her, and she blushed again, and darting a shocked look at Sam, she said to the grinning girl, "He knows? Did you tell him? Oh my God!" Sam took pity on the poor girl, and told her about last night, how he'd accidently saw them making love, causing Sonia to cry, and bury her head in her hands, pleading with him not to tell anybody, knowing how that would ruin her reputation at school. But Sam smiled, and taking her hands in his, told her gently that he'd no intention of telling anyone, and that what she and Weasel did together was no-one's business, but their own, and as far as he was concerned, if they wanted to make love here in the house, he was fine with it, as everyone had their own secrets, flashing a look at Weasel, who nodded, and they both hugged her. *** More records were put on, but the volume was turned down, and they sat around talking, having a three-way conversation, and enjoying each other's company. The Weasel turned to Sonia, and asked her what kind of club her parents were in, and why wasn't she with them? It was asked as a genuine question, and Sonia was silent for a couple of minutes, looking down at the floor.Weasel apologised for being nosy, and asked her friend to forgive her. But Sonia looked into her eyes, and told her that, although it was a family secret, she would share it with them, but they had to promise never to tell anyone they knew, especially her parents, as something like this could ruin them in this town. It sounded serious, so they promised, and Sonia went quiet, then in a low voice, she told them, "Mom and Dad are in a swinger's club. That's where they are now", out-of-town, and she didn't go with them, because she was feeling a bit down, and told them to go without her this time. When Weasel asked her what a swinger's club was, thinking it was old-time dancing, having the same name and connotations, Sam explained it to her, saying that it was a sex club. "And they did their dancing in a different way!" Weasel's eyes went wide, and excitedly said, "Wow, really? No shit!" Sonia laughed at her expression, relaxing again, seeing her best friend and, what she still assumed was her father, looking at her with interest, and not judging her, or her parents for their life-style choices. "I was thirteen when I found about it," Sonia told them. "I had gone through puberty early, I had breasts, and I was always horny, and I would masturbate all the time. I could never understand why my parents always sent me to bed, but let my older brother stay up, especially when out-of-town friends would stay over. They kept it pretty secret, and if their own daughter didn't know what they got up to, then you can bet, no-one else knew either!" *** She continued, "I was lying in bed one night, and I'd masturbated, but I wasn't feeling satisfied. I tossed and turned, so I decided to get up, and see what there was in the fridge to eat, thinking food would do the trick. As I barged into the living room, Mom was on her back on the floor, my older brother, who was seventeen at the time, was between her legs, and I saw his hips moving, and Mom was moaning under him, and she was pushing back at him. My dad was on his knees, and his penis was in Mom's mouth, and she was sucking on him. He groaned, and spurted into her mouth, but some hit her face, but she laughed, and scooped it into her mouth, licking her lips." "Then my brother groaned, and he shot into Mom, and she cuddled him, and told him what a big strong man he was. You can bet I was shocked, and I wanted to run away, but my pussy was sooo wet watching them, I just walked over to them, and they jumped in fright. My brother and Dad covered themslves, but Mom lay there, my brother's goo running out from her, and she laughed, and said, "Oops, the cat was out of the bag!" "That's when they told me what they were doing. They'd been having sex with my brother since he was thirteen, when Mom caught him masturbating, and he was drawn into their circle of friends, because he's a little, um, 'bigger', shall we say, than the average, and he's a favourite with the ladies. He's also bisexual, so Dad got his cock sucked by his son a few times!" "A couple of days later, they had another session, and this time I was invited to participate. Well, I had to be, didn't I? Maybe they thought I'd tell, but I was getting the shape I am now, and I was really horny all the time, and so of course I agreed. When I was asked who did I want to do the deed, I chose my father, as Dennis's cock looked really huge!" Sonia saw the look on Weasel's face, half interest, and half lust. She told the teen girl, "He may be big, but take my word for it, he certainly knows how to use it!" *** She laughed, and then they all were. Weasel had a calculating look in her eye, and Sam smiled, knowing that now her interest was roused, not to mention another part of her, as he could catch a faint whiff of her arousal, and her nipples had gone hard, she'd be sure to find out. Sam had seen Sonia's parents from a distance, and her Mom was a knock-out. She stood about five-six, and had shoulder length honey blonde hair, a lovely face, with a slim shapely figure, with mature breasts the sat high in her chest, but whether that was because of her bra, he didn't know. Her father was tall, good-looking, dark haired, and had a trim figure for a man in his late forties. Sam had never seen Dennis, figuring him to be at college. "Well, anyway," Sonia contued, and Sam caught a whiff of arousal from her as well, "they spent some time with me, telling me about the swinger's club, that only family members were allowed, and only single men if they had been invited, and related to someone there. We had all showered, Mom washing me and preparing me for my first time, which I'm grateful for, and then we were all nude in the living room. Dad and Dennis sat on the couch, and both were hard, and I had a hard time concentrating on what they were saying to me, as I couldn't keep my eyes off their pricks!" She giggled, and Weasel was looking flushed, and her fingers kept straying into her panties. Sam was growing hard, listening to her speak, and his imagination was running riot with images. "Dad was gentle with me. He got me to sit on the couch, laying back, with my legs in the air, and then him, Mom, and Dennis took turns to lick me, and they wouldn't let me cum! Every time I thought I was going to, they'd stop, let me calm down, and then another one would start on me. I was so horny, I was almost crying for release before Dad knelt between my legs, and with Mom holding him, and Dennis sucking on my nipples, Dad slowly entered me. I was so ready, he slipped in, and I didn't even feel my cherry being broken. As soon as he was deep inside me, I came! Oh, my God! It was long, strong and it nearly tore me apart! I think I even fainted from it. I was clutching my father, and he was moving in me, and I couldn't let him go, even if the house had burned down around us!" She looked at Sam, and her eyes strayed to his crotch, where she could see his stiff erection, and licked her lips. Weasel had, by this time, finally put her hand into her panties, her fingers rubbing herself furiously, her eyes glazed, her legs wide. Sonia reached over, and freed Sam's rampant tumescence from his jeans, and Sam lifted his butt. Sonia pulled his jeans down to his ankles, and she began to stroke him. "After that", Sonia went on, "I was always with them when people would come to stay, and even when they didn't. Dad was a patient teacher, and Dennis was a superb lover, having many ladies, and some men, to teach him! Mom and my Aunt Shirley taught me how to lick pussy, and I found that I loved the taste! I enjoy getting, and giving!" Then unable to stop herself, Sonia dipped her head, and took Sam into her mouth, her tongue working on him. He was so horny from her story, he didn't last long, and within a couple of minutes, groaned, "I'm coming!", and Sonia was taking more of him, and he blasted into her mouth, and felt her swallowing, the pleasure from that making him almost pass out. Weasel then grabbed Sonia, and their clothing was flying through the air, and then the two nude young women were in a sixty-nine, and the smell of arousal wafted through the house, and their cries as they pleasured each other rang in the air, finally rising to a crescendo as the attained their peaks, and they climaxed into each other's faces. *** Both nude young women were lying on their backs, drowsy from their climaxes, and Sam lay back on the couch, his jeans still around his ankles. Weasel told him he might as well get naked, being the odd man out, so he stripped, and Sonia looked at him with interest. Sonia raised herself up on her elbows, and asked Weasel what her first time was like. Her eyes hooded, and she looked like she wasn't going to answer, but she sat up with a groan, and after making herself comfortable, she looked at the nude teenager next to her, said, "I was raped by my father when I was eight. I didn't enjoy that very much!" Sonia went pale, and whipping her head around to look at Sam, who looked as angry as she felt, she gasped, "You didn't! My God, Sam, a child! What kind of monster does that to his own child?" She'd scooted away from him, and looked at him like he was a disgusting creature, afraid of him. Weasel laughed, and told the horrifed girl that he didn't. He wasn't her father, so she shouldn't look at him and judge him like that. Sonia's head kept turning between the two of them, confused. "But, we all think he's your father! What did he do, kidnap you?" "No, nothing that extreme, though it might have been better if he had. It's a long story, but when I was eleven, my father gave me to my uncles, all five of them, some my Dad's brothers, and some my Mom's, and they used me, and none of them were gentle. It was pure hell!" "My mother knew all about it, but as long as they did her as well, she said nothing. There was an orgy most nights when my Mom came home from work, and the men were always horny. There was no escape from them." Weasel had a far-away look in her eyes, and she said, "No school, no playing with my friends outside, no playing in the park, just constant rape and sex." Then in a quiet even tone, Weasel told the horrified teen all about the robbery and the consequences, leading up to her starvation, hiding in the car from the wild dogs and the rats, and her trying to rob Sam, just so she could eat again, the fight, and her being knocked unconscious. She told Sonia about Sam's helping her when he didn't have to, he could have just left her there to die, and walked away, she said. But he'd cared for her, she told the young woman, looking at Sam with love and tears in her eyes, and she told the weeping girl about their flight north, and how they came to be here. By the time she'd finished, both teens were crying, clutching each other, so Sam got up, and made hot chocolates for them all. The storm of weeping subsided, and then silence reigned in the house, with Sonia constantly reaching out to her friend and stroking her arm, in comfort. *** Chapter Four Dinner was take-out, and Sam put on a pair of pants to pay for the pizza's, then as soon as the door was closed, and the pizza's given to the girls, the pants came off, and they ate, nude and comfortable with their state of undress. Weasel looked serene, as if the weight of her past had been washed away somehow, and Sam knew exactly how she felt. The festering poison was gone now, and they were both were bonded by their pasts, by their confessions of it, laying themselves bare, and had been found loved in spite of it, but it was that their pasts were gone, washed away in tears, there was only the now that mattered, a new life waitng to be lived. Sonia had apologised profusely to Sam for how she'd acted, and what she said. She was forgiven, as it was said and done in error, no hard feelings, to which Sonia replied, "not yet!", causing them to all laugh at the innuendo. Then dinner was over, and they sat a while longer in the living room talking, and then, with a look of mischief, both girls converged on Sam, and the festivities resumed. Sonia pushed Sam to his back, while Weasel took his limp penis into her mouth, and began to lick and suck him, getting a rise out of him in a short time, not that he was adverse to this beautiful teen willing to do that for him. Sonia lifted her leg over his head, straddling his shoulders, and he looked at her shaven smooth sex, wet now, and waiting for his tongue to pleasure it. Sonia's lips were pouty, pink and opening up for him. He gave her moistness a swipe with his tongue, and she hissed, then she lowered herself down further, spreading her knees, and leaning forward rested her weight on her arms, looking him in the eye as he started to lick and nibble on her clitoral hood, and button. Sonia stated to move against his mouth, and Sam stuck out his tongue, giving her a deep lick, ending at her nubbin, making Sonia shudder in delicious abandon. So Sam let loose, holding her by the thighs, and rubbing and massaging her tight rear end, his tongue thrashing the teenaged girl above him, making her shake and shudder, gasping, trying desperately to stay upright, which was hard for her to do, when, as she would straighten up, Sam thrashed her clit, making her cry out, and double over again. She stayed hunched over finally, and then she was crying out, one hand on her breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples, and Sonia was jerking convulsively as her orgasm hit her with powerful jolts. Her eyes were closed, and she made a high-pitched keening sound, and then she fell forward, making Sam roll her out of the way, his turgid member popping free from Weasel's mouth. Sonia lay on her side, and she had her knees pulled up to her chest in a foetal position, and she was giving little shudders, and when they subsided, she opened one eye, and groaned, "Oh my God! Where the hell have you been all my life?" She pushed herself weakly to a sitting position, and shook her head, saying softly, "Mom and Aunt Shirley would love you for what you just did! They'd keep you chained in the house, just to ride that tongue of yours!" Sonia laughed, and Weasel and Sam just smiled at her as she slowly recovered. *** Weasel had taken him in hand again, and resumed her ministrations, then Sonia asked if she could have him, wanting to know if "his cock was as good as his tongue!" Weasel took her mouth off him, and with a wide smile waved her hand at it, as if to say, "Help yourself!" Sonia lay down, and spread her legs, rubbing her clit with her fingers, and told Sam to climb aboard, the train was about to leave! He knelt between her legs, and with Weasel holding him, and pointing his erection at the teen's opening, touching it with the glans, he leaned in, and penetrated her easily, sliding forward into her wet snug slickness, making them both groan. Sonia raised her legs, opening them wider, and bent her knees, then began to hunch at Sam, who drove down into her, again and again, making her gasp, then pant heavily. Their sexual excitement escalated, and the sound of their bodies slapping against each other was the only noise to be heard. Then they started to grunt and groan, feeling their respective climaxes race upon them, and then they were just two rutting animals, with feral looks on their faces, almost snarling at each other, and there was screaming, but it seemed to come from outside themselves, and with a lurching in the air around the two lovers, they were climaxing against each other, and slowly, weakly, they ground to a halt, finally collapsing. Sonia held the gasping sweat-soaked man on top of her around the neck with both arms, and weakly told Weasel, "That's it, I'm moving in! I wanna share!" Weasel just laughed, and pulled them apart, letting them recover from their exertions. *** Both girls spent the night in Sam's bed that night, after they'd all showered, the shower being just big enough to hold the three of them, and they laughed and giggled as they fooled around and washed each other down. Sam's hands were everywhere, and so were the teens, and the water finally went lukewarm, and they all looked wrinkled when Sam finally shut the water off. Then the drying process took a long time, as the towels kept getting ripped out of the hands using them, causing more laughter. Then they were in bed, but no matter how hard the girls tried, Sam was exhausted, and promised to do better next time, and they told him they were going him to hold that, so watch out! So the two girls decided to give him a show, and he was interested, but never went past half-hard. In the end, they wrapped themselves against him, and with the clean smell of the two girls in his nose, Sam slept. *** That Monday, Weasel came home from school, and mentioned to Sam that they needed cell-phones, so they can keep in contact, 'just in case,' so they went shopping, and found a matching pair, and were signed up for the contracts, and spent an enjoyable evening learning how to use them, sending outrageous texts to each other, causing them to erupt in laughter as they got more raunchy. Then that Fiday, Weasel received a message from Sonia, telling them that there was a 'gathering' at her place the next night, Saturday, her parents wanted to meet them, and to come 'prepared for anything!' They looked at each other, and they both knew that the 'anything' could be them invited into the club. Sam and Weasel actually looked forward to it, and looked forward to meeting Sonia's parents as well. Sonia had texted Weasel her address, so at eight o'clock the next night, they were at the door, and before they knocked, Sam asked Weasel if she was ready for this? She took a deep breath, and knocked. A few moments later, a stunning honey blonde-haired woman opened the door, and beside her was a tall distinguished man, a little grey at the temples, but looking slim and fit. The man greeted them, and introduced himself as Allan Weatherby, and the woman as his wife, Elaine, and welcomed them into their home. As they were going into the living room, Allan told them that their daughter had told them about the pair, and they were impressed to hear that their daughter got along so well with them. When they got to the living room, there was about a dozen people gathered there, with drinks in their hands, and all conversation stopped as they entered the room. Most of the people there had masks of different sizes and shapes on, but Sam and Weasel didn't appear fazed by them, so they were led to the center of the room, and most of the people sat down, but they were made to stand there, the focus of attention. Elaine sat down, and she said, "Myself, Allen, and Sonia you know," and Sonia smiled, "This young man here is my son, Dennis." Dennis, a striking self-assured young man of twenty-one, leaned forward in his seat, his gaze on Sam. He smiled, and said, "Pleased to meet you both. Welcome to our house!" Then he leaned back and Elaine continued to speak. "I will not introduce anyone else, because tonight is a test for you both. Sonia has told us that you are father and daughter, and that you have a, shall we say, 'unique' relationship?" Sam looked at Weasel, and she smiled at him, trusting him completely to handle the situation. Then he turned back to the lady of the house, and said, "Francesca is my daughter, and we love each other deeply. We share most things." "Of course you do", Elaine said. "As I mentioned earlier, tonight is a test for you both. Should you pass it, you will be trusted members of this gathering, and your life shall never be the same afterward. Should, however, you fail, you will be asked to leave, and never set foot in this house again, although Sonia may come and visit you both, anytime she pleases." *** They didn't say anything, just waited, and Elaine nodded, and said, "Very well. Please disrobe, both of you." Without a word, Sam and Weasel removed their clothing, until both were nude in front of the Weatherby's and their guests. Then after a moment or two, with Dennis fixing a hungry gaze on Sams penis, Elaine said, "Now, Francesca, suck on your father, please." Weasel went to her knees, and turning Sam so that he was side-on to the watching group, she leaned in, and took his flaccid member into her mouth, and created a suction, pulling her head back, stretching him, then leaning forward again, and repeating the process, until Sam was hard. She began to swirl her tongue around his swollen glans, bobbing her head, running her tongue up and down his length, doing this for several minutes. Sam groaned, and so did a few of the others there, men and women both. "Now, Sam", Elaine said, "I want you to lick your daughter, please." Weasel stood, and with his hard maleness swinging, Sam helped Weasel to the floor, and going down on his stomach, causing several spectators to stand and approach for a better look, Sam went up on his elbows, holding Weasel's legs open with his hands, gazed upon Weasel's wet vagina, and leaned into her, and then he began to lick her outer lips softly, applying more pressure on them gradually, them moving to her inner lips, he lavished attention on them, then moved up to her clit, and she cried out and bucked under his mouth, but he didn't let up, driving her, propelling her toward a climax. Then just before Weasel did climax, Elaine said, her voice slightly husky, "Now Sam, I want you to mount your daughter. Fuck her." Sam didn't wait to be told twice. He moved between her legs, which Weasel pulled high in the air, and bending her knees, looked at him, her green eyes glazed, and glittering with need. Sam forgot everyone around him, and placing his turgid member at her opening, and Weasel hissed "Yes, do it!" So he steadied himself, and plunged into her, putting his weight on his hands and arms, and she cried out and held him as he moved in her, the sound of gasps and applause around them. Then moving faster, the rode each other toward climax. Then there was a glorious explosion of energy as they climaxed. Then they lay back, sated, and panting from their exertions. There was another round of applause, and Elaine and Sonia came over to them, helping them up and a couple of female members were wiping them down with towels, their masks gone, and they were smiling, and introducing themselves as Debbie and Janelle, mother and daughter, long time members of the group. Both women were beautiful, and after they had made sure the pair were fine, the two women moved away, and began to undress. When they were naked, they began to kiss and fondle each other, their hands moving between each other legs. A drink was given to them and they sat down, gathering their strength. *** Dennis came up to Sam, and began talking to him, just making conversation, they watched the various members of the gathering undressing and begin to have sex. Sam's attention was taken by a girl, probably as young as fourteen, moving to sit on the hard penis of a man of at least forty. "Thats Dave and Isabella Morton," Dennis said. "Father and daughter, like you and Francesca." Then more people were in the stages of love-making, and the sound of gasps and groans were heard, and the musky odour of female arousal and male hormones became strong, and then Dennis asked Sam, that "if he 'weren't up to it at the moment', would he mind if he could he make Francesca's acquiatance?" Sam gave his permission, and so Dennis undressed, and Sonia wasn't kidding! The member between Dennis's legs was a massive brute, and easily as thick as his wrist, he guessed. When Dennis stood in front of Weasel, she felt him there, and when she turned her head to see who it was, she was 'eye to eye' with his rampant member, and she recoiled, and gave a squeal of surprise. That caused several women to laugh, one telling the stunned girl, "that's how she reacted the first time she saw it!" Dennis just smiled, and tentatively, Weasel reached out to touched it, and she found she couldn't get her fingers around the girth of it, and a big smile lit up her face, and she leaned in, licked the tip, and tried to take it into her mouth, but she had open her jaws wide to fit it in. "That's the way, Francesca!" one of the women said to the struggling girl. "It may take a few tries, but it does get easier!," causing general laughter. Just then, a small brunette in her mid twenties came up to Sam, and introducing herself as Angela, knelt between Sam's legs, placed her arms and hands on his thighs, and taking him into her mouth, proceeded to suck on him. After recently making love to Weasel, Sam found himself getting hard, and soon he was enjoying the sensations of her mouth and tongue. Then Angela climbed into his lap, and impaled herself on him, riding him, and throwing her head back, and panting and moaning. *** Then Sam heard Weasel give a loud moan, and she was tring to fit Dennis's engorged member inside her, and she could only fit a few inches, but the girl was sure doing her best! Weasel was on the couch next to Sam, and she got Dennis to move slowly into her, laying on her back, her legs in the air, and Dennis was kneeling there, not putting any weight on her, and he was trying to be as gentle as he could, which earned him Sam's respect. She was stretched wide, and trying to fit more, but he could only manage half-in, so Weasel made do with that, and her eyes were wide open, and she was panting heavily. She turned her head to look at Sam, but couldn't speak, she just gave him a lopsided grin, then her eyes crossed, and she groaned in pleasure, giggling afterward. She was drunk on cock, and loved it! Then Dennis began to move in and out of Weasel, and she hunched herself at him, and soon they had a rhythm going, and Weasel began to make high pitched noises, then she gave a strangled scream as she came, tears in her eyes from happiness. Sam ejaculated into Angela after she came on him, but surprisingly, he remained hard. As Angela climbed off him, and thanked him, Dennis looked at Sam's hard-on, and told him the drinks were lightly spiked with an aphrodisiac, which surprised Sam, because he'd heard of them, but didn't believe they'd actually worked! His turgid member was witness that this one apparently did! Then Dennis gave a groan of his own, and pulled out of Weasel, her stretched young sex making a slurping sound as he exited, causing her to giggle again, and then Dennis ejaculated over her breasts and belly, a copious amount that ran everywhere. There were towels everywhere, so she took one, and wiped herself off and mopped up the semen on the couch. Dennis kissed her and went into the arms of another woman, and then he was buried in her, and the woman was moaning loudly as he slid in and out her. Sam sampled a couple of more willing ladies, and Weasel had a couple of men, with one woman licking her pussy and cleaning her up with her tongue, giving Weasel a mind-bending climax, then feeling almost done in, Weasel came over to Sam, and told him she still had one more hole to strech, and the vulgarity got him interested, so she sucked on him, getting his member wet, and then climbing over him, placed the head of his hard-on at her back passage, and slowly sat down, and they both moaned in unison, and she gave a hushed indrawn breath as he slid into her. Weasel slid up and down on him, and she grasped him, her head against his neck. She was moaning, and the feel of her ass muscles as they clenched him was overpowering ,and together, they moved in unison, slowly, lovingly, and then Weasel began to kiss him, her tongue writhing in his mouth, and then Sam could feel another climax coming, a big one, and Weasel began to move faster, and as he groaned loudly and ejaculated into her, she whimpered, and clenched him tight, holding him still, and he could feel her shudder. They called it quits after that, both of them too tired to continue, and the Weatherby's saw them to their car, and wished then good night, and promised to let them know when the next gathering was, if they were interested. They promised to make it. When Sam and Weasel had showered, a slow shower, because they were both so tired, they staggered into Sam's bed, and laying together, Weasel turned to Sam, and before they fell asleep, Weasel said, "I love you. Goodnight, Daddy!" *** That's it, folks! Thanks for reading, and have yourselves a good one! Next story on it's way soon! Timberwolf.