Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Rachel. By Timberwolf. Mg, Fg, inc, other stuff. The usual disclaimers apply. If you don't like what you're reading, bugger off. There is some pretty descriptive stuff in this story. You have been warned. Feedback is always appreciated, so don't be shy, and I will answer any emails. Chapter One. Rachel Higgins was a small girl. At sixteen, she had the body and looks of a twelve year old. Flat-chested, she was thin, and gangly. She stood at maybe five-two, but seemed smaller, because she'd walk fast, her head down, her long auburn hair covering her face, and she wore glasses. She was incredibly bright, with an I.Q that made Einstein look like a coal miner, I heard on the neighbourhood grapevine, and she was so painfully shy, it was a shame to see her literally run from human contact. She lived with her Mom and Dad a few doors down from me. My grandfather had bought the house I'm living in as a wedding present for my parents, and I was born and raised in it. Now, it was mine, and freehold. Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Alfred Marks, Alfie to my friends and my not-friends can call me what they like, I don't care. I'm six-two, wide shoulders tapering to a slim (ish) waist, and I work by doing odd jobs and casual work here in my home town. Even with the economy the way it is, I never go hungry, or miss a bill payment. When my parents died when I was seventeen, their insurance paid off the house, and I have to tell you, don't always believe what the press tell you about bank managers, because the bank manager here in town took me into his office, sat me down, and explained to me how much was in my parents bank accounts, and gave me options on how to invest it. Good business practice, I thought. The money stayed in his bank, he got a cut from my investments in the way of interest, and I ultimately made on the deal. So, at thirty-three, I could live comfortably if I wanted to. But, sitting on your ass all day is boring, and I liked to keep busy with my hands, as it also kept my mind busy as well. I won't tell you how much I have in the bank, but you can bet I really don't need to work. Let's just leave it at that, shall we? I'm single, and prefer it that way. I suppose you could get all psychotherapist about it, and say that I was afraid that I'd turn out like my old man, but, I drank beer on occasion, though I usually stopped after about a half-dozen or so. I also drank white wine sometimes, just to treat myself at the dinner table. I don't like red wine, I never developed a taste for it. Like I said, both my parents died when I was seventeen, killed in a car wreck. My dad, an asshole at home, and a perfect gentleman away from it, took my Mom out of town to go on a drinking binge with his buddies, lowlife's and losers, every one of them. He did that on a regular basis, so no-one who knew him in town would know what he was really like. People in town thought he was a regular guy, clean and sober, happy-go-lucky, but he was a devil in disguise, and made my Mom's and my life a living nightmare. He was an ugly violent drunk. He would always force my Mom to go along, and leave me at home. He hated me. He blamed me for a lot of things while he was alive, one of them being the fact that I was an only child. Mom had got pregnant again when I was nearly sixteen, but the baby, a girl, had died the next day, they told us, and a nurse had taken the body away, and strangely, she never showed up for work the next day, telling Personnel that she was too traumatised by watching the baby die, so it was an empty casket we buried. Mom had complications during the birth, and to save her life, the doctors had to do a hysterectomy on her. Dad, when he got drunk at home, which seemed to be all the time, would rant and rave at me, making me, a terrified young man, or teenager, take your pick, stand at the kitchen table and force me to listen to him yelling, telling me I had `gutted' his mother, and I'd `fucked up everything' for him. He had wanted a daughter, he used to cry into his booze, and I found out years later why. If he was still alive, I'd have killed him anyway. I never knew what they did when Dad would force Mom to go with him, but he'd bring her home late at night, then while she'd run to the bathroom and make herself vomit into the toilet bowl, he'd be strutting around, cock-of-the-walk, and sneer at my Mom, telling her she was a `cunt who'd got what she'd deserved', and mock her attempts to get clean, and she would spend hours in the bath, scrubbing herself, and weeping in shame. It took me years to understand what that ammonia smell was that she'd reek of when she came home. Her face, hair, and clothes would be smeared, soaked, and matted with the stuff. When Mom and Dad was coming home that last time, he was so drunk that no-one could understand how far they'd got before the wreck took their lives. He was literally pickled in alcohol. The car failed to take a corner, and went through a crash barrier, and plunged a hundred and twenty feet straight down like a falling star, and there literally wasn't much to save. The coroner found a large amount of seminal fluid in my Mom's vagina, and lots of it in her belly. I managed to get my hands on the crash report, and the autopsy file, and they counted nineteen different sperm donors that had had their turn with my Mom. I wanted to dig the bastard up, and burn his bones to ashes, and then start all over again, I was that furious. I went through the house afterward, and took everything that was his, and made a bonfire out of it, and I felt real good about doing so. I erased his memory from my house. Rest in peace, Mom. You earned it the hard way, and I'm sorry I didn't know. *** I used to watch Rachel over the years as she grew up, and she would always without fail get off the school bus, and hurry into her house, and the kids on the bus would jeer and hoot at her, the girls being the loudest. They'd throw insults and comments after her, and her face would always be red from shame, and most times, she'd be crying. I never saw her parents much. When her dad would come out to mow his lawn, or do outside chores, he'd never smile, and then disappear back inside fast. Her Mom was a blowsy woman the wrong side of forty, and it always looked to me like a cigarette was nailed to her lips. Occasionally, I would hear screaming coming from the house, but it would quickly stop, and I'd wonder what Rachel's Mom was getting her britches in a twist about this time. I felt sorry for her. But what could I do? I was a single man, and I'd get a hollow feeling in my gut when I witnessed her daily humiliation. I'd go for walks sometimes in the early evenings, greet my neighbours and stop and talk to them, then carry on, lost in my thoughts. I always ended up at the park, where I would sit at a picnic table, and watch the few families that would congregate there, and sometimes, a family that I'd known most of my life would offer me something to eat or drink, and we'd chat, while the children played. Most times, one child or another would come up to me, and hold their hands out, girls mainly, and I'd pick them up and sit them on my knee. You'd be surprised at the depth of conversation you'd have with six year olds! Every now and then, one of the young girls of the neighbourhood would come down with a bad crush on me, sometimes it didn't last long, and they'd find a new boy-band to cry over, and sometimes, I'd have to have a talk with a parent or two, and there'd be tears, but they were made to understand the ramifications of wanting to give themselves to me, an older man, and the laws involved. It was flattering, I suppose, when I'd have a girl or two, or three, standing outside my gate, sometimes for hours, trying to get me to notice them. One girl went so far as to wear clothes that were so small and tight on her, it was embarrassing. But, I managed to send her home, and told her I wouldn't tell anyone, and thanked her for the effort, and that I was grateful she'd tried to look nice for me. I had a laugh over it, but damn, it was sure tempting! Rachel's family was `new' in the neighbourhood, meaning she hadn't been born there. There were rumours floating around, each person giving their theory about where the Higginses came from, what their previous lives were, but as the family didn't mix with anyone, and kept to themselves, conjecture reigned supreme. No-one knew what their problem was, and they sure didn't go out of their way to mix with anyone either. But, on the odd occasion that Rachel would come out of her house, and stand on the front lawn, she'd have a look of longing on her face, she'd gaze at the houses, and her neighbours, and then her eyes would tear up, and she'd hang her head and go back inside, her Mom standing on the porch glaring at her. We didn't even know when her birthday rolled around. There were no parties, no sleep-overs, no friends come to visit. Everybody on the planet may as well not have existed. Sometimes, as she'd be going home, having been made to get off at the stop before hers by the ravening pack on the bus a joke, which I didn't think was funny, as she hurried past my house, and if I was outside, I'd wave and call out, "Hi, Rachel! Nice to see you!" At first, she ignored me, tucked her head down more, and walked faster. Then, I noticed she'd flick glances my way, and one day a miracle occurred, and the sun stopped its forward movement. She smiled! It was a brief one, a microsecond's worth, but it was a smile, a good start. *** I knew the lonely girl was sixteen, because when the Higgins family moved into the neighbourhood, Mrs Higgins was loudly showing off her cute little three year old to the women who'd come over to welcome them. Mrs Higgins was by herself at the time, and she tried to get a group of mothers together, but she began to use psychological tactics on them, playing them off against each other, and became bullying. Mr Higgins turned up a few months later, and he was dropped off in a prison van. Not a good look, or a good impression to make in front of our little community. He ruled the roost as bad as she did, and from then on, they kept to themselves, and everybody was to blame. One day, I heard a yelling match in the `Hell house', as their house was called, and Rachel came out, shut the front door, and sat on the front steps. She hung her head, and I could see her shoulders shaking, and I knew she was crying again. So, I cut some flowers, and tying them with a blade of grass, I casually walked past her house, quickly placed the bouquet on their lawn, and just as casually walked back to my gate, leaning on it. Then I stood there, pretending to look the other way. She had watched me, and giving the door a quick glance, making sure her jailors weren't watching, she got up, darted down to the flowers, picked them up, smelled them, and she turned her head, raised her chin, and gave me a big bright smile. She hugged the blooms to her chest, and rushed back to her seat. Then her mother came barging out the front door, and grabbed her arm, hauling her to her feet. She noticed the flowers in Rachel's hand, and growled, "You got a boyfriend, you little slut? If you have, I'll fucking kill you, and your horny fucking dog boyfriend!" My face went hard, and I began to stand erect, willing to take a hand if she went violent on the poor girl. Rachel cringed, and stammered, "No, Mom! Honest! I asked Mr Marks over there if I could have some, I thought you'd want them, they're so pretty!" Her eyes went to me, silently begging me for help. I walked up to her Mom, and she watched me like a predator watching her prey, her blue eyes hard, no pity there at all. I stood there loose and easy, and fixed this ugly-spirited woman with a hard look of my own. I'd spent five years in the Army, and it wasn't behind a desk, either. I'd retired Sargent, and still had my uniform in the closet, put away, but not forgotten. There was a battle of wills between us, and she stood there, and began to squeeze Rachel's arm, making her whimper softly. She couldn't hurt me, so like the bully she was, she was taking it out on her own daughter. Then Mrs Higgins broke contact with my eyes, and looked at the crying girl, and spat, "Go ahead, slut! Keep your fucking weeds! I hate flowers!" Then she turned to me, and as she opened her mouth to say something, I said, "Any time you want some flowers Rachel, you just help yourself, you hear me, now? It's alright; you take as many as makes you happy!" Then Mrs Higgins stormed inside, dragging Rachel like a rag doll, and slammed the door behind her. *** Then one day, both our lives changed. I think maybe Divine Providence stepped in and took a hand. I was in my garden, doing some weeding, thinking of my mother, and then I heard a scream, and Rachel's voice yelled, "No! Leave me alone! I'm not going anywhere with you!", and then she was running for the dubious shelter of her house. I looked up, and one of the teenaged boys who lived down the street chased her, yelling, "You get back here, jailbird! I'll teach you what a real man can do!" I knew him. He was Freddy Winton, he was seventeen, and his Dad was a pot-bellied beer-swilling `good ol' boy', and had the attitude to match. Both father and son were losers, and Freddy was even worse that his father, a dope smoking vicious little cockroach. As she passed me, Freddy was a couple of steps behind her, and I swung my arm out and clothes-lined him. His feet left the ground, and with a bounce and a `whoof' of air leaving his lungs, he hit the sidewalk on his back, and his head hit the concrete with a thud. He sat up, both of his hands going to his head, howling in pain. "You fucking queer bastard!" he screamed at me, and then he looked up, and saw Rachel running at him. She had a look of sheer rage on her face, her eyes hard, and she was terrible in her fury. She ran at him, her school uniform skirt flying around her legs, gave a skip, and then her sneaker-encased foot flew up toward his head, and Freddy went to roll out of the way but her foot connected with the side of his jaw with a loud thump!, and he rocked back, righted himself, and then his eyes rolled up into his head, and he flopped sideways, unconscious! "Holy shit!" Rachel breathed, staring in amazement and not believing she'd had the courage to do that! I stared at the sleeping boy, stepping up to her, put my arm around her shoulders, and without a second thought, she leaned into me, and put her arm around my waist. "Rachel!" I said, stunned, "that was magnificent! I'm really proud of you!" She stiffened under my arm, realised what we were doing, and she dropped her arm, stepping back away from me, shooting a look at her house. Then she looked at the bundle of meanness lying on the ground, she shuddered even though it was warm, and in a fearful voice, told me she was in so much trouble now. I told her not to worry, this piece if trash had it coming, and when his daddy found out he was beat up by a girl, he'd have hide up in the Artic, he'd be so humiliated! Rachel hesitated, and I assured her it was fine, to go home, and I'd take care of cleaning up the street. She gave me a grateful look, and went to walk away, but stopped, and looked back at me. "Did you mean what you said?" she asked. "What? That I was proud of you? Of course I did! You stood up for yourself, and you fought back! Never let anyone put you down, Rachel. One day, you're not going to get back up again, and the world will be a sadder place with you gone!" She stood taller and slowly walked back to her house, and she was smiling openly, for the first time in years. *** I picked up the sleeping teen, and put him on my shoulders in a fireman's lift, and walked back to his house. The boy was rank with marijuana tar fumes, stale sweat and urine. When I got there, his father and a couple of buddies of his were in the garage, drinking beer and listening to country music. His father, Tom Winton, stood about five- seven, was obese, and was waddling toward me, bellowing, "What you done to my boy, queer?" I dropped his `boy' on his driveway with a thump, and began to roll the sleeves of my shirt up. Tom Winton stopped, looking at my muscles, his buddies stood behind him, and only one of them looked even remotely like getting serious. "First, asshole", I growled, "I'm not queer, and I'll thank you to remember it! Second, he was beat up by a girl, for trying to molest her! He got what was coming to him, and I was just cleaning up the trash!" Then I stepped up to him, and looked down into his sweating face. He stank! Body odour was coming off him in waves, and I had to swallow to get the taste out of my mouth, and I wanted to spit. Tom Winton looked at the still form of his boy, and he growled, "He got beat up by a piece of tail? I'm going to have to teach that boy a lesson he won't soon forget!" "Tom Winton", I told him, pushing him with a finger, making him rock on his heels, "he touches any girl in a bad way, and I'm coming for him! Then, I'm coming for you!" I looked at his buddies, and gave them my hardest glare, and told them, "I'll be coming for anyone who disrespects girls!" They wisely chose not to say anything. Then I turned around and walked away, and left them to argue the merits of what I'd told them. By the time I'd reached the street, I was grinning, remembering the kick Rachel had given that sorry lump of dung still asleep behind me! *** There was a loud screaming match again that night at the Higgins place, and this time, there was another voice involved! I could hear Rachel's voice, even in my living room, three houses down. I couldn't of course hear the exact words, but the argument was a doozy. Out of morbid curiosity, I went out to the street, and the argument got louder, and Rachel was in fine voice, disagreeing with something she wasn't going to do. I noticed a few of my neighbours had come out, and Mrs Sweet, from across the road, came over to me, and told me it was about time that girl had stood up for herself, but Mrs Sweet was worried, hoping her parents wouldn't beat her. I told her what Rachel had done that day, and her jaw gaped open, and she cackled with laughter. She was grinning, and told me that guaranteed, everyone in the neighbourhood would know about it by morning. Nobody liked Tom Winton and his vile offspring, and we all sympathised with Mrs Winton, who had to put up with them. Just then, the front door of the Higgins house opened, and Rachel was ejected from it, flying through the air, to hit the lawn on her feet, and then she was rolling, and stopped in a heap on the lawn. I was moving before I knew it, and then I was picking the abused girl up and pushed her to stand behind me, prepared to defend her from this angry, raging woman, who was supposed to be her mother. A large garbage bag of her belongings followed her, including her school backpack. Mrs Higgins was screaming, "Fine! You don't want to live here? Well, that's easy fixed! Live on the street like the vermin you are! You'll come crawling back, and I'll make you pay for the way you spoke to me, and acted tonight, you little slut!" Then she noticed me, and sneered, "Well, well! Looks like you got your first fuck for the night, girl! He'll pay you good money for your honey-pot, if he don't just take it first! I wouldn't be surprised if there's a line of men waiting for you by morning!" Then she spoke one last time to her terrified daughter. "You don't go thinking you're welcome on this doorstep anymore, hussy! We don't have a daughter, we never did! Go away, we don't want you anymore!" Cackling like a demon, she turned, and again, slammed the door behind her. Seems she loved making a point of doing that. Rachel was in shock. Several of the ladies from houses around us came up to her, and surrounded her, talking and fussing over her, inviting her to come with them, promising everything they could think of to calm her, but Rachel pushed through them, and hugged me, gripping my waist tight, and then she was sobbing, great wracking sobs that broke my heart to hear them. "What have I done?" she cried into my stomach. "Mom's thrown me out! What will I do? Will she take me back? I don't want to go back!" This is a shortened version of what she was saying in her shock, the words coming thick and fast. She kept on in this vein for a while, and then became quiet, just crying, and sixteen years of pain and grief was washing out of her. I was so furious; I could have razed the Higgins house to the ground with my own two hands, and pissed on the rubble. The consequences of her actions came crashing down around her, and she was a scared little girl, alone in the world, and I don't know why, but she had chosen me to be her protector, her knight in shining armour. I was trying to think of something to say, to do, but every time I went to say something, she'd sob louder, and all I could do was hold her, and stroke her hair. The women around us tried to prise her away from me, but she locked her hands behind me, and wouldn't budge. Then one of the women said, "Well, we can't stay out here all night. Let's get her under cover and a hot drink in her!" I looked around, and had to volunteer my place, considering how the girl wouldn't let me go, but another of the women said, "Mr Marks, I really don't think that's wise, you know. She's a young girl, and you're a single man! What would people think?" I had had enough, and told her, "I really don't care at this point what you, or other people think, Mrs Malman!" I looked down at Rachel, and she snuffled against me. "Come on, Rachel," I said, gently. "Let's get inside where it's warm, ok?" *** We adjourned to my house, and the women fussed over Rachel, and some of them were like a flock of magpies, poking into every nook and cranny they could find, annoying me, but I kept the peace. This would give the neighbourhood gossips fuel for months to come. Every time I went to go out of the room, Rachel would give a start, and make ready to follow me. I told her to stay put, I had something to do, I'd be back shortly, and several hard-eyed women accompanied me to the Higgins residence. I didn't know what I was going to say, but these people really annoyed me, and I hoped I could control my temper when I saw them, face to face. When we as a group got the door, I knocked, and Mr Higgins opened it. "What the fuck do you assholes want?" he growled. He stood five-eight, standing there in dirty singlet and grubby jeans, and he had biker boots on his feet. He was overweight, and his belly hung over his belt buckle. I could smell the rank odour coming from the boots and he was unwashed and several days' worth of stubble covered his face. "Where's my fucking slut daughter?" "Apparently, you don't have a daughter, Mr Higgins," I told him. "Your wife made that point very clear tonight! I'm here to tell you that you and your wife are no longer welcome in this neighbourhood, and we'd appreciate it if you were to move on." I looked at him, and he sneered at me, and tried to look mean, after five years in the Army, I'd seen men like him come and go, and he didn't frighten me at all. He knew it, too. "Do it soon, Mr Higgins," I told him, "We can do without you two fouling up the place. We'll even help you pack, if you want!" He gave a snort, and looked at the women behind me, and grabbed his crotch. "Why don't you ladies come in? I got something that you'll remember me by!" He gave a disgusting laugh, and told me, "Don't you worry, honey! I won't muss your queer ass up too bad! You might even love me for it!" Then he cackled, and I was revolted by the mere fact he was inhaling the same oxygen we humans were breathing. Mrs Higgins came to the door, two more full garbage bags in her hands. She tossed them at me, and said, "Garbage day! That should be all her stuff!" "Enjoy her while you can, pretty boy! It might not be all that long before she's all used up," and she cackled in the same vile way as her husband. "Go on", she told me, "be a big brother to her! I'm sure she'll really enjoy that!" And then they slammed the door in our faces, laughing at a joke only they understood. I was getting very annoyed at that happening. In a cloud of fury I picked up the bags, and strode home, the women almost running to keep up. *** I got home still furious, and as I walked in the door, Mrs Malman and her cronies were trying to drag Rachel off the couch, telling her to come with them, poor girl, and she was tucked up a ball, fighting them off, nearly hysterical. "What the hell is going on!" I thundered at them. "Leave her alone! Mrs Malman, I think it's time you and your `friends' went home now!" Then Mrs Malman and her cronies got into a huff, and with their noses in the air, trooped out of the door. Mrs Atherton, a long-time family friend, quickly gathered up the rest of the ladies, and shooed them outside, promising to keep them advised of developments, and assured them the girl would be fine. They left, and Rachel ran to me, and hugged me, and I gently untangled her arms, and sat down, the frightened girl following suit. She lay against me, hugging me, and with a smile, Mrs Atherton, Judy, went into the kitchen, and I heard her getting cups ready for coffee. I heard her move around, then my jug pinged, and then she came in, and handed me a coffee, and for the sad forlorn girl, a hot chocolate. Judy had been a friend to my mother, and she was mine now as well. She had been a girl when she and Mom had first met, many years ago, and the two girls grew up together, and they'd been as close as could be, given our family circumstances. Judy never brought up the past, and I didn't tell her. She had always come over when I needed a shoulder to lean on, and her husband, Peter, was a friend, although we weren't close. He was okay with his wife coming over, and told me one day, Judy was very good at listening to other people's problems, and giving sound advice, and he was right, Judy had seen me through some difficult times. I loved her in my own way, but it was as a brother for his big sister, and we three all knew that, and it remained so for us. So that's why she knew where everything was in the kitchen, and knew how I liked my coffee. *** Judy sat on the big chair opposite us, an old leather-covered recliner I had picked up at a garage sale. As she held her cup, she looked over the top of it, and said in a light voice, "Well, Rachel, what are we going to do with you? We'll have to call the authorities in the morning, and Child Welfare will become involved, and this, my dear, is a powerful big mess we have!" I looked at the scared young girl sitting next to me, and I asked her, my voice as neutral as I could make it, "What were you all arguing about, Rachel? I could hear you from here, and you obviously didn't want to do something." Rachel sat there, her hair framing her face, and she took a sip of her drink to gather her thoughts. I began to think she didn't want to answer the question, she took so long, but then she raised her head, and fixed me with an angry look. "Today is my birthday. I turned sixteen today, and there was no presents, no card, nothing! There never has been! Dad, he, that man! wanted to take me to bed, to have sex with him! That was my birthday present, he said, and that woman, she wanted to watch! They wanted me to take my clothes off, and suck his penis!" She spluttered in rage. "I would rather die first!" she spat, vehemently. Judy spoke up, and said quietly, "We'll have to get the police involved, you realise that? This can't go unpunished. No man should do that to his daughter, or any woman, for that matter, Alfie." She looked at me, and I knew what she was thinking. We didn't have say anything, we both knew what she meant. Rachel shook her head, and said no. "They'll know it was me that told on them! They'll find me, and they'll kill me. They told me that many times before, and they'd do it too! They're real bad, dangerous, you have no idea!" She looked at Judy and I, and she said, "I told them no, I wasn't gonna do that! I told them, I didn't care anymore, I just didn't want to stay there anymore, and I kept saying to myself what you told me today, Mr Marks, about standing up for myself, and fighting back, and about the world being sad at my not being here, and something inside me broke! I just couldn't stand them any longer!" *** We sat up most of the night, Judy and I, going over the strange events and looking at it from every angle, and somehow, the police weren't called, although we should have, but we just kept putting it off. Somewhere along the line, Rachel had fallen asleep, and I picked her up, and because I knew that I wouldn't be getting much sleep, put her in my bed, and left Judy to take care of taking off the outer layer of her clothes and settling her, while I put the jug back on , and replenished our coffees. When we were seated again, I could hear a vehicle outside up the road, and it sounded like a big one. I took no notice, because sometimes trucks would get lost, and make their way up our street, their GPS units confused. I felt gritty, and told Judy I was going to have a shower. She gathered our cups, and took them into the kitchen, and as she washed them, told me to get some rest, tomorrow was another day, and we'd get this mess sorted out. I went to the bathroom, and she left, closing the front door softly. *** Afterward, I lay on the couch, and pondered this strange turn of events. What was I going to do? I searched my feelings, and having the girl under my roof seemed natural, like a part of me, missing for years had been restored, and I felt whole. I was disturbed by this revelation, because I wasn't interested in young girls, and taking advantage of the one under my roof didn't appeal to me. She had put her trust in me, and she looked to me as her protector. I knew I'd have to talk about that with her. But why me? What had I done that she had come to me and not any of the women tonight, when she should have? It confused me. My head was awhirl with these thoughts, tired as I was, and then I drifted off, and slept. *** I awoke a couple of hours later, and Rachel was sitting in the chair that Judy was in last night, fully dressed, her legs tucked up underneath her, and she was leaning sideways, as she had been watching me as I slept. I yawned, and stretched; she smiled, and thanked me for letting her sleep in my bed. I sat up, and there was a cup of coffee on the coffee table, and it was still hot. Now that's how a person should wake up in the morning! I asked her how she knew it was my bed, taking a sip. It was good! She told me with a smile that lit up her face that when she woke, she could smell me on the sheets, and so she lay there, wrapped in the blankets, all warm and cosy, and she told me she had felt safe for the first time in years. We heard truck doors banging up the street, and Rachel's brow furrowed, and then she got up, and looked out the window into the street. She gasped, and in a panicked voice said, "They're leaving! They're going, and I'm being left behind!" The truck engine revved, and Rachel was out my door, flinging it open, and dashing outside. There was a moving truck outside the Higgins residence, and it was about to leave. They must have been up all night packing. I quickly followed the distraught girl, and caught up with her as Mrs Higgins was climbing into the cab. Rachel was in a state of shock, pleading for them to talk to her, to tell her what they were doing. I got up to the cab, and demanded to know what the hell they were doing. Judy was there beside me, and she held the terrified girl, who clung to her. Mrs Higgins looked down at me, with a sneering superior attitude, and she laughed, a mean, spiteful laugh, and she held up a piece of paper that had been compacted into a small ball. She tossed that at me and it bounced off my chest, and rolled under the furniture removal truck. "Well, Big Brother," she said spitefully, "did you enjoy your new pet? Why don't you read what's on that piece of paper I just gave you? I just know you'll enjoy it. We did for the last thirteen years we've been here!" Then roaring with laughter, they drove off. *** I found the ball of paper in the gutter, and I unrolled it. I hated those two. Bad enough that they threw their only child out like piece of trash, now they were driving away to parts unknown, leaving her behind, abandoning her! I swore softly at myself, because I realised I hadn't taken notice of the licence plate, or the name of the moving company truck. Hopefully, the police could track them down, and make the scumbags pay for what they've done. Rachel was sitting on the ground, wailing in sorrow at her abandonment, despite what she told us last night. I felt for her. She would be in the Welfare system soon, and I shuddered to think of what kind of life she'd have, whether anyone would take her in, and a glimmer of an idea came to me. I looked up, and people were watching us, and Mrs Malman had a spiteful look on her face, obviously not forgiving me for booting her out of my house last night. I didn't care what that biddy thought. Every time you'd think she was human, she'd bite you. Figuratively, of course, but she was spiteful. As I unrolled the sheet of paper, I saw it was a birth certificate. Then smoothing it out, I saw the name on it, and the name of the parents, and the date of birth, and my body went cold, and I could taste bile, and I wanted to vomit. It couldn't be! It was impossible! Everything spun around me like a vortex, and I felt the ground lurch beneath my feet, and I wanted to faint. A cold sweat appeared on my body, and I was wracked as a shiver went through me. Judy asked me what was wrong, and so, numbly, unable to speak, I handed her the paper sheet. She took it; she read it and gasped, looking at me, at the sobbing girl, and back to the paper. She went pale, and started to cry. "Oh, Alfie," she sobbed, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. How could we have known?" The Higgins couple weren't human; they were demons from the deepest pit of Hell. For thirteen years, a sweet lovely young girl had put up with the hate, the spite, the sheer bloody terror of living under their roof, not a home, but a prison, not three doors down from me. It was the worst form of torture. So near freedom, yet never knowing it was there just within reach. I should have been someone who could have given her love, kindness, and a pair of arms to hold her, to kiss away her tears, to raise her and tell her that life was worth living. I could have protected her. Written on the birth certificate was the name, Rachel. Rachel Antonia Marks. My sister. *** Chapter Two I was jolted out of my fog by Rachel tugging on my shirt, asking me "What are we going to do, Alfie?" Before I could say a word, my stomach rumbled. "Trust your gut," someone once told me, and so I did. I told her, "The first thing we're going to do, young lady, is get some breakfast! You look hungry, and so am I!". Judy wiped the tears from her eyes, and said, "that's a good idea, I'm hungry too! Let's go!" So the three of us went back to my place, and soon the smell of bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee was filling up the kitchen. Rachel ate like she'd never seen so much food before, and I mean she packed it away. She almost growled at me when, as a joke, I went to take a piece of bacon off her plate, and she grabbed her plate, and a snarl appeared briefly on her face, and the hungry child raised her plate off the table, and held it away from my hand. Then, mortified by embarrassment, she put her plate back down onto the table, and looked like she was going to cry. Another reason for me to hate the Higginses. The trembling girl began apologising, and when I reached over to put my hand on her shoulder, to comfort her, she flinched away from my hand, as though I was about to strike her. I got up, causing her flinch again, tighten her shoulders and hang her head in shame, I went to her, and held her gently, and told her that she shouldn't be scared of me, I was only playing, and from now on, I wouldn't touch her plate, no matter how hungry I was. She managed a small smile when she noticed I was only joking. She threw her arms around me, and kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," over and over, and so I just held her, soothing her, and stroking her hair. She calmed down, and although my breakfast was cold, I still ate it, because she had helped to make it, her excitement contagious, and refreshing. As she had opened the fridge and got the butter and eggs out, she was amazed that there was so much food in there. She told Judy and I that there was never enough food at her old place, she wasn't allowed to go near the fridge, and she was constantly hungry. Little wonder she wolfed down her breakfast, then. As we sat there, she timidly asked me if we were going to try to find her, and she choked saying this, her "Mom and Dad'. I turned to her, and keeping my voice level, but unable to keep the anger out of my voice, told her no, we'd let the police do that. She sat there, digesting this, and asked when were they arriving? I told her that we hadn't called them yet, because there was still something I had to tell her. She could tell by the look on my face she probably wasn't going to like it. *** After we had cleared the table, and done the dishes, I took her hand, and led her into the living room. I sat her down, and then sat next to her. I struggled for the right words, and my mouth was dry, and for the first time in my life, I felt truly afraid. Rachel looked at me, trust shining in her eyes. But I knew what was coming, and she didn't. I feared the storm, and I didn't know which way she'd rage when I told her. How would she take it? What would she do? What would she do? That question haunted me. So I took the bull by the horns, and asked her what her full name was. "Rachel Antonia Higgins," she replied. I nodded, and asked her if she'd noticed the ball of paper Mrs Higgins had tossed at me. She said, Uh huh, but she didn't know what it was. I told her it was a birth certificate, and got a blank look. I said it was her birth certificate. Still nothing, except a frown. She was expecting me to get to the point. So I handed her the piece of paper, and she glanced down at it, and then froze. She went pale, and then she began to tremble as she read it. Judy wrapped an arm around her in comfort and support, and I sat there, waiting for the storm to hit. I didn't have to wait long. Her face went from dead white, to red with rage and anger. She turned to me, and snapped, "You are kidding, right? Is this a joke?" She waved the certificate at me. "Because if it is, it's not a very funny one!" "No, my darling sister," I told her, angry at the two hell-hounds that masqueraded as her parents. "The joke was on us, for thirteen years!" She searched my eyes, but saw only truth, pain, anger for all those missed years, and compassion for her. Then Rachel threw the certificate away, and buried her face in her hands and sobbed, harder than she'd done previously. After about ten minutes, she started to hiccup, and with her nose and eyes streaming, (thank god for kleenex!), she told us, "I knew it! I just knew something was wrong! No wonder I never fit in! I always used to dream of a knight who'd come to rescue me, but I didn't know he'd be my brother, because I didn't know I even had a brother!" She wept again, and then my eyes were streaming, so were Judy's, and we all held each other and cried our eyes out. I'm glad Tom Winton didn't see that. So much for my tough-guy image! *** When the police arrived, we were a tight-knit group of three. We sat there and answered all their questions, as honestly as we could, leaving nothing out, gave as much detail as we could, and then Rachel was taken into the kitchen by a female officer, and went through it all again. Judy and I had to do likewise. One of the detectives shook his head, and told me that this was a damn fine mess, and as his grandfather used to say, "Now the shit's really gonna to hit the fan, boy!" He wasn't far wrong in his assessment! They wanted to put Rachel into Welfare care until this all was sorted out, but I knew that that would take months. So I was adamant. She was staying with me at my place, because I was her brother, so I claimed responsibility for her. A female detective told me I was being presumptuous, and told me I should ask Rachel, or 'the girl', whether or not she wanted to stay with a stranger, someone she didn't know, or know whom she could trust. Rachel blew the head off the detective's shoulders at that! You should have seen her! She was impressive in her anger. "I've finally found my brother after being kidnapped my entire life, and you dare to call him a stranger? You didn't rescue me, HE did! I'm staying here! Try and make me go!" That was the sum of her speech to the shocked detective! *** It had taken hours, and Rachel, surprising us all, turned out to have a photographic memory, and was a fair artist with pencil and paper. She was with a police sketch artist, and she became frustrated with him, he couldn't seem to get a nose right, so she took the pad away from him, and then demanded his pencil, and she went silent, and about twenty minutes later, there was Mr and Mrs Higgins staring up at us from the sheets of paper. Rachel apologised and told us they weren't very good, being self-deprecating, but everyone who saw them only gave her positive praise and comments for her efforts. The police sketch artist grumbled that Rachel was putting him out of a job, but he said so with a smile! One of the lead detectives got up from the table, and told us he was going 'to put this on the wire' and see if any other police agencies had anything on them. Detective Morris, a tall clean shaven man with a shaved head, the lead detective, stood, and said he supposed that a news release should be given, to put the pictures out on television, and see if they got any hits from that. Rachel, Judy and I asked that our identities be kept secret, as the commotion caused by the press would be a major disruption. We were right. Local, state, and nation-wide services picked it up, ran with it, and it snowballed. They bayed like hounds on a scent for any scrap of information they could find. Nobody could talk about anything else except the young girl who'd been kidnapped as a baby, and held prisoner for sixteen years by a pair of desperate people now on the run. We knew eventually the press would get wind of who we were, and it was Mrs Malman that opened that can of worms. She was paid handsomely for her efforts. Unfortunately for her, she also became persona-non-grata in our neighbourhood, a non-person. Nobody would talk to her, including the flock of magpies she'd hung out with! She was a pariah, and they didn't want to be associated with a Jonah. Rachel had gone back to school, and tried to live her life as though nothing had happened. But with one 'teensy' little change. With her freedom came a new change in confidence. I had offered to drive her to school, and then pick her up afterward, but she insisted on taking the school bus, telling me it was something she had to do, and so I left it alone. She started to come home from school with black eyes, split lips, bruises, her school blouse was torn a couple of times, and she had scrapes on her knuckles, from getting into fights at school, and on the school bus. She fair pounded her tormentors, she said, and she glowed with pride each time she told us about it! "They're not going to put me down anymore, Alfie," she defiantly told me. "Nobody is keeping me prisoner anymore!" She would have nightmares about the Higgins coming back to get her, and in her dreams she would see Mrs Higgins especially looming over her bed, cackling like a demon, and telling her that she was going home, they were coming for her. The police psychiatrist assured us that this was normal behaviour exhibited by the patient, as he referred to Rachel, saying that the mind was freeing itself from the constraints imposed on it, and she was freeing herself from years of captivity. "She'll be fine!" he told me with a smile. *** We gave into the pressure, now that our identities were known thanks to a certain non-individual, and we stood united as we gave a press conference. The lead detective, Morris, helped us, and stepped in when questions became too personal, or when he felt it was necessary. We were grateful. Eventually, thank god, the fuss died down, and the press went away, pursuing more juicy stories. I helped Rachel get her drivers' licence, and she passed with flying colours. One of the other things we did shortly after the Higgins left town, was that we went shopping, and a whole new wardrobe was purchased for my sister, from the skin out. And that meant underwear, jeans, tops, skirts, shoes, some makeup, toiletries, the list was inexhaustible! I had no idea a girl needed so much! She'd been having her periods regularly since she was twelve, and so she knew how to take care of her feminine needs, having to literally find out about such things all on her own. All her old clothing went into the trash. She couldn't bear the sight of it. I had cleaned out one of my spare rooms, the largest one, and that became Rachel's space, and she promptly set about decorating it, and I helped, which caused me to get rewarded with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She spent most of her time in her room, only coming out to use the toilet, or coming to the dinner table to eat. Some habits die hard, I guess. She had a healthy appetite, and she slowly but surely started to fill out, her figure rounding out and gaining womanly curves, and she would giggle as she told me about boys at school who'd hit on her, begging her for a date. She'd made a few friends as well, a couple of them girls who wouldn't talk to her when she was "skinny". When she started to fill out, she surprised me by buying some new bras out of an allowance I had given to her. Rachel had never had money of her own before, and she held me, trying not to cry, thanking me profusely. What the surprising thing about it was, was that when she showed them off to me later, she was wearing them at the time! *** They were mainly white, and she had a beautiful pair of breasts on her chest. They were smallish, rounded, and firm, and Rachel giggled when I blushed, and told her to put a shirt on, telling her that, although I was proud of her, she was my sister, after all, and she shouldn't be showing herself off to me that way, and I was slightly uncomfortable below my waistline about seeing her almost nude from the waist up. Then, as Rachel's confidence grew, and a relationship of love and trust was established between us, she would come out to the living room more often, and spend more time there with me, and her room was for when she wanted some alone time, and for sleeping. She wanted to be with me a lot at night. She'd talk, and her life story would pour out of her, and more than once, we'd be clinging to each other, and we would both cry, our sadness and grief washing out of us. I would tell her what I remembered of Mom, and she'd smile, and hold my hand, and prompt me whenever I'd get lost in a memory. I decided to show her the accident and autopsy reports, when I became reticent about talking about our father, and she asked me why. When she'd read them, especially Mom's autopsy report, she was horrified, and in a quiet voice, I told my sickened sister how our parents would be when they came back from their 'outings', then pale and trembling, she threw her arms about me, and cried again. *** Rachel was full of surprises. She wanted to learn how to cook, she told me, so one afternoon, the kitchen became an utter mess as we tried different things, finally ending up baking some cookies. Judy received a big handful of them. She complimented Rachel on them, saying that they were really very tasty, so from then on, Rachel baked regularly. The house was always filled with the smells and aromas of cookies, cakes, biscuits, and all sorts of things. Then she wanted to learn how to ride a horse, so we went to a farm not far from where we were, and I talked to the owner there, whom I had done some work for, and she happily lent us a horse, a saddle and a bridle, and I spent a couple of hours with Rachel, who sat on the horse, and was happy to just sit there and let the horse do all the work. Rachel glowed and couldn't keep a grin off her face. In the evenings, Rachel would shower, and she'd taken to wearing an old tee shirt of mine, one I'd thrown out, but she'd pulled it out and claimed it, and it was now hers. She shyly came into the living room the first time she'd worn it, stood for a moment at the door, then gathering her courage, walked over to the 'Big Chair', as she called it, sat down and tucked her legs under her. We sat there for a minute or two, and we watched each other. She was glowing from her shower, flushed and smelling sweet from her shampoo and body wash. I had frozen, my eyes following her, as if on their own. The thin plain self-effacing girl was nowhere in evidence, she had gone. Rachel was a breath-taking young woman. She was beautiful! She'd made an effort to really impress me, I knew, and oh, boy! I surely was! Her long auburn hair had been washed, brushed, and hung down to cover her head and shoulders. The tee shirt hung around her body like a robe, and I saw her nipples harden as I looked at her, so that told me she was bra-less underneath it. When she'd sat down, I had caught a flash of pink panties, and as I sat there, her nipples weren't the only thing that had gotten hard. I was suddenly out of my depth, and there was no firm ground under my feet. I sat there, drinking in the sight of my lovely little sister, and a small smile tugged at the edges of her mouth as she watched my reaction to her, her blue eyes boring into my skull. "Wha, what are you doing?" I managed to choke out. "I'm sitting in this chair!" she told me impishly. I flushed, and I suddenly had the urge for a shower. Yes, I thought to myself that would give me time to get myself pulled together. I managed to stand up without wrenching my erection, and bent over slightly, trying to hide it with my hand, I staggered down to the bathroom, mumbling that I was going to shower now. Her soft laughter followed me down the hallway, and I firmly closed the door of the bathroom, and leaned against it, gasping for breath. *** I quickly got used to seeing her dressed like that in the evenings, and didn't say anything more about it. But I could feel her eyes on me, and a prickling on the back of my neck told me she was doing it. My libido would kick in occasionally, and I would put my book down to cover it, and Rachel would smile, and ask if I wanted anything to drink, and I'd find my mouth dry, and say, yes please, so she'd get up, and with a languid walk, go into the kitchen to make us one. We had book reading in common. She was fascinated with my small library of books, and she would stand there in front of it, and run her finger back and forth along the spines of the books, and then she'd make her choice, and go back to the Big Chair, sit down and tuck her legs under herself, and start to read. One night, she looked up from a book she was reading, and asked why I didn't have a computer. I looked up. She'd moved her legs, and they were slightly open, her inner thighs silky and smooth, and I saw she wore a pair of red panties covering her pouting sex. I flushed, and quickly dropped my eyes to my book, but I didn't see any words, just the sight of her young cloth-covered pussy, the outline of her clitoral hood and full outer lips sharply defined. I managed to say that I had given it some thought, but I suppose I had just put it off, and always thought I get around to it one day, and amazed, she asked me how did I expect to keep up with the modern world, if I didn't have a computer, and internet connection? She rolled her eyes, and with a grimace, said "Men!" By this time, she'd closed her legs, and I sighed with relief. I remember thinking, "I really need to start dating again!" Having this extremely good-looking, and yes, if I admitted it to myself, very nubile and sexy young woman in my house was having a detrimental effect on my libido, and I was highly strung with sexual tension. *** So the next Friday evening, we went shopping. We canvassed several stores, and finally settled on a computer that was an all-in-one, no bulky tower, just a screen that had the computer as part of it. I decided to go all out, and bought a couple of one terabyte external hard-drives, a couple of thirty-two gig memory sticks, some accessories, and a laptop for Rachel, who whooped, causing several people to give a start, and when they saw Rachel hugging me, and almost knocking me off my feet, were smiling at her display of affection. We got home, set up the computer, and she explained to me how it worked, and then she took the lead, and called an internet company, but I had to get that set up, as I would be paying the bills for it. We spent most of the night on it, and she was sitting in the chair in front of, telling me how to copy and paste, how to save, and she joked, "What's the difference between a man, and Jesus?" Then she said "At least Jesus knows how to save!" pointing at the computer. That set her off into gales of laughter, drumming her feet on the floor, and I couldn't help but join her in her mirth. Rachel showed me how to use to internet, and as soon as she got up to use the bathroom, I sat down, and I was hooked immediately. I saw Rachel out of the corner of my eye, and she told me she was going to shower, and when I didn't say anything, she said the football team was coming over and that she was going to be busy for a while. My head jerked up, and I gaped at her. Rachel laughed and shook her head, then went to go get wet. *** She returned half an hour later, and she had her laptop with her. She plugged it in, and let the battery charge. Then she came up behind me and watched over my shoulder, her hands rubbing my shoulders, which broke my concentration, and I sat up straight and groaned, enjoying the feel of her hands massaging me, easing the tensions away, but there one more part of me that needed easing, and he woke up, feeling interested. I ignored him. He became insistent, with Rachel rubbing my neck, so I turned to her and asked if she could put the jug on. She stopped her hands, and smiled, and walked away, and I watched her butt and hips as they rolled and swayed as she went into the kitchen. I realised I had held my breath, and let it out, and I was warm and slightly out of breath. She came back in a few minutes later, and handed me a hot coffee, and as she stood by me, sipping her hot chocolate, I suddenly noticed she was only wearing her bra and panties. I had gotten so used to seeing her in that tee shirt, that her being in her underwear hadn't registered. Her small frame, filled out now, was lush and seemed to be inviting my eyes to roam over it. God help me, they did. They went from her firm round breasts, down her smooth flat stomach, and came to rest on her white panty-covered mound. My hands began to tremble, and I put my cup down on a coaster nearby on the table, and I asked why she was dressed like that? She looked at me, and told me her tee was in the wash, and she didn't feel like putting anything else on, and did I have a problem with that? I looked down, and in a shaky voice, told her that yes, I did have a problem with that. The mood became serious, and she asked me why. I had told her earlier that I would always tell her the truth, so I looked into her eyes and told her earnestly that she was a very sexy young woman, and that I was afraid, and that I might not be strong enough to control myself, and I confessed to her that I was seriously considering dating again, because I was constantly horny with her around. *** Rachel looked at me with hooded eyes, her blue orbs unreadable, and told me she was sorry that she'd put such pressure on me, and then she turned around, and went down to her bedroom, returning shortly wearing another tee, this time one of hers. It was better on my nerves, but it was also shorter, and her panty-clad vagina kept peeking at me as she stood there, and she asked me if that was better. The material of the panties was thin and silky, and I could see the tiny ridges of the curls of her pubic hair under it. I agreed, and thanked her, my tone of voice and hungry eyes asking for understanding. Then she sat in her usual way on the Big Chair, and asked me who I was going to ask out on a date? I confessed that I really didn't know. Rachel surprised me by saying she knew of a couple of ladies who were interested in me, but she hadn't said anything to me about them, because of, and she looked down as she said it, "personal reasons." "Why, what's wrong with them?" I asked. She laughed, lightening the sombre mood, and told me nothing, that was something she'd have to work out, and then she proceeded to tell me about the two ladies, and I realised that I knew one of them. Her name was Evelynn, she was twenty seven, and she had a nice body, brown eyes, and she had a pleasing smile that made you want to return it, and she worked in a lingerie shop at the local mall, and so Rachel and I talked about her, Rachel giving me a glowing recommendation of this woman. We sat talking for a couple of hours, and the computer was forgotten. I had shut it down and moved to the couch. A big old comfortable one that was at least seven feet long, I had also found at a garage sale, and it weighed a ton! *** Around eleven, I yawned and told my beautiful young sister I was going to bed, and she got up, pulled my head down to hers, and going up on tiptoe, she gave me a kiss on the lips, and she quickly darted her tongue across them, before looking me in the eye and telling me she was grateful for the laptop, for everything I had done for her, and that she'd pay me back soon. I held her, and told her it was free of charge. Then cryptically, she told me that wasn't what she was talking about, then let me go, and went to the bathroom to do her nightly rituals. Don't ask me, I couldn't tell you if I tried, so I won't bother. *** I was lying in bed that night, thinking about Rachel and the look on her face as she realised that I had just bought her the laptop, some other bits, and external hard-drive. She looked like a small child being gifted with the world, and her expression so open, so innocent of guile, that I sat there smiling in the darkness of my room. I heard a tap at my door, and Rachel asked if she could come in. That's one of the things that I loved about Rachel. She respected privacy, not having much of that as she was growing up. I said it was fine, and she came in, and she was still in her bra and panties, having discarding her tee. She stood by my bed, and told me she was lonely, and could she spend some time with me, just for a little while? I said sure, that would be okay, I guess, and asked her get me a pair of boxers out of my top drawer, and when she asked why, I told her that always slept nude, year round. She cocked her head, gave a giggle, and said she wasn't bothered, and she lifted the sheet and blanket just high enough to slide in, then she was facing me, and her thighs were against my member, and I clamped my mind on it, and he fought back, wanting to get filled with blood, but I wouldn't let him. We both settled for half-hard. Rachel could feel it against her thighs, and she began to breathe shallowly, and then she put her arms around me, and cuddled into me, her warm breath on my chest, and I inhaled the fragrance of her. She didn't say anything, she just held me. Then she groaned softly, and told me she loved my smell. She looked up at me, then rolled over onto her back looked up at the ceiling, but not seeing it, and told me that when she had woken up in my bed that time, so long ago now it seemed, she had felt so safe and secure that she hadn't wanted to wake up, fearing that she would wake in her old bed, and the nightmare was real all over again. I still didn't say anything, just looking at her. She looked like she had something on her mind, and I was willing to let her talk. She took my hand, and placed it on her stomach, and I felt it rise and fall with her breath. Her fingers played with mine, like she was memorising them, reading them in braille. *** "I lay there in your bed," she continued, "and I was only wearing my socks, panties and slip, and I knew you hadn't undressed me, because I could smell Judy's perfume." She moved my hand further up towards her chest, and she gripped my hand in hers, and she said, "I lay there, and I could smell you on the pillow, and on the sheets, and for the first time in my life, I was truly happy!" She moved my hand a bit further, and now my little finger lay against the fabric of her bra. She gave a sigh, and spoke again, a bit breathless now. "I remember looking around, looking at everything in your room, and I didn't see anything that told me you had a woman in your life, just a picture on the dresser that looks like Mom. I don't know why, but that made me very happy! I ran my hand over your pillow and sheets, and that's when I realised I loved you." "I love you, Alfie. I always will." *** I looked down at her, and she gazed up at me, wanting me, willing me, to reply. I bent my head towards hers, and her lips parted, but I kissed her on the forehead instead. She seemed disappointed, and gave what sounded like a frustrated grunt. "I love you too, Rachel," I told her, and then I had an epiphany. I loved her! I really did! I loved her; heart and soul, and the knowledge floored me, even though I was in bed! How's that for a simile! (Men are brighter than you might think, ladies!) She wrapped her arms around my head, and made happy sounds as she almost throttled me. I hugged her back, and we lay there for a while, till I told her that we really should get some sleep. She pouted, and looked cute doing so, but rolled over on her side, her back to me. She wriggled that warm and oh-so-cute butt of hers against my crotch, and suddenly, he had free reign, and I was hard. Rachel felt it poking at her, but she giggled, and let it do so. Then she took my hand, tucked it under her chest, my palm cupping her breast, and whispered, "Goodnight, my love." Breathless at her forwardness, and affectionate actions, I whispered, "Goodnight, my darling." Then we both slept, and this time she didn't have any bad dreams. *** I was dreaming. I knew I was dreaming, and it was a dream that confused me, but it was like a part of me was standing back, watching. I was drifting on a solar wind, flying with the speed of light through the universe. Planets, suns, and whole galaxies flashed by, but I could still see every detail of them. My whole body began to throb, and a feeling of love and lassitude came over me. I heard a woman's voice tell me she loved me, and I was so happy knowing that, I wanted to weep, but couldn't, for some reason. "I will always love you!" she said adamantly, and I looked around, still moving, but I couldn't see her. Then my heart began to race, I could hear it beating like a drum, boomboomboomboom, like that, really loudly, and then the universe exploded around me, and I cried out in joy, a joy that that felt like I was spread across the universe, becoming one with it. Then, everything went black, and I knew no more until I woke in the morning. When I finally opened my eyes, and blinked in the light, Rachel was next to me, her hair across her face, and I reached over, and with a finger, pulled it back to look at her. She was lying there, on her side, her knees up, and her hands together under the pillow. She was smiling, and she looked smug. *** I moved out of the bed, trying not to wake her, and putting on a pair of boxers, went to the bathroom to empty my full bladder. I realised I felt happy, and free of tension. I wondered why, but didn't want to. So, smiling, I flushed, washed my hands and face, and went to the kitchen to put the jug on. As I left it to boil, I started to make some toast. I was munching on a piece of toast, leaning up against the sink, looking out the window at the fine and sunny day, just drifting, when Rachel came into the kitchen, and she came up to me and moulded herself against my back, hugging me gently, and she made a "Mmmmm" sound, and rubbed her cheek against me. "What's for breakfast", she inquired, and she told me she'd smelled toast, and was there any for her? "Sure", I replied, "sit down while I make some more", and turned around. She was still in her underwear, her hair was mussed, and she still looked half-asleep. She smiled up at me, and then a mysterious look came into her eyes, and she asked me how I slept. "I slept great," I told her. "I had the weirdest dream, though!" She sat down, and with her chin cupped in her hands, she asked me to tell her about it, if it wasn't a 'naughty' dream. I assured her it wasn't which seemed to disappoint her. I said nothing, just wondering about that, and then as I made some more toast, and made her a coffee, I told her about the dream. She sat there listening, and when I was finished, she asked, "how do you feel?", and I told her I felt great actually, and at peace, and my tension was gone, I was relaxed for first time in months. She then had that same smug look on her face, as I told her, and she spent the rest of the morning smiling, and she even hummed a few times, and when I asked her what was up, she just laughed, and told me a woman had to have her secrets! *** Chapter Three. As it was a fantastic day, I wanted to go for a walk, and Rachel agreed, and so we got ready, and then we were off, and I showed her the neighbourhood, introduced her to a few of the people I knew, and she had a ball, revelling in her freedom. We ended up at the park, and stood there, watching some kids playing ball, and seeing the few families having a great day. The park was three blocks from my place, and we just stood there, and Rachel took a deep lungful of air, and said it was a marvellous day, then a cloud went over the sun, the temperature dropped, and then Rachel screamed, looking behind me, and as I turned to look at what she was seeing, lightning hit me in the lower back, a ripping feeling, the pain excruciating. I turned, and Freddy Winton stood there, a crazed look in his eyes, and he was holding a knife, and then he spat at me, and sneered, "Fucking queer bastard!", and then I felt weak, and dropped to my knees. Rachel was still screaming, holding me up, and Freddy Winton raced off, laughing evilly. I fell to the ground, and couldn't move. I was sad, for Rachel mainly, and I tried to speak, to tell her not to worry, that I loved her, but no words came out. I went cold, and shivered. There were people all around me, but I had gone deaf, I saw their mouths moving, but couldn't hear a word they were saying. Then I was above my body, and Rachel was lying on me, shaking me, screaming at me, telling me to get up, and I saw two men pull her off me. Her hands were covered in blood, and I wondered if she was hurt. The sky was going dark, and I thought that that was strange. EMT's were working on me, then everything skipped to me on a hospital gurney, lights whizzing past, and people were yelling, and then everything around started to glow a peaceful white, and then I was standing in front of Mom, and I began to cry, happy to see her again. She took my hands and told me I had done a wonderful job with Rachel, she was proud of me, and I could feel the love that she had for me. She looked into my eyes, sadly but with a depth of love that comforted me, and told me I had to go back, that Rachel needed me, we still had much to do, people to help. I cried, and told her I loved her, and she said she knew, she loved us both, but I couldn't stay, and she promised that she'd see us both again and let go my hands, and then I was zipping backwards, and then I felt a heaviness envelop me, and I knew I was in my body again, and I was looking at the ceiling of a hospital room. *** Rachel was sleeping on a chair beside the bed, her legs drawn up, and she looked terrible. She was haggard, and her eyes were puffy and red, and she had my hand in hers, and I had the feeling that she hadn't let it go the entire time I'd lain in that bed. I must have made a sound, because Rachel's eyes snapped open, and with scream of joy, threw herself on me, and I groaned, and then she was weeping and hugging me, and nurses rushed into the room thinking there was an emergency, but seeing me weakly grinning over Rachel's antics, they checked me over, pronounced me fine and doing well. Then Judy was there, and Rachel wasn't, and I hadn't realised I'd slept until I woke, and Judy took my hand and asked me how I felt. "Like death warmed up!" I said weakly. "You gave us all a scare", she said. "You died three times before they got you into the operating theatre. It was like you didn't want to come back!" "No wonder my chest hurts", I winced, "and they must have used the paddles on me." "And you're right; I didn't want to come back. I was with Mom, and I saw her, and held her hands, and she looked great! She looked strong and happy, and peaceful, at rest." I told Judy what had happened. I began crying, grief at being separated from my Mom a second time tearing at me worse than the knife in the hand of that crazed druggie, Freddie Winton. Judy came to me, and held me as I sobbed into her chest. When I stopped,I was gasping, out of breath. "She told me I had to come back, Rachel needed me. How is she? Where is she?" "We took turns watching over you; otherwise she'd have stayed here, and pined away for you. You've done well with her. Your Mom is not the only one who's noticed, you know!" She smiled, her eyes twinkling. "I'll call her, and let her know you're awake and asking for her. She didn't want to go to school today, so I called the school, and they understand why she's not there today." I must have looked confused, because she told me, "It's Monday. You've been out for nearly two days". Judy told me to relax, and went to give Rachel the news I was awake. *** I was in the hospital for a week, doctors coming to check on me, and Judy bought Rachel in almost every day, Rachel looked thin and pale, not eating much, worried for me. I growled her for not eating, and she glared at me, and then she smiled, and she had the grace to blush under my telling off. Then I was ready for home, to convalesce under Judy and Rachel's care. I was still weak, and Rachel couldn't keep her eyes from my face, and she didn't want to let me go for a moment. When we got home, they helped me to rest on the couch, and as I sank onto it, I gave it a pat, and said, "Hello, old friend, good to see you again!" Both women looked at me, then each other, then that broke the sombre mood, and they were laughing, and Rachel came to me, hugged me, her eyes tearing up, and told me not to leave her again, she'd die of a broken heart, "which almost happened", she said, her voice cracking. "Not if I can help it," I told her. "I'm under orders to look after you!" I told her pointing upward. Rachel's eyes bugged, and she gasped, "You saw her? You saw Mom?" "Sure did," I told her. "She's well, and she loves you." Rachel went "Awww," and started crying again, burying herself into my embrace. *** The police went straight to the Winton house, and after a thorough search, they found the knife he'd used, a hunting knife, up in the crawlspace above the ceiling where he'd thrown it. It still had my blood and his fingerprints on it. He was stoned when he attacked me, probably to get his courage up, and his father tried to stop them taking 'his boy' and assaulted a couple of officers, so both of them had a ride to the jail, and with the bloody knife as evidence, over a dozen witnesses to the attack, and his spittle on my clothes giving a DNA match, Freddie wouldn't see free sky for a very long time. They gave the little bastard life without the possibility of parole for attempted murder. The Wintons moved not long after that, and a nice family moved in, Carl and Roberta Jamison, with their thirteen year old daughter, Mary-Louise. The doctor I saw for a regular check-up following my release from hospital told me that I was extremely lucky, that two inches higher, and the point of the knife would have penetrated my kidney, and I would have bled out in under two minutes, and nothing would have saved me. Then the doctor, who'd been our family doctor and friend, dropped a bombshell on Rachel and me as we sat there in his office. He looked uncomfortable, and he fidgeted in front of us. Finally, he gave a growl and told us, "Dammit, you two, but what I got to tell you, well, I'm breaking my oath, so you better listen up good!" He told us that when I'd been in the theatre, Rachel, being distraught and panicking, offered her blood as I'd lost a great amount, and they tested mine and hers, and we weren't a match, different blood types. I held my sister's hand and gave it a squeeze in gratitude. The doctor gave a "Humph" and said, "But that ain't the point! You don't have the same blood! Two different fathers and neither were your Dad, Gregory Marks. Same mother, different fathers." We were in shock, to put it mildly. The doctor went on to say that the man we thought was our father was sterile, and so he punished our mother by 'farming her out' for gang-bangs, charging money for attendance, and he almost spat as he told us that, so great was his distaste for the mongrel our mother had married. "Your mother made me promise not to tell anyone, when I had to clean up the damage a time or two, and my oath made that easy. But, I've been carrying this around inside me for too many years, and I can't hold it in any longer." He leaned back in his chair, and shook his head. "Your mother," he said, "was a wonderful, gentle woman. Why she didn't just kill that sumbitch in his sleep is beyond me. Who knows, maybe she did, finally. She could have turned the wheel, causing the car to wreck out there that day! It would do my heart good, knowing he screamed on the way down, as your mother would have screamed as she was raped!" *** We didn't say anything as we drove home that day. The weather matched our mood, and it rained all the way back to the house. Judy came over to see how we were, and we sat down and shared with her what the doctor had said. Her eyes were hard at the news about what Gregory Marks had done, but she hung her head, and confessed she knew about the vile man using our Mom like he did. "Your Mom made me swear on our love for each other that I'd never tell you what he had done," she told us. "The doctor telling you makes that promise invalid, now. She was in a bad situation, and for your sake, Alfie, she stayed with him, and put up with his vile practices. We'd sit in your kitchen, right here, and her throat would be sore and hoarse from the screaming she did as she was raped. But that piece of inhumanity she called her husband enjoyed hearing her scream as she was taken, time and again." I looked at Judy sitting there and wringing her hands. I felt for her, and so I got up, went around the table and hugged her. She stood, and then Rachel was there, too, and we all held each other, and the women cried, their sadness matching my own, and I felt a deep sense of loss and shame. Loss for our mom, and Judy's friend, and shame for what the man she had married had done to her. I let them go, and I said to Judy, "You mentioned your love for each other. Was that love as friends, or something more?" Judy stood there, and I saw something in her eyes besides tears, and she stood taller, held her head high, and looking me in the eye, she said "This may come as a shock, you two, but your mother and I were lovers!" *** We sat at the table for hours, talking about Judy's relationship with our mother, and she was relieved when we didn't judge her, just accepted her and the bond she had had with our Mom, and she told us that Peter, her husband, didn't know any of the details of our family past, of her past with Janice, our Mom, and she asked us to keep it that way. We of course promised, and were a tight group of three again, and then Judy got up, and said she had to go and get Peter's dinner on, as he'd be home from work shortly. She gave us a hug, and left. Rachel looked at me, and said nothing. I didn't feel like talking either, so we had dinner in silence, and then we went and had our respective showers, and went to bed. *** One day, about three weeks after the attack, I was at home on the computer looking for information on something, and I heard the front door open, and I heard Rachel say, "Just go in, and I'll be with you in a minute!" Then a stunning red-haired girl shyly walked into the living room, and she gave a start, and said, "Oh! I'm sorry. Rache' said for me to come in. I sorry if I disturbed you!". I was about to say something, but I noticed her shortened version of Rachel's name, and that confused me for a moment, and so I got up, and held out my hand, and told her that my name was Alfie Marks, "just call me Afie." She smiled, and the sun shone a bit brighter there in my living room. Then she looked at her hand in mine, and I let it go, saying sorry, and I asked her if she wanted something to drink. She looked around, and then it hit me she was looking for a booze cabinet! She also had a worried look on her face, and I said, "Oh, no, sorry! I meant a hot chocolate, or something?" Then my sister came into the room, changed into her at-home clothes, and introduced me to Mary-Louise, "call her Mel", who had moved into the old Winton place. Rachel explained that, as the new girl on the bus, the bullies had tried to pick on her, but she'd had to make them leave her alone, and she held up her hand, and her knuckles were skinned. Rachel grinned, and told me that the other girls were very sorry, and apologised for their mistake! Then the girls looked at each other, and burst out laughing. Then Rachel asked us if we've introduced each other yet, and apologised for not doing it. Rachel turned to the stunning girl, and asked, "So what do you think of my Big Brother?" "God Rache'", she breathed, "you weren't kidding! He is a hunk!" I looked at my sister, and she giggled, and Mel followed suit, and the visitor to our home blushed under my scrutiny, and I must have looked foolish standing there, lost for words, because that set them off again, and then Rachel grabbed her hand, and towed her down the hallway to her room, where I could hear them laughing and talking at the same time, both of them. About time she'd got a friend to come home with her, I thought. *** Later as we sat in the living room, Rachel was sitting on the Big Chair. She'd claimed it as hers, and I was happy with that, because I still had 'Old Faithful', as I had christened the couch. I could see her out of my peripheral vision. I found myself doing that more and more when she wore that thin old tee shirt! She looked up from the chair, and put her book down, put her knee up, leaned back, and put her hands behind her head, causing her tee shirt to press against her breasts, and she was bra-less, I noticed, and she said, "So, what do you think of Mel? Is she pretty, or what?" I looked up, and put my book down, and turned to her, I gasped, because I could see right between her legs, and her panty-covered womanhood was right in line with my eyes. I couldn't speak for a moment, and my jaw hung open. Then she giggled, and told me to answer the question! She'd gone shopping. Again, I thought, because these panties were new and almost sheer, and I could make out the curls of her dark pubic hair, and the swell of her thin clitoral hood, and her vaginal lips were full, and I could see a hint of her inner lips. Her nipples grew hard under my gaze, and my breathing became shallow, and I realised I was starting to gasp for breath as I looked at her, Her blue eyes were devilish, and I wondered how far she was going to take this. "Oh, god, Rachel", I moaned, exasperated, "you make things so hard for me sometimes!" "Well, I should hope so, I've been trying to for a while now, and you can be so gentlemanly and thick sometimes, it's annoying!" she almost snapped at me. Then I realised what she was saying, and it all clicked into place. "We can't, Rachel, we're brother and sister, for god's sake!" "I know that, Alfie! But I told you I loved you, and I meant it! I think I fell in love with you that day when you gave me those flowers! No-one had been that kind to me, and I knew then that as soon as I smelled those flowers that I wanted you!" Then a steely look came into her eyes, and she told me, "I want you, and I'm giving myself to you, Alfie, whether you want me to or not!" I had sat up, and I was in shock, and then my own body betrayed me. My friend decided to wake up, and nothing I could think of would make him see sense. I stood, but I didn't know what I was going to do next. I was in a fog, and Rachel could see my erection, hard and aching with need in my jeans, and she sat there looking at it, her arms over her head, and her leg opened wider, and then I could smell her arousal. She stood, tore off her tee shirt and threw it onto the floor, and walked over to me, a languid slow walk that made my friend jump in my jeans. My gaze was fixed onto her chest, watching her breasts, so smooth and round, and I licked my lips, wanting to reach out and take her small round breasts into my mouth, and suck her very hard, rosy-tipped nipples. Then she was standing against me, kissing my chest, her breath light and feathery, her hands going to my belt, undoing it, and then her hands were at my zipper, and my jeans were pushed down to my feet, and I stepped out of them and kicked them away. My raging manhood stuck straight out, and she was sliding my boxers down my legs, and they joined my jeans. She took my length into her hands, and she moaned with happiness. *** This beautiful woman took my hand, and led me to my bedroom, not saying a word, and then, sliding her panties down her thighs and off her legs, she knelt on the bed, and opened her arms to me. I joined her, hypnotised by her lush curves, and the light mat of hair at the base of her belly and we kissed, a deep slow kiss that radiated our longing for one another. My friend bobbed at her, full and heavy with need, and he poked enthusiastically toward her sex. Then we lay down and Rachel pushed me onto my back, and began to run her hands all over my chest, belly and thighs. She was making a contented noise in her throat, like a purr, and she was in heaven. She finally had the man of her dreams under her, and she loved it, revelled in the knowledge! I could tell by the look in her eye, and the triumphant smile on her face. Then running her fingertips across my chest she looked me in the eyes, and said, "I almost lost you, Alfie. I thought that if you'd died, I was going to follow you. I can't live without you." "You really have no idea, do you?" she continued. "Not a clue, you thick-headed, stubborn blind fool of a man! You are my hero, my knight in shining armour, you stood up for me, when no-one else did or would! You gave me kind words, words that burned themselves into my heart, and I would lie in bed at night and hear you saying them again, word for word, and I would see myself in your arms, and we would be happy together!" "You saved me, my beautiful, wonderful, adorable Big Brother! You saved me when I thought I would be locked into the hell of being with the Higgins for the rest of my life!" Rachel straddled me, and she sat across my lower torso, and my impatient friend down there was touching the parting of her silky-skinned bottom. "It's going to be tonight, my love," she purred, her eyes hooded with want and lust. "I can't wait any longer! I can't take that chance!" I hadn't touched her or said a word at this stage, I was stunned, and my mind had shut down, and my lecherous, twitching drooling friend down there was doing all my thinking for me. I was still afraid, afraid of the act we were about to commit, that would consummate the depth of love and longing that plagued us both. I was afraid of what tomorrow would bring, how would we feel about each other, if Rachel had decided that she'd made a mistake, or if I couldn't live with the guilt of knowing I had made love to my own sister? She was kissing my chest now, and her bottom was up, and she was rubbing the wet aroused slit of her hungry sex against my friend, they were meeting for the first time, and he was excited, eager at the introductions. Her hips were bobbing, a slight up and down motion, getting us both slick with our juices, and I had the powerful urge to grab her hips and ram myself into her. So, my reservations I buried deep, and I made the decision to give myself to her fully, and damn the consequences. Rachel wanted this, and if I wanted to be seriously and completely honest with myself, so did I! *** My lust-filled, beautiful, exciting, intoxicating younger sister went to raise herself up, and I reached for her, and she said, no, later, she wanted me Now!, and she was panting in her desire. Rachel stood on the bed, looking down on me for a moment, and she had an exultant grin on her face. She'd won the prize, the jackpot, and she was going to enjoy it! She squatted down slowly, trying to keep eye contact with me. She wanted to share this moment with me as much as possible, and she wobbled for a moment on the bed, righted herself, and reached behind herself as soon as she was low enough to. Then she found me, and she moaned, and stroked me for a moment, and her body shivered in delicious delight. I still hadn't said a word, and she seemed happy for me not to. I then realised that the light was still on, but I had no memory of it being turned on. My eyes drank in the scene in front of me, and if it was at all possible, I became harder. Rachel drew the moment out, and so she should. This was her production, her moment in time, and it would never come again in her, or our, lifetimes. Then Rachel lined up the tip of my turgid member, and eased herself onto it. I could feel the petals of her virgin flower open to receive me, and she was hot and wet with her need. She made sure I wouldn't fall out, and I could feel her contract around my head, then she pushed back slightly, as she felt me begin to slip away from her. Then he was lodged against her firmly, and Rachel sat there, her weight on her hands on my chest, and on her feet on either side of my hips. She raised her head, gave a grin, but I could see a hint of reservation in her eyes, and I heard her whisper so low I almost missed it, "Please don't hurt, please don't hurt!" and then she gritted her teeth, and let herself slide down my member. I did feel her tunnel spasm around me as I went through the last barrier between us. She was so tight, so very moist and tight, and I groaned. Rachel sucked in her breath, a small whimper escaped her mouth, and then she was holding still, the head of my hard penis within her, she was panting, as though gathering herself for the final plunge. I felt something drip onto my pubic bone, into my pubic hair, and then once again, and looking down, I could see the blood from her ruptured hymen. Rachel reached down, dipped her finger in it, and held it up so I could see it, then she reached over to me, and smeared it from my hairline to my eyebrows, then dipping her finger again, smearing it from my brows to the tip of my nose. I took her finger, and licked the now-drying blood from it. It was coppery, and sweet from her juices. She held herself there, my turgid fullness still inside her, twitching with impatience for the final act, and Rachel grinned, dipped her head, the said, "Hail, my conquering hero! You have subdued the beast!" Then she giggled, and I felt her sheath contract around me. "For now, anyway," she giggled. Then the sweet young girl took a deep breath, exhaled, and said, "Right, now for the moment of truth." Then she gave a sigh, and let go, and with a cry, her eyes wide open, her head back, looking at the ceiling, she slid down, until her pubic bone met mine with a bump. She surrendered finally, and she was filled. *** Rachel sat on my hips and groin, and her head was down, and her hair was all around her head, so I couldn't see her face. I knew she was alive, because I could see her breathing. She still held some weight by her outstretched arms, her hands splayed on my chest. Her small rose-tipped nipples on her breasts rose and fell, and they were mesmerising. "You know how they say that the fantasy is always better than the reality?" she asked, then flicked her hair away from her face so that I could see her. "Well, in this case," she said quietly, awed, "they're damned well wrong!" And then she grinned, and started to move, raising herself up and then sliding down with a sigh. I started to move with her, into her, building up a rhythm, and she gave a happy sigh, and whispered, "I was wondering if I was going to have to do all the work!" "Smartass," I growled at her, speaking for the first time, and she giggled, and we upped the tempo, and in the end, she held me even as I held her, and I was pounding up into her, her now no-longer virgin pussy taking me, being filled with me, and Rachel sobbed and cried for joy, tears of happiness running in rivulets down her cheeks. Time had no meaning. The minutes ticked by, but we didn't notice them, they slid past even as I slid into my joyous sister, and we were two of a kind, and then we were one. Then that old feeling started to boil up from the pit of my groin, and I could feel my climax approaching like a train, a big one, I knew, because I hadn't been with a woman for so long, and I became faster, even more frantic, wanting to bury as much of myself into her as I possibly could. Rachel knew I must be near, because she thrashed atop me, and then, like an explosion of two elemental forces, we were overcome with our orgasms, and we both collapsed, spent, onto the bed. **** I lay there, blissful and happy. I had just made love to my sister, and I felt no guilt, far from it. I was glad to have done so, proud of it even, proud that I had made my little sister happy. She lay atop me, and she was slowly running her fingertips on my chest, and I softly asked her how she felt. She rubbed her cheek on me, and sighed, and then I felt the cool air on me, and I suddenly needed to go to the bathroom. Rachel raised her head, and kissed me, slowly, gently, and then she climbed off me, stood by the bed, my ejaculate tinged pink with her hymen blood starting to dribble down her thigh. She held her hand out to me, and asked if I wanted to shower with her. I was moving in a heartbeat. *** We were back in bed, and I told Rachel to go to sleep, she needed to get up for school in the morning. She lay there, just looking at me, seeming to me like she was trying to memorise my face, and she snuggled against me, and asked, "Do you still love me?" I looked at her face, and she was worried, worried that I didn't love her for what she, we, had done, and she looked so vulnerable. I held her tight, and told her, yes, I still loved her, more than ever now, and I wasn't sorry at all, that if she wanted to, I'd like do it again with her, but I would never pressure her to repeat the wonderful experience. She buried her face against me and began to cry softly. She was elemental, emotional, because now that she didn't have to hold her emotions in anymore, she was learning that it was okay to show them. "You always know what to say," she sniffed. "I'm so happy!" Then she snuggled into me as much as she possibly could, and then she closed her eyes, and with a happy smile went to sleep. I wasn't far behind her. *** When I awoke in the morning, Rachel was already up and moving around. She had trained herself to get up at the same time every day, even on the weekends. Something had woken me. I looked around, and steaming cup of coffee was by my bedside, its aroma making my mouth water. Trust Rachel to know how to get me up. In the morning. Oh, hell, you know what I mean! Get that damn silly grin off your face! *** I showered again, and walked out to the kitchen, with a towel around my waist, and using another to scrub the water out of my hair. Rachel was humming, dressed in her school uniform; she waltzed up to me, kissed me on the cheek, and started to dish up a hot breakfast. Scrambled eggs on toast, more toast, with butter and marmalade. I love marmalade! I sat down, and she came to my side, and I held her by the hip, and she pressed her near-side hip into my chest. I thanked her for the wonderful effort, and she told me thank you, and then she looked down at me, and she leaned down, and kissed me on the lips, then walked around the table to sit and start her breakfast. She kept watching me as she ate, not saying a word. I played her game! I was watching her, and a battle of wills was being played, each trying to outlast the other. I tried so hard to keep a smile off my face, but it broke through, and suddenly both of us were laughing, laughing at nothing, and we both looked and felt happier than we'd ever been. *** Rachel was gone to school, and I wasn't in any hurry to go out and find some work, even though there were a couple of calls, both involving heavy lifting. I called them and thanked them for their offers, but I couldn't do it, as the doctor had told me to take it easy for a few weeks, to give my body a chance to heal. I still had stiffness and soreness in my back, and as they knew about the attack, being in the news, they understood, and promised to keep me on their books. The day passed reasonably quickly, and I was in the kitchen, getting food prepped for dinner. I heard Rachel come in, and I called out to her that I was in the kitchen, and did she want anything to drink? Then I heard a musical voice say, "Oh my God! He cooks! Rachel, now I'm really jealous! You have the Perfect Man!" I turned, and my back twinged, and I saw Mel standing there, looking as beautiful as ever in her school uniform. Both girls came through the door, and Rachel kissed me on the cheek, giving Mel a sideways look, a bit proprietarily, maybe, but she smiled and said, "That's right, and he's all mine!" Then both girls grinned, and then Rachel came to stand by me, and she watched me for a moment, then turned to Mel, and said, "Come on, let me show you my undies!", and then they were gone, and I stood there in shock, the potato and peeler forgotten. I could hear them cackling in the bedroom. Show Mel her undies? The vision of Rachel standing there and lifting her school dress up and flashing Mel her panties got me hard in less time that it takes to say it. My friend was smug and happy, and he wanted me to know all about it! *** Rachel had convinced her new friend to stay for dinner, and then Mel called her parents, Carl and Roberta, to ask for permission, they agreed, so long as Mel didn't come home too late, and I told Mel to tell them I would walk her home when she was ready, earning me a startled look from her, and then the dinner was on the table, and we had a ball, chatting, having a lively conversation, and I got to understand this bright young girl, and to know her as she opened up to me. They had moved from a small town, she told me, because her father had gotten a transfer, he was in the computer IT sector, he was in the Army reserves, which I perked up at hearing, and she said that they were having trouble getting a horrible smell out of the house. "It's really disgusting," she said. "At night, it seems to get worse, and Dad has gone over every inch of the place, under the house, up in the attic crawlspace, but no dead animals were found, `cos that's what it smells like!" I told her about Tom Winton and his sons' bathing habits, or rather, their lack of them; she wrinkled up her nose and shuddered, and promised to tell her Mom and Dad about it. *** Chapter Four Rachel left Mel with me, or should I say, in my company, while she went to shower after dinner, and she re-appeared wearing her tee shirt and panties, and that caused Mel to gasp in shock and blush prettily. Rachel was wearing one of her tees, which of course was shorter than my/her old one, and she had a pair of thin panties on, that really hugged her mons as she walked. As she walked into the living room, I, of course, pretended not to notice, but Mel sure did! Rachel had gone into a store at the mall and got them to personalise a tee for her, and the one she'd got had a big heart in red rhinestones, with the words, Big Brothers Rock! on it. She was wearing that, and she walked like a Queen when she entered the room. Mel grabbed her by the arm when she sat down on the Big Chair, as they both could fit on it, and she whispered in Rachel's ear loud enough for me to hear, "Rachel! What are you doing! He's your brother; you can't wear something like that in front of him!" She was horrified, but titillated as well, and her eyes glittered in excitement, for her friend was doing something dangerous and forbidden, at least for her, and she was feeling an adrenaline rush, I knew. I looked up, and in a mock bored voice, said, "Oh, Rachel does that all the time! She thinks she can get a rise out of me. Huh! Thank god for books!", then I pretended to read again. Rachel dropped her jaw, outrage on her face, and Mel was looking at her, at me, and her eyes had flown open, and suddenly both girls were giggling and laughing. I got up, and before they could defend themselves, I attacked them both, and tickled them. Both girls shrieked, wriggling trying to get away, almost falling off the chair, and I was laughing, and then they turned the tables on me, by jumping up at the same moment, and ganged up on me! Then I was on the floor, trying to get away, my arms at my side, and one of the girls fell on me, and her knee went into my back. I howled, and then I was groaning in pain, bent backwards in agony, and suddenly, the fun evaporated, and they were all over me, panicking. Mel was crying, apologising profusely, and when I could speak again, I tried to calm her down, panting in pain. They lifted me up, and helped me onto the couch. Rachel told Mel to sit with me, and then she went into the kitchen, saying she was putting the jug on. But as soon as she was out of sight, I heard her crying softly. Mel was saying sorry all the time, and her eyes pleaded for forgiveness. I held her, and managed to calm her down. I apologised to her for scaring her, and then she was in my arms, and she was hugging me for all she worth, and I could feel her young teenaged body, so firm and yet so soft, she smelled so clean and girly, and there was an aroma underlying that, and my friend woke up, and I had that old argument with him, and he lost. Then the pain went away, and I began to relax. That communicated itself to Mel, and then, we were just sitting there, holding each other, quietly. *** Mel didn't leave my side, surprising me, when Rachel came back in. She gave me a coffee, and Mel a hot chocolate, and Mel held me, and was trying to comfort me, even though I was feeling better. Rachel sat on the Big Chair, watching us, and she was sombre, and then I noticed what I thought was a calculating look in her eye. She put her cup down, and said, "You know, Mel, it's the weekend in a couple of days. Would you like to come here for a sleepover?" Mel looked at her, then at me, and she blushed, and replied, "Um, I don't know. I'm sure Mom and Dad would let me, but what about you, Alfie, um, Mr Marks?" I said, "Alfie is fine Mel! And yes, you can come over, you're always welcome here! Just because we had a little accident doesn't mean I'm going to hold it against you. You're more than welcome in this house!" She became excited at that, and soon both girls were back in the Big Chair, and enthusiastically making plans for the weekend. *** Then Friday was here, and Rachel and Mel had planned for them to come straight here to our place instead of Mel going home first. She had gone home that night, and I walked beside her, and we talked about what happened, and I made my point that it was indeed an accident, and I was fine. I told her it was okay, she was still invited to have a sleepover, because now both Rachel and I had invited her, and she was outnumbered, so there! Mel giggled prettily at that, and at her gate, she shot a look at her house, and when she didn't see anyone watching, stepped up to me, held me for a moment, and kissed me on the lips, and thanked me for a `really neat night', and then turned away and went inside her house, but the way her bottom swished in her school uniform made me a little tight in the jeans. So now, it was Friday afternoon, and there was two chattering, giggling girls in my house, and both bugging me to rent a video, and make `absolutely tons of popcorn!', and then, our night was sorted. I splurged for pizza's, and a case of soft-drinks, and then we were ensconced on the living room floor, in the evening, preparing to watch "Love, Actually", a British chick-flick. Don't knock it; it's actually a damn fine movie. Rachel was dressed a little more demurely that night. But I caught her looking at me, and I knew she wanted to wear her tee and panties. Then we watched a favourite of mine, an old Richard Dreyfuss movie called, "Always", a love story. What? Can't men enjoy a good movie once in a while? Then, full of pizza, popcorn, and fizzy drinks, the girls retired to their room. I got up, cleaned up and turned everything off. *** I showered and went to bed. There wasn't a sound coming from Rachel's bedroom, and the door was closed. I thought they might have gone to bed, and both would have been comfortable on it, because I had got Rachel a Queen-sized bed when she moved in with me, and she was in love with it, because she had been sleeping in an old single bed before. When we'd set it up in her room, she lay on it, her arms spread out in a cross, and she had looked like a doll on it, a small girl on a big bed. We didn't always spend our evenings together. Sometimes she just wanted to have alone-time, and would spend her time in her room, and would lie on her bed, and just do her own thing. After I had been in bed for about an hour, my door slowly opened, and I turned my head slowly, and saw both girls at my door, looking in my direction. It was a moonless night, so they couldn't see me all that well. There was a murmured conversation, and Rachel left Mel at the door, crept tiptoed up to my bed, and whispered softly, her lips against my ear, "Pretend to be asleep! This is important!" Then she tiptoed back to the door, and there was hissing of them having a whispered argument. So Rachel just matters into her own hands, and opened the door with one hand, and pulled Mel into the room with the other. Mel was reluctant, and Rachel said to her in a soft normal voice, "Well? You wanted to know what a man's penis looked like. Now's your chance. Are you telling me you're chickening out? Too late for that, Mel!" Mel shot a look at me, but I pretended to be asleep. I wondered what Rachel was up to. Since we'd made love, it was like another woman was living with me. She'd changed, become more self-assured, more mature. Mel looked torn, she wanted to find out what I looked like, but being a virginal young girl, she was scared. She wanted to do this, Rachel throwing down a dare she didn't want to back down from, but she was in deep, and she had no firm ground under her feet. I could identify with her; I had been the same with Rachel not that long ago myself. *** "But what if he wakes up?" she whispered. "He'll be mad!" That's right, I thought, shift responsibility onto me, and I was supposed to be asleep, not knowing they were there! "He won't wake up. I know him, remember? He can sleep through a truck driving through the house. Here, watch!" She bent over me, and snapped her fingers next to my ear, but I just swatted my hand, like I was waving an annoying fly away. "See?" she said. I pretended to mumble, then placed my hands on my stomach. The sheet and blankets were up to my waist, so all they saw was the top half of my body. Then Mel figured she had an ace-in-the-hole, and played it. "He'll be wearing underwear! How do you plan to get them off?" "That's easy!" Rachel said. "Look!", and then she pulled the blankets away, and I was fully naked in front of the shocked teen. "Holy cow!" she breathed. "Are you sure he won't wake up?" "Nope", Rachel told her. "We need some light so you can see him better", and then she slid my drapes open, and the light from the street lights poured into the room, illuminating my body. I murmured, and placed my arm over my eyes, but didn't cover them completely, so the young girl thought I was merely shielding my eyes from the minimal glare coming in. I had my eyes cracked open slightly, and I could see them clearly. "Oh my god, Rachel," Mel told her, "If Mom and Dad found about this, I'm dead! If Alfie wakes up, he'll go ballistic! Maybe we should forget about this, and go to bed!" *** Rachel stood there, and she was in her bra and panties. Mel was wearing a nighty, and I saw her nipples were hard, and I could see the outline of small breasts under her shift. Rachel's nipples were hard as well, and I started to feel the tingle of an approaching erection, and the battle was on, and I was determined to win it. I had no idea what Rachel had in mind, and I didn't want to ruin it for her. "No. We stay, because you wanted to see a penis. Well, Mel there it is! Go on, touch it! Do something!" Mel just stood there, and she was staring at my penis lying on my thigh. She couldn't keep her eyes off it, and she swayed in its direction, but didn't move toward me. With an exasperated noise, Rachel took her hand, and towed her to the bed. Mel squealed, and looked at me guiltily. They stood by the bed, and Rachel told her, "Okay, I'll go first, seeing as you're so shy. But you gotta have your turn, are we clear on that?" Mel was undecided, but she eventually nodded, still staring at my member. So my crafty sister sat on the bed, and Rachel reached over, scooped her fingers around my penis, curled her hand around it, and started to stroke up and down the piece of flesh between my legs. Mel moaned, and looked amazed, and I was catching a whiff of arousal, and it wasn't from my busy sister! "Ohmigod!" Mel breathed. Then, like a mouse in the hypnotic gaze of a snake, she slowly came over to the bed, and reached over, and Rachel let go of me, and Mel took over. As soon as she took my penis in her hand, and began stroking, I started to grow in her hand. She let go of me quickly, and got off the bed, looking at her hand, and then looking at me. "Oh, for god's sake", my sister said, "It's not going to hurt you! They always do that! Really Mel, you're so naïve!" That coming from a girl who was a virgin herself, not that long ago? *** Mel looked hurt, and went to move away, and Rachel went to her, held her, and apologised for being so mean. "Come on", she told the skittish girl, "let's start again. It's not that hard", then they both looked at my now-deflated penis, "not yet, anyway!" Then they both giggled softly, and both of them sat on the bed, one either side of me. Rachel told Mel to try again, so she reached over, and scooped me up, like she saw Rachel do. The red-haired teen was concentrating on what she was doing. She was surprisingly gentle. She didn't want to wake me, for fear of the consequences. She stroked me in an up and down motion, and I briefly thought that girls must be born with the ability to do hand-jobs, because her hand felt like she'd been doing it all of her short life. Then the smell of her arousal became stronger, and she began to breathe shallowly, and she began to shift around on the bed as she masturbated me. Her free hand began to slide toward her young pert breasts, so Rachel got up, went around to her side, and started to pull her nighty off. *** Mel immediately let me go, and wrapped her arms around her chest. "What are you doing!" she gasped. "What do you think?" Rachel said. "You were trying to get to your boobs, and I'm helping you!" "Rachel", she protested, "I'm not wearing a bra! What if he sees?" "He won't", my sister told her, "he's asleep, remember? If it will help you any, I'll go topless too!" With that, she reached behind herself, and undid the catch of her bra, and her lovely orbs were being bathed in the glow of the streetlights, her nipples hard. "See? No problem! Now you!" Mel looked confused. She looked up to her protector, as Rachel looked up to me. I felt for her. She really wanted to fit in with this older girl, but she was a young skittish thirteen year old, and she was having one shock to her system after another. With an anguished, "oh my god!" she took hold of her nighty hem and slowly pulled it up over her head. She was beautiful! I almost ruined things by moaning at the sight of her pert young breasts. They were round and small, her puffy nipples going hard without anything to cover them, They were pale, and she had a scattering of freckles on her upper chest, and I began to fill with desire, and then Mel sighed, and turned her attentions back to me, softly stroking me again. Rachel moved behind the girl, and began to give her a shoulder massage, and Mel quickly began to unwind, and then she was relaxed under Rachel's hands. Rachel moved her hands down her back, stroking and rubbing Mel, and Mel had a dreamy look on her face, and her fingers gripped my now very hard tumescence, and she began a rolling motion in time to Rachel's hands, spreading my pre-cum along its length. Then Rachel moved her hands up to Mel's shoulders again, and she stayed there for a little while, then her hands slipped down, and then she was massaging Mel's breasts! She seemed to know exactly what she was doing; she rolled Mel's nipples, and softly kneaded the sweet young mammaries. Mel leaned back into Rachel's breasts, her mouth open and she groaned in pleasure. *** Mel's hand had stilled, so Rachel gently reminded her to continue, and Mel was in a world of sexual feelings, and she murmured, "Hmmm?" "Your hand, keep going, he's near, I can tell", my sister murmured into her ear. She wasn't wrong. I could feel my climax approaching, and it was bubbling, waiting for release. Rachel began to apply a bit more pressure to Mel's dainty breasts, and she mewled, her head back, and her mouth gasping for breath. Rachel had been watching me, waiting for me to blow. She told Mel, "Look down! There, do you see?" Mel looked at my erection throbbing in her hand, and then when she focussed on it, my hips bucked up, and I was spurting all over my chest and belly, and then I did groan, I couldn't help myself. But I kept my eyes shaded, and led Mel to believe I was still asleep. *** Mel had her mouth open; she couldn't believe what just happened. For the first time in her young life, she'd given pleasure to a man, and her eyes lit up with amazement and pride. She looked at Rachel, who grinned at her. "Congratulations!" Rachel told her, "You did a great job! I'm so proud of you!" She threw her arms around the girl, and hugged her, and Mel sat there, stunned and groggy with the praise. She held her hand up, and looked at it, then down to my deflating cock, and breathed, "Holy cow! Did I really do that?" Rachel giggled, and said, "Yep!", and then she pulled Mel out of the room, pushing her to the bathroom, and told her, "Get cleaned up, and I'll clean up in here, otherwise he'll know something happened!" Mel disappeared quickly. Rachel went and got a towel, and closing my door, she came up to me, smiled, then kissed me, and as she wiped me off, asked "So, how was it?" I grinned at her. "You're a devious young woman, Rachel Marks", I told her. "But thank you anyway. She's got a lot of potential, and I wonder how far you'll take this?" Rachel picked up her and Mel's clothing, kissed me again, smiled at me, then she was gone, and I was feeling exhausted. *** I have to admit, breakfast was a tad strained the next morning. Mel couldn't take her eyes off me, watching me for any sign that I knew what had happened the night before, and Rachel was trying not to laugh at her as Mel sat there, her eyes boring into me. I put my fork down, and wiped my hand over my face, and I asked Rachel if I had a booger hanging out of my nose? Rachel lost it, and bolted from the table, laughing so hard she was choking in mirth. Mel sat there mortified, and she was making strangling sounds, and I sat there with an innocent look on my face. I fixed Mel with a confused look, and asked if anything was wrong, and what had happened, had I gone ugly? She bolted from the table, as well, and then I heard Rachel explode with mirth again, and I didn't see them for the rest of the morning. *** I took the girls to an art exhibition that had opened that day, and we wandered around, and then went for burgers and fries at a take-out I knew. Rachel was just as fascinated as Mel, neither having seen that part of town before. I would give them the history of the places we went to, and both were their old selves, chatting and gaping like the young girls they were. We were sitting in a park, at a bench off to one side, watching some ducks swim in the pond. Mel couldn't understand why Rachel was so surprised and ignorant about the places we went to. Surely she'd seen them before, having grown up there? Was she acting that way for her benefit? Rachel looked at me, and I held her hand, and told her that if she wanted to explain why, that was up to her, but I thought it would be better if she did it. So Rachel walked away with Mel, and sat at a bench not far away. I just sat at mine, and waited. When they came back, Mel was weeping, and Rachel had her arm around her. She sat her friend down next to me, and Mel buried her head into me, and held me, gripping me tightly, as she sobbed for her friend and the life she'd had. Rachel leaned into her back with her arms around her waist, her cheek on the girl's shoulder, and she held the crying young teen while she poured out her grief. *** I did my best to cheer Mel up, but she was looking at Rachel in a new way, as a girl who'd lived for years under a sadistic regime, who'd survived, and now was relatively `normal', and Mel's respect for her skyrocketed. Mel was also looking at me in a different way, as well. As a man who'd stepped in and saved his sister from a life of brutality, and as someone who could be trusted to never let that happen to anyone. But, I can't save the world. I'm not superman. Some of her barriers came down, and she would stand or walk closer to me, with fewer reservations now. When we got home, Rachel went into the kitchen to prepare the dinner. We had spaghetti and sauce, a thick ground beef sauce that clung to the noodles, and we were full and happy when we finally pushed our plates away. Mel helped with the dishes, and Rachel asked her if she wanted to stay again tonight? Mel ran to the phone, and within a couple of minutes, she was smiling and told us she had permission, and her Mom was impressed I had taken her to an art exhibition. Judy came over, and we introduced our new friend to her. Judy's eyes gleamed as she gave the girl an up-and-down look, then she smiled at the girl and shook her hand, and then Judy turned to look at Rachel and I, and Mel didn't see the wink she gave us. Judy leaned into us, licked her lips, and whispered, "Mmmm, nice!" She stepped back, and we all grinned, but Mel didn't get the joke. We chose not to say. *** Let me tell you a little about Judy. She stood about five- six, was slim, had dark brown, almost chestnut hair, and it had red highlights that were natural, and glinted in the sun. Her legs were firm and shapely, and she had an impressive bust. It wasn't big, huge, I mean, but she looked damn good to any red-blooded male! And for that matter, any woman who'd noticed her attributes. I had never seen her naked, so I can't tell what she looked like under her clothes, but she had a fine figure for her age, and she knew it, but she never played on it. She always reminded me of an Earth Mother, and you automatically trusted her. She was easy to get along with, and she could listen to you talk for hours, having a natural ability to fade into the background, then reappearing to give you sound advice. As I said before, I loved her, and she was like a second mother to me. Judy stayed with us for a couple of hours, as Peter was out of town on a business trip, and so feeling a bit lonely in an empty house, she'd came calling to hear the sound of human voices. I did notice Judy and Rachel exchanging long and meaningful stares, as though they were having a telepathic conversation, and I did feel like asking them about it, but I left it. It didn't really bother me, and every girl needs her secrets, right? As I didn't really watch television, having my books, and now the computer, it wasn't switched on. Mel asked if she could sit at the computer, saying there was something she wanted to look up, and so I let her, and she was quickly absorbed in surfing the net. She zoned out, and we left her to it. Judy and Rachel stood up, and Rachel told me she wanted to talk to Judy about something, made sure Mel was fine with her not being there, but the teen just waved her had at them and told her `to go for it,' and so they went down to Rachel's room, and I heard the door close. Rachel and Judy had gotten close during my stay in hospital. When they were together, they were always standing close to each other, and would hold whispered conversations, occasionally turning to look at me, whether to see if I was listening, or what, I didn't know, and didn't really care. Rachel was not my exclusive property, and I gave her her freedom, and she respected that, but didn't abuse it. We had to live in the same house together, and I would rather live with her, than without her. *** At some point, I had to empty my bladder, and so I made my way to the bathroom and relieved the built up pressure. After washing my hands, I went to return to the living room, and I heard what I thought was a cry from Rachel's room. I stopped outside her door, and listened for a moment, wondering if she was alright, and was about to call out, resting my hand on the door, when it swung inward a couple of inches. I looked into the room, and I was stunned by what I saw, and my erection exploded into life by the scene before me! Rachel was lying on her back on the bed, her knees up, nude from the waist down, and Judy was kneeling on the floor, and she had her head buried between my sister's legs, busy licking her pussy! Neither saw me, so I held the door handle, and pulled it back, just so I could see them. Rachel was tossing her head, her eyes half-closed, and her hands were splayed, gripping the duvet in convulsive movements, and she was making disarticulated sounds. Her hips were moving under Judy's tongue, and Judy's slacks and underwear were around her knees, and a hand was busy between her legs, and she was moaning into Rachel's sex while she was orally stimulating her, and goading her own peak into fruition. Then Rachel raised her head and climaxed, her body shuddering, her hips flicking up into Judy's face. Then her head flopped back down, and Judy began to ride her own climax to glory. I softly closed the door as quietly as I could, and crept back up the hallway, lost in thought. *** They reappeared about ten minutes later, looking like nothing had happened except girl talk, and I said nothing, but I did notice that Rachel looked flushed. I began to look at Judy in a new light from that point in time, as a sexual being, surprising myself that I hadn't before. I knew she was married, and that she and Mom had been lovers, but I hadn't seen her as an active sexual partner before. The thought didn't disturb me, as such, but I was disquieted by my lack of foresight. Judy left after another half-hour, saying she was tired, and needed some sleep. Rachel walked her to the door, and saw her off, wishing her a good night, then returned, and sat in her favourite chair, a smile on her face, staring off into space, while Mel was still busy on the computer. *** Another hour later, and we called it a night, and Mel thanked me for using the computer, and then they headed off to shower and get ready for bed. I cleaned up, then turned off the lights, waited for the girls to finish their showers, had mine, and I climbed into bed, replaying in my mind what I'd seen in Rachel's bedroom. A couple of hours later, I was woken by Rachel sliding into my bed. She was nude, and she held me and was silent, as if gathering her thoughts. "Thank you," she said, finally. "For what? I replied. "For not saying anything. Judy didn't see you, but I did. I really should make sure that door is properly closed before anything happens. She would have been embarrassed if she'd seen you standing there, and it would have caused a big problem for us." She went up on an elbow, and she touched my face. "Judy thought we were being discreet. She loves you, and she doesn't want to hurt you, and if she knew you'd seen her with your sister, I don't know what she'd say or do." Then Rachel asked me if I had any problems with what I'd seen them doing. I thought for a minute or two, but I looked her in the eye and told her that what they did was between the two of them, and I really had no right to judge them for finding happiness in each other's arms, or body parts. I confessed to her that I'd been turned on by it, actually. Rachel looked at me, and hugged me, telling me she was happy that I was okay with them then. I said I was, and not to worry about it. When they chose to bring it up, I would support them, no matter what. I loved them both, and that thought made me happy. *** Rachel smiled, and pulled me onto her. We kissed, and before too long, we were both hot and bothered, and my erection bloomed into life, and Rachel reached down, held me in her warm hand, gave me a couple of strokes, and positioned me at her cleft. I entered her slowly, basking in the feel of her hot wet and oh-so-tight tunnel, and then I was joined with her, and we began to move against each other, slowly, quietly, lest we wake Mel. Rachel told me that she had lain in bed feigning sleep until Mel had dozed off, and once she was positive that Mel was deeply asleep, had gotten out bed and came to me. We continued moving together, and Rachel began to gasp, and I'd pull out until only my crown was in her then slide forward until I was buried to the hilt. I did this over and over again, causing Rachel to gasp, "You're really good! We should do this more often!" causing both of us to chuckle, and shush each other. Then I was riding my peak, trying not to ram myself into her. Rachel began to convulse, attaining her own release. We moved together slowly, until I had no hardness left, and I slipped from her wet and willing sex, soft and sated. *** In the morning, Mel had breakfast with us, and then she went home, thanking us both for a wonderful weekend. I assured her again that she was welcome to come over anytime she wished; the door would always be open to her. Mel smiled widely, and with a wave, she left, almost skipping with happiness. *** Chapter Five As Rachel got out and explored her new world, she made friends in the neighbourhood, and sometimes, one or three of them would appear on the doorstep, and then they'd disappear down to her room, and they'd have a ball. She weeded out the bad ones, and the troublemakers, choosing girls who were bright, intelligent, and were easy to get along with, and she didn't care about how old they were, either. Rachel was no respecter of persons, meaning she accepted them for who they were, and not for their social standing or perceived abilities or ages. There was one girl, Diana Marie Williamson, who at eleven, was a genius, and at school that made her an outsider, and a social pariah, labelled `geek' and `freak', and her life at school was miserable, to say the least. Rachel took her under her wing, and soon, the preteen was blossoming under the older girls' protection, guidance, and love. They'd usually be found in Rachel's room, working on a homework problem of one description or another, sprawled across the bed, and having a conversation that revolved around a variety of subjects. If truth be told, she loved Rachel as a big older sister, and Rachel always had time for her. Diana was a forward girl, who radiated maturity, even at her young age. She'd confessed one time to me, that she'd always felt like she'd been `born old'. Rachel had graduated from glasses, to contacts, and she was a stunning beauty, and where there's an attractive teenage girl there's always a teenage boy hanging around somewhere. One young man would make a habit of walking outside our house, sneaking looks at the house, hoping Rachel would look at him. At first, Rachel used to joke, "My admirer's back!", or something to that effect, but as she got to know him, or about him, (here's a word of warning, fella's. Women have their own intelligence system, and the CIA would be out of business in a heartbeat if the governments of the world adopted it!), she found out that he had slight mental problems, and as much as she felt for him, she didn't want to go there, some things being too painful to confront. In the end, I had to have a word to his parents, and he didn't come around anymore. I really didn't feel proud of myself afterward. *** Then one day, Diana, who was sitting on the Big Chair, her legs tucked under her was drinking hot chocolate, imitating Rachel's way of sitting, the eleven year old looked at me, and dropped a bombshell on me that threatened our very existence. She fixed me with a look, and turning her cup in her hands, said matter-of-factly, "You and Rachel are having sex." I froze; suddenly tense, and my fight-or-flight response kicked in, and my body went cold. Rachel, who was about to enter the room, stopped dead, and she went pale, looked at me, and went still. Then, gathering her courage, walked quietly over to me, and sat down, and held my hand. We three looked at each other, and then Diana nodded, and said, "No denial. No guilt. That means you are not sorry for it happening. I had to be sure." She gave a mysterious smile, and said, "I won't judge you. I seduced my father when I was nine. I was waiting for my body to catch up, but I couldn't wait any longer. It hurt the first time, of course, because this body wasn't ready for him, but he tried to be so gentle with me, and so I forgave him his mistakes." She smiled into her cup, and said quietly, "He's such a dear man. I couldn't have asked for better." *** "It's easy to spot", she continued, looking up at us. "Once you've crossed that line, you can see the signs, if you look for them." Rachel and I sat there, everything around us forgotten, shocked to our core at this startling disclosure, not knowing what to say, or do. Diana had put a noose around our necks, and had willingly done the same for herself, and her father, sharing and entwining our fates, and we were now party to all of our hidden secrets. "So, what happens now?" I asked this mature woman who was trapped inside a preteen's body. She just sat there, her old eyes watching us, and she said, "Nothing. We carry on, and don't tell anybody, of course. We all have our secrets, and our various skeletons hidden away in our respective closets, and so that now we know where we all stand, nothing changes. You continue your relationship in your own way, and I will mine with my father. My mother left us when I was a child, or", she grinned ruefully, "younger than I am now, and if she'd stayed around, that could have made things a bit, shall we say, difficult?" She laughed, but it was as a grown woman, not a child, who did. She stood, and put her cup down. "I really must go now. Dad will be home from work soon, and he enjoys having dinner waiting for him. It lightens his responsibilities to have me cook for him, and I enjoy doing so for him". She gave Rachel a look, and said, "I hear you bake! We'll have to have a bake-off!" Diana moved to the door, and stopped, turned to us as we sat there stunned by this development, and said, "Expect a call in a couple of days. Dad and I belong to an exclusive group, and so do you now. It would relieve him of his burden of guilt knowing he's not alone. He really needs another male to talk to, someone who knows what he's going through, and someone who won't judge him." "I hope you'll do this for me," she asked, her eyes soft, "because I love him dearly, and who knows," she said looking at my crotch, "maybe we can do a foursome!" Then she giggled, and walked out of the door. *** As the door closed and latched my sister and I just sat there, our heads swimming, and I felt a great relief, an unburdening, like a death sentence over my head that had been pardoned. Rachel looked shocked, and said, "Nine? She gave herself at nine? Holy shit!" We sat there, dinner forgotten, and talked it out, and no resolutions were arrived at, and we agreed to leave things as they were until the Phone Call, and then went to our respective beds, and I know neither of us got much sleep that night. That Friday, early evening, I was on the computer, researching incest, and its various forms and punishments, waiting for dinner to cook. It was pot roast, and I had made plenty, as I liked it cold as well, when the phone rang. Rachel was there in an instant, and we both looked at it, like it was a rattlesnake waiting to bite us if we picked it up. Rachel, who was nearest to it, picked it up finally, and said, "Hello? Marks residence." She listened for a moment, and then handed the phone to me, a scared look in her eyes. She hugged herself, and looked worried. I took it, my hands sweaty. I said "Hello? This is Alfie Marks," and a quiet, deep male voice, shy and trembling a little, said, "Mr Marks? This is Robert Williamson; I believe you know my daughter, Diana?" I said yes, she was a friend of my sister, Rachel. He sounded relieved, and said, "Mr Marks; I believe we have something in common. Can Diana and I come over and talk about it with you? As soon as possible, if that's alright with you?" *** I took a deep breath, and told him that if he liked pot roast, why don't they come over for dinner tonight?" There was a moment of silence, and I could faintly hear a whispered conversation in the background. He must have had his hand over the receiver, and was talking to Diana. Then he came back onto the line, and said, that would be fine, and what time should they come over, and did they need to bring anything? I told him six-thirty, and nothing else, unless they wanted to. He had a smile in his voice, and promised to be here then, said goodbye, and rung off. I didn't realise I'd been holding my breath, and let it out slowly, somewhat alleviated, yet more wound up. "So that's it then," I said to Rachel. "We have guests for dinner, so I guess I'll put more vege's on!" Then I got up, and to keep my hands from trembling, I peeled a few more potatoes, and tried not to think of the coming meal. *** When the knock at the door came, both Rachel and I leapt to our feet, and almost ran to the door, yet dreading to do so. We stood there as it opened, a united front, and when the door opened, I felt a sense of disappointment, astonishing me for some reason. Robert Williamson didn't look how I'd pictured him, but don't ask me to tell you how I had done so, as I couldn't even if I tried. He stood just over six feet, good looking in a rugged way, and he was tanned and fit, his belly flat, slightly muscular, causing Rachel to murmur appreciatively, and he had an open face. I could see worry in his eyes, and he held Diana around the shoulders, a little bit possessively, and also for comfort, for him, mainly. He had a full head of blonde hair, and he wore glasses, being short-sighted I guessed, correctly as it turned out later as we chatted in the living room. He'd bought a bottle of sparkling white wine, and I looked at the label, and complimented him on his choice, knowing the winery, which caused him to raise his brows in surprise, and he smiled in appreciation. I had visited it while on a road trip, and ended up buying a case of their vintage wine, sweet and smooth, just the way I liked it. When they were inside, we sat in the living room, and we got to know them, and they us, but the real subject of their visit wasn't mentioned, and we fenced back and forth, neither side wanting to bring it out into the open. We were wary, not wanting to say the wrong thing, unable to say the first word about the `I' subject. *** Then it was dinner time, and I opened the wine, getting glasses for all of us, and Robert and Diana relaxed, as did Rachel and I, then we were full, and dinner was over, the bottle empty. The two girls said they were going to do the dishes, `to give us men a chance to talk,' giving us a meaningful look, and pointing at the living room. We looked at each other, and grinned sheepishly. Robert said to me as we went in, "Do they always know how to make a grown man feel like child?" He was grinning still, and had broken the ice by making a joke. I smiled back and told him, "don't worry, it was in their genes", and we both stopped, turned at the same time, and looked at their butts as the girls stood at the sink, their jean clad rear-ends looking really good, and then they must have felt our eyes on their derrieres, because they turned and with mock severity, shooed us out, giggling. We sat there like two schoolboys, looking, yet not looking, at each other. Rachel and Diana came in, handed us each a coffee, and went to Rachel's room, leaving us alone to talk. Robert sipped his coffee, and hummed appreciatively. "She always knows how to make a great cup of coffee," he said, meaning his daughter. "She can brighten up a rainy day, just by doing so." "Same with Rachel," I replied. "She taught herself all the basics after moving in with me. She's a quick study, and never gets it wrong more than once." Then Robert put his cup down onto the coffee table, and sat back, and said, "Okay, Alfie. May I call you Alfie? Call me Bob. We both know what we have to talk about. I admit it to you, I'm just too damn scared to start off, because I'm not sure I believe what Diana told me about you." I gazed at this scared, defensive, and defenceless man in my living room, who kept rubbing his hands down his jeans, his hands sweaty, and I could sympathise, because mine were too. I put down my cup, and I took the bull by the horns, saying, "Okay Bob. This is how it goes, and I'm going to be completely honest with you, no holding back. Judge me if you will, but you're going to get the truth!" Then, leaning forward, I fixed my eyes on his, and said, "Bob, I'm having sex with my sister. We make love occasionally, and I took her virginity. She gave it to me, actually, as she wanted to claim me as her own. I have no qualms about sleeping with her. I love her, and I am not sorry, nor am I feeling guilty about what we do. That's our life, and come hell or high water, we aren't going to be stopping anytime soon!" After that speech, I sat back, the ball in his court now. Bob sat there digesting what I'd told him, and he had a quizzical look on his face. "Diana was a precocious child", he said quietly. "She was always smart, intelligent, I mean, and she was always so much more mature than her mother. She used to pull her mother up all the time for not looking after me properly, and somehow, she found out about our sex life, or lack of it, after she turned three. It was an easy birth, like she couldn't wait to come out and experience the world around her. After Diana was born, Lorraine didn't want me to touch her, pushing me away and telling me no, even if I tried to hold her, to give her hug!" He rambled back and forth, trying to get his thoughts in a coherent order. He stopped talking, and took a sip of his coffee. I did the same. "When Diana was five" he continued, "she'd had an argument with Lorraine. Diana asked her flat out why she didn't have sex with me anymore! She even asked her mother if she was having an affair! I heard it all! They were at each other, hammer and tongs, and it was a doozy! But when Diana asked her mother that question, Lorraine went pale, and didn't say a word. My whole world came crashing down, and I was heart-broken. I didn't know! I had no idea. Lorraine walked out a couple of days after that, and left us alone." *** "Diana just stepped into her mother's shoes after that. She'd sleep in my bed, she'd shower with me, we'd wash each other and we came to know each other's bodies intimately. She was helping me with the chores, and she was like she was always in a hurry, like she was waiting for something to happen, but it wasn't until she turned nine that she told me she wanted to have sex with me." "I just couldn't, you know?" His eyes were stricken, and tears came into his eyes, to run down his cheeks. I felt for him. I knew something of the battle he'd had with himself. I nodded, and told him so. "I hadn't touched another woman after Lorraine walked out of our lives, and when I masturbated, all I could see in my fantasies was Diana's body as I washed her in the shower. I felt unclean, a monster in the dark, and yet, when she'd hold out her arms to me, I always picked her up and held her, and I'd fall in love with her every time!" "Then that fateful night happened, just after she'd turned nine. We were lying in bed, and she reached over, took me into her hand, told me I wasn't to play with myself any more, that she was going to take care of me from now on, and that she'd waited long enough." I felt a shiver run down my spine, our stories were so alike, too damn familiar! He got a far-away look, and he said softly, "I don't know where she'd learned how, but she took me into her mouth, and blew me! I was so shocked; she was so good, that I couldn't move!" Bob had a rapturous expression, remembering that night. "Then, when I was hard, she got me to lie over her, and she took me, held me against her, and told me to push. I did, I couldn't help myself, and she screamed, but stopped herself from doing so, by stuffing a pillow into her own mouth" "I was in a panic! I tried to get off her, to help her, just to do something! But, Diana just lay there, her little legs up in the air, her thighs opened under me, and told me, told me, to continue, that she wanted this, and she said so did I" "She was right. I didn't want to stop, not really. But I was revolted with myself for what I was doing, what I'd become. I feel so damn guilty! But I love her, and she loves me, she tells me that every day, more than once! She doesn't want me to feel guilty anymore, that's why she set up this meeting! She told me we'd always to be together and that I should just sit back and get used to the idea!" Then gasping to get his breath back, he reclined into the couch, and sat there, and it looked like a massive burden had been lifted from his shoulders. *** I didn't say anything for a time. I ran over in my mind what he'd just shared with me, marvelling at the similarities of our stories. Bob sat there, and he became twitchy, uncomfortable when I didn't speak. As he opened his mouth to say something, I held up my hand. Then, in a quiet voice, I shared with him my story, leaving nothing out, letting him know that I, too, had gone through a crisis of conscience. And the battle with myself, and how I tried to deny my feelings toward Rachel, my forward, lovely amazing sister, now my adored and cherished lover. We sat there, not saying a word after I'd finished, and Bob said, "I always thought I was the only one, a terrible monster, but after talking to you, I do feel better. Thank you, Alfie, it's been a wonderful experience, finally getting everything out into the open." I told him that if Diana really meant what she said, he'd be a fool to fight with himself over this, and that he should take Diana's advice, and accept the situation, and "just sit back and get used to the idea!" We laughed, and the girls chose that moment to walk into the room, and Bob held out his arms, tears in his eyes, a big smile on his face, and Diana, seeing the new change in him, happily rushed to jump into his clasp, and they sobbed into each other's embrace. *** I was sitting in the Big Chair for once, and Rachel was sitting on my lap. She'd changed into tee shirt and underwear, her normal night-time wear, and Bob had raised his eyebrows in appreciation, making Rachel do a pirouette for his benefit, showing off her panties, and we all laughed, and Diana gave her a wolf whistle, causing Rachel to tell her to watch herself, or there be a show on the floor in front of us, with the two girls being the main attraction! Bob's jaw dropped, looking at her, and Diana just lay there on the couch, and had a thoughtful look in her eye, one I'd seen in Judy's eye once or twice, now that I knew what to look for. Diana was lying on the couch between her fathers' legs, her head on his thigh, the top of her head on his crotch. She'd rub her head against it every now and then, and when Rachel told her that, Diana had a big smile on her face, and she patted her father's crotch, and said, "Oooh, There you are! I was wondering if you were in a coma!" She raised herself, and we all could see Bob was hard in his jeans. He apologised profusely, but we took it all in good humour, and told him not to worry about it, he was fine! After we'd had our talk, Bob had mellowed considerably. He was laid back, easy-going, and he talked like he didn't have a care in the world. Hard to compare him to the uptight, defensive twitchy man who'd walked into my house a couple of hours ago! I held Rachel after she settled into my lap, and told her that maybe we should introduce Diana to Judy, if she wanted, and that maybe Judy could teach her some new moves! We shared a laugh, and Diana, who by now was rubbing her father's erection, asked who Judy was? Rachel and I shared a look, and told the preteen that Judy was an old family friend, and that she needed to be talked to by Rachel, who'd sound her out, and we'd get back to her about it. Diana confessed to us then that she'd always wanted to experience another girl, and asked her father if that would be alright? Bob went red, and he was having trouble talking, with his daughter's hand busy rubbing him. He managed to gasp that if he could watch, there wasn't a problem! We all laughed at that, and we could see a look pass between them. "Done!," Diana said, sealing the deal, and so we left it at that, and the two of them got up shortly after that, saying they had to get home, Bob settling his hard-on more comfortably, and Diana still giving it a rub, a lascivious look in her eye, and promised to keep in contact. Bob gave me his number, and told me to call anytime, as he wanted to continue our friendship, if I wanted to do so. I assured him I did, and they left, smiling at each other, and were arm in arm, in love. *** Another of Rachel's friends was Julie Anne Porter, a vivacious honey blonde seventeen year old girl. Julie was about five-four, her hair always in a ponytail, and never wore dresses, only jeans and shirts when not in her school uniform. Her nick-name was `Butch', and given that she was about a few pounds heavier than normal, you'd be forgiven in thinking she was a lesbian. But Julie loved her men, and looking toward Rachel one day, told me pointedly that she was also bisexual. Point taken. She had a `D' cup bust, and she had a sexy way of swishing her hips. The young woman may have been a bit large, but her belly didn't sag, "just my boobs a little!" she quipped. Julie was surprisingly toned, and I would always give her a second look, which Rachel took in good stride, smiling. She always had a smile on her face, and she truly was a ray of sunshine, and as she had been on the fringes at school, Rachel had approached her one day at school, sat with the lonely girl, and talked with her at lunch break. They were now fast friends, and the girls who previously called her `bull-dyke' now had learned to keep their snide comments to themselves, or out of Rachel's hearing. My sister did go and have a talk to Judy, and told her about Diana, and Judy expressed an interest in meeting the young girl, and promised not to "jump her bones!", as she put it. Rachel talked to Diana, and then I was asked one day to go over to Bob's place, and spend some `quality' time with him, as there was going to be a girls-night in happening that night. Rachel had called Julie, and invited her over, so there was going to be the four of them there, and no men allowed! As it was a Saturday, there was no problem with having school to worry about. Peter was told that Judy would be giving the girls pointers on baking, to explain her absence from the house, and they actually did bake a cake, and it was delicious! *** After dinner on Saturday, there was a knock on the door, and Judy walked, very excited, like a young girl, but trying to mask it, so I smiled, and chatted with her until it was time to go to Bob's place. Then, as I was going out the door, both Diana and Julie were at the door, both arriving at the same time. I invited them in, then closed the door behind me, and walked away, smiling, my imagination going mental with images of the four women in the house alone. Bob and I spent some quality `Man Time', drinking beer, playing pool, and half-watching football games on his TV in the garage. We spoke of this and that, our women, his daughter, and my sister, and generally had a ball. He was even more self-assured now, and I was amazed at the change in him. A new self-confidence shone from him, his guilt and self-loathing was gone, and it was good to see. He wasn't a bragger, and always spoke softly and surely. *** It was going on midnight when we called it quits, and as I shook his hand to go, he held on a bit longer, and with gratitude and sincerity, thanked me again for my help. He promised to always be there should I need anything, and although I don't usually hug men, I just didn't have all that much practice doing that, I suppose, I enfolded him in a bear hug, and told him things were going to be fine now, and thanked him too. The house was dark and silent when I got home, so thinking that Diana had stayed over with Rachel, I let myself in, and quietly made my way to the bathroom. There was a light on at the end of the hall, coming from Rachel's room, and the sounds of gasps and panting came from in there. I needed to go badly, and I thought for a moment to go outside and water the flowers, but my body told me I wasn't going to make it, so, I crept down the hall, and as I passed the door to Rachel's room, the door was ajar, and the sight inside made me forget going to the bathroom! They were all naked, and a lickfest was happening! Diana was on her back, legs splayed and up, bent at the knees, her preteen body shaking as Judy knelt between her legs, her soft full breasts hanging down, her nipples rubbing on the bed, lapping at Diana's almost hairless sex, attacking her clit, and her lips were puffy and full, and looked amazing! Lying on her back, she didn't have breasts as such, and her little nipples were hard. Rachel was kneeling over the girl's face, and she was moaning and gyrating her hips in a back and forth dance, grabbing her breasts and pinching her distended nipples. Julie was kneeling behind Judy, and her head was down behind her, and Judy moaned at what she was doing back there. Julie's hand was between her own legs, and she was pushing two fingers into herself, humping them, and I noticed she was shaven clean, and her mons looked soft and smooth, and by the sounds coming from the women on the bed, they were all close. Suddenly, Rachel began to climax, and that set the others off, and within moments, they were all coming and crying out in release. I was nailed to the spot, and my member was rock hard, and I had the overwhelming urge to pull him out, and masturbate in front of them. It was Julie who saw me first, and she collapsed into a fit of giggles when she saw the dumb look on my face. I was slack-jawed, and my erection was making a noticeable lump in my jeans! There was a mad scramble for clothes, and Judy was so shocked at seeing me there, she actually dived to the floor on the other side of the bed with a scream! That broke the spell I was under, and with as much aplomb as I could muster, I said, "I'll just get that door fixed tomorrow, shall I?" Then I walked away, had a shower, and went to bed. *** After the women had got themselves under control, and got dressed, Julie walked Diana home, and there was a long whispered conversation between Judy and Rachel, and then Judy left. Not long after that, Rachel had a shower, and then nude, came into my room after knocking first. I was still awake, and very hard, unable to get the images of the four women out of my head. Rachel saw the state I was in, and slid in beside me and without a word, dipped her head, and took me into her mouth. She applied a light suction on my crown, and then her tongue began to move, licking the underside of it, and then all over the head, she began a slow bobbing motion, and taking me into her mouth a bit at a time, taking me as much as she could. Rachel continued like this for a few minutes, and then I felt my release coming, and giving her warning that I was coming, she began to lick and suck me harder. I exploded into her mouth, and she swallowed it all, not even choking or gagging, and she continued to suck me until I was spent, and she let my deflated member slip from her mouth, and cuddled into me, sighing with happiness. She leaned up, and we kissed, and I could taste my ejaculate in her mouth, but I didn't mind. Rachel moved up the bed, and half-sitting against the headboard with a pillow behind her, held my head against her breasts, her nipples hard against my head and neck. I put my arm around her waist, and closed my eyes, listening to her heart beat, and inhaling her scent. She brushed some strands of hair away from my face with her finger, and sighed, and said, "You must promise to fix that door tomorrow. Judy was in a right state." "She really must come to terms with you knowing about her. You and I know about her relationship with our mother, but she's afraid you'll push her away if you know about her and I. I think that it's about time we sat her down and talked with her!" *** "I will fix that door tomorrow," I promised, "and yes, I think so too. Can you call her tomorrow and ask her to come over? I too think it's time to get the dust shaken off this." Then going up onto my elbow, I kissed my sister's lush and inviting lips, and softly said, "My turn!" Her eyes popped open, and she said breathlessly, "Your turn, what?" But I left her there, slid down the bed, and parted her legs, and kissing her stomach, and licking her belly button, causing her to writhe and giggle, and then made my way down her body until my lips were nuzzling her pubic hair. Rachel opened her legs wider, and she was aroused instantly, her aroma heady, drawing me down until I was kissing her wet cleft. "Oh my beautiful man," she breathed, and then she lay back, giving herself to the sensations emanating from my darting tongue. I ran my tongue up and down her pouting sex slowly ang gently, over and over, and she opened up as I did so, and I loved her taste, her feel, and her lips invited me in, and I took advantage of that, and drove my tongue deep, causing her to buck beneath me. I returned to her hard button, rasping my tongue over it, around it and Rachel was gasping, writhing, and she took her breasts into her hands, and gripped them, and twisted her nipples, and then she was crying out, her hips off the bed, and then she slumped down, and lay panting, as I slowly licked her clit, and she shuddered in time to my ministrations. She came again, a small one, her body jolting with the force of it. Rachel lay there, almost purring, a satisfied smile on her face. I moved up the bed, and took her into my arms, she cuddled into me, and we held each other tenderly. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you do that," she sighed, and then we both slept, and we were content. Chapter Six I had to replace the door. It was old, and it had warped. That was why it wouldn't close properly. I called a hardware store, gave them the measurements, and the man there told me it would be ready when I came to pick it up. Rachel helped me to set it up and she held it while I put the lugs in it. After swinging it back and forth a couple of times, I closed it, and it sat snug. I opened and closed it again, and it was a perfect fit. Rachel was relieved that now her privacy was assured, and to thank me, we had a little `us' time, and we lay together, on her bed afterward, sweaty and tired. My god, but that girl was inventive! Don't ask. Rachel called Judy, and asked her if she could come over, as we wanted to talk to her about something. For once, she was reluctant, but Rachel succeeded in convincing her to come, and so a few minutes later, a very timid Judy walked in our door. Judy sat at the kitchen table, maybe because she and Mom had spent so much time there together, she felt comfortable sitting with the sun on her back. She wasn't this time, and kept squirming, not looking at me, a blush on her face. I decided that this had gone on long enough, and asked her, "Judy, why are you embarrassed by spending time with Rachel?" Judy gasped, and shocked, said, "Oh, god, you know?" "Of course I know! I saw you two the night that Mel was here. Rachel's door opened, and I saw you both, and if it's any consolation, I approve! If you are happy giving Rachel pleasure, then why should I have a problem with it?" Rachel took her hand, and told her that it was nothing to be ashamed about! "But, I was so afraid you'd turn me away! That's what Gregory did, when he came home one day, and caught Janice and I! He made her suffer for my mistake! It was me who convinced her to spend some time in bed together that day! I was in love with your mother! And that man ruined it!" "I'm not that man, Judy," I told her gently. "You can spend as much time as makes you both happy with Rachel. It's her decision to share your love, and I've loved you all my life, so let's get this put to bed, so to speak, shall we?" Judy looked at me, and then she was crying, and the guilt she'd carried around all those years came out in great wracking sobs. I moved around to hold her, and at first she resisted me, then she melted into my arms, and held me with a strength that surprised me. Rachel joined us, and then as they cried together, I had tears as well, and I was sandwiched between them, and we stood there until both girls calmed down. Judy wiped her face, and then, smiling ruefully told me to let her go, she was going to put the jug on, and then we were our old selves again, but now, there were no more secrets between us, and that made us closer, stronger. *** Postscript I was cleared for work by our doctor a couple of weeks later, and it felt good to out using my hands again. My time convalescing had weakened me, so it took another few weeks to get fit and in condition again. Rachel would still bake, and on the weekends, if she wasn't having someone over, or at a sleepover, or a party or two she'd been invited to, she would spend the day with me. We'd go out, and take in a movie, or walk in the park, which was good therapy for both of us, even though she kept looking over her shoulder, but this time, there was no drug-crazed teenager coming at me with a knife. Time rolled by, and one day, she met a fine young man, and she fell in love with him, they married, and she's got two girls, and she's happy. She keeps in contact, and sometimes comes to stay for a weekend, brings the girls, and they love their Uncle Alfie. We don't sleep together any more, but I still have the memories. Mel went on to go into the ministry, as both of her parents were Christians, and last I heard, she was in Cambodia, on a mission there, and loving it. Bob and Diana moved away, and I never heard from them again, but they were happy, and as she grew up into a young woman, she'd pass herself off as his young wife. Them having the same last name helped. We never got around to having that foursome. I sure miss them. They found the Higginses. The fools tried to snatch another child, and the two of them died in a shoot-out with State troopers. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Judy passed away, dying of a brain aneurism, a picture of Janice, my Mom, in her hands, one sunny day. Peter was devastated, and everyone who knew her showed up for the funeral. There were at least a hundred people there, and the tears flowed like rain. I'm still single, and prefer it that way. My libido isn't what it was, and my friend spends more time sleeping than I do. I still miss Mom, and I can't wait to see her again. So, that's my story. I hope you enjoyed reading it, as I've enjoyed telling you about it. Time to say goodbye. ***