Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Pastor Jimmy's Redemption. By Timberwolf. MF, Mg, inc, relig, The usual disclaimers apply here, so let me spell them out for you. If you are under the legal age of your country to read this material, or you do not like what you read herein, fuck off and stop wasting everyone's time. Also, I do not condone any acts which harm or put children at risk. Are we clear on that? Good, so Please Read This! This is in part a love story. It also contains sexual contact between an adult male and a young girl or two, in a loving, nurturing environment. If you want a story that is all sex and no substance, please, I invite you to look elsewhere. *** Any similarity to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This never happened, at least not that I know of! So, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please send them to me at this link; *** Part One. *** Stuff happens. Whether on purpose, or by design, only the Good Lord knows. Some occurrences are so way out there, the only description you can give is that you've stepped into your own episode of the Twilight Zone. Let me tell you about it, shall I? My name is James Willoughby. I used to known to at least a thousand people in my old upper middle class neighbourhood in the town of Michaelsburg as Pastor James David Willoughby, Pastor James to the children, or Pastor Willoughby to the congregation. I served at the Church of the Risen Lord (name changed to protect the guilty), first as assistant pastor, then as pastor. In my time there, I saw many people come and go. I married a few of them, sent some off on missions, and counselled many. Life was good. I'd seen and talked in confidence to couples who'd one spouse or another had discovered the other half was having, had have, or thought about having, an affair. I'd managed to save a few of those marriages by counselling and prayer. Some of them couldn't be saved, because they'd become a train wreck, huge and messy. Everybody has their own train wreck, I've learned the hard way, of one description or another. You never see the train headed toward you, until the last moment, just before it strikes you. And my train was a fully-loaded freight, going full speed, and no brakes. *** My wife and I, we married young. Both nineteen, sparkly eyed and full of energy. There wasn't nothing we wouldn't do to share the Gospel. We were like two peas in a pod in the beginning. Then came seminary, assistant-pastorship, until finally, my own church when pastor Michaelson retired. It came to light, under a big glaring, `all-the-church-knows-but-Pastor-don't' spotlight, that my wife of fifteen years was having an affair with one of the Deacons of our church, and had been for the past nine of those years before the news hit the pews. His wife didn't know about the clandestine goings-on, and my heart ached for her, but not as much as it bled for the betrayal of the woman I thought loved me, who yipped and hollered many `Praise the Lords', right there in front of me as I stood before her, God, and the congregation on many a Sunday. During the fall-out, the affair came about she said because we didn't have children, and she blamed me for that. I had a test done, after the horse had bolted, way too late to do any good, and I found out my swimmers were alive, abundant, and healthy. So it wasn't me who couldn't donate to the cause. I got the blame anyway. *** I lost my position as pastor of the church, no surprises there. What did surprise me was that I'd became a pariah, an outcast, and people who'd sat at my table, and me at theirs, suddenly didn't know me, or want to. Plain and simple, I'd become an embarrassment to them all. I wasn't excommunicated, or have my ordination revoked, but I knew in my heart I'd never have my own church again. Hell would freeze over first, count on it. My ex-wife and the ex-deacon were excommunicated, however. They were gone like a fart in a hurricane, to put it crassly. They may have been gone, but the scandal had given the gossips fodder that lasted for many months afterward. People for miles around in any direction you could name knew shortly after that Pastor, (ex-Pastor!), James Willoughby's wife was a cheater, blah, blah, blah, and I did the only thing I could do to salvage what little pride I had left. I packed up and moved away. Far away. *** I found myself one day in an old town, with a population of several hundred, and driving through after gassing the car, I noticed an old dilapidated church sitting off to one side of the main road. The doors had been boarded up at one time, but the boards had come loose and hung down the walls, and a couple of windows were smashed. It sat there, looking sad and forlorn, like the heart had been ripped out of it. I knew how it felt, and on an impulse, I pulled into the driveway, then got out of my car, and walked around it. The church looked small from the front, but it was quite big, really. I discovered there was a house attached to the back of the building. It had at least four bedrooms, a large kitchen and living area, and a huge back yard. It sat next to the town's cemetery, which looked overgrown. When I got to the front door, I went up to it, and pushed. The door creaked open, and taking that as a good sign, I walked inside. The sense of peace I felt standing in front of the altar was so deep, it pierced right into me. I can't describe in words what came over me, but I knew, I just knew I'd come home! In my mind, I could hear the congregation singing and praising God, and the love that radiated from the very floorboards made me weep. I was standing in the presence of something powerful, and it had me in its thrall, and I didn't want it to end. You had to have been there to understand. *** While I was standing there, I nearly screamed with fright when I felt a hand grab hold of my left elbow. I jumped, spun around, and was confronted by a grizzled old man, sunburned a mahogany colour from time spent outdoors. He was dressed in old faded denims, and sported a white beard and moustache worn in the old cowboy style. He had scuffed work boots on his feet, and had piercing blue eyes that beheld me warily. His grip was strong, and his body was all whip-cord and leathery muscle. "What you doin' in here, boy?" he rasped. I told him my name, James Willoughby, and I told him I was passing through, and stopped by to visit the old church. I said I was moving on, and made to walk out the door. I hadn't got two steps before he said, "You the James Willoughby whose wife left him for a damned deacon?" I nearly fell over in shock! "My God," I blurted, "does the whole country know about that?" He fixed me with a "Jesus Christ, what an idiot!" stare, and said, "Bad news travels fast in the Christian community, preacher! Of course the whole damned country knows about it by now!" He shook his head, and said, "Just how many Christians you think are in this country, boy? Every damned one of them knows when one of their own falls from grace!" He put his hand on my shoulder, and said, "Boy, from now on, every time a sermon about adultery gets given, you can bet the name, `James Willoughby,' is gonna be inserted in there somewhere!" I was hollow, empty. The dream of starting fresh evaporated like smoke in front of my eyes. I couldn't go anywhere and start my life over if I kept on using my own name, I knew. If I changed my name, I'd have to change my whole identity, and I was too stubborn to do that! I was me, not somebody else. I was the wronged party, here! I didn't have the affair, she did, dammit! So why did I run? *** I sat down on one of the empty dusty pews, dejected. The old man came over and sat beside me on the pew. He rolled a cigarette, then offered it to me. I hadn't smoked in twenty years, and without thinking I took it from him, and coughed as he lit it for me. Then with my head was spinning, he rolled and lit one of his own. "You see, boy," he said as we sat there enveloped in blue smoke, "God don't always gets it right, but occasionally, He does, but in a round-about way. You," he pointed a gnarled finger at me, "in your rush to get wed, married the wrong person! Your wife, the one you should'a had, the one you didn't wait for, is now married to someone else. So God, you see, had to get your attention, so He dumped a pile of horseshit in your lap!" He chuckled. "His way of tidying up the mess!" I sat there looking at this crazy old man. What in the name of sanity was he on about? "Good! I got your attention now, same as He does! It's time to start afresh, and you ain't got the baggage you once had!" He looked askance at me. "All those people bowing and scraping, kissing the Pastor's ass," he said sarcastically. "You loved it, go on, admit it!" I was still in shock. I had to admit, the adulation, the `bowing and scraping and the ass-kissing' did turn my head. I guess I did get a bit big-headed because of it. "Course you did!" the old man said. "Now, you're eating humble pie, and that's where you gotta start from again! Right from scratch! This town," he waved his hand in a circle, "ain't perfect, and it's got its problems, but here's where you gotta make your stand, boy! A line's been drawn in the sand, and what you do from now on's gonna decide your future!" He looked at me with a kindly eye, and smiled. "Follow your heart, boy," he told me gently, patting me on the shoulder. "Remember this, there's no right or wrong, boy, just what we do to help others. Just know that God is on your side!" The old man stood, his cigarette out and glued to his lower lip. He looked out the door, and said, "Well, gotta go, Jimmy! Your new life is about to walk in the front door!" I heard a sound, and turned just as a man and two women pushed the front doors open wider. One of the women fell to her knees, and clasped her hands in front of her chest, a look of disbelief and rapture on her face as soon as she saw me. The man and the other woman stood stock still, and then striding over to me, the man took my hand in his, and shook it. "Welcome, pastor!" he told me as he pumped my hand, "we've been praying for you for a long time now!" How on earth did he know I was a pastor? I looked around, but the old man was gone. *** One door closes, another one opens. How many times have I heard that, and didn't really believe it? For a town of several hundred people, I was kept remarkably busy. Everybody wanted to make the new preacher's acquaintance, to shake my hand and welcome me. They all knew who I was, of course, once they'd heard my name, but no-one said much about what had happened, which made my life easier. I asked the guy, Peter Robinson, how he knew I was a minister. I told him I could have been anybody off the street. He told me he was at a prayer meeting, praying yet again for a new pastor to come and minister at the old church, and there had been a `word of prophecy' given, telling him to go, NOW, and meet the `Bearer of Good Tidings,' as I had been called. If he didn't believe in God before, he surely did now. Peter was one of my staunchest supporters. I made him a Deacon on the spot! The three, Peter and the two women, Janice and Madeline Stow, sisters, were called The Three Disciples by people in the congregation, for being there to meet me first. The two ladies were laughingly referred to as Mary and Martha, who were also disciples, but of another personage. There were a couple of weddings, some christenings, and some late night counselling sessions, but all-in-all, the first six months zipped past without incident. I had a steady congregation of about a hundred and fifty, give-or-take to begin with. Once people heard that a new preacher was in town, my small congregation grew larger, with people coming for miles to sit in the pews every Sunday. Still, there was enough in the offering plate to pay my salary and meet the overheads, which made me happy. People rallied around, and soon the old church looked good as new again. The offerings of time and material made me humble. The windows were fixed, a coat or two of paint was applied, the guttering and downpipes replaced, and finally, the old place felt like home. One of the local hardware stores donated a mower, and I took over that job, mowing the church grounds, as it gave me time to think, and to clear my head. I would talk to the residents of the graveyard next door to the church, and came to know their names well. Robert Tyler, born 1776, died 1792, a young soldier. David Waynscott, born 1897, died 1954, married with four children. Alice Forcombe, born 1842, died 1842, aged two months. There were a lot of graves there, and I, along with several helpers cleared and tended them lovingly. *** During the first year, the old man would appear at random times, and we'd converse for a while, then he'd be off to do whatever it was he did. He didn't tell me, and I didn't ask. Seems I'd always forget to, for some reason. I remember we had a conversation about sex, one time. Actually we had several on that subject. He had quite a different view of things, given his age. I gave him the church's stance on unmarried sex, married sexual practices, and sex in general. He scoffed at it all, telling me we were in the modern world now, and not back in the Dark Ages. "You can't stifle human contact!" he thundered at me. "Men and women were made to express their sexual natures, not keep them locked up! No wonder there's so much trouble in the damned world!" He, and I know I keep calling him `he', but the old dude never told me his name. He rolled a cigarette, passed it to me, and rolled one for himself, which he lit, then mine from a match. "Boy," he said kindly, "you got a decision to make, one that will change your life forever. All I want you to do is keep an open mind. Don't be kept in the rigid chains of dogma. Be flexible, and be strong." While I pondered that, he got up and walked away. I sat there smoking for a while, then went back to my daily life. *** A week later, I was sitting in a roadside diner that the old man had recommended to me. The food was good, and they made a wonderful aromatic coffee. I'd go there at night, when I couldn't sleep, and blessed the old man for telling me about it, as it was open all night for the travellers and truckers that passed through. I got to know the waitresses, and we were all on a first-name basis. There were two cooks, but I didn't get to meet the day guy. I always seemed to miss him. This particular night, I was feeling like a smoke, and thanks to the stupid smoking laws, I had to go outside into the cold wind to indulge. I was standing there, under the eaves of the porch, watching the moths dance and flutter around the light, when I heard two voices, female, one young, one older, and it sounded like a mother and daughter. I inched silently closer so that I could hear what they were saying. It sounded like an argument of some sort. "No, Momma!" the girl was saying. "You can't do this! It's not right! We'll get a job and find some money, somehow!" The girl sniffed, and said, "Please, momma. I'll find a job, and I'll work real hard, you'll see!" The woman sounded defeated, but she was a fighter. "Girl," she said to her child, "the only work a man will pay you for at your age don't involve you standing up!" "And," she growled, "I'm not about to let that happen!" Then she sighed, and in a quieter tone, she said, "Baby, I got to do this. We ain't got no money, your damned father saw to that when he kicked us out! I'll find someone, do what I have to do, and then we can eat, okay? You'll feel better when you've got some food in your belly." The girl started to sniffle, and I heard them embrace. The girl said, "Momma, my feet hurt!" "I know, honey," she told the girl quietly. "Mine too. Just a little longer, and I'll find us a nice warm place to sleep, okay?" The mother wasn't far off crying, and suddenly I was moving, flicking my cigarette butt away. *** Both females jumped when I stepped around the corner, and both had a look of fear in their eyes. All they could see was a dark silhouette, because I had the light behind me. Then the mom straightened up, and tried to look attractive to her first ever customer. Poor thing. She failed. She was maybe five-six, with straight mousy brown hair parted in the middle, and she was wrapped in an old coat that didn't seem to keep her warm. She shivered, and her tremulous smile slipped off her face, which was pinched with hunger and cold. The girl stood there beside her mom, the top of her head coming to her chest, clad in a dress that had seen better times, barefoot, and she was shivering badly. I stood there, and we watched each other. Then stepping forward, I said, "I heard you two talking. Follow me." Nodding to the diner, I said, "Inside, where it's warm." Then I turned around, and went back to my booth. It took them almost ten minutes before both of them timidly came inside, to sit opposite me in my booth. The mother was unsure about me, and the girl, about nine and skinny, sat there, looking at me with a hostile glare. *** Then the woman gasped, "Oh my God!" I noticed they were both looking at my bible, which lay open on the table. "You some kind of religious nut?" the girl asked. "Yeah," I replied, "some kind of." The girl grabbed her mother's arm and said, "Mom! He's dangerous! We got to get out of here!" Just then the waitress came up to us, and smiling, she said, "Well, Jimmy, you want to order now?" I smiled at her, and told her I'd be having the chef's special, and looking at the woman, I told her she and the child could have anything they wanted. She gave me a wary look, not trusting me, but she ordered for the both of them, and I added some dessert to go with it. The waitress took our orders, and told us it would be about ten minutes, gave us both coffees, then left. When the waitress was out of ear-shot, the woman leaned forward, and said, "Okay, mister, what's your game? What have you got in mind for us?" I sat there, and I was stumped. To tell you the truth, I didn't know what I was going to do with them. I hadn't thought any further than giving them a hot meal, just to get them out of the cold. I had two sets of brown eyes boring into mine, and I started to get uncomfortable. *** "Why don't we get acquainted first?" I said. "My name's James Willoughby, and I live up the road, not far from here." The woman relaxed a little, but not by much. She sat back, crossing her arms under her breasts, which looked small. She took her time answering, and when she did, she said, "My name is June Mayberry, and this is my daughter, Millie." "Hi, pleased to meet you June, Millie," I smiled at them, but the girl still glared at me. "You mentioned your husband kicked you out. If I may ask, why? Why did he do that?" June's face had a hard look to it, and she said, "We weren't married," she told me. "We were as good as, though. He found a younger woman. Same ol' damned story. I stood by him, through the factory closing down where he had a good job. I worked to keep us under a roof, and fed. I paid what bills I could, all on a miserable salary that wouldn't feed a dog!" June looked like she was going to cry, but she held it in. "Then, he gets a job, a good one, better than the last, and so we move here. Suddenly, he doesn't want us around! Then he tells me he's got another woman, younger, and he's in love! Can you believe that? He's in love!" Two tears slipped out of her eyes, and tracked down her cheeks. "Then the bastard threw us out, with no warning at all, so that his new girlfriend could move in. He was gracious enough to let me pack some things before we left. We left most of it behind, we had to. He really wanted us out of there!" June shivered. "All we got, Millie and I, are what's in those three suitcases out there." I looked, and sure enough, there were three cases out by the front door. I didn't know what to say. You hear of crap like this happening, but to face the reality of it is another thing entirely. I was aghast at the callousness of her ex. How the hell does a man, if you can call him that, just abandon his woman and child to the cold and the dark? *** "But," she said, wiping away the tears with the back of her hand. "Our troubles ain't yours, mister. If you ain't gonna fuck me," and it looked like the word `fuck' left a bad taste in her mouth, "then we thank you for the meal, and we'll be moving on." We were saved from further conversation by the waitress turning up with our meals. June told Millie to eat slowly, to make it last, as they didn't know when they'd be eating next. She blushed as she said that, neither of them meeting my eyes, and my heart broke for them. As we ate in silence, I studied the two females, mother and daughter. Millie was short, skinny as a rake handle, and her hair, brown like her mother's, needed washing, as it hung straight down, lifeless. The dress she was wearing was thin, and it had short sleeves. The child kept darting looks out of the window every time the wind gusted, and she shivered, no doubt not wanting to go back out there. Can't say as I blamed her. I didn't want to be homeless on a night like that, either. Up close and in the light, June was passable pretty. If she had on different clothes, ate a little more, and had her hair done, she'd be someone I'd be proud to have on my arm. I gave a start, and chided myself for thinking like that. Even having those kind of thoughts started to create movement in my underwear. As we finished our meal, I took out my wallet, and put the price of the meals, plus a tip, under an empty cup. Then I pulled out a fifty, folded it, and slid that across the table to June, who gave me a confused look, not understanding what I had done. "That's for your time," I told her gently. "It's yours, and you don't have to do anything else to earn it." June just looked at the folded note, as if afraid to touch it. Millie was curious, and reached out to pick it up, obviously never having seen one before. She held it up to the light, and said, "Sure looks real, mom!" *** I smiled, and got up. As I stood there, June was scared, but not of me, of that I was sure. She had to go back outside in the cold freezing wind, to wait for any truckers or travellers that might turn up, and then she'd have to sacrifice her pride and her body to feed and clothe herself and her child. Then as if prompted, I said to her, "June, you don't know me, or likely trust me for that matter, but I'm going to make you an offer. I want you and Millie to come home with me. All I'm offering you is a bed for the night, and no, it's not mine. You don't have to do anything, except say yes!" That started the tears off again, but June didn't seem to notice them. She just looked into my eyes deeply, probing my motives. Millie sat there, looking between her mom and me, a serious look on her face. Then she leaned into her mother, and whispered, "I don't wanna go back outside again, ma! It's cold! Can we sleep in a real bed? Please?" June sat up straight, put her arm protectively around Millie, and said, "If a bed is all you're offering, mister, we accept! Nothing more, is that clear?" I smiled, and held my hand out to her. "Nothing more, June. You have my word!" *** I picked up their bags, and put them into the car. They were remarkably light. We drove back in silence, and in a short time, Millie was asleep in the back seat. June kept turning to check on her, and as we pulled into the driveway, June said quietly, "Nice house. You live here all alone?" "Yes, I do," I replied. "I'm divorced." I got out, and unlocked the door, and then as June picked up her sleeping offspring, I carried their suitcases into my room, and turned down the covers on the bed for them. I told June I would sleep on the couch, as that was the only room with a bed in it. She gave me a suspicious look, but after checking the other rooms, seeing I was telling the truth, she believed me and nodded her thanks. I pointed out the bathroom and toilet, and then leaving them to it, I went into the kitchen, and put a pot of coffee on. As I was pouring myself a cup, June came into the kitchen, and accepted a cup. June sat there at the table, holding the cup with both hands, looking at me. We stared at each other for a few minutes, then putting her cup down, she sat back, and said, "I should be afraid of you, mister. But the feeling I get, it's like I should know you from somewhere. But we only just met tonight, and the feeling I have about you, well, it's nothing bad. Why is that?" "God sent me to help you and Millie, June. I don't always know His ways, but you needed help, and I couldn't just walk away and leave you both there at the diner." "I don't believe in God," she muttered. "Not anymore. Not after Freddy kicked us out. I couldn't understand why he did that, why he decided Millie and I weren't good enough for him anymore. I still don't know." Then she dropped her head into her hands, and wept bitterly. Her shoulders shook, so I got up, and put my arms around her, holding her. June went rigid, but as all I was doing was giving her support, she relaxed, and then she was leaning into me, crying helplessly, letting all her pain and hurts out as I hugged her tight. Finally she calmed down, and sniffing, she wiped her eyes. Getting up, she said, "Well, Jimmy, you don't mind me calling you Jimmy do you?" I shook my head, and then she said, "I suppose I'd best be off to bed, then." June walked to the hallway door, and turning her head toward me, she said quietly, "Thank you, Jimmy. More than you could know. Goodnight." *** The next morning, June and Millie took a shower together as I got the breakfast on, and I was gratified to hear girlish giggles come from the bathroom. I'd shown them where the towels, soap and shampoo were, and offered to let them stay another night, to get their clothes washed and dried in the machines. June declined at first, but a storm had blown in overnight, and it looked like they weren't going anywhere for the time being, at least a day or two. So she had no choice really but to accept the offer. Millie was happy just to be out of the cold wind, and in a warm house. I'd made a couple of phone calls while they were in the bathroom, and as we sat at the table enjoying breakfast, there was a knock on the door, and Mrs Kolinsky, a rotund woman in her fifties and our church welfare officer came in, her face smiling and rosy from the bitter wind outside. She had two large plastic sacks gripped in her mittened hands. June and Millie sat at the table, looks of confusion on their faces as Mrs Kolinsky met them, telling them she had some clothes for them in the two plastic bags she had with her, and when they were ready, she'd take them into their room so that they could try them on, and see what fitted. June looked my way, and asked me what the hell was going on. Mrs Kolinsky frowned at the word, `hell,' but she piped up, and said, "Honey, didn't he tell you? This is our pastor, James Willoughby! He called me up and asked if there was anything I could do to help you and your daughter! So we in the congregation got together, and we scrounged up what clothes and things we could for you and your darling child!" The look on June's face was priceless. Her jaw hung slack, and she looked pale with surprise. "Oh, my God!" she said. "You're a minister? Of a church? Holy shit!" Mrs Kolinsky gave June a confused look, and asked her, "Where did you think you were, dear? This house is part of the church!" June had to sit down at that point, and shook her head. I grinned. I couldn't help it! I was remembering the old man's words, "Remember this, there's no right or wrong, just what we do to help others." He was right. *** Millie immediately dived into the bags, and there were articles of feminine clothing all over the floor, despite June crossly telling her to keep out of them. June wasn't having much luck declining the help she was offered. Mrs Kolinsky wouldn't take no for an answer. Millie squealed in joy when she found several pairs of shoes, and promptly sat on the floor, her legs bent at awkward angles while she tried them on, oblivious to the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Then I remembered hearing June starting the washing machine earlier. So that's where they went! I got a good look at her hairless sex as she twisted this way and that, trying on one pair of shoes after another. Her young lips were puffy and pink, smooth and soft-looking. My temperature went up several notches as I gazed at her immature crevice, a thin clitoral hood dividing it neatly down the middle at the top, her small opening winking as she moved this way and that. Mrs Kolinsky and June were facing the other way so they couldn't see what I saw, and at one point, Millie looked up, saw where my eyes were, but she just grinned an impish smile, and continued what she was doing before standing up, and proudly showing her mom the pair of black leather school shoes she'd found. I had to say, they fitted perfectly on her. There was another knock at the door, and Mrs Parker came in, and she too, had a couple of bags of clothing, and her husband Allan sheepishly poked his head in, and told me he had some stuff out in the car if we were ready for it. I told him to bring it in, which he promptly did. At that point, June gave in, and sat down, tears on her face again, overwhelmed at the generosity directed toward her and Millie. The two women, Mrs Kolinsky and Parker, immediately went to her, and wrapped her in hugs, cooing over her. Then the women gathered the two up, and the bags of clothing, and were shepherded down to their room for `the fitting.' Allen and I sat at the table, and had a coffee. Allan was grinning, and said to me, "Looks like this morning's doings are quite a shock to your visitors, huh, Pastor?" I agreed. I felt good being able to help another human being. The bible says, `Give without the expectation of reward.' When you give out of the goodness of your heart, and you see the smile on the face of the recipient, that in itself is its own kind of reward, I've found. *** When the ladies reappeared, they looked completely different. Gone were the old drab worn dresses, and now they were dressed in much better, warmer clothes. Enough clothing had been brought to the house to give them both a whole new wardrobe. June looked good in jeans and shirt which showed off her trim figure, her hair up in a ponytail with shoes and socks on her feet. She had a slim figure, her breasts high and firm, small like I'd figured, a B cup if I'm any judge. When she saw me looking, she posed slightly, a small shy smile on her face. Millie was dressed in a blue dress that came just above her knees, with knee socks and her new shoes. I knew that this time, she'd be wearing panties under it. She grinned at me, as if reading my mind, and flicked her dress up, quickly, to show me a pair of pink cotton undies that hugged her butt. My God, she had a cute butt, I couldn't help thinking. But I didn't let that thought show on my face, and quickly looked away, before someone saw where my eyes had been. Just as well everyone had their attention elsewhere, and I heard Mrs Parker say that the next thing the ladies needed, was somewhere to live. Millie immediately asked, "Why can't we stay here, Mom? I like it here, and that bed we slept in is really comfortable!" They all laughed, and I stayed silent. Come to think of it, these two had only been under my roof for a night, and we didn't know each other at all well, but the thought of them living elsewhere gave me a wrench in my heart. I didn't want to let them go, I realised. Suddenly my mouth was moving, and words were coming out of it. *** "Why can't they stay here?" I heard myself say. "I could use a housekeeper, and we can pay June a stipend from the weekly offering, even if I have to be paid less." They were all looking at me, the silence total, and my face flamed. The silence seemed to stretch itself out, until Allen nodded and said, "Sounds like a good idea, pastor! There's only one place I know of in town that's empty, but it's going to take a lot of work to fix it up. You know the old Peterson place, Marge?" Margery Parker looked at her husband for a moment, and then she said, "Of course! That old place looks like it should have been bulldozed flat years ago! There's no way a woman and her child could live in that rat-trap!" Mrs Kolinsky nodded her head, and said, "We'll put it to the church council, but the Pastor's idea seems a good one! A single man, and a big house like this, yes, I think it might work!" Poor June, she had no chance to object, as Millie threw her arms around my neck, almost choking me. Then the child hugged her mom, and said, "Ray, mom, we're staying! No more sleeping out in the cold!" So, it was decided in church council that very afternoon that the poor pastor, unused to the ways of domesticity, was to have a housekeeper. So June and Millie moved in to stay, and settled down quite nicely into their new situation. *** Both girls had their own rooms. The congregation once more rallied behind them, and at the end of the day as the beds and dressers, sheets and blankets, quilts and curtains arrived, more of the congregation turned up to meet them, and there was almost a carnival atmosphere at the church that day as we got the rooms set up. We had an impromptu thanksgiving and prayer service to celebrate. June and Millie gained more friends in one day than they had in their entire lives. Invitations to lunches and dinners came thick and fast, and June's head, she told me later, "felt like it was gonna explode!" Strangely, no-one seemed to put the equation of a single man plus a single woman, with a girl-child, living in the same house, unmarried, together. It didn't even seem to cross anyone's mind that anything untoward, sexually that is, could happen at any time. It was just assumed that we'd both behave ourselves. I really hoped I could, at least, behave myself. With the new June walking around the house in her hip-hugging jeans, showing off her great ass, (which seemed to be pointing in my direction a lot!), and her daughter, Millie, sitting provocatively, most times open-legged when her mom wasn't looking, really put a strain on my self-control. Millie discovered that when her legs would open, my eyes went immediately to the juncture of her young thighs. I couldn't help it, no matter how hard I tried to stop myself from doing it. She had a power over me, and she revelled in teasing me. I would be breathless when her skirt would ride up her legs, or she'd pull it up deliberately, and I'd see her young sex, her panties moulded into it, creating what I've heard called a `camel-toe.' June never seemed to notice. Sometimes, just to really wind me up, in the evenings Millie would go to the bathroom to shower, and when she'd come back out she'd be pantie-less under her nightdress, and flash her sweet young thing at me. Her favourite sitting position at those times would be to sit on the couch, and draw her legs up to her chest. I'd have an unrestricted view of her vagina, stretched and inviting my eyes to drink it in. *** I hate cold showers! *** I asked Millie time and again to stop doing that, to stop teasing me in such a fashion, but my pleas went in one ear and out the other. I tried to ignore her, but that made her increase her efforts. I even threatened once to go to her mother and tell her, which earned me this pouty reply; "Do you really want me to stop, Jimmy?" Little Jezebel! No, I didn't, damn my soul to hell. But I was an unmarried man, and lately I'd lie awake in bed for hours, a raging erection between my legs as I tossed and turned. If I wasn't thinking about June's ass, I'd be thinking about Millie's crotch. I was doomed! Finally, after some weeks of wrestling with my conscience, and being driven to distraction by Millie's antics, I decided to go to June, fess up, and ask her to have a word to Millie and get her to be a little more demure around me. Just when I went looking for June, Millie saw me, and in that sixth-sense way females have, she knew immediately what I was going to do. So she waylaid me, and taking my hand, she sat me down on the couch, and climbing into my lap, she told me she was sorry for teasing me. I hugged her, kissing the top of her head. I couldn't be angry at her. I wanted to be, but I had come to think of her in terms of the daughter I'd never had, and my heart was full of love for this sweet child. "Millie," I said to her, "when you tease me, you're playing with my emotions, and for an unmarried man like me, that's a dangerous thing to do. I've been able to keep my hands to myself so far, and not do anything to hurt you, but another man might have done things to you that your body wouldn't be ready for." I had her attention, and she said, "What things, Jimmy?" "Sex things," I told her. "You know about sex, don't you?" "Well, yeah, kinda," she said, a little unsure. "That's what I'm talking about. Your body is too young at the moment for things like that to happen to it, and if someone tried to take advantage of what you seem to be offering, it could really hurt you, badly. I don't want you to be hurt, Millie. I love you too much to let that happen to you." Her brown eyes fixed on mine, and she said in amazement, "You love me?" "Yes, I do," I told her, "I love you very much!" "Wow," she replied in astonishment. "Do you love mom, as well?" Without thinking about it, I said, "Yes, Millie, I love your mom as well. Very, very much, actually." *** Just then, there was a gasp from the doorway, and turning our heads at the same time, Millie and I saw June standing there. She'd been outside doing some gardening, and she was dressed in her jeans which were dirty around the knees, and warm flannel shirt, with a sleeveless sheepskin-lined jacket over the top of it. She had a scarf around her head to keep her hair out of her eyes. Her hand was at her mouth, and she had an undecipherable look on her face. June blushed, and hurried to her room. Millie got off my lap and followed her, and then I heard the bedroom door close. I didn't know how much she'd heard of the conversation, but I hoped it was only the last part. I sat there on the couch, and then as I searched my feelings I realised with a start that I DID love June. I'd fallen in love with her! Now when did that happen, I wondered? *** That evening, after I'd showered and dressed, June sent Millie to bed early. When the girl started fussing, June put her foot down, being uncharacteristically firm with her. "Go to bed, NOW, young lady! I have to speak with Jimmy alone. Now go on, scoot!" Millie hung her head, turned away, and moments later, we heard her bedroom door close. Then June told me to join her on the couch, so I got up and sat at the other end, and tried to get comfortable. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop," she said, "but I heard what you said to Millie today." "I thought you might have. Which part?" "All of it. I knew she had been a tease, and I guess I wanted to see how far she'd go with you, and what your reaction would be, and what you would do about it." "I'm sorry, June, I should have come to you earlier. This is your daughter we're talking about, and things have become a little strained." I hung my head, and confessed to her that lately I'd been having `impure' thoughts about them both. "No," she said, shaking her head. "I'm the one that should be sorry, Jimmy. I shouldn't have let things get this far." She looked me in the eye, and said, "You're a good man, Jimmy. God knows where we would have been now, if you hadn't come to our rescue. I want you to know we're really grateful, Millie and I, and I do apologise for putting you under that kind of pressure." Then June moved closer to me, and I could feel the heat from her body as she sat next to me. "Did you mean it?" she asked me, an intense look in her eyes. "Did you really mean what you said earlier, that you loved me?" She'd put her hand on my thigh, and that close contact started to give me an erection. Her nipples were standing out from her breasts, and they drew my eyes like magnets. Her face and the top of her chest were flushed, and that made me breathe heavily. Now I was really uncomfortable, but her eyes demanded an answer, and looking deeply into those beautiful brown eyes of hers, I said with all my heart, "Yes, June. I love you." *** June leaned into me, and suddenly, we were kissing. It was a passionate kiss, wild and carefree, and then our arms were around each other, and time stopped as we sat there, entwined. Our tongues danced and writhed in each other's mouths and our lips ground together as we devoured each other, and our pulses were beating with a frenzy. My erection shot up into a fullness I'd never known before, and it literally hurt as it was trapped inside my pants. I began to move around, seeking a more comfortable position, and I realised that I wasn't the only one moaning with need. Then as I moved my hand up and cupped her breast, June broke the kiss. I moaned again, this time with frustration. But June, looking flushed and her breathing ragged, dropped to her knees onto the floor, between my legs. "Not yet, Jimmy," she managed to say, "wait!" She gave me a wicked grin and said, "Let me relieve some pressure!" Then her hands were at my belt, undoing it, and with some help from me, my pants were at my ankles, along with my shorts. What we were doing should have filled me with guilt, but it felt right. I couldn't have stopped, even if I'd wanted to. My erection, freed now, twitched in anticipation. June licked her lips, and moving between my legs, she placed her head over me. With one hand lifting my solid erection straight up, she gave my turgid member a swipe with her tongue, then placing my hardness inside her mouth, she closed it, her tongue slowly moving around the head. Her mouth was a little dry at first, but I could feel the saliva build up, and then she began to move her head slowly, up and down, up and down, over and over again. I lay back, the feeling of her mouth a sheer bliss. Up until that point, I'd never had oral sex, I'd only heard about it. Now that it was happening to me, no words could ever give what it felt like any justice. June kept licking me, sucking me, and swallowing the build-up of saliva in her mouth, and soon, all too soon, I felt the tingle in my scrotum that heralded my pent-up release. I was panting, holding the silky haired head that was giving me such pleasure, and throwing my head back, I managed to groan, "June! I'm coming!" June was holding my erection with one hand, and sliding the other up and down as she moved her head in time with it. She held her head still, and increased the strokes, and the force of them, until I couldn't hold back any longer. Pulse after pulse of semen erupted out of my penis with such force, I was sure I had literally exploded into her mouth. June swallowed everything I gave her, not letting up until I started to go soft. Then she licked me clean, and when I was fully deflated, she helped me put my pants back on. Then as I sat there, incredibly tired and sated, she snuggled up to me, and almost purred with accomplishment. *** Part Two. *** The next morning, I couldn't get a stupid grin off my face. `He' turned up, saw my face, and grinned. "It's a start," was all he said, and then he let the matter drop. "How's the girl coming along?" he asked me as we walked outside. "Fine, just fine. She's enrolled in school now. And making friends, which is a good thing. Millie's fitting in well here." `Well, boy," my friend said, "she went through one phase, and now she'll go through another. Be careful with her feelings, okay? Remember, in every situation, there's no right or wrong, just how we handle things!" "Phase," I asked him, confused, "what phase?" The old guy grimaced, and spat on the ground. "Boy, don't you know nothin'?" Then he looked me in the eye, and shook his head. "Nope, you don't. You got a lot of learning to do!" "It goes like this, boy," he told me. "Phase One was the test. She wanted to know what kind of man you really were, whether she could trust you, or even like you. You passed that by providing for her and her mom. Phase Two was the teasing. She's going through puberty, and she wanted to know if you thought she was attractive, pretty, not that she realised that was what she was doing. It was a game that almost got out of hand until you made her see what the possible consequences could have been." I sat there, entranced by his knowledge of the female mind. He looked at me, and told me, "I may not be right, all of that was my own opinion. If you stop and think about it, you might come up with a different answer." "That's the trouble," he sighed, "not many men-folks stop and think." "Now," he said, standing up straighter, "Phase Three. Millie could jump two ways here. She could go through a crush on you, because you're a hero-figure to her at the moment. Not a dad, not yet, although she's starting to formulate that idea. Or, she could test you further, by pushing you to your limits, to see what it would take to see you break, and to see what you'll do when you do break." The old man sighed again, and squinted as he looked over the tree-lined empty fields and meadows behind the church. "Or," he said quietly, "she could do both, or none of the above." "Choices, Jimmy. That's what sets you apart from the animals, the ability to make choices." Suddenly he grinned, and just then, the sun broke through the layer of clouds, and sunlight lit up the whole area. "That's what I love about the female race, boy!" he said, his happiness infectious. "You never know, because you never know!" *** Millie knew something was up between her mother and me. Good lord, we must have made it so obvious, only a blind man might have missed it. Maybe! We were like teenagers, standing or sitting close, giving little touches, smiling for no real reason, doing the goo-goo eyes at each other, that sort of thing. Love makes you do silly things. At first, Millie was hurt and confused, then she rebounded back with a vengeance, and a sort of competition arose between her and her mother, with me in the middle, as they competed for my attentions. It got to the stage where the harmony of the house was starting to break down, and they began sniping at each other. Before that got out of hand, and they began to yell at each other, I called them into the kitchen, and sat them down. I was sitting opposite them, the two of them looking uncomfortable sitting next to the other. "Right," I said them, "hold your hands out in front of you like this." I held my own hands in front of me, cupped together. June had a wry smile, and Millie looked grumpy. June looked at Millie, and said, "Okay, I'll play!", and did as I had asked. Millie rolled her eyes, but not wanting to be outdone by her mother, she did the same, huffing in exaggerated boredom. Then I mimed gently pulling my heart out of my chest, and put it on the table. Both were looking at my hands, and Millie looked bewildered at what I was doing. Then I picked up an imaginary knife, and cut down the middle of the phantom heart. Then gently picking up the two halves, I gave each one their half, putting it into their cupped hands. "Now," I said, "you both have my heart. Stop fooling around trying to win it, as I love you both equally!" They sat there, and looking at each other, they grinned in embarrassment. Millie put her hands to her chest, putting my love for her inside her own heart. June did the same, mimicking Millie's actions. Then they embraced, and weeping a little, they apologised to each other, holding each other close, before getting up and hugging me. *** Even though I told her she didn't have to, June would most times sit in on the Sunday services. She'd sit right up front, Millie beside her, in their `Sunday best,' and whenever I would look at her, she always had a proud look on her face. Millie not so much, but she sat still and listened, which I was thankful for. The next Sunday morning, as the assembly sat quietly waiting for me to speak, my sermon for the day just flew out of my head, and the notes I'd made were just so many dry words. So I put the notes inside the lectern, and standing before the crowd of believers, I looked into each of their faces. The expectation was palpable. "Something good is about to happen!" I could almost hear that thought race around the inside of the building. Then I looked at June, and saw complete trust in her eyes. She was holding Millie's hand, and together, they'd become my rock, my anchor. I loved them both so much, I felt like weeping in joy. Then, sunlight broke through the clouds, and I could almost feel the temperature go up a couple of degrees. As I looked out the window, the clouds broke apart and drifted away, leaving blue sky as far as the eye could see. I knew what I had to do. *** Putting my hands to the sides of the lectern, I fixed my gaze on my parishioners. "Ladies and gentlemen," I began, "please look outside." Heads craned to look out the windows, and several faces were confused and bewildered, not seeing anything, and wondering what they should be seeing. A lot of them looked back at me, knowing that that statement had a point, and were waiting for it. "It's a beautiful day out there, and it seems such a shame we have to be stuck inside this building, not taking advantage of it!" Heads nodded, and people grinned. Even the hardiest followers would take the opportunity to play hooky if they could. "The Bible says, `Choose you this day whom you will serve,' and we all serve our God in different ways." I looked at them, a smile on my face. Then getting down to floor level as they sat there in their seats I said, "Today's sermon is going to be a short one. It consists of only just one question. Nobody knows the answer to this question until it's asked, and each one of us may have a different answer to it." Now I really had their attention. The promise of a short sermon, and then the rest of the day to themselves galvanised the congregation. I could feel the energy rising. Then I stepped in front of June, and looking down at her, I shocked her by going down on one knee, and saying, "June Alison Mayberry, will you marry me?" *** The entire church went dead silent. I swear no-one even breathed. No-one wanted to miss her answer. People stood up as quietly as they could, just so they could see us better. June sat there in shock. Her eyes were wide, and one hand went to her throat. She gripped Millie's hand with the other so tightly, it was white. But Millie had her gaze fixed on her mother's face, and even the breeze halted its passing, as if waiting for her to speak. June looked at Millie, who nodded at her, speechless. June's face scrunched up, and then tears began to fall, and not only on her face, but on the faces of others as well. Then June stood, and stepping up me to hug me, pulling me to my feet, she said loudly, "Yes!" *** The church erupted with cheers and hollers. People I didn't see slapped me on my back, pumping my hand and wishing me congratulations. All I saw was June's teary face, smiling in happiness. Millie clung to her, crying as well. Then raising my hands, I called for quiet and order. "Everybody!" I yelled, until the hubbub died down, "You all have the night off! June and I have some planning to do!" That set off a fresh round of cheering, and still people shook mine and my intended's hands until they hurt. Several women promised their help to June with the wedding preparations, and soon, we three were alone in an empty church. It wasn't really empty, though. There was a Presence there that shared His love for all of us. *** The next six months flew by so quickly. There were the usual meetings, church and council, and the wedding preparations to make, until finally, the Big Day arrived. June looked radiant in her white dress, Millie as her maid of honour. Allan Parker was my best man. A friendship had developed between us, and he was a solid dependable man. Everybody from the congregation turned out, and quite a few we didn't know were there as well. During the part where I lifted her veil to kiss June, out of the corner of my eye I saw the old man, standing down the back by the front doors, grinning at me, then our lips were touching, and all else was forgotten, until the officiating minister, hired from the next town, cleared his throat, making us part as wolf whistles and cheering resounded in the church. We grinned at each other, both of us blushing. Millie would be staying with Allan and Margery for time we'd be on our honeymoon. She liked Margery, and Allan became a big brother she'd never had. She was as comfortable at their house as she was at ours. So climbing into the car, packed with clothing and some wedding presents, we drove away, many people waving us off. *** We stayed at a resort hotel by a lake, paid for as a gift from the owner of a local timber mill. One of his sisters was a member of our church, on the church council, and she'd finagled him to contribute toward our stay there. Actually, she'd bullied the poor man! Our chalet was off to one side, down a wide pathway. It was small and cosy, built in a Swiss Cabin design that we loved immediately. We unpacked, and as we stood there gazing at each other, I was unaccountably nervous, and suddenly I didn't know what to do with myself. June smiled, and moved into my arms, which I held around her waist. Her lower body moulded into mine, and as her arms went around my neck, she drew my face to hers for a kiss that lasted many minutes. "You want to go for it now, or wait till later?" she asked me when we stopped for breath, an impish smile on her face. "Huh?" "The hot tub!" she explained. "There's a hot tub up the hill from here. Jackie Pederson told me about it. When she and her husband were here last, they spent a lot of time in it!" Jackie and Lars Pederson were two of the more `well off' members of the church. Nice couple, I liked them. Then she grinned wickedly, and snuggling into me with her hands on my chest, she whispered, "It's supposed to be nice and private, preacher! Wanna get naughty?" I spluttered with laughter as I held her, then letting her go, I asked, "So where are the towels?" *** We walked hand-in-hand up the hill, not talking, just taking in the amazing scenery around us. There were pine trees everywhere we looked, all around us, and the smell of the resin carried on the breeze which hissed and sighed through the branches, filling our senses. The building that the hot tub was in was shaped like a concrete igloo. Inside, the tub was situated in the middle, with wooden slat seats going around the circumference of the igloo for people to put their clothes and what-not on. We stood there for a moment, looking around, then placing our towels on the slat bench, we began to undress. June was turned away from me as we disrobed, but once we were nude, she turned around, a worried look in her eye, as if she feared the worst as I looked upon her. Apart from the fading stretch-marks on her belly above her hip-bones, and some on the underside of her breasts, she was slim, womanly, and very desirable. Her breasts were a nice handful and rounded, hanging slightly on her chest, the nipples a reddy-brown colour, and becoming hard. Her stomach was slightly rounded, and I could have spent an eternity looking at her loveliness. Her vagina was covered in a nest of brown hair, her lips closed, but her clitoral hood peeked out from them. I drew my breath in, and at first she thought something was wrong, but the look of desire in my eyes put her at rest, which seemed to relax and transform her. As June climbed into the hot tub, if I'd thought her butt looked good in a pair of jeans, it now looked stunning without anything to cover it. I'd never had any type of sex that wasn't missionary, and suddenly I had the overpowering urge to slip my rampant manhood between her cheeks, and see it slide up her puckered rosebud. That thought had me hard in a second! June was now in the water, crouched down with the steaming liquid lapping gently above her breasts. I'd climbed in behind her, and stood up to my waist in the steaming water, which made my skin tingle. We gazed at each other for a moment and dropping her eyes, she saw my hardness. Then she stood, water cascading down her upper body, and holding out her hands, she murmured, "No more waiting Jimmy." *** We moved into an embrace, kissing, our tongues writhing, battling the other. June began to grind her pelvis against mine, her pubic hair rasping against my erection. She whimpered, and then she reached down to grasp me, rubbing me, pulling on me, tugging at me, communicating her need. I slipped my hands down to her buttocks, rubbing them, massaging the twin globes, my fingers slipping between them to feel her pubic hair around her anus, and then they dipped into the slick wet folds of her womanhood. June slammed her hips hard against mine, becoming more passionate. Then stepping back, her eyes glowing with lust, she took my hand, and led me to the far edge of the pool, on the opposite side, where there was an underwater bench. Sitting me down, she pulled my hips forward a little, and climbing onto my lap facing me, she reached down, took my tumescence in her hand, rubbed it against her slit, and then positioned it at her opening. "Mr Willoughby, meet Mrs Willoughby," she murmured with a smile, her eyes locked onto mine, and then sank slowly down onto me. She was so hot, so wet, so snug! I could feel myself sink into her channel, every glorious inch as it went deeper. We clasped each other in a tight embrace, both of us groaning with the feel of our genitals meeting in union for the first time. Then, when I'd bottomed out, we sat there for a moment, and then we began to move, rocking and thrusting, building up a rhythm that became faster with each passing second. June threw her head back, a guttural moan escaping her lips. It had been a long time since I'd enjoyed a woman's body, and I revelled in the sensations being created as we made passionate love together. Her channel gripped and slid on me, and I kept on saying, "I love you, I love you," as I thrust into my beautiful wife. June was beyond words. She got off me, surprising me for a moment, but she knelt on the bench, her hands gripping the edge of the pool, her ass in the air, looking at me. She didn't have to say a word. I stood behind her, and slipped into her doggy-style, humping madly at her as she thrust her hips back at me. I was in heaven, and June was feeling the same. There was water splashing everywhere as we slammed our bodies against each other. I was partly conscious of moaning and groaning, she and I making disarticulated sounds in our sexual frenzy. Then after what seemed like an eternity, her gripping sheath had done its work, and years of pent-up celibacy boiled out of my member, and hotly poured itself into her receptive body. June stiffened, and she cried out her release, jamming her sopping sex back at me, shuddering as her climax shook her frame. *** When we finally exited the igloo, night had fallen, even though the evening was still early. The stars shone brilliantly, sharp and crystal clear as they hung in the darkened sky. We went to the chalet, and giggled as we groped our way through a shower. Dressing, we made our way to the restaurant, and our eyes saw nothing but each other across the table, hardly ever leaving the face of the other. To this day, I still can't remember what we ate that first night. I neither saw it nor tasted it. I'd never felt that depth of love for anyone before. Rather than being scared by it, I rode with it, and it buoyed me up and carried me along, a gloriously comfortable ride. But still, it got me wondering, and as June and I lay cuddled in bed that night, sweaty and tired from the second round of wonderful sex we'd just participated in, she saw me looking at the tongue-in-groove pine boards on the ceiling above our heads. She snuggled into me, and kissing my chest, she asked me what I was thinking about. "Just something someone said to me once," I told her. "You remember that old man I told you about? The one who turns up unexpectedly?" She gave a small nod, turning her head up to look at me. "He told me once, "in your rush to get wed, you married the wrong person. Your wife, the one you should've had, the one you didn't wait for, is now married to someone else." June pulled away from me, but only enough to look into my eyes, and see my face properly. "At the time, what he said didn't mean very much to me, or make much sense. I was running away from my past, from my divorce, from the shame and embarrassment my ex-wife had caused me. I didn't know why I'd stopped in that town." I looked at my new wife, and said, "I do now." I looked at June, and said, a bit quizzically, "You know what? I get the strangest feeling that what he said isn't true anymore. But at the same time, it is." June sat up, her legs under her, resting on her hip. She put a towel between her legs to soak up any semen that was left in her, and her juices as well. She asked me what I meant. "What I think I mean is," I said, groping for the right words, "she IS married to someone else now, and that someone is ME!" In a strange way, I was feeling like I had finally married the woman I was supposed to. *** June just sat there, quietly digesting what I'd told her. Then not saying a word, she got off the bed, put her silk kimono dressing gown on, and padded to the kitchenette to make us a coffee. It was around three in the morning, yet neither of us were tired enough for sleep. I saw June coming back with two steaming cups in her hands. She handed me one, then sat on the end of the bed, having to hand me her cup as she got comfortable. I handed it back to her, and two-handed, with her head bowed, she took a sip. I had known this wonderful woman for long enough to know when she was thinking, and now, she sat there, an intense look in her eyes. Her eyes moved as the thoughts moved through her mind. She frowned once or twice, then after a while, June looked up, and there was a peacefulness on her face, a calmness in her eyes. She'd laid something to rest, and I could see it by the way she looked at me, and by the way she sat, more relaxed. *** June looked at me for a moment, then said, "You know, when I first saw you, Jimmy, you scared the living crap outta me and Millie. With the light behind you, it was like sasquatch stepping around the corner of that building! I nearly messed myself, and then my guts sank into the ground, almost making me sick, knowing I had to give myself to you, if you'd wanted a woman that night." "You can't imagine what it was like for me," she said quietly. "I'd given myself freely to men before, but that was the first time it would have been for money. But when you've got nowhere to live, and your baby is hungry and got no shoes to wear in the cold, necessity takes over, and your pride and principles become meaningless." She took a sip, and then said, "But when all you wanted to do was to feed us, and get us out of the cold wind, right then I wouldn't have cared if you'd been an axe-murderer. I didn't have to give you my body, and I was glad for that. It would have shamed me something fierce if I'd had to do that!" "Millie and I talked about you, that first night, as we lay in your bed. There was something different about you, but we sure didn't know what it was. Imagine our shock when we found out you were the pastor of a church, a minister! That was a complete surprise!" She chuckled. "You were a gentleman, and a gentle man. Something about you said, `Trust me!' We couldn't help but do that!" She inclined her head, and then smiled. "When those ladies turned up during breakfast the next morning, with those clothes and offers of help, I couldn't believe it; I didn't want to believe it. People, church people, just didn't do that kind of thing, Jimmy! Not in my experience, they didn't. But you and your people did. You all went out of your way to help a woman and her child in their hour of need." "Millie fell in love with you long before I did. I didn't want to, it just happened." A single tear ran slowly down her cheek, unnoticed. "I kept waiting for you to fall down, for the mask to crack, and for the real you to come out. I sure didn't realise that I was looking at him, the real you, all that time!" *** "Now, back to what you were talking about. All through my teens, I knew that my Mr Right was coming for me. All I had to do was keep myself pure, and wait patiently. But, when I was about eighteen or nineteen, without warning, I suddenly felt the ground disappear under my feet. My heart broke. And I didn't know why. My whole world just shattered, and I felt empty, like something precious had gone, was stolen from me." "I left the church I grew up in, and for a few years, I went wild. Parties, booze, men. Many men, Jimmy, one man after another. I had a hole in my soul that couldn't be filled by any of them! Then one day, I woke up with a blinding hang-over, and I was repelled by the smell coming from my body, and from the loser sleeping next to me in a dingy motel room." "I got out of that lifestyle, cleaned up, and got a job. Then some months later, I met Freddy. He seemed a good dependable solid working man, and I thought to myself, I might as well make the best of bad situation. He seemed to love me, and when Millie was born, although he didn't show much interest in her, he would care for Millie when he had to." "That's what made what he did harder to take." June was now sitting cross-legged on the bed, and her robe was open below her waist, and my eyes were drawn to the furry triangle between her legs. She saw where my eyes were, and smiled. "Pay attention, Jimmy," she said, in a light-hearted manner. "As I got to know you and you never once came onto me, at first I thought there was something wrong with me, but then I realised two things. First, it was your sense of decency that kept you from touching me, and taking advantage of Millie. Second, the feeling that my Mr Right was coming for me returned. For months I looked at all the single men in the church, and in the town, but it wasn't any of them." She put one leg onto the floor, and reached over to put her now empty cup onto the dresser by the bed. June looked at me, her eyes full of love. She moved closer to me, and touched my cheek with her cupped palm. It was warm and dry, a gentle caress. "My Mr Right. There he was, right there in front of me all the time! I was astounded and confused! No wonder being around you felt so right, Jimmy!" "I love you, you sweet man, and I always will!" *** I asked June what year was it she felt her world crumble, and when she told me, I sat there stunned. That was the same year I'd gotten married! I was responsible for years of heart-ache and sorrow, and at once I felt ashamed. I apologised in every way I could think of, and you know what? That amazing beautiful woman forgave me. She had no right or reason to do so, but she did. June held me in her arms as I cried in repentance, holding me close to her breast, her head on mine, and when I opened my eyes again, it was morning. *** June was on top of me, riding my erection slowly. Her warm wet channel felt snug and silky as it moved on me, and as I came awake, I saw that she was leaning over me, resting her weight on her hands, her breasts and hair hanging down, rocking with her movements, her nipples soft. I reached for her breasts, cupping them, my thumbs rubbing her points into hardness. June whimpered, and began to move faster, and then I was moving too, lifting my hips to meet hers as her sex swallowed mine. I held her breasts tighter, but not roughly, as I felt my climax beginning. Then we were lost in a shared orgasm, both of us climaxing together, my groans mixing with hers. I lay there, gasping as my seed shot out of my stiff member into her body, pulsing and hot. June's sheath gripped me as I ejaculated, then when the pulses stopped; she lay on me, and held me until my flaccid member slipped from her, a satisfied whimper escaping her mouth. "That's a fantastic way to start the day!" she said sleepily. "I agree," I replied. "We should definitely do this more often!" Our eyes locked, and then we were laughing. Finally, June got off me, and invited me to shower with her. Who was I to say no? *** Although we had a wonderful time at the resort, we looked forward to getting home. Millie was never far from our thoughts, and I was wondering how the congregation was getting on under Reverend Samuels, the minister who'd taken over for me while we were gone. He was the same man who'd officiated at our wedding. He was the nearest minister we could find, `borrowed' from the next town over. His was a small congregation, and most of them followed him to our town for their services. David Samuels was a quiet man, married with no children. He told me that he and his wife preferred it that way, as they could put all their energies into serving God and the community. I could see his eyes as they travelled over the children of my congregation, and I knew he missed having his own. But he'd smile, and then the moment was over. David and Sarah Samuels were in their late forties, and healthy and robust. I've heard that when two people are together for a long time, they start to look alike. David and Sarah proved that point. They almost looked like twins! I mentioned that to him when I first met him and his wife. I didn't know she was his wife, of course, I hadn't yet been introduced to her, and so I proceeded to put my big feet right into my mouth so far down, I could've kicked my own ass from the inside. I asked him where his wife was, as I thought she was coming with him, and if his sister was helping with the wedding plans. They both gave a start, worried looks on their faces. Sarah had gone pale, and then it hit me. Sarah was the wife, not the sister! Oh, my. Did I ever feel foolish! I apologised profusely, telling them I thought that they were siblings, and I couldn't express how sorry I was. They both laughed, and told me it was all right, no harm done, I was forgiven. *** David was an easy man to get to know. We had a few theological discussions, and our theology was the same, but our services were conducted a little differently. His congregation was a tight-knit group, and I noticed that when I met them, they hardly spoke about themselves, but all-in-all, they were a friendly bunch. They were very family-oriented, and they enjoyed hugging and kissing, their closeness giving me a pang. I wasn't close to my own family. When I had expressed an interest of entering the ministry, I became an outsider, no-one understanding my decision to serve God instead of chasing girls and joining in and partying. Their children had no problems joining ours, the teens on one side, and the younger children on the other. Once everyone had got to know each other, you'd think they'd been brought up together the way they interacted with each other. The teenage girls and boys naturally gravitated toward each other from the different churches, like they had magnets inside them. There was a lot of flirting going on, boys and girls both. But they were all remarkably well-behaved, which made me sigh with relief. I really don't like having to have adults around to guard the children from `temptation.' The kids knew that we trusted them not to do anything stupid. Well, nothing too stupid, anyway. Oh, sure, every now and then, some teenage boy and girl would get caught out doing something or other, and have to have a good talking to, but the pregnancy rate in our town was remarkably low. The girls were more responsible than the boys, and IUD's and the Pill more prevalent among them. Teenage pregnancy was more of a disappointment than anything else. It wasn't the shameful `burn-at-the-stake' offence it used to be. People adjusted, and got on with their lives. "Did you know young Lucy Walker got knocked up?" "Yeah? How's your cows coming along? You got that tractor fixed yet?" That's how it was. No big deal. *** When we got back, David and Sarah met us out on the front lawn, arm-in-arm, smiling. David and I shook hands, and the women hugged and kissed. Then the four of us went inside, where David filled me in on what had happened while we were away. Which wasn't much. Tina Redfern, thirteen, and Thomas Duke, fourteen, had been surprised in the shed out back of the church doing what every teenage kid will do when their blood runs high. They were naked, and banging away at each other, totally oblivious of the people calling for them. They'd snuck off from the evening service, and forgetting the time, they were suddenly confronted by several adults who went looking for them, including their parents. David tried to stop laughing as he told me that Tina was now under lock and key by her mother, and Thomas was now living with relatives in another town. "At least," David chortled, "Thomas remembered to wear a condom. We all saw it!" We couldn't help it, we laughed until tears ran down our faces. *** Any other minister I'd known would have exploded in righteous indignation at what had happened, but after my divorce, and being told by the old man to "keep an open mind, don't be kept in the rigid chains of dogma, be flexible," something like that didn't bother me at all. People will be people, and its human nature to push the boundaries. I made a couple of phone calls to the parents involved, managed to smooth ruffled feathers, and Tina was allowed out again, and Thomas was allowed back into town, but both were given a stern talking to about underage sex, and risks of teenage pregnancy, even though Thomas had been responsible enough to wear a condom. Nobody talked about it, but underage sex was prevalent in our town. Girls as young as nine were indulging in sex play, curiosity or conformity being the main reasons, and two girls that I knew of through counselling sessions had had sex at an earlier age, one at eight, and another at seven. Both girls were precocious, and indulged themselves as often as they could. It was the eight year olds father that came to me to `confess' what was occurring under his roof. He'd discovered his ten year old son and his daughter indulging in full-blown penetrative sex in the girl's room one day. His wife was out shopping, and he'd come home early from work. Not hearing any sound, he went looking for the children, and nearly had a heart attack as he saw his naked children humping away at each other. He told me he'd blown up at seeing them like that, and had disciplined them both, but he hadn't told his wife, fearing her reaction. Maybe he should have, he told me, crying pitifully on my couch in my office. Several days after catching his children, his daughter seduced him, and now, he was an emotional and mental wreck. "But she's a little girl!" you might say. How could an eight year old girl seduce a fully grown man? It's rare, but it does happen. Don't ask me why, or how, but yes, I repeat, it does happen. *** No sane red-blooded man is immune from the charms of a young girl, when she wants that particular man, and she sets her heart and mind on getting him. *** The old man turned up again not long after my counselling session with the distraught father, and we had quite a conversation about it. I hadn't brought it up, but the old man seemed remarkably well-informed about the doings and going-on's in the town. When I got over my reticence about talking about it, he asked me what I was going to do about it. I told him I really didn't know. Something like that was out of my comfort zone and experience. He sat down on an old stump, and told me to talk to the father about sending the girl to Reverend Samuels. When I asked him why that particular solution, he told me that Reverend Samuels had the experience to deal with that kind of thing. When I pressed for details, he told me I wasn't quite ready to know yet; things had to happen before I could grasp the knowledge of it, and how to deal with it. He got quite snippy when I wanted more details, and curtly told me to mind my own business! "James," he said, and I was surprised at that. That was the first time he'd used my given name, instead of the usual `boy.' "James, some things you just have to take on faith. Some girls, and some boys, are born trying to make up for lost time. In another life, that girl may have been a nun, or such like, forced into celibacy, and hating every minute of it. Don't judge, or make suppositions. Do what I ask, and send her to Reverend Samuels." *** I did. The father recovered to become his old self again, and peace reigned in his household. *** The girl who'd started to have sex at seven was now fourteen, and had slowed down her predatory instincts. She was still active sexually, but was now more `discerning' in picking her sexual partners. She lived with her father, her mother having left when the girl became active with the male parent at the age of twelve. Strangely, the mother never went to the police or social services about it, she just packed her bags and left them, saying she didn't want to live under the same roof as a `whore-child.' Their activities were kept discreetly quiet, the girl dating boys from school to deflect attention elsewhere. Neither father nor daughter was ashamed of what they were doing, but they didn't flaunt it, either. They were just, as far as anyone else knew a loving parent and child, closer than the norm, and happy together despite her known sexual proclivities. Both were members of my flock, and sometimes, as I saw them sitting side-by-side in the pews, for a brief moment, I would imagine them naked, their bodies entwined in passionate love-making. I really tried to close my mind to those images, but only by making love to June, could those images be temporarily erased from my memory. *** The father was a close friend of Allan Parker's, the daughter a close friend of Margery's, and the two couples spent a lot of time in the other's company. Allan didn't mention their `dark side,' and neither did I. It hung there, unmentioned and ignored. I'd gotten to know them both, the father and the daughter, and they were a genuinely nice couple to be around. Allan and Margery didn't talk about their past much, only to say that they'd grew up in the same town together, somewhere off to the east, and had eloped to escape domineering parents. They loved each other very much, and it showed in the way they stood or sat together. They too, had no children, and would have a sadness about them when they saw or played with the kids on Sundays after services. Margery was active in Sunday school, and Allen was a good candidate for the ministry. I spent a lot of time in the evenings teaching and explaining things to him. He was very receptive, a fast learner, despite having a certain reserve about him when he was with me. He always looked like he wanted to tell me something, to open up to me, but he never would, despite my attempts to get him to do so. After a while I stopped `nagging' him about it, and he seemed happy that I did. *** Nothing remains a secret for very long, no matter how hard you try to keep that secret. Sooner or later, somebody's going to find it out, and in this particular occasion, that somebody was me. I'd decided to take a trip over to Allan's place one afternoon, as I had just gotten some bible study literature for him by express mail, as he ran the bible study group. I could have waited till I'd see him next, but I was using the trip to his place as an excuse to get away from the church for a while. When I got to his place, the front door was open, but no-one was home. Our town was one of those places where you could do that, leave your door open, and unlocked. We didn't have the big city fear of burglary or vandalism. So after knocking, and getting no answer, I went inside, and put the package on his coffee table. As I was about to leave, I noticed a thick leather-bound photo album under some magazines, and out of curiosity, I pulled it out and opened it. I shouldn't have done it. It was an invasion of privacy, I know that now, but at the time, I didn't think, I just went ahead and opened the book and in the process I opened a great big can of worms at the same time. The first page had the legend, "Parker Family Album" in bold type, and on the second page, a list of names. The list of names started with the grandparents, two sets of names, then the parents, one set, and then a list of five children's names under that. Two names immediately stood out, Allen and Margery. I was in a state of shock. Allen and Margery were twins! Also, that meant they were brother and sister! *** I felt the floor swoop under my feet. I slammed the book shut, put it on the coffee table next to the package I'd brought around, and stumbled out of the house, and before I knew it, I was at home, and when June saw my face, she immediately knew that something was very wrong. "What is it, Jimmy?" she asked, a worried frown on her pretty face. "What's the matter? My mouth was moving, but no words came out. Finally, after sitting down, I managed to say, "I was at Allen's place just now." June put a cup of coffee in front of me, and I tried to pick it up, but my hands were shaking too much to hold it. "Yes, that's right; you went to deliver those Bible study notes. What happened when you got there? Are they alright?" "Alright!?" I yelled, and then I calmed down as much as I was able to, "no, they're not alright! They're, they're, oh my God, June, they're brother and sister for Christ's sake!" Then I told her how I'd gone inside their house and found the photo album, and saw their names inside. I told June how much I felt betrayed by them, how they'd lied to me, and how they'd deceived us both. June sat down opposite me at the table, and very quietly she said, "They didn't deceive us, Jimmy. They just didn't tell YOU. Millie and I knew. Margery told us." "What!?" I bellowed. "Margery told you? When were you going to tell me, June? Were you ever going to tell me? Allan was my friend, dammit! He was going to be assistant pastor of this church! Oh my God!" I sat there, empty and hollow. A battle was raging inside my heart, and neither side was winning. I'd just lost my best friend, and I felt sick. I put my head in my hands, and stared at the table, unable to think or say anything. Just then, there was a knock at the door, and Allan and Margery walked in. *** "You!," I began, but June told me to sit down, as I'd jumped to my feet. "Let them explain, Jimmy!" she said, her eyes hard. Just then, an image of the old man came to mind, and as if he was standing in the room next to me, I heard him say, clear as a bell, "Judge not lest ye be judged, James! Let them speak!" I unwillingly sat back down, my hands clenched on the table in front of me. Allan, Margery and June sat at the table as well, and we all looked at each other, and to say that we were all uncomfortable, was a gross understatement. Allen looked worried, and holding Margery's hand, he looked at me, sad and lonely all of a sudden. He looked on the verge of crying, and his face mirrored mine. It was like the same battle raged in his heart that raged in mine. Things were never going to be the same between us, and what he said to me would decide their fate, for good or ill. Then he took a deep breath, and said, "We're sorry Jimmy, Pastor. I should have told you earlier, but no matter how I tried, I just couldn't! You were such a good man; I didn't know how you'd take knowing that Marge and I were siblings! I tried to tell you, God knows I tried, but I couldn't find the right words!" He looked ready to break down, and then he pleaded, "Forgive me, Jimmy! Forgive us, please!" I sat there, stony faced. Margery looked at me, and said, "Jimmy? Can I explain?" *** I didn't trust myself to speak, so I just nodded. I was hurting, and every word they spoke was like acid on my raw emotions. She looked at Allan, who sat there, head down, and then to June, who reached over and held her free hand. "We didn't lie to you exactly," she began. "We did elope to escape domineering parents; only the parents were our own. Mom and Dad, Dad especially, were hard people, members of a fundamentalist church that was so biblical, they'd have burned us at the stake for Allan and I falling in love with each other." "Even though Allan and I were siblings, we loved each other in a special way, and being twins, Dad couldn't understand our bond. He tried to beat it out of us, and when that didn't work, he tried to get me married off when I was only eleven, to an ugly farmer friend of his. We were only children when we ran away. They tried to find us, to bring us back, but we ran too far for them to find us." "We stayed with Reverend Samuels for a few years. It was a member of his church who found us, hitching along a dusty road, lost and hungry. He picked us up, gave us a bed for the night, and fed us. The next day, he took us to Reverend Samuels, and when we were of legal age, he settled us here, and we found jobs to support ourselves." *** While she had been speaking, I'd calmed down enough to drink my coffee, and it was empty before I knew it. June got up, and fetching cups for the three of them, she poured us all some. I looked at Allan, who still sat there dejected, his head hanging down. "Is that what you were trying to tell me all those times, Allan?" I asked him. He looked up, a hopeful look on his face. I almost smiled, because he looked like a puppy that had been spared a beating, instead of a grown man. He nodded slowly, and said, "I wish I had told you earlier, Pastor Jimmy. Things may have been different, sure, but at least it would have been out in the open between us. I just didn't want to hurt you. You've been a good friend to me, my best friend, and I haven't had a best friend before, apart from Marge, here!" I nodded, and said, "But what about the sex part, Allan, Margery? Brothers and sisters aren't supposed to sleep with each other." Allan looked at me, and his eyes went distant. "It was while we were on the road," he told us, "that we first had sex, made love. We had a pair of old sleeping bags that were for summer, and when we ran away, it was coming onto winter. We slept in fields and under haystacks to keep warm. One night, it was so cold, that we ended up taking our clothes off to share our body heat. You're not supposed to do that, but we were kids, and we didn't know!" "So we were lying there, shivering, and then, I got my first erection. I tried to hide it, but it kept poking Marge here in the belly! She was fascinated by it, and then we forgot we were cold, and before we knew what we were doing, we were having sex! It sure warmed us up, all that exercise!" *** I couldn't help myself, I laughed at the mental image of two naked skinny kids humping under sleeping bags. That set off the other three adults, and the mood lightened. He continued his tale. "Reverend Samuels caught us going at it one night. He'd let us sleep together, said it wouldn't do to separate brother and sister, and I guess we must have made a bit too much noise. Instead of hollering at us or beating us, he taught us to be careful, and to look after ourselves to avoid pregnancy. He told us what the possible consequences would be, like deformed children, maybe, and we haven't had children because of that." "We don't make love as much as we used to, but as everyone in town thinks we're married because we share the same last name, we let them think that, as it was easier than facing a lynch mob." "So you see, Pastor Jimmy, James, I didn't know what your reaction would be if I told you the truth. I am so very sorry, we both are." Allan and Margery gripped their hands, both of them looking at me, wondering what I'd say next. I sighed, and offering an olive branch, I said, "When it's the four of us, Jimmy will do fine, Allan. I apologise to you both. I shouldn't have poked my nose into your things like that. I should have waited for you to come to me when you were ready. This is between the four of us; no-one else needs to know about it." Allan took my hand, after disengaging his from his sister's and shook it; Margery got up and hugged me. June did the same, and I felt good, we were friends again. *** Part Three *** So what if Allan and Margery were brother and sister, and they loved each other? He was a good man, people liked him, and he was a great bible studies teacher. What he and Margery did in the privacy of their own home was between them and God. We have no right to judge anyone, or we risk the consequences of being judged ourselves for our own iniquities. "None are perfect, no, not one," the Good Book says. If you think you are beyond sin, then go ahead, throw your stones. I couldn't, and I didn't. I accepted those two for who they were, and left it at that. That made two couples that I knew of who were living in an incestuous relationship. The usual church policy would have been to tear them apart, destroy them, humiliate them, and then crow over our own righteousness, and then decide if we should get the authorities involved. I chose not to. What they were doing was by mutual consent, and neither of the couples were forced into doing anything against their will. Discretion is the better part of valour. It pays to remember that. You remember the story about the guy who came to Jesus, and asked how many times he should forgive his neighbour? You get the picture. *** And, I've just remembered something. We were having a birthday party, just me, June, Millie, Allan, Margery, and a couple more close friends in attendance. There was a cake, and as I bent forward to blow out the candles, June slipped an envelope onto the table. As everyone clapped, I picked up the envelope, and inside was a card, a lovely personalised card made by Millie, just for me. When I opened it, held there inside it with a paperclip was a fifty dollar note. I looked up at June, and saw her eyes glowing, her head nodding. It was the same one I'd slipped her at the diner. Under the note were the words, `This is for your time, you earned it!' It was signed by both Millie and June. *** I knew what they meant. I still have that bill around here somewhere. *** Millie was budding into a beautiful young woman. She had breasts now, about the same size as her mother's, with the figure to match. At fourteen, she was tall, lithe, and excelled at sports. She was popular with the boys, but when she went out on dates, she was careful to let them know `no funny business!' She'd held onto her virginity when most girls her age were losing theirs, and I was proud of her, but not for that reason alone. June had told me that Millie was keeping her virginity for a special man, and to me, that meant her future husband. Millie had read about an old practice that the old-time women had, and started to put together a `hope-chest.' She knew she was going to have children someday, looked forward to it in fact, and so she approached one of the ladies in the church, and begun to learn to knit. She made a mess of it in the beginning, frustrating her to no end, but some time later through sheer perseverance, she had baby blankets and tiny baby clothes of all descriptions and colours inside her chest. It was actually relaxing in the evenings to hear the `click-clicking' of her needles as she sat there, reading or talking to us, her eyes not having to watch her hands anymore as she knitted. *** As an aside, a few of the ladies got together, started a knitting circle, invited Millie to join in, and together they knitted clothes of all sizes, and sold them over the internet, or gave some away to charities. It was a great way of making an income, and when the tithes had been taken out, the rest of the money was split between them all. *** Millie had had the sex talk with June years before, and now, she began to ask me questions about `boys.' June kept her eyes down, a small smile on her face as I tried to answer as best I could without embarrassing myself, or her. She was quite straight-forward in her questions, and she had no self-consciousness as she talked about a man's anatomy, and what it did, how it worked, and assorted subjects. It was strange that I was the more uncomfortable of us two when it came to talk about sex with Millie. I couldn't believe how many times I blushed as we spoke. Then finally taking pity on me, Millie wrapped up her knitting, slid it into her bag beside the old armchair she'd found, and told us she was going to bed. Giving each of us a kiss, she lingered with mine a second longer than normal, and I smelt the warm fragrance of a lovely young woman. My pants became tight as she lightly brushed her fingertips against my cheek, but she wasn't looking at me when she did it, so I put it down to a familiar loving caress by a daughter for her father, or step-father in this case. Millie was looking at her mother, and there seemed to an unspoken conversation going on between them. Women have the ability to put whole sentences into just a look, have you noticed that? June got up, and announced that we should all go to bed. Millie smirked, and said, "Someone wants to get naughty!" before walking into her room, laughing softly, her butt rolling seductively. Someone did want to get naughty, and someone else got naughty with her! *** June was crying out as I pounded into her. She had her arms wrapped around my neck and her head tucked into my shoulder as I lay over her, my weight resting on my forearms, her legs in the air, opened wide, and bent at the knees. The bed was bouncing and rocking, and I didn't care if we made a noise. Then I felt the old familiar wave of ecstasy pour through my body, and with an extended grunt, I poured my seed into June, jerking as the contractions hit me. She humped her hips back at me, welcoming my seed, almost squealing as a huge climax ripped through her body. When I managed to calm down, sweat pouring from me, gasping I asked June, `What got into you tonight?' She just looked at me, her eyebrow up, and a smile on her face. "You know what I mean," I said, grinning. "I wanted you to be nice and relaxed because I wanted to talk to you about something, something important," she said as I moved off her prone body. June then reached over, and got a towel and put it between her legs to soak up my seed as it dribbled out of her, so as not to lie in the `wet spot.' I lay on my back next to her, my arms over my head. "So, what's this important thing you want to talk about?" I asked her light-heartedly, my breathing returning to normal. June held my hand, and said, "It's about Millie." Now she had my attention, and I got up onto my elbow and looked at her. "What about Millie?" I asked. June was silent for a moment, kissed my hand, then she said, "Those questions she was asking about earlier, about boys and sex. She's decided that she wants to explore her sexuality, and she has someone in mind to help her through it." I became serious, sat up and asked, "Do I know this fellow? Do you know who it is?" June sat up, and looked into my eyes, a slight frown marring her features. She took a deep breath, and said, "Yes I do. I don't really know how I feel about it, to tell you the truth, but Millie has her heart set on this man, and I love her enough to trust her, and I trust the man she wants to give her body to, enough to know that he won't hurt her, and be gentle with her for her first time." "So who is it?" I asked a bit more roughly than I'd intended to. I hated him immediately. June looked at me, and reaching her arms out to hold me in a tight embrace, she said, a slight catch in her voice, "It's you, my dear. Millie wants you to be her first!" *** My hands had been around her waist, but they dropped in shock. If my jaw hadn't been resting on her shoulder, it too, would have dropped as well. I was stunned. We parted, June looking at me worried, afraid I'd blow up and yell, or something. "But," I said, sitting back against the headboard, not feeling the wood behind my back. I'd run out of words at that point, and sat there, speechless. "But nothing, Jimmy. I've tried to talk her out of this, lord knows I've tried, but she has her heart set on doing this, and we both know how stubborn she can get about some things!" "Come on, let's sleep on it," June said quietly, and turned out the light. *** Neither of us slept much that night. I lay there for hours, turning what had been said over and over in my mind. I tried to imagine Millie nude, her body under mine, crying in ecstasy just as her mother did when we made love, and shame would sweep over me as the image became a small grinning child that I'd first met. I tossed and turned, throwing the covers off one minute, then pulling them back up and huffing with frustration. I just couldn't make up my mind, and wished I could speak with the old man, anyone, to give me some sense of direction as to what to do about this. I prayed and prayed, but nothing seemed to help. Finally, exhaustion overcame me, and I slept fitfully, waking up in the morning with a headache. As I showered, I still had no answer. Over breakfast, both women looked at me, not saying a word. I couldn't speak, and avoided Millie's eyes. Millie went to school, and I went for a walk out to the field behind the church. As I sat on the old stump, a voice said, "How are you this morning, Jimmy?" *** I looked up, and the old man was standing there, looking as he always did in his faded denims and scuffed boots. He sat next to me, and rolled a smoke, handing it to me. I declined it, but he thrust it at me, so I took it, then held it as he lit it, then he lit his own. "What are you going to do?" he asked. "About what?" I said a little testily. He looked askance at me, and said, "Millie. How do you feel about her wanting you to make her a woman?" I did blow up then. "My God!" I yelled. "Were you listening to us talking last night? Are you some kind of Peeping Tom pervert, or something?" The old man sighed, and said, "I'm always listening, Jimmy. Trouble is, most folks don't say anything worth listening to." He stood up, looking into the distance. Then he turned to me, and said, "It's damn frustrating, Jimmy. `Gimme this, gimme that.' Bores the hell out of me!" I sat there, my cigarette forgotten. I could hear the Twilight Zone music in my head, and I got a little dizzy. Then he smiled, and my fears were laid to rest. He put his gnarled hand on my shoulder and said, "You have to do this, Jimmy. You were supposed to take June's virginity, but some random asshole got it when she was too drunk to stand up, let alone fight him off. She was lying in a pool of her own vomit when it happened, and she cried as he raped her. He just laughed at her, not caring that she was too dry to accommodate him." "Millie needs a father, and she's picked you to be that man. If you do this, it will cement the bond between you, between you all, June included. You have the chance to make things right again, Jimmy." Then he sat down again, and puffed away on his cigarette. Mine had gone out, so he passed me the box of matches. I lit the smoke, and drew the smoke into my lungs before exhaling. *** "I thought I was her father," I said a little defensively. "Nope, you're her step-father, big difference." "How can that be?" I asked, confused. "Because, nitwit, a father is always there for his, and I say HIS, child, a step-father is just the other guy her mother married. He's always the second choice, never quite good enough, even if he tries really hard to prove himself. Millie wants you to be her FATHER, and to fulfil that requirement, you have to make love to her, to PROVE your love for her. Don't argue with a woman's logic, Jimmy, you'll lose!" He shook his head, and said, "Yep, you'll always lose THAT argument!" I didn't want to do it, every nerve screamed at me not to, but the more I sat there and thought about it, turning it over in my mind, the more I came to see that he was right. Then my nerves stopped screaming, and calmed down. Finally, I sat up straight, and said, "Okay, I'll do it. I'm not overjoyed about the idea, but I only want Millie's happiness. If this makes her happy, and she sees me as her father, then I have no choice." "Well," I chuckled, "of course I have a choice, and I choose Millie's happiness!" The old man smiled, told me to go home and tell June about it. "She's worried sick about you two," he told me. I was up and moving before I meant to ask him something, but when I turned around, he was gone again. Damn, that old man could move fast when he wanted to! *** June and I had a long talk that day, and when I told her the decision I'd come to, she gave me a smile and held my hand, and in that gesture, I knew she wasn't sure we were doing the right thing, but she was determined to let it happen. When Millie got home that afternoon, I asked her how her day had been, and she said, "Crappy," a little dejectedly. She went straight to her room, which was unlike her. June inclined her head in Millie's direction, so I went to her room, and knocked on her door. "Come in," she said, and didn't seem happy to see me standing there. She turned away from me, her shoulders slumped. I went to her, and sat beside her on the bed. Millie didn't look at me, she just sat there and waited for me to speak. "I've been thinking," I said, "and when your mom told me what you wanted me to do, I didn't want to do it." Millie spun around, and opened her mouth to say something, a look of pain and disappointment stamped on her face. "No, let me finish," I told her. "At first, I was in hell thinking about you, about making love to you, and trying to think my way through the consequences if I did. I couldn't make up my mind." "Millie, I love you. I've always tried to think of you as the daughter I've always wanted, and when June told me you wanted me to be your first, to help you through the transition from girl to woman, I couldn't reconcile being a father and a lover to you. I didn't know what to do!" "But, I've had time to think about it, and your happiness has always been my first priority. I don't know where our relationship will go after this, but I'm willing to take the chance that everything will turn out for the best." I put my arm around her shoulders, and drew her into my embrace. She slumped into me, and so I said, "I've made my choice, Millie. I only want your happiness, and if this makes you happy, and you're absolutely sure you want to go through with this, I'm here for you. I'll do it." Millie sobbed, and threw her arms around me. "Thank you!" she cried as she hugged me tightly. "Thank you, Jimmy, thank you!" *** Like I said, June and I talked long and hard about the coming Event. I wanted to really make sure she was okay with the thought that I, her husband, was about to make love with her daughter, mine also by default of marriage. June told me that at first, she hated the thought that I was going to have sex with her daughter, and she had been very jealous that she had to share her man with another, even if that `other woman' was her child. But, she told me, she had reconciled herself to the inevitable. She'd made the choice to share me, and had made peace with that fact. The only thing left to do was wait for Millie to choose the time and date. Millie didn't jump straight into bed with me, surprising June and I a little. She waited a whole month before gathering her courage, and over dinner one night, she looked us both in the eye, and told us she was ready. Both June and I went still, waiting for her to continue. "My birthday is in a week, and I want us to do it then." Millie looked at me, then at June, looking a little apprehensive. June nodded, and said, "That's fine, dear. I'll help you to get ready for it, if you want me to." Millie nodded, and returned to her meal, her head down, as if concentrating on the food in front of her. But I could see she was nervous, so I started to talk about her birthday, and asked her what she wanted. Millie looked up, and then she was off and running, telling me what she wanted, and the list got longer as she kept talking, until finally she exploded in mirth as I began to splutter at the outrageous things she was wanting. For example, a stretch limo and a summer holiday at St. Moritz? Not on what I got paid, thank you very much! :) *** Millie had gotten into the habit when she turned thirteen of wearing a short night dress or tee shirts and panties around the house in the evenings. When we had visitors, she'd go into her room, and leave us adults to whatever it was we were doing. I watched as her legs got longer and sleeker, admiring her boobs as they went from little bumps to cones, to ripe firm young breasts. Her butt always had a cute wiggle when she walked, and it seemed to exaggerate when it was just us in the house. Millie had always worn a bra under her shirt, but in the last month after announcing she was ready for sex, she left it off, and I couldn't help notice the way the sweet young globes swung and swayed under the thin cloth of her tee shirt, her nipples hard and poking out as my eyes feasted on her body. She'd gotten into the habit also of sitting on the couch with her knees up against her chest, and she'd taken to wearing the sheerest panties she could find. Millie's vagina was no longer hairless. It had a light brown covering of trimmed hair across the top of it. Her lips were full and pink, her clitoral hood more puffy and noticeable. When Millie `caught' me looking at her sex, she'd grin, knowing full well that I remembered her as a nine year old tease, who drove me up the wall doing exactly what she was doing now. Only, the rules had changed, and her body was ready for me now. I had the feeling she was preparing the three of us for the Event, and I also think that June was feeling a little left out, so both mother and daughter would parade around in skimpy outfits that had me horny and rampant all the time. I watched as they made a competition out of it, seeing who could tease me the most, and a couple of times, I couldn't stand it any longer, and got up, grabbed June's hand, and literally towed her to into the bedroom amid squeals from her, and hoots of laughter from Millie. I threw June onto the bed and ravished her. Not that she ever complained! *** Millie's fifteenth birthday was a riot as her young friends invaded the house. There was cake, the usual presents, and girlish chatter, giggles and laughter all afternoon. June and I stayed in the background, as this was Millie's day, and we watched as she thoroughly enjoyed herself. Finally, though, everyone went home in the late afternoon, happy and full of food and good times. Then as we were cleaning up, Millie came to my arms, and hugged me, staying in my arms for the longest time. Her head was on my chest, her hands lightly rubbing my back. June moved about, cleaning up, putting the dishes into the sink, and darting glances our way. We both knew it wouldn't be long now, and the Event was going to happen. My stomach had been full of butterflies all day, knowing the birthday party was just the prelude to a more intimate `party' happening later on. When the house was finally tidy and everything put away, June announced she was going to spend the night at a friend's place, leaving us alone, and then Millie floored us when she said that she wanted June to stay. "Please, mom, I need you here. I want you to watch over me, to make sure I'm doing things right." "Are you sure, honey?" June asked, flabbergasted by Millie's request. "Yes. Yes, I am. I know this is really between Jimmy and me, but it wouldn't feel right if you weren't here. I can't explain it, mom! You have to be here!" June looked at me, indecision on her face. I was out of my depth as well, so all I could do was shrug my shoulders. "Well okay, if that's what you want," she said. She put her overnight bag down on the floor, and moving to the kitchen sink, she put the kettle on, and said, "I'll call, Helen, and tell her something's come up," darting a glance at my crotch, which made Millie giggle, then blush redly. "We might as well make ourselves comfortable!" *** We sat in the living room, quietly talking about everything but the coming night. Millie sat curled up in my lap, and as I held her there, she took my hands and got me to feel her body. I was a little shy, we both were, but after a while, I was touching her breasts, gently squeezing them, and running my hands up and down her back and legs, still encased in her clothes. Millie's breathing became deeper, and she'd give little moans as my fingers, which had dipped into her shirt, rolled and felt her nipples, hard as pebbles inside her bra. June sat beside us, her arm around my shoulders, and then we were kissing. Millie felt left out, and then I was taking turns kissing them both. Millie's lips were soft and her breath sweet. Millie had been on dates before, and more than likely practiced her kissing with her dates. Her kisses were light and shy to begin with, but as her hormones began to rage in her body, they became more insistent, more aggressive, her hand behind my head as she forced my lips to hers. Soon, she was lying back in my arms, my hand gripping her breast, which she thrust into my hand, by expanding her chest and raising her body up. June wasn't immune to what was happening, and hearing a zipper, I broke the kiss long enough to see my wife wiggling her hips to take her jeans off. Millie saw her mom doing that, and then we were all standing, our clothes coming off. *** When we were all nude, we stood there, looking at each other's bodies. Millie had a fuller figure than her mom, full of youth and vitality. Her body was curved and lush, her breasts full and round, her nipples hard. Her stomach was flat, her pudenda slightly raised and lightly covered with pubic hair. Her arousal was noticeable, the aroma sweet and heady. She was panting, her eyes glittering. Her legs were long and slim, firm and athletic. She turned slightly, and her butt was firm and nicely rounded. She was as sleek and graceful, and seeing her there, my manhood began to grow, rising up to poke in her direction. She took a deep breath, her eyes wide as she looked at the previously unseen part of me. June's face flushed as she, too, gazed at my tumescence, and breathless, she took my hand, as I took Millie's, and wordlessly we went to our room. It was time. *** When we got into the bedroom, June let my hand go, and moved into my arms, embracing me. She kissed me, a deep hard kiss, then she stepped back, her eyes searching mine, looking for I don't know what. Then she gently turned me toward Millie, who had become nervous and, stepping over to sit on the bed on `her' side, she watched us. Millie stood there, darting nervous glances at the bed, her mother, and me. I wondered if she was about to change her mind, but then she walked to the bed, still holding my hand, which was becoming slick with sweat. I was as nervous as she was. The last time I had made love to a teenaged girl, it had been my ex-wife. But that was under the sanctity of marriage, she'd been a little older. My erection had softened, but I was still half-hard. As Millie lay on the bed, her breasts parting a little, I ran my gaze down her body, to her delicious breasts, her flat stomach, her slightly raised pudenda, her pubic hair, and her puffy and pinkly-red vaginal lips. My erection returned, I was fully hard again. June slid down to recline on the bed, not sure what to do. That made two of us. *** Of course I knew what to do! But you have to remember, this was an unusual situation to be in. For a start, there were three of us there on that bed, all nude. One woman was my wife, and the other was our daughter. As far as I knew, neither woman had ever had an intimate encounter with a person of the same sex. So this was a first for all three of us. You could have cut the tension with a knife. Millie lay there between us, so I leaned down to kiss her. As our lips touched, she put her arms around me, drawing me closer to her. I put my hand on her breast, which made her whimper, and then she was kissing me harder, her hips gyrating, lifting off the bed, her legs twitching open. Millie broke the kiss, her face flushed, her breathing ragged. Turning her head to June, she said, "Mom? What, I mean," but June took her hand, and said, "Hush, baby, you're doing just fine." Then June took my hand, and placed it at the juncture of Millie's thighs, my palm on her pubic mound, my fingers resting on her vaginal lips, moist with her juices. I took over from there, and slid my middle finger down to Millie's anus, rubbing her there for a moment, which made her suck in her breath and her eyes widen. Then I drew my finger up to her opening, and rubbed her there, gently, insistently, my thumb massaging her clitoral hood. Millie became wet, her juices copious, flooding the room with the aroma of her arousal. She was now wet enough for my finger to enter her. Her entrance allowed my finger to enter to the first knuckle, so I gently pumped it in and out slowly, getting her used to the feel of it. Then when her hips began to move in concert with the movements of my finger, I went deeper, a bit at a time. "Oh, God, that feels so good, Jimmy!" Millie moaned. Her head was back, and turned to the side. Her eyes were closed, and she had a smile on her face. Then opening her eyes, she looked at me, and with a grin, she said, "It feels better than when I do it!" Millie blushed and giggled, and June and I shared a look. We had engaged in mutual masturbation before we'd gotten married, pleasuring ourselves, and each other. I smiled at her, and told her I was glad, but something better was about to happen. The young girl raised her eyebrows, so I dipped my head, and ran my tongue over the hard point of her nipple. Millie lunged off the bed, her back leaving it before she flopped down, gasping in wonder. Then I began to suck gently, slowly, alternating from one breast to the other, my fingers in her special place, rubbing her inner and outer lips and penetrating her until I could feel the tight ring of her hymen. Millie was giving small cries now, her head tossing to and fro. June must have decided she'd had enough of watching, because she dipped her head and sucked on one nipple while I sucked on the other. Millie was the most surprised. She raised her head, looked down to see her mother lavishing attention on her teenaged breast. "Mom?" she said, amazed. Then she surrendered to the feeling of both parents pleasuring her chest, and dropped her head back down with a glorious groan. *** I left June to suck and lick Millie's breast, kissing my way down her body. When I reached her mound, I took my hand from her sex, making her groan with disappointment, but moving between her legs, I dipped my head, and licked her wet and sopping crevice. Millie yelped and bucked in surprise when I did that. "Holy cow, Jimmy!" she gasped. "That was great!" I held her butt in my palms, licking her up and down, all around her sex, sucking and licking her clit, kissing and tracing lines on her thighs with my tongue. Millie was shaking and shuddering in delicious delight, her hips rocking and turning this way and that, her pudenda bouncing under my mouth. June had now dipped her hand between her thighs, rubbing her own sex hard and fast. I heard the squelching noises she made as she masturbated furiously. She had now taken her mouth off Millie's breasts, and was kissing her daughter passionately. My temperature had raised to a level where the sight of mother and daughter kissing made me want to slide up Millie's body and enter her warm wet crevice, and pump away until I shot my seed deep within her. With one arm around her mother's neck, locking her in place, still kissing passionately, her other hand reached down and grabbed me by the hair, and then Millie shook as though a hurricane was tearing her body apart. She screamed into her mother's mouth as a massive climax tore through her. Millie relaxed when the shaking became twitches, loosening her grip on her mother's neck, and my hair. The girl stroked my head, murmuring, "Sorry!' before relaxing completely, totally spent. *** I moved up her body to lie next to her, her juices still covering my lips and chin. June leaned over and kissed me, and then giving a surprised `mmm!' she licked my face clean. June looked down at Millie, narrowed her eyes, then said, "MY turn!" Millie's brows shot up, and as she opened her mouth to speak, she instead groaned and threw her head back as her mother dived between her thighs, and began to lick and kiss her wet musky centre. June gave a few tentative licks and kisses to begin with, and then she began to lick Mille with a vengeance. She gripped her daughter's thighs; her mouth locked onto Millie's slit like a leech. I could see her jaws working, as she opened her mouth as wide as she could, and I knew that her tongue was penetrating Millie's centre as deep as it could go. It wasn't long before the teen was bouncing and gyrating on the bed again, her moans rising in pitch as her mother drove her to orgasm. Then Millie sat up, pushing her mother's head away, her eye wide, her hand between her legs, keening in climax. *** Millie lay gasping on the bed, little shudders rippling through her body. She weakly touched my chest, and said, "Now, Jimmy, please make love to me now." I moved between her legs, and June held my tumescence, sliding the head up and down the wet sopping slit of the languid teen under me. Then positioning me at the opening, I applied pressure, sliding into her body, as slowly, and as gently as I could. Millie gasped, and bucked with an OWW! as I went past her maidenhead. I stopped, feeling only a slight squeeze as I broke through her barrier. Millie gasped for a moment, and then when her breathing got under control, she touched my chest, and told me it was alright. June and I looked down at where our bodies were joined, and as I slid out a little, there was a smear of red on my shaft. Then with each successful lunge into the teenaged girl, I penetrated deeper, until at last we were joined completely. *** June held one of Millie's legs up and away from her body, so she got the idea, and both of her legs were open, bent at the knees, allowing me total and complete access to her body. I began to slide into her, withdrawing almost out and then sliding deep into her again. We built up a rhythm, rocking and thrusting against each other. Millie began to make little disarticulated noises, sounding just like her mother when she was in the throes of orgasm. Then Millie reached up, wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled me onto her as she thumped her hips into mine, her vagina clenching and squeezing me as she rode her climax. That set me off, and my hips thumped hers in return. Then we both froze in place, Millie keening her release, and me groaning out mine, my seed pumping and spurting into her receptive body. Then weakly, I rolled off my daughter, and she snuggled into me, smiling happily, her leg going over mine as she moulded herself against me. She kissed my chest, and sleepily said, "Thank you, Daddy." *** Part Four. *** I awoke during the night with a very insistent erection. I could literally feel the thing throb between my legs as I lay there. The three of us were all lying on our left sides, spooning against each other. I had my arm over June's waist, and Millie had hers over mine. My erection was between June's ass-cheeks, and as I gave a push, I found her sex to be wet and slippery. I rubbed myself against her, and she gave a muffled sleepy moan into her pillow. My rubbing manhood had spread her juices, and so I gave my hips a push, finding an obstruction to my efforts. So I gave a firmer push, and June groaned as I entered her. She was tighter than normal, and then it entered my sleepy brain that instead of her vagina, I had penetrated her anus! That seemed to inflame my desires, and I began to slide back and forth, going deeper with every thrust, until because of the angle we were laying, I couldn't go any deeper. Her anus was hot and tight around my member, and I could feel her muscles clenching my shaft. I reached my plateau quickly and holding June tightly, I rolled her onto her stomach. I rested a moment, during which time June came partly awake. She clenched her butt cheeks, and murmured, "Oh. That's different." I said nothing, but continued to move in her. She began to push back, her arms under her pillow, her head turned to one side. We rocked gently together for a few minutes, then I felt my climax approaching. "June," I whispered, "I'm going to come." "Not there," she whispered back to me. "Inside, I want you to come inside me." She gave a small groan none-the- less as I pulled out of her tight sphincter, and sighed as I slid home into her vagina. We picked up our rhythm again, then my climax returned, and then I was groaning as my seed pulsed out of me into her waiting channel. June moaned contentedly, but sighing in disappointment as I slid out of her. I lay beside her again, and wrapping my arms around her, I drifted off the sleep. *** One of the results of that night was a pregnancy. No, not Millie, it was June who'd conceived! We had to wait a while to really confirm her new status, but when, one morning when we were having coffee in bed that Millie had brought us, June went pale, muttered `uh-oh!,' and raced to the bathroom, where all decorum was thrown aside and she unceremoniously threw up-loudly!-into the toilet bowl. She came back into the room after washing her face, pulled on her kimono, and sitting down on the end of the bed, she gave me a deadpan look, and said, "Good morning, Daddy!" It took me all of three seconds before I got what she said. Then calling to Millie, I jumped out of bed and hugged June tightly. Millie came in to see what the fuss was about, and when told the news, she cried, hugging June as well. Pregnancy was nothing new to my wife, but Millie would sit for ages gazing at June's midriff. June told her that nothing was going to show for another couple of months, but Millie said, "I know, mom, I was wondering what was happening in there!" "Do we really need to go through that again, Millie?" June asked her exasperated. Millie just gave her a blank look, then went back to her knitting, and pretended to ignore her mother. Now that June was expecting, our daughter decided that her new sister was going to have a complete wardrobe. Millie was convinced the baby was a girl, no matter how many times we tried to tell her it could be a boy. It was really far too early to tell yet, only in the beginning stages of the first trimester, but nothing could dissuade Millie from her belief that the child was, is going to be, had to be, a girl! *** Another result of that night was that Millie was now joining in our lovemaking. Our daughter wanted to learn everything she could from us, so she and June came to an understanding, namely that June and I would still have our times alone together, but by arrangement Millie could join in, and have her time with me. It was a wonder that I had the energy to do any work the next day after a night with those two! Still another result was that June was exploring her bisexual side. When Millie and I would be making love, June would kiss and fondle her daughter, who welcomed her stroking hands and warm lips. June confessed to me that during her teenage years, she'd had a crush on another girl in her church who was bisexual as well, and sometimes during sleepovers, they would `play' together, exploring each other's bodies, and indulge in mutual masturbatory sessions under the covers late at night. No-one knew that the two girls explored their sexuality, as the scandal would ruin both theirs and their families lives. The affair, if you could call it that, ended when June went off the rails and left the church. June told me sadly that the other girl, a bright cheerful person, had to leave the church and her parents place after her father caught her one night while she was between the thighs of her latest paramour. Seems the other girl was a screamer, and almost bought the house down when she orgasmed too loudly. Her father hit the roof, and amid recriminations, threw them both out of the house. June had kept in contact sporadically with her, and the girl, now a woman with a child, lived a couple of hundred miles away, but not doing too well where she was. Although she had degrees in sociology and psychology, she was unemployed, and being taken care of by the small church where she fellowshipped. June asked me if she could write her friend, and invite them for a weekend. *** I agreed, so June sent off a letter with the invitation. She received a reply a couple of weeks later, and one Friday, about midday, a woman and a young girl, about eleven years old, was standing on our doorstep with a suitcase, looking uncomfortable. She was stiff and formal when greeted by June and I. Millie was friendly, and took the child under her wing while the adults talked. The woman's name was Alice Thornton, thirty-three, and the child's name was June Juliana, making my June almost cry. I did my best to make Alice and young June, "please, call her JJ, she responds better to that," comfortable and at ease, which sure took a while! We chatted for a while, getting to know each other, and the ladies talked, sitting side-by-side, catching up. I sat back, and studied the woman as she slowly unwound from her trip, and became comfortable around us. I could see the accumulated tension slowly leech from Alice's body as she relaxed. Then one of them said something I missed, and suddenly, Alice was in June's arms, clutching her tightly and crying, great wracking sobs of sadness. I shot an enquiring look at June, but she just shook her head. She'd tell me later. I got up, left them to it, and went back to my office. Sometime later, I felt the need to empty my bladder, and walked into the bathroom. There was a squeak of surprise, and Alice stood there, nude and waiting for the shower to heat up. I smiled, not looking at Alice who stood there, watching me closely with a towel held tightly to her body. I went to the cabinet, extracted a key, and going to the door, I inserted it into the lock, and apologised for barging in on her. I said without turning around, "I'm really sorry, Alice. I honestly didn't know you were in here. I'll be more careful next time, and knock first if I see the door closed. Enjoy your shower!" I went out, closing the door behind me, and heard the key turn in the lock. *** I went to the kitchen, my bladder settled down, and while I was making a sandwich to snack on, Millie and JJ came in, going to the fridge to get a cold drink. JJ was talking to Millie when they'd come in the door, but as soon as she saw me standing there, she went silent. She avoided going anywhere near me, her head down. I greeted the girls, noticing Millie studying the younger girl, a frown on her forehead. I left them there, and went into the church building to relieve some uncomfortable pressure. It was during dinner that first night that an idea came to me. A family was moving away from town, and their house would be empty in a couple of weeks. As Alice had degrees in sociology and psychology, and a `christian', we could use her. There was an opening for a church counsellor, and so far we didn't have anyone qualified enough to fill that vacancy. The more I ran the idea through my mind, the more it made sense, so a bit tentatively I put the idea forward. Alice sat there frozen, a forkful of food almost to her mouth, surprised and shocked. I told her that she and JJ could stay with us in the spare room until the house became available. Alice put her fork down, her face scrunched up, trying not to cry. She looked at June, who nodded enthusiastically, Millie was beaming in agreement, and JJ just sat there, her eyes boring into me, sceptical, trying to guess what my angle was. *** Later that evening, I told Alice that if she agreed, and took the job, she would not only be a fantastic asset, but she would also take a greater part of my workload off my shoulders. "Alice," I said, "we need you here. My time with June and Millie is precious, and if you take this position, we would have a greater amount of time in the evenings to spend together. Our church is a good one; we have a great congregation, and, although some of them have their own exclusive individual problems, you'll get to hear some amazing things, believe me." "Plus," I told her smiling, "you'd get to see and be with June all you wanted to!" I laughed, and said playfully, "You might even get to be sick of the sight of each other!" Alice sat on the couch, June one side of her, JJ the other, and she clutched their hands in hers. She couldn't believe what was happening, she didn't want to. Finally, after all those years of pain, heartache, and struggle, she had a chance to be someone again, a real person, independent and free of worry. Alice was speechless. June raised Alice's hand to her lips, kissed it, and rubbed it. JJ looked at her mom, and for the first time since she'd walked in the door, she spoke out loud in my hearing. "Mom? Does this mean we don't have to live with those other people? We'd have a house of our own?" *** We sat up late that night, June and Millie persuading Alice to agree, JJ chiming in wanting to know all about the new house, and it was good to see the excitement in her eyes for a change. I sat back, only speaking when a question was directed my way, otherwise silent, waiting patiently for the stunned woman to agree. Of course she would. I could see it in her eyes, the way she sat up straighter. Then Alice spoke. "We don't have much, JJ and I, but how will we get it here?" I told her that one of the church members had a truck, and we could gas it up and transport everything here within the day. If we left early, and took a couple of hefty guys and their wives with us, we could get everything packed and shipped back before dark. "We don't need a truck," she murmured, "a van would hold everything we own. Like I said, there isn't much." "What about beds and things?" Millie asked, and Alice dropped her head. "We sleep on a mattress on the floor, and we don't own it," she said. Then she whispered, "We don't have any privacy. I sure miss that." June told her not to worry; they would have everything they needed when they moved into the new house. Alice looked up, and tears were dripping off her jaw as she looked first to me, then to June, lastly to JJ, who had teared up as well. She nodded, and said, "We'll do it!" *** So the next day we picked up a van, gassed it, and we were off. June drove the van with Alice and JJ as passengers, while Millie and I, along with a couple of volunteers, teenagers who were church members and friends of Millie's, rode shotgun in my car. When we got to the house where Alice had stayed in, a place that screamed `dump,' filthy and smelling bad, of greasy fried food, and other more undesirable fragrances that assaulted our nostrils. We were greeted at the door by a fat man, his singlet spotted with old food, who leered at the women as they packed up what little Alice and JJ had. They weren't kidding. Altogether, it didn't even fill up half the van. No-one spoke, as they didn't want to open their mouths to breathe in the rank odours that hung in the air. The air outside was sweet to breathe after being inside the building. Before we left, the fat greasy man stood in front of Alice, and with a sneer, held out his hand and said, "Money!" Alice stood there, and with a frown, she asked "what money?" "Rent!" he gloated. "You owe me rent! I want it now, if you don't pay, I'll call the cops!" "But I've paid your rent, damn you!" she growled at him, her face flaming. "Not in money!" he sniggered. "I want cash, and I want it now! Maybe you can get your new squeeze," he darted a look at me, "to give you some!" Alice set her jaw, and before she could speak, I said, "Sir, my name is Pastor James Willoughby, and I am NOT this woman's `squeeze'! I have some influential friends in law enforcement, and I'm sure they'd be interested to know about your practices here. Let's give them a call, shall we?" I took out my cell phone, and held it up for him to see. The smirk slid off his face and with a snarl, he turned and went back into the building, slamming the door behind him. Alice was sobbing in shame, but we stood there a moment hugging her, a solid ring of love around her, before climbing into our vehicles and drove off, never to return. *** The first thing we did was get JJ enrolled in school. She'd missed out on some learning, her mother unable to afford to put her into any of the schools where they'd been. When Alice voiced concerns over payment, she was told by June and myself not to worry about it. The church welfare fund picked up the tab for that. The women sorted through everything that Alice had brought back with her, and most of it went into the trash. June made a phone call, and Alice went through exactly what June went through when I made a phone call. The poor woman almost had hysterics when clothes and shoes and other assorted items were produced for her and JJ to sort through. JJ spent the rest of the day in a stunned fog. It also didn't take June and Alice long to get `reacquainted' with each other. One afternoon, I was looking for staples, and wandered into the lounge. June was on her knees with her head between Alice's thighs, her hands clenching Alice's butt, her tongue very busy making the other woman feel good by thrashing her clit and slurping on her vagina. Alice's flower print dress was rucked up around her waist, her legs up and held there by her hands under her knees, and her black panties were hanging off one ankle. Her pubic hair was dark and thick, and the aroma of her juices hung in the air like incense. Alice was close to orgasm, and as it hit her, her legs came up higher and opened wider. She opened her eyes and threw her head back panting for air, as the climax crashed through her, and then she saw me standing there watching them. Alice's legs slapped shut, and rolling onto her side, she cried, "Oh my god! Pastor Willoughby! Oh shit! Oh shit! Please, god, not again!" June just knelt there, her hands resting on her thighs, her chin glistening, and a smug smile on her face. Her eyes were dreamy, and she said, "Yes, dear? What have you lost now?" "Staples," I said, and June sighed. "Darling, your desk, second drawer down on the right! It's the one marked, "Office Supplies!" I kissed her deeply, inhaling the smell of female arousal, and tasting Alice on her mouth. "Mmmm!" I murmured, and went back to the office, but before I left, I said, "Hello, Alice!" She lay on her side, shock making her eyes wide and her mouth drop open. As I went out the door, June said, "I told you he wasn't like other ministers we've known!" Alice said in wonder, "Why the hell don't I ever listen to you, Juney? You ain't kidding!" Then she giggled, and said in a naughty voice, "Now, where were we? Your turn, I think!" *** In the first week that Alice and JJ stayed with us, we were sitting in the lounge, Millie knitting as usual, JJ watching her as she sat cross-legged on the floor next to her chair, looking almost hypnotised by the whirring clicking needles. June was reading a book, I was doing something on my laptop, and Alice was in the kitchen doing some baking. As soon as she was told she had the run of the place, she immediately pulled out all the ingredients for cookies, and then she was away in her own world. When Alice had put a tray of cookie balls into the oven, she came to sit on the couch beside June, and as she sipped her coffee, her eyes closed inhaling the aroma, there was a noise outside, something far away. Alice jumped, and some coffee spilled on her dress. She stood up, almost spilling some more, a panicked look on her face. "What's the matter, hon?" June asked her, and then Alice looked around, breathing fast. Then seeing us all looking at her curiously, JJ's eyes looking serious and older than her tender years, she sat back down, and putting her coffee down, she took a deep breath and said, "I keep expecting that monster to walk in the door." June put her hand on her friend's arm, and said softly, "You're safe here, hon. He's not going to bother you again." JJ got up, and walking over to her mom, she sat next to her and put her arm around her, cuddling in, lifting her legs and tucking them under herself in that purely feminine way. Alice put her arm around her daughter, and put her cheek on her head. *** "It's not easy to get used to the fact we have our own room, and people showing us respect and giving us our privacy. After so long of having to put up with that foul man and his disgusting habits, it's good to finally be with real people!" June put her book down, and slipping her arm into Alice's, she said, "Do you want to talk about it? You'll feel better if you get it off your chest. You and JJ are amongst friends, and anything you tell us will be in confidence, I promise you that." Alice looked at us, and both Millie and I nodded our agreement. She took a deep breath and kissing JJ on the head, and nuzzling her hair, she said, "We were homeless and desperate. The church we went to, they were a poor church, and the only place available was that disgusting hole we had to stay at. At first, it was temporary, but because we had nowhere else to stay, and then the welfare checks stopped, we had no money to pay the rent. That son-of-a-bitch who owned the building told me that he had a proposition for me. I could either do him `favours' in exchange for the rent, or he'd kick us out." "I didn't want to, Lord knows, I'd rather starve first, but thinking of JJ, I couldn't see her out on the street. I agreed, I knew I had no choice. It began with oral sex, and he never bathed regularly! It was a foul experience for me. The first time he had sex with me, I wanted to scream in horror as he humped at me and grunted. Afterwards, I felt so dirty! I almost scrubbed myself raw, trying to get his smell off me." Tears began to slowly track down her cheeks, and JJ snuggled into her closer. "He didn't bother sending JJ into another room; he made her watch as he humiliated her mother. One day, he gave me a choice. He wanted me to submit to have anal sex with him. As if I wasn't humiliated enough! If I didn't agree, he would take JJ instead. I screamed and yelled at him. I wanted to rip him apart for suggesting such a thing! No way was I going to let him do that to my child!" *** June took her friend into her arms as Alice broke down, sobbing. JJ was crying silently, her eyes never leaving her mother's face. After some minutes, Alice calmed down, and sniffed, then sat up straighter. "I used to keep the place clean, but then one day, I looked around, and just gave up. No matter how many times I cleaned, the mess would return. I just didn't care anymore; I thought I had nothing to live for. The only escape was in sleep, but at night, that animal would wake me up, and roughly penetrate me, he didn't care which part of my body it was that he shot himself into!" Then the horror of her situation cleared from her eyes, and she said a bit more calmly, "When I got your letter asking us to come and stay for a weekend, I had enough money for a one-way ticket saved up. If it had just been me, it would have been a return I suppose, but having JJ with me, I vowed never to return. I would rather see us both starve and die out there before returning to that hell on earth!" *** "This is the first time in a long time I've felt human again! Oh, god, to be around `normal' people!" Alice smiled, and looked at me, saying, "I must apologise to you, Pastor. When you burst in on me in the bathroom, I fully expected you to be just like that monster. He'd stand at the door as I bathed, he'd wait until I was in the bath with JJ, as with him there, I never let her bathe alone. He'd stroke himself as he watched us. Most times he would shoot his stuff on us, and we'd have to bathe all over again." "He thought that was so damn funny, and walk away laughing. But when you didn't look at my body, put the key in the lock for me, then apologised for your intrusion, I felt your goodness, and I knew we could trust you." "It was like the hand of God reaching out to us, I must confess. Finally, a ray of sunshine, a chance to hope for better things for myself and my child! When you asked me to be your church counsellor, I couldn't believe what I was hearing! And, the promise of a house to live in! The last home I had was my parents place, but my father told me never to return there, he didn't want a child if Satan under his roof!" *** The house we were waiting for was finally empty, the family moving on to, we hoped, bigger and better things. They weren't church-going people, but we prayed for them anyway. As Alice and JJ stood in the middle of the empty living room, she breathed in deeply, and asked JJ if she could smell that? JJ sniffed, and said she could smell pine trees. Alice smiled, and then said gently, "No, my love. Freedom! We're going to be happy here!" I was proud of the turn-out by my community of parishioners. Everybody helped everybody else. Ours was a tight-knit town, and no-one went without if we could help it. The offers of beds through to mats for the front door came pouring in once people got the phone lines burning. Alice was stunned by their generosity, to say the least. In no time flat, there was a fully furnished house waiting for dedication and occupancy. We had a whip round, and a small sack of money was pressed into Alice's hands. She was so emotional she could barely articulate the words of thanks to all those who'd helped her. So she wore her arms out hugging everybody she could. *** There was enough money to fill the cupboards with groceries, and one of the congregation gave them a car to use until they'd got one of their own. We saw Alice every day as she got used to the inner workings of the church, and she did prove to be an asset. She worked hard, spending long hours at first meeting and talking to her `clients', only pacing herself after I told her to slow down! About three weeks after Alice had settled into the new house, and her new job, there was a knock on our door, and Alice and JJ stood there, smiles on their faces. I invited them in, and we spent a few seconds hugging, June and Millie happy to see them outside of church hours. Then sitting down on the couch, she looked at me, and haltingly, she told me that she and JJ had talked, and they wanted to do something special to thank us, but me specifically. We were curious, and so I asked them if they'd decided what it could be? Looking at June as if to seek her approval, Alice stood up, and said, "This!" Then she began to disrobe, not stopping until she was nude. *** Part Five. *** My mouth went dry, and my penis stirred in my pants. She was lovely! Alice was slim, her feminine curves giving her the look of a mature woman who stood there confidently in front of my appreciative gaze. Not a word was spoken, we were in awe of her beauty. Her breasts were proud and full, her waist having classical curves. Her stomach was slightly rounded, and I could see the faint silvery tracks of her stretch-mark's from her pregnancy. Her pudendum was covered in a full bush of dark hair, and my manhood shot to full attention as the faint odour of her arousal wafted toward me. With our attention on Alice, we hadn't noticed JJ undressing behind her mom. Then she stepped forward, to stand beside her mom, nude and slightly nervous. Alice put her arm around JJ's shoulders, and smiling, she said, "We have a present for you, Pastor Jimmy." JJ stood with her shoulders back, her pert little breasts drawing my eyes, which wandered down her body to the juncture of her thighs. Her legs were a little thin, but her pubic mound had a fine sparse covering of hair, and looked fabulous. June and Millie shared a look, then June stood up and began to disrobe. Millie locked the doors, and shut what curtains were open. Then she too disrobed, and finally, it was just me still fully clothed. Millie and June came to me, helped me stand, and then stripped the clothing from me as I drank in the sight of all that beautiful female flesh in front of me. *** Looking at JJ, I asked her if what she was doing her own idea, and was she absolutely sure she wanted to do something so profound? She did look unsure, but she looked me in the eye, and told me that we had been so good to them; she wanted to show her appreciation in the only way she knew how. "I know what sex is", she said. "I had to watch mom, and I know how it's done. I know you'll be okay with me, and not make it hurt." "But you're only eleven," I said. "I'm still a woman!" she shot back at me. "I may be young, but I know what I'm doing! I won't tell anyone, and I want to do this! Mom said she'd do it, but she has no choice here. It's me who will do it, and you have to say yes!" I couldn't argue with her, remembering the old man's words, "You can't argue with a woman's logic!" So opening my arms, she stepped into them, holding me tightly, my erection hard against her young belly. *** Putting a finger under her chin and lifting her face toward mine, I leaned down and kissed this perfect little child-woman. She was a bit hesitant, and then joined her mouth to mine; opening her lips as my tongue lightly caressed her teeth. Millie, June and Alice had gone into a three-way hug, sharing kisses between them, mother and daughter, daughter and friend, mother and friend. Hands caressed breasts, explored hidden crevices. Moans and heavy breathing started, and then together, all three women sank down to the floor, and then June and Alice went into a sixty-nine, with Millie running her hands over their bodies, kissing and licking naked skin and dipping her fingers into wet hungry vaginas. With the three women occupied, I turned my attention to the nervous young girl still holding onto my waist. I began to kneel, bringing her to the floor with me. Then laying her down on the carpet on her back, I leant down to kiss her. She was rigid and unresponsive, her legs clamped together, her body stiff, but as I gave her little butterfly kisses on her mouth, she started to relax. JJ didn't know where to put her hands, so I gently took the one nearest me and placed it on my rampant manhood. Her eyes flew open, and she snatched it away, but when I didn't do anything to force her to touch me again, her hand stole back, and tentatively touched me. Her fingertips were as light as to almost not touch me. Our eyes were locked onto each other, and then she reached further, and then grasped me. She held me for a moment, then relaxed her grip, then gave a gentle squeeze. JJ continued doing that, getting used to the feel of me in her hand. Her eyes closed, and arching her head, opened her mouth, inviting me to kiss like a woman. *** I did so, as gently as I could. Her dainty little hand started to move up and down the length of my shaft, up and down, her fingernails rasping so lightly on the underside of my rigid penis. When I started to leak precum, she drew her hand back, and looked at the smear of clear liquid on her wrist. "It helps during lovemaking," I told her with a smile. "Your body will make its own lubrication, and so does mine, but in a different way." She nodded, and held her wrist to her nose, and sniffed. "Doesn't smell!" she said. I smiled, trying not to laugh. I took her hand, and licked the smear of precum off her wrist, and told her, "Doesn't have much taste, either!" She gave me a "Oh, gross!" look, but smiled, then giggled. She deliberately smeared her wrist again, and then with a show of bravado, she licked that off, and agreed. She put her hand back where it had been, and her stroking became more purposeful. I had to tell her how to do it, and being a quick study, she became relaxed and gentle. I put my hand on her stomach, making her stiffen up, but when I slid my hand up to cup a small breast, she gasped quietly. I began to rub her little mound, teasing her nipple until it was a tiny hard little pebble between my finger and thumb. *** The sounds of the two women approaching their orgasms intruded, and turning our heads, JJ and I watched as first Alice, and then June climaxed into each other's mouths. June was on her back, with Alice atop her. Both women were crying out and whimpering, their hands rubbing the other's vaginal lips and clits hard. Then with a lunge of her hips, June gritted her teeth, and came hard. Alice threw back her head, and followed suit a moment later. The women lay on the floor head to feet, gasping and moaning softly. Millie now sat on the couch, masturbating slowly as she watched us all, her fingers rubbing her clit, and dipping into her sopping channel. June sat up groaning, and seeing Millie's fingers busy between her legs, she grinned, and said, "Oh, my poor darling! Let Momma do that for you!" Then she moved her head into Millie's vagina, and as the girl gasped, June began to lick and suck her clit. June put her hand next to Millie's vagina, and inserting first one, then two, fingers into her teenage pussy, she began to saw her hand back and forth, making the young woman throw her head back and cry out in pleasure. Alice moved beside my daughter on the couch, and held her breast, licking and sucking on her nipple. *** Turning my attention back to the preteen on the floor beside me, I dipped my head and took her little pink nipple into my mouth, sucking gently, swiping the nubbin with my tongue. JJ jumped, and gasped, feeling a shock slam from her nipple to her vagina. Her free hand, held her pudenda, and as I sucked, my hand moving to her other breast to rub and massage it, her hand between her legs began to move, her fingers sliding down to rub her lips. Then she opened her legs enough to dip her fingers down to rub her thin clitoral sheath. Her breath was gasping in my ear, and light soft moans came from her mouth as her own fingers did their magic. Millie was moaning now as her mother and Alice took turns licking and sucking her wet sex. When one would bring her the brink of climax, she'd back off, and when Millie got her breath, the other woman would begin again, until Millie was shaking and shuddering, pleading to come. June laughed, and attacking her daughter's clit with her mouth and tongue, Alice put two fingers into her sex, and slid one finger into her anus. Millie bucked when that happened, and with a very loud wail, she bucked and jerked, her body thrashing as she tipped over the edge into a deep and very intense orgasm. Millie pushed her mother's head away from her, and lay panting and shuddering on her side on the couch, her eyes closed and her hands between her legs. "Oh my god, mom! That was the best ever!" she managed to say. June laughed, stroked Millie like a cat, and looking at me, she winked. *** Alice knee-walked over to her daughter lying beside me, and tenderly she said, "Hey." JJ looked at her mom, and said quietly, "I think I want to try now." "Sure, honey," Alice said, and getting me to lie on my back, she helped JJ to squat over my groin. Holding my erection up, she moved JJ's hips until she was over the straining head. "Sit down now, hon," Alice said. "Put you weight on the tip, and hold it there, okay?" JJ was a bit wobbly, but she managed to do what her mother asked. She gasped when the tip pushed against her lips, and raising her body up a little, Alice took some saliva from her mouth, and smeared it on and around my penis head. Then she rubbed her daughters little vagina, making JJ shudder in pleasure. "Okay, sit back down, now baby." JJ put her weight back on me, and I slipped a little further into her very warm sexual centre. "Now, baby, when you're ready, sit down a little more, a little at a time, don't rush it." JJ tried to do what she asked, but she slipped, and with a cry, she was halfway down my hard shaft before Alice could grab her. JJ was crying, tears in her eyes. "Shit, that hurt!" she yelled. *** I had felt the ring of her hymen snap around my penis, and I couldn't help myself, I jumped with the feel of it, and gritting my teeth, I held off ejaculating, my hands clenching with the effort. The preteen was gasping, her vagina clenching around me. She was wobbling, so she put her weight onto her knees, leaning forward over my body, her head hanging down as she let her body get used to having me inside her. "Oh, mom, he's so big!" she gasped. "Darling, are you okay?" Alice asked concerned. "Do you want to get off, and try again later?" JJ gave her mother a look, and said, "No, I'm okay, mom. I was just a little surprised, is all. I'm fine now." "Well, if you're sure," she said, not convinced. "I am, mom, really. He feels really big, but I'm a bit more relaxed now." JJ looked at her concerned mother, and smiling, she said, "Really, mom. I okay. I'm used to having that thing in me now!" *** I gave a lift of my hips, making JJ gasp and raised up with me. Then she gave a small push downward, and slid further down. We moved slowly like that until I bottomed out, feeling her cervix against my urethra. JJ was breathing heavily, a look of wonder in her eyes. "Oh, boy," she breathed. "That feels, like, like, oh, wow!" June and Millie came over, then all three women were touching JJ, stroking her body, her hair, her face. Millie leant down, and gave me her first ever deep kiss, a French kiss that rewarded me for being so gentle with the young girl. Then Millie put her leg over my head, facing toward JJ. I was looking up at her wet sex, her lips and anus so very desirable. Millie lowered her hips until she felt my mouth, and then I was licking her, running my tongue over and around her furry lips and the hard little nubbin of her clitoris. JJ began to move on me, raising herself up, and then sliding down. Alice and June was telling her what to do, giving her advice and then she was sliding more easily on me as her lubrication kicked in, providing her and me with increased movement. Before long, JJ was making moaning sounds, her hands clenching on my stomach, her little body slamming down on my tumescence. I was bucking up sporadically, my hands holding Millie's butt as she rode my face. Then in a cacophony of tumultuous noise, we all climaxed, me first, then Millie, and a few seconds later, JJ. *** As my penis pulsed weakly inside JJ's still snug vagina, Millie got off my face to sit on her hip beside me. JJ was shaking with the effort of trying to remain upright, so I held out my hands to her. She lay on me, a dreamy look on her face. My penis slid out of her body with a slurping sound. Alice dipped her head, and began to clean me off, alternating between myself and the sighing girl on me. Every time she tongued JJ, the girl would make a squeak, smiling contentedly. *** Part Six *** I'd gone out to the old stump to pray. I was thinking about making love to JJ, making her a woman so young, wondering if I'd done the right thing. One part of me was happy that I had done so, and another part of me had its doubts. Should I have done so? Should I have given in so easily? What would be the future consequences of my actions be? I didn't know. Alice and JJ were so close now. If anything, their lives were full of freedom and joy, so from that standpoint, that night was a success, as their past hurts and humiliations were washed away in the joyous rapture of shared love and sexual cleansing. I got on my knees, my elbows on the stump, my hands clasped in front of me, and closed my eyes. I waited. *** As usual, I didn't hear the old man arrive. He put his gnarled old hand on my shoulder, then raising me to my feet, he said, "Consequences, Jimmy." "That's just what's been bothering me," I said. "You're looking at this from the wrong angle, boy. You should be seeing the consequences of what would have happened if you didn't make love to that girl." "Pardon?" I asked him, confused by his statement. "Just think what would have happened if you'd turned her down? She would have been hurt and humiliated. That hurt would have sat in her heart, festering there for years until she would have gone off the rails one day, and then she'd have lain with some random guy, leading to another, then another, giving herself to you over and over again, but never you in person. The end result would have been the breakup between her mother and herself, and the destruction of their family." "Alice wouldn't meet the man she's destined to marry, and JJ wouldn't marry the man she's destined to meet." "Hatred would have grown in that pure little heart, Jimmy, because you rejected her when she was so vulnerable. Something similar would have happened to her as what happened to June because you rejected her." "I rejected June? But I never even knew she existed then! How could I have rejected her?" The old man looked at me until I grew uncomfortable under his gaze. Finally, he said, "You always knew, did you not, that there was someone out there somewhere for you, your future wife?" "Well, yes, of course, but I thought it was my ex-wife at the time!" "That's the trouble, Jimmy, you didn't think with your heart, you thought with your penis! Too much blood in one head, and not enough in the other! You went off the rails, but in a different way. You almost destroyed yourself in the process." *** "Huh?" "Train wreck, remember? Messy, but necessary. I had to get your attention, so I brought dark things out into the light. I had a purpose for you, but you couldn't hear me over the noise of your own greatness. So I did what I had to do to bring you back down to earth." He smiled. "You're doing better, my boy, wonderful, in fact. Different town, different circumstances, but the same mission. I'm proud of you!" "God, this is so complicated," I sighed. "No it's not!" He chuckled. "I had to re-arrange a few details, shift this person here, that situation there, like chess pieces on a board. Life is just a game, Jimmy. You just have to know the rules, and how to play it to the best of your ability! Once you understand that, it becomes so simple!" He patted me on the shoulder once, then stood, stretching. Turning to me, he said, "Don't worry about what you've done since you've been here. You've brought happiness and love to many people who needed it, and that's never a bad thing. Before I bring you home, you are going to be needed by others, and for that, you'll have the strength to carry on, I promise you that." "Well," he said, rubbing his hands down his jean-encased legs. "Time to go. I've enjoyed my time with you, Jimmy, but there are others who need my counsel. I'll be watching over you and your family, my son." "Will I be able to talk with you again?" I asked, a little panicky. I had come to rely on this fractious and fascinating old man, and I was going to miss him. "Of course you will. Look for me in the silence of your heart, Jimmy. I'm there, I always am. Remember, lad, there's no good or bad, just how we love and live our lives. Do unto others, and love thy neighbour as thyself. Remember that." Then there was a flash of brilliant white light, and He was gone. *** Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it, and any questions, comments or suggestions you have, please send to me at this link;