Author: Thinking Horndog
Title: Maude's
Part: 1 of 4
Universe: The Swarm Cycle
Summary: The uninitiated assumed that Maude's was a cathouse.  Little did they

Keywords: ScFi MF mF mf Mf Ff oral 1st humil inc


Copyright © 2008 The Thinking Horndog

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, this work is copyrighted with all rights
reserved by its author unless explicitly indicated. Reproduction for profit is
forbidden.  Any distribution must include this note and the author's email
address. Don’t be caught attempting to make a buck off me!

Warnings and disclaimers:

This is adult entertainment!  Be warned!  If you’re not into graphic
depictions of sex, this is the wrong story for you!  If you’re too young to be
legally reading this, move along!

This is a work of fiction.  It is not intended to reflect any particular
person or persons, and the incidents portrayed exist in their current form
solely in the writer’s imagination.  You get the idea.


Chapter 1

      "Seven point eight!" Chuck Oberndorfer yipped as he skipped toward his
father's car, "Yippee!"

	"Well, get in and stifle it at bit!" his father retorted, grinning.
"You don't want to get shot at, and we have a limited amount of time for your
family birthday celebration -- we're going to Maude's tonight!"

	"Maude's!  Mom will SHIT!"  Chuck erupted -- then covered his mouth.

	Gary Oberndorfer chuckled.  "Earlier this week maybe, but not now --
she knows."  He pulled away from the curb and turned the car for home and the
family portion of his son's coming of age celebration.


	Chuck's birthday was Thursday; Sherry Oberndorfer got HER surprise on
the previous Monday.  After a quiet dinner (without the children) Gary had
driven Sherry to a huge old Victorian home on the edge of town.  "Why are we
here?" she asked.

	"I thought we should do something educational as well as
entertaining," Gary replied.   "Just hold your questions -- they're better
answered by the staff."  After parking, he led Sherry to the house, where they
were greeted by a fortyish woman and led to a table in a large ballroom -- one
of several arranged in a semicircle around a large podium.  After some drinks
were served, the lights dimmed and a forty-something looking woman ascended
the raised dais.

	"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to Maude's.  I'm your
hostess, Maude Carlson."

	Sherry gasped and turned to Gary, "What...?"

	"Wait," Gary shushed her.

	"I see some looks of surprise as I look around the room," Maude
declaimed.  "No doubt that's for good reason.  God knows what those of you who
are surprised must think you're in for -- so I'll dispel your fears at the
outset.  This is an educational seminar -- a presentation, if you will.  There
will be none of the hijinks some of you appear to expect to occur in this
place.  In fact tonight's presentation is specifically designed to provide you
with a clear understanding of what REALLY DOES go on here, rather than the
rumors and disinformation that are epidemic surrounding it."

	Maude looked around and smiled gently.  "There has been a LOT of
confusion - wild charges, disinformation, and public uproar - since I opened
this establishment a few months back.  I supposed that the most prevalent
rumor is that this establishment is a house of prostitution.  While I can
understand how this misunderstanding may have occurred, let me be clear - this
is an educational institution!"

	This statement caused a bit of an uproar; Maude put her hands out to
quiet the crowd.  "Please, please!  Allow me to continue and I will prove my
case!"  She waved her hand and a projection appeared behind her - charts and
statistical data.  "American youth is significantly unprepared for the
responsibilities pressed upon them by the current emergency - by which I refer
to the impending invasion of the Swarm.  The Confederacy has decreed that for
their purposes, children reach adulthood at age fourteen.  Their criteria are
simple - not to say simplistic - biologically, the vast majority of humans --
male or female - are prepared to function sexually by age fourteen.  The vast
majority of Western civilization's answer to this decree was 'Well, yes,
but...' - but the Darjee - and the Confederacy in general - turned a deaf ear.
Maximizing the birth rate requires that we begin to procreate at the earliest
feasible date - and fourteen works for some ninety-plus percent of the
population.  Since we really don't want our children to miss out on the
diaspora, we've put up with this."

	New charts went up - and a globe.  "Not everyone complained," Maude
continued.  "You see, in many countries, the Confederacy's edict isn't a
problem - children are treated as adults as early as thirteen in some
countries in the Far East, for instance, and in Africa.  Australian aborigines
would also be a prime example.  But here in the United States, we feel that
the young are not really ready to accept responsibility for their actions
until eighteen at the earliest - and therefore, because we have failed to
prepare them properly, they aren't."

	This brought a rumble from the floor.  More charts appeared behind
Maude and she flourished a laser pointer.  "Children haven't changed.  Our
race hasn't altered significantly in several thousand years.  Yet we choose to
believe that our children are unable to carry the burdens of adulthood.  We
shield them and protect them - and stunt their growth.  As late as the early
part of the last century, the median age for MARRIAGE was fifteen IN THIS
COUNTRY!  A sixteen year old girl who was not being courted was considered an
old maid incapable of attracting a male and likely to be a burden on her
family for a serious length of time!  Natural selection can be quick - but
only on a geological scale, ladies and gentlemen.  We're no different than our
great-grandfathers from a purely biological standpoint.  Why, therefore, are
our children?"

	Maude looked around, measuring the silence.  "Thanks to the Pilgrims,
America is one of the most sexually repressed countries on Earth.  We're a
testament to the fact that ignorance and superstition and bigotry take root in
every person before enlightenment and education can open the windows of the
soul and banish them.  The British, who bequeathed us this extremist mindset,
did it in the process of ejecting unwanted elements from their civilization,
much as they did later by shipping convicts to Australia - and thereby purged
themselves of the problem.  But we inherited it and carried it from coast to
coast.  We've been doing a miserable job of raising our children, failing to
teach them some of the most fundamental aspects of the human condition -
largely due to the fact that we were never properly exposed to that curriculum
at a young age, either.  No, we were told that our process of procreation was
'dirty' and not to be discussed in public - and although we've many of us
learned otherwise, those prejudices we were inculcated with at a young age
continues to provoke the kind of knee-jerk reaction that causes us to
propagate the cycle of ignorance without thinking about it..  Added to this
was our natural desire to provide our children with what we never had and the
false enlightenment of the last few decades of the past century, and we are
saddled with a generation that has no concept of personal responsibility and
is unable to even visualize the consequences of their actions.  Our children
are not adults at twenty-five, let alone fourteen!"  She glared around the
room, "Tell me that you don't already know this!"  Around the room, people
recoiled at the rebuke.

	Maude continued, "In almost every continent of this world, children
assume roles that include vital responsibility for the family unit before
puberty - but Western civilization - here in the United States in particular -
pretends that they are unable to assume the mantle of adulthood.  This is
largely in the name of protection, because the young make mistakes - but when
did we forget that making mistakes is a learning process?  We've been STEALING
from our children by wrapping them in security blankets and only allowing the
safest of experiences to trickle through the openings.  Well, ladies and
gentlemen, the world has changed - and we can do something about it or we can
hide our heads in the sand and be ground into fertilizer when the aliens

	Maude gathered herself.  "So we're saddled with a situation; our
children - our best and brightest - aren't going to be staying with us any
more for the period that we anticipated that they would.  We need to prepare
them for life faster - or we need to find a way to ensure that they have help
making the right choices.  How do we do that?  Education, ladies and
gentlemen, education.  And what is the first choice we need to help them with?
Their companions, should they be extracted!"  Maude looked around.  "Each of
you has a son or a daughter approaching that critical age.  What happens if
almost immediately after they are tested, they stumble into a pickup?  They'll
be required - on the spur of the moment - to select mates - theoretically for
the rest of their lives!  How many of you are under the impression that
selection is going to go well if it happens to your child tomorrow?"  She
glanced around.  "The Confederacy extracts fourteen year olds - and they
expect them to contribute to the gene pool - but they generally do not deploy
them to the fighting forces until they are eighteen.  Why is that, do you
think?  Because they know they're not ready for combat at fourteen, even
though they CAN procreate.  Instead, they send them back to school - an
intensive course designed to make them technologically literate in ways no one
else has time to be, while they work their way through the minefield of family
and personal responsibility."

	The slideshow changed again, to show a stylized outline of a boy and a
girl.  "Now that we've discussed nurture, let's look at the underlying nature.
Young men and young women have different goals at the outset.  While a
fourteen year old girl has some interest in sex, she has longer term goals in
mind as a rule; basically, she's looking for love and a mate.  This is basic
biology; she needs to secure a partner and support for her offspring, which is
a long-term project.  Young males, on the other hand, aren't looking for
ANYTHING long-term, and their interest in sex occupies a considerable portion
of their attention.  In fact, a fourteen year old boy is a semen delivery
system, and he spends hours each and every day trying to figure out how to be
more successful at it.  Since adults have chopped off most of his
opportunities, he lives in a constant state of agitation.  This is exacerbated
by the things we allow young women to do and to wear.  A fourteen year old
girl is a newly-minted weapons platform in the war between the sexes -
everything is bright and sleek and polished and has that new-car smell, if you
will; they're not showing the wear and tear of older models who sat low in the
water for nine months working on construction, then spent another several
months providing fuel for others before the demand went away, leaving them
with empty tanks.  No, they're tight and sleek and nothing on them has had its
elasticity tested.  All of the equipment works, but no one has ever used it -
and it is put on display as much as possible, in the hopes of attracting the
interest of that elusive male..."  Maude smiled.  "The problem is a fourteen
year old girl has everything she needs but very little idea how to use it.
Their focus isn't on sex, but on romance - even though they're sending floods
of sexual attractors.  And make no mistake - if a male wanders in to her area
of influence, it was NOT romance that attracted him - it was the lure of sex -
and opportunity to discharge a load of those pent-up little wigglers that are
driving him crazy trying to get out!  Is this a match made in Heaven?  Errr,
not exactly..."

	Maude smiled.  "Historically - and again, we're talking about
timeframes into the middle of the last century - the effort of everyday living
put certain pressures on the home - its size, in particular.  And that meant
that children got a certain amount of sex education from watching their
parents go at it."  There was a collective gasp.  "Now, think about it - how
much privacy do you think your pioneer ancestors had in their one-room cabins
while they were pumping out the large quantities of children required to
ensure the survival of an adequate number of bodies to get the chores done?
This is STILL the case in some countries on this planet of ours, but
generations of wealth have skewed our viewpoint, so we don't think about it -
it isn't a situation in our experience.  When we think about this kind of
thing, inbred hillbillies come to mind - and we neglect to remember that the
conditions such people live under echo what our own great-grandparents dealt
with.  Even the inbreeding is a consequence of living in a confined space next
to great temptation..."

	Maude looked around at the host of scandalized expressions confronting
her and grinned.  "But I digress.  What IS a match made in Heaven?  If you
deliver a fourteen year old boy and a couple of fourteen year old girls to a
pickup, what is the likely result?  Is that a recipe for perfection -- or a
recipe for disaster?  Given the lack of limitations imposed upon a male
volunteer and the experience level of the trio, what are the chances that BOTH
of those young girls won't irritate their sponsor and get shoved out an
airlock because they have the wrong focus and none of the three of them knows
what they're doing?  They're good, I'm afraid.  And that's EXACTLY why,
despite the pressures of an uninformed public, the Confederacy INSISTS that
this institution should continue to exist - because the human race is losing
prime breeding stock to ignorance!"

	The slides changed again.  "This is the comparison of the male and
female reproductive cycle - it's been around for decades and comes from
sources we've all heard about - I didn't have to compile it from anywhere
specious," Maude declared.  "As you can see, the male's capabilities ramp up
rapidly from puberty until about age twenty, after which they slowly taper
off.  The female, on the other hand, while capable from puberty, exhibits a
different pattern of interest.  We've all heard of women in their late
twenties and early thirties whose biological clocks are ticking - this is why.
Young girls spend more time interested in love than sex - and their response
curve tends to cross that of the male over a decade after the male's peak.
What does that suggest?  Oddly, it suggests that, sexually, the optimum
partner for a young male is a woman a decade his senior and the optimum
partner for a young girl is a male as much as twice that!"

	This comment produced another uproar; Maude put up her hands.  "The
thing about the truth is that even when they recognize it, people tend to deny
it if it brings them discomfort.  Obviously, this data has implications - one
of which is that marriage tends to be unstable over time.  Why?  As time goes
on, the male and the female have different needs.  Early, a female seeks
protection and comfort and safety - and in many cases looks for sexual
partners who know what they are doing.  Later, when they are more confident in
themselves, nature ramps up the pleasurable component in order to ensure that
they make the leap and procreate if they haven't earlier in the cycle.  This
urgency is felt more and more as menopause approaches, and then tapers off
some after - but older women still enjoy sex within their capabilities. Still,
there are long periods in a woman's life when sex isn't a top priority - and
actual motherhood can readily displace it."

	"Males," Maude continued, "are different, as has been previously
described.  Young males feel the urge to procreate keenly - basically all day
every day.  A willing female in their presence WILL be serviced - period.  As
the male matures, he begins to understand the needs of the female and assumes
responsibility for her and certain of his offspring - but early in the
process, getting his itch scratched regularly is top priority.  Age brings a
certain perspective on the implications and consequences of sexual activity -
by the time he's twenty, most males understand that a female wants a long-term
commitment, even if they're not prepared to deliver one.  But earlier on,
males are less selective - for instance, is there any male present this
evening who can honestly say that as a teen he didn't fantasize about enjoying
his mother sexually - or perhaps a sister, or both?"  A couple of men raised
their hands, but under Maude's challenging stare, lowered them.  Sherry eyed
Gary in surprise, as he never even showed an inclination to raise his hand.

	"Girls aren't immune.  Daddy provides the average teen girl comfort
and protection and in some cases sexual stimulation.  And climbing onto
daddy's lap can lead Daddy's Girl into unfamiliar territory - especially if
her curiosity and receptivity push his limits either over time or at an
unguarded moment," Maude continued inexorably.  "The female's allure continues
to be effective in a limited way on the male throughout his life, and while an
older male may regularly maintain control of his urges, if he is approached
correctly in a weak moment - particularly by a girl who is persistent or who
deploys her weapons properly - he may slip.  As I've previously indicated, a
young woman is at her peak of desirability, and the male - by design - has no
defense.  Add the fact that he already loves her and that she is inside his
normal defenses for this reason, and you have the possibility of an explosive
situation.  Much is perception; if the father perceives his daughter as 'my
little girl' she is generally safe - but if she begins to do things that cause
him to evaluate her as an adult female, that layer of protection dissipates.
Research indicates that the male has to be well into his forties or early
fifties before a nubile teen female is considered 'too young' to have sex

	"Mothers control the relationship between themselves and their sons by
being generally immune; the son will have other female interests outside the
home before the mother recognizes him as an adult male.  Should they lose that
indifference, however, a cycle will be established - once the mother
recognizes her son as a male and therefore potent, she will react to him as
such, instinctively - which will lead him to temptation.  If the cycle
continues - and it is likely to if the mother is in her sexual prime and not
receiving outside attention - eventually, the man/boy will attempt to seduce
her - or perhaps vice-versa.  Again, the established relationship removes
layers of defense, because they love one another.  Ladies, be advised that in
the process of educating you this evening, I may be stripping away your
indifference to your son's sexuality - you need to be careful and ensure that
your desires are met elsewhere, so that you remain sexually satisfied in his
presence and don't start a pattern of flirting or other sexual innuendo..."

	"She can't be serious!" Sherry whispered.  Gary just eyed her - he
knew better.

	"Setting incest aside for the moment, we can see that the young male
and young female tend to benefit from an older sexual partner; each will get
his or her needs from the other," Maude continued her lecture.  "In both
cases, the younger partner gets the benefit of the older partner's sexual
experience; the young male benefits from the increased libido of an older
woman and the young female benefits from the protection and support of the
older male.  This works well into the early to mid twenties - at which point
both male and female are prepared to deal with someone their own age.
Actually, this phase occurs this late in young people who have not been
exposed to a stable relationship with an older lover - it occurs earlier when
they have as they tend to mature earlier.  At this point, the 'family cycle'
begins; the female is ready to reproduce and the male is prepared to support
it.  This phase will go on for a decade and a half to two decades - at the end
of which, the female's libido reaches a point where it is not within the
male's limited resources to fulfill her needs.  The third cycle begins at this
point - optimally, each of them will take on a young lover.  This is the
complement to the early cycle, obviously, and it lasts no longer than the
first cycle - and before you deny its existence, let me remind you that we
have a name for it - the mid-life crisis.  While the male is the most visible
as he answers the siren call of a younger woman, the female quietly benefits
by putting herself back on the market and attracting new males without a
requirement to be loyal to a single one.  Clearly, this three-phase
relationship cycle isn't the monogamous marriage model - but it conforms
readily to patterns of stability and instability in that model."

	The slide show changed to depict groupings of males and females with
various lines from one to another.  "The Confederacy model, however, is NOT
monogamous - it is polygamous.  This is undoubtedly how humans operated in
prehistory - or even in biblical times.  A family group contained more than
one male and perhaps several more females than males - and resources were
shared, human and otherwise.  Arduous tasks were distributed across the family
group, including child-rearing.  Packs or tribes encountered others and merged
and split maintaining genetic diversity.  The Confederacy model supports all
relationship cycles simultaneously, if the family unit is properly constructed
- vigor and maturity and potency and youth can be blended in such a way as to
ensure that all of the tasks that need doing are accomplished.  But the family
unit has to be constructed properly or it all falls apart - and that's where
we come in."

	"Now, before you ask 'Who is this woman to blather all of this
nonsense?' let me tell you that I've been there.  I'm told that my appearance
is that of a woman of approximately forty - but the fact is that my appearance
is the result of the infusion a year ago of the universal health-maintenance
nanobots - my real age is sixty-seven.  I've seen it all - including failed
marriages, 'improper' urges, menopause - everything!  And I thought it was all
over until I awoke one morning to find that my arthritis was in reversal - and
so was my libido!  I'd been doing research on Confederacy selection procedures
and their results when the whole thing came home to roost - and when I took
the case to the Confederacy along with my proposed solution, the AIs agreed
with my analysis completely - and Maude's was born."

	"What do we do?" Maude asked rhetorically.  "The majority of selectees
are male.  The staff here are all older women - most beyond menopause and
unable to emigrate, but possessed of healthy libidos.  We provide young men
with a sexual outlet and instruction - and a valuable appreciation for older
women.  Yes, there is a small fee, to keep the place afloat - and that
doubtless contributes to the misconception that this is a house of ill-repute
- but the intent is to provide this service as close to free of charge as
possible - which is NOT the model of prostitution!  Sometime soon, I hope to
hear that my petition for a grant from the Confederacy has been approved and
the costs will go away entirely."

	"Oddly, our effort somewhat mirrors certain traditions wherein some
fathers would bring their sons to a professional escort for his release from
virginity - but given the commercial nature of that effort probably sullied
the effects in many cases.  My therapists teach sex as a pleasurable exercise
for both parties, not something that a woman endures for money - and they do
it because they enjoy it.  We bring our young charges through the storms of
premature ejaculation and over-stimulation and excitement through to
confidence and adeptness at a number of lovemaking techniques designed to
bring harmony to his Confederacy family unit."  Maude glanced around.  "Now
that I've let the cat out of the bag, so to speak, it is only right that I
present the staff.  They will be assisting with the question and answer phase
of this evening's seminar; I will also be available to answer individual
questions.  Thank you for your attention, ladies and gentlemen."  A dozen
handsome older women entered the room from the wings as Maude stepped down
from her perch.

	"I can't believe this!" Sherry erupted.

	"What's so odd about it?" Gary retorted.  "Didn't it make sense?  I
find it compelling!"

	"You would!" Sherry retorted.  "You're male!"

	A gentle voice offered from behind Sherry, "Didn't you just prove our
point, Dear?"

	Sherry spun.  There was a pleasant-looking woman with silver flecked
red hair standing behind her.  "Sorry!  I didn't mean to startle you.  My name
is Emily."

	"I... this whole thing is hard to swallow!" Sherry erupted.

	"What part of it, exactly?  Believe me, we have the data to prove our
thesis - and the Confederacy is thrilled to death with the results!" Emily

	"The... incest thing," Sherry lit on a subject at random.

	"Boys or girls?" Emily queried.


	"Dear, how long has it been since you've had a good, long look at your
son's penis?" Emily asked gently.  "Five years?  Seven?"

	Sherry frowned.  "Uh, it can't be THAT long!"

	"When did you stop bathing him?  Or supervising it?" Emily prompted.

	"Umm, okay - but still..."

	"How tall is he?"

	"Well, about..."  Sherry realized that Chuck was her height.  "It
still can't..."

	"When do you think it happens, Dear?" Emily asked gently.  "Are you
aware that he masturbates?"

	"I'm sure he..."  Sherry stopped.  There was the matter of that towel
that kept showing up in his room...  "Is," she finished belatedly.

	"It took a sledgehammer, but I believe my point is made," Emily said
quietly.  "The problem with using a sledgehammer is that it breaks things..."
She shifted her glance to Gary, eyeing him apologetically.

	"What is THAT supposed to mean?" Sherry snarled.

	"In forcing you to examine your preconceptions, I may have damaged
your relationship with your son," Emily said quietly.  "On the other hand, not
to seem TOO indelicate, there is a point I should perhaps make.  The
Confederacy's genetic science being what it is, incest is, um, not a
consideration in concubine selection."  She eyed Gary.  "Your pardon, Sir."

	Sherry turned to Gary, confusion writ large on her face, and then
gasped, "OH!"  She whirled on Emily.  "Are you suggesting that I sleep with my
son to secure a place with him if he is extracted?"

	"I'm suggesting nothing," Emily replied, "I am merely pointing out a
potential consequence of our conversation.  You would have arrived at this
among other conclusions given sufficient thought - I am merely validating the
assumption.  However, you would probably have to be co-located with your son
at pickup - or pregnant and not to term..."

	"This is..." Sherry looked prepared to explode.

	"Preposterous?" Emily finished for her, smiling gently.  "Not so much
as you might think.  As Maude indicated, these things happen.  They have
ALWAYS happened.  We as a culture have been able to push them in a little box
and tell everyone that it isn't so - largely because even our middle class
lives like the rich in most countries and has been able to afford to isolate
family members for more than one generation, so we, personally, have never had
the experience -- but that really doesn't change things.  When families live
on top of one another, they see things and do things that are... not
sanctioned by religion."

	"Incest is..." Sherry sputtered.

	"...A scientifically validated problem?  Yes, it is, taken to the
extreme - but in a single pass?  We do it all the time in agriculture and
animal husbandry," Emily pointed out.  "Besides, if birth control is employed
and there is no issue, is it incest?"  Sherry opened her mouth to reply hotly
but closed it, frowning.  Emily turned to Gary, "Sir, I apologize for where
this is going, but she continues to lead me and it is my job to educate her
and shine the light on her prejudices..."

	Gary pursed his lips.  "It shouldn't destroy our family if I'm
prepared for it."

	Emily nodded.  "Then, to reiterate, the Confederacy is disinterested
in enforcing any legal or moral standard regarding incest."

	Sherry sat looking embarrassed and uncomfortable.  "I don't see me..."

	Emily nodded.  "Perhaps you won't.  Perhaps you shouldn't - but you
will undoubtedly think about it now.   If your opinion on the matter continues
to be the one you have demonstrated to me, you are at least warned and
informed."  She paused for a moment.  "You have the option of conducting your
son's sexual education yourself, actually, if you consider that it would not
damage him emotionally..."

	Sherry's eyes popped.  "How could you say such a thing?!"

	Emily pursed her lips and spread her hands.  "Perhaps in order to make
the alternative seem less unappetizing?"

	Gary chuckled.  "So, Emily, do you...?"

	"I take a student twice a week, on average.  The young are...
athletic.  I usually need a day to recuperate.  Women can, on occasion, deal
with multiple men - but men will come back more often than a single woman is
prepared to handle, in general, over time.  This is another strength of the
Confederacy system - the male is sated, even though his performance is
enhanced.  It allows his attention to be focused elsewhere.  The women share
the load - or loads..."  Emily covered her mouth, pretending to hide the smile
the indelicate comment generated.

	"And you are how old?" Sherry asked archly.

	Her look accused Sherry of rudeness, but she answered.  "I am fifty-

	"So, you teach...?" Sherry asked, her tone subdued.

	"Control," Emily supplied.  "Effective treatment of erogenous zones.
Cunnilingus and fellatio.  Various positions.  Female anatomy.  In the process
we try to instill an appreciation for having an older mentor."

	"This isn't done in one night, then," Sherry mused.

	"Oh, no.  We generally look to do at least five or six sessions,"
Emily replied.  "Having given the student a taste for the pleasures involved,
we periodically have to, umm, take responsibility for bleeding off the excess
during additional visits."

	"What about young girls?" Sherry asked.

	"We have a similar facility for girls," Emily replied, "but it is
smaller, as males must be old enough to be a father figure but young enough to
sustain performance.  They also need to inspire trust in the student."

	"Um," Sherry mused.  "I wasn't clear.  Do you ever mix boys with girls
their own age?"

	Emily nodded.  "We do, but it is limited.  It would be nice to be able
to control such things, but it isn't generally considered necessary.  A
graduate tends to display a certain... confidence... which will bring him
girls his own age - and his education will allow him to provide an acceptable
experience to the young lady involved - better than merely acceptable, in

	"So, a few sessions with you and 'poof!' they're Don Juan, or Romeo,"
Sherry sneered.

	"I did not say that," Emily replied archly, "but they are CERTAINLY a
vast improvement over uninformed rutting in a back seat..."  Her eyes became
hooded.  "Perhaps you would be interested in testing the product?  You could
determine for yourself whether a particular student has graduated..."

	Sherry gasped.  "You do that?"

	"It is an option," Emily replied blandly.  "Some parents of
prospective students find it... instructive."

	"I... don't think..." Sherry backpedalled.

	"You HAVE accused us of fostering ineptitude..."

	"I beg your pardon," Sherry apologized.


	After that it seemed that Sherry had stepped in it so many times that
she was intimidated, so they left soon after.  In the car, she asked
diffidently, "Do you really think Chuck needs this?"

	Gary flicked a glance at her, "You'd rather send him out unprepared?"

	"Well, the school has stepped up Sex Ed..."

	"Did talking about sex prepare YOU for doing it?" Gary pressed.

	Sherry grimaced.  "Well, no, but... He's sensible.  I know he's seen
the tips the Confederacy has put out on this..."

	Gary rolled his eyes.  "Imagine that you're a fourteen year old virgin
at a pickup.  Nubile young girls are waving their tits at you from all
directions - but you're gonna do what some guy says and pick up some old woman
twice your age so she can run your life...  Yeah, I see THAT happening!"

	"Okay, okay!" Sherry threw up her hands.

	"There is no way he's going to do that unless he is shown the benefits
- none!  Besides, why on Earth do you want him to go out totally ignorant?"
Gary ranted.

	"I don't know..." Sherry looked defensive. "That whole incest thing
was... disturbing."

	"It was meant to be," Gary replied.  "It was meant to open your eyes."

	"The idea that I would seduce my son in order to..."  Sherry

	"I don't suppose that it has occurred to you that if he passes and
we're with him at a pickup, we could BOTH go - the only downside being that I
would have to share you with him!" Gary replied.

	"You wouldn't DO that, would you?" Sherry gasped.

	"Well, no," Gary replied, "especially if he was in the sixes or low
sevens somewhere.  Limiting him to you would be unfair to him.  Above that,
when he could pick two more women AND have you along?  Well, maybe."

	"It isn't right," Sherry retorted - but she was subdued about it.

	"I think it depends upon the circumstances," Gary replied.  "Let's
say, for the sake of argument, that you're a single mother with three kids -
one of whom just hit fourteen and passed his CAP test.  Is it selfish to try
to get him to take you so your other kids - his brothers and sisters - could
go?  He would get another woman, too, after all..."

	"I don't know."  Sherry rubbed her face, seriously conflicted.  Gary
sighed; if Sherry had a fault, it was the fact that she was EXTREMELY
hidebound.  That was probably a big chunk of her five point six CAP score.
Fortunately, she was also a wee bit submissive - which also didn't help her
for CAP, but it made her malleable.  If Gary had only topped six point three,
it wouldn't have been an issue...