Author: Thinking Horndog
Title: Second Best
Part: 023
Universe: Second Best
Summary: A full-length novel that follows several young couples and their
families through the period immediately preceding their Senior Prom.
Keywords: nosex

Keywords for full story:  F-solo, Ff-inc, M+F Ffm MF mf oral anal bd D/s Mg-
inc Fm-inc mm mmf rom MF-reluc

Chapter 23
Daddy's Home!

	Marcus Brown had had a long day.  Work had been the usual grind, but
when he announced that his daughter was finally dating seriously, his
habitual militancy came back to haunt him.  When it came out that Dolores
had settled on a WHITE boy, EVERYBODY ragged him!  When the high school
administration office had called him at around 3:00 p.m. to inform him that
Dolores had been peripherally involved in an altercation where a black boy
had attacked a white one - and had been flattened for his efforts - that was
pretty much the icing on the cake.  A call to Nate's mother produced a
somewhat colored account of the incident, but independent calls to the
witnesses' parents (and discussions with the witnesses themselves) surfaced
Tim's cool and minimalist handling of the situation.  The fact that
witnesses - BLACK witnesses- were characterizing Tim as a cool customer who
had handled a vicious attack in a smooth and controlled manner provided
Marcus with needed ammunition for the defense of his unusual position.  His
cohorts laid off, and he actually got to mend a couple of fences with
coworkers who he had put off with his militancy.  So it was with a mixed bag
of emotions that he discovered Tim's car at the curb when he arrived home.

	"I see you're back," he announced, discovering Tim and Padma in the
living room.  "Gotta call from school today - seems Mr. Vincent here wiped
up the school yard with Tabitha Adams' boy..."  Ostensibly this comment was
directed at Padma - but Marcus was watching Tim.

	"I wouldn't call it that - I just encouraged him to drop a knife and
helped him to get to a wall he was in a hurry to see..." replied Tim,
mildly.  "Nate seemed to feel that Dolores had limited options - I reminded
him that she is her own woman.  He had some strange views on who should date
who, and I reminded him that I don't pass on who HE dates.  Then he started
fumbling with a toad sticker, and I figured I' better take it away from him
before he hurt himself.  Then he got all excited and took a run at a wall,
so I removed myself from between him and it so he could get a clear shot..."
He shrugged.

	The more Marcus heard of Tim's bland description of the incident,
the wider his grin got.  The shrug brought a hoot of laughter and a clap on
the shoulder from the big black.  "Wanna beer?"  Marcus asked.

      "One, maybe," Tim replied, eyeing Padma. "I've got to stay sharp!"
Marcus wandered toward the kitchen, still chuckling.

	Dolores appeared at the top of the stairs in a robe, but on
detecting her father, absented herself to re-don her capris.  There were
limits to what Poppa would take - and this seemed to go beyond.

	Dolores tripped downstairs just after Marcus' return with the beers,
sitting on the couch beside Tim with her hand in his as before.  Marcus eyed
the situation and the fixed attention that Tim and Padma were giving one
another and assumed a guarded expression.  "Padma givin' you the parental

	Padma snorted.  "That didn't last long.  Waste of time to drop
heaviest bomb and watch it bounce off!"

	Marcus sobered.  That Tim could handle himself in a fight was
comforting - but that he had impressed Padma with his good sense and
sincerity - in no time! - was a clearer measure of the boy.  Marcus was well
aware of his limitations; he let go of his temper regularly, and tended to
take his financial responsibilities less than seriously.  Padma was his
anchor; her sharp wits kept the family moving forward when he would have
tripped on his ego. And Padma was telling him that Tim had blown her away!
"Hmmm.  So we're into negotiations?" he rumbled.

	Again, the response came from Padma. "Negotiations - Hah!  I've
given so much ground I have fallen off the cliff - twice!"  Belying the
content of that statement was the underlying tone of admiration.

	Tim grinned like a shark.  "We were just getting to the requirement
to issue Dolores' dowry in four equal payments over four years - in the form
of 'college tuition'."

	All 3 members of the Brown clan present took this one between the
eyes.  Marcus recovered first.  "In what amounts?"

	"I dunno, whatever you were GOING to pay for Dolores's education,
anyway!  Stipulate that it's not been determined yet."

	Marcus locked eyes with Padma, bemused.  She raised her eyebrows
"See?  Based on what has occurred thus far..."

	Marcus turned to Tim.  "Are you SURE you understand what's going on
here?" he asked.

	Tim shrugged.  "We're defining the conditions under which I will
marry Dolores. (Dolores gasped - every time she heard that phrase...)  I
figure anything I get is a win - since I plan to, anyway..."  Dolores
whirled and put her face in Tim's shoulder - then hers began to shake.

	Marcus shook his head in admiration.  "How long have you known
Dolores?"  he asked.

	"As an acquaintance - several years; dating - only a few days."

	"How d'ya know it's gonna work?  That's an awful short time..."
Marcus was going through the standard parental scenario - and he knew it.

	Tim regarded him, deadpan, "Sometimes, you just know.  I just know."

	"What about race?"

	Tim snorted, "Yeah, this is 'race day'.  Look, this is the most
beautiful woman I ever saw.  WhatintheHELL do I care how she got that way?
Race is not a criterion in ANY of my relationships - friends, acquaintances
- doesn't matter!  I got better things to worry about!  You're different -
it's been used against you!  But I think it would improve the gene pool if
we ignored it!"

	Padma eyed Marcus for a moment to see how he would take this
outburst before interjecting "So would I!"

	Marcus glared for a moment, then looked away. "I've had MY nose
rubbed in it a couple of times today, too," he sighed.  "So, where are we?"

	Padma shrugged, "I'm done.  This last one was Tim's idea.  I'm

	"Do I get a recap?"

	Tim took it up.  "The forms must be obeyed.  I propose formally when
I can - when and where are situation dependent.  Dolores makes the call, and
we carry on long enough to satisfy my parents.  The tuition thing?"

	"Done," said Marcus.  He looked at Padma, "Did you get your other,
uh, question answered?"

	Padma sighed.  "Yes - that's the larger of the cliffs I fell off.
They made sure I was absolutely certain - and absolutely embarrassed."  She
sat examining her right index finger; no one else was clear why.

	"Momma, in two weeks, I'd have flunked that test!" Dolores
interjected.  "We need birth control NOW!"

	Padma was unperturbed.  "You see the doctor tomorrow at 2:00.  I
know the signs when I see them - and you painted a tall one, upstairs!"
Dolores blushed.  Tim smirked a bit.  Marcus looked mildly confused.
"You'll still need to be careful, especially in the present."

	"We will!" Tim said, grimly, "I won't allow children to come between
us and college!"

	"Hold it!" roared Marcus.  "I don't remember agreeing to look the
other way...!"

	Padma cut him off, flat.  "Marcus!  You can be looking the other
way, or you can be looking right at them and roaring, but they are going to
do it! You cannot stop them - all you can do is make it unpleasant!
Remember, this is NOT a casual relationship!"

	Tim looked up from where he'd tucked his head to weather the storm.
"Uh, we haven't sealed this thing yet.  Do you want me to sign something?

	Marcus whirled on him - stopped - whirled on Padma - stopped.  He
mastered himself, turned slowly to Tim, and said, "Your track record is such
that I'll accept a handshake.  Welcome to the family!"  He stuck out his
paw.  Tim stood and shook it solemnly.  Padma kissed Tim on both cheeks.
Dolores turned on the waterworks (again), snuggling into Tim's arms.  Marcus
gazed at the preoccupied couple for a few moments, and turned to Padma.
"So, what's for dinner?"