Author: Thinking Horndog
Title: Second Best
Part: 014
Universe: Second Best
Summary: A full-length novel that follows several young couples and their
families through the period immediately preceding their Senior Prom.
Keywords: rom mf

Keywords for full story:  F-solo, Ff-inc, M+F Ffm MF mf oral anal bd D/s Mg-
inc Fm-inc mm mmf rom MF-reluc

Chapter 14

	Rick rolled over to face the door, staring at the small crowd that
had gathered there, "What the...!"  Denise, Dina, and Bobby were standing in
the door, where they had been since moments after Rick had begun taking Mandi
for the second time.  They had been on the stairs when the sounds alerted
them to the couple's resumption of activity. Dina had clapped a hand over
Bobby's mouth to keep him from ruining the scene, and they had crept to the
door and peered in, catching most of the second act.  Denise had unashamedly
stuck her hand into her panties and masturbated, leaning against the door
for support.  Dina had leaned back against Bobby, allowing him to maul her
tits.  Now, the three of them moved through the door and split up somewhat,
each rounding on the bed.

	"Well, well, well... The good news is that no one will be able to
call you a liar when you claim THIS one!" Bobby chortled.  "Man, that was
some SERIOUS fucking!"

	Mandi, who had been to all intents and purposes elsewhere, became
alert to the additional presence in the room, and lurched up into a semi-
reclining position against the headboard.  She WASN'T alert enough yet,
however, to realize that she had just exposed herself from the waist up to
the leering Bobby.  She gazed at the three intruders owlishly, somewhat
confused from the aftermath of a powerful orgasm.  Rick drew her against
him, and again raised the sheet, drawing it across her breasts.
"Sweetheart," he asked her, "Does your door lock?"

	Mandi, now coming rapidly back on-line, replied "It's never been an
issue until now, Love!"

	Rick looked at the trio, puzzled.  "Denise, I can understand - but
Dina?  Bobby?"

	Dina took up the torch, "Denise called me when she woke up to find
the pair of you making like rabbits.  Bobby and I had planned to get
together this morning - a little later (glaring at Bobby) - and talk to you
about some things we'll be doing until the Prom.  It turned out that the
timing was right for us to catch the second act!"

	Bobby snickered, "We even got to hear the tail end of the first!
Damn!  I'm impressed!"

	Helen bustled in, wearing a fresh housecoat and carrying a couple of
glasses of various fluids and some cookies on a tray, "Back off, you three -
give Mandi and Rick some room!"  She laid the tray down on the bed beside
Rick, and asked, "Which would you like, Rick - water or orange juice?"

	" 'Rick'?" Bobby asked.  "When did you become 'Rick'?"

	Helen fixed him with a glare. "I think we're all agreed that he's
demonstrated manhood, and I cannot fault his conduct - despite where he is
and the short amount of time it took him to get there, he has always been a
gentleman and acted as an adult in my presence.  I see no reason to address
him with a diminutive that I would use on a 10 year old!"  Shifting her
attention to Rick, she asked, "Have I offended you?"

	Rick blinked. "No, quite the opposite.  I've always been 'Ricky' -
but my name is Richard, and I find that I kind of like the idea of being
called 'Rick'," he responded, sipping his water.

	Bobby looked pensive.   "Yeah, I get it - kind of a rite of passage
thing.  Okay - you're Rick to me, too!" he announced.  Looking at Mandi, he
jibed, "Have you changed YOUR name, too?"

	Mandi smiled, and cuddled up to Rick, "I'm Rick's woman," she
replied, "but that's a status change, not a name change."

	"Yet!" Dina interjected, grinning.  Both members of the couple

	Denise piped up with, "So, is this going to be a regular thing?"

	Rick fixed her with a glare and opened his mouth, prepared to lower
the boom on her, when Mandi responded, "Huh!  It better be!  I've had a fire
lit here that will need regular quenching!" rubbing her crotch through the

	Rick blushed furiously, while everyone else roared.  Even Helen
joined the general mirth.  "Addictive, isn't it, Dear?" she asked.

	"And how!  I died and went to Heaven - twice!" came the reply.

	Dina sobered.  "Since we're here... Rick," she said, pausing at the
'new' name, "Bobby and I are going to be producing a sort of modern fairy
tale in the next couple of weeks.  Part of the game is that Bobby will let
it be known that I'm his sex toy - and I DON'T want you overreacting and
doing anything physical to Bobby.  This is OUR thing, and until you hear it
from ME, anything Bobby does or says is okay!  You can be unhappy - that
would actually help make the whole thing believable - but don't DO anything!

	Rick frowned, and looked doubtfully at Bobby, "Okay, Sis - if you're
sure... Want to tell me anything more about it?"

	"No - just that it's something I want done, no matter how it looks!"
his sister replied.  "Don't worry - if Bobby goes too far, I'll let you
handle it!"

      Rick looked again at Bobby, noting that he looked seriously concerned
- but not at Rick.  Instead, he looked like someone concerned about
something of enormous importance - remarkable in Bobby.

      Dina smiled, and said "Well, I see that my work here is done!  C'mon
Bobby, take me home!" turned, and strode out.

      Bobby said, "I'll be right along!" and gave Denise the fish eye.
Denise took the hint, smirked, and departed.  Bobby stood there a moment,
blushed, and looked at the ground.  "Rick," he said, "Dina has told me that
if I handle this right, it could lead to something more permanent.  I've
always thought a helluva lot of Dina, and I'm gonna be trying hard to make
this thing happen the way she wants.  I want you to know that this is
serious business for me!"

      Rick blinked, surprised.  This was as if someone else had unzipped a
Bobby suit and stepped out.  He got control of his voice, and replied,
"Okay, I'll bear that in mind."  Bobby nodded, turned, and walked out.

      Mandi looked at Rick, "You're sister's something!  Who'd have thought
she could twist Bobby McCormick up like a pretzel?" She laid her head on his
chest.  "Rick?  About the Prom?"

      "Whups!  Woman, get a dress!  Something backless, so I can get to
these (the outline of her breasts under the sheet was suddenly lumpy as the
outline of his fingers overlaid them) whenever I want!  It should be nice,
though - I want you to be radiant!"

      Helen beamed at the couple fondly, "I'll see to it!  Now, I'll leave
you alone so you can cuddle a while!" she announced, and paraded regally