Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Joys of Journaling Chapter Three - Breasts are the Best How I managed to keep myself from just jumping Amber every time she came over is still a mystery to me. I mean, if you were a healthy 19 year old guy who wasn't getting any on a regular basis, and you knew some naïve girl was just awakening to her sexuality, wouldn't you be doing everything in your power to get into those panties? Well, I was. But I knew I couldn't just whip it out in front of her and expect her to fall onto her back. Julia was around her all the time, so I had to be devious. Luckily, as the quote goes, "old age and treachery beats youth and skill every time". So I bided my time, updating the journal as often as I could, usually once a day. About a week after Amber swallowed the bait, I decided it was time to push the envelope a bit more. I can't stop thinking about Amber! What's wrong with me? She's just out of grade school and I'm a grown man. But I can't help it. I find my mind wandering at work, thinking of her, wondering what she's doing, wondering if I'll see her when I get home. I race home to see if she's there. When she is, I'm happy. When she's not, it's like someone punched me in the gut. Where did these feeling come from all of a sudden?? I mean, she's just a girl! But... damn me, I can't help myself. She's gone from someone I saw as a kid sister into... well, something more. She's turning into a woman, there's no doubt about that. I had never noticed it before, but Amber's shirts are definitely showing that something has happened beneath them. Man, what I wouldn't give to sneak a peek at what she's hiding under her shirt.I know her boobs will be beautiful without seeing them, because they are her's. But still... to imagine them is one thing. To actually see them... well, that would be glorious. I can't believe I'm having these urges, but she's suddenly taken up most of my waking thoughts. God help me. -D There, that should wet her appetite. Since I knew she was already interested in the journal, I didn't have to go through such an elaborate planting scheme as before. I just had to make sure it was visible from my open doorway when she would pass past it. I decided to place it on the edge of my bureau, with a book slightly overlapping it. That way I would know if it had been moved. Then it was off to work I went. Have you ever heard of the movie "Little Big League"? There's a reason for that. It was horrible. Truly and eternally horrible. But guess who had to see that damn ending several times a night?? You guessed it. Moi. The only thing that kept me going was the thought that Amber might be home when I got there. So I put on my brave face, answered the stupid questions, took tickets, and vacuumed the carpets until the final show of the night. When I got home I raced to my room. I was eager to get out of my polyester pants and dress shirt that smelled like popcorn and butter flavoring. After a shower I looked on my bureau. Yup! That journal had been moved. Mu-hahahaha. Going downstairs I found the brat and Amber on the floor in front of the TV and playing Nintendo. "Hey there. What's new in the world of being bums, girls?" I liked to tease them a little bit. Summer break was in full swing, and the girls were enjoying the freedom of no school. Truth be told, I was a little envious. They never tell you when you are growing up that being an adult sucks. Julia just blew me a raspberry, while Amber giggled. I plunked myself down on the couch and stretched out. It was good to be off my feet at last. I must have dozed off a bit, because all of a sudden Julia's voice was waking me from me reverie. "Dave! Do you want ice cream or not!?" "Huh? Ummm.. yeah, sure. Why not?" I started to get up, figuring that was a not-so-subtle hint to serve them. "No. You stay there, we'll get it." Amber quickly said. Bouncing to her feet. Julia, for her part, looked surprised. I guess my intuition about having to serve them was what she was expecting too. The sudden reversal of the server/servee relationship caught her off guard too. After a minute, Amber returned with a small dish of mint chocolate ice cream. Leaning over she gave it to me while I was laying down. As I looked up at her I was greeted by a sight I hadn't expected. Amber obviously had planned this, as her loose t-shirt had fallen forward, letting me peek down it through the collar. I was surprised to see that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath, and I could gaze upon her small, pointed breasts. "Ummm.. thanks, Amber. That was sweet of you." I stared, without trying to be obvious about it. We both had a role to play. Mine was of the guy who was secretly lusting after this younger girl. Her's was of the innocent girl who doesn't know he's even aware of her. It felt like it went on forever, but probably only lasted two or three seconds before Amber straitened again and went back to sitting in front of the TV like she was unaware of the show she had just given me. For my part, I had to quickly sit up to hide the tent that had suddenly appeared in my briefs. I replayed the scene several times in my head that night, savoring it. A Polaroid picture was in my head of that sight. To this day I can still remember those twin mounds and their soft creamy skin. The rest of the night passed uneventfully, as the girls played and I thought of the next step in my evil scheme. Things were progressing nicely. I never thought Amber would snap at my lure as hard as she had. But, how far could I take her, and how quickly? Somewhere she had to have a cut off limit, right? I wasn't sure what that limit was. But I was certain I would enjoy the journey to discover it. ~~END CHAPTER THREE~~