Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Joys of Journaling - Wherein I Bait the Trap Everything seemed different when I woke the next morning. The sky seemed bluer, the sun brighter, bird song was happier. I couldn't stop smiling. Was this what life was meant to be after getting a blowjob by a 12-year old? Yes, I'm sure that was part of it. But a large part was my plans for Amber. Could it really work? There was only one way to find out. By all that was right, I shouldn't have been awake at that hour, let alone so damned chipper. I hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night. But I found myself whistling to myself as I walked to the pantry door to get some cereal. I stopped, and evil thought coming to me. Yes. Oh yes. It was just too perfect. Reaching into the fridge I retrieved the carton of eggs and a loaf of bread. I had to do some digging in the freezer, but eventually found what I was looking for. Normally our family is a patty home, but this morning links had to be on the menu. I scrambled the eggs, toasted the bread, and grilled the links. Yes, perfect. After climbing the stairs, I knocked on Julia's door. "Julia! Amber! Breakfast!" I heard grumblings from the other side of the thin wooden partition that gave the girls privacy. While I couldn't make out the words, the intent was clear that neither girl wished to get out of bed yet. "Fine! I'll just eat all this toast, eggs, and sausage by myself!" I could have sworn I almost heard the sonic boom as the door was flung open and two young teen females raced past me and descended the stairs 3 at a time. Chuckling to myself, I followed them. Before I could get back to the kitchen the girls had divided up the food and were plunked down in front of the TV in the great room. "You're welcome, by the way." I told the two as I made up my plate and sat in the recliner. Between bites I chanced a glance or two at Amber. She certainly wasn't acting any different. Could my dick really have been between her lips only hours ago? Had she really swallowed my cum, or was it all only a dream? "Hey, Amber, if you want any more sausage, there is more where that came from." I could almost swear I saw her hesitate and blush a bit, but it might have been my imagination. "No thanks, Dave. I'm fine." she quickly replied. "Hey, what's up with you? Yesterday you bite my head off, today you're cooking breakfast for us." Julia remarked. She'd spent the first couple school years in Philadelphia. Suspicion was ingrained in her. "Hey! Can't I be happy in the morning? I woke up in a good mood and wanted to share the joy. But, if it's a problem, I won't let it happen again." I said, picking up my plate and turning toward the kitchen. Before I turned my back I caught sight of Julia rolling her eyes as only a girl in her young teen years is able to do. I basically bummed around the house for a couple hours before heading in to work. On the way I stopped by the CVS to pick up a composition book and a pack of multi-colored pens. I grinned to myself, wondering if I could really separate Amber from her virginity for an investment of less than four dollars. Luckily, Sunday's were slow days at The Barn, so I had plenty of time at the box office. So Amber is nosy, huh? Well, what girl could resist reading someone else's journal/diary? It was with that thought in mind that I cracked open the blank composition book. Figuring it would be suspicious if the first and only entry was the "gold", I wrote 10-15 backdated entries in different colored pens, until I came to this morning's "entry". Woke up this morning in a great mood! Felt like I had a wet dream, but I wasn't a mess when I woke up. Go figure. Either way, it was a good morning. I even made J & A breakfast. J, of course, sullied it with her normal suspicion. Always has to look a gift horse in the mouth, doesn't she? A thought struck me though at breakfast. Amber really is a very pretty young girl. I mean, if I look at her objectively, she has all the prerequisites any guy would want. She has nice, smooth skin, a nice smile, BRILLIANT blue eyes, and silky brown hair. If I was her age.. well, you know. I just wish she would wear her hair down sometimes. It would probably reach her shoulder blades. She should also occasionally take those glasses off. Her eyes are too pretty to hide behind those big lenses. So yeah, she definitely has the makings of a looker. She's gonna break some hearts real soon! -D There, that should do it. Plenty of flattery in there, and an indirect challenge. It would be a good litmus test of her suggestibility. If she suddenly altered her appearance... BINGO! The rest of my shift passed slowly. I couldn't wait to get home to see if this would work. I almost flew out of the door after clocking out. But Amber wasn't spending the night again. I was insanely disappointed. The girl was ALWAYS over! Before I had just considered her as underfoot. Now, when I wanted her, she chooses to be a no-show. It was just my luck. But she showed up the next day. I grinned to myself and wondered how to get the journal into her hands without it being obvious. The answer was elegantly simple. I "accidentally" left my journal in the bathroom Julia and I shared. I waited for Amber to go, but when that didn't happen, I figured a more direct approach was be in order. After locking myself in the bathroom for a couple of minutes, I flushed and washed my hands. Then, after exiting, I made a passing comment. "Amber, I think you left your toothbrush in the bathroom last time you were here." She immediately got up from her chair next to the computer where she and Julia were playing Willy Beamish to look. Well, here goes nothing! I thought things were looking up when she didn't return immediately. After 10 minutes I KNEW we had lift off and little Miss Nosey had discovered the planted journal. She must have been furiously reading it at that moment. Amber had a funny look on her face when she came back down, giving me a guilty glance. Oh, Amber, if you only knew! Before Julia could find it, I retrieved the journal, noting it was upside down. I was off that day, so most of the day was spent playing video games in the great room. Around lunch the girls made an appearance, microwaving some left over pizza. I decided to join them, making myself a ham and cheese sandwich. Of course, potato chips go with everything and all three of us dug into the bag like we were starved. Halfway through the meal Amber turned to Julia. "I've been thinking of trying to talk my parent's into getting me contacts. What do you think?" she asked, removing her glasses. "I think they'll never go for it. Your parents are really cheap... no offense." Julia replied, with her usual tact. Turning my way, and fixing those blue eyes on me, Amber asked "What about you, Dave? Do you think I'd look good with contacts?" Realizing that wasn't exactly the same question she posed to Julia, I replied "Hmmmm.. well, you do have nice eyes. It seems a shame to wall them off from the world I guess." Amber flashed me a pinball smile. "Thanks Dave. I'll try to talk them into it." "No problem." I grunted as I got up to put my dishes into the washer, mainly to hide my smile. Yes, Amber was ready to play. Of that I had no doubt. She just didn't realize the prize was her sweet, virginal, 12-year old pussy. I knew I would win. Let the games begin.