Story Information:
Archive name: neverhad1.txt 
Story Codes: (f/m, Inc, Rom, Mast, Squirt, 1st, Cons, Unsafe, Preg, Tears)
Authors name: The Silent Knight (Email Withheld)
Story title : The Sister I Never Had - Part 1
This work is copyrighted to it's Author:
"The Silent Knight", as of December 5th, 2011.

Please don't remove the author information,
or make any changes to this story, without prior written consent. 
You may contact the author via his directory at ASSTR.org, 
under the pen name  "The_Silent_Knight", 
located at: /authors.html

You may freely repost this story to non-commercial 
"free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites.
Thank you for your consideration.


A brother and sister, growing up in a small town in middle-America,
must learn to deal with the complex social issues of life, amidst living
with their mother who suffers from depression.
Their father, a career businessman who must travel constantly for his job,
is called home suddenly, as his wife of 10 years is rushed to the hospital
with a ruptured Brain Aneurysm. Meanwhile, Robby and Emily, twin
siblings just ten years old at the time, watch helplessly as their 
mother, Elizabeth, fights for her life.  

In the years that follow, brother and sister begin to awaken into their sexuality.
They begin to take their first tentative steps towards forming relationships 
with the opposite sex, only to have their mother's fear and anxiety, coupled
with a growing emotional instability, keep them firmly within her grasp. 

When their emotions finally come to a head, with philosophy, faith, 
and soul-searching driving them to discover themselves, brother and sister 
turn to each other; The bond between them blossoming into sexual attraction.

Theirs is a tale of the random happenstances in life. 
Those unpredictible moments where the destiny of entire lives can change in one, 
fateful moment. It's a story about two human hearts, clinging desperately to hope 
and love, amidst trying to cope with a mortal existance that offers no guarantees 
of peace, or happiness...

Author's Note(s):

This story is one that really hits home with me.
I've had years of experience with near-fatal medical conditions,
emotional disorders, and invasive family politics and religion
working in tandem to create a very oppressive, negative emotional
atmosphere in which to grow up...

Reflective some of these experiences, there will be a lot of negative 
moments entwined in the overall storyline of what you are about to read, 
so I thought it only fair to inform potential readers of this ahead of time.

If you are looking for stroke-material in every chapter, then this offering 
isn't for you. When the action is on, it's ON, but when it's not, there will 
be entire chapter's dedicated to furthering the plot and deepening the various 
relationships of the characters within this story.

This is also my first, serious attempt, at delving a little deeper into character 
and plot writing, and as such, you will undoubtedly find areas where you may
feel I could have done things differently, in one way or another.

What you are about to read is the culmination of nearly a year of staying up into 
the wee hours of the morning, and jotting down many different ideas and trying 
to make them flow into a real story. I have a Part 2 partially written, as of
07-09-12, but I plan to take my time with it as well to ensure it tells the remainder 
of my planned story with overall quality.

In Conclusion: Thank you for taking the time to read the above paragraphs.
As always, I welcome constructive criticism and comments regarding this, 
and all my works, past and present.

You never know what you can create until you try... :-)

-=The Silent Knight=-

Chapter #1 - Of Tears and Kisses.

It was an unseasonably warm and pleasant Fall 
afternoon, at the home of David and Elizabeth Walker...

It was the last week of October. The weather, warming and
cooling randomly over the last few weeks, had caused
the leaves of the trees in their neighborhood to start
changing into their usual, beautiful array of colors...

The sky was painted a deep blue color, stretching from horizon to horizon.
In all possible aspects, it was a "picture perfect" day, with only 
little wisps of puffy, white clouds drifting lazily across the sky...

The family, having just finished their lunch together ten minutes previously, 
had separated into their usual places:

David Walker, having recently returned from yet another business trip, 
was home for the weekend...
He sat in the living room, the TV remote in his hand, switching between the 
History Channel and Discovery Channel to avoid commertials...
Like most men, David had zero patience for commertials...

Elizabeth Walker, having finished washing the dirty dishes from lunch, 
was now seated in the old rocking chair in their library... 
The standing lamp next to her was turned on, casting light downward towards 
the book she was presently reading: 

A John Grisham novel...

Meanwhile their children, twin siblings, Robby and Emily, had gone outside 
together to enjoy one last day of warm weather...

Robby was a quiet boy. Though he was a little taller than other boys his age,
he had absolutely no interest in sports. His head of dark, karakul hair, always
looked wild and restless, in spite of his personality, which always remained
orderly and subdued no matter what was happening in his life...

Sullen, was how he was sometimes described, and though he had been more open
and outgoing in his younger years, these days he metered out his words with
a precision and parsimony that betrayed his tangled emotions buried just beneath
the surface. His green eyes were set under dark, thin eyebrows, creating a natural
expression that seemed to make the people he met feel uneasy somehow...

His sister, Emily, was a different story...

She was six inches shorter than her brother, with a figure that had curves in
all the right places, but not enough to describe her as fat or even chunky. 
She had a soft, slightly tomboyish, "Girl next door" look to her features, 
with her weight and height being fairly normal for a girl her age...

Emily was bright, outgoing, and exceedingly mischievous. She had spent many hours
of her childhood playing innocent pranks on her brother, or getting the both
of them into some kind of trouble, then begging him to bail them out with his 
logical way of thinking, and his calm, respectful demeanor...

Not that Emily herself was anything but respectful. Even in casual speech,
she always spoke formally to her parents, calling them both Mother and Father
respectively. In an age when most teenagers were rebelling against any kind
of authority, or acting out for the sake of grabbing attension, Emily was
nearly the same as her brother...

Both of them saw teens their age as being childish, petty, and exceedingly
selfish; Their overheard conversations during school adding up to nothing
more than whining about life being handed to them on a silver platter,
or how many ways they could disrespect their parents behind their backs...

Their parents, however, were the chief reason Robby and Emily had retreated
to their treehouse that day...

The relationship they shared with their parents, while respectful, was
very emotionally demanding. Their mother refused them the slightest hint 
of the freedoms that other kids with "normal" families, took for granted
on a daily basis...
With contact with friends, and especially members of the opposite sex,
being something that was completely off limits, the normal psychological 
and emotional development of Robby and Emily's innocent minds grew more 
and more remote...


In their back yard, lived a massive, old oak tree. None of them knew
exactly how old it was, only that it had always been a landmark that was visible
from several blocks away, as it's massive, majestic branches, gracefully
swayed during a heavy wind...

Amidst the seemingly timeless strength of three of those massive branches,
David Walker had built his children a treehouse...

Over the years, as children do, they filled their treehouse with objects 
of value to them, taking care to ensure they were never harmed by the weather... 
Come rain or shine, no matter what else was happening in their lives, 
the treehouse was their refuge. Now that they were both fifteen years old, 
the ceiling was quite low for them, and they had to hunch over as they walked 
around in it, but they didn't mind...

It was *their* treehouse. Their quiet, secluded refuge away from the
problems of the world, and it was the only place in their small world
where they could go to be alone...

Today however, it provided little peace...

The topic of discussion was their Mother, and with that came a host of long,
painful memories, complete with a chain of unavoidable consequences that 
Robby and Emily were still struggling to deal with...

"Mother just isn't the same Robby..." Emily said, her normally smiling 
face cast downward, as she shook her head in a moment of sad reflection... 
"Ever since she almost died five years ago, she's become so...." 

Emily trailed off...
Though each of them possessed a superb vocabulary, Emily found herself
at a loss to describe the complex events that had formed the life
they now shared with their mother...

Her long blond hair framed the growing sadness on her face,
as Emily stared unblinkingly at the wooden floor of their treehouse...

Robby sat directly across from her...
The distance between them was relatively short within the undersized
confines of their treehouse, but to Emily, who felt a malestrom of
negative emotion building up inside her, that distance felt like it
could separate planets...

Robby's arms were folded tightly across his chest, his face shaped into
a dark scowl, as he knowingly finished his sister's sentence for her...
"Irrational? Emotional? Paranoid?" He said tersly, gesturing 
this-way-and-that to add emphasis to his words...
"They all pretty much hit the mark these days, Sis."

Emily finally lifted her head then to look at him...

Robby was brooding now...

His eyes were closed, his right hand slowly rubbing his chin.
It was the look he always had when something was disturbing him, 
and he was thinking too deeply about it... 

Emily winced in sympathetic pain...
She knew that once Robby got himself into one of these moods that there 
was little she could do but let him work through it in his own way... 

Or at least, this was what she had always done before...

Their quiet discussions in the treehouse were becoming more and
more frequent, and Emily began to suspect that whatever was
on Robby's mind had been troubling him for quite some time...

Against her better judgement, Emily decided to speak...
She was the only person her brother felt comfortable enough
to talk to for any length of time, and in her mind, that made
her responsible for helping him work through whatever was
on his mind...

Emily cleared her throat softly, taking a deep breath to
calm her nerves...
"We could try talking to Father again?" She suggested...

Emily's sweet voice perfected her innocent, carefree personality...
Even when she was upset, her voice came out in soothing tones,
and this added to her beauty in a way she didn't yet realize...

Robby's eyes remained closed, but his eyebrows drew further downward, 
the quiet features of his face deepening his scowl even further...
"It's never done any good before, Sis." He said distantly...

Emily pursed her lips...
"Maybe if we try to explain things? She offered...
"Explain to Father about how Mother refuses to take her medication,
or have any friends... go on dates?"

Robby sighed in frustration, as he began gesturing with his right
hand again...
"It's a neverending circle Sis." He said evenly...
"We talk to Dad, he argues with Mom. She refuses to return to the 
doctor to refill her medication, then tells dad that she's fine and 
that we're just being teenagers and trying to make trouble." 

A momentary silence passed between them, and Emily felt as if an
unbareable weight were coming down on her heart...
"Dad's talks solve nothing!" Robby said suddenly...
"All mom has to say is that we keep hanging around the wrong kind of
people, and Dad believes her word over ours every time..."

Emily cast her eyes at the floor, as the truth of her brother's
words stabbed her soul like a knife...
"I know..." She said in a hushed tone...

Robby felt an all-too-familiar anger beginning to build within
him, as Emily's innocent pleas began to draw him out of his shell...
"All mom has to say is that our friends are immoral, or listen to
vulgar music, or watch inappropriate movies. Maybe even throw in
a few stories about overhearing them trying to coax us into beer 
or drugs....".

Robby unfolded his arms then, raising his head and 
opening his eyes to look at his sister...
"You and I both know we would never touch any of that stuff." He said firmly...
"Uncle Joe got drunk and died in a car crash when we were kids,
and both of us have seen teenagers our age messed up on drugs before."

Emily nodded...
"I remember Robby..." She said quietly...
"Uncle Joe was always kind to us, and even though we're in a private
school, that doesn't seem to keep everyone away from drugs..."

Robby nodded in agreement...
"That sort of thing worries me too." He admitted...
"But it's still a poor excuse for dad completely disregarding
our side of the story. I mean, who is he to say which of us is lying, 
and which of us is telling the truth, when he's never here to see 
what's really happening?"

Emily shook her head...
"I know Robby..." She said distantly...

Robby heard the change in his sister's voice... 
It was the tone her voice always had when she was trying to hold back 
her feelings. Especially the kind of feelings that were becoming more
and more common in their lives...

Robby hunched his back, fighting to maintain his balance as he
hobbled his way towards his sister...

Robby closed the distance between them, sitting down next to Emily
and putting his right arm across her shoulders...

Emily instinctively snuggled against his side, as Robby gently
squeezed her right shoulder...
"What's wrong, Sis?" He said quietly...

Emily's eyes filled with moisture, as she forced herself
to answer him....
"John talked to me on Friday afternoon." She whispered...

Robby instantly knew where this was going...
"I see..." He replied...

Emily spoke again, and the pain in her voice was unmistakable...
"He asked if I could come over to his house today..." She said... 
"We were going study and compare notes for our History assignment 
next week..." 

Robby sighed...

It was a tragedy he'd seen play itself out too many many times over the 
last couple years...

He was never one to be overly social, and his interest in the opposite
sex was always stopped in it's tracks by the knowledge that their mother
would never accept any "brazen hussy" making a pass at her son,
even if the girl in question was one of his choosing, and perfectly

As much as their lack socialization bothered him, he knew that it bothered
Emily a lot more...

She was naturally friendly and outgoing, and her keen sense of humor
always had potential friends clamoring for her attention.
But their present life forbid this, and Robby knew there was nothing he
could say to comfort Emily, that he hadn't already said many times before...

But he was determined to try...

Emily was the center of his universe. They confided in each other about every
aspect of their lives, and even if he couldn't solve their problems, Robby
was determined to make his sister's burden a little easier to bare...

Robby gently squeezed Emily's left arm...
"Did you tell him yes?" He asked...

Emily reached for his free hand, holding it in a gentle grip...
"Yes... but I shouldn't have." She replied...

Robby closed his eyes, nodding his head fractionally...
"Because you had to ask mom for permission to go to a boy's house 
unsupervised, and she said no, right?"

Emily began to cry, as the gentle tones of her innocent voice
instantly filled with overwhelming sadness...
"It was for school Robby!" She cried... 
"For school! I swear we weren't going to do anything wrong! 
I just wanted to get to know him a litle..."

Emily turned and threw herself against him, wrapping her arms
around him tightly and burying her face in his chest...

Robby enveloped her in a warm, conforting hug, as Emily sobbed
against his chest...
"Every day I hear all the girls talking about
their boyfriends!" She cried...

Emily shuddered violently against him, trying desperately
to hold back her tears, 
"They study together... go to the movies... eat dinner 
with their families!"

Emily's head jerked away from his chest...
Emily looked up at him with teary eyes, the touching features of
her innocent face were drawn into such a look of anguish that
Robby felt his heart suddenly sieze with real, physical pain...

A long moment of silence passed between them then, as Robby felt
his soul pouring out through a wound no eye could see...

His sympathy for his sister pained him even further, as Emily's
eyes looked back at him with the same torrent of pain, anger, fear,
and sadnesss, that he had desperately tried to hold in for so long...

Robby reached out to his sister then...

He moved his right hand towards her face, his long fingers gently brushing
right right cheek to wipe away her tears...

Emily trembled violently, her emotions overwhelming her again,
as a flood of tears began flowing down her cheeks...
"What did I do wrong?!" She cried...
"Why does it have to be like this?!"

Robby moved his hand upward across her left temple, running his fingers
through her hair and stroking her head in soft, soothing motions...

He gently shushed her to silence, the calm in his voice pushing back
her fear and hopelessness...
"It's alright..." He said softly...
"I promise, none of this is your fault Sis... you did nothing wrong."

Robby moved his hand behind Emily's head and slowly pulled her
against his chest...

The next few minutes were filled with tears, as Emily clung tightly
to her brother and cried away her sorrows against the comforting
warmth of his chest...
"Don't cry..." He whispered softly...
"I'll always be here for you... I promise..."

After another long minute, Emily finally began to compose herself...

She gently broke their hug, running a hand over her eyes to wipe
her tears away...
"Thank you, Robby..." She replied...
"I'll be okay..."

Emily let out a shuddering breath, at last finding the strength to
calm her troubled emotions...
"I just want to be normal Robby." She said...
"Every day at school feels like torture. Every time we change classes,
or eat lunch in the cafeteria, all the girls talk about their first date, 
or their first kiss. 

Emily looked at him affectionately, as she quietly added...
"Last week I overheard two of them talk about how handsome 
they think you are..."

The sudden shift in topic caught Robby off balance...

He had never really taken the time to listen in on any of
the conversations he overheard at school. To him social circles
were anathema; A thing other's enjoyed but something that he himself
really saw no use for...

But the real reason, was that he had basically given up on
starting a relationship. Everything in his life was stacked against it, 
and Robby saw no reason to subject himself to even more emotional torture 
by reaching for something that meaningful, then have it ripped away from him...

Robby swallowed hard, his throat suddenly feeling very dry...
"They talk about... me?" He said in a scratchy voice...

Now it was Emily's turn to be thrown off balance...

She looked up at her brother in bewilderment then,
now studying his face intently...
"Of course they talk about you." She said, as if
it were a plain fact that the whole world should know...

"Why wouldn't they?" She added, her tone one of
innocent curiosity..

Robby wet his lips, his mind whirling...
"I... just didn't think they would, that's all." He admitted...
"I almost never talk to anyone, and I'm not good at sports or involved 
in anything musical. The only hobby I really have is reading."

Robby shrugged, a gesture equally meant to deny his
own worth as it was to express his confusion...
"That pretty much makes me a textbook example of a geek, Sis."
He added quietly...

Emily sighed, shaking her head once as she scooted off his
lap and sat down in front of him...

As Robby felt the warmth of his sister's body fade away, he felt an 
unexplainable flash of longing and disappointment tug on his awareness...

While Emily was in his arms for those brief few minutes, he had felt a 
kind of nervous excitement within him; A tingling, almost itching sensation, 
which caused his body to feel warm all over...

His sister was still holding his hand, as she replied softly...
"Just because you read alot and don't play sports doesn't automatically make 
you a geek Robby. You're just smart and naturally quiet, and I think that
makes you quite handsome."

Emily grasped his left hand gently between hers then, as she added...
"You're special to me Robby. I've never been able to talk to anyone else
the way I talk to you."

She stared into his eyes then, her own eyes glistening with unshed tears,
as her flawless features drew into a soft smile that lit up his whole world...

The pain was evident in her voice, as she spoke gently in a pleading tone...
"I'm crying for both of us, Robby. I'm crying because you've been 
held back too. You deserve to make friends, and to have relationships. 
You deserve to go on your first date, to get your first kiss... 
to fall in love someday..."

Robby suddenly looked away from his sister, as he tried to hide the 
overwhelming anger and guilt that was welling up inside him; 
Knowing Emily would see all this reflected in his eyes...

He responded slowly then, his voice tight and choked with emotion...
"You're wrong Emily. I don't deserve my first kiss. 
I... don't deserve any of it..."
His eyes flashed back towards his sister, as he felt his anger and 
frustration building second by second...

As their eyes met, Emily was moved to stillness by the look of pain 
and anger burning in Robby's eyes; His voice taking on 
an unsteady tone, as he spoke again...
"I don't have the right to experience these things because I'm not 
strong enough or good enough to change everything that's wrong in 
our lives..."

Robby shook his head violently in frustration, before continuing...
"Dad always told me a man is responsible for protecting the lives 
of his friends and family: To be sensitive to their needs and do 
whatever it takes to work through all the difficult situations in life..."

He look at his sister again; His face a mask of confusion and anguish,
as he asked...
"But what if the very people I would give my life to protect are the 
very same people who now spend every moment of *their* lives trying to 
control or destroy everthing of value in *my* life? All the things they 
themselves told me to safeguard at any cost?"

Emily's heart began to pound in her chest, an ache of
sympathy and sadness growing within it second by second, as a 
terrifying melding of emotional and physical torture began to tear 
at the very fabric of her soul...

Emily had known that Robby was holding something back long before
they had climbed into their treehouse...

For month's he haden't been himself. On the surface, he gave the
usual amount of effort to his studies, and continued to say all
the right things to their parents to keep them as happy and content
as was possible...

But the changes were there, and to Emily, who had been by her brother's
side his whole life, those changes grew more obvious every day...

In the month's beforehand, Emily had forced herself to remain silent.
She was an innocent, carefree person at heart. She rarely made
long-term plans, or devoted much time to worrying about the
consequences of life. To her, each day was a new chance at living;
A clean slate upon which she could rewrite any wrong, and make
anything she dreamed possible.
Emily was the perfect counterpoint to her brother, and this had
seen them through many hardships together...

Robby on the other hand, was naturally a deep thinker... 

Even the smallest smallest decisions of his life had to be thought 
through thuroughly, almost to the point of obcession, which resulted 
in him being more sullen and withdrawn than other boys his age...

But Emily Walker, realizing that she was the only person in the
world that her brother trusted, knew it was time to act...

She had no words of comfort for Robby; No sage advice that would
piece together the puzzle of their lives, and reshape the hardships 
they had endured into the message of hope and comfort they both so
desperately wanted...

Only one choice remained in Emily's mind...

Her desire to heal, coupled with a longing to experience something 
she had only dreamed about, came together in one fateful decision...

In one fluid motion, Emily raised up on her haunches...
She brought her right hand up to Robby's left cheek, 
holding the palm of her hand against his face for a brief moment,
then slowly moving it around the back of his head...

Emily held the back of his head firmly, pulling him closer, as
she looked into his eyes with a deep, heartfelt sympathy...

Something triggered in Robby's subconscious, as he reflexively
closed his eyes and allowed his sister to pull his face
closer to hers...

Emily closed her eyes too, as her face closed the distance between 
them and their lips met in a gentle kiss...

A soothing warmth flowed through her body, as Emily Walker
took her first innocent step towards growing up...

Her first, real kiss with a boy...

Emily moaned softly, her lips softly moving against her brother's
in harmless exploration, as she felt her whole body begin to tingle...

Robby opened his eyes...
He sat with unnatural stiffness, his eyes staring forward unblinkingly,
as his instincts walled off his conscious self and took temporary
control of his body...

Robby's left hand, now guided by some instinctive-compulsion, moved
between him and his sister...

His fingers flattened into a slight circle, as his hand snaked upward
and softly cupped Emily's right breast...

Emily moaned again, this time an octive higher, as she felt the 
unmistakable shape of her brother's warm hand suddenly cup the
perfectly-formed globe of her right breast...
"It's Robby!" She thought...
"He just put his hand on my breast!"

Emily felt a sudden rush of tingling heat flow outward from where 
Robby's hand touched her breast...

Her heart began to pound with nervousness, as her body responded to 
a kind of touch she had never felt before...

Robby moved his hand then, as his innocent mind drank in the the 
sensations of touching his first ample, lovely, teenage breast...

Even through the fabric of the t-shirt, Robby could keenly feel a 
tantalizing warmth begin to grow in the palm of his hand. 
He slowly began moving his hand then, his fingers kneading gently 
into the soft, innocent flesh, of the only girl he had ever truly known...

Robby felt her breast contour flawlessly beneath his fingers, 
then magically return to it's original form, as he slowly squeezed 
and relaxed his fingers against her firm, get giving bosom...

Emily's eyes flew open then, as her brother's innocent touches 
accidentally sent his thumb flicking gently over the sensitive flesh 
of her newly erect, and very sensitive, right nipple...

Emily whimpered into Robby's mouth, her body jerking in shock, as she 
felt her nipple send a strange sensation through her entire body... 

It was a warm, soft, yet exciting feeling, as Emily felt her entire body
become slightly warmer; This new sensation traveling to every corner of
her female form, from the tips of her lovely fingers, down to the tips of 
her toes...

Emily's awareness focused on her crotch, as she felt that warm, 
tingling pleasure, flow between her legs and begin to gather inside the tender, 
untouched, and perfectly formed flesh, of her fifteen year old vagina...

Then, as suddenly as the moment had begun, it ended...

Emily shuddered, the increasing pounding of her heartbeat in her ears
suddenly awakening her conscious mind, as her conscience reasserted it's
hold on her senses...
"No!" She cried inwardly...
"I can't do something like this with my brother!"

Emily released her hold on Robby, breaking their kiss
with a loud gasp of surprise...

"No..." She said; Half moaning, half pleading...

She reached in front of her, gripping Robby's wrist with both hands, 
pushing it away from the sensitive flesh of her breast;
Taking in unsteady breaths as she desperately tried to compose herself...

As the warmth of his hand left her bosom, Emily felt that nice tingling in her 
crotch fade away; The flawless skin of her right breast suddenly feeling cold 
and lonely without the warm, strong embrace of Robby's hand cupping it through
her thin t-shirt...

Emily felt a strange sense of loss and disappointment she could not explain,
as she thought to herself...
"That felt so nice for a moment. I've never had a boy touch me the way
Robby did just now..."

Emily closed her eyes, trying to calm her mind and steady her breathing,
as she quickly thought to herself...
"But this was a mistake. I never should have kissed Robby like that.
He's not my boyfriend, he's my brother! I can't let myself do things
like this with him. This is incest... this is wrong!"

Emily took a deep breath, then said...
"I'm sorry Robby..."

She shook her head...
"I shouldn't have kissed you that way..." She whispered...

A few heartbeats later, Emily opened her eyes...

Robby was staring at her, his face awash in a sea of conflicting emotions,
as he gazed at her intently...

Emily drew in a quick breath, as she watched the play of emotions
across her brother's face:


"What have I done?!" She cried inwardly...
"How could I hurt and confuse my own brother like this?!"

Quickly piecing together her jumbled thoughts, she said...
"I'm so sorry Robby! I never should have taken advantage of you
like that! We're not boyfriend and girlfriend, we're brother and sister,
and incest is wrong..."

Robby, finally finding his voice, began to speak...
"I'm the one who should be apologizing to you Sis. It was completely
inappropriate of me to touch you the way I did just now..."

Emily waited then, as her brother struggled to find his words...
"It's is all my fault. If I hadn't ranted to you like some little
child, then none of this would have happened..."

Emily tried to respond, but Robby quickly held up his hand...
"Please... let me finish before you say anything..." He said slowly...

Emily nodded; Smiling gently at him...

But Robby frowned, as his face quickly darkened with anger...
"You needed me to comfort you back there." He said tersly.
"You needed someone to talk to, who was strong enough to help
protect you from all this mess!"

Robby squeezed his eyes shut; His eyes burning with unshed tears,
as he slowly hung his head in defeat...

He spoke then; His voice a mirror of his barely controlled rage,
as his awareness was assulted by feelings of anger and regret:
"But instead of being a Christian gentlemen, I try and... *grope* you,
like some kind of disgusting pervert!"

Suddenly he jerked his head up; His eyes locking with hers one last time...

Emily gasped in shock, as Robby's face contorted with a kind of sadness
and rage that she had never seen before...

Robby spoke one last time: His voice coming out flat and emotionless in 
defiance of the deluge of negative emotion that tore into his soul...

"God forgive me for what I did to you Emily. I've sinned against the only 
person left in this world that I truly love and trust. I... I promise I'll
never do something like this to you again Sis... I swear it!"

Robby got up swiftly, fueled by rage...
He turned in one fluid motion, rushing towards the ladder of the treehouse 
as fast as he could manage within the cramped confines if it's low ceiling....

Emily put a hand to her heart...

She felt as if her whole world were suddenly burning down around her...

The innocent, first kiss, that she decided to share with her brother,
had instead send their already tumultuous lives spiriling down a
black hole of misunderstanding and regret...

A feeling of sickness and dread overwhelmed her, as she
cried inwardly...
"It wasn't supposed to happen this way! He thinks this is all his fault!" 

Emily called out to her brother then; Her voice choked with emotion...
"Robby don't go! Please, I didn't mean to..."

He reached the ladder then, swinging himself onto it smoothly,
and starting his descent...

Emily called out one last time; Tears running down her cheeks 
and stinging her eyes, as she wailed...

But it was too late....
Before she could finish her sentence, he was gone...

Emily sobbed then, her tears flowing like small rivers down the sides of her face.
She hugged her arms to her chest, sinking down to the floor of the treehouse.

Emily rocked herself back and forth, the events of the last five
minutes playing over and over again in a haunting refrain...
"Forgive me!" She begged softly...
"God... please... please... forgive me..."


Chapter #2 - Feelings and Intentions.

It was nearly a week since their encounter in the treehouse.
To Emily, it felt like the longest week of her life...

Neither she nor Robby had spoken to each other once since their
fateful "First Kiss" in the treehouse. Each of them was
terrified to speak to the other, as memories of their
accidental "sexual touching" haunted their every
waking moment...

By the time school let out on Friday afternoon, Emily knew she
couldn't let things go on as they were...

As she and Robby got off the school bus together, Emily decided it
was time to break their self-imposed silence...

Robby was walking beside her up their driveway...
His eyes looked forward, but as she risked a glance over at him,
Emily realized he didn't really see much of the world in front of him...

He had that distracted look he always got when he needed to talk
about something, but was afraid to start the conversation...

Knowing that Robby wasn't the type to start a conversation,
Emily decided to speak first...

Robby jerked slightly, as the sound of her voice broke
whatever train of thought he was presently engaged in...
"Yeah?" He replied softly, his gaze never wavering
from their destination...

"Can we talk later... in the treehouse?" She asked gently...

A brief twitch of some unknown emotion flicked across Robby's face
for an instant, but was quickly buried...

"Yeah... sure." He replied distantly...

A feeling of relief passed over Emily...
"Thank you Robby..." She said softly...

A soothing warmth filled her bosom as she continued walking towards
their home with Robby by her side...
"I need to explain about last week." She thought to herself...
"It was my choice to do what we did, and Robby has to stop blaming 
himself and thinking everything was his fault."

As they continued their walk up the driveway, their hands met....
Slowly, tenderly, their fingers entwined...

Emily smiled then, as they kept walking together, holding hands,
breaking contact just as they reached the front door of their house...


As they walked in the front door, they slipped off their shoes, announcing their
arrival to their mother...

"Hi kids!" She called from the kitchen...
"How was school?"

They replied in unison: "Fine mom!"

Elizabeth, hearing the tone happiness in their voices 
after their week of strange silence, began to suspect something....

"You two sound different today..." She said, her tone dripping with suspicion...
"Anything happen in school that I should be aware of?"

The heard the change in tone in their mother's voice; 
A change they had endured countless times in the past...

They knew that tone could only end in a long, drawn our argument, 
accusing them of keeping secrets from her about anything ranging from music
and movies, to drugs and alcohol, even "inappropriate touching" with some classmate...

Dropping their bags in the hall, they slowly walked into the kitchen 
to let the inquisition begin...


After dinner was finished, the twins separated to their respective 
bedrooms to do their homework...

Both of them were excellent students, never getting less than an 
A- on any of their studies...

As such, it took them some time to complete their homework.
It was 8:30 by the time they finished; the full moon beginning to rise 
slowly in the sky...

Presently, they walked downstairs...
As they went down the hallway towards the back door,
they passed the door to the library...

It was open...

"Where are you two going so late?" their Mother asked, looking up from her book...

Robby, quick to defend his sister, responded...
"We're just going to the treehouse to listen to some music together before bed mom."

"Just be back inside by nine and in bed by nine thirty." She replied...
"I won't have you tired for school in the morning." She added, turning back to her book...

"Okay mom, we promise." The twins responded obediently...

They turned from her then, walking the few remaining steps to reach 
the back door...
Robby opened it, being a gentlemen and, "Getting the door for a Lady", for
the first time in his life, before following his sister outside and
closing the door behind him...

As they walked silently towards the ladder of their treehouse, 
Robby began to take note of his sister's choice of clothing...

Emily wore the same long t-shirt and shorts she had worn 
the day he touched her breast...

Her body was framed in the growing moonlight, her hair swishing
slightly behind her, as it cascaded down her shoulders to just
below her shoulder blades...

Robby had snuck a guilty peek at his sister as he opened the door
for her, catching sight of the unique shape of Emily's areola and 
nipples through the worn fabric of her t-shirt...

As they neared the ladder, Robby shyly motioned for Emily to
start climbing first...

She complied with a nod, lifting her naked feet onto the first rung
of the ladder and climbing slowly towards their destination...

Robby, still unable to control his eyes, hesitated in climbing for
an instant...

His eyes drank in Emily's perfectly proportioned, "Girl Next Door" look...
He saw her small, bare feet as she felt for each wooden rung on the ladder...
He observed the workings of her legs... the way her smooth, tight flesh
seemed to glow in the moonlight, and the way her muscles moved in such an
easy, fluid motion, as she slowly ascended towards the treehouse...

Robby eyes quested further upward, his heart suddenly missing a beat,
as he saw just how perfectly Emily's shorts countoured themselves against
the smooth, firm tightness, of her innocent teenage buttocks...

Robby swallowed hard, his throat suddenly very dry...
"Emily is my sister!" He thought in paniced confusion...
"Why am I looking at her body like this?!"

Emily, now more than halfway up, belatedly noticed that her brother had not
started climbing...
She tightened her grip on the rungs in front of her, turning her head to
look back down the ladder, as she called down to Robby...
"Hey! You coming?"

Emily's words broke Robby's train of thought, as he quickly walked forward
and grabbed onto the bottom rungs of the ladder...
"Yeah, I'm coming sis!"

Robby sighed, as he began climbing up the ladder...

With every new rung he ascended, Robby felt as if he were somehow
coming closer and closer to something dangerous. Something forbidden.
Some dark, nameless threat, which filled him with dread and made him want
to leap off the ladder and hide in his room for the rest of his life...

And yet, for no reason he could explain, he felt an equally powerful,
opposite feeling growing within him. A feeling that told him that this
was his one chance to finally experience getting to know a girl on a
sexual level. Even if the girl in question was also his sister, this part
of him said that such explorations were safe, because his conscious mind
knew that both of them trusted each other more than anyone else they had
ever met...

With this overwhelming turmoil at the forefront of his thoughts,
Robby Walker at last climbed up the final rung of the ladder...

As he reached up and hefted himself fully into the treehouse, his
innocent mind tried to prepare itself for the most complicated
decision of his life...


After entering,  Emily got down on all fours and crawled through the 
darkness towards the far wall of the treehouse...

Before their father had finished their treehouse, he had build a small 
window into the far wall, which faced away from their house...
At this time of night, the moon would be at just the right 
height to shine directly through it, giving them enough light to 
see each other and move around...

Emily slowly opened the window then, as a widening beam of moonlight
began to shine down into the treehouse, bathing it's present occupants
in a gentle, romantic glow...

Presently, they sat down; Robby with his back to the window, and his sister
a foot away, facing him...

An awkward silence ensued...

Both Emily and Robby wanted it to end, but neither of them
could muster the courage to be the first one to break it...

As she had earlier, Emily looked up and saw the mask of uncertainty on
Robby's face. Just as before, she knew that she would have to be the one
to speak first...

Emily took a deep breath, quickly saying a silent prayer to God,
then said...
"Robby... I just want you to know that what happened last week 
wasn't your fault..."

Robby opened his mouth to speak, but Emily raised her hand as she added...
"Please, hear me out..."

Robby closed his mouth, then nodded...

Fighting back conflicting emotions, Emily spoke again,
as she cast her eyes downward...
"I'm not angry at you Robby..." She said softly... 
"I kissed you first..."

Robby cleared his throat, then remained silent, and Emily
knew it would take alot of coaxing to bring her brother out
of his guilt-imposed silence...
"What happened was my fault, because I wanted to feel my first, 
real kiss with a boy, and I couldn't stop myself...

Emily raised her head with deliberate slowness, but was
still afraid to look at her brother's face...
"You haven't been yourself lately Robby." She said...
"I knew something was bothering you, but I never realized
what it was and how upset you really were until you
confided in me last week..."

Emily slowly raised her eyes, locking eyes with her brother...
"I wanted my first kiss to be with someone special..." She said slowly...
"A boy I felt safe with, and knew I could trust..."

Emily's hands fidgeted in her lap, 
"A boy I liked...one who maybe liked me a little too..." She said shyly...

Robby's saw his sister's eyes suddenly glisten in the moonlight,
as a deep look of affection and longing swept over her features... 
"A boy like you... Robby..." She whispered softly...

Robby was stunned by this revelation...

He quickly averted his gaze, his heart beginning to beat faster second
by second, as the decision he had been dreading for the last ten minutes
was finally upon him...

"Emily..." He said, his voice tight with conflicting emotions...

Robby swallowed hard, his throat and lips drier than ever before...

In the Walker family, sex education was a very taboo subject.
Their mother forbid them to read or watch anything that had even
the slightest hint of sexual content or information....

To Emily, it was explained as a subject "to be explored on her 
wedding night", with lectures about "only touch your intimate parts 
when you need to wash them" being a regular occurance. The only aspect 
of sexual maturity her mother ever explained to her, was about her period, 
and why she bled...

In an age where education about sex was becoming more and more 
vital, Robby and Emily were denied even the most basic facts;
With legitimate medical-terms like Vagina, Penis, Scrotum, Testicles, 
and others, being taboo learning for them. The only reason Robby even 
knew about the the word Penis, and it's meaning, was because
he'd heard an older boy at school slip up and use it in public...

This, too, was forbidden, as the private school they went to
not only had a strict dress code, but also behavior policies 
concerning the use of sexual language...

With their knowledge consisting of 99% fear and 1% dogma, it was
understandable that Robby would fear any situation that might
lead He and his Sister to touch each other in any fashion other than
an innocent hug or handshake...

All this was at the forefront of his thoughts, as he tried to
deal with their present circumstances....

Robby drew in a deep breath, letting out in a tortured, emotional
"Emily..." He croaked, his vocal coards suddenly protesting...
"I... we... we *cant* do this..."

Emily tilted her head slightly, looking back at him with
an honest look of innocent puzzlement...
"Do what Robby?" She replied softly...

Emily then made a sweeping gesture around the treehouse...
"We're up here in our treehouse... talking. What's wrong with that?"

Robby squeezed his eyes tightly shut, shaking his head furiously
to try and erase the impure thoughts he was feeling...
"No, you don't understand!" He cried softly... 
"I'm so confused Sis! I don't want to just talk with you while we're
up here, I want to...."

All of Robby's good intentions flew from his mind forever, as he
felt a sudden warmth envelop his left hand...

His eyes snapped open in a panic, his heartbeat now pounding in
his ears, as he saw his beautiful sister now sitting in front of
him close enough to be touched...

While Robby's eyes were closed, Emily seized the initiative
and had silently crept forward to sit on her haunches in front
of him, with her knees almost touching his...

Emily had reached out with her left hand, her fingers slightly
trembling with a mixture of fear and excitement, as she gently
silenced Robby's tortured words by caressing his right hand...

Robby looked down to his lap then, watching Emily's fingers
gently squeeze his hand in reassurance...

Mustering all his courage, Robby Walker raised his eyes to his sister's

Her eyes reflected all the same emotions that he felt right now...
She gave him a soft smile, but he could see that she too was trying
to come to a decision about her feelings, and was looking for the
same kind of sign to guide her as he was...

Robby swallowed, his words coming out a soft gasp...
"Emily... I... I want..."

Robby froze like a statue, as Emily began pulling his right hand towards
her bosom...
"You want to touch me again?" She asked softly...

Robby was powerless to react...
He watched in stunned silence, as his hand completed it's journey,
and Emily forcefully made his fingers cup the indescribible form, 
of her fifteen year old left breast...

Robby stared at his hand with a kind of numb-horror...
His emotions spiraled out of control. He felt as if every principle
and feeling he ever knew to be right were suddenly turned upside down,
then thrown to the four winds... 
"This can't be happening..." He thought...
"I can't keep touching my sister like this!"

Robby looked into Emily's eyes in a panic, trying to find a
way to break the spell that was overpowering them and return
Brother and sister to the normal relationship they had always enjoyed...

But Robby felt his heart skip another beat, as the look in Emily's
eyes made it clear that she wanted him to keep his hand right where it was...
"Maybe we both want you to touch me..." She husked, her voice heavy with
a tone he had never before heard in her...

Emily held his hand firmly against her breast, as she crawled her lithe,
warm body, into his lap and pressed her right side against his handsome chest...
"Kiss me, Robby..." She whispered.

Robby suddenly found his voice...
"No! I cant! This is wrong Sis! This..."

She raised a finger to his lips to silence him...
"It's only fair..." She soothed...
"I took my first kiss from you, now you can take yours from me."

Her face brightened into a smile that could bring light to the darkest corner
of the world; Her eyes glowing with a trust and affection that no force in
the universe could blunt or deflect...
"I know how scared you are, Robby." She said...
"I'm a little scared too, and I know you think that what we're doing is wrong, 
but it's not."

Emily made Robby's fingers tenderly squeeze into her breast, as she said...
"God loves us, Robby. He sees how much we've suffered. 
That's why he brought us together like this..."

Emily began moving Robby's hand over her breast then, taking in a deep breath
then letting it out, as she quietly confessed...
"I love you, Robby Walker..." She whispered...
"I know you love me as your sister... but I want you to
start loving me as your girlfriend..."

Robby slowly released a breath he never realized he had been holding...
"Girlfriend..." He echoed in a whisper...

Emily kept smiling at him, as she said...
"I'm so happy that my first kiss was from you. It's been so long 
since anything really made me feel alive and happy like that..."

Robby briefly glanced at his hand, as Emily continued to rub it against
the side of her left breast...

Emily noticed where he was looking...
She grinned, looking at him knowingly...
"I know this feels awkward..." She said slowly.
"As a girl, probably feels even more awkward for me than
it does for you..."

Emily lowered her gaze, looking up at him fondly now, from under
her lovely eyebrows...
"But you're my brother." She added quietly...
"You've been my best friend my whole life. You're the only person I 
can trust to touch my body like this and not hurt or take advantage 
of me somehow..."

Robby needed no oracle to show him the truth of her words...
They had been together every day of their lives for fifteen years...

She was the totallity of truth; Every fiber of her being showing 
and telling him that this was truly what she wanted, 
and that she felt no remorse...

He gave in...

Pulling her closer against him with his left arm, Robby lowered his head
towards his sister's face, bringing his lips to hers...

Their eyes closed reflexively, as fifteen year old lips of brother and sister
caressed each other in a long, sweet kiss...

It was a tender kiss. One filled with such love and joy that it
erased all their fear and doubt in one long, gentle, innocent moment
of peace...

Robby began moving his own hand then. He gently kneaded and caressed the firm,
yet supple flesh, of Emily's left breast..
His senses marvled at it, his long and handsome fingers now timidly exploring
his sister's body by choice, not by chance...

Emily moaned into her brother's mouth, as a sudden flash of colors danced
behind her eyelids...
"His fingers are nice and warm." She thought...
"I'm glad I forgot my bra tonight..."

The weather that night was turning colder...
The sensitive flesh of her nipples, having come into contact with the chilly air,
were erect and firm...

Robby's hand rubbed over the top of her left nipple; His touch rubbing the fabric
of her t-shirt over it in a most pleasurable way...

"Mmm?!..." she moaned louder, as her erect nipple sent a familiar wave
of warm, tingling pleasure, flowing down her body...

Directly into the center of her crotch...

She felt it begin to tingle strangely; Her most intimate place suddenly growing
warmer, and starting to throb with a kind of feeling that both frightened
her innocent mind, yet excited some awakening urge deep within her that
she couldn't fully explain...

"Ohh... that's so nice...." she thought dreamily to herself...

In her fifteen years of life, Emily Walker had never masturbated... 
To her, touching herself was something she did in the shower to wash properly... 
Emily had never imagined that touching her private parts was something that 
could make her feel good. Neither had her mother approved of such things,  
always reminding her that excessive touching of her breasts, or the
intimate flesh between her legs, was an evil, dirty thing.

But Emily, now feeling the first awakenings of her female sex drive, 
began to feel very, very differently...

She softly released her hold on Robby's hand then, leaving it to
continue touching and kneading her breast the way she had shown him...

With subtle slowness, Emily began snaking her hand downward...

She ran the palm of her hand down her body, pulling her t-shirt up
over her abdomen to circle one finger around her tiny belly button, 
before continuing downward to the wasteband of the tight shorts at her waist...

With intuition now guiding her actions, Emily's fingers found the clasp 
of her shorts. Deftly she released it, pulling down her zipper in one, 
smooth, silent motion...

Robby, for his part, was far too caught up in his own actions, to notice 
what his sister was doing between her legs...

He continued their kiss lovingly, enjoying the sound of Emily's softly-moaning
breaths as he reached up with his left hand and began running his fingers through 
her long blond hair...

With secretive hesitation, Emily's hand slipped below her waist and
slid over the thin fabric that served as the only barrier between
her virginal sex, and a world filled with young teenage boys who would have 
given up everything they had just to share in the tender, innocent explorations,
that she had decided to share only with her brother...

Emily's five trembling fingers were shyly working to discover the reason why 
the flesh she had always thought was benign, was suddenly feeling so hot and
bothered, making her heart beat with a rush of excitement that made her
feel both uneasy and elated....

Heat enveloped her hand, as Emily rubbed her palm up and down
over the tight fabric of her white cotton panties...

As she began to realize that her crotch felt much hotter than usual,
Emily uncontiously ran her fingers up and down the cleft that was beginning
to form at the center of her panties, as it's fabric began to cling to
her intimate flesh in a way she had never experienced before...

Emily froze, as her fingers detected a growing dampness spreading out
from between the newly discovered cleft in her underwear...
"My panties are... wet! Why are they wet!?" she thought to herself.
She knew she hadn't just peed herself...

Going on instinct, Emily moved her hand back up to her waist, then slowly
slipped her fingers under the top of her panties...

She moved the palm of her hand down across her sex, cupping her intimate
flesh for the first time to feel a growing flush of heat flow outward
against her skin...
"How can I feel so warm when it's so chilly tonight?" Emily thought...

Innocent wonder touched her thoughts, as Emily used two fingers to
gently pull aside the lips of her labia...

Half an instant later, A sudden thrill of excitement coursed through her,
as a warm, wet fluid suddenly coated her trembling fingers, as she timidly 
moved them between the tiny folds of her vulva...
"What is this stuff?" She wondered...
"It's so warm and slippery!"

Emily slowly moved her fingers up and down through the tender
flesh of her labia and vulva, marveling at how easily her fingers slid
between the lips of her teenage sex, thanks to this strange new fluid
her body was suddenly releasing...
"This is amazing!" She thought...
"I don't think I could touch myself like this if my crotch wasn't
making my fingers so slippery."

A deep shudder rocked her body then, as her innocent explorations
caused the tingling in her intimate flesh to grow into warm, soothing waves 
of pleasure...

Robby felt his sister shudder, causing him to finally break their 
kiss to look down into her face...

But Emily wasn't looking at him.

Her eyes were tightly closed, a look of intense concentration on her face...
Her cheeks were strangely flushed, and her mouth was now opened into a 
small "O" shape...

As Robby saw this, Emily suddenly began breathing through her mouth, 
taking in slow, deep breaths...

Robby shifted his gaze slightly.

Emily's chest was rising and falling in time with her breathing...
The flesh of her left breast now felt hotter than before...

Robby was torn.
A part of him felt like he should ask his sister if she was alright.
But at the same time, he realized he was more than a little curious 
as to why Emily had such a strange, excited look on her face... 

Robby pulled his hand away from Emily's left breast then, 
intent on watching her closely to try and discover what had
happened, that appeared to be making her feel so good...

Meanwhile, Emily felt Robby's warm hand fall away from her breast...
As the cold air within the treehouse hit her exposed flesh, a shiver went 
down her spine, causing her newly discovered pleasure to begin fading from 
her entire body...

"No!" she moaned, feeling the wonderful feeling in her crotch begin to fade...
"I'm cold, Robby! Keep touching me!"

Her words compelled him to obey, as he brought his hand up once again to 
firmly cup her left breast...

Emily gasped, as Robby's warm hand and gentle touch restored that familiar
tingling heat to her bosom, causing another wave of pleasure to flow
through her entire body and focus deep between her legs...

Robby, deciding to help Emily do whatever it was that she was doing,
began slowly kneeding and squeezing the ample, perfectly shaped globe,
of his sister's firm, teenage breast...
Amidst his innocent caresses, Robby's thumb accidentally brushed across 
the sensitive flesh of Emily's left nipple...

Emily felt a sudden, brief jolt of overwhelming pleasure, pulse outward
from her left breast the instant her brother's thumb grazed her stiffened 

"Ooh, Robby!... do that again..." She whispered excitedly...

Robby, realizing that the erect little nubbin he had accidentally touched
had somehow made her feel good, decided to comply with his sister's request...

He rubbed the palm of his hand slowly around Emily's left breast again, 
bringing her erect nipple between his thumb and forefinger this time, and
gently squeezing it and rolling it between his fingers...

"Yes!... Robby... just like that... keep doing that!" She exclaimed softly.

Robby just watched his sister then, marveling at the sight of her 
caught up in a pleasure and contentment that he had never seen before...

She began to slowly rock in his lap then, and Robby was forced to bring 
his left arm behind her back to steady her...

He looked down in the direction of Emily's crotch, his eyes widening 
slightly as he began watching the rhythmic movement of his sister's 
fingers under her white cotton panties...

Like his sister, Robby Walker had never attempted masturbating.
He had never heard the word before either, and his mother had given
him the same warning as Emily: That touching himself excessively,
for any other purpose beyond normal personal hygene, was morally
reprehensible, and strictly forbidden...

However, as Robby watched his sister touch herself in such a new,
and supposedly dirty way, he dimly realized that whatever she
was doing to herself underneath her panties was obviously
making her feel good...
"I don't understand." He thought...
"If touching our privates is supposed to be dirty and sinful,
then how could it be making Emily feel so good right now?"

"Ooh... Ooh... Oh... Ohh... Mmm!..." She moaned, in perfect unison with 
the movement of her fingers...

As Emily tenderly continued her ministrations, she felt a new pressure 
building deep within her crotch...
After briefly contemplating her mother's warnings about not touching herself
for pleasure, Emily brought two fingers together and slowly pushed
them into the small, circular opening, that was the wonderously slick tightness, 
of her virginal, fifteen year old vagina... 

Emily shuddered, as the hot, narrow cave she had just entered suddenly clamped 
down on her invading fingers, sending more of that slippery, warm fluid, flowing 
out around her fingers and down towards her anus...

"My fingers went in so easily!" She thought.
"That must be why my crotch gets wet like this!"

Feeling her pleasure build further at her penetration, 
Emily slowly pulled her fingers back out... almost completely.
Then, on impulse, she thrust them back in as deeply as she could
with one swift stroke...
As she did this, her entire body rocked against Robby's left arm; 
It's muscles reflexively tightning to keep her held against him...

Emily's breathing quickened then, as she began slowly pushing her fingers 
in and out of the gripping-tunnel at the center of her crotch, that her
mother had warned her never to penetrate...

She marveled at her vagina then, and though Emily did not yet know it's
proper name, she was amazed that her mother would try to prevent her
from discovering, and frequently indulging, in touching herself the 
way she was doing right now, and making her body feel such an indescribable 
mixture of warm, soft, yet raw and wild pleasure...

Emily gasped and moaned in time with her fingers, her lithe, nubile body
undulating and jerking erotically in her brother's lap, as she pleasured
her virginal sex and slowly built towards that glorious ecstasy that 
every human body craved, and every human mind instinctively knew how to
bring about...

Robby continued to cradle his sister in his lap, staring at Emily's
panties in silent-wonder, as her fingers repeatedly penetrated that dark 
and mysterious place that he had only imagined in strange, oddly exciting dreams...

The dreams would always end just as he was about to push the end of his 
penis into the center of a girl's crotch...
Every time this happened, Robby would lurch up out of bed in a panic...
He would rip the covers off his body, pull his penis out of his pajamas, 
and squeeze it painfully tight...

He would stare down at it in confusion, his shaft tingling and throbbing, 
having somehow grown and swelled to many times it's normal size, and extending
beyond the reach of just one of his hands...

Sometimes his penis would twitch in his grasp, and the end of it, which 
reminded Robby of a mushroom, would blush a crimson red and throb so strongly
that it made him feel like he needed to pee...

Robby would rush to the bathroom in a panic, forcing himself to calm down
enough to make his shaft shrink to normal size, and willing himself to urinate
to try and make, what he felt to be, a wild and sinful feeling in his loins
subside and leave him in peace...

After a few long moments of contemplating his strange dreams, Robby
shifted his gaze to his sister's face...

Her eyes were closed, and he could tell by the satisfied smile on her
face that Emily was really enjoying what their mutual touches
were doing to her body...

For the first time in many years, Robby saw that she was happy; 
Her body and soul free from their mutual torment.
His guilt began to fade then, as Robby realized for the first time that 
he had finally been able to play some part in helping her through their 
mutual circumstances. 
Even if he could only help her escape for a short time, to him, it was enough...

No words could express how he felt about his sister in this one, perfect, 
magical moment...

With exquisite simplicity, his heart chose four simple words: 
The most meaningful words in their universe...
"I love you... Emily."

His words, calling out to his sister's heart as her body sailed upon a sea 
of pleasure, finally tipped the balance...

Emily's eyes flew open, her head jerking towards her brother, 
as she felt the beginnings of her first orgasm...

Her gaze met his, and he saw a new light come into her eyes...
A mixture of excitement, shock, awe, and ecstasy; All flowing out of the
depths of her innocent heart and shining brightly at him through her beautiful, 
penetrating blue eyes...
"Robby, something's coming!" She said breathlessly...
"Robby... I FEEL it!" She husked excitedly...

Emily flexed her pelvis upward against her fingers, her movements 
waneing to exquisite slowness, as she instinctively pleasured
her virginal flesh in just the right way...
"Uh!" She grunted, her vagina rippling around her fingers as
soft squishing noises filed the treehouse...

Her body trembled to the pounding rhythm of her heartbeat,
wild thudding noises reverberating in her ears like thunder, 
as Emily Walker drank in a kind of pleasure that she knew without any doubt
that her body and mind would be addicted to for the rest of her life...

"Robbyyy..." She breathed, her voice barely a whisper, as she slowly dug 
three fingers deep into her sex; Pulling them up slightly as she instinctively 
rocked her pelvis up to increase her wildly arousing penetration...

Robby watched in awe as his sister's breathing slowed to deep, ragged breaths.
He watched with growing excitement as the flush of arousal deepened across 
his sister's flawless skin; Her face and neck quickly beginning to glisten with 
sweat as every inch of her virginal body began to tremble even more...

Emily moaned suddenly, as the walls of her vagina clamped down on her 
invading fingers, sending a boiling wave of pleasure surging outward 
from the depths of her sex, warming her entire body...
"Robby, I-it's getting closer!" She said softly...
"Hold me, please!" She half-moaned, half-pleaded, as a hint of 
fear appeared in her voice...

Robby misunderstood, pulling his sister tight against him with his left arm...

But Emily, instinctively knowing what was about to happen, and wanting to
share her first orgasm with her brother, knew where she wanted to be held...
"No!" She cried...
"Please... hold my... hand!" She begged desperately...

Realization washed over Robby, as he pulled his hand from her left breast...
Robby released a shuddering breath, as he slowly moved his trembling hand
down over her innocent, teenage body, and placed his palm over the fabric 
of Emily's damp, white cotton panties...

As his hand made contact, Robby felt Emily's pace increase to a frenzy, 
her body rocking strongly against his left arm, as she continued thrusting 
her pelvis up into her stabbing fingers...

As she felt Robby's warm hand gently caress her's through her panties,
Emily Walker felt the last of her fear vanish; Her body held tightly
against the only person she trusted completely, as he held her safe
in his strong, gentle arms...

Emily cried out in a deep, moaning exhale of breath, as that wonderful
pleasure in her crotch became even stronger...
"I don't care what mother says!" She thought blissfully...
"There's no way that making my body feel this good could ever
be dirty or sinful!"

As Emily dug her fingers deeper than ever before, she felt a sudden release 
of that warm, slick fluid, that lubricated her fingers so wonderfully...

The walls of her vagina squeezed her fingers painfully tight then,
the gripping flesh of her virginal tunnel instantly heating up like an
inferno, as the climax of her innocent efforts was suddenly at hand...

Emily opened her mouth slightly in a shuddering exhale, a chill suddenly 
running down her spine, as she realized that the pleasure she'd been feeling 
was about to be magnified beyond anything she could possibly imagine...

"Ohh!... OH yes! Robby... It's... Heeeere!" She whimpered.

The breath was driven from her lungs, her entire body now feeling hot
and sweaty, as fifteen year old Emily Walker at last reached her first orgasm...

Emily's mind went blank, as intense contractions ripped through every 
inch of her sex...
She felt her vaginal walls clamping, rippling, flexing violently 
against her fingers...
With each throbbing contraction, she unconsciously thrust her pelvis 
upward, driving her fingers deep into her forbidden depths, as she 
wiggled them wildly against the frantically spasming walls of her vagina...

Every time her excited walls clamped down on her fingers, boiling waves of
soothing ecstasy exploded outward from between her legs, bathing her sweaty 
body in warm, throbbing, tingling pleasure...

Emily swooned in Robby's arms, as her body was rocked
again with blinding waves of sexual bliss...
Every wave made her eyelids flutter, then open wide, as she
gazed unceasingly at her brother; Her eyes wordlessly showing him
him just how safe and wonderful his loving caresses had helped make her feel...

"Ahh... Ahh... Ooh... Ooh... Ohh..." She cried softly, 
unable to keep her trembling lips and gasping breaths from
perfectly describing the most wonderful pleasure she had ever known...

A few blissful seconds later, Emily Walker began coming down from 
her first climax, her body feeling like an autumn leaf gently gliding 
towards the ground...

The orgasmic contractions of her vaginal walls began
slowing... the tingling warmth filling her body beginning to fade
as well, as the exhausted reproductive flesh between her legs
expended the last of it's addictive energy...

"No!!!" Emily moaned insistantly, as she quickly turned her
head towards her crotch, her expression one of innocent surprise, 
and agonized disappointment...
"It can't be over already?!" She thought...
"Couldn't I feel good for just a little longer?"

Emily Walker, having unconsiously seccumbed to the addicting
energy and soothing impulses of sexual pleasure, couldn't bare 
the thought of her orgasm being finished so quickly...

She pushed deep into her vagina one last time, wiggling her
fingers against the gripping folds of her slick, virginal sex,
in a desperate attempt to reignite the orgasm that was
quickly fading within her...

Emily's lips parted in a moan that sent a chill up Robby's spine,
as the amazingly tight walls of her vagina clamped down on her 
soaking wet fingers one last time; 
Giving her one final taste of the blissful, rippling pleasure,
that Emily knew she could no longer live without...

Throughout the entirety of her orgasm, Robby Walker kept his hand 
firmly on top of his sister's increasingly wet panties..

He felt every push, every pull, every twitch of her hand, as her
fingers worked desperately between her legs to prolong the wordless
ecstasy that each contraction of her forbidden flesh could give her...

Robby felt his own heart pounding with awe and excitement at what 
was happening, as a part of himself that he wished didn't exist,
secretly began to wonder if touching his penis would grant him the 
same, blissful ecstasy, that he knew was coursing through the
body of his fifteen year old sister even now...

A few moments later, it was all over...

Emily, her energy finally spent, collapsed against Robby's chest...
She took in slow, deep breaths, as her body fought to reclaim it's 
lost oxygen...

"Robby... ohh... Robby..." She whispered between breaths...

As Brother and Sister came down from the excitement of Emily's first
orgasm, the innocent couple stared at each other in momentary silence...

Nothing in their fifteen years of life could have prepared them to
describe what had just passed between them...

Any words they possessed were powerless to articulate the complex 
intermingling of thinking, feeling, and emotion, that was saturating 
their mutual awareness in that moment...

Though their conscious, logical minds, told them that what they
did was wrong, a wordless feeling within each of them told Brother and
Sister that this was right; That through forces and situations they
couldn't understand, they were destined to be attracted to each other
in a sexual way...

Never had one moment of time held so much promise, hope, and meaning... 

So much emotion...
So many thoughts...
So many memories of their mother repeatedly warning them to guard
themselves against impure thoughts and actions...

One of them had to speak...
Either Brother, or Sister, had to be the first one to break the uneasy 
silence that stood between them, and begin to explain how he or she felt 
about the boundry they had just crossed together...

Emily, being the emotionally stronger of the two, collected her
thoughts first...

She looked at Robby expectantly, preparing to tell him how she felt,
and explain to him how thankful she was that he had helped her
make such a miraculous discovery about her body...

Just as Emily opened her mouth to speak, she and her brother heard
a familiar voice calling to them from the direction of their house...

It was their mother...

"Robby! Emily!  Come down from there this instant! It's 9:40 and I 
told you two to be in bed by 9:30!"

Their unspoken plans to share their thoughts with each other were
shattered instantly, as Emily jerked her hand out of her panties, 
and quickly wiped her slick fingers on one leg of her shorts....

"It's mother!" She hissed in a panic; moving off her brother's lap.

Robby, equally terrified that their mother had heard everything, asked softly...
"Do you think she heard us?"

"I don't know Robby!" Emily hissed again, her fingers moving swiftly to 
pull up her zipper and fasten the clasp on her shorts.

Their mother called to them again, her voice now coming from directly
beneath them, at the base of the treehouse ladder...
"COME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" She yelled, her voice quaking with rage...

"COMING MOM!" Robby yelled back, keeping his voice as steady and normal 
as he could manage under the present circumstances...

He quickly grabbed Emily's hand, dragging her towards the ladder
as fast as he could...

Robby jerked to a halt suddenly, as he felt his sister strongly tug
against his arm...

As he turned back to face her, Robby was shocked to stillness by what
he saw...

Emily was on all fours, her right arm outstretched and her hand
still in his grasp...
Her long blonde hair shone brightly in the moonlight, partially covering
both her shoulders and cascading down the sides of her face almost to
the floor of their treehouse...
All this framed a beautiful face that was still sweaty and flushed from 
her earlier exertions, yet looking at him with a smile that Robby
would remember for the rest of his life...

As Emily smiled warmly at him, she gripped his hand tighter and pulled 
herself towards him...
Robby swallowed hard, his breath catching in his chest, as Emily
pursed her lips and spoke to him in a voice filled with gratitude and
"Thank you so much Robby. I never would have felt so good, and learned
what I did tonight, without your help..." She said softly.

Meanwhile, at the bottom of the ladder, their mother continued her tirade...

Simultaneously, Emily leaned forward and gently kissed her brother on the cheek, 
leaning close to whisper in his ear... "We'll talk again soon."

Robby, first to the ladder, began his decent, with Emily following close behind....


Chapter #3 - Interlude of Inquisition.

Elizabeth Walker watched as her children decended down the wooden ladder toward her.

Her mind seethed with frustration and anger over their disobedience, 
and she wondered what had kept them so distracted up there that they 
forgot their promise to be in bed at the time she asked.

Finally they both stepped off the ladder; Turning to face her, as she said...
"And just what was so important up there that you ignored the promise 
you made me about being in bed on time for school tomorrow?"

Robby, his emotions already at the forefront of his awareness, 
responded in anger:
"We didn't 'ignore' our promise, Mother. 
We just got to talking and lost track of time.
You know we don't have a clock in the treehouse..."

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at them, as her anger now tinged with suspicion.

"And just what did you talk about that was so distracting that you 
'lost track' of time?"

Emily, fearing that her mother had spotted her flushed complexion 
in the moonlight, quickly replied...
"I was telling Robby about some of the things the girls at school 
have been saying to me."

Elizabeth shifted her piercing gaze to her daughter; 
Noticed she looked tired and flushed.

Correctly 'misinterperating' this as confirmation that she had been upset 
or crying, she asked...
"What were they saying to you? What kind of filth were they trying 
to poison you with?!"

Emily inwardly breathed a sigh of relief, 
as she continued weaving her elaborate disception:
"They said I looked too old fashioned. One of them said I looked like 
an old maid, and an older girl said I dressed like her grandmother."

The gambit worked...

"That does it!" Elizabeth exclaimed...
"First thing tomorrow morning I'm marching into that fool of a principle's 
office and taking off his head! Nobody harasses my children with their 
brazen, hussy filth, and gets away with it!"

Putting the finishing touches on their story, Robby interjected...
"You don't have to do that mom..." He said smoothly... 
"It's alright. I've already talked with Emily about this, and told her not 
to listen to anything else they have to say from now on. 
We know they're just ignorant, misguided kids. 
You've told us that many times before."

Mustering the last of his patience, he contrived his warmest, 
understanding smile to beam at his mother...

The plan worked...

Elizabeth's expression softened then; 
Her anger fading after hearing how her son handled the situation so responsibily...

Presently she said...
"I'm proud of you, Robby. You handled the situation in a more 
adult fashion than I was about to."

She frowned again, some of her previous anger showing through her voice, 
as she continued...
"But that still doesn't excuse you two from being irresponsible about 
keeping track of time. You're both still grounded for a week."

Realizing this was their best case scenario, they nodded in acceptance 
of their punishment...
"It's alright mom..." Emily replied...
"We understand. I'm sorry again for making you upset tonight."

The frown on their mother's face relaxed slightly, but the anger was still 
quite evident in her voice...
"The matter is closed for now." She said tersly...
"Just don't let it happen again, alright?"

The twins nodded in unison...
"Yes mother." They said...

Elizabeth, hearing their contrite appology and subsequent agreement 
not to transgress again, was finally satisfied...
"That's better!" She said. ..

Elizabeth clapped her hands once, tensing her posture to stand with military 
"Now, lets get you two inside before you catch your death of cold!"
She nearly yipped in a voice reminicent of "nails on a chalk board"...
"Can't have the two of you staying home all week sick from school..."

The twins, eager to get out of the cold, but far more eager to remove 
themselves from their mother's overbaring and dominating presence, 
quickly nodded in agreement...

Elizabeth Walker did a quick about-face and, with her children in tow, 
walked briskly through her backyard and back into her house...


Chapter #4 - Faith, and Love.

It was a tense week at the old century house that was the
home of the Walker Family...

Elizabeth Walker watched over her children like a woman
possessed. She stalked the rooms of their house throughout
the day, and well into each night...

Her hawklike features absorbed every last detail of what
she saw, right down to using her finger to wipe a layer
of dust of the mantlepiece over the fireplace in her
husband's study, then promtly marching upstairs to scold
her children for not dusting her entire house flawlessly,
as their long list of weekly chores demanded...

Their present state of being grounded for the entire week
subjected The Twins to even more scrutiny than usual...
Like so many other times in the past five years, Robby and Emily 
Walker felt like Prisoners of War in their own home...
No matter how hard they worked on their chores, or how much
effort they put into their studies, the two teenage siblings were
forever responsible for paying for crimes they neither committed, 
nor understood, as their overbaring mother took out her depression 
and emotional instability on the nearest and easiest targets 
in her life...

The constant barrage of scrutiny finally began to subside by
early Thursday evening...

Elizabeth Walker, having dedicated every waking moment to terrorizing
her children, had worked her body to the edge of exhaustion...

She hadn't slept well in days, and with each night consisting of maybe
four ininterrupted hours of sleep, her energy reserves had decreased to
the point that her blood pressure was dangerously high, and her head throbbed
with a migraine powerful enough to knock rhino into unconsciousness for at
least a week...
In spite of this, she had managed to remain focused, and summon
the last of her strength in order to get dinner on the table by 5:30...

By the time she was halfway done with her dinner though,
Elizabeth found she could no longer withstand the throbbing pain
stabbing viciously through her temples...

The room felt as if it was spinning, in spite of her presently 
being seated in her kitchen and keeping her body absolutely motionless...
She could literally feel the blood rushing through the veins in her
body, as the food on the plate in front of her wafted it's warm
aroma up to her nostrils, only to send an overwhelming wave of
nausea rushing up from her stomach and triggering her gag reflex...

Elizabeth Walker slowly pushed her chair back and lifted herself to
her feet... 
Every muscle in her body protested even the slightest expenditure of
effort, and she had to fight to remain standing as she raised a trembling
right hand up to gently massage her left temple...
"I'm not feeling well kids." She said quietly...
"I'm going to lie down a little while before clearing the dishes."

Robby and Emily had been watching their mother in silence the the entire time
In spite of how she treated them, The Twins loved their mother with all
their heart. As was befitting of their kind innocence, neither Robby nor
Emily had ever wished for their mother to be in the kind of misery that
they knew she was feeling right now. If their love had any say in the matter,
Robby and Emily Walker would have broken every law of the universe to return
their mother to the way she was...

They would shatter the linear and inexorable flow of time, heal whatever 
damage  the brain aneurysm had done with a wave of their hands, and 
instantly sooth the chemical imbalances in her head that had turned 
Elizabeth Walker from a kind, protective mother, into the nearly-demonic 
creature that now hid inside their mother's shell of a body like some kind 
of doppleganger...

They had been waiting for a break in their mother's behavior for 
nearly a week, and having had so much time to silently contemplate 
the recent and conroversial changesin their relationship, were eager 
to work together to take advantage of the present, unfortunate situation, 
and contrive an excuse uninterrupted, so they could share their feelings 
with one another without bringing the wrath of God down upon them...

"It's alright Mother." Emily said quietly...
"Go and get some rest. Robby and I will clear the dinner table and finish
the dishes before we start our homework."

Elizabeth, already taking unsteady steps down the hallway towards her bedroom, 
turned back to look at her...
She favored her children with a soft smile, the weakness of her body 
temporarily walling off her negative emotions, as she looked at her 
daughter with obvious relief and gratitude...
"Thank you sweetheart. I just need to lie down and try to get rid 
of this terrible migraine. I'll be up later to check your homework 
and see you to bed."

Robby contrived a warm smile for his mother...
"Alright mom. Sleep well. I hope you feel better soon!" He called softly...

Their mother nodded, turning and walking the rest of the way to her bedroom...

The twins waited until they heard their mother firmly shut her 
bedroom door, before finally speaking...

Keeping their voices low, they began discussing their growing concern for
their mother's physical and mental health...

Emily sighed...
"At least this gives us a chance to finally be alone and talk."

Robby, already clearing the dishes from the table and taking them to the sink,
responded quietly...
"I know right? I've had a hard time keeping quiet this week, with mother
watching us so closely and being so over emotional all the time."

Emily, having gathered the last of the dishes, joined her brother at the sink...
Presently they began their work; She washed while he dried...

"I know..." His sister responded belatedly, her tone soft and sad...
"It's so hard just staying silent and watching her degenerate like this..."

But Robby's opinion on the matter was colder...

"True enough." He said without turning...
"But she's partly to blame for the way she acts you know..."

Emily winced, knowing where her brother's line of thinking was going...
"She can't help what happened to her, Robby. It was a brain aneurysm..."

She finished washing a particularly dirty plate, handing it to her brother to dry...

Emily cleared her throat nervously, as she said...
"The best scientists in the world still don't fully understand all 
the ways a brain aneurysm can form. So much of it is still theory 
and conjecture, with everyone arguing over the details."

Robby snorted...
"I'm not talking about that, Sis." He said tersly...
"I was referring to her mental disorder." 

Emily risked a glance at her brother, noting the brooding expression beginning
to take hold on his face...
"She was diagnosed with depression years before her brain aneurysm." Robby continued...
"This was before either of us were event born. She's been told the facts, 
and there's no excuse for her to be so irresponsible and not take her medicine."

Emily felt tears begin to form in her eyes...
She turned away briefly, grabbing the last dirty plate and putting it in the sink, 
as she discreetly wiped the tears from her eyes...

'I...  I don't think she knows how bad she is anymore, Robby..." She half-whispered...
"The mom I remember would never hurt us the way she does now."

Robby turned his head to the left to look at his sister...
She stood with unnatural stiffness, her face a mask of loss and uneasiness; 
Her emotions buried just beneath the surface...

He reached out, gently grabbing Emily's shoulders and pulling her 
into a soft hug...
"I know Sis..." He said gently...
"I still remember the good times we had too. It's just..."

Robby sighed, breaking their hug and holding her in front of him 
gently by her shoulders...
"Mom will never be the way we remember her, Emily."

She jerked his head away from him towards the sink, fighting back tears,
as Robby explained...
"I'm no doctor, but whatever that aneurysm did to her brain pushed her 
condition beyond the average case. I realize it's a miracle that she's 
still alive today, but..."

He broke off mid sentence, suddenly tired of their present topic...

Emily turned back to look at him, wondering he had stopped talking mid-thought...
"But... what?" She asked expectantly...

But Robby shook his head...
"Nevermind. There's nothing I can say about this that you haven't already 
heard a million times before. I still love mom, but I realize there's 
nothing I can do now that can change what she's become."

Emily nodded gravely...
She realized that Robby was right. No matter how much they loved 
and cared for their mother, there would always be this sickness 
within her that neither of them could cure...
The damage done by the aneurysm, coupled with her paranoia about 
the world and her choice to stop taking her medicine, had set her 
on a crash course to oblivion that only Elizabeth herself could 
choose to avoid...

In spite of all this, Emily Walker slowly began to smile...

Standing right next to her was the one person, the one boy in the 
whole world, who understood her and their situation so intimately 
that he could comfort her pain and complete her life in a way she 
never thought possible... 

Every fiber of her being prayed that her brother also felt the same way, 
and that he only needed to be convinced that their growing feelings for 
each other were not wrong, but were merely the next, natural step in their

Emily turned back to look at Robby, a timid but loving smile on her face...
"But we can change what we become, can't we?" She asked softly...

Emily's words restored Robby's original chain of thought, as his
recent thoughts about their forbidden relationship rushed over him...
"That's something we should discuss elsewhere..." He said in a hushed whisper...

Emily's smile brightened...
"Lets go to my room." She replied...
"It's at the end of the hallway on the second floor, so Mother isn't very
likely to overhear us if we talk quietly..."

Robby nodded in agreement...
"Alright, lets go." He said...


Having finished the dishes in just twenty minutes, the twins went 
up to Emily's bedroom to discuss their recent experiences together....

The clock on her dresser read 6:20...

They had already been quietly debating for thirty minutes; 
Trying to understand what had passed between them, and how their 
beliefs fit into the new scheme of things....

Robby sat next to his sister on the left side of her bed.
As their discussion deepened, he realized that Emily had somehow
convinced herself that having him touch her in a sexual fashion
was an innocent, natural thing; Merely the end result of their
years of cloistered living, and their complete inability to interact
with others of the opposite sex and discover their sexuality normally...

As Robby pondered this silently, he realized that her surface point was,
in fact, correct. He admitted to himself that the events of their lives
had seemingly linked together to join he and his sister together in
innocent exploration of sexuality and feelings, and that some small part 
of him also felt that this was harmless and right...

But after spending the last fifteen years of his life being taught
that everything about their recent actions, and their present new 
feelings was wrong, Robby Walker wasn't about to unhinge his entire 
belief structure on the blind assumption that there would be no 
long-lasting moral or physical consequences for his actions...

"This is wrong, Emily" He said insistantly, using his sister's actual name,
instead of calling her "Sis", to help emphasise his point.

"Our whole lives have revolved around being decent, Christian people.
Ever since we were old enough to talk, Dad, and especially Mom, have
told us about the moral do's and dont's of life."

Emily opened her mouth to object, but Robby quickly raised a hand 
for silence, as he continued to explain...
"But for the sake of argument, let's take Mom, Dad, and the beliefs 
we were raised with and throw them out the window for a moment."

Robby leveled a hard stare across the room...
"Everything I have ever learned has told me that almost everywhere 
on Earth views our kind of relationship as abnormal. Incest is not 
only socially unacceptable, but it's an actual crime that both you 
and I *can* go to jail for if we are caught."

Robby then turned to face his sister, gesturing towards her
with one hand, as he added...
"Nevermind that both you and I are under the age of Eighteen."

Robby gazed deeply into his sister's eyes, his expression one of love,
but tempered with the seriousness that as demanded by this moment...
"We're not talking about teenage rebellion, or escaping our problems here,
Emily..." He said evenly...
"Heck, we're not even talking about choosing something Mom and 
Dad would disagree with just to spite them. We're talking about 
breaking pretty much every rule in the book, and starting down a 
path that could very well make things *much* worse for the both of us."

At any earlier time in her life, her brother's words, combined with her blind 
faith in everything they were raised to believe, would have undoubtedly turned 
Emily away from her present course...

But after recent events in the treehouse, combined with nearly a week
of the deepest soul-searching she had ever known, Emily Walker began
to seriously question everything she believed in...

Emily finally pieced together all the thoughts that had been 
tempting and torturing her heart and soul ever since she gave
her first kiss to the handsome boy sitting next to her, that through
some twisted crossing of fates, also happened to be her blood-related,
fifteen year old brother...
"I understand what you're saying Robby..." She said slowly, shaking her head...
"But think about this for a minute." She invited softly...

Robby kept his face deliberately noncomittal, as he gestured for
Emily to continue...
"What if we end up doing all the right things, but for all the wrong reasons?"
She asked...

Her words shocked him...
Robby had never considered that it was possible to do and say 
the right things, but have his reasons for doing so somehow be 
wrong or harmful...

He was momentarily at a loss for words, staring at her with a 
thoughtful expression, as he quickly tried to understand what 
his sister was getting at...

A few heartbeats later, Robby spoke...
"What do you mean?" He asked very hesitantly...

Emily quickly continued...
"The Bible talks about man having free will: We choose to do right, 
or we choose to do wrong."

Robby nodded...
"Yes." He said with slight agitation...
"But it also explains what happens when we use that Free Will to defy God
and deliberately do the wrong thing."

Emily nodded...
"I agree." She replied...
"But what if we use our Free Will and choose to do the right thing, 
not out of faith in God, or because we honstly believe in the choice we're making, 
but because we think that God won't understand our choice and punish us for it?"

"God is infinite." Robby said flatly...
"He created the beginnings of the universe simply by willing it into existence.
There's nothing that goes on here that can be hidden from his sight."

Emily smiled, nodding eagerly...
"That it exactly Robby!" She said...

She gazed longingly into her brother's eyes, her soul trying to
explain everything that her words could never completely vurbalize, as she
quietly added...
"God knows everything about us, Robby. He knows what we do, what we say, 
even what we think. As you just said, there's no possible way for us to hide 
these new feelings we have for each other, or how we would like to act on them,
in a way that He can't see."

Robby turned away, his thoughts suddenly thrown into complete disarray, as
a tumbling malestrom of emotions began to cloud his ability to think clearly...
"She thinks that if I agree to this that it will somehow make what
we're doing be alright." He thought...

Robby shook his head, frustration building in him second by second, as
Emily's words began to crumble his resolve to hold on to morality that had
been the bedrock of his psyche his entire life...
"I understand what you're saying..." He said slowly...

He hesitated, searching for the right words with which to make his point...
"It's bad enough that we've reached a point where we're starting to
think and feel about each other like this, but it's far, far worse to take 
the next step, and start physically *acting* on what we're feeling."

But Emily looked back at him with her most innocent expression...
"I think we've already done that Robby." She said softly...

Emily slid her hand between her legs...
"Whatever that wonderful feeling was that you helped me
find in my crotch, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Sex."

Robby reluctantly glanced down, as the sight of Emily gently
caressing herself between her legs sent a flood of memories
cascading through his awareness...

"You forget, Robby..." Emily interjected quietly...
"God sees more than just the sins we commit. He see everything about 
the world we live in that could drive people like us to do something 
like this..."

Emily reached a slightly trembling hand out to caress Robby's
right cheek...
"Nothing can blind God to all the ways we've been denied the chance 
to live the right way." She soothed...
"He's watched us struggle every day to please our parents and try to
persuade Mother to let us live a real, normal life."

Robby remained silent, as his sister gazed into his eyes with
a comforting expression of confidence...
"None of what's happened to us is our fault." She said...
"God knows that. It's why he hasn't done anything to stop us
from talking to each other right now, and trying to work all
this out, instead of blindly going on like we were and letting
our one chance at happiness disappear forever."

She put a hand to her heart, her eyes gazing into his...

"I love you Robby Walker, and I know you wouldn't be trying so hard
to convince me to change my mind if you didn't love me just as
much. Don't let yourself feel guilty about having feelings for
me just because you're afraid we'll be punished."

Emily raised her arm and pointed out her bedroom window...
"There's a whole world out there for us to discover. 
God never meant for us go it alone, and if we go back to the
way things were and pretend our times in the treehouse never 
happened, then we'd be denying each other our first *real* chance
at happiness."

Emily lowered her head then, closing her eyes and taking a slow,
deep breath...
"If you want to just forget about all this, Robby, I understand."

Emily put her hands in her lap then, clasping them together
to hide her trembling, as she tried desperately to keep from crying...
"Mother always said that God was loving and understanding. Somehow
I think he knew that someday you and I would face this choice."

Emily slowly opened her eyes...
She turned towards her brother, her face filled with such sadness
that it sent a stab of pain through Robby's chest...
"I choose to love you Robby." She said...
"I'll love you because I know God can forgive me. He never would have
sacrificed his own son if he didn't understand us and want to find
a way to make everything alright."

Robby turned away from his sister...
He gazed across Emily's room, quietly absorbing everything she had
said and trying to find some way to lighten a conversation that was
about to have both he, and his sister in tears...

For a lack of a better idea, Robby chuckled softly, 
trying to lighten the mood...
"Well, this certainly is a messed up world we live in." He said jovially...
"I can't imagine anything short of a divine sacrifice being capable 
of making up for all of our stupid mistakes..."

He stopped laughing then, slowing turning towards his sister
to say something...

But Emily wasn't laughing...

Her eyes looked through him as if he wasn't even there...
Her cheeks were pale, and her expression was one of such loneliness
and disappointment that Robby wanted to take her into his arms
and hold her forever...

Emily drew in a shaking breath, opening her trembling lips fractionally...
"Do you think our love is a stupid mistake, Robby?" She asked quietly...

Robby Walker realized that he had just said the most ill-timed, and
utterly insensitive words of his entire life...

He had never been any good at verbalizing his feelings on topics like
this, and between his lack of social experience and his innate shyness,
Robby was completely unprepared for talking to a fifteen year old girl,
especially since the girl in question was his sister, and trying to 
tell her that he wanted to return her love, but was afraid that by doing
so, he would ruin their lives...

Robby went back to being serious in the space of a single heartbeat...
He grabbed his sister's right hand, holding it between his and squeezing 
it reassuringly...
"No Emily, no--I'm so sorry!" He quickly replied...

Emily's eyes glistened with unshed tears, as she
looked at him with uncertainty...
"Truly Emily, I didn't mean that the way it sounded!
I was trying to lighten up the mood a little and ended up tripping
over my words again!" He assured her...

Robby Walker instinctivly knew that words alone could not erase
what he had just said a moment before...
He threw her arms around her then, hugging her tightly to his chest,
as he suddenly let out a ragged breath...
"I do love you." He confessed...
"I love you more than life itself. As long as we're together 
I'll never let anyone hurt you or come between us!"

A dozen heartbeats later, Robby gently broke their hug...
He layed his hands on his sister's shoulders, squeezing them fractionally
as he looked deeply into her innocent, penetrating blue eyes...
"You were right Emily." He confessed sadly...
"You were right about everything..."

Robby hung his head, as he kept his hand's on Emily's shoulders...
"I was trying so hard to change your mind because I care for you." He said quietly...
"I want to act on my feelings for you just as much as you do, but
I'm afraid that if I stop thinking this through and just go with
what you make me feel, that I'll go to far and end up hurting you 
or ruining your life somehow..."

Robby raised his head to look at his sister...
"I can't... make these feelings go away Sis." He cried softly...
"I don't want everyone to hate us, but I can't help
the way I feel about you!"

Emily looked at her brother with sympathetic pain.
She now knew beyond any doubt that Robby felt the same
way for her, as she did for him, and that they both
wanted to act on those feelings but were afraid to
do so for the exact same reasons...

In spite of all this, Emily Walker stood by her decision...

She would keep loving her brother no matter the cost.
Her chances of being allowed to start a relationship with
another boy were less than nothing, and Emily wasn't going
to throw away her only chance at happiness, just because the 
rest of the world couldn't understand their situation...

"I trust you, Robby..." She said softly...
"We've been close ever since we were little."

Emily reached out to her brother with her right hand, 
gently running her lovely fingers down his left cheek
with a silky soft touch...
"You've always been there for me" She said softly...
You're the most respectful gentlemen I've ever met.
There's no way you would ever take advantage of me or hurt me!"

Robby reached up to his face, using both hands to gently
cup his sister's hand and bring it to his lips...

He kissed the top of her hand romantically, looking into her
eyes with a mixture of love and shy hesitation...
"I know." He said quietly...
"I guess... I'm just afraid we're moving too far too fast..."

As Robby finished his sentence, he saw an odd light come into his
sister's eyes...

She looked at him with a timid expression, her head suddenly tilting
slightly, as she quickly pondered her brother's words...

Robby felt the need to interject into the suddenly long and awkward silence...
"What? Did I say something wrong?" He asked slowly...

Emily shook her head, but her expression remained unchanged...
"No... no, you didn't say anything wrong" She replied...
"Actually I agree with you. We need to take things more slowly..."

The odd light in Emily's eyes deepened...
"I think I have an idea on how to solve this though..." She added quietly...

Robby instantly began wondering where she was going with this...
"What idea?" He asked...


Chapter #5 - Making Plans.

The sun was low on the horizon, it's amber glow partly obscured
by a veil of clouds; the sun moving below the tree tops, 
as night began to fall...

Robby and Emily, beginning to reconcile their newfound feelings 
for one another with their long-held beliefs, slowly moved on to 
discussing their plans for the future.

As Emily prepared to continue their conversation, she glanced over 
at the clock...

It was already 7:00pm...

Emily looked back to her brother...
"There's no time for me to explain everything right now." She said evenly.
"It's already seven o-clock..." 

Robby opened his mouth to protest, but Emily interjected first...
"Mother should be waking up from her nap any minute now.  If she doesn't 
see our noses buried in our school books, doing our homework, being 
rounded will be the least of our problems."

Robby realized she was absolutely right...

He clamped his mouth shut, nodding once in agreement as he did so...

Robby got up off Emily's bed and walked over to her bedroom door...
Just as his fingers grasped the doorknob and were about to turn it, 
He heard Emily's voice call softly behind him...
"Come meet me in my room after Mother goes to bed." She said...
"Make it sometime after eleven o-clock, to make sure she's asleep!" 
She quickly added...

Robby turned back to look at her...

Emily's face smiled back at him, and even with the light
in her room quickly fading, Robby saw that her earlier
sadness and uncertainty had completely vanished...

Robby smiled back at her affectionately, as he softly
"Alright, I will..."

His heart warmed at the sight of her, as he gave her
a smile that could melt the coldest ice...
"And..." He added quietly...
"I love you... my perfect sister."

Emily couldn't respond.

From the first moment she had contemplated the idea of having
a real, sexual relationship, Emily Walker had longed for
the day that a boy would like her enough to hold her in his
arms the way Robby had earlier, and open his heart and say that
he loved her...

Emily's speechlessness continued, as she looked across
the room at her brother with teary eyes, giving him a small
wave in return...
She mouthed the words, "I love you too", as a single tear of joy
began slowly creeping down her right cheek...

Robby just smiled, nodding at her one last time, then turning the 
doornob and quietly letting himself out of her room...

After a long moment of silent contemplation, Emily Walker wiped
the tears from her eyes...

She got up off her bed, padding silently over to her desk and turning
on a small lamp...
Pulling out her old wooden desk chair, she sat down and bent forward
over her desk to sort through her textbooks..
"Time to get my homework out of the way." She thought...
"I need time to think about what I want to say to Robby later."

As Emily opened up her math book to her assigned chapter,
she whispered to herself...
"And about what I want us to do together..."


Meanwhile, Robby returned to his own bedroom...
He had spent about an hour working on his homework, when he heard
his bedroom door creak open...

It was his mother, coming in unannounced as usual to check his progress...

"Working hard on your studies tonight, Robby?" She asked...

He turned his head, giving her the best smile he could manage...

He was further behind than he usually was by this time of night, due to 
his late start...
Knowing his mother would check on him soon after he started, he chose to 
zip through his easiest subjects first, so he could have a pile of completed 
assignments to show her...
Only his history report, currently in a notebook by his right hand, remained...

Presently he replied...
"Yeah, I'm working hard Mom. Just having a little trouble with this History 
assignment for Mr. Taylor."

Leaving his bedroom door cracked open, Elizabeth walked over to inspect 
her son's progress...

Looking down at his notebook, she observed that he had only written 
five lines for his report...

She looked down at him, her face one of anger and disappointment...
"This looks like more than just 'a little trouble', Robby! 
You've had all night since dinner to do your homework. 
You should have gotten alot more accomplished..."

Robby groaned inwardly...
He knew beyond any shadow of doubt that he was about to get a lecture, 
and braced himself accordingly...

Right on queue, his mother began to preach...
"I taught you better than this, Robby! You're never going to amount 
to anything if  all you do is slack! I know that History isn't one 
of your favorite subjects, but that doesn't mean it should be less 
important to you!"

But Robby had already tuned her out...

As she continued to berate him in every possible way Robby focused
his attention inward... trying to make sense of a mother who never
saw what he did accomplish, only what he didn't...
"Mr. Taylor is the most difficult teacher in my entire grade."
He thought...
"I study for my History class like a madman, but even when I put in
double the time anyone else does, I still can't remember every date
and fact for my test..."

Robby's sighed softly, as his mother shouted a particularly
cutting put-down...
"I get Straight-A's in every other class. I work as hard as I can,
mom still keeps cutting me down!"

Robby closed his eyes briefly, as his mother threatened to take
away all his privileges until further notices....
"She'll take them away anyway..." He thought with a growing sense of futility...
"I think she loves cutting me down like this..."

Robby's train of thought was interrupted at last, as his mother
slammed the palm of her hand on his desk and demanded that he
respond to her accusations...

Robby shrugged inwardly...
"I've got no reason to lie." He thought...
"And even if I did, it won't change what she's going to do
to me anyway..."

Robby Walker cleared his throat, wiping his left hand briefly over
his dry, strained eyes, as he surrendered himself to inquisition...
"I know you're angry mom..." He said quietly...
"I'm sorry. I want really want to get an A-average in my history
class but I just can't seem to do it."

He looked up at his mother with the most contrite expression
of his fifteen years of life, as he added...
"I read every chapter for my assignment at least twice.
And depending on how fast Mr. Taylor talks, I always try to take
good notes that I can bring home and use later."

Robby shrugged sadly...
"But no matter what I try, I just can't seem to keep everything in
my head long enough to write a good report." He said dejectedly...
"I don't know what it is with names and dates, but it just doesn't
come as easily to me as Math or Science do."

If it were anyone else listening to Robby's honest confession, 
they would have accepted it...

Through the natural combination of common sense and past experience,
any good parents knows that no student can be perfect in every class.
You can give an all-star effort, yet there will always be that one thing 
which taxes your innate abilities to their limit, and reward your
efforts with a B-grade or lower...

Robby's mother, however, was not such a parent...
She was Elizabeth Walker: A women who knew she had no flaws, and
wouldn't stand for any in her children either.

Especially the male-child, who was the first born son seated
next to her right now...

"Since you seem to have insufficient time in which to 
improve your History grade..." She said slowly...
"I'm going to ground you for another week."

Elizabeth massaged her right temple for a moment, then jerked
her arm down angrily in a fit of rage...
"I don't know what's been keeping you from focusing on your studies,
young man!"

Robby felt a chill run down his spine, as his mother
looked down on him with an expression that made his
blood run cold...
"But if it's the last thing I do, I WILL find out what
that something is!"

Robby watched his mother suddenly whirl away from him then...

She straightened to military-stiffness, striding across the room 
with decisive foot-falls, and jerking his bedroom door open so
hard that Robby thought it would rip off it's hinges...

Elizabeth turned her head back to look at him one last time;
Moving her head with deliberate slowness, as she fired him
a damning look...
"And when I find what this mysterious something is..." She
added quietly...
"I will stop it... PERMANENTLY!"

Elizabeth jerked her head away, disgusted by the sight of him...
She closed the door behind him with a thunderous slam, stalking
away from his room and down the nearby stairs as fast as
her regal, decisive strides could carry her...

Robby glared at his door with a look that could incinerate a small planet...

He spoke through clinched teeth; his voice low and flat, 
but filled with a dark, brooding menace...
"Go ahead and try..."

Taking a slow, deep breath, he turned back to his desk...
Only to find his dreaded History book looming in front of him...

Robby's face suddenly contorted with rage and frustration...

He growled, raising his right hand theatrically above his desk...
With a flash of motion, he swung his hand across the spine of his history book...
It flew through the air, slamming into his closet door, then dropping to the ground 
with two large *thuds*...

Robby sighed loudly, letting his hand fall limply on his desk...

He closed his eyes; A shudder of sadness, guilt, and frustration passing
through him.
"No matter how hard I try." He whispered...
 It's never enough..." 

Robby gently pounded both fists on his desk...
"I'll never be what she wants me to be!" He cried softly...
Not if I lived a thousand lifetimes!"

Through the haze of pain, one shining memory floated into his thoughts...

Emily, dressed in her t-shirt and shorts, bathed in moonlight,
on the night he had watched her have her first orgasm.

Robby squeezed his eyes tightly shut as tears began flowing down his cheeks...
He felt his body begin to tremble uncontrollably, as his mind fell into a boiling 
malestrom of sadness and frustration...

Suddenly, impossibly, Robby heard his sisters voice sound within his thoughts...
""I know how scared you are, Robby.""

Robby's eyes flew open; His heart pounding in a mixture of love and sadness, 
as Emily's remembered voice washed away all the fear, the doubt, and the pain
that threatened to overwhelm him...

""...You're my brother...You've been my best friend my whole life. 
You're the only person I can trust to touch my body like this and 
not hurt or take advantage of me somehow..."

Robby wiped the tears from his eyes, as her remembered words brought a sense of
hope and pease to his awareness; Focusing his mind bolstering his emotional strength...

"For you...." He said softly.

Robby got up, walking across the room to pick up his history book.
Returning to his desk, he sat down, opening the book and smoothing 
the wrinkles on a few pages. He flipped to the chapter he was working on; 
bent to resume his studies.

He spoke one last time:
"I do this for you, Emily....."


The twins finished their homework without further incident.
Putting their plan in motion, they went about getting ready for bed.
They took turns using the upstairs restroom, with Emily taking
special care to wash herself thoroughly...

The temperature outside had dipped to just 35 degrees fahrenheit; 
Unseasonably cold for so early in the Fall. 

The century home in which they lived was large, and difficult to heat...
Having been build in the days of coal-fired furnaces, it had been converted 
to natural gas heat roughly 40 years previously. Back then fuel prices were 
a fraction of their present day cost...

Now however, with the price of natural gas on the rise, the family could 
not afford to keep the house sufficiently warm. This resulted in them 
wearing sweats or pajamas to bed each night to save on heating costs...

Tonight however, Emily made an exception...

Her mother forbid her from wearing any kind of revealing clothing;
Insisting on long, dull colored dresses for school, shorts or jeans 
for everyday wear, and pajamas for sleepwear...

This had the effect of severely limiting her choice of garments to wear 
for Robby tonight, but she was determined to make do...

In spite of the cold, Emily decided to throw caution to the wind...

She rummaged through one of the bottom dresser drawers, 
picking out an old hand-me-down t-shirt Robby used to wear,
and raising her arms up and pulling her head through it
in one smooth motion...

It was way too large for her...

The neckline was so stretched out that it dipped low on her chest; 
Revealing an obscene amount of her ample cleavage, as her teenage 
breasts thrust out proud and firm, in spite of being completely
unassisted by a bra...

The fabric continued down her body, slightly-accentuating the 
gentle curvature of her hips, and down her back to gently
flow over the twin, tightly-packed curves of her smooth, 
firm buttocks...

The worn edge of the t-shirt ended partway down Emily's
thighs. It was just low enough to conceil her crotch
as she walked, but definitely short enough to reveal 
the beauty between her legs, should she be caught unawares
by someone on the staircase...

Most of this was a moot point however...

Firstly, she had no intentions of going either up, or down,
any staircases tonight...

And secondly, she knew that the more barriers she put between
Robby and her body, the harder it would be for her to convince
him to go along with anything she might plan...

Modesty and excitement warred for supremacy for the next five
minutes, as Emily Walker sorted through her present asortment of

To her dismay, her 'asortment' of underwear wasn't 
really large enough to be catagorized as an asortment...

She had two choices: The same dull, all white cotton panties
she had worn that night in the treehouse, or white cotton panties
that had blue or green flowers on them...

Emily had never seen the more sexy and revealing panties and bras
that most women took for granted, but even so, some innate female
instinct within her communicated to the decision-making part of
her brain, and promptly told her that the most seductive choice
presently available to her, was to simply throw modesty to the wind
and leave the best part of her teenage assets completely uncovered...
"I think I'll leave my panties off for this." She decided firmly...
"I want to try having Robby touch my crotch tonight..."

The tought of Robby's hands innocently exploring betwen her legs,
giving her that feeling she loved so much, made Emily's body suddenly 
feel warm and tingly all over...

Her excited imaginings were cut short however, as she froze
suddenly at a noise from down the hallway...

Emily listened intently, as the noise repeated itself again,
this time a little closer...
"It's Mother coming to check if I'm in bed!" She thought...

Emily tiptoed as fast as she dared to the side of her bed...
In one smooth motion she switched off the small lamp on her 
nightstand, flung the covers off her bed, and hopped in...

Her hands gripped her covers in a panic, as Emily pulled them
up to her neck and rolled onto her side to face her bedroom door...

Emily quickly closed her eyes, ordering her pounding heart to calm
down, and slowing her breathing to a pace as identical to sleeping
as she could manage with five seconds notice...

The distinctive sound of creaking floorboards was nearly to her
bedroom door, and Emily Walker prayed fervently to God that her
mother wouldn't be feeling overprotective tonight, and come completely
in her room for a close inspection of her face...

Emily opened her eyes to slits then, her heart still beating faster than normal
as a familiar shadow passed under her door...
Her eyes slid up to her doorknob, as she watched in seemingly-slow-motion
as it began to turn and freely admit what could soon be Emily's doom...

Emily stopped breathing, as her keen eyes caught sight of the face
behind her fears...

It was her mother alright...

Even in the dim light, Emily could make out her unmistakable , short-cut hair,
and her dominating, hawk-like features...
"Mother... looks kind of frightening at night, now that
I think about it..." She thought...

Emily watched as her mother slowly looked left and right
over her room...
"Oh please don't come inside!" She thought...

Sixty long seconds later, Emily slowly let out the breath
she had been holding, as her mother nodded to herself
and went out the way she came...

Emily held herself motionless, not daring to make a sound,
as she waited for her mother to firmly close the door
behind her and walk back the way she came and go down
the stairs...

The pounding of Emily's fearful heart slowed step by step,
as the distinctive sound of creaking floorboards grew
more and more distant...

As complete and utter silence rang loudly in her ears,
Emily Walker breathed the most grateful sigh of relief
in her fifteen years of life...
"That was close!" She whispered quietly to herself.
"This was the first time in ages that Mother's
come patrolling into my room to check on me!"

As the panic of the moment subsided, Emily turned her head
towards the top of her dresser to look at her clock...


Her heart fluttered in excitement, as she began to eagerly
anticipate her brother's arrival...
"Only twenty more minutes!" She thought excitedly...
"I can hardly wait!"

Amidst her excitement, however, Emily realized that her choice 
of garments might not have been such a good idea after all...

In her eagerness to dress herself in a way that would be
pleasing to Robby, Emily had forgotten three things...

Firstly, that their entire house was always *freezing* by
this time of night.

Secondly, that Robby wasn't due to arrive until 11pm...

And Thirdly, worst case scenario, Robby arrives late,
and she spends an hour or more with no pajamas or panties
on, and ends up feeling like a giant block of ice...

Emily wasn't about to argue this progression of logic, 
as she belatedly realized that the time could presently
be whatever it wanted to be, but her body was telling her
that it had already reached the, Giant Block of Ice stage...

Emily began to shiver violently, inwardly berating herself
for never thinking things through...
"Gawd it's cold!" She bit out through clinched teeth...

As a last resort, Emily fumbled a hand past her tangle of
covers and found a small switch box dangling down one side
of her bed...

She flipped it on, jerking her arm back under the covers and
curling herself into a slightly fetal position...
"This... ancient thing... better work!" Emily whispered insistantly...

The switch in question, was plugged into the wall by her bed and
ran upward into an Electric Blanket that covered that went overtop
her standard combination of sheet and blanket...

In it's hayday, Emily's Electric Blanket had served it's purpose
with valor and distinction. However, that hayday and come and gone
long before Emily was even born, and the fact that it still worked
at all continued to amaze her...

But for the moment, however, it was all Emily had...
There was no way she could make it all the way down stairs
to the library and get her mother's portable heater, then
climb back up the staircase with every floorboard creaking in
protest, without waking up her mother and completely ruining
her late-night plans with her brother...

"Robby better be here on time!" Emily said through clinched teeth...
"Otherwise he's gonna be getting a big bear-hug from Frosty the Snow Woman!"

She giggled softly to herself then, impressed by her own corny humor...

Emily Walker hunkered down under her pile of blankets then,
as she waited as patiently as she could for her 
"Knight in Shining Pajamas" to appear...


Chapter #6 - Tender Innocence.

Robby Walker rolled over in his bed once again, turning
his head to look across the room at his alarm clock as
he did so...


"I am so late..." He muttered under his breath...
"Emily is going to kill me..." 

Fortunately for him, it wasn't really his fault...

His mother, still simmering with anger over his stupid 
history assignment, had come to check on him three more 
times after her original tirade:
Once as he finished his paper... 
Again, just as he got done showering for bed...
And one more time for good measure, roughly forty
minutes ago to make sure he actually went to bed...

Robby expected this though. In his mother's case,
this was standard behavior.

However, since his mother's normal bedtime was around 10:15, 
he knew she should asleep by now...
"And since she's had a migraine for the last two days..."
He thought to himself...
"She probably took one of her sleeping pills so she
could get a decent night's sleep."
He said aloud; Completing his train of thought verbally...

Robby gently got out of bed then, balancing his body weight 
with practiced ease, as slowly crept towards his door...

Laying a hand on the doorknob, he turned it gently,
easing the door open just far enough for him to 
squeeze his body out...
"Here goes nothing..." He thought...

Just like his sister's bedroom door, just down the hallway,
his door hand a tendency to creak anytime it was opened or closed...

However, his parent's bedroom was on the ground floor;
It's entrance just off his father's study, which was itself then
connected to the main hallway.

In short: There was quite a distance for sound to travel
between his door, and his mother's overly sensitive ears...

All that remained was for him to tiptoe around the minefield
of squeeky floorboards that lined the hallway down to his
sisters bedroom...

To Robby though, this was mere child's play...


As children, Robby and Emily would take turns sneaking into 
each other's rooms. The would make tents under the covers of 
their beds using an old broom handle, and stay up half the night
reading their favorite comic books by flashlight...

Robby's mind returned to the present then, as he reached
out to doorknob to his sister's room...

Robby used the same technique to open her door as he did his own,
gently slipping his body inside and closing the door behind him
without so much as a click...

Robby rubbed his eyes, blinking rapidly for a few seconds...

Emily's room was nearly pitch-black...

Her bed, he knew, was along the far wall of the room;
It's head board touching the sil of the window just above her bed...

He also knew she had heavy drapes over her window to block the sun
from waking her up too early in the morning... 

Inspiration hit him, as Robby realized that if he could just
get his sister's attension without making too much noise, that
she could open her drapes and let in the light of the moon
outside. This would provide more than enough illumination for him
to make his way to her bed without tripping over any landmines,
and wake "The Beast" downstairs...

Robby shuddered then, though not from the cold...

He slowly began to realize that any number of things could still
go wrong with their risky late-night meeting. One of which... 
probably the most fightening of which... was the very real possibility 
that their mother would come to check on them during their sexual 
explorations, and that her reaction would be to ground both he and 
his sister until they were over the age of thirty...

As well as scream at them with God knows what, then order their father
to come home and punish them in way's he didn't want to imagine...
"I'd better get Emily to open her drapes." He thought...
"I don't want to wander blindly towards her bed and end
up tripping over someting."

Robby cleared his throat...
"Emily...." He called out softly.

No response...

He waited a few more seconds before calling out again; 
This time just a little bit louder...

Dead silence...

Robby Walker began to believe that his kind, sensitive, yet equally
playful and mischievous sister, was punishing him for the unforgivable
sin of, "being late to a date".

Robby tried one last time, raising his voice just as loud as he dared...
"Emily Rose Walker!" He hissed insistantly, using her full name for the 
first time in his life...
"You'd better answer me before we wake up mother and get ourselves grounded 
through the next ice age!"

He heard a muffled giggle from across the room,
as he squinted his eyes towards the sound and saw a figure moving
in the darkness...

Robby gasped in surprise...

The room they were in was suddenly filled with moonlight, as Emily flung the 
drapes aside in a single, jerking motion;
Their rollers reluctantly sliding apart with a screech of protest...

Robby tiptoed towards the edge of Emily's bed...
"Are you insane!?" He hissed halfway...
"First, I almost have to yell for you..." He said, reaching the edge of her bed...
"And then you open the drapes so quickly, that you make a sound
like nails on a chalkboard!" He whispered...

Releasing her hold on the drapes, Emily turned to face her brother...
"Surprise!" She exclaimed softly...

Robby's jaw dropped...

Emily was sitting on her haunches, her legs currently closed tightly,
as an overstretched old t-shirt he had once worn flowed down from her
shoulders, and ended halfway down her thighs...

Robby swallowed, as he slowly moved his eyes down his sister's body...

Her long blond hair cascaded down her shoulders, flowing with angelic
grace over the ample curves of her bosom, and down to, where Robby
instinctively knew, was Emily's petite belly button...

Emily parted her legs slightly, putting the palms of her hands on
her thighs and smoothing her long t-shirt just a little further

Robby's heart missed a beat, as he gazed in innocent wonder at
Emily's well-developed cleavage, bathed in the soft, romantic

For Emily, however, the experience was a little different...

It was a long, awkward moment, as Robby stood silently next to her bed... 
She watched him move his eyes up and down her nubile body, a smile beginning
to form on his lips as he examined her shapely legs...

His expression changed then, as Robby's eyes slowly drifted back up 
and stared at her chest with a look of intense curiosity...

Emily' couldn't take the silence and suspense any longer...

Her teenage hormones kicked in then, as she began to think that
Robby didn't like the way she had dressed herself...
"Robby?" She asked timidly...
"Do I look alright?"

Robby was jolted back to his senses...

He jerked his gaze up to her face, clearing this throat softly...
"Do you look alright?!" He replied...

Emily looked down at her bed...
"I'm sorry for wearing a t-shirt..." She said softly...

Robby blinked in disbelief, as Emily slowly looked up
at him again...
"You know mother doesn't let me wear anything revealing." She added...
"And without some money to buy new clothes, I..."

Robby raised his hand to silence her...
"Hey... just stop right there for a second, okay?" He said...

Emily nodded, clasping her hands in her lap nerviously
as Robby moved closer and sat down beside her on the bed...
"Before you get yourself all upset..." Robby said.
"I want you to know, that I think you look lovely tonight."

Emily looked at him pensively...
"Really?" She asked in a whisper...

Robby smiled, nodding once for emphasis...
"Really." He replied...
"Your hair looks really beautiful in the moonlight
you know..."

Emily smiled shyly, as Robby's compliment warmed 
her body all over...
"Thank you Robby." She said...
"I was really worried about how I looked..."

Emily then crawled back under her electric blanket...
She tossed the covers aside on Robby's side of the bed,
gesturing repeatedly for him to join her...
"Well, come on!" She insisted...
"Take off your pajamas and get under the covers with me." 

Robby gulped.

As far as he knew, stripping down to just his underwear
wasn't on the evening's agenda. He knew she had something
new planned for them, but now that the moment had finally
arrived, Robby found his previous fears beginning to 
reassert themselves...
"I... think I'll keep my pajamas on for awhile..." He muttered...

Emily gestured at her elecric blanket...
"I've had my electric blanket turned on for almost an hour." She explained.
Get in to bed and cuddle up with me and you'll be toasty warm
again in no time."

Emily saw the indecision on her brother's face...

She leveled a deadpan expression at him, pitching her voice 
in a flat monitone...
"Would you rather stand there like a dummy all night until you
change into 'Frosty the Pajama Knight'? Just do as I said and
get under the covers before you freeze to death..."

Robby smiled ruefully, nodding in acceptance, as he removed his pajamas,
and crawled into bed with her...

He rolled over onto his left side, making himself comfortable as Emily
gently pulled the sheet and blanket over himself...
"Frosty... The Pajama Knight?" He asked...

Emily giggled, pulling the electric blanket over them up to their necks...
"Why, of course!" She exclaimed softly... 
"You're my Knight in Shining... Pajamas!" 

They laughted together softly in innocent humor, finally relieving
some of the hesitation that had stood between them...

Robby pulled the electric blanket up to his ears, as his teeth began
to chatter...
"You know..." He began slowly...
"I wish we could have picked a warmer night for reading comics together..."

Emily's eyes widened...
"You still remember that?!" She gasped...
"We were, like, six years old!"

Forcing himself to ignore the cold, Robby reached up with his 
right hand to caress Emily's left cheek...
"I remember all the good times I've had with you, Sis..."

Emily felt her heart instantly melt at his words.
In spite of being quite cold herself, she felt her body warm
at Robby's compliment, as a sudden desire to be closer to him
swept over her...

Robby's resolve was short lived, as he quickly pulled his hand
from her face and hugged his arms to his chest...
"Are you sure your electric blanket is working?" He asked...
"Because I'm still freezing over here..."

Emily felt her heart skip a beat, as the perfect opportunity to 
move closer to her brother finally presented itself...
"Scoot closer to me, Robby." She replied... 
"We'll press our bodies together and try to warm up a little more." 
 She said softly.

Robby started to shiver uncontrollably...
"But you're... only wearing... your underwear..."
He bit out through clinched teeth...

Emily smiled back at him knowingly...
"Oh no I'm not, Robby!" She thought...
"But you don't need to know that just yet..."

Emily shushed him to silence...
"It's alright, Robby..." She whispered...
"Let's just get ourselves warmed up then we can 
talk things over, okay?"

Robby nodded...
"O-Okay..." He managed...

Emily grinned...
"That's better. She said softly...
"Now, I want you to put your left arm under my pillow, and keep your right
hand pressed against my chest to hold me while we cuddle."

Robby's shy, fearful hesitation, lasted for a half second, then subsided,
as his ice cold skin sent a painful wave of aching and shivering down
his entire body...

Against his better judgement, Robby slipped his left arm under her pillow,
and moved his right hand up to caress Emily's left breast...
"That's it Robby..." She soothed...
"Now let me press my body against you so you can get warm..."

Emily scooted closer to her brother then, gently pressing her bosom against 
his chest and wrapping her left arm around him. As she did so, she lifted her 
left leg slightly, draping it directly over Robby's right leg...
"This is so exciting!" She thought...

Emily then seductively pulled her left leg up to Robby's thigh, rubbing
the silky smooth flesh of her body against his manly frame, before bending her
knee and locking her leg tightly behind Robby's right buttock...
"Her skin is so smooth and warm!" Robby thought, as he felt a
slight tingling feeling begin to tickle his crotch...

Robby felt his entire body begin to warm, as Emily tightened her grip 
and pressed all of her firm and supple body against his...
"Thank God..." Robby thought with a sigh of relief...
"For awhile there, I thought I was going to freeze to death..."

As Emily shared her body heat with her brother she gently ran
the palm of her right hand against his chest...
"You're so handsome..." Emily whispered...

Robby looked shyly into her eyes...
"No I'm not..." He said quietly...

Emily looked at him longingly...
"I'm serious..." She whispered...
"I love holding you like this..."

Emily rubbed her hand over Robby's chest, her fingers encountering his 
masculine chest hair, as she began to feel the soft rhythm of Robby's 
youthful heartbeat in the center of her palm...
"His heart is beating so strongly..." She thought...
"Is he just nervous, or excited?"

In an effort to test this theory, Emily reached out with the fingers
of her left hand and began rubbing up and down Robby's back...

Emily strained with all her might, her breasts now furiously pressing
against his chest and hand, as she ran her fingers down the middle of
Robby's back... stopping her fingers as she reached the base of his spine...
"Do you like this?" She asked softly, massaging her fingers against
the nerve bundle at the base of his spine...

"It's wonderful..." Robby sighed...

Emily grinned, teasing her fingers back up his spine again, then moving
her hand closer to massage the tense muscles of Robby's right shoulder blade...
"You seemed a little tense tonight." She replied softly...

Robby looked into her eyes...
"Yeah..." He said quietly...
"I was a little afraid to come to your room tonight."

Emily smiled softly...
"But I'm glad you did." She whispered...

Robby remained silent, as Emily stopped hugging him and brought her
left hand to his right arm...
"Because I want to try something new."

But Robby looked concerned...
"What is it?" He asked....

Emily gazed at him affectionately, as she replied...
"I want you to touch my crotch tonight."

Robby closed his eyes...
"I can't sis..." He whispered...
"That's going too far..."

Emily held his hand tightly...
"I don't understand." She said...

Robby opened his eyes...
"I just feel like it would be wrong for me to touch you like that." He replied...
"I know I've touched your chest before, but that was different.
It was more decent because you had some clothes on..."

Emily slowly pulled his hand towards her abdomen...
"You're not being indecent Robby." She soothed...
"You're just helping me feel good."

Robby glanced downward, as he forced Emily to stop pulling his hand...
"It's not that I don't want you to feel good." He said...
"I'm just afraid that our lack of experience will make me hurt
you somehow."

Emily sighed, as a familiar, warm tingling, began to tickle her crotch...
"Don't be afraid Robby." She said...
"I'll hold your hand and guide you slowly so there's no chance
for you to hurt me, okay?"

Robby averted his eyes in thought...

He wanted to touch Emily. He wanted to give her that pleasure he saw her
fingers give to her body before, and he wanted it so badly he felt shocked,
and a little ashamed, at his own eagerness...

But the habits of his short lifetime were hard to break...

There was no way he could undo the guilt-inducing upbringing that had
held him in bondage his entire life. No way he could switch off that side 
of his personality, and allow himself to begin exploring the mysteries of 
sexuality as his sister had...

Robby's morality and principles were at the center of his universe... 
His mind insisted on having some kind of guidelines with which to measure
his worth and integrity, and also find his place in the universe...

Emily didn't understand how much more seriously he took their family's 
religious and moral imperatives, than she did. It hurt him beyond words
that he couldn't find a simple solution to their problems, and return
each of them to the normal, Brother and Sister relationship, that he
had always known...

But in that moment, Robby realized this was impossible...
He closed his eyes in thought....

Robby was torn. In every possible description of the feeling, he was torn,
and he communicated this to his sister...
"I love you Emily." He replied without turning...
"I've loved you my whole life, and I love you even more now."

Robby's face frowned in concentration, as he began to explain...
"This is just difficult for me. I want to learn about sex with you 
and explore our bodies together, but I'm afraid that if we keep going
and someone finds out, that something terrible will happen."

Emily gave him a reassuring look...
"No one will find us Robby." She said...
"What we choose to do together privately will be our secret,
and no one will know as long as we're careful..."

Robby opened his eyes and looked at her...
"I hope you're right..." He whispered...

Robby spent a long moment just looking at his sister, his eyes filled
with such concern that it made Emily's heart ache...
"He's so afraid..." She thought...
"How can I get him to trust me?"

A few awkward seconds later, Emily found an answer...
"Let's make a promise..." She said evenly...
"From now on, if either of us feels uncomfortable, or hurt by what 
we're doing, then we can ask each other to stop."

Robby stared at her in silent confusion, as she explained...
"We're both afraid of being hurt. You, a little more than me, but
we're both afraid just the same."

Emily squeezed his hand by her abdomen, as she added...
"If anything goes wrong we can always stop. As you said, we're not
doing this to rebel or get in trouble, we're doing it because we
love each other."

As Emily looked at her brother with innocent longing, Robby realized
just how much effort she had put into planning their evening together...
"And..." She added quietly...
"Because we want to feel good."

Robby swallowed, as he felt a familiar sturring between his legs...
"It's just like in my dreams." He thought...
"When I get close to a girl, my penis tingles and gets bigger..."

After her soft, empassioned pleas, Emily felt the last of her calm
and patience begin to fade away...
She felt an overwhelming need to be touched between her legs, 
as the distant tingling that had begun minutes earlier had blossomed 
into a gentle, throbbing warmth...
"You've never touched between a girl's legs before." She said in a 
lower, suggestive tone...
"I think you'll like it if you try it..."

Robby swallowed, as he found himself suddenly at a loss for words...

Emily was desperate...
"Please?" She begged softly...
"Just for a minute?"

Emily writhed against her brother, pressing her warm flesh into his chest,
as her teenage nipples were tenderly teased by the friction of her t-shirt...

Her eyes penetrated his defenses, her soft voice coming out full of emotion
and desperation...
"My crotch feels so hot and tingly." She whispered in his ear...
"Please... Please touch me down there, Robby!"

Robby nodded gently...
"Alright..." He whispered, as he began moving his hand towards the
beginnings of her pelvis...

Robby laughed innwardly to himself then, as he reflected on everything 
that had brought them to this moment they now shared...

All through their childhood years, Emily was always the one 
getting them into trouble. No matter how hard he tried, his sister
always acted on her feelings, rather than planning ahead or thinking 
things through...

Robby paused his movements, as a sudden revelation shocked through
his awareness...

In his mind's eye, he saw himself shaking his head; 
Astonished at how blind he really was about his own feelings...
"I've been kidding myself." He thought...
"I've never made a 'real' decision with my heart in my entire life."

His mind quested back in time, remembering countless occasions where
he had the opportunity to think for himself, to find his own answers,
and direct his future...
"I thought I was doing it for my family..." He said inwardly to himself...
"I thought that trying to please everyone... especially mom and dad...
would always be the right way to live."

Robby's eyes began to focus, as he saw his sister giving him a worried look...
"Hey, are you alright?" Emily asked softly...

Robby waxed philosophical for a time, as he said...
"I haven't been alright in a very long time Emily..."

Emily's eyes flashed with concern...
"I don't understand." She replied...

Robby brought his left arm out from under the pillow and
pressed the palm of his hand into Emily's back...
"I was terrified of making my own choices." He whispered...
"I didn't want to face the consequences of defying our parents,
or the rest of the world, by thinking and living my life different
from them..."

Emily was about to speak, but Robby shook his head and smiled...
"But I'm fine now." He said evenly...
"I'm ready to make that choice."

Emily watched in slow motion, as her brother's face drew closer
and closer to hers...
"And right now..." Robby said softly...
"I choose YOU..." He whispered... 

Robby closed the distance between them, as the lips of brother
and sister met in a soft, gentle kiss...

Emily closed her eyes, hugging her brother tightly as his kiss
lit up her entire world...

She ran her fingers down his spine again, marveling at the 
combination of tingling warmth that Robby's body, and tender kiss,
were creating throughout her body...

Emily moaned suddenly, as Robby instinctively added to
the passion of their kiss by pressing his hot tongue into
her mouth...
"He's pushing his tongue in my mouth!" She thought...
"I never thought to try that before..."

Emily's room was filled with soft, gentle moans, as brother
and sister instinctively twisted and teased their tongues back 
and forth between their tenderly dueling mouths...

As the passion of their kiss increased, Robby began inching his hand
between Emily's legs...

Emily felt this, flexing her pelvis upward instinctively...
"I can't wait any longer!" She thought...

Emily gripped Robby's hand tightly...
As her pelvis thrust upward again, Emily took control, quickly
thrusting Robby's hand down to the center of her crotch...

Innocent confusion ensued...

Robby broke their kiss with a muffled gasp...
His hand froze like a statue, as he looked down in the direction
of Emily's crotch...

Both of them were still covered up to their necks under Emily's 
electric blanket, but Robby's sudden hesitation and subsequent shift 
of view didn't escape her attention...
"What's wrong?" She asked...

Robby, completely devoid of knowledge of a female's sexual organs, 
was totally unprepared for his hand delving into a hot, moist, hairy tangle...

Emily, for her part, had no idea that it was common practice among 
women to shave or wax the hair between their legs. Her mother had taught 
her normal feminine hygene of course, which included shaving or waxing 
the other "normal" places on her body...

But her vagina, however, was another matter entirely...

Other than explicit instructions to keep her body clean, her vagina was 
to be left "as God intended", with no waxing, shaving, and most especially,
"excessive touching or rubbing" allowed...

With these facts setting the stage for their present state of confusion, 
Robby Walker took his first innocent step towards experiencing the natural
wonder called "The Female Vagina"...

"Sis..." He said carefully...
"What am I touching?

Emily smiled a goofy smile...
"It's my crotch, silly!" She said happily...

Robby stared back at her...
"Are you supposed to have THAT much hair down there?!" He asked...

Emily blinked in confusion.
"What's wrong?" She asked...
"Don't you have hair down by your pee-pee?"

Robby couldn't contain a small laugh...
"It's called a Penis, Sis!" He chuckled...

Emily furrowed her brows at him...
"Where did you learn that word from?" She asked pointedly, 
sounding a little like their mother...

Robby shrugged innocently...
"From school actually. " He replied. 
"A guy one grade above me accidentally said it in a conversation 
in the hallway I was walking through."

Robby paused, a devious grin appearing on his face...
"He never saw Mrs. Anderson behind him until she started wapping him 
with her ruler and screaming at him to go straight to detention."

Emily's eyes went wide, then squeezed shut tightly, 
as she burst into a fit of giggles...

Robby made soft shushing noises, as Emily's laughter
began to exceed the proscribed sound limits for their
secret encounter...

A moment later, Emily began to calm down...
"I wish I could have been a mouse in the corner that day!" 
She said breathlessly...

Robby nodded eagerly, as he quickly replied...
"I know right?!"

Brother and Sister laughed together then, their senses of 
humor meshing together as they always had, adding even more
innocent magic to their already romantic night...

They stopped laughing slowly, gazing at each other amidst
the moonlight, as a moment of awkward silence passed between

Robby was still unsure about touching Emily in a place
he knew nothing about. To him, the idea of someone putting
their hand on his privates, and fumbling around blindly in
the dark, made him cringe with imaginary pain...

It was in the midst of this silent "woolgathering", that
Emily Walker finally found the courage to ask the question
that had been on her mind ever since her brother had
removed his pajamas...
"Um, Robby?" She said softly...
"Can I ask you something?"

Robby's hand was still between her legs, but as Emily summoned
up the courage to ask her question, she felt Robby begin to
gently move the tips of his fingers between the hairy lips of
her labia...
"I guess so Sis." Robby said, unknowingly interjecting into
Emily's enjoyment of crotch...

Emily exhaled suddenly, as two of Robby's fingers began 
unconsciously rubbing up and down her vulva in a gentle, 
rhythmic motion...
"Robby, wait!" She whispered suddenly...

Robby jerked to a halt and gave her a frightened look...
"Are you alright?" He quickly asked...
"Was I hurting you?!"

Emily took a deep breath to calm herself...
"That felt wonderful..." She sighed...

At this point, Robby Walker was thoroughly confused...
"Then why did you want me to stop?" He asked...

Emily slowly pulled his hand away from her crotch,
as she pursed her lips to speak...
"Because..." She said quietly...
"I want to try something..."

Emily lifted her leg off her brother, pulling her arm back
and pressing her thighs tightly shut...
"If he had kept touching me much longer..." She thought...
"It would have felt too good for me to ask him to stop."

Robby sighed in frustration...
"Alright..." He whispered loudly...
"Now that we're back to square one, what did you
want to try?"

Emily decided to come right out and say it...
"Can I touch your penis?" She blurted...

Robby shrugged.
"I guess it's only fair." He replied...
"I know what your crotch feels like now, so I can't
see any reason why you shouldn't know what my penis
feels like."

Robby frowned, as a stray thought occurred to him...
"Wait a second." He said suddenly...
"Won't we have a problem touching each other when we're
bunched up tight like this?"

Emily pondered this for a moment...
"That would be tough..." She said distantly...

An instant later, Emily's face lit up like a child on
Christmas morning...
"Lets try this!" She said excitedly...
"Take off your underwear, and lay on your back. I'll throw 
the covers to the end of the bed, so we're not fumbling blindly 
in the dark. Then I'll straddle your waist and sit on top of 
you for awhile."

Emily reached forward and gently wrapped one finger around
a strand of Robby's chest hair...
"Maybe if we rub our bodies together like that, we can both
feel good at the same time?"

Robby nodded thoughtfully...
"Sounds good to me..." He said...

Robby rolled onto his back, slipping off his underwear and stuffing
them under his pillow...
"I'm glad she decided to do this above the covers." He thought to himself...
"I'd rather be cold than have my privates poked or prodded blindly!"

Emily finished straightening the covers just below Robby's knees...
She hesitated before turning around, bringing her hands up to
gently cup her tender bosom...

Emily ran her hands over her ample breasts, rubbing the old t-shirt 
she wore gently over her nipples, as an idea popped into her head...
"It felt so good when Robby squeezed my breast before." She thought...
"But if I take off my shirt, he can see what they look like up close,
and I'm sure he'll want to touch them again!"

Emily felt a thrill of excitement come over her...
Never before had she fully revealed her teenage body to a boy.
Even during her previous encounters with Robby, she had always
had at least a shirt and panties to cover her womanhood...

But now, here she was: Fifteen year old Emily Rose Walker, 
in bed with the first boy of her life, with only an old and
overstretched t-shirt standing between her, and complete nakedness...

Emily turned around slowly, crawling up the bed and straddling
her knees over Robby's pelvis...
"Before we touch each other..." She said...
"There's something I want to show you..."

Robby watched in awe, as Emily pulled his old t-shirt up over 
her head, then tossed it on the bed beside them...

Emily smiled down at him seductively, running her petite hands
over her thighs... between her legs... then up to gently
show off each of her ample, teenage breasts...

Robby felt a sudden rush of blood flow into his loins, the 
tingling warmth in his penis beginning to increase,
causing it to slowly lengthen and expand between his legs...

Emily remained silent, locking her wrists behind her and
arching her back slightly to show off her well-developed
bosom to her brother...
"I hope he likes them." Emily thought...

Robby swallowed hard, as the romantic light of the moon 
shone brightly through Emily's bedroom window, bathing
her lithe, naked body, in a soft, and gentle glow...

His eyes quested downward then...

Emily's blond hair cascaded down her shoulders,
framing her fragile, beautiful face, as it flowed down
the sides of her head and laid gracefully atop each of
smooth, firm breasts...

The air of Emily's room was still quite cold, and as
Robby stared at his sister's breasts, the distinctive
pink circles of her large areola came into view...

Robby pushed himself upright then, his body mere inches
from his sister, as he gazed downward and saw small goose
bumps appear amidst the flesh her flawlessly rounded areola...

He raised his eyes to his sister's face...
"You... you have goosebumps on your... breasts..." He said shyly...
"Are you cold?"

Emily looked at him affectionately...
"Just a little." She admited...

Robby flicked his eyes down to her chest...
"Maybe I can help..." He said quietly...

Robby held himself upright with his left arm then,
bringing his right hand between them to gently enclose
the firm globe of Emily's left breast...

Emily sighed blissfully, as the warmth of Robby's hand
instantly drove away the cold aching of her tender breast...
"Thank you..." She whispered...
"I'm really getting cold now, without that t-shirt on."

Robby looked at her with shy hesitation...
"Do you want me to... touch both your breasts?" He asked...

Emily nodded...
"Yes..." She whispered...

Robby felt another layer of hesitation fade away, as he
steadied himself and brought his left hand up to cup the
side of Emily's right breast...

He tensed his back muscles, determined to hold himself
as close to his sister as he could, as he began tenderly
exploring the wonderous flesh, of his fifteen year old
sister's pert, teenage bosom...

Emily arched her back again, as Robby squeezed and fondled both
of her breasts the same way he did in the treehouse...
Her heart beat faster, as the growing warmth in her chest
flowed down to her abdomen, making her stomach tingle
with butterflies...
"I never realized my breasts were so sensitive." She thought...
"They feel so good when Robby squeezes them like this..."

Emily felt Robby's touch reignite the fire in her loins, as
the tingling between her legs quickly built into warm, 
soothing waves of pleasure...

Emily could resist no longer...
Her right hand trembled slightly, as she brought it around
her thigh and slipped her fingers between the ample 
cleft of her labia...

Emily moaned softly, as her fingers encountered a familiar
dampness between the tiny lips of her vulva...
"Robby..." She whispered softly...
"You're making me wet..."

Robby stopped rubbing her breasts...
He looked at her in confusion, dropping his arm down to
help hold him upright...
"Wet?" He asked...
"You... you don't mean pee, do you?!" He asked incredulously...

Emily looked into his eyes...
"No, it's not that..." She said distantly...

Emily gestured down to her crotch...

Robby looked down then, reluctantly pulling his eyes away from
the most beautiful, and only naked breasts he had ever known,
down to stare at an even more amazing sight...

Emily reluctantly moved her hand away, letting the moonlight
shine between her legs and romantically illuminate the most
seductive part of her female body...

Robby gasped, as he saw a tight pair of fleshy pink lips,
surrounded in a dense tangle of "bushy" blonde hair...
His heart skipped a beat, as Emily gently pulled those larger, 
tight lips aside, revealing an even smaller cleft that
was even more pink, and glistening slightly with a moist,
unfamiliar dampness...

Emily smiled, looking down expectantly between her legs,
as she waited for her brother to comment on his first glimpse
of a girl's tempting, reproductive flesh....
"What do you think?" She asked timidly...

But poor Robby, again lapsing into a well meaning, innocent stupor,
uttered words that each of them would reflect on for years to come...
"Wow..." He whispered...
"Your crotch looks like a giant, hairy clam shell!"

Emily stared at him, as Robby's innocent description completely
shattered the romance of the moment...
"Way to go Robby..." She muttered in monitone...

Robby jerked his head up...
"What's the matter?" He asked innocently...
"I was just answering your question."

Emily sighed, relaxing her legs and slowly lowering herself
onto Robby's pelvis...

An instant later, Robby and Emily jumped with fright, looking town
between their bodies, as the head of Robby's erect penis lodged itself
firmly in the center of Emily's moist vulva...

"Oh my god!" Emily yipped, scrambling off her brother and
sitting down on her haunches next to him...

Amidst their recent explorations, Emily had not yet seen what 
Robby's penis looked like. As Robby had requested, she had been focused,
on taking their time and easing into things. In spite of her arousal,
and natural curiocity, Emily had genuinely wanted to take her time;
Showing off each area of her body one by one to help both of them get
more comfortable with being naked around each other...

But now, sitting next to her brother and marveling at the long, thick
shaft rising proudly between his legs, Emily Walker felt one more level
of her shyness and hesitation fall away...

Emily went wide eyed, shifting her gaze between Robby, and the large,
sausage-like object, pointing up towards the ceiling at his crotch...
"Is that..." She whispered, raising a trembling hand to
point at his crotch...
"Is that your... penis!?" She whispered, so softly that Robby could
barely hear her...

Robby smiled...
"Of course it is!" He replied...

He too looked down at his crotch then...
"Though, it's not usually this big..." He added...

Emily scooted closer, her eyes now fixated on the wonderous
sight of Robby's erection...
"Why is it so big?" She whispered innocently...

Robby shrugged...
"I... I think it's because of you..." He said quietly...

Emily spoke without turning...
"But I haven't even touched it yet!" She whispered insistantly...

Robby looked at his penis one last time, then shifted his gaze
towards his sister...
"Just being this close to you makes it like this." He said softly...

Emily looked sideways at him...
"Is it safe to touch?"

Robby smiled...
"Of course..." He said...
"It can't hurt you."

Emily shot him a probing stare...
"I was talking about me silly!" She replied...
"I don't want to hurt you... you big goof!"

Robby felt the muscles in his back begin to protest from being
tensed up for so long...
"Let me lay back first." He said...

Robby laid flat on the bed then, gesturing weakly at his erection
with his left hand...
"Just use your fingers." He offered...
"Maybe... wrap your fingers around it and hold it a little first."

Robby noticed the hesitation on his sisters face...
"Just touch it carefully, like you did to yourself in the treehouse." He added...

Emily looked back to his crotch, taking in a deep breath and
letting it out slowly...
"Alright..." She said finally...

Robby watched silently, as Emily straddled herself on
top of him and scooted her hairy crotch close to his manly erection...

Emily reached down then, using three fingers of her right hand to
delicately touch down the length of his penis...

Robby exhailed blissfully, as Emily' delicate touch made his penis
twitch toward him with pleasure...

Emily giggled...
"Oh wow!" She said...
"I think it likes me."

Robby sighed...
"I think you're right..." He replied distantly...

Emily fixed her gaze on his face, as she gently wrapped her right hand
around his ample, teenage erection...
"How can I make you feel good?" She asked quietly...

Robby thought for a moment...
"Try squeezing it gently and pulling the skin down..." He suggested...
"Just... be careful and do it slowly..."

Emily nodded...
"Alright..." She whispered...

Emily looked down at his penis then, firming her grip slightly,
as she slowly pulled down the foreskin on Robby's uncircumsized penis...

Robby sighed softly, as Emily's squeezing downstroke made his penis
begin to throb and ache...
"Just like that!" He whispered suddenly...
"Do that again Sis..."

Emily smiled...
"Of course Robby..." She replied...

Robby shuddered, as Emily pumped her hand up, then down his shaft
one more time; Again pulling down his foreskin and fully exposing his
mushroom like glans...

Just as she finished her downthrust, Emily felt Robby's penis suddenly
twitch in her hand...
She gazed at it intently, as a single drop of clear liquid oozed out
the tip of his glans...
"Robby must get wet when he feels good too." She thought...

Emily smiled a devious smile, as yet another thin layer of her shyness
and modesty vanished forever...
"I want to try something..." She thought with a giggle...

Robby heard that giggle of course, lifting his head slightly
and wondering what could possibly be so funny...

As his head rose off his pillow, Robby saw Emily moving her face
closer and closer to his crotch...
"What're you doing?" He asked...
"I thought..."

The remainder of Robby's sentence flew from his mind forever,
as he felt the head of his penis suddenly enveloped in a hot,
wet cave...

Robby lurched up off the bed again, propping himself up on his hands,
as Emily slowly worked her lips and tongue against the virgin head of
his teenage erection...
"Hey, stop that!" He called softly...
"You can't put your mouth on my penis! That's dirty!"

Emily released her oral hold on Robby, lifting her head fractionally,
and looking up at him from under her eyebrows...
"Did you shower tonight?" She asked suddenly...

Robby blinked rapidly at her in confusion...
"Of course I showered!" He shot back defensively...
"I always shower before I go to bed!"

Emily grinned at him...
"Then obviously your penis isn't dirty then, is it?"

Robby's face went flat with annoyance...
"I wasn't saying that my body was unclean." He replied sarcastically...
"I meant that what your doing is embarrassing and gross!"

Emily lifted her head then, looking at him with a totally
innocent expression...
"I'm not embarassed." She said evenly...
"Are you?"

Robby blinked again ...
"Yeah... a little." He admitted...

Emily smiled sweetly...
"But my mouth felt good didn't it?" She asked suggestively...

Robby's expression softened...
"It felt wonderful..." He admitted...

Emily shrugged...
"Why should we be embarrassed?" She asked plainly...

Robby looked at her with concern...
"It just feels... dirty, somehow." He said...

Emily nodded, as full knowledge of his true meaning
came over her...
"I understand." She said quietly...

Emily looked at her brother affectionately...
"Nothing about our love is dirty, Robby." She said frankly...

Emily gestured around her empty room...
"We're all alone." She said...
"There's nobody here to tell us what's dirty and what isn't, so
as long as you and I agree on how to touch each other, then
I see no reason for us to be embarrassed."

Robby finally smiled...
"I guess your right..." He said finally...
"I was just worried that...

Robby broke off, as Emily's left hand began toying with his
"Hey..." She asked softly...
"What are these?"

Before Robby could respond, Emily took one of his balls
between two fingers and pinched...


Robby yelped in pain, reaching toward's his crotch with his right
hand and grabbing Emily's left wrist...
"Don't do that!" He cried softly...
"It hurts..."

Emily jerked her hand out of his grasp as if it were on fire...
Their eyes met, and Robby saw his sister looking back at him
with the expression of a kicked puppy...
"I'm sorry..." She cried softly...
"I didn't mean to hurt you!"

In spite of the pain, Robby realized he had overreacted...

He took Emily into his arms, hugging her naked body against
his chest, as he made soft, comforting noises...
"Hey, relax..." He said softly...
"Everything's fine... you didn't mean to hurt me."

Emily forcefully broke their hug, giving him a worried look...
"Are you sure I didn't hurt you?" She asked...

Robby gestured down at his crotch...
"I'll be fine." He soothed...
"My balls are just sensitive to being squeezed like that, I guess..."

Emily raised an eyebrow...
"Is that what they're called?" She asked...

Robby shrugged...
"I don't know the medical term." He admitted...
"But they look like little balls, so I just went with my gut
instinct and started calling them balls."

Emily gave him a seductive look, as she gestured downward
with her eyes...
"I thought they were pretty big..." She added quietly...

Robby blushed...
"I wouldn't know..." He said, scratching the side of his
face nervously...

Emily blinked suddenly, as a strange smile appeared on her
"I can't believe you went with your gut instinct!" She blurted...

Robby boggled at her...
"What?" He asked...

Emily raised her hands theatrically...
"My brother, trusting a gut feeling, instead of spending
countless hours booding and pondering his every decision?!"

Emily wiggled her eyebrows at him...
"For sooth!" She declared triumphantly...

But Robby wasn't laughing...

He looked into her eyes with a deep, thoughtful expression,
as he softly whispered...
"It's your fault, you know..."

Emily lowered her arms and looked back at him blankly...
"Me?" She asked...

Robby put his hands on her shoulders...
He locked gazes with her then; His eyes a mirror of the thankfulness 
and adoration that filled his heart, as he began to explain...
"Because you loved me. Because you helped me fall in love with you
and took away my fear."

Emily gasped, her eye lids fluttering and going wide; 
Her eyes suddenly glistening with tears of joy...

"You saved me from myself, Emily." Robby said softly, 
his eyes never leaving hers...

"I would have spent the rest of my life terrified and alone if
you hadn't made me open up by telling me that you loved me..."

Emily threw herself against her brother and wrapped her arms
tightly around him..
"Oh Robby..." She cried softly, as a single tear flowed down her
left cheek...

Robby held her safe in his arms, as he opened his heart once again
to the only girl he had ever known...
"I don't know where this path we're starting on will lead the two of us...." 
He said slowly...

Robby felt his sister tighten her hug around him, as he continued to explain...
"Maybe that doesn't matter..." He added quietly...
"What matters is that I'm with you. Here. Now. In this moment. 
As long as we're together, nothing can ever truly hurt us again."

Robby gently broke their hug, raising his hands to the sides of Emily's
face and wiping her tears away with his thumbs...
"Our souls are one, Emily..." He whispered...
"From this moment, for always, no matter what we may face, nothing
can ever separate us again!"

Emily just stared at him, her eyes damp with tears and her eyes a mirror
of the hope and love that so perfectly reflected his own feelings...
"I love you..." He whispered...
"Emily Rose Walker..."

The cold of the room was banished forver, as the lips of brother and 
sister met in a kiss that each of them would remember for the rest of
their lives...

It was their first, *real* kiss...
The first kiss where each of them had no reservations about what they
were doing; No little voice in the back of their minds telling them
it was a sin...

This was more than just sexual attraction; More than just their mutual 
arousal driving their lips together in a passionate, tongue teasing

It was a kiss of true love: a Strong, Pure, Innocent love. The kind of
love everyone grows up dreaming about, and precious few ever find.
A love untouched by time, and immune to the trials and evils of the
world their mortal bodies lived in...

No matter what happened, they would always have this moment. 
This one, perfect moment, with a kiss that completed their lives in a
way nothing else ever had, and ever could...

All that remained was for them to choose how to act on the love
that kiss represented, and to discover where those choices would 
lead them...


Chapter #7 - Keeping Warm.

A bitter wind blew fiercely outside the home of
David and Elizabeth Walker...

The hour was late... half past midnight, and the
weather outside had gone from being seasonably chilly,
to downright freezing...

The sky was filled with countless stars, as a full
moon cast it's bright glow into a certain second
story window, where two teenage siblings were
locked together in a long, passionate kiss...

Their bodies shivered, though not from cold, as
the kiss they shared warmed their bodies in a flush
of sexual heat, as their savagely beating hearts 
pumped hot blood into every sensitive corner of 
their virginal, fifteen year old bodies...

As brother and sister finally broke their kiss,
Emily Rose Walker laid her brother down on her 
bed, then moved between his legs to grasp the
masculine rigidity of his penis...

Robby was laying half upright with his head propped
up with two pillows, while Emily laid flat on
her stomach between his legs, lifting her feet
playfully in the air, as she propped herself up
on both elbows...

Robby watched silently, as Emily's head bobbed
up and down very slowly on his shaft...
"Yes..." He whispered...
"Just like that..."

Emily, having asked her brother to help her
understand what made him feel good, was presently
following his instructions as she gently used her
lips and tongue to tease and caress his hard,
throbbing penis...
"It feels hot and tingly..." He said distantly...
"It's like, washing yourself in the shower,
and feeling like you need to pee... but not exactly
like that... I can't really explain it."

Emily giggled, as she stuffed her mouth full of
his penis once again, this time taking as much of
his lengthy shaft into her mouth as she could...

"It feels the same for me when I rub my crotch."
She thought knowingly...

Robby groaned, as his penis began to throb in
hot, twitching bursts of pleasure...

He closed his eyes, as the bursts of pleasure
began flowing into his balls, creating a kind
of aching, throbbing pleasure somewhere deep
within him...
"Slow down a little..." He said softly...
"I feel... strange..."

Emily pulled off Robby then, squeezing his penis
firmly in her left hand...

Through the mysteries of female intuition, Emily 
realized that her brother was slowly building
towards his first orgasm...

But right now, this was something she wanted to

Her theory was, that if Robby's orgasm was anything
like hers, then it would probably come on quite suddenly,
last thirty seconds or less, then end as quickly
as it started..
If this was the case, and she kept using her mouth on
him, then Robby would have his orgasm before hers, 
which would totally ruin her plan to enjoy what Robby's
hard shaft might feel like if she slid her crotch over it...

Robby raised his head, as the glistening shaft of
his penis was suddenly assulted by the cold air...
"Why did you stop?" He asked...

Emily looked at him coyly...
"Just trying something different." She replied sweetly...

Emily then gently stroked his shaft between her right thumb
and three fingers, as she moved her left hand down to his balls
and began massaging between them with her left thumb...

Robby moaned loudly, as his penis jerked twice and oozed two
large drops of clear fluid onto Emily's pumping fingers...
"You're penis is really wet now..." Emily husked...
"And it sounds like I'm making you feel really good right
now Robby..." She added seductively...

Robby stared down at her, a look of quiet excitement
spreading across his face...

Emily grinned devilishly...
"But, I have to stop..." She said nonchalantly...

Emily then pinched the base of Robby's glans tightly between two 
fingers, bringing her index finger up to tease and caress the top 
of his mushroom like head...

Robby whimpered with pleasure, as Emily watched another large
dollop of clear fluid ooze out the tiny slit at the end of
his penis...

Emily felt her own crotch begin to tingle, her already moist
sex now becoming wet and ready for the next step of her plan, 
as she smeared Robby's fluid over the head of his penis with her
index finger...

Robby Walker, deciding that his sister's teasing sense of humor
had tortured him enough, finally made an effort to speak...
"Emily..." He cried softly, his lips feeling dry, and his
voice tinged with nervous energy...
"Can you..." He croaked, swallowing in an equally dry throat...
"Can you... use your mouth again... please?"

Emily wrapped her right hand tightly around his penis then,
holding him in a gentle, but commanding grip, as gazed up at
him with a teasing expression...
"Nope! Can't do that Robby..." She said mock-seriously...
"You just told me that using my mouth on your penis was dirty,

Robby was desperate...

"Please..." He begged softly...
"Just a little bit more?"

But Emily had a better plan...
"What about me, Robby?" She asked quietly...
"Don't I get to feel good too?"

Robby froze...

He had been so enthralled by the sensations of Emily's mouth
on his virginal penis, that he had innocently forgotten that she, 
too, wanted to feel good, and that he agreed that they could rub
their bodies together as she had suggested...

Robby looked at his sister with a deep, apologetic expression...
"I'm so sorry Sis!" "He said softly... 
"I didn't mean to forget your plan. It just felt so good when you 
stroked me like that and used your mouth, that I couldn't help myself."

Emily just smiled, pressing her bosom over his penis and reaching forward
to seductively slink her lithe body on top of his, reaching down between
them to fit Robby's large erection between the wet, hairy lips of her labia...

In a moment of innocent discovery, the head of Robby's penis bumped against
the small, sensitive nubbin at the top of her sex...

Her clitoris...

"Ooh!" Emily moaned in surprise, as the little bump at the top of her sex,
the one she somehow managed not to touch in the treehouse, sent a hot jolt 
of pleasure surging through her body, deep into the walls of her vagina...

"What was that!?" She breathed excitedly...

Robby was confused...
"What was what?" He replied...

Emily reached down, trying to move his penis around in her labia
to find that magical spot again...

"I felt something just now, Robby." She said, her tone slightly frustrated...
"I felt the head of your penis touch something in my crotch and..."

She looked into his eyes; A look of lust on her face...
"It felt... *really* good..." She moaned...

Robby shrugged...
"I don't know what it could be." He admitted...
"Maybe if we start rubbing up and down you'll get lucky?"

Emily shrugged, suddenly tired of this silly hunt of hers...

"You're right!" She said excitedly...
"Lets both have some fun!" 

For the first time since they took their first, fearful steps, into 
discovering their sexuality, brother and sister now gave pleasure to
each other simultaneously...

Emily put her hands on Robby's shoulders to hold herself up, 
her naked breasts jiggling seductively mere inches from his face, 
as she began slowly sliding her pelvis up and down the hard shaft of
Robby's erection...

Robby reached between them, his hands again enclosing each of
his sisters firm, tender breasts...
"They're so soft..." He whispered, as he instinctively kneaded
Emily's warm, supple flesh...

"Yes..." Emily whispered, grinding her pelvis toward him and
causing his penis to twitch with pleasure...

Robby smiled, moving his thumbs to the center of her seductively 
large areola, and gently rubbing her well-defined nipples in
a circular, teasing motion...

Emily's nipples, perfectly formed and almost the same size as
the width of her pinky finger, were one of the most sensitive,
easily aroused parts of her body...

As she grew into puberty, Emily had made it a point to wear the thickest
bras she could find. She always felt embarrassed when the slightest
hint of her nipples exposed themselves through the fabric of
her modest, dull-colored school dresses...

With her mother constantly berating her for showing the smallest
hint of her female assets, Emily was in a constant state of shame
and frustration, as the friction of her clothes always made her 
teenage nipples feel warm and tingly at the most inappropriate moments...

But as Emily writhed her naked body against her brother, feeling
his hands caress every inch of her breasts, and his thumbs lovingly
teasing her stiffly erect nipples, another invisible layer of her
shyness and modesty disappeared forever...
"Keep touching my nipples Robby..." She whispered...
"It feels so good!"

Robby's innocent shyness faded in sympathy, as he lifted his head and
brought his lips towards Emily's left nipple...

Emily cried out her brother's name, as Robby's lips lovingly nursed
and nibbled at her overstimulated nipple...
"Don't stop!" She cried softly...
"Please... please keep sucking me!"

Robby complied, planting hungry kisses on each of her breasts at random,
filling the room with wet sucking noises, as he eagerly consumed the
flesh of his fifteen year old sister's bosom...

Emily responded in kind, flexing her tight, teenage hips, grinding
her pelvis towards her brother and sliding her slick, hairy vagina,
up and down Robby's increasingly twitchy shaft...

Robby shuddered from head to toe, breaking his oral hold on his
sister's right breast and flopping back onto the pillow...

His penis throbbed uncontrollably, the veins in his shaft now clearly
visible to the naked eye, as a sudden rush of hot pleasure flowed into
his loins...
"Emily... please... slow down..." He cried...

But Emily, her body flushed with heat, and the cleft between her breasts
glistening with sweat, knew her orgasm was drawing near...
She pressed her body firmly into his, going down on her elbows and
bringing her hands up under Robby's shoulders to hang on for dear life...

"Robby, I'm getting closer!" Emily cried, grinding her nipples up
and down her brother's chest, as she furiously flexed her hips for 
all she was worth...

Robby's moans grew louder, his breathing becoming labored, as
the familiar sensation of needing to pee during his morning
erection suddenly washed over him...

Robby stared at his sister...

Emily's eyes were half closed, her forehead covered in a sheen of sweat,
and her eyes staring through him with a growing expression of sexual
rapture, as her continued thrusts forced Robby to focus on the strange
new pleasure building between his own legs...

His sister's beautiful face was in front of him. Her eyes glowing with 
the same magical rapture which was quickly overtaking him, as Robby
felt his heartbeat quicken suddenly and begin to thunder in his ears...
"My penis... feels... funny..." He said, his voice tense and excited,
as Robby felt the muscles in his pelvis and groin begin to tighten...

"Emily..." Robby husked, the throbbing ache in his balls increasing tenfold
and saturating his senses, as he felt an uncontrollable, pleasurable-pressure,
quickly building somewhere deep within his scrotum...

Having never experienced Ejaculation before, Robby had no way of
knowing about the mess he was about to make in less than a minute.

This was, however, quite a moot point...

Little did either of them know that Emily was part of a small
group of women capable of a wonder called "Female Ejaculation".

Emily whimpered her brother's name, as she rocked her hips
against his glistening shaft so strongly that the frame of 
her bed began creaking loudly in protest...

During one particularly strong down-thrust, Robby's penis
finally came in contact with her now engorged, and even more 
sensitive clitoris...

A well remembered jolt of ecstasy surged outward from her crotch,
as the realization of what caused that pleasure made Emily smile
with innocent joy...
"Oh yes..." She cried...
"That bump... right there... that's it!" She exclaimed breathlessly...

Emily made full use of this new knowledge, thrusting Robby's penis 
against her clitoris with reckless abandon...

Emily moaned deep in her throat, as her tortured clitoris raised her
pleasure to a whole new level, making the walls of her vagina
twitch and spasm randomly...

Brother and sister moaned and whimpered together, as Emily's wonderous
female lubricant began to flow more freely than ever before, bathing
their naked, quivering sexes in slick, glistening wetness...

They rode the waves of mutual pleasure even more, as the spreading
slickness between their bodies eased the frenzied melding of their tender,
virginal flesh...

Emily felt an amazing surge of pleasure rock her entire body, as
she gently cried out to her brother that her orgasm was finally at hand...
"Robby... I'm almost there!" She said breathlessly...
"Robby... it feels so good!" She whimpered ecstatically...

Countless memories of morning erections saturated his awareness, 
as the sudden urge to release the aching pressure deep in his
scrotum overpowered Robby's senses...

Robby looked up at Emily's face, her eyes staring at him with a
lustful fire that made his balls ache even stronger...
"Something's... coming..." He whimpered...
"Emily... It's coming... I can't stop it!" He cried softly...

In spite of the amazing pleasure she was feeling, Emily Walker
heard the fear and uncertainty in her brother's voice...

She smiled at him warmly, as a knowing look spread across her face...

In that instant, Emily's female intuition told her that her 
brother had never experienced the glorious ecstacy of a hot, 
pounding orgasm...
Never had his body been stimulated to the same heights as her's
had been, when she pleasured herself back in the treehouse...

But now, as Robby's eyes looked into hers with the same uncertainty
and innocent fear that she had felt the first time, Emily knew what
she had to do...

She gazed deeply into her brother's eyes, wetting her succulent,
beautiful lips, and began to sooth his fears...
"Don't be afraid, Robby..." She said quietly...
"Just let it happen..."

Robby hugged his sister for dear life, as Emily continued to
flex her pelvis with all her strength...
His eyes bulged wide, the sac at the base of his penis shrinking
to half it's normal size in the space of three heartbeats, as his 
tortured balls quickly retracted into him simultaneously...

Robby let out an agonized moan, as the pleasurable pressure in
his loins surged past his restraint...
"Oh god!" He said breathlessly...
"It's coming... it's coming!" He whimpered...

Emily ground the head of Robby's penis into the slick flesh of her
clitoris for all she was worth, as her own orgasm began to overtake

Emily moved her lips to Robby's left ear, her hot, labored breaths,
sending a shiver down his spine...
"I know it's coming..." She said quietly...

Emily moaned blissfully, as the first powerful contraction of her own 
orgasm began to explode between her legs...
"Cum with me!" She whispered seductively...

Through the mysteries of the human sex drive, Emily's mind had translated 
her brother's frantic cry of, "It's coming!", down to a simple, beautiful,
meaningful term:


The magic of the moment they now shared embedded this term in their minds 
forever, yet it had taken no dirty reference from the outside world to 
create it. To them, it was a pure and natural way of explaining the 
culmination of both the love and sexual energy they both shared...

Brother and Sister moaned in unison, as their young teenage bodies
finally fell into the glorious release of sexual climax...

Emily Walker felt the walls of her vagina clinching violently.
Her orgasm, having been pushed higher than ever before by her newly 
discovered clitoris, finally unlocked her secret talent...

Blinding bursts of color streaked across her vision, her pleasure
spiking higher than ever before, as her teenage sex suddenly
began to squirt...

Emily jerked in surprise, as she felt a sudden wetness quickly 
spreading outward from her crotch...
"What's... happening to me!?" She thought excitedly...

As Emily Walker helplessly soaked her brother with her first
innocent explosion of female ejaculate, the young teenage boy she
had so lovingly aroused beneath her was just as powerless to stop
a hot, wet, and sticky explosion of his own.

Robby Walker, climaxing simultaneously with his sister, felt the ache 
in his balls suddenly overwhelm his resistance in the blink of an eye...
"Emily!" He whimpered breathlessly...

He felt the wonderful throbbing in his shaft increase tenfold; The
glans of his penis engorging in a sudden, hot rush of blood, as
the muscles in his scrotum began contracting furiously with indescribible 
explosions of pleasure...

"It's heeere!" Robby cried, jerking his hands down to his sister's buttocks, 
and squeezing tightly with sweaty, trembling hands, as he felt a new kind of 
fluid begin to rush into his penis...

The tube along his glistening shaft bulged violently, as his youthful body
began to pump his first load of male ejaculate through the engorged rigidity 
of his fifteen year old penis...

His mushroom-like head, swolen beet red and digging lovingly into the little 
nubbin at the top of his sister's vagina, fulfilled it's intended purpose...

It's tip burst open, as his penis eagerly belched long ropes of a thick,
milky white fluid, against the hot and throbbing flesh of Emily's small, 
pink, and wildly overstimulated clitoris...

Just as Emily contemplated the sudden wetness spreading outward from between her
legs, she felt Robby helplessly ejaculate his own hot, creamy sexual fluid,
into the hairy tangle of their crotches...

Emily felt her brother repeatedly tighten his lustful, yet loving embrace
of her buttocks, as his penis jerked once, twice, three times... four times...
Each glorious spasm ejecting more of his potent and wildly arousing semen 
against the twitching, spasming, and hairy nakedness of her sex...

His youthful load lovingly mingled with her newly-discovered female ejaculate,
spreading down around the virginal lips of her vulva and seeping dangerously 
close to the tight entrance of her vagina...

Emily's pleasure peaked one last time, as the unique feeling of her 
brother's large and incredibly dangerous load saturated her awareness...
"Robby... it's so HOT!" She cried softly... 
"Oh... it feels so good!" She moaned breathlessly...

Their teenage passion continued still further, as the innocent yet
lustful culmination of their forbidden coupling decided that Robby 
and Emily were not yet fully addicted to the glorious, soothing release,
that was exploding within their bodies, and the irresistable pleasure
it created...

Robby's balls, still throbbing with sexual ecstasy, jerked even more, sucking
two heavy spurts of semen out of the depths of his tortured scrotum and pumped
them into his wildly flexing shaft with explosive force...

Robby cried out helplessly, his penis blinding him with pleasure,
as he violently slapped two more blasts of semen against his
sister's clitoris...

Emily whimpered ecstatically, completely enthralled by the feeling of Robby's 
amazing sexual fluid, as the magical nubbin she had aroused so strongly sent 
three more jolts of mind-numbing pleasure washing through the depths of her sex... 
"Make it... last... forever!" She begged helplessly, as her clitoris forced
her vagina to contract twice more in sympathetic pleasure...

Emily moaned deep in her throat, writhing and grinding her naked body 
and sweaty breasts against her brother's chest, as she basked in the heat 
radiating from his climaxing body...
"I love you..." She whispered, digging her nipples into his hairy flesh
to give herself two final waves of blissful, sexual pleasure...

Brother and Sister moaned softly then, their breathing coming in ragged
gasps, as their twitching bodies enjoyed the aftershocks of their
first mutual orgasm...

Five heartbeats later, it was finished...

Emily went limp on top of her brother, her soft lips and beautiful voice
repeating his name as if he had saved her immortal soul, as a the two
young lovers held each other close in the soft moonlight...


Chapter #8 - An Unusual Escape.

Within the thick, sturdy walls of the second floor
of the old century house that was their family's
home, Robby and Emily Walker had finally finished
their first, mutual sexual experience together...

Emily lay atop her brother, her body and his glistening
with a sheen of sweat in youthful defiance of the
cold air of her bedroom, as they fought to catch their
breath and recover their strength from their loving,
passionate, incestuous encounter...

It was a handful of minutes before they could finally
catch their breath... a few more before either of them
even *considered* moving...

Emily recovered first, raising her head weakly to look down
at her brother...

Robby was breathing evenly now... His eyes open and looking up 
at her as if she had just saved his life...

"Hey there, beautiful..." He said softly...
"You 'cum' here often?" He asked with a smirk.

Emily caught his play on words...
"Not lately..." She replied, wiggling her hips slightly...
"But I plan to change that..."

They laughed together softly for a moment...

As their laughter subsided, Emily thought to inspect the fruits 
of their labor...

She pushed herself up again, sitting atop Robby and peering downward
towards her crotch...
Robby did the same, adjusting the pillows behind his back and bracing
himself up on his hands...

Robby and Emily exchanged a surprised glance, as they realized their
crotches were completely soaked with a warm, sticky mixture of sexual
"I think we made a bit of a mess..." Emily responded with a giggle...

Robby's eyes widened slightly...
"Oh wow, we sure did, diden't we?" He replied...

Emily reached down to her crotch, scooping up a thick, 
milky white fluid she had never seen before...

Showing her fingers to Robby, she asked...
"Hey... did you do this?"

Robby shrugged...
"I don't know. I might have."

He looked away briefly, then looked back to her...
"I've never..." He began quietly...

In that instant, another layer of Robby's sexual shyness disappeared

Emily was his first love. His only love. A love he never thought he 
deserved, and more love than he ever thought possible for himself.
His heart was hers for the rest of his life, and through the mysteries
of the human soul, Robby Walker no longer felt any guilt about
discussing the tender indelicacies of sex...

Robby cleared his throat, as he finished his sentence...
"I've never cum before, until just now..." He said quietly,
using their unconsciously-agreed-upon term for the first time...

Emily shrugged...
"Well I certainly know it's not from me!" She said confidently...

Emily looked away for a moment, a expression of shy embarrassment 
on her face...
"When I cum, my stuff is... clear..." She said hesitantly...

As Emily looked back down at her stomach and Robby's, 
she saw they were a lot wetter than they should have been.

Emily shook her head...
"I don't know why we're so wet this time." She said thoughtfully...
 "I never got this wet back in the treehouse..."

Robby shrugged in sympathy...
"No clue sis. This is totally new for me as well."

Robby's expression became introspective then, as he
gave his sister a calculating look...
"Maybe it has something to do with us touching each other
together, then cumming at the same time?" He theorized...

Emily's face brightened...
"Makes sense to me." She said evenly...
"I mean, this felt so much better than back in the treehouse!"

Robby laughed...
"I could tell!" He quipped...

He looked at his sister warmly...
"And I finally got in on the fun!" He chided... 

Emily giggled, poking Robby's now-flaccid penis gently with two fingers...
"You sure did, diden't you? This little guy here sure made my night."

Robby's gave her a hurt expression, as his male ego asserted itself 
for the first time in his life...
"Hey! I'm not little!.....am I?" He protested weakly.

The honesty of his question gave them both pause...

Neither of them had seen other naked penises in their fifteen years of life.
Robby had always changed his clothes for gym class in one of the private
stalls, since most of the other boys in his school generally poked fun
at him for not being good at sports...

Emily, for her part, had definitely had no way to glimpse a penis before tonight.
To her, Robby's penis was just the perfect size. It had just succeeded in
helping her reach the best orgasm of her young life, so in her mind, she had
absolutely no reason to seek out other specimens for comparison...

Little did either of them realize that Robby was, in fact, very well endowed
for his age. In truth, he was somewhat larger than many men were after 
reaching maturity, as the flaccid form of his penis could be likened to that
of a rubber hose, more than a "tiny little faucet"...

Meanwhile, Emily smiled down at her brother, determined to explain just how
deeply he had fulfilled her needs, and now grateful she was for this...
"Robby, your penis is the first penis I've seen my whole life."

Emily shrugged...
"Actually, I never even knew the word penis before tonight!" She admitted...
"I don't know what other penises look like but..." 

Emily wrapped her fingers gently around his flaccid manhood...
"I don't know what other penises look like, but..."

She squeezed him lovingly, her warm fingers driving away the cold air
that surrounded his tender shaft...
"I think yours is just fine!" She added confidently...
"I love it Robby, and I think we were made for each other."

Robby's face lit up like a kid on Christmas:
"Thanks Sis. I... I really did try to make you happy tonight..."

Emily blinked suddenly, as she got the strangest feeling
that she was forgetting something quite important...
"Speaking of tonight..." She drawled distantly...
"What time is it?" She asked...

Robby looked over to her dresser, upon which was pirched her
digital alarm clock...
"2:47am..." He replied calmly...

Robby looked back to his sister, as a mixture of surprise and horror
quickly appeared on her face
"I didn't know it was that late!" Emily hissed...
"Mom will *kill* both of us if she happens to wake up and finds
us awake at this hour!"

Robby smirked...
"And lying in bed uncovered, naked, and soaked in..."

He gestured to their nether regions...

"All of this..." He added quietly...

Both of them remained silent then, as their excellent ears detected
a sudden noise from down the hall...

The distinctve sound of a slowly creaking floorboard reached their
tender ears, as the prophetic nature of Emily's words brought
itself to fruition...

Robby and Emily looked at each other in horror, their eyes
bulging in perfect unison, as the realization of what was about
to happen made their blood run cold...
"It's mother!" Robby whispered fearfully...

Emily hopped off her brother, reaching beside her and grabbing for
her discarded t-shirt...

Emily snapped back to look at him...
"Quick, hide!!" She whispered insistantly...

Robby flashed his head from side to side in a panic, realzing there was
nowhere he could hide that he could reach in time, that would also obscure 
him should their mother decide to turn a light on...

"Hide where!?" He whispered in a panic.

Emily scooped up Robby's underwear and pajamas off the floor on the 
opposite side of the bed.

She froze again, as the creaking of floorboards outside her door grew
closer and closer....

She thrust Robby's garments into his chest; 
His hands scrambling to grab hold of them.
"Under the bed you big oaf! Hurry up--she's almost here!" Emily snapped.

Robby began to protest.
"I can't fit! It's too s..mmm!"

Emily suddenly put her hand over his mouth, silencing him as she was struck
divine inspiration:

Her giant teddy bear!

As a child, she and her ginormous brown teddy bear were inseparable. 
She lugged it around the house night and day, even squeezing it into bed 
with her every night to protect her from "The Creaky House Monsters". 

Lucky for her, she still kept it standing right next to her bed.

Emily grinned from ear to ear...
"You're coming out of retirement old pal!" She thought to herself...
 Time to scare away the creaky house monster!"

Lunging across her bed, she grabbed one of the bear's arms; 
Yanking it onto the bed with one quick pull...

By this point, Robby was both dumbfounded and terrified;
His life now flashing before his eyes...

He knew that within seconds, their mother would walk in; 
Witnessing the most impossible situation ever seen by human eyes:

One cold night...
One bed showcased in a beam of moonlight...
One naked brother and sister...
Both of their crotches suspiciously covered in sexual fluids...

With a ginormous, fuzzy, brown teddy bear, sitting between them...

Emily whirled her head to face him then...
"Lie down on the right side of the bed, under the bear!" She commanded...

In Robby's mind, either he or his Sister had just gone insane;
The whole unreality of the situation freezing his muscles for an instant...

"I know what I'm doing!" She hissed insistantly...

Robby, finally giving into the madness around him, complied...

He layed down on the right side of the bed, pulling the bear overtop of
him; It's head resting on the pillow above him...

Emily then threw her t-shirt over her soiled body, clutching her electric 
blanket and throwing it over the top of them with a huge puff of air...

Just as the doorknob began to turn, the covers on her bed flattened out 
against it's three occupants...

Elizabeth Walker, with candle in hand, peered in on her daughter...

As the light of the candle penetrated the room, her gaze fell on the bed...

Two figures were snuggled under a thick layer of covers...
She saw her daughter sleeping peacefully, her back facing towards her...

A warm smile touched her lips then, as she instantly saw "Fuzzy Bear"...

Elizabeth thought to herself:
"After all these years... my little girl, sleeping with her Fuzzy Bear."
"She used to love snuggling with that bear on cold nights..."

She took one last look at her daughter, then gently turned and went out, 
closing the door behind her...

Elizabeth walked down the hallway to return to bed...
As she reached the stairs, it occured to her that she haden't checked to 
see if Robby was in bed as well...

She started to turn around, then stopped halfway; thinking to herself:
"They're both growing up so fast...
 I haven't seen Emily sleep that peacefully in so long."

Elizabeth blinked, her eyes filled with tears she didn't know she had:
"I was too hard on Robby tonight. He seemed so upset 
 about that history assignment."

She shook her head; Wiped the tears from her eyes:
"I'm sure he's asleep. He's such a good child, just like his sister..."

Elizabeth Walker turned back towards the stairs.

She glided gently down them then; Returning the way she came to 
retire for the remainder of the night....


Chapter #9 - Planning their Weekend.

The time on Emily Walker's clock, pirched atop her
dresser across the bedroom, now read 3:07am...

Robby Walker had spent the last 20 minutes of his life
buried under a pile of blankets...

He was still naked...
Still covered in a mixture of sexual fluids...
And was, at present, literally "under" the protection
of his sister's ginormous, fuzzy, brown teddy bear...

By this point, however, Robby was actually less concerned about 
being discovered by his mother, than he was about suffocating 
from the stale air under the electric blanket...

"Can't... breathe!" He mumbled from under the covers...

Emily was still lying next to him, her back facing her bedroom door...

"I think it's safe to come out now, Robby..." She whispered...

Robby poked his head up from under the electric blanket;
Filling his lungs with fresh air in one huge, loud gasp...

Emily giggled...
"What's wrong Robby?" She asked sweetly...
"Did Fuzzy Bear hug you too tight?"

Robby pushed the bear out of bed and gently onto the floor...
Pulling on his underwear and pajama pants under the covers, 
he turned to face her...

Robby was flabbergasted...
For the first time in their lives, Emily had actually been the one
to extricate them from a very dangerous, and very "sticky" situation...

He stared at his sister in a mixture of irony, and stunned disbelief...
"That... was brilliant." He said emphatically 
"Totally INSANE, but brilliant nonetheless."

Emily grinned from ear to ear, as she reveled in the glory
of fiendish victory...
"How on earth did you ever think of a plan like that?" Robby asked...
"I mean, wasn't I always the one to plan the 'Comic Reading Night' 
escape route?"

Emily just kept smiling, moving closer to cuddle up against him...
"I guess I've spent too many years watching you think 
things through." She said...

Emily gave him a knowing look, as she pointedly added...
"Looks like you taught me to think on my..."

Emily paused for a emphasis, letting out another giggle 
as she finished her sentence...
"Back...!" She said with a squeeky voice...

"Oi..." Robby said, rolling his eyes...

He looked at her then with a soft, but serious expression...
"Since when have you had such a... dirty sense of humor, Sis?" He asked...

Emily caressed the left side of his face with her right hand...
"Since we started exploring each other's bodies together." She whispered...
"Since I fell in love with you."

Robby reached up to his face, enclosing Emily's hand in his...
"Now that I think about it..." He said quietly...
"I guess I've been more than a little dirty myself..."

Emily laughed softly, giving him a gentle expression..
"I told you Robby, nothing about our love is dirty." She replied softly...
"What we do or say when we're alone with each other is something that's 
private... special... and nobodies business but ours. 

Emily squeezed her brother hand, as quietly added...
"No matter what anyone else thinks, this is our choice to make, Robby. 
It's our right to make these kinds of choices, and it's not evil."

Robby sighed...
"I agree." He said evenly... 
"I guess I'm just a little slow in getting used to acting this way 
with you. Old habits die hard you know..."

Emily sat up, shaking her head slightly...
"I know, Robby..." She replied...
"It's taken too long for us to reach this point in our lives and 
find some kind of happiness with each other..."

Emily looked sideways at him then, a knowing smile spreading across
her face...
"Speaking of happiness..." She added thoughtfully...
"I've been thinking about what we might do together next time."

Robby sat up, giving Emily his full attension...
A gloomy look spread across his face, as he began to
contemplate the thought of his planning-inept sister
dragging him into yet another one of her well meaning,
but probably very dangerous schemes...
"Oh God..." He drawled...
"You've been thinking again. We're doomed..." He teased in monitone...

Emily gently poked him in the ribs with a finger
"Ohh, come on?!" She quickly replied with in a hurt voice...
"I promise, I've got it all planned out this time!"

Robby rolled his eyes...
"Not to question your motives..." He said dryly...
"But if your next plan has anything to do with stuffing me
under that rediculously ginormous teddy bear of yours, you
can count me out right now..."

Emily's eyes went wide as saucers, her face shaping into a stunned
One heartbeat later, she squeezed her eyes shut, clapping her hands
over her mouth and giggling uncontrollably for a full sixty seconds...

Robby just kept quiet...
He glared sidelong at his sister, his eyes narrowing to slits and
his mouth shaping into a pouting look...
"Laugh it up sis..." He muttered...
"I'll get you back for almost suffocating me tonight..."

Emily took her hands away from her mouth...
She drew in a deep breath to calm herself, then let it out slowly...
"Alright Robby Walker..." She soothed...
"Let me put you out of your misery and tell you the good news."

Robby just stared at her, clamping his mouth firmly shut and
waiting for her to somehow tell him something that would make
their recent narrow-escape seem perfectly normal and worthwhile...

"When mother came to check my homework tonight..." Emily began
"She happened to mention that she was planning a visit to
Aunt Sally this weekend..."

Robby rolled his eyes...
"Mother *always* goes to visit Aunt Sally in the fall." He said dryly...
"She's been talking about it for weeks now. It's not like you're 
telling me anything I didn't already know."

Emily raised a finger, and Robby suddenly got the mental image
of a lightbulb appearing over his sisters head, and switching on brightly...
"Ahh yes!" She chimed it...
"But this time, Father is going with her. They will be at Aunt Sally's
the entire weekend, and they plan to leave us here to watch the house..."

Emily wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, as she quietly finished
her sentence...
"All alone... no supervision, and nobody to bother us... "

Robby's jaw dropped, as he stared at Emily in utter disbelief...
"You're not serious!" He whispered...
"Mother never lets us out of her sight for two seconds." He said
in a normal voice...
"There's no way on Earth that She would never come up with 
a plan like that!" He added emphatically...

But Emily shook her head slowly at him, giving him a knowing,
devious smile, as she pointedly interjected...
"This wasn't mothers idea, Robby..."

She lowered her gaze, looking up at him from under her teasing eyebrows...
"Mother explained to me that she had a discussion with Father, and
he insisted that we're old enough to start taking care of ourselves,
and be left alone for a couple days, so long as we agree to stay together 
and not leave the house..."

Robby ran a hand over his suddenly sweaty forehead...
"I don't believe it..." He whispered distantly...

He looked around Emily's roon then, his eyes not really seeing anything,
as his wandering mind began to contemplate an entire weekend in which to
further explore his sexual relationship with his kind, lovely, and
teasingly seductive sister...

Robby cleared his throat...
After another moment of thought, he whispered...
"That means you and I can... can..."

Robby locked eyes with his sister, suddenly finding himself
at a loss for words...

But Emily, already tingling with excitement at the thought of
48 hours of ininterrupted sexual bliss, quickly interjected and 
finished Robby's sentence for him...
"Be in bed together all weekend if we want to?" She asked lightheartedly...
"That's right Robby!" She exclaimed...
"And I've already thought of something new we can try, to
make the weekend a special occasion for both of us!"

Robby, a man not fond of secrets, and now feeling a bit tingly
himself, quickly asked...
"What is it?"

Emily, determined to keep her brother eagerly awaiting in suspense, 
put two delicate fingers to his lips to silence him gently...
"Ah ah ah!" She teased...
"No spoiling the surprise! Just be patient a little longer,
I promise you'll find out everything bright and early Saturday morning."

Emily's discussion of mornings suddenly reminded her that the Thursday 
"Night" she planned to spend with he brother, had now stretched well 
into wee hours of Friday "Morning"...

"But right now..." Emily added quietly...
"You and I need to get some sleep--In our own beds!"

Robby nodded, as he realized just how tired he really was...
"I agree..." He said with a yawn...
"It's going to be light in a few hours, and if we
don't get some kind of nap, the two of us are going to
be too dead to go about our usual routene before school...

Emily nodded gravely...
"Exactly Robby..." She said quietly...
"And the last thing we need right now is for either of
us to act any differently than usual, and make mom suspicious
enough to cancel her trip and spend the weekend patrolling
our bedrooms..."

Robby took her statement as a sign their evening was over...

He pulled his pajama top over his head, sliding off the bed and
tiptoeing to her door in perfect silence...

Robby laid a hand on the doorknob, turning back briefly
to wish his sister goodnight, then slid his body through her
doorway and closed her bedroom without a single click from
it's doorknob...

Emily listened for the moment, as he heard Robby use the restroom
then turn on the bath for a quick shower...
"Get nice and clean before bed Robby!" She giggled to herself...

As Emily listened to Robby showering across the hall, 
she suddenly realized that she did not, in fact, have
any idea whatsoever about how she and Robby could further
explore their sexuality over the weekend...
"Okay then..." She drawled softly...
"Now to think up an *actual* plan for our weekend..."

Emily slumped forward, putting her right hand to her chin
"I already plan on us touching each other with our hands." She thought...
"But maybe I can get him to rub his penis against my crotch again too..."

Emily's mind wandered for a moment, as the well remembered feeling
of Robby's penis prodding and squirting against the sensitive little
nubbin between her legs made her feel warm and tingly all over...

She hesitated on edge of rubbing that nubbin again briefly,
as a troubling thought occured to her...
"But that's just it!" She said quietly...
"That's all I can think of, and I promised Robby I had something new
and special for us to try!"

Emily sighed in frustration...
She heard Robby shut off the water and step out
of the shower... taking that as some kind of sign that
she was quickly running out of time to plan...
"I don't have a lot of time." She thought...
"I have to come with something fast, or our one chance
to really enjoy each other will be ruined completely!"

For the second time in recent history, a lightbulb appeared
over Emily Walkers head and switched on with blinding brightness...
"That's it!" She cried softly...
"The School Library!"

Emily was never one for excessive reading. She always did all that
was required to earn an A-grade for her studies, but that was it.
Reading for personal research, or as a hobby, was something she swore
she would never do...

But now, with nowhere else to turn and time quickly running out,
Emily realized that she had no other choice...
"But I'll have to be careful!" She whispered insistantly...
"The library is crawling with librarians and students, and if
even one of them spots me reading about Sex and decides to
mention it to mother, Robby and I are dead meat!"

Emily felt strange, thinking the word "Sex" to herself.
In spite of the fact that she was fifteen years old, Emily
had only heard the word spoken in public once before, amidst a 
giggling group of girls two grades above her... 

Based on the fact that the girls were using that word in
a discussion about Boys, Emily had put two-and-two together
and guessed that it had something to do with the way she
and Robby and begun touching themselves recently...

Emily smiled to herself then, as she remembered that during
the conversation in question, the legendary Mrs. Anderson 
had NOT been present to whack the girls with her ruler and
send them to detention...

As she innocently whispered the word, "Sex", to herself, 
Emily Rose Walker belatedly remembered that the culmination
of such contact resulted in the release of a lot of hot,
creamy, sticky fluid...
This fluid, while still hot, provided the perfect lubricant
for her to stimulate the sensitive flesh between her legs...

Or, Emily thought naughtily, to lubricate her fingers so flawlessly, 
that she could push them into that tight, circular tunnel at 
the center of her crotch, and make herself feel absolutely wonderful...

But all this thinking about naked bodies and sexual fluids
suddenly reminded Emily that her own body was now covered
in cold, hard, sticky clumps of those fluids, and that this
presently made her feel very uncomfortible, and dirty in a
way that she most certainly did NOT enjoy...
"I... think Robby had the right idea..." She said quietly...
"Since he's done in the bathroom, I think I'll just tiptoe
into the shower and clean off all this sticky stuff on
my body."

Emily, realizng that she couldn't just wander the house completely
naked, reached towards the tall stand near her bed and grabbed
her thick winter robe...
"I really don't want to get my robe all sticky." She thought...
"But it's a lot better than mother seeing me like this!"

Emily put her feet on the floor then, padding silently out her
door and into the bathroom to cleanse her teenage body back
to it's normal, angelic beauty...


Chapter #10 - Breakfast Banter.

The twins, sleepy but excited, went about their
usual routene that Friday morning as if nothing had happened...

Only once during breakfast, did they hold their breath...

As they ate their breakfast with their mother, they
conversed quietly. All the usual topics came and went
as they always had: 

Going to the grocery...

The BUMPING Noises their mother had heard last night...

The Twins were frozen like statues at the sudden shift in
topic, as each of them panicked briefly...

Emily dropped her spoon into her bowl of cereal, reflexively
looking over to her brother for moral support...

Unfortunately, Robby wasn't in a position to provide
it right then...

His mouth was filled with a giant spoon full of cereal when
their mother changed the topic, and his initial reaction
was to swallow his food, and cough nervously, all at the same
time. This resulted in him nearly choking to death for roughly
ten seconds as half his food went down the wrong way...

Emily held her breath, as their mother turned to gaze at
Robby with a growing look of suspicion...
"Bumping... :COUGH: noises?" He croaked...
"I didn't hear any... :COUGH: bumping noises after I... 
:COUGH: fell asleep?" He said innocently...

Robby, realizing he needed to step up his game to convince
their mother, suddenly had a burst of inspiration...
"I guess I was just overtired from working on my history 
assignment too late." He added quickly...

But Elizabeth Walker was quite certain she had heard strange 
noises in the night...

She turned to her daughter...
"You didn't hear anything at all?" She asked incredulously... 
"I'm sure I heard some kind of bumping noises in the middle of the night?"...

Emily, somehow keeping a cooler head than her brother, smoothly
"Yes. I woke up a couple times to the sound of tree branches
hitting the side of the house by my window."

Flicking a glance at her brother...
"I guess it was windy last night..." She added added thoughtfully...

Emily smiled inwardly to herself, as she remembered stuffing
her protesting brother under her ginormous teddy bear...
"But maybe not..." She sighed... 

Robby watched his sister beam her warmest smile at their mother, 
and realized then just how much satisfaction Emily was getting
from leading their mother on with such an elaborate, yet-truthful "lie"...
"Emily's a frighteningly good liar when she puts her mind to it." He thought...

Robby frowned fractionally, as the import of that realization began
to sink in...
"But I hate it when Emily lies..." He thought...
"She's too good a person to be forced to do this!"

Robby shook himself out of his thoughts, as he focused his attension
on the continuing exchange between Emily and their mother...

"It was awfully cold last night wasn't it?" Elizabeth said...

Emily nodded eagerly, as she finished swallowing a bite of food...
"Once my electric blanket got warmed up, I snuggled next to
my Fuzzy Bear and fell sound asleep."

To Robby's mild amusement, their mother smiled...
"I'm sure you did honey." She responded blandly...
"I came up to check on you during the night, after I heard those noises.
But you looked so peaceful and content sleeping with your Fuzzy Bear
that I didn't have the heart to wake you."

Unpleasant memories of their fear of being discovered flashed
through their minds, as Robby and Emily briefly contemplated
how close they came to being discovered...

"Actually, I was afraid for my life..." Emily thought...

"While I was stuck suffocating to death, 
 UNDER that ginormous stuffed teddy bear..." Robby grumbled inwardly...

Her mother gave her a quizzical expression then, as she said:
"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen you sleep with your
Fuzzy Bear since you were about ten years old..."

Robby, realizing his mother's statement was actually a question
in disguise, quickly rejoined the conversation...
"Mom's right, Sis." He interjected...

Finally setting his mind into conspiracy mode, 
Robby quickly formed a plan...

He set his spoon down on the table, leaning forward on one elbow
and putting his chin in his hand...
Robby gave his sister a teasing look that their mother would
easily recoginize, as he pitched his voice in a matching tone...
"You didn't need Fuzzy Bear to protect you from the big, bad, tree branch
noises, did you?" He asked incredulously...
"My big, tough, *fifteen year old* sister?!"

Emily, realizing he "Playing to The Devil's Gallery",
decided to play along...
"Oh lay off, you big goof!" She quipped in a sarcastic tone...
"It was windy and freezing last night, and that electric blanket of mine is 
probably three years older than GAWD! There was no way I could keep myself warm..."

She gave Robby her best stare then, wiggilg her eyebrows at him
suggestively, as she quietly added...
"All alone... with *no one* to 'snuggle' with..."

Robby responded with his best, "Yeah, right..." expression,
as much for her benefit as for their mother...

To their mutual relief, the strategy worked...

"Alright now kids!" Elizabeth said sternly...
"I'll have no teasing or arguing during meals! It's bad for the digestion."

"Sorry mom!" The twins said contritely...

Elizabeth looked at the clock on the stove...


Elizabeth gestured to their half finished plates of food, as
she quickly said..
"You two hurry up and finish your breakfest! 
The bus will be here in ten minutes!"

"Yes mother..." The twins responded in unison...


Ten minutes later, they were walking down their long driveway
towards the bus...

As they walked, Robby leaned closer to his sister, saying:
"I can't believe Mother didn't give us the inquisition
about our story back there. She's been so hostile lately."

Emily sighed, an expression of sadness flicking across her features...
"One day she's normal, the next, she's someone I don't know at all."

But Robby didn't want either of them to start their day off on the wrong foot...

"Hey, look on the bright side..." He said cheerfully...
"Nine o-clock tomorrow morning, Mom and Dad will be on their way 
to Aunt Sally's house. Then you and I will..."

Robby trailed off...

Brother and Sister looked at each other with a knowing smile then, 
just as they got to the doors of the bus...

"I'm sure we'll find something fun to do for the weekend..."
Emily said casually...

As they stepped on the bus and took their seats...


Chapter #11 -"Real Sex".

Bright and early Saturday morning, the Twins said 
goodbye to their parents...

They nodded respectfully, listening intently to every word
their parents said about being responsible adults while
they were gone... 

After all was said and done, they kissed their mother goodbye,
then closed the door behind her... 
Their father, already outside, had started the car some ten 
minutes previously, and was waiting for her...

The clock read 9:30am on the dot...

Though they had planned to be on the road at 9am sharp,
Elizabeth had eaten up another thirty minutes nattering
on and on to the twins about being safe while she was gone...

They waved to their parents through the large glass window
which faced the road from their living room...

The twins breathed a sigh of relief, as their parent's car
faded into the distance...

Emily Walker turned towards her brother...

She moved close to him, laying both her hands on his chest...
"I'm so glad we're finally alone." She said happily... 
"There's so much I want to talk about."

Robby gave her his best, "Yeah, right" look...
"Oh I'm sure we're going to do *a lot* of talking." He said sarcastically...
"Just like we did last time!" He said, rolling his eyes...

But Emily didn't laugh...
She looked up at him silently for a moment, her eyes
taking on a serious, fearful look, and Robby knew instantly
that something was amiss...
"I'm serious this time, Robby." Emily said quietly...
"I did some reading in the school library during lunch
on Friday, and there's some things we need to discuss about..."

She hesitated briefly, averting her gaze towards the window...
Her hands reflexively rubbed his chest, as she finished her 
sentence in a hushed tone...
"About having sex..." She whispered...

Robby's face darkened with concern...
"I wondered where you went during lunch." He admitted...
"What did you read in the library that has you so concerned?" He asked...

Emily looked up again, her face brightening into her usual
smile, as she rose up and kissed him lightly on the cheek..."
"Don't worry." She said...
"I'll explain everything to you shortly."

She moved away from him then, walking a few paces down the hall towards
the stairs to the second floor...

Robby watched her go, a feeling of uneasiness growing within him,
as he began to wonder what Emily could have possibly read that had
so easily upset her...

Before he had time to complete his thoughts, Emily turned back
one last time...

She favored him with a soft smile...
"Just give me ten minutes to get ready..." She called...
Then come to my room. I'll explain everything there."

Robby nodded in agreement...

Whatever this new development was, Robby realized that Emily needed
to deal with it and discuss it in her own way, and on a timetable of
her choosing...
"Alright, Sis. I'll see you in ten minutes." He replied...

Robby watched in silence, as Emily ascended the stairs towards
her bedroom...

He turned back to the window, gazing up at the sky as a growing cluster
of dark clouds began making their way across a greyish sky...
"Alright Emily..." He sighed softly...
"What did you get yourself into this time?" He whispered...


Ten minutes later, The Twins were seated next to each other on
Emily's bed...

Having dressed for the fall weather, each of them wore
sweats. Robby's favorite color was blue, and Emily's was
green, so they had put on matching sweats to suit their tastes...

Emily stared down at the floor, her hands fidgeting in her lap...

Robby watched her silently for a moment, then looked at
her with a soft smile...
"Alright sis..." He said in a soothing tone...
"So what was in this book you read that has you
looking worried to death?"

Emily cleared her throat softly, turning her head to face him...
"It's about what we've been doing, Robby." She said...
"You know, the touching each other? Rubbing your penis against 
my crotch?"

Robby nodded...
"Okay..." he said slowly...
"Is there a problem with what we've been doing?" He asked...

Emily averted her eyes again, her hands fidgeting even more...
"Actually, it's a problem with what we're *not* doing." She said hesitantly...

Robby blinked...
"What we're not doing?" He said in surprise...
"What do you mean, what we're NOT doing?" He asked...

Emily looked him in the eye, finally mustering the
courage to come right out and say it...
"What haven't been having real sex, Robby." She said...

Robby blinked rapidly, his confusion deepening even further...
"I'm no expert..." He admitted evenly...
"But I'm pretty sure a boy and a girl rubbing their private
parts together while completely naked is pretty much the 
textbook definition of sex, Sis...

Robby blushed slightly, clearing his throat...
"We've even... cum, together..." He said quietly, still unused to 
using that word...
"I thought that was what sex was all about." He admitted...

"I know." Emily said softly, her tone filled with uncertainty.
"From what I've read, that's all part of having sex."

Emily turned away from him, and Robby caught a glimpse of
a troubled look on her face...

A deafening silence grew between them, and Robby Walker realized
that his sister was taking this new situation very hard...

Robby scooted closer to Emily then, turning her head to
face him,and giving her his most reassuring smile...
"Sis, whatever it is, you can tell me, alright?" He said...

He gave her a protective look, as Emily kept her eyes
cast downward...
"Everything will be fine if we face this together. But in order to 
do that, I need you to tell me what the problem is, okay?"

Emily reluctantly raised her eyes to look at him...
"To have real sex..." She said quietly...
"You have to put your penis inside me, Robby."

She gestured to her crotch...
"You have to get it hard like before, then push it completely
inside... my... vagina..." She said slowly...

Robby raised an eyebrow...
"Your... what?" He asked...

Emily shrugged...
"It's what the center of my crotch is called Robby. A Vagina."

Robby nodded hesitantly...
"But I thought that my penis was meant to touch your...'Vagina'?" He said slowly...
"If what your saying is true, then wouldn't it also be safe for
my penis to go inside you as well?"

Emily shook her head...
"Not without something called a 'Condom', Robby." She said...
"There's also a pill I could take that would help, but they are by doctor's 
proscription only. Obviously, I can't explain to Mom or Dad why I would need to 
start taking such pills."

Robby waved a hand for silence...
"You've lost me, Sis." He said...
"What's a 'Condom', and why do you need to take pills for sex?" He asked...

Emily's voice sounded a little like a school teacher, as she
began imparting her recently gained knowledge to Robby...
"A condom is a small tube that you roll down your penis once it becomes
erect." She explained... 
"It's keeps any of your semen from leaking into my vagina when you

Robby was about to ask about her unfamiliar terminology, but Emily
beat him to the punch...
"Remember that white stuff you made when you came on me last night?" She asked...
"It's called Semen, Robby. If any of it gets inside my Vagina, it
could enter my womb and make me pregnant... and have a baby..."

Robby eyes bulged...
"A baby..." He breathed...
"So that's how mom and dad... that's how they made us!"

Emily nodded gravely...
"Yes..." She said softly...
"But the problem for us is, we don't want a baby right now.
We're still in school... we don't even have jobs!"

Robby looked down at the floor, a look of brooding contemplation on his face...

He sat in silence, pondering the seemingly countless ways that having
a baby to care for at their age could bring what remained of their
lives crashing down around their heads...

After a few long moments of thought, Robby spoke up, his gaze
pointedly fixed on the floor in front of him...
"Then it's settled." He announced solumnly...
"We will wait to really have sex until we can either buy some of those 
'Condoms' you mentioned. Or, we will wait until you are old enough to go 
to the doctor and get a proscription for that pill, without mom or dad's consent."

Emily jerked up off the bed, shaking her head slowly and
pacing like a caged animal...
"Robby, I know how you feel, but..." She said...

She turned to face him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears...
"But I don't want to wait..." She cried emotionally...

Robby's expression hardened...
"We have no choice, Emily--think about what would happen!" He said in 
a serious tone... 
"Mother would go insane if you got pregnant, and without Dad here to manage
things,there's no telling  what she would do to the both of us, especially you!"

Emily whirled away from him...
She clinched her fists at her sides, shaking her head furiously as tears
began streaming down her cheeks...
"I know Robby, I know! It's just not fair!" She said without turning...
"We've been so happy together these last few weeks--Even with mother 
on the warpath! For awhile there I thought we had finally broken free 
from everything we've lived with for so long... but now..."

Emily turned towards him, a look of fierce determination in her eyes...
"I don't want to hold back, Robby." She declared... 
"I want to go all the way with you..."

She knelt down in front of him, reaching her right hand towards the
crotch of his sweat pants...
"I have a plan, Robby..." She said...
"It's risky, but if we're very careful, I think it will work." She said; 
Her voice filled with resolve...

Robby looked down at his crotch, as Emily's hand began caressing
the unmistakable lump of his flaccid penis through the fabric
of his sweat pants...

Robby's left eye ticked, his penis beginning to warm at his sister's 
loving caresses, causing his shaft to expand ever so slightly as the first 
tingling of his arousal reached his senses...

Robby leaned forward then, resting his left hand on Emily's right shoulder...
"Emily..." He said...
"I need you listen to me, please?"

Emily slowly looked up then, her eyes locking on his...
"I know how badly you want to do this now now..." He said in his most
soothing tones...
"I want it too." He admitted...
"But this is about more than just giving in to our desire for sex. 
There could be *real* consequences if we go about this the wrong way."

To his dismay, even though Emily was listening intently to his words,
her hand had continued to manipulate the lump in the crotch of his
sweat pants...

Robby sighed with pleasure, as his penis began responding further
to his sister's deft touches...

An uncontrollable twitch flexed through the lengthening rigidity
of his shaft, as Robby's suddenly realized that he was quickly
nearing full erection...

Emily's voice called softly...
"When you came last night, did you feel it before it happened?"
She asked, her tone one of intense interest...

Robby blinked, as her question caught him off guard...
"Did I.. feel it?" He asked in confusion...
"What do you mean?"

Before explaining further, Emily pulled down the wasteband of
his sweat pants...
Reaching inside with both hands, she quickly freed his ample
endowment from it's cramped confinement, tucking the wasteband 
of his sweats and underwear firmly under the sac of balls, causing
his shaft to point directly at her face...

Robby saw his sister's eyes glisten excitedly as she reached
towards his penis with her right hand...
"Emily..." He whispered helplessly, her delicate fingers enclosing 
his expanding shaft and filling it with tender, soothing warmth, as she 
began to teasingly stroke him to full erection...
"That's it Robby!" She thought...
"Get your penis nice and hard for me..."

As she continued pumping him gently, Emily looked up
at her brother's face...
"I mean, did you have any warning before you felt yourself
begin to squirt?" She asked insistantly...

Robby fought to control the growing pleasure in his loins, as his virile
teenage erection came to full bloom...
"I'm... not really sure Sis..." He said...
"It all happend so fast. One instant I felt really good, and the next 
I felt myself lose control and just squirt. There was nothing I could 
do to stop it."

Emily stopped stroking him, wrapping her hand tightly around the
middle of his manly rigidity to keep him from deflating...
"Why don't we try this, Robby." She said evenly...
"You lay down on the bed, like last night. I'll straddle
you again, but this time I'll slowly put your penis
inside me as I sit down on top of you."

Robby groaned, as Emily slowly pumped his shaft with two
long, tight strokes, causing his penis to twitch and begin
throbbing in his sister's grasp...
"He's ready..." Emily thought...
"His penis twitched and throbbed like this just before
we rubbed our crotches together last night."

Robby felt himself swept up in a war between his sex drive,
and his better judgement, as Emily smiled up at him with such
innocent sweetness that it made his penis twitch once again...
"But, what about my semen?" He asked through a dry throat...
"If I squirt any of it inside you I'll make you pregnant."

Emily, realizing her brother was slowly warming up to her idea,
decided to take things a step further...
"I said it *could* make me pregnant, Robby." She explained...
"But there's no guarantee that it would..." She said, her voice softer...

As she said this, she removed her hand from his penis, 
putting her hands on either side of his waist to gently pull off 
his sweat pants and underwear...

For some reason he couldn't explain, Robby found himself unable
to resist her efforts: 
His muscles refused to respond, as she completely uncovered his 
lower half and gently pushed him to lie down on her bed.

Robby watched as his sister pulled off her sweats, and got into bed with him...

Emily straddled his naked body then, wearing only a pair of pink cotton panties,
as she looked down at him with a tender expression...

The fingers of her left hand, Robby noted, were rubbing up and down between 
her legs, as a wet spot began forming in the center of her panties...
"Alright, here's the plan, Robby..." She said softly...
"I'm going to put your penis inside me now. Then I'm going to 
start moving on top of you, but I'll do it slowly. I'll keep
going until you tell me you're close to squirting, then I'll 
pull off and use my mouth to make you cum, alright?"

Emily reached down with her right hand then, firmly grasping the
shaft of his penis and stroking it a few times to keep him hard...

Her left hand, still stroking her sex through her panties, now
reached over and pulled the fabric aside...

Robby went wide-eyed as he saw her moist, pink, vaginal lips,
for the first time in daylight. A dense tangle of blonde pubic hair
surrounded her sex, and her lips were already wet with arousal...

Robby swallowed hard...
The sight of his sister's naked sex sent a shiver of excitement
down his spine, as a familiar ache began deep in his balls...

He knew this was wrong. He knew that as much as they both wanted
what was about to happen, that they were literally playing toying
with fire and begging fate to make Emily pregnant...
"Emily, It happened so fast before..." He said in a hushed tone... 
"If I can't warn you in time, you might not be able to pull off, 
and then I might..."

Emily leaned forward, her ample breasts hanging seductively close
to his face... 
She put two fingers across his lips to silence him...
"It's alright Robby, I'll be careful." She soothed... 
"If you feel even close to cumming, just tell me, and I'll pull 
off of you just to be safe, okay?"

Robby nodded reluctantly...

Emily beamed a smile down at him, as she swabbed the head of his
penis through the lips of her sex to lubricate him with her juices...
"Sit up Robby..." She commanded softly...
"I want to look into your eyes as we give each other our virginity..."

Robby complied, sitting up and holding himself upright with his left arm,
then bringing his right behind his sister's back to gently caress
the base of her spine...

Their eyes met, as Emily looked at her brother with an expression
of lustful excitement...
"I'm putting it in now..." She whispered...

Time seemed to magically slow to a crawl, as Robby and Emily Walker
willingly sacrificed their virginity...

Robby's eyes bulged, as he felt his penis slowly enveloped in, what he
could only describe as, a hot, slick, tight tunnel...
He stared blankly at Emily's face, as he felt the uniquely textured
walls of her vagina contour and shape themselves perfectly around
the entire length of his shaft...

Robby's mouth shaped into a wordless, "Oh!", his sister's wet cave 
gripping him tightly like a quivering, fleshy glove, as her body reacted 
to his penetration by twitching randomly against his rigid manhood...

Emily, for her part, was equally enthralled...

As she lowered herself onto her brother's penis, she felt his ample girth 
spread open the virginal flesh of her depths as she'd never felt before. 
She had lost her hymen years earlier in gym class (an embarrassing moment),
so what little pain she felt was caused by her vagina being unused to
stretching so much...

Emily carefully sheathed the remainder of Robby's erection into her,
as her hairy crotch at last pressed down fully onto her brother's pelvis...

As her vaginal lips engulfed Robby's shaft down to his balls, the tip of
his glans gently tickled the lips of her cervix...

Emily jerked reflexively, as she felt the end of Robby's penis suddenly touch
something strange deep within her...
"Ooh!" She cried softly...
"What... what did you just touch, Robby?" She whispered excitedly...

Robby shook his head...
"I... don't know." He admitted...
"Did you read anything about this?" He asked...

Emily shook her head slowly...
"No..." She said, her voice quiet and distant...

She gently pressed her pelvis down harder, wiggling her hips slightly
and prodding this new place deep within her with the tip of Robby's

It was a very unique sensation. She felt the vaguest tingling of pain,
but this was easily overshadowed by a very deep, and very pleasurable

Emily didn't know it beforehand, but she was one of those women for whom
simple penile contact with her cervix didn't bring terrible pain,
but actually heightened her pleasure if it was done slowly and gently...

Robby used both his hands and scooted himself into a more
comfortable sitting position, as Emily looked at him in innocent
"I've never felt anything quite like this before, Robby..."
She said, her voice now taking on a dreamy tone...
"When you first bumped that spot deep inside me it
hurt a little, but when you scooted your butt just now,
your penis wiggled a little and rubbed deep inside me..."

Emily put her hands on his chest, gazing deeply into his eyes,
as she looked up at him seductively from under her eyebrows...
"Lay down, Robby..." She whispered...
"It's time to see what 'Real Sex' feels like!"

Robby complied, lying down on his back and staring up at the ceiling
with a distant, entranced expression...

Emily smiled, closing her eyes and beginning to grind her pelvis
back and forth against him...

Robby's thick erection rubbed and teased every inch of her tight,
virginal tunnel, causing her female lubrication to coat his shaft
in a thin layer of slick, glistening fluid, while she instinctively 
wiggled the tip of his penis around the lips of her cervix...

Emily's mouth opened fractionally, a tiny moan of pleasure
flowing out from between her succulent, trembling lips, as she leaned
forward and mashed her clitoris against Robby's pelvis...

Emily shuddered from head to toe...
"Ah... Ahh?!" She cried softly, as a strong jolt of exquisite, warm pleasure
flowed outward from between her legs into every corner of her body.

Emily's vagina, already addicted to the throbbing rigidity of Robby's penis,
instinctively clamped down hard on his invading shaft, bathing her body
in repeated ripples of hot ecstasy...
"It's... starting to feel... so good!" She gasped...
"Your penis is... so deep inside me..."

Robby groaned, as a wave of pleasure rocked through his loins, causing an
all-too-familiar ache to begin building in his balls...
"No, not yet!" He thought...
"I can't cum now, we've only just started!"

Robby took in a deep, shuddering breath, closing his eyes and forcing himself
to think of anything on earth, except the naked body of his fifteen year old
sister, writhing in ecstasy above him; Her long hair cascading down her ample
breasts, her nipples dark and spiked with pleasure, the lips of her vagina
sealed tightly around his invading shaft, as their sexes glistened with a
growing mixture of sexual lubricant...
"Too... close..." Robby whispered under his breath...

Robby felt something tickle his face suddenly...
He opened his eyes, as Emily leaned forward and held herself up
with her arms on both of his shoulders...

Her eyes looked at him with an intensity that made his body flush
with sexual heat, as her long hair cascaded down between them and
brushed against the sides of his face...

A chill went down Robby's spine, as Emily began to speak...
"Ohh... Robby..." She breathed dreamily...
"This feels so good... thank you for letting me try this..."

Going on instinct, she raised her hips up, pulling off him almost
completely. Then she rotated her hips in a circular motion, with
only the head of his penis within her...

Robby groaned, as the tight entrance of Emily's vagina rubbed
furiously against the sensitive, throbbing glans of his penis...
"This is... unbelieveable." He said...

Emily giggled softly, as Robby's shaft suddenly jerked, causing the
head of his penis to swell slightly and squirm inside her...
"I think your penis likes me Robby!" She said sweetly...

Emily reached between them briefly, stroking the shaft of his
penis twice with her right hand...

She tightened her muscles then, forcing the walls of her vagina to
tightly rub and squeeze the head of Robby's penis...
"Oh, Emily..." Robby breathed dreamily, a wave of pleasure washing 
over him, as the tip of his glans opened fractionally, helplessly 
releasing a small drop of thick, creamy semen, into Emily's unprotected 
body without either of them knowing about it...

That one drop was more than enough to make her pregnant, but
brother and sister were far from finished with their first, real
sexual encounter...
"I'm going to go down on you again..." Emily husked...

Robby exhaled sharply, as his penis was once again fully sheathed
in hot, slick tightness, causing his rigid shaft to begin throbbing
with dangerous waves of pleasure...
"Emily... it's so tight inside you!" He gasped...
"I don't... know how long I can last!"

Emily felt her own pleasure building quicker than ever before,
as her newly explored vagina marveled at her brother's wonderously
long, filling penetration...

She began grinding her pelvis against his in a slowly building rhythm,
as she reached out her right hand towards the left side of his face...
"Robby... I feel it!" She said, as her breathing began to quicken suddenly... 
"I'm almost there! Ooh, just hold back for one minute... please!"

Emily shifted her angle, thrusting her body back and forth to
pump Robby's penis in and out of her quivering sex, causing the
deepest reaches of her vagina to quiver and tingle excitedly with
a steady flow of her youthful, female lubricant...

Robby groaned, his penis beginning to twitch to the pounding of
his heartbeat, as Emily's slick fluid eased her movements and gave
them both even greater pleasure...

Emily exhaled sharply, her eyes momentarily going wide and staring
into his, as she savagely thrust herself onto his penis and forcefully
squeezed every muscle in her vagina against his invading shaft...
"Oh God, it's so good!" She moaned deep in her throat...
"Oh Robby... I want to keep doing this forever!"

Robby shuddered, as Emily's vaginal squeezing sent a glorious stab of
unbarable pleasure jolting through his balls and into the depths
of his scrotum...
"Emily... you have to... stop squeezing like that!" He gasped...

Emily looked at him innocently, as she began rhythmically hammering
herself back onto his overstimulated penis...

"Uh... uh... ooh... oh... ohh!" She moaned in time with her thrusts...

Robby clinched his teeth, desperately trying to fend off his climax
long enough for his sister to reach hers.

"Emily... you have to... pull off! I'm... I'm almost there!" He cried softly...

Emily went wide eyed, a thrill of fear coursing through her, as she
looked down at Robby with an expression of disappointment and shock...
"Nooo!" She whimpered insistantly...
"You can't cum now Robby!" She cried...

Emily flashed her right hand towards her crotch;
Her fingers frantically searching for her clitoris...

"I'm almost there! Don't cum inside me!" She pleaded;
Her fingers now furiously flicking across the engorged flesh 
of her clitoris...

Emily suddenly felt Robby's penis swell then, becoming harder than 
ever before, as her now-tortured clitoris forced the walls of her
vagina to begin twitching and flexing randomly with pleasure, 
in preparation for her impending climax...

Robby felt the last of his restraint fading away, as the entire length
of his teenage erection was assulted by the teasing, rippling contractions,
of Emily's pre-orgasmic vagina...

As the ache in his balls built to an almost unbareable crescendo,
Emily jerked herself upright and furiously impaled herself on his painfully 
rigid shaft...

Robby arched his back violently, crying out in ecstasy, as a powerful wave 
of pleasure surged outward from his groin and suffused his entire body in a 
blissful inferno...

Half a second later, Robby felt a sudden twitch deep within him, 
as every muscle in his groin tensed to help empower his impending 

"I'm... so close!" He whined...
"Please... pull... off!" He whimpered through clinched teeth...

But Emily, just one glorious thrust away from her own release,
wasn't about to miss out on the most amazing orgasm of her short,
fifteen years of life!

"No-not-yet!" She gasped excitedly, pulling herself almost completely
off his glistening shaft, and squeezing every inch of him teasingly
tight as she did so...
"Just one more... TIME!" She whimpered...

As the word, "Time", flowed out of Emily's succulent, trembling lips,
She slammed herself savagely down on Robby's penis one last time;
Arching her back, as she felt her body begin to tumble into the
glorious release of a squeezing, rippling, pounding female orgasm...

As Robby's penis bottomed out within her wonderous depths, the tip 
of his glans suddenly prodded the lips of her cervix, causing a brief
instant of pain to flow outward from her crotch...

"Ouch... ah-ahh!" She half moaned, half cried, as her instant of pain
was quickly replaced with blinding ecstasy, as Emily felt the long awaited
release of her orgasm somehow magnified by that sudden flash of pain...

Emily's eyes went wide, her face glowing with an enthralled expression,
as she stared unblinkingly towards the heavens;
Her orgasm suddenly slamming into her without warning...

"I'm cumming!" She cried out, her voice breaking...

Powerful waves of soothing ecstasy jolted outward from
the depths of her vagina...
The soft, ridged texture of it's walls, rippled and squeezed 
the length of Robby's shaft; Beautifully torturing the overstimulated head 
of his penis in an indescribable mixture of hot, slick, teasing caresses...

Robby whimpered ecstatically, as an overpowering wave of esctasy exploded
between his legs, causing his scrotum to begin contracting violently to 
pump his thick, dangerous load, into the base of his wildly flexing penis...
"It's too late!" He cried mournfully...

His words shot through Emily like an electric current;
Fear and panic seizing her mind and stopping her orgasm
dead in it's tracks....

"Oh God! He's squirting!" Her mind screamed.
"I can't let him get me pregnant!!!"

By chance, instead of sliding forward to pull off him, she
decided to pull off sideways...

In a lightning-fast motion, Emily lifted her left leg up 
and swung her pelvis backward in an arc; 
His penis sliding out of her with a loud squishing noise.

Unfortunately, she was just a half second too slow...

Just as the head of his penis neared the opening of her sex,
it jerked within her; It's tip opening helplessly to expel a single small squirt 
of hot, milky white semen, against one wall of her vagina...

Emily, her mind in a panic to pull off her brother, never
felt Robby's hot fluid squirt into her...

Her cervix, still under the control of her orgasm,
was randomly opening and closing; Trying desperately
to pull Robby's semen into her unprotected womb...

But this time, Emily's risky plan paid off...

Having had her period only three days previously,
her body had not yet produced any viable eggs 
that Robby's sperm could interact with...

In true random fashion, brother and sister had gotten lucky.
However, for this brief moment in time, 
Emily didn't yet know that...

"Am I too late?!" She thought in terror;
Jerking her gaze downward to lock on her brother's crotch....

She was just in time to see Robby's penis explode...

Robby lurched forward on the bed, bracing himself up on his
hands, as the muscles in his abdomen and pelvis began flexing strongly...

Emily watched her brother stare at his crotch excitedly, 
his eyes bulging wide, as his engorged shaft began jerking 
with wild abandon...
"Ahh!... Ahh!... Ooh!" Robby cried out, in time with the
spurts of his ejaculation...

Emily watched in awe as three massive ropes of potent teenage cream
surged out of the tip of his penis...
"Oh my god!" She thought with reluctant excitement, as her brother's 
glistening fluid seemed to hang in mid air before slapping against his 
chest and abdomen with a wet "splat"...

Robby flopped back onto the bed, letting out a blissful moan, 
as the aftershocks of his orgasm caused his penis to twitch 
twice more, as two final dollops of semen oozed out of it's tip...

Meanwhile Emily, her heart pounding in her chest, felt her orgasm instantly
dampened down to only mild waves of warmth and tingling in her crotch...

Half of her felt cheated out of something that should have
been the greatest experience of her life, while the other
half was caught up in a sobering realization:

The two of them had just had a *very* close call.

"Robby was right..." Emily thought to herself...
"He had almost no warning before he came..."

Robby lolled his head briefly, his breathing loud and heavy,
as he looked up at her with an expression of innocent wonder...
"Oh... Oh Emily!" He breathed...
"That was... you were... you felt so amazing!"

Emily blushed at his compliment, reaching out with her
right hand to grasp his still partially erect penis...

She gently stroked him twice, urging one last, tiny dollop of semen
out of the tip of his glans...

In an innocent moment of curiocity, Emily wondered what 
a boy's semen might taste like...

Emily bent forward, brushing her long hair gracefully back from her face,
as she took Robby's penis into her mouth; Working her lips against his
mushroom like head and licking her tongue across the top of his glans
with teasing slowness...

Robby lurched forward, letting out a high-pitched whimper as he tensed his 
leg muscles and clutched desperately at the bedsheets, as his overly sensitive 
penis was completely overwhelmed in a mixture of throbbing, tickling sensations...
"Emily... STOP!" He cried breathlessly...
"It's too... SENSITIVE... for you to... DO THAT!"

Emily giggled then, stuffing her mouth full of his penis one last time,
then sucking him tightly as she pulled her mouth off him...
"All done!" She declared sweetly...

Robby's tortured shaft, having been sucked completely clean of any traces
of either of their sexual fluids, flopped sideways and began rapidly
deflating onto the left side of his pelvis...

Emily flopped down beside him, cuddling up under his left arm and
looking at him with a satisfied smile...
"I always wondered what your stuff might taste like..." She said innocently...

Robby raised his right hand, running two fingers through the rope like trails
of his potent male ejaculate, as he slowly turned his head toward's his sister...

He looked at her in surprise then, as he said...
"I never realized I could squirt this much..."

Robby trailed off, bringing two fingers closer to his face and
thoughtfuly inspecting his own fluid...
"Whatever it is..." He added quietly...

Emily put her left hand on his chest...
"It's called semen, Robby." She replied... 

She trailed off then, running her own fingers through her brother's
semen and dimly wondering what it might feel like if she let him
cum inside her one day...
"It's the stuff a boy's penis squirts when he cums." She explained...
"That's why it was so important for me to pull off you before
you came." She said evenly...

Robby looked into her eyes, as a fearful gaze passed between them...
"If I hadn't, then you would have squirted this inside me, and
the sperm inside your semen might have made me pregnant." She said quietly, 
a hint of fear in her voice...
"It only takes a single sperm to create a baby, so even a small drop
of your semen can be dangerous if it somehow gets inside my vagina."

Her words hit Robby like an anvil in an old Looney Tunes cartoon.

His eyes went wide, as he looked at her with a mixture of
panic and concern...
"Are you sure none of it got inside you, Sis?" He asked insistantly...
"You almost didn't pull off me in time you know..."

Emily, remembering how hot her brother's semen had been when it
squirted against her clitoris...
"Your stuff is really hot when you squirt it Robby." She said with a knowing smile... 
"I never felt anything like that before I pulled off you." 
She said convincingly...

Robby shook his head...
"I'm still worried though..." He said quietly... 
"We took a terrible risk doing this. Even if it was just once.
We really need to be responsible and wait until we can find some 
way to protect you from getting pregnant!"

Robby gazed deeply into her eyes, as he looked at her with
an expression of concern that made her heart ache in sympathy...
"I'm really afraid we're getting in over our heads here..."
He said in a hushed, fearful voice...

Emily put her left arm over his chest, hugging him as she nestled
her head against his neck and shoulder...
"We don't know anyone who could buy some condoms for us, Robby." She said...

True to her nature, Emily's brief moment of sadness instantly
shifted to playful happiness, as she reached up and tickled
Robby's chin with her left hand...
"But lets not worry about that for now!" She said cheerfully...
"I've already come up with another plan for tomorrow night."

Robby rolled his eyes, knowing he was about to get roped into yet-another
of his sister's well-meaning, but excessively risky and haphazard plans..
"I know... I'm going to regret asking this..." He drawled sarcastically...
"But what, exactly, are we going to do tomorrow night?"

Emily propped herself up on one elbow, gazing at him with 
a mischievous grin that only cemented Robby's uneasiness,
as she began giggling randomly...
"Why, the same thing we do every night, Robby?!" She said between giggles...
"Try to pull off before cumming!"

Emily began humming the theme song from the cartoon "Pinky and The Brain",
as Robby responded by swiftly smacking his forehead with the palm of his
right hand...
"Oh good LORD..." He groaned...
"Don't you *ever* stop making corny jokes?" He asked...

Emily coyly played with a strand of his chest hair;
Looking up at him with a knowing smile...
"I might, if you ever stopped finding them funny..." She teased lightly...

Emily poked his chest repeatedly with her finger then, saying...
"Eh? Eh?! Come on! That was funny. Admit it!"

Robby's expression began to crack, as a reluctant smile began forming
on his lips...

Emily's face lit up brightly, as Robby finally grinned from ear to ear.

The room was filled with innocent joy then, as The Twins suddenly
broke into fits of laughter...
They laughed until their sides hurt, then finally collapsed flat on
the bed next to each other gasping for breath...

The sounds of heavy breathing filled the room once again, as
Robby and Emily spend the next 3 minutes staring dreamy-eyed up
at the bedroom ceiling trying to catch their breath...

Robby recovered first...
"Well..." He said slowly, glancing briefly at Emily's clock
on her dresser...


"Now that we've established tomorrow's scheme for world domination..." He added...
"What's on the menu for lunch, because I'm starved?"

Emily sat up, grabbing her discarded clothes...
"I think Mom left some tuna sandwitches in the fridge for lunch, but..."

She also glanced briefly at the clock, wondering how they could
have possibly been having sex the *entire* morning...

Her clock stared back at her: 10:11am...

Emily whirled to stare wide-eyed at Robby, an expression of
annoyance and frustration plastered all over her face...
"Robby, it's not even *noon* yet!" She huffed...
"How on earth can you think of eating again so soon after breakfast?!"

Robby gave her a hurt expression, as he rubbed his stomach thoughtfully...
"You kinda... *worked me* into an appetite Sis..." He grumbled jokingly...

He paused, wiggling his eyebrows at her suggestively...
"I was doing alot of hard... hard... hard work, you know..." He added...

Emily sighed loudly, shaking her head...
"Ugh, fine!" She declared finally...
"But all you're getting is a tuna sandwitch and some milk, 
because I'm not cluttering the sink with dishes before dinner!"

Robby, about to protest most strongly against being forced
to eat tuna sandwitches, paused just as he opened his mouth
to speak...

His eyes were suddenly fixed on Emily's posterior,
A quisitive, yet smiling expression on his face...

Emily laid her sweats on the bed, bending over briefly to
readjust her pink panties to completely cover her crotch...

Time slowed for an instant, as Robby got a perfect view of her
hairy, glistening vagina... blinking twice in wonder, as he
saw a small drop of white fluid drip from between the tight lips
of her vulva and land on the bedroom floor...

"That was too close." He thought to himself...
"One of my squirts must have hit her crotch just as she pulled
off me..."

Presently, Emily fitted the fabric of her pink cotton panties
comfortably around the smooth, firm flesh of her buttocks.

As she turned back towards Robby and grabbed her sweat pants, he
noticed a large wet spot forming in the center of her panties.

It's fabric, now fully covering her sex, absorbed the remainder
of her female lubricant, along with the last remnents of his semen
from between her labia...

With the last of his fluid absorbed by the cloth of her panties,
there was no longer any danger of his remaining sperm entering
her vagina and impregnating her...

They were safe, at least until their next encounter...

With their latest sexual explorations concluded at last, 
Robby and Emily Walker showered and dressed, then proceeded
to head downstairs to the kitchen to face their next, dire problem...

Tunafish Sandwitches...


Chapter #12 - Orgasm Interrupted...AGAIN!

Roughly thirty minutes later, The Twins were seated at
the kitchen table having lunch...

A very early lunch, of what was, according to Robby Walker,
the most insidious, devilish, and bad tasting food man
kind had ever invented...

Tunafish Sandwitches...

Emily rolled her eyes and sighed softly, as Robby grumbled,
for what felt like thre million'th time, about just how much
he HATED Tunafish...
"You know Sis..." Robby mumbled with a mouthful of food...
"I'm pretty sure the Bible mentions Satan feeding tunafish to the 
*really evil* sinners in Hell..."
He said, munching noisily on a mouthful of food...

Emily had already lost count of all the times she had glanced back 
at the clock on the stove, wondering with growing annoyance when the 
torture of Robby's neverending complaining might end...

She sighed mournfully, giving in to the urge once more, and slowly 
lolled her head backwards to check the time again...


Emily had spent the entire time sitting in silence, slowly eating her
sandwitch and delberately avoiding all eye contact with her brother...

She growled inwardly to herself, her frustration mounting fast...
"Well, no pitchforks or fires..." She thought... 
"But I'm pretty sure this is Hell!"

Emily dropped her head and closed her eyes then, as she tried to block out 
her brother's insistant rambling...
"If only he could have lasted one minute!" She thought...
"I was *just* about to have the best cum of my life before he began to squirt!"

Her mind helplessly quested backward, as vivid memories of losing
her virginity flashed through her mind...

Robby's thick, hard penis, splitting her open as she slowly pumped
herself up and down on his shaft...

Her fingers flying across the erect flesh of her clitoris,
trying in vain to have her orgasm before Robby had his...

Emily felt her vagina begin to tingle and moisten at the memory...

She opened her eyes, looking across the table at her brother from
under her eyebrows with an angry, lustful expression, that could have 
set the room on fire...

His mouth was moving a mile a minute, as he continued nattering on
about the almost-infinite number of ways that he hated tunafish; 
Totally oblivious to her even being in the same room with him...

Holding onto her own tuna sandwitch with her left hand, Emily slowly
let her right arm drop into her lap...

Keeping her upper arm still to avoid detection, she slowly slid
her right hand under the waistband of her sweat pants...

Emily moved downward over the pantie covered flesh of her hairy crotch...
She felt warmth radiating outward from the center of her sex,
as ran her index and middle finger through the cleft in the fabric
of her pink panties, pressing them tightly into the sizable gap in her
already aroused labia...

Emily exhaled quietly through her mouth, as she brought her two fingers
upward to massage the sentsitive flesh of her clitoris...

A jolt of pleasure flowed outward from her sensitive nubbin at her touch;
The heat in her vagina beginning to increase steadily...

She put a finger on either side of her clitoris then; Trying to pinch it gently
between them, and rub it more strongly against the fabric of her panties...

Emily gasped softly, as her manipulations of clitoris sent a delicious burst
of tingling, pleasurable warmth, coursing up to the nipples of her breasts
and down to the tips of her toes...

A soft moan escaped her lips, as the walls of her vagina gently squeezed together;
Forcing a trickle of her juices to ooze out of her tingling sex to soak the front 
of her panties...

Robby stopped in mid rant, hearing a strange noise from across
the table...

He looked at his sister then...

Emiky's face was flushed...
Her eyes were closed, but rapidly moving beneath her eyelids...
Her left hand shook slightly, as her dainty fingers held onto the remainder
of her own tuna sandwitch...

Robby smiled victoriously, as he mistakenly believed that his empassioned
rants had finally convinced his sister that Tunafish was the spawn of the
Devil, and that it disgusted her as much as it did him...
"I knew this tuna would gross you out eventually, Sis..." He said pointedly...
"Actually, I can't believe you've already eaten that much of your..."

The remainder of his sentence was lost to the void of forever, as
Emily interrupted his thoughts in a way he would never forget...

Robby's words jerked Emily out of her revere, quenching the wonderful
pleasure that was building in her crotch like a bucket of ice water...

Emily threw the remainder of her sandwitch down on the plate 
in front of her, and jerking her now-wet right hand out of her pajamas...

She pounded her fists against the table so hard that she nearly knocked
over their drink cups...

Robby froze in mid-chew like a deer caught in someone's headlights... 
He stared at Emily in disbelief, as he wondered what on Earth could 
have made her so upset...

In the fifteen years he had known her, Robby had never seen his sister
so angry. Even during their arguments with their mother, Emily had never
raised her voice above that of normal conversation...

She would clinch her fists and stomp around her room sometimes, ranting to 
him about her frustrations for an hour or so...
But more often than not, she would simply hold it in and wait until
they could be alone together. Then she would break into tears and he
would do what he could to comfort her...

An angry Emily was something he had never had to deal with before...

He finished chewing the remainder of his current bite of food...

Emily stared up at him, a frustrated look on her face, as Her eyes burned
with barely-controlled anger...

Robby reflexively swallowed the food he was chewing with a loud gulp...

Emily then stood up from her chair with a jerk; It's wooden legs making 
a loud scraping noise as she thrust her chair backward...

She just stood there motionless, her hands clinched into fists
at her sides; Her eyes staring daggers at him...

"Damnit Robby!" She growled in a low voice...
"That's twice now... TWICE in ONE DAY!"

Robby had never heard his sister swear in her entire life...
His jaw dropped in utter shock, as his face shifted from complete
bewilderment, and genuine concern...

In a blur of motion, Emily snatched up her lunch,
whirling away from him as she stomped over to the sink...
"One more minute..." She muttered under her breath...

Emily threw her unfinished sandwitch into the sink and turned
on the tap..
"Just *one* lousy minute was all I needed!!" She snarled..

In another blur of motion, Emily flashed her right hand across the
rack of carving knives along the right-hand side of the sink...

Robby watched with a boggled expression, as she raised the
knife over her head... suddenly reminding him of an old
black and white horror film he had watched with his father...

He jumped in his seat as she quickly thrust the knife downward,
stabbing the life out of one innocent, half eaten tunafish sandwitch, 
in an overkill-attempt to mash it down the food disposal...

Like the night he had been forced to hide under her ginormous 
"Fuzzy Bear", Robby felt like reality had just "skipped town" on him...

"Stupid!... Tuna!... Sandwitch!... Stupid!... Lousy!... Minute!..." 
Emily growled angrily, stabbing viciously into the sandwitch with
every word...

There are moments in life where revelation, albeit a brief thing,
hits you like a ton of bricks: Instantly, impossibly, shattering
all mental barriers to completely and utterly reveal something to 
you that no conventional means could otherwise divine...

For Robby Allen Walker, this was of those moments...

His sister's sudden mood swing...
Her flushed face, and uneven breathing...
And most obviously, her cries of:
"Twice in one day!" and "One lousy minute!"

Suddenly clicked into place in his mind, solving a problem that he just-now
realized that he had unknowingly created:

His beautiful, blonde, fifteen year old twin sister, having been denied
not one, but two blissful and exquisite, *earth-shattering* orgasms 
in a single day, was now desperately, longingly, overwhelmingly... HORNY!

Not that Robby knew of, or had ever heard the word, but it's meaning
wasn't lost on him at the present moment...

Dropping his moldy, hell-spawned tuna sandwitch to his plate with a soft
"squish", he tiptoed behind his sister...
"Okay..." He drawled silently to himself...
"I think I know what the problem is..." He mouthed silently to himself...

Just as Emily raised her knife arm up to stab what remained of the
innocent tuna sandwitch that had dared to offend her, Robby caught
her wrist in a solid grip with his right hand, in the midst of her 
"Why... did he... have to..."

She broke off, as she felt Robby grip her wrist tightly...

Simultaneously Robby reached around her with his left arm, 
pulling her against his body, as his hand firmly cupped her 
right breast through the fabric of her sweat shirt...
"Cum.. So.. Soon..." She said in a soft, distant voice...

Robby pulled her knife hand down towards the countertop; 
Her arm going limp, as her fingers slowly relaxed their grip on the
carving knife...

Her hand was an inch from the counter top, when she let go completely,
the knife hitting the surface of the counter with a soft "clang"...

"I'm so sorry Emily..." Robby whispered behind her....
"I didn't mean to interrupt you..." 

Before she could turn her head to respond, 
Robby began kissing the nape of her neck...

Emily slowly exhaled the deep breath she never realized she was holding, 
as she felt her anger instantly fade into an overwhelming desire to remain 
close to him...

Her entire body began flushing with heat,
as Robby continued nibbling his way down her neck...

"Robby... I... I was..." She breathed...

His left hand gently squeezed her right breast...
"You were touching yourself..." He replied gently...
"I know, Sis..."

Emily, though she had no word for it, suddenly felt guilty for
"Masturbating" under the kitchen table in front of her brother...

Robby released his grip on her right hand then...

With teasing slowness, he moved his right hand up her right arm
to squeeze her shoulder...

Then he moved across her right shoulderblade, down to caress 
her armpit, finally sliding his hand down around her 
right side to her stomach...

He gently pulled up her sweat shirt, revealing the
soft, smooth flesh of her abdomen...

Emily gasped, as Robby expertly massaged her lower abdomen
with the tips of his fingers...

Her chest began to rise and fall with slow, deep breaths...

In a guilty voice, Emily called out softly to him...
"I just wanted... I... I just needed to..."

Robby brought his lips a milimeter from her left ear; His warm breath
making her tingle all over...
"You needed to cum just now because you didn't get to finish with 
me earlier, right?"

Emily gasped...
"No! It... it's not like that Robby!" She insisted...
"You made me feel wonderful before. It's... it's just..."

She couldn't say it. Emily was afraid to admit to her brother that
giving her virginity to her brother hadn't completely satisfied her needs...

Robby mercifully finished her sentence for her...
"You couldn't enjoy it before you had to pull off me earlier, 
and I interrupted you again just now."

Before she could stop herself, Emily nodded her head silently...
A surge of guilt overcame her then, as she began to speak...
"I just needed to be with you Robby..." She cried in a soft, sad voice...
"I'm sorry I didn't have any cond-..."

"Shh... It's alright Sis." Robby breathed in her ear, 
interrupting her with  a gentle kiss...
"Your 'Knight in Shining Pajamas' will save you now..." He said soothingly...

Before she could react, Robby pushed his right hand into her sweat pants;
Deftly slipping his fingers beneath her pink cotton panties to lovingly
caress her naked sex...

Robby felt her wet heat surround his hand, as his fingers gently touched
the folds of her labia amidst her fluffy, blonde pubic hair...

"Mmm..." Emily exhailed loudly, as she shuddered from head to toe
at the feel of his touch against her hairy crotch...

"It's your turn to cum now Sis." Robby said gently...
"Let me make you feel good..." He breathed hotly into her ear...

Going on instinct, Robby ran his tongue down the nape of her neck,
causing Emily to moan reflexively...

He then began to slowly move three fingers up and down over
the moist lips of her labia; Moving his middle finger between
the tender flesh of her vulva as he did so...

"Yes..." Emily whispered softly; Her hands now clutching the
edge of the sink...

Just then, Robby felt his thumb rub over a small bump at 
the top of her vagina, eliciting another moan from his sister...

"Ooh!.. Right there Robby..." She whined softly...
"Touch me there again..."

Robby complied...

With his fingers now slick with her female juices, he brought 
his index and middle fingers up to that little nubbin he'd just

Keeping his fingers together, Robby began to gently massage her clitoris
in a slow, circular motion; Occasionally rubbing it between thumb and forefinger...

Simultaneously, he kneaded and massaged the smooth, round flesh of her
right breast; Circling his index finger around the darkened gooseflesh
of her areola, then up to tease the top of it's stiffened nipple
with the tip of his finger...

The effect on Emily was immediate...

She began to breathe through her mouth; Every breath accompanied
by a soft, whining moan...

As Robby held his sister's body against him, he felt Emily's body heat 
begin to increase; The pace of her breathing beginning to change...
"Oh Robby..." She breathed softly...
"I love you so much!"

Robby felt the heat of her sex begin to build further, as he
alternated between massaging her clitoris, and moving his fingers
between the folds of her sex...

Emily began to breathe in shorter, quicker breaths now; 
Her whining undertones slowly growing louder...

She felt herself set adrift on an undulating sea of ecstasy,
as the waves of pleasure gently flowed outward from her crotch
like the touch of a warm breeze...
"Use two hands Robby..." Emily breathed dreamily...
"Push your fingers into me..." 

At her request, Robby began moving his left hand downward towards
her sex; Rubbing the palm of his hand flat against Emily's right breast...

Emily instantly went rigid, her whole body suddenly jerking once, 
as the friction of Robby's hand against her stiff nipple sent a teasing
spark of pleasure throughout her body...

Robby's hand continued downward, over the soft but firm baby fat of her
smooth abdomen; Pausing for an instant to trace the circle of her
belly button with his index finger...

"That's so nice Robby..." She said in a distant whisper, as her belly button
suddenly sent a shivering, tingling sensation down her spine...

At last, he dipped his left hand under the wasteband of her sweat pants,
and into the wet fabric of her panties...

However, before Emily could give further instructions,
Robby decided to take the lead...

Speaking in deep, soothing tones that she had never heard him use before,
Robby slowly began to seduce her in a way she had never imagined...
"I want you to close your eyes now Sis." He said...

Emily complied without thinking; Her awareness floating amidst a fog of
steadily increasing pleasure that pushed away conscious thought...

Robby continuously circled her clitoris with the index and middle finger
of his right hand; Keeping his motion slow and gentle...

He then moved the first three fingers of his left hand through 
the increasingly wet folds of her sex; Her labia now engorged with blood,
and spread apart to reveal the slick flesh of her vulva...

"Emily's so wet now!" He thought to himself, as Emily's female
lubricant quickly covered his fingers...
"She must be getting closer to cumming..."

Deciding to finally give his sister the orgasm she so desperately
needed, Robby began his masterful illusion...
"We're in bed now, Emily..." He said softly...

Emily's eyes suddenly went out of focus then, as her eyesight became 
a rippling blur of indiscernable shapes...

As her mind absorbed Robby's words, a vision of her bedroom ceiling 
slowly coalesced before her...

"Yes..."She breathed...

"I'm leaning over you... rubbing the head of my penis against the soft, 
wet lips of your vagina..." He intoned...

His words moved into her awareness like a gentle hand pulling back
a curton, as Emily suddenly felt the center of vision begin to clear...

She was lying on her back, as her eyes drank in the young, naked form
of her brother's body...

Robby smiled down at her lovingly, as she moved her eyes down to see
the play of his muscles under his dark wisps of chest hair...

Her gaze finally slid down to the object of her desires, as 
the sight of his thick, rigid shaft, loomed mere inches from her
naked, hairy crotch...

Emily's vagina quivered slightly, as a vision of her brother's glans
materialized before her...

Robby's head was slick with the fluids of his male arousal, as 
he gazed down at her in a look of love and hunger...

"You're penis is already wet Robby..." She said in a distant voice,
as her vision-self brought her gaze back up to her brother's dreamy eyes...

As the real Robby held his enthralled sister against his body,
he closed his eyes and let his imagination guide his next words...
"I'm putting my penis inside you now..." He whispered...

As Robby said this, he slowly began pushing the first three fingers
of his left hand into the hungry flesh of her waiting vagina...

Emily felt Robby's hot flesh slowly begin to fill her most
intimate place; The walls of her vagina beginning to twitch
in tiny sparks of pleasure...

Suddenly Robby stopped. His fingers now little more than
an inch within her...
"Don't stop Robby..." She begged softly...

"Are you sure?" He teased softly...
"I'm not wearing a condom tonight..." He said seductively...

Emily was completely caught up in his web of illusion now...
"It's alright..." She responded slowly...
"I'm on the pill..."

Robby licked the edge of her left ear...
"Are you sure you want me to go deep?" He breathed hotly into her ear...
"I might lose control and cum inside you..."

Emily rocked her pelvis against his hand, trying desperately
to push his fingers deeper into her...
"I don't care..." She insisted...
"I want to feel all of you deep inside me when you cum..."

Robby complied, pushing his fingers in as far as he could reach, as he
simultaneously curled his fingers upward slightly; Pulling both hands
firmly towards him to lift up against her pelvis...

"Haaaa!..." Emily whined, as her vagina reacted to Robby's deep
penetration by reflexively clamping down hard against his fingers...

Emily felt her pleasure climb suddenly; The tingling in her clitoris
now blooming into steady, throbbing waves of pleasure...

"OH! OH YES... Just like that! Do that again Robby!" She exclaimed...

Robby began thrusting his fingers into the gripping folds of Emily vagina,
pleasuring her sex with the same technique she had used on herself during
her first orgasm in the treehouse...

Emily began moaning in time with his thrusts, her breathing
becoming more labored as she neared her peak...

"Huuh!... Uhhh!... Ah?!... Oooh!... Oooh?!" She gasped; 
Every moan growing louder...

Emily dimly felt her legs grow weak, as the muscles in her thighs and pelvis
began to tense up and twitch in preparation for her impending orgasm...

Robby felt his sister's body begin to tremble uncontrollably against him...

He knew she was close now...
Desperately close...
All she needed was one more push...

He moaned seductively into Emily's left ear, as he softly cried...
"I can't hold it anymore Sis! I'm gonna cum!"

The thought of Robby releasing all of his thick, white semen
into the depths of her womb, finally pushed Emily over the edge...
"Oh Robby! Please!" She exclaimed...

Her chest fell forward over the sink, her hands fumbling desperately 
to hold her up by gasping at it's edge, as Emily Rose Walker
finally began to orgasm...
"Please cum... deep inside.... MEEEE!" She cried out, her voice breaking...

At the last second, Robby plunged his three fingers as far
into her depths as he could reach, as he wildly flicked the 
fingers of his right hand across her overly stimulated clitoris...

"I'm cumming!" He whimpered seductively in her ear....

Emily's eyes went wide, her vision suddenly blinded with brilliant white
light, as her entire groin was rocked by overwhelming shockwaves of ecstasy...

"Aaaaahhhhh!" She screamed, reflexively closing her thighs tightly
around Robby's hand; Her vagina locking in a death-grip around his
fingers, as her juices began to squirt uncontrollably...

Her female ejaculate slapped against his hand, flowing around his 
fingers to form a massive wet spot in the crotch of her sweat pants, 
as the rest trickled down the inside of her thighs...

Emily shuddered repeatedly as her vagina contracted in hot, 
jolting-explosions of unbridled pleasure.....

"Uhhh!... uhhh!... uhhh!... uhhh!" She moaned in a deep, throaty voice...

Emily felt the force of her orgasm draining away her strength,
as her knees suddenly gave way beneath her...

Robby felt her begin to fall; Reacting instantly by pinning her
against the counter with his body, and yanking his right hand out
of her sweat pants to wrap his arm tightly around her abdomen...

As he did this, he instinctively pulled upward with the fingers of
his left hand; Trying to maintain a firm grip on her crotch to
steady her and keep her from falling...

This sudden movement unknowingly put his fingers in direct contact
with her undiscovered G-Spot; The spongy, different feeling of it
instantly registering in Robby's mind, just as he got another surprise...

Just as Emily felt her orgasm beginning to slow, Robby touched
something completely new and wonderful within her;
Reigniting her pleasure and tripping her into her first double-orgasm...

Her eyelids fluttered, as her new orgasm took the last of her body's
strength and focused it between her legs, as every muscle in her groin
began twitching and contracting all over again in another, 
mind-blowing climax...

"Haaaaaaaa..." She whimpered weakly; Her voice now a mirror of the soothing, 
tingling agony that enveloped her entire body...

Waves of supreme ecstasy broke upon her limp body like tidal waves
crashing down upon a sandy shoreline...

Emily shuddered one last time, as she felt herself losing consciousness.
Her last thought was of Robby's penis jerking and flexing against the
deepest reaches of her depths, saturating her gripping tunnel and fertile
womb with every last drop of his hot, soothing fluid...

"Robby..." She whispered, as her vision faded to black.

Robby caught her limp body in his arms, dropping back onto his haunches,
as he held her now-sleeping body in front of him.

As her head fell back against his chest, he looked down to see her face.

Tears of joy ran slowly down from her closed eyes; Her lips drawn into an
angelic, peaceful smile...

As he looked upon her, he remembered the childhood tale of Sleeping Beauty:
The story of a sleeping princess, locked in eternal, ageless slumber, 
waiting for the man she loved to awaken her, with love's first kiss...

Just as he was about to kiss her, he drew back...
"I... better not wake her." He thought to himself.
"If I interrupt her peace and joy just once more today, 
I'll be the next tuna sandwitch in the sink!"

Robby laughed inwardly at his own humor...
"Now look what you made me do Sis." He whispered softly
"You've got me cracking corny jokes now!"

As any "Knight in Shining Pajamas" would do, Robby carried her
up the stairs to his bedroom...

Taking care not to wake her, he gently removed her soiled and sweaty clothes,
lying her naked on his bed, then pulled the covers up to her neck to keep
her warm...
"Emily will probably be thirsty when she wakes up." Robby thought to himself.

He tiptoed back downstairs, filling a small glass of water and returning
to his bedroom with it...

Emily was still lost in peaceful repose when he returned, so he set
the glass of water on the nightstand next to his bed...

Robby felt tears sting his eyes, as he was caught by just how beautiful
his sister looked as she slept:

Her long blond hair flowed down the sides of her head, framing her
innocent face as she took in slow, peaceful breaths...

He leaned forward then, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek, and brushed
away a strand of hair that fell over her left eye...

As he pulled away, Emily's sighed softly...
"Love you.... Robby.... " She murmured in her sleep...

Robby silently closed the drapes, dulling the light in the room
to a faint, yellow glow...

Pulling up a chair by the nightstand, he turned on the small table
lamp, tilting it to shine away from Emily.

"She'll be asleep for hours." He thought...
"Plenty of time for me to do a little reading."

Robby usually kept a few books on his nightstand to read before bed.
On the nights when he finished his homework early, he would often
unwind by reading science fiction novels.

With everything that had been going on lately, he felt as if his mind 
had become cluttered with random bits of thought that he couldn't 
quite organize; His feelings muddled by a dense fog of uncertainty
and emotion...

"I think I know just the author to read today." He thought to himself...

He glanced at his clock:

Robby smiled then, as he picked up his worn paperback copy of 
"God Emperor of Dune" from his nightstand...

Presently he opened the book to the bookmarked page he had been reading 
weeks earlier; Laughing to himself softly as he thought:
"I may not have enough prescience to see the future, Frank." 
He said jokingly, mentally directing his thoughts to the long-dead author...

"But I have more than enough to know that I want to spend the rest of
my life with Emily. She will always be my 'Golden Path'."

Robby began reading then, letting the words of the book flow into his
awareness; Organizing his thoughts in that mysterious way they
always did...


Chapter #13 - Sleeping Beauty.

Emily's mind began to climb out of the dreamless,
floating limbo that had encased her awareness during the
most peaceful sleep of her fifteen years of life.

She felt body slowly awaken in stages:

The familiar smells of her home...
The feel of soft fabric around her body... 
The sound of the wind blowing gently outside a nearby window...
Cool air touching her face, offset by much warmer air
surrounding the rest of her body in a blissful coccoon...

It was as if her awareness was climbing a long, invisible staircase:
Every step gently awakening some part of her brain and returning
control of one of her senses to her...

Emily slowly forced her eyelids to open then, dimly aware of
just how much effort had been required for such a minor task...

She blinked twice, trying to clear her blurry vision...

"I know I'm in a bed." Emily thought matter of factly....
"But where am I?"

She slowly turned her head to the left...

The familiar surroundings of her brother's bedroom slowly
came into focus in the dim light...

"I'm in Robby's room? But how did I..." She wondered silently...

Emily turned her head to the right then...

She smiled then, as her gaze fell upon her "Knight in Shining Pajamas"...

Robby, having heroically caught her in his strong arms after she
fainted from her orgasm, must've carried her upstairs to his bedroom...

Having romantically carried her "Across the Threshold" of his bedroom
door, he then gently laid her unconscious form on his bed; 
Pulling the covers to her chin to keep her warm, as she slept in peaceful repose...

Emily's bosom shook slightly in silent laughter, as she watched
her brother sleeping peacefully next to her...

Robby's chin touched his chest, as he slouched in his old desk chair
that he had pulled close to the bed; Keeping his silent vigil for hours
before sleep finally crept over him...

Emily shifted her gaze downward then; Her eyes falling upon the familiar form 
of one of Robby's old and worn paperback novels...

The right edge of her mouth curved upward in a knowing smile, as she
glimpsed the title, "God Emperor of Dune", on the cover of the book;
His hands still gently holding it partially open to the page he'd been reading...

Emily shook her head slightly in mild frustration...
"It's just not fair..." She grumbled inwardly...
"I have to force myself to concentrate on reading even *one* 
chapter for *my* homework..."

Emily turned away from him then; Her eyes briefly glancing at his face,
as she continued...
"While 'Pajama Knight' here, reads them all two or three times, and still has 
the patience to sit and read Frank Whats-his-name's stuff for hours and hours
on end!" Emily grumped; Speaking his nickname in her head in a mocking tone...

She gazed sidelong at her brother with a deadpan expression then, as she spoke 
softly in a monotone...
"I can't believe you can spend so much time reading and never get bored.
If I spent half as much ti..."

Emily broke off suddenly, blinking her eyes in confusion;
Her thoughts about wasting time suddenly reminding her that she had no 
clue what the present time was...

"Speaking of which, what *is* the time?" She wondered.

Emily shifted her gaze further to the right; Glancing at Robby's
alarm clock...


Emily jolted upright with a start; 
Astonished at how long she had slept...

She clutched the bedsheats above her briefly bouncing bosom...
"It wasn't even noon when we were eating lunch!" She said inwardly...
"How on earth did I..."

Emily broke off mid thought, as realization hit her:

Both of them had been so caught up in their mutual sexual explorations,
that they had stayed awake almost all night; Probably getting no more
than two or three hours of sleep, at best.
As young and healthy as they both were, neither of them could carry out 
their normal activities without without taking some kind of a nap
during the day...

Emily blushed, as she realized that she and Robby had gone well beyond the 
definition of, 'normal activities", during their lunch together...

She ran a hand down her body then, feeling dirty and
sweaty from her earlier, "Sexual Collision", with her brother...

As she did so, Emily realized that she was completely naked...

"Robby must have taken off my dirty clothes before
putting me to bed." She thought...

The idea that someone could completely remove all her
clothes while she slept shocked Emily.

Emily pondered this for a moment...
"I guess I really was out of it, then." She thought...
"Cumming with Robby earlier just knocked the stuffing out of me."

Emily gazed over at her brother again, feeling the urge
to lean over and kiss him on his cheek...
"Just a small kiss on the cheek before I go..." She whispered...

Robby sighed in his sleep, as Emily's soft lips gently
kissed his left cheek...
"So beautiful... Emily..." He murmured softly.

Emily's bosom shook in silent laughter...
"You're such a goof Robby..." She thought...

Emily felt her affection for him growing day by day, as
they continued to deepen the sexual side of their relationship...

Somehow, in spite of all the chaos of their lives, they had remained 
true to who they were; Their goal of loving and protecting each other
never faltering for an instant...
"But I think that's what makes me love him as much as I do." Emily thought.
"Even when he's trying to be so serious, he can still laugh at
my silly jokes, and somehow know exactly what to do when I manage 
to get us both into trouble." 

Emily shook her head in wonder one last time, then
silently slipped out the opposite side of the bed...

The sun had already dipped below the horizon outside, causing
the temperature in the house to drop uncomfortably low once again...

Emily shivered as the cold air of Robby's room
assulted her naked body; Her nipples spiking instantly in protest...

"I gotta get in the shower before I freeze like a statue!"
She thought to herself, as her teeth began to chatter...

Emily tiptoed quietly out of Robby's room then, using his
own technique to close the door behind her without a single click...


Some minutes later, Robby Walker awoke to find himself
slouching uncomfortably in his chair...
He straightened his posture with a groan, massaging his neck
and jerking his head side to side to work out two loud, painful
"Lord, remind me to never fall asleep in this chair again."
He thought-cast silently...

Robby looked towards the bed then...

Emily was long gone, leaving his bedsheets in a tangled mess,
as she always did whenever their mother wasn't inspecting her room...
"So sleeping beauty finally woke up eh?" He croaked through a dry throat...

Robby cleared his throat, reflexively yawning and stretching his arms
as he worked moisture into his mouth...
"What time is it anyway?" He mumbled...

He ran a hand through his tangled hair, looking down at his alarm clock
on the table next to him...


Robby chuckled softly...
"It's probably a miracle I woke up at all." He said quietly...
"I never got more than two hours of sleep last night..."

Robby put a hand on either side of his head then, pulling in swift twisting 
motion, as he quickly jerked his neck from side to side; Trying in vain to
work out the pain and stiffness from sleeping in his chair 
for too long...
"Yeah... definitely not sleeping in this chair again..."
He muttered under his breath...

Realizing that nothing short of eight peaceful, uninterrupted hours of
sleep in his bed, would cure his painful fatigue, Robby Walker mustered
the last of his energy to strip out of his sweats and flop into bed...
"Emily has be in bed by now..." He muttered, pulling the covers up to his chin...
"She's got to be at least as tired as I am..."

Robby rolled to face his nightstand, reaching out a hand to
turn off his lamp; His fingers fumbling blindly for it's 
on/off knob...

His fingers finally found their target, turning the knob with a soft click, 
as soothing darkness instantly flooded his room...

Robby let out a contented sigh of relief, as he
tucked his arm back under the covers and shut his

As the fog of sleep descended quickly upon him, Robby heard
Emily's voice softly in his mind...

""I want to feel all of you deep inside me when you cum...""

Her words reverberated in his consciousness, Robby began to dream of 
making love to his sister, his penis slowly hardening to steel as he slept...


Chapter #14 - Just One Time...

Emily Rose Walker rolled over once again.
She sighed loudly in frustration, as sleep refused to come...

She had been in bed for over two hours, tossing and turning
as she fought against the urges that were building inside her...

Every time Emily closed her eyes, her awareness was filled with
dangerous thoughts of taking Robby inside her without protection
again; His long, hard shaft, gently prodding her in that wonderous
way it did before, causing her body to tingle and feel warm all over...

Emily squeezed her eyes shut, trying desperately to think of anything
on earth besides having sex with her brother.

. . .

Her plan worked for all of about five seconds, as an image of
Robby's naked body suddenly flashed behind her eyelids...

Emily felt the familiar tingling beginning in her crotch, 
as her right hand began inching it's way through the hairy jungle
of her pubic hair, towards the sensitive lips of her sex...

Without warning, Robby's remembered words sounded in her head:
""I'm leaning over you... rubbing the head of my penis against the soft, 
wet lips of your vagina..."" He intoned.

Her hand finished it's journey, as she gently cupped her hand around
the fleshy mounds of her outer lips...

"Mmmm?!" Emily moaned softly, the flesh of her labia feeling
hotter than usual, as she gently began rubbing the palm of her hand
up and down the moistening lips of her vagina...
"If I could... keep him inside me..." She whispered... 
"If only I could... know what it feels like..." 
She whispered; Her arousal increasing as more memories flooded her awareness...

Robby's voice boomed in her head...
""I can't hold it anymore Sis! I'm gonna cum!""

The vivid memory of Robby's explosive orgasm danced wildly behind her eyelids...

Robby's thick, potent semen, erupting from the jerking rigidity of his slick, 
shining erection...
His youthful load shooting almost above her head, hanging in mid air for one magical
instant, before cascading down in large ropes to paint the glistening manliness of 
his chest in long lines of hot, creamy fluid...

"Ooh! Robby!!" Emily whined in frustration, as she began to fantasize about
how good it might feel if she let a boy squirt all of his ejaculate inside her,
instead of against her clitoris or in her dense tangle of pubic hair...
"Robby squirts so much when he cums..." She said softly...
"If only I could know what it felt like, just for one time!"

Emily huffed loudly in frustration, as she started to obscess about what
it might feel like if he came inside her...

"The book said that unprotected sex was dangerous." She thought.
"But it never said that I was *guaranteed* to become pregnant
if I let a boy cum inside me just once..."

Emily's hormones kicked into overdrive then, as her heart
beat faster at the thought that she might be able to 
safely enjoy, even just once, the most mysterious, 
magical, and intimate part of having sex...

Suddenly a stray memory clicked, as she remembered reading about
another term for Sex:

Making Love.

Emily was suddenly surprised by the fact that, although she had known
about that term for some time now, that she had never actually used it
or even remembered it until this exact moment...

It was a way to refer to sexual intercourse between a man
and a woman as more than just physical gratification.
The term Making Love implies a lasting emotional, and sometimes
even spiritual connection, transending physical references and

Or, to put it simply: 
It described exactly how She felt about Robby...

No longer able to resist touching herself further,
Emily began to circle the sensitive flesh of her clitoris with
two fingers, simultaneously moving her left hand up to her right breast;
Pinching it's erect nipple between her thumb and forefinger...

A soothing jolt of hot pleasure pulsed outward from her breast 
at her touch, heating her entire body and increasing the tingling 
sensation in her crotch...

Emily then slowly dug two fingers as deeply as she could into
the increasingly moist center of her sex...arching her back as
a powerful wave of sexual bliss flowed outward from the depths
of her vagina...

"So... good..." Emily moaned in a deep, husky voice, as she felt 
the wave flow through her body, leaving a tingling heat in it's wake...

Into her nipples...
Down to her toes...
Through her arms, to the tips of her fingers...

Her entire body felt sensitive to the smallest touch, 
as if every inch of her flesh was designed to increase
the arousal that was building in her second by second...

Suddenly her eyes flew open, as she heard Robby's voice
boom in her ears as if he was right on top of her:

""I'm cumming!"" He exclaimed...

Emily jolted upright with a gasp, blinking her eyes in shock...
"Robby?!" She exclaimed, her heart pounding in her chest...

Emily jerked her head left and right, looking for
the source of Robby's voice...

But Robby wasn't there...

In that moment, Emily realized just how deeply Robby's 
earlier word-play of illusion had touched her...

Each time she closed her eyes. Every time she touched herself.
Every agonized second she was away from him, her heart and her 
mind called back the images of their morning encounter...

His illusion had felt so real that she had been fully convinced 
that they were finally crossing that dangerous and forbidden threshold...

Only for her to end up here, alone in her bed, with only memories
of an encounter that wasn't "real", to tempt and taunt her,
instead of bringing her comfort...

Emily shook her head, as she came to a fateful decision...

"I can make excuses all I want..." She said slowly...
"But in the end, I'll never be able to forget
how Robby made me feel today..."

Emily reluctantly pulled her right hand away from her crotch;
Her fingers sliding out of her aroused sex, with a wet,
squishing pop...

She pulled her right arm out from under the covers;
Bringing her hand in front of her face, as she 
gazed at her fingers with an innocent expression of awe, and wonder...

"I only thought about Robby for two minutes..." She said slowly...
"But my fingers are already drenched! I probably would 
have squirted all over my bed if I hadn't stopped just now."

Emily suddenly felt the last of her patience snap, as she 
"That does it! I'm going to make love to Robby tonight."

She rubbed the slick wetness of her female lubricant between
her fingers then, as she said...
"The first time I took Robby inside me, he told me he wanted
to have sex just as much as I did. He was just afraid to do 
it until one of us could buy some kind of protection."...

Emily felt a tingle run up her spine, as she thought...
"But I don't want to use protection. For just one night, I
want to know what it feels like to have a boy cum inside me..."

Putting her plan into action, Emily threw the covers off herself, 
leaping out of bed in one, smooth motion; 
Her ample bosom bouncing twice as her pert, teenage flesh, 
effortlessly resisted the effects of gravity...

The chilly fall air once again assulted the entirety of her lithe, 
nubile body; It's frigid caresses trying desperately dampen the
the tingling, throbbing urges, that were coursing through the aroused,
pubescent female form, of Emily's fifteen year old body...

This time however, her body never even felt the cold...

Emily's sensuous, sensitive nipples, still stiff from her arousal, 
spiked further; The areola around them darkening sympathetically as
they filled with tiny goosebumps...

Beneath the exotic curls of her blonde pubic hair, the 
slick flesh of her sex tingled with warmth and excitement;
Quivering slightly with small bursts of pleasure, as if to mock
the cold air of her room for trying to dampen her teenage passion...

Presently, Emily tiptoed out of her room, not bothering to grab the
robe next to her bed...

The Door to Robby's bedroom was directly across from hers,
so reaching it without squeeking a floor board wasn't a problem...

Emily used Robby's technique to enter his room, not making a
sound as she slid her naked body through a narrow opening,
then closed the door silently behind her...

To her chagrin, Emily found that she had wasted her efforts on
trying to be so quiet...

She gazed through the darkness towards the direction of her
brother's bed, as a familiar noise assulted her ears...

Robby was presently "Sawing Logs" in his bed across the room;
His snoring was so loud, that some small part of her wondered how the
ancient walls of their century home could withstand such a relentless
assult of roaring and pounding soundwaves...

Emily laughed silently to herself, as her bosom bounced slightly once
again in the chilly air...
"How can Robby *possibly* sleep through all that noise?!" She wondered...
"It sounds like a... a freaking grizzly bear is sleeping in here every night!"

Emily slowly made her way across her brother's room then; Guiding herself by
instinct and memory, but also by the terrifying roar of Robby's snoring...

The drapes behind his bed were closed presently, but even in the darkness, 
she knew Robby's floor would be free of obstacles...

Her brother was the "Neat Freak" in the family; Always the one to bring
his laundry downstairs to the hamper, and to keep his room neat and tidy
for his mother's regular, strict inspections...

Her hands gently bumped into the bottom of Robby's bed, as she moved
over to it's right side to feel for the sliding rod for his drapes...

"I want to see Robby's face as I make love to him..." She thought.

Although she had not demonstrated it on the night of their first encounter, 
Emily knew how to open the drapes in both their bedrooms without making a sound...

"If I can just open his drapes a little, the moonlight should
be just perfect for this!" She thought to herself...

Emily pulled the drapes aside with deliberate slowness, revealing Robby's
bed in a widening beam of moonlight...

Unlike her bedroom window, which faced the back of the house, Robby's
faced the front. This had the unfortunate effect of delaying a romantic 
view of the moon until very late at night...

Fortunately for her, it was a clear night outside, and the moon was full, 
creating more than enough light to satisfy her needs...

When the entire room was illuminated in a gentle glow, Emily released
her hold on the drapes...

Robby was laying on his left side facing her, on the far side of the bed.
This left her ample room to gently get into bed on her present side
of his bed, without much risk of disturbing him...

Emily slowly slid under the covers, taking care not to uncover Robby 
too much, lest he awaken before she could carry out her plan...

She sighed softly, as soothing heat caressed every inch of her smooth, 
youthful body; Helping to restore the tingling excitement that had
begun to fade from her crotch, during her journey to Robby's room...

"Why do I always pick the coldest nights to go tip-toeing
around the house completely naked?" She pondered inwardly with a giggle...

Emily rolled over towards her brother then, as the much-needed warmth of
his bed began to thaw her frozen body...

"Now to my next problem..." She thought grimly...
"How can I get him hard enough to put inside me, without waking him up?"

Emily slowly scooted as close to Robby as she could; 
The tender flesh of her breasts, and her stiffly erect nipples, now being tickled 
by his dark, curly chest hair...

She then raised her left leg like last time, bringing it over Robby's
right thigh to gently lock her pelvis closer to his...

As she did so, she felt something poke her abdomen...

In Robby's haste to undress, the head of his flaccid penis had lodged itself
in the little flap at the front of his underwear...

Unbeknownst to him, as he began dreaming about having sex with his sister,
his penis had swelled and lengthened to full erection; Pushing through
that gap in his underwear to thrust upward like a shaft of steel...

Emily gasped...
"My God!" She whispered under her breath... 
"That's Robby's penis! He's... he's hard already?!"...

With her right arm between them, Emily reached down
towards her abdomen...

Her fingers encountered his erect shaft, wrapping around it instinctively...
"He's so hard this time..." She thought...
"I've never felt him this hard before..."

She gently ran her fingers up toward the head of his penis, 
preparing to pull down his foreskin...

Emily froze, as her hand suddenly encountered a wet, slick fluid...
"He's already wet!" She thought...

Emily gently ran her fingers around the swolen glans of her
brother's penis, as her fingers quickly became drenched in
a slick layer of pre-cum...
"He's almost as wet as I am just before I cum!" She exclaimed inwardly...

Emily's thoughts whirled, as she continued to think...
"But, how did his penis get like this if he's been sleeping ever
since I left?"

Without thinking about it, Emily stroked her clinched fingers over his 
slick foreskin, pulling it gently down his shaft to fully expose the sensitive 
head of his penis...

"Mmm..." Robby moaned in his sleep...
"Feels good... inside you... Emily..." He mumbled...

Emily shuddered, as realization jolted through her...
"Sounds like Robby is having a naughty dream!" She thought...
She giggled inwardly then, as she breathed the words...
"He thinks he's already inside me!"

Emily grinned from ear to ear, as she began to whisper very softly...
"If you think that dream feels good, Robby..." 

She guided her brother's erection into the dense tangle
of her pubic hairs then, swabbing it's swolen head through the slick
flesh of her vulva to lubricate him even further, before notching it 
firmly into the tight entrance of her vagina...

"Wait til you feel... this!" She whispered excitedly...

As Emily uttered the word, "this", she used her left leg to pull 
herself towards her brother's penis; Sliding his shaft into her with 
only an inch to spare...

In Robby's dream, he was on top of his sister; Gently prodding her
luscious depths with the length of his penis in long, grinding strokes...

But as wonderful as his dream of making love to Emily was presently 
making him feel, nothing on earth could compare to the reality that was
the silky, tight, loving embrace, of his *real* sister's, fifteen year
old vagina...

As Emily slowly sheathed the sensitive flesh of her brother's erection 
into her slick, gripping depths, Robby felt a sudden, "real pleasure", 
flow into his loins...

Simultaneously within his dream, Robby pushed himself inside his sister again;
The jungle of her pubic hairs tickling his balls as he bottomed out within
her indescribably delicious flesh...

In the real world, Robby's lubricated glands effortlesly split apart
Emily's hot, addictive flesh, as she guided him gently into the most
wonderful place his recently-virginal penis had ever known...

Robby's real body exhaled audibly in surprise, as his shaft was 
suddenly enveloped in a hot, slick, amazing tightness...

His voice sounded in his head, as if from a distance...
"She's so hot and wet now... How does this suddenly feel so much better?!"

Being trapped within the dream, Robby was in no position to really ponder
this question, instead choosing to enjoy this wonderful new increase
in pleasure his dream was giving him...

Emily felt Robby's body shudder, as she pushed her pelvis against his;
His penis jerking once within her to release a large dollop of 
pre-cum, adding to the lubrication of her teasingly slick depths...
"That's it Robby..." She thought-cast to her brother...
"Let your me enjoy this wonderful, hard penis of yours..."

Emily parted her lips fractionally, releasing an almost silent breath
of sexual relief as her aroused girl-flesh unconsciously consumed
her brother's tender manhood with tiny, twitching squeezes...
"He really is harder than last time..." She thought...
"I love this..."

Robby was loving it too, as his penis began to twitch randomly then; 
It's hard shaft growing hotter and beginning to throb against her exquisitely 
textured walls...
"Ooh, He's starting to twitch inside me..." She gasped inwardly with excitement.
"Just like he did before he squirted last time..."

Emily's clitoris, already aroused from her earlier ministrations,
tingled and throbbed in sympathetic pleasure, as the walls of her vagina
unconsciously squeezed tightly around Robby's ample manhood...

Within his dream, Robby Walker felt his sister's vagina suddenly tighten around
him; As she moaned and clawed at the blankets beneath her...
"Emily... stop squeezing so tight... you'll make me cum inside you..."
He said...

Little did Robby know that he had a tendency to talk during his 
sleep whenever he was dreaming...

Meanwhile, the real Emily sensed her brother building towards
the release she was so desperately trying to force on him... 

The instant she thought this, Robby began to murmur in his sleep...
"Emily... so tight... cum... inside..."

Emily giggled inwardly to herself, as she thought...
"I was right! He is close to cumming!"

A knowing and devilish expression came over her face then, as
she quickly concocted one of her risky schemes...

Deciding to create an illusion of her own, Emily began to
speak very softly in her brother's ear...
"Ooh, not yet Robby!" She teased...
"Don't you want to stay inside me just a *little* longer?" 

To emphasize her point, Emily gently contracted her vaginal walls
around the twitching shaft of his penis...

"Mmm!..." Robby moaned in his sleep; Feeling his penis beginning 
to throb uncontrollably, as he got dangerously close to cumming...

Emily felt Robby's wonderfully hard shaft jerk within her again, 
as it's tip began to ooze a steady flow of pre-cum into her; 
His penis now twitching to the pounding rhythm of his heartbeat...

Within his dream, Robby tried to calm his mind to dampen his sexual
He held himself rigidly still within his sister, his balls aching and 
throbbing, as he tensed the muscles in his scrotum in a desperate attempt 
to resist his urge to ejaculate...

As Emily slowly relaxed her vaginal muscles, Robby sighed in his sleep;
Taking in two slow, deep breaths...

Emily felt that nice, pleasurable twitching in her brother's
penis begin to subside, as his mental efforts caused his shaft
to lose some of it's rigidity...
"No, don't go soft now, Robby..." She moaned softly in his ear...
"I want all of your penis inside me when I cum..."

As she said this, she pulled herself tightly onto him; Grinding
her pelvis against him and flexing the walls of her vagina
in a hot, slick embrace...

Robby's body twitched again in his sleep; A soft moan escaping
his lips, as he felt his pleasure building once again...

Emily brought her trembling lips close to her brother's right ear...
"I'm going to be on top now, Robby..." She whispered softly...

Her words floated through Robby's awareness within his dream;
As his mind imagined Emily locking him in a bearhug, and playfully
rolling him over to pin him roughly against the bed with her body...

In the real world, Emily strongly pushed her body into his then, 
using her body weight to gently roll Robby over onto his back...

Her blonde hair glowed in the moonlight, as it cascaded down the
sides of her head and draped romantically across the sleeping body
of the most wonderful boy she had ever known...

Emily brought her hands to either side of Robby's chest, teasing
her nipples through the tiny curls of his chest hair, as she
began rhythmically contracting the walls of her vagina;
Bathing her defenseless brother in rippling waves of pleasure,
as she tortured his twitching shaft with hot, slick, teasing 

Robby felt the ache in his balls stab viciously against his
restraint, as his sister's delicious flesh quickly restored
his erection to a shaft of hot, throbbing steel...

Emily felt it too, as Robby's body jerked once in her grasp,
causing her to look down and watch his eyes begin to
move rapidly beneath his eyelids...
"Robby must be really close now..." She thought excitedly.

Robby grunted in his sleep, his eyelids beginning to twitch
randomly, as the building pleasure deep in his loins began
to awaken from his dream...

"Time to finish him off..." Emily whispered softly...

She pressed herself fully onto him then, arching her back forward, 
and angling her hips in just the right way to nudge the tip of his 
penis gently against the lips of her cervix...

"Oh... oh YES..." She said in a deep, quiet voice; Her face instantly
taking on a look of intense concentration as a hot wave of throbbing, 
tingling pleasure, suddenly erupted within the depths of her vagina...

"Keep going Robby... I'm almost there!" She whined softly, her entire
body suddenly flushing hotly in a wave of blissful ecstasy,
as Emily Rose Walker tried desperately to keep her voice low so she 
wouldn't awaken her forbidden lover too soon...

Trapped somewhere between dream and reality, Robby Allen Walker felt 
the last of his resistance slipping away, as one of his testicles suddenly
retracted into him...

His dream began to blur then, as he called out to his sister...
"Emily... I can feel it! I'm going to cum soon!" He pleaded,
His balls straining against releasing their heavy load...

Emily's eyes snapped open; A knowing smile spreading across her face,
as she heard Robby mumble underneath her...
"Feel... it... cum... soon..."

Emily was near her own orgasm now; Bursts of pleasure pulsing outward
from the depths of her vagina...her body beginning to perspire as
the forbidden excitement of what she was doing built second by second...
"Time to do to him what he did to me!" She thought with a giggle,
as the perfect way to make her brother squirt filled her with
devilish glee...

Emily twitched then, as a single question suddenly demanded
her attension...
"Did Robby get to cum when he was touching me in the kitchen?"
She wondered...

Time seemed to slow for a moment, as Emily's mind worked quickly
to try and remember everything about her encounter with Robby 
in the kitchen....

With both his hands having been fully occupied with the task of 
pleasuring her tortured, hungering body, Robby would've had no way of 
relieving his own sexual tension....

His penis had grown to full erection between their bodies, as he fingered 
the slick, sensitive flesh of her sex...

With every wimpering moan, every shocked gasp, every lilting sigh that punctuated
each tingling and throbbing instant of ecstasy, Robby's penis had twitched 
in sympathetic pleasure; It's tip oozing generous amounts of pre-cum into 
the crotch of his underwear and sweat pants...

In spite of this, Robby had somehow dedicated himself towards pleasing only Her; 
Tensing his groin muscles and forcing back his own urges so that he could 
slowly and sensously build her arousal towards the most powerful, blissful
sexual release, that her fifteen year old body had ever known...

Emily felt her heart leap in her chest as full understanding washed over her...

Robby's testicles, having been teased and excited close to the point of no 
return more than once as he pleasured her young, nubile sex, had instantly surged 
into overdrive...
They worked tirelessly all day to increase his already-considerable reserve 
of semen and sperm; His sac bulging slightly now, as it struggled desperately
to contain the largest, most potent load of reproductive fluid, that Robby's 
adolescent body had ever produced...

Emily's eyes widened...
"There must be so much of his stuff now!" She thought excitedly...
"There's no way he can last much longer!"

Time continued to crawl, as she began to imagine what was about
to happen to her brother's body...

In a few more seconds, the tip of Robby's beautifully hard penis, was going 
to explode within her... Bathing the irresistable walls of her sex with a 
massive load of soothing, hot, spermy semen; 
At last fulfilling her darkest, most arousing dream...

All she needed to do was keep him inside her a few more seconds, and he
would have no choice but to cum inside her!
"I never thought I could get this far without waking him up." She thought...
"Just a few more seconds and I'll feel him squirt inside me!"

Meanwhile, Robby's heart pounded in fear, as the realization that he was 
about to cum inside his sister shattered his dream; 
His eyes snapping open as he gasped in horror...

Emily was on top of him, her naked breasts hanging mere inches from his chest;
Her face shaped into an expression of intense concentration,
as she drew in deep, ragged breaths...

Robby's eyes went wide in shock as he realized he *really was* having
sex with his sister, and that his hose-like penis, painfully erect and
throbbing with a pleasure close to his limits, was a few heartbeats away from
being pushed over the edge and pumping her full of his dangerous fluid...
"Emily.. what're you.. doing?!" He croaked horsely...
"I'm about... to..." 

Emily's eyes flew open, looking down at him and glowing with a dark, 
fanatical fire, as her full and sensuous lips lips twisted into a sweet, 
devious smile...

She leaned forward to her right, putting her lips an inch from 
his left ear...
"About to squirt... *deep inside* me?" She teased knowingly....

Emily squeezed her vaginal walls around him again to tease the overstimulated 
head of his penis in a slick, quivering embrace; Forcing his testicles to
retract into him fully now, as they prepared to release their pent up load...

Robby flashed his hands towards his crotch, grabbing Emily's smooth
thighs and squeezing them tightly...
"No... stop!" He begged in a whimpering voice, tencing the muscles in his 
scrotum tightly in a desperate attempt to fend off his impending ejaculation...

"Oh God!" Robby gasped, his voice a mixture of denial and relief, as he felt 
the muscles in his scrotum quiver uncontrollably, then relax, as a throbbing 
wave of hot ecstasy pulsed outward from the head of his penis...

"It's just too... GOOD! Robby cried softly, as he felt his pleasure built 
high enough to cloud his awareness...
Robby felt his penis jerk violently, as a rush of blood surged past his weak 
and tired muscles, causing the veins in his shaft to bulge and ripple...
The blood pumping into his penis turned his glans a crimson red,
as his mushroom-like head engorged in a spike of hot, throbbing pleasure...

Emily felt it too, as the head her brother's penis suddenly swelled within her;
His steel like shaft jerking insistantly against the slick, gripping tightness 
within her seductive depths; His weakened body temporarily 
relaxing it's efforts against releasing his heavy, dangerous load...

A devilish cackle sounded in her head...
"Yes! He's starting to lose control!" She thought fiendishly...

Emily laughed softly then, as she began slowly working her pelvis
against her brother in hard, grinding thrusts...
"Oh?... What's wrong Robby?" She asked in a soft, seductive tone...

"Can't hold back all your thick, hot, creamy semen from squirting inside
my soft... warm... delicious vagina?" She teased, flicking her tongue
in his ear, then pulling back quickly to watch the reaction on his face...

Robby scrunched his face into a look of intense concentration, his eyes
locking with hers in a kind of numb-horror, as his control at last reached 
the edge of his limits...

Robby felt himself one twitch away from cumming, as he called out
to his sister one last time...
"Please... pull off!" He begged; Each word coming out a gasp.
"If you dont... I... I..." 

Robby felt time suddenly freeze within him in one, brief moment
of clarity and revelation...
"Emily *wants* me to lose control!" He thought in terror...
"She wants me to squirt while she has my penis trapped inside her!"

As time began to slowly flow again, Robby had time for one last, 
horrifying thought....
"Oh god! There's no way I could have a condom on... she's completely unprotected!"

Time resumed it's normal flow, as Robby's worst fears were
suddenly realized...

Emily's smooth, seductive voice penetrated his deepest awareness...
"You'll lose control and cum *inside* me?!" She teased in mock surprise...

Robby felt a chill run down his spine...
"Yesss!" He exclaimed, as every muscle in his body began to
tighten almost painfully...

"No turning back now..." Emily thought to herself...

Emily Rose Walker contracted the walls of her vagina around her brother one 
last time, it's addictive flesh molding and shaping around his penis and 
squeezing it tightly, as this last act of blissful stimulation finally pushed 
Robby's pleasure past the point of no return...

"NO...!" Robby cried; His voice a mixture of denial and relief,
as his tortured reproductive system at last began to fulfill it's
intended purpose...

Deeply penetrate the luscious depths of a willing young girl, his thick 
and youthful rigidity aroused to it's peak, and saturate her unprotected, 
fertile womb, with as much of his warm, potent fluid, as she could hold...

Robby stared wide-eyed at his sister, as the muscles in his pelvis began
to tense and jerk violently; His scrotum now helplessly spasming out of control, 
as it began repeatedly pumping his hot, creamy load, into the base of his penis...

Emily shuddered, as the first massive blast of semen burst out of the 
tip of Robby's penis to coat the deepest reaches of her vagina...

"Yesss!" She whined in ecstasy, as she felt the wet heat of Robby's thick
fluid bathe the entrance of her womb, instantly tumbling her own body into
the glorious release of climax...

Her cervix, now completely enthralled by the sexual impulses of her orgasm,
was violently opening and closing; Creating a vacuum that began to suck her 
brother's sperm rich semen directly into her unprotected womb...

Without willing his body to do so, Robby suddenly lurched forward off the bed:
In a flash of movement, he grasped the firm cheeks of his sister's buttocks with 
both hands and impaled her body onto his erect shaft as deeply as he could...

"Ahh!" Emily cried, as Robby prodded the tip of his penis
into the lips of her cervix; Causing a brief jolt of pain...

"Emily..." Robby croaked in a shaky breath, turning away in shame, as his
sister's spasming cervical lips planted teasing, nibbling kisses, on the 
sensitive tip of his penis...

The tube along his shaft bulged strongly, as the muscles in his scrotum 
contracted in another wave of blinding ecstasy; 
Pumping a massive rope of potent semen through the twitching lips of his 
sister's cervix, directly into the hungry depths of her fertile womb...

Emily jerked her hands up to grasp the sides of her brother's face,
forcing him to gaze deeply into her penetrating blue eyes, as she felt 
another burst of his hot fluid explode inside her body...
"Yes... that's it Robby..." She husked; Reflexively closing, then opening
her eyes, as she basked in a soothing wave of pleasure...

She narrowed her eyes; Gazing at him with a dominating and seductive
"Keep squirting into me..." She commanded...

Robby groaned, as his scrotum contracted uncontrollably in ecstasy again, 
sending another burst of semen surging through his wildly jerking shaft 
and out the engorged glans of his penis; 
Completely filling the depths of her vagina and bathing the lips of her 
cervix in tingling, soothing warmth...

Emily leaned forward quickly, licking her brother's left ear with the tip 
of her tongue...
"Make me pregnant..." She whispered seductively...

Wrapping her arms around him tightly, Emily whimpered deeply, as she forcefully
ground her pelvis against his, simultaneously flexing her vaginal muscles with 
all her strength...

"Emily!" Robby cried helplessly, as his sister's vagina squeezed him even tighter;
It's walls squeezing and rippling repeatedly around his tortured penis to milk 
it for every last squirt of his precious and forbidden fluid...

Emily watched intently, her own sexual release wracking her body with
the same blissful, addicting, scorching waves of pleasure, as the fifteen year
old boy trapped beneath her...
"Emily..." Robby breathed, the pleasurable relief so evident in his voice that
her vagina clinched in sympathy, as Emily Walker at last saw her brother surrender
himself fully to the forbidden ecstast of their mutual climax...

Robby moaned deep in his throat, his whole body shuddering violently,
as he stopped fighting his ejaculation...

His existence was pure bliss, as his soul immersed itself in the dangerous, 
thrilling ecstasy, of pumping a young girl full of his potent, life giving semen;
Knowing that every instant of pleasure brought him closer and closer to
concieving a child within his sister, as he filled her with more and more
of his youthful load...

Robby's heartbeat deafened his ears; Each beat signaling another
glorious eruption of semen from the depths of his scrotum, as
four more explosions of mind-blowing ecstasy ripped through his loins...

Robby cried out with every blast, feeling this amazing new kind of
orgasm drain every last drop of semen from his body, leaving an empty,
aching feeling in his balls...

Emily's eyelids fluttered; Her eyes going out of focus, as she felt Robby's 
penis release those four deliciously hot spurts of creamy fluid against the
spasming lips of her cervix...

Their bodies jerked and twitched together as one, as Emily
kept urging him on in seductive tones...

"Yes... just like that Robby..." She said slowly...
"Let me feel all of your semen deep inside me... just for tonight... "

Robby breathed heavily, as his ejaculation began to subside;
The last of his teenage load oozing out the tip of his penis, 
as Emily felt his shaft continue to randomly twitch within her...

She pulled Robby's face to hers, enveloping his lips in a passionate,
tongue-teasing kiss, as she worked her pelvis against him again...

Robby joined her efforts one last time, his tongue rapidly dueling hers,
as they moaned together; His hands kneading the firm cheeks of her 
perfectly rounded buttocks, as she milked his long shaft for one last drop 
of it's precious, lifegiving cream...

A moment later, brother and sister broke their kiss, collapsing back onto 
the bed in peaceful, contented exhaustion...

Emily lay atop her brother, the hot flesh of her bosom rising and falling
with deep breaths, as she pressed herself against his warm, hairy chest...

The silence of one well-kept, upstairs bedroom, was punctuated by the 
sounds of long, shuddering breaths, as Robby and Emily Walker gazed lovingly
into each other's eyes...