A Golfer's Dream - Book Three The Real Education Begins    Written by TheCaddy

Disclaimer: This story is entirely fiction. It does not relate to any real 
person, living or dead. Any similarity to a real person, whether living or dead,
is purely coincidental and completely unintended. While actual places are
occasionally mentioned in this story, such mention is not to be a basis for
conclusion that any part of this story is real, or ever happened.
The following story is a work of fiction containing graphic descriptions of
sexual acts between adults and minors. All of the sex depicted is consensual;
the author does not intend to promote incest or sexual relations with underage
children. The age of consent in Canada is currently fourteen. The story is
written purely for entertainment purposes only. Those who are offended by such
material are strongly encouraged not to read this. Those who are searching for
material which they would proscribe for others should search elsewhere. If you
are constrained by law or local authority from reading graphic descriptions of
fictional sexual acts between adults and minors, you are required to not proceed

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Chapter Twelve - Double Double

Dave woke at his usual early time.  He looked at the clock and remembered that 
he had told Darcy and Alex that he wasn't going to practice after the late 
return from Florida.  He tried to go back to sleep but the previous day played 
over and over in his mind.  He had finally proven that he belonged at Wake 
Forest.  He led the team to their first victory of the year and his good friend 
Alec had finally shown his previously unproven potential.  Dave remembered 
vividly how both Alec and Darcy thanked him after the award ceremony - it felt 
good to be part of a team again.

As Dave thought about the experience of playing in front of Tiger and their 
mental chess match, he immediately realized that he would likely be ready to 
play professional golf before completing four years of college.  He recollected 
how Tiger had turned pro after two years at Stanford; Dave decided he would 
start taking more courses to try and shorten his time at Wake Forest.  He knew 
that he didn't want to shortchange his education but simply wanted to take the 
courses quicker.  He got out of bed and logged onto WIN.  He looked at his 
current schedule before he reviewed the requirements for his degree.  He opened 
an excel spreadsheet and mapped out a possible high-load scenario for the next 
three semesters.  His plan was quite simple.  He would take one additional 
credit for a total of six credits for the winter semester ended in April.  He 
would then take four credits in the first summer session and two during the 
second summer term.  That would give him seven extra credits and, if he repeated 
that the following year, he could complete his degree in three years instead of 

He sat back and stared at his spreadsheet.  This plan would take a huge 
commitment to his studies.  He looked at his golf schedule and decided he could 
do it as well.  He looked at the course requirements for his degree and slotted 
his non-business and non-computer science courses for the summer semesters.  
Wake Forest had given Dave the course requirements for all degrees; they were 
broken into divisions.  Division I was history, religion and philosophy and Dave 
had to take one course in each area.  Division II was literature and he had to 
take two courses.  Division III was fine and performing arts and required one 
course.  Division IV was social and behavioral sciences and required three 
courses.  The final group, Division V was natural sciences, mathematics and 
computer science; Dave knew he would have no trouble with this group.

He was confident he could take his Division I requirements during the summer 
semesters and he already had one Division II course - the English literature 
course.  He thought he might add an American literature course during the winter 
session.  He then thought he would ask Jana what Division III course she was 
going to take.  He would then coordinate that course in art, music, dance, or 
theatre with her.  Dave looked at his rough schedule and he felt confident that 
with a lot of hard work he could shorten his time at Wake Forest by at least one 

Colby woke and they went to breakfast together.  Colby congratulated Dave on his 
victory and Dave thanked him.  Dave asked Colby how his courses were going and 
they talked for a half hour before they both had to leave for class.

Dave worked hard in class and was happy that he had not fallen too far behind - 
he was confident that one good night of solid study would get him caught up.  He 
talked with his classmates and they congratulated him on the individual and team 
victory.  After his two morning classes he went to diner and was pleased to see 
Jana and Kyra sitting in the dining hall.  Dave filled a tray with food and 
joined them.  Jana kissed him as he approached and they both said they were 
proud of his victory.  They showed Dave the local newspaper where he was again 
pictured with a detailed article.  He told them that the whole team played well 
and he was very pleased that they had won.  Darcy soon joined them with Leanne 
at his side.  Darcy was very proud of their victory and he told Dave that he 
couldn't believe how many students recognized him and congratulated him.

Dave nodded as he too had noticed more students than usual smiling and nodding 
congratulation to him.  Dave noticed that Leanne was staring at him and seemed 
to want something so he looked into her eyes and asked, "Did you want to ask me 

She smiled bashfully and replied, "Darcy has told me how much you have helped 
him, and I was wondering if you would help me, too?"

Dave grinned, "Darcy is a great player.  I really didn't do much but show him a 
more confident way to play.  His hard work has been the key to that confidence 
but I would be happy to help you.  What can I do?"

She smiled, "Can I join your practice group in the mornings?"

Dave chuckled, "Our practice group?  Absolutely, I would be honored to have you 
join us.  I've seen you practice and you have a great swing."

Leanne smiled happily and hugged Darcy's arm closely.  Dave was happy to see his 
new friend getting closer with his pretty girlfriend.  Alec soon joined the 
table and Dave could see the immense pride in his demeanor.  He strode to the 
table confidently and Dave knew that Alec had obviously received a lot of 
congratulations as well.  Alec smiled at the group, "Great day, isn't it?"

Dave laughed, "Fantastic day, Alec."

Alec confirmed Dave's thoughts when he explained he had received a huge amount 
of recognition for his third place finish.  He turned to Dave and whispered, 
"Thanks again for all your help.  I never imagined it would feel this good."

Dave put his arm around Alec's shoulder and raised his glass of milk in the air.  
He quietly cheered, "Demon Deacon Golf!"

His friends at the table raised their glasses in the air and cheered loudly, 
"Demon Deacon Golf!"

Dave was surprised they had cheered so loudly but he was absolutely shocked when 
the entire dining hall roared, "DEMON! DEACON! GOLF!"

Dave and his friends laughed.  Dave, Darcy, and Alec talked animatedly about the 
tournament and the girls were surprised when Alec told the story about Tiger.  
Dave tried to get him to stop but Alec pressed on.  Jana and Kyra really didn't 
now much about Tiger Woods but Leanne gasped then asked, "You really said that 
to Tiger?"

Dave smirked and simply shrugged.  Leanne shook her head in disbelief.  Dave 
asked, "Please keep that to yourselves.  I really don't want everyone thinking I 
challenged Tiger.  It's just a little mental game we're playing - and may be 
playing for some time."

They all agreed but Leanne was still shaking her head in disbelief.

When it was time for class Dave asked Jana if he could talk to her later that 
evening about his classes and she agreed before she went to her class.  The 
afternoon class went well and Dave was surprised when almost every student in 
his class approached him and congratulated him on his victory.

After class Dave went back to his room and studied for an hour.  Coach Dawes had 
told the team to get caught up on their studies and forget about practice but 
Dave had to hit some balls.  He went to the golf center where he saw the women's 
team practicing.  He went into the center and got ready for practice.  When he 
returned to the driving range with two buckets of balls, the entire women's team 
- including coaches - walked to him and congratulated him.  Even Tiffany 
politely congratulated him.  Dave thanked them before he loosened up and started 
hitting balls.

After his practice time, he returned to his room and studied hard for another 
hour before meeting Jana and Kyra for supper.  He asked the twins about their 
planned course schedule the next semester and they agreed they too would like to 
register for a few common courses.  They ate a quick meal before Dave went back 
to his room to study.  He reviewed the notes his classmates had sent him from 
Tuesday's classes and he prepared for the next day.  He crawled into bed very 

He woke early as usual and, as he exited the bathroom, he saw Leanne and Darcy 
standing beside his door.  He asked her if she liked cereal and after she nodded 
yes, he retrieved three bowls and they ate together in the hall before leaving 
for the golf center.  The sun was rising later each day and their morning 
practice time was getting shorter but Dave wanted to continue the routine until 
after their fall tournaments were completed.  Alec joined them at the practice 
range.  Leanne asked Dave to give her any tips possible and he gave her a few 
minor pointers but told her that consistency was the key and only more practice 
could improve that.  She nodded understandingly and thanked him.

After an hour of practice they all went to class.  Dave's classes were a repeat 
of the previous day and he was congratulated often.  He was up-to-date on all 
his classes and he was very pleased.  At lunch he met up with Alec, Darcy, 
Leanne, and the twins.  He liked the routine of having good friends join him for 
his meals.

After lunch Dave, Darcy, and Alec went to the golf center for practice.  Dave 
was surprised to see Keith hitting balls on the range but when he did the math, 
he realized it was indeed two weeks since Jennifer had arrived at Wake Forest.  
He ignored the now reinstated Keith and silently got his own clubs out.  His 
teammates who hadn't gone to Florida congratulated all three of them and Dave 
thanked them.  He practiced hard for the afternoon before Coach Dawes called the 
team together.  He congratulated the players who went to Isleworth and he 
announced that the team's national ranking had jumped from 24th before Isleworth 
to 12th afterward. He told the team that the qualifying round for the Carpet 
Capital Collegiate tournament would be on Sunday.  He told them to work hard and 
prepare for a very tough tournament.

Dave left the practice range and went back to his room to study.  Friday morning 
was a repeat of Thursday; Darcy and Leanne were waiting for Dave outside his 
room and, after a quick breakfast, they went to the golf center together.  Alec 
was waiting for them and they worked on their chipping and sand shots.  The 
remaining members of both the men and women's teams eventually arrived and then 
Leanne went to practice with her coaches and teammates.  She thanked Dave before 
she left.

Dave, Darcy, Alec, Carl, and Will went to Miller Center for weight training 
while the remainder of the team practiced at the golf center.  Dave had a good 
workout and Mike Tonelli complimented him on his work ethic.  Darcy's workouts 
had also improved and his confidence was growing steadily.  While they were 
walking back to the golf center Alec invited Dave to his house that evening for 
dinner.  Alec explained that his mother was tired of hearing about the 
remarkable Dave MacDonald and wanted to meet him to make sure he wasn't a 
figment of his imagination.  Dave immediately felt embarrassed and asked what 
Alec had been telling his mother.  Alec simply smiled and said he told her how 
incredible a golfer Dave was and how Dave was, surprisingly, an even better 

Dave shook his head and joked, "I'd also like to meet this remarkable Dave 
MacDonald person because it sure as hell can't be me."  Alec laughed and put his 
arm around his new best friend.

The team practiced for the rest of the day except the one-hour break for lunch.  
The fall weather had cooled the afternoons off nicely and Dave enjoyed the 
refreshing fall day.  It was similar to golf in September on QAI.  Keith kept 
his distance and that made the afternoon even better.

After practice Dave went back to his dorm and showered quickly while Alec waited 
for him.  They drove directly to Alec's house.  The drive took about forty-five 
minutes and during the drive Dave wondered about Alec's mother.  All he knew was 
that she was a secretary.  Alec had told him that he was an only child and that 
his parents had divorced when he was six.  His father now lived in New York and 
Alec had not seen him in several years.  Dave knew that Alec was on a partial 
scholarship and that his father had provided money to help with his education.

They pulled into a suburb community with a variety of houses but most were 
modest bungalows.  As they pulled into the driveway of a small gray bungalow, 
Alec turned to Dave, "It's not very big but it's home."

Dave grinned, "With just you and your mom, it's doesn't need to be big."  Dave 
noticed the manicured hedges and beautiful flowers in front of the house.  The 
house was small but it looked impeccable.

Dave got out of the car and as he walked towards the house, the front door of 
the bungalow opened.  A short stout woman emerged from the door and she walked 
directly to Dave and hugged him like a long lost friend.  Her short stature 
placed her face at Dave's chest level and she squeezed him tight against her 
body - Dave liked her immediately.  She gushed in a strong southern drawl, "Oh, 
it is so nice to meet you, Dave.  Alec has talked about you so much and he has 
been on cloud nine since returning from Florida.  You have made him so happy and 
I can't thank you enough for that."

Dave replied, "Thank you, Mrs. Trainor; but Alec did that on his own.  I didn't 
really do anything."

She smiled at him then looked at Alec, "He is very modest, isn't he?"  She 
looked back at Dave and added, "Please call me Patsy.  Alec has told me how you 
have helped him and another one of your teammates.  I had always thought that 
golf was an individual sport but you have proven me wrong.  Thank you for 
helping Alec."

Dave simply nodded as she took his hand and led him into the house.  As soon as 
the front door opened Dave's lungs filled with the aroma of roast beef.  He had 
not had a good home-cooked meal in almost a month and his mouth began to water 
immediately.  He smiled at Patsy and said, "The roast smells spectacular.  I 
hope you have a spare room because I may just move in."

She laughed and told him he was welcome anytime.  She asked Alec to give Dave a 
tour of the house before she went into the kitchen.  Alec showed Dave around the 
neatly kept house then he explained that he needed a shower.  Dave went into the 
kitchen to help Patsy.  She tried to convince him she didn't need help but he 
insisted, so she asked him to set the table.  She showed him where all the 
plates and utensils were located.  They talked about Wake Forest and his family.  
By the time Alec returned from his shower, Dave and Patsy had become very good 

The meal was wonderful and Dave couldn't resist eating a second helping.  After 
eating, Dave and Alec chased Patsy out of the kitchen while they did the dishes 
and cleaned up.  Patsy asked Dave to stay and watch a movie and he happily 
accepted.  Dave and Alec then drove to a local video store and rented the movie 
Raising Helen.  They spent a quiet evening relaxing, munching popcorn, and 
watching the movie.  It was after eleven when Alec dropped Dave off at Palmer.  
Dave thanked him for the wonderful evening then went straight to bed.

Saturday morning was filled with practice.  Darcy and Leanne met Dave early and 
when Alec arrived they worked hard on their short irons.  Dave continued to give 
Darcy and Leanne pointers.  Alec was in a groove and really striking the ball 
well.  The remaining team members eventually arrived and the practice range was 
busy until noon.  Coach Dawes then called his team together and told them to 
enjoy the football game that afternoon but not to party too hard that evening 
because their qualifying round was the next day.

Dave showered then found Jana and Kyra and went to lunch.  Darcy, Leanne, and 
Alec joined them and after an enjoyable meal they walked to the football 
stadium.  Duke was in town and both teams were looking for their first ACC 
victory.  The game was very exciting and the Demon Deacons held on for a 24-22 
victory.  After the game the six friends went back to the dining hall for dinner 
before going to Alec's apartment.  Alec and Dave went out and Alec bought some 
beer; they sat around all evening talking and sipping beverages.  Darcy and 
Leanne left around ten-thirty and Dave left with the twins around eleven.

Dave walked the sisters to their rooms; after he kissed Jana goodnight, Jana 
quietly asked, "Aren't you going to kiss Kyra?"

Dave looked at the shy looking Kyra and saw she was expecting him to do 
something; he moved to her and kissed her.  As their lips met, Kyra put her arms 
around Dave and pulled him close.  Her tongue darted between his lips in search 
of his tongue as she pressed her round firm breasts info his lower chest.  The 
heat of the kiss was very passionate and Dave felt his previously soft member 
start to harden in excitement.  As quickly as the kiss had begun to heat him up, 
Kyra pulled away from Dave, giggled, and then dashed to her room.

Dave looked at Jana in bewilderment at the spirited actions of her twin.  She 
kissed him on the cheek and explained, "Silly, I told you Kyra liked you."  Dave 
simply nodded as he watched Jana turn and go into her room.  Dave stumbled back 
to his room in shock - Kyra was really intense.

When he walked into his room Colby was studying and Dave talked with him for a 
while before he pulled a pillow over his head and went to sleep.

The qualifying round Sunday went well and Dave was again low man with sixty-six.  
Keith knew he had to prove himself and shot sixty-eight.  Will and Alec shot 
sixty-nine and Darcy shot seventy.  The rest of the team were all over seventy-
two and it was no surprise when Coach Dawes announced the team would be Dave, 
Keith, Alec, Will, and Darcy.  Darcy was very pleased to be playing another 
tournament and Dave reminded him to stay focused.

The week passed quickly and Dave studied hard every evening.  The team members 
going to the Carpet Capital Collegiate met at the golf center at five o'clock on 
Thursday morning and then loaded onto a van for the six hour drive to Rocky 
Face, Georgia.  The drive was tiring but Dave was anxious to play another 
collegiate tournament.  They arrived shortly after noon and after eating dinner 
they went to the golf course for a practice round.  Dave immediately noticed 
that there were more camera crews than there had been in Florida and every 
camera crew spent at least some time taping him hitting balls on the practice 

Dave played with Alec and Darcy for the practice round and he was glad to see 
Coach Dawes was keeping Keith away from him.  Dave had resigned himself that he 
would have to act civil to Keith but he could never and would never trust him 
again, so he just tried to stay as far away from Keith as he could.  Dave really 
liked the Farm golf course and he was happy with his two under par seventy.  
Darcy shot a solid seventy-two and Alec shot seventy-one.  All three were 
confident they were ready for the first round on Friday.

The entire weekend went well for Dave and the rest of the team.  Dave shot 
rounds of sixty-six, sixty-nine and a tournament record sixty-three to easily 
win the individual title.  Alec had another fantastic tournament and finished 
fourth overall while Darcy played solidly all three rounds and finished twelfth.  
Both Keith and Will recovered from poor first rounds to finish nineteenth and 
twenty-second respectively.  Coach Dawes was very pleased with another 
convincing team victory.  Dave did interviews with four different camera crews 
and two reporters.  He was very happy to finally get on the van for the drive 
home.  The drive home Sunday evening passed quickly as the team celebrated their 
second straight victory.

Dave didn't get to bed until after midnight and he slept soundly until his alarm 
went off for him to go to class.  His classes went well and his fellow students 
congratulated him on another victory.  Jana and Kyra were waiting for him in the 
dining hall and both kissed him excitedly when he entered.  They showed him the 
local paper and the title read, "Wake Forest - Home to Next World's No. 1 

Dave smiled when he read the headline but commented, "There's a huge difference 
between college golf and professional golf.  I'm not ready to face the pros on a 
weekly basis, yet."

Jana chuckled, "You already beat them all once.  You know you are ready."

Dave shook his head, "Not all of them.  I haven't faced Tiger yet and I'm in no 
rush to do that.  Let's just keep all this in perspective.  I've won two 
straight tournaments - that's all.  I'd like to eat, relax, and take a break 
from golf.  Our next tournament is not until February, so let's just forget 
about golf for a while."

Jana and Kyra hugged him and agreed to drop the matter.  Darcy and Leanne came 
bouncing into the dining hall and Dave could tell that Darcy had obviously had a 
very good morning.  Darcy immediately bragged, "It feels wonderful to be a 
winner.  Everyone knows we won again and they are all congratulating us.  It's 

Dave smiled at Darcy but with a very level tone said, "Darcy, it is great and 
enjoy the moment but always remember that the tide can turn the other way very 
quickly; now that we are winners people expect more of us.  Enjoy the moment but 
stay grounded.  Don't forget how we got here - hard work, dedication, and focus.  
If you stop any one of those three, we could easily never win again."  Darcy 
listened to Dave and nodded agreement but he still celebrated - only a little 

When Alec arrived he too was excited but he wasn't as over-confident as Darcy 
had seemed.  He told Dave that a very pretty girl in one of his classes 
congratulated him and they talked after class.  He had worked up the courage to 
ask her out and they were going to a movie on Thursday night.  Dave smiled and 
congratulated his friend.

Shortly after Alec arrived, Dave heard someone yell "Now!"  Then the entire 
dinning hall raised their glasses and cheered, "DEMON! DEACON! GOLF!"  Dave and 
his table lifted their glasses and repeated the cheer.  Dave loved the Demon 
Deacon Pride.

Eventually, Dave suggested that they stop the morning practices until after New 
Year's.  He immediately noticed a sad look on Leanne's face and he asked her 
what was wrong.  She explained that the women's team still had one more 
tournament and her qualifying round was that Friday.  Dave changed his 
suggestion and offered to continue practices until Leanne was finished.  Darcy 
was happy Dave would extend the practices for his girlfriend.  Dave gave Alec 
the option to stop immediately but Alec quickly said there wasn't a chance in 
hell he would stop if Dave, Darcy, and Leanne didn't.

Dave chuckled to himself as he thought again about Leanne calling the group his 
practice group and he realized that they enjoyed working together as a team.  
Dave asked Leanne if she had practice on both Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 
and she said only Thursday.  He asked if she wanted to play a round with him on 
Tuesday and work on her course management.  She beamed with excitement.  Dave 
asked Alec and Darcy if they wanted to play and both said they definitely did.  
Alec pulled out his cell phone and booked a time at Tanglewood.

Dave went back to class after lunch - then spent the evening studying.  Tuesday 
passed quickly and Dave, Darcy, Alec, and Leanne were soon hitting balls at 
Tanglewood.  Leanne's swing was getting steadily more consistent and Dave talked 
to her about not over-swinging.  She wasn't very big and sometimes she tried to 
compensate by swinging too hard.  Dave convinced her that the golf technology 
would allow the ball to go far enough as long as she focused on her timing and 
weight transfer.

Dave, Darcy, and Alec all teed off before Dave walked with Leanne to the women's 
tee on the first hole.  Dave went through the same routine he used with Darcy.  
He had Leanne describe her thought process and he told her to focus on the 
positive - not the negative.  Dave didn't pay much attention to his game but 
focused on Leanne.  When the round was finished Leanne looked tired but Dave sat 
her down on a chair and explained, "We covered an awful lot today and you will 
never remember it all but focus on selecting the best shot for you and then 
think positively about that shot.  Remember - Focus!  Focus!  Focus!"

Leanne nodded before she thanked Dave for his help.  During the drive back to 
campus Dave again gave her small pointers and she listened intently.

Dave studied hard all evening but took short breaks and switched among his 
subjects; he had learned that the most effective study times occur at the 
beginning and end of study sessions.  On one of the breaks, he spent some time 
with Jana and Kyra.  He had noticed that since he had gotten back from Florida, 
Kyra was always with him when he was with Jana.  He asked them if they wanted to 
go to a movie on Friday and both agreed.

The week passed quickly, Dave and his group practiced every morning.  On Friday 
morning Alec was bouncing with excitement as he told Dave about his date the 
night before.  He and Shauna got along marvelously; she was a business major 
just like him and they talked about their classes and their dreams of the 
future.  Dave knew from his many talks with Alec that he had realized early in 
his collegiate career that professional golf was highly unlikely and he had 
worked hard to get a solid business education.  His recent success in golf gave 
him a glimmer of hope for a golf career but he was still focused hard on his 
studies.  Dave knew that part of the reason he and Alec became such good friends 
was because Alec was so grounded.  While Dave did hope for a professional golf 
career, he was as dedicated to his education as he was his golf.

Leanne's teammates arrived around nine o'clock and she left to practice with 
them.  Dave, Darcy, and Alec continued hitting balls for another hour before 
they went into the golf center to clean their clubs and put them away.  They 
wished Leanne luck before she left for Tanglewood.  As they entered the golf 
center, Coach Toombs walked into the locker room and teased, "Just can't get 
enough, can you?  Winning is infectious - the more you win the more you want to 
win."  They simply smiled and nodded so he continued, "I know you have been 
helping Leanne and I really appreciate it.  She is a good kid but unfortunately 
she and I have that sibling issue and she won't listen to me.  Thanks for 
helping her.  And Darcy, you treat her right or I'll rip your head off."

Darcy looked mortified but when Coach Toombs grinned at him and put out his hand 
to shake, Darcy relaxed.  It was obvious Coach Toombs was teasing him but at the 
same time he was definitely sending a message.  Darcy heard the message loud and 
clear.  After Coach Toombs left Dave laughed at Darcy and told him he had warned 

Dave, Darcy, and Alec went for an early lunch before Dave retired to his room 
for an afternoon of study.  At suppertime he heard a light tapping on his door 
and two laughing voices outside.  He opened the door to the smiling faces of the 
twins.  They walked to the dinning hall arm-in-arm.  They had just sat down to 
eat when Alec walked into the hall holding the hand of a very pretty brunette.  
Dave watched Alec talking and having fun with Shauna and he could tell they were 
very comfortable with each other.  After paying for their meals, Alec led Shauna 
to the table where Dave and the twins were sitting.  He introduced her to Dave, 
Jana, and Kyra before he sat down.  Shauna immediately talked to Dave about 
being a business major and she and Alec recommended which professors to take and 
which to avoid.

They were all talking about the various elective courses when Dave noticed a 
running and smiling Leanne headed his way.  Darcy was close behind and he was 
obviously busting with pride.  Leanne ran right over to Dave and hugged him as 
she cheered, "I qualified for the next tournament.  Coach said I have improved 
immensely in the last two weeks and she wants to see what I can do in a 
tournament.  Thank you, Dave.  I owe it all to you."

Dave hugged her before he replied, "You did it yourself with all your hard work.  
I'm happy I could help but it was you that did it, not me."

She kissed Dave on the cheek and simply said, "Thanks for helping me."

Dave said, "You're welcome."  Darcy nodded thank you to him as well before he 
and Leanne went to get their food.  She and Darcy soon returned to the table and 
she excitedly described her entire round.  She had shot seventy-five which was 
the first time she had broken eighty since arriving at Wake Forest.  She was 
overflowing with excitement.

Dave asked, "When do you practice tomorrow?"

She replied, "The team is practicing in the morning but we have the afternoon 

He quizzed, "Would you like to play another round tomorrow afternoon?"

She shrieked, "I'd love to."  Dave looked at Darcy who simply smiled.  Alec was 
already pulling out his phone.

Dave suggested, "Let's play Old Town for a change.  I hear it has a nice 

Alec, Darcy, and Leanne all nodded before Alec stood and went to the pay phone 
located on the wall.  He pulled out the phonebook then dialed the number on his 
cell.  He talked as he walked back to the table and when he sat down he said, 
"We're on for one-thirty."

The seven students sat in the dinning hall and talked for another hour before 
Alec handed Dave his keys and Dave left with the twins.  The movie they went to 
see was a comedy and they enjoyed it.  As they were walking back to Palmer after 
dropping the car off for Alec, Jana whispered, "Kyra and I would both like to 
spend the night with you."

Dave smiled as he thought about making love to the beautiful twins; a thought 
flashed through his mind that his father seemed to enjoy having intimate access 
to twin sisters - it could be even more than just double fun.  But then he 
suddenly realized that all their rooms utilized small bunk beds.  He thought for 
a moment and, after mentally calculating how much money of his weekly allowance 
he had built up over the past eight weeks, he suggested, "I'd really like that 
too but the beds are too small in residence and I want to have lots of room to 
enjoy both of you.  Will you allow me to plan an evening tomorrow so we can make 
our first night together something very special?"

The two girls nodded tentatively and Dave could tell something was bothering 
them so he asked what it was.  Jana explained, "You have told us about your 
family and, while we assume they make fairly good money, we know you are not 
rich.  We don't want to see you wasting your college money on us."

Dave hugged them close before he replied, "That's sweet of you and that is part 
of the reason I like both of you so much - you would never take advantage of 
someone.  Jana, you know the story about me saving Sarah in Vancouver.  Have you 
told Kyra about it?"

As she shook her head 'no' Dave noticed a bench on the side of the path, so he 
sat down with a twin on each side and described the rescue in Vancouver in 
detail.  Kyra was shocked to hear Dave had been shot and she held him tight.  
Dave then explained that Sarah invited him to England and he told them about the 
huge mansion she lived in and about her family.  He described the trip to the 
South of France with Sarah and Roxanne.  He told them about the terrorist and 
how he got very lucky but managed to save Sarah a second time.

Both Jana and Kyra were shocked by his new story but Dave simply continued, "I'm 
not trying to brag about it; the only reason I am even telling you it happened 
is so you will understand why Lord Thurlow opened a trust fund in my name and 
put one hundred thousand pounds away for my education.  I tried to get him to 
take it back but he is a very convincing man and he insisted I take it as a 
small token of his appreciation.  Last winter my father and I worked out an 
arrangement for me to take a weekly allowance from the trust's growing income.  
I have seldom spent all the allowance so I have accumulated a tidy sum of money 
in my savings account.  I don't waste my money - but I would really like to use 
it to plan a very special evening for us tomorrow."

The two girls looked at each other and nodded before Kyra said, "We will allow 
you to do this tomorrow - but we do not want this to become a habit.  We enjoy 
just spending time with you - we don't believe in material things.  Good friends 
are worth more than all the money in the world."

Dave kissed both their cheeks before he replied, "I know the value of friendship 
and I appreciate both of you very much.  I will never try to buy you or your 
friendship - tomorrow evening will definitely be the exception."

Each twin kissed him before they cuddled under his arms and walked him back to 
Palmer.  They went to his room and they watched television for a while before he 
eventually walked them back to their rooms.  Once again, they kissed him 
passionately, each in her own slightly different way, before he went back to his 
room and went to sleep.  It was now clear to Dave that both girls had powerful 
sexual drives - and he could be the lucky recipient of a double dose of loving.

He woke early and practiced with Darcy, Leanne, and Alec.  When Leanne's 
teammates showed up, Dave left and went back to his room and made several phone 
calls to book the evening's activities.  He studied for a few hours before he 
went to get Jana and Kyra for lunch.  During lunch he explained that he would 
come get them at seven-thirty and that he was going to wear dress pants and a 
golf shirt and they could wear whatever they felt appropriate.  He suggested 
they pack a bag with whatever they would need for an overnight stay.  They were 
very excited and he hoped they would enjoy what he had planned.

Darcy, Leanne, Alec, and Shauna joined them and golf soon became the main topic 
of conversation once again.

After lunch, Dave, Leanne, Alec, and Darcy left for Old Town.  They warmed up 
for a half hour before heading to the first tee.  Dave spent most of the 
afternoon coaching Leanne; most of what he covered was a repeat and 
reinforcement of what he had told her on Tuesday.  He complimented her often and 
her confidence and course management steadily improved.  When the round was over 
she hugged him and thanked him again for helping her.

Alec dropped Dave, Darcy, and Leanne off at Palmer; he had another date with 
Shauna.  Dave wished Leanne luck in her tournament and went for a quick shower.  
It was almost seven-thirty when he walked through the main lounge towards the 
women's wing of Palmer with a backpack over his shoulder.  The twins were in 
Kyra's room and they kissed him excitedly when he entered the room.  They were 
ready with a bag packed so he put a hand under each of their arms as he escorted 
them to the front door.

They both gasped as they saw the black limo parked in front of the residence.  
Jana immediately said, "Dave, there was no need to rent a limo."

Dave moved a finger to her lips and explained, "Tonight is my treat.  I don't 
want to hear another word about money."

As they walked up to the limo, the chauffeur opened the back door and Dave 
handed him the overnight bags.  The back seat was luxurious and the two 
beautiful girls cuddled into him.  The first stop was an elegant restaurant.  
Dave had selected a nice Italian restaurant but not one that required a jacket 
and tie.  The meal was fantastic and Dave ate a healthy portion of fettuccini 
Alfredo while both the twins ordered chicken parmesan.

After a decadent chocolate desert, Dave and the twins got back in the limo and 
drove to the Stevens Center of Performing Arts.  Dave wasn't a symphony type of 
person but Kyra had told him previously that she liked the symphony and Dave 
knew Jana would also enjoy the evening.  The twins loved the symphony and Dave 
was pleased he had taken them.

The limo was again waiting outside and, as soon as the chauffeur closed the 
door, the girls pushed the close button for the window separating the front.  
They both eagerly unfastened Dave's pants and fished his quickly hardening 
salmon from his boxers.  Jana dropped her head into his lap as Kyra kissed his 
mouth passionately.  His dick was as hard as stone in seconds as Jana's expert 
tongue licked and swirled his crown.  He closed his eyes as the combined attack 
of the excited twins quickly sent his entire body into a quivering state of 

He felt a change of positions and Jana's soft sensual lips met his passionately, 
but the big surprise was Kyra's intense sucking on his already rock-hard prick.  
She sucked and stroked and twisted him unlike anything he had ever felt before 
and, when she sucked his entire shaft down her tight soft throat, he quickly 
lost complete control and was barely able to warn her that he was coming before 
he shot a huge load into her mouth.  His entire body shook as he felt five huge 
shots and four small ones escape his encased manhood.  He couldn't remember ever 
coming so strongly; with his body still shaking with adrenalin, he opened his 
eyes and stared in wonder at Kyra as she moved up from his lap and kissed Jana 
passionately.  Dave knew the sisters were sharing his generous offering and he 
could only watch in amazement.  He thought they were acting as if his offering 
were a fine wine - their joyful expression was very surprising.

They felt the limo turn off the street and Dave could see the hotel sign through 
the smoked windows.  The girls finished their kiss and helped Dave fasten his 
pants before the limo stopped at the front door.  The chauffeur opened the door 
and passed the backpacks to Dave.  He tipped the driver and thanked him for his 
time.  The limo pulled away as Dave and the twins entered the hotel.

The hotel was well above average but not overly fancy.  Dave walked to the front 
desk and checked in.  The front desk clerk took an imprint of his credit card 
then passed him the room card.  Dave thanked the clerk before he led the girls 
to the elevator.  The room was on the fifth floor and the girls were kissing and 
teasing him on the elevator.  They found their room and, as soon as they 
entered, Jana moved into his arms and kissed him passionately.  Kyra immediately 
moved behind Jana and began kissing her neck as she unfastened Jana's skirt and 
began stripping her twin sister.  Dave felt Kyra's hands under Jana's top and 
Jana moaned into his mouth as Kyra began massaging her round breasts.

Dave was temped to just stand back and watch the twins make love but Kyra 
obviously had other plans.  She quickly pulled Jana's top over her head and 
removed her bra.  Kyra then moved behind Dave and repeated the same process on 
him.  She quickly had him stripped and was stroking his stiff pole as she moved 
around in front of him.  Jana and Dave peeled Kyra's skirt and top off before 
Dave guided them both to the bed.  As he lay them down he briefly stared at them 
in bewilderment.  He had been with more than one woman at a time before but 
never had he seen two perfect and identical bodies lying naked side by side.  
Four perfectly round firm mocha-coloured breasts with dark round aureoles and 
pointed nipples that looked like pencil erasers.  Four long trim legs that led 
to two soft sensual pussies, each with a one-inch wide landing strip of soft 
black pubic hair.  He thought about his father making love to his mother and her 
twin sister and said to himself, "I don't know really how Dad does it without 
taking a heart attack ..."

Jana noticed he was deep in thought and asked what he was thinking.  He simply 
replied, "You two are absolutely gorgeous and you are making my mind spin."  
They giggled.

He wasn't sure who to start with but he decided he had already been with Jana so 
he would start with Kyra - the supposedly quiet, shy Kyra.  He moved between her 
legs and began kissing her thighs.  He felt Jana move and he briefly looked up 
to see Jana sucking Kyra's breasts.  Dave kissed and teased Kyra's pouty lips 
and occasionally slid his tongue across her clit - an act which elicited instant 
moans.  Kyra was gyrating her hips to meet Dave's teasing tongue until she 
finally grabbed Dave by the hair and pushed his mouth directly into her wet 
slit.  Dave drove his tongue deep into wet opening and she groaned in passion.  
Her tangy taste was invigorating and Dave moved his mouth to her clit as he slid 
two fingers deep inside her wet snatch.  Kyra moaned loudly as she coaxed, "Oh 
yeah, suck my pussy.  Bite my nipples, Jana.  That's it, just like that."

Dave loved the encouragement and he moved his fingers to that special spot and 
began tapping tenderly as he sucked her clit into his mouth.  Kyra began bucking 
and screaming.  Dave thought she might actually throw him off the bed but he 
held on for the ride of his life as Kyra's orgasm thundered through her entire 
being.  She was panting and moaning as her climax slowly eased.  Dave briefly 
looked up at her sweaty face; he was amazed by her intensity and passion.  The 
shy, quiet Kyra was an absolute animal in bed.  He looked at her body covered in 
perspiration and he was truly in awe.

Jana noticed the strange look on his face and she kissed him tenderly as she 
whispered, "She's passionate, isn't she?"

As Dave watched Kyra eyes close briefly, he simply shook his head, "I don't have 
a word to describe her passion.  It's truly unbelievable."

Jana laughed, "Mom says it's a trait of being a Coulter Girl.  She says her 
sisters and her mother are similar in their passion.  I guess we simply love 

Dave could only mumble, "WOW!"

Dave kissed Jana and he couldn't help but notice Jana licking Kyra's juices off 
his face.  He pushed her gently on her back and whispered, "Your turn."

He kissed his way down her trim frame and soon was licking and kissing her 
nether lips.  Jana got excited quickly and, although her intensity wasn't as 
fierce as Kyra's, she was soon moaning and moving her hips to meet Dave's 
probing tongue.  Dave moved his hand between her legs and slipped two fingers 
deep inside her.  She moved her legs over his shoulders and pulled his face 
harder against her clit.  He found her g-spot and began tapping and rubbing the 
sensitive area.  He noticed movement and looked up briefly to see Kyra sucking 
Jana's tits.  Jana's moans became louder and her breathing became quicker.  She 
was pushing her pelvis to meet Dave's fingers and he sucked harder on her clit 
as he sensed her impending orgasm.  Dave licked, sucked, and fingered for all he 
was worth and Jana's entire body began to shake as she moaned loudly.

Her orgasm shook her body for what seemed like minutes but was only thirty 
seconds.  Dave slowed his fingering motion as he stopped sucking her clit and 
simply jabbed it with his tongue.  Jana's orgasm was intense but it still didn't 
compare to Kyra's.  Jana smiled happily as she slowly caught her breath.

Kyra looked at Dave intensely and demanded, "I need that big cock of yours 
inside me!  Right now!"  So much for being shy.

Dave nodded 'yes' as he moved to his backpack, pulled out several condoms, and 
placed them on the bedside stand.  He took one and tore it open but Kyra pulled 
it from his hand moved him onto the bed.  She slid the latex coating onto his 
shaft then quickly moved on top of him.  She eased his pole deep inside and she 
moaned as he became fully seated.  Even with the condom on, he could feel her 
slide down his shaft and he was surprised how tight she felt.  She smiled at 
Jana who was just starting to recover from her orgasm.  Kyra gasped, "God, he is 
big. Isn't he?"  She looked at Dave and smiled, "If I knew you would feel this 
good, I would have kicked Colby out months ago and moved myself in."

Dave chuckled as he replied, "I think you would probably kill me if we shared a 
room.  I definitely know I would have absolute no energy for golf."

Kyra laughed, "Flattery will get you anything you want."  She started to grind 
against his hardness and she somehow put even more pressure on his throbbing 
shaft.  He simply grabbed onto her hips and held on as she quickly started to 
move up and down on his hardness unlike any women had ever done before.  She 
seemed to be able to apply pressure on his shaft as she pulled back and it made 
her snatch feel like a powerful vacuum tube.  Dave's eyes rolled back into his 
head as the unbelievable sensation started to carry him to a very quick orgasm.  
He looked over at Jana and tried to think of anything besides Kyra's grabbing, 
sucking snatch.

He held off for several minutes as Kyra's intensity quickly grew and he looked 
into her pleasure filled eyes as he realized he was not going to last much 
longer.  Kyra closed her eyes and began moaning louder as she bucked even harder 
until Dave couldn't hold back any longer and his orgasm rocked his entire body.  
Even his arms were pumping with adrenalin as he drove his hardness deep inside 
her steaming sucking opening.  Kyra's orgasm shook her body as she lay down on 
top of Dave and whispered, "You feel wonderful."

Dave tried to speak but he could only mumble something unintelligible; he felt 
his eyes moving uncontrollably and Jana laughed, "Kyra has been known to fuck a 
guy silly - but I never actually witnessed it before."

Dave looked at her with a dazed look and noted in the back of his mind that the 
girls must have been sexually active for some time - before he closed his eyes 
and dozed off to sleep.

He didn't know how long he slept but when he woke, the bed was rocking.  As he 
collected his thoughts, he looked over to see Kyra riding Jana's face.  The view 
was spectacular as he watched Kyra's face contort with pleasure.  Kyra 
eventually climaxed and dropped down on the bed beside him.  She looked into his 
eyes and smiled as she slowly recovered.

Jan noticed that Dave was awake and she asked, "Are you ready to fuck me now?"

Dave grinned and nodded; he was hard as steel from watching the sexy twins go at 
it.  She grabbed a condom and moved over Kyra.  Dave looked down and realized 
that the first condom was gone but it was soon replaced by a new one - then Jana 
mounted him just as cowgirl Kyra had.  Jana wasn't quite as tight as Kyra and 
she didn't seem to have the same ability Kyra had clamp down on him but her hot 
snatch still felt wonderful as she fully seated herself on his girth.  She was 
rocking back and forth, slowly building her intensity when Kyra said, "I know 
what Jana needs!"

She jumped out of bed and opened her backpack.  Dave's eye shot open when she 
pulled out a strap dildo and some lubricant.  Kyra saw his expression and 
laughed, "Maybe you would like to try this."

Dave thoughts of a beautiful girl riding his pole evaporated from his mind 
instantly.  He looked at Kyra with panic and retorted, "If you come near me with 
that thing, I am out of here.  I will leave both of you in this room and pay the 
bill as I leave but I won't come back.  My ass is "EXIT ONLY" and it's going to 
damn well stay that way."

Kyra was doubled over in laughter and Jana was actually laughing as well; even 
so, the entire mood of their sexual excitement had been shaken.  Kyra looked at 
Dave in the same begging gesture that Jana had used the first time she ate with 
him and Jennifer.  Dave shook his head, "I'm not joking.  Keep that weapon away 
from me."

Kyra promised she wouldn't do anything to him as she pulled on the straps and 
began lubing the large dildo.  Dave looked back at Jana who started to rock back 
and forth on him and he felt Kyra move behind her.  Jana leaned forward and Dave 
could feel Kyra working her toy into Jana's ass.  Jana's facial expression 
changed as Dave felt the pressure on the bottom of his prick.  He stopped moving 
while Kyra slowly moved the dildo deeper and deeper.

Jana's eyes were closed and her face was contorted with pleasure as Kyra began 
moving in and out of her ass.  Dave slowly began moving Jana's hips with his 
hands; Jana was powerless to do anything.  Kyra was driving into Jana at a 
feverish pace and Dave could feel the dildo sliding along the bottom of his 
pole.  He was surprised how turned on he got just thinking of Kyra fucking Jana 
in the ass while he fucked her pussy.  Jana's entire body began to shake as her 
orgasm crashed over her.  Dave felt his orgasm building as well and when he was 
sure Jana was on the downside of her pleasure, he released his seed deep into 
the condom.  Jana collapsed on top of him and she went right to sleep.

Dave lay still holding Jana in his arms as he looked over her shoulder at a 
smirking Kyra.  She chuckled, "I love to watch her pass out."  Dave smiled at 
Kyra.  He was still in wonder how that shy innocent looking girl could be so 
possessed when it came to sex.

He briefly closed his eyes but they shot open when he felt Kyra rub the head of 
the dildo across his anus.  He gently but quickly rolled Jana onto her back then 
he got out of the bed.  He looked at Kyra, "Kyra, I'm not fucking kidding.  I 
really like both of you but if you stick that damn thing in me, I guarantee we 
will never be together again."

Kyra immediately realized how serious he was and she took the dildo off and 
moved into his arms, "I'm sorry, Dave.  Sometimes I just get a little carried 
away.  I promise I will never come near you with it again."

His expression relaxed before he climbed back into bed with her.  She asked, 
"Why are you so paranoid about my toy?"

Dave shrugged, "I don't know?  Maybe I'm homophobic or maybe its just some macho 
guy thing but the idea of having you shove that artificial thing up my ass truly 
grosses me out.  I don't hate gay people or anything - I just don't have any 
interest in that kind of sex."  He briefly thought about the time when a finger 
had been shoved up his ass during a blowjob and he thought that was fine once - 
but once only.

Kyra kissed him tenderly, "I really am sorry - it will never happen again.  
Promise!"  She reached down and pulled the condom off his flaccid dick then ran 
into the bathroom and flushed the toilet.  She returned and cuddled into his 
side.  She whispered, "You're really sweet, Dave.  I don't want to lose your 
friendship."  She then giggled, "And I don't want to lose what we did tonight, 

Dave kissed her softly then went to sleep.  Sleeping between two beautiful girls 
was very relaxing and he slept soundly holding a round firm breast in his hand.