Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Secundus 9 Severus the Slaver sat alone in the great hall and contemplated the recent series of events. Desire was fitted with an inflatable pussy plug, Ching had a uterine oval (egg-shaped) remote controller, and Jessie was lactating. Another girl, "little lena," was needed to milk Jessie twice each day, in the morning before breakfast and at night before bed. This meant that four girls in the twelve girl chain (or coffle) were removed from duties. Terra was still in the general girl population, but there was bad blood between her and Lara. This left Ninet, Jane, Erica, Judie, Judie, Sasha, and Cheeka. The pool of available girls had been reduced. Some girl might have to be used in the "Bound Girl Ring" more than once. Severus didn't like that idea. And he wasn't overly pleased with Twisted and Crassius coming by too often. As he thought things over, he realized that he never made so much money before as now. With that in mind he let his thoughts drift. Anna rushed in. She was clearly rattled. "Master," she shouted, "Cheeka has run off! We were in the infirmary and she bolted." Severus stood up. Anna, realizing her position, kneeled. Severus was not of a mind to worry about triviality. "Get Twisted and Crassius from the alcoves, girl," he commanded, imparting extreme urgency without even raising his voice. The men were with their girls in the alcoves. For sure they would be unhappy about being disturbed. Then send a message to the Magistrate." "Yes, Master," Anna replied, and left to summons the Warriors. Severus was strapping on his sword belt when Twisted and Crassius entered the great hall. He spoke: "As girl, Cheeka, has run away. She has run into the woods. There are Panther Girls there. We need to be fully armed." "We have tracking sleen---every bit as good as bloodhounds," Severus continued. "They will track down that girl Cheeka. She will regret having run away from the House of Severus." Twisted and Crassius nodded agreement. They went for their weapons. Now they could enjoy the thrill of the hunt. Finish 21 Oct 2008 Taunus Trumbo