The following story is a work of fiction.  Its contents are of a graphically sexual nature and may involve
non-consensual sexual acts between underage partners. Any resemblance to persons either alive or dead is
purely coincidental. This story is intended for ADULTS only.  If you are under the legal age of consent in
your local jurisdiction, or if you are easily offended, kindly STOP READING NOW.

Natural Selection - by - The StoryMaster - Part One

The dart hit her just above the anterior right hip.  A perfect shot.  Sensing the
impact, the young girl instinctively reached for its source.  Then she was down.

The man concealed in the tree line glanced at his wristwatch.  Then parting the
shrubbery he peered out at his quarry lying motionless on the path.  He glanced at
his watch again.  Two minutes.  He sincerely hoped that no one would happen along
and ruin his hunt.  This one was worth a lot.

The big game immobilizing drug worked quickly as always.  In another minute, he laid
his air rifle aside and moved from his place of concealment and out into a clearing in
the heavily wooded area of the city park.   He moved stealthily but rapidly.  He
wanted to get his catch bundled up and loaded as quickly as possible to avoid

The young blond lay on her left side on the cinder chip running
path.  He approached her from behind.  When he was within a few
feet, her right leg jerked.  Only a reflex spasm, he knew.  He
noted her respiration rate as being slow and even as he squatted
beside his latest prize.  He placed a hand on her shoulder just in
case, then with the other, he tugged the tiny dark out of her hip. 
There was no reaction from her.  He put the dart into his jacket

"Let's have closer look at you," he murmured as he rolled her inert
body toward himself.  Her eyes were open.  He could see the
confusion and fear in those staring blue pools.  Pupils slightly
dilated, that was normal.  "Oh, my, you are a pretty thing, aren't
you," he commented.  "You're gonna make somebody very happy
indeed, my dear."  He arranged her arms by her sides then
straightened her legs.

She looked to be around fourteen, maybe fifteen years of age.  Five feet, five or
six inches tall and perhaps one hundred pounds.  She had thick, wavy, blond hair and
a drop dead gorgeous face.  Her body was nicely developed, breasts smallish and
rounded in shape.  Her waist was wasp thin, belly smooth and muscular.  Her hips
and buttocks were splendidly firm and full, and she had a runner's legs, slim and fit. 
The very stuff of dreams she was.

"Some lucky man is gonna have a good time with you, sweetheart.  That's for certain. 
Now let's see if you're still with us."

He'd found over the years that one sure way to assess a female's state of mental
acuity was to touch her in that place she held most sacred.  Without further delay
or comment, he slipped his fingertips under the waistband of her navy blue running
shorts, spreading his roughly calloused palm over the soft warmth of her tummy. 
Then with practiced ease he slid his hand into her panties.  As expected, the young
blond's pupils constricted to a degree, and her eyeballs seemed to vibrate slightly.

"There you are," he murmured with a wicked little chuckle.  "I see you in there."  He
gazed into her startled eyes.  He considered this to be the most enjoyable and
rewarding part of his job.  That moment of awareness so plainly painted in her
expression and her eyes when he invades the most private area of her body, that
realization that she is utterly powerless to defend herself against his intimate
investigation.  The young blond's beautiful features clouded over in a mixture of
incredulity and dismay as he forced his big hand farther between her shapely
thighs, pressing and palpating her resilient, female flesh.  

He noticed her abdominal muscles flexing.  The immobilizing agent, Ketamine, that
he used regularly in his line of work, allowed the subject only limited voluntary
muscle function.  Generally restricted to the facial, abdominal as well as some
internal musculature.  The involuntary and sensory nervous systems were
unaffected by the drug.  The subject ordinarily remained conscious and cognitive,
but unable to access that part of the voluntary nervous system that controls motor
function.  Widely used by hunters and gatherers of large animal and primate
specimens for zoos and other institutions, Ketamine was the perfect compound for
this phase of collection process.  It was fast acting, easy to transport, delivery
systems were diverse and uncomplicated, the effects could be quickly neutralized
with a readily available antidote, and side effects and long term influences were

As much as he would have liked to have lingered there in the park with his latest
prize, he knew that it was only a matter of time before someone would come along. 
The city planners couldn't have been more cooperative, albeit unwittingly, when they
mapped out this section of the new park.  It was wooded and secluded, and had
several maintenance access routes allowing swift and easy egress from the area. 
Joggers and strollers alike seemed somehow drawn to this section which was
perfect for his needs.  He knew however, that another disappearance would soon
cause security in the area to be tightened, but so far, little action had been taken
by law enforcement.  This one was his second take in the area.  She would probably
be his last, but one never knew.  The risk involved was part of the allure for him.

"OK, my pretty one," he murmured as he withdrew his hand from the warm, moist
confines of her panties.  "Let's be on our way, before someone comes along and
spoils things."  He stood up, scooped her up almost effortlessly in his powerful arms
then turned and disappeared into the trees.  She was light as a feather it seemed as
he marched the hundred yards or so to his waiting vehicle.  He glanced down several
times at her supple young body along the way.  For some reason, he seemed to be
particularly drawn to the girl.  "He might have to spend a little 'quality time' with
this young lovely before turning her over to his regular employers at The Center,"
he mused.  He'd done it before, and on more than one occasion.  Besides, he had
other interested parties should The Center refuse to accept "Tainted Goods".  And
then there was always his new pet project.  

He loaded her somewhat unceremoniously into the back of the mini-van which had
been modified expressly for his purposes.  The rear of the vehicle was well padded
to avoid damaging his catches, and of course the side and rear windows were tinted
so heavily that no prying eyes could identify his cargo from the outside.  Restraints
were unnecessary thanks to Ketamine.  The trip to his private Facility would take
just over an hour.  He glanced at his watch then started the engine.  "Twenty-three
minutes," he muttered as he drove slowly down the maintenance trail then out of
the park.  Twenty-three minutes had passed since he'd taken the shot.  With a
subject of her estimated weight, the incapacitating effects of the drug should last
for well over three hours.  "More than enough time to reach home and safety," he
thought with a satisfied smile.  Just in case, however, a portable pneumatic
vaccination gun lay close at hand should a second dosage be required en route.  He
was very proficient at his trade.

"Decisions, decisions," he muttered to himself as they cruised down the expressway. 
"What am I going to do with you, my pretty one?" he asked rhetorically, glancing
over his shoulder toward the rear of the van.  She lay motionless on her side, just
the way he'd loaded her.  He knew she could hear every word he said.  Although the
Ketamine could make a subject a little light headed, their usual mental acuity level
remained at approximately eighty to ninety percent.  "I'm sure The Center will find a
place for you, but on the other hand, you would fit perfectly into my own program,"
he commented to no one in particular as he again faced forward to concentrate on
his driving.  "Then, there's always the option of sale on the open market.  I know
you'll fetch a phenomenal price."  He sighed, then drove on in silent thought.

The Youth Training Center, or as he fondly called it, simply "The Center", had paid
him a substantial amount of money over the years that their business relationship
had flourished.  They were always interested in fresh, young subjects, and
therefore provided him with a guaranteed market.  Their consistent subsidies had
provided him a secure income and allowed him many freedoms and luxuries.  With
these funds, he'd constructed his own Facility, granted not nearly as extensive as
that of The Center, but none the less, it was secure and more than suited his needs. 

Until recently, the underground section of his spacious home had been used
primarily as a holding pen for his acquisitions while they awaited transport either to
The Center or to some other destination.  It consisted of several small rooms as he
preferred to think of them, rather than cells, which contained a bed, a small
dresser, a wash basin, and an exposed toilet.  Each room was monitored by closed
circuit television, its occupant video taped twenty-four hours a day during her stay.  
Approximately two months ago, however, he'd come up with a bold new plan.  One
that would require him to build a substantial addition to his Facility.  In essence, he
doubled the size of his subterranean complex, adding more "Guest Rooms", as well
as what he referred to as his "Show Room", and two specialized "Group Encounter

His "New Program" as he still referred to it, for lack of an official title, was best
described by him as the liberalization of the natural selection process.  Himself
being what society might classify as ungainly or even homely, he'd always
sympathized with persons born with average or unbecoming physical attributes.  For
as long as he could remember he'd regarded the process by which young women, in
particular those graced with stunning good looks, choose their intended mates, to be
one-sided and unfair.  

That "Age of Innocense" as so many refer to the teenage years when most young
females begin to engage in the selection process is not that at all.  In today's
climate of female "equality", it is more the age of insensitive discrimination and
ruthless winnowing.  

More than once as a youth, he'd had his heart ripped from his chest and cast into
the garbage by some indifferent Aphrodite.  Many were the times he'd watched,
helplessly as the objects of his sweetest dreams and deepest desires selected
others more appealing and charismatic than himself, often brazenly as if to do
intentional harm to him.

In days gone by, it was the male of the species who selected the mate.  It was a far
more liberal method, and one that was better suited to the advancement of the
human race, in his humble opinion.  For one thing, in those days, many societies
condoned and even honored the man who cared for several females.  This is not to
say that men weren't discriminating in their choices, but with the old system of
choosing and keeping multiple mates, it allowed even the most ordinary female to
achieve security and companionship.  Females, on the other hand, given the same
choices, were more monogamous and less forgiving.  They tended to cull and discard
more often than not.  This process he vowed to change.  

The funds he'd received, he'd invested wisely and had quickly amassed a small
fortune.  Soon he would be able to turn away the lucrative offers of The Center
and concentrate on what he felt to be his mission in life.  On the open market, the
young prize he now carried in the back of his van would bring perhaps two hundred
thousand in U.S. dollars.  However, to him, her value was far greater than could be
expressed monetarily.  Once introduced into his small but rapidly growing fold, she
would fulfill the dreams of untold numbers of unfortunates.  As a reusable
resource, this young lady and others like her would cause so many of those headed
toward a life of rejection and disappointment to turn their faces to the light.   It
was, he believed with all of his soul, his calling to rescue mankind from its downward
spiral into lethargy and acceptance and eventual matriarchal dominance.  To give all
men the opportunity to make those natural choices which the female of the species
had methodically sought to take away in recent generations.  The liberalization of
the selection process would allow any male to have any female to keep or to share
as he saw fit, no matter his stature in society, or in particular, his personal

By the time they neared his home and concealed Facility, he'd decided.  She would
become a part of his grand plan.

Continued in Part Two... SM