Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Publication of any and all trademarks contained herein are not authorized by, associated with, nor sponsored by the trademark owners. ~~~ Giving Thanks by Stephanie Rose (The power of community.) ~~~ "All right, everyone. I've got some bad news. So listen up." Tanya O'Brien sat in the spacious dining room of the Northern Indiana Food Bank. The full-time secretary of the organization, she sat with the other staff members and roughly twenty regular volunteers, waiting for the director to speak. It was a late Monday evening, two weeks before Thanksgiving and her heart was heavy because though she already knew what he was going to say, it didn't make the blow hurt any less. The director of the NIFB, Brother Nicholas Caulfield, affectionately known in the community as Brother Nick, took a deep breath before continuing, a sad expression on his face. "Now, everyone, you all know that donations have been down this year," he said. "The economy has really taken its toll on our regular donors. We're finding that the people and companies who used to donate to us, are now either in need of donations themselves or just don't have the extra funds to send to us. As a result, our cash and food donations are now down over fifty percent." Tanya held her breath, knowing what was coming next. "Therefore, if our donations aren't up in the next two weeks," he continued, "we'll have to shut down indefinitely. Which means we'll be shutting down before Thanksgiving Day, our busiest time of the year." A chorus of gasps and groans went up through the small crowd. The Northern Indiana Food Bank had been a saving grace for the past fifteen years. Located in South Bend, Indiana, they were responsible for providing food to six counties, which housed over fifty food pantries, emergency shelters, childcare centers, soup kitchens, senior centers and night shelters that directly served Northern Indiana's homeless, unemployed and working poor. Every day, year round, the NIFB provided hundreds of pounds of food to the various organizations. Most of the food pantries allowed residents to come in once a month to receive their allotment. In contrast, the counties' shelters fed people daily, as did the soup kitchens and the senior and children's centers. Additionally, on the major holidays, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, the NIFB itself also provided a citywide hot dinner to anyone in need. As a result, the NIFB went through a tremendous amount of food on a daily basis, and always needed donations. However, this year, due to the challenging economy, the food bank was operating at below fifty percent of its usual inventory. And as more and more individuals and corporate entities drastically lowered or cancelled their donations altogether, while the number of people that needed their help rose just as dramatically, even that fifty percent figure was dwindling rapidly. Tanya found that she really enjoyed working at the food bank, especially on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. It warmed her heart to be able to help, but this year their circumstances were dire. Her deep brown eyes teared up as she continued to listen to Brother Nick. "I do have a few ideas up my sleeve," Brother Nick said, smiling. "For example, Joshua, the assistant director, and I will be doing several newspaper and TV interviews to advertise our cause. And here in the office, Deb and Tanya are going to keep making phone calls to local businesses to see if they can donate more to our program." Tanya nodded over at Deb Ross, the treasurer of the NIFB. For the past month, they'd been calling local companies to secure additional donations, but they weren't making much progress. "Anyway," Brother Nick continued, "I just wanted to let you know what's going on. And to ask you for your help. We really need a miracle this year, so I'm counting on all of you to help us stay open." Brother Nick spoke a few moments longer, then adjourned the meeting. Tanya gathered her belongings, put on her coat to protect herself against Indiana's mid-November chill, and headed out to her car. But before she could reach the door, Brother Nick stopped her. Standing a full six-feet-four inches to her five-feet even, he towered over her. However, his warm smile always put her at ease. He placed a large hand on her shoulder. "Tanya? If you can, come in early tomorrow morning and get started on those donor calls. Every little bit will help." "Sure, Brother Nick. I'll come in an hour early and be in at about eight." "Thanks Tanya. And I know that you'll be blessed for your assistance." Tanya frowned as she pulled her coat tighter, a sudden chill running through her that had nothing to do with the weather. What Brother Nick didn't know is that she could afford to come in early, as she was single and lonely, not having anyone to occupy her time outside of work. "I think we could all use a miracle this holiday season," she muttered, even more downcast than before, and walked out the door. ~~~ First thing in the morning, Tanya opened up the main office, then went to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. The men in the warehouse opened at nine am, so Tanya had a bit of peace and quiet before the other workers came in. Since it was so early, no clients were due in yet, but there were still mounds of federal, state, county and city paperwork to finish, in addition to the donor calls that she and Deb had to make. When the coffee was done, she went to grab a mug out of the cabinet and happened to glance out of the window at the far end of the kitchen. As she saw her reflection, she studied herself. She loved her rich, cocoa-brown skin and her pleasant features. Her smile was bright and her mid-length dark hair looked great in her natural, voluminous curls. Also, her heart was as big as they came. However, her twenty-eight years of age were slowly catching up with her. "When did I get old," she wondered as she studied the tiny wrinkles near her eyes and her thickening figure. It seemed like she was just in college, now it was just about ten years later. "I just wish I were able to finish school," she said sadly, as unhappy memories threatened to consume her. Sighing, she couldn't afford to think those thoughts yet again, so she took a seat at her desk and got to work. By the time Deb came in an hour later, Tanya had gotten through the first page of businesses, but with dismal results. By their lunch break, neither of them had had much luck. They received plenty of "No, not this year's," a handful of "maybe's" and only one or two "yes's". After lunch, as Tanya picked up the phone to dial yet again, she looked toward the ceiling. "We really need a miracle," she said softly. Then she flashed on all of the lonely nights she'd been having lately. "And I really need a miracle," she added. The next business on her list was the local Kroger grocery store on East Ireland road. She dialed quickly, then waited. A young female voice answered and Tanya asked for the manager. When he came to the phone, she re-introduced herself and launched into her speech about the additional donations they needed for Thanksgiving. Surprisingly, the manager, Rick Gonzalez, was helpful. He recommitted their prior support of the NIFB and was still impressed with their work, but there was one problem. "Well, we'd love to help you with some additional donations, Ms. O'Brien," he said, "but this holiday season, Kroger has instituted a new practice: All donation requests must now be processed through our national corporate office first. If you can hold, I'll get you the number." Though she was a bit put off by the extra hurdles they'd now have to overcome, she was still hopeful. "Okay, Mr. Gonzalez. Thanks." He came back in an instant. "All right. The name of Kroger's National Director for Corporate Giving is Ms. Christine Parker. She's in New York City. Would you like for me to transfer you to her office?" "Sure, and thank you." As she waited, a shiver ran through her. "Goodness! I used to know a Christine Parker. In fact, I had a huge crush on a Christine Parker back at U of M." Then she laughed, embarrassed at her schoolgirl crush. "I mean, what are the odds?" Just then, a soft, feminine voice came on the line. "Hi, this is Christine Parker for Kroger Corporate Giving. How may I help you?" Oh my God, Tanya thought. That soft, sweet, yet husky voice? It couldn't be... The voice spoke again. "Hello?" Suddenly shy, Tanya stuttered. "Um...I'm sorry. Hello. I'm calling from South Bend, Indiana." Then she paused, vexed. The voice was even more gentle than before. "Yes?" Ugh. Get it together, Tanya, she thought. She began again. "I'm sorry. I'm calling from South Bend, Indiana and I wanted to find out about your donation programs. Our local food bank would like to apply for assistance. I was recommended to call by Rick Gonzalez, the manager at the South Bend Kroger on East Ireland Road." She waited expectantly. "Sure. Just let me get some information first. Okay, what is the name of your organization?" "The Northern Indiana Food Bank." "And the address and phone number?" Tanya gave her the information. "And tell me a little bit about your program, please?" Tanya told her about all the great work they did in the community. That they had been actively supplying over fifty community food pantries and shelters for just over fifteen years, and how this year their program was in dire need of some additional donations. Christine's voice had a hopeful tinge to it. "Well, I need to have you fax me some information; namely, a company brochure, a formal request letter from your director on official letterhead, your tax information and your nonprofit 501(c)3 certification letter. Can you do all that for me?" "Sure, sure I can. Give me your fax number." Christine gave her the number. "Oh yes," she added. "What's your name and number? I need a contact name for my paperwork." " name is Tanya O'Brien." There was a short pause. "Tanya O'Brien?" Christine asked. Then there was another pause. "Tanya, your voice sounds so familiar! Did you happen to go to the University of Michigan? About, say, ten years ago? Like around '98, '99? And were you in the Black Student Union there? Tanya's heart nearly beat out of her chest. You mean Christine remembers me, she thought. Then she got it together, yet again. "Yes. Yes, I was," Tanya answered. "Tanya! This is me, Christine! Christine from the BSU! Don't you remember me?" Tanya played it off. "Oh, Christine! Of course, I remember! I remember you! Christine Parker's a common name, so I wasn't sure it was you. How are you?" Christine's voice was tender. "I'm fine! And I'm just sorry we lost touch after you left school all those years ago. But it's so good to talk to you now!" Tanya nearly blushed at Christine's enthusiasm. "It's really good to talk to you too." "Now, normally I don't do this," Christine said, "but why don't I make a trip down there to check out the food bank in person? For most donation requests, I usually just get all the information I need through email, fax and regular mail, but I'd love to see you again! Do you think we could we work that out?" Tanya's heart nearly stopped. "Sure." "Okay, I have some vacation time coming, and I need to use it before the end of the year. Now, since you're in a tight spot and since there's only a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, why don't I come this week?" "Sure." Then there was a slight pause, and Tanya thought she heard pages rustling. No doubt, Christine was flipping through her calendar. "Okay," Christine said. "Today's Tuesday. Why don't I come down there Friday morning and stay the weekend? How's that sound?" Tanya was dumbfounded. "Sure," she repeated inanely. "Well, it's a date, then!" Tanya shivered at the word `date,' but she was determined to keep it together for the sake of the NIFB. "Thanks, Christine. I really appreciate it." "Now, unfortunately, I can't promise anything because I have to get the okay from my boss first, but I'm going to do everything I can to help." "Sure," Tanya said. "So I have your number here and I'll call you Thursday afternoon to finalize our plans. And then I'll go ahead and check in with you on Friday when I'm on my way to the airport, okay?" "Sure," Tanya said for the umpteenth time. "That sounds great." They spoke for a minute longer, exchanged good-byes, then hung up. Afterward, Tanya sat at her desk, quiet for a long time. That was actually Christine Parker, she mused. She thought about the woman's tight, trim body, soft hair and attractive features. I wonder if she's still single, Tanya thought absently. Then, sure she was just engaging in wishful thinking, she dismissed the thoughts from her head, and went back to the next company name on her list. ~~~ That night, as soon as Tanya got home, she took a steaming-hot shower, put on a satin nightshirt, then went to fix a hot French vanilla cappuccino. Taking the mug into the living room, she collapsed on the couch in front of the TV. However, the thoughts swirling in her head make her unable to concentrate on the screen. She clicked the TV off, lay back and reminisced about Christine. They'd met freshman year when they both joined the Black Student Union at the University of Michigan. Focused and determined, they joined a collection of students bent on changing the world. With the help of their advisor, the students sponsored on-campus seminars, charitable events, high school outreach programs and other events that celebrated African-American history. Throughout the year, though she dated a couple of guys, Tanya was more interested in girls, and had been for a long time. And she found that Christine was her number one crush. At first, Christine was just another cute, sexy girl on campus. Tall and lean, with a warm caramel complexion and long, dark hair. But being in the BSU together gave Tanya a different look at the young woman. She came to realize that Christine had a sharp, analytical mind, a passion for knowledge and information, and a love for her community and humanity in general. "I wonder how she's doing," Tanya wondered as she took a sip of the now-cooled liquid. Before she left school just after their freshman year ended, Tanya learned that Christine planned to major in Business Administration. Once Tanya left campus, she and Christine lost contact. Tanya hadn't given any of her friends or classmates her contact information, so she hadn't heard from anyone since. It was truly a miracle that she'd found Christine all these years later. Then Tanya frowned. Christine sounded so upbeat, so cheerful. "She must have somebody," Tanya mused. "She's probably married. Or at least dating. And probably nowhere near gay." Tanya looked around her empty house, a three-bedroom brick home in South Bend. Her mom and younger brother also lived in South Bend, less than ten miles away; however, she still desired a romantic, intimate connection with a warm, caring woman. Unfortunately, she realized that the holidays were quickly closing in on her, and she had no prospects to speak of. She'd dated over the years, had some intimate encounters, even. But nothing like the deep, all-encompassing love she wanted to share with someone who could know her deeply, totally. "Maybe next year," she sighed and settled in for the night. ~~~ "You have a very nice facility here," Christine said just after Tanya showed her around the Northern Indiana Food Bank compound. That Friday morning, Tanya had picked her up from the airport and, at Christine's insistence, instead of taking her to her hotel room, had taken her right to the food bank. Tanya had given Christine a comprehensive tour of their facilities, then introduced her to a number of their staff and volunteers to give her a better picture of their organization. "It looks like you're doing a good thing here," Christine said warmly. "Yeah," Tanya said as she led Christine back into her office. "We're trying, but we have so much need, and not enough resources. It's the kind of job that can be very rewarding, but very depressing at the same time." Christine nodded. "I can certainly understand that. At Kroger, we try to do all we can, in as many communities as we can, but more and more people need help. Now more than ever." Tanya went to her desk. "I know you got my fax, but I wanted to give you some hard copies of our documents," Tanya said as she handed Christine a manila folder. "It's got all the info you requested: the brochure, the letter from our director, our tax info and our 501(c)3 certification." "Thanks," Christine said as she flipped through the papers. She then slid the folder into her briefcase. "Now, I still have to run this past my boss, but I gave him my preliminary report right after you called, along with some news articles I pulled from the Internet. It's looking good, but I won't have official word for a few more days." "That's fine," Tanya said. "Anyway, I appreciate your help." "Anytime," Christine smiled. Tanya was smitten. She decided to try for more. "Well," she said, checking her watch, "it's almost lunchtime. Wanna grab a bite to eat? I'd have to get back to work pretty soon, but we can at least have a quick lunch together?" "Sure," Christine said. "And after lunch, you can come back to your office, after you drop me off at my hotel. Now that I've seen your facility for myself, I want to send another report back to my boss so he can have all the information he needs before the workday ends." Tanya decided to make a move. "Well, you don't have to stay at a hotel. I have plenty of room at my place. And I have Internet access so you can email your boss." Tanya stopped speaking and held her breath in anticipation. Christine hesitated, but only for a moment. Then a big smile spread all over her face. "I'd love to! I thought you'd never ask!" ~~~ "So how've you been?" Tanya smiled at Christine as they sat in the Rosemont Café. Deciding on a light lunch, they both chose salads along with hot coffee to warm themselves from the Indiana cold weather. Before Tanya answered Christine's question, she took in her friend, and one-time crush. Christine's skin was the same smooth, luminous, warm caramel tone as it had been in college. Her hair was still soft-black, but now had auburn and copper streaks, and was cut in an easy, swinging bob. She was still tall and lean, and was as analytical as ever. But she still had the same compassionate nature, given her work with Kroger's corporate giving program. "I've been fine," Tanya answered. "Very fine. But what about you? What have you been doing all these years?" Christine was blunt. "Well, just after graduation, I got married." Tanya winced. There goes that fantasy, she thought. "Wow! That's wonderful," she said, with as much glee as she could muster. "Don't be. We got divorced less than two years later." Seems like Christine is full of surprises. "Are you all right?" Tanya asked. Christine sighed. "I never should have gotten married." "To him?" "No. To a man in general." Tanya's eyes widened. "Really? That're gay?" Christine gave her a lopsided grin. "I guess I always knew, but I never really wanted to deal with it. But now? I'm cool. My family still hasn't come around, though," she said, taking another sip of coffee. "And it's been two years now, but what can I do? I have to live my life, right?" "Right. Well, when I first came out, my mom -" Christine's head snapped up. "Excuse me?" It was Tanya's turn to grin. "I said, when I first came out, just after high school, my mom had a real problem with it. But later on, she admitted that she always knew. In fact, she was kind of waiting on me to tell her. Now, she's okay with it." Then Tanya stared at her for a moment. "You know, there's a good chance that your family will come around too." "Yeah. I know." They sat there quiet for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts. Christine sipped on her coffee, then began to speak. "Tanya, there's something I need to ask you. Why did you leave school? It wasn't until we came back for sophomore year that I even knew you were gone. What happened?" Tanya took a deep breath. She hadn't told this story to anyone. "It was my mom," Tanya began. "She got sick just after Christmas break freshman year. She wasn't eating, was nauseous all the time, and just run down. She went to some doctors and had a lot of tests, and just before the school year ended, we found out that she had leukemia." "Oh my God," Christine said. "That's horrible!" Tanya nodded. "She's doing well now, but back then? Our family barely had the money to send me to school, let alone to cover mom's doctor bills. We didn't have any insurance, so we were pretty much on our own. I dropped out of school and came back here to South Bend to take care of her and to work full time." Tanya took a sip of her drink. "In fact, things got so bad financially, that we had to use a soup kitchen ourselves. Thankfully, there was one right near our house." "That's why you're so dedicated to the food bank," Christine said. "That's pretty admirable." "Yep. We came to the South Bend Community Soup Kitchen almost every night. And we went to the Baxter House food pantry for groceries once a month. So, yes, I'm committed to helping the people that helped us. Eventually, I got a job with the food bank and I've been there ever since." "You know," Christine said, "I did Google your name over the years. It's just that `Tanya O'Brien' is a pretty common name. Very common, indeed. Plus, I had no idea where you lived. I didn't know that you were in South Bend." Christine looked off in the distance. "I thought that you could have been anywhere." Tanya blushed. "Wait. You actually looked for me?" "Of course I did," Christine said, looking back at her. "I considered you a friend. I was hurt when you didn't come back to school. I'm sad to know that things had gotten so tough for you, but I'm relieved to have finally found you again." "Really?" Christine's voice was sure. "Really." Tanya was silent as her mind began to spin. Could she really be interested? Just then, Christine looked at her watch. "It's almost one now. You have to get back soon?" Tanya glanced at hers. "Yeah. So I'm going to drop you off at my house first. Just make yourself at home and I'll be there after five." Christine smiled as they stood and gathered their belongings. "That'll be fine. It'll give me time to get my report to my boss. And maybe I'll have something special for you for later." A thrill went through Tanya as they went to the cashier. "I'm looking forward to it!" ~~~ Once Tanya got home from work, she was pleased to find that Christine had made dinner for the two of them. Though it was a simple meal of some items she'd had in her fridge and in her pantry, Tanya was on cloud nine at Christine's thoughtfulness. They talked late into the night, reminiscing more about school and how their lives had changed over the years. They then exchanged stories about their respective jobs, finding several similarities, in that each loved to help their community and that each admired the other's generous spirit. In addition, both seemed pleased to learn that the other was single, but nary a move was made. They spent the following day, Saturday, exploring South Bend. Both die-hard University of Michigan Wolverine fans, they eschewed the Notre Dame tailgate parties and home football game, in favor of a late breakfast back at the Rosemont Café. Then they took a drive around South Bend and its surrounding communities, where Tanya showed Christine more of the shelters and centers the NIFB serviced. Afterward, they took in a leisurely lunch, then a trip to the South Bend Museum of Art. After an early dinner, they caught an evening performance at the Southold Dance Theatre. Every step of the way, Tanya was the perfect hostess, making sure that Christine's every need was taken care of. But often, when she thought Christine wasn't looking, she stared at her crush, and was overwhelmed at the feelings she still had for the compassionate woman. She still imagined the eyes she wanted to look deep into, the skin she wanted to caress, the soft lips she wanted to kiss. However, Christine, staying in one of Tanya's guest rooms, never made a move. As such, Tanya didn't either. They continued to enjoy their time together until early Sunday afternoon, when Tanya reluctantly drove Christine back to the airport. "I had a wonderful weekend," Christine said as she pulled her luggage out of Tanya's trunk. They were standing at the curb in front of the terminal with Tanya's car still running. "It was so good to see you." Then Christine's mood seemed to dampen a bit. "I'm going to miss you, you know." "Now you know we don't have much time here," Tanya joked, trying to lightened the mood. "Airport security is a bitch. They just enjoy giving tickets here." Christine smiled. "Then I'd better make this quick." She leaned in and gave Tanya a hug, then a soft kiss on the cheek. "I'm so glad you're back in my life again. And I'll talk to you soon." Christine waived as she grabbed her bags and headed into the terminal. Tanya stood there for a moment, stunned. Then she touched the warm spot on her cheek and a huge smile spread across her face. ~~~ Monday morning, Tanya kept that huge smile as she opened the office. She put on a pot of coffee and readied her desk for the morning's work. She had many more donor calls to make, but her weekend with Christine left her giddy and unfocused. Just then the phone rang. She checked the clock. At just after eight am, the office wasn't officially open yet, but she went ahead and answered anyway. "The Northern Indiana Food Bank, this is Tanya. How can I help you?" The light, feminine voice was crisp and pointed. "Hi Tanya. This is Maureen David at First Federal." Tanya was elated. South Bend's First Federal Bank was their largest donor. Though they hadn't yet submitted their yearly holiday donation check yet, Tanya was certain that Maureen would send it over right away. "Hi Maureen. What can I do for you?" Maureen paused. "Tanya? I have some bad news..." Tanya listened in horror as Maureen explained that the bank wasn't going to make their donation this year. "We'd really love to help, Tanya," Maureen explained, "but as what usually happens in business, when cuts need to be made, the first to go are the charitable giving programs." Maureen and Tanya spoke a few minutes more, then they hung up. Dazed, Tanya first thought about calling Brother Nick on his cell phone, but then promptly decided to wait until he came in before she gave him the bad news. "What a way to start a week," she thought, as all memories of Christine left her head. Little did they know, the week was going to get worse. ~~~ Tanya sat in the food bank's dining room, in a meeting eerily similar to the one they'd had two weeks prior. It was now the Monday before Thanksgiving and Brother Nick had called a special meeting. Things were looking dim since all the week before, like First Federal, a great number of their largest sponsors were either substantially decreasing, or canceling altogether, their food and monetary donations. Brother Nick had been sullen for several days, obviously with an important decision to make: whether or not to close the Northern Indiana Food Bank until further notice. Tanya had been fielding calls all the week before from the various food pantries, shelters and centers, but she was just as clueless as anyone else as to what Brother Nick would decide. As she watched, Brother Nick slowly took the podium in front of the staff and the regular volunteers Just as he was about to speak, one of the volunteers, Corinne, came out of the kitchen and into the dining room. She motioned to Tanya. When Tanya walked over to her, Corinne spoke in a low voice. "I know you said to hold all your calls until after Brother Nick's meeting, but this one is urgent." Tanya frowned as she followed Corinne back into the kitchen. "Who is it?" Corinne watched as Tanya picked up the extension located on the wall. "She says her name is Christine. Christine Parker." Tanya's heart fluttered as she answered. "Hello?" Christine was breathless. "Hello Tanya? It's me, Christine." Tanya's eyes were downcast. "Hey there. It's good to hear from you, but I'm going to have to call you back. We're actually in a meeting now. Our donations have not only not gone up, but they've declined sharply. In fact, I think that Brother Nick might be about to cancel the program for the holidays." "No! Don't do it!" Christine said sharply. "Go tell him not to cancel!" Tanya frowned. "Why not?" "I have a surprise for you. For all of you. But I'm not quite sure of all the details. So just stay tuned, and Wednesday, everything will work out fine. I promise! So go tell him not to cancel the program! Go now!" Tanya said a quick goodbye, then ran back into the dining room. ~~~ Wednesday morning, Tanya arrived to the office fifteen minutes late. For some reason, just before she turned off the main road onto the private road leading to the office, there was what appeared to be a logjam of vehicles located on the road. There were about ten semi-trucks nearly blocking the road. She actually cursed as she had to carefully maneuver around the caravan. Still angry, she put on a pot of coffee, and before she could get back to her desk, the phone rang. "Hello?" she snapped. Then she caught herself. "Hello. Northern Indiana Food Bank. This is Tanya. How may I help you?" A deep male voice spoke. "Hello, Tanya. This is Mack McConway. I need to know where to park." Tanya frowned. "Excuse me?" There was a pause. "Have you looked outside yet?" he asked. Tanya put the phone down, went to the window and peered outside. She gasped at what she saw. Out in the parking lot were the ten semi-trucks, all in a line, back to front. Somehow, they had all moved from the main road to right in front of her office. And the most interesting part? All of the trucks were marked `Kroger.' She put the phone back to her ear. "I'm sorry. What is all of this?" "Ma'am, we have a delivery from Ms. Christine Parker, Kroger Corporation and the WNBA." Tanya was floored. "The WNBA? The Women's Basketball Association?" Just then, line two rang. She put Mack on hold and answered. "Hello?" "Tanya! It's Christine. I'm at the front door to your office. Can you let me in?" Tanya dropped the phone and ran outside. She saw Christine on her cell phone standing next to the first truck. Its driver was leaning out of the window. "Hey Tanya!" Christine called out. "This is Mack. He needs to know where he can unload his shipment. In fact," she said, waving her hand at the other trucks, "They all do!" While they were outside, Brother Nick pulled up. Tanya and Christine ran over to him as he got out of his pickup. "What's going on here?" he asked. Tanya pointed to Christine. "She's responsible for these donations." "Donations?" Brother Nick asked. "What donations?" "These donations," Christine said as she pointed to the trucks. "I called in a few favors and got you ten semi-trucks filled with food and other grocery items." Then she pulled out an envelope out of her purse and handed it to Brother Nick. "And I also have this." "What's this?" he asked. "It's a check for fifty thousand dollars," Christine answered. "And there's more where that came from. Much more." "Thank you," he said as he hugged her hard, his eyes watering. "Thank you so much!" Christine motioned back toward the trucks. "You're very welcome! But we need to know where to unload these shipments. There's quite a few perishable items in there." Brother Nick went over to the drivers as Tanya and Christine stood in front of the office. They watched as Brother Nick directed them to the warehouse in back. As the convoy started to pull off, Tanya turned to Christine. "" Christine laughed. "First, my boss was truly impressed at what you all are doing here, so he gave us permission to donate the food from our warehouses and our other vendors. And about the cash? Some of it came from personal friends of mine, but most of it came from the WNBA." "The WNBA?" Tanya asked. "How?" "I'm a season ticket holder with the New York Liberty WNBA team. And I also knew that the Indiana Fever, your team right in Indianapolis, Indiana, has a corporate donor relationship with Kroger. I just called the WNBA corporate offices and voila! We have cash! Also, as an extra special treat, some of the Indiana Fever players and coaching staff are coming here tomorrow to help serve your Thanksgiving Dinner." Tanya was overcome with joy. Filled with emotion, she pulled Christine into a great big bear hug. "Thank you! Oh my God, Christine, thank you!" Christine laughed and hugged her back. "You're welcome." Then she leaned in close to Tanya's ear. "It was my pleasure to help you," she said in a low, seductive voice. "My pleasure, indeed!" A shiver ran through Tanya as she took in Christine's low, husky voice. Her body began to heat up, and she went with the new, erotic feelings rushing through her. Christine spoke again. "Tanya, I crushed on you so hard back in college. But I was just so scared. But now? I'm looking forward to helping you with even more things in the future. Our future." Tanya's heart nearly burst at Christine's admission. She hugged Christine even tighter and whispered in her ear. "Then it will be a pleasure for me to thank you properly. And I promise you, one day I will!" Author's note: Please consider making a donation of your time, money, food, clothing and/or toiletries to your local charitable organization. Happy Thanksgiving! (C) 2009 Stephanie Rose Entertainment, LLC. All rights reserved.