Subject: Introduction to Perverts and Weirdos Digest
Date: 24 Sep 88 07:47:09 GMT

Introduction				(Last changed: Sept. 24, 1988)

The Perverts and Weirdos Digest is a forum where you can post your
strangest sexual fantasies and your most bizarre adventures anonymously.
It resembles the "Letters to the Editor" section of "men's" magazines
in this respect, except that you can get feedback.

The Digest will be published in at irregular intervals,
depending on how much input I get. If you don't get at
your site, send me a note and I'll put you on the list for mailed
copies of the Digest. The posted version of the Digest will be
published with an unencrypted introduction and the contributions
encrypted ROT13 - more on this later. The mailed version will be sent

Contributing to P&W Digest

To make a contribution to the P&W Digest, you email your posting to:

	pwdigest@alembic.UUCP			USENET w/ smart mailer
	...uunet!inco!alembic!pwdigest		USENET
	inco!alembic!	Arpanet

I'll edit out the header and any other "incriminating" information
(addresses, phone numbers, email paths, PO boxes, etc.), then
I'll repackage these letters into digest form. I'll provide a 
signature consisting of first name, initials, or something like
that if you sign with your full name. Feel free to use a pseudonym
if you prefer, but don't forget what it is since that's how people
will probably refer to the your posting in replies.

Editorial Policy

I will reject the following items:

 o morality/spelling/most other flames
 o medical/contraception/abortion postings
 o postings of illegal material (i.e., solicitations for sex)
 o anything commercial
 o most dirty jokes
 o anything "boring"

Also note that I will not act as a censor/spelling checker/etc.
If you send me something, I'll either publish it as is or reject
it entirely. The exceptions to this were mentioned above and are
strictly to protect the anonymity of contributors.

If you want to make comments or suggestions, or flame the editor,
send mail to mack@alembic.uucp.

If you want your name added to or removed from the mailing list,
mail it to pwdigest-request@alembic.UUCP (pick the form from the
list above that works.)

Decrypting the Posted Digest

>From a newsreader, issue one of the following commands:

Newsreader			Command
---------			-------
readnews,vnews			'D'
vn				'z'
rn				'x' or 'CTRL-X'
Gnews				'x' (see the manual for other commands)
notes				'%' or 'R'
rnews (Gnumacs)			^C^R

If you save the digest to a file and want to decrypt the "interesting"
part of the file (and encrypt everything else) you can use the following
commands, depending on your system:

	tr "[a-m][n-z][A-M][N-Z]" "[n-z][a-m][N-Z][A-M]" <input >output


	/usr/lib/news/caesar 13 <input-file >output-file

If you can't get any of these methods to work, send me mail
(mack@alembic.UUCP) and tell me what kind of system you have,
what languages it supports, what the operating system is, and
I'll try to help out. I can currently provide Unix C and ANSI FORTRAN 77
decryption programs.

Contact Service

A new feature has been added to the Perverts and Weirdos Digest. From
now on, if a contributor asks me to, I will forward contact messages
from readers to the contributors. Note that the contributor *must*
request this service explicitly. 

Here's how it works: if a contributor has requested contact forwarding,
I'll include a line in their Digest entry marked "Contact:" followed
by a name. Mail to that name at alembic will be automatically forwarded
to the contributor. So if a Digest entry contains a line like:

		Contact: ron3

then mail to "ron3@alembic.UUCP" would be forwarded to the contributor
of the article. BE WARNED: the contributor's identity is protected by
this scheme but people who send mail through the contact service are
giving their email addresses to the contributor. If you don't want to
risk this, your only option is to submit your reply as a contribution
to the digest.

Back Issues

To get back issues of the Digest, send mail to:

			pwissue@alembic.UUCP		or
			alembic!	or

On the Subject: line, put the issue you want. Almost anything you
put there will work as long as you have v or V followed by a number
(use 1, since we are still on volume 1) followed by n or N or # followed
by a number. Any of the following will work:

		Subject: v1n1
		Subject: V.1 #1
		Subject: Please send volume 1, number 1

Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to request a single back
issue per message. I'll post a notice when it becomes possible to
request multiple issues.

If you want a copy of this Introduction to Perverts and Weirdos Digest
message, put either "intro" or "Intro" on the Subject: line, i.e.,

		Subject: Intro

If you want in index of available issues, including a table of contents,
put "index" or "Index" on the Subject: line, i.e.,

		Subject: Index

The archive server doesn't look at the body of the message at all,
so you can leave it empty if you want to.

WARNING: requests for the Intro, the Index, and back issues mailed to
any address other than "pwissue@alembic.uucp" will be ignored. If you
request a back issue at this address and you don't receive it with in
a few days, it probably means that my system can't find a mail path to

Some mailers produce message headers which don't correspond to RFC822.
This is particularly common with BITNET sites. If you request something
and it doesn't arrive within a few days, it means I can't get mail
through to your site. In which case, you're out of luck until your
mailer gets fixed.

Dave Mack