Jasper was a tall 10 years old, he towered about his Webelos den. Being 
just shy of 5 foot and skinny as a rod. His red hair blazed in the morning 
sun when he woke up, lying in his briefs on top of his sleeping bag. What 
a wonderful morning he thought. . He was camping with his den and 
rolled over on his bag and startled him how cute Barry was sleeping 
there. His cute skinny body, short black hair, his blue briefs. Jasper 
realized yeah Barry was sleeping there on top of his bag just in his 

Jasper though "Barry so cute, wait why am I thinking he cute. But he is". 
Jasper had known Barry since he moved here when he was 8. Jasper was 3 
years younger then him and he was his best friend. Now he laid there 
looking at his best friend 8 year old body, something in him clicked and he 
though yea what wrong with liking to look at him. He though, he always 
have like looking at other guys more then girls and such. 

Suddenly Barry eyes popped open and he few onto of Jasper and started to 
wrestle him. They rolled back and forth in the tent. Jasper always liked to 
let Barry win after a battle. Jasper was feeling all warm inside this 
morning feeling the smooth hot skin of Barry rubbing on him.

Barry stopped on top of Japer. "Jas, your all poky", Jasper then realizing 
he did have a boner. Jasper said 'It cause your poky was rubbing on mine". 

They jumped when they heard the wake up call. They giggled and got 
dressed quickly.

For the rest of the morning all Jasper could see was Barry in his shorts 
running around. He was worried he was bad or something but he really 
like it. He though it cant be that bad cause it was making him feel good 
and it sure not hurting anyone. So he deiced from that day he would not be 
bothered by being happy looking at other boys.

It was time to go home, he through his pack in back of the truck and hoped 
into the back of the station wagon he loved riding in the back watching the 
road go past. Next thing he knew Barry came hoping in. Jasper though 
cool 4 hr drive is boring if he had to share it someone else.

They giggled and wrestle some in the back tell the hit the highway. Soon 
Jasper dozed off, and Barry soon followed.

Jasper woke up a little later. He looked down on Barry laying on him 
asleep. His hand slowly rubbed Barry back. He felt good. Jasper knew that 
he liked Barry allot. Jasper went back to sleep dreaming of Barry and the 
nice times he wish he will have