"Language Barrier" (MF - implied, oral - implied, flash-fic)
by Souvie
(337 words)

*disclaimers and thanks at the end


"Condoms!" he exclaimed in a bad accent, "We don' need no steenkeeng
condoms!" He cleared his throat. "No stinkeeng condoms!"

He held his picket sign high above his head, proud, even though he
wasn't sure exactly what he was protesting. "Be down at the city
offices by 8A.M.," his friend Rudy had told him. It was ten till, but
he'd rather be early than late, and miss all the action.

He wondered if they were supposed to be protesting against passing out
condoms at the high schools. He sure wouldn't want his sister, Rosa,
to be in that line. Maybe Eva, that cute number at the video shop,
though. Yeah, her maybe.

He adjusted his step as he walked back and forth; it wouldn't do for
him to have a boner, not when they were protesting condoms.

Jose scratched his head with his free hand. Maybe they were gonna make
it required that the prostitutes, the ones that hung around downtown
-- not that he'd know about that sort of thing, being a good Catholic
boy -- had to make their johns wear condoms. That'd suck. He knew all
about the dangers of sexual diseases, but there was nothing that could
beat the feel of a woman's lips closing around his dick.  Soft lips,
hard dick, warm tongue, tight balls. Shit! If Rudy didn't show up
soon, he was gonna have to go get some relief.

He spotted Rudy out of the corner of his eye. Wanting to impress his
friend, he stood straighter, held the sign a bit higher, and started
to proclaim again, "We don' need no condoms! No condoms!"

Rudy ran up to him, and Jose beamed. Maybe afterward they could go
take a ride downtown, see what kind of action they could pick up.

"Jose!" Rudy exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"Protesting, jus' like you said." He beamed.

"Jose, you idiot, they're planning on tearing down those apartments
next to the baseball field, and putting in a high-rise. We're
protesting *condominiums*,  not condoms!"


*copyright 2003 by Souvie - no distributing without asking
permission first

Comments and praise greatly welcome at: femecrivain@netdot.com
or you can use the handy form on my website:

Thanks to Gary for supplying me with the opening line. :-) It's
becoming a habit I can't break him of.