Solomon – Losing My Balls

by Solomon


                     Chapter 4


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Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by blatant sexual stories, are under 18, or have a heart condition, don’t read this. If it is illegal in your state to possess this literature, then don’t possess. All within is pure fiction - I guess.

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Things were growing odder and harder to endure each day. I must admit that I like not having to get up at five to go to work, but I still don’t know if the bills are getting paid or not. I did get a peek at our bank account until my wife found out about it and had my name taken off the account and changed the password so I couldn’t find out our balance. I questioned a two thousand dollar deposit that she had made and where it came from, but as always, I was shot down and told not to worry about our finances. It is pretty cool to see a woman taking care of the guy for a change. I wonder how she likes fighting to make a living, but then, how was she doing that? She would leave the house sporadically, late in the morning usually when she did, and be back before supper each day.

Since I never had to go to work anymore and my truck was still out of commission, cooking new meals was quickly becoming my main focus. I never knew how easy it was to cook some of the best meals of my life. I think Lisa was even getting a bit jealous over how easy I found it to make meals she never could have done as well. Besides the cooking, cleaning the house was all I had to occupy my time. My wife had locked me out of the computer and I would have to have her sign me in just to do something as simple as look for recipes. If it weren’t for all the horrible sexual deeds she was forcing me to perform, I could really take to this house husband thing.

It turned out that my night of horror at the doctor’s office was now an ongoing battle of wills now. Lisa finally confessed straight up that she wanted to neuter me, but it was her reasoning that really bothered me. It wasn’t to keep me from cheating on her, or to keep me from running away and starting a new life. Her desire was far more twisted than that. She made a huge point out of how she wanted to ‘win’, and though I couldn’t really understand what she meant by that, she said it was a symbol to her. Lisa also mentioned in a round about way that “de-balling” me would keep me in line sexually forever. She lusted for the day that she could see my balls within that jar prominently displayed on our mantel. I asked her if that was so she could gloat to other people over what she had done to me and she told me that seeing them up there was totally for her pleasure, but I knew if they ever did find some magical way of appearing there that bragging to all her friends would be the highlight of her life. But that was one thing she wasn’t ever going to get from me. I knew that for sure since she had swore to me that getting castrated would only happen when I made that decision, and there was no way in hell that that was ever going to happen. I think this was just some sick fantasy she had that she liked using to poke fun at me.

I was also beginning to understand that it was a combination of emasculating me and embarrassing me that drove her wild, and if it got a little rough, that was just a bonus. It was that night at the bar all over again. I thought it had been about the brutish bikers having their way with that kid, but it now seemed more like she was engulfed in how demeaning it had been for the other guy and how he had thought about it as his manhood was being stolen from him. I began to wonder what fueled her hatred for certain males so much that she could do what she was to her own husband.

One thing for sure was that sex between us was growing into a set pattern. We hardly ever fucked anymore and when we did, she was always on top. If I wanted to get off, I would either have to endure her extreme use of my organ when she was on top, or sneak off when she wasn’t around and do it my self. Eating her pussy was a steady thing, but half the time it was mixed with her desire to demean me by cleaning her up from some other guy’s use. And that was another thing; I was no longer sure how many men might be fucking her. It started out as only Frank, but she had confessed to at least one other man. She also taunted me that there had been more, but since it was only mentioned during sex, I figured it was just to torment me.

Other events were becoming common place, such as her making me take those pills twice a day. I was beginning to wonder why she was doing that because they didn’t seem to have the desired effect of keeping me horny. Even when I confessed that they weren’t working as she had thought, she insisted that they were and that I would keep taking them. And perhaps the one thing that really took some getting use to was her demand about how I urinated. I know it’s just because she wants to humiliate me, but she gets really ticked off if I urinate standing up. Her order is that I sit down like a “lady”. I don’t want the fight or chance pissing her off, so I do it whenever I know she’s around since she went off on me after I had left the toilet seat up indicating I hadn’t followed her orders. And what’s with that; women gets pissed when a guy leaves the seat up saying that they should be considerate, but has one women ever put the seat up to be considerate for her husband?

I heard the front door slam and knew Lisa was home. She nearly skipped into the kitchen waiving a letter and envelope and shouting in glee.

“Look honey, look. I made the deal I’ve been working on. They bought my story, or movie, whatever the fuck it is.”

She pushed the paper in front of me and I saw it was actually our bank statement. I saw the most recent deposit was for twelve thousand dollars that was just wired into the account, and then how the balance of the account was over fifteen thousand. Where the hell was she making her money? I asked her what she meant by selling a story/movie, but she immediately came back to earth and told me not to worry about the details. I knew she had been spending a lot of time on the computer when she was at home, but I had no idea she had been writing a book, or screenplay, or… whatever was worth that kind of money. Then a fear washed over me. Was I the story? I begged her to tell me, but all she did was blow me off and told me it was none of my business.

She surely couldn’t be broadcasting to the world what she had been doing to me? Besides, who the hell would buy something that sick and twisted? I finally accepted that I really didn’t care about it anyway, that much. I still knew my plans for escape were in the works, but the one problem I was having in my plan was the lack of money it would take to escape Lisa’s clutches. I had already written a letter I planned on sending my parents explaining how Lisa had begun setting me up so she could blackmail me and steal every cent I had, and I included how she had gotten others to physically help her. I knew they would be heartbroken to see the tapes, but I knew they would understand that I wasn’t gay and anything that she showed them was just a part of her scheme. They wouldn’t believe I was a crook or anything else after the letter I had written and had hidden away in the pantry. Sadly, part of my plan would be, having to give a copy of one of her tapes to the cops to prove to them how I never stole any money and that it was just her and Frank’s plan to control me and rip me off. That I would drop off just prior to disappearing.

The bank account began working on me and after dinner that night, I begged her to show me something, anything that she had been working on. With that evil grin of hers I saw that she was working on a plan to take another shot at me, and finally she agreed to give me a tiny hint. She led me to her computer and after opening it up with her password, she worked through several files until she sat back and said, “Take your pick. You only get to see one part and that’s it. Make it a good choice now.”

I looked at the menu of the files and most were titled with odd numbers. Some had names, so I focused on perusing them. One large file was titled FRANK. I knew too much about him already. Another file was titled, ‘THE PLAN’ and since I had already read a small portion of that, I knew that would explain everything to me. I chose that one.

“Sorry honey, but that’s the only one you can’t see yet. It’s… it’s not finished yet and it’s just a layout anyway. Pick another.”

I was irritated, but went back to the menu. I saw a file, six actually, titled under the name DOCTOR, one through six. That struck a nerve and I picked one from the middle. My wife giggled a little and asked, “Are you sure? I’m not so sure you’ll like that one.”

That made me want to see it even more. She gave in easily and opened the file. It had a mpg file amongst several word documents, and she tapped the movie file as she sat back.

I immediately went into shock when the movie clip started. It was of me at the doctor’s office and he was clamping that device onto me. I never knew that she had taped that, but I did remember her running back into his office just before leaving to get something. The bitch! The tape was very clear and showed the horror on my face as the doctor went about his business. The detail was so graphic that I couldn’t pry my eyes from the screen. It was the most shocking horror movie I had ever seen; in good part because I had been the victim and remembered well what it had felt like. When that section ended after seeing from her angle how she had purposely hidden the scalpel from my sight and I was freaking out in a major way, I turned to her in utter disbelief.

“How… what, what did you… I can’t believe you…”

My wife finally stopped my jabbering and told me that I should go clean up the kitchen. I fought with her until it became a demand, but that didn’t end my worrying over what she had done with that tape to help her make money; and the kind of money she had shown me earlier. It wasn’t until it was time for bed that she finally asked me if I really didn’t know that she had been taping me all along. My surprise should have been her answer. Seeing how agitated I was, she coaxed me into bed with the promise of getting my favorite sex. It took me a moment to wrap my mind around what she was offering, but it had been a long time since we had fucked and I told her that was what I wanted to do. As she crawled over my chest to take her normal position, she informed me that intercourse with me wasn’t like it had been. At first I took it as a put down over my size, but she assured me that I was plenty big enough for her, but that she was leaning toward a more animalistic fuck these days and used Frank as her example. She did say that she liked riding me on occasion, but saw my cock as more of a dildo that she liked to use.

As I began pleasuring her, I started wondering if we were through with normal sex. Had Frank replaced me in that arena? Or was there other men as well? Again I wondered about the pills I was taking and if they were warping my mind in some way, because I was much too willing to accept what she was telling me. And there was something far worse that I’d been thinking about that left me uneasy every time I would think about it. I still liked eating pussy, but lately it wasn’t the same; at least most of the time. She didn’t… she didn’t feel the same on my tongue. I guess I have to admit that she didn’t really… taste the same either. Her pussy had become somewhat tasteless, and I knew what that meant and had a really hard time accepting that fact because I knew what I was admitting to myself. She had won in some respect, and had after all these weeks gotten me use to… cleaning up after her. It was still a very vulgar notion to me, but between the pills and everything else, I think she had successfully altered my thinking and the thought of tasting another man’s sperm wasn’t nearly as repugnant to me. Truthfully, I think I’m at the point of even saying that I would prefer her dirty, rather than clean.


Frank hadn’t been around much for the last couple of weeks and I had the firm belief that his wife had caught on. So, when he showed up one night unexpectedly for dinner, I knew something was about to change. I greeted him the way I had grown use to with a firm groping of his crotch, and proceeded to add more food to what I was preparing for him automatically. He and Lisa went into the bedroom to discuss things while I finished cooking. A million scenarios played out in my head over what a huge fight between Frank and his wife might mean for me, but few of them seemed to be in my benefit.

When I called them to tell them that dinner was ready, I couldn’t get much of a read from either of them. Was the news good or bad? It wasn’t until the end of dinner that Lisa finally became jovial and said, “Well Frank, you still have us.” She slapped the table and added in a very excited voice, “Tell you what you need. You need to feel like a man again. Let’s go to the bedroom and see what we can do about that.”

I saw Frank perk up, but also could tell he was the receptacle of a kick under the table. Lisa added, “I think you need to fuck someone hard, and I think you need to assert your authority to fuck the shit out of someone. It’s time you take your boyfriend’s virginity.”

I gulped hard and began stuttering until my wife demanded that I shut up. I knew now that she had never found out about that morning at the work site trailer. And though I had wondered for weeks now why she had never went after my backside as another way to torment me, I wasn’t anxious to be taken that way. Hell, I had even gotten use to blowing Frank as any other nasty chore around the house, but I wasn’t up for this. However, as always, I had no choice in the matter.

I was nearly dragged into the bedroom and Lisa went nuts trying to get my clothes off. She could have just demanded it of me, but I saw she was having fun fighting me over my clothes. Frank was standing off to one side rubbing his crotch and enjoying the sight of us fighting. Lisa had my shirt off and was going for my buckle as I began pleading for a reprieve and looked Frank’s way in a misguided attempt to gain his help. His smug look bothered the hell out of me, and that led to a major mistake.

Holding fast to the waistband of my pants, I blurted out, “What are you laughing about? Why don’t you tell her this wouldn’t be your first time?”

Everything stopped and I stood there frozen in fear. I had blown it and stepped over a line I wish I could hide under now. Frank’s face was washed over with rage over my giving him up. I don’t even know what I had hoped to gain from my outburst. All I heard him say to Lisa was, “We’ll talk about it later.” Then in a flash he was on me and tearing my jeans to the floor. He tackled me to the bed while my wife tore my shoes and pants away from me. I knew I couldn’t win a fight with Frank - he had ten years and fifty pounds on me.

Eventually I decided I had to temper his desire to beat the hell out of me and screamed out, “Okay, okay, I give up.” I flattened my body to the bed and stopped fighting him, “Just fucking do it! You know I can’t win, so why the hell should I get the shit beat out of me too?”

Lisa seemed as pissed at me as she was with Frank over hiding things from her. She wanted to see me get roughed up and one quick look at her face told me how turned on she already had become. I was ordered to place two pillows on top of each other and lie over them. I did as I was told, but balked when I saw she still wanted to tie my wrists to the bedposts. “Please, no, I said I’d let him do it.”

My wife glared at me and spat back, “You better believe you will. Cheating on me with your boyfriend, huh? Well, you’ll be begging him for more by the time he’s finished fucking that ass of yours.” Then in a very loud scream, she commanded, “Now give me that fucking hand.”

I slowly put it out for her and closed my eyes as she tied both my wrists to incapacitate me. I felt Frank roughly pulling one leg at a time wider and got on the bed behind me. I knew this was going to hurt and tried to find a place to hide in my mind. When I felt his cock pushing on my sphincter, I grimaced and tried to relax my ass. I had gone over this moment a hundred times since he had raped me and had decided that relaxing for his cock was the only thing I could do to make things hurt less when he had at me a second time. That was when a whole new element came into my abuse. I felt a sharp sting against the left cheek of my ass that made me bolt upright. Lisa had produced a riding crop and had wailed on me.

“You want to play games… then let’s play them. I want to hear you beg Frank to fuck you.” Another lash rang down on me. “Tell him how much you like it. Tell him how happy you are to be his little buddy. I want to hear you give it up, baby. Beg for it!” Another lash left me crying out and she added, “And you better not stop until he’s fucking wiping his cock on your face.”

I hurt so bad and wanted the whacks to stop, so I began muttering for him to take me. Lisa ordered me to make it clear with one more whack and I screamed out, “Fuck me… just do it. I want it. I want you to fuck me. Please, just stop hitting me.”

I felt his cock pushing hard at me again and Lisa warned me to keep begging throughout my abuse and reiterated exactly what she wanted to hear me say. From somewhere deep within me, I found the ability to act as I would expect from a woman.

“Please Frank… I deserve this for ratting you out. Fuck me so she can watch. I want to be your buddy.” I grimaced as I felt his cock head about to plunder my hole and got lost in a world that just kept my mouth working without any thought as to what I was saying. I want… I want… fuck me. You’re my boyfriend now and I want you to have what you want.”

My eyes bugged wide open as I felt his cock push past that organ that’s supposed to stop such intrusions, and worked feverishly trying to accommodate his girth. Another push and I could feel it sliding deeper into me and tears ran down my face. I fought to relax the muscles that were the cause of my pain and even pushed back against his assault trying to force my mind to give in to the inevitable. I could hear my wife shouting in glee seeing his cock disappear into me. And for some reason, my words kept flowing out of me. Anything I could possible think to say that she might want to hear, I spit out fluently.

“Oh, yes… that’s it. Do it to me. Fuck me like… the last time. Make me remember this forever.”

As my body began to accept what was happening to it, my eyes hurt from how tightly shut I had them. I fell back to mumbling what I no longer had the energy to shout out. I don’t know what was driving my words any more, but I was shocking my own ears when I heard things implying that I wanted him to fuck me harder, to make me his, and that I wanted to make him cum.

His assault took only a couple of minutes until I felt one last hard plunge that pushed my head into the headboard of the bed. He was lifting my ass into the air and I could feel his load warming my insides. I felt his hand slap my right ass cheek hard as he pulled out of me with a, “That’ll teach ya.”

They left me there as Lisa took him back to the kitchen to ream him out over his former use of me with neither her permission or telling her afterwards. It was the loss of control over her minions that really bugged her and I knew I would feel her wrath again after he left. My ass hurt so bad, but once again I blamed the pills I had been taking for some of the things I thought about. They hadn’t noticed, but at some point I had grown an erection that was hidden between me and the pillows. There had been something about my ordeal that I had reacted to, and I was afraid to face what that might be. I remembered some of the things I had said as he ravaged my ass and wondered if I had meant any of them. It had hurt for sure, but there was some small element of his treatment that had piqued my curiosity. Maybe it was the feel of his erection sliding into me…? What was happening to me?

Lisa appeared and released my wrists as she scolded me for having kept his prior assault secret from her. I found out that his wife had found out about him cheating on her, but how she didn’t know who with yet. She giggled when she talked about calling her to tell her that it was me interfering with their marriage. She informed me that I would be spending the night on the couch one more time. I dreaded that as there was no comfort in a pullout bed. “Now, go say goodbye to Frank. He’s really pissed me off, but I don’t want to blow your good thing with him.”

She dragged me off to the kitchen and placed me in front of him. I began my ritual of feeling his cock which was a little harder for me to do with no pants on. He began apologizing one more time to Lisa even as I was causing his cock to grow again. He was telling her how he had no place to go or sleep, and after a minute she relented and told him he could stay at the house tonight, just not in her bed. One more time, I’ll have to blame what I was about to say on a combination of the pills and my training.

“You can… you can sleep with me. I have to sleep on the couch anyway.” I couldn’t believe my ears, and as I looked first at Frank and then Lisa, they were just as surprised. That opened a whole new can of worms, but both of them saw it as such a huge step forward in my training that they quickly agreed to my suggestion. The cost to me, among other things such as my dignity, was another blowjob for Frank before we fell asleep. It started out with the typical man-handling that started each round, but after what he had just done to me I finally gave in and became willing for him. One might think that would endear a recipient, but it just caused him to invoke more words of belligerence towards me.

After that night, I stopped fighting the fact that both Frank and my wife considered him a serious boyfriend, and I began finding myself doing completely out of character things interacting with him as such. For instance, I wouldn’t pull away whenever he tried pulling me to him or his lap or groped at me like I was a little kid. When I knew he wanted a blowjob, I would even take the lead. I was still finding it hard to swallow his cum, even though I had come to the conclusion that it wasn’t as bad a taste as I had grown up thinking it would be. Maybe I just wanted to keep that fact under wraps since I knew he liked the fight we had become use to over the weeks. He and Lisa seemed to share the same perverse need for forced sex.

I guess to be honest with myself; there was some part of me that was turning gay, or at least bi-sexual. I guess they had broken my spirit. When Lisa began seeing that, she became a little nicer to me more of the time. I even got my truck back, but I had to ask Lisa every time I wanted to go someplace first for her permission. Things were actually beginning to look somewhat acceptable, but my fear of being out-ed was still weighing heavily on my mind. I had nearly put off running as soon as I got the money to do so, but there was just one huge problem with that now. That became clear when just after dinner one night…

“WHAT… THE… FUCK… IS THIS?” Lisa was livid and in her hand she was waving into the air the letter I had written several weeks earlier. I had forgotten about it for the most part. I had planned on writing a new one, but forgot to destroy the one she had apparently found in the pantry. I had thought it would be safe there since I had been doing all the cooking.

I cringed in fear over her highly agitated state as I fought to find some way to appease her.






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