Ok Diary,
I was talking on the phone, well; actually I was answering the phone. No, see, I really 
was watching this murder mystery when the phone rang. I paused the DVD, and sprang 
over to the phone on the wall between the kitchen and the living room. More of a pounce 
than a jete', cuz I was soo going to tell whoever it was, "hey look if it's a friend, 
come on over, and if you're selling something I'm sorry Good bye!" So I grabbed 
the little grey phone and put the glowing buttons to my ear.
   I need to mention this too. I was like, lounging in a dark warm house, 
   with the parents gone. I had on the red and white sweatpants and oversized 
   sweatshirt with my college's logo. Yes, I had a bra on, but I'm sure it was 
   like, a basic hugger, you know. Nothing fancy.
   I said "hello?" and there was this voice in the background, really faint, 
   under this loud music. I could just barely hear her, or him, and I couldn't 
   quite make out what (s)he was saying, so like we do, I crushed the thing 
   so hard against my ear I could feel the heat of the lighted buttons! 
   I closed my eyes (why do we do that to hear better?) and listened closely.
   I opened my eyes and the house was covered in a bright blue light. The DVD 
   timed out in pause mode, and now the screen gave off this brilliant blue, 
   altering all the true colors considerably. I blinked, and my eyes felt 
   gluey, everything blurry and my eyeballs dried. I blinked several times, 
   and swallowed too, my throat was totally scratchy and parched. My lips 
   were sticky and shriveled, and I was cold. All this in the blink of an eye.
   I had the phone in my hand, to my ear, with the dial tone droning out its 
   monotonous tone. That's when I saw the sock. I had a black sock from 
   Daddy's drawer pulled up over my hand like a mitten kinda. In fact, I wore 
   both of the pair on my hands. I dropped the phone, letting it dangle from 
   the springy cord, spinning as it unwound on the kitchen tile.
   I spun to the left, and I saw myself in the reflection of the big front 
   window in the living room. I guess the blueish light inside made it into a 
   mirror. My whole body spasmed when I saw the flesh tone, my hair pulled 
   into pigtails, and that huge copper bell. There was this huge copper bell 
   hanging from this thick leather collar around my neck. It should have been 
   cold right? But it was warm, just lying there kinda tipped to the side, 
   since it was too big to lay between my breasts, and too small to lay 
   across both very well. I was naked except for the socks on my hands, and 
   this collar.
   I ripped off the socks and ran up the soft over padded stairway to daddy's 
   bedroom. It didn't even occur to me then, that maybe somebody was in the 
   house. I kept feeling sick to my stomach that I was standing in the huge 
   front window, which has a great view of the road, completely nude. I had to 
   put daddy's socks back, and get dressed. I might have hurled, you know, 
   like got sick, but that bell was clanging as I ran down the hallway, and 
I kinda think they are soothing. So I stepped into the parent's room, and saw 
the bright LED clock. They should be home by now! I panicked. The sock drawer 
was still open! A little spot was empty in his neat folded drawer, where the 
thick soft black socks had been. I returned them to their rightful place, and 
shut his drawer. A glance around, their room was in order, so I ran to my room, 
toes digging into the thick carpet in the hall.
   The light snapped on, and the large floor mirror shined this glaring image 
   of me. It could have been any old night. I might have been getting out of 
   the shower, getting ready for bed, except for the collar! I pulled my chair 
   from the makeup table to the large wooden mirror standing by my closet. 
   The plastic cushion was cold and my skin stuck to it. I was just leaning 
   forward, left hand holding that clapper thing so it would stop ringing, 
   when I heard the automatic garage door opener begin grinding.
   I don't remember taking the collar off, or even what I did with it as of 
   this writing the morning after. Probably threw it in the closet. I sooo 
   freaked when I heard the door to the garage open and shut. I turned my 
   light off and pulled the covers up as the hall light beaconed its soft 
   yellowish glow, sending an angled shard of amber through my door, across my 
cream colored carpet and onto my bed and face. I saw daddy lean into the door 
way as my eyes shut. He must have stood there a while- nothing new for him,
 is it Diary?- but soon I heard the familiar sound of mom arguing with him, 
 in their room, through a closed door. I remember thinking two things before 
 I fell into a serious heavy sleep- First, that parents that have children, 
 that can't help having loud arguments, should buy solid doors for their 
 bedrooms, and maybe put Styrofoam sheets up all around their room, then re-
panel or paint it. Secondly, I still had my hair in pigtails, and was going to 
have to wash it to get the crinkles out. Did I mention I hate pigtails?
   I can still kinda hear the background noise and music from the phone call, 
   and next time, I'm going to pull the phone away for a second, then pretend 
   whatever happens. I HAVE to know who did all this! I have to stop it. You 
   wouldn't believe how much trouble I am in, just for leaving the T.V. on the
   blue screen after I went to bed! Imagine if they'd been ten minutes earlier?