Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Entry 81 OK, when I know more about the party last night, I'm going to write it all down, but right now, its all a serious blur, and smells a lot like a Screwdriver- vodka and orange juice. I'm writing this at almost midnight, the night after, and so much happened today I had to write it down. OK, where should you begin but the beginning, but it's soooo a blur, if I get this messed up I'll go back and say like, change 2 or 3, whatever. I woke up, not at Diane's where the party had been, for Shauna ( see previous pages, I'm in Florida, on Break, for Shauna's party and some college stuff, and a contest. Old news so now: I woke up in this waterbed, with cheap sheets and this really licky cocker spaniel bathing my face. I was giggling, and I took like ten minutes just sitting in the bed, with the dog, petting her and looking around, trying like crazy to remember where I was. I remembered the party, and the pool antics, and the pizza, and the dancing, and getting stupid in the pool, but then there was supposed to be a memory about going upstairs to bed, and it wasn't there- instead, I was in a small bedroom, like just big enough for the bed and a dresser, and just wide enough too. There were these really small windows, only a foot high but about 3 feet wide, and dark curtains over them. The counter had like, English leather, and some gold chains, and a large purple box that said Lifestyles on it. Diary, that's a condom company. I did that like, "feeling" thing, where you listen to your body and kinda feel what it's telling you, and I had definitely had sex, and probably a lot. I was sore in places, and my thighs ached, but it could have been the swimming and playing around in the pool and on the diving board too. And the dancing at the Shauna party at the dance club she ( Ok, me too) works at- so does Meg still, who is talking wedding with Dave, I sooo can't believe it. But they've been together a long time, while she's danced there, and if he's ok with it, then he's meant for her i suppose! Cocoa got locked up for hitting a wal mart checkout lady. She said she couldn't scan the alcohol, she was too young, and knowing Cocoa she said something like then why are you working here, and a fight started, the girl was fired and Cocoa missed ten days of work. But she was Most Def ( her words) in the house for Shauna's birthday! Also met Tawna, who replaced Nikki after her disappearance- no news yet, police still have no clues. Tawna's really her name too! What a kewl name for a dancer. Wow I got so off track ok, so anyways, I just took a few minutes from writing for a potty break, and to wash off the glitter and junk- I'm liking that flourescent glitter to the colored stuff- its softer, not so like " HEY I AM WEARING GLITTER!" so now the clock says its almost three, and tomorrow I have the photo shoot down in Orlando, and a little dancing contest and you know what kind I mean- not ballet. So I have to wrap this up! God makeup is not going to cover this one bruise around my neck. What the heck can bruise a neck? hm that rhymed! Nowhere in that room could I find clothes that were mine, or even any woman's so I walked out, and I was on a boat! Whoever owned the boat was gone, so I guess he wasn't going to miss one of his Buccaneer Jerseys and a pair of dockside shorts. He has money and style, but either he was gone because he didn't know I was there, or he didn't like me much and took off before I woke up, or maybe he was shy, or maybe he felt guilty about something, I soooo don't get men, so how would I know. I left, barefoot, with his jersey and shorts, oh and a pair of these silver handcuff things- they're actually bracelets, but they hook together and can act like handcuffs, and they really look like them, only shiny. They do have a key hole and Im going to have to get with Di and get them off, certainly before the photoshoot! I have so many questions to ask- so to remind me later I need to know: Whose bracelets? How'd I get them? Whose boat? Sex with who? Why all the bruises? Why are my fingernails gone? They cost 35 dollars! Did Stace get home ok? The guy that hit his head on the dive board that we painted up and dressed and stuff how did that come out? Can I get a ride to Orlando? Today was boring other than that I slept and went to the dance club. They all liked the bracelets, and were still hurting from Shauna's party too!