Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. "I'll do anything," she whimpered, begging Lloyd not to leave her. "Where have I heard that before?" he sneered and kept packing. "Anything, please, I love you," she pleaded, "I'm your wife." "Well, I don't love you, you fat, ugly bitch!" he screamed, "the woman I married was beautiful and sexy and intelligent and you killed her! You drowned her someplace under all your layers of fat. Now get out of my way,you sow!" A week later she sat in the kitchen, depressed, heartbroken and ten pounds heavier. She hadn't heard from Lloyd unless you counted him having divorce papers served on her. She had just started a pint of Ben & Jerry's when he let himself in. She wanted to throw her arms around him but fixed her with a stare of disgust that froze her. She put down the ice cream and he silently grabbed her hair, dragged her into the bathroom and stood her on the scale. It groaned under her weight before it stopped at 278 pounds. "Gee, dear, what's the ideal weight for a five foot seven woman?" he asked, his voice dripping acid. She just whimpered in response. Had he come back just to make her feel even worse? He ripped her housedress off and spun her around to face the full-length mirror. She turned away but he seized her hair and forced her to look. "And you've got the nerve to complain I don't make love to you anymore!" he spat. She collapsed on the floor and cried. "Now, you said you'd do anything," he said in a more soothing voice, "did you mean it?" "Yes, YES!" "All right. I've found a place, it's like a boot camp for people like you. They'll work with you as long as you need it, will you go?" "Yes! I'll go! I'll make myself just like when we got married!" she promised. "Good. Wash up, get dressed. I'll wait for you in the living room," he said. She happily showered and put on her 3X sweatpants and sweatshirt, groaning as she bent to tie her shoes, barely able to reach them. Lloyd had some papers ready for her when she came out. "I've already paid," he explained, "but you have to sign the contract too." "Okay," she said, taking the pen from him and quickly scribbling her signature on both copies. "Come on," he said, "you don't need to pack, they've got everything you need there." "I don't bring anything?" she asked. That seemed odd. "Part of the therapy is getting you totally out of your former environment," he explained. She nodded. That seemed to make sense. "Okay, let's go," Lloyd said. "Now?" "Yes, now," he said impatiently. They hardly spoke at all during the drive there. They left the city quickly and were soon in the country. Louise looked out the window taking in the beauty of farms laid out like squares on a checkerboard and the trees just turning green. Spring has sprung, she mused, time for new beginnings. She promised herself over and over to work hard and make it really work this time. Eventually they left farm country for more forested land. They went form the state road to a two-lane county road and then turned onto a dirt track. After a mile they arrived at a gate with a big sign above it emblazoned "The FAT FARM." Lloyd honked the horn and a tall, rather chunky woman came down the driveway and opened the gate. Lloyd got out and Louise followed suit. "Louise? I'm Cat. I can see we have our work cut out for us," she said, "come with me." "Go ahead, honey," Lloyd encouraged her, giving her a peck on the cheek. She followed Cat up the driveway and after they went around a curve she saw a great big old farmhouse more than two hundred yards away -- all uphill. Soon she was short of breath and stopped to lean against a tree but Cat wouldn't let her. "Come on, everybody's waiting for you," she insisted. As they approached the house more women came out, all of them overweight, but none anywhere near as fat as Louise. A couple were wearing maid's uniforms, most were in work pants and shirts. Two of them, one black and the other Asian -- both actually skinny, were in crisp blue uniforms like security guards complete with batons and stun guns. As she and Cat approached the whole group started yelling and jeering at her. "MOOOoooo!" "PIG" "Oink! Oink! Oink!" "Fatso!" "Come here, hurry it up, you slut!" "Those boobs look like salamis in a butcher shop window!" and worse. She turned away. She wanted to run, as impossible as that was for her. "Keep going," Cat said. As the yelling died down the two guards stepped forward and took charge of her and brought her up to the porch. One of them showed her a small device, told her it was a stun gun and warned to cooperate or suffer the consequences. The other produced a pair of scissors and cut her clothing off her, leaving her standing naked before all these strangers. They descended on her, groping and pinching, telling her how fat and ugly each part of her body was. One lifted up her hanging belly "to see if anything was living under there". Others hefted her boobs and debated whether they weighed fifteen or twenty, maybe even twenty-five pounds each. Someone spread her mountainous ass cheeks apart and asked how she ever managed to wipe herself. "This pig weighs two hundred and seventy-eight pounds!" the Asian guard announced, "TWICE what she should! Now it's up to us to help her." Two women stepped forward and placed leather cuffs on her wrists and fastened them together and attached a cable. "Please step over the railing," one of them told her. The porch railing -- a four by four -- was above her waist height, way too high for her to climb over. Someone moved a chair over for her to step up on and she saw the cable had been threaded through a pulley above her. Suddenly she realized what was about to happen. "NO!!" she screamed, twisting to try to get away but they stunned and her semi-conscious body was hoisted up by her fellow inmates. She dangled above the railing for a moment and two of them tied her ankles together with a short rope so that as she was lowered her feet were pushed up behind her ass so that all her weight would be pushing her cunt down onto the shape corner of the railing. She screamed as the sharp wooden corner bit into her privates. "Oh, shut up, it wouldn't hurt so much if you weren't so fucking fat." the black guard snapped, "Now for a little motivational training." She raised a long leather strap and whipped Louisa with it for all she was worth. She screamed and writhed and wished she was dead but it went on and on for ages. Finally it stopped and everyone went back to their business leaving her alone in agony. At sunset she was taken down and brought to corral fenced in with barbed wire. "Here you go, sow, into the sty with the other piggies," the guard snapped. There were six or seven other women there already. She tried asking them what the kind of place this was but none of them answered -- apparently silence was the rule here. She looked around the sty. At one end was a water trough and at the other was a plastic bucket, the toilet. She lay down on the hard ground, shivering as the chill wind blew over her and finally got to sleep. At sunrise she and the other sows were awakened and given a liter of some kind of health drink. Then they were put to work. They were taken to the woods where other women were just beginning to chop trees and cut them into logs. She and the others hoisted the logs onto wooden wagons the, yoked together in pairs, hauled them to behind the barn. The yoke was especially cruel. It consisted of boards placed above and below the slaves' tits then tightened together and roped to the wagon. Louisa knew it was impossible but she managed to do it, encouraged by the supervisors' whips. They didn't stop when it started to rain and when they were returned to the sty at sunset she was only too happy to collapse into the mud and fall asleep. This became her life, day after day, always exhausted to the point of dropping dead, no one speaking to her except to give orders or berate her and living exposed to the elements i all weathers. Worst of all was the hunger. They didn't give her a single morsel of food, just the health drink every day. She felt as if her stomach was being scraped with metal from the inside. But she was losing, she knew, and she could feel muscles growing where there hadn't been any in years. The farm's class system soon became apparent. The "sows" -- the disgustingly fat cases like her were kept in the sty and did the heaviest labor. The "cows" -- obese but not horribly -- were kept in the barn and allowed clothing -- bib overalls. They split the wood, worked in the garden and built the cabins that were going up. She didn't get to see much of the women who worked in the house, but they seemed to be the ones who were getting close to their ideal. And at the top, ruling over them all were the skinnies who had shed all their excess baggage. A couple times a week she or one of the other sows were brought to the house for the amusement to the skinnies or the men who visited. The first time she was chosen it was a hot, unbearably muggy night. A woman hooked a leash to her collar and told to come along. When she forgot her place and stood up she was smacked with a paddle. "On all four, piggie, only humans walk erect," she was told. She was led to where the staff were having a barbecue in the back yard and the delicious aroma of grilled hot dogs, hamburgers and ribs tormented her. "Hungry, fatso? Here," the man at the grill said, tossing a drumstick on the ground in front of her. Instantly she pounced on it, taking a huge bite, savoring the fatty flavor of the skin -- her favorite part. "You fucking animal!" the man yelled. He grabbed a lash and went to work on her. "You PIG, you disGUSTing, filthy slob! Haven't you learned anything?" he screamed at her as he wielded the whip, "you WANT to be fat, don't you? DON'T YOU? I don't know why your poor husband even sent you here! You're fucking HOPEless!!" She lay on the ground and whimpered, not just from the pain but because he was right, absolutely right, she was disgusting. She promised herself to learn from her chastisement. Maybe knowing she'd be punished would give her a little willpower. "You want a bone like a little doggie?" he asked, "Let's see how you like playing fetch!" For the next couple hours, while everybody else sat at the picnic tables, enjoying their repast she had to keep chasing sticks and balls that they threw farther an farther away. Several times she collapsed from exhaustion but got back up, encouraged by whips, straps and paddles. They gave her some water in a dog dish after she sat up and begged for it. Finally they let her go back home to her sty. Two nights later she was chosen again but told that this time she going to be shown some tenderness. Before she was allowed to enter the house her keeper sprayed her down with the garden hose and tossed her a bar of soap. She gratefully scrubbed the layers of mud and sweat from her body. It took four wash and rinse cycles before she was judged fit for human company. She was so grateful to be clean again she didn't even worry about what was coming next. She was brought to the cellar where a tall redheaded man was waiting for her in a miniature torture chamber. She glanced around in horror at all the instruments hanging from the walls. "Don't worry, my dear, inflicting pain isn't my thing," he consoled her, "my perversion is bestiality . . . I'm into fucking hogs like you." He laid her down on a leather-topped table but then ordered her to stand up and put her hands on her head. "Well, we can't have those salamis flopping like that," he mused to himself. Taking a rope he wrapped it around and around and around each huge boob, then when they were almost completely bound he tied them together. For good measure he took a short metal bar with a clamp on each end to hold her nipples together. For someone who ins't into inflicting pain he's sure doing a helluva job, she thought but she suffered in silence. Putting her back on the table with her ass half hanging off the end he tied her elbows and wrists to her knees and ankles. "Lovely! Just like a Thanksgiving turkey," he said, stepping back to admire his work. Taking out a camera he snapped picture after picture of her to preserve the moment. She was horrified when he said what a lovely addition the photos would make to his website. Finally he stood between he legs and took it out but in her position she couldn't see it. She hoped it wasn't too big because her vagina was often painfully tight, making sex painful. Maybe that was a reason she'd let herself go, so Lloyd would want her so often? she wondered. She was taken aback when he grasped he huge buttocks in his hands and spread them wide and pressed his member against her asshole. She bit down on a scream and he grunted, in pain himself, as he worked it into her dry, tight butt. By the time he got it all in tears of agony were streaming down her face. He went on and on, and she wished she were dead rather than endure it another moment. "I jerked off three times before we started," he informed her, reading her mind, "after all, you deserve more than a wham-bam, thank-you-ma'am!" When he finished he had one last humiliation in store for her. He scooped his jizz out of her asshole and made her lick it off his fingers. She got one day off a week, which she dreaded. It was not a day of rest, it was weigh-in day. The sows were thoroughly whipped before they even got on the scale. After being weighed they were brought to the porch and had to ride the railing. The cows weren't whipped but they wound up on the railing as well. The porch was decorated with moaning, tortured women until the sun went down. The only ones to escape were the chunky house servants -- unless they had regained. After four or five weigh-ins (she lost track) she achieved what had become her life's ambition -- she was promoted to the ranks of the cows. "When Louisa came to us, she weighed 278 pounds, 143 over her ideal," the guard announced, bringing her up on the porch, "now, after working our program she weighs 202 -- a loss of 76 pounds!" Everyone applauded enthusiastically until the guard held her hand up for silence. "Congratulations, Louisa!" she said, apparently sincerely, "you've lost more than half of your excess weight. You have the rest of the day off and starting tonight you sleep in the barn." They gave her permission to bathe so the first thing she did with her day off was find the garden hose. A new guard, a gorgeous blonde, noticed her efforts and brought her a cake of soap. "Thanks," Louisa said. "Congratulations, by the way," the guard said, "I remember when I graduated from sows to cows." "When you WHAT?" Louisa asked. "You didn't know?" the blonde replied, "everybody here started out as a . . . client. Just like the bald men's club. I weighed three-fifty when I got here." "You?!" Louisa exclaimed, "but you're gorgeous!" "And you will be too," the guard assured her, taking the soap and scrubbing her back for her, "just keep at it and you'll be living in the house in no time." That evening she gloried in the luxury of having her own stall in the barn. The straw was prickly as she lay down on it but she didn't mind. Some things didn't change -- it was still up at sunrise for a breakfast of sports drink. She was issued a pair of boots and bib overalls. She almost cried when she saw them -- as Lloyd used to say about her clothes they looked like they came from a parachute factory. She and three of the other slaves were sent to work spading and weeding the garden. She cried as she worked, unable to quit thinking about Lloyd. They had kept her so busy and exhausted that she hadn't even thought of him in weeks. Now she worried that he would never come back for her. She wished she could show him how much she had already lost. She hoped he'd be proud of her but he probably didn't even remember her. Maybe some other hussy had snagged him while she was here and they were having a grand old time. Thinking back to when they were first together she remembered how they used to make love three, four or five times a day -- the record was eight times in twenty-four hours. They never missed a day unless one was sick until they'd been married three years. Her pussy moistened as she recalled all the things they'd done and how much she'd loved them all. Why had she ever let herself go? She didn't know but she'd win him back, she decided. When they returned to the barn at sundown she was surprised when they were served a cup of broth, a small bowl of salad and a pear [!] for dessert. Working closer to the house, she saw a lot of cars coming and going -- most of them stayed parked overnight, some for several days in a row. She was curious but didn't ask about it until she noticed Lloyd's car in the lot for a weekend. She begged her supervisor to see him but she just looked at her like she was crazy. "Hey, I don't know any Lloyd and I don't know whose car is whose," she said, "but I DO know I'll whip your fat ass unless you get back to work!" Louisa obeyed but still wanted to know what her husband (or at least his car) was doing here. That night one of the other slaves explained it to her. Once you got promoted to living in the house you had not just regular chores but you were a sex slave as well. All the female graduates and all the guys who had paid to send their women to the farm were free to "use the facilities" whenever they wanted. The whole place ran on the men's money and the women's labor, including the graduates serving as guards and supervisors. The thought of her husband cavorting with all those chunky sluts infuriated her but also made her determined to lose the rest of her fat. In fact it only took five weeks before she was admitted to the house. She stepped on the scale, nervous as hell, hoping that this would be the day. It was. "One hundred and sixty-seven pounds!" the cute blonde guard announced, "Louisa started at 278, 143 pounds over her ideal. But now she has lost 101 pounds -- she's gotten rid of 75% of her excess weight. Welcome to the house, Louisa!" She joined the guards and supervisors and other chubbies up on the porch and they all embraced her, showering her congratulations and attagirls. The black guard who had been so cruel to her the first day whispered in her ear, "I knew you could do it!" She was brought inside and told her to go upstairs and take a real hot a bath. "As long as you want!" someone said. She didn't have to be told twice. She showered quickly to get clean then sat and luxuriated in a steaming bubble bath until it turned cold. She'd made it into the house! She hadn't felt this proud since she graduated college. When she finally got out she looked in the mirror, something she hadn't done since Lloyd forced her to look at herself the day he brought her here. She liked what she saw. She still had a gut but at least it didn't hang down to her privates anymore; her boobs were still droopy but nowhere near the hanging salamis she'd arrived with. There was still fat on her hips but her legs were looking good and her ass was way down. There was a knock at the door and a voice called, "If you're ready, let's get you dressed." She went out and a svelte redhead was waiting for her, one who'd been her supervisor on a lot of chores. She led her to a room stocked with everything she and helped her choose. "I'm Krista, by the way," she said, handing her some a pair of panties, "try these on." They were a little snug, but they fit. She wasn't embarrassed at all as Krista measure her for a bra -- an E cup, but she'd always been at least a D. "Queen-sized" panties, of course -- she'd always hated that word. She definitely didn't want slacks so she searched for a blouse and skirt but Krista came up with a nice sun dress for her. They went downstairs to the living room and she was introduced to the group of skinnies waiting there for her. She sat down nervously, knowing she'd never keep all the names straight. Krista asked if she'd like some coffee and she said yes -- she hadn't had a cup since she'd gotten here. A house slave in a maid's uniform entered and set down a tray and poured her a cup. She started to reach for the cream pitcher but stopped herself. "I guess I'll just take it black," she said, drawing smiles from her hosts. "Good choice," said Shireen, the black guard, "you're probably wondering what comes next so here's the deal. "When you got here we had to totally break you down if you were going to have any chance of success. You probably hated our guts for calling you `pig' and `cow', for punishing you, for treating you like an animal." Louisa nodded agreement but said nothing. "But now it's time for you to be a human -- to be a woman again, that's why you're now allowed to sleep on a mattress and bathe every day and use makeup and look your best," Shireen went on, "BUT you're still a slave and we'll work you hard. You'll exercise every day and we have mandatory nutrition and cooking classes. "But we also have to get you ready for the real world where there won't be anyone watching you. So here you can eat whatever you want, no one will stop you. Now's the time to go from us disciplining you to you disciplining yourself. If you fuck up and put pounds back on it's back to the sty with you and you stay there until you get all the way down." Louisa thought about that one. Delicious odors were wafting into the living room from the kitchen and she wondered if she'd have the strength not to take a little taste when she was cooking, or go back for seconds at meals. "I understand, I won't let you down," she replied sincerely, "Uh, I heard a rumor that . . . we've got other duties working in the house here." "Really?" Krista smirked, "What did you hear?" "That . . . we're sex slaves for all the men who enroll their women in here," she stammered, looking at the floor, "and, um, for you guys, too, all the graduates." "That's right," chimed in Ahiko, the petite Japanese girl, "think of it as a combination bed and breakfast and brothel." "We should explain," said Shyla, the black guard, "it all started with the Good Girls' Club. The Club was started more than twenty years ago in another house in the country. Its goal was to teach women who wanted to explore their sexuality, to learn how to totally please a man -- or a woman, to submit to all their deepest desires. "They rejected fat women, or even women who were too plain-looking. But twelve years ago they decided to open a facility to help their obese and ugly sisters. So this place was opened. You've made excellent progress so far, so don't blow it." Louisa kept nodding agreement and thought of the day when she could be one of the skinnies, in charge of new women brought to undergo the same transformation that she had. "And now," Krista announced, "it's time to begin your new training." She took Louisa's hand and led her back upstairs to a small bedroom. She knew what was expected of her and she hated it. The idea of touching another woman, of kissing a tuna-reeking pussy repulsed her but she resolved to do her best. She undressed Krista, revealing her beautiful, trim body and began to explore it -- kissing, licking, massaging, probing every nook and cranny. Finally she buried her face in Krista's pussy and licked and sucked her mistress until she came over and over, making Louisa want to puke s her face was soaked with pussy juice. "You hated that didn't you?" Krista asked. "Yes," she admitted meekly. "Don't worry, honey, you'll learn." And she did learn. Over the next weeks her sexuality came alive again as she learned positions she never dreamed of, how enjoy sucking cock and being buggered. She became an expert at cunnilingus even though she didn't like doing it -- but she loved having it done to her! Her education was helped along by the fact that ever act she performed was rated on a scale of one to ten and she got a stroke with the lash or paddle for each number she fell short of perfection. Finally, at long, long last she made it into the ranks of the skinnies. That night Lloyd came to her. She threw herself at his feet and wrapped her arms around his legs. "I love you, Master, I love you!" she proclaimed, "Please, please forgive me! I'll never fail you again. Please, just let me make it up to you, let me be your perfect slave for the rest of my life . . . I love you SO much!" He pulled her to her feet and put his finger to her lips. Silently he slid her robe off her shoulders and beheld her gorgeous new body. "There's the woman I married," he said. That night they did did everything and she strived to make it the best sex Lloyd ever had. As she finally fell asleep she thought how lucky she was to have such a wonderful man.