Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. ________________________________ This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody who resembles any of the characters here, congratulations, but you're wrong - any similarity between the characters in this story and any real person is purely coincidental, since all of these characters are figments of my dirty little imagination. This is my story, not yours. Don't sell it or put it on a pay site. You can keep it and/or give it away with all of this information intact, but if you make money off of it, you're breaking the law and pissing me off. _________________________________ Wheels of Fortune: Skater Gurl (Mf, lolita, oral, anal, cons) (C)Copyright 2004 - Shakes Peer2B (remove 'NONO' from the above address to contact me) /files/Authors/Shakes_Peer2B/ ________ I was almost home after a very tiring ride, and my neck and shoulder muscles were killing me from having held my head and helmet up so long. Because of this, I wasn't keeping my head up as much as I should have been, only glancing up every once in a while to make sure I didn't hit any obstacles. The closer I got to home, the longer the interval became between glances. I did look up as I approached the intersection, watching for cars. What I wasn't looking for was the skateboard rider who came flying over the hood of a parked car, narrowly missing my handlebars! I had just time to notice that the trick included flipping the board around its long axis while in the air, and that the rider stuck the landing nicely. Then the bike glanced off the side of the car and toppled into the street. My feet didn't make it out of the pedals in time to do me any good. As falls go, this wasn't the worst I'd had. My riding gloves protected my palms from the pavement, but my left knee was going to be hurting for a couple of weeks. I was disgusted with myself for not paying better attention and was inspecting the bike for damage when the skater skidded to a stop beside me. "You all right, dude?" I looked up at the unexpectedly feminine voice. "Yeah, just skinned my knee a little." I grunted. I knew the accident was at least partly my fault, but at the moment, I wasn't feeling like taking the blame all on my own shoulders, and it was all I could do not to snap at her for being so careless. The ragged haircut, baggy sweats worn so low that they nearly exposed the top of her pubic hair, and the Vans on her feet could not disguise the fact that this was a beautiful young lady. When I looked at her carefully, I saw a teenager in search of an identity. I untangled my feet from the bike and started to stand. A sharp pain in my left knee let me know that it wasn't going to be quite that easy! Seeing my difficulty, the skater (skatress? Probably not!) took my arm, and with surprising strength, given her short stature, helped me stand. "Thanks!" I grunted through the pain of my knee. "You need me to call somebody?" she asked, genuine concern on her face. My irritation evaporated and I smiled. "No, but thanks! I only live a couple of blocks from here. I should be able to make it okay." "I'm really sorry, man!" she said, "I didn't see you behind the car!" "It's okay," I answered, "I wasn't paying as close attention as I should have been, either. You really should be more alert, though. If I had been a car, you'd be dead!" "Yeah, I know." she hung her head, "It's just - there's no skateparks in this town, and that makes it hard to practice!" "Well, just be careful!" I said and started to hobble homeward, "And wear a helmet and pads! Do you WANT to get maimed or killed?" "Don't have any." she said, fitting her shoulder into my armpit on the wounded side to help me limp along, "'Sides, it's not cool to wear that shit while you're skating. Only the wimps do that!" "Oh really!" I raised one eybrow in her direction, "You ever watch the competitions? Everybody wears protective gear, even Tony Hawk!" "Yeah," she shrugged, "but that's just because they make 'em wear it for the competition. Nobody on the street wears 'em." "Why not?" I asked, rapping sharply on her dirty blonde skull, "Nothing in here to protect?" "Ow! No!" she exclaimed, rubbing the spot where my knuckles had tapped her, "It's just so lame to go out with all that gear on! It's, like, saying you're afraid to get hurt!" "What's your name?" I asked, not really changing the subject, I just thought a different approach was needed. "Vicky." she looked surprised, "Why?" We were in front of my house and I took my arm off her shoulder. "Will you meet me here tomorrow, same time? I want you to meet somebody." I asked. "I don't know, Mister," she said, "I barely know you. You might be one of those perverts or something." "Well, at least you've got SOME sense!" I replied, "Bring a parent or better yet, both! Just do me the favor of showing up, okay?" "Okay!" she said reluctantly. "Oh, and Vicky?" I said. She turned, just about to mount her board and head back up the block. "Yeah?" "Thanks for helping me get home." I smiled to show that I wasn't really mad at her. She shot me a brilliant white smile and waved as she pumped the board back up the hill. The next day, Vicky showed up, alone. "Where are your parents?" I asked. She shrugged, "Couldn't come." I raised my eybrows and asked, "So you trust me suddenly?" "Nope," she grinned, "but you're not wearing a helmet either, and if you try anything funny, I'll crack you upside the head with my board!" I had to laugh! This was one spunky kid! A short ride in my SUV brought us to the local hospital. The nurses knew me from previous visits, and only smiled as I led yet another young person into the room. "This is Anthony Wiedeman." I waved at the emaciated figure on the bed, sprouting tubes and wires from virtually every part of his body, "He was my son's best friend in high school - the coolest kid around. He was a skaterboarder, too. Wanted to compete in the X games. Never wore protective gear, even after a few crashes. That was for wimps and dweebs. One day, he went to grind on a stair rail that he'd done a thousand times before. This time, his timing was a little off. His body landed more or less safely on the sidewalk below, but his head snapped backward, hitting the edge of the bottom step. The concrete creased his skull about an inch deep." I turned to look at Vicky's face. She looked as though someone had punched her in the stomach. Her face was pale and a hand covered her open mouth. "He's been like this ever since. The doctors say he's a vegetable, that he'll never have another conscious thought. If they take that tube out of his throat, he'll be dead in minutes, but his parents can't bear to let him go. They've sold their home and borrowed as much as they can to pay his hospital bills, but they can't afford them anymore, so the hospital is having to eat the cost of keeping his body alive." "H-how do you know all this?" Vicky asked, aghast. "My son videotaped the whole thing. He's never been the same either. Blames himself, though there's nothing he could have done to prevent it." I took a deep breath. James was slowly gathering the threads of his life together again, but the progress was slow and fragile. "It's been a little over a year now. Everyone advises his parents to just let him go, to find peace however he can, but how can parents give permission to let their son die? As long as his body lives, they'll never be able to stop grieving, never get closure, and never stop blaming themselves for not forcing him to wear his helmet." Vicky was in tears, and I held her, but made no move to leave. A little emotional upheaval at this point might just save her life later on. "C-can we go now?" Vicky sobbed. "Sure, if you'll make one more stop with me." I responded gently. She raised her head, looking at me, a hint of the old distrust in her tear-filled eyes. "Where?" "Sporting goods store." I said softly, "To get your gear." Vicky gave a surprised, snorting little laugh and I grabbed some tissues from the nurses' station to handle the unexpected discharge. "Huh!" she laughed involuntarily again as she wiped her nose, and gave me a wan smile, "Sure! We can stop." She laughed again, softly, through her tears as she got back in the Jeep. "What's so funny?" "I don't even know your name!" she said, "How stupid is that?" I smiled, "Ted. Ted Marks." The teenager at the sporting goods store gave me a knowing look as I led Vicky over to the safety gear. Hell, he got this job after I took HIM to see Anthony, so he SHOULD know. Courteously and efficiently, he helped Vicky pick out a helmet, making sure she got the right size, then fitted her with wrist braces and knee and elbow pads. I paid, and Vicky gave me peck on the cheek as she climbed back into the SUV. "Thanks, Ted." she said earnestly, "Thanks for everything." "If that stuff keeps you alive and safe," I said, "it's well worth the investment. Just remember, not even the best safety gear can protect you from oncoming cars, so be alert out there, okay?" After that, I saw Vicky a lot. I had probably seen her before, but hadn't picked her out of the gaggle of skaters that frequent my neighborhood. Now, each time I'd pass, she'd give me a friendly wave. "Buckle the strap, Vicky!" I told her one day, "Helmet won't do you any good if it flies off just before you hit the ground!" "Oh, yeah!" she fastened the little clip that held the strap under her chin and said, "Hey Ted! Watch this!" Like a pro, she took off and nailed a grind down a metal stair rail, flipping around halfway down to finish the grind on the tail of the board. I never quite understood the logic of inventing a board with wheels, when its riders mostly used it for sliding along on the wood, but the kids eat that stuff up. Certainly, I'd never have been able to do the stuff they do! Vicky came off the end of the rail, making a two point landing on the sidewalk, and with the nose of the board high in the air, slid to a stop at the curb where I straddled my bike. "So when do you go pro?" I asked not even trying to be facetious. Vicky blushed and said, "Aww, I'm not good enough for that! I'm pretty good on the street tricks, but there's stuff I'll never get a chance to do 'cause there aren't any half pipes or foam pits around here." "Actually," I said, "I know of a place where you can try some of that stuff. If you come by my house I'll give you the address." Her face, which had lit up as I spoke, fell at the end. "Nah, thanks anyway." she sighed, "Mom would never have time to take me." "What about your dad?" I asked. She shrugged, "He's running around L.A. with some bimbo. He's supposed to be sending us money, but he never does. That's why Mom has to work so hard." "I see..." I wiped some sweat off my forehead before it could run into my eyes, "Look, if your mother tells me in person that it's okay, I'll take you and up to three of your friends. That's all my Jeep can carry." "Really!?" she jumped up and hugged me, sweat and all, "Oh Ted! You're the best!" "I'll also need permission from the parents of any other kids that come, okay?" I said, trying not to get her too wet with my perspiration. "Okay!" Vicky jumped back on her board and gave a push, then stopped. "When are we going?" "How about Thursday?" I suggested, "The place gets packed on the weekends, but it's not too bad during the week, even in the summer." "Cool! What time?" "Well, they open at ten, so we should probably leave my place by eight." I said, trying to work out driving times and so forth. "It's that far away?" Vicky asked. "No, but we'll be in the morning commute for the first part of the drive, and I want to leave a little cushion. If we're too early we can just get breakfast at one of the fast food joints nearby." I was outside Thursday morning, cleaning some of my cycling junk out of the SUV so the kids would have room, when a four- or five-year old BMW pulled up in front of my house. Vicky's Mom was an attractive, forty-something brunette. A little soft around the middle, but aren't we all? She seemed grateful that I was taking the time to take her daughter to the skatepark. "So you're the famous Ted!" she laughed as I came around to the driver's side to greet her, "Pleased to meet you. I'm Natalie Winters, known mostly these days as 'Vicky's Mom'!" "Hi Natalie!" I shook her outstretched hand, "I'd hardly claim to be famous, however!" "You are at our house!" Natalie had a lovely, easy smile, but there were stress lines around her eyes, "I can't thank you enough for getting Vicky to wear protective gear when she's skating! How much do I owe you, by the way?" She seemed relieved when I waved away her offer to pay. "Nothing. If she told you what I did to make her wear that stuff, you have some idea of why I do it, and seeing her wearing it is reward enough." "Yeah, she told me." Natalie looked thoughtful, "I don't get as much time to share her life as I'd like, but Vicky's always been pretty good about letting me know what's going on. We've been lucky that way." Vicky had gotten out and pulled a duffle holding her board and gear from the back seat. She dropped the duffle on the sidewalk and came around to kiss her mom. "Thanks, Mom!" she said, "Didn't I tell you he's a nice guy?" "Yes you did, sweetie." Natalie held her daughter's hand for a moment, "and you were right! Have a good time, but do be careful, okay?" "Mo-om!" Vicky complained as her mother drove off. "I think what she meant, in parent-ese," I laughed, "was 'have a good time, but take reasonable precautions'!" Vicky grinned and helped me shove her bag in the open tailgate of the car. "So how many more are coming?" I asked. "Oh, I only asked Skeej." she said, "He's like, my best friend, besides you." For some reason, the 'besides you' slipped right past me. "Skeej?" I asked, "What do his parents call him?" "Scott, I think." her head turned to watch a Hummer turn the corner, "Here he comes now!" A scraggly haired, skinny kid clambered out of the vehicle, dragging just a board behind him. Well, the park had loaner helmets and such. A bald, athletic-looking salesman type leaned out the driver's window and shook my hand. "Matt Devers!" he said, testing my grip, "Scott's dad!" "Ted Marks." I said, holding my own, but not joining his contest. "Hey," he said, a little too loudly, "thanks for taking my kid on this trip! You ever need anything in the way of plumbing supplies, you come see me!" I guess he must have been hoping my neighbors would overhear and send business his way. Ah well, we all have to eat. "We should be home by about eight. You want me to drop him off, or you want to pick him up?" "If you can drop him off, that'd be great!" Matt replied, "Scott's got a key, so he can let himself in." I watched the spotless H2 out of sight, and, unbidden, the phrase, 'conspicuous consumption' came to mind. I didn't feel like lecturing another kid about safety gear just now, so I just said, "You'll have to use one of the helmets they loan at the place, or they won't let you in, Skeej." Vicky had already claimed the front passenger seat, and as I got in the driver's side, she said, "Actually, Ted, I was hoping we could make a couple of stops on the way. You know, to see Anthony, and, well, you know..." I saw pleading in her eyes as I turned to look at her, and replied, "Sure, Vicky." Skeej wasn't quite as affected by the sight of Anthony as Vicky had been, though he was visibly shaken by the time I finished my spiel. Vicky nudged him with her shoulder. "You're, like, my best friend besides Ted," she said softly, "and I don't want THAT to be you, okay?" There it was again! What was up with this 'besides Ted' thing? _ We stopped at the sporting goods store, and though we were a little early, the same kid that had helped Vicky let us in and fitted Skeej with all the gear. "I'm going to look like a dork in all this crap!" Skeej complained. "Not where we're going." I said, "Everybody will be wearing it, or they won't get in." I sat and nibbled junk food while the kids enjoyed themselves at the skate park. I found out pretty quickly that I needed to stay where I could see Vicky, not because she was a problem, but because she wanted me to watch her tricks. If she couldn't see me, she'd come find me and drag me to whatever apparatus she was working on at the time. Skeej was a talented boarder, and seemingly fearless, but Vicky had a flair for making the hardest tricks seem easy. I'm not an expert - all I know about skateboarding is what I picked up from my son's time as a skater - but I really thought Vicky was the better of the two. On the way home, Vicky again claimed 'shotgun', but spent the entire trip turned around in her seatbelt, chattering with Skeej about the things they'd done at the skatepark. We dropped Skeej and his new safety gear off at his house, then I took Vicky to hers. Only the light by the front door was on, though it was just a little after eight. I got out to help Vicky unload her gear, and she dropped the bag on the sidewalk, then jumped up to hug me. This was not a shy, arms around the neck hug, but involved arms, legs, and even a wet kiss on the cheek! Thankfully, she let go before my traitorous dick could let its presence be known. "THANK YOU!" It sounded like it came from her heart as Vicky breathed that into my neck, her warm breath making the hair at the back of my neck stand on end. "You're welcome!" I answered, trying surreptitiously to tuck my rebellious cock back down my pant leg with a hand in my pocket. "We'll do it again sometime." "Cool!" she said. I waited around until she was safely in the house, then took off, my mind filled with forbidden thoughts. This girl couldn't be more than sixteen, so why was I suddenly having sexual fantasies about her? Ok, I know why. I'm a dirty old man at heart. Ah well, I liked to think I had enough control to keep my hands to myself, and everyone has fantasies. As long as I stayed hands-off, I was pretty much harmless. I had just settled in for the evening when the front doorbell rang. Turning on the porch light revealed Skeej's dad through the peephole. Hoping he hadn't come to sell me plumbing supplies this time of night, I cautiously opened the door. "Hi...!" I began, but never got the chance to finish what I was saying. As I opened the door, Matt shoved a bag into my chest and said angrily, "My son's no wimp! He doesn't need this crap, and he doesn't need your charity!" Before I could rebut his outburst, the H2 was tearing away down the block. 'Oookay!' I thought to myself. I put the safety gear away in the closet, intending to tell Vicky to let Skeej know he could pick it up before skating each day, and return it when he was done, so his dad wouldn't be mad. For various reasons, it was almost two weeks before I saw Vicky again. This time, she was banging hysterically on my door. "Ted!" she shouted through the door, "Ted! Come quick!" I opened the door to ask what was going on. "It's Skeej!" Vicky wailed, "He's hurt bad!" I grabbed my mobile and keys and dialed 911 as I started the car and headed around the block to where Vicky directed me. I gave the dispatcher the exact location and got out and gave her the best description I could of his injuries without moving him. From the pool of blood at the back of his head, and the fact that I could detect no pulse or heartbeat, I didn't think there was much hope, but I tried to keep Vicky and the gathering crowd of onlookers, mostly other kids, calm until the paramedics got there. When they arrived, followed shortly by the police, I pulled Vicky aside and held her as the paramedics did their work. One worked on bandaging his head while the other started CPR. With the help of the cops, they got a collar on him and loaded him on a backboard, then on a gurney. I saw them charging the paddles as the rear doors of the ambulance closed. I got the name of the hospital from the ambulance driver before he pulled away, and asked the cops if they could hold their questions until we got to the hospital, explaining that the injured boy was Vicky's best friend, and she had been with him when he fell. The cop looked at me, then at Vicky, nodded, then said, "Follow me." I followed the police car with its lights and sirens going and got to the hospital in record time. The ambulance had taken off with lights flashing and sirens wailing, but we got to the hospital before it did, and when it arrived, the lights and sirens were off. Vicky was no dummy, she knew what that meant. "NO!" she wailed, "NO!" She pounded on the doors to the ambulance, screaming, "KEEP WORKING ON HIM! HE CAN'T BE DEAD! DON'T GIVE UP!" I pulled her away, still screaming, as a doctor came out and examined the still figure in the ambulance, and made the official pronunciation. The doctor came over to us, asking, "Are you relatives?" "This is his best friend, Doctor." I said, "She was the one who reported the accident." "I'm sorry, Miss." he said, "The paramedics did everything they could, but there was just too much head trauma. He should have been wearing one of these..." he tapped the helmet that Vicky still wore. "Thanks, Doc." I said, as Vicky broke down sobbing again, holding on to me for dear life. "Vicky," I said gently, "Is your mom home? Do you have her work number?" "She's <sniffle>, she's traveling. Won't be <sob> at the hotel until tonight." she was trying valiantly to stop her crying, but it wasn't working. I just sat down in the waiting room, pulled her head to my chest, took off her helmet, and stroked her hair the way I used to do Tara's. Words are of little use at a time like that, and though I'm a 'fixer' and want to make everything right for any hurt kid I come across, I had learned that there were times when they weren't ready for 'fixing'. A female cop approached, and with my other hand I signalled 'five minutes'. She nodded and went off to get a cup of coffee. When Vicky had calmed down enough to talk, she told the cops the story, holding tightly to me the whole time. There really wasn't much to tell, but it took a while to get it out between fresh outbursts of crying, nose-wiping, and such. "You should probably take her home and let her sleep it off, Mr. Winters." the lady cop told me when she'd gotten the story. "I'm not..." I started to say, then realized that with Vicky's mom out of town, the explanations could take a long time, so I just finished with, "Okay, officer." As we were leaving, I saw Skeej's dad tearing through the door into the emergency room, and it was all I could do to keep from jumping him. Reason finally won out, and I realized that he would spend the rest of his life being punished for taking the safety gear away from his son, and nothing I did could hurt him worse than that. Vicky was silent all the way home, and never let go of my arm. I got her some hot cocoa and tidied up Tara's old room for her, laying out one of my daughter's old nightgowns that looked like it would fit Vicky. I thought she could use a nap while we waited to call her mother. When I showed her the room and suggested she nap, she picked up the nightgown and asked, "Am I sleeping here tonight?" "I just thought you'd be more comfortable in that if you want to sleep until it's time to call your mom." I replied gently. "Oh." for some reason, she sounded disappointed. I got the number for her mom's hotel from her before she slept, and a couple of hours later called Natalie to tell her what happened. "Is she there? Can I speak to her?" I was about to tell her Vicky was sleeping when she came down the stairs rubbing her eyes, still wearing Tara's nightgown. "Is that my mom?" she asked. I nodded, and handed her the phone. "Did Ted tell you what happened?" she asked, "Oh Mom! It was horrible! Skeej's dad made him give back the helmet and stuff that Ted bought him and now he's...!" She broke down sobbing again. "I know, Mom, but it was SKEEJ!" Vicky wailed. "Uh huh. <sniffle> Yeah, I'm at Ted's house. He let me take a nap." she was shaking but trying to get it under control, "Can I just sleep here tonight, Mom? I don't want to be in the house by myself." "I wish you were here too, Mom," she said, "but I know you have to work. I don't think Ted will mind, but I'll ask him." "Okay, I'll put him back on." she handed me the cordless receiver, mouthing the word 'Please?' "Hi Natalie." I said into the phone. "How is she, Ted?" she asked, "Is she hurt?" "She's had a big shock today, Natalie," I replied, "but isn't physically hurt. It happened not far from here and she came to get me." "Why didn't she call 911 herself?" her mom asked. Vicky had been over that with the police, so I answered for her, "She forgot to charge her phone. Under the circumstances, she showed pretty good presence of mind coming here. Most of the adults in this neighborhood work and aren't home during the day." "I hate to ask it of you, you've already been so kind," Natalie said, "but would you mind if she stays there for tonight?" "Of course not, Natalie." I replied, "She can sleep in my daughter's old room. How soon will you be home?" "Not for three more days, I'm afraid." she sounded tired. "Why doesn't she stay with me until you get home?" I asked, "I don't think it's wise to leave her alone right now." Vicky jumped up and hugged me when she heard that. "What about clothes and toothbrush and stuff?" "I'll drive her by your house tomorrow to pick up whatever she needs." I said, "For tonight, there's a lot of my daughter's old stuff that will fit her, and I've got a new toothbrush around here somewhere. She'll be okay." Natalie couldn't get off the phone without giving Vicky those instructions that mothers MUST give their daughters when they spend the night at someone else's house, but this time Vicky didn't complain. "Good night, Mom" she said into the phone, "I love you too!" I ordered pizza for dinner, and Vicky found that she had an appetite in spite of herself. She cuddled with me like Tara used to do, under a fleece blanket, while we watched TV for a while. When she was softly snoring on my chest, I picked her up and carried her into Tara's room. It brought back memories to be once again tucking in a sleeping girl, and on impulse I leaned down and gave her a soft peck on the cheek. She smiled and nestled deeper into the pillow. I usually sleep on my side, and it brought back a different kind of memory when a soft, warm body slipped under the covers with me, sometime in the middle of the night. I started to protest, since I sleep in my underwear, but the trusting way she backed up to me and pulled my arms around her, disarmed my protest before it got started. Sometime later, I woke to find my hand sleepily caressing a small, soft breast. With a start, I pulled my hand away, only to have a smaller pair of hands guide it back to where it had been. Unsure about what to do, I slowed my breathing, trying to emulate going back to sleep. A few minutes later, I turned over, as though in my sleep, hoping Vicky wouldn't think I was shutting her out. A few moments later, her body spooned against my back, and a small arm went around my waist. I closed my hand over hers as a sort of welcome gesture. Soon, I really was asleep. I awoke the next morning to the smell of coffee and something delicious emanating from downstairs, and for a moment was transported back to the days before my wife started her cancer treatments. I took a leisurely shower, shaved and dressed before joining Vicky in the kitchen. I guess I was procrastinating because I wasn't sure how my lecherous behavior the night before would be received. There were dark circles under her eyes, but she seemed to have cheered up a bit. As I came in, she handed me a plate almost overflowing with food: Omelette (looked to be at least a three-egger), home fries, and bacon - crisp but not black. I could feel the cholesterol piling up in my arteries just from looking at it, but my nose was saying 'Screw it, dude! Chow down!' Vicky sat across from me, picking at her own food, but mostly watching me wolf mine down. When I finally sat back, resisting the temptation to lick the plate, and sighed, Vicky smiled. "So I guess you like my cooking?" she teased. I patted my full stomach and said, "I don't think 'like' is a strong enough word!" The coffee was delicious and I watched Vicky nibble at her food as I sipped it - black and bitter. She had found and figured out the coffee grinder and used enough beans to ensure that it was real coffee. "Vicky," I said softly, "when you joined me in bed last night, I guess in my sleep I thought I was with my wife again, and my hands... Well, I'm sorry. I'm a dirty old man, it's true, but I don't hit on grieving young ladies, and well, if you want to, you know, file a complaint or something, I'll understand." Vicky's eyes were serious as she looked across the table at me. "I liked it." was all she said, before turning red and getting preoccupied with her food again. "Nonetheless," I said "maybe it's better if you stay in the other room tonight. You're a beautiful young lady and it's really hard on an old bachelor having you in my bed and trying to keep my hands to myself." She looked up, trying to quell the tears that glistened in her eyes and said, "Ted, you're all I have right now. I'll be good. Just don't make me be alone, please?" What could I say? For two days and two nights, that sorrowful young lady, whom my libido insisted on seeing as a nubile nymphet, shared my world. She almost never left my side for the entire time. It was the most excruciating forty-eight hours of my life! The second night, Vicky made no pretense at staying in the other room, but joined me as I was climbing in bed, this time wearing one of her own nighties - one that was a couple of years out of date and a couple of sizes too small. Again, she cuddled up to me to sleep, and again placed my hand on her breast - this time UNDER the nightie. I couldn't pretend to be asleep this time, so I said, "Vicky, I..." She interrupted with a soft, "It's all right, Ted." Vicky nestled her head deeper into the pillow and fell asleep. I didn't sleep much that night, fearing that my body would betray me, but when we awoke the next morning, Vicky actually seemed more cheerful. We watched TV and she kicked my ass at video games for most of the day. By evening, I was able to talk her into going to a movie. She picked a fast action kung-fu flick where people flew around the set and fought in mid-air. It was interesting enough, but not really my cup of tea. Vicky, though, at least for the duration of the movie, seemed to have forgotten about Skeej. I bought us something to eat at a fast food place near the theater and we ate in the restaurant before heading home. That night was a repeat of the night before, except that I could no longer keep my eyes open. I awoke in the middle of the night with a raging hard-on, and my hand down the front of Vicky's panties. My fingers were soaked, and Vicky's hips undulated against them, as her hands held mine in place. I considered several options about how to handle this, including ripping those panties off and fucking the daylights out of her, but exhaustion won out, and I feigned sleep. I was going over in my mind the arguments my lawyer might make in court. "So you see, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defendant never even knew he was molesting the young lady, because it happened in his sleep!" I was pretty sure that no jury in the world, after seeing Vicky, would buy a 'sleep molestation' defense. Eventually, my fake sleep turned back into real sleep. The next day, Vicky seemed subdued again. I tried to engage her in conversation but her answers were monosyllabic and non-commital, so I got the message and left her alone. Natalie called a little before noon to let us know that she was home, and I dropped Vicky and her clothes ff. She gave me a sad little peck on the cheek, and a "Thanks, Ted." before heading up the walkway to her door. I went home and tried to prepare for the consequences of my indiscretion. Sure enough, a couple of hours later, Natalie was at my door, a look of frustration on her face. She barged in without a word as soon as I opened the door. I offered Natalie a seat, but she preferred to pace. "I think I told you that Vicky tells me everything." she began, "and this time is no exception." "Natalie, I..." I don't know what excuse I could have given, but I never got the chance. She held up a hand to forestall my protest and continued. "She told me EVERYTHING, Ted, including how she tried to seduce you and all she got was a chance to masturbate against your fingers while you slept." she looked at me sharply, "So what are you? A saint, or the gayest guy in the world?" "Neither, I'm afraid." was all I could say, "It was all I could do to keep from raping your daughter, Natalie. If she hadn't been in such a vulnerable emotional state, I'm afraid we might be having this conversation at the police station. Hell, if you wanted to, you could have me arrested for what I HAVE done." "I know Ted." she continued, "I also know that she came on to you like a slut in heat, and I'm amazed that you DIDN'T screw her." She paused as if trying think of how to say what she wanted to say. "Look, Ted," she finally said, "I have to go out of town again tomorrow. It's a very bad time to be leaving Vicky alone, but I need this job and we need the money it pays, so I have to put you in a really bad spot. Vicky is feeling rejected by you, and combined with the depression over her friend's death, I'm afraid of what she might do. I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe it would be best for her if you took her up on her offer." I stared at her, dumbfounded, for several long moments. I hope my mouth wasn't hanging open, because of all the scenarios I had played out in my head, THIS was not one! "Are you saying you WANT me to have sex with your daughter?" I asked. She shook her head impatiently, "No. I never want anyone to have sex with my daughter until she's married, but as a mother who cares deeply for her, I have come to the conclusion that it would be the best thing for her in the present circumstances." Natalie's eyes pleaded with me for understanding. "You understand the risk you're asking me to take..." "Yes. I give you my word, and Vicky will give you hers, that no one else will ever know," she said, "but you have to decide for yourself if you can trust us enough. I know this is difficult, Ted, but Vicky trusts you and after what you put up with the last few days, I can't believe you'd do anything to hurt her. You don't have to decide right now, but I need to know by tomorrow, so I can find her another place to stay while I'm gone." "You don't have to find her another place, Natalie," I said, "she can stay here and we'll just see how it plays out. I am really worried about the emotional consequences for her and for me. She's VERY vulnerable right now, and I'm just not sure, one way or the other." Impulsively, Natalie hugged me, and said, "That's all I can hope for, Ted. Thank you." Vicky arrived in better spirits the following evening. After seeing her mother out the door, she turned to me and asked eagerly, "Can we go upstairs now?" I held her hands and said, "Let's talk for a little while, okay?" Her face fell, but she said, "Okay." I fixed myself a drink and made Vicky a rum and coke - more coke than rum. I wanted her relaxed, not impaired. "Hey!" she said after her first sip, "What'd you put in this coke?" "Rum." I smiled, "To help you relax. Just sip it slowly. If you're not used to drinking it'll hit you hard if you drink it too fast." "Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?" she giggled. "From what I've experienced with you," I smiled, "alcohol would be superfluous. Look, let's bring this out in the open and discuss it like adults for a moment, okay? Tell me, from your heart, what's going on here." Vicky stared into her glass and played with the ice cubes before answering. "I - I don't really know, Ted." she said sadly, "I don't have a lot of friends, and you've been so nice to me, and well, Skeej was about the only one I could hang out with. Now that he's gone, you're like the closest thing I have to a friend, and..." She kind of trailed off, taking a sip of her drink to buy time. "...And what?" I asked, lifting her face so I could watch her expression. "...And, well," she stumbled over her thoughts, "I'm, uh, that is, I've, uh, oh hell! I've had like this huge crush on you since I met you, okay!? But, now Skeej is gone, and you don't want me, and I'm so ugly, none of the other boys want me, and... Oh what's the use?" I could have spent hours trying to talk her through this, and maybe made her feel a little better, but I decided on a different course. "Do you know how to apply makeup, Vicky?" I asked. She gave me a quizzical look, then nodded. "Then come with me, please." I found some of Tara's old stuff and sat Vicky in front of the vanity mirror to apply it. "Pretend you're going to the opera with a handsome prince," I whispered in her ear, "and you want to look your very best. I'll be back with something for you to wear. Don't forget to wash your face!" She gave me her best 'Are you crazy?' look. "Just humor me, okay?" I said gently. She shrugged and started the water running to warm it up. I rummaged through Tara's closet and eventually found a dress she had worn on one her dates while in high school, one that had taken my breath away at the time. It looked about the right size for Vicky, and I hung it from the top of the door, while I searched for a slip. If Vicky wanted to wear bra and panties, she'd have to wear her own, or find them for herself. She had gathered her hair at the back of her head. It wasn't quite long enough to manage one of those buns that accentuate a slender neck, but with the help of one of those claw things that have become popular in recent years, she had produced a similar effect. As I entered with the dress, she was just finishing the application of a pale shade of lipstick. I showed her the dress and slip, and she laughed at me. "It's a beautiful dress, Ted, but you don't wear a slip with that kind of dress!" "Well," I said, in my own defense, "since I don't wear either, I hope you'll forgive my ignorance." Vicky took off her sweats and started removing her singlet as I beat a hasty retreat. A few moments later, I heard, "Ted?" I returned to find a transformed beauty staring with wonder at her reflection in the mirror. Tara's shoes, even now, were too small for Vicky, so she stood barefoot, the elegant simplicity of the satin gown showing enticing hints of her lithe figure. The hard points of her tiny nipples were starkly outlined against the lavender front of the dress, and her hips flared deliciously above beautifully curved thighs. "Now," I whispered in her ear as I leaned over her shoulder from behind, "what was that you were saying about ugly?" "Oh my god!" she breathed, "I had no idea!" She giggled and exclaimed, "I clean up pretty good, huh!?" "You sure do!" I said, kissing her on top of the head. "Do you like me like this, Ted?" she asked, longing in her eyes. I smiled. "I liked you before, Vicky. This was just to let YOU see what I already saw in you! You never gave yourself a chance to be beautiful, so you never realized you were. Now that you know, what do you think?" "I can't go around looking like this!" she cried, "I'm a skater! What will the other guys think?" "I don't know what they'll think about your skating," I replied, "but I imagine you'll be needing a big stick to fight them off! Besides, who says skaters can't be beautiful? How you look doesn't affect your skills. You don't need to look like all the other skaters to be good at it! All you have to do is be able to do the tricks - wearing your safety gear, of course!" "Wow!" she breathed, still staring, "I look sexy, don't I?" "Yeah," I found myself suddenly hoarse, "you do!" The next thing I knew, I was engulfed in delicate feminity that exuded passion from every pore, as Vicky turned and captured my mouth in a soul-searing kiss! Her body was soft on the outside, yet hard underneath as she pressed it urgently against me. I had tried, really I had, but the last few days had worn at me, her mother had given me her blessing to molest the young lady, and the unadulterated lust in that kiss finally undid me. I was briefly saddened when the dress ripped as I tore it from Vicky's ripe young body, but that quickly faded as my eyes feasted on the succulent young sprite before me. I swooped her up in my arms and resumed our kiss as I carried her to my bed. I tossed her into its center and watched lustfully as, wearing only panties, she lay there enticing me with her lustful gaze, and squeezing her hot little pussy with one hand. My clothing flew off as I rushed to join her. I had a little trouble getting my briefs down over the jutting bar of my cock, but finally, I was naked. I buried my face in the overheated musk of Vicky's cotton covered 'V' and inhaled deeply. She emitted a gasp and her fingers dug into my scalp as her heels settled on my shoulder blades. I disentangled myself from her momentarily, and pulled the panties down and off her legs. Her moist slit was lightly lined with a fine down of yellow curls. "Vicky," I said, "normally, I would spend at least a little time on foreplay, but you have had me hard for days, and I REALLY need to do something about that!" "Go ahead, Ted." she said, "I'm not a virgin!" Her pale, muscular thighs parted in welcome and it was all I could do to keep from plunging full length and pounding the hell out of her. A measure of sanity took hold, however, and I realized that, virgin or no, the sheer difference in our sizes guaranteed a certain amount of stretching for the little skater. As gently as my impatience and pent-up lust would allow, I nestled my plum at the entrance to her seeping tunnel, and slowly pushed inward. Vicky gasped and dug her fingers into my arms as I held myself above her, trying desperately not to nail her to the bed as my loins desired so badly to do. "So BIG!" Vicky whispered, gazing wide-eyed at my face, "Ooooooooooooooo, shit!" "Do you want me to stop?" I paused, awaiting her response. "Don't you DARE!" she cried, "Just keep going slow!" When my glans bumped into the hard protrusion of her cervix, there were still several inches of my cock in daylight. "Ready to stretch, Vicky?" I whispered. All she did was give me a wide-eyed nod. Fraction by fraction, I pushed inward, withdrawing, then recapturing lost ground and a bit more. Each time I bottomed out, Vicky gave a sharp cry and swiveled her hips around my rod, doing her bit to take all of me. For almost ten minutes, I continued this careful investment of new territory until, with a sigh from both of us, my pubic hair mingled with Vicky's. I held still, staring deep into my baby lover's eyes as she did a slow grind, stretching herself that little bit more to make room for me. She winced a couple of times, but ended with a smile. "Do it, Ted!" she whispered, low and throaty, "FFFFuck me!" I kissed her tenderly as I slowly withdrew, then slid back in. She returned my kiss with even greater passion than before, and her pelvis rose to meet me. Four, five, six, times I plunged deep into the eager teen's fist-tight passage, each of us revelling in the feel of the other as our secret flesh joined together, again and again! "Okay, Vicky," I said, pushing her slender ankles up until they rested on my shoulders, "here comes the big finish. Are you ready?" "Oooooohhhhh!" She moaned as I sank even more deeply into her. "YES! YES! It feels wonderful! Do it, Ted!" I started with long, drawn out strokes, but quickly built momentum until I was pounding her hard and fast! Had it not been for the copious fluid leaking from her inexperienced pussy, I fear the friction would have set us both on fire! Even with all the natural lubrication, it took considerable effort to move my cock in either direction inside her. The other side of that coin was, of course, that my dick had never felt better! From the abandon with which she threw her hips upward to meet each stroke, I gathered that Vicky, too, was enjoying the sensation. As I neared my climax, I bent my back and neck to grab one of Vicky's tiny nipples between my teeth. It was an awkward position with such a small girl, but I wouldn't have to hold it long! I nipped and released the tender nubbin rapidly as my cock dug deep into her cavern, seeking that warm moist place in which to deposit my seed! Vicky shrieked and ground against me as she felt my lava erupt deep within her, her spasming pussy milking every ounce of fluid from my discharge as her body went rigid and vibrated along its entire length! For several long moments we were caught in the throes of powerful orgasms, until, finally, I collapsed sideways, rolling Vicky with me, then helping her extricate her legs from between us. "OH - MY - GOD!" she sighed, smiling at me, little tremors still causing the occasional shiver to shake her from head to foot, "Is it always like that?" "In my experience..." I said, stroking a non-existent beard and trying to sound wise, "...almost never! It's almost always good, mind you, but this was special." Vicky giggled and snuggled her head on my shoulder and we savored the feelings as my wilting member slipped forlornly from her greasy folds. I awoke sometime later to the feeling of soft warmth on my cock. When I looked, Vicky's head was on my abdomen, as she suckled at my rapidly growing staff. I felt a scrape and said, "Vicky - try not to let your teeth touch it, okay? If you're not moving, its okay, you can even bite some, but no scraping!" Before removing her teeth, she bit experimentally, sending shivers up my spine! I tugged at her hips, and at first she didn't understand what I wanted, but she let me guide her until her she lay prone on top of me, her sweet little pussy directly above my mouth. At some time, while I slept, she had gotten up and washed herself, and when I first nuzzled her cleft it smelled sweet and fresh. She jerked as my tongue insinuated itself between her puffy labia, and her mouth went wild on my hardening cock. With my lust somewhat abated by our earlier session, I took my time, making sleepy love to Vicky's reawakened pussy. Slowly, lazily, I lapped at her suddenly moist crevice, flicking my tongue gently across her sensitive little clitoris, and alternately taking long, slow swipes up its sides, as she ground her pelvis into my face, I slipped a finger into her folds, searching for the little magic spot just within her tunnel. I must have found it, because she screamed around my cock and slammed her mound several times into my mouth! I tongued and fingered her to a couple of orgasms, then nudged her to turn around. Holding her by the waist, I slowly lowered the lovely skater onto my cock, pushing upward to seat myself deep within her. "Lace your fingers behind your head, Vicky!" I rasped, as she settled her weight on my hips. I took both of her tender nipples between thumb and forefinger, and used them as handles to guide her up and down my cock! The very sight of this beautiful teen, obviously aroused, allowing me to use her this way had me on edge almost immediately! Vicky's eyes rolled up in her head as the lids drooped over them, and she began using her powerful skater's legs to propel her body up and down my rampant rod! Gasps and sighs escaped her lips every few moments as she impaled herself on my manhood. I released her nipples but she kept her hands behind her head, her hair flying in every direction as her head whipped from side to side in her passion! Finally, her hands fell to my chest to help support her, as faster and faster, she fucked herself on my passive penis! In one wild last plunge, she rose to the tip of my cock and dropped her entire weight on it, shrieking her climax at the rafters! She shuddered and spasmed atop me and I had no choice but to release my seed deep into her body! With a soft cry, she fell forward, totally limp, except for random twitches and shudders. I pulled a pillow over my shoulder and Vicky was fast asleep as soon as her head hit the softness of the cushion. I pulled the covers over us, and I, too, fell asleep under the soft warmth of my teen lover. Vicky prepared breakfast for us the next morning and again, it was delicious. I was halfway through my coffee and had just taken another sip when Vicky asked sweetly: "Ted, what's 'anal sex'?" I felt like a character in a sitcom as coffee spewed from my nostrils! I stalled, cleaning up the mess I made, but Vicky wasn't going to let it go. She got some paper towels to wipe the table, then sat across from me again. "So," she giggled, "now that you've got THAT out of your system, are you going to answer my question?" I smiled at her and replied, "Well, for one thing, it's something I'm going to experience a LOT in prison if you or your mom ever tells anyone about what we've been doing!" She looked hurt and said, "You know we wouldn't do that! Now come on! I want to know!" "Well," I replied, "in simplest terms, it's sex involving the anus of one or more of the participants. Basically, with a little preparation and care, it's the same as vaginal sex, but in a different place. People who participate in anal sex should take certain precautions, but those're just common sense." "So," she looked like a six year old with something on her mind, "you could do all the same things to my butt that you've done to my pussy?" "Pretty much, BUT..." I raised a finger in caution, "it would require some preparation if you've never done it before." "What kind of preparation?" she asked, curious. "The important thing for the person being sodomized - that's one name for being screwed in the ass - is to relax the anal ring." I couldn't believe I was lecturing a sixteen year old on the hows and whys of ass fucking! "People who have experience at it know how to do it, but it takes practice." "Will you show me?" she asked it like a three year old asks for candy! My fatherly side was saying no, but my dick ruled the day, and I took Vicky back upstairs. She looked so... delicious, lying face down on my bed, just waiting for me to come and poke my cock into the cute, crinkled little ring of her anus! I started by kneeling above her and parting the resilient cheeks of her butt. She squealed with surprise and delight when my tongue first touched the muscular portal. Slowly, gently, I worked on her orally, letting the warmth and gentleness of my tongue relax her. Bit by bit, I delved deeper into her forbidden cavity with my stiffened tongue. "Damn!" she cried, lifting her buttocks to give me better access, "that's hella nasty! Unngnh! What are you doing to me!?" "You wanted to know about anal sex," I said, "well this is what you might call 'anal foreplay'! Do you want me to stop?" "Oh, HELL no!" she said, "It feels so weird, but GOOD!" When she had relaxed enough to allow my tongue free access, I lubed and inserted a finger. "Unnnggghh!" she moaned into the pillow, and her pelvis rose higher in welcome. I stroked that finger in and out for a few minutes, then whispered, "This might stretch a little. Push out like you're taking a crap!" When I felt her comply, I added a second finger, slipping it in alonside the first before she could react. "Ow!" she said, but soon was fucking herself on the two large digits. When she could comfortably take three fingers, I slipped them out and lubed my steel-hard shaft. "Okay, Vicky," I whispered, "this is the real thing, push out now, really hard!" Her puckered ring opened up and nibbled at my glans and I pushed through in one quick motion. "AARRGGHH!" she cried into the pillow, "That HURTS!" "Shhh!" I whispered, holding still, "Try not to squeeze! That only makes it worse! That's a good girl! It'll be better soon!" I held my position until Vicky started pushing backward on her own. I had one more hurdle to get past, and there was no way to prepare her for it. When I reached the inner sphincter I pushed slowly through - not fast enough to tear her, but too quickly for her tighten up again. "UMPH!" she said into the pillow. Again I held my position as Vicky struggled to get her anal muscles under control. When her body relaxed again, I gradually pushed the rest of the way inside. "Oooooohhhh!" Vicky groaned, slowly swiveling her hips, "Tooooooo MUCH!" "I'm all the way in now, Vicky." I whispered, "I'll wait for you to start." A slight nod was all I got in response, and when I looked, the lovely skater's mouth was open and her eyelids fluttered, eyeballs turned far up in their sockets. "It feels like, ungh," she muttered, "your, unh, penis is connected to my spinal cord! Every little movement sends, like, this shock through my body!" "Is that good, or bad?" "Hella good!" she answered, "Hella weird, but good!" Slowly, cautiously, Vicky began undulating beneath me, gradually starting to fuck herself on my rod. The gritty velvet tightness of her hot, hungry cavern sent shivers up and down my own spine! Like an avalanche rolling down hill, our forbidden coupling picked up speed and momentum until we were crashing together! Every slap of my thighs against her small buttocks brought a cry from the lovely teen and grunt of bestial lust from me! "Fuckme, fuckme, fuckme" Vicky chanted her litany into the pillow, then turned her face and looked me in the eye, screaming "Fuckin' FUCK ME TED!" I was way ahead of her! I began corkscrewing into her tight sheath, my glans bumping into things and pushing others out of the way, as each new sensation brought a cry of passion from my teen lover! I couldn't last long like this, and I reached around and found Vicky's dripping little honeypot. I began tapping at her clit in time with my thrusts, and she went ballistic, throwing herself wildly about on the bed, but never losing contact with my pistoning shaft! A nuclear blast went off where my shaft penetrated her most deeply, annihilating consciousness in a cataclysm of biblical proportions! I don't know how long I was out, but when I once again became aware of my surroundings, Vicky was struggling beneath me, and I rolled hastily to the side to give her room to breathe. We showered together, and I managed to keep my hands to myself for most of the rest of the day. Vicky was affectionate, but made no overt moves to get me back in bed, much to my relief - I wasn't sure if I'd be able to perform any more that day! She slept in my bed for the rest of her mother's time away from home, and we made love at least once each night. Twice more she invited me into her backside, and I was loathe to refuse. Then came the morning of the day her mother was to return. Vicky was unusually quiet at breakfast, and I asked her what was wrong. She paused, thinking for a long moment before responding, "You won't, like, be jealous if I date, like other guys my age, will you Ted?" I almost laughed, since I had been trying to find a way to ask her to do just that, but realized it would have been out of place. "Vicky, " I replied, taking one of her hands in both of mine, "these last few days have been incredible. I feel honored that you have shared them with me in such a delightful way, but I could never feel possessive about you. You will always have a special place in my heart, but you must live your own life, however you think it needs to be lived." She gave me another one of her impulsive hugs and wound up sitting on my lap, arm around my neck, "But you won't, like, mind if I like, come over once in a while? You know, just to hang with you a little?" "Any time, Vicky." I replied warmly, "You're always welcome here!" Over the next few months, Vicky gradually lost interest in skateboarding, as the boys at her school began paying more attention to her, and for the next couple of years, I had another teen crying on my shoulder about her heartaches, and sharing her triumphs. The primary difference between Vicky and Tara, however, was that often as not, when Vicky was done pouring her heart out, she needed a 'consolation fuck' as she called it. When Vicky got married a few months ago, I had the honor of walking her down the aisle. No one but the bride, her mom, and I knew that the dress she wore wasn't quite white, but the lightest of beiges. Once again, my house is empty, except for the memories. But ah, what memories!