Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. ________________________________ This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody who resembles any of the characters here, congratulations, but you're wrong - any similarity between the characters in this story and any real person is purely coincidental, since all of these characters are figments of my dirty little imagination. This is my story, not yours. Don't sell it or put it on a pay site. You can keep it and/or give it away with all of this information intact, but if you make money off of it without my permission, you're breaking the law and pissing me off. _________________________________ Body Guards II: Stolen Secrets - Epilogue (MF anal) (C)Copyright 2005 - Shakes Peer2B (remove 'NONO' from the above address to contact me) /files/Authors/Shakes_Peer2B/ ________ "Oh, Christ, Darren!" Stephanie cried, hands clawing the bedsheets. "You go so deep that way! Oh fuck!" I still enjoyed the sight and sensation of my cock stabbing root-deep into diminutive Stephanie's ass, and she apparently still got a kick out of it too! Steph sprawled face-down on the fine linen, her limbs spread wide, enhancing the vision of vulnerability she presented, her tiny butt cocked upward to give me total access to her rear portal. Of course, the verbalization wasn't necessary. All five of us felt what she was feeling, surfing along on a wave of lust that was fed by the groundswell of love that we shared. Jun, invisibly patrolling the White House corridors, Sun, checking the grounds, and Mei and Wei, out in California, enjoyed with us this physical consumation of shared love. "Now, Darren!" Steph cried, her hips ratcheting involuntarily as my cock plunged in and out of her most private opening. "Fuck me hard!" As if I needed that instruction! I pounded the lovely young lady into the mattress to the accompaniment of her orgasmic song, roaring my own release, as wave after wave of cum poured from my straining organs, deep into the her spasming colon. When the throes of our climax finally abated, Stephanie turned to me with a satisfied smile. "Thanks, Darren, I needed that." "You're welcome anytime, Mrs. Winchell." I replied, kissing her deeply. 'Doesn't it seem somehow WRONG,' Jun thought with amusement, for the benefit of the other G-girls, 'that Darren should be sodomizing the President of the United States?' Stephanie and I could feel the hilarity as the others enjoyed her little joke. 'I serve at the pleasure of the President.' I thought, with mock humility. Stephanie picked it up from there. '...And the President is well pleased with his service, so don't give it a second thought.' The mental laughter this time was long and hearty. Okay, okay, let me back it up a little. See, when Stephanie decided to make her run for the White House, it was clear that as a single woman, she wouldn't stand a chance, but there was no suitable husband material in the picture. She had been so preoccupied with her political ambitions, and immersed so deeply in her link with the G-girls and I that she never bothered with outside relationships. "What am I going to do, Dad?" She asked her father on one of her frequent visits to California. The DCOS job kept her busy, but she always found time to come back for visits. "No prospects at all, sweetie?" He answered her question with one of his own. "Surely at least one of those young politicians has caught your eye." "Yes and no." Steph was physically alone with her father, but the rest of us, naturally, were 'listening' in. "There are some really cute guys there, some of them really smart, some real charmers, but they're all focussed on their political careers. They would see me as an asset to their own careers, no doubt, but wouldn't be too keen on becoming the 'First Gentleman.'" Jun and I were in a casual sixty-nine, our cocks buried in each others throats, but we were just enjoying the intimacy as we followed along with the conversation. "I have an idea," Steve told her, handing her a crystal glass of Chardonnay, "but it may be difficult for the others to accept." "What is it..." Stephanie began, before her mind finished interpreting the rest of his statement. "...Darren?! I don't know Dad, he and Jun are in love, you know." A shockwave passed like a tsunami through our link as each of us wrestled with the idea. True, Jun and I were in love, and spending a lot of time together, but she had always maintained that she couldn't marry me. Naturally, I understood her reasons - the same ones Wei had for not marrying Stephanie's father, and did not argue, but it was a source of frustration for me. "I know that, Steph," Hastings replied, "but I also know your mom and aunts, and I'm pretty sure that Jun would go along with the idea. The one I'm not sure about is Darren." He started to say more but Stephanie held up a hand in a 'wait a minute' gesture as she turned her attention to the debate that had suddenly erupted in our group. I guess that's not entirely accurate. All four of the G-girls were enthusiastically in favor of the idea. I was the one debating. 'Come on!' I interjected, 'I'm what, twenty some-odd years older than her! Steph, you know I love you dearly, but the press will have a field day with the difference in our ages. How are you going to handle that?' 'Darren,' Stephanie replied calmly, 'why don't you let ME worry about that. I don't have to tell you how I feel about you, nor do I have to tell you how I feel about your relationship with Aunt Jun. I won't twist your arm, and I'd appreciate it, Mom and the rest of you, if you wouldn't pressure him either. This is an important decision, and he needs to make it on his own.' 'We won't pressure him, Niece,' Jun thought, even as her teeth clamped dangerously on the base of my cock, 'but we do strongly encourage him to do this. Think of it this way, Darren: I'm not going to marry you, and this is your chance to have a meaningful relationship with someone who not only loves you, but understands you completely. Not only that, but if she gets elected, you'll be able to be close to her when even the Secret Service guys are excluded. What better security could a President ask for?' It went on and on for several seconds that seemed like an eternity, until we all realized that I was arguing reflexively about something I had already resolved to do. The wedding was quiet - our little group didn't have many outside attachments. Steve's wife and their son, Darren (don't ask - I still get embarrassed), who, at nine, was growing into a fine young man, attended. A few people from Gemini, and from Hastings, Inc., and a couple of Hastings social connections, and that was the wedding party, besides the G-girls. Wei, as mother of the bride, had other, unfamiliar duties to perform, so Stephanie selected Jun as her maid of honor. Best man? Frank McKenzie. Yes, I know, but we're all human, and one couldn't fault him for trying to save the woman he loved. He was still the best friend I had, even though he couldn't work for Gemini anymore. A year later, when Stephanie announced her candidacy for President, the press, as predicted, went into a feeding frenzy over the differences in our ages. Stephanie, taught by her Aunts and her Dad that one meets one's problems head-on, called a press conference, and, for over an hour, she and I answered every question they could throw at us. "Mrs. Winchell," the CNN guy asked, "Why did you marry a man so much older than yourself?" "Because he said 'Yes' when I asked him!" She laughed "Though I had to twist his arm a little. Seriously, I have loved Darren since he first began working with Mother and my aunts in their security company. It's only last year that I got the courage and inspiration to ask him to marry me." "What about you, Mr. Winchell?" Another one asked, "Don't you feel like you're robbing the cradle?" "Having worked with Gemini Security for a number of years," I joked, "I wouldn't feel safe robbing the Hastings household of anything, much less their favorite daughter. I will admit to some hesitation when Stephanie approached me on the subject, and we consulted with her father, mother, and aunts before we made the decision, but I have to say that if any of you out there ever find someone with whom you can share the kind of love and understanding we have, you'd be fools not to marry each other." "Mrs. Winchell," the woman from Fox asked, "don't you think that being married to an older man will be a liability to your political career?" "In what way?" Stephanie shot back. "Do you think that the addition of his wisdom to our union would be a liability? Do you believe that the man who helped save my life will be a security risk? Or is it just that you think there are enough busybodies out there with nothing better to do than gossip about the difference in our ages that they'll draw attention away from the issues? If that's the case, all of you busybodies out there had better get all of those questions out of your system today, because this is the last time I or my husband will answer them. From here on out this campaign will be about issues of importance to the people and to the security of our great nation, and anyone who can't keep up will be left in the dust." Out of left field, someone asked, "Is it true that your mother and the three ladies you call your aunts entered this country illegally?" Stephanie was not to be thrown that easily. She had anticipated that the question would arise. "Technically speaking, the answer is no. They entered legally as members of two separate Chinese delegations. Since they were bodyguards for very important men, when their employers died in this country, they could not return to China without being executed for failing in their duties. My father, at the time, happened to be in need of bodyguards and he employed them. Since his need involved the sale of a product that has since become a mainstay of our intelligence gathering capability, and these four ladies helped ensure that he survived long enough to complete the sale and transfer to the US Government, they were granted permanent visas and have since become citizens of the United States. Since the subject has been opened, we might as well get any questions about these four ladies out of the way now, as well, because I won't answer them later." There were more questions. Lots more questions. But Stephanie had the knack for answering them with just the right air of humor and verifiable fact. If I was at a loss, she was right there, showing me her thought process so that I could answer in my own words with enough equanamity to calm the ravening hordes before they got their torches lit. By the next week, it was old news. Other issues took precedence, and Stephanie handled them all with grace, poise, and honesty. "Do I believe in the right of gay couples to marry?" She answered one question. "Let me just quote for you a portion of The Declaration of Independence: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.' "Should we consider those who love another of the same sex, then, somehow less equal? Should we deny them those 'unalienable rights,' in particular, 'the pursuit of Happiness?' Some would say that this document doesn't hold the force of Law because it precedes the Constitution which forms the basis for our legal system. I tell you now, that if the reasons set forth in The Declaration of Independence for separating ourselves from the Government of England were valid then, and if our own government cannot provide for and protect those rights, then our people have the right - as declared by our forefathers - to dissolve their ties with our Government. Why, then, would I, as President, wish to deny anyone those 'unalienable rights?' Why would anyone in government, and why would the people who elect those in Government? Many have religious objections to same-sex marriage, and I say this to them: Your forefathers brought your religions to this country to escape persecution. Will you now become the persecutors? Each and every one of us has the right to believe as we will. None of us has the right to force our beliefs on others." Another time, another place: "What about the terrorist threat? What will you do about that?" "Terrorism is a complex issue with no simple solutions." Stephanie answered sincerely. "Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying or has no grasp of the real situation. Think about it: What would it take for YOU to be willing to blow yourself up to kill those you perceive to be your enemies? You would have to feel pretty hopeless, wouldn't you? You would have to believe that there was no other way to stop the oppression of your people, right? Do you believe that those who have chosen this path feel any differently? As President, I must, and I shall defend our country and its people against any and all threats from whatever sources. That is a short-term goal, however. Long-term I intend to seek out and remove the causes of the enmity and hatred these people feel for the United States. When we make a promise to the people of a foreign nation, we will keep it. When we help to destroy the material assets of a nation, we will help to rebuild it, not for the profit of our corporations, but for the welfare of the people of the country in need of our help. We will no longer use the World Bank to exploit third world nations, forcing them to surrender what few natural resources they have to secure loans which we know they will not be able to repay. We will, in short, be responsible for our actions, and begin repairing the rifts our predecessors have left behind. It will take years, and we must remain vigilant in the interim, but with your support, it will happen in our lifetime." It was a long, grueling campaign. Stephanie's opponents from both sides tried repeatedly to make an issue of me or the G-girls. Each time the question came up, Stephanie referred the questioner to the transcript of her previous interview, then forced the dialog back to an important issue. Never once did she sling mud at an opponent. She didn't have to. She had the knack for backing her slogans with a depth of fact and insight that no one in either party could match. 'Mighty Mouth and the Atom Aunts' the press started calling Stephanie and the G-girls, but it was good-natured ribbing. Even the press was impressed with the depth of her knowledge, her candor, and her ability to show things as they related to the fundamental values of our society. As we expected, at some point in the campaign, the opposition - a republican candidate with no military background - began suggesting that Stephanie would not be a strong enough leader. I was at the press conference when a Fox News reporter confronted Stephanie with that accusation. I stepped to the front of the podium and put my arm around my wife. "I'll take this one, if you don't mind dear." Facing the assembled reporters I said, "As you know, my wife, as a teenager, was kidnapped by people who wanted something from her father. When the time was right to try to overpower those people, she faced a full-grown man armed with an automatic weapon, disarmed him, and used his own weapon to kill him. If her opponent in this race has a better record of strength and courage, I haven't heard about it. As a former US Navy Seal, I can tell you that I have known some very strong and courageous people in my life, and I would rank my wife near the top of that list. It's one thing to train for combat and have the idea drilled into you day after day that you MUST kill your enemy or he will kill you. It's quite another thing to grow up as a young teenaged girl and have to decide to pull the trigger that will end a man's life. Can any of you say that you would have done what was necessary, had you been in her position?" There were more questions, of course: Was she traumatized by the event, would she do anything different now, etc., etc. Stephanie answered each and every question with the same grace and courage she had shown on that day in Texas, and both the press and her opponent had no choice but to let that one go, too. When her opponent expounded at length on his views and how he would stick to them through thick and thin, Stephanie's reply was: "How can he lead a government of the people, by the people, and for the people if he represents only one set of views? The President, above all other men, must represent the views of the entire nation, and if he is unable or unwilling to give up his own ideology to espouse the position of his constituents, then he has no business being in the White House. I have expressed some pretty strong opinions during this campaign, but I have made no commitments to any particular course of action for that very reason. As President, it will be my job to represent the will of the people of the United States, not just those who voted for me or those who contributed to my campaign. Once in office and privy to the information afforded the President, information that is not public knowledge, only then will I decide on a particular course of action on any particular issue. When I know the facts, I will act decisively, but I will not commit to a course of action that does not take available information into account." In the end, Stephanie came up with just as many one-line answers to the questions as her opponent, but when it came to the follow-up questions, she had those covered in far greater depth. The popular vote divided pretty much down the line between corporatists and populists, blurring party lines beyond recognition, with the highest percentage in recent history of registered voters casting ballots. Even religious conservatives realized that they would get a better hearing from Stephanie than from the 'Profit Party.' President Winchell's victory would have been even more one-sided had it not been for the hold-out sexists among the religious right. As it was, the election of the first female President in the history of the country, who also happened to be the youngest President ever, had women's groups and young people turning out in droves, to vote and to celebrate her victory. Now, here we are, our first night in residence in the White House, and my cock is slowly wilting, slipping centimeter by centimeter from the lovely ass of the President of the United States. If you don't believe one event can change the course of history, try stealing something from Steve Hastings sometime, or crossing a confidential courier whose reputation is on the line.