Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. ________________________________ This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody who resembles any of the characters here, congratulations, but you're wrong - any similarity between the characters in this story and any real person is purely coincidental, since all of these characters are figments of my dirty little imagination. This is my story, not yours. Don't sell it or put it on a pay site. You can keep it and/or give it away with all of this information intact, but if you make money off of it, you're breaking the law and pissing me off. _________________________________ Body Guards 5 (The End, For Now)(MFFFFF, mult, caution) (C)Copyright 2004 - Shakes Peer2B (remove 'NONO' from the above address to contact me) /files/Authors/Shakes_Peer2B/ (go to the Author's page under 'S') ________ The weeks following the conclusion of the sale were hectic. The government came back with a contract for us to build the product, but there were some things we had to do first. Bob and I talked it over and invested $500 Million each in the company, converting it from a partnership to a corporation. We issued ourselves 45% of the pool of stock and reserved 10% for other purposes. The FBI did background checks on all of our existing employees, including Bob and I, and weeded out a few who didn't pass muster. Mei, Wei, Sun and Jun then did their own background checks, weeding out a couple more. Speaking of the girls: I was able to talk the INS and the State Department into issuing them H1 visas, allowing them to stay in this country as my employees. They too had to undergo the FBI's background checks, but there wasn't much they could add to what the girls told them freely, and since they had proven their loyalty to me, it was hard to argue about letting them work for me. At my insistence they even formed their own little consulting firm, and took on the company's security set up as their first gig. The first thing we did upon forming their company was to set up a retirement plan for them. As long as I lived, they wouldn't have anything to worry about. If something did happen to me, however, I wanted to make sure they were taken care of, without having to wait for my will to go through probate. Until we got the plans for the product back and went into production, I was in no more danger than anyone else, since there was no one from whom to collect a ransom if I got kidnapped, and nothing to gain by killing me. This left the girls with time to work on the company's security, though they never let up on my training. With four of them working me over, I was starting to look more like an Olympic athlete than a corporate executive, but I loved the ease of movement and the assurance with which I could take on almost any physical task. In addition, Sun and Jun proved to be just as inventive as Mei and Wei at providing 'incentives' for me to do my best during our workouts, and most days' workouts ended in sweaty fuck-fests. It's truly amazing the sexual combinations that can be achieved with fourteen holes and five poles! The girls were amazing in their thoroughness and insight when it came to setting up the company's security policies, procedures, and installations. They went over the architect's plans for our new building with a fine-toothed comb and insisted on a number of changes. By the time they were finished, we could have held off an army of Ninjas without breaking a sweat. Tanks would have been only a little more trouble. People being who they are, they don't like change. When the girls tightened up security, the employees, especially those who had been with us for a while, grumbled and complained, even going so far as to stop me in the hallway to let me know what a pain it was. I listened, and made reassuring noises, but always left them with the understanding that when it came to security, they'd better do what the young ladies said. When I wasn't in need of their immediate presence, one or the other pair of twins roamed the building, letting people see them checking anything and everything. Privacy? Not in THIS workplace buster! The government sent in their own security people, and while I was happy to use the free manpower, they could find no way to improve on what my ladies had put in place. In fact, they wanted to license some of it to be used in other facilities. All this, of course, was preliminary to the main event - our actually starting to manufacture our own product. We remained closely held. Though we allowed our Board of directors to dole out small blocks of stock, Bob and I remained the majority stock holders. The thing about Bob and I was that we agreed on only one thing; That as long as we could talk to each other we could work everything else out. On virtually everything else, we started out at opposite ends of the spectrum. We would begin what everyone else thought was an intense, subdued argument, and by keeping our egos out of it, through our magical process, we would work out a compromise that was usually better than either of our original ideas. It took others a while to recognize the value in this, but soon, we noticed the same process occuring throughout the company. Meetings, at times, looked like war zones, but the rule was that nobody left until a consensus had been reached. This sort of confrontational creativity even became formalized in our hiring policy: If a candidate was too much in agreement with the hiring manager's ideas, he brought nothing but a pair of hands to the department. What we needed were minds that were capable of thinking for themselves! A few months after we moved into our new facility, we began work in earnest on developing our product to the government's bureaucratically exact specifications. About the same time, Mei, Wei, Sun, Jun and I moved into a very large mansion in the middle of a little over a hundred acres of land. We had located and purchased the place several months earlier, but the girls wouldn't allow me to move out of my Palo Alto place until they had secured the new 'palace' to their satisfaction. By the time we moved in, there were five escape tunnels, each excavated by a different contractor hired from far away. The security system could have eaten the threats we faced in Palo Alto for breakfast, and even the landscaping had been modified to suit the girl's needs. There were only two ways to get near the house without crossing at least two hundred yards of close-cropped lawn that sloped gently away from the house. Beyond that perimeter were woods, grasslands, dense scrub, you name it, except that there was nothing within ten miles that overlooked the house. There were two dense hedgerows that came right up to the walls of the house on either side and the girls tended the hedges with loving care. The secret of these hedgerows was that because they were set at right angles to the house walls and were so impenetrably dense that they would provide no cover for a stealthy approach to the house, since there were windows and cameras overlooking both sides of them. The other secret was that they were actually a double row of bushes with a low, foliage lined tunnel between the rows. These tunnels ended at what looked like a pair of 'doggie doors'. The girls had built these themselves. They were little more than sturdy hatches that allowed a small person to slip, undetected, from the house and down the hedge tunnel to get behind most potential enemy positions. I took to calling them the girls' 'sally ports' after the small doors once built into castle walls for a similar purpose. About the time we moved into the 'Castle', the nature of my workouts began to change. We had, of course, worked at a number of kidnap scenarios, but now, we seemed to be practicing protecting someone else. 'Okay,' I thought, 'I suppose it's possible someone could try to kidnap me and demand ransom from the company. So why are we training as if someone else would be the target?' Increasingly, I was becoming part of the defense team for another person, but who? As I've said before, I don't think I'm very stupid, and eventually the little light went on in my brain. "Okay," I said, as the five of us filed into my brand new gym one day, "Which one of you is pregnant?" Mei and Wei did their look-and-smile routine, and Sun and Jun gave each other a little secret fingertip-touch, that I had come to realize was their equivalent of Mei/Wei's smiling at themself. Wei took a step forward and said, "We weren't sure how you would react, Steve. We weren't even supposed to be capable of getting pregnant, but it seems there is yet more for science to learn about the human body. I am pregnant." She stood with head bowed as if awaiting punishment. "This will cause problems for your security. If you so order, I will have the fetus aborted." I pulled her face up to mine with a finger crooked under her chin, "You will do no such thing! Do we know yet who the father is?" Mei answered for her sister, "Science is not all that far off the mark. There has been no paternity test, but it is highly unlikely that any of us could have fathered a child with anyone, for a number of different reasons. If you prefer, however, we can have the test performed to remove any doubt." I studied their faces for a moment, then bent and kissed Wei gently on the lips. "That won't be necessary." I had decided that it would be my child no matter who the biological father might be. My workout that day had a distinctly different flavor to it. For some reason, the girls seemed to want to touch me a lot. It wasn't so much sexual this time, more like they just wanted to be close. Wei's pregnancy was relatively uneventful. She fretted some over the necessary restrictions to her activities, and poor Mei had to share her discomfort, but Sun and Jun stepped forward and took up the slack, while still finding time to be solicitous of the mother to be and her longsuffering sister. I, too, was fretful. This was a very busy time at work and threatened to keep me away from my 'wife' at an important time in our life. I finally pulled rank and set up an office in our home. The girls assisted in creating a secure connection to our network. The venue for all meetings of which I was to be a part was changed to one of the dining rooms in our home. I was still busy, but this way, at least, I could take little breaks to check in with Wei. This was of little material value, but all the girls seemed to appreciate the fact that I went to the trouble to try. Truth to tell, it eased my mind to know I was but an intercom call away, in case labor started early, or problems arose with Wei's pregnancy. I had been thinking about the situation for some time, and one day at dinner I addressed the girls. "There is something I've wanted to discuss with you since I learned that Wei was pregnant." I began. As CEO of a burgeoning company, I'm accustomed to public speaking, but this speech had me more on edge than any I had ever delivered. "If the laws of this country would allow it, I would propose marriage to all four of you. Since I cannot legally do so, would you - Mei, Sun and Jun - have any objection to my marrying the mother of our child?" Sun and Jun's arms moved, and I guessed their fingers were touching under the table. They replied in unison: "None at all, Steve!" Mei looked at her sister, then replied, "I think that would be wonderful, Steve, but I think my sister has a different point of view." I raised an eyebrow in Wei's direction. Wei's head was lowered when she spoke, saying "I am honored beyond expression, Steve, but I cannot marry you." My heart was about to burst, but I tried to keep myself in control. "Will you tell me your reasons?" "Of course." she answered, finally looking at me "I am a bodyguard, Steve, YOUR bodyguard. That is what I was created for and what I live for. I will try my best, with the help of the others, to be a good mother to our child, but I cannot further separate myself from the others. We can only be effective as a team if we are all the same: Same status, same rank, same duties, and a team like ours must be close-knit. I can share the role of mother with the others, making it less of a divisive factor. I cannot share the title of 'wife', and at some point, even if I share the role, that title will cause problems within our team. I hope you understand, and can forgive me!" I gazed at her stricken face for a long moment before swallowing my emotions and replying, "There is nothing to forgive, Wei. I have no desire to separate you in any way from your sister and Sun and Jun. It is only that I am so honored by your bearing my child, I hoped to find an equal honor to bestow on you." She reached across the table and squeezed my hand, saying, "You have done so, just by asking. Our employment with you has been the best time of our lives, and I think Sun and Jun would agree. To know that you are willing to marry one of us gives us, who have difficulty finding acceptance, comfort beyond measure. You, however, must find and marry someone else." Stephanie (the girls decided on the name), was born a tiny, perfect girl with a shock of fine black hair, wide, almond eyes, and a seemingly perpetual smile. When I first saw her after they had cleaned all the residue of birth from her scrawny little body, I thought she must have been made of baling wire and old leather. She instantly became the center of our world. Wei, with the amazing healing power designed into her genes, was back in fighting form in no time at all, but because of the extra hormones in her body, we worried that Stephanie would suffer ill effects from her milk, and didn't know whether it was safe for her to breast feed. We discussed it with the Doctor, and after much debate and analysis, he recommended that since the baby had thrived within and been born healthy from Wei's hormone laden body, it would probably be okay for Stephanie to feed from her mother. Steph proved to be a prodigy in a number of ways. She was quick and agile physically with exceptional strength for one her age, and her mind kept pace with her body. By six months she was walking and getting into everything imaginable. By one year, she was running, climbing, and speaking in sentences. One pair of twins accompanied Steph wherever she went, leaving the othe pair to guard me. When we were together, the four girls reconfigured themselves to protect the two of us. It seems a blur in my mind, but somehow, during Stephanie's first two years, we got our first product release out, and thanks to Bob's insistence on a development process that exceeded the government's requirements for quality, the post-release bugs were few and minor. Suddenly, the world was an open book to our security agencies. Sometime after her first birthday, Stephanie became a regular at our workouts, watching intently and even copying some of our movements. We discussed it and decided we weren't going to hide our sexuality from our daughter, so she got a good deal of her sex education at the same time. Answering the inevitable anatomical questions was tricky - we didn't want to deceive her, but some concepts had to be simplified for a young person's mind, even one as sharp as hers. One day, without being asked, Steph joined in our workouts - not in the sexual activities, mind you. Even at that age she was smart enough to realize that those were adult activities not suited to her small body. She was an eager participant in the exercises, though, running alongside me on the treadmill, doing situps, pushups, weights, and anything else for which we could find equipment in a suitable size for her tiny body. She also participated in our hypothetical scenarios whenever we had a use for a small person as either a bystander or a kidnap victim. Since she had half my genes and was fully female, she didn't have quite the strength and stamina that her mother and aunts had exhibited at her age, but she was far beyond any normal year-old child, mentally and physically. One day, when Steph was a little past her second birthday, Mei, Wei and I had taken her to the park to play. My earpiece came alive as Mei whispered, "Watch the guy in the windbreaker!" He WAS getting a little close to the play area where Steph and a number of other kids were playing, and we closed in on him from three directions. Before we could get to him, the guy grabbed Stephanie from the slide as she sped downward, and headed toward the woods. Unfortunately for him, I was between him and the woods, and the silenced Glock in his face was a bit of a deterrent in completing his journey. He must have seen Mei and Wei closing from the other side of the play area as he snatched my daughter, because he already had a revolver pressed against the side of her head. That was all that kept me from pulling the trigger - his reflexes might have caused him to shoot Stephanie, even as he died. I quelled the fear for my little girl that threatened to overpower me and said, as calmly as I could manage, "The only way you get out of here alive is to drop your gun and let the girl go!" Stephanie, surprisingly, just watched me. No screaming, no struggling, just waiting. "I'll shoot the girl if you don't drop your gun and let me go!" he cried. He must have been watching too much TV. "If you harm her in any way, you die." I held the Glock steady. "If you try to leave, you die. If you do anything besides dropping the gun and letting her go, you die." "You'll be responsible for her death if you don't drop your gun and let me go!" he screamed, not liking the way this was going "Do you want her blood on your hands?" "No. YOU'LL be responsible for her death if you pull that trigger." I replied, swallowing the bile that tried to rise up in my throat, "Only you. And you will die." This wasn't the way things went on TV. I was supposed to give in and let him go off with my precious Stephanie so he could demand money for her return, or worse? I don't THINK so! "Look, buddy," he said desperately, "I was going to demand a Million in ransom. Just give me whatever cash you have on you and let me go! I swear I'll let her go!" Though tempted, my training held and I shook my head, saying, "I told you how you can get out of here alive. Drop the gun. Let her go. Those are my terms for your life." That was when he did what my speech had been intended to make him do. He started to aim the gun at me. As soon as the barrel was well out of line with Stephanie, two things happened: Stephanie raised her leg and kicked the guy hard in the crotch with her heel, and three weapons put three slugs in his brain from three different directions. Mine was a little high - forehead instead of face - because the head was already pitching forward from the impact of Mei and Wei's bullets before my reflexes caught up with theirs. Stephanie hit the ground running a second before the guy's knees got the message that there was no longer a brain controlling them and folded, letting the lifeless body collapse in a formless heap. I knelt to catch my daughter as she ran into my arms. Soon, three pairs of arms were hugging her and three pairs of lips practically smothered her with kisses. "Are you alright, Steph?" I asked, worriedly. "Of course, Daddy!" she replied cheerfully, "It was just like when you and Mommy and my Aunties practice!" "You weren't scared?" "No, silly!" she laughed, "I knew you and Mommy and Auntie Mei wouldn't let anything happen to me!" "Do you feel bad that the man got killed?" I asked, concerned about her emotional state. Stephanie leaned back a little in my arms and gazed steadily at my face before answering solemnly, "I feel sorry that he tried to do a bad thing, but since it was his decision to do a bad thing, and he could have killed me or you, it's better that HE got killed! He chose to go to war and he lost. I am sad, but only because he was stupid." "Where did you learn all this?" I asked, amazed. Steph's smile lit up her face again and she replied, "From Mommy and my Aunties! They are very smart, you know!" I hugged her again, and gave Mei and Wei a grateful glance, "Yes they are! And we're very lucky to have them!" Some parent who had been videotaping his kid playing at the playground had caught most of the incident on tape, and had gotten rich selling the tape to the networks. By the time we got done giving the police our reports and got home, the gate to the estate was clogged with news vehicles, photographers, and hangers on. Sun and Jun appeared and gently but firmly cleared a path for the limo. I had Mei, who was driving, stop just inside the gate, and, with Sun and Jun for crowd control, stepped through the pedestrian gate to face the cameras that I knew I'd have to answer to sooner or later. I held up my hands for silence, and when the noise abated slightly, I said, "I'm going to make a statement, but I need to be with my daughter just now, so your questions will have to wait 'til later." I had to hold up my hands again to quell the protests, but they finally died to a level over which my voice could carry. "Someone tried to kidnap my daughter today." I looked around at the expectant faces behind the microphones and camera lenses, "My bodyguards and I were able to prevent his escape and recover my daughter safely. In the process, we killed the kidnapper. I want everyone out there who might be entertaining any idea of getting rich by kidnapping Stephanie to understand that this is the fate you invite. I will not pay a cent of ransom, and anyone who attempts to kidnap or harm anyone close to me, in any way, will die! Be very clear on that point! Your only reward for your efforts will be death!" I gazed at the shocked faces of the reporters in the total silence that followed my announcement, then turned and joined my family in the limo as the questions exploded out of them. Watching the news later that night, I felt a sick thrill run down my spine as I realized why the throng outside my gate had been so shocked. Instead of the urbane corporate executive that everyone usually saw, the person addressing the media was a hard-eyed killer. As I watched myself issue a threat to the world, I felt both fear and satisfaction. There would be no doubt in anyone's mind that I meant what I said, but was that the real me? Had I become that hard, cold, killer? I suppose that, when it came to Stephanie's safety, I would always be that person. Just to be sure, I hired a child psychologist to work with Stephanie, to make sure there was no lasting emotional damage. Stephanie played her like a fish on the hook for a while, before deciding she was okay, then she let her down gently. "Your daughter is VERY intelligent!" Ms. Judy Tolliver told me, laughing, after her session. "And if there's emotional damage there, I can't detect it. That is an exceptional young lady!" Ms. Tolliver was quite attractive, and wore no ring on her left hand, so I invited her to join us for dinner. Stephanie had taken a liking to her and asked to have her visit more often. Since I too enjoyed her company, and she developed a genuine rapport with Steph's Mom and Aunties, I had no problem inviting her. I won't go into detail on the whole courtship, but at some point, I realized I had fallen in love with Judy, so I proposed. She started to reply, but I put finger over her lips. "There are some things you need to know before you answer." I said, hoping she would be able to understand. "Such as?" she asked, curious, but not too worried. "You know, from your conversations with Stephanie," I said, "about her Mom and Aunties' unique physical characteristics?" "I gathered that they are dual-sexed." she said, "but they seem well adjusted, and not self-conscious about it." "That is part of what gives them their unusual abilities as bodyguards." I continued, "Another part is the unusually high levels of hormones that their bodies produce." She looked at me expectantly, blue eyes wide, enquiring. "Because of that, their sex drive is very high." I watched her face for a reaction, "If they have sex with anyone outside our little group, they expose themselves, and ultimately, Stephanie and I to external threats. They try to alleviate this by having sex among themselves, but my agreement with them is that I will participate in sex with them as often as I can. That's how Stephanie came to be." "I see..." she bit her lower lip, then looked into my eyes, "And you want to continue?" "I both want to, and have an obligation to them to do so." I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. This was shaky ground in our budding relationship, and I really hoped it would stabilize quickly. "And if I marry you, will I be expected or obligated to participate?" she asked, her voice neutral. I couldn't read her face, so it was with some trepidation that I replied,"Not unless you want to, Judy. I will not hide these activities from you, because we need to not have secrets from each other, but you need not join in unless you want to." "Let me give it some thought, Steve." she said, still not showing anything in her voice or expression. I started to speak, and she put a hand gently over my mouth, "I will not talk about this with anyone else, Steve, don't worry. I've seen the relationship you share with those lovely girls, and I know they're much more to you than just as Bodyguards. Let me sleep on it, and I'll give you my answer tomorrow." Cliche though it may have been, we were married in June. Our honeymoon to a virtually deserted South Pacific Island was heavenly. The first night, Judy and I got to know each other sexually. She was not a virgin, and we found great pleasure in each other's bodies. At times we were gentle, caring lovers, and at other times, wild animals in heat! I introduced her to anal sex, and soon she was raising her soft buttocks to meet my every thrust, urging me deeper and begging for me to fuck her harder. When dawn came, and the sun's golden light washed through the open window of our little honeymoon hut, I gazed at Judy's peacefully sleeping face, surrounded by a disheveled mass of honey blonde curls and knew I had made the right choice. The second night, and the rest of the honeymoon served to prove me right. Sun, Jun, Mei, and Wei joined us, and Judy found as much pleasure in their unique attributes as I. I'll never forget the sensation of kissing my new bride passionately while sliding in and out of her tight, buttery sheath as Jun plumbed the depths of her newly opened butt, and Mei vigorously pounded my more experienced ass! Judy thoroughly enjoyed the experience of having a pair of small, hard-nippled breasts pressed against her pale, pink-tipped mounds as their owner's cock drove deeply into her willing pussy! She also got a kick out of watching me get double-ended by the girls' big cocks while the other pair were busy ravishing her nether openings, front and rear! Our couplings were numerous and productive, and by morning, it was imperative that we change the cum-and-sweat stained sheets, lest we stick to them! Judy stirred, gazing around her in the morning light at the tangle of bodies, then turned to me and smiled wryly, saying, "Some family we've got here!" I smiled back, kissed her tenderly, and replied, "Yeah, ain't it?" And where was Stephanie in all this? Why, watching, of course, until she got bored and curled up on the loveseat to sleep peacefully through the rest of the warm tropical night.