Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Greetings. You must be physically and metaphysically old enough to read this. I'm sure your children are fine, I just have no wish to raise them. Anyone other than ASSTR who wishes to use this story for whatever purpose had best contact me, since I can actually prove I wrote it. Everyone else, please enjoy. Constructive feedback is always welcome... The Saga of Cammi Longclit Chapter Two: Rebbat-stub by Shadowloup Next morning Cammi performed her exercises in the open field amongst the villagers who camped there while rebuilding their town. The priestess Jestina took the opportunity to speak with her. "A good morning to you, Cammi. It occurs to me that, prior to your arrival you were bound somewhere. What was your destination?' "I was bound for Sugnillinuc," Cammi said, pausing during a pelvic thrust to beam a dimpled smile at the priestess. "Really?" Jestina said. Her own friendly smile brightened her beautiful dusky face. "This is most fortuitous, for I too have business there. My sister has written, speaking of a dire problem she faces. I have meant to go to her aid, yet delayed due to concerns for this village. Perhaps we should leave together." "But will not the town, which has collapsed, miss our aid?" Cammi asked, thoughts muddling the clear look of her blue eyes. "Though in truth I would like to go, for I tire of gathering faggots and cutting wood and building huts. I crave action." "Perhaps we should ask the village elders," Jestina replied. Upon hastily conferring with the village elders, it was decided that Cammi could indeed leave for Sugnillinuc with their blessing. The village would manage, somehow, without her help, the elders said. Their broad smiles where matched by Cammi's own, though theirs were less radiant. Only after Jestina announced her plans to leave the village did the smiles of those elders falter. It took twenty minutes of virulent debate, but at the end none dared oppose the stately priestess. She too was given their blessing to leave, albeit much more reluctantly. Losing such a fine and holy priestess after three years of her ministrations to the town saddened many villagers, especially the children. Jestina spent much time bidding each family farewell. Worried that she might suffer some deprivation while traveling, the villagers tried to ply her with blankets, or food or water. Even parts of the recently-deceased village ox were salted and presented to the priestess. With the greatest reluctance did Jestina accept those, and then only after some was offered to Cammi. When the sun had set and risen again, Cammi and Jestina set off upon the road. Cammi traveled light, her short, flouncy green skirt barely hiding her prodigious clit, the two great swells of her bouncing bosom barely contained in a swath of green cloth, her spear across one shoulder and a sack full of supplies across the other. Jestina wore her multicolored priestly robes. She also carried a sack of supplies, plus a wallet filled with herbs with healing and magical properties. Over two days were spent by the pair traversing the tree-enclosed road. It was a little better than a well-trodden path, but not much. It wound through the deep, dark forest, around trees and through shallow streams. During the third day of travel, the forest gradually thinned, leaving the ground uneven. Finally they walked upon a vast moor. Wild grasses, untrammeled by feet of humans, bound the frail trail like a sea of vegetation undulating in the wind. Thickets, tall and broad and uncultivated, hid songbirds and chirping crickets. As the two enjoyed the scene in the last glow of the sun's fading light, they noticed dark storm clouds silently creeping in from the opposite horizon. Halting suddenly, Cammi looked back. Jestina did as well, though uncertain of what she sought. All she saw were sparse trees growing more numerous until the distant black forest began. She looked to Cammi. "Someone is following us," Cammi said in reply to the unasked question. During the night the clouds blotted out the moon, and the women were greeted by an overcast, gray day where mist crept like lost spirits over the ground. Another two days of travel brought them to the middle of nowhere. They still had not seen the sun; it had failed to melt through the sticky damp gray which blotted out color and joy and warmth. Yet while the sky seemed pregnant with rain, none fell. Big, black crows circled in the air, their raucous callings adding to the gloom. A feeling of foreboding filled both women. One last day of travel brought them to a small hill where a fortified encampment overlooked the surrounding moor. Only a thin trickle of smoke rose from behind the towering, freshly-sharpened stakes which formed a protective fence enclosing the town. Upon each stake sat a fat crow, cawing loudly. A path led to the front gate, which was closed. It remained closed despite Cammi and Jestina's hales. At last a lone sentry stuck his leather-helmeted head over the fence. "What do you want?" he asked. "To enter?" Cammi said. The sentry snorted. "Not a chance. Think we are that stupid, beast?" Voices from behind the sentry caused him to look down behind him as Cammi indignantly glared up while attempting to think of a witty retort. Jestina feared the warrioress might break the gate down in her annoyance. After a few minutes of muffled debate, the gate opened and a priestess flanked by two soldiers stood in the narrow entrance. "Forgive us for our caution," the priestess said. "But our village is under attack." The priestess was middle-aged and very lovely, with straight, dark blond hair falling to her shoulders like a river, and gentle laugh lines surrounding her brown eyes. She was not laughing today, and worry etched other lines deeply into her face. She wore priestly garb similar to Jestina's. The two guards with her were tall and serious in mien. They wore helms of leather, and kept their hands on the hilts of their sheathed swords. The priestess gestured to the village behind her, saying "I am Kilcunny, priestess to Rumptiddifadda, and I welcome you, sister sluts. Please forgive our inhospitality. We cannot offer even the rudiments of accommodation, be it warm bath or hot, sweaty fuck for we are depleted and under siege." She beckoned the two women to follow her. One guard protested. "How do we know they are not the beast in some cunning disguise, ready to bugger us all off as we sleep?" Kilcunny sighed and turned to Cammi and Jestina. "Fear does not bring out our better natures," she said. "For the piece of their minds, could they please view your pubic mounds? You will understand our request when all is made clear." Cammi raised the hem of her short skirt, and Jestina her robe. "I do not know what you seek," Jestina started to say as her robe reached her hips. She was interrupted when the guards shouted "The Beast! The Beast!" They pointed at Cammi's crotch as they drew their swords. "I am no beast," Cammi replied calmly, green skirt held above her generous hips, displaying her fury cooze and long, pink clit. Kilcunny's eyebrows arched at the sight. Then she threw back her head and laughed. "Oh, you panicky fools. She is indeed no beast, but all woman. And while she is over-endowed as a woman, she is not nearly as endowed as the beast." She smiled at the pair. "A thousand pardons for our rudeness. Hopefully you will understand and forgive us when you hear of our plight. As for you two..." here Kilcunny addressed the now sheepish and red-faced guards, " will continue guarding." With that, Kilcunny motioned for the two women to follow her into the village. As she walked, Jestina and Cammi noted that Kilcunny's gait was very peculiar, as though something very uncomfortable protruded from between her undulating buttocks. The guards too walked this way. As did the dogs, pigs, poultry and everyone encountered during Jestina and Cammi's brief journey through the village to Kilcunny's home. As the women sat in a triangle, Kilcunny upon a large pillow, Cammi could no longer contain her curiosity. "What besieges your village, and how may I be of assistance?" "We do not know," Kilcunny said. "We do know that a beast first showed itself by molesting our livestock. After a few weeks it seemed to tire of this sport and began molesting humans. Male, female, it does not matter. The beast is forever aroused and craves only tight crevices in which to plunge it's ever aroused priapus. We have even sent our children away to protect them. Thank the goddess they left just before this unholy everlasting twilight settled upon our village. That and the crows." "I have heard it said that crows are messengers between realms," Jestina said. She then looked through her sack of herbs. "I have an ointment which will soothe your fundament," Jestina said. "I use it myself, after the Feast of Deliverance, when my own buttocks are bruised." "That would be most wonderful," Kilcunny said. She lay upon her bed of rushes, pulling up her robes to display her firm rump. Twin bruises on each hip, the shape of two huge hands, bespoke of her ordeal. Jestina coated her middle finger with ointment she had produced from her wallet of medicine, and gently spread the priestess' rump with her other hand. With firm yet gentle strokes she urged her finger up into the tight crinkled opening. The priestess moaned. "That is quite nice," she said. "I swear that the beast wore me like a man wears a cap. I will feel that attack for many weeks." "What else can you tell us of this beast which sows so much havoc?" "It sneaks up behind us, subduing us with its sickly sweet breath. The next that we know is that we are bent forward and it is using our anus and ass crack to vent its unholy lust." "That sounds uncomfortable," Cammi said. Kilcunny ignored her, and resumed. "What is worse, those it continues to molest fade off into the nether realm from which it hales. Now I fear that the entire town is being swept into that maelstrom of the twilight spirit realm." Still sliding her finger deep inside the priestess' fud, Jestina asked "Have you tried communicating with it?" "If it does speak, it is only with guttural grunts and groans," the priestess said, adding "Mind you, I was busy with grunts and groans of my own as it pressed its massive column of flesh up my backside." "I meant no offense. It merely sounded as though the beast possessed some sort of intelligence. Please forgive me," Jestina said. "We have sore sphincters and little sleep, so please forgive my own abruptness. The creature is dragging us into the twilight, but I think not out of ambition. Rather, I think it is like a wolf leaving spoor behind. It knows no other way." "I do not fear this beast," Cammi announced. "I have fought many beasts, some with two backs. I shall not rest until this beast is eliminated from your countryside." With that Cammi arose and strode out of the hall. Kilcunny and Jestina paused to read each other's face. "She is generous of spirit, although there are times when she could shoot an arrow at the sky and miss," Jestina said. "She will need more than bravery to fight the instrument of our current peril, Kilcunny said. She called for a guard. "Make certain our two guests are provided for," Kilcunny told the one who appeared. The guard grunted in obedience, then led Jestina, and also Cammi, who had become lost a few paces from the hut, to another hut where he and several other guards roasted several fowls on a spit over a dreary little fire. Throughout the meal Jestina expected both she and Cammi to be ogled by the guards, or to feel fingers brushing accidentally upon their bodies, or at the very least to be the subject of rude jokes. None of this happened. The guards ate in desultory silence accentuated by the raucous calling of the birds. Jestina and Cammi watched the night. It was decided by the pair that the hunting would be better done on the moor. The guards reluctantly shook their heads, but offered no better suggestion. Only one was brave enough to accompany them and act as guide. The trio set off into the night. Cammi was armed with her spear, the warrior a sword and flaming torch, and Jestina carried another torch. They peered out into the inky wet darkness which made the light from their flames seem very feeble. "Where is this beast?" Cammi demanded of their guide when they were a bow shot from the village. "I know not, ma'am. He makes his presence felt, but by then it's too late," the guard said. They looked about in the dark once more. Faintly, like mist scrapping against a rock, came a slight sound. Unslinging her spear, Cammi marched off to investigate the noise. "Wait!" Jestina cried as her friend was swallowed by the dark. A few seconds later a muffled grunt answered her, then Cammi shouted "Oh, you rotten fuck!" while some other thing let loose a guttural grunts of its own. The priestess and a sentry stalked cautiously toward the panting. A sharp yelp from Cammi announced the conclusion of some heinous act. As Jestina looked about for her comrade, the sentry she was with gave a muffled yell of his own. Jestina was just able to see his boots kicking into the empty air as he too disappeared in the misty night. His torch sputtered upon the ground. Soon more muffled grunts came from beyond the fire's light. The night pressed in around Jestina as she fought back panic. For several minutes she wandered about, lost, shouting "Cammi? Where are you? Are you all right?" A sickly sweet odor assailed her. It seemed to come from everywhere, yet nowhere. Two big, hairy hands, with clawed nails gripped her shoulders and she heard a panting sound. She was rudely bent over, and her skirt flipped up over her shoulders. Cold night air slapped her open crotch. Jestina gasped, her mouth open in shock as an erect penis was pushed deep up her entrails till she felt as though it would come out her throat. Two hands gripped her hips, trapping her so she could not escape the thrusting. Cammi staggered into the torch light, her spear probing the murk. She spied Jestina and the rutting beast. As Jestina was utterly shafted, Cammi thrust her spear at the beast. The blow would have felled a tree. It went through the beast's chest as though it were going through a deep, muddy mire. The creature took no notice, and continued thrusting deep up Jestina's backside. With a cry, Jestina orgasmed against her will. The beast made a half snarl, half howl as it spasmed up her rump. It then dropped her rudely on the ground, ass up in the night air. Spermy gunk bubbled from her slowly closing anus. The beast wiped its cock on the hem of Jestina's skirt, scratched its balls and ambled off into the night, fading slowly as though it were becoming one with the mist. Cammi chased after the beast, but found nothing. Befuddled, she returned to the still supine Jestina. The priestess was slowly composing herself, her rump jutting up into the night. Cammi clucked in sympathy as she looked down on the abused asshole which bubbled with milky white sperm. The stickiness in her own tush spoke of her own defilement. She winced in discomfort as she bent to help the priestess regain her feet. The pair slowly made their way back to the village. "I could not follow the beast," Cammi said as they walked. "It is as though it disappeared, like it never was. I could not even strike it with my spear." "That is passing strange. The beast seems to be made of nothing substantial, yet my poor bunghole cries out that the experience was quite real." At the village gates Kilcunny and several warriors awaited them, holding aloft torches to keep the shadows at bay. Upon seeing the pair, Kilcunny looked in vain for their guardian. Jestina shook her head sadly. "The beast got him, I fear." The men grumbled as the pair were led inside and to the home of Kilcunny. "What sort of beast is this?" one asked. "I believe it to be a Rebbat-stub," Jestina said. "Though I am uncertain since I have only heard of them and never before encountered one. They are creatures of half twilight, and they have an insatiable appetite for anal sex." It was all she could say before slipping off into sleep. Upon awaking the next morning, Jestina called a meeting where she announced a plan of action which she had thought of during the night. "We shall make Cammi half-shadow herself so she will be able to battle the beast," she said. So as the late afternoon dwindled, and after partaking of several hares roasted over a fire, Jestina and Cammi and a soldier made their way to Kilcunny's hut. There Cammi's body was painted and anointed with oils and herbs. Her left tit was painted blue, her right red. Her face was also decorated in swirls. Jestina then painted eyes on Cammi's rump cheeks and titties so the beast would not be certain which way the warrioress faced. "I will grease up your sphincter so if you are taken unawares you will not be overly discomforted," Jestina said. "That sounds like fun," Cammi replied. Jestina scooped up some of her ointment, spreading it upon her middle finger. Cammi bent to allow Jestina to spread her rump cheeks and anoint the tender, tight rosebud there. Slowly but inexorably, Jestina's finger slipped deeper into the forbidden channel. Recalling something she had half forgotten, Jestina beckoned to a man standing nearby with her free hand. "Cammi, you must suck him." "Why?" Cammi asked with a grunt. "Not that I mind, but is there time?" "Your strength increases when your face is wet with seed," the priestess replied, still diligently pushing with her finger. Cammi smiled at the man from her bent position. The priestess' finger soothed the muscular ache in her hindquarters, yet caused an ache of a different sort in her loins, which were buttering up nicely. She looked at the guard, a large bulge filling his trousers while he watched the pair. One of Cammi's dimpled smiles assured him she was hungry for something other than food. The man, now blushes and thumbs, lowered his trousers. His dick, already erect, popped up, proud to be of service. Cammi tongued him, playing with his balls using her fingernails. He only lasted a few seconds. His first spurt caught her full on her face, painting yet another color onto her dimpled cheek. More spurts matted the golden bangs above her brow. Jestina now used her other hand to play with Cammi's pussy lips, and to caress that huge womanly organ. Cammi gasped out her satisfaction. Jestina removed her fingers, causing Cammi to give a post orgasmic moan. "I think you are ready," the priestess said, giving her comrade a friendly slap on the meat of her plump pink ass. Cammi yelped. "Please don't do that," she said. It was at this point Kilcunny entered the hut. She arched an eyebrow at the naked, dyed and sperm-ridden Cammi, the guard who was busy hoisting up his trousers, and Jestina who was equally busy wiping her finger. "I thought you should know that it is now, as near as we can reckon in this accursed twilight, time for the beast to appear," Kilcunny said. Though none actually spoke of it, Cammi's body was the subject of many looks by the soldiers whom she passed on her way to the gate. Lathered with paint and lubricated for any eventuality, Cammi felt supremely confident. She strode forward, clad only in her painted skin. Her nipples were erect and her clit was outstanding. Jestina barely had time to grab her wallet of herbs before running to catch up with her companion. Kilcunny gave them both a blessing before ordering the gates to be opened. Cammi strode into the night, Jestina following behind as her torch bearer, and, if necessary, magic wielder. Save for the missing guard, this night was a repetition of the last. The air was chill and misty, the night quiet. "What is that sound?" Cammi asked. "I hear nothing," Jestina said. "I hear footsteps. Stealthy, but not stealthy enough," Cammi said. Jestina still heard nothing, but suspected that Cammi was gaining a heightened awareness of the spirit realm . Cammi pointed in a direction. Jestina looked, but merely discerned a shape slightly lighter than the surrounding dark. By chewing on some special herbs Jestina able to gaze into the spirit realm herself. The beast had a lupine face, with red eyes that glowed like dying embers in a fire. Long, cat-like whiskers snaked out from the muzzle. Curled horns like those on rams spiraled round its wolfish head. Its muscled, furry arms ended with human-like hands and fingers terminating with long talons. Even the beast's toes possessed talons which ripped up the ground. Its chest was also muscular, and was black like leather. The creature was indeed not as stealthy tonight as it had been the previous. It took two steps, sniffed the air cautiously, then advance another two steps before sniffing again. The direction of its two-legged walk steadily brought it closer to Cammi. It seemed confused by the warrioress' presence. When it was within the torch light Cammi struck. Using all her might, she hurled her spear. But her aim was off due to a thick white gout of spunk clinging to her hair in front of her left eye. The shaft rang hollowly when it struck the beast's shoulder and knocked it upon its great hairy ass. It screamed with anger, its cries rending the night. It scrambled to its feet much faster than its bulk suggested and ran full into Cammi. Both fell over, rolling on the ground, attempting to gain some purchase upon the other. Jestina could not determine whom was getting the better of whom. When Jestina was able to discern who was winning, her heart leaped to her throat. The beast was behind Cammi, gripping her blue and red rump with its great taloned hands. Cammi wore an indignant expression on her face as her tight rump was invaded for a second time in as many nights. As the beast thrust, she grunted. Her grunts increased in duration and loudness as the beast merrily rutted away. Then a smile slowly spread on her face. With a mighty grunt from deep in her throat, Cammi squeezed her anus, trapping the column of flesh within. Now the beast roared, smacking her ass in its efforts to dislodge its member from the now uncomfortably tight rump. Cammi set her teeth, squeezed even tighter, and fell forward. A terrifying yowl shook the night as the beast fell backwards, grabbing its crotch. Its yowl grew higher in pitch as it grasped its groin and ran off into the night. Jestina rushed to her fallen companion. "Are you wounded?" The still spurting genitalia was lodged deeply inside Cammi's rectum, a sticky black liquid oozed from base of the detached penis. The gasping blond looked up at Jestina through sweaty, sticky bangs. "Could you please, please, remove that?"