Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Vulvoid Transform - Aftermath 1 By Lisa James Findings of the latest strain of t-cell virus X-chromosome 783 by Doctor of Genetics J.M. Contact A man with binoculars. That is how it began: with a man standing by the side of the road, on a crest overlooking the Genetech labs, on a winter night. Lieutenant Roger Shawn must have found the binoculars difficult. The metal would be cold, and he would be clumsy in his fur parka and heavy gloves. His breath, hissing out into the moonlit air, would have fogged the lenses. He would be forced to wipe them frequently, using a stubby gloved finger. He could not have known the futility of this action. Binoculars were worthless to see into the lab establishment and uncover its secrets. Though cumbersome, the binoculars would at least feel comfortable and familiar in his hands. It would be one of the last familiar sensations he would feel as a man. We can imagine, and try to reconstruct, what happened from that point on. Lieutenant Shawn swept over the labs slowly and methodically. He could see it was a large complex, with dozens of buildings of various construction, set out along a main central road. It was very quiet: no lights, no activity, no sound carried by the gentle wind. He shifted his attention from the lab complex to the surrounding hills. They were low, dusty, and blunted, with scrubby vegetation and an occasional withered yucca tree crusted in snow. Beyond the hills were more hills, and then the flat expanse of the desert, trackless and vast. Lieutenant Shawn found himself shivering in the wind. It was February, the coldest month, and it was after ten. He walked back up the road toward the black Ford Transit van, opened the rear doors and climbed into the back, shutting the doors behind him. He was enveloped in deep-red light: a night light, so that he would not be blinded when he stepped outside. In the red light the banks of recording instruments and electronics glowed greenly. Private Lewis Crane, the electronics technician, was there, also wearing a parka. He was hunched over a map, looking at plans of the Genetech labs spread on top. Shawn asked Crane if he were certain they had arrived at the place, and Crane confirmed that they had. Both men were tired: they had driven all day from Central City, to this place under orders to find out and report back what has happened here. Neither new much about Genetech or what their research was about, except that DNA experiments happened here. Shawn and Crane had the job of finding anyone alive and retrieving samples if possible since contact with Gentech ceased over a week ago. Crane tapped the map with a pencil in a nervous way and announced the name of the nearest town, Stamshaw. Population fifty six; both men laughed over that, though they were both inwardly concerned. An agent from Russia and another sent to investigate his disappearance had also not reported in. After a short time the government became involved and sent this low key investigation under cover of darkness. Shawn climbed back down from the van, with Crane scrambling after him, shivering as the cold air struck him. Together, the two men walked towards the entrance to Genetech, the barbed wire gates open and swinging in the breeze. And then Shawn noticed the bodies. Girls bodies. In the light of the full moon he could see them, naked except for a pair of panties. Crane said he didn't understand. As a joke, he added,"Maybe they were naturalists" . Shawn lit a cigarette, cupping his hands around the lighter, protecting the flame from the wind. He said nothing, but looked around at the buildings inside the complex, apart from the near naked girls bodies there was no other sign of life, looking around scanning with his binoculars he could see no signs of life or movement either in the farthest buildings. At Length, he lowered his binoculars and dropped his cigarette onto the crisp snow, were it sputtered and died. He turned to Crane and Said, " we'd better go and have a closer look at these girls and see what happened to them". Cranes eyes lit up as he tried to conceal his eagerness to come close to this pitiful site of these beautiful naked women. On closer inspection to their horror the bodies had been laid out and were in a state of decomposition. A few of them they could see had bullet entry holes, further along was a few men lying naked again shot the nature of their deaths quite obvious. "lets go look around the town" "whoever did this has clearly fled the scene, we could be onto a mass murder case". Government Interventions HQ Three hundred miles away, in the large, square windowless room that served as operations centre for Government investigations, Lieutenant Edgar Comroe sat with his feet on the desk and a stack of scientific-Journal articles before him. Comroe was serving as control officer for the night; it was a duty he filled once a month, directing the evening operations of the skeleton crew of twelve. Tonight, the crew was monitoring the progress and reports of the van coded Caper one, now making its way across the desert. Comroe disliked this job. The room was grey and lighted with fluorescent lights; the tone was sparsely utilitarian and comroe found it unpleasant. He never came to mission control except during an investigation, when the atmosphere was different. Then the room was filled with busy officers, each at work on a single part of the investigation, each tense with a peculiar cold anticipation that they were about to remove or eliminate another threat to society. But nights were dull. Nothing ever happened at night. Comroe took advantage of the time and used it to catch up on reading. By profession he was a pathologist, psychologist and criminal psychologist with a special interest in criminal psychoses and autopsy to name but a few. Tonight, Comroe was reviewing a journal article titled "Stoichiometrics of Oxygen-carrying Capacity and Diffusion Gradients with Arterial Gas Tensions". In order to understand cardiology. He found it slow reading, and only moderately interesting. Thus he was willing to be interrupted when the overhead loudspeaker, which carried the voice transmissions from the van of Shawn and Crane, clicked on. Shawn said, "this is Caper One to Victor Delta. Caper One to Victor Delta. Are you reading. Over." Comroe, feeling amused, replied that he was indeed reading. "We are about to enter the town of Stamshaw and investigate further. Over." "Very good Caper One. Leave your radio open." "Roger" This was a regulation of the investigation technique, as outlined in the rules manual on investigations of this nature, where no one has reported back alive from previous sorties. The manual was a grey paperback that sat at one corner of Comroe's desk, where he could refer to it easily. Comroe knew that conversation between van and base was taped, and later became part of the permanent investigation file, but had never understood any good reason for this. In fact, it had always seemed to him a straightforward proposition: the van went out, got the information, and the troops went in. He shrugged and returned to his paper on Gas tensions, only half listening to Shawn's voice as it said, "we are now inside the town. We have just passed a gas station and a motel. All quiet here. There is no sign of life. The Movement sensors are not picking up movements about the town. There is a church half a block ahead. There are no lights or activity of any kind." Comroe put his journal down. The strained quality of Shawn's voice was unmistakable. Normally Comroe would have been amused at the thought of two grown men made jittery by entering a small, sleepy desert town. But he knew Shawn personally, and he knew that Shawn, whatever other virtues he might have, utterly lacked an imagination. Shawn could fall asleep in a horror movie. He was that kind of man. Comroe began to listen. Over the crackling static, he heard the rumbling of the van engine. And he heard the two men in the van talking quietly. Shawn. "Pretty quiet around here." Crane: "Yes sir." There was a pause. Crane: "Sir?" Shawn. "Yes?" Crane: "Did you see that?" Shawn: "See what?" Crane: "Back there, on the sidewalk. It looks like a body, a girls body." Shawn: "You're imagining things." Another pause, and then Comroe heard the van come to a halt, brakes squealing. Shawn: "Jesus" Crane: "It's another one, sir." Shawn: "Looks dead." Crane: "Shall I-" Shawn: "No stay in the van." His voice became louder, more formal as he ran through the call. "This is Caper One to Victor Delta. Over." Comroe picked up the microphone. "Reading you. What's happened?" Shawn his voice tight, said. "sir we see naked men and women. They are not totally naked, they are wearing girls panties, There are lots of them. The men appear to be immobile and.... The panties are moving! They are beating like hearts between their legs! Oh my god! I just saw one of the men change! He just grew breasts. He is screaming, grabbing the breasts and the panties between his legs! What the fuck!" "Are you certain, Caper One?" "For Christ's sake," Shawn said. "Of course were certain." Comroe said mildly, "Proceed to take live sample, Caper One." As he did so, he looked around the room. The twelve other men in the skeleton crew were staring at him, their eyes blank, unseeing. They were listening to the transmission. The van rumbled into life again. Comroe swung his feet off the desk and punched the red "Security" button on his console. The button automatically isolated the control room. No one would be allowed in or out without Comroe's permission. Then he picked up the telephone and said, "Get me Major Manchek. M-A-N-C-H-E-C-K. This is a stat call. I'll Hold." Mancheck was the chief duty officer for the month, the man directly responsible for all Genetech activities during February. While he waited, he cradled the phone in his shoulder and lit a cigarette. Over the loudspeaker, Shawn could be heard to say, "Do they look Female now to you, Crane?" Crane: "Yes sir. Kind of Male, but Female." Shawn: "Somehow they don't really look Female. There's something missing. Something funny...But they're all over. Must be dozens of them." Crane: "Like they were fleeing and then stopped in their tracks. Stumbled and fell down to change." Shawn: "All over the streets, on sidewalks..." Another silence, then Crane: "Sir!" Shawn: "Jesus." Crane: "You see him? The Man in the white robe, walking across the street-" Shawn: "I see him." Crane: "He's just stepping over them like-" Shawn: "He's coming toward us." Crane: "Sir, look , I think we should get out of here, if you don't mind my-" The next sound was the van doors opening, a voice unfamiliar in the distance yelling something inaudible like a warning. A kind of Hissing noise as if someone was spraying an aerosol around, a muffled scream, and a crunching noise. Transmission ended at this point, and Mission Control was not able to raise the two men again. CRISIS Physics was the first of the natural sciences to become fully modern and highly mathematical. Chemistry followed in the wake of physics, but biology, the retarded child, lagged far behind. Even in the time of Newton and Galileo, men knew more about the moon and other heavenly bodies than they did about their own. It was not until the late 1940's that the situation changed. The postwar period ushered in a new era of biologic research, spurred by the discovery of antibiotics. Suddenly there was both enthusiasm and money for biology, and a torrent of discoveries poured fourth: tranquilizers, steroid hormones, imunochemistry, the genetic code. By 1953 the first kidney was transplanted and by 1958 the first birth-control pills were tested. It was not long before biology was the fastest-growing field in all science; it was doubling its knowledge every ten years. Farsighted researchers talked seriously of changing genes, controlling evolution, regulating the mind-ideas that had been wild speculation ten years before. And yet there had never been a biologic crisis. The Vulvoid Panties provided the first. According to experts in the study of Crisis, All crisis are made by man, who enter into the crisis with their own prejudices, propensities, and predisposition's. A crisis is the sum of intuition and blind spots, a blend of facts noted and facts ignored. Yet underlying the uniqueness of each crisis is a disturbing sameness. A characteristic of all crisis is their predictability, in retrospect. They seem to have a certain inevitability, they seem predestined. This is not true of all crisis, but it is true of sufficiently many to make the most hardened Historian cynical and misanthropic. In the light of these arguments, it is interesting to consider the background and personalities involved in the Vulvoid Panties. At the time of Vulvoid, there had never been a crisis of biological science, and the first people involved now faced with the facts were not disposed to think in terms of one. Shawn and Crane were capable but not thoughtful men, and Edga Comroe, the night officer at mission control, though a Scientist, was not prepared to consider anything beyond the immediate irritation of a quiet evening ruined by an inexplicable problem. According to protocol, Comroe called his superior officer, Major Arthur Manchek, and here the story takes a different turn. For Manchek was both prepared and disposed to consider a crisis of the most major proportions. But he was not prepared to acknowledge it. Major Mancheck, his face still creased with sleep, sat on the edge of Comroe's desk and listened to the replay of the tape from the van. When it was finished, he said, "Strangest damned thing I ever heard," and played it over again. While he did so, he carefully filled his pipe with tobacco, lit it, and tamped it down, Inwardly he knew what was happening. Aurther Mancheck was a bio engineer, a quiet heavyset man plagued by labile hypertension, which threatened to end further promotions as an Army Officer. He had been advised on many occasions to lose weight, but had been unable to do so. He was therefore considering abandoning the Army for a career as a scientist in private industry, where people did not care what your weight or blood pressure was. Manchek had come to Genetech from Wright Patterson in Ohio, where he had been in charge of experiments in virus modification techniques and genetic mutation research. His job had been to develop an organism that could reduce the capacity of an army to fight and convert them into subservient beings that were easy to control. Manchek had succeeded in developing three new organisms that were promising; the x-virus, vulvoid panties and Mammobellum, his success led to a promotion and transfer to Genetech. Here he did administrative work and hated it. His work was continued by a Doctor who managed to merge all three organisms into one horrific lifeform that could transform a man into a girl in a little over an hour. People bored Manchek; the mechanics of manipulation and the vagaries of subordinate personality held no fascination for him. He often wished he were back at the biologic warfare labs. Particularly on nights when he was called out of bed by some damnfool problem. Tonight he felt irritable, and under stress. His reaction to this was characteristic: he became slow. He moved slowly, he thought slowly, he proceeded with a dull and plodding deliberation. It was the secret of his success. Whenever people around him became excited, Manchek seemed to grow more disinterested, until he appeared about to fall asleep. It was a trick he had for remaining totally objective and clear headed. Now he sighed and puffed on his pipe as the tape spun out for the second time. "No communication breakdown, I take it?" Comroe shook his head. "We checked all systems at this end. We are still monitoring the frequency." He turned on the radio, and hissing static filled the room. "After the transmission ended, we got nothing but the static you here now. We put it through the audio screen, to see if the computer could pick up a pattern." "then we cut in the computer. Like so." He punched a button on his keyboard, the sound became quieter, more regular, with a pattern of beating, thumping, murmuring and sighing. "I see," Manchek said. He had in fact, already identified the pattern and assessed its meaning. His mind was drifting elsewhere, considering other possibilities, wider ramifications. He new that his vulvoid creation was loose, the sound that he was hearing was the two investigators now fully transformed and masturbating frantically at the orders of their breast brains in order to feed the vulvoid panties. He also new that soon they would be raping their hosts and inseminating them, fertilising the ripening eggs in their newly formed ovaries to create more and more hungry vulvoid panties. Yet he was not prepared to divulge what he new, already a plan of action forming in his mind to cover up this trail of professional misconduct. "All right," Mancheck said. His pipe went out. He sucked on it for a moment, then lit it again, removed it from his mouth, and plucked a bit of tobacco from his tongue. "We need evidence," He said, almost to himself. He was considering categories of evidence, and possible findings, contingencies.... "Evidence of what?" Comroe said. Mancheck Ignored the question. "Have we got a reconnaissance plane on the base?" "I'm not sure, sir. If we don't we can get one from Edwards." "Then do it." Mancheck stood up. He had made his decision and now he felt tired again. An evening of telephone calls faced him, an evening of irritable officials questions and puzzled voices at the other end. "We'll want a flyby over that town," he said. "And a complete scan. All records to come directly. Alert the labs." He also ordered Comroe to bring in the technicians, especially Jaggers. Mancheck disliked Jaggers, who was effete and precocious. But Mancheck also new that Jaggers was good, and tonight he needed a good man. At 11:07 p.m. Samual "Gunner" Wilson was moving at 645 miles per hour over the Mojave Desert. Up ahead in the moonlight, he saw the twin lead jets, their afterburners glowing angrily in the night sky. The planes had a heavy, pregnant look: phosphorus bombs were slung beneath the wings and belly. Wilson's plane was different, irregular shaped and black. A stealth fighter fully equipped for reconnaissance and intelligence gathering flights. It was fitted with two side slung digital camera's, one for the visible spectrum, and one for low-frequency radiation. In addition it had a centre-mount infrared mutispex camera as well as the usual electronic and radio detection gear. All information of course processed automatically in the air, encoded and transmitted in real time to the observation centre. Where it would be decoded and analysed. All this technology made the stealth fighter almost impossibly sensitive. It could map the outlines of a city in blackout, and could follow movements of individuals, their cars and even their pets at thirty thousand feet. It could detect a submarine to a depth of two thousand feet. It could locate harbour mines by wave motion deformities and it could obtain a precise photograph of a factory from the residual heat of the building many hours after shutdown. So the stealth fighter was the ideal instrument to fly over Stamshaw, in the dead of night. Wilson carefully checked his instruments, his hands fluttering over the controls, touching each button and lever, watching the blinking green crystal display. All systems were in order. His earphones crackled. The lead plane said lazily, "Coming up on the town, Gunner. You see it?" He leaned forward in the cramped cockpit. He was low, only five hundred feet above ground, and for a moment he could see nothing but a blur of sand, snow, and yucca trees. Then up ahead, buildings in the moonlight. "Roger. I See It." "Okay, Gunner. Give us room." He dropped back, putting half a mile between himself and the other two planes. They were going into the P-square formation, for direct visualisation of target by phosphorus flare. Direct visualisation was not really necessary; Stealth planes could function without it. But Genetech seemed insistant that they gather all possible information about the town. The lead planes spread, moving wide until they were parallel to the main street of the town. "Gunner? Ready to roll?" Wilson placed his fingers delicately over the camera buttons. Four fingers: as if playing the piano. "Ready." "We're going in now." The two planes swooped low, dipping gracefully toward the town. They were now very wide and seemingly inches above the ground as they began to release the bombs. As each struck the ground, a blazing white-hot sphere went up, bathing the town in an unearthly, glaring light and reflecting off the metal underbellies of the planes. The jets climbed, their run finished, but Gunner did not see them. His entire attention, his mind and his body, was focused on the town. "All yours Gunner." Wilson did not answer. He dropped his nose, cracked down his flaps, and felt a shudder as the plane sank sickeningly, like a stone, toward the ground. Below him, the area around the town was lighted for hundreds of yards in every direction. He pressed the camera buttons and felt, rather than heard, the electronic switching on of the cameras. For a long moment he continued to fall, and then he shoved the stick forward, and the plane seemed to catch in the air, to grab, and lift and climb. He had a fleeting glimpse of the main street. He saw people, naked people everywhere, all females spread-eagled, lying in the streets, across cars.... Clutching at their crotches. "Jesus," he said. And then he was up, still climbing, bringing the plane around in a slow arc, preparing for the descent into his second run and trying not to think of what he had seen. One of the first rules of air reconnaissance was "ignore the scenery"; analysis and evaluation were not the job of the pilot. That was left to the experts, and pilots who forgot this, who became too interested in what they were photographing, got into trouble, usually they crashed. As the plane came down into a flat second run, he tried not to look at the ground. But he did, and again saw the girls. The phosphorous flares were burning low, the lighting was darker, more sinister and subdued. But the naked girls were still there: he had not been imagining it. "Jesus," he said again. "Sweet Jesus." The sign on the door said DATA PROSSEX EPSILON, and underneath, in red lettering, ADMISSION BY CLEARANCE CARD ONLY. Inside was a comfortable sort of briefing room: screen on one wall, a dozen steel-tubing and leather chairs facing it, and a projector hanging from the ceiling. When Manchek and Comroe entered the room, Jaggers was already waiting for them, standing at the front of the room by the screen. Jaggers was a short man with a springy step and an eager, rather hopeful face. Though not well liked on the base, he was nonetheless the acknowledged master of reconnaissance interpretation. He had the sort of mind that delighted in small and puzzling details, and was well suited to his job. Jaggers rubbed his hands as Manckek and Comroe sat down. "Well then," he said. "Might as well get right into it. I think we have something to interest you tonight." He nodded to the operator huddled over a laptop at the back of the room, "first picture." The room lights darkened. There was the sound of frantic tapping on a keypad and the screen lighted to show an aerial view of a small desert town. "This in an unusual shot," Jaggers said. "From our files. Taken about two months ago from Spartacus 12, our recon satellite. Orbiting at an altitude of One hundred and eighty-seven miles, as you know. The technical quality here is quite good. Can't read the licence plates on the cars at this resolution but were working on it. Manchek shifted in his chair, but said nothing. "You can see the town here," Jaggers said. "Stamshaw, (Arizona/Ohio your call) Population forty-eight, and not much to look at, even from One hundred and eighty-seven miles. Here's the general store; the gas station-notice how clearly you can read ESSO- and the post office; the motel. Everything else you see is private residences. Church over here. Well: next picture." Another flicker. This was dark, with a reddish tint, and was clearly an overview of the town in white and dark red. The outlines of the buildings were very dark. "We begin here with the stealth IR images. These are infrared images, as you know, which produce a picture on the basis of heat instead of light. Anything warm appears white on the picture; anything cold is black. Now then. You can see here that the buildings are dark-they are colder than the ground. As night comes on, the buildings give up their heat more rapidly." "What are those white spots?" Comroe said. There were forty or fifty white areas on the image. "Those," Jaggers said, "are people. Some inside houses, some in the street. By count, they number fifty. In the case of some of them, such as this one here, you can make out the four limbs and head clearly. This person is lying flat. In the street." He opened a gum wrapper and inserted the gum into his mouth, discarding the paper onto the floor and pointed to a white rectangle. "As nearly as we can tell, this is an automobile. Notice it's got a bright spot at one end. This means the motor is still running, still generating heat." "The van," Comroe said. Manchek nodded. "The question now arises," Jaggers said, "are all these people alive or dead? Using the spectra scope the bodies are indeed at normal if only a little colder than normal body temperature of 98.4 F they are very much alive, if not chilled by the cold. Some are hypothermic but appear to have a very hot spot around their pubic areas. This could be the reason none have appeared to freeze to death being naked in the cold. Yes all of the subjects are naked except for one item of apparel which I will show you a close up off in a minute." "Two of the people counted you can see are sitting in this car here." "Our Men," Comroe said. "and the third?" "The third is rather puzzling. You see him here, apparently standing or lying curled in the street. Observe that he is quite dark, and therefore not giving up much heat. He is the only one fully clothed. The third image flickered onto the screen. Manchek frowned at the spot. "its moved." "Exactly. This film was made on the second passage. The spot has moved approximately twenty yards. Next picture." A fourth film. "Moved again!" "Yes. An additional five or ten yards." "so one person down there is not immobilised like all the others." "That," Jaggers said, "is the presumptive conclusion" Manchek Cleared his throat. "Does that mean it's what you think?" "yes sir. That is what we think." "There's a man down there, walking among the immobilised people?" Jaggers shrugged and tapped the screen. "It is difficult to account for the data in any other manner, and-" At that moment, the operator on the laptop announced, "Sir we have processed the images of the direct visualisation by P-square." "Run them," Manchek said. A moment later, Lieutenant Wilson was ushered into the room. Jaggers said, "I haven't reviewed these images yet. Perhaps the pilot should narrate." Manchek nodded and looked at wilson, who got up and walked to the front of the room, wiping his hands nervously on his pants. He stood alongside the screen and faced his audience, beginning in a flat monotone: "Sir, my flybys were made between 11:08 and 11:13 p.m. this evening. There were two, a start from the east and a return from the west, done at an average speed of two hundred and fourteen miles per hour, at a median altitude by corrected altimeter of eight hundred feet and an-" "Just a minute, son," Manchek said, raising his hand. "This isn't a grilling. Just tell it naturally." Wilson nodded and swallowed. The room lights went down and the projector emitted its beam. The screen showed the town bathed in glaring white light as the plane came down over it. "This is my first pass," Wilson said. "East to West, at 11:08 ninety-six Megahertz imaging. As you can see, my altitude is falling rapidly. Straight ahead is the main street of the target..." He stopped. The girls were clearly visible, breasts jutting out prominently, flat pubic areas covered by light blue panties. And the van stopped in the street, it's lights glowing dimly against the brightness of the flares. As the plane continued its run, approaching the van, they could see the driver and that the driver was definitely female. Breasts being the fist thing any man notices to determine sex. "Excellent definition," Jaggers said. "That high speed imager really gives resolution when you need-" "Wilson," Manchek said, "was telling us about his run." "Yes sir," Wilson said, clearing his throat. He stared at the screen. "At this time I am right over the target, where I observed the females you see here. My estimate at that time was seventy five, sir." His voice was quiet and tense. There was a break in the recording and some numbers, then the image came back on again. "Now I am coming back for my second run," Wilson Said. "The flares are already burning low but you can see-" "Stop the film," Manchek said. The laptop operator froze the image at a single frame. It showed the long, straight main street of the town, and the naked girls. Apparently clutching at their panties that they all seemed to be wearing. Manchek knew what these were. "Go Back." The film was run backward, the jet seeming to pull away from the street. "There Stop it now." The frame was frozen. Manchek got up and walked close to the screen, peering off to one side. "Look at this," he said pointing to a figure. It was a man in knee length white robes, standing and looking at the plane. He was a man in his thirties or forties, with a withered face. His eyes were wide. "What do you make of this?" Manchek said to Jaggers. Jaggers moved close. He frowned. "Run it forward a bit." The film advanced. They could clearly see the man turn his head, roll his eyes, following the plane as it passed over him. "Now backward," Jaggers said. The film was run back. Jaggers smiled bleakly. "The man looks very much a man to me sir." "Yes," Manchek said crisply. "He certainly does." And with that, he walked out of the room. As he left, he paused and announced that he was declaring a state of emergency; that everyone on the base was confined to quarters until further notice; that there would be no outside calls or communication; and that what they had seen in this room was confidential. Outside in the hallway, he headed for Mission Control. Comroe followed him. "I want you to call General Wheeler," Manchek said. "Tell him I have declared an SOE without proper authorisation, and to ask him to come down immediately." Technically no one but the commander had the right to declare a state of emergency. Comroe said, "Wouldn't you rather tell him yourself?" "I've got other things to do," Manchek said. It seemed to him that a man had somehow escaped his fate or was somehow immune to the vulvoid panty transform. With someone loose like that it could ruin everything he had planned. ALERT ALERT When Arthur Manchek Stepped into the small soundproofed booth and sat down before the telephone, he knew exactly what he was going to do-but he was not very sure why he was doing it. As one of the senior Genetech officers, he had received a briefing nearly a year before on Project Alpha Labs Two. It had been given, Manchek remembered, by a short little man with a dry, precise way of speaking. He was a university professor and he had outlined the project. Manchek had forgotten the details, except that there was a laboratory somewhere, and a team of five scientists who could be alerted to man the laboratory. The function of the team was investigation of possible contagion of new life forms introduced via genetic research and experimentation on earth. Manchek had not been told who the five men were; he knew only that a special Defence Department secure line existed for calling them out. In order to access the line, one had to dial the binary of some number. He reached into his pocket and withdrew his wallet, then fumbled for a moment until he found the card he had been given by the professor: IN CASE OF FIRE Notify Division 24 Emergencies Only He stared at the card and wondered what exactly would happen if he dialled the binary of 24. He tried to imagine the sequence of events: who would he talk to? Would someone call him back? Would there be an enquiry, a referral to a higher authority? He rubbed his eyes and stared at the card, and finally he shrugged. One way or the other he would find out. He tore a sheet of paper from the pad in front of him, next to the telephone, and wrote: 2º 2' 2² 2³ 24 25 26 27 28 This was the basis of the binary system: base two raised to some power. Two to the zero power was one; two to the first was two; two squared was four; and so on. Manchek quickly wrote another line beneath: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 Then he began to add up the numbers to get a total of 24. He underlined these numbers: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 = 24 And then he drew in the binary code. Binary numbers were designed for computers which utilise an On-Off, yes-no kind of language. A mathematician once joked that binary numbers were the way people who have only two fingers count. In essence, binary numbers translated normal numbers-which require nine digits, and decimal places-to a system that depended on only two digits, one and zero. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 = 24 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Mancheck looked at the number he had just written and inserted the dashes: 000-11-0000. A perfectly reasonable telephone number. Manchek picked up the telephone and dialled. The time was exactly twelve midnight. THE EARLY HOURS The Machinery was there. The cables the codes, the computers had all been waiting dormant for two years. It only required Manchek's call to set the machinery in motion. When he finished dialling, he heard a series of mechanical clicks, and then a low hum, which meant, he knew, that the call was being fed into one of the scrambled Internet lines. After a moment, the humming stopped and a voice said, "This is a recording. State your name and your message and hang up." "Major Arthur Manchek, Genetech, Vulvoid project. I believe it is necessary to call up an Alpha labs two alert. I have confirmed visual data at this post, which has just been closed for security reasons." As he spoke it Occurred to him that it was all rather improbable. Even the tape recorder would disbelieve him. He continued to hold the telephone in his hand, somehow expecting an answer. But there was none, only a click as the connection was automatically broken. The line was dead; he hung up and sighed. It was all very unsatisfying. Manchek expected to be called back within a few minutes by Washington; he expected to receive many calls in the next few hours, and so remained at the phone. Yet he received no calls, for he did not know that the process he had initiated was automatic. Once mobilised, the Alpha Labs Alert would proceed ahead, and not be recalled for at least 12 hours. Within ten minutes of Manchek's call, the following message clattered across the scrambled maximum-security cabler units of the nation. ********UNIT******** TOP SECRET CODE FOLLOWS AS CBW 9/9/234/435/6778/90 PULG COORDINATES DELTA 8997 MESSAGE FOLLOWS AS ALPHA LABS TWO ALERT HAS BEEN CALLED. REPEAT ALPHA LABS TWO ALERT HAS BEEN CALLED. COORDINATES TO READ NASAM/AMC/NSC COMB DEC. TIME OF COMMAND TO READ LL-59-07 ON DATE. FURTHER NOTATIONS AS PRESS BLACKFACE POTENTIAL DIRECTIVE 7-L2 ALERT STATUS UNTILFURTHER NOTICE END MESSAGE ********** DISENGAGE This was an automatic cable. Everything about it, including the announcement of a press blackout and a possible directive 7-12, was automatic, and followed from Manchek's call. Five minutes later, there was a second cable which named men on the alpha labs team: ********UNIT******** TOP SECRET CODE FOLLOWS AS CBW 9/9/234/435/6778/900 MESAGE FOLLOWS AS THE FOLLOWING MALE CITIZENS ARE BEING PLACED ON DEZ KAPPA STATUS. PREVIOUS TOP SECRET CLEARANCE HAS BEEN CONFIRMED. THE NAMESARE+ MERRIL, JEREMY **81 LEAVITT, PETER **04 BARTON, CHARLES*L51 CHRISTIANSENKRIKECANCEL THIS LINE CANCEL THIS LINE CAN TO READ AS KIRKE, CHRISTIAN *I42 HALL, MARK *L77 ACCORD THESE MEN ZED KAPPA STATUS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE END MESSAGE END MESSAGE In theory, this cable was also quite routine; its purpose was to name the five members who were being given Zed Kappa status, the code for "OK" status. Unfortunately, however, the machine misprinted one of the names and failed to reread the entire message. (Normally, when one of the printout units of a secret digital line miswrote part of a message, the entire message was rewritten, or else it was reread by the computer to certify its corrected form.) The message was then open to doubt. In Washington and elsewhere , a computer expert was called in to confirm the accuracy of the message, by what is called "reverse tracing." The Washington expert expressed grave concern about the validity of the message sice the machine was printing out other minor mistakes, such as "L" when it meant "I". The upshot of all this was that the first two names on the list were accorded status, while the rest were not, pending confirmation. Allison stone was tired. At her home in the hills overlooking the Stanford campus, she and her husband , the chairman of the Stanford bacteriology department, had held a party for fifteen couples, and everyone had stayed late. Mrs. Stone was annoyed: she had been raised in official Washington, where one's second cup of coffee, offered pointedly without cognac, was accepted as a signal to go home. Unfortunately, she thought, academics did not follow the rules. She had served the second cup of coffee hours ago, and everybody was still there. Shortly before one a.m., the doorbell rang. Answering it, she was surprised to see two military men standing side by side in the night. They seemed awkward and nervous to her, and she assumed they were lost; people often got lost driving through these residential areas at night. "May I help You?" "I'm sorry to disturb you, ma'am," one said politely. "But is this the residence of Dr. Jeremy Stone?" "yes," she said, frowning slightly. "It is." She looked beyond the two men, to the driveway. A blue military sedan was parked there. Another man was standing by the car; he seemed to be holding something in his hand. "Does that man have a gun?" she said. "Ma'am," the man said, "we must see Dr.Stone at once, please." It all seemed strange to her, and she found herself frightened. She looked across the lawn and saw a fourth man, moving up to the house and looking in the window. In the pale light streaming out onto the lawn, she could distinctly see the rifle in his hands. "What's going on?" "Ma'am, we don't want to disturb your party. Please call Dr. Stone to the door." "I don't know if-" "Otherwise, we will have to go get him," the man said. She hesitated for a moment, then said, "Wait here." She stepped back and started to close the door, but one man had already slipped into the hall. He stood near the door, erect and very polite, with his hat in his hand. "I'll just wait here, ma'am," he said, and smiled at her. She walked back to the party, trying to show nothing to the guests. Everyone was still talking and laughing; the room was noisy and dense with smoke. She found Jeremy in a corner, in the midst of some argument about riots. She touched hes shoulder, and he disengaged himself from the group. "I know this sounds funny," she said, "but there is some kind of Army man in the hall, and another outside, and two others with guns out on the lawn. They say they want to see you." For a moment Stone looked surprised, and then he nodded. "I'll take care of it," he said. His attitude annoyed her; he seemed almost to be expecting it. "Well, if you knew about this, you might have told-" "I didn't," he said. "I'll explain later." He walked out to the hallway where, the officer was still waiting. She followed her husband. Stone said, "I Am Doctor Stone." "Captain Morton," the man said. He did not offer to shake hands. "There's a fire, sir." "All right," Stone said. He looked down at his dinner jacket. "Do I have time to change?" "I'm afraid not, sir." To her astonishment, Allison saw her husband nod quietly. "all right." He turned to her and said, "I've got to leave." His face was blank and expressionless, and it seemed to her like a nightmare, his face like that, while he spoke. She was confused, and afraid. "When will you be back?" "I'm not sure. A week or two. Maybe longer." She tried to keep her voice low, but she couldn't help it, she was upset. "What is it?" she said. "Are you under arrest?" "No," he said, with a slight smile. "It's nothing like that. Make my apologies to everyone, will you?" "But the guns-" "Mrs. Stone," the military man said, "it's our job to protect your husband. From now on, nothing must be allowed to happen to him." "That's right," Stone said. "You see, I'm suddenly an important person." He smiled again, an odd, crooked smile, and gave her a kiss. And then, almost before she new what was happening, he was walking out the door, with Captain Morton on one side of him and the other man on the other. The man with the rifle wordlessly fell into place behind them; the man by the car saluted and opened the door. Then the car lights came on, and the doors slammed shut, and the car backed down the drive and drove off into the night. She was still standing by the door when one of her guests came up behind her and said, "Allison, are you all right?" And she turned, and found she was able to smile and say, "yes, it's nothing. Jeremy had to leave. The lab called him: another one of his late-night experiments going wrong." The guest nodded and said, "Shame. It's a delightful party." In The car, Stone sat back and stared at the men. He recalled that their faces were blank and expressionless. He said, "What have you got for me?" "Got sir?" "Yes dammit. What did they give you for me? They must have given you something." "Oh yes sir." He was handed a slim file. Stencilled on the brown cardboard cover was PROJECT SUMMARY: VULVOID. "Nothing else?" Stone said. "No sir." Stone sighed. He had never heard of Project Vulvoid before; the file would have to be read carefully. But it was too dark in the car to read; there would be time for that later, on the air plane. He found himself thinking back over the last five years, back to the rather odd symposium on Long Island, and the rather odd little speaker from England who had , in his own way, begun it all. An explanation of the need to have a secure facility for the study of Biological Outbreaks for Weapons grade research. Stones transportation by plane to alpha labs two and his briefing about Project Vulvoid. Pathogen Synopsis. Genetech had developed two highly advanced and interdependent man-made organisms that had caused the Vulvoid outbreak. The intention of the development seemed to be based around creation of a self-propagating weapon. We have identified the virus and know little of the lifeform that was responsible for the infection and propagation, the so-called Vulvoid Panties. Whilst appearing to be panties, these insidious lifeforms are actually living creatures, non sentient, and parasitic in nature. They provide the vector for host viral infection, as well as reproduction - using the hosts converted female reproductive organs as a surrogate. It appears that Genetech had developed a specific artificial virus intended to take control of an infected host. The virus only infected human males, and is a retro-virus that reprograms specific sections of the infected cell. Specifically it causes the destruction of the host cell Y chromosome, and introduces a highly modified X chromosome. The process of infection also harnesses cell mechanics to produce 2 copies of the virus, which are released into the host - propagating infection. The newly programmed cell invokes some dramatic physical changes in the host, most obviously with a metamorphosis to a modified female form. During the change the host appears to grow breasts that are also highly modified, being comprised of a large mass of brain-like cells that take co-control of the host. These new mamobellum demonstrated sentience and separate identity from the host. My study will attempt to better understand the nature of the Vulvoid, the panties and the virus. Hopefully we will determine a means to prevent host infection or a means of stopping host conversion. At this stage it is unknown whether a converted host Vulvoid Girl is able to be released from the control of her breast brains or the Symbiotic panties. Phase one: understanding infection. Genetech was tasked with testing these on volunteers but when they could not find anyone willing to participate and the project was faced with closure started to use any subjects that just happened to be around. These were then promptly infected and studied many of the findings I am using here. Unaided, the time taken normally for the virus to completely spread and completely transform a male into a female was about two weeks, this was however speeded up considerably by the mutations that followed with the development of the Vulvoid Panties life-form. The panties made it possible to convert a host in quite literally an hour. The panties themselves were developed with a means of reproduction as with any life-form: every person that was enslaved by the Vulvoid became a sexual partner to their panties, giving birth to many more. During formation of female organs of the changing host it is theorised new ovaries grow Vulvoid panty eggs. Each of the egg sacks contains about 500 each so every infected human being could produce 1,000 living panties offspring over their life-span. I will attempt to describe now in detail the basic happenings with the Vulvoid life-form host acquisition. Normally a host was acquired by an already infected Vulvoid Girl, under the control of her breasts. It may take the form of seduction, ambush or overt conversion strategies of co-ordinated groups of Vulvoid girls. Whilst the first Vulvoid panties were no-doubt lab grown, subsequent generations were formed within the wombs of their hosts and given birth to vaginally. The intended new host was normally made immobile by the Vulvoid Girl with yet another anomaly of the host's female metamorphosis - glands in the nipples that spray a nerve-muscle immobilising substance. Prospective hosts would quite literally have no option but to watch the birth of their new panties and could not resist their placement on their bodies. Upon coming into contact with a new male host, the panties follow a certain course of action. 1/ Formation - The panties form around the male genitals after being placed into contact with a male body, the panties are able to migrate fast to the pubic area using their cilla-like `elastic' edges for grip and propulsion. That is if touched by even a finger the panties will attach to its new host immediately and begin migrating to the groin. It is almost impossible to stop this although a few were successful. These were not catalogued. The panty edges grip on into the flesh making it impossible to tear or rip them off, the clock starts ticking. Zero the panties are in place. The edges grip the host and dig into the host flesh, drawing fluid from the host into their living fibres. 2 minutes of seeming inactivity occur then. 2/ Build up - Now that the panties are in contact with male flesh they start to transform in preparation for the sex change of the host. They flex and appear to grow a bulge between the legs of the host. We think that the inflation is caused by the accumulation of a jelly like substance in the panty gusset and between the panties and the host near the penis of the host. Analysing the imaging data captured from Genetech it appeared that they used imaging scanners to observe several transformations. The scans showed the gusset area of the panties, on the inside surface, extruded a strange tentacle like tube that snaked its way past the hosts balls and to the front of the panties, near the penis. It is surmised that this same extrusion forms the mechanism for host rape later.... The tentacle like tube appears to grab the end of the host penis and insert some kind of tube some distance down the shaft of the host. 3/ Infection - After 10 minutes of engorgement and minutes after the engagement with the host penis, the panties `deflate' pushing the accumulated fluid within the panty gusset sacs into the host via the penis. The violent injection causes the rupture of many of the penis' veins and capillaries and provides the means for the entry of the fluid en-mass into the host. The fluid apparently is a rich soup of the virus that has been `grown' in the panty gusset sacs. The panties re-engorge and then re-inject. The process repeats and becomes regular, frequently as often as once a second. Externally the host appears to have a throbbing organ between their legs that bizarrely looks like a pair of girls panties. Once in contact with the blood, the X Virus starts to spread, rapidly, a graph shows how quickly the blood is transformed along with the other major organs. Very soon once 5 quarts of blood has been changed the organs start to change, first the heart is infected then the lungs then the endocrine system, the liver, muscles, bones and brain all develop x- chromosomes each cross infecting the other with the organism. All this happens in the first infusion of fluid. At 12 minutes after a further 2 minutes a second infusion occurs, reinforcing the first, by this time the graph is registering over 1% conversion. At 14 minutes a third infusion just so it seems to make sure infection is complete, the panties squeezing the fluid into its host. Conversion 5% 16 minutes after the panties are in place an antidote to the Breast spray is released through the sharp frills into the capillary system and the body begins to regain feeling, most hosts at Genetech did not have the benefit of being immobilised by the breast spray. 3/ Reversion stage - At t+ 20 Minutes the final infusion of fluid of a different type this time makes its way into the penis and scrotum via the path already made, this fluid is of unknown material but is what appears to start the transformation of male genitals into female genitals - triggering the host cells new female programming to violently assert itself. At the site of the dormant male nipples, a massive change also commences. Vulvoid Breast formation begins with nipple formation then rapid growth of mamobellum cells. Whilst the familiar bulge of a human girls breasts appear upon the chest of the host, it is inside where the most disturbing changes are occurring. The breast matter organises into a strange kind of brain-like formation, at the rear of which is a nerve fibre. This is also directly related to age, after 2 minutes the breasts are only budding nipples, at 5 minutes the breasts are age 21 sized and fully formed at age 42 in our test subject all by 40 minutes after the panty hold began. The nerve fibres for both breasts intermingle, then one super-breast-nerve grows through the chest cavity and anchors itself upon the spinal column of the host - pushing fibres up into the brain stem of the host. Once `rooted' the breasts begin to take physical control of the host. Genital conversion pick up pace now as the host penis begins to shrink. Shrinking is linked to age divided by 10. So a 42 year old male after five minutes will have the size he had at 21 and after 8 minutes the size of a nine year old. After ten minutes it is gone completely and the area is flat as indicated by the now figure hugging panties. Only a small clitoris remains. 4/ Growth Stage - T+ 30 minutes - The male genitals are gone. The pelvis has changed and A sudden crack is very discernible when the pelvis widens and the pubic bone opens out. The subjects voice box has adjusted and the persons voice has effectively unbroken into a female pitch range. 5/ Reproductive organ forming stage At Forty minutes the blood is at 95% conversion and the rest of the body follows suite, the last five percent occurs over 24 hours as the immune system is re-programmed. Female Organ forming begins with the collapse of the scrotal sack inwards and a hood forms over the tiny penis head, internally we observed using a scanner the formation of a womb and fallopian tubes mating with the converted testes that were more like an egg sack now full of immature eggs. After 45 minutes an opening appears about 4 inches long and the labia Majora have formed, the scrotum collapses further and forms the labia minora. The urethra takes hold into its final position after parting from the clitoris. At Fifty minutes the vagina starts to form and over six minutes burrows into the internal muscle tissue seeking out the new completed womb and mating with it, the lining starts to produce mucus and thickens into a rubbery consistency. The Vagina is complete at T+58 minutes. The Panties noticeably stop quivering and appear to go dormant and relaxed. After one hour almost to the second the panty grips release their hold and can be removed easily. The victim is now a Vulvoid girl host. further events follow that are more to do with the feeding of the panties and reproduction cycle that are to be separate topics for this journal. STAMSHAW The town was investigated by two biologically suited men, transported by helicopter after sleep aerosol was used to neutralise any live threats. Capture of 30 Year old man wearing Girls Panties and rescue of Baby boy also wearing smaller version of same. Investigation of apparent suicides of partially changed males. AN UNUSUAL PROCESS Results of Investigation regarding Stamshaw Town and Genetech Labs. Follows discussion on Forces at work by first Two Scientists and their briefing. After reading L J's version of events regarding the Genetech labs and doing extensive research I managed to secure a sample of the X-chromosome 783 virus before the nuclear cauterisation of 100 square miles around the Genetech labs. This should be happening about now. The sample has been cryogenically sealed in liquid nitrogen and preserved, also we have two subjects a man in his late 30s and a new born baby boy both now at the secure facility, Alpha Labs 2 these two subjects the only known survivors that have not been visibly affected by the virus or the panties that they both wore when found. The danger to the world is obvious, that is why I have been operating in secret and now am flying to Japan and a remote island off the coast. It is there that with my colleagues I intend to isolate and find an antidote to this life changing thing before it finds a way back into the world if already it isn't out there as it must surely be. I think that not all infected Girls were destroyed in the blast. This is the reason for my actions. First I intend to thaw out the unknown using the level five facility constructed to isolate virus outbreaks such as this. The Facility is a five story underground base with five layers of security and sterilised cleansing stations that are progressively more sterile than the one above. By the time anyone reaches level five 24 hours later they will be as sterile as is possible, the air they breath will be biologically clean and the uniforms made of disposable paper that feels like cloth and is lined with charcoal, these being changed every four hours. More on this facility later. Here is a brief rundown on how the organism works. DIRECTIVE 7-12 The nuclear cauterisation of Stamshaw and Genetech. Why it never happened. STAGE 1 The Scientists meet up at the Alpha Labs 2 in Japan after long flights and proceed to Level one. DECONTANIMATION The Scientists proceed to Level 5 ALPHA LABS TWO. LEVEL 5 Level five explained. MISCELLANEOUS There are a number of phases that are typical of the infection period and transformation. What we are about to do is observe the organism and isolate in a secure location so that a cure may be developed or at very least slow down the growth rate. It is feared that the first few Vulvoid girls may have escaped the cauterisation and are at large somewhere in the world turning men into girls at an ever increasing rate. After my observations at the lab I will endeavour to find this site and seek them out. My curiosity perhaps getting the better of me. Arrival At Alpha labs 2 I have arrived at the facility and have begun the descent to stage five, by this time tomorrow I will be coming face to face with the organism that is causing so much concern. I have three other Physicians with me, one is a nuclear physicist, one is a surgeon, and the 3rd a micro biologist, together we should be able to solve this problem once and for all. Our two subjects were extracted from the Genetech lab before the neutralisation of the area. They were the only males found in the lab, yet both wear Vulvoid panties. Both are sedated and being fed intravenous saline to keep them hydrated until we can get to them. The old man is wearing a pair of Vulvoid panties but has not changed instead they seem to be processing his bodily waste and venting into the lab atmosphere. The baby seems to be a healthy baby boy, with no indication of transformation either. Day 1 After a much needed rest I was ready to start my observations on the X-organism. First I went to scrub and retrieved my new paper coveralls then proceeded to the lab on level five. Inside with the door sealed shut behind I could see the capsule with the frozen sample behind the glass screen. I set up the apparatus to open the lid and take the sample out for thawing. This was all done automatically by the lab equipment whilst I prepared a Male for exposure to the virus directly, without the Vulvoid Panties. The male was selected from a bank of individuals that had consented to medical research in return for a fee of $1 million dollars if they survive. He was sitting naked in a glass box looking furtive and nervous. I spoke to him through a loudspeaker to reassure him that this experiment would not kill him. He just sat in his glass box as it was placed next to the thawing sample in its own glass box. An air hose was connected from the sample box and onto the Human Guinea pig's box and was prepared for opening. This experiment was to find out if the organism could populate through the air and infect a host in this way. After an hour the sample was ready and so I threw a switch to open the air valves, and waited. Air was transferred from the sample to the volunteer and my findings were that no cross infection occurred. The organism could not travel through the air. Next a swab was touched onto the sample and then transferred to the man in the glass box. The swab was brushed over the man's forearm skin. It was noted that the organism started to grow and spread around the immediate surface area and remained very much alive but was not visibly affecting the patient. A blood sample was then taken and this showed that no blood contamination had occurred. I then proceeded to dilute a sample in a syringe and had it inserted under the skin on the other forearm. Another blood sample after 10 minutes showed a definite infection and at genetic levels that the Y-chromosomes were indeed changing to X- chromosomes. The body was now on course for changing into a female and there was nothing that could stop it. The time for transformation, and the end-state, are unknown. The infected man was then moved into another glass box containing another uninfected man to see how long it was before the organism propagated itself. They both sat there waiting unknowing what exactly was happening to them watching a TV monitor for their entertainment. They would be fed 3 times a day and have blood samples taken every four hours as well as have biological-monitoring measurements recorded continuously. We would know if anything was changing. Already the infected mans change had begun, his body hair was redefining itself, becoming that of a Female, the bones were shortening and re-shaping, the skin turning softer, a pair of ribs started to shrink making the mans waist smaller, his hips and pelvis changing to that of child bearing shape. Facial features were softening and he was getting cramps inside his belly. He became more and more worried, not knowing what was happening to him (he had not been told of the Vulvoid or the X-Virus) All this was minutely being followed with fascination by the scientists but was still not detected by the man himself as he talked to the other uninfected subject. Meanwhile in the lab with the old man and baby, the surgeon was dressed in his encounter suite and giving them a once over, examination. The blood tests done on these two subjects revealed that the old man was deficient in testosterone probably due to old age and the baby quite obviously had not fully developed yet only being two years old. After talking to the man his name was Jackson, The surgeon Mark Hall discovered that the man was Impotent and could not get erections for 15 years. He was also an Alcoholic. Jackson was pleading with Hall to get these god awful panties off of him. Hall could see a vapour coming out of the lace rim and was glad of the encounter suite which was fed with Oxygen from behind being physically connected to the observation room via a sealed door. The female nurse was currently feeding the baby a formula to keep him fed, he appeared totally unaffected by the vapours being exposed to them for quite a period of time. Hall determined, from the blood samples, that the man was being injected with female oestrogen's by the Vulvoid girls at the lab and theorised that if he injected some Testosterone it may change the panties behaviour. Jackson was obviously used to having the bizarre panties on him, and to being experimented upon without enduring a horrendous sexchange, so he agreed. Also he agreed to have his arms and legs strapped to the observation table while a scanner observed the results of the injection. The needle arrived through the secure vacuum delivery tube and the nurse reminded him not to puncture his suite accidentally. Hall reminded her "a surgeon is unlikely to do that". * With Jackson strapped down securely and the scanner switched on Hall administered the Jab, and retreated to the observation room. By the time he was out of the encounter suite the Panties had began moving, their edges violently grabbing and attaching to Jackson. They began to engorge and to pulsate and throb. We could clearly see some kind of tube wriggle from the gusset area of the panties towards the front of the panties where it did some kind of U-turn and seemed to face the unerrect Jackson's penis. The scanner revealed something else quite extraordinary. Just inside the panties layers of tiny hairs were brushing his Penis as if to stimulate it into becoming erect. Without success. The whole length of his penis was being massaged by this pulsating of the hair like fibres. Jackson began to look startled, "get them off me" he screamed. It was obvious the tentacular tube inside of the top rim of the panties were searching for an erect penis. "We need to see what happens next" Hall instructed the nurse to inject a high dose of Viagra into the man as he observed that the testosterone injected was being absorbed by the panties, converted into oestrogen's and then released back into his blood stream via the cilla rim that had a grip around Jackson's legs. The panties continued to throb and pulsate almost anticipating the next move. "what are you doing" Jackson said to the nurse, "giving you something to make you erect" she replied. "Noooo thats what they want you to do" He started to struggle - becoming near hysterical at the thought of what may happen to him. The Injection of Viagra was then injected as Jackson went tense trying to resist the fluid going into his blood. Then he gave up and went limp it was no use. Now it would happen and he new it. Within 15 minutes the pulsating and viagra was beginning to take effect, Jackson was becoming erect. On the Scanner Hall could see inside the panties that the fibres stroking the penis were gaining rhythm. Near the top inside of the panties a soft receptacle appeared to be waiting for the arrival of the rising penis with small tentacles probing for that first touch of the bulbous head. Jackson was having his first erection in 15 years that would also be his last. He could feel the head of his penis moving up through the fabric, closer to the receptacle with every passing second. Hall zoomed in the scanner for a yet closer look, One of the tentacles emanating out of the receptacle touched the head of the arriving penis and almost instantly the receptacle sprang forward and closed around the penis bell end cupping it with a kind of sucker effect. The tentacles had retracted but now squashed up against the head of Jacksons penis started to search for his opening. A small amount of Semen leaked out and the nearest tentacle seamed to detect this and moved towards the urethra opening. In an instant Jackson squirmed as he felt a tube being pushed inside his penis shaft, forcing its way in and down the inside of his shaft for four or five inches of searing heat. The tube and the snaking connection to the panty gusset pulsed a few times and then relaxed. Drawing back on the scanner Hall could see a new phase beginning, Fluids were being drawn from the mans legs through the capillaries and into the panties. Here it was observed that it flowed around the inside of the fabric of the panties changing its molecular structure as it did so, then it was collected in two sacks either side of the penis shaft within the gusset of the panties. From these sacks two tubes ran up to the penis receptacle and connected with the tentacle that was inserted down his shaft. Over the next ten minutes the sacks swelled, throbbed and pulsated, Jackson had seen this many times in his home town as its occupants all succumbed to the same fate that he was spared and was now enduring. He relaxed in his harness, he new that he could not fight it, he just started murmuring over and over, "kill me, kill me, I don't want to be a Girl, I don't want to be a slave to these panties, they will make me turn you all into Girls, you will see, please kill me", He pleaded. Hall turned the sound off as he continued to monitor the progress of the panties throbbing, pulsating build up. Almost to the second at ten minutes after the tentacle entered the penis the panties had inflated the two sacks completely with Jacksons converted body fluids and was now ready to inseminate him with his first dose of female conversion virus. The panties trembled and vibrated as if having an orgasm of their own before deflating all of the fluid through the tentacle, down his shaft and into his body. After another minute the sacks were full again and ready to eject another load into his bladder. The virus was now streaming through Jacksons body. Once there and in contact with Y chromosomes the organisms started to multiply and absorb every cell in his body converting them into x chromosome carriers and female cells. Jackson shuddered as wave after wave of flooding Vulvoid cell conversion spread throughout his body. The panties engorged again and again and I soon had my first shocking view of the throbbing sexchange between a poor hosts legs. I could barely imagine the hell they must be experiencing - but the worst was still to come. The first phase of the obvious physical change was the breast growth, and so I observed the swelling of the breasts upon Jackson's chest. He was screaming and screaming now, but I could do nothing to help him if I was to understand the nature of the Vulvoid threat more closely. What hall saw next before his very eyes astounded him. The nipples swelled, changed colour and started to grow, the underlying tissue also swelled, breasts were now forming on the once flat chest of Jackson the unfortunate old man. On the scanner Hall could see fibrous connections spread out from the underlying tissue and grow towards the spinal chord, which then mated with it and moved on up to the brain stem. Jackson was now wired up for complete control by his breast brains. He started murmuring incoherently as he sensed thoughts that were not his own, he looked down to his chest and watched in abject horror as the two mounds grew on his chest, becoming higher and higher until he had a pair of Double D's. He started to twitch as the electrical connections to his brain were made. Jackson new he would never be the same again a tear formed and dripped down the side of his face. Jacksons face began to change from a grimace to a more mellow relaxed look as his features softened into a feminine shape, his breast brains were helping him get through this as the pain relief fluid started to work, a smile appeared on his lips, it was not his smile but a smile of conquest as his eyes moved to look at the monitor straight as it seamed into Dr Hall's eyes. Moments later the panties deflated for the last time, Jacksons inseminations were complete, and as his penis shrank further it became detached from the suction cup that was up to now held securely in place. The long tentacle still protruding from the urethra as it pulsed and squeezed the remaining drops of x-fluid into the penis stem. The shrinking continued until the tentacle retracted closing off the eye of the urethra entrance and sealing it shut for good. At the same time as this Hall noticed another opening at the base of the much shrunken penis, this he surmised would be the new urethra meatus within the opening of her new vagina. Hall watched closely now as the shrunken penis became a clitoris and embedded itself under a flap of loose skin, it was only millimetres in length now and the balls had become completely absorbed into Jacksons body, the scrotal skin appeared to become thicker and more rubbery as it was preparing to become the vaginal opening. The vaginal muscle pushed from within Jackson's vulva lips to deep within the abdomen where it connected with a waiting cervix and uterus. Inside this female reproductive area, Jacksons writhing reformation had also caused the growth of two very ripe ovaries, just rippling and bulging with ripe Vulvoid Panty eggs.... The straps holding Jackson's arms were not designed for restraint only to keep them still for the scanner so quite easily managed to release them under the complete control of her breast brains and started to murmer "my name, they.... These fucking breasts!!!! they are changing my name to Jacky! No!!!!!!!". He was a she! She grabbed her breasts and screamed then grabbed her cunt for the first time and frantically, maniacally grabbed and probed it with shaking hands. "I am a girl!!! No!!! I hate it... Its so flat!!! My breasts are so big!!!! Help me..... Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!" And her voice choked off as her probing of her vulva became more pronounced and more obviously masturbation. We observed a vulvoid girl being forced to endure masturbating their horrendously female genitals to massive orgasm, at which the panties seemed to writhe and feed upon the female ejaculation fluids.... Jacky's arms dropped to her sides. She was exhausted. Hall had the nurse remove the panty's for examination under lab conditions, this would be very interesting he thought. CHANGING AND GESTATION Meanwhile Back in the other lab the two male subjects were sitting at opposite ends of the glass cubicle, one looking rather afraid the other watching as they could see visible changes taking place. Already the chemistry that converts the sexual organs was at work, the Man looking down in horror as his Penis was beginning to get smaller and smaller. He did not have a clue what was happening. My Observations continued apace, and as it was getting late introduced some sleep anaesthesia into the cubicle to give the two men a restful night. Soon they were fast asleep, but the changes were continuing. The Infected man I guessed would not have a penis in the morning judging by the shrink rate. I called a midnight conference with the others to assess were we were and to share information of our findings thus far. Day Two The sedated `man' wakes up in the morning to find his crotch completely flat and to find two large breasts upon his chest. Reviewing the video logs, it appears he screams like a banshee and begs for release from the room. The unchanged man in the same room is becoming very worried and is extremely wary of the transforming man. The transforming man frantically feels between his legs at the flattened void then notices the indent which is obviously the cleft of a rapidly forming pair of labia lips. It takes only two hours for the labia lips to form completely between the man's legs and externally, he appears to have become a girl. At this stage we again sedated the subjects and examined the changing man directly. It appeared the almost-girl has no vagina at this stage, yet we can see a sort of indent where the vagina clearly is going to be. We open the subjects legs and set up a slow-frame video capture. It appears to be about one more hour for the vagina to fully burrow into the new girl. We also take this time to insert a flexible medical camera and examine the internal sexual organs of the new girl. Physically she was almost identical to a natural-born girl. As the camera entered her new womb we saw a sight that instilled fear in us all. Attached to her womb wall was a sac, already reasonable in size that was clearly a developing foetus - but this was no human foetus - it was a panty foetus! Scans of her chest showed the white lines that were clearly the nerve fibres of her mamobellum, snaking their way through her chest to her brain stem. Returning the new girl to his chamber with the now-terrified other man, we watched her wake up to find herself a fully-formed girl. She was hysterical, screaming and pulling and rubbing at her genitals and breasts. She was furious with us for not telling her what the experiment would do to her. At one point she was screaming out abuse with her legs widely spread, showing us her bald cunt, when she doubled over suddenly clutching her stomach. In-profile it became obvious that her stomach was somewhat distended by the growing panties inside her. She screamed `Oh my god!!! What is happening!!! My guts!!! They hurt!!! You fucking bastards!!!! I hate being a girl!!! I HATE IT!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!' Just as suddenly we saw her nipples expand as they became erect. Her body shuddered and she looked at us with a disbelieving expression as her breasts took control of her body. She then sat on the floor, spread her legs wide and began to groan and thrust her vulva forward as she obviously experienced vaginal contractions! Helplessly trapped in a girls body, controlled by brains in her breasts, she gave birth to a pair of panties - Vulvoid panties. All she could do was whimper and cry and occasionally exclaim `oh god!!! What have you done to me!!!'. Her vulva pushed forward as the emerging bulk pushed against her labia lips. Her lips suddenly parted and the panties began to push out, pulling her vaginal lips widely apart as the girl mouth stretched to expel the object. Within the watery sac was a writhing pair of the familiar blue form of the living panties. As the last of the panties birthing sac left her vagina we all watched in horror as gaping vagina slowly closed. She was shaking from shock and trauma now, alternately crying and screeching - still not permitted much in the way of speech. Yet her horror was not yet over - her shaking hands were forced to pick up the newly birthed panties sac and squeeze it till it ruptured. The panties internally squirmed in her hands and she was made to pull the awful entities onto and up her legs until they cupped her vulva like any girls panties. Even then she was not allowed any peace, nor to grieve the loss of her male body. She was next made to masturbate her panty covered vulva until she came. When she came there was such an eruption of fluid from her vagina that it momentarily pushed her panties forward and saturated the gusset. While the terrified new girl sobbed, the panties gorged upon her cunt. The other man in the room was also hysterical. Desperately trying to smash his way out of the glass room. The rest of the day was less eventful, albeit distressing to watch the new girl as she was made to masturbate and self-examine her horrifically female genitals. She would alternate between fits of enormous anger and pitiful crying. She was periodically controlled by her breasts, tried to tear them from her on several occasions and was utterly hateful of us - the bringers of her girlhood. Around 10pm that night the inevitable happened. The new girl was awoken by her panties. She gazed across at the sleeping man in the room with her and she gasped as her breasts suddenly took control of her body. She crossed the room and thrust her breasts forward into the face of the sleeping man. He woke with a start and sreamed out in surprise - just as he was hit by a spray from the girls breasts. The course of the next hour and a half is now, well documented, as the girl was raped by her panties and made to give birth for the 2nd time in a day. The now hysterical man was immobile and could do nothing but watch as she undressed him and placed the panties on him. One hour later he was also a girl. Day 3: The two new girls were still in the room in which they had changed. Their breasts were asserting control more often than not, perhaps due to the highly distressed state of the host. We had observed behaviour which was highly sexual, with the vulvoid girls forced to examine each other and to masturbate one another. Remnants of the hosts own free will were only occasionally observed with bouts of crying, screaming and verbal tirades about their physical state. Being highly concerned about the spreading of the virus and the ability of the girls to change other males, we ensured that all food and other visits were conducted by a female nurse. At the time we had no idea how clever or adaptive the Vulvoid were. In hindsight we should have quarantined the Vulvoid completely - we were to pay a very big price for this failure. At 8.30pm, without our knowledge the panties of the first girl began to engorge and were soon raping her. The panties ejaculated into her vagina and inseminated her with a new panty lifeform. At 9pm, the female nurse, Erin Bard entered the room with the two girls carrying food. The nurse had observed the transformation and the distress of the hosts. Yet being a girl, she also felt very wounded and offended that the new girls would describe their bodies in such loathing terms. Whilst she would have preferred to be male, she certainly did not hate having a vulva or breasts. The first girl approached the nurse and engaged her in conversation, controlled by her breasts. The nurse did shudder to think that these words were being formed by the two ripe mounds on the girls chest and not her host brain... Whilst distracted, the other girl hit the nurse on the head and she fell to the ground, unconscious. Quickly the first girl pulled the nurse's panties off and momentarily sobbed as she saw the nurse's cunt revealed. She pulled her own panties off and stared between her legs and then the nurse's. Both were perfect, tight and bald vulva's. She touched between her own legs and felt her own vulva and whispered `oh god! Im a girl - just like her!...'. She began to pant and thrust her vulva forward and groan. A minute later a small object, which was obviously a panty zygote, emerged from her vagina. It was perhaps the size of a small egg and was somewhat transparent. She spread the legs of the nurse more and then thrust the panty zygote into the nurse's vagina - pushing it far inside her until it was within the nurse's womb. She then pulled the nurse's panties back on, pulled her own panties back on and then began to try to wake the nurse. As Nurse Bard came round the girl said `Oh god! I am so sorry! These fucking breasts made me hit you! Are you ok? I am in control again!'. Ironically it was the mamobellum who was speaking now also. The nurse rubbed her head and told them not to worry saying `you aren't responsible for those breast brain actions are you - you poor things...' Hurriedly she left the room. The nurse was on duty with one other at this hour, a man in his mid twenties who looked after the biological equipment including the pathogen vats that were filled with agar that were used to grow biological agents for study. Nurse Bard was still rather sore from her experience, but decided to say nothing because she was sure she would have gotten in trouble for not having taken more care. She also began to feel a little sick and sore in her stomach - a matter which she put down to her revolting dinner from earlier this evening. In truth it was the rapidly growing Vulvoid panties within her womb that she was feeling. At about 10pm she was in the biological equipment room with the operator, Dave. She began to feel the first cramps of birth. She gasped and fell to her knees. She did not know Dave well enough to feel comfortable letting him see her vulva, so she tried to hide the effects. Again she was wracked by the cramps and this time she had to lie down. She began to pant and yell out for Dave, not knowing what was happening. She was beyond caring now, her cunt hurt so much. She arched her back with her vulva in the air and screeched as the vulvoid panties came down her birth canal. She was in deep shock, as was Dave, not knowing what was happening. She next felt her vaginal lips begin to part and endured the agony of them stretching to uncomfortable limits as an object came from her cunt. Right there, in front of Dave, she gave birth to a clear Sac containing a writhing form of a vulvoid panty. She knew at once and screamed to Dave to get out of the way. Unfortunately for Dave, he was too close. The Sac ruptured and the panties slithered across the floor at lightening speed and slithered up Dave's trouser legs. He frantically tried to pull his pants off to stop the horrendous lifeforms. He was too late, by the time he had his pants to his knees the vulvoid panties were already beneath his regular underpants, writhing as they moved into position. He pulled his male underpants off and saw the vulvoid panties for the first time, they were stretched tightly holding in his penis and balls - yet the taught living fabric held fast. Dave was frantic, not knowing what to do. He begged the Nurse Bard to help. She hit the emergency button, but all that did was lock-down the facility. Being a secure facility, they were cut-off from the world and this level was now cut-off from the upper levels where another ten men - all scientists - were now asleep. She decided to run to the vulvoid girls and beg them tell her how to get the panties off Dave. Dave began to feel weak as the panties dug into his circulatory system and began to engorge. He pulled and yanked at them trying to get them off, but could not. He saw, with horror, the outline within the panties of the tentacle-like umbilical begin to wriggle from the panties gusset towards his penis tip. He began to scream as he felt some sensation tickle his penis shaft - causing him to begin to get an erection. When the panties umbilical latched onto his penis and thrust its tube down his shaft, he almost passed out with shock. The vulvoid girls were being completely controlled by their breasts and began laughing as the nurse told of the events. `Stupid girl! We did this to you on purpose! We placed a panty zygote into your cunt, knowing it would escape and find a host! Why would we help you now!!' one of them said. The nurse, disgusted, returned to the biological room to find Dave writhing on the floor - with vulvoid panties beating and throbbing between his legs and with two girl's nipples upon his chest. He wast clutching at the throbbing mass between his legs, but his eyes were focussed on the growing mounds upon his chest. He was well into the transformation. Soon his body would no longer be controlled by his own brain, rather it would be a slave to his mamobellum. She tried to console him and held his hand as his body changed before her eyes. It was an unbelievably confronting experience to watch a man become a girl, whilst screaming about how horrific their new genitals and breasts felt, genitals which she herself possessed. Part of her was glad that Dave was becoming a girl because he was so derogatory about the feeling of his vulva and breasts. Perhaps they are bad she thought.... Why should it just be girls that have to endure bodies like that? Penis envy had never been something that the Nurse had much of an issue with, but now she began to feel very envious of the male body. Suddenly Nurse Chapman decided she was going to help these Vulvoid girls. She left the screaming Dave as his labia slit began to open. She walked to the two original Vulvoid girls in the observation chamber. When she got there she found them masturbating each other, hands thrust down the other girl's panties whilst they grunted and cursed. "I fucking hate this cunt! I hate the flat mouth that these fucking panties have given me! Oh god!!!! These breasts.... I cant control my own body for god sake!!! Nooooo!!!!!' one of them screamed whilst she reached orgasm and ejaculated in a squirting fountain into her panties. The two girls noticed the nurse, one of them screamed "bitch!!! Why did you let them do this to us!!! I'm a girl! Ive got a fucking cunt like you now!!! You bitch... Why!!!!" "Fuck you! I'm glad you got to know what it feels like to be a girl. I'm glad you lost your penis! I'm glad you grew heavy breasts! I'm glad you get to experience birth and penis envy! You bloody males.... You don't know how lucky you are!!" She screamed back. "I want to talk to your mamobellum... now!" The girls looked horrified, glanced at their breasts and observed their nipples become erect. They muffled screams and shuddered then spoke more gently - clearly under control of their breasts now... "We are glad you can see why the females of the world should help rather than hinder us. Now, why did you want to speak to us?" The first Vulvoid said. "I've decided I want to help. I couldn't believe how rude Dave was about my body! Well fuck them! Let them all have cunts I say! I am going to let you out" the nurse said as she unlocked the door. "I presume Dave was the lucky recipient of that `present' we placed inside you?" one of the girls said. "Yes.... By the way - don't you ever do that again! God I hated the experience! I really hate having a cunt also you know!" the nurse said "Sorry.... No other options" the vulvoid girl said. "Where is Dave now?" "In the biological room, he was growing a vulva when I left. Screaming about a `mouth' opening up between his legs. Really!" the nurse said. They rounded the corner to find Dave, now a fully transformed girl, lying spread legged whilst masturbating her new cunt through her panties. She was sobbing and trembling and she screamed "Help me!!!! Noooo!!!! I'm a girl!!!! I cant stand the feeling!!! I cant control my body!!! Noooo!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" as she came. "Its swallowing!!! My god!!! My vagina!!! I can feel it swallowing!!!! Ahhhh!!!! These panties are feeding on me!!! God no!!!!! These fucking breasts! They are controlling me! This is not my body!!!!" Finally she collapsed in a sobbing heap, saying no more. The first Vulvoid girl looked around the room and asked the nurse "what is this equipment?" "These tanks are used to cultivate biological agents for study" she said "What is in them?" said the vulvoid "A growing agent of some kind' said the nurse The first two vulvoid girls locked eyes and their breasts began to mist some kind of spray into the room in some kind of assertive display. "Get the lid off the tanks, we are going to grow us some panties!" said the first Vulvoid to the nurse. The nurse punched a few buttons on a console and a mechanical sound began as the steel lids slid off the tanks. Both vulvoid girls began to whimper and crouched, staring between their legs. Their flat, panty covered female groins began to inflate as their panty gussets began to engorge yet again. The girls again showed some evidence of host control. "Help us!!! Please!!! This is a nightmare! Please! God no! These fucking breasts! These panties! They are going to rape me again! No!!!! I HATE being a GIRL!!! Noooo!!!!!" one of them screamed. But her screams were in vain, because in less than 5 minutes her panties were distended like she had grown a penis. Both girls grabbed their engorged panty bulges and began rubbing them into their vulvas. Within minutes the panties were throbbing, engorging and deflating, between the girls legs as the girls cried. "I am being raped!!!! You cant imagine how foul it feels to have these fucking panties shove a penis into me! Oh god... Help me!!!!" one of them yelled out. "I know exactly how it feels to have a penis shoved into my vagina!" yelled the nurse Five horrific minutes later both girls came as their panties ejaculated into their vaginas. The girls then lay on the ground exhausted and moaning as something `unnatural' grew within their recently formed wombs. Fifteen minutes later the girls sat up and began groaning again. "God!!! Something is inside me! I am going to give birth for fuck sake!" screamed the second Vulvoid. With their panties still on they began bucking their hips up and down and moaning as their birth canals began the delivery process. Minutes later the girls screamed as something emerged from their vaginas into the space between their panties and their bodies. From external appearances, it seemed to be a spherical thing about the size of a golf ball. "It's a panty zygote" said the nurse "No!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!! Its not over!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!" screeched one of the girls as they thrust their hips again. Again another bump appeared in their panties, then another and another. Their panties were becoming widely deformed with the rounded bumps of many panty zygotes. It was over ten minutes before each of the girls stopped their birthing contractions. Each girl stared between her legs in horror at the large rippling bulge between their legs that was perhaps as many as 20 panty zygotes each. The trembling girls, with erect nipples indicating breast control, walked to the biological tanks and pulled their panties down to allow the wriggling panty zygotes to plop into the tank. The Vulvoid girl hosts were frantic, realising fully what their controlled bodies had just been forced to do. The biological tank now was alive with one of the most horrific human parasites ever imagined. Whilst small now, the zygotes were growing before the eyes of the girls. Growing into fully formed Vulvoid panties - each with the desire and capacity to change a male host into a whimpering, enslaved girl. Two floors up were ten sleeping men. Ten men who would not be men for much longer if the Vulvoid girls had their way.... Day 4: Midnight: The panties in the tank had all grown fully, ruptured their sacs and were `swimming' about the tank like some bizarre aquatic animals. Nurse Bard stared into the tank and shuddered. She was woken from her daze by the newly transformed Dave, now fully under the control of her breasts. "You had better call upstairs and try to convince them that your lock-down was a mistake" She said. Nurse Bard was still felling very angry at the men of the world and was feeling incredible penis envy now. She called the technicians, the ten men on the next level up, who were also locked down because of her actions. Only a simultaneous release of the lock-down on the two levels would reverse the lock-down. "We had a malfunction on one of the breeder tanks, that was the problem" she said "Whats that got to do with the vulvoids? Those tanks are empty aren't they?" said one of the men "Yes - except they have growth agent in them, one of them leaked... Its just a leak of non contaminated fluid" she said "I recommend reversing lock-down" "Agreed.... On my mark?" "Yes... 3, 2, 1" Nurse Bard counted down then pressed the disengage button on her console at the same time as the man did one level up. "Coming down to fix it now?" asked the Nurse "or the shut-down might go off again" "Spose I should... How big a job?" "Don't know, its pretty messy - you should perhaps all come - get it done sooner?" "Ok... on our way" the man said then hung up "Perfect! Said one of the Vulvoid "Lets get ready to surprise them" The vulvoid girls all hid. Ten minutes later there were ten sleepy looking technicians entering the room. They were all men in their mid twenties. Nurse Bard had splashed bio culture fluid all around the floor before hand. "Hi Erin!" said one of the men `What a mess!" "Yes.... I don't know, but I thought I could see the problem looking in from the top. Why don't you guys get up on that walkway above it and I will show you." She said Following the men, Nurse Bard walked up the steel stairs until they were above the tank. As the men looked in, they saw some movement. "What the hell?" one said as Nurse Bard rushed them, knocking them all off the platform. They all fell, into the vat. The panties went crazy, sensing their prey they slithered and circled, each latching onto a host - some had two panties `fight' for the right to attach the male groins. The men were screaming, frantic, not knowing what was happening until one of them staggered up a ladder trying to escape. He looked down and saw that he wore panties and each of the men screamed, suddenly realizing what they now had between their legs! It was something from a nightmare. The men frantically rushing from the tank, writhing on the ground - desperately trying to prise their horrendous panties parasites from their bodies. Each of them failed. They then turned on Nurse Bard and began to kick and punch her. The hiding Vulvoid girls returned and calmly sprayed each man with breast spray, reducing them to twitching wide-eyed animals. Ten men became girls that hour, ten men endured the loss of their penis, the growth of intelligent breasts and the formation of vulvas and vaginas. Ten new girls then were forced to masturbate whilst screaming or sobbing or both - feeling their girl-mouth contractions for the first time and knowing their first of many vulvoid panty gorging violations. The vulvoid girls now numbered fourteen. Thirteen on this level and one, being the first-changed of the subjects, the girl now called Jacky on level two. The unsuspecting Dr Hall, at the time was sleeping as was Jacky in her sealed Chamber. They were both unaware of the sexual horror unfolding two floors below them. The new vulvoid girls on level four all collapsed from exhaustion to sleep their first night in female bodies. The lay on the floor, or on examination tables in the heavy sleep that the newly changed endured, their bodies and their living panties exhausted for their trauma and effort. From time to time, one of the hosts would be roused by their panties and breasts and was forced to masturbate again to feed their panties. The room would alternately be deathly quiet, or filled with soft moans and cries as one girl or another found their hand forcibly massaging their vulva's till their vaginal contractions of their female orgasms finished ejaculating the vaginal lubricant upon which the panties fed. It was not unusual for a girl to wake up and scream, upon sensing their large breasts or dickless crotches, as if waking from a bad dream to find it was not a dream. These girls usually spent some time examining their new bodies with horror, feeling their flat groins, tracing fingers up and down their labia lips and their vulva slits, inserting shuddering fingers into their new vaginas, feeling their tiny clitoris and grabbing and feeling their breasts. At some point, each of the girls discovered their vulva lips pulled apart when they spread their legs sufficiently - suffering the usual shock as they did so. As any vulvoid girl knows, short of physical violation, there is no sensation worse than feeling a girl mouth open when legs are spread. There is no sensation that reinforces the loss of manhood nor the terrible truth about their female circumstances than this sensation. Notwithstanding, none of the girls were permitted by their breasts to harm themselves, nor to be so loud as to wake the sleeping others. Day 4 - Morning: On level 4, the Vulvoid girls woke to their first full day as panty hosts. Their breast brains still had not established complete control, with hosts periodically grabbing control of their bodies - generally to writhe and beg for help. The girls were still very tired from their lack of sleep and their sex change. There was no substantial activity in the morning from the girls. Meanwhile the unsuspecting Dr Hall on level 2 had awoken to start his second major investigation of the Vulvoid girl known as Jacky. Jacky was living within the room in which she had become a Vulvoid. It was day 3 for her and whilst no longer hysterical, she was still very sad and shocked to be a vulvoid girl. The room was a containment chamber and Dr Hall always wore a hazard suit when in the room, knowing that Jacky was capable of emitting breast spray and that she was sexually able as a vulvoid host. Jacky was strapped to an examination table for most of the time, partly immobilized to prevent her attacking Dr Hall whilst he examined her. She hated Dr Hall - blaming him for the thinking mounds upon her chest and the empty slit between her legs. Upon entering this morning, Dr Hall noticed Jacky struggle to get up and noticed that the gusset of Jacky's panties were slightly swollen. Hall guessed correctly that they were probably preparing for a reproductive cycle. `Help me!!! Please! Help me! Something is happening between my legs! Those panties, I can feel them engorging! They are going to rape me! Help me please!!" Jacky called out. Hal ignored the girl, not wanting to get too attached or become too sympathetic with the subject. This was an important moment to observe the reproductive process. Hall turned on the key-hole camera and poked it gently under the front of Jackie's panties. He could clearly see her bald white vulva on the screen in front of him. Jackie saw this also and thrust her cunt forward screaming "You fucking bastard!!! Oh god! That's a cunt! My cunt! You fucking bastard! You've turned me into a girl! Look at that thing! That slit! So flat.... Oh god....Nooooooo" Hall again ignored her rantings and poked the flexible camera further round her groin. Coming into view now was the underside of the panties gusset. Hall could see the fabric like surface, which was swelling quire rapidly now. Over the course of the next few minutes the panties gusset swelled to the size of an orange. The bulk of the mass was positioned directly over the portion of Jackie's vulva slit that her vagina lay beneath. Through the faux-elastic edges of the panties, Hall could see fluid being drawn out of the host and he could see that each of the `loops' of what looked like panty elastic were now buried in the skin of Jackie - using her fluids as a source of material to engorge and fuel the panties metamorphasis into its active sexual mode. Moving the camera back to the underside of the gusset Hall noticed a horrific change begin to unflold. The fabric-like rounded underside of her Vulvoid panties seemed to writhe and change and begin to extrude something. The extrusion took on form as it grew, becoming quite obviously a penis-like organ with a bulbous head - whose skin appeared to be panty fabric. It seemed to coil above the vulva mouth until most of the gusset engorgement was now in the form of this hideous alien-looking panty penis. It began to move, its head rubbing up and down Jackie's vulva slit - clearly forcing arousal. Jacky could feel the thing rubbing against her slit and she began to scream again. The panty penis was clearly also the same organ that had originally latched onto Jackie's penis when the conversion process had first begun. She began to moan and beg Hall to get the `filthy panties' off her. Hall watched as some fluid leaked from Jackie's vagina, which was clearly vaginal lubricant caused by her involuntarily arousal. The panty penis must have sensed this because it retracted, coiled above Jackie's vagina and then suddenly thrust forward, pushing her lips apart and burrowing deep into her vagina. She screamed and pumped her hips wildly in the air as she endured this new horror. The monitor showed the panty penis thrusting into her again and again. From the exterior, her panties had the familiar throbbing mass that said nothing of the penis-like organ beneath. Jackie began panting like a dog as her arousal built and built until she began to orgasm. Three minutes of panty rape had Jackie moaning and crying - near to orgasm obviously. Her whole body shook and then Hall noticed her pelvic floor contractions begin. Her vagina spasmed - then the panty penis dove into her one last time where it appeared to loose all bulk and form. Clearly it had ejaculated into her and the mass of the penis had been used as the payload. Slowly the flaccid form of the spent penis retracted from her vagina, looking more like stretched panty fabric it was. The gusset re-absorbed the excess fabric from the empty penis and became the flat, innocent looking panty gusset that belied its true nature. Jackie was now inseminated and was going to give birth. "Nooo!!! Fuck you!!! How can you just watch while those fucking things did that to me!!! God..... Nooooo!!!! Im going to give birth!!! You fucking bastard!!! Oh god I have this girls body!!! You cant imagine how it feels to have a cunt! To be raped!!! I hope these fucking panties turn you into a girl you cunt!!!!" Jackie raged. Hall was in a bio suit and Jackie was strapped-down, virtually immobile, so Hall felt very safe from the growing threat of the gestating panties inside the girl. He removed her panties with his suited hands and placed them in a glass tank nearby, placing a lid firmly on to prevent escape. Jackie's legs were spread widely and her bald vulva was highly arousing to view. A four inch slit in her otherwise curvaceously flat groin. A tiny projection at the very start of her slit indicated the presence of a clitoris. Her labia lips were about a half an inch apart due to her legs being spread as they were. Hall could see the slight internal folds of her labia minora inside the puffy outer lips of her labia majora. Further towards her anus, about an inch fromn the end of her vulva slit, Hall could see the entrance to her vagina. Ripe breasts thrust from her chest with nipples that were semi erect and that were misting - presumably emitting the nerve agent that would normally be used to immobilize an intended host. Hall shuddered at the thought that this girl was a male not so long ago... Hall trained the video camera on Jackie's groin and stomach and observed her groaning as the rapidly growing panty foetus distended her stomach. It took perhaps twenty five minutes before Jackie screamed out in pain at the first birthing contraction. She thrust her pubic mound in the air and gasped as the hideous panties lifeform made its way down her birth canal.... "God!!! I cant bear this feeling!!! My god I'm giving birth! Help meeeeeee!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!! God my cunt hurts!!!! I HATE BEING A GIRL!!!! Noooooo!!!!' she screamed out while she endured wave after wave of vaginal cramping. Within 4 minutes her vulva was distorted, pushed outwards from the bulk inside and her labia suddenly split apart to accommodate the escaping panties. Her vagina hole opened up and grew in diameter as the panties pushed from her cunt. The escaping object was a semi translucent membrane through which Hall could could clearly see a pale blue object - the new panties - writhing inside some kind of fluid.... Jackie's eyes were staring in disbelief between her legs at the emerging panties while Hall could scarecly believe that this poor girl was a man just a short whil ago... Hall shuddered at the thought. Down on level 4, the vulvoid girls were under breast control and they were discussing escape options. The breast brains were clearly indicating sentience and planning within the bodies of their helpless hosts. The girl who used to be the technician Dave screamed and grabbed her breasts as Dave fought for control of her body. She shuddered and squeezed her breasts till they hurt, which bought her enough time to make it to a console and activate the Beta 4 alarm... At that moment a klaxon sounded an alarm. On level 2Hall jumped and looked at a status monitor. On level 4 he saw an emergency alarm had tripped indicating a serious containment issue. The containment protocol activated was beta 4, which according to the design brief meant that the facility's nuclear core had been armed for detonation - thus providing absolute cleansing of any contaminant. Hall had three minutes to shut it down or he would be vaporized, along with everyone else at the facility! Being the senior scientist at the facility, Hall was the only one who could shut this down, and he could only do it by accessing his override key. Hall turned and looked at Jackie who was crying and staring between her legs. The monitor showed her vagina slowly closing - the panties clearly expelled from her girl-mouth. On the floor lay a broken membrane, clearly the panties had escaped their birthing sac and alarmingly, Hall could not see them anywhere. Hall only had about two minutes left. He had to choose - either be vaporized in the blast, or take his suit off to get the key and override the alarm. He had no choice. With frightened eyes, he scanned the room, looking for the panties symbiot. He unzipped his suit, trembling and jumping at every sound. The alarm was so loud he could hear nothing else. He fumbled in his pocket for the key and grabbed it - shuffling to the control station with the bio-suit half off. He clicked the key into the slot, turned the key and typed in his code. The alarm stopped! Absolute relief flooded over Hall... Until he heard a sound, a scrabbling, slithering kind of sound. He looked at the floor and saw a trail of some liquid that led to his leg. He instantly though the worst and began to frantically look at his half-off suit to see if he could see the panties. He bent round to look at his back then felt a horrendous sensation as the panties slithered inside his bio-suit pants, wriggled down his underpants and began to form over his genitals. He began to scream and desperately pull his suit off, then his trousers. Clumsily he pulled his bio suit completely off and, with shaking hands, he pulled his trousers off. When he pulled his underpants off, all he could see was a pair of light blue girls panties firmly in place and already starting to engorge. Hall grabbed his crotch and screamed. He was going to become a girl - just like Jackie! To be continued... VISIT THE VULVOID HOME PAGE AT: