Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Still in the glow of the morning, the thrill of being near enough to be touched once more, she sets about the day. Cleaning His many rooms, changing the linens, and airing out the myriad of pillows. Everything cleaned, shining, left in perfect order, not a stray item to detract from the pleasure of His night. Knowing it hours until Master's return, His slut sits curled within the window seat, creamy flesh caressed by the warmth of the sun, she plans out what to make for His dinner. Thinking about the lunch Master would have today, hoping that all the business discussions went well, about the gathering of Master's friends; thinking that would leave Him in a most wonderful mood. His slut sets aside the menu in her mind, and watches for a few minutes at all the activity on the other side of the glass, the shapely girl, long black hair flowing down almost to her thighs, running along the sidewalk, the skimpy little shorts leaving little to the imagination. The number of girls and Men - walking together innumerable, some with stars within their eyes, others with the accoutrements of play, some with dogs eager to be to the nearby park. Watching for a few more minutes, and she knows the time is nearing that she must begin. Wanting it to be a most special night, she gathers about her a short shift, one that is allotted her to leave His Home, she slips into some mules, camel in tone, and with a last look about, she is out the door, and on the way to the store. The light bringing fire to her silken tresses, she doesn't notice any glances that stray along her petite form, the lithe curves that only dream of His touch, her shapely legs leaving a sashaying motion to her hips, toes point as they lay to the ground, placing one foot before the other, oblivious to most all around her, His slut arrives quickly at the local store. A small basket on her arm, she visits the fruits and vegetables section. Grabbing one item after the next, those needed, those that meet her discerning eye are allowed within the basket, the rest discarded where they were found. Her short journey carrying her on the lightest of steps, buoyed by the love in her heart, the fire of her belly, aisle after aisle. she stays longer than needed at the meat counter, wanting only the best of cuts for Master, she `begs' in a commanding tone for a new cut to be done, thicker and fresher than those displayed. This is not new, this lil dance, she has played it often enough with the butcher, often enough that His slut thinks it is just a game for the distraction to leave her lusciousness in his gaze longer. Whatever the case, Master does always get the best cuts. taking all to the register, she makes small talk with the girl there, seeing a question upon her lips, knowing the answer could be given, but why, the girl will never understand, least not until she would feel what His slut feels every time she thinks of Him, the darkening of her cerulean gaze the first sign that she is thinking of Him, thinking further that she needs to leave here before too many other thoughts bring more visible signs to light. sauntering back along the path first taken, she arrives back to His home in short order, she sets all the items upon the counter, except the steaks, slipping out of the shift, she prepares His meal, fully on display should He arrive Home earlier than planned, ever opened to His gaze, hiding nothing, the steaks set within the fridge, and begins upon the rest of the meal. lettuce washed and torn in her tapered fingers; radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes all cut to bite sized pieces, edemame beans shelled and added, a small bottle used to mix oils and vinegar, special spices, laying a gentle kiss to the side, it is set into the coolness of the fridge to await dinner time. The fresh strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. all crushed together and left to blend in flavors in a thick sauce as she reduces it over the flame, ready for the vanilla cheesecake selected at the deli, once boiling commences, she stirs delicately, and allows it to cook for just a bit longer.. Before filling the crystal bowl, lastly to this dessert, Master's slut prepares freshly whipped cream in an extra large bowl. Potatoes, washed and wrapped, she puts them within the oven, ensuring plenty of time for their cooking; washing and scrubbing carefully, the asparagus readied to steam mere moments after Master's arrival. His slut looks about, glass readied for His favorite drink the moment He indicates such a desire. The table set for Him, a small pillow set at the side of the heavy armed chair. Candles are lit, as drapes are drawn, shutting off the world. a small cocoon of warmth and love; she selects various cd's, randomly playing them for His enjoyment, peeking out to ensure the grill ready, the moment she sees the car down the street. She slips back into the window seat, watching alertly. All at the ready, for the moment her heart skips a beat.