Archive name: vf.txt (families, ped, inc, preg, size)
Authors name: Jim Davis (address unavailable)
Story title : Fertile Valley

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Fertile Valley (families, ped, inc, cons, preg, size)
By Jim Davis (address unavailable)


A family stumbles upon a strange town in a valley in a 
rual setting. What's so strange about this town is 
that the children are so healthy looking, almost 
'busting' with health. The family becomes involved 
with the local community while dad tries to find out 
why the people in this little backwoods valley are 
so... sexually advanced. 



It seemed like a lifetime had passed since I first 
started as a research associate in genetics at the 
Mellon Institute. My wife and I had started a family 
when I was still in grad school. We went at it. And went 
at it some more. 12 years and 8 kids later, we were on 
our way to my first federally funded research project. 
It was the big time. Making history, uncovering the 
mysteries of life itself, and above all for guys like me 
- getting published. 

I laughed at the irony of it all. Being sent to the far 
reaches of Appalachia was not exactly the dream 
assignment I had expected for all my work. But of all 
places -- Fertile Valley. It really was priceless. My 
wife didn't share my amusement. Peggy already had her 
fun with bringing our kids into the world and now, to 
quote her: "a fertile valley is the last fuckin' place I 
wanna go." She was a freshman when we met-not quite 18, 
and a student in my biology class-part of my dues in the 
work-study program for my graduate degree. 

Peggy was stunning- beautiful blue eyes, long blonde 
hair, legs for miles and a perfectly plump round butt 
that made her an ass man's dream. She drove me to the 
brink of insanity as she wiggled her butt for me day 
after day-she was POURED into her jeans. I knew she had 
'designs' on me - the youngest of the crop of 
instructors at the U of I - just by the way she looked 
at me. Not a 'come hither' look - more like an "I wanna 
fuck your eyeballs out" look. 

I had checked out her age on her admissions papers. Hey 
- you can't be too careful. On her 18th birthday, I 
asked her out for pizza. The rest, as they say, is 
history. Peggy devoured me in bed. She stayed on top 
riding my dick up and down so fast she got blurry for a 

We both started to twitch and just as I was about to 
cum, she leaned over, held me real close and whispered 
in my ear "...oh Bill... I want... I want you to... I 
want you to cum in me... oh... I want you to cum in me 
and get me preg... I want you to come in me and get me 
PREGNANT." She was moving so fast, she had to gasp with 
each little utterance, and then it happened -- I 
exploded inside her with a force I never felt before or 
since - I came like a fire hose and the girl milked 
every last drop out of my spurting cock. 

I think we both knew right then we'd made a baby -- well 
we had actually made two babies. Girls Julie and Jenny. 
Adam came a year later. Diedra and Debbie were conceived 
the next year like Julie and Jenny - after one of 
Peggy's teasing sessions. 

Peter came along right on the heels of the 2nd set of 
twins, and we got drunk one weekend and produced another 
set - Melissa and Meagan barely a year later. "Preggy 
Peggy" as her friends called her was the mother of eight 
by her 23rd birthday. She decided 8 was enough and went 
on the pill, made me wear rubbers, and practiced the old 
"rhythm" method-all at the same time. I guess I couldn't 
blame her - we began to think she could get knocked up 
with a hard look. 

So there we were. All of us - stuffed into the biggest 
shuttle-van that Mellon had available. The kids were all 
punching on each other and Peggy had to pee. Our 
directions said another 5 miles or so and there wasn't a 
bathroom in sight, so we kept trucking. 

Off to the left a beautiful valley came into view - 
rusty roofed barns, a few cows here and there, a little 
creek running through the bottom-even the kids thought 
it was pretty. We go down the hill, around a bend and 
the kids say, "what's that?" - a series of big 
billboards off in the distance seems oddly placed in 
such a picture perfect little scene. We could barely 
make out the message but it was blazoned across the 
middle of the white background in bright red:	"AND THE 

"Oh shit," I muttered. I'd heard about all the religious 
fanatics in this part of the country and I wondered what 
this was all about. Next billboard: "BE FRUITFUL... 

Peggy was looking really nervous by this point, and the 
kids were totally confused. "What next?" I thought, and 
here it came around the next curve: "OBEY THE LORD... " 
More curious than ever, I couldn't wait for the final 
billboard, and here it was at the foot of the hill. In 
curved script off to the left "Welcome to Fertile 

As our eyes moved to the right of the billboard, I just 
had to catch the reaction of my family to this. We 
pulled off to the side of the road and gawked at it. I 
saw everybody's jaw drop. There, in full living color, 
was a 20-foot tall photograph of a pretty little girl. A 
very pretty little girl about 11 or 12 years old in pig 
tails and a cotton print dress that buttoned up the 
front - a pretty girl just the age of one of my own. The 
similarity ended there. This little girl was pregnant. 
This little girl... in a photo 5 times larger than 
life... was VERY pregnant. 

Her little print dress was far too small to fit around 
the expanse of her swollen belly, so the middle three 
buttons were undone allowing her naked pregnant middle 
to protrude out into the open. The child's belly button 
was enormous and sticking out for all the world to see. 
That, and half her tummy- a tummy that appeared to be at 
full term with twins (I recognized the size and shape). 

To emphasize her condition, her belly stuck out far past 
the edge of the billboard in "cut out" fashion. The 
child was simply enormous and I sat there hypnotized... 
just staring at her image. All of a sudden Peggy punches 
me in the arm. 

"Hey, how 'bout putting your eyes back in your head... 
you pervert." I had to shake my head for a minute and 
come to my senses. I had never thought of myself as 
having any strange yen for underage girls-after all, I 
have kids of my own that age...and I would kill the SOB 
that ever tried... but the image of that little girl was 
there-burned into my memory... as vivid as the first day 
I saw... HER. 

I was thankful, that first day in the valley, that our 
youngest kids were in the back of the van - amusing 
themselves with gameboys and some coloring books. A 
'talk' on the facts of life was not in me at that point. 
Melissa and Meagan were 8 at the time, and more curious 
by the day. We had hoped they would have another couple 
years of complete innocence, but we knew there would be 
plenty of questions, and a little of that innocence lost 
with each answer. At least we could put it off for a 
while. Or so we thought. 

Jenny, Julie and Adam stared in a daze at the enormous 
pregnant child on the billboard. She stared back at us 
all with a "very proud of herself" kind of grin. The 
photographer must have been quite a coach. We were all 
speechless until Peggy reminded me, not too sweetly, 
that her bladder would give way if I didn't 'get my ass 
in gear and find her a bathroom'. 

Then I noticed a faint smile cross her face as she 
stared at my crotch. She looked me in the eye and 
flashed me a knowing grin. There was an erection 
throbbing in my pants that I became aware of at just 
that moment. Peggy had been aware of it a little sooner. 
She was always aware of an erection. Anywhere in her 
vicinity. My mind was not connected to this event at 
all-it was a pure animal reaction and I was losing 
control of it. 

All I could do was stare at the swollen pregnant profile 
of this child whose breasts were impossibly huge. This 
barefoot child who's little dress was not quite able to 
contain her abundance. It was no secret to Peggy that 
the very pregnant female form was a source of excitement 
for me, and she had used that knowledge to stimulate me 
on a regular basis for years. 

Even after she had called it quits on having babies, she 
would often point out enormously pregnant women wherever 
we went. In her own subtle way, she'd nudge me in the 
side, glance in their direction and then flash that 
knowing grin at me. She would mention the 'sighting' 
later in bed and watch me grow the biggest hard-on she 
could fit inside her. 

Peggy could always push all the right buttons and she 
had found a new one. She reminded me again that she 
needed to pee, which brought me back to earth. There was 
a little country store about a half mile down the road, 
right at the edge of town. We had arrived- Hudson and 
Son Dry Goods-since 1894. 

It was the kind of old store with rocking chairs on a 
big wooden porch and old metal signs hammered all over 
the weathered boards. It looked a hundred years old. So 
did the proprietor. He was friendly though, and showed 
Peggy and the kids the way to the back. The creaky old 
floors reminded me of my childhood days at the old store 
in my Mom's little hometown. I felt very warm and secure 
all of a sudden- this had the quality of home almost. 
Yet there was something very different going on here. 
Different and strange. 

Fertile Valley had drawn the attention of the federal 
government for a good reason - the welfare payments and 
food stamp allotments to this district were swelling - 
at an astonishing rate. Right along with the population. 
This trend started over 10 years ago, and I had been 
sent here to help determine what was responsible for the 
abnormal explosion.

Their instinct was that it had to have at least SOME 
genetic explanation, and hence, my selection to assist 
in solving the mystery. It was a 2-year assignment, and 
I was one of 5 specialists to be stationed here-the 
government spares no expense in trying to save money. As 
I was looking through the old store, a young man in came 
in, followed by a girl in her early teens, two smaller 
girls who looked Debbie and Diedre's age then (one 10, 
the other maybe 11), and a boy around 12 or so.

Even though they appeared to be poor, clad in worn 
clothing and barefoot, they were strikingly attractive. 
Their light brown hair and beautifully tanned skin was 
evidence they spent a good deal of time outside in the 
sunshine. Their facial features were remarkably alike. 
Almost like clones - but of a different gender and age. 
If I thought something was strange before, these people 
confirmed my suspicions. 

There was indeed something very different going on here, 
and this family was doing its part to help the 
population growth. All 3 of the girls were visibly 
pregnant, at different stages. 

Peggy came back from the bathroom and gasped when she 
saw the youngest one, who was also the furthest along in 
her pregnancy. She leaned toward me and whispered "My 
GOD Bill, that kid's no older than Debbie, and look at 
her... She's... she's HUGE. Look how pregnant she is!! 
What's going on here?" 

Peggy was right. The kid she referred to was barely 4 
feet tall, and her belly was so big she had trouble 
standing up without help. She had an extra large t-shirt 
stretched so tight across her middle, her belly button 
stuck out like a huge nipple against the thin fabric. 
The poor kid looked like she would explode out of the 
threadbare shirt at any second. As she moved about, she 
had to steady herself on the tables to keep from falling 

Just then, the old storeowner made a comment to the 
younger man, "Lordy Jeb, them young-uns o' yours shore 
have growed. Looks like yer youngest is fixin' to bust 
outta her clothes." 

"Yep," he replied, "Our little Callie is gettin big huh? 
Still got a couple months to go. She done good for the 
Lord. An' my oldest, Jesse here, ain't gonna be far 
behind her now. Elsie done just got knocked up too, 
cain't ya tell? We think Homer here done it." (Elsie had 
a slight bulge to her tummy, but nothing like her 
sisters. Her breasts, however, were considerably larger 
- a detail that was not overlooked by Peggy.) 

"That kid's tits are bigger than MINE are, Bill!!" she 
whispered excitedly. Peggy was just shaking her head at 
this point in complete disbelief. 

Jesse, the oldest girl blushed, looked down at her 
blossoming tummy and swiveled her hips. She had on the 
shortest cut-offs I'd ever seen. Her butt cheeks hung 
out of them. They were unzipped halfway down to her 
crotch, and her pregnant belly spilled out over the 
waistband. Her halter- top did little to hide the 
expanse of flesh bulging out over her shorts. She looked 
to be about 6 months along. Homer and Elsie disappeared 
all of a sudden, and I glanced around to make sure all 
my kids were accounted for. They were all chewing or 
drinking something. 

My oldest girls were downing their favorite- diet sodas 
and Diedra and Debbie were fighting over the only bottle 
of spring water left in the store - they each seemed to 
be getting their share so I went back to observing the 
locals. That youngest kid had my attention and she knew 

She smiled at me and propped both her hands at the small 
of her back - the position that very pregnant women 
assume when they're trying to keep their balance. It 
seemed like such a natural thing to her - like she'd had 
a lot of practice at it. It also made her belly stick 
out hugely in front of her. I began to think about how 
this little girl came to be so pregnant. And by whom?

In a lot of cases I'd studied, pregnant girls this age 
were put in that condition by a relative - a CLOSE 
relative. And many times, not by their own choosing. I 
assumed her father-the young man in the store with us 
was responsible for his little girl's condition. When he 
mentioned she had "a couple of months to go" I began to 
wonder how many babies she was carrying. The kid already 
looked like she could give birth any second. 

I did not detect that anyone was ashamed of it in any 
way - it was as though they were all very proud of what 
they had accomplished, and they didn't seem to care who 
knew it. Peggy's punch at my arm reminded me where I was 
and what we were supposed to be doing here, so I 
returned to the real world again. Dammit. I hadn't made 
it to the bathroom yet, so after Peggy and the kids had 
taken care of business, I made my way to the back.

 When I reached the bathroom door I noticed a back porch 
on the old store through a small window. I heard some 
activity out there. Giggling mostly, and what sounded 
like a chair moving around on the old wooden floor, then 
some banging on the wall. I got closer to the window at 
this point as my curiosity continued to get the better 
of me. I heard a slap all of a sudden, and more 

"Homer, you keep that thang away from me, you hear!! 
Ain't you done enough already? I don't want no more of 
yer young-uns in me." I could tell it was the other two 
kids I'd seen inside. As I moved closer to the window I 
saw the two kids on an old bench. Elsie was sitting on 
the boy's lap, facing him, and Homer had his forearm 
stuck up between his sister's breasts. The girl had 
quite a pair, as we'd noticed in the store, and her 
brother's arm was swallowed between them. I could tell 
from there she was quite a bit larger than my wife, who 
had grown to a DD-cup from all her pregnancies. 

"Let's just do it like this, OK?" The little girl was 
trying to reason with the boy. Then I saw something 
strange-I was moving even closer now. The girl wrapped 
her hands around the boy's arm between her breasts and 
started pulling on it. This was weird, I thought. First 
the girl, who's pregnant already, tells her brother she 
'don't want no more young-uns in her', then she starts 
playing with his arm. Who's been telling these kids 
about the birds and bees? 

I finally got up right next to the window and kept at an 
angle where they couldn't see me. Then my jaw dropped 
again. That wasn't his arm she was pulling on!! Both 
these kids, each in their own way, were extremely well 
endowed. Homer's 'thang' WAS as big as his forearm. The 
kid was hung like a fucking horse. No wonder the little 
girl wanted to just 'do it like this.' He was bucking 
his hips pretty fast, jamming his big dick up between 
his little sister's tits. She mashed them together with 
her arms and yanked on the head of his huge prick for 
him with her little hands. 

"Ya gonna squirt on me Homer? Come on now. I know you 
like it on my big ole titties." God, this kid was a pro 
I thought. She was working her brother over good. Hell, 
she was about to make ME come. The boy's face twisted up 
and I could see he was losing it as his sister continued 
to pump her hands up and down the shaft of his huge 
prick. Damn I mumbled, and Peggy thought I was hung. 

This kid made me feel like a little boy as he let go a 
big wad of cum on his sister's face. It bounced off into 
her hair and some of it dribbled onto her tits. She 
moved back a little and aimed his second load right AT 
her tits. He splattered them. And I mean SPLATTERED. The 
little girl was covered in cum and she started rubbing 
it in all over her big chest and giggling. 

"Ya see, I TOLD ya it would be fun - ya don't always 
have to stick it in ya know." The boy had a big shit-
eating grin on his face-obviously satisfied by his 
sister's manipulation. With a good bit of willpower, I 
dragged myself into the bathroom, raging hard-on and 
all, and took a leak.

 I was DYING from having watched all that, but didn't 
have time to "relieve myself" in any other way than I 
already had. It really was time to get back to reality, 
but the distractions around the town were proving to be 
pretty hard to ignore. 

We had given ourselves plenty of time to make my first 
meeting-more of an orientation to the area than 
anything, but I didn't want to be late. I knew we'd 
better get going. I found the rest of my troop waiting 
for me-not too patiently-in front of the store. Adam and 
Peter had their faces glued to the window watching the 
two sisters inside the store. Peggy pried them loose and 
gave me a little grin as we loaded up in the van. I 
think she knew I'd been up to something. 

We pulled up at the hotel-one of 3 in an area of 25,000 
population. I guess they don't get many visitors, I 
thought. It was clean enough, and had a little meeting 
room where we were greeted by a local health department 
official, (Jimmy Pickens) a nurse from the hospital, 
(Maggie Johnson) and a state welfare case worker (Trudy 
Wilson). Peggy went to the registration desk to get the 
family settled into our rooms, and I met with the folks 
I would be working with at least for now. The feds 
hadn't made it in yet. 

They were all pleasant enough with no distinguishing 
features, except for the nurse. An attractive brunette 
in her late 20s, Maggie was about to pop the buttons off 
her uniform. A pair of swollen breasts and a visibly 
bulging tummy announced that she too, was pregnant. I 
guess she wanted to get the last few weeks wear out of 
her regular uniform, but she was really pushing it at 
that point I thought. 

I couldn't help bringing up what we had seen on the way 
into town - the billboards, the GIRL on the billboard, 
and that family of young pregnant girls at the store. My 
curiosity was driving me mad-this place had me confused, 
as no scientist should be and I wanted some answers. I 
asked Jimmy about the billboards first. 

"Oh... THAT," he said. "It's a problem. Our biggest 
problem. We got some real religious people 'round here 
I'm afraid. There's this preacher that has a following. 
A BIG following. Like in half the county - that's over 
12,000 now and there's no end in sight. See, he's got 
these people believing you have to do everything by the 
book - exactly like it's written in the bible. 

"They do whatever he tells them - and he tells them, 
that according to the bible, they have to do everything 
possible to have as many children as they can to spread 
the word of the lord. When he says everything, he means 
EVERYTHING. He preaches that any two people capable of 
creating a new life has a command from god to do that. 

"When he says any two people, he means family members, 
co-workers, teachers, ANYBODY and at any age. I happened 
in on one of his sermons one Sunday and it scared me to 
death - the results of what he preaches are straining 
our capacity to provide even the most fundamental health 
care to these people." 

I was beginning to get the picture here, or at least 
part of it the numbers still didn't add up though. The 
population increases were even higher than what Jimmy's 
scenario would suggest-unless his estimate of the 
churches followers was very low. He felt pretty sure 
about the numbers though, and for a little community 
agency he had done a pretty good job of collecting 
information on anyone who had used public health 

In a town like this, where 88% of the population lived 
below the poverty line, that was just about everybody. 
Maggie the nurse had been twirling her hair with her 
fingers and looking at me like I was a piece of meat, 
while Jimmy told his tale of woe about the preacher and 
the fate of public health in Fertile Valley. I had an 
amusing thought about what Peggy would do to Maggie if 
she'd been there. She would have that woman's eyes in 
her fingernails right now. Maggie let go of her hair and 
slowly pulled her shoulders back to stretch, as she 
smiled at me and then glanced down at her bosom. 

She practically popped a button on her blouse as the 
material stretched across the fullest part of her 
breasts. There were huge gaps near the middle buttons 
where I could see straight in to her enormous bra. She 
knew this I thought-why else would she continue to wear 
the uniform? I maintained my composure somehow as Trudy 
the welfare worker relayed something she had overheard 
two little girl's talking about at the free clinic. 

These kids are sitting there, can't be a day over 10 and 
one of them says, "Preacher told me it was time for me 
to do the lord's work. He found out I was havin' my 
periods from Mama, and I said was to get myself all 
prettied up an sit in Daddy's lap and rub myself on 
him... my butt he said... he told me to rub my butt on 
Daddy's lap and that would make Daddy happy and we could 
do the lord's work then. Then he told me I was startin' 
to get my breeding shape and that would get my daddy 

The other girl sat there wide eyed, and finally said, 
"He must be talkin' about them titties you got, Jenny. 
What did yer daddy do?" Trudy said she was about to go 
into shock when she heard this, and the girls quit 
talking when they noticed her interest. 

"I can only imagine what that kid's daddy did," she 
said. "The one doing the talking looked like a fully 
developed woman with the face of an innocent child. And 
I mean FULLY developed. In fact, she could have already 
been pregnant at the time. Her breasts were incredibly 
swollen. At the time, I'd never seen anything like that 
before on a kid that age, but now I see girls like that 
all over town." 

"Very interesting," I said. It was about all I could 
muster. As embarrassed as I was about feeling that way, 
I had a hard-on that was about to break through my pants 
listening to all this. I relayed our experience at the 
store, and my surprise at the remarkable resemblance 
that family shared. I stopped short of telling them 
about the two kids on the back porch and their... 
ahem... abundance of male and female development. I was 
still in shock over it.

Maggie finally put in her two cents worth, "We see it 
all the time in the emergency room...and it's gettin' 
worse I think. The whole family comes in, and there'll 
be 3 or 4 pregnant girls - identical triplets or quads 
it looks like - all fixin' to drop a litter like 
themselves. I think it's all the inbreeding that 
Preacher talks about - we blame it on him." 

So, the multiple births are what's driving the birth 
rate up so high - that would explain the size of the 
girls bellies I'd seen, but how did THAT happen I 
wondered. And what about the staggering bust development 
on these girls, and that HORSE of a boy? It all had to 
figure in somehow, along with the sexual tension that 
was as strong as static electricity in January. 
Everywhere we went. 

I knew we weren't going to solve it tonight. I was 
tired, I was horny, I needed my wife and I needed some 
sleep. Most of all, I needed some time to figure all 
this out. I had a mandate from the feds to improve this 
situation with the reward being a lot of notoriety and 
the promise of future research projects. It was an 
exciting time for me. And it was a confusing time for 
me. Peggy had the kids settled in their rooms and she 
was relaxing on the king size bed in front of the TV in 
our room. 

Our own room. What a relief to have some privacy after 
the long trip and doubling up in hotels along the way. I 
got an instant erection when I saw Peggy sitting up in 
bed in her bra and panties. It began to crawl down my 
pants leg, bulging it out obscenely - a sight that drove 
Peggy over the edge even after all these years. She had 
a weakness for big dicks, which she confessed to me long 
ago, with details of how many she'd had and what size 
they were. She maintained mine was the 'whopper' she 
would cherish for the rest of her life, and she sure 
made a believer out of me-year after year- she still 
can't seem to get enough of it. 

"After all you've seen today honey, I guess you'd have 
to be in a coma not to be hard right now huh?" Peggy was 
grinning - that knowing smirk of hers that reminded me 
she could read me like a book. "You're a dirty old man 
Billy, a dirty old man with a big fat prick." She 
started giggling. I was about to dive on top of her when 
she patted the bed next to her and motioned for me to 
sit down there. I tugged my trousers off over the raging 
boner she inspired and she gasped when she saw how hard 
I was. I'll have to admit it had been years since my 
prick had reached that size. 

"Oooo, I think my Billy's all excited about those big 
pregnant girls, huh?" GOD she could be so indulgent of 
my turn-ons. "They sure were pregnant, weren't they, 
sweetie? And they sure were stacked too, huh? Don't lie 
to Peggy now - that turned you on, didn't it? Those 
little girls with their big fat tits and their pregnant 
bellies bulging out of their clothes got my Billy all 
horny." She had her fist wrapped around the head of my 
prick at this point; gently tugging at it then she 
picked up the pace, and turned up the heat on her little 

"I bet you were thinkin' about those little girls 
getting fucked, weren't you, Billy? Moving their little 
butts like minks up and down on a big fat prick until it 
pumped them full of cum, huh?" She was about to push me 
over the edge any second, and she just kept turning up 
the heat. "That kid on the billboard is driving you 
crazy right now, I bet. Peggy wants you to remember what 
her tummy looked like poking out of that little dress. 
That's it baby, Peggy wants Billy to cum, OH... cum on 
baby... cum for mama..." 

She did it. In record time. Peggy had me spewing cum all 
over the bed, all over her, and all over the headboard 
before it was over, and then she sat there with this 
GRIN. "I believe my man feels better now huh? Peggy 
wants a nice LONG time with her baby later, so I wanted 
to make you happy right now. Are you happy baby?" I was 
in heaven, and I told Peggy so. 

We chatted about the trip, and what little I had learned 
so far, and I watched as my wife hung on every word. She 
had always been fascinated with my work, and was quite 
adept at understanding it. Now I think it was turning 
her on. She saw the effect it had on ME and she loved 
it. Just then she brought up a subject a bit closer to 
home-two of our daughters. The middle ones Diedre and 
Debbie. (Dee an' Deb we called them). 

"I hate to spring this on you at a time when your mind 
is busy on so much else Bill, but there's something 
we're gonna have to adjust to, and it looks like we may 
be adjusting quickly." I begged her to just spit it out. 
She did. "Well, you remember when you were wondering if 
your great grandmother's recessive genes would ever show 
up in our girls?" (Peggy held her cupped hands out about 
a foot in front of her chest to illustrate the recessive 
genes she was talking about, and which great grandmother 
they belonged to.) 

"Those genes showed up, Billy. BOY did they show up. And 
what a time for it to happen. HERE of all places. But 
don't you worry about it - there's nothing we can do 
about it anyway. I just wanted to warn you." Peggy 
started rubbing my crotch like she was petting a kitten, 
and soon began to work her magic again. 


There is nothing quite as complicated as the genetic 
makeup of a human being. I knew this better than most, 
as I'd made a career out of it. Still, I could be as 
frustrated as a horny 6th grader when I wanted answers 
NOW. There was all this mystery surrounding a population 
explosion at my newly assigned post, and then the thing 
with my own little girls. Like Peggy said - "what a time 
for THAT to happen." 

I was not convinced that my great grandmother's genes 
were responsible for Dee and Deb's sudden "blossoming". 
It was too much of a coincidence that their chests began 
to swell in Fertile Valley, and seemingly overnight. 
Peggy would have noticed a gradual change in them. I was 
more confused than ever. To be sure, my dad's Grandma 
Johnson had a staggeringly huge bust. 

I'd seen pictures of her and so had Peggy. That's why 
she jumped to conclusions I guess. I refused to believe 
that her genes alone were causing the sudden expansion 
of my daughters' breasts. There was something else at 
work here. And that something else was responsible for a 
multitude of grade-school girls swelling out of their 
clothes with pregnancy. 

It scared me to think of what might happen to OUR little 
girls. I was overwhelmed with curiosity after Peggy had 
"warned" me about our girls. How quickly would they 
develop, I wondered, and to what extreme? The first 
thing I wanted to do was to see for myself what had 
Peggy so concerned.

I was scheduled to go on the 'nickel tour' of the little 
town and the surrounding area the day after we arrived. 
I stopped to look in on the kids before I left them with 
Peggy, only to find Julie and Jennie - our 12-year-old 
twins - sitting on the bed crying. When I asked what was 
wrong, they just went ballistic and started pointing at 
their younger sisters (the sources of our concern - 
young Dee and Deb). 

Julie started ranting, "It's not fair, it's just not 
fair... life SUCKS daddy... it ... it just SUCKS!!! All 
this time we've been waiting while our friends grow... 
BOOBIES... and we're still flat as an ironing board. And 
now we have to look at THEM!!!" Only when I saw 'them' 
for myself did I appreciate what all the ranting was 

My little 10-year-old girls had breasts all right. If 
you took a tennis ball and cut it in half, that was how 
big my little girls' breasts were. For 10 year olds 
anyway - they looked BIG. But the mounds of flesh 
pushing out their t-shirts only told half the story. 

On closer inspection, I saw that most of the volume of 
that flesh came from the dark mass capping the front of 
their breasts. The kids had nipples and areola that 
belonged on a well-endowed nursing mother. Big fat puffy 
areola crowned by nipples as big around as a dime - 
nipples that were burning a hole in their little shirts. 
It was scary looking almost. Their nipple areas were so 
grossly out of proportion with their breasts. Something 
very abnormal was developing and I didn't have a clue 
what to do about it. 

Dee and Deb were sitting on the bed opposite their older 
sisters, giggling and poking at each other's new 
protrusions. They were taking the changes a lot better 
than their older sisters. Their younger brother Peter 
sat there mesmerized by it all. Adam, our oldest son, 
seemed curiously aloof. I didn't really have time to 
explain to my two eldest why life isn't fair - I had to 
go earn a living, so off I went, shaking my head in 

As I was leaving, I saw Dee n' Deb both take a big chug 
out of a bottle of that spring water they had at the 
store. It did my heart good to see my younger kids 
taking the healthy route. Dee n' Deb, Peter and our 
youngest twins Melissa and Meagan all took after Peggy 
and me. They loved water and we encouraged them to drink 
plenty. She'd gone out that morning to the grocery next 
door and bought a case of it for us - he never trusted 
tap water (especially out of town tap water). Adam, 
Jennie and Julie drank nothing but that dreadful diet 

Unfortunately, Peggy bought a case of that stuff too. 
Well, at least they didn't have acne I thought. I was 
happy to have that opportunity, on my own, to explore 
the town and some of the sights around it. That way, no 
matter what I encountered, I'd have time to formulate 
answers to the questions my kids (and Peggy) were sure 
to have about the bizarre things we saw. Maggie the 
nurse, and Jimmy from the health dept. greeted me in the 
little hotel lobby. 

Maggie had the day off and had volunteered to show me 
around. Even though I'd been a married man forever it 
seemed, I still knew when a woman's interest in me went 
beyond professional courtesy. Maggie's attire that day 
confirmed my instincts. She had dressed to get my 
attention, and she succeeded - she left little to my 

It was hard to look Maggie in the face when she was 
talking to me - VERY hard. I could see her dark areola 
through the light pink spandex top stretched across her 
pregnant tits. There were as wide as the palm of my hand 
and you could make out their crinkly texture as they 
puffed out the front of her swollen breasts. Her nipples 
were as hard as pencil erasers. 

I couldn't take my eyes off her chest - until I saw the 
rest of her. Her belly pushed out the front of her 
equally "skin tight" black shorts creating a bulge the 
size of half a basketball. She looked a lot more 
pregnant than I remembered from the day we met. Amazing 
what a woman can do with the right outfit. 

I felt guilty that day as Maggie drove me around town. 
Peggy was saddled with getting the kids enrolled in 
school, then meeting the realtor for the start of a long 
search for the right house. We'd been through this twice 
already as our family expanded, and now I was putting 
her through it again. 

While my wife was taking care of our family, there I sat 
- in the passenger seat of this sexy nurse's Mustang 
convertible - watching her hair blow in the wind and her 
tits wobble with every little bump we hit. Hwy 98, which 
turned into Main St., was a very bumpy road. I noticed a 
faint smile cross Maggie's lips each time she felt her 
big breasts shake. 

She knew I was looking and she was lapping it up. The 
little town was like so many others I'd seen on visits 
to the south - a little square with a courthouse in the 
middle of it. The streets all around it were lined with 
old stores, government offices, lawyers and so forth. 
There wasn't a Wal-Mart within a hundred miles of this 
little town, so it even had an old drug store - soda 
fountain and all. 

I felt like I was in a time warp. But what an ideal 
destination! I was grinning from ear to ear as I looked 
around. "Kinda cute huh?" Maggie chirped. I agreed with 
her, and suggested we visit the drug store. I always 
liked to know the person filling my family's 
prescriptions. A poster in the display window at the 
drug store made my jaw drop. That had become a regular 
occurrence in this town - my jaw dropping. 

The poster featured a photo of yet another pregnant 
little girl - Another VERY pregnant little girl. A bold 
headline above her read: "Have you planted YOUR seed 
today?" Her head was turned to look straight into the 
viewer's eyes, just like the girl on the billboard we 
saw. Her hands rested at the small of her back, and her 
body was angled expertly toward the camera to offer up 
just the right profile of her immensely swollen belly. 

The photo was taken from slightly above her, so she was 
looking up at the camera, and the camera was looking 
down on her bulging young body. At that angle, her tits 
looked gigantic. On top of it all, she had a sweet smile 
on a beautiful face. It was framed in golden blonde 

The kid was so pregnant she literally burst out of her 
clothes. Her breasts were even larger than Maggie's - 
her yellow sun-dress barely held together with a series 
of diaper pins - the kind with the colorful plastic 
clasps. These had little pink hearts on them. I worked 
my way down the photo from her head to her toes.

The first diaper pin held the material on each side of 
her breasts together. She was so big in the bust, the 
buttons on her dress were a good 3 inches from the 
buttonholes. The big diaper pin was barely able to 
bridge the gap. A deep breath would have ripped that 
material to shreds. Inside the gap, her endowments were 
pushed together by a (too small) lacey bra. 

There was easily 8 inches of cleavage bursting out the 
top of the child's brassiere, clearly visible behind the 
diaper pin. Above and below the middle of her belly were 
2 more pins straining to keep the material around her 
together. They succeeded, but left a foot long expanse 
of bare flesh at the largest part of her tummy, which 
poked right through the front of the dress. Maggie had a 
smirk on her face when she caught me ogling the girl on 
the poster, then I saw HER jaw drop when she got a good 
look at the kid. 

She spoke after gawking for a minute, "My God... she's 
even bigger than last month's poster girl... would you 
look at the TITS on that kid - she's bigger than I am!! 
(Maggie gave a little pout as she reached up and cupped 
her own, smaller breasts.) Where on earth did they find 
THIS one? DAMN, is she knocked up or what? Lookit, she's 
coming out of her dress... and she can't be more than 

Maggie's reaction, and the sight of this well endowed, 
enormously pregnant girl made my dick so hard I thought 
it would break. Maggie was still pouting as I continued 
to look over every inch of the photo. I knew how she 
felt. It reminded me of the way I'd felt when I saw that 
kid at the store, tit fucking his little sister with a 
dick the size of his arm. She must have felt inadequate 
as she gazed at that girl half her age - a girl whose 
breasts dwarfed her own substantial pair. 

Peggy was right when she accused me of it so many years 
ago - I was (and am) obsessed with big tits. When 
they're bulging off the chest of a very pregnant woman, 
I go over the edge. I never thought I could get excited 
over a 12 year old girl, but this kid with her enormous 
tits spilling out of her bra, and her knocked up tummy 
poking out the front of her dress, was about to make me 
cum on myself. 

I'd been so busy drooling over the picture I hadn't 
noticed the message in smaller type right under the 
girl's belly: "There is no greater gift to mankind, no 
greater honor in the service of the Lord than the gift 
of life. Glorious life - brought forth from the wombs of 
our most precious God given resources. Our wives, our 
daughters, our sisters, our aunts, our mothers and our 
grandmothers were all meant for one purpose - the 
ultimate service to their creator. They were meant to 
bring unto the world, new life - and to bring it forth 
in abundance. 

"It is your God given duty to play your part in HIS 
divine plan. If your resolve is firm, HE will make her 
fertile and she will bear fruit. So we say unto you, as 
the Lord has said: BE FRUITFUL, MULTIPLY." 

There was even more information at the bottom, under her 
dirty little bare feet - "This message was brought to 
Daniels, Pastor Pictured is September poster girl Emily 
Walton, daughter of Jed and Ellie Walton. Emily will be 
on hand to autograph copies of this poster on Saturday, 
September 15th at this month's sponsor store - Dixon 
Drugs, on the square. Emily is a 7th grade student at 
Fertile Valley Junior High. She is 8 months pregnant 
with triplets. PRAISE THE LORD." 

Maggie pointed at the message I'd been reading. "See... 
that's what we're up against? That preacher roams all 
over the county - he's got 15 different church locations 
and he gets up there on the pulpit and tells these 
people they've got to breed like rabbits or God won't 
love them - and that they'll all go to hell. They 
believe him too! They throw money at him for the church, 
and they do what he tells them." Maggie giggled a little 
and motioned toward the poster "But I guess you can see 
that, huh?" 

"Yes, I'm looking, I mean I see, I mean, uh, yes," I 
mumbled. "Well, we better check out the drug store. 
Peggy asked me to pick up some aspirin." Inside the 
store, Mr. Dixon the pharmacist greeted us. He was 
friendly in a grandfatherly sort of way but made no 
effort to hide his interest in Maggie's expansive bosom. 
He stared right at her bulging chest as he chatted with 
us. A man in his mid 60s, he seemed to be in remarkably 
good shape. Must work out, I thought. He offered us an 
ice cream cone, obviously understanding the way to a 
pregnant woman's heart, and Maggie went for it. 

All I wanted was some water at this point, and a place 
to sit down and compose myself. Mr. Dixon grabbed a 
quart bottle of Fertile Valley spring water off this 
huge in-store display. 

"Help yourself, son," he said, as he sat the whole 
bottle in front of me. I read the label... "purest water 
anywhere, from the fountain of life to you." I turned 
the bottle up and took a big swig. It was wonderful. 
Almost sweet, but really pure and natural tasting, just 
like it claimed. No wonder the kids liked it, I thought. 
There was something addictive about the taste. I drank 
some more. Soon I'd polished off the whole bottle. Dixon 

"People do seem to love our water - here, have all you 
want son, it's good for you." I thanked the man, took 
another bottle and asked him about Peggy's aspirin. He 
said they were out of the small bottles, but he had some 
in bulk he'd put in a subscription bottle for me. He 
came right out with it. 

"Here, these are on me, son." 

Maggie kissed him on the cheek, making it a point to 
brush her big tits across his arm in the process, and 
told him we were off to tour the square. Just then we 
heard a woman call out from the back. "Who's out there 
in the store, Matt?" I guessed it was Dixon's wife and I 
was right. 

"It's Maggie from the hospital, and a new fella from the 
city, dear." Dixon's wife came rushing out. Well, 
waddling out would be a better description. Although 
Mrs. Dixon appeared to be her husband's age, her long 
gray hair pulled back in a ponytail, she was quite 
pregnant. About 11 months worth I'd say. She had the 
biggest pregnant belly I'd ever seen in my life. 

Her huge breasts rested at the insides of her arms and 
wobbled visibly as she walked toward us. She was 
obviously braless. I wondered how many children she'd 
suckled to make those things that huge. Mrs. Dixon made 
Maggie look like a grade school girl in the bosom 
department. I was in shock over Mrs. Dixon's condition, 
and I think she could tell what I was wondering. 

"We had a little help," she said as she smiled and 
smoothed her dress across her swollen middle. She 
pointed to a display almost hidden behind the check out 
counter. It contained several shelves filled with 
bottles of pills. The sign above the display read:
	"The Lord helps those who help themselves." It went 
on to explain that if older women needed some "extra 
help" bringing new life into the world, as the Lord 
would have them do, these special "aids" were provided 
free of charge by he Unity Church, and Dixon Pharmacy, 
"to the glory of god." 

Pictured on the bottle was a smiling woman in her mid 
60s at full term with a multiple pregnancy. "If I can do 
it, so can you," the woman was quoted on the label. I 
was flabbergasted. The pharmacist was handing out 
fertility drugs! But how did they make post- menopausal 
women ovulate? And it still didn't explain the little 
girls either. It was getting more and more complicated 
by the minute, I thought. I began to feel that I would 
never figure it out, but one thing I knew for sure - the 
combination of elements responsible for this phenomenon 
worked. And it worked VERY well. 

I was ready to see some more of the town, meet more of 
its people and hopefully arrive at a plausible 
explanation for some of what I'd seen so far. Surely the 
problem couldn't be so extreme there wasn't a remedy. 
Science had advanced so far I thought, and I'd come to 
the rescue with a solution. Sounded good anyhow. Maggie 
and I left the drug store after thanking the older 
couple for their kindness, and made our way around the 

Outside, some of the folks had set up chairs on the 
sidewalks. A few of the retailers had sale tables, and 
at other shops some of the workers were taking a break 
just to sit and chat. It was a pretty day with a warm, 
gentle breeze. Fall was in the air already. We came upon 
a type of shop I'd never seen before, but it didn't 
surprise me considering all the other things I'd been 
shocked over so far. "Little Miss Maternity" seemed like 
a logical store to fill a well - developed niche. 

Still, a clothing store for pregnant children would be 
unthinkable in mainstream society. I was in Fertile 
Valley though, and things were different. I might as 
well have landed in a parallel universe. The shop's 
slogan, on a banner under the store's sign read: "We can 
fit her no matter HOW big she gets." Inside were life-
size photos of girls modeling the store's fashions. 

The owner of the shop explained how they recycled (and 
altered) the dresses, pants, shorts, tops and bras from 
their Junior Miss Maternity shop on the other side of 
town. "We're proud to offer the only products of this 
kind in the country," the owner said. 

The woman mentioned that even though the prices were 
surprisingly reasonable, some of the poorer families had 
to make do with what they had. (The poor kids I'd seen 
so far could have used some donations from this shop I 
thought.) Rack after rack of pretty print dresses, pants 
and shorts with huge stretch panels in front, and a 
variety of ENORMOUS bras filled the stores aisles. The 
majority of their clothes were proportioned to fit girls 
between the ages of 9 and 12 she said. 

"You mean some of these girls are only NINE???" I asked. 
She muffled a little giggle. 

"Well, I can see you haven't been in town very long." I 
didn't know what to make of that comment, but it didn't 
answer my question. One brassiere Maggie held up had a 
homemade tag fashioned to the back, near the clasp where 
the old tag had been. She almost dropped it when we saw 
the size - 24EEE. That was about all I could take. I 
began to conjure up images of what a 9 year old would 
look like filling out one of those big bras. 

At that point I began to wonder how my little 10 year 
olds were doing, and how Peggy was coping with the 
school registration. I wanted to explore some more of 
the area before we headed back though. Maggie thought it 
would be a good idea for me to see the hospital and the 
facility they had set aside for us to do our testing and 
research. There was plenty of lab space she said, and 
the staff had been instructed to attend to our every 

When we got near the car, we encountered something I'd 
come to regard as 'normal' a few months down the road, 
but right then it threw me into shock - again. There was 
an old rusty pick-up truck parked right next to Maggie's 
convertible. We'd heard loud squeaking noises from 50 
yards away, the kind you hear when a car with bad shocks 
goes by. 

The whole body of the truck was shaking. As we got 
closer to it, we could make out two heads in the cab. 
One of the heads was moving up and down, long blonde 
hair flying wildly. It was obvious what was going on, 
but still I thought "... surely they can't be... not 
right in the middle of town, ... not in broad daylight." 

Well, they WERE... and right in the middle of town. When 
we were close enough to see the two I came to fully 
realize I'd arrived in a place with a new set of rules. 
Everything I learned about acceptable behavior, these 
folks had thrown right out the window. I gasped when I 
saw the girl's face in the truck. It was hard to tell 
from farther away, and she was moving so fast, but when 
we got closer I could see she was no more than 8 or 9 
years old. 

She was exactly the size of my 8 year olds Melissa and 
Meagan. The gray haired man she was with had her in his 
lap, facing him. The little girl had her hands on his 
shoulders, her fingers digging into him. It was easy to 
see the kid was getting her brains fucked out. As we got 
close enough to hear them, I couldn't believe my ears. 
The little girl made quite a bit of noise all of a 

She had spotted me and Maggie and I could tell she was 
putting on a show for us: "Oh Grampa, you gunna make me 
CUM fuckin' me like this. You know how horny I git when 
I'm knocked up don't ya?... I wish ya could knock me up 
some more Grampa, like ya done mama... Oh FUCK me 
Grampa, fuck me and put some more young'uns in me. I 
want you tuh make me all warm and sticky inside 
Grampa... Come on Gram, CUM in me!!! Cum in little Suzy 
and make me huge like ya made mama!!!" 

I'd never thought of myself as a voyeur before, but I 
was mesmerized by the action in front of me. I mean, 
what could we do? We wanted to get in Maggie's car and 
be on our way. And not two feet from the passenger side, 
this man was fucking the shit out of his pregnant 
granddaughter. I was frozen at the open window of this 
beat up old truck as I watched them. 

The little girl looked over at me and smiled as the big 
man fucked her silly - oblivious to everything around 
him. The kid's cut-off jeans were sitting on top of the 
steering wheel. They hadn't bothered to take off her 
panties or halter-top. She was tiny, her tummy barely 
showing, with just a hint of a swell on her chest. (Boy 
THAT would change I heard myself thinking.) 

Her eyes locked onto mine and she grinned as her 
grandfather grabbed her by the hips and jerked her whole 
body up and down on his mule-sized prick. The man was 
simply ENORMOUS, and the child was taking every fat 
swollen inch of it inside her as she wriggled her hips, 
jerking her grandfather off with her tight young pussy. 
He was so huge and she was so tiny it looked like the 
man was beating off with his granddaughter's body. Using 
the kid instead of his hand, he yanked her up and down, 
banging her head on the ceiling of the truck each time 
he jerked her little pussy on his big throbbing penis. 

The old man's cock was as big around as my wrist. How 
they got it inside her I'd never understand. I felt like 
a grade school kid once again, in awe of the sheer size 
of the man's dick. The little girl's body moved over a 
foot each time he jerked her up off his lap, each time 
he sent her head banging against the roof of the truck. 

"My God, they're fucking like a couple of animals," 
Maggie whispered in my ear. "Look how big he his Bill, 
holy shit, he's big as a fucking HORSE... he's... he's 
even bigger than his grandson." Wait a minute, Maggie 
KNEW these people? And his grandson? What was that all 
about, I wondered. Well, I didn't wonder long. I was too 
busy watching. 

The little girl kept her eye contact with me, her grin 
changing to a mixed expression of pain and passion. I'd 
seen it so many times - it was the look Peggy would get 
when she was about to convulse into orgasm. She was 
drooling out the corner of her mouth now, bucking her 
hips back at her grandfather. The little thud her head 
made each time it hit the roof of the truck reminded me 
of the last time Peggy and I made babies. The night 
Melissa and Meagan were conceived, we'd gone a little 
wilder than usual. 

I remembered the sound of Peggy's head banging against 
our headboard, softly at first, then louder and more 
frequent. Just like that night, the beat picked up there 
in the truck. The little girl still had her eyes locked 
on to mine. She mouthed, over and over as she looked at 
me, "I'm coming, oh god! I'm COMING!" 

Then she became verbal, "Grampa, I know you gonna CUM 
now... I... can feel it gittin' bigger in me. Come on 
grampa, git me knocked up some more, right in front of 
these people grampa... make me bigger with yer baby 

I could see the man's face twist up now - the child was 
right - he was about to cum. Maggie's eyes got bigger as 
she watched the man's cock swell - the purple veins 
running the length of it were about to burst. You could 
see the huge ripple of cum gush out of his balls, up 
through his big shaft and into his granddaughter's 
waiting womb - a womb already swollen with growing new 

"That's IT grampa. FUCK it in me! FUCK the cum in me and 
make me BIGGER! Ooh... GOD grampa! It feels GOOD! The 
Lord made me big enough to TAKE it! I WANT IT grampa... 
I want it on my FACE now grampa, pull it out and cum ALL 
OVER MY FACE grampa. I want these people to see me all 
cummed up!!!" 

The man obliged her. He yanked her right off his prick, 
banging her head on the roof again, and sat her on his 
knees. He grabbed his prick in both hands and pumped it. 
Her little hands joined his and the two pair ran up and 
down all 14 inches of the man's giant prick. His 
spurting cock continued to erupt - this time sending a 
fat glob of cum flying at the kid's face. It grazed her 
right cheek, most of it splattering on the windshield. 
It kept coming... and coming. 

The man's big hands were jerking on the base of his 
prick while the girl swirled her little hands all over 
its slippery head. She was rewarded with a whole face 
full of his sticky cum in a few seconds. It went up her 
nose, splattered on her forehead, and glazed her lips. 
It dripped off her chin onto her pregnant little tummy 
before she wiped it off with the back of her hand. She 
had a shit-eating grin at that point as she sat on her 
grandfather's knee. She looked like she'd been hit in 
the face with a bowl of pudding. 

Well, that was just too much. I had so many questions 
that I felt like I was moving backward instead of 
forward in my understanding of it all. What did Maggie 
know of these people? How did she have any idea what 
size this man's grandson was anyway? How did a little 
kid that age get pregnant in the first place, and what 
on earth did she mean when she said, "Put more young-uns 
in me?" I wouldn't solve it right away. I knew that. 

But why couldn't I at least get a clue? I began to worry 
about how my family was doing. Especially my little 10 
year old twins. Yes, the ones with the growing tits. It 
was hard to believe it happened, but it would be one 
more thing I'd have to deal with. Right then, I would 
have to deal with my escort for the day. Maggie was 
looking at me like a piece of meat again, and I had a 
tremendous hard-on throbbing in my pants. Bigger than 
I'd ever felt before... MUCH bigger than I'd ever felt 

"My GOD Bill, there's just no way he could still... but 
he looks like he's gonna..."

We were standing at the window of the pick-up, still 
frozen in shock over what we'd seen right there in broad 
daylight. Maggie was pointing at the old man in the 
truck. His huge prick was still throbbing and twitching 
as the little girl kept swirling her tiny hands around 
the fat slippery head of it. There was so much cum on 
her face, some of it dripped off onto her hands to join 
the slippery mess she was using to jack her grandfather 
off. She let go of him for a minute and yanked her 
halter-top up and over her puffy little breasts. 

They had swollen noticeably from all the excitement, and 
she brought it to the man's attention as she jerked on 
the head of his big dick, "Oooo... grampa LOOK!! You 
made my titties get all bigger! I want 'em REAL big 
grampa, like Cassie's. I know ya like Cassie's great big 
titties, cuz I done seen ya CUM on 'em. That's how come 
they so HUGE grampa, that's what Cassie says... She said 
yer CUM is what made her titties grow so big!!" 

Whoever Cassie was, I could see the thought of her was 
pushing the old man over the edge again. Every time the 
kid mentioned her name, he'd get this twisted up look on 
his face. The kid jerked faster... and faster. Her hands 
were flying up and down the length of his shaft as she 
stuck her chest out - making it look as big as she 

She smiled at him through the veil of cum splattered on 
her pretty little face and begged him for more, "Come on 
Grampa... cum on my tits... Make Suzy a BIG pair-uh-
titties jus' like Cassie has grampa... Ya want me to be 
that big... don'tcha?? Come on grampa... I wanna be 

I knew the man couldn't last even one minute longer 
after that - his little granddaughter knew just the 
right buttons to push. "Big like Cassie grampa... oh 
god... she's so... BIG." 

He let go... again... all over Suzy's little tits. He 
covered her chest... then her arms. He splattered the 
dashboard and the windshield. The man came like a fire-
hose. Bolt after sticky bolt of cum flew at the kid's 
upper body, plastering across her as she giggled and 
rubbed it into her puffy nipples. 

"OH... I'm gonna be ENORMOUS grampa!! Just you wait! 
Suzy's gonna be BIGGER than Cassie!!!!" 

The kid wasn't finished playing with her grandfather 
yet. To my dismay, she slipped off his lap and knelt 
down on the floor in front of him. She grabbed his big 
dick with both her little hands and jacked the head of 
it again. Little spurts of cum were still gurgling out 
as she slipped her lips over the tip of it. She might as 
well have tried to suck off a baseball bat. The swollen 
head of the man's prick bulged the kid's cheek out 

She pulled her mouth off it with an audible slurp and 
rubbed his big fat knob all over her lips and cheeks and 
chin. All over the sweet little face he'd splattered 
with cum. Suzy looked me straight in the eye again as 
she lapped those big gobs of cum off the head of her 
grandfather's enormous prick. Maggie had been fondling 
her own tits as she watched the little girl coax the 
last of the cum out of her grandfather. 

The kid in the truck wasn't the only one who'd been 
swelling. The busty young nurse let out a little gasp as 
she looked down at her chest. "Oh MY... I don't think 
I've ever seen them like this" She kept kneading them. 
"Oh DEAR... they're so BIG... Oh Bill, I'm ... I'm HUGE! 
And they feel so GOOD... FEEL them, Bill." 

I was trembling after watching that little girl jerk a 
pint of cum out of her grandfather's balls, and looking 
at Maggie's swollen tits. I pictured my hands groping 
her big breasts. She'd grown at least a cup size from 
all the stimulation - I'd seen Peggy through enough 
growth spurts to know. S

he was one hot little bitch and I could have had every 
voluptuous inch of her, but I'd never cheated on my wife 
before. I'd had plenty of chances - I wasn't going to 
start then. So I fought it. I got in the car, and told 
Maggie we needed to get out of there. I asked her to 
take me to the hospital. 

"Maggie, believe me there's nothing I'd rather do than 
bury my face in your big tits right now, but it wouldn't 
be right - I just can't do that to Peggy." Maggie 
surprised me by giggling, and chirped, "Well, we won't 
TELL her silly!!" 

I assured her it just wasn't going to happen and asked 
her to try and understand. "All I understand is the size 
of that PRICK crawling down your leg mister." She 
giggled again. I guess I was busted. Finally, Maggie 
accepted the fact we weren't going to do the nasty right 
then and there and we started off for the hospital. 

We were backing away from the truck when I heard the 
little girl say, "Grampa, I'm still horny." Maggie 
giggled and started to pull back next to the truck when 
I insisted we get underway. With a little pout, she 
complied. On the way to the hospital I began to think 
about the complexity of the situation we were faced 
with, and my erection finally subsided. It was a welcome 
relief since it had become painful at one point. Still, 
I was left with a prominent bulge in my pants. I 
dismissed it as just too much excitement for one day. 
But it wasn't over yet. 

We passed a crew installing a new 'welcome to Fertile 
Valley" billboard on the highway en route to the 
hospital. It featured Emily Walton, the new poster girl. 
The photo was over 30 feet tall. Her profile had been 
cut out and mounted to a separate board. The child's 
dress was pulled wide open in this pose, exposing the 
entire expanse of her tummy. Along with her pink panties 
and an acre of cleavage bursting out of her bra. She 
looked down at her big pregnant belly with a very 
contented smile. As I watch

ed the crane hoist the board with her photo on it, I 
felt the familiar swelling return to my groin. I'd lost 
track that day of the times my dick had started 
throbbing, my heart racing as it sent the blood into my 
engorged member. 

The photo board was much taller than the billboard 
itself, so her head and shoulders would stick up above 
it. They attached the photo board to the far right edge, 
so her huge knocked-up belly stuck out beyond the 
dimensions of the billboard - exploding into the 
horizon. This billboard was far more dramatic than the 
first one we'd seen, and the girl MUCH MORE pregnant. 

It seemed as though the church wanted to keep everyone 
in the valley stimulated with these huge photos of 
beautiful, well endowed pregnant girls - half naked with 
their bulging ripe bodies so much larger than life, and 
on open display. It worked. I was close to cumming in my 
pants again and Maggie knew it. She just grinned and 
kept driving. 

As we approached the hospital grounds, I was impressed 
with the size of the facility. I expected a little run 
down string of one story buildings connected with open 
walkways. Fertile Valley had quite an attractive 
facility, beautifully landscaped. The main building was 
a modern three-story brick structure capable of housing 
a couple hundred beds. 

It appeared to have an even taller building behind it. 
The main structure was flanked with four 'clinic' sized 
one-story buildings that were attached to each corner of 
the building with enclosed walkways. We drove around to 
the back, and my jaw dropped once again. Attached to the 
rear of the hospital was the most imposing structure - " 
The Fertile Valley Maternity Wing." The wing was easily 
twice the size of the main building. Amazing what you 
can do with enough tax dollars. 

"In there," Maggie said, as she pointed at the left side 
of the structure. "That's where your lab will be. Like I 
said, there's plenty of room." She wasn't kidding. It 
was one of the biggest maternity wards I'd ever seen, 
and it appeared to be bustling with activity. The 
parking lot was jammed with cars and trucks, most of 
them rusty, beat up old relics of the 60s and 70s with 
missing hubcaps and bald tires. 

Inside, gurneys were flying down the hallways in every 
direction, most of them carrying young girls - girls 
from 10 to15 years old. Many were swollen to a 
ridiculous girth with twins, triplets or more inside 
their bulging, ready-to-pop pregnant bellies. Some were 
screaming for their mommy or daddy. I felt sorry for 
them. Sorry for the loss of innocence, and for the huge 
burden they were carrying. All of it 'to the glory of 

While my loftier notions had me feeling pity, my baser 
instincts had my crotch bulging - again. We approached 
the admissions desk. Maggie wanted to check in for her 
messages and let her supervisor know where we'd be. 
There, in a waiting room designed to seat 50 people, 
were 60 to 70 girls with their mothers, waiting to be 
admitted to the hospital. Some of the girls were doubled 
over in pain. They should be inside already, I thought. 

"But young-un's water done already broke! How 
come we cain't git in?" I heard one woman pleading with 
a nurse at the desk. As Maggie and I got closer to the 
front, I realized this 'woman' I'd heard was no more 
than a teenager. The child hugging her waist was 9 years 
old - tops. 

She could have been even younger, though I dismissed 
that as unthinkable. Her belly was as large as some of 
the 12-year-olds' I'd seen bulging out of their dresses. 
The kid had more than one baby ready to come out of her 
- that much was obvious. Her belly stuck out two feet in 
front of her little body. 

She was simply HUGE, and unlike some of the other girls, 
the child had developed no breasts or hips at all. She 
looked like a normal nine-year-old rather than a scaled 
down adult, with one BIG exception. Her enormous 
pregnant belly completely overwhelmed her tiny frame. 
With no breasts or hips to balance the immense 
protrusion in front of her, she'd have been incapable of 
standing on her own. But she had mama, the comely 
teenager she hung on to, for support. 

It didn't take much arithmetic to figure out that the 
little girl had been even younger than my Meagan and 
Melissa when she got pregnant - or that her mother had 
been that same age when SHE got pregnant with the child 
clinging to her. What a cycle, I thought. No wonder the 
area had come under scrutiny. With each new child they 
brought into the world, the federal government was 
soaked for another welfare payment. And these people 
were breeding like rats in a grain barrel. 

The nurse behind the admissions desk informed the 
teenaged mom that there wasn't a room to be had in the 
whole ward - "We've already doubled up on the occupancy 
of each room dear, and all 400 rooms are full right now 
- we're trying to get some of the overflow sent to the 
ER and spare rooms in the main wing. You'll just have to 
be patient - September is a VERY busy time of year in 
maternity. Have a seat, and we'll call you." 

Maggie confirmed that there were a LOT of babies being 
made in January and February there. The pretty teenager 
was livid, "But they AIN'T no place to sit, you BITCH!! 
And my young-un is gunna bust wide open right here on 
yer floor!!" The nurse remained calm. Better than I 
could have. The young mom's ranting worked on her. 

"Bring her around here... we'll get her to the ER," the 
nurse said. An orderly came around with a wheel chair 
for the poor child, and I watched her mom bend over to 
give her a kiss goodbye. Her breasts swayed heavily 
inside her tank top. I'd been too busy looking at the 
pregnant little girl. 

I hadn't noticed that her young mom had two of the 
biggest tits I'd ever seen in my life. Maggie noticed 
her then too, and gave another pout. The girl was 
braless, and as she walked back toward the waiting room 
her huge breasts wobbled and slapped together with every 
step. My eyes were riveted to them. Her nipples were the 
size of big cherries and poked right through the 
material of her skimpy top. 

I followed her into the waiting area, like a hound dog 
following a bitch in heat. Maggie was steaming, I could 
tell, and she was right on my heels. The busty teenager 
sat down next to a woman Maggie's age who I guessed was 
HER mother. The woman waited with a baby in each arm. I 
watched from across the room as the girl's nipple area 
became darker. It was easy to see all of a sudden, that 
her areolas were the size of beer coasters. Then it hit 
me - her tits were spurting milk! And the two babies her 
mom held were waiting for it. "Jesus, no wonder she's so 
huge," I muttered. 

"I heard that," Maggie sniped. Maggie pouted, as I stood 
there with my mouth open watching the girl yank her top 
down and under her simply ENORMOUS tits. The girl's 
mother handed the babies over and nature took its 
course. They appeared to be just a few months old and 
still tiny. 

The babies were barely able to get their little mouths 
around her oversized nipples. The girl had a pair of 
spigots, I thought to myself. Just then, one of them 
lost control of a nipple and confirmed my thoughts. The 
milk GUSHED out of her left breast drenching the 
mother's lap and the baby along with it. It cried for a 
minute, but was soon settled back into its little 

As I watched these suckling babies, I couldn't help but 
notice the size of the girl's areola again I'd never 
seen anything quite like them, even though Peggy had 
developed quite a pair. Each was larger than the baby's 
face next to it, and stood in such contrast to their 
little pink cheeks. The kids were sucking away 
contentedly, as mother and daughter sat there waiting 
for news of the impending delivery. Maggie grabbed me by 
the arm and pulled me toward the corridor leading to my 

"Let's go mister, it's getting late," she said - and not 
too sweetly. I could tell she was jealous, and I guess I 
didn't blame her. We made our way back to the area I'd 
been given to work in. There was a spacious office with 
comfortable guest chairs - even a couch, and plenty of 
bookshelves. It would be very suitable for the 
interviews and subject consultation I'd need to conduct. 
It would be a nice place to study when I needed solitude 
- away from the distractions at home. 

The adjacent lab had the latest equipment I'd need to 
conduct my research including an ISDN Internet 
connection for efficient collaboration with my 

Like I said, the feds spare no expense in determining 
how to save money. And it was money (or maybe OTHER 
favors) that had exchanged hands to get all the federal 
support necessary to build this enormous facility. All 
designed for an indigent population. The cost must have 
been staggering. And still the system was strained by 
the demand from these people. I had my work cut out for 
me, but it was time to get home to my family and see how 
school and the house hunt went for them. 


The ride back to town from the hospital that day was 
painfully silent at first. Maggie didn't get what she 
wanted from me and she was tight lipped, pissed off, and 
obviously horny. She broke the silence after several 
long minutes: 

"You aren't even going to ask me are you?" She was 
rubbing her swollen tummy with her right hand as she 
steered with her left. "Aren't you the least bit 
interested in how I got this little bun in the oven? Or 
didn't you notice I was knocked up? You've been so busy 
drooling over those little girls, I can't even tell." 
She was pouting again, and she was absolutely right 
about my behavior. 

My tongue had been dragging the ground all day. I was 
ashamed of myself, but unable to do anything about it. I 
began to wonder if my virtue was being put to some cruel 
test as I watched Maggie's big tits bounce with every 
bump we hit. Her little smile came back when she noticed 
me looking straight at her cleavage. Then my dick got 
hard. She had my attention, and she milked it for 
everything it was worth. 

"I've been pretty distracted today Maggie - I apologize. 
It's not very professional of me. I've wondered about 
your pregnancy of course I noticed. You're getting -- 
well -- rather large." She was grinning now, and started 
giggling like a little girl again. 

"You don't know the half of it, mister. Maybe I should 
fill you in - it might even shed a little light on your 
work." It was a long way to the hotel, so Maggie 
proceeded to describe, in intimate detail, the events 
that lead to her pregnancy, "We get all kinds of people 
coming in to the ER, and for the strangest things. In a 
poor community like this, people use it like a doctor's 
office - 'cause they don't HAVE a doctor - we get them. 
Anyhow, they have to come through my office first for 
screening - I'm right next to ER admissions. I ask them 
questions about their problem and sometimes I can solve 
it without even bothering the doctors." Maggie was 
setting me up for a story I wouldn't forget - I just 
felt it. 

She had a sly little grin on her face as she continued, 
"Well, one day this woman comes in with a young boy - a 
scrawny looking kid around 11 or 12 years old. She was a 
few years younger than me, mid 20s I guess, and she was 
great BIG pregnant. I asked them to have a seat and I 
got situated at my desk. She introduced herself as 
Cassie McCabe, and said her son had a problem. It had 
become the whole family's problem she said, and she 
started to explain, 'Ya see nurse Maggie, Little Luke 
here takes after his grampa. Well really, his grampa is 
his Paw too, iffn' that makes any sense to ya.' She was 
blushing and put her head down. She seemed embarrassed 
to have me know that it was her father who'd knocked her 
up with this kid. I asked her to just tell me what her 
son's problem was - and told her I would understand - no 
matter what." Maggie could see the questioning look on 
my face - my eyes got real wide when I heard the name 

"I knew that would get your attention," she giggled. 
"Yes, it was the same Cassie that pregnant little slut 
in the truck was talking about, -- and yes she had HUGE 
tits - if you have to know!" I guess Maggie had learned 
to read my mind already. "Well, the woman tells me what 
she means about her kid taking after grampa, paw or 
whoever:	'Nurse, I jus' don't know what we gunna do ---
- He done THIS to me about 6 months ago.' She pointed at 
her enormous pregnant belly and she looked a LOT more 
than 6 months gone. 'Since then, he done knocked up all 
his sisters, 6 of his cousins and 3 of his teachers. I 
jus' don't know where it's gunna end.' 

"I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings, but I 
couldn't help snickering a little bit. I mean, he was 
just a boy, and couldn't have weighed 90 pounds soaking 
wet - he was pitiful looking. The kid was slumped down 
in his chair so I could barely see him over my big desk. 
I was sitting back a ways too. The woman glanced down at 
his lap and her eyes got real big all of a sudden. 'It's 
startin' again, jus' like it always does when they's a 
girl around who's ready ta catch -- you know -- fertile. 
He can sense it nurse Maggie - I don't know how, he jus' 
can. You mus' be ready right now, cuz it damn shore 
ain't ME - I done already been pumped FULL o' young-

Maggie had a flushed look on her face, and she started 
feeling up her tits again as she continued her little 
tale, "I didn't know what on earth she was talking 
about, so I asked her WHAT was starting again. The young 
woman said, 'Stand up for the nurse Little Luke, but 
don't you git any ideas.' I just about fell out of my 
chair Bill - I'd never seen anything like it. I mean it 
that 'kid' had the BIGGEST.. FUCKING.. DICK -- I had 
ever seen in my entire life. And I'd seen some enormous 
ones in my time! He was so big -- I mean -- his dick was 
so fucking HUGE the head of it had made its way out the 
end of his shorts damn near to his knee. He looked like 
he would bust out of his shorts he'd stretched the 
material so tight in front of him with that big fat 

"He unzipped his shorts and pulled them down. That dick 
of his bobbed up and down. It was huge, bloated and 
twitching. He started rubbing on it, and it got even 
fatter. Then he grabbed it with both hands and started 
jacking the shaft of it. His prick was as big as his 
forearm at that point, and he seemed to be in pain. His 
mama scolded him, 'Luke, you stop that now young-un, ya 
hear me - that ain't nice.' His mom was embarrassed I 
could tell, but it didn't faze the kid. 'But mama, it 
hurts, you know I cain't help it when my thang gits all 
big an' swole up. She done got that look on her face 
mama, like Miz Jenny at school like they all git when 
they's wet.' 

"I don't know what came over me but I felt like I was in 
a trance, almost like I was hypnotized. All I could do 
was stand there with my mouth open and gape at the kid's 
prick. Well, I was doing something else actually. I was 
ovulating like a turtle - I knew it - just like the boy 
and his mom knew. And I was WET. I'd soaked my panty 
hose all the way down my thighs. I was SOPPING -- wet -- 
dripping -- HORNY, Bill. So horny I could've screamed. 
I'm glad I didn't. Instead, like a zombie, I walked over 
to the door of my office and locked it. I sat back down 
behind my desk and gaped at it again. Good GOD it was 
big. I was under a spell at that point. 

"The kid's mom started pleading with me then, 'Ain't 
there nothin' you kin give the boy ta keep him from 
gittin' so dang big, nurse? Or carryin' around so much 
o' that cum in him? Every time he lets go, up inside a 
girl, she ends up like me all swole up with 3 or 4 
young-uns in her belly. An' they cain't seem ta help 
themselves neither nurse - they let him stick that big 
ole prong right up inside of 'em till he lets go with 
all that baby juice. They's too many young-uns around my 
house NOW, and they keep on comin'. I'm gunna be an ole 
lady 'fore my time.' 

"The woman looked like she could cry, so I told her I'd 
need to have a closer look at it. 'You be careful now, 
missy. I seen the way you lookin' at Little Luke.' I 
promised nothing was going to happen and asked the boy 
to come around behind my desk so I could examine his -- 
"thang". I started shaking when he got close to me. I 
was sitting there with this prick a foot long and big 
around as my ankle just inches from me - staring me 
right in the face. I began to stutter Bill, for the 
first time in my life: Imma -- I -- cccan't -- bbbelieve 
it's ssso -- so -- The boy's mom finished my sentence 
for me: 'He's big as that dang ole mule we got out in 
the pasture, an' if ya ain't careful, you gunna look 
like ME in a few months!' 

"I reached out and touched the head of it ever so 
slightly, like I was petting a wild animal. A sticky 
little spurt of pre- cum hit the palm of my hand, and 
the next thing I knew I was rubbing it on the boy's knob 
- massaging it in around and around - swirling over the 
head of his fat prick like that little girl in the truck 
was doing to her grandfather. I felt like a robot on 

"I was not in control, something else was - and I think 
it was my dripping wet fertile womb. My roommates in 
nursing school used to tease me about "thinking with my 
pussy" 'cause I used to fuck anything with pants on, and 
if the guy was 'hung' I'd been known to disappear for a 
week, cutting classes, missing meals and worse. It was 
no secret that 'Maggie liked 'em BIG'. I'd been so 
responsible since nursing school - until I got to THIS 

"Well, I was thinking with my pussy that day, there was 
no doubt about it, 'cause I rolled my desk chair closer 
to that boy and his big horse dick and I slipped my lips 
over the head of it. My tongue was darting all over the 
surface of that fat knob of his, my head moving around 
and around, licking at it from every angle I could. I 
grabbed the shaft of it with both hands - the only way I 
could encircle his fat prick. I started pumping it while 
I licked him. 

"I was slobbering all over him at this point - it was 
OBSCENE. He looked so relieved, and cradled my head in 
his hands, moving me gently up and down on his shaft as 
I slurped at the head of that big fat prick. He stroked 
my hair like an experienced lover, looking down at me 
and smiling as I sucked on him. The kid's mom didn't 
seem the least bit surprised at this - like she'd seen 
it so many times before. I guess she had. "

'Mama it feels so good, nurse Maggie's makin' it all 
better. It don't hurt near bad as it did.' 

His mama told him to be gentle with me, 'She ain't used 
to no big prong like yers Luke, so you be sweet ya 
hear?' All of a sudden, like I was getting a command 
from somewhere, I let go of the boy's dick and yanked my 
panty hose off. It was one of those 'out of body' kinda 
things - like somebody else was doing it. I hiked my 
uniform up and sat my naked butt on the edge of my desk. 
I unbuttoned the front of my blouse and pulled my bra 
down under my tits. I swell up in the bust when I get 
real hot.

I KNOW you noticed THAT. And that day, I got ENORMOUS. I 
thought the kid was gonna cum on himself just gawking at 
me. 'Mama -- look -- she's bigger'n Bobby Sue.' He was 
drooling then, and I reached out and pulled him toward 
me. "Luke, you stick that big fat dick in nurse Maggie 
right now - I want you to FUCK me. I want you to fuck 
the ever lovin' shit outta me. I want you to fuck every 
big fat inch of that beautiful 'swole-up' prick of yours 
inside me, and I want you to KEEP fucking me till I tell 
you to CUM in me. I don't CARE if you knock me up, I 
want it NOW -- FUCK me Luke -- fuck me with your big fat 

"I couldn't believe it was me even saying it, but he was 
inside me in a matter of seconds. He was just waiting 
for the word and he POUNCED on me. He jammed that fat 
bastard up in me and I thought I would split in two. GOD 
he was so fucking HUGE. My butt was slipping around in a 
puddle of pussy juice on my desk as I wiggled and jerked 
my hips back at every thrust he put to me, and let me 
tell you, the boy was just fucking my BRAINS out. He 
looked so happy as that fat prick slipped in and out of 
my wet throbbing pussy. In and out and in and out, he 
fucked and fucked and FUCKED me till I was trembling 
with the biggest orgasm I'd ever had. No MAN had ever 
done that to me before. Not like THAT.

"I kept bucking my hips back at him, faster and faster - 
I knew he was about to cum from the look - I KNOW that 
look. I wasn't thinking about whether I'd get knocked up 
or not. Strange as it seems, I WANTED to feel great big 
GOBS of cum inside me - splattering against the wall of 
my uterus, filling me up and making me all warm and 
gushy. All I could think about was having so much cum in 
me it would run down my legs all the way to my ankles 
when I stood up. I'd always loved the feeling of cum 
gushing into me, but I'd been on birth control and it 
wasn't a risk. Now I knew what a HUGE risk it was and 
that made it even MORE exciting for me. 

'Oh you poor baby,' I told Luke, 'nurse Maggie knows how 
much you need to cum. You must be ready to BUST, you 
poor thing. Cum in Maggie, come on and FUCK me till you 
cum, Luke. Make me big like your mama - make me all 
pregnant like your sisters, Luke. Knock me up baby. Do 
you know how big nurse Maggie's TITS are gonna get when 
she's pregnant Luke. I'll be HUGE for you baby, and I'll 
let you SUCK on me all you want - would you like that?' 
I could see his little head nod ever so slightly as he 
jerked and squirmed and fucked me silly. And then it 

"I thought I was prepared for it, but I had no idea. The 
first blast out of his big prong felt like it went all 
the way up in my throat. Then I felt it gushing into my 
pussy - filling me up - dumping what felt like a pint of 
warm sticky sperm in me. He kept pumping and pumping. It 
was oozing out of me as fast as he was fucking it into 
me then. I was FULL of cum and it was running out of my 
pussy all over the desk. There was so much of it, some 
of it dripped off the desk onto the floor. I'd never in 
my life seen that much cum. 

"That happened 6 weeks ago. I knew the minute that boy 
started cumming in me that he'd knocked me up. I could 
almost feel his sperm finding my eggs. There was just so 
MUCH of it. What I didn't know is just HOW knocked up 
he'd gotten me. I can't say I wasn't warned, and I knew 
I was fertile as a mink. God knows, I fucked him like 
one. What did I expect, right? Still, when I started 
showing after only a month, I was shocked. I knew 
something BIG was happening inside me. I still don't 
know how big, but I guess I'll find out right?" 

"Yeah, we'll find out," I heard myself say. I couldn't 
believe Maggie had shared all that with me. What had me 
worried then was: how many boys like Little Luke might 
have been out there. Fucking the daylights out of their 
sisters and teachers, and MOTHERS. Did they all have 
THAT much sperm? Did they all know when girls were 
fertile? Did they send these girls into a trance with 
their huge dicks like Luke did to Maggie? If they're 
knocking up their relatives, what about the effects of 
all that inbreeding on their sexual and reproductive 

Like I said, Maggie had set me up for a story I'd never 
forget. She'd also given me more variables to consider - 
more than I needed. I damn near lost it in my pants 
listening to her describe her seduction at the hands of 
this big dicked boy. Then I realized how close to the 
hotel we'd gotten. When that reality hit me, I'd been 
able to regain at least SOME composure. It was tough to 
keep my mind on anything else after Maggie let me in on 
her little secret though. I got hard all over again when 
I thought about how pregnant she must have been. I'd 
never known a woman to show that early, and Maggie had 
already developed quite a belly. 

I had to concentrate on my family again. Peggy would 
want to talk about her day with the kids, the house hunt 
and school. I was back in my daddy role again as Maggie 
dropped me off. She gave my leg a little squeeze and 
told me not to worry about figuring it all out - that 
we'd get to the bottom of it sooner or later. 

She looked down at her swollen belly, stroked it with 
both her hands and said, "You'll get to watch me grow 
mister, won't that be fun?" Finally, after one last 
giggle, Maggie drove off. I tried to think of anything 
but my work, or Maggie, as I walked toward the room at 
the hotel. I didn't want Peggy to see me with my crotch 
bulging - not until SHE had the opportunity to make it 
happen anyway. I did manage to get it under control. It 
still felt a bit swollen - but not THAT kind of swollen. 
I had enough to worry about so I dismissed it to my 

Peggy threw her arms around me the minute I walked in 
the room. I felt lucky to have to have such a babe for a 
wife. The kids were in the adjacent rooms, so at least I 
had a little time to catch up on their day before 
dinner. Peggy was glowing. It was hard to put my finger 
on it, but something was different about her. 


"Boy, did WE have a hectic day, how about you sweetie? 
Did you remember to get my aspirin? My head is killing 
me." Peggy had her arms round my neck and gave me a 
little kiss on the lips. I told her the pharmacist had 
been really nice and gave me some from his bulk supply. 
I hadn't even looked at the bottle, but he'd gone to the 
trouble of labeling it. ULTRA STRENGTH ANALGESIC TAKE 1 

"Wow, these are biggest pain pills I've ever seen - I 
hope they do the trick. I think I'll take 2 just to be 
sure I'm good company for my baby tonight." Peggy downed 
them and sat on the bed next to me. "I have a surprise 
for you, but maybe I should wait till later. The kids 
are probably hungry and I don't want to start anything 
we can't finish. Besides, this headache just WON'T go 

I took two aspirin the desk clerk gave me over an hour 
ago, and it's still hanging on. I better try another one 
of those pain pills just in case." I knew Peggy had 
something up her sleeve, and I wasn't letting her off 
the hook that easy. "It's not like you to tease your 
poor husband like that," I said. "You tell me right NOW 
what this surprise is, you little minx." She gave me one 
of her smirks and unbuttoned the top two buttons of her 
loose blouse. 

"I don't quite understand this Bill, but your little 
wifey is having herself a bit of a growth spurt." She 
kept unbuttoning, slowly, as she smirked at me again - 
one button at a time until her blouse was open. "I guess 
you wanna see what I'm talking about, huh?" 

Peggy took her blouse off and locked her thumbs under 
the shoulder straps of her bra - right above the cups. 
She yanked up on them causing her tits to wobble like 
Jell-O. "I've loosened them as far as they'll go, and 
I'm on the last set of hooks in the back, and well -- as 
you can see -- there's just too much of me. Look at me, 
Billy -- I'm bigger than when I was nursing Melissa and 
Meagan. I thought maybe it was that time of month, but 
that's two weeks away and I never get THIS big then 

It wouldn't have taken much to get me excited that 
night, not after all I'd seen and heard that day. Seeing 
my wife's tits swollen up like balloons was overkill. I 
got the biggest hard-on in my recent memory, in about 11 
seconds. My heart was racing and my hands were shaking 
as I stood up in front of her. I looked down at her 
sitting on the bed and I began to rub my throbbing 

She looked immense as she sat there spilling out of her 
bra. My wife had never been close to that size before. I 
pushed her big tits together then, watching a foot of 
creamy cleavage bulge out the cups of that inadequate 
bra she was coming out of. It was more than I could 
handle. I felt the cum start to surge in my balls - like 
a volcano was going to erupt out of them. 

I pulled my dick out and pumped on it, aiming it 
straight at my pretty wife's big tits. Then I came. GOD 
it felt good. Spurt after spurt, I felt it gushing out 
of my swollen blue balls and splattering all over her 
big chest. It kept spurting out and some of it hit her 
chin, dripping down to join the rest as she rubbed it 
all in. I'd been suffering all day long, and it was 
finally time - my body had taken over and gave itself 
what it needed - sweet release. 

"Oh my goodness, my baby got all excited over his little 
wifey's big tits huh? Oh, you poor baby. I guess we 
better get cleaned up so we can go out and get some 
dinner. You made quite a mess, sweetie." She grinned up 
at me as she wiped the cum off her chin. 

It felt so good to let go like that, even though it 
wasn't the fucking I'd planned to give Peggy that night. 
At least my balls felt better, and we'd have plenty of 
time later that night. I got hard again just thinking 
about it. I was going to fuck Peggy's eyeballs out. We 
showered, dressed and were about to gather the kids when 
my wife told me I'd better sit down for a minute. 

"Honey, I don't want you to worry or be upset about 
this, but I think I'd better tell you." I hated it when 
Peggy prefaced anything like that. It was rarely good 
news. "You've probably been wondering about Dee n' Deb 
haven't you?" I nodded my head. She noticed the concern 
furrowing my brow. "Don't worry now Billy, I'm sure 
they'll be fine -- it's just that -- well -- let's just 
say I'm not the only one who's experienced some changes 
today. And -- well -- they have even more company now. 
We have two more daughters who are -- blossoming rather 
quickly I'm afraid." 

I told Peggy I was relieved to hear that Julie and 
Jennie finally "sprouted". I told her about their little 
tirade this morning, and how I was afraid there would be 
no peace in this family for a while. "We'll deal with it 
all sweetie, I said - let's just get something to eat 
and the kids can tell me all about their big day." It 
was encouraging that something normal had happened. I 
stood up and started to head toward the door when Peggy 
stopped me. 

"Bill honey, maybe you better sit down and let me tell 
you the rest of it." What now, I wondered. "I'm sorry to 
have to tell you this sweetie, but you'll see for 
yourself soon enough. For Julie and Jenny, it's business 
as usual in the bosom department. Nothing happening 
there - I mean NOTHING. And they're none too happy." I'm 
sure Peggy saw the color drain from my face. I certainly 
FELT it. I was stuttering then. 

"You mean -- Muh... MMeagan -- and -- MMelissa are..." 
Peggy just nodded. "Bbbut they're not even 9 yet, and 
they haven't even reached pube -- I mean, they haven't 
started their menstr..." before I could finish, Peggy 
looked me in the eye and nodded again -- and again. 

"I know it's all too sudden Billy, but maybe you'll come 
to some findings soon and we can make some sense of it 
all. There's something HERE doing this, I just know it. 
In the meantime, try not to stare at them, dear. They've 
already figured out that men like the looks of their 
"boobies" as they call them. None of them need any 
encouragement. We'll have to pay some extra attention to 
our first born for a while. They look so defeated Bill - 
it just breaks my heart." Peggy could see I had some 
questions on my face. She was good at that - and at 
coming up with the answers. 

"I guess you're wondering how big the 'problem' is, huh? 
Well, I had to buy them all bras today - and I'd say 
it's a pretty big problem. We were drawing quite a bit 
of attention from the older boys at school. Even some of 
the teachers looked a little longer than they should 
have. Well, we're new to town too, so I guess that was 
some of it. At any rate, they looked obscene with 
nothing on underneath." Peggy still wasn't answering my 
question. She had an annoying way of talking AROUND a 
subject, giving you bits and pieces before getting to 
the point. She finally zeroed in on it. 

"At one point today I felt like I was in a science 
fiction movie. They had changed in a matter of hours. It 
was freaky, Bill. It's stopped now, thank GOD. We bought 
their bras late this afternoon at a little shop on the 
square. The woman said you'd stopped in there on your 
tour of the town. It was the only place that had 
anything close to fitting them. I could not believe what 
I saw in there. I was afraid to take the girls in, but I 
was desperate. At least the other kids were still at 
school and didn't see it." 

"So you found something to fit them?" I finally asked. 

"Well, sort of - their clothing and foundations are 
designed for girls in 'this' condition." Peggy held her 
arms out 2 feet in front of her abdomen and smirked at 
me. I told her I knew that and asked her to PLEASE get 
to the point. 

"The point is, Mr. Impatient, that most of the bras were 
too BIG. Your little girls were loving the whole 
experience though - they were in heaven trying all those 
bras on, one after another, right in the middle of the 
store. We were the only ones in there, so I figured 
'what the hell'. 

"The shopkeeper said we'd need to measure them since it 
didn't look like anything there was going to work. She 
had a new line of altered bras for younger girls who 
were 'just starting to bloom' as she put it, and thought 
one of them might work. Their 'GROWING GIRLS' collection 
would have just the thing she said. Then she asked when 
our 'little ones' had started to sprout and said, 'They 
really are adorable Miss, though not quite as 'healthy' 
as some of the girls out here in the country if you know 
what I mean.' 

"I told her we'd already noticed several young girls who 
were rather overly endowed and that our children had 
just begun to sprout since we'd arrived here yesterday. 
I know she could see the concern in my face Bill, and 
she tried to put my mind at ease. 'Ma'am, I've seen this 
happen a lot. It's not all that uncommon, and the girls 
end up fine and healthy. There is one thing you need to 
do though - I'd recommend applying a generous amount of 
this lotion twice a day to avoid serious stretch marks. 
That's VERY rapid growth and this cocoa butter with 
soothing emollients will help ease those growing pains. 
They'll thank you for it later - believe me. I must say 
that your little ones have made quite a start. 
Especially these two. I'm glad you're still sitting 
down, Billy." I looked at Peggy with a question on my 
face again. Then she saw me answer it myself. 

"Peggy, are you telling me that -- Meagan -- and Melissa 
-- are--" She finished my sentence for me, "They're 
BIGGER honey - bigger than Dee and Deb by a full cup 
size. The woman at the store wasn't surprised - she'd 
seen it before. Nothing seemed to faze that woman. She 
told me that several times a month she'd have customers 
come in with a girl who'd outgrown her older sister in 
the bust, and curiously, they were all about the same 
age. They were 8 to 9 years old in every case she could 
remember. I ended up buying 2 each of what she called 
"Junior A and Junior B cups" for Dee and Deb. 

"She said Melissa and Meagan needed 2 each of the Junior 
B and Junior C cups. They were all a little loose but 
she told me. From my experience dear, they'll fit fine 
before you know it. And they'll need the bigger size 
sooner than you think." 

I just shook my head in resignation and looked at my 
wife. I told her I had even more motivation then to sort 
out the mystery that surrounded us - especially 
surrounding the children. As if I hadn't taken on enough 
already, I had my own children's well being to concern 
me - not to mention my wife's. Peggy said it was time to 
go eat. I never argued with her about that. 

"Let's gather the kids honey - we'll have a fun dinner, 
maybe go for a little ride. It'll be fine, and you need 
to let them see you in a good mood, OK?" 

I nodded at her and smiled, "OK Peg, you got a deal. No 
brooding tonight. I just hope we can cheer up Jule and 
Jen." I felt alright then -- still worried, but alright. 
Peggy had a way of making me believe that everything 
would be OK. We went to gather one batch of kids. We'd 
put Adam and Peter in a room with Meagan and Melissa. 

Dee n' Deb were in the other room with Julie and Jen. 
Our older kids had taken to looking after their younger 
siblings as well as any responsible adult, and I'd 
always been so proud of them for that. When we got to 
the room Meagan and Melissa were in, I lost some of my 
confidence in Adam, our oldest son. He was sitting on 
the bed on "his side" of the room playing Nintendo while 
Meagan, Peter and Melissa were beating each other up 
over the last bottle of spring water. 

"Give it to me, you little turd, it's MINE." Meagan was 
trying to wrestle the bottle away from her brother. It 
looked like Melissa had finally given up. She was 
sitting there pouting with her arms folded under 
her...BREASTS? My GOD, I'd just listened to Peggy tell 
me about it but it didn't register. Not really, not 
until I saw..."

I looked at my wife in shock. My 8-year-old (well, 
almost 9) daughter was sitting there with -- BREASTS. 
They looked swollen, bigger than I'd imagined - and on 
such a little girl. Meagan got the bottle away from 
Peter and turned it up, chugging every last drop like a 
drunken wino. The floor of the room was littered with 
empty bottles of the stuff. It looked like they'd downed 
most of the case Peggy had bought at the grocery just 
the night before. I heard Melissa start whining as I 
glanced around the room wondering why they'd consumed so 
much of that stuff. 

"Mommy it hurts. Look at it... my BRA... I think it's 
too tight. OUCH! It's pinching me. I wanna take it off! 
Get it off me, Mommy." Peggy handled it a lot more 
smoothly than I could have. 

"Honey, calm down, we'll go in the bathroom and put the 
bigger one on." 

"But Mommy, this IS the bigger one. What am I gonna do? 
- they're getting' BIG, Mommy. My boobies are growing 
again!" Meagan had yanked her little t-shirt up over her 
bra. There, bursting out the top of her 'child-sized' C-
cup brassiere was a pair of swollen TITS. Not 'little 
mounds' like I'd seen on Dee and Deb. Not the puffy 
little 'buds' associated with the onset of puberty, but 

Meagan made eye contact with me - and more. She sensed 
something in the way I looked at her, I could tell, and 
she gave me an impish little smile. An accomplished 
little smirk that said: 'I'm very pleased with myself, 
and I see you are too.'

I'd never felt stronger chemistry before, even with a 
grown woman - not even with the mother of my children. 
Meagan kept her gaze fixed on me for a minute, then she 
looked down at her bulging young chest and pushed her 
tits together with her forearms. She smiled up at me 

"See how big I am, daddy? I have BIG boobies. They're 
getting' bigger too!" Then she giggled and hefted them 
with her little hands, looking down once again at her 
absurdly swollen bosom. 

I had to turn around before the child (or Peggy) saw me. 
She'd given me a hard-on like I couldn't believe. I 
could feel the blood rushing into my prick like someone 
had pressed the plunger on a big syringe connected to 
it. I hoped she didn't know or understand what she'd 
just done, but I was afraid she understood EXACTLY what 
she'd just done. I began to try moving my thoughts to 
something - ANYTHING else. Out of the blue it hit me - 
like a ton of bricks. 

The blood rushed out of my dick as quickly as it had 
rushed in. I don't know what possessed me to do what I 
did next. A bigger mystery is why I hadn't done it 
before. I picked up one of the bottles of water and read 
everything on the label. I'd seen the slogan, their logo 
of course, and knew it was a local product. It was 
something in the fine print that sent me into a state of 
panic - the stuff with copyrights and trademarks and 

There in tiny type was part of the answer to my problem: 
"Bottled and distributed by Fertile Valley Water Co. A 
subsidiary of Fertile Valley Foods, Inc. - Lucas P. 
Daniels, Chairman." 

It was that fucking PREACHER. And head of the company 
that bottled the water my children were drinking. The 
lunatic that wanted every female from 6 to 60 knocked up 
and spitting out babies like machines. He owned a 
freaking FOOD company of all things!! My mind was 
reeling with the implications. 

Peggy was watching the blood run out of my face as I 
finished reading the label. She could feel my panic, I'm 
sure. I hoped the kids couldn't. I was mad at MYSELF 
too. How could I not have sensed it? How could I not at 
least suspect that something my little girls were 
consuming had caused them to -- 

Then I remembered - I'd consumed it too -- and Peggy -- 
no wonder she -- and my innocent little boy Peter. I 
went back and forth from panic to anger then. When I 
looked around and counted all those bottles on the 
floor, the potential damage really hit home. My youngest 
children had consumed more of this stuff than anyone 
else in the family. Far more. Of the 24 one-liter 
bottles in that case Peggy bought, 18 empties were 
strewn about that room. Cheerfully, I asked Peggy to go 
next door and check on the rest of the gang, trying not 
to appear too freaked out in front of my kids. 

I whispered in her ear, "If there's ANY of that crap 
left - pour it in the toilet." I'd seen a bottle with a 
couple of ounces left in it under a chair. I'd planned 
to take it before the kids discovered it, and analyze it 
at the lab the next day. 

I told Meagan she could go in the bathroom and get out 
of that contraption for now and promised that her Mom 
would see about getting her some new ones in the 
morning. "Don't you worry about it Pumpkin, get changed 
and we'll have a nice dinner - whatever you want." She 
ran over and hugged me, and I handed her one of Peter's 
dress shirts. "This will do for now." "But DAD -- " she 

"I know it's a boy's shirt sweetie, but wear it just 
tonight OK?" While Meagan was in the bathroom, I 
cornered Melissa and Peter: Kids, "this is important. I 
want you to tell daddy how much of that water each of 
you drank. Now you're not going to get in any trouble, 
and everything's fine, so just tell me the truth." Peter 
offered the first answer while Melissa absently rubbed 
her growing breasts. 

"Well Dad, it was kinda tough, you know, getting' much 
of it at all. They were always fightin' over it so I 
went over to Dee and Deb's and stole some o' theirs. I 
guess I had 3 or 4 bottles of it." 

"OK," I said, "let's say that's 4 out of the 18 bottles 
I see here. Melissa honey, tell daddy how many you had." 

"Well, like Peter said, we were always fightin' over it 
and that greedy little PIG Meagan ended up stealing most 
of mine this afternoon. It's really GOOD too daddy - and 
I didn't get my share. I only got 5 or 6 of 'em maybe - 
I think I should get Meagan's share next time." Oh 
great, I thought. 

I'd have to explain why they couldn't have any more, and 
I'd have to do it without scaring them half to death. 
Like I was scared half to death of what the stuff had 
already done to us. 

Doing some quick arithmetic, Peter and Melissa had 9 or 
10 bottles between them. That left a balance of 8 or 9 
empties in that room - allegedly consumed by one top 
heavy little Meagan. If there was a direct correlation 
between their bust expansion and the amount of water 
they consumed, one of my little girls was going to end 
up a very BIG girl indeed. 

After all I'd witnessed that first full day in Fertile 
Valley, I'd expected to return to my family at the hotel 
and relax - insulated from the cares of my professional 
life - removed from the mysteries that surrounded me in 
this weird little place. Instead, solving those 
mysteries became even more urgent that night. It became 
personal then - as personal as it gets. It involved my 
family, and they meant everything to me. 

There were some very dramatic growth surges occurring in 
them, as Peggy had warned me - a definite cause for 
concern. As scary as it was, I found it all very 
arousing. Of course, I'd enjoy Peggy's new 'assets' to 
my heart's content - as long as there was nothing to 
harm her, I was delighted. 

It was the change in my daughter Meagan that disturbed 
me most - not just the degree of change - though that 
was staggering - but her attitude toward it. She seemed 
to be enjoying it tremendously, reveling in the 
attention. I hoped she wouldn't flaunt her new 

 I didn't know if my heart could take it. Plus, we'd be 
in for a whole new set of problems with boys buzzing 
around her. Melissa, Peter and I were waiting for her to 
get out of the bathroom so we could get on our way to 
dinner. She'd been in there for a while - it shouldn't 
have taken that long for the kid to yank off her tight 
bra and put on her brother's shirt. I had to find out if 
she was OK so I went over to the door and asked her if 
she'd fallen in. 

"They hurt daddy -- my boobies are SORE, so I'm rubbing 
some o' that cocoa butter stuff on 'em. Ohh -- It feels 
better daddy. Oooo, it feels REALLY good to rub this 
stuff on 'em, but I'll be out in a minute OK." I stood 
there for a minute longer and listened at the door while 
my daughter started to moan softly. Her little moans of 
pleasure were growing more intense - it sounded like my 
child was having sex in there. I thought it was about 
time to put my foot down. "Meagan, you get dressed and 
you get out here right now young lady." 

"But DAD!" 

"I said NOW Meagan." My kids always knew when I was 
serious, so she appeared in pretty short order. She'd 
left the last few buttons of her brother's shirt undone 
and tied the tails in a knot right under her tits. Her 
bare midriff was exposed. I probably should have made 
her put a t-shirt on underneath, but I didn't. And it 
was a big mistake. 

That creamy white little tummy of hers was adorned with 
quite a substantial belly button - an 'outie', just like 
her mom's. The size of the thing astounded me - it was 
big around as a quarter. I guess I'd never paid it much 
attention before. The shirt didn't look nearly as big on 
her as I thought it would, nor did it disguise the 
presence of her new bosom as well as I'd hoped. 

Peter's shirt wasn't designed to contain what billowed 
out from Meagan's chest. I tried not to look at her, but 
she made eye contact with me again and smirked. Then she 
looked down at her swollen boobs with a growing sense of 
pride. I could feel the chemistry building between us 
again. Like static electricity in the dead of winter, it 
was strong - almost crackling. She looked up at me, 
grinning from ear to ear then and asked me "Do I look OK 

"Yuh ... you look fine honey," I stammered. I couldn't 
help but notice that her breasts looked even larger 
without the bra on. It was stimulating, and it was 
frightening all at the same time. Meagan continued to 
torment me by catching my eye, then glancing down at her 
chest and smiling back up at me. 

She KNEW, I thought to myself. She knew it excited me... 
and she was playing it for all it was worth. The 
relationship she'd initiated was just WRONG - one that I 
knew would be disastrous if I allowed it to develop. But 
I was in control, after all. 

What was I worried about? I would put a stop to it, and 
right away. I heard Peggy calling from outside. "They're 
ready," she said, and heading for the van. Maybe I'd 
feel better after dinner I thought, but right then, I 
was a ball of nerves. Adam had been sitting there like 
he was in outer space -- oblivious to any of the 
activity in the room. He'd even quit playing Nintendo. 

I called him back to earth and we joined the rest of the 
gang outside. Fertile Valley had the obligatory "fast 
food row" and an odd assortment of local restaurants 
serving everything from Mexican food to fried catfish. 
One little place "Ma's Kettle" had a little sign out in 
the gravel parking lot advertising 'Home Cooked Roast 
with Smashed Taters n' Gravy and 2 Vegs - $3.95' 

It sounded like just what we needed- some good old home-
cooked food. I missed my wife's cooking, and I'm sure 
the kids did too. We always talked about our day around 
the dinner table, and although I couldn't tell them much 
about mine, I was anxious to hear about theirs. 

"Honey you're just gonna LOVE one of the houses we saw 
today. It's a great big old rambling two-story farmhouse 
with 6 bedrooms 4 baths -- and a breathtaking view out 
the kitchen window. It's not in the greatest shape, but 
the rent is CHEAP. And after all, we'll only be here for 
a couple of years -- it's not like we're buying the 

Peter put his two cents in: "Yeah Dad, and there's this 
awesome driveway that goes down a hill -- I finally have 
a place I can skateboard without mom yellin' at me." 

"Well, what about it Adam?, Girls? What did you think of 
this dream palace?" 

Adam was his normal, excited self at that point: "Yeah, 
whatever." The girls on the other hand, were split down 
the middle - each group with a strong opinion. "It's a 
DUMP," said Julie. "I think it needs some paint," added 
Jen. Debbie sided with her older sisters -- "Eeeeeww, 
the kitchen was gross looking." 

On the positive side, I heard, "We can go swimmin' in 
the little creek," from Dee; and, "There's plenty of 
bedrooms -- not like that place where we had 3 or 4 of 
us in the same room!" from Melissa. 

Meagan was too busy looking at her new chest to catch 
any of the conversation. She'd re-tied her shirt tail, 
stretching the material tighter across the fullest part 
of her bust. It made her appear even larger. Or had she 
GROWN larger? I wondered. She just stared down at those 
tits bulging out the front of her brother's shirt, like 
we weren't even there. 

It was cold in the restaurant and I noticed her nipples 
for the first time. They were simply ENORMOUS. That's 
what she was staring at. I muffled a gasp when I saw 
them. Nobody else but Peggy seemed to notice, which was 
good. There was enough sibling rivalry already. Peggy 
whispered in my ear when she saw me staring at Meagan's 
chest. "My lord, she could nurse twins with those things 
Bill -- he's HUGE honey. I better get her attention." 

"Earth to Meagan" Peggy called out. "Tell Daddy what you 
thought about the house sweetie." 

"Oh, yeah, well I liked the big trees out in the yard. 
It's really a neat yard with lots of places to hide, and 
there's hardly any houses around." Peggy confirmed 
Meagan's assessment. "It really does have a lovely yard 
Billy, and our closest neighbors are half a mile away. 
We'd have lots of privacy, and the kitchen can be 
cleaned up OK." 

"Sounds like we have a winner" I said, to some grumbling 
from the opposing team. "Now kid's, you know I always go 
with your mother's judgment on things like this. We'll 
be happy there if she thinks it'll work, OK?" They all 
seemed agreeable enough at that point, and I was glad it 
was time to eat. 

The waitress came over to take our order and we all had 
the dinner special. Peggy always made sure we got our 
veggies and plenty of protein. "Growing girls need their 
protein." She'd let it slip out before she even thought 
about it I guess. Jules and Jen looked at their mother 
like they wanted to stab her. To add insult to injury, 
my other 4 girls giggled and stuck their chests out. 
There weren't many people in the little place and I was 

 The dining room was small, with 10 or 12 tables crammed 
in it. We had it almost to ourselves until our food came 
out. Then close to 20 people came in at the same time. 
It was Friday night at 5:30 -- dinnertime there, and the 
pace was picking up. I was starving, and dug right in. 
But I became distracted when the last bunch came in. I 
hadn't seen any examples of that particular type of 
family before, though Maggie had mentioned it in our 
first meeting. She said families like the one I was 
ogling were frequent visitors to the ER. 

I'm glad I'd almost finished my food. It was hard to 
concentrate on anything else when these people got close 
and I got a good look at them. They sat at the table 
right next to us. I broke out in a sweat as I watched 
the girls struggling to get situated at the table. The 
'men' of the family were of little help. Actually there 
was just one man -- a 40ish oaf with a beer belly and a 
grizzly beard. 

There were 3 boys - one around 8, the other maybe 10 and 
a young teenager. All of them sat down right away and 
grabbed a menu while the poor girls tried to squeeze 
their pregnant young bodies into the tight confines 
around the table. I watched more closely as they tried 
to maneuver their way in to the chairs, holding on to 
the table and chair-backs for support. The girls were 
very, VERY pregnant. Every one of them. 

I couldn't help but notice the vicious cycle that Maggie 
had referred to when she spoke of the families coming in 
to the ER. There were 6 girls in all. The oldest looked 
no more than 18, but I guessed she'd have to be. There 
were a set of triplets 11 or 12 years old and a set of 
twins, maybe 9 or 10, all calling her "Ma." 

I remembered all too well what Peggy looked like when 
she was about to deliver Melissa and Meagan. They were 
our biggest twins at birth - over 9 pounds each - and 
they made my wife's belly so fucking huge I had to help 
her move around the last 2 months she was pregnant. 

The pregnant twins were every bit as huge as Peggy had 
been with Meagan and Melissa. Remarkably, their breasts 
were even larger than Peggy's. They were truly identical 
in every way. They must have gotten knocked up at the 
same time, I thought. I could picture them lying side-
by-side with their legs up in the air - bucking their 
hips back at their brothers as they fucked like little 
bunnies -- whimpering, then getting their young pussies 
pumped full of all too potent sperm. 

Their sisters' bellies were even bigger. Like Maggie had 
described, this family was a cycle repeating itself. The 
triplets all looked like they could go into labor at any 
minute. They were full to bursting, each of them hugely 
pregnant with their own set of triplets (at least). I 
marveled at the size of their bloated tummies. I stared 
at them openly - unaware of what my family was doing. 

The babies completely overwhelmed their young bodies -- 
their bellies starting a gentle curve outward, right 
under their flat chests -- then bulging out 'egg shaped' 
where the babies had settled in low and wide. They were 
so pretty and SO -- FUCKING -- PREGNANT! 

I suppose I'd seen pregnant women that large before, but 
only in photographs. These girls were all too real, and 
only 5 feet away from me. I felt hypnotized as I watched 
one of the triplets take a break from the whole ordeal 
of getting situated. She eased her shoulders back in a 
stretch and placed her hands at the small of her back 
causing her belly to bulge out obscenely. 

The girl had no modesty at all -- the bottom half of her 
dress had been unbuttoned, draping loosely in front of 
her. The new posture she assumed made her grossly 
swollen tummy poke right out through the open gap in the 
dress -- the material hanging at the sides of her naked 

She straightened up again and began scratching -- all 
over her big belly full of babies. The kid could barely 
reach her arms around her bulging middle it was so huge 
-- but she managed. She flicked her fingers over her 
belly button then. The fucking thing had popped out the 
size of a ping-pong ball, and poking out of the kid's 
gigantic belly, it looked like the biggest nipple I'd 
ever seen in my life. 

At that moment, the vision of that huge pregnant child 
with her big belly button was permanently etched into my 
memory. It was one of those images that never leaves you 
-- one that makes your dick hard the second it enters 
your mind. I felt Peggy's punch at my arm then -- she'd 
become aware of my interest and brought me back to 
reality. The girl they called 'Ma' spoke up all of a 
sudden, getting my whole family's attention: 

"Ya could at least try and help yer sister git in that 
chair Jimmy Ray - you the one gott'er belly all swole up 
like that." The girl was yelling at the teenaged boy 
still looking at the menu. He looked so stupid I was 
surprised he could read. He reluctantly got up and took 
his pregnant sister by the arm. He guided her sideways 
into position on the chair and she swiveled to face the 
table. The other boys followed his example and helped 
the rest of the girls.

 I caught the oldest girl's profile then as she wedged 
her way in to the last seat. She was so huge, she 
could've been pregnant with a horse. I didn't want my 
children to hear any more comments from this family. I'd 
have enough to explain as it was, so I told Peggy to 
head to the van with them, and that I wanted to see if 
these people would be part of my research test group. 
She gave me a 'yeah, right buddy' kind of smirk but went 
along with me. I was serious about my intentions. 

I introduced myself to the fat bastard at the end of the 
table, and the eldest girl. I explained that I was doing 
some research at the hospital that involved improving 
the health of newborn twins, triplets and so on (OK, so 
I lied a little) and that I had a lot of questions they 
could answer. They would get a free physical, including 
all kinds of blood tests, and medicine for their 
children -- I could even pay them I said. 

That got the fat bastard's attention. "How much money we 
talkin' here Doc?" I told him, depending on the number 
of family members involved and the amount of time it 
took, it could be as much as 7 or 8 hundred dollars, and 
that I'd need them at the hospital by 10AM the following 

"We'll be there Doc -- ya want ALL the young-uns there?" 

I told him it would be helpful if everyone in the 
immediate family were there. That seemed hard for him to 
grasp at first. Then I explained what I really needed 
was any sons and daughters, his wife, and any 
grandchildren. He finally got it. 

One of the twins at the end of the table started whining 
all of a sudden. "Pa, mah TITS are leakin' again, and 
they HURT!" I was really happy my kids were outside at 
that point. The kid ripped open the top of her dress, 
hauled one of her big tits out of her bra, and sprayed 
milk all over the table. "You stop that Ellie - you 
ain't in the barn ya know!!" the oldest girl shouted at 

The pregnant twin proceeded to pull her other big breast 
out of the bra, and let it go too -- some of it hit the 
oldest girl in the face. 

"Pa, tell'er ta quit that" the oldest girl pleaded. 

"Now Ellie, yer Ma told ya to feed them young-uns 
o'yours 'fore we left the house -- now you just gonna 
have to wait." 

My mouth fell open as I heard this exchange, and I just 
had to ask the oldest girl if what I'd heard was true. 
Had I misunderstood, or did I just hear that her 
daughter already had babies? 

"Well, I guess you gonna find out soon anyhow -- my Pa 
done knocked her up twice already 'fore he planted them 
two that's swellin' her belly now. Her twin sister 
Tessie too. Preacher says he done good by his family. Pa 
done spread his seed real good mister. The same seed 
that made me up inside my Ma, and made Ellie and Tessie 
inside o'me has got them two all swole up with more 
young-uns on the way."

"So you mean, he's THEIR father too? And they were 
only..." the girl stopped me, and as she giggled a 
little, said, "Pa likes ta start us young -- says it's 
good for us. Ellie was the youngest though -- he had her 
swellin' up by her eighth birthday. Tessie showed her 
belly just a few days later - and they both been knocked 
up ever since. I think it was cuz they growed 'em such a 
big ole pair o' tits fer young-uns. Pa likes 'em big, 
and they git bigger ever' time he plants another set o' 
young-uns in their belly." 

She wasn't kidding -- the tits on those twin girls were 
huge, and so full of milk they looked like they could 

I told the girl and her 'Pa' that we'd talk about all of 
it more when they came to the hospital, and I thanked 
them for participating in my study. I paid our check and 
headed out the door. My mind was racing with all kinds 
of explanations for the early sexual development of the 
children I'd just seen, and all their pregnancies at 
such an early age. 

If their mother was right, the youngest girls had become 
pregnant when they were only 7. And they already had 
breasts -- big ones apparently. Some chemical agent was 
responsible for it I thought, although I'd heard of 
isolated cases of pregnancy in girls that young before -
- even younger. I had no reason to doubt the girl's 

Peggy wanted to go for a little ride before we headed 
back to the hotel, so we went by the house they told me 
about. There was a beautiful sunset silhouetting the 
farm-house when we drove by. I could see us living there 
among the gentle rolling hills of the valley surrounding 
it. A big oak tree in the front yard would provide shade 
for the next summer. 

The line of pine trees flanking the north side of the 
property would provide a nice wind break in the winter. 
The paint wasn't in horrible shape despite the complaint 
I'd heard from the peanut gallery. I told Peggy to find 
out how soon we could move in and we headed for the 
hotel. I would have a big day ahead, we told the kids, 
and, "Mommy and Daddy had a lot to talk about." 

Mommy and Daddy 'talked' until 2AM. It reminded me of 
our discussion the night we created Julie and Jenny. 
Peggy had misplaced her diaphragm, but since she was on 
the pill, and it wasn't a fertile time of month for her, 
she assured me everything would be "fine." We went at it 
like teenagers as Peggy pushed an arsenal of new buttons 
on me.

 My wife brought up every detail of the girls we saw at 
the restaurant that night -- how busty how young -- how 
pretty -- how PREGNANT they were. She pushed her big 
swollen tits together, bucking her hips back at me while 
I fucked her like a madman. Then she pushed a few 
buttons that surprised me - she'd been watching me 
closer than I thought, and she used what she saw to 
drive me wild. 

I could hardly believe what came out of her mouth: "You 
know what I think?" she asked as she groaned and jerked 
under me, "I think my Billy got all horny looking at our 
daughter's tits - that's what. I saw you looking at our 
Meagan's little tummy too, you naughty boy. Did you 
wonder what it would look like stretching her pants 
tight with a baby? Is that what's got my baby all hard 
and ready to burst? Is that it Billy? Is it little 
Meagan with a big belly? Oh? FUCK me Billy fuck me 

Peggy kept wriggling her hips faster and faster, 
swirling her wet pussy around on my dick - fucking me 
silly. "I think my baby's wondering how big his little 
girls' bosoms are gonna get too. How are you gonna stand 
it when our Meagan and Melissa start wobbling around the 
house 'cause I can't find bras big enough for them? Huh 
Billy? That day is coming Billy -- they're already big 
and they're gonna get ENORMOUS. Are you ready baby?" 

Peggy had become better than ever at getting to me -- 
right to the core of what made me so horny I could 
scream. It was frightening how well she could read me. 
She knew her teasing would drive me to the brink of 
orgasm, then push me over the edge. It worked every time 
- all FIVE times. I came and came and CAME in her. She 
begged me to pull out the first time, but all too late. 
After that I figured it was a moot point. I dumped more 
cum in my wife that night than I had in the past 6 
months. I finally passed out from sheer exhaustion. 


The next morning, remembering Peggy's comment about 
paying more attention to our first born, I knocked on 
their door to say goodbye before I left for the lab. "Ya 
can't come in," Jenny yelled, "The little COWS are 
massaging their udders with skin cream." I decided to 
leave them alone and asked Peggy to have a 'heart to 
heart' talk with them as soon as possible. I didn't know 
what to say to them really, except that I loved them, 
and that might not have been enough right then. 

Fortunately, I was getting an early start. With 5 hours 
sleep, a good breakfast and a hot shower, I was on my 
way to the hospital by 8 AM. On the way there I 
reflected on what Peggy teased me with to get me so hot 
the night before -- she'd SEEN me ogling our daughter - 
she knew what it had done to me - and she didn't care. I 
believe she'd even picked up on Meagan flirting with me. 
Did she think I wanted to do more than look, and would 
she even care about THAT? She had used it successfully 
to make me cum my brains out. And if I knew Peggy, she 
would use it again. 

It was all too strange and I would have to sort it out 
later, but I began to wonder about what she'd said -- I 
really DID think about how big my girls' breasts would 
get. And worse -- I even wondered what Meagan's tummy 
would look like a little more, well -- you know. 

I forced myself to think about work then. The first 
order of business would be to send the spring water out 
for analysis. I stopped by Maggie's office to say hello 
on the way in. She hadn't made it to work yet so I 
proceeded to my work area to get started. The hospital 
had equipped the lab completely -- including an adequate 
supply of clean white lab rats, neatly organized by 
reproductive development, size and sex. 

I had the water sample hand delivered to the nearest 
facility that could isolate the chemical elements -- it 
had to be driven to Ashville, N.C. over 150 miles away. 
The nurse that recommended the lab said their results 
were reliable, but it could take up to 3 days to get a 
complete report from them. In an effort to forge ahead, 
I injected a few CCs of spring water into 2 of the 
female rats marked 'adult' among the group of cages 
lining the back wall of the lab. There were other 
groupings marked 'pre-pubescent', 'possibly (or 
recently) fertile' 'pubescent' and 'young adult'. 

I thought I'd better test all the groups to have a valid 
comparison, and hopefully observe some short-term 
reaction to the chemical makeup of the water. I 
proceeded to inject the same amount of water into 2 
female rats from each of the other groups. It would only 
be physical evidence, but that was all I had to work 
with, and it may prove enough to draw some initial 
conclusions. All I could do was wait then, so I 
familiarized myself with the surroundings and got my 
thoughts organized. 

I went out to the van to get the box of personal items I 
always kept at my desk -- photos of Peggy and the kids, 
favorite paperweights and such. I saw a flyer on my 
windshield -- it was an ad for the personal appearance 
of that poster girl I saw at Dixon pharmacy. I started 
reading the flyer, which included a more recent photo of 
the girl than I'd seen on the poster. "September 15 is 
here", it said. 

"The day we've all been waiting for -- and the day every 
Fertile Valley poster girl looks forward to. 12 year old 
Emily Walton is due to deliver her triplets any day now. 
In tribute to that blessed event, she will be available 
to personally autograph a copy of her poster for you 
today at Dixon Drugs from 11AM to 1PM." My hands were 
shaking as I looked at the girl's photo on the flyer -- 
it was identified and dated: 'Emily Walton on Sept. 1st, 
at 8 months and 2 weeks pregnant.' The kid's belly was 
substantially larger than it was in the poster. I kept 

"Fathers, you owe it to yourselves to witness, in 
person, the promise of new life being fulfilled within 
this growing child of God. You've seen the poster photo 
taken one month ago, now see the miracle that has 
blossomed forth since then, bringing this very pregnant 
young girl to full term. Emily will truly inspire you to 
do God's work in your own homes." 

My dick was already hard just looking at her picture. I 
wouldn't have trusted myself at my own home just then. I 
thought about how fucking HUGE that girl would be in 
person -- two weeks after that picture was taken. There 
was more to the flyer: 

Today is also the final day to register for next year's 
poster girl photo sessions -- bring your girls to the 
Unity Church Community Center, right off the town 
square. Remember, as always we'll need a picture from 
each month of their blessed development -- so mark your 
calendar for your assigned photo appointments. Judging 
for November's poster girl contest begins next week. All 
entries will be reviewed today at the Community Center."

I knew that I'd have to see that girl for myself after 
that 'come on' in the flyer. And I had to know what 
those photo sessions were all about. Something sounded 
fishy about the whole thing, and I was curious. On the 
way back in, I figured Maggie must have made it in to 
work, so I stopped by to thank her for the tour of the 
town, and for her help in getting the lab set up. She 
had made sure everything I'd asked for was there, and I 
told her I was truly grateful. Maggie had a rosy-cheeked 
'glow' about her, and I commented on how happy she 

"Little Luke came to see me this morning Bill, for the 
first time in 3 weeks. I think he got excited by what he 
saw, if you know what I mean." She smirked at me and 
poked her tummy out as big as she could. "I believe you 
two boys have the same taste in girls," she said 

Maggie reeked of cum and pussy juice, and her knees were 
wobbling. She limped over to me, rested a hand gently on 
my shoulder, and whispered in my ear: "The kid's gotten 
bigger Bill - I don't know how -- but his prick was 
simply gigantic today. MUCH bigger than it was -- and he 
fucked me so hard I can barely stand up." 

Maggie sat down behind her desk then and suggested that 
her 'Little' Luke and the rest of the McCabe's might 
make an interesting case study. "If you saw that 'boy', 
you would know something wasn't normal Bill." I told her 
about the other family I had coming in that Monday and 
asked her to see if the McCabe's were interested, and 
find out when they would be available. I had plenty 
budgeted for that sort of case study, and the more data 
I carefully gathered, the more valid and reliable the 

I was anxious to see what results, if any, my little 
rats had for me. Maggie said her workload was small that 
day and asked if she could join me in the lab for just a 
little to see what I was up to. I could use an assistant 
I thought, so I said, "sure, why not" and informed her 
of what I'd done already on the way back. I opened the 
cage with the adult females and examined one that I'd 
tagged and injected.

Maggie grabbed a normal one for comparison and turned it 
over. I heard a "WOW" from Maggie as her eyes darted 
from one underbelly to the other. "It's not a very big 
difference, but there it is... the pink nubs on your rat 
are bigger," she said. 

It was a noticeable difference, and it happened in less 
than an hour. It would be interesting to see what 
happened by the end of the day. We went to the opposite 
end of the spectrum to the pre- pubescent group and 
found no changes there. That didn't surprise me. The 
next results did. 

Maggie grabbed one of the rats I'd injected from the 
'possibly fertile' group, and I grabbed a normal one. 
She almost dropped hers when she looked down at it. "OH 
MY GOD!! Come and LOOK at this Bill. I don't fucking 
believe it. It can't be, but it's holy SHIT!!" 

I threw my rat back in the cage and went over to where 
Maggie was standing. Her young female rat had developed 
6 marble-sized protrusions on its underbelly capped by 
fat pink teats as big as the end of my finger. 

I'd used rats for a dozen years in countless 
experiments. Never in my experience had I seen anything 
like this staggering amount of development. The chemical 
responsible for that phenomenon was powerful and 
expedient -- and I suspected it worked directly on the 
pituitary gland. Nothing could have produced that degree 
of change without impacting the pituitary in a BIG way. 

Part of the rush I got from my work was uncovering 
developments like this. My heart was racing. I was on to 
something now, and I couldn't wait to check the other 
groups. We had two groups left. When we looked at the 
pubescent samples, I'd expected to see even more 
astounding results, but they were less dramatic. 

They exhibited more of a change than the adult rats had, 
but less than the 'possibly fertile' group. It was the 
same story with the young adult group. Aside from the 
youngest, they had all shown evidence of growth at 
varying degrees. My conclusion at that point was that 
somehow the drug acting on the pituitary had a more 
profound effect at a certain developmental stage. That 
stage, according to this evidence, was right at - or 
just prior to - the onset of puberty. 

I thought about my little girls for a minute, and about 
Peggy. It hit me squarely between the eyes then, the 
pattern of their development matched what I'd seen at 
the lab that day. Meagan and Melissa had just started 
having periods when they began to guzzle the water. The 
results were impossible to ignore. Dee and Deb had shown 
a more modest amount of growth, though it had been 
amazing in its own right. 

As for Peggy, there was still some mystery there, though 
her weight may have held the answer. When she gained 
weight, much of it went straight to her chest. She had 
been eating a lot lately, and knowing what I do, I NEVER 
discouraged her from that. Maybe the combination of that 
and the water made her so large all of a sudden. My 
thoughts turned back to the children. 

I became even more concerned about my reaction to one of 
my daughters - and her flirtatious behavior toward me. 
Try as I might, I was not able to get her out of my 
mind. It had become difficult for me to focus for very 
long on anything else, and I didn't know what to do 
about it. I was fixated on the image of my daughter 
Meagan and her big chest. I could see her smirking, 
looking at me with her pretty blue eyes while she pushed 
her big tits together. I could hear her asking me: "See 
how big I am Daddy?" 

Peggy complicated matters by getting me so hot over my 
own child. I knew it was wrong to feel the way I did, 
and I fought it. At the same time I felt helpless. I 
couldn't help thinking about that image Peggy had used 
on me -- I pictured Meagan's tummy pushing out the front 
of a tight pair of jeans. Gently at first, then the 
button wouldn't close. 

She'd have to move the zipper down a notch soon as her 
bras became oh- so-tight from the strain of her swelling 
breasts. She looks up at me again and says: "See daddy, 
I'm HUGE for you." 

Maggie had me by the shoulders, shaking me. I'd gone off 
the deep end. "Bill, are you OK? I thought we'd lost 
you." I came back to the world of the living and 
realized it was time to head downtown for the poster 
signing and to see what all this photo session business 
was about. Emily Walton would be worth the trip. I could 
feel it. 


"Oh my, it looks like Little Luke isn't the only one 
who's grown. My God Bill -- you're big as a horse! What 
on earth were you thinking about when you went to la-la 
land?" Maggie had managed to bring me out of the fantasy 
I was having over my daughter. She was staring at my 
crotch with her mouth open just gaping at me. I had to 
gasp myself when I looked down and saw it. 

"DAMN Bill -- I knew you were hung -- but I had no idea 
you were THAT big." Maggie was pointing at the bulge 
running down my pants leg. She'd broken a sweat and 
couldn't seem to take her eyes off my prick. I told her 
she was right - I wasn't that big before... that 
something had happened to me. 

It turned me on to see Maggie standing there gawking at 
the thing. It was so heavy, I felt like I had a slab of 
meat hanging from my crotch. The worst part was that I'd 
lost all control of it. I felt a strange sense of 
euphoria all of a sudden, and the fucking thing got 
bigger. My nuts had swollen to the size of baseballs and 
I felt like I would explode out of my pants. 

I fought the urge to jump on Maggie and stuff every inch 
of it up her pussy but that didn't keep my prick from 
getting bigger and bigger. I couldn't believe what was 
happening and I continued to lose control of the 

"Oh my goodness Bill, look at it, Jesus! You're, you're 
so fucking HUGE! And it's still growing. MY GOD! It's 
even BIGGER now! It's that WATER you drank!! In the 
drugstore -- you -- you guzzled that shit." 

Maggie was right. I'd put away a couple of liters of it 
in the store - then the old man gave me a couple to take 
with us. I drank every drop of it, and even had some at 
the hotel before I discovered -- well, you know. 

Maggie locked the door to the lab and dropped to her 
knees in front of me. "Oh Bill -- you just don't know 
how fucking HORNY you're making me. Dear GOD just LOOK 
at the damn thing." Maggie had unzipped me and tried to 
haul my prick out, but it was too stiff by then. It was 
stuck in the left leg of my pants, so she yanked them 
and my underwear down around my knees. My prick sprang 
out and slapped her across the cheek. 

Maggie was dripping sweat then, her wet hair plastered 
to her face. She looked up at me and grabbed my big 
schlong with both hands. She pumped it slowly, near the 
head, then further and further down until she was 
stroking up and down the entire length of my shaft. She 
spoke softly, slowly - almost whispering: 

"I've never seen one like this Billy. You're bigger, so 
much bigger than that little boy. You're bigger than any 
man I've had, you know that mister? You have the cock of 
a horse Bill and I want you. I want your big horse cock 
inside me, fucking my wet pregnant pussy. I've just been 
fucked and I'm dripping wet Billy, and I'm gonna fuck 
you till you splatter my insides with cum. Then I want 
you to cover my tits with it. Right now, I wanna make 
you even BIGGER." 

Maggie rubbed the fat head of my bloated cock all over 
her face, as she yanked furiously on the shaft of it. I 
saw a spurt of pre-cum hit her upper lip. Her mouth 
began to bob up and down on the head of it. She looked 
so pretty down there sucking my grossly swollen cock. It 
bulged her cheek out obscenely every time I thrust my 
hips forward. 

She grabbed my butt cheeks and started jerking me 
forward herself, and I had her head in my hands, jamming 
it down on the head of my prick -- jerking off with her 
pretty mouth. I was barely able to get the head of it in 
her mouth then -- she'd made my prick swell so much 
larger -- her lips were stretched so tight around it I 
thought I'd split them open at the corners. She looked 
up at me again, quite pleased with her accomplishment. 

"Oh goodness -- Maggie DID make it bigger. You're too 
big for my mouth now sweetie. Does Billy wanna FUCK 
Maggie with his big horse cock now? Huh? Is that what 
Billy wants?" 

I told Maggie we shouldn't -- we couldn't. It wouldn't 
be right, but still my prick continued to swell. Maggie 
was grinning and looking at my dick. 

"Bill I know what your mind is telling you, but your big 
prick wants something else. It wants my hot pregnant 
pussy wrapped around it, and Maggie's gonna give this 
big boy what he wants." 

It was hopeless, I was too far gone to turn back then. I 
picked Maggie up off her knees and carried her over to 
an examination table. I sat her down on the edge, and 
she unbuttoned her uniform. 

What I saw before me was a freshly-fucked, dripping wet, 
knocked-up little slut who needed it bad. Her pantyhose 
was soaked through with cum and pussy juice - from the 
fucking she'd just gotten from the boy, and all the 
excitement over my huge new dick. 

Maggie had made me hornier than I'd ever been in my 
life. I yanked her hose off her and threw them in the 
corner. A puddle of cum belched out of her pussy all 
over the table as she moaned: "Oh God, look at all of 
it, Bill. I was already full of cum, and now you're just 
gonna have me SWIMMING in it. I'm ready for a REAL fuck 

She looked so nasty sitting there in a pool of that 
kid's cum. I slipped my prick into her slowly, she 
gasped as more and more of it went in. I couldn't stand 
it any longer. I jammed it in her then. She put her arms 
around my neck and hung on for dear life. I'd forgotten 
how hot a pregnant woman's pussy was, or how wet. Maggie 
gave out a little yelp as the length of my big dick 
found its way inside her. 

"God, I feel like I have a mule inside me, oh Billy 
you're so fucking BIG."

She was swirling her hips around under me then jerking 
my prick off with her scalding hot pregnant pussy, her 
butt slipping and sliding in the pool of cum that had 
poured out of her. I knew I wouldn't last long at that 
rate, and I didn't. 

"Dear GOD, you're gonna split me in two, you're getting 
BIGGER!! Oh! Oh Billy, it feels like you're gonna CUM! 
Oh FUCK me, fuck your cum in me." Maggie was jerking 
even faster under me. 

I could feel my balls swell up some more - the thought 
of how much was inside them, and the damage it could do, 
had me spewing in Maggie before I knew what hit me. She 
was not prepared for what hit HER. She gasped, then 
started jerking her pussy faster on me. 

"Bill, you're cumming, you're CUMMING in Maggie. DAMN 
you've got a load in you mister, I think it hit my 
throat! Oh it feels so good inside me. Pull it out and 
cum on my TITS Billy. Cover me Billy, I want you to come 
all over Maggie's pretty face, all over my knocked up 
tummy. I want it in my hair Billy, I want it on my arms, 
I want your cum splattered all over my thighs Billy. 
Billy, I want you to CUM ALL OVER MAGGIE." 

I didn't need a second invitation. I gave Maggie what 
she wanted, and then some. Whatever was responsible for 
my abnormal development had also put enough cum in my 
swollen balls to impregnate half the county. I pulled it 
out and let fly with a glob aimed at Maggie's face. I 
saw the look of shock on her face when it hit her - that 
look women always get when you cum on them. The glob of 
cum hit her squarely on the cheek, bouncing off into her 

She grabbed my prick then and jammed it between her tits 
- I blasted another load up under her chin that dribbled 
down to cover her big chest. I stepped back a little and 
aimed one at her belly, then her legs. I think I even 
got some on her feet. Maggie looked like she'd been 
through a gangbang. 

She was COVERED in cum, and sitting in another big pool 
of it that had oozed out of her pussy. "I guess you 
think I'm a pretty nasty slut, huh Billy?" She smiled at 
me through the veil of cum I'd just plastered her face 
with. Then she slowly rubbed some cum into her big tits. 

"I like to fuck Billy, what can I say? And I like to 
fuck men with great BIG dicks. You mister, have a great 
big HUGE fucking horse dick on you, and I plan on having 
it inside me every chance I get, you hear me? You won't 
be able to help yourself Billy. I'm pregnant Billy and I 
know what that does to you. I'm so VERY pregnant, and 
I'm going to get bigger. Week after week, Maggie's belly 
is gonna grow Billy. I'm going to get HUGE and the 
bigger I get, the harder I'll make that prick of yours. 
You're mine mister -- your wife will just have to 

Maggie had won. I had been a sitting duck, and she knew 
it. It was time to get on with the work at hand though. 
I couldn't completely fuck the whole day off. I had to 
find out what had caused me to grow so large. I told her 
we'd better try injecting some of the male rats with the 
spring water for a comparative analysis. Maggie had a 
fresh uniform in her office, and there was a shower in 
the lab. 

I sneaked down the hall to her office and got back with 
the clothes. When she got out of the shower, we 
proceeded to inject every age group of males with the 
same amount of spring water. I said I would check them 
all after I returned from Dixon Drugs and the church's 
community center. Maggie knew about the monthly 
selection of the Fertile Valley poster girl she said, as 
well as the process that went into it. "You've been 
holding out on me," I told her. "Well, you never asked, 
but now that you seem so interested, I guess I'll tell 
you" Maggie countered. 

"It's pretty involved really -- kind'a like a beauty 
pageant, except without the big ceremony. It's all 
sponsored by the church, but I guess you knew that. The 
girls have to be pregnant of course. The more knocked-up 
they are the better, like in, how many babies they're 
carrying, how far along they are and how big they get 
with the babies. Also, how young they are, and how um, 
how busty they are. All those things are considered 
before they make the decision and they change the panel 
of judges every 3 months. The type of girls who win sort 
of goes with that group's tastes. The last group of 
judges liked 'em big - and I mean B-I-G -- But I guess 
you noticed that." She giggled, and raised an eyebrow at 

I told Maggie that would be hard to miss, but I still 
wondered why they needed pictures of all those girls 
from every month of their pregnancy. She only speculated 
that maybe they wanted to see how fast each one 
developed, and predict the winner early. "Who knows -- 
they're probably just a bunch of horny old men looking 
for a thrill." That sounded like the best explanation, 
but I wanted to find out for myself how it all worked. 

How many contestants were there each month? Were there 
different categories for girls in the same age group? 
Was there a financial incentive? Other prizes? Maggie 
only knew a little about those issues. I was most 
curious about the pictures. What happened to them after 
the judging was over? It just struck me as odd these 
girls had to get photographed month after month as their 
young bellies swelled. It was obvious they wanted them 
for the posters and billboards near the end of the last 
trimester -- when they were HUGE. 

Maggie cornered me as I was about to leave for town. "I 
bet I know why you're in such a hurry to get downtown - 
I know you -- it's that pregnant little 7th grade slut 
signing posters today, huh? - That little knocked-up 
trailer trash with the big tits. Well, you just go on 
down there then - see if I care." She was jealous, and I 
thought I'd better de-fuse the situation. 

I told her she was welcome to come with me - that all I 
wanted to do was try and gather some information that 
would help me solve some of the problems around there. 
She smirked at me and made a comment much like Peggy 
would have. 

"OK, if you say so, but I wasn't born yesterday ya 

I just smiled and asked her if she could spare the time 
to go, I thought she could help by asking questions at 
the community center while I spent some time studying 
Emily Walton - for research purposes of course. 

I wanted to experience, as the flyer said, "the miracle 
blossoming forth within the child." I was getting a 
hard-on again just thinking about her, but I was still 
in the real world and told Maggie we'd better head out. 
I still had some results to check later, and a report to 
write. The town square was buzzing with activity. Cars 
were double parked, pulled up on the sidewalks and 
blocking driveways -- it was a mess. 

There was a line of people half a block long in front of 
Dixon's drugstore -- men with little girls in tow. These 
were young girls -- 7, maybe 8 years old and showing no 
evidence of premature puberty or pregnancy. Not that I 
could tell anyway. Wow, I thought, it was refreshing to 
see normal kids out with their fathers for a change. 

If I didn't know better, they could have been holding 
their daddy's hand waiting to buy beanie babies. But I 
did know better -- I knew why their fathers were there. 
I couldn't really figure out what the kids were doing 
there though. Maggie didn't know either, but volunteered 
to find out what she could at the community center. 

I played dumb and asked a young woman on the street what 
everybody was waiting for at the drugstore. She could 
tell I wasn't a local, so she offered lots of 

"Oh, that's yer traditional father-daughter autograph 
day. Ya see, we got this one young-un ever month who's 
been elected Fertile Valley poster girl. She's supposed 
to be a example for all the girls in the valley to do 
the Lord's work by bringin' new life into the world. 
When her belly gits all big an' swole up with young-uns, 
they put her picture up all over the valley to remind 
the girls what they oughtta be doin'. 

"Preacher says she's a inspiration to the men folk too -
- they sure seem to like 'er. I know Pa wants to stick 
his big ole thang up in me ever time he sees one o' them 
young-uns." From the looks of her, 'Pa' had stuck his 
'thang' in the young woman quite a few months ago. She 
continued dishing out information as she watched me ogle 
her huge belly: "She signs copies of her picture for the 
men folk, and she talks to the girls that are fixin' ta 
be women folk. You know? Then they's ready ta start 
their monthlies. She tells 'em how important it is to be 
good to their daddies and brothers and uncles and 
grampas. Then they join the rest of the family at the 
community center. 

"They's always some little young-un in the family that's 
got herself knocked-up, and wantin' to be a poster girl, 
so they's over there registerin' with their Mamas right 
now. Then they git their pictures took." 

The woman rambled on, as I stood there speechless: "They 
got what they call 'conjugal' rooms over there in the 
church community center in case the men folk git too 
'inspired' by the poster girl or one o' their own. They 
can take their young-uns in there an' do the Lord's work 
right in His own house. They's all full ever month for 
hours on end -- all 15 rooms. 

"They's a lotta young-uns been knocked up right in them 
very rooms. Sometimes me an' Pa been in there when I git 
all swole up an' horny. I seen it happen right in the 
middle of church service even, specially when they's a 
girl big as Emily in the family -- men folk 'round 
here's got a thang for young-uns with a belly big as 
hers. Sometimes they cain't help themselves." 

I fit in better than I'd realized, I thought. I thanked 
the woman for telling me about the town's traditions, 
and told her I wanted to meet this young woman who'd 
inspired so many. She gave me a knowing smile and headed 
toward the community center. I hoped Maggie had gathered 
some information of her own by then. 

As I got closer to the drugstore, I saw one little girl 
after another walk out carrying a big jug of spring 
water and a medicine bottle. The men were all drooling 
over their pictures of Emily. I had no intention of 
waiting in line -- 

I didn't want an autograph, just a glimpse of the huge 
pregnant girl that had stared at me from the poster. 
She'd looked so enormous then, and that poster photo had 
been taken over a month earlier. I wanted to see how 
much bigger those tits of hers had swollen - and how 
much further those babies had pushed that big belly out 
in front of her. I wanted to see every knocked-up inch 
of her, in person. The flyer had teased me unmercifully 
-- it made her sound like a goddess. 

I hoped I could persuade Mr. Dixon to let me hang out 
near the table where she was signing pictures, so I 
could hear what she said to the little girls and their 
fathers. I was sure I'd get an eyeful in the process. I 
made my way in the front door and saw Dixon standing off 
to the side, talking with a young couple. 

There were a dozen children ranging in age from 3 -13 
huddled around them. Dixon noticed me and waved me over 
there. He introduced the young couple as Emily's 
parents, Jed and Ellie Walton, the children were all 
Emily's brothers and sisters. The attractive pair looked 
little older than teenagers, and they bore a striking 
resemblance to one another. 

"It's a real proud day for our whole family," the young 
man said. He was grinning from ear to ear. "I'd of never 
thought our first borned would end up a poster girl like 
this. Me n' Ellie here was Ma and Pa's first borned. 
They was so proud when they found out I'd done knocked-
up my own twin sister -- an' when their little 
granddaughter ended up a poster girl, I thought they was 
gunna bust." I told the proud father that he and his 
sister seemed so young to already have a 12-year-old. 

"We wudn't but 10 when I knocked'er up," he said "but we 
was big fer our age, huh darlin'? Hell, Ellie'd done 
already had her a young-un by the time I got to 'er. Pa 
saw to that. She growed up quick." 

I said I could certainly see where Emily got her good 
looks, as I glanced at the young woman next to him. 
Ellie blushed a little and looked down at her huge 
chest. She was visibly pregnant - again. 

"All us Walton girls is blessed, but Pa said when the 
Lord was passin' out big knockers, I musta stood in line 
twice. He could'n keep his hands off'n me when they 
started to grow, an' they kep' on a'growin till I was 
big as a cow. I busted outta 3 of my sisters big ole 
brassieres fore I was 9 and Pa had me swole up with 
Jimmy Ray here fore long." 

The oldest boy was standing next to her now, and put his 
arm around her shoulder. As casual as a kiss on the 
cheek, he moved his hand off her shoulder and began to 
fondle his mother's enormous tits. He took the other 
hand and began to stroke her pregnant belly. She slapped 
his hands playfully. The boy had become quite obviously 
aroused at that point. Ellie giggled then, and tried to 
push the boy away. 

"You actin' just like yer Pa Jimmy Ray," she said. 
"Ain't you done enough to yer poor mama already?"

Ellie stood there rubbing on her big belly and smiled at 
me. Her brother told her "You better git that young- un 
over to the conjugal rooms fore he makes a mess Ellie -- 
looks to me like he's gunna bust outta them britches. 
Take the little young-uns with ya and we'll meet ya'll 
over there to git the twins' picture took." Ellie's 
oldest boy limped behind his pregnant mother and several 
small children as I watched them make their way across 
the street. 

An adorable set of twins that Jed introduced as Betty 
and Bobbie Sue stood on either side of their daddy. Like 
their mother, and sister Emily, these little Walton 
girls were 'blessed' -- rather abundantly I might add. 
They couldn't have been a day over 9. And like every 
other girl over the age of 9 it seemed, their pants were 
stretched tight with the telltale bulge of a pregnant 
tummy. In Walton family tradition, these girls had grown 
a pair of tits the size of their heads, then proceeded 
to get knocked up - all before they got out of grade 

I walked away from the group then, completely 
dumbfounded. This was 'incest to the 3rd power' I 
thought. It seemed too outrageous to even comprehend. 
Twins having children together? - 13 of them? The son of 
a father-daughter union - knocking up his own mother? 

These people were like animals -- and I mean LOWER forms 
of animal life -- they were fucking anything in sight. 
It made no difference to them how closely related they 
were. The sexual energy around me was overwhelming -- 
especially there in the store that day. It was 
intoxicating. After that shock, I was ready for anything 
I figured. So old man Dixon and me made our way behind 
the table to where our young celebrity was seated. 

I was definitely NOT ready for the sight of 12-year-old 
Emily Walton in full bloom. The first time I'd seen her 
picture - the one on the poster - I thought she was the 
biggest pregnant girl I'd ever seen in my life. The 
child I saw in the store that day looked more like a 
science experiment. Her tits had grown BIGGER than her 
head -- they bulged out a foot in front of her chest, 
and her chair was pushed back a good THREE FEET from the 
table to accommodate her enormous belly. 

That is one thoroughly knocked-up little bitch, I 
thought to myself. I'd heard about extreme growth spurts 
near the end of pregnancy, but this was beyond extreme. 
The kid looked like she'd been pregnant for a year. She 
had the same dress on that she wore in the poster shot -
- the one held together with diaper pins. She had 
swollen to the point they had to hook two pins together 
to keep the front of her dress around her bust. Her 
belly pushed right out the front of it - she may as well 
have been naked. 

Emily looked simply obscene with her body bulging out of 
the threadbare little dress in every direction. It had 
the desired effect on her male visitors, myself 
included. The men standing in line looked like they 
would cum in their pants looking at this young fertility 

I hung on every word as she spoke with the little girls 
visiting at the table. "I was little, just like you 
once" she told a cute 7-year-old as she grabbed a copy 
of her photo to sign. "And then I started to grow -- you 
know -- up here." She cupped her huge breasts for the 
child and the kid's eyes got wide. "You gonna grow soon 
too if ya do what I tell ya OK?" 

The child shook her head in unconditional obedience. 
"Now you drink 3 glasses of this water ever day ya hear? 
They's plenty at the church when ya run out. And then 
when ya start yer monthlies -- you be sure and ask yer 
ma about that -- then ya start takin' 2 o' these 
vitamins a day and you'll git big like Emily. Would ya 
like that? Ya want yerself a pair o' big ole titties 
like I got?" 

Another nod of agreement came from the child. 

"Well, you just drink that water first, then ask yer ma 
ta tell ya when yer monthlies start, then you take the 
vitamins. Now here's the important part: Yer Pa is gonna 
start to git real excited when you git all big and swole 
up with tits like I got. He's gonna want ya to play with 
him. You do what he says ya hear? It's what the Lord 
wants -- he wants little girls ta listen to their 
daddies. Yer daddy's excited right now lookin' at 

The child's father was about to lose it any second, I 
could tell. So could Emily. He had that screwed up look 
of pain on his face. She looked him in the eye and 
smirked. "You'd like that, huh mister? You wanna see 
this young-un all swole up? Big as Emily? She will be if 
she does what I tell'er ya know. She'll be huge." 

The man started cumming in his pants then, as he drooled 
over Emily's enormous pregnant body. The man soaked the 
entire front of his trousers as Emily and the little 
girl giggled. "That means yer daddy likes me," she said. 
As I listened to Emily describe what would happen to the 
little girl, and the sequence of events that made it 
work, something clicked. 

Someone had developed out a formula here -- a 
combination of timing and dosage that could trigger 
premature puberty, staggering growth, increased 
fertility - who knows WHAT else. This was a major 
breakthrough for me. The first thing I would do is to 
have the contents of those "vitamins" analyzed. 

I asked Dixon if he had a bottle he could spare. He took 
one off the table in front of Emily and handed it to me. 
When I opened it and examined one of the pills, the 
color drained from my face. Dixon knew why, and I saw a 
faint smile cross his face. The pills were the same size 
and had the same markings as the 'analgesic' I'd given 
Peggy for her headache -- a big capital A. My mind was 
reeling with the implications of all this. 

I didn't know what to do right away, so I just went 
outside. I had to get away from the distraction in that 
store -- it had put me in a trance. I kept wondering if 
there was some mind altering substance involved in this 
whole scheme too - I'd felt that same sense of euphoria 
in the store that I'd felt when Maggie got her way with 
me in the lab. 

All of a sudden something else hit me - I realized that 
Peggy taking those pills wasn't the worse thing that 
could have happened. I remembered my daughters 
complaining that their breasts hurt them. I knew then 
how it felt to grow so fast -- it WAS painful. I 
shuddered when I thought about what Peggy might have 
given them to ease that pain -- those pills were all she 
had at the hotel. I had to find out if they'd taken any 
of them already, and stop them if I could. With my head 
clearer, I went back inside to use the phone. 

The desk clerk at the hotel, a nice young man who'd been 
friendly and helpful to us, said Peggy had gone to town 
to get the girls some new clothes. "Sir, I don't know 
how to tell you this, but -- hell, I guess you'll see 
for yourself." I think I knew what I'd see for myself, 
and I ran out the door to find my wife and kids. I 
figured I could catch up with Maggie at the community 
center after I'd found Peggy. I suspected Peggy had gone 
after some new bras to help contain my daughters' 
swelling breasts. 

From the sound of that desk clerk's voice, there was a 
reason my girls needed new clothes. I found Peggy just 
where I thought she'd be -- at the little maternity shop 
on the square. The girls were in the back getting fitted 
for bigger bras Peggy said, and told me I should 
probably not stick around. She didn't want me to see 
them until they were 'properly' clothed as she put it, 
and she'd had a chance to talk to me. "Bill, I think 
you'd faint if you saw them now," she said. 

My big concern at that point was to find out if she'd 
taken any more of that 'analgesic' and God forbid, if 
the kids had gotten any of it. I asked Peggy what she'd 
done with that medicine bottle -- I told her we had to 
destroy the contents, at least until I could determine 
what the chemical composition was. Then I told her why -
- my suspicions, the possible results from ingesting 

"Oops," is all I heard. I hated it when she said that - 
it ALWAYS meant trouble. Peggy didn't have the bottle. 
The girls had been complaining about their boobs being 
sore and hurting so bad she said, "And Bill honey, 
there's a very good reason they're so sore, and hurting 
so badly." I couldn't take it anymore. I went to the 
back of the store only to see Deb and Meagan throw a 
pill into their mouths and wash it down with a glass of 
water the shopkeeper handed them. The woman looked at me 
and cracked a faint smile -- the same kind of smile I'd 
just gotten from Dixon. 


I felt helpless as I stood there and watched two of my 
daughters swallow the last of those pills I'd given 
Peggy - the same pills that huge pregnant 12 year old 
was passing out as 'vitamins'. All I could think about 
was what they'd done to HER. Of course I wasn't sure 
what the contents were yet, but I should have been more 
careful and less trusting. Hell, I didn't know that 
druggist at all - he could have given me hard narcotics. 

The possibility that my daughters were pumped full of 
fertility drugs, and God knows what else, had me worried 
sick. The shop owner knew something, I thought. She had 
a little smirk on her face that told me she knew plenty. 
She stood there watching Meagan gulp the glass of water 
down and offered her some more out of the gallon jug she 
held. I told the woman that would be quite enough, and 
to please get my daughters fitted. 

"But DAD, I'm thirsty and it tastes so good" Meagan 

I insisted they finish getting their new bras and run 
along. They had plenty to do that day. "And no more 
water," I said. 

The last thing Meagan needed was another glass of that 
water. When she'd turned around to face me and offer her 
little protest, I almost fainted - just like Peggy said 
I would. The child had grown bigger...again. MAN had she 
grown bigger. My little girl had tits the size of 
grapefruit. She wasn't the only one who'd grown either. 
Dee and Deb were about to pop the buttons off their 

I was thoroughly confused then, just as I thought I had 
it figured out. Something else had kicked in to cause my 
middle twins to swell as rapidly as the youngest. My 
theories were all bullshit, I thought. Along with the 
test results I'd gotten from the rats at the lab. The 
introduction of the 'analgesic' pills would compound the 
confusion - I just knew it. 

Peggy had caught up with me at the back of the store, 
and I asked her how many of those pills the girls had 
taken. There had been 30 in the bottle she said. Peggy 
had taken a total of 5 of them to get rid of her 
headache. She did the math on the rest: Meagan had 
complained the most about the pain and soreness in her 
breasts - one look at her confirmed why. 

Peggy remembered giving her 9 of them, including the one 
she just swallowed. She gave Dee 8 of them in all - she 
had complained almost as much as Meagan had - and the 
remainder was split between Deb and Melissa. 

Depending on what was in those pills, we'd have to keep 
a VERY close eye on Dee and Meagan in particular. The 
shop owner approached us after a few minutes with the 
verdict on our daughters' chest measurements. "God has 
truly blessed your children - why, it's almost a 
miracle," she said.

"Your little Meagan especially, has been endowed with 
abundance - praise the Lord." 

I asked the woman how much abundance we were talking 

"I do believe she will fill out the largest Double D-cup 
bra in our growing girl's collection. Now mind you - 
it's not as big as a grown up's DD- cup, but the child 
is quite a bit larger than she was. Her twin sister is a 
D-cup and their older sisters are C-cups at the moment. 
They've also increased in inch measurements - all of 
them except Meagan have gained 2 inches around the bust. 
Meagan has added a full 4 inches to her bust." 

The blood was draining from my face as the woman 
continued to report on my children's growth: "I measured 
their hips this time since I noticed how wide they'd 
become, but I don't have any older measurements to 
compare them to. I do believe sir that the Lord has 
something special planned for your children." 

Breeding hips, I thought. My sweet little girls had 
developed breeding hips. The blood that drained from my 
face had flooded into my dick when I spotted a kid 
Meagan's age in the corner of the store. She was 
browsing through a rack of maternity dresses. 

The child even LOOKED like my Meagan, with one big 
difference. It was spooky - I needed no imagination at 
all then to see what my busty young daughter would look 
like with babies in her belly. I had already fantasized 
about it, and there she was right in front of me - 
filling out my fantasy in all her swollen glory. 

It was too much to bear. I felt my prick pushing against 
the fabric of my pants leg. It was throbbing and 
swelling as I gawked at the pregnant little girl. She 
could have passed for Meagan's twin at a distance, 
except for the belly sticking out two feet in front of 

The child was so young, maybe younger than my Meagan. 
And she was so very pregnant it was hard to believe. 
Peggy noticed the bulge in my pants leg and gasped - she 
pulled me aside and told me I'd better get out of there 
before the children saw me. We made it out to the 
sidewalk in front of the store. 

"Billy, my God what has happened to you honey? I've 
never seen you so... so..." Peggy was trembling as she 
stared at my swelling cock. 

I stopped her in mid-sentence: "Baby, believe me...I 
know. I'm huge, and I think it has something to do with 
the water. I have an experiment going on at the lab, and 
I'll tell you all about it later. Maybe I'll get some 
results that will tell me more. For now - NO MORE WATER 
for you or the girls - let them drink milk or something 
- anything but that spring water. I'll pick up some 
prescription pain medication at the hospital to bring 
home tonight. And stay away from that drugstore! I don't 
trust a thing that comes out of that place." 

I doubt Peggy had heard a word I'd said. Her eyes never 
left my crotch. She was still trembling - weak kneed - 
and her face was flushed. My wife was HOT. "Billy you 
know how much of a weakness I have 
for...great...big...and you're the biggest thing I've 
ever...good GOD...I've NEVER seen a dick that huge in my 
whole fucking life Billy. It's making me horny baby. I 
don't know what I'm going to do with myself. When will 
you be home?" 

I helped Peggy sit down on a bench in front of the 
store, and sat next to her. I told her I'd join them 
back at the hotel as soon as I had time to ask some 
questions at the community center, and check on my 
experiment at the lab. 

My erection had subsided a bit as I thought about work, 
and the results I'd gather at the lab. Peggy got me hard 
all over again when she whispered in my ear: "You better 
hurry mister... I'm going to fuck you like you've never 
been fucked in your life. I don't know what I'll do if 
you don't hurry honey." 

I promised my pretty wife I'd be there as soon as I 
could and I left her to gather the kids and be on her 
way. They were meeting the realtor at the new house to 
see when we could have our furniture delivered, and 
Peggy was going to sign the lease. 

It would be great to have a house to come home to - I 
was glad we wouldn't have to live in a hotel for very 
long. The girls needed their space, now more than ever. 
A big house would allow me to keep my distance too, and 
that was important. Especially the way my feelings were 
developing toward Meagan. I was frightened by those 
feelings, and felt powerless to control them all of a 

Every time I thought about my pretty young daughter and 
her big swollen breasts, I'd get an instant erection. 
After seeing that kid in the store - seeing what Meagan 
would look like all knocked up - I couldn't even think 
straight. She would be so beautiful I thought - so sexy 
with a big pregnant belly bulging out the front of her 

It was as though something was breaking down my 
resistance to temptation. At the same time, there was 
more temptation around me than I'd ever had in my life. 
And more of it kept coming from every direction. 

When I made it inside the community center, I almost 
went into cardiac arrest. Everywhere I looked there were 
pregnant little girls - hundreds of them - some standing 
in line with their mothers to get pictures taken - 
others standing in line with their fathers or brothers 
to use one of the 'conjugal' rooms. I guess the men 
couldn't wait till they got home. After seeing Emily's 
bulging pregnant body at the drug store, and all the 
other girls so big with babies and swollen tits, I 
appreciated their predicament. 

There were knocked-up children of every size and shape 
all around me - ranging in age from 8 to 12 for the most 
part. It looked like an epidemic had hit that age group 
- but they weren't alone by any means. I spotted about a 
dozen pregnant teenagers, each with a couple of very 
young, VERY pregnant children in tow. There were girls 
at every stage of pregnancy too - from one kid with 
slightly tight pants - to another with a belly big 
enough to have a calf inside her. 

I began to think that the younger these girls were 
giving birth, the younger their offspring were able to 
conceive. There also seemed to be a lot of multiples 
resulting from those young pregnancies. Among the 
children of the teenage mothers I saw, several were 
carrying more than a couple of babies in their bellies. 
That would prove to be a complicated phenomenon to sort 

The community center was set up like a gymnasium - with 
bleachers pulled out of the side walls. A big stage was 
at one end, in front of me. That's where the pictures 
were taken. There were 4 screened off areas - 'studios' 
where the different photographers were set up - two on 
either side of the stage. The conjugal rooms were on the 
end of the building I'd just entered - opposite the 
stage wall. There were 16 rooms in all. 

There was quite a line in front of each door - so long 
some of the people waiting were sitting in the 
bleachers. I could hear some of the activity through the 
cinder block walls as I came in. Banging noises - from 
the girls' heads pounding against the headboards I 
figured - and loud moans. The girls and their fathers 
listened intently as they waited their turns. 

I sat down on the bleachers at the end of one of the 
lines and watched a little girl rub her father's prick 
through his jeans. The man was a hulk - the child's 
shoulder barely came up to his crotch, and she'd reached 
around from behind and slipped her arm around his leg. 
She gently stroked the inside of his left leg then until 
a long fat bulge appeared, tenting out the fabric of his 

The man's prick continued to swell under the girl's 
manipulation. She looked up at him and smiled then, 
proud that she had the power to make her father's dick 
stretch the leg of his jeans so tight. She did the same 
to mine as I watched the child stroke his prick with one 
hand and her big belly with the other. She was simply 
gigantic - as large as Emily. The man had knocked her up 
with God knows how many babies, and she couldn't have 
been a day over 10. 

I thought about what my own 10-year-old Dee would look 
like with a belly that big, and I almost came in my 
pants. Dee had taken 8 of those 'vitamins' Emily was 
passing out at the store. The same pills this kid 
probably took before her father fucked her silly and 
pumped her full of sperm. She looked like such a little 
slut too, the way she was rubbing the man's prick. She 
started teasing him verbally: 

"Ya like it, huh Pa? Ya like it when I play with yer big 
ole thang? It's gettin really big now Pa!" The head of 
the man's prick was close to his knee then, and she 
started giggling. "Ya like me all swole up don't ya Pa? 
I done good this time huh? You made me so big with 
young- uns I cain't hardly stand up no more." 

The girl wasn't kidding. It would have been tough for 
her to stand without her father's leg to hang on to. She 
kept rubbing the man's dick, faster and faster until he 
looked like he was about to cum. She looked up at him 
again and just grinned. 

"Pa, I'm gunna make you mess yer pants OK? I want you to 
cum Pa. Look how big my belly is Pa - that always makes 
ya cum. Then we can take a long time at home - an' fuck 
real good OK? I'm horny, Pa - you know how I git when 
I'm this big with young-uns and my tits are all swole 
up. I want ya to be ready to fuck me all night till I 
ain't horny no more." 

The kid kept up her taunting, jerking on the man's dick 
through his jeans so hard and fast, he looked to be in 
pain at one point. She stuck her belly out as far as she 
could, and said: "Look what you done to me Pa." Then he 
lost it - he soaked the bottom half of his pants leg 
with semen while the little girl giggled with delight. 
The kid was very proud of her accomplishment. 

"I knew that would do it to ya Pa! When my belly gits 
this big, it's easy to make ya cum huh?" 

The man just smiled down at his pregnant daughter and 
put his arm around her shoulder. Neither of them 
acknowledged my presence, or seemed concerned that 10 
other people were watching them.

My dick was about to break through my pants at that 
point, but even worse, my balls had started to swell. 
I'd become very uncomfortable and I knew I'd have to 
find a bathroom to relieve the pressure soon. I was not 
accustomed to having my balls fill to bursting so 

I'd just dumped a big load inside Maggie, and splattered 
what was left on her tits, no longer than a couple of 
hours ago. It seemed unreal, but I had to deal with it - 
I couldn't 'mess my pants' as the little girl had made 
her daddy do. I limped back toward the entrance to the 
building. I saw the restroom signs - the men's was to 
the left, down a long corridor that ran behind 8 of the 
16 conjugal rooms. I made my way down the long hall and 

The bathroom sounded like the peepshow stalls at a porno 
house. There were moans and grunts and horny utterance 
from at least 8 people fucking in there. It sounded more 
like 20. The place reeked of sex, and there were ropes 
of dried cum caked on the stalls and mirrors. One pair 
hadn't even bothered to close the door to their stall. 

A huge man was sitting on the toilet, his little girl 
impaled on his prick. She was facing away from him, 
toward the stall door. His massive hands held her by the 
hips and moved her pussy up and down on his prick as 
easily as he might have moved his fist. His head was 
cocked around the side of her body, so he could see her 
reflection in the mirror, as her big tits bounced and 
slapped together.

 The girl had a slight bulge to her tummy, but she 
didn't look pregnant - more like she'd just given birth. 
Her tits told the story there - they were engorged, like 
they were so full they could burst. They started 
dribbling then - milk began to drip steadily from her 
fat nipples as her father fucked the living shit out of 
her. She smiled at me as I stood there with my mouth 
open watching her get fucked - then she spoke: 

"Mister, you about to bust outta them britches! Why 
don't- cha pull that big ole thang out an' yank on it 
while you watch Pa knock me up again. You got a BIG one 
mister - it's makin' me horny looking at that thang. You 
can cum on my tits like the last man that was in here." 
Sure enough, the kid had a fresh load of cum all over 
her enormous milk jugs. 

I don't know what came over me - I couldn't believe I 
was actually doing it - but I did. I pulled my dick out 
and began whacking off right in front of that 10-year-
old kid with the big milky tits. I beat off like a 
teenager with his first Playboy while the little girl 
rode up and down on the biggest dick I'd ever seen in my 
life - it looked like she was sitting on a baseball bat. 
Though I'd grown, the girl was being kind telling by me 
I had a 'big one'. Compared to the man fucking her, I 
felt like a kid again. 

She grabbed her nipples all of a sudden - she started 
squirting them at me, and giggling. "Look Pa, I'm makin' 
the man all milky. Put it in my mouth mister - I want to 
feel that big dick in my mouth. I wanna suck on ya while 
Pa fucks me. Then, I want ya to come on my tits while he 
squirts baby juice in my tummy and makes me big again. 
It'll be just like when I suck Jimmy at 
know...while Pa's fuckin' me. Come on mister... 

She started coaxing her dad again: "Oh Pa... FUCK me... 
that's it...that feels good ... I want some more young- 
uns in my belly...squirt some baby juice in little 
Jenny." She was really working her tits - expertly 
tugging at her nipples. Milk was flying everywhere. 

Then she smiled and opened her sweet little mouth, just 
waiting for my dick, as she bounced up and down. I 
grabbed the back of her head with one hand, and guided 
my prick into her mouth with the other. I angled her 
head down so her mouth would bob up and down on MY dick 
as her dad yanked her pussy up and down on his. Mine had 
swollen to the point I had to really cram it in her 
mouth, but it made it. 

She was making loud slurping noises - from her cunt and 
her mouth at the same time as her dad and I fucked her 
little brains out. I was face fucking a 10-year-old 
nursing mother with huge tits, while her own father 
tried to get her pregnant again. It sounded like a 
Twilight Zone episode. Had I lost my mind? Probably so, 
I thought - then I shoved her head down harder on my 
prick as her father's rutting became faster, and harder. 

I felt my nuts swell up, and saw the twisted look on the 
man's face - I knew we were about to fill both ends of 
his daughter with potent sperm. I spewed the first of my 
load down her throat, causing her to gag and cough. I 
pulled my dick out to give her some air and she coughed 
as my cum gurgled out of her throat. 

A big wad of it hung on her chin, dribbling slowly in 
strings onto her swollen tits. I plastered her face with 
the rest of the cum that came spurting out of my cock in 
huge globs. I heard her father grunt and start to let go 
in her fertile womb. "Oh baby, Pa's gunna dump a load in 
you an' make you HUGE" he said. "Knock me up Pa... 
that's it... cum in me... git me all swole up with 
young-uns again - that's how you like me huh?" 

The man just kept yanking her up and down and grunting 
as her pumped her young pussy full of baby juice. I 
wiped the sweat off my brow and gave the girl a little 
kiss on the cheek I'd just splattered with cum. The kid 
gave me a sweet smile and whispered in my ear, "Mister, 
the next time you see me, I'll have a great big ole 
belly for ya to cum on. Pa just knocked me up, I can 

As much as I'd have loved to stay there and watch that 
milky little girl empty her tits, I decided I better get 
my ass in gear - I splashed some water on my face and 
made my way back to the area in the community center 
where Maggie was sure to be waiting - and furious. I 
looked over at the kid once more - sitting on her father 
knees, her hair glued to the side of her face with my 
cum. It was hard to leave her, but I did. 

About mid-way down the corridor to the gym area, I saw a 
door with a "private" sign on it. I'd been in too much 
of a hurry on my way to the bathroom to notice it. It 
was padlocked, but somehow the lock hadn't completely 
snapped shut. I touched it and it fell open. Being a 
natural born snoop, I had to see what was inside. 
Considering the corridor ran behind the line of conjugal 
rooms, I wondered what the hell that door was doing 

I looked in both directions outside the door and decided 
to go in, knowing full well I'd be very late to meet 
Maggie and get on with the day's work. Inside the door, 
lined up along a narrow path to my right, were 8 video 
cameras on tripods - and they were RUNNING. What the 
hell is this, I thought. 

I walked over behind the first camera and damn near fell 
out. It was pointed at a big picture window. What I saw 
behind the window is what gave me the shock. A little 
girl was looking into the window the camera was pointed 
at. She was talking to a man in the room behind her. She 
felt her big breasts and swollen tummy and asked the 
man: "Do you think I'm pretty when I'm swole up Grampa?" 
Then she kept staring at the camera. 

I don't know why it took me so long, but it finally hit 
me like a ton of bricks - she was looking into a mirror 
- or so she thought. Somebody had put one-way mirrors in 
the conjugal rooms and set up video cameras behind them 
to film all the action.

It was dark in the narrow corridor, but I could tell I'd 
kicked something. I reached down to pick it up - it was 
a video tape with a label on it I could barely read. I 
moved closer to the one-way mirror. "Daddy's Pregnant 
Pumpkin - Melanie at 9 months", read the label on the 
tape. I stuck it in my lab coat pocket and moved down to 
the next 'window'. 

There was a 9 or 10 year old in that room sitting on a 
bed sucking her father's dick - the next room had a girl 
sandwiched between two burly men who were fucking her 
silly, like the kid we'd just finished with. In yet 
another room, a huge breasted young girl stood in front 
of the glass and studied herself as she kneaded her palm 
sized areola and tugged on her fat nipples - she 
squirted her big tits in a shower of milk all over the 
mirror. "See daddy, I'm a little cow," she said. 

There must have been a camera situated behind a one-way 
mirror in each and every one of the 16 rooms - recording 
these very pregnant children as they got their young 
brains fucked out by their well-hung fathers. I wanted 
to stay and see what each and every room had in store, 
but I knew I'd never get home, and my ass would be DEAD 
if I got there too late. I decided to find Maggie, get 
the results back from the lab and get home to my wife. 
It was the only sensible thing to do at that point. When 
I got into the lighted corridor, I could read the 
smaller print on the tape's label: 

"You'll drool as you watch this pretty young girl stroke 
her big belly and swollen breasts. Little Melanie is 
only 9 years old, but she's at full term with a set of 
twins in this 30-minute feature, and her belly is simply 
enormous. If you're a fan of big breasts, this child 
sports a pair that stretches her DD-cup bra to capacity. 
She is truly a sight to behold." The label said other 
titles were available at: ", 
or sister site" 

My biggest concern at that point was how to keep my 
family safe from the same fate that had befallen these 
simple poor folks in the sleepy little village of 
Fertile Valley. Given my state of mind, maybe it was too 
late. I'd already been sucked into it by all the sexual 
energy around me. I shuddered to think what would seduce 
me next. I found Maggie finally - she was furious as I'd 
expected - I told her I was sorry and asked her if she 
was ready to get back to the hospital. 

As she drove us back, I was consumed with a fantasy 
vision of my daughter Meagan. She stood in front of me 
in the living room of our new house, in nothing but a 
bra and panties. Her breasts were swelling inside the 
bra, bulging over the cups as she stared at her chest in 
disbelief. Then her belly began to grow...and grow, 
making her look very...VERY pregnant. The vision of my 
swollen pregnant daughter smiled at me and said "I'm 
getting bigger for you Daddy - see how big Meagan is?" 

The next thing I knew, Maggie was shaking me by the 
shoulders: "Earth to Bill, time to get to work." We'd 
arrived at the hospital again, and it was time to check 
the test results. 

Soon, we'll hear more about the test findings, family 
interviews, and Bill's new house. We'll certainly find 
out more about the dastardly preacher and his minions. 

Please let me know what you think so far - It helps to 
get regular feedback on the story. I'd be interested in 
hearing what you like, don't like - and what you'd like 
to read more about - we're winding down to the 
conclusion now, so let me hear from you. 

Maggie had managed to bring me back to reality - back 
from the fantasy I was having over my young daughter's 
swelling tits - back from the image of her belly so big 
and pregnant. 

It was time to check on the male rats I'd injected with 
spring water. We suspected what the results would be, 
but what we found surprised us nonetheless. The rats 
were going crazy - running around their cages and 
throwing their bodies against the sides of the little 
cells. Maggie took pity on them: 

"The poor little things - just look at them Bill - 
they're pitiful. I bet they want to get at those females 
so bad it hurts." As we got closer, her pity turned to 
astonishment: "MY GOD, I don't believe it - you have to 
see this Bill -'s frightening!" Some of the male 
subjects had grown a penis the size of my index finger - 
their little pricks were bright pink and swollen. Oddly 
enough, the biggest of the lot were some of the 

Maggie opened a cage and pulled one out, holding him up 
for inspection. "Look at the SIZE of this thing Bill - 
he looks like a freak of nature." The prick on the rat 
Maggie had was even bigger than some of the others. "How 
is this possible?" she asked. She proceeded to put him 
in a cage with one of the females. She slammed the cage 
shut and we watched as the horny little fucker mounted 
the female, pinning her to the floor of the cage. 

He pumped his haunches, shoving that deformed prick in 
the female. We heard the poor thing shriek as the male 
forced his way inside her. It was not a sound of 
pleasure. The whole process was over in about 30 
seconds, and the male retreated to a corner of the cage. 
Both of them collapsed. 

Maggie wanted to let the rest of them have a crack at 
the females - mainly to have some peace and quiet. They 
were making quite a fuss in their cages. I wanted to see 
what effect those 'vitamins' Emily passed out at the 
drug store would have on the female rats, so I prepared 
an aqueous solution - a small dosage of ground up pills 
and sugar water - and fed it to half of them before 
Maggie unleashed the males. I tagged the unlucky females 
that got the sugar water. If my suspicions were correct, 
that group would be impregnated with 3- 4 times the 
normal number of young. 

The next order of business was to get those pills to the 
lab to be analyzed. I called a technician that Maggie 
referred me to, in the hopes they could put a rush order 
on the process. They were behind on their work, he said, 
but could probably get the analysis done in 48 hours if 
I could have the pills at their lab the next day. We 
took the proper steps to send the pills out.

I had already been promised a full analysis on the 
spring water the same day they'd finish with the pills, 
so all I could do at that point was wait - and hope. 
Hope that the contents wouldn't cause irreversible harm 
to my family. Hope that I could regain control of my 
thoughts and behavior. I'd gone off the deep end more 
than once since we'd arrived in the valley - in thought 
and in action, and I had become concerned about it. 

I was accustomed to controlling every aspect of my life 
until then, and I wanted to feel that way again. As 
worried as I was about all that had happened, I took 
great pleasure in the fact that my prick had grown so 
large. I couldn't help myself - I was proud of it. I had 
always been proud that I was so much larger than 
average, having taken after my dad. 

The men in our family had earned a reputation of sorts, 
especially dad. I'd heard my aunts whispering things 
through the years but never understood what "hung like a 
horse" meant until I was older. After the growth spurt 
I'd experienced, I REALLY knew what it meant - I'd ended 
up with a BIG piece of meat between my legs. 

I loved the way women were looking at me - staring 
straight at my crotch as my dick swelled out the leg of 
my pants. Maggie was looking at me that way just then. 
The work was done for the day and it was obvious how 
horny she was. She started playing with her breasts - a 
habit she had when she was really worked-up. I felt like 
I'd known Maggie for years at that point even though 
we'd only worked together a matter of days. 

She'd become so predictable. The result of her little 
habit was predictable as well. Maggie's breasts grew 
when she manipulated them. It was absurd how much they 
grew. That's why she did it I thought - to make them so 
large I wouldn't be able to resist her advances. That 
night I'd promised my wife to be home as quickly as I 
could, and I knew what I had waiting for me when I got 

Maggie wouldn't win that time - Peggy would. But it was 
painful to watch that pretty nurse's cleavage burst out 
the top of her blouse. She'd given her tits a good 
working over, and they'd grown larger than I ever 
imagined they could. I told Maggie it was wrong what 
we'd done together - that I loved my wife. All the while 
my dick swelled so big I looked like I had a baseball 
bat in my pants leg. 

"I'll let you off the hook this time mister, but you 
know you won't be able to resist me at all, before long. 
I know what you like, remember?" 

Maggie was smirking at me then. She walked over and 
stood in front of me. She pulled her shoulders back and 
placed her hands at the small of her back, causing her 
belly to bulge out obscenely. I couldn't believe what 
that posture did to her belly. She stuck it out as far 
as she could - and it looked twice as big as I 
remembered. She was making my dick even harder. She was 
grinning from ear to ear then, and swiveling her hips. 

"Do you have any idea just how pregnant I am Billy?" 
Maggie stroked her bulging tummy, smiling down at it. 
"I'm only 6 weeks gone Billy, and I'm already showing. 
I'm showing quite a LOT don't you think?" Maggie looked 
like she could easily be 4 months pregnant in that pose. 
She started giggling then. 

"Do you know what that means Billy? Do you? It means 
that I'm VERY pregnant sweetie. And it means that I'm 
going to get very, VERY big. In a matter of weeks, I'll 
be simply HUGE Billy, and I know what that does to you. 
You can't hide it you know." 

Maggie had my number. The very THOUGHT of a big pregnant 
belly would make my cock hard. Seeing one made me so 
horny I'd lose control. She knew how to manipulate me - 
and she was right - I couldn't hide my feelings. I'd 
grown too large for that. Anyone in sight could tell how 
I felt about Maggie right then - my dick had swollen to 
over a foot long and it made a fucking tent out of my 
pants leg. 

She continued her teasing, stroking her bulging tummy 
and staring at the absurdly swollen prick in my pants. 
"You can go on home to Peggy, but I know you'll think 
about how big I'm getting - you won't be able to help 
yourself. That boy knocked me up good Billy - I could 
have 5 or 6 babies in here - you know that? Have you 
ever seen a girl swollen pregnant with 6 babies Billy? 
Let me tell you - they're ENORMOUS. Can you imagine my 
tummy that BIG?" Maggie was giggling again. 

"I guess I better let you go home to your wife before I 
make you cum on yourself, huh? I'll just be here getting 
bigger for you. Every day, my belly will get bigger, 
rounder, more swollen... I'm so very pregnant 
Billy...and I'll get so huge you won't be able to keep 
your hands off me." Maggie had worked me into a lather 
talking about how big and pregnant she'd get - just like 
Peggy, she'd found all the right buttons to push and she 
stood there looking at me with a girlish pout on her 
pretty face. 

I was about to lose control and stuff my prick up her 
big wet pussy when the phone rang. It was my wife. She 
wanted to see if I could get some birth control pills 
for the girls from the hospital pharmacy. There wasn't 
time to take them to a doctor and go through all the 
normal steps she said. "I'll explain it all when you get 
home sweetie - that is if you ever GET home." 

I always knew when Peggy wanted me there stat, and this 
was one of those times. I wondered what the hell had 
happened to make her so adamant about birth control for 
our girls, but I didn't question it. I regained my 
senses and asked Maggie if there was a doctor that could 
write some prescriptions for me. Maggie had a Masters 
degree in nursing and could prescribe medication, so she 
wrote them herself - one for each of my 6 daughters. 

"These should do the trick," she said, "but I have to 
warn you, the new formulas out there have a little side 
effect - and it's more pronounced than with the older 
formulas. As you know, 'the pill' fools the body into 
thinking it's pregnant - but these pills fool it better 
than ever - they're the state of the art. And we know 
what happens to a girl's...ahem...breasts... when she 
gets pregnant, don't we?" 

She was grinning from ear to ear then, and cupped her 
fat pregnant tits in her hands. I had spilled my guts to 
Maggie about my girls and their recent development. 
About the water, the 'vitamins' they'd ingested - 
everything. I could tell she enjoyed teasing me with 
this information on what 'the pill' would do to my 
little girls. 

"I just wanted you to be prepared for any new 
'developments' you'll notice Billy. You need to know 
this too - I got really horny when I was on the pill. 
That's why I quit taking the damn things when I moved 
here. There were no eligible men around - I wasn't 
seeing anyone and I'd get sore from bringing myself off 
so much - I got tired of it.

"The only problem when you go OFF the pill is that it 
makes some women more fertile than ever. To make things 
worse, I'd had some of those "vitamins" by accident 
myself - I thought they were just pain killers, like you 
and Peggy did. All I can say is this - if you put them 
on the pill, you better keep them on it. Otherwise... 
well... look what happened to me!" 

I couldn't help looking at what happened to Maggie. From 
the sound of my wife's voice on the phone, I knew I'd 
better get my ass home and get the girls on those pills 
before they ended up in the same condition. I ran to the 
pharmacy next to the ER and got the pills. Maggie told 
me about a short cut back to town -it was still daylight 
and I shouldn't get lost she said. Her shortcut turned 
out to be a nice drive past some pretty farms. 

If I hadn't been in such a hurry I'd have stopped to 
investigate one particular farm. As it was, I couldn't 
help pulling over to look for a minute. "Fertile Valley 
Farms" was prosperous and sprawling - it must have 
stretched across hundreds of acres - and every inch of 
it was fenced. Inside those fences, there were answers 
to some of my questions - I just knew it. 

My jaw went slack as I watched a poor cow inch her way, 
wobbly kneed, to a corner of the pasture. I'd never seen 
one that big with a calf before. Her sides were bulging 
out like two enormous beach balls. Her underbelly and 
udder dragged the ground. The cow was so pregnant, she 
just fell over and laid there on her side. 

In the next pasture over, were a bull and 2 more cows. I 
stopped for a minute there too, as the bull mounted one 
of them. The fucker's testicles were the size of 
cantaloupes. His dick looked big a telephone pole as he 
shoved it in the poor beast cowering under his haunches. 
The cow bellowed in agony as the bull poured it to her. 
The same thing was happening in the next pasture, and 
the next, for what seemed like a mile - then, more 
pregnant cows. LOTS more pregnant cows. Each as big with 
(calves?) as the first one I saw. 

I knew there was a great deal of manipulation in the 
cattle industry - with growth hormones, drugs to enhance 
milk production and so forth - but multiple births? 
Increased testosterone and sperm count? The nuts on that 
bull were definitely pumped up with SOMETHING. The 
implications of it were scary. Right then though, I had 
my family to worry about. I got underway again, knowing 
I'd have to delve into this farm situation later. 

When I got to the hotel, Peggy was all over me. She 
threw me down on the bed and climbed on top of me, 
ripping my shirt off. She nuzzled her face in my chest 
and started moaning, panting - her hot breath set me on 
fire. She unbuckled my belt and hauled my prick out. It 
swelled bigger by the second - Peggy's excitement was 
intoxicating. My dick grew huge in less than a minute as 
she ran both her hands up and down the length of it - 
jacking me off, making me swell so hard I thought I'd 

"Oh Bill, where have you been? I need you inside me 
right NOW. Good GOD I'm so fucking horny I could scream. 
Oh Billy, how on earth...oh my God baby...LOOK at you!" 
Peggy was in awe of the size of my prick. Her excitement 
was so contagious I continued to grow larger, harder. I 
found it hard to believe, myself. "Good this 
thing EVER gonna quit swelling? You're big as a fucking 
horse Billy - stick it in me NOW honey... FUCK me with 
that thing. Oh dear God, I NEED it." 

Peggy didn't have to ask twice. She had ripped her 
panties off and thrown them on the floor already. When I 
got that horny, I liked to be on top, so I lifted Peggy 
off my lap and threw her on her back. She was so wet, 
her pussy was glistening - her juices oozing out onto 
the bed sheets. 

Peggy hadn't acted quite this horny since the night I 
knocked her up with Meagan and Melissa. I knew I'd 
better be careful, but that didn't stop me from stuffing 
every inch of my big fat swollen prick up inside her. 

She was so hot and so WET - my prick was in its favorite 
place - in my pretty wife's loving pussy. The mother of 
my children was bucking her hips back at me, pumping her 
pussy up and down on the whole length of my shaft as she 
wriggled under me. My hips were moving like a piston as 
we hit the same rhythm - we were fucking like animals. I 
heard the wet sucking, slurping sounds as I went in and 
out of her. Peggy was breathing heavily and began 
whispering in my ear as we picked up the pace. 

"Oh Billy, you're so BIG inside me, you're getting 
BIGGER baby, oh dear GOD you're so huge honey. You're 
about to rip my insides open. Billy you need to pull out 
before you... OH GOD." 

I poured it to her faster and harder at that point, 
banging her head against the headboard. For a second, I 
wondered if the kids would hear it, but I didn't care - 
I was just too fucking horny and I was ready to release 
the cum that had my balls so swollen for hours. 

I was fucking the living shit out of my wife, slamming 
her head time and time again. "Billy I can tell you're 
about to...oh please honey...I don't want to get 
preg...oh don't knock me up again... please baby... I 
know I'm on birth control... but I... oh GOD I feel like 
I might... oh, pull it out Billy... pull it out and cum 
on my big tits." I'd learned never to doubt these 
'feelings' my wife had. 

I kept fucking her, sending her head crashing against 
the wall until I was ready to let go. I pulled my prick 
out of her and gabbed it with both hands. A big slimy 
rope of cum flew at her face, bouncing off her forehead 
and splattering on the headboard. I pumped my prick with 
a fury then - I had to get the rest of it out of me. 

I felt like I'd explode - my balls had been swelling up 
since early that afternoon. Just as I let a big gob of 
it fly at her tits, the door to our room burst open. It 
was Meagan and Peter. They stood there with their jaws 
dropped - gawking at us - frozen like deer in the path 
of oncoming headlights. 

They watched wide-eyed as a fat glob of jism hit their 
mother's big tits. Peggy had a look of utter shock on 
her face as my load hit her chest. She was watching our 
children as they openly stared at us. Peggy pleaded with 
me in a hushed tone. 

"Oh Billy DO something - they shouldn't see us like this 
- what on earth are we going to do?" I really don't know 
what possessed me to do what I did next, but I wanted to 
hide my spurting cock from their innocent eyes. I wanted 
to keep them from seeing any more than they already had. 

I let go of my prick and grabbed the covers behind me. I 
pulled them up over my shoulders and jumped on top of 
Peggy again in the hopes I could drape our bodies, 
shielding them from sight. I'm sure I couldn't do this 
again if I tried, but just as I settled on top of her, 
my prick slipped right inside Peggy again - all the WAY 
inside - and I dumped a HUGE load of cum in her. She 
panicked then, but shuddered from the sensation of all 
that sperm splattering her insides. 

"Dear GOD Billy, NO! I can't believe this is happening, 
you can't be... oh Billy, NO!"

Even though Peggy seemed frightened at first, by what 
was going on in her vagina, she bucked her hips back at 
me like a dog in heat, milking gob after gob of potent 
sperm out of my swollen balls. Peggy had lost control of 
herself. She began to whisper in my ear then: "FUCK me 
Billy - I don't care if they watch - just keep FUCKING 
me. You're filling me up Billy - I can feel your cum 
gushing DEEP into me - cum in me Billy." 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Peggy really HAD 
lost it. She let me cum like a fire hose inside her, 
even though she seemed so scared of getting pregnant. 
She continued to coax the last of the sperm out of my 
balls - pumping her hips up and down my prick like the 
children weren't even there. It felt like she was 
SUCKING the cum out of me she pumped so hard. 

Peggy fucked me like a whore - jerking her hips up off 
the bed - until I dumped the last glob inside her. 
Finally, I rolled off and lay on my back next to her, 
staring at the ceiling. 

I felt like I'd been drugged. We were both so consumed 
with lust, we'd fucked like a couple of minks and I'd 
pumped my wife's vagina full of cum - all in plain sight 
of our children. That night was a turning point for both 
of us I suppose. 

I realized that I was NOT in control anymore - neither 
was Peggy. Something else had control of us, and we were 
helplessly under its spell. It occurred to me just then 
that we were overwhelmed with the urge to procreate. It 
was the same primal urge that had taken hold of the 
local population - the urge to 'be fruitful and 
multiply' - just like the billboard proclaimed. I had no 
idea what we'd say to the children, but I knew they'd 
want an explanation. 

Maybe Peggy would come up with something. I heard her 
gasp as she looked over at the children. Peter turned 
and left the room in a hurry, as though he was on a 
mission. Then, a sly little grin crossed Meagan's face, 
and she approached the bed. She absently twirled her 
pigtails in her fingers as she was about to speak. 

"Mommy, what were you and Daddy doing?" Her question 
seemed so innocent, though I felt she must have known 
something about what she'd seen. The little smile gave 
her away. Peggy's answer was priceless. Not exactly a 
lie, it was carefully crafted: "Meagan honey, Mommy was 
just trying to make Daddy feel better. He was hurting, 
and he likes it when I hug him in bed like that." 

Meagan knew there was more to it than that - I could 
tell. The child's instincts had developed as rapidly as 
her bust - and I was afraid her libido would outpace 
both of them. She smirked at me then and began to fondle 
her big swollen breasts. I swear they looked even fuller 
than they had that afternoon. 

Meagan put Peggy to the test with a perfectly reasonable 
question: "Mommy, can I make Daddy feel better sometime? 
I'll help, OK? And maybe Daddy can help ME - my boobs 
hurt Mommy - I think they're getting bigger again - my 
bra got too tight. Mommy look - they're huge." 

I had to turn away from her. It was painful to watch my 
busty little daughter fondle herself like that, and hear 
her talk about how much bigger she was getting. If she 
only knew what that did to me. Peggy told her, "It's 
Mommy's job to do that honey, and some day you'll have a 
husband like Daddy - and you can make HIM feel better." 

Peggy had always been good at explaining things to the 
children. And she certainly did make me feel better that 
night. Meagan seemed to accept her answer. Peggy told 
her to go run the water for a bath and that she'd be in 
their room in a little while. As we lay there in bed, 
she explained why she wanted the birth control pills. 

She was almost in tears as she looked at me. "Oh Bill, 
I'm just so ashamed... I don't know if I should even 
tell you this. Do you promise you'll still love me 
Billy... no matter what?"

I moved closer and put my arms around her - I told my 
pretty wife there was nothing she could do that would 
keep me from loving her. I asked her to just tell me 
about it, and that we'd work through it - whatever it 

Peggy proceeded to tell me what happened. She had a 
pitiful look on her face - I could tell she was 
embarrassed about it. "Well, I guess we shouldn't be 
surprised, but our little girls aren't the only ones 
who've 'developed'. It's Peter, Billy - he... he's GROWN 
- what I mean is that he... his... Well, I might as well 
just come out and say it - our little boy has this great 
big DICK between his legs now." I asked Peggy how she 
came to discover this, and what she was so ashamed of. 

"He came in here when you were still at the hospital 
Billy - he said he was in pain and he looked so scared. 
He was hunched over at first, with his legs sort of 
crossed in front of him, like he was hiding something - 
he stayed near the door, almost afraid to come in. I 
told him to stand up straight and come over to the bed 
so I could talk to him. Then I saw it Billy - he could 
tell when I saw it. He lowered his head, as though he'd 
done something wrong and asked me: 

'What's the matter with me mommy? Look... why am I so 
BIG? Mommy it hurts, it's big and sore and it hurts me.' 
I couldn't take my eyes off it Billy... oh, I'm just so 

I stroked my wife's hair and consoled her as best I 
could. I assured her that I'd understand, and to just 
tell me what happened. 

"Well, I was sitting on the bed and he was standing in 
front of me with that... that PRICK bulging out the 
front of his pants. Billy...he is simply HUGE... I mean 
huge, like in... his dick is a good 9 or 10 inches 
long... and the damn thing is big around as a beer can 
Billy... He's THAT kind of huge. He started rubbing the 
front of his pants and got this far-away look in his eye 
- he told me it felt better when he did that. The thing 
had grown halfway to his knees Billy. Then he asked me 
if I could help him: 'Mommy, can you make it feel 
better? PLEASE Mommy... kiss it and make it all better. 
It HURTS.' He was almost in tears honey - I just didn't 
know what to do." 

Peggy had my attention then and she knew it. I was 
hanging on every word, picturing in my mind what she 
looked like sitting on the bed in front of him - looking 
right at it. I could only imagine how hot it made her, 
and she continued giving me every detail: 

"Before I knew what happened, he unzipped his pants 
Billy...I was in a trance as I watched him haul it out - 
every big, fat, throbbing inch of it. The boy is a 
fucking MULE. God only knows what's in that water - or 
in all the other things we've consumed here. He wrapped 
his little fist around it and began to tug on it Billy, 
and the fucking thing got BIGGER. I was simply 
hypnotized. I petted it - just the head at first, and I 
felt a little slimy pre-cum ooze out. I felt so sorry 
for him - it looked like it hurt so bad." 

"I told him Mommy was going to make him feel better and 
I put the head of our little boy's big dick in my mouth 
Billy. I slipped my lips right over it and looked up at 
him. He cradled my head in his hands as I moved my mouth 
up and down on him. My GOD he got so BIG all of a 
sudden. I saw him looking at my tits - they'd gotten so 
big from all the excitement, they were BURSTING out the 
top of my bra. I think it was too much for him - I could 
feel his dick swelling in my mouth and I knew he was 
ready to cum. 

I pulled it out and aimed him at my tits Billy - I beat 
him off and made him CUM on me. Billy, it was obscene - 
I made our little boy cum all over his Mother's big 
tits. And he didn't stop - he COULDN'T stop! He came all 
over my arms and all over my face and my hair - God it 
was everywhere! I just don't know what happened to me - 
I still can't believe it. Please don't hate me Billy." I 
felt sorry for Peggy - she thought she'd done the most 
awful thing in the world. But I knew she wasn't 
responsible for her actions. Any more than my 10-year-
old son was responsible for that horse's prick he'd 
grown between his legs. 

I always knew someone with a great big dick would come 
along to tempt Peggy. She had such a weakness. I just 
never imagined it would be Peter. Peggy was concerned 
about getting to the kids' room to check on them. 

"What I've been so worried about is Peter - doing 
something with Meagan or Melissa. He's been looking at 
them like he never has before, Billy - he's been staring 
at their tits - and they like it. On the way back here 
today, I caught Meagan playing with herself in the back 
seat of the van - her head was thrown back and she was 
moaning like a girl getting her brains fucked out. 
Peter's eyes were riveted to her - he sat there gaping 
at her with his mouth hanging open. Meagan had half her 
fist inside her - running it in and out of her pussy - 
she's HUGE down there, Billy. 

"And then they're those TITS of hers - you've seen how 
big they are - Peter was simply drooling over her. She 
stuck them out as far as she could and just smirked at 
him while she played with herself. The worst part is 
that she's ovulating. I've kept track of when the girls 
started their periods - the kid's probably got more eggs 
in her than a turtle right now. I'm worried sick. If 
you'd seen Peter cum all over me, you'd be worried too. 
I just want to get her though this cycle - I want her on 
those pills NOW! I want ALL of them on the pill." 

I got another hard-on as I lay there listening to my 
wife tell me all this, but I knew we needed to check on 
the kids right away. We pulled ourselves together. I 
kissed my wife on the cheek and told her I still loved 
her, no matter what had happened - that I understood the 
circumstances she was in, and that I forgave her. We 
went next door to Meagan and Melissa's room. 

We probably should have had them stay in our room until 
we moved into the house, but they were still bunking 
with the boys. Peggy knew that wasn't safe anymore - and 
based on what she'd just told me, I did too. 

When we got to their room, Adam was playing Nintendo - 
glued to the TV like a zombie. Melissa had a quart jar 
of cocoa butter open right next to her on the bed. She 
had smeared the stuff all over her swollen chest. It 
appeared Meagan wasn't the only one who'd grown so much. 
Melissa was catching up. She sat there with her t-shirt 
pulled up over her tits, massaging them right in front 
of all of us - obviously pleased with her growth. 

We asked her where Peter and Meagan were, and she 
motioned to the bathroom door. She had a devilish little 
smirk on her face. All of a sudden we heard a moan - 
then Peter said something. "Here it comes Meggy, Oh're makin' me feel all better." We yanked the 
door open at that moment, hoping against hope he hadn't 
figured out how to do 'the real thing' with his sister. 

Instead, Peter let go a wad of cum that made me gasp, 
right on Meagan's cute little face. A big, thick, sticky 
rope of it that plastered across her left cheek, her 
nose, all over her right cheek, onto her ear, and into 
her hair. She was in pig tails - sitting on the toilet 
in front of her brother - and a glob of jism hung on one 
of them. 

We stood there in the bathroom doorway, just mesmerized 
as we watched Meagan yank on Peter's big prick. She 
coaxed more boy-cum out of him - aiming his dick at her 
big tits then, and giggling as he splattered every inch 
of them. She moved his dick around, pulling glob after 
glob of cum out of the kid right onto her huge, swollen 
young breasts. 

Peggy and I continued to stand there - just frozen in 
our tracks. I couldn't believe what we were watching - 
or that we were powerless to stop it. Instead, I felt my 
dick swell. 

As ashamed as I was over it, my daughter was giving me a 
hard-on as I watched her milk the last of our son's cum 
onto her tits. She looked simply enormous sitting there 
on that toilet - those tits of hers had swollen even 
bigger - and they looked so pretty covered in all that 
cum. I felt a strange pang of jealousy - jealousy mixed 
with pride actually. I was proud of my son, in much the 
same way my dad had been proud of me. Peggy wasn't lying 
- the kid was a fucking mule. Then there was a part of 
me that was jealous. 

Jealous that it wasn't MY cum plastered all over 
Meagan's tits. I had fought those feelings toward her, 
but the harder I fought, the more I seemed to be drawn 
to her. It was overpowering - and Meagan didn't help the 
situation. I knew she wanted my attention. Secretly, I 
knew she wanted much more than that. But I was her 
father, and it just wasn't right. Anymore than it was 
right for her to play with her brother like that. 

That's not how people in respectable society behaved - 
we'd all been brought up with a different set of values. 
Maybe Peggy could explain it to the kids. They 
acknowledged our presence all of a sudden, as though 
they just realized we were there. "I made Peetie feel 
all better mommy - just like you made daddy feel better 
- see. He squirted this white stuff on my boobies." The 
kid giggled then as she rubbed it into her tits. 

"It feels all slippery and tingly mommy- it feels GOOD 
to have this stuff all over my boobs - lookit... I think 
this stuff makes 'em GROW. She raked a finger across her 
left breast and scooped a dollop of cum into her little 
mouth. Ooo... it tastes good too... it's sweet mommy." 

I don't know whether it was the cum, or a combination of 
other things, but my little girl's breasts had grown so 
large she could heft them up to her mouth and lick the 
cum off her nipples. She lifted both her tits up to her 
mouth then and started licking and sucking and 
slobbering all over herself - moving from one big breast 
to the other - licking every drop of cum off her tits. I 
got hard as a rock watching her do that - I felt I 
should turn around to keep Meagan from seeing me - but 
I'd been too late - she'd already noticed the bulge in 
my pants and she giggled. 

From that day forward, Meagan understood the power she 
had over me. She'd already guessed it, but then she was 
sure. She made her daddy horny with her big tits, and 
she knew it. It's a good thing she didn't know what a 
swollen pregnant belly did to me - or she'd probably 
want one. 

I think Peggy was getting horny again too - she was 
watching Peter play with his prick. The damn thing was 
still hard, and he just kept jerking on it - beating off 
right in front of us. My wife took the initiative to 
speak to them then. Someone needed to establish control 
in the family, and clearly, I had lost that ability. 

"Meagan, you shouldn't play with your brother like that. 
And Peter, you need to quit playing with yourself in 
front of everyone - it's not polite. Brothers and 
sisters just don't do that sort of thing with each 
other. That's what mommies and daddies do." 

Both kids looked at Peggy - clearly confused. "But, his 
thingie hurt mommy - and I was just helping him. I 
thought it was OK since you and daddy did it, and he 
said YOU helped him too - Peter said you made him feel 
better this afternoon." 

Peggy was remarkable in the way she dealt with that. 
"Meagan, mommies are supposed to help their children 
when they feel bad - that's what we do - that's not what 
sisters do - so let's just not do that OK?" 

Meagan agreed reluctantly, but I could tell her little 
mind was trying to work its way around to another angle. 
"Mommy, is it OK if daddies help their children like 
mommies do. Maybe daddy wants to help ME mommy - help 
make my boobies feel better. Daddy's looking at me - and 
his thingie is all big. Oh mommy, daddy's thingie is 
really REALLY big." 

Meagan walked over and stood right in front of me in the 
bathroom doorway. The top of her head barely cleared my 
waist, so she was just inches from my huge bulging 
prick. She reached out and stroked it through my pants. 
"WOW daddy, you're HUGE. Mommy, why is daddy thingie so 

I grabbed my child by the shoulders and told her to 
stop. After a little protest, I told her again. All the 
while, my dick was swelling so fast, and I'd become so 
excited I almost came in my pants. I decided I WOULD 
have control at this point - I was the father dammit. 

I hated to get so stern, but I told my daughter to 
"stop, and stop NOW." Meagan still understood when I was 
serious, and she quit rubbing my prick just in the nick 
of time. I'd have lost it 10 seconds later. I told both 
my children they were not to repeat what they did 
together today, and that they didn't need an explanation 
- I said they were not to do that, because WE SAID SO. 

That was one of the hardest things I'd ever done in my 
life. As I looked down at my daughter, I was insanely 
turned on by her... her little pig tails matted in 
cum... her sweet, pretty face... but most of all... her 

It took every shred of willpower I possessed to tell 
that child to stop playing with tear myself away 
from her. Things were back to normal again, or at least 
as normal as you could call our situation. Peggy got the 
girls' prescriptions out of the bag I'd brought home and 
made sure they took the first pill. I told her about 
Maggie's warning on the new formula. She was not pleased 
to hear the girls' breasts might get bigger - or that 
they'd become more aroused. But I felt like we should 
have the latest protection available for our kids - we'd 
just have to live with the side effects. 

When the subject of arousal came up, Peggy remembered 
something. "You know Billy, I didn't really make any 
connection before, but now that you brought it up - the 
kids are ALREADY more aroused. And it just happened 
today. They never did anything like that before - 
playing with each other - Meagan grabbing you like that. 
They acted strangely at lunch too. You'd told me not to 
let them have any more water, remember? Let them drink 
milk or something, you said - so we stopped at the Dairy 
Queen on the edge of town. I got them some milkshakes - 
which they inhaled. Jenny, Julie and Adam just wanted a 
diet coke, but the rest of them said they were hungry - 
really hungry." I asked Peggy what they ate. 

"Well, they all wanted cheeseburgers, so I ordered one 
for each of us. I've never seen those kids eat like that 
Billy - they inhaled the burgers, like they had the 
milkshakes, and asked me if they could have another one. 
They wanted another one of EACH - so I got more 
milkshakes and burgers. I'll have to admit, they were 
really good. I had another one myself. Then Meagan 
begged me for another milkshake. I didn't think it was a 
good idea, but she pitched a fit - so I gave in. That 
made two BIG cheeseburgers and 3 milkshakes the kid 
sucked up. What do you think that was about Billy - that 

Peggy could see the color drain from my face as she 
asked me that question. I told her we'd better get those 
pills over to Dee and Deb - and to our oldest, just in 
case. I told her to HURRY. Peggy could see that 
something was wrong and she demanded to know. I told her 
about the farm I'd passed on the way home - about the 
cows and the bulls - the way they'd been engineered to 
grow so...the possibility that what they'd eaten at 
lunch had come from... 

"Oh dear God Billy, tell me it's mean they 
could have... oh my... all that meat, and all that 
cheese, all that ice cream, and all that MILK! Billy, 
this is just too much. What's going to happen to them?" 

I told Peggy we'd already seen a little of what would 
happen to them, and that we'd better be prepared for 
anything. God only knew what was in store for them then. 
We gave the rest of our daughters the birth control 
pills, hoping we could at least prevent them from 
getting pregnant. They way Dee and Deb looked - and with 
Meagan and Melissa even MORE developed, they needed all 
the protection they could get. 

We'll rejoin our group soon and find out more about the 
composition of the water, the "vitamins", and of course, 
all that food. Meanwhile, as always, your comments are 
appreciated. Let me hear from you. 


After all those kids had eaten for lunch - and all those 
milkshakes they'd inhaled - they weren't very hungry, so 
I decided to see if the hotel could get a pizza 
delivered for my oldest kids and me. I knew we'd better 
get an extra one in case the others got hungry later. We 
got the young man at the front desk to take care of it 
and Peggy and I went back to our room. I thought the 
kids would be OK by themselves for a while - after all, 
Peter had blown his wad all over Meagan just a few 
minutes earlier.

What could happen, right? When we got back to the room, 
Peggy noticed something sticking out of the pocket in my 
lab coat. I'd tossed it on a chair in my haste to jump 
on her earlier. It was the video tape I'd picked up when 
I was snooping around at the community center. Peggy 
walked over to check it out. "What's this Billy... oh... 
it looks like a tape... did you rent us a movie?" I 
stammered a bit... "Well... it's... uh... well not 
exactly dear." I decided to just let her find out for 

"Let's see what we have here - what's this? It says 
'Daddy's Pregnant Pumpkin - Melanie at Nine Months' Why 
Billy... aren't YOU the naughty boy. Have you been 
watching dirty movies without me? I had no idea this 
kind of stuff even...where on earth did you 
says this girl is only...Billy, is this for real?" Peggy 
could tell I was embarrassed. But when I told her where 
I found it, and what was going on there, I aroused more 
than curiosity in my wife. Our room had a VCR, and Peggy 
was dying to see what was on the tape. 

"I think some of these things are all hype Billy. Let's 
just see how knocked up this little bitch is." 

Peggy hadn't seen what I saw in those rooms - I guess I 
couldn't blame her for being skeptical. She stuck the 
tape in the VCR and started it. There was some narration 
at the start, and footage of a beautiful mountain 
valley. The footage could have been anywhere, but it 
looked an awful lot like FERTILE valley. The narrator 
spoke in soothing tones: "Let us take you back home to 
the hills, where life is simpler. 

"There's none of the hustle and bustle of city life for 
the folks here. Not much business - very few jobs. Not a 
lot of recreation to speak of. Folks here just live off 
the land - barely getting by on their crops, and a 
little help from Uncle Sam. People pretty much keep to 
their families here - there's a lot of togetherness back 
home in these hills - and that makes for VERY 
interesting results now n' again. Especially for you 
fans of we say... 'in the family way.' 

"Girls like little 9 year old Melanie - the star of our 
show. She and her daddy figured they'd 'fool around' one 
day- you know - have a little family fun. That was 9 
months ago, and little Melanie has grown a bit since 
then. Seems like daddy left a little something in her 
belly that got very VERY big. What you're going to see 
is every swollen inch of this child's EE-normous 
pregnant body. So without further ado, here she is 
folks...just days before delivering two healthy, 
strapping baby boys." 

Peggy and I were standing there with our mouths open 
listening to the narrator, and the scene suddenly 
switched to a room with a bed, a chair and a couple of 
tables. It was one of the conjugal rooms at the 
community center! I recognized the furniture and the 
cinder block walls. The room was empty, and we could see 
every inch of it - corner to corner. They must have 
equipped the camera with a wide-angle lens to capture 
everything - wherever it happened. Then the door opened, 
and in walked Melanie. 

She moved toward the camera, looking straight into it. 
(It was obvious she thought there was a mirror on the 
wall.) She smiled, and looked down at her chest. She was 
close to popping the buttons off her sun dress. It was 
stretched so tightly across her swollen tits that her 
cleavage came bursting out over the top, and there were 
big gaps between the buttons where the material had 
pulled apart. 

The girl's father entered the room and sat on the bed 
behind her. Melanie began to unbutton the top of her 
dress. She seemed relieved to be rid of the material 
that confined her big breasts. They burst into view then 
- the buttons were barely keeping her top closed. 
Melanie looked at herself and smiled again. "Looks like 
mah titties done got too big for this here li'l dress 
Pa. It feels good to be outta that thang. Now I gotta 
git this big ole BRA-zieere off me. Help me with it Pa." 

The kid's father walked up behind her - well, limped 
would be a better word. His prick had grown so big he 
couldn't walk straight. He reached down under her tits 
and hefted them in his big hands - pushing them together 
and causing a foot of cleavage to ooze out the top of 
Melanie's big bra. Then he reached behind her back and 
undid the hooks. The band snapped forward when he got 
the hooks undone, and the child's breasts came tumbling 
out. They bounced and wobbled atop her big bloated belly 
for what seemed like 5 minutes. 

"Help me unbutton the rest of my dress, Pa. I cain't 
reach 'round my belly to the front ones - you done got 
me too swole up with young-uns." She turned to the side 
then, offering a profile to the camera. I gasped at the 
sheer size of the child's VERY pregnant belly. The man 
moved around in front of her. He smiled down at his 
daughter's swollen middle, obviously proud of what he'd 
accomplished. "Yep, looks like Pa done knocked you up 
good darlin'. You shore 'nuff got a belly on ya." 

They were right - she was so huge, there was no way her 
arms would reach around to the front of her. The man 
unbuttoned her dress then, starting right under her tits 
where her belly began the curve outward. As he went 
lower, button after button, he peeled the dress away 
from her bloated tummy - parting it down the middle - 
exposing more and more of her ripe young pregnant body. 
It billowed outward further and further as the buttons 
opened one by one - that big pregnant belly completely 
overwhelmed her. 

When he got to her belly button, I thought I would lose 
it. The damn thing was HUGE - and it stuck out like a 
giant nipple. The dress hit the floor. Standing in 
profile to the camera, the child ran her little hands 
over the sides of her swollen middle. She reached as far 
out in front as she could and absently scratched her 
belly - the damned thing bulged out two feet in front of 

Peggy had to sit down in front of the TV, before she 
fell over from shock. I was a little wobbly-kneed 
myself, so I sat down next to her on the bed. She gaped 
at the screen for a minute, unable to speak. 'Well, that 
shut HER up', I thought to myself. She finally had 
something to say: 

"My God in heaven Billy...will you look at the SIZE of 
that...that little GIRL...that girl and her...look at 
the size of the BELLY on that kid! Is she knocked-up or 
what...why she's ...she looks like she's pregnant with a 
fucking MULE. Dear God Billy...she's so young, and... so 
PREGNANT. What if Meag... what if Melissa and Debbie and 
Dee... dammit Billy I'm scared. " 

I understood my wife's fear all too well, but as I 
looked upon the very ripe pregnant body of that ENORMOUS 
knocked-up 9-year-old, I could only respond in one way. 
I'd become so excited, so quickly, that I flooded the 
entire leg of my pants with cum. I came on myself like a 
fire hose had gotten loose in my trousers - just sitting 
there looking at that kid's huge tummy - and those TITS 
- and that belly button! She looked like a fertility 

Bulging...ripe...SWOLLEN with child. 

Peggy couldn't believe how strongly I'd responded to the 
image before us. "Well I guess I know what gets YOU all 
hot and bothered now - you bad boy. I do believe my 
Billy's developed an interest in the younger generation 
- do I have that right? Did you go to the web site where 
they have more of this stuff Billy? Hmmm? Has my horny 
husband been hanging out at 
Looking at a bunch of pregnant little girls?" 

Obviously, Peggy had read every word of the label on the 
tape. I was busted - but instead of anger on her face, 
she just sat there smirking at me. She'd always been 
indulgent of my turn-ons, but I'd just cum on myself 
after watching a 9-year-old - a girl no older than our 
own sweet daughters. Her behavior was curious to say the 
least - I think she got off on it - got off on seeing me 
reduced to animal lust over that pregnant little girl. 
Still, there were some motherly instincts left in Peggy. 

"I guess I better keep a close eye on you around OUR 
little girls, huh Billy? What if Meagan comes up and 
rubs those big tits of hers on you? Just what would you 
do? Huh Billy? Our daughter has a big ripe pair on her 
Billy - a nice BIG pair of bosoms. And they're just 
going to get bigger - you know it and I know it. Your 
other little girls are too Billy - they're getting 
bigger every day. 

Meagan has me worried though - I've seen the way she 
looks at you - and I've seen the way you look at HER 
Billy. And that bare midriff she's been sporting? It's 
just for you Billy - she caught you staring at her big 
fat belly button the other day - you know what I'm 
talking about, don't you? It's always been twice the 
size of a normal child's - and it looks obscene the way 
it sticks out like that. I've seen your prick swell up 
when she's around Billy - don't you think I notice these 

Peggy had paused the tape then. I could tell she wanted 
to talk to me about the situation, and Melanie's father 
was just about to unzip his jeans for the camera. I was 
sure she'd want to see THAT part later, when I was fresh 
and full of cum again. I told Peggy I understood her 
concern, but that I would just tell Meagan to stop, and 
behave herself. Like I had earlier that day. "She 
listens to me when she knows I'm serious honey," I 
assured her. Peggy started to giggle then. 

"Yeah right, Billy. I can just see it now. Day after 
day, she comes home from school, and you from work. Her 
little blouses are getting tighter, and she gets hornier 
by the hour from those birth control pills. She bounces 
around the house without a bra on. She sits in your lap 
and plants a big wet kiss on your mouth. She grinds her 
young pussy on your pants leg, making your big dick 
throb and pulse so hard you cum on yourself. How long do 
you think that's going to last? - how many times are you 
gonna tell her to behave herself before you break down 
Billy - Huh?" 

Peggy had a point - to add credibility to it, my dick 
had grown hard again just listening to her talk about 
it. In my heart I knew she was right, but in my mind, I 
still felt that I could deal with my daughter. Our 
pizzas had arrived, and everybody was hungry again by 
then - even though most of them had consumed two days 
worth of calories at lunch. As we ate the pizza, I 
thought about all the cheese on it, but I figured what 
the hell, we couldn't starve could we? And nobody had 
keeled over dead yet. 

The younger kids attacked their slices as if they hadn't 
eaten in week. They were moaning over how good it was. 
"Mmmm, this is like delicious... I just love it 
mommy," Meagan said. The others grunted approval, as 
they chowed down on the pizza. It was gone in less than 
five minutes. I began to wonder if my kids would get fat 
from eating so much - but then, that was the least of my 
worries. I decided after dinner that I'd get some 
samples of the meat, cheese and milk from the Dairy 
Queen where Peggy and the kids had eaten lunch. 

I wanted the lab to analyze the content, searching for 
traces of hormones and whatever else might affect my 
family and the rest of the population there. Even a 
small trace of the wrong hormone can add up - especially 
in foodstuffs consumed on a daily basis. 

There was something else too - (flavor enhancers, 
maybe?) making this food so irresistible to the kids - 
I'd NEVER seen them eat like that. Peggy said she'd get 
Meagan and Melissa to move to our room while I was gone 
on my mission. She didn't trust them in the room by 
themselves with Peter. It was just for the two days we 
had left before we moved into the house - so I figured 
I'd survive. 

It was easy enough to get the samples of food together. 
I had to go to the hospital and have the courier get 
them to the lab. While I was there, I stopped in at my 
own lab to check on things - the rats were all passed 
out in their cages. Maggie had left the males in with 
the females. They must have drained their little balls 
until they lost consciousness. 

My computer sat there like a beacon. Calling me to it. I 
had a high-speed internet connection, paid for by the 
feds - all in the name of research. I decided to do some 
research at '', one of the sites 
mentioned on the videotape. I was, after all, a genetic 
scientist. I felt it was my duty to check it out. 

On the left-hand side of the homepage was a young boy. 
They identified him as 'Jimmy Ray', age 10. There were 
several paragraphs of text under the bold headline 
"Mother Nature's Special Gift" to the right. The text 
explained that in certain parts of the country, 
inbreeding was a common practice. "And there are 
consequences to that inbreeding" it went on to say. They 
explained that in some poor rural areas, it had been a 
way of life for many generations. There was more: 

"Our film crews have captured footage that must be seen 
to be believed. This repeated inbreeding, so rampant in 
the families we've documented, has produced some rather 
astounding sexual characteristics in the younger 
generations. Let's just say Mother Nature went a little 
overboard here. 

"Yes, the young people featured in these films are 
endowed beyond your wildest dreams - in ALL the right 
places. And they're driven, like animals in heat, to 
fuck each other silly. You will drool as you watch 
Jimmy's little 8 year old sister lick and slurp and suck 
her way up and down his massive prong - rubbing it all 
over her sweet face - shoving it up between her swollen 
young tits. Suzy simply worships her brother's big dick, 
and she knows what to do with it." The description went 
on after I hit the link to the next page: 

"You'll gasp as he enters her gaping hole - shoving his 
big horse-cock so far up his sister's pussy he almost 
splits her open. Your tongue will drag the floor as you 
watch this boy fuck the living shit out of his sister - 
jerking her little body up and down on his monster prick 
like she was a rag-doll." BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE, it 

For a limited time only - on our BONUS TAPE - you'll get 
to watch little sister Suzy as her belly swells with her 
brother's babies. You see, we filmed Jimmy fucking the 
little girl about a year ago - and month after month, 
following that very HOT piece of footage, we shot scenes 
of Suzy's progress. That's right - you'll see little 
Suzy's pants get tight. Then she won't be able to button 
them at all. Soon, she'll leave the zipper hanging open 
- then you'll witness a miracle of transformation." 

I guess I knew what was coming next in their description 
- I had to take my prick out of my pants before I split 
them open. The head of it was hovering right under my 
chin after I let it loose - I'd become so excited over 
this narrative, my prick had swollen so big it was 

As I scrolled down, a picture of Jimmy and Suzy came 
into view. It was an outtake from the first video - Suzy 
was on her knees, licking the underside of her brother's 
prick. Her little hands were wrapped around the middle 
of his prick - but both of them together could not reach 
around the fucking thing - his dick was that fat. He was 
easily 14 inches long - Suzy looked like such a little 
slut, licking on his big prong. 

The next picture showed Suzy with that big prick stuffed 
up inside her young pussy - it was hard to believe she 
could take it all - but she had a devilish grin on her 
face, obviously enjoying it. Her pussy lips were 
stretched so tight they looked like they would split 
open at the seams. I scrolled down to yet another shot 
of her - an obviously PREGNANT Suzy. She'd grown so 
large, her zipper was hanging open - her bulging belly 
spilling out of her jeans. The narrative started up 
again, as my prick began to twitch. 

"This is just the beginning of a transformation you will 
not soon forget. Suzy is only 8 weeks pregnant in this 
bulging belly shot. You'll watch her swell with each 
coming week of her pregnancy - you'll see her belly get 
rounder, fuller - HUGE, as Jimmy continues to stuff 
every fat inch of his monster up her knocked up hole. 
Little Suzy gets hornier by the day as her bulging 
abdomen expands with the growing children inside her - 
yes, Suzy will be the proud mother of triplets at the 
tender age of 8. We follow her swelling pregnancy all 
the way to labor day - you simply will NOT believe the 
size of this child as she enters the delivery room. 

Well, they didn't offer a shot of Suzy at nine months 
gone - that would have cut down on tape sales I guess - 
or maybe it would have increased them. At any rate - 
they got to me. I had my credit card out before I knew 
what hit me, and I ordered the damn thing as I ogled 
Suzy's tummy bursting out of those jeans. I heard the 
door to my lab open. 

Had I been THAT forgetful - leaving the damn door open? 
I scrambled to stuff my prick in my pants and close the 
window in my browser when I heard a familiar voice: 
"Relax mister, it's just li'l ole me." Maggie had a key 
to the lab, and had let herself in. She walked over to 
my computer station and leaned over my shoulder to see 
what was on the screen - mashing her tits into me. 

"Oh my goodness, just what does my favorite scientist 
have here? Doing some genetic research I see? Genetic-, huh? Now I wonder what's so interesting 
about this site?" Maggie reached around my right side 
for the mouse, squashing her entire chest into me then. 
She scrolled down to another shot of a pregnant Suzy 
getting stuffed with Jimmy's cock. 

"Now I see - Billy's been a bad boy - looking at naughty 
pictures of knocked up little girls. Ooo...this one's 
getting FUCKED, and fucked good. Jesus Billy, that kid's 
bigger than YOU are - my GOD that's the biggest fucking 
DICK I've ever seen in my life. What do they say made 
him so HUGE?" I told Maggie they claimed it was all the 
inbreeding that turned these kids into freaks of nature, 
then drove them to do nothing but fuck all the time. 
Maggie was reading the part about the bonus tape and 
commented on the little girl then: 

"I see where all that fucking got HER, huh Billy? That's 
what's got your attention - I know you mister - you 
wanna see that girl's belly the day she delivers - all 
swollen to bursting with those 3 babies in her tummy. 
She will be ENORMOUS Billy. Just like I'm gonna be soon. 
I'll make that kid look like a shrimp, sweetie - you 
know that? Ooo, I think all this talk about big pregnant 
bellies is making Billy VERY horny - maybe Maggie needs 
to make Billy feel better." 

I knew that was coming - Maggie had been rubbing her 
tits on me the whole time she was looking over my 
shoulder at the screen. I could feel them swell as she 
mashed them on me - I knew she was horny. She let go of 
the mouse and reached for my throbbing prick. She jerked 
the head of my dick for a minute, then spun the chair 
around so we were facing each other. 

She got on her knees in front of me and started jacking 
me off with both her hands. I couldn't take my eyes off 
Maggie's tits. Her uniform had grown even tighter that 
day, and her tits simply OOZED out the top of it. She 
had to leave the top 3 buttons open she'd gotten so big. 
Her belly had swollen to the point she had to leave a 
couple buttons open there too. She was about to pop out 
of that uniform. 

"Ooo, I think I'm gonna climb in your lap and stick this 
THING of yours in my pregnant little twat. Oh God, I'm 
so WET Billy - you make me so HORNY. I don't have any 
panties on - see?" She'd hiked her skirt up to show me 
her glistening pussy. Maggie was dripping, sopping wet 
alright - her juice was running down her thighs and my 
big dick slid into her like she was greased with butter. 
Maggie was bouncing up and down on my prick so fast 
then, she looked like a blur in front of me. 

She looked more pregnant than ever - her big belly 
mashing into mine as I fucked the daylights out of her. 
She grabbed the back of my head then and pulled me into 
her bloated breasts - smothering me with all her bulging 
tit-flesh. I slobbered all over her cleavage like a 
madman - rubbing my face over every inch of her fat 
pregnant bosoms. 

She lost control of herself as my dick ran in and out of 
her pussy - her hair was flying in every direction, and 
she started moaning and panting. "Oh, God...FUCK me 
Billy...oh, I was hoping you'd come back here tonight - 
I wanted to fuck you so BAD...oh Billy, GIVE it to me... 
shove that big fucking DICK in me...I wanna make you CUM 
in me!" 

The way Maggie was moving, she'd get her wish very soon 
- I didn't last long. I came and came and CAME inside 
her until it gushed out of her pussy, running out onto 
the chair seat under us. That was quite a workout, and 
Maggie looked so pleased with herself afterward. 

"You really just can't resist a big ole pair of tits and 
a swollen tummy can you Billy?" She giggled like a 
little girl then. "Maggie's gonna get so big for you... 
I'm gonna to drive you right out of your mind with my 
big pregnant body. That's right Billy - I'm getting more 
pregnant every day - I can SEE it. I can feel it too - 
I'm swelling like a balloon - bigger Billy. My belly is 
getting HUGE baby. I'm going to have a belly FULL of 
babies bulging out in front of me. Right in front of YOU 
- every day you come to work." 

Maggie was such a tease - I thought about what she'd 
said that night, and for days afterward. That is, when I 
wasn't thinking about Meagan and her expanding chest. It 
was hard to avoid thinking about Meagan - since she and 
Melissa were staying in the room with Peggy and me. I'd 
see her in her little flannel pajamas - her breasts 
about to pop the buttons off the top - her widening hips 
and plump round butt about to split the seams on the 

She needed a bigger pair already, and Peggy had just 
bought those pajamas a week earlier. I would drift off 
now and then, lost in a fantasy over how big my 
daughter's tits would get. Meagan caught me going off 
into the ozone one day while I was propped up at the 
headboard, sitting in bed - I guess she could tell I had 
a far away look in my eye. I heard her all of a sudden, 
as though she was calling me from a distance. 

"Daddy, what are you thinking about? You look like 
you're not even here." 

When I came back to reality, Meagan was sitting at the 
foot of the bed looking at me. Peggy had left me alone 
with her while she and Melissa went to the store. The 
child was smirking, as she looked down at her chest. My 
pretty little daughter sat there, braless, in a skimpy 
tank top stretched across her swollen tits. She gently 
rocked her shoulders, causing her bosoms to bounce and 
wobble around inside the top. 

"You aren't thinking about THESE are you daddy? - My 
boobies? They're pretty, aren't they daddy? - see how 
big they're getting?" 

I just sat there with my jaw hanging open while she 
started to giggle. Then she shook her tits from side to 
side for me, looking me right in the eye with a big 
smirk on her face. "I know you like 'em daddy - you 
stare at 'em just like Peter does - with this funny 
kinda' look on your face." 

I promised Peggy I'd be firm with Meagan, but as I sat 
there looking at her, my prick began to twitch like a 
snake with its head cut off. Meagan was staring at it as 
she began to mash her tits together from the sides. She 
tugged on her nipples - twisting and pulling on her fat 
rubbery areola till they were big around as doorknobs. 
She was grinning from ear to ear. 

Then I noticed her bare tummy - her tits stuck out so 
far, they drew up the bottom hem of the tank top - there 
was a 6-inch gap between it and the waistband of her 
panties. She looked like she'd put on some weight in her 
middle - her tummy looked so plump, it made her belly 
button poke it bigger than I'd ever seen it. I knew how 
much she'd been eating, and it turned me on more than it 
should have to see where the extra weight was deposited. 

I felt as though Meagan was torturing me. She grew more 
voluptuous every day - and I could do nothing but watch. 
She wobbled around braless in front of me - she teased 
me and taunted me, knowing how much it turned me on to 
see her growing bigger. She loved every minute of it - 
and I could do nothing but watch. I had to put a stop to 
the madness. I told Meagan she shouldn't dress like that 
in front of her father - or play with herself like that. 
I told her she should wear a bra and a shirt instead of 
that little top - and to put some pants on. She gave me 
a little pout. 

"I can't help it daddy - my bras are too tight and they 
hurt me. It's 'cause of my boobs - they're getting too 
big to fit in my bras. I can't button my pants either 
daddy - my tummy's bigger too.'s making my 
belly button a real BIG sticky-outie kind...see daddy?" 
Meagan poked her tummy out at me, and flicked her 
fingers over her distended navel. My God, it was HUGE - 
as big as a pregnant woman's, and Meagan wasn't even... 

She could see that I was weakened - that I was under her 
spell, and she took advantage of it. She got on her 
hands and knees and crawled toward me at the head of the 
bed. Her breasts swung like cow bells hanging off her 
chest. She hovered above my left leg - swinging her 
bosoms - letting her nipples graze across my throbbing 
prick. I felt powerless to do anything to stop her - 
powerless to do anything but moan while she rubbed her 
bloated breasts across my prick. My daughter had a 
wicked little grin on her face as she watched my dick 
swell up in my pants leg. 

I'd grown so excited I couldn't move - I couldn't even 
think. I was simply CONSUMED with lust for my little 
girl and her big tits. Meagan was about to make me cum 
on myself when Peggy and Melissa got back. Peggy ran 
over to the bed and grabbed Meagan by the shoulders, 
pulling her away from me. 

"Young lady - you leave your daddy alone - do you hear 
me? I've told you NOT to do things like that - not with 
Peter, and certainly not with your father. Daddy belongs 
to Mommy! - do you understand that? Get yourself dressed 
and do it NOW Meagan, before you get a spanking you'll 
never forget." 

I'd never seen Peggy so upset with her. I think there 
was a streak of jealousy developing between my wife and 
daughter, and I knew I'd have to be careful in the way I 
dealt with it all. Surely Peggy would take pity on me, 
and the situation I was in. I hoped she would, anyway. 

For the time being she'd kept Meagan at bay, but I 
wondered how long it would last - how long it would be 
before Meagan would tempt me again. How long would it 
take before she succeeded in making me cum all over her, 
or worse. 

The next couple of days passed so quickly, it all seemed 
like a blur. Peggy was getting the last of the furniture 
moved into our old farmhouse as I headed off to the lab. 
I was anxious to get my test results - the chemical 
analysis of the spring water and those PILLS - the ones 
dispensed to unsuspecting girls as 'vitamins', and to 
Peggy and my girls as 'analgesics'.

 My hands were shaking that morning as I picked up the 
first page off my fax machine. I guess I should have 
known what to expect, but the anticipation was killing 
me. The spring water analysis came first - there was a 
list over half a page long of ingredients in the water. 
Many of them were naturally occurring minerals, but near 
the bottom were some very long chemical compounds I'd 
never seen in my life. There were explanations for each 
of these. 

The first was described as "a most complex derivative of 
opium, found in miniscule traces - could produce a sense 
of euphoria if consumed on a regular basis - could also 
act as an aphrodisiac." I guessed that would help 
explain the behavior of some of the residents of the 
valley - and my own feelings since ingesting the stuff. 

The second compound was described as "a stimulant to the 
pituitary, structured to expedite and magnify the normal 
growth associated with individual genetic 
predisposition." Hmm, I thought - it jump-started the 
growth process, explaining the early development, but it 
also magnified what would eventually happen anyway, when 
nature took its own course. 

So, my daughters' breasts were partially the result of 
my great grandmother's genes after all. They would have 
had big tits anyway. This chemical just pushed them to 
the next level - they got bigger, earlier. Same with the 
penis development - my dad had passed along his genes to 
me in that department, and I to my son Peter. The 
chemicals took over where nature left off. 

Next was a chemical described as "A facilitator, or 
delivery system for the other chemical compounds - 
enabling the deployment of those compounds in a timed 
release sequence. This could offer weeks, (or months, 
depending on the volume of ingestion) of systematic 
delivery of the chemical compounds listed above." So our 
bloodstreams were like a ticking time bomb - the 
chemicals would be delivered on a consistent basis for 
God knows how long. I was beside myself. 

What would happen next, I wondered. My youngest children 
were developing at an alarming rate, and were already 
attracted to the opposite sex. My daughter was about to 
drive me to the brink of insanity - teasing me with her 
blossoming young body. Now that I knew the reason for 
their overactive libidos - and those of the rest of the 
inhabitants - it was little consolation. What could I do 
about it? Precious little, I was afraid. 

The next page came through - the analysis of the pills. 
It confirmed my fears - and worse. They contained large 
amounts of Pergonal, a popular fertility drug among 
women having trouble conceiving. The lab added that 
multiple births were common among less fertile patients 
using this drug. Among normally fertile women, or girls, 
the results could be staggering. Along with the 
fertility drug, this concoction included another 
aphrodisiac - a stimulant they likened to cocaine. It 
too had a timed-release architecture - "The gift that 
keeps on giving", as it were. 

So, if I understood all of it correctly, there could be 
thousands of people out there, (my family included), who 
were pumped full of drugs that were making them horny 
out of their minds - their reasoning was clouded by 
narcotics, they were bursting out of their clothes from 
growth enhanced by hormones, and the females were so 
fertile they could populate a small planet in a few 

I remembered then, that I hadn't even received an 
analysis of the meat and milk yet - it would be several 
days before I'd find out. They could prove to contain 
ingredients that worked in combination with the others 
to produce even MORE staggering results - maybe on a 
whole new age group. It was truly frightening to 
consider the possibilities. 

I thanked my lucky stars that Peggy had the foresight to 
put the girls on birth control. They'd started school 
that week, and we couldn't watch every move they made. 
We knew how horny they were - we'd witnessed that 
already, and it scared us to death. As the days went by, 
our little girls began to exhibit some of the side 
effects from the birth control pills - the ones that 
Maggie had warned me about. As if they needed to be any 
bigger in the bust, or any hornier than they already 

On top of everything else that had happened, it seemed 
like a cruel joke - something designed to test the 
limits of my willpower. To add insult to injury, Meagan 
was leading the pack. Since that day in the hotel, she 
was under strict orders from her mother to put a bra on 
every morning and keep it on all day. Certain 
developments over those past few days however, made 
those orders more uncomfortable for my daughter. 

Peggy had made the mistake of leaving her alone with 
Adam and me one Saturday, while she went shopping with 
the others. Adam retreated to his bedroom, and Nintendo 
games, as soon than the van pulled out of the driveway. 
I was stretched out on the couch, determined to catch a 
nap while things were quiet around our bustling 
household. But Meagan saw an opportunity, and she seized 
it. She walked over to the couch and kneeled down in 
front of me - her chest just inches from my face. 

"Daddy, I'm scared...I don't know why it's happening so 
fast...I gotta show you something...pleeeeze daddy." The 
child looked like she was almost in tears, so I stroked 
her hair and asked her what was wrong. She began to 
unbutton her sleeveless little white cotton blouse. I'd 
noticed it seemed tighter than usual - it was stretched 
so far out in front, you could see her bra through the 
sides of the arm holes - but I thought nothing more of 
it. I'd finally grown accustomed to her being so big in 
the bust. 

She peeled the blouse away from her chest then, and 
gestured toward her bra. "Daddy, look at it...look what 
it's doing to me. It hurts so bad - and mommy won't let 
me take it off." 

Meagan had pulled the shoulder straps out as far as they 
would go - they were barely connected at the cups - yet 
they dug deeply into her shoulders, and the fleshy tops 
of her breasts. The cups themselves dug into the middle 
of her bosom, right above her areola, causing her breast 
flesh to literally burst out over the top. I looked 
beneath her breasts at the under-wire, and saw several 
inches of bosom oozing out there as well. That HAD to be 
painful. She pleaded with me then... 

"Daddy, please help me...please unhook this's 
so tight, and I'm so BIG... it's HURTING me daddy." She 
removed her blouse completely then, and turned her back 
to me. "Pleeeze daddy...I promise I'll be good...just 
take it off me!" 

I was trembling as I fumbled with the 4 hooks on the 
broad body band. I knew Peggy had bought her some new 
adult bras last week and altered the sides to fit snugly 
around her back. She'd outgrown the ones designed for 
busty girls - the ones we'd paid so much for at "Little 
Miss Maternity". 

I had no idea what size she'd just purchased, and I 
gasped when I pulled the tag out. Meagan's ninth 
birthday was less than a week away, and she was BURSTING 
out of a 34"DD-cup brassiere. I shuddered to think what 
size she'd need to fully accommodate all the tit flesh 
squeezed into that overflowing bra. 

Meagan became impatient as I got only two of the hooks 
loose - my hands all sweaty and shaking. "What's the 
matter daddy? Can't you get it all the way undone? 
Please get me outta this thing!" I twisted and pulled, 
and finally got them loose - the body band snapping 
forward like a slingshot. 

From behind her, I could see the lower slopes of her big 
breasts spread out past her ribcage. They bounced and 
wobbled from side to side before they finally came to 

Then she turned around to face me. Meagan's breasts had 
grown enormous - her areola as wide as the palm of my 

"See what I mean daddy? My TITS are HUGE. There's no way 
they'll fit in that fucking bra." I was shocked to hear 
those words come out of my little girl's mouth - she'd 
always referred to her breasts as 'boobies" and we NEVER 
used the "F word" around the house. 

I confronted her: "Meagan, where did you learn that 
language young lady?" It was just as I suspected: "I 
learned it at school daddy - this boy told me I had the 
biggest tits in the whole fourth grade. I asked him if 
he was talking about my boobies and he said when they 
get this big they're not boobies anymore - they're TITS. 
Then he said 'You so big girl, you gonna bust out of 
that fucking bra.' Is it bad to say that daddy?" 

I told her that was not nice language, and she shouldn't 
repeat it, then I asked her who that boy was. She told 
me his name was Luke - " It was Luke McCabe daddy, and 
he's really cute. He said he wanted to play with my 
tits, but I said no. I want YOU to play with my tits 

Meagan had her hands on her hips, slowly twisting at the 
waist. Her big bosoms were swaying from side to side. I 
could feel my eyes glaze over as I watched them - simply 
mesmerized by the sheer mass of her perfectly formed 
breasts - a veritable sea of firm young tit flesh - 
wobbling around right in front of me. Then I felt 
something else. Meagan had reached over and gently began 
to stroke my bulging cock. It looked like I had a tree 
branch inside my pants leg. My daughter knew what had 
inspired the swelling in my pants, as surely as she knew 
her name - and she used that knowledge on me. 

"There's no use pretending daddy. I already know what 
happens when boys look at me - and when YOU look at me 
daddy. I make you excited - and it makes your thingie 
get bigger. Peter says it feels good when I rub on HIS 
big thingie, and I know you like it too daddy - I can 
tell. I know what else you wanna do too. You wanna feel 
how big and soft and round my TITS are, don't you daddy? 
I could tell you liked it when I called 'em that. They 
ARE too big to be boobies anymore. Don't you think so 

With that, Meagan reached for my right hand and drew it 
to her cleavage. She pushed her breasts together, 
squashing my hand between them. "See daddy - don't they 
feel soft and warm on your hand?" I could do nothing but 
nod in the affirmative at that point, as my daughter 
continued to stroke my bulging prick. "Feel me daddy - 
feel up my big tits while I play with your thingie. I 
wanna make you squirt stuff all over, like Peter does. I 
know that makes it all better." 

Without a thought in my head, much like a zombie in a 
trance, my hands found their way to my little girl's big 
breasts. I felt up every bulging inch of her pillowy 
young tits - I hefted the undersides, gasping at their 
weight - I mashed them together, astounded at the 
cleavage that ran from her neck, halfway to her navel. I 
buried my face between them - licking and sucking on her 
nipples and fat rubbery areola. I slobbered all over 
every inch of her vast bosom as she jerked me harder and 

Meagan climbed up on the couch then, and sat on my 
thighs. She looked down on me over the shelf of her big 
young breasts. She unzipped my pants and asked me to 
pull them down. "I wanna take your thingie out daddy - 
pleeeze. I wanna see you squirt white stuff all over me 
- all over my big TITS. Oh, daddy, they feel so NICE 
with all that slippery stuff on 'em." Meagan got 
everything she wanted that day and more - I was 
powerless to argue. When my prick was free, she leaned 
over and rubbed it all over her pretty tits - they'd 
swollen from all the attention I'd given them. 

My God in heaven, I thought to myself - I couldn't 
believe what I'd done to her breasts just from feeling 
her up and sucking on them. The effects were not lost on 
my daughter, as she pointed out to me: "Lookit 
daddy...look how BIG you made my tits. See what you get 
when you play with 'em? - you get BIGGER ones daddy. You 
made me ENORMOUS. Daddy, I know what that does to you - 
when you see me get real big. I want you to DO it now. 
You know - squirt on me daddy - squirt that stuff on me 
- all over these big tits." 

Megan had both her hands on my prick - she'd made it so 
hard with all her teasing that she couldn't even wrap 
them around it, but she tried - boy did she try. Then 
she jerked them up and down the entire length of my 
shaft - she'd gotten me all slippery with pre-cum, and 
her hands were just FLYING over me. She concentrated on 
the head then - making quick, short strokes, and rubbing 
it all over her bulging young breasts. I thought I would 
simply BURST. She must have learned that from Peter I 
thought - I knew they'd been 'at it' every time our 
backs were turned. "Oh daddy, I can tell it's getting 
bigger - oh! ...look how BIG you are - it's gonna happen 
now, huh daddy? You're gonna squirt on me now aren't 

The child had developed an uncanny sense about those 
things. In a few seconds, still under her intense 
manipulation, I let go with a wad of cum so big it made 
her jump back - startled like a kitten. It landed 
squarely on her chest, adorning her big fat nipples. She 
never let go of me through it all, and delighted in one 
big spurt after another. I came like a fountain all over 
my daughter's swollen tits. My gushing finally subsided 
as she rubbed my softening cock over her wet slippery 
bosoms - massaging the head of my prick into her 
enormous areola. 

Meagan was very pleased with herself as she sat there 
looking at me. Some of my cum had landed on her left 
cheek, and her tits were COVERED in it. She looked so 
pretty with all that cum dripping off her, and she 
commented on the volume of it. "Daddy, you were REALLY 
full of that stuff...look how much of it you squirted - 
it's all over me. You have LOTS more than Peter does 
daddy... and your thingie is so much BIGGER." 

With that, she began to giggle. "I like making you that 
big daddy. You must really like my tits huh daddy? I 
made you squirt so MUCH - I bet you really love 'em - I 
bet you're gonna love THIS too." She started to lick the 
cum off her tits then, lifting them up to her mouth and 
slurping on her own nipples like a baby - rubbing them 
on her cheeks and her chin. She massaged those big gobs 
of cum into her breasts like it was cocoa butter - 
grinning from ear to ear as she looked down at me. 

Meagan stroked my prick one last time, then kissed me 
all over the face. She told me how much fun she had with 
me, and asked if she could make me feel better again 
sometime. I think my son had turned his sister into a 
cum-loving, cock crazy little slut. She knew exactly 
what she was doing as she worked me over, and she wanted 


"Daddy, we learned how to make a baby in school today!" 
Melissa and Meagan announced this in unison as we sat at 
the dinner table. I dropped my spoon in the chicken soup 
I was eating and just stared at them. It wasn't what I 
expected to hear at a time reserved for light, family 
conversation. Julie and Jenny had a look of disgust on 
their faces as Dee and Deb giggled. 

"I was wondering why all those girls we saw were so fat, 
and now I know" Meagan giggled. More giggling from the 
younger ones ensued - but Julie was not so amused by her 
little sister. There was a huge amount of sibling 
rivalry between them, and she did her best to be mean: 

"They're not fat, stupid - they're PREGNANT." Jenny 
couldn't resist getting in her own jab at Meagan: "Yeah 
dummy, like in... KNOCKED-UP. They've got a bun in the 
oven, you little moron - just like you're gonna have if 
you don't quit showing off those big cow-tits of yours." 

Peggy gave them all a stern glare and told them it was 
not the time or the place to discuss the subject of 
making babies - that we'd have to talk about that later. 
Meagan was paying no attention to her mother, or her 
older sisters. Instead, she was looking right at me from 
across the table with one of her knowing smirks. 

She'd noticed me ogling her bare midriff more and more 
since our little 'encounter' on the couch that day. I'm 
not sure she understood why it fascinated me, but she 
used every opportunity to poke her big belly button out 
in front of me - grinning, as she watched my prick swell 
in my pants. 

The expression on her face that night told me she'd 
discovered EXACTLY why I was so interested in her belly. 
She'd learned how girls got pregnant - and what it did 
to their bodies. She figured out somehow that it turned 
me on - and I was sure she'd use it on me. Just like her 
mother had for so many years. Just like Maggie had since 
the day we'd met. 

Meagan's appetite had continued to grow steadily during 
the weeks after she started on the pill. The kid was 
eating us out of house and home - and packing on more 
weight right where it drove me mad. Between the food and 
the birth control pills, my daughter's bust expansion 
was out of control. Peggy was bewildered at the prospect 
of buying her any more new bras - her tits were already 
popping out of the 36"EE -cups she'd gotten just two 
weeks earlier. 

Meagan's tummy continued to grow as well. Her belly 
button had grown so huge, it looked simply obscene - her 
pants were so tight she could barely get them buttoned, 
and at times, she wouldn't even bother. She'd leave her 
cut-offs unbuttoned and parade around in front of me - 
so I could see her enormous distended navel bulge out 
over the waistband. 

She knew it got me hot - and she used it to lure me into 
playing with her tits - every time Peggy's back was 
turned. Every time she could get me alone in some remote 
corner of the house - or the barn - or the basement. 
Meagan had staked out every hiding place on the 
property, and she knew I'd follow her there as soon as 
the coast was clear. 

I'd fought the temptation to do any more than nuzzle my 
face in her big breasts - or nurse at her monstrous 
areola - or flick my tongue over her fat bulging nipples 
- any more than splatter her swelling young bosoms with 
cum. She was getting so big I began to wonder if there 
was any truth to the old myth - the one about cum making 
tits grow. She simply LOVED rubbing cum into her tits. 

I'd fought the temptation to let Meagan do any more than 
jack on my big prick with her little hands - to rub the 
head of it in her cleavage - or to lick and suck and 
slobber over every inch of it with her hot little mouth. 
Meagan simply worshiped my cock. She lavished it with 
affection - rubbing it all over her face - licking and 
kissing it - nursing at the head of it with her sweet 
lips - lapping every drop of hot sticky cum off it with 
her talented little tongue. And I simply worshiped HER. 
I'd fallen head over heels in love with my daughter. 

From her honey blonde pigtails to the freckles on her 
nose and her plump, pouting lips - Meagan was adorable. 
She'd always had a special spot in my heart - but when 
her breasts began to grow, I began to melt down. When 
her tummy began to plump, I lost all reason. The 
temptation had become overwhelming. With every passing 
day, she grew bustier - her little belly plumper, and 
she wasn't even pregnant yet. 

As horny as she already made me - as big as she'd 
already grown, I shuddered to think what she'd look like 
all knocked up - her belly so swollen with child - 
tenting out the front of a cute maternity dress. The 
moment she discovered my passion for pregnant girls, I 
knew I was at my daughter's mercy. She occupied my every 
thought those days - even as I fucked Peggy silly, 
banging her head against the wall in our bedroom, my 
thoughts would drift to Meagan. 

The way her bosoms strained the buttons on her little 
blouses - the way her bra-less young breasts would 
wobble under her pajama top. Right before bed was the 
one time she was allowed to go without a bra - and she 
went out of her way to bounce as much as possible when 
she came to kiss us goodnight. She usually managed to 
mash her breasts against me in the process. 

I guess it was her way of making sure I thought of her 
big tits - even as I went to bed with her mother. Peggy 
still enforced her rule about the girls wearing 
brassieres, and for good reason. She understood, 
firsthand, the importance of firm support for big 
breasts. She had experienced her own share of growth, 
right along with the girls. 

With the exception of Julie and Jenny, they had all 
grown QUITE large in the chest. As usual, Meagan had the 
hardest time keeping a bra on - she continued to lead 
the pack in magnitude as well as duration of her growth 
spurts. She had consumed so much more spring water than 
any of them, and the chemicals were taking their toll - 
her bras did not remain comfortable for very long. 

Meagan complied with Peggy's wishes though - until her 
mother's back was turned. Then she'd set her growing 
young breasts free. That fateful day Meagan learned 
about babies was one of those occasions. Peggy had made 
friends with one of the teachers at school - another 
woman in her early 30s that she had a lot in common 
with. The woman had two daughters Julie and Jenny's age, 
and the kids had become friends as well. They'd all made 
a date to see a movie, and I was to stay with the rest 
of the kids. I don't think Peggy realized what she was 
setting me up for. 

Adam retreated to his room right after dinner, as usual. 
Meagan and Melissa went upstairs as well, claiming they 
had a lot of homework. Peter and Dee disappeared outside 
somewhere - something that happened often enough to make 
me suspicious - and Debbie joined me in the den to watch 
TV. For a minute anyway - Debbie had the attention span 
of a 2-year-old, and decided she wanted to play on her 

That left me on the couch to relax - or so I thought. I 
had my legs propped up on the coffee table - remote in 
hand - ready to watch some football. Not 10 minutes 
later, Meagan came down from her room. My jaw dropped 
when I saw her, and she giggled at my reaction - she 
delighted in the effect she had on me. 

Meagan had found one of her mother's old tank tops. The 
bright yellow material was almost threadbare, and it was 
cut so skimpy that she simply POURED out of it - in 
every direction. Her nipples and areola were literally 
bursting out the front of it. Meagan looked obscene in 
that thing. 

It had been one of my favorite summer tops when Peggy 
first bought it. She always went around bra-less in it - 
the armholes were cut wide to expose the sides of her 
big tits - the neckline scooped low to exaggerate her 
bulging cleavage. She was still nursing Peter at the 
time, and I remembered just how much cleavage she had to 
show off - how often the front of it would be soaked 
with milk from her huge spurting nipples. It was the 
very tank top she wore the day I knocked her up with 
Meagan and Melissa. 

Now my 9-year-old daughter stood in front of me, 
stretching that very top to capacity with her enormous 
young breasts. She was smirking at me - knowing exactly 
what was going through my mind at the time. Meagan 
glanced down at her bosom and smiled - she pushed her 
tits together with her forearms and looked back at me. 

"They look bigger without that ole bra on 'em - don't 
you think so daddy? nipples are poking out - 
aren't they just huge? The girl I sat next to in class 
today had really big ones too - and she was real big 
somewhere else - she had a big tummy daddy - a REALLY 
big tummy. After we watched the movie, I knew why she 
was so big." 

Meagan was all giggles then. I was curious to find out 
what kind of 'movies' they were showing these kids. I 
asked her to tell me all about it, and she eagerly 
complied. She'd already made my dick so big I thought 
I'd lose it - and she wanted to see how much hornier she 
could make me before I actually did. 

"They showed us a movie with this boy and girl in it 
daddy. They were in this room with just a bed and a 
table, and they were sitting on the bed - the boy 
started kissing the girl, and putting his hands on her 
tits - then he stuck one between her legs - she really 
liked it daddy. 

"Teacher told us that's what ya call foreplay - she said 
it's when the male and female get each other excited - 
and then the boy's thingie got big daddy -she said that 
was his penis, and that the boy was gonna put it inside 
the girl's vagina. She took her panties off and they 
showed us the big hole between her legs. I never knew 
that's what you called it. Peter told me that was my 
pussy, and he said I had a really big one." 

My tongue was dragging the floor at that point - 
listening to her talk about what she'd seen was the 
hottest thing I'd ever heard in my life. She was looking 
right at my prick as she continued. "Daddy, I think I'm 
getting YOU really excited - like that boy was - like 
when he got on top of that girl. He was so big - I 
couldn't believe what he did with his thingie - I mean 
his penis - he stuck it in that hole between her legs 
and then he moved up and down on her - it made it go in 
and out of her. 

She liked it too - I could tell 'cause she was hugging 
him and saying how good it felt. He started doing it 
real fast daddy - they showed it to us from behind his 
butt. Then he made this noise - kinda like you make when 
you squirt on my tits - then I saw some of the white 
stuff come out of her...her vagina - it leaked out 

I was literally drooling as Meagan told me more about 
the 'sex-ed film' she'd seen. "Teacher said that white 
stuff was sperm, and it went up inside the girl and 
found eggs in her - and when that stuff found the eggs, 
it made babies in the girl's tummy. We saw some more 
pictures of the girl then daddy - they said it was 6 
months after that boy squirted the sperm in her. She was 
HUGE daddy - her tummy - it was humungous. Teacher said 
she had 4 babies growing in her - that's what made her 
so big." 

"Cindy, the girl sitting next to me, said she had 3 
babies in her tummy - and that her daddy put them there. 
She said it felt really good to do what they did in the 
movie - that her daddy did it to her all the time, and 
she told me how much he loved it when her tummy got all 
big. She told me she was gonna get even bigger - and she 
said it made her daddy really horny - that it made him 
want to stick his thing in her all the time. Cindy said 
they called it fucking. 

"She said her daddy FUCKED her until he knocked her up. 
That means he put babies in her." After all that, my 
child asked me some questions that changed our 
relationship forever: "Is that what I make you daddy - 
horny? Do you wanna squirt sperm in me and make babies 
in my tummy daddy? I know you like girls with big 
bellies - just like Cindy's daddy does. I watched you 
looking at some one day daddy - and your thingie got 
big. And I see you looking at MY tummy getting bigger - 
and my big belly button too - it's huge daddy. 

"Cindy says her babies made her tits bigger too - would 
you like that daddy? Do you want my tits to get even 

I just sat there dumbstruck - unable to answer. Meagan 
was petting my prick softly then - I didn't even need to 
answer - the size of my cock said it all. She crawled up 
on the couch then, and straddled my left leg. She 
planted her pussy right on my cock and started humping 
up and down the length of it. I'd grown so hard it was 
painful - but I could tell my hot little daughter was 
having the time of her life. 

"I never let anybody touch me down there daddy - I just 
played with myself - I wanted YOU to touch me down 
there. This is makin' me all wet daddy - my panties are 
all wet. Oh daddy - we're BOTH horny - I never saw you 
get THIS big - look at it daddy - your thingie is HUGE. 
Put it IN me daddy! Put it in my pussy and SQUIRT in me 
- Oh daddy, I want some babies in my tummy like Cindy 
has! Make some babies in me daddy. Pleeeze." 

I knew that day had been coming - I'd fought it for so 
long, it seemed - and I lost the battle right there on 
the couch. Without a care in the world as to who would 
see us, I stood up and pulled my pants off in front of 
my daughter - my prick sprang out bobbing and swaying 
just inches from her face. I told her to lie down on the 
couch and spread her legs open for me. I got on top of 
my little girl and pushed my fat knob into her gaping 

Peggy had told me she was putting half her fist into it 
while she played with herself, so I didn't figure I'd 
hurt her too badly. It was a damn good thing she was so 
big, because my prick had grown enormous from all her 
teasing. She was simply in awe of it, and the way she 
carried on made me grow even larger - and harder. 

"Oh daddy...oh God daddy look...look how big I made you. 
You really love me don't you want to stick 
that big dick inside me don't you? I made you so big 
you're gonna explode in me huh're gonna put 
LOTS of sperm in me. Oh you're just so HUGE...Oh 
daddy...come on and put more of it in me...make some 
babies in me with your big huge DICK... FUCK me with it 
- fuck me and knock me up daddy." 

I didn't need a second invitation. My daughter was 
squirming under me - swirling her pussy around on the 
head of my prick like a little whore. Her little friend 
Cindy had taught her some very nasty language, and she'd 
made me so HOT with it. She was made for this, I thought 
to myself. Made to fuck like a bitch in heat. She was 
running her little feet up and down the backs of my legs 
- then on my butt, as she bucked her hips at me - 
coaxing me to fuck her. 

I eased it further into her then - just an inch at a 
time as she yelped under me. "OUCH daddy...oh it's just 
so BIG...oh, oh... it'll be OK... oh that's better... OH 
THAT feels better daddy." 

I could tell I'd made it past her little hymen - or what 
was left of it.

"Oh it DOES feel good... Cindy was right... OOoh daddy! 
DO IT now! Stick it ALL the way in me... I want all that 
big huge DICK inside me daddy." 

I was ready, and so was she - I JAMMED my prick into her 
then - grabbing both her butt cheeks in my hands - 
lifting her ass off the couch and pulling her pussy down 
on my prick as I crammed every inch of it into her. It 
would have destroyed most little girls that age - but 
Meagan was ready for it. 

She was dripping, sopping wet and her body just screamed 
to be fucked. She had no trouble at all accommodating my 
huge prong and she bucked her hips toward me like she 
couldn't get enough. She was panting and moaning like 
she was about to cum. She was so wet we made loud 
slurping and sucking noises as I pounded my prick in and 
out of her. 

"Oh daddy it feels so GOOD...Feel how wet I am?...Cindy 
and Dee were right daddy...oh's 
so...fucking...GOOD. I wanna feel it inside me daddy - I 
want that sperm in me - SQUIRT it in me... pleeeze 
daddy." Meagan had lost control - wriggling under me - 
fucking her hips back at me like a little animal. She 
reached up and pulled my face down to hers - she started 
kissing and licking over every inch of my face -she 
stuck her tongue in my mouth and French kissed me - 
hugging my neck while I fucked the living shit out of 

Then my daughter whispered in my ear, panting - just 
like her mother had done 9 years ago, the night we made 
her and Melissa. "Daddy, I want you to get me... oh God 
daddy...I wanna be preg... oh... oh... I want you to get 
me PREGNANT daddy. I want a BIG tummy... a big huge 
tummy full of babies, daddy - YOUR babies. Oh daddy 
look... you're already making me bigger... look what 
you've done to my TITS from fucking me like this." 

She knew what that would do to me - talking about how 
big her tits were getting. I'd been too busy ramming my 
cock in and out of her to notice, but she'd swollen so 
large her nipples were about to pop right through the 
material of that tank top. Peggy had pretty well worn it 
out through all her nursing, and it was barely hanging 
on. I looked down at her and watched as she mashed them 
together from the sides for me. 

"Daddy, if you knock me up, they'll get so much 
BIGGER... you know that, don't you? I'll be so HUGE! You 
want them to get bigger, don't you daddy? - you want me 
to have ENORMOUS titties, huh daddy?" She never missed a 
stroke as she looked down at her swollen breasts. 

Something happened then that made Meagan's wish come 
true - made me cum like a fire hose inside her. I heard 
it... I saw it... but I just didn't believe it - Peggy's 
tank top began to rip. I watched it as it happened - 
Meagan's breasts had swollen so large from all that 
fucking, it could no longer contain her abundance - her 
nipples and areola burst right through the threadbare 
material - right before my very eyes. 

It simply pushed me over the edge - it made me EXPLODE 
inside her. I kept blasting gob after gob of hot sticky 
cum in her as I looked down at her huge areola sticking 
out through the material - God it was so... obscene. 
Wilder than any fantasy I could have imagined. My little 
girl's tits got big enough to burst right through her 
clothes, and I simply went mad with lust for her. 

I fucked her harder and harder - pounding her head 
against the arm of the couch - dumping as much cum in 
her as I possibly could, and loving every minute of it. 
She looked so nasty lying there getting her pussy pumped 
full of cum. I didn't care at all that she was my 
daughter - that there'd be hell to pay - all I could 
think about is how happy I'd be when her belly began to 
swell - how horny she would make me when she grew out of 
one big brassiere after another because her tits just 
got too fucking huge. I imagined what it would be like 
to watch her week after week - as her clothes got 
tighter - her supple young body blossoming with new life 
inside it. 

Just as I thought I'd emptied my balls inside her, I 
pulled my prick out, kneeling down in front of her. She 
spread her legs open then - I could see my cum oozing 
out of her - forming a puddle under her butt. God she 
looked like such a little slut - I felt like I'd lose it 
again as she started tugging on her nipples. "Look what 
you did to me daddy - you made my tits so big, my 
nipples busted right outta this top. I wanna feel your 
cum on my face now - I wanna taste it daddy - I love 
your cum so much daddy - shoot it in my mouth - CUM on 
me daddy." 

I was stroking my prick then - it was still so swollen 
it was painful. I don't know how, but there was still a 
BIG load in my balls, and I couldn't wait to get it out. 
My daughter was smiling up at me then - she'd opened her 
little mouth slightly and started licking her lips - 
"Right here daddy - cum right here - move closer to me 
and cum all over my mouth - all over my face - I want 
your cum all over me daddy." 

That did it - I lost control and started to spew again. 
A big fat rope of it flew at her face - plastering 
itself right across her mouth and cheeks. I was jerking 
on my prick like a madman - and spurting cum ALL over my 
little girl. It landed in her hair - it went up her nose 
- it dribbled off her chin. I even had enough to dump 
some on her tits - as if they needed any more. Meagan 
was licking it off her lips then, scooping it up off her 
face with her fingers and sucking on them. Lifting her 
tits up to her mouth and lapping up gobs of my cum like 
it was ice cream.

"Mmmm, daddy I made you cum so MUCH... I really DO make 
you really DO love me daddy. Oh daddy, I 
love YOU too and I love to FUCK you daddy, oh you make 
me feel so GOOD." 

Just then I heard noises - giggling, and whispering. I 
looked over toward the staircase, and there at the foot 
of it were Deb and Melissa - sitting on the bottom 
steps. They'd been watching us! Watching me fuck the 
living shit out of their sister - watching me cum all 
over her face and tits. They were grinning from ear to 
ear as they looked at us from across the room. I asked 
them how long they'd been sitting there. 

Deb spoke up first: "Long enough to know what gets YOU 
all hot daddy - as if we didn't already know that." They 
both started giggling again at that point. "Long enough 
to see that big huge dick of yours - no wonder Meagan's 
always talkin' about it. You really ARE a lot bigger 
than the boys at school." What a difference a few weeks 
at school made. It seems my sweet little girls had 
gotten quite an education from their classmates - and 
that movie they'd seen. 

The girls moved into the den and sat on the floor at the 
foot of the couch while I got dressed. Meagan continued 
to lick the cum off her tits - smiling at them. I asked 
them just what they knew about the boys at school. 
Meagan answered for them: "They've been letting the boys 
on the school bus play with 'em daddy - feel up their 
tits and spurt cum all over 'em. I watched 'em - at 
first they did everything but let the boys stick it 
in... you know... put it in their pussies. But now 
they're fucking their brains out - Debbie's got quite a 
reputation at school daddy." 

Melissa spoke up for she and her sister then "Yeah 
daddy, everybody knows Debbie likes 'em BIG boys dicks I 
mean, she likes the really HUGE ones. I do too daddy. 
It's not our fault. We just got so horny - we couldn't 
help it - Peter spends all his time with Mommy and Dee, 
and Meagan has you. We had to have somebody to play with 
- somebody to rub our big titties - they get all sore 
and swollen daddy - see?" 

Melissa peeled her tight top off over her head then, and 
yanked her bra cups down under her tits. Like her twin 
sister, she had far more tit flesh in her bra than I 
could have ever imagined. Her bosoms jutted out like a 
shelf from her chest - pushed up and out by the bra 
underneath them. 

She gestured toward Meagan: "I'm not as big as Miss Moo-
Cow here, but I'm growing - see? There's a way you can 
make me bigger too daddy - a lot bigger - like our 
friends at school are." 

They all giggled then - all three of them knew what made 
their daddy weak-in-the-knees horny. Debbie had a 
devilish grin on her face as she watched me. She sat 
next to me on the couch and yanked her t-shirt off. She 
started feeling herself up as she saw me drool over her 
big tits.

 I hadn't seen her nipples since the day they'd started 
to sprout, and I had to gasp when she took her bra off. 
They looked like big fat thumbs sticking out of her 
pebbly areola - twice the size they'd been just a few 
weeks earlier. I didn't understand why, but her nipples 
were so much bigger than her little sisters'. 

Debbie looked obscene as she sat there pulling on them 
and smiling at me. "I wonder how big these things would 
get if they were full of milk daddy?" She giggled then, 
and her sisters joined in. Melissa got up and stood in 
front of me. She cupped her hands a good 6 inches in 
front of her chest as she looked down at me on the 

"We'd be out to HERE daddy, our tits would get HUGE, and 
that's not all that would get huge if we got knocked-up. 
Huh daddy? That's what makes you so horny isn't it?" 
Melissa stretched her arms out in front of her belly 
then - holding them out as far as she could reach. "We'd 
have a tummy THIS big daddy." They all started to giggle 
when they saw my dick grow hard again. 

Debbie leaned over and whispered in my ear then, mashing 
a swollen nipple into my arm "All we have to do is talk 
about it, huh daddy - talk about... big... pregnant... 
bellies. We'll make you so horny you won't be able to 
help yourself - you'll have to fuck us silly, like you 
fucked Meagan. You know we could all be pregnant right 
now, don't you? We could have babies in our tummies - 
growing bigger daddy." 

My youngest twins looked curious about what Debbie was 
whispering in my ear, but not for long. Melissa began 
licking the rest of my cum off Meagan's tits - slurping 
and slobbering all over her nipples. Meagan held her 
head, moving it from one to the other as she moaned with 
pleasure. It seemed like they'd done this before, the 
way they were going at it. 

I'd been so consumed with the fantasy of Meagan all 
knocked-up that I'd forgotten we put the girls on birth 
control. It was unlikely that any of them were pregnant, 
no matter how many big dicked boys had been pumping cum 
in them - no matter how much I'd dumped in Meagan just 
then. I didn't have the heart to spoil the fun for them. 
I thought I'd just let them believe they could get 
knocked up - and I was still lost in the fantasy of 
their tummies getting big right before my eyes. 

I told my little girls we'd better pull ourselves 
together - that their mother and sisters would be home 
soon - that they should go find Peter and Dee. They just 
giggled - obviously aware of something I'd missed. Deb 
let me in on it: "If I know those two, they'll be at it 
for hours. They've been fucking like dogs every chance 
they get daddy." 

It amazed me how oblivious I'd become to my surroundings 
- two of my children had been fucking their brains out 
for weeks and I knew nothing about it - I'd been too 
absorbed in my own lust for Meagan. Something my 
daughters said led me to believe that Peggy was getting 
stuffed with our son's big young prick too. The girls 
had worked me into a lather with all that talk of 
fucking and wanting to get pregnant. 

They had me right where they wanted me - I was helpless 
to resist them as I sat there and let Debbie pull my 
dick out. She kneeled down in front of me and slipped 
her lips over the tip of my cock - her tongue darted 
around the head of it as she looked up at me. 

She tried to fit the head of my big prick in her mouth, 
but it was no use - it had swollen bigger than her fist 
from all the excitement. She was simply in awe of its 
size. It dwarfed her little hands as she stroked it up 
and down, slurping on the end of it. I was hypnotized as 
I watched her big nipples grow fatter - longer.

Debbie looked like a freak of nature - her nipples stuck 
out of her tits like spigots, and they were easily 2 
inches in diameter. She knew they were making me horny 
out of my mind, and she began to tease me about it. 

"Looks like these nipples are getting you all excited 
daddy - are you thinking about how huge they'll be when 
I get pregnant? Is that what's making you big as a 
horse? Huh daddy? Oh you're just so ...your dick is 
so... HUGE... look at's a monster daddy." 

Debbie was right - it had grown larger than my forearm 
from all her manipulation, and talk of how big her 
nipples would get. She climbed up on my lap then - 
ignoring my suggestion that we get ourselves together 
before her mom got home - and I was too horny at that 
point to protest. "I've got to have this thing inside of 
me daddy - I want to see what something this big feels 
like in my pussy - God you're ENORMOUS... fucking HUGE 
daddy... I want you to FUCK me with this thing." 

Debbie wasn't waiting for my consent - she positioned 
her dripping wet pussy right on the head of my prick and 
eased herself down on it. "So this is what it's like to 
fuck a horse," she said. "I thought I'd had some big 
ones inside me at school... but... oh GOD daddy... 
you're just're gigantic!" Debbie picked up the 
pace then - sliding up and down on my prick like a whore 
- gyrating on it - twitching and wriggling so fast I 
felt the cum rising in my balls not two minutes into it. 
She had her hands on my shoulders - her big nipples 
bulging out right in front of my face. 

"Just imagine them twice this big 
nipples...bigger...SO much bigger, and squirting milk 
daddy. All you have to do is cum in me...over and over 
daddy...and it'll happen - I'll get pregnant - you'll 
make me so big and pregnant my nipples will get HUGE. Oh 
daddy...FUCK me." 

She'd lost control at that point - her hair was flying 
around wildly as she rode my dick up and down - faster 
and harder she slammed her little pelvis into mine - 
fucking me like a mink. I knew I wouldn't last long at 
that rate - she had me so worked up I was about to spew, 
and I didn't care if it went inside her - I just wanted 
some release from the agony of all that built-up cum in 
my balls. 

"It's getting bigger daddy, I can feel it... your 
DICK... oh GOD daddy you're gonna... it feels like 
you're gonna CUM." My little girl knew just what was 
happening as I grabbed her by the ass cheeks and started 
lifting her up and down on my prick like a rag doll. I 
was fucking the shit out of my daughter - jamming every 
inch of my huge swollen prick in her - over and over and 
over - I fucked it in and out of her until I just 
couldn't hold it back any more. I let go inside her as I 
watched the look of shock on her face. 

"Oh daddy... it feels like you spurted all the way up in 
my throat! Oh... CUM in me daddy... keep CUMMING in me." 
Debbie continued to wriggle her pussy on my cock - 
milking every big fat glob of cum out of my balls like a 
little slut. She seemed to love it so much, I could tell 
she'd been at it for a while - her vagina went into 
spasms on my cock as she jerked up and down. "GOD I love 
the way it feels daddy - all your cum inside me - all 
that sperm in my little pussy... FUCK me daddy... fuck 
some more of it in me and make me HUGE with babies." 

Debbie knew just what it took to turn me into a raving, 
cum spurting maniac. The image of her with a belly full 
of my babies was too much to handle - I kept cumming 
inside her like I hadn't been fucked in a week - bolt 
after bolt of it splattered her insides as she sucked it 
out of me. She finally slowed down, as my prick began to 
dribble the last of the cum into her sopping wet pussy. 
Debbie stuck her tits in my face then, and pushed one of 
her nipples in my mouth. "Suck on it daddy - suck on my 
big fat nipple like a baby." 

It was heavenly to suck on Debbie's rubbery areola. I 
was simply exhausted, but so high from it all I felt 
like I was on some kind of heavy narcotics. I had just 
emptied my balls inside two of my young daughters and 
all I could do was revel in the pleasure of it all - 
with none of the guilt or remorse I would have felt just 
a few weeks ago. I slurped and sucked and slobbered all 
over her big chest as she continued to wiggle her pussy 
on my cock. I was still hard, after all that - hard from 
all the excitement and the images I'd conjured of my 
little girls growing so hugely pregnant." 

Just then we heard the front door slam. It jerked me 
back to reality, and I was terrified at the thought of 
Peggy walking in on us right then. Debbie slid off my 
prick and scrambled to find her clothes while I made a 
feeble attempt to pull my pants up. Melissa never missed 
a beat - she just kept licking my load off her sister's 
swollen tits. 

We were all relieved to see it was Dee and Peter - 
coming in from what appeared to be quite a little 
'session' outside. Dee looked like she'd been through a 
gang-bang. Her hair was plastered to the side of her 
pretty face with a mixture of sweat and cum - lots of 
cum. More of it adorned the shelf of her bosom - her 
blouse had been ripped open and she stood there in front 
of us with her tits bulging out the top of her big bra - 
they were COVERED in thick globs of boy-cum. 

I got weak in the knees when I looked down and saw the 
insides of her thighs. More cum was pouring out of her 
pussy - glistening as it oozed out of her in a little 
trail all the way down to her ankles. Peter had fucked 
her silly, and used her body as a cum-dump. Like me, he 
still had a hard-on, and I had to gasp when I saw the 
size of the fucking thing. Meagan noticed it too, and 
couldn't resist a comment. 

"Peter, your dick is fucking HUGE! How did he get so BIG 
daddy? He...he's almost as big as you are." Dee answered 
her question as she rubbed her brother's cum into her 
swollen tits: "I think I make him horny with these 
things." She started to giggle then, and added "he's 
been growing - every time we fuck, he gets bigger than 
the last time - I think he's gonna get big as a horse." 
We could all see that Peter had grown - the girls were 
just speechless, gawking at his huge member - but it 
still didn't answer Meagan's question. 

I felt it was about time to level with my kids - to tell 
them why we were ALL growing so large - why we were so 
horny all the time - why we couldn't help fucking each 
other like animals. I told them about the water, the 
'pain pills' they'd taken - the possibility that our 
meat and milk contained traces of bovine hormones. Last 
but not least, what the birth control pills were doing 
to their tits, and their sex drives. 

I explained why their mother and I wanted to protect 
them by putting them on the pill to begin with - that we 
were afraid they would get pregnant at such a young age 
- like so many other girls in the valley had. Why it was 
so important that they take their pill every day. That 
if they DID get pregnant, with all those fertility drugs 
in their systems, they could end up having more than one 
baby - maybe as many as 5 or 6 babies. That their 
bellies would get so big they wouldn't be able to walk, 
or even stand up straight. 

As I continued - telling them how sorry I was they'd 
been exposed to those chemicals, I heard Meagan utter a 
little "oops." The others giggled under their breath. I 
was almost afraid to ask, but I just had to know. I told 
Meagan to explain - "Oops, what?" I asked her. I cringed 
at the thought that ran through my head. 

"Well, you see daddy..." Her sisters were all giggling 
openly then. "We haven't exactly been taking those pills 
every day, like mommy told us to. I forgot one day, then 
Melissa did, and well, we all forgot to a few days...but 
we took 2 or 3 of 'em to make up for it, and our tits 
got really HUGE. I'm sorry daddy. Are we gonna be OK? 
Are we gonna be in trouble with mommy?" 

I was livid with Peggy at that moment for not making 
sure our kids were on the pill...witnessing the daily 
dose of the only protection they had from swelling up 
like pregnant little cows. To think the children were 
worried about getting in trouble with her. That was the 
least of their problems. 

I'd already learned how sexually active Debbie and 
Melissa had been at school, Dee had been getting reamed 
3 times a day by her brother, and I'd just deposited 
enough sperm in Meagan to impregnate half the girls in 
fertile valley. mind was reeling...what would I do - I 
remembered searching my brain for a solution - a 
solution that didn't exist. Peggy was a devout Catholic, 
and abortion would be out of the question. I was amazed 
she'd let us even practice birth control after Meagan 
and Melissa were born - but she was worn out from it 

I was afraid for my young daughters...concerned for 
their fate, and their health. I was also concerned for 
my sanity at that point. If they WERE all pregnant, they 
would all be VERY pregnant. How would I deal with the 
sight of my 4 little girls swelling out of their clothes 
in a matter of weeks? First their breasts - overflowing 
one bra after another - then their bellies - stretching 
the waistband on their little pants till they couldn't 
get them buttoned any more. 

Like so many times before, my concern drifted away as my 
thoughts turned to something else. There could be 
embryos inside my girls...lots of them...g-r-o-w-ing. It 
made me horny horny Meagan made a comment 
about it - pointing and snickering. 

"Well, I guess you're not TOO sorry we were exposed to 
all that stuff, huh daddy? I think you LIKE us big like 
this. You know what? I think it's making you horny... 
knowing I might be knocked thought you 
couldn't, and now you know there might be 
babies in me, huh know I might get a BIG 
belly...just like Cindy has!!" 

Melissa was in a trance, watching my cock grow - 
swelling out my pants leg - making its way to my knees. 
She came over and rubbed her face all over it and 
stroked it with both her little hands. 

"Oh daddy, it makes you so horny doesn't it? Thinking 
about us getting so big? You're even bigger than that 
black boy that fucked me on the school bus today... he 
was HUGE, like a horse ...he had a great BIG one 
daddy...a BIG fucking dick, and he CAME inside me. I 
could have his babies in my tummy daddy...he sure 
squirted a lot of his stuff in me." 

Melissa began to unzip my pants when we heard the doors 
slam shut on the van outside. Peggy, Julie and Jenny 
were home. The girls all scrambled to pull themselves 
together - fortunately they'd already started to get 
dressed, and had cleaned up most of the cum I'd spurted 
all over them. They all scurried upstairs, leaving me 
alone on the couch. I turned the TV on and sat there in 
a daze as Peggy walked in. 

It was late - the movie they'd gone to see was a long 
one. Lucky for me, they were all tired and went straight 
to bed. Peggy told me she'd see me in the morning, and 
gave me a little kiss on the cheek. She seemed to sense 
something, but I guess she was too tired to bother 
asking me about it. I joined Peggy about an hour later, 
after passing out on the couch from exhaustion. 

I fell asleep next to my wife that night about 10 
seconds after my head hit the pillow. The next morning, 
I was grateful for the good night's sleep I got. It was 
a big day. I'd been hounding the lab I'd sent the food 
sample to. For a week, they'd promised me the results - 
then I found out the idiots lost the samples. I sent 
more - then they got backlogged again. The day had come 
when I was finally to get the analysis on the meat and 
milk products my family had consumed at the Dairy Queen 
that day. 

The fax was 3 pages long - detailed descriptions of a 
dozen hormones and the possible side effects to humans 
if they were ingested in enough volume. The beef was 
riddled with testosterone - known to increase aggressive 
behavior in male as well as female subjects. That helped 
explain my kids' particularly forward behavior. 

One chemical in the milk was designed to increase the 
size and quantity of milk ducts in the dairy cattle. 
Maybe that was the reason Debbie's nipples were so huge, 
I thought - but what about the rest of the girls? Would 
they be next? The analysis continued - bovine fertility 
drugs, sperm count enhancers, estrogen...the list went 
on and on. 

Finally, the report said that none of the experimental 
methods had been approved by the FDA - That they were in 
serious violation of their standards, as well as those 
of the EPA, and they posed a health threat to the entire 
community. The lab had called the Dairy Queen and gotten 
the name of their beef and milk purveyor - Fertile 
Valley Farms - and reported them to both agencies. 

There would be feds in town within a day's time to 
investigate. Maggie walked in and saw me reading the 
fax. She told me the FBI had been at the hospital, 
asking questions about all the underage girls in the 
maternity ward. They had apparently discovered that 
someone in the valley was operating a child pornography 
site that involved pregnant girls. 

That same week, I was to be joined by my cohorts from 
the welfare department to help sort out the 'problem' in 
the valley. The place would be crawling with people from 
4 different government agencies in a matter of days, and 
I was up to my eyeballs - right smack in the middle of 
the 'problem.' 

When I got home that night, I couldn't help looking at 
my daughters, and Peggy - looking for any changes that 
may be the result of the chemicals I'd read about. I 
don't think it was my imagination - their nipples were 
more pronounced - fatter, and longer. 

They had a look of lust in their eyes, and they were 
groping each other - or me - at every opportunity. It 
was behavior, and physical development consistent with 
the chemicals listed in the faxed report. The next 
morning, I awoke to the sound of my pretty wife throwing 
up in the master bathroom. 


The sound of Peggy in the bathroom that morning was one 
I'd become very familiar with in the early years of our 
marriage. There was no mistaking it - it didn't take a 
scientist to figure out what was going on. The evidence 
was more apparent when she returned to our room and sat 
down next to me on the bed.

My wife's breasts stretched the front of her nightgown 
taut across her darkened nipples and areolas. The pebbly 
patches of flesh capping her swollen tits were big 
around as the palm of my hand, and her nipples stuck out 
like thumbs through the sheer fabric. Peggy looked like 
she could nurse a calf with those things. I stared at 
them in wonderment - like I'd seen them for the first 

She pulled her nightgown over her head then, causing her 
fat tits to tumble free and quiver like water balloons - 
slapping together until they finally came to rest. She 
looked down at herself and watched my reaction as I 
gasped at the sight of her. My wife's tits weren't the 
only things that were swollen. Her belly looked like it 
did when she was 3 months along with our youngest twins 
- she was already showing a little bulge. 

Yes, it looked like Peggy was pregnant again. But how 
could that happen, I wondered - and show up so quickly? 
She had been on birth control, (or so I thought) and I'd 
been pulling my prick out of her before I came, to watch 
my more copious loads slap across her tits and face. 

I even remembered her bitching about her last period - 
just a month ago - how heavy and painful it was. And 
yet, there she sat before me - visibly pregnant. How 
could I not have noticed? At that moment, I realized how 
neglectful I'd been - and how consumed I was with my 
overdeveloped 9-year-old daughter. Meagan - and her 
growing tits - was all I'd been able to see that past 

Peggy held her head down then - she had a sheepish look 
on her face like a kid caught red-handed at some sort of 
mischief. I could see she wanted to tell me something. 
"Bill honey, I don't know how to say this but..."

I stopped her, leaned over and hugged her to me. I told 
her she didn't have to tell me anything that I had 
perfectly good eyes and that she certainly was an 
eyeful. "That's not it sweetie, it just that. I know 
exactly when it happened - I can always tell when I'm 
getting pregnant and... oh dear God Billy, I'm so 

I held Peggy in my arms and told her she had nothing to 
be sorry about - that I was the one who should be sorry 
for bringing the family to this weird place. 

I sensed that there was something else Peggy wanted to 
tell me, but I was late for work and I had plenty to 
catch up on. I remembered that Maggie had scheduled a 
"study family" interview for me - the Hatfields. They 
were the latest in a long series of family interviews I 
was conducting to determine a pattern of physical 
development in the younger girls. 

I wanted to learn as much as I could - as quickly as I 
could - about the combination of drugs my family (and 
countless others) had ingested. I needed to know the 
full potential impact on them, from a physical as well 
as behavioral standpoint. I'd already seen some of the 
effects on my family, first hand. I shuddered to think 
of how much more was in store for them, and how quickly 
the additional changes would take place.

On the way to the Hospital, I pondered my latest 
discoveries: Over the past 10 years, the average age 
when girls hit puberty had dropped - considerably. For 
reasons yet unknown to me, that downward trend had 
accelerated during the past 18 months, and it 
corresponded with a marked increase in pregnancy among 9 
and 10 year old girls. 

The situation could best be described as epidemic - all 
it took was a visit to the local grade school to confirm 
my research findings. And I had done just that after I 
first saw the data. It was one thing to plot statistics 
on a graph, and quite another to see the trend in real 
life. Half the 4th graders I saw in the hallway were 
waddling behind a belly that completely overwhelmed 
their young bodies. That meant they were barely 9 when 
they conceived - maybe even younger.

Among the 5th graders, the percentage was even more 
staggering. I wanted more accurate data on the older 
girls, so I did a head count with the school principal. 
83% of the 10 year olds were visibly pregnant. There was 
no way to tell about the ones that weren't showing - 
short of administering a pregnancy test - but I 
suspected a lot more of them would soon have trouble 
buttoning their jeans. 

Many of the older girls, like the 4th graders I'd seen, 
were carrying more than twins in their huge bellies. The 
principal pointed out dozens of them at full term with 
their SECOND pregnancy. I couldn't help but wonder what 
combination of chemicals these kids had ingested - and 
if my own children would end up like them. I hoped the 
Hatfields would provide more insight. 

Just when I thought I'd seen it all, I was taken aback 
by this new study family - and their daughter Molly. 
When I arrived, she was seated on the couch in my 
conference area. Next to her was a boy of about 10, who 
I guessed to be her brother. Their parents had seated 
themselves at the conference table next to the couch, 
and looked over at the two children - beaming with 

On either side of the parents sat two other children - 
twin sisters, who appeared to be a year or so younger 
than the boy. Like many of their classmates, the two 
were quite swollen with child - their chairs were pushed 
back a good two feet from the table to accommodate their 
enormous middles. The pretty children smiled sweetly at 
me as they lazily rubbed their bulging tummies. One of 
them, introduced as Ellie, appeared to be quite taken 
with her father.

It was little Molly Hatfield that grabbed my attention 
though - and held it. Her parents became quite amused as 
they watched me stare at her - with my jaw hanging open, 
and my eyes bugging out. My gaze was not lost on Molly 
either - she looked me right in the eye and flashed an 
impish grin as she began to stroke her brother's 
swelling cock through his pants leg. As I continued to 
stare at the little girl, I appreciated the boy's 
predicament - you'd have to be in a coma to avoid an 
erection around Molly.

She had the loveliest flaxen blonde hair I'd ever seen - 
thick, golden and flowing past her shoulders. I got lost 
in her pretty freckled face and big blue eyes - until I 
saw the rest of her. Like so many girls in the valley, 
Molly had been blessed with abundance in my favorite 
area - her breasts were HUGE in proportion to her little 
body. She was bra-less, and I could see her fat nipples 
and areola poking out the front of her crop-top like 
spigots. I just kept wondering... how on earth? 

As my eyes traveled downward, there was evidence that 
new life was growing in Molly - but just the beginnings 
of it. Her cut-off jeans were way too tight to button, 
and her bare midriff bulged deliciously over the 
waistband, splaying the zipper open to each side. Like 
Meagan, the kid had one of those huge fat "outie" belly 
buttons. It stuck out of her knocked-up tummy like a big 
nipple. She saw me looking at it and giggled, flicking 
her fingers over the thing. The fact she was pregnant 
helped explain the size of her breasts - but it was 
still hard for me to comprehend.

None of this would have shocked me of course - except 
for one variable - and I kept staring at her in 
disbelief. Her pretty teenaged mother was snickering at 
that point, and she finally broke the silence. "Looks 
like you're a might taken with our young-un, huh Doc? 
She's kinda over-growed for her age." I nodded my head 
in agreement, without taking my eyes off the little 
girl's tits. Her mother continued. 

"Happened 'bout a year ago - her little tops got awful 
tight from her titties a-swellin' up - and she just kept 
on a-growin'. Fore long, she needed her'sef a big ole 
bra-zeere like her sisters. Our boy Johnny couldn't keep 
his hands off her no more by the time them tits o'hers 
got so big. He's pretty well growed his-self - but I 
guess ya can see that." Again, I nodded in agreement as 
the boy's cock crawled down his pants leg. "He done made 
our Molly even bigger. I guess ya can tell she's gonna 
be all swole up with young-uns 'fore long." 

I was close to drooling as I watched the well-endowed 
pregnant child rub her brother's enormous prick. The 
head of it had reached his left knee - and his jeans 
were about to give way. I finally mustered the ability 
to stammer out a question: "H... how... how old is 

Her mom got a nice chuckle out of it before I got a 
reply. "I could tell you was bustin' a gut tryin' to 
figure that out. She ain't no older than she looks Doc - 
jus' turned 7 last week. Yer eyes ain't lyin' to ya. She 
done growed up quicker than most, that's all. The young-
un's a eyeful, huh?" 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing - but my eyes told 
me it was true. It struck me right away how young she 
looked - that's why I kept staring in disbelief. I just 
didn't think it was possible for a girl that age to be 
so... developed - and already knocked-up! But it WAS 
possible - the evidence was right in front of me - and I 
couldn't take my eyes off her. She was simply beautiful 
- stacked out of her ever-lovin' mind - and PREGNANT for 
God's sake. It took me a minute to fully comprehend what 
I was looking at - to appreciate it in the context of 
everything I'd seen before. 

I was looking at a pregnant first grader.

I was looking at a knocked-up 7-year-old girl with tits 
the size of her head. 

Apparently, Molly was a horny little thing too. Heaven 
only knows what insane mixture of hormones was coursing 
through the little girl's veins. She simply couldn't 
keep her hands off her big brother. She ran her little 
hand up and down the length of his cock then - faster 
and harder, and it had quite an effect on the boy. Molly 
started giggling when she noticed what she'd done. 

"Mama, I done got Johnny's thang all swole up again... 
LOOK!" Molly's mom seemed mildly annoyed at her 
daughter's behavior, but I could tell she'd grown 
accustomed to it. "You young-uns behave yerselves, you 
hear me? You ain't at home ya know!" 

Her words fell on deaf ears - and Molly proceeded to 
unzip her brother's jeans, right there on my office 
couch. In no time she had the boy's fat cock out - and 
she was yanking on the thing like a girl possessed. She 
worked the boy into a frenzy - wrapping both her little 
hands around the shaft of his overgrown dick and pumping 
on it. 

The angry purple head of the boy's big prong looked 
about to burst when Molly let go of it suddenly. She 
stood up then, and looking me right in the eye, yanked 
her cut-offs down around her ankles and stepped out of 
them. She turned around to face her brother and climbed 
up on the couch - straddling his lap. She had no panties 
on, so I could see her plump little bottom wiggling with 
her every move. Molly propped her hands on his shoulders 
while he lifted her up by the hips. He positioned her 
hairless little pussy above the head of his big swollen 
prick and eased the tip of it inside her. 

The boy was trembling he was so horny - and he wasn't 
the only one. Little Molly was glistening from the juice 
running down the insides of her pretty thighs - she was 
dripping, sopping-wet horny for her big-dicked older 
brother. She eased herself down on his shaft then, as I 
gasped at the sight of it all. The boy's prick was the 
size of his forearm by then - but his pregnant 7-year-
old sister was taking it up her pussy like a bitch in 
heat. The kids were ravenous for one another.

Molly had her tongue in his mouth then - they started 
sucking face as she slid up and down on his pole like a 
little mink. With no regard to where they were or who 
was watching, the boy began to fuck the living shit out 
of his cute little sister. Her pussy lips were stretched 
to the point I thought she'd split open - they were all 
swollen and red, and hugging his shaft like a glove. He 
looked so HUGE moving in and out of her little hole. But 
she just kept fucking him - moaning and whimpering as 
she moved faster and harder - then I saw the boy's face 
twist up. At the pace they were going, I wondered how 
the boy could hang on to his load.

Molly's moaning got loud then - she was wiggling her 
butt so fast it was a blur - jacking him off with her 
little pussy. He was yanking her up and down his bloated 
cock in rhythm with her movements as she pumped her 
pelvis back at him - and talking about how good it felt. 
"Johnny... I kin feel you a'growin up inside me... I 
like it when you git this big... Oh Johnny, you done got 
HUGE!... It feels so GOOD up in me - kin ya feel it 
Johnny?... oh... OH... it feels like you gonna BUST!" I 
sat there in awe as his massive cock slammed in and out 
of the horny little girl. 

The parents were watching their children with a curious 
combination of pride and yearning - especially the 
father. He was looking at Molly like a starving man 
might look at a juicy steak. Molly turned to look at her 
father with that same impish grin she'd given me earlier 
- never missing a stroke as she fucked her brother 
silly. She knew she was turning her father on. Molly's 
mother noticed the unspoken communication between the 
two - it seemed like this was business as usual. She 
looked at him and giggled - egging him on.

"You might as well go ahead... it ain't like the Doc 
never seen nothin' like this before - and you gonna bust 
anyways - I know Ellie's been foolin' with ya." The man 
stood up to reveal a hard throbbing cock that dwarfed 
the one fucking Molly. The thing stood out at a 45 
degree angle from his groin - and he could barely reach 
the head of it with his fist as he manipulated himself. 
It did not look human.

Apparently, one of his very pregnant daughters had been 
jacking him off under the conference table. He'd become 
quite aroused - to the point he was in pain. This was a 
man clearly in need of some release. As he walked toward 
Molly, I could see his face screw up in that twisted 
mixture of pain and passion. Watching his pregnant 7 
year old daughter get fucked - her big tits bouncing, 
and that big dick slamming into her was a lot to bear. 

He managed to hang on until he got up next to Molly. He 
reached for the back of her head, grabbing a handful of 
hair and yanking her toward him. Molly's little mouth 
was open and waiting - her tongue hanging out, and ready 
to lap at his grossly distended cock head. The kid had 
obviously done this before. She made short work of her 
task - slurping at the bulbous head of her father's big 
prick as he smeared pre-cum all over her sweet lips. He 
jammed her head down on it, trying to force it past her 
lips, but it wasn't working.

Molly did her best to get the man's cock head in her 
mouth, but the size of the thing made it damn near 
impossible - it belonged on a horse. At one point, the 
tip of it barely made it past her lips - but her mouth 
looked like it would split open at the corners. She 
contented herself by lapping at it with her tongue like 
it was an ice cream cone - all the while keeping a 
steady rhythm with her brother's gyrations beneath her. 
The kid was stuffed at both ends with fat throbbing cock 
meat - and she seemed to be in heaven.

"Doc, you gotta see this - get on over here" her mother 
beckoned from the table across the room. I'd been seated 
at my desk - across from all the action on the couch, 
and all I could see of Molly was from behind - her butt 
bouncing up and down, and her brother's cock splaying 
open her stretched out pussy lips. She wanted me to get 
a view from the side. The girl was about to bring her 
lovers to climax, and I didn't want to miss a thing.

"Do it on my titties Pa - they done got bigger for ya - 
LOOK!" Molly wasn't kidding - her big boobs jutted out 
from her little body like footballs - bloated from all 
the excitement. Her nipples were engorged as a nursing 
mother's. The kid looked like she would burst - and so 
did her father as he watched her slurp on the head of 
his massive prick - the big, gnarly purple veins on his 
shaft looked about to pop. The man couldn't take it 
anymore - but he had other ideas about where he wanted 
to send his cum.

He grabbed his daughter by the back of the head and once 
again tried to force his cock in her mouth. He might as 
well have tried to stuff a baseball bat in there. The 
child stretched her lips as wide as she could, but still 
only managed to get an inch of it in before he let go. 
The big man held his daughter's head with one hand as he 
pumped furiously on his grotesque member with the other. 

And then it happened - his load ripped through the 
length of his big penis and a geyser of cum exploded in 
the little girl's mouth. It came out of her - all of it 
- as quickly as it spewed into her. 

The kid couldn't handle the volume or the force of the 
man's eruption - she was spitting and coughing, about to 
gag on his load as it came belching out of her little 
mouth - dribbling down her chin - spilling with a wet 
splat on her big boobs. And it kept coming... and 
coming. The more he spewed into her - the more it came 
belching out of her mouth and spilling onto her fat 
swollen tits. 

Molly's brother had become quite excited at the sight of 
his little sister's tits covered in cum - and he picked 
up his pace considerably. As she was getting her face 
fucked, the boy was yanking her up and down on his prick 
even faster than before - and she was wriggling her 
pussy up and down his tool like she couldn't get enough 
of it. They were making loud slurpy sucking noises as 
the boy just fucked her brains out. His face screwed up 
again, and I knew it wouldn't be long before he lost his 
load inside her.

It wasn't - and Molly announced the event at the top of 
her healthy lungs - spitting more of her father's cum 
out on the process. "OH Johnny... I FEEL it! You done 
CUM in me!" The announcement inspired another volley of 
jism to erupt from her daddy's prick - it slapped across 
her face and hair as the rest of it drooled out the 
corners of her sweet mouth. It hung there for a minute 
before dribbling in gooey strands onto her swollen 

And Johnny just fucked his prick into her harder - 
dumping so much cum in his pregnant little sister that 
her pussy began to belch it out. It slopped out all over 
the boy's balls, and formed a puddle under his butt as 
she kept fucking her hips back down on him. My couch was 
ruined. And I couldn't help but think the same of that 
poor child's vagina. The boy's prick was fatter than his 
wrist at that point - and he kept FUCKING her - pumping 
her full of more sperm as she finished slurping the last 
of her father's.

After several long minutes, the boy's thrusts subsided, 
and the poor little girl collapsed onto him, his prick 
still buried deep inside her. The kid was simply 
plastered with cum - inside and out - and she was 
grinning from ear to ear. She sat up and tugged at her 
father's big schlong with both hands then - as if trying 
to coax more cum out of him. 

It worked. 

I thought the man had long since finished - but 
obviously Molly knew better. It came as no surprise to 
her as another volley of sperm went up her pretty nose. 
After a little sneeze, the child giggled and looked up 
at the man. "You done made a big ole mess Pa. Jus' look 
at me. You got me all cummed-up." 

She began to work her pussy up and down the boy's prick 
again, squirming and writhing on it until her whole body 
shook in an uncontrollable orgasm. 

It was the first of a series. 

I watched in awe as the little girl came again and again 
- moaning and pumping her brother's cock with her 
stretched out pussy. She finally collapsed on the boy 
again, and her mother went over to cover the children 
with a blanket. (Maggie was very thoughtful about 
keeping all the comforts of home at the clinic.) They 
were fast asleep in less than five minutes.

I had my usual barrage of questions for the couple - 
about their children, their ages, their parents, their 
own relationship and so forth. The proud parents, it 
turned out, were father and daughter - Molly's young 
mother being a product of the man's union with HIS 
mother. The man had impregnated his daughter with all 
the children present that day, and 3 younger ones that 
they'd left with their grandmother. I'd been too busy 
ogling Molly to notice, but after she stood up, I 
noticed that her young mother was knocked up once again. 

It took a minute to sink it - the girl had just turned 
19, was already mother of 7, and she was visibly 
pregnant - AGAIN. And I thought Peggy and I moved 
quickly! The father had also knocked up the two girls 
sitting next to them at the conference table - which 
meant that at age 32, he would be a great grandfather - 
in less than a month. 

Then there was the amazing development of their youngest 
daughter. How her breasts first made an appearance at 5 
- how her period started right after her 6th birthday - 
how she developed an uncontrollable urge to fondle any 
big dick in sight - nursing at the head of it like a 
baby. After months of teasing, her big brother simply 
couldn't help burying his fat prick inside the little 
girl and impregnating her. Once they started, the mother 
said, they would go at it 4 or 5 times a day - all over 
the house. It came as no surprise when Molly's pants 
grew tight.

Aside from the abnormal degree of incest in the family, 
there was another clue that shed light on her special 
development - Molly had been allowed to nurse at her 
mother's breast until she was 3 years old. The child 
simply demanded it, her mother said, and after she 
started walking, Molly would sneak into bed with her 
parents and find her mom's nipple - suckling, as the 
pretty teenager lay asleep. 

The mother reported that as she grew older, Molly 
consumed huge volumes of dairy milk - just as she had 
the whole time she'd been nursing the child. Clearly, 
there was a connection here - but there was no way to 
quantify the effect this had on either girl's hormonal 
balance, so I was back to square one.

One thing I knew for sure - I would never be the same 
after watching Molly get fucked eight ways to Sunday. 
The vision of that little girl with her big tits and 
pregnant tummy - bulging out of her clothes and 
plastered head to toe with cum - still gives me an 
uncontrollable hard-on. 

Never again would I look at a girl her age without 
wondering what she'd look like all knocked-up with a 
pair of big swollen tits. Molly would be attending the 
same elementary school as my own little girls, I'd 
learned - so I would probably see the kid again - along 
with her little classmates. There would be a whole lot 
MORE of Molly to see in a few months - and I shuddered 
to think what would happen if even more girls her age 
began to exhibit that level of development. I didn't 
know if I could stand it.

Dutiful Nurse Maggie showed up just in time to usher the 
family out. Molly's father went over to retrieve the 
girl who was still collapsed on her brother. They were 
still joined by the foot long stretch of cock buried 
inside the child's vagina. Even in her sleep, it looked 
like Molly was squirming - wriggling on the boy's prick 
again - bringing it back to life. 

The man gathered her up in the blanket, easing her up 
off the boy at just the right angle for his cock to flop 
out and land with a wet splat on his thigh. Molly gave a 
little whimper, but nuzzled her head into her father's 
shoulder and went back to sleep. I could see the boy's 
cum oozing out of her well-fucked pussy - dribbling in 
stringy globs onto my office carpet.

The boy's mom came over to the couch to help her son 
clean up and get his pants on, as Maggie watched wide-
eyed. He began to grow hard again, from his mother's 
attentions. He was moaning as she gently dried the globs 
of cum and girl juice off him. "That feels good Mama," 
the boy uttered, and his big cock grew fat as his 
mother's wrist. The young woman slapped at him 
playfully, "Now don't you start again Johnny - I'll take 
care o'you when we git home."