Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. REASON TO BELIEVE by Schadenfreude The trucks, packed with fresh faced youths, their rifles resting on their knees, revved their engines and departed in convoy from the small town square towards the narrow mountain road which led to the German gun emplacements. The drivers were keyed up and pensive in case the tyres skidded on the muddy path, for the heavy vehicles would have no room for manoeuvre should they lose control and certain death would follow should a truck topple over the edge. There was just the one mountain path which led the 1500 feet from the top of the hill to the plateau below and where, at one point some 100 feet below the summit, a series of caves had been hollowed out of the rock to create a haven for the German field guns. There were 12 gun emplacements in all allowing nearly 120 degrees spectral cover of the flat lands below. This was adequate for any defence of the town for any attacking force had to arrive via the mountain road and behind, on the far side of the hill there were simply more crags of the Apennine range, impossible for the Allies to get to from their known military positions. Old men in their berets and women in their black veils scurried across the town square of Pontomaggiore, some casting a brief glance at the German convoy but most just anxious to avoid any involvement with their occupiers. Colonel Ernst Glauber watched them leave, in company with Lieutenant Karl-Heinz Muller, then the two of them turned back and climbed the steps of the Hotel Bellavista, the small town's only four star hotel which was now the Headquarters of the German Military. Glauber and Muller walked into the Colonel's office and sat down, Glauber immediately producing an ordnance survey map of the area showing the small town perched like a cherry on the top of a pyramid of volcanic rock. "Sir, we are running out of food and supplies," Muller said to his boss as they looked at the map, "the Luftwaffe is to attempt a supply drop tomorrow but with this winter weather and the Allied advance -" He paused as Glauber thumped the desk angrily. "Milk sops!," he shouted angrily. "The High Command is prepared to leave us here to starve. Have they no guts?" "Sir," Muller said warily, "walls have ears. Please be careful." Glauber sighed wearily. "Fuck them," he said angrily, "fuck them all!" His angry diatribe was interrupted by a knock on the door and the arrival of a staff Corporal who saluted and clicked his heels. "Colonel Glauber, Sister Isabella from the school is here with an appointment to see you." Glauber banged his forehead with his fist. "That's all I need. A bloody nun to cheer me up. Very well, Keitel, show her in." The corporal saluted and clicked his heels once more and left the room. "Karl-Heinz, we must continue after Sister Isabella has saved my soul or whatever the hell she is here for. Pray excuse me for a while." Muller grinned at his superior and hesitated at the door. "We are in dire trouble, Sir, but religious intervention?" Glauber returned the grin and waved his subordinate out of the door. Within seconds the Corporal returned, saluted smartly, and ushered in the slim figure of the nun, dressed in her full habit. Glauber looked at her for a few seconds before waving her in the direction of a chair, and his mood immediately improved. He nodded to the Corporal, who immediately left the room, and then stared once more at his visitor. She was far from the crabby old spinster he had envisaged when first informed of the request for an appointment. He had imagined some 60 year old but Sister Isabella was probably in her mid twenties with beautiful blue eyes and, as much as he could discern under the flowing habit, a very attractive figure. "Well, Sister, what can I do for you?," he asked brusquely,looking at his watch. "My time is short and I have a town to defend." The pretty face flushed and Glauber's interest went up another notch. "Colonel, I have come to appeal to you!" Glauber's face betrayed a grin. You do that all right, he thought. "The situation in the town is getting worse. There is little food to be had and we are short of medicines for the children. Some of my children have serious allergies like asthma for which we are unable to find the medicines to treat them." Glauber stared across at the young nun who flinched slightly under his angry glare. "Do you think you are telling me something I don't know, Sister," he growled. "Down there on the plains below the town the Americans are gathering in force. They have a large number of divisions ready to strike. It is only our proximity on top of this rock which has so far saved us from attack. None of us have sufficient food and medicine. We have been expecting our air force to drop supplies for days but the bad weather has prevented them. Do you think I am a miracle worker, Sister? More in your line I would have thought!" The nun blushed and bravely continued. "I realise our situation, Colonel. That's why I have come to ask you if you will release the children. Allow us to escort them, under a flag of truce, to the Americans where they can find safety, medicines and nourishment." Glauber stared at the young nun for a few seconds in amazement. "Sister, are you completely mad?" he snarled. "Release the children under a flag of truce and escort them to the Americans. By God, do you realise what you are asking? First of all any such move would indicate to the enemy the weakness of our position. Secondly, those children may well be useful to me. The civilian population is a valuable bargaining counter for the well being of my troops." Forgetting her nerves, the young nun's face darkened with anger. "You would use young children as a bargaining counter? Colonel Glauber what kind of man are you? That is against all decent civilised behaviour and -" She was silenced by Glauber's angry fist banging his desk. "Be very careful, Sister. You are treading very dangerously. Don't think your cloth and veil allow you to insult a German Officer and get away with it." The young nun blushed once more. "I apologise, Colonel," she said stiffly "but do you have no regard for the welfare of the children under your charge in this town?" "In a word, Sister - No. The children are under my control as is every other Italian citizen here. That does not mean I have to make their welfare a priority. My concern is my men. Why should I prioritise the welfare of Italian children over German soldiers? You are not even our allies anymore. I owe your people nothing!" The young nun's eyes blazed angrily but she kept her own council. Glauber felt his penis begin to stiffen. This girl was quite something when she was angry! "Surely you have children of your own, Colonel - " she began and he banged the desk once more. "Enough, Sister," he shouted angrily, "You can stop the emotional blackmail right now." She sat,silent, her face red. "Why have they sent you to plead this cause anyway?" he asked. "You are not the school Principal. Isn't it that fawning lick spittle Matteo who swore an oath of allegiance to Hitler, Mussolini and the entire Third Reich just to keep his nose clean? You don't need to answer, Sister, for it's obvious. They thought your youth and your cloth would impress me. That a pretty young nun would be able to win me over." Sister Isabella sat with her hands together, her face flushed. "Our situation is desperate, Sister, as you appear to be well informed. You will have to do a lot more to sell your argument than simply appeal to my good nature. I have none." She looked up, her big blue eyes staring into his face. "What more can I do?" she asked plaintively. Glauber stared at her impassively for a few seconds. "You can take off that bloody head-dress for a start," he replied. "Let's see if I am talking to a woman or a doll in fancy dress. I far prefer the former." Sister Isabella looked at him in shock. "Colonel, I beseech you," she said hotly,"my wimple is part of my dress. It is not permitted to -" "Religious twaddle!" he spat. "Now if you want to discuss something with me, Sister, you do it on my terms. Now remove it!" Her face red, she stared at Glauber angrily, then reached up and unfastened the clip under her chin, thus loosening the folds before easing the cloth from her head. Suddenly she looked so different. A fresh faced, dark skinned pretty girl with a short crop of hair. She looked down in confusion, the wimple clutched tightly in her small hands. "My God there IS a woman under there," Glauber chuckled "and a damn good looking one too. I bet you once had long dark hair that fell to your shoulders in ringlets, Sister Isabella, am I correct?" The young nun looked hapless, embarrassed. "Th-that is in a past life, Colonel. I do not think of these things. Please do not say these -things - to me. It is not right." Glauber chuckled, to the young nun's further discomfort. "I think there is a healthy young woman inside those robes trying hard not to get out" he said, staring at her keenly as she flushed and looked down. Suddenly she looked up at him, angry defiance in her eyes. "Please Colonel," she said proudly, her eyes flashing, "I have done as you demanded. Now will you at least discuss this as you promised." "I made no promises, Sister," he chuckled, "I simply refuse to discuss anything with a penguin - but, very well, you have heard my first reply. I am NOT allowing those children to leave the town nor do I have liberal supplies of medicines to dispense to them. However let us talk about priorities. Do you have any children who will die if drugs and medicines are not made available?" The young nun shook her head. "Not immediately Colonel. But there are four children who need medicines as a high priority. We have one child with serious asthma who needs anti inflammatory drugs and we have two others who have bad diahorroea from the poor diet we are now forced to subsist on. The other has a weeping sore on his foot which is getting worse and we have no medicines for it." Glauber sat and stared at her for a few minutes. "Very well, Sister. If you list your requirements I will investigate whether we can supply the medicines you need - just for one week. That is all I can do. Then if supplies do not arrive - " he cast his hands wide in a gesture of helplessness. Sister Isabella smiled gratefully. "That is something at least Colonel and thank you." She nodded and rose as if to leave, as Glauber watched her, a smile on his face. She was just replacing her wimple as she reached the door when he spoke. "Just a minute, Sister," he said, "we haven't yet resolved how you are going to pay for them." The young nun stopped dead and turned back to face him. "You expect the school to pay for this medicine," she said, shocked and angry, "but we have no funds and -" She was interrupted by the Colonel's loud chuckle. "I don't expect the school to pay," he grinned. "What use is Italian lire to the German Army? No I expect YOU to pay." Sister Isabella flushed red, bewildered but fearful. "I-I don't follow, Colonel. I have no -" "-no means of paying, Sister? Oh I'm sure you do. Come closer to my desk." Hesitant, full of foreboding, the young nun did as she was asked. Glauber looked her up and down for a few seconds with an expression which certainly had little to do with the sacred. "Now I'll bet you have nice legs," he said softly, his tongue running across his lips, "so show me." Sister Isabella's mouth dropped open and her face flushed crimson. "Colonel," she stuttered, "th-that is disgusting! I am a servant of God not a whore. You cannot make me do this!" Glauber chuckled. "Of course I can make you do it! I am the Commander of the German forces here. I COULD make you do anything. I COULD have my soldiers come in here and strip you naked in front of me. I COULD accuse you of treachery in suggesting collusion with the enemy. I COULD send you to the Gestapo and see what THEY make of your claims for divine representation! I wonder how long your modesty would be an issue once you were in THEIR hands!" Sister Isabella's face was as white as a sheet. "But I don't intend to do any of those things, Sister. Not even if you refuse me. I am just impressing on you that in the secular world you really should remember your place. God will doubtless redress that when we all meet up in the afterlife but until then I would urge you to be very careful." The young nun bit her lip and looked at the carpet. "No, you see I simply want a nice little distraction from this siege outside which we are inevitably going to lose, Sister - and you have provided me with a nice one. "You see I am a military commander who has no belief in God and no particular concern for a bunch of Italian brats who are suffering from the effects of malnutrition. You, on the other hand, have a real dilemma it seems to me. You are a beautiful young lady with a genuine and sincere belief in your modest calling. You also have a genuine and heartfelt concern for the lives of the children in your care. "I have given you a choice. You cling to one and you sacrifice the other. No payment, no medicines - its as simple as that. It fascinates me to see you struggle with which is the most important to you. Preserve your modesty and the children suffer. Give me what I ask and they get the medicines they need. Which is it to be?" The young nun, her eyes wide, her face flushed crimson, began to tremble. She stared in silent supplication at her tormentor, then very slowly she gathered the folds of her habit. Very, very slowly she eased the habit upwards, staring down at her feet as she did so. "Look at me, Sister." Glauber commanded, his voice soft yet brooking no refusal. Sister Isabella, reluctantly, lifted her eyes from the floor and stared into the face of the German commander, her eyes wide with shame and anger, her cheeks burning with humiliation as her habit rose higher until the bunched black cloth reached her knees, the black stockings she wore covering a pair of finely shaped calves. She paused and stared at the Colonel with contempt in her eyes as he surreptitiously adjusted his trousers beneath his desk, for his penis was now uncomfortably stiff. "Keep going!" he ordered and she gasped and stared in disbelief but his response was to make an upward motion with his hands before he sat back and waited for her to obey. Sister Isabella swallowed hard then, with trembling fingers, she inched her habit higher and higher pausing in hope as the garment slid up her thighs but he continued to urge her on until she stood, her eyes closed, her face burning crimson and the habit at the top of her thighs revealing the tops of her stockings and just a modicum of white bare flesh above. "My God," Glauber breathed, "You have beautiful legs, Sister. What a waste to keep them hidden from view. Now let's see the rest. Come on, get it up to your waist." The young nun, outraged, allowed her habit to fall back to her feet then shook her head violently. "No, Colonel, I will NOT! This is outrageous. You cannot make me display myself in this way. It is shameful, humiliating!" Glauber grinned. "So your modesty IS more important than the health of your flock. Well we soon reached the limit of your pastoral care, Sister. Very well you may go. The discussion is closed." Sister Isabella stared at him in mute horror. "Colonel you can't -" she faltered and stared at his face which showed no emotion. He simply made two gestures the first indicating that she should raise her habit then shaking his head and pointing to the door. Once more the colour rushed into the face of the young nun and her big blue eyes shone with moist tears but bravely she seized the hem of her habit and, almost as if she wanted to get it over with, she swept the garment high up her thighs, grabbing at the material until she had pulled it right up to her waist in one angry flourish. She stood still, her lovely long legs covered in the black stockings tied with a black garter to support them at the top of her thighs. Above that an inch of bare white flesh which reached the legs of the grey knickers covering her hips and loins. Glauber stared at the delights revealed before him and he could hardly swallow. His throat was dry and his hands were trembling. His cock was rock hard now inside his trousers as he stared at her, deliberately making her stand and display herself for fully two minutes before he spoke, then he was hard and deliberately coarse. "Lovely," he said "Now turn around. I want to see your arse." With a gasp of horror, Sister Isabella's face flushed once more and she opened her mouth to speak then obviously thought better of it. With an outraged glance she spun around and lifted the habit at the back so that he had a clear view of the seat of her knickers. Glauber stared in delight at the full, plump, rounded bottom cheeks thrusting against the thin material of the drab cotton underpants. It was a beautiful bottom, firm and full and he knew he would not be content until he had enjoyed this woman, conquered her completely. But there was plenty of time for that. He was enjoying this game, weakening her defences, forcing her into decisions she found intolerable, making her choose. "By God, that's a beautiful arse!" he enthused as the young nun visibly trembled. "My troops would have some fun with you, my girl!" He heard her gasp in fear and he began to laugh. "Don't worry, my dear, they won't get the chance," he said gently "now you may lower your habit and turn around." Gratefully, Sister Isabella turned back to face him. Her face was flushed and her lip was trembling with fear, anger..maybe something else? She stared at him and waited. Glauber looked up at her and smiled. "I am impressed that you seem to understand the principle of power and who wields it." he said. "Now tomorrow you will bring your list of required medicines in detail and the amounts required and I will arrange for my quarter master to see what can be arranged. You will be here in person at 11 a.m., Sister, is that understood? In person." Her lip trembled but Sister Isabella nodded her head and whispered softly 'Yes, Colonel'. He indicated the door. "You may go. 11 a.m. sharp, remember." The young nun swallowed hard, nodded and turned quickly to leave. As she reached the door, Glauber smiled and said "You really are a beautiful girl, Sister Isabella - such lovely legs. But we really must do something about your underwear. Not flattering at all! Until tomorrow, Sister." He grinned as he heard a gasp of outrage then she was gone. He sat back in his chair and laughed. Nice to leave her something to think about. Now she would spend the night in fear and wondering. He, in contrast, would go to his bedroom and dig out a gift he was to give to his mistress. Well she could wait. Sister Isabella would receive a surprise in the morning. Glauber grinned and got back to planning how to keep the Americans at bay. oOo While Colonel Ernst Glauber may have had a peaceful night, Sister Isabella lay on her small convent cot, tossing and turning, her heart pounding and her head full of thoughts. What worried her most, and inspired her sleepless supplications for forgiveness, were that some of those thoughts were perversely exciting. She felt guilty that her responses to her Mother Superior, on being asked how the meeting with the Germans had gone, had been non committal and evasive. Sister Angelica, wise old lady that she was, had warned her not to take on this task and certainly not alone but she had convinced the doubting elderly nun that her calling would be respected and she would be quite safe. If only the old lady knew what had transpired! She would never be allowed to return - yet the health of the children was paramount. She had to go through with it! Isabella tossed and turned again trying to confront her own feelings. Was it just selfless courage that told her to go back - or had part of her enjoyed the display she had given to the German Officer. Surely not! She had been compelled to do it! But why was her heart pounding with excitement every time she thought of that habit pulled as high as it would go, displaying herself shamelessly! And then the parting comment that 'we really need to do something about your underwear'. So shocking, so awful! Was he going to make her take her knickers off in front of him? Her throat was dry and she thought back eight years to when she was still Pia DiAngelo, just 16, pretty as a peach, her black hair ( as Glauber had guessed) falling in ringlets to her shoulders, her dark olive skin tanned by the sun as she worked on her father's farm. There had been the three farm boys with whom she worked during the school holidays and every day they teased flirted, cuddled and pinched her, and she laughed and joked back and enjoyed the attention. Then that one day, the attention got a little more serious when they were dumping hay into the loft and Marcello had said 'Come on, Pia, show us those lovely legs of yours'. She'd giggled coquettishly and lifted her skirts inch by inch, slowly sliding the skirt up her legs. The faces of the boys changed from giggles to sudden desire and she was flattered and excited, not seeing the danger signs. Then Marcello had said 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' and before she could answer all three boys had unfastened their trousers and she was staring at three erect penises all ready for action. She remembered how she had been dry mouthed with excitement rather than fear, and with only a little prompting, had pulled up her skirt all the way to her hips with one hand and taken down her knickers with the other. Then she'd spread her legs and shown them all they wanted to see. The boys,open mouthed, had begun to pull on their cocks as she'd gasped in amazement. What would have happened then she could only guess but, to her horror, her father had walked into the hayloft and taken in the scene. She would never forget her shame and his anger as he cuffed the two nearest boys around the head and sent all three of them haring out of the loft. Then, before she could pull up her knickers, he had taken off his thick leather trouser belt, doubled it over, grabbed her by the hair and thrown her over his knee, pulling up her skirt once more to completely bare her bottom. It had been three days before she could sit down with any comfort. It was not long after that, after a family conference, that she had been sent to the convent school in Pontomaggiore, reluctantly at first, tearful and desperate not to leave home. Yet under the tender tuition of the nuns she had calmed down, had become a sensible girl and when the opportunity to join their order availed itself, she had taken it. Her decision had come as a shock to her parents who had simply wanted her to learn values and decency but a nun for a daughter? However despite their stunned shock, she received their blessing and became Sister Isabella a fully fledged nun and a teacher at the very school where she had learned so much about growing up. Now, after the experience this very day, Sister Isabella began to feel like the 16 year old Pia DiAngelo for the first time in years. She had been excited by the effect she had on the German Colonel, just as she'd been with the three farm boys all those years ago. She'd subdued all her carnal desires for years doing God's work..and now? Eventually, tormented and ashamed, Sister Isabella fell into a restless, uneasy sleep. oOo Next morning at 11 a.m., Sister Isabella, tired and pale, arrived at the foyer of the converted hotel where, to her surprise and nervous foreboding, found herself ushered by Corporal Keitel, not to the Colonel's office, but up the staircase to where Colonel Glauber had his personal quarters. "W-why am I being taken here?" she asked fearfully and was not reassured by Keitel's leering grin. He took in the young nun's appearance and winked. "I don't ask questions, Sister. I just take orders. In you go." He knocked peremptorily on the door and almost pushed her inside. For those fleeting few seconds as she stood at the door, the young nun's throat was dry and her hands were trembling. After what he'd made her do the previous day and the parting remark about her underwear, how could she face him? She had to do it for the sake of the children. Why here in his rooms? Was he going to rape her? Would she find him naked or - she thought back to Marcello, Nico and Fabio all those years before. Then the door opened and she was ushered inside. To her considerable relief, she found herself, not in a bedroom as she'd feared, but in a small neatly ordered study where Glauber sat behind a small desk, out of uniform, in trousers and open neck shirt. "Good to see that you are punctual, Sister. Have you brought your list of medicines?" She was delighted and relieved that he was getting down to the business of the day but wondered if she should sit down. He had not invited her to do so. As if reading her mind, he looked up and smiled, producing a large box from beneath his desk and gestured for her to take it. He put the box on his desk and held out a hand for her list. "Sit down Sister. While I am reading your requirements, I want you to open the box and examine it contents." Puzzled Isabella, opened the box and looked at the contents, her face suddenly pink as she drew the garments out one by one. She coloured up at the sheer sensuality of the clothes. "Th-they are very beautiful, Colonel. A lady would look very attractive in them, I am sure," she said in some bewilderment, " but why are you showing them to me?" "Because I want to see you in them, Sister," he said quietly, his eyes never leaving her face, gauging her reactions,"I am a good judge of a lady's figure and I am pretty sure the fit will be a good one." The young nun's face turned scarlet and then her brow furrowed in anger "No, Colonel, you cannot make me do this! I am God's servant and my habit is my modest dress. I will not pander to your desires, Colonel. This is not decent!" He looked up at her, smiled, and began slowly to tear her list of requirements in half as she gasped in helpless impotent rage. "Please Colonel, I beg you -" "I thought we had agreed yesterday who had the power in this world, Sister. I think you will admit, if you can compromise your high and mighty morals and indulge me, that these are not the clothes of a street tart but some very fashionable and expensive attire. I simply wish to converse with a pretty woman teacher not one of the Pope's vassals. Now if you really want your children to get the medicines they need you will indulge me. Yes?" The young nun's eyes were brimming with tears. "This is blackmail, Colonel. It-it is outrageous. You have no right - " He stared back at her, his dark brooding eyes overpowering her and her protests died away. "That's better, Sister. Now listen to me. I can meet all the immediate needs for drugs on this list - " her eyes widened "- but there is a price to pay. Oh don't worry I won't rape you. But I am a lonely man, Sister, and one of your duties is pastoral care is it not? So I want you to come and spend an evening with me and change into those clothes, so I can enjoy the company of a beautiful and intelligent woman. That's not too much to ask is it?" The young nun felt a tightening in her throat. She was being swept into a situation that was getting out of hand. "Colonel, please," she begged, "why me? I am a nun! I cannot spend an evening with's's out of the question! Why am I put in this degrading position? Why must I pose for you in pretty dresses when it conflicts with my calling? Why my company? The town is full of pretty girls. You could have your pick..." "...yes I could..and I do," he interrupted her sharply, "but it pleases me to have a different kind of challenge sometimes. I could pay for girls, sure, but what a unique pleasure to barter with a young woman whose needs are selfless. You have the needs of others in mind. You are beautiful, intelligent and kind..a rare combination..and a very stimulating one. It excites me to see you fighting with your conscience in this way. Is the sacrifice of your 'moral integrity' worth it for your children? I promised you, and I will keep my word, that I will not make you to do anything against your will...except wear the clothing of my choice. But I will make a shrewd guess, Sister Isabella. You will love every minute of feeling like a woman once more. I can see it in the flush of your cheeks, the brightness in your eyes. I could see how you blushed when I told you how pretty you are. It is a long time since a man told you that I think." The young nun lowered her eyes, but the deep colour in her cheeks betrayed her. Glauber grinned. "You may not like me, or the German occupation, but you respect my power. More than that you are attracted to it..." At this point, Sister Isabella jerked her head up sharply and her mouth opened in protest, but she was stilled by the wave of his hand, "....and there is an inner conflict between the nun and the woman." He leaned across the desk and, unashamedly, gazed at her body, its secrets protected by the virginal garment of her calling. "Now I know you have school to teach but I know you are not in a closed order and not closely monitored , so I will expect you here at 5 p.m. tomorrow. Is that clear?" The young nun rose from her chair and stared at the German officer. Her face was pink and she opened her mouth to speak but instead she gritted her teeth firmly and stood trembling. "Now," Glauber said, "I have work to do. You better not fail me or those medicines you need so badly may not appear!" oOo "You seem to be off your food, Sister Isabella." the kind voice of the Mother Superior disturbed her reverie and her head shot up, her face suffused with a guilty blush. "I'm sorry, Reverend Mother, I just seem to have lost my appetite a little this week," she replied. Sister Angelica stared at her and then nodded her head sagely. "I think you have things on your mind," she said, "how are your appeals to the Germans going for the medicines the poor children need?" "Slowly, Reverend Mother, slowly," she replied not daring to look the old lady in the eye, "I have to return to see Colonel Glauber this evening." "This evening?" the old lady repeated, her eyes widening, "But what about vespers, my child? I trust your business with our occupiers will be done by then! And why this evening? I didn't like Matteo sending you there to do his dirty work in the first place. I have a good mind to insist that someone else takes on this task..I have never been happy with your involvement. You are young and it's not the task for..." "NO..." Isabella almost shouted to the old lady's astonishment, then coloured up.."I-I'm sorry, Reverend Mother, but negotiations are close to completion and I have worked hard to get the Colonel's trust.." she was blushing madly, hoping desperately the old lady would think she was simply nervous " would do no one any good if I were unable to meet my side of the bargain." "Bargain?" said the old lady suspiciously, "What bargain?" Realising how deeply she was sinking into a pit of double talk and deceit, Isabella offered a silent prayer for forgiveness and said "The Colonel wants to ease his soul and his conscience by unburdening some of his sins..but he will talk only to me. I have to go, Reverend Mother, I must!" The old lady stared at her for a few moments as if she could see inside the girl's soul. "Very well, Sister Isabella, but I beg you to take a great deal of care. You are young and you are fiery. Ah don't deny it, my child, you have a passionate nature which you sometimes find hard to subdue. Others have noticed it. Pray to our Lord for guidance every step of the way!" and with that the old lady got up from the table, leaving Isabella to ruminate with shame on her deception. oOo All day at school, Sister Isabella found it hard to concentrate and several times she had to apologise to her class for not hearing the answer to a question or daydreaming, a fault for which she frequently took her students gently to task. After the third such incident which raised giggles among her class of 8 year olds, she blushed furiously when little Maria Burrachina, a grin on her impish face, said "My sister is like that when she's in love...are you in love Sister Isabella?" and the class chuckled as the young nun struggled to regain her composure. "No Maria," she replied with a grin, "Nuns fall in love only with God." and made a point of focusing hard for the rest of the day, conscious that Maria's observations were closer than the child realised for Sister Isabella's distractions were certainly not prompted by the sacred! When school was over for the day at 4.30, the young nun sat at her desk for a few minutes to collect her thoughts and to try and control her nerves. She knew she was about to enter a dangerous world, one which she was unsure she could control. Yet she was horrified to realise that she was excited by the danger of this powerful man and all that he represented. She could never have explained any of this in confessional or in private conversations with Sister Angelica but something primal, of which she was deeply ashamed, was driving her on. Taking a deep breath she walked out of the school gates and down the main road to the Hotel. She felt awkward and nervous at the best of times walking into this bastion of German rule, the swastika flags flying from the rooftop , their very presence such a slap in the face for the proud town people. She paused in the courtyard and looked around to see if anyone was staring at her from the road but no, people were just going about their business as ever. She wondered, her face flushing guiltily, what the townspeople would do if they knew her purpose - to dress up in the most feminine of clothing for the delectation of the German Colonel. Maybe she would be treated as a collaborator when the war ended as soon it surely must. Maybe she would be dragged down to the town square, stripped naked and tied to a post with a sign over her head, spat at and abused by the townspeople. Left there to be sexually molested and....oh dear God..what was happening to her? The shiver of fear at the thought of such a fate was accompanied by a tingling warmth in the pit of her stomach and a moistness in the crotch of her knickers. Terribly ashamed of herself, she pushed her thoughts away and bravely walked up the steps past the soldier on duty who politely saluted her. She walked into the foyer of the building where the young corporal on duty no longer stared, expressionless and asked her business but smiled warmly and said "Good evening, Sister, the Colonel is expecting you. Come with me, please." Dutifully, she followed him up the stairs and, to her surprise and slight nervousness, they walked past the study she had visited the previous evening, down a long corridor until the corporal stopped at a heavy oak door and knocked twice. "Come!" came the sharp command from within and, choking back a gasp of fear, she opened the door and walked in, finding herself in a large meeting room. There were two plush armchairs in deep purple leather and a large matching sofa. Around the blue grey walls were paintings by Tintoretto and Titian, splendid works of Italian Renaissance with their bold colour and sensual themes. On the other side of the room by a large bay window was a intimate small dining table, laden with salad,fruits and two carafes of wine, one white one red. The Colonel, dressed in open neck shirt and slacks sat at the far end of the table. He beckoned her to the chair opposite his with a smile as the young nun stared in amazement. "I trust you are hungry, my dear," he said warmly, "for I have ordered something to begin our evening well." "Colonel, I cannot," she began haltingly, "eat in this way when the townspeople are short of food..." He stared at her and spoke slowly and evenly, but the meaning was unambiguous. "My dear Isabella," he said, his eyes glittering, "tonight you are my guest. You will not insult my hospitality by refusing my food. That would be a terrible beginning." The young nun lowered her head, then said stiffly, "Very well, Colonel, I made you a promise and I will fulfil it." "Excellent," he beamed, "I knew you would see things my way. Now let us have no further delay to our pleasant evening together." She swallowed hard at what this might mean and he pointed to a door at the far end of the room. "Through there is a bathroom, my dear, and you will find those beautiful clothes ready and waiting for you. Please do not take too long. I can hardly wait to feast my eyes on your beauty." Flushing with indignation, Isabella tried once more to object. "Please, Colonel, I beg you, do not make me do this, I -" His eyes were like coals as she shrank back under his glare. "Sister Isabella, you will do as you promised - and I want no further objections. Is that clear?" Gritting her teeth the young nun spun on her heel and walked to the adjoining door, her face crimson with anger. She pushed open the bathroom door and locked it behind her, not trusting Glauber to keep his word. The beautiful dress was hanging on a peg and the underwear and other clothing were neatly laid out on the bathroom chair. Her anger subsiding, Isabella's heart began to beat rapidly as the slim fingers caressed the silky sheen of the pale blue evening dress she was holding in her hands. It was a ridiculous item for her surroundings, designed for formal wear at a ball but,despite this, she felt a glow of pleasure to be once again caressing such a feminine garment and, almost reverently, she let it ripple through her fingers. She picked up the sheer translucent nylons of the finest quality and allowed them to slither through her fingers as she closed her eyes and just revelled in the feel of them. She placed them over the dress and took out the pale lilac suspender belt which was next in the pile. She felt her face flush red with embarrassment as she imagined this little item round her waist, the clips linked to those sheer nylons and how her legs would look as she paraded in front of the Colonel. Last of all came a little camisole with tiny pearl buttons which fastened up the front and, as Isabella desperately tried to control her trembling, a pair of sheer white lace panties of the highest quality, the like of which she could never have afforded in her wildest girlish dreams. Her fingers caressed the little buttons of the camisole, imagining the Colonel undoing them one by one to expose what lay beneath, for there was no brassiere included in the package. She placed it over the rest of the clothes and stood up. She took a deep breath and looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She looked pale from lack of sleep but there was an excited flush in her face as she began to remove her clothes. Her heart pounding with fear, guilt, excitement the young nun stripped naked and merely the pleasure of doing that filled her with guilt. She had been taught by the nuns to undress demurely, to put on her night-dress before removing her underwear and to bathe herself in a room without mirrors, lest she fall into the sin of vanity or worse. Here, free of the constraints of the convent, she undressed quickly, praying silently for God's forgiveness as she did so. She looked up and gasped, for there were mirrors on three sides of the room and she could see herself frontally in the long mirror facing the wash-basin, the swell of her breasts in profile in the half length mirror above the benches and her back and buttocks in the third. Although she knew it was wrong she stared at her body in the facing mirror and blushed with guilty pride that, despite the years hidden from view, her breasts were still shapely and firm. She stared at her crotch, realising how thick and bushy her pubic hair had become, and made a note to trim it in the privacy of her cell. A sudden shocking thought struck her. What if the Colonel wanted to inspect her, completely naked, before she had attended to these things? She almost audibly gasped as she realised what she was doing...already fantasising over what fate might befall her and not entirely without pleasure. She quickly clasped her hands together and offered an urgent prayer. She looked at the beautiful clothes and first, almost reverently, picked up a nylon stocking. She had never expected to see anything like these again, let alone wear them. Hardly able to breathe, she put down the stocking for a moment, picked up the lilac suspender belt and stepped into it, pulling it up to her waist. Her face was bright red for wearing this and nothing more she looked like a whore...yet somehow she found that perversely exciting. She bit her lip and picked up one of the sheer nylons and began to slip it over her foot and up her leg. The feel of the soft nylon was glorious and she began to tremble as she pulled the nylon to the top of her thigh and clipped it to the belt. She did the same with the other one and then stared at herself in the mirror. Naked except for a suspender belt and her light nylons she was staggered by the transformation and couldn't take her eyes off her reflection. The dark tan of the nylons and above the pale lilac of the suspender belt only helped to focus on the area in between - her vulva and its thick foliage. The young nun's face turned a deeper shade of red as she realised that down there, between her legs, she was becoming very moist. Closing her eyes briefly in horror, she picked up the lace panties and slipped them over her feet, pulling them up carefully until the material slithered gently over the fullness of her bare bottom creating yet more sensations in her groin. Oh God forgive me, she pleaded silently, aware that the crotch of the panties was already scented in her juices. Her sexuality had been suppressed for so long that now, in this bathroom where her young body was visible whichever way she turned Sister Isabella had become Pia DiAngelo once more, shamefully excited by her own sensual feelings. Taking a deep breath she picked up the white lace camisole and slipped it over her shoulders, pulling the two soft lacy edges together and brushing against her tender breasts as she did so. She began to button up the garment, her trembling fingers conscious of the soft material against her tender nipples. She picked up the dress and gently stepped into it, his estimate of her size almost perfect, her eyes never leaving the mirror as she watched her transformation from a nun into a beautiful young woman once more. The only thing that spoiled the image was her short hair and she desperately wished for a wig so that her flowing locks could once again grace her appearance. She reddened once more and gasped in horror at how easily she had been seduced into vain thoughts. Once more she uttered a silent prayer of apology before slipping her dainty feet into the classy and expensive court shoes and standing up unsteadily, for it had been a long time and she was out of practice. They were maybe half a size too large for her and she tottered , slightly unsteadily, for a few seconds until she found her balance and then she walked to the bathroom door and rested her hand on the handle. She paused, her heart beating rapidly, and was shamefully aware that her hesitation was not due to embarrassment or anger but a sudden desire for approval. She felt, to her consternation, like a young debutante trying to make an impression, wondering if she was beautiful enough to attract men....all the things which had been schooled out of her in the previous eight years. She took a deep breath and opened the door, her face set grimly for she was not about to betray to this man any sense of pleasure. Swallowing hard, she walked back into the room where Glauber sat waiting and stood, nervous and expectantly like a young girl on a first date, as he raised his head and stared at her. His reaction was immediate and clearly genuine. His eyes widened and she saw the nervous tic in his throat as he cleared his voice. "My God," he said, almost huskily, "you are absolutely beautiful!" She tried to mask the pleasure she felt at his unreserved endorsement but she felt a tiny glow of warmth in her cheeks. "Turn around...slowly," he ordered, "all the way round" The colour rising in her cheeks, she obeyed, feeling his eyes on every part of her body. "That's God you are wasted in that penguin suit!" he said, his throat hoarse, "You are a delight, my dear!" Trying hard to mask her guilty pleasure she said stiffly, "Thank you, Colonel," then added, bitterly, "Now what? I lift my dress and dance for you as your whore ?" She saw the flash of anger in his eyes but he quickly controlled himself. "Not at all. Yesterday's little exercise was an experiment on my part in priorities and you passed with flying colours. Now sit down and eat!" Feeling flushed and embarrassed she sat next to this powerful man, conscious of his greedy eyes on her full, swelling breasts. The Colonel had been right and she hated herself for it. She adored the feeling of these sensual clothes. She loved the clinging sensation of soft lace against her tender nipples, loved the soft silk panties caressing her loins, adored the beautiful blue dress that made her feel so feminine, so alive. The Colonel smiled and poured the young nun a glass of red wine. "It is a fresh young wine, from Italian vineyards, perfect as an aperitif." Politely she sipped from the glass and, as the wine slid gently down her throat, she was compelled to admit that the Colonel knew his wines. She began, unconsciously to relax. "Now," he said, "let us eat. But first tell me something. I know Isabella is your sacred name but what is your real name?" "Sister Isabella," she replied quietly, "for my old name is in the my former life." "But tonight your sacred life is suspended is it not? You are dressed in a woman's clothing..soft, feminine garments that make you feel good. I know they do. Are those clothes with which Sister Isabella should be associated? Would you not be happier to shed all the luggage you carry and pick it all up again when the evening is over?" She bowed her head. He was right of course. "It is Pia," she said softly, " a simple name for a simple country girl." The Colonel laughed aloud. "Simple in her needs perhaps but not a simple girl. A beautiful and intelligent young woman." She looked down into her lap, her face pink, and he grinned to see the way she reacted to compliments. They made small talk over dinner and, as she stared into the face of the strong and dominating Colonel, it came to her suddenly that he was so like her father...strong, cruel sometimes but very male and very attractive. When the meal was over, he took her hand and escorted her to the sofa. "Do you like opera, Pia," he asked quietly,"for I have some recordings of some of the great composers you might enjoy." She nodded her head and almost unconsciously picked up yet another glass of wine which seemed to have materialised at her elbow, and began to drink. The glass was full and she had no idea how many she'd had. She knew, in the back of her mind, that she was in terrible danger but the old reckless Pia di Angelo had returned and she was enjoying the heady freedom that this evening offered. All her fear had gone and in its place was a sensual, nervous excitement. Soon the room was filled with the beauty of 'La Boheme',its flowing cadences and wilful sensuality flooding her senses until she was in a different world, her head whirling, her senses tingling as the music played and it was only when she felt a strong hand on her arm that she realised Glauber had sat down beside her. She made no effort to deflect his attention and soon she felt his hand gently moving up to her shoulder, caressing her arm softly. This was the same cruel, apparently inhuman man who had made her do such humiliating things and now she was in his power, captivated by him. She felt him move closer and his one hand went round her waist as the other moved to her cheek, stroking her face softly. "Colonel, you must not -" she began but there was no conviction in her words. He turned her head gently and kissed her softly on the lips as any resistance began to crumble away. No longer a proud young nun but a vulnerable girl lost in a web of desire, Pia responded passionately to his attentions. Dimly she was aware that his hand was undoing the zipper on her gown but she was incapable of fighting him off even had she wanted to and soon the dress had slipped off her shoulders and down to her waist. Oh God - she wanted him so badly. "Oh please -" she began, more in shame than anything as his gentle fingers began to unfasten the buttons of the lace camisole and she lay back, defeated as her firm young breasts were bared, the nipples hard and tender, then she cried out in disbelief as a nipple was suddenly covered by his warm mouth as he began to suck, gently and tenderly. She was his, she was there for the taking, a passionate vibrant young woman wanting a man. He began to reach under her dress, his hand seeking the tops of her thighs and then BOOM!!! A giant explosion rocked the building and the walls shook. Pia shot up from the sofa, her face a picture of alarm, the effect a sobering one. She heard urgent voices in the street below and the sound of running. "Colonel, what is happening?" she gasped, suddenly aware of her deshabille, desperately pulling her dress back to cover her nakedness. "Goddam," Glauber shouted, his face a mask of fury, "the Americans are shelling the town!" "The children!," Pia shouted in terror, "I have to get to the children. I must get back!" and she turned and began to hurry back to the bathroom, stopped only by Glauber's firm hand on her dress. "You're not going anywhere," he snarled, "you are mine for the evening and you will stay here!" "Let me go!" she cried and twisted away and as she did so the dress ripped and she ran to the bathroom before Glauber could react quickly enough. She ran in to the small room before he could get off the sofa and locked the door behind her. Her heart was pounding like a steam hammer as she stared down in growing horror at her state. She was naked from the waist up, her erect tingling nipples evidence of the Colonel's ministrations and she began to cry. How could she have allowed herself, a nun wedded to Christ, to have given herself like this? For there was no hiding it, Glauber had not broken his word. He had not forced her. But the heady wine had released urges long suppressed and now she had broken all her vows. What would have happened had the sudden explosion not rocked the room? She knew her panties would soon have been off and she would have spread her legs willingly for him. She sobbed in shame and self pity as a pounding began on the bathroom door. "Open the fucking door, you bitch!" Glauber snarled angrily and she flinched in panic, his rage bringing her out of her self pitying reverie. She didn't reply but hastily stripped off all the expensive feminine clothing and hastily got dressed in her religious apparel. "Please, Colonel, I need to get back to my Sisters - they may need help..and I need to check that all the children are safe -" she cried through the door as the battering began again. She prayed that they were alone on this floor and no German soldiers could hear the row. "Bullshit, Pia," the angry shout came back, "you have broken your promise...and now I shall break mine. I will have you before you leave this room. I assume you have put your religious garb back on...well don't think your nun's habit will save you.I'm going to fuck you and you are going to enjoy every minute of it. I've never fucked a nun and ripping off those ugly knickers of yours will give me exquisite pleasure!" THe young nun cried out in shock and fear as the hammering on the door continued. There was no escape. Where could she go from here? She was trapped in this bathroom with a sexually rampant and angry man pounding on the door. She did the only thing her calling and her beliefs had taught her to do. She got down on her knees and prayed for God's forgiveness and his help. The pounding continued and then suddenly there was a deafening explosion which threw the young nun off her knees and into the corner of the bathroom, a blast so powerful that pieces of plaster began to fall from the ceiling and the door, which had been her sole protection, blew off its hinges and fell with a thud on the floor. Slightly stunned she stared at the huge hole where the door had been and gasped in fright, expecting to see Glauber's bulk framed in the doorway poised and ready to take her by force. But there was nothing...just swirls of dust through the open space that caught her throat. She staggered to her feet, coughing and spluttering, her habit covered in brick dust. Breathing hard she stumbled out of the bathroom, her hand over her face to try and block out the intrusive dust, and lurched back into the large meeting room just as the oak door leading to the corridor burst open and Lieutenant Muller and two soldiers ran in. Sister Isabella and the German soldiers both took in the scene simultaneously and the young nun cried out in horror, nearly throwing up. All the bay windows had been blown in and there was a 2 foot wide diameter hole in the one wall of the room. On the carpet, Colonel Glauber lay in a pool of ever increasing blood, the carotid artery in his neck severed by a shard of glass. The young nun lurched forward and as the two young soldiers were deputed to arrange collection of the body of their Colonel, so Lieutenant Muller gently held the young nun around the waist as she was about to fall and escorted her quickly from the room. oOo "How are you feeling, Sister?" Muller enquired as Sister Isabella looked up gratefully from the armchair in his office on the far side of the building. He had arranged for a steaming hot mug of tea to be brought in and the young nun accepted it gratefully. "I am fine, Lieutenant," she said gratefully, " and thank you for your help and kindness. But poor Colonel Glauber -" "Yes indeed," Muller replied with genuine sadness, "he was a good officer and a friend. How fortunate that you were in the cloakroom when the shell hit the wall. God does indeed move in mysterious ways!" Sister Isabella's face blushed bright red, thankful that Muller had no comprehension of what had transpired. "Tomorrow you will receive the drugs you need, Sister," he said quietly, "I will send a vehicle with them to the school in the morning. After that, you will have no further problems. I have already made contact with the Americans and announced our surrender. There will be no more shelling. The Americans will be here later tomorrow. We cannot fight such superior odds and we are simply putting our troops and your townspeople at risk for no reward." The young nun's eyes lit up with delight, though she was careful not to exult too much in the German defeat. "But what about you, Lieutenant, surely your High Command in Berlin - ?" He smiled wanly, "- will be furious, Sister. And if they could get their hands on me I would probably be shot. But I am a soldier not a political fanatic and I trust that the Americans will lock me up until this war is over and then hopefully, my beloved country can make a new start." She put her hand on his arm gratefully. "I for one will tell them how courteously you have treated me and the children in my care." she said softly, "now I must leave and see to my Sisters and the children." Sister Isabella walked out of the hotel, a new spring in her step, a brightness in her eyes and a feeling of vibrant life. God did indeed move in mysterious ways...and maybe, as she thought back with excitement to the way her body had reacted to Glauber's firm and demanding touch..the Devil too!