Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Author: Sara Sanders Title: The Pink Heart Stone Summary: A pink stone transports girls to a strange world on Valentine's Day Keywords: Paranormal, Vore The Pink Heart Stone It was an unusually warm Valentine's Day so I slipped on my bikini and walked to the beach. It was still early in the morning so I had the beach almost all to myself. I walked along the beach until I found a good place to do some suntanning. I saw another girl who was also getting ready to suntan too. I noticed her start to dig in the sand when there was a sudden flash of light from where she was digging. When the blinding light was gone, the girl was gone too. I quickly ran over to where she was only to find her bikini laying next to the small hole she had dug. In the hole was a strange pink glowing stone in the shape of a heart. Unknown to me, the girl suddenly found herself completely naked in front of a giant worm like creature. Her screams were quickly cut off when the giant worm swallowed her up. Only muffled screams could be heard from inside of the creatures belly as it crawled away. I just stared at the strange pink glowing heart stone. It was so pretty but I didn't want to disappear into the air like the missing girl did. I felt compelled to take the stone so I used the missing girl's bikini to pick it up. The stone was glowing even brighter after I picked it up. Without even realizing what I was doing, I walked into the beach changing rooms and placed the stone on a bench in a changing stall. I didn't even know why I did it. I waited outside of the changing rooms and within a few minutes a small group of girls went inside. I should of been trying to warn them about the stone but for some strange reason I wanted them to touch it. It wasn't long before I saw the flash of light come from the changing rooms. Then three more flashes followed about a minute apart. I steeped back into the changing rooms to find a pile of the girls clothes in the stall and the stone still on the bench. I picked up the stone using the bikini. I realized that the stone must be manipulating me in some way. I had to get rid of it before it could make anyone else disappear. When I steeped out of the changing room I saw a younger girl and I had a strong urge to make her disappear using the stone. I fought the urge and turned away and that's when the stone slipped out of the bikini. I instinctively grabbed the stone before it hit the ground. There was a sudden flash of light and I instantly realized my mistake. I had disappeared leaving only my bikini and the stone behind. The younger girl that was almost the stones next victim ran over to where I had been and stared at the pretty pink glowing heart stone. She felt compelled to take it. Using my bikini bottoms she carefully picked it up. She felt compelled to take the stone into the girls changing room on the beach. Meanwhile, I found myself in a strange place with odd looking plants and trees. My bikini was gone and I was completely naked. Then suddenly I noticed a giant worm like creature towering over me. I screamed out of pure terror as the creature quickly swallowed me up. I felt slime from the creature covering my naked body. I fought as hard as I could but it seemed to be no use. I was in some kind of strong membrane sack inside of the creature. After struggling for what seemed like forever, I started to except my fate as this creatures meal. Then to my surprise I was pushed out the other end of the giant worm creature but I was still in the clear yet strong membrane sack. I struggled to fight my way out of the sack when I felt something moving in the sack with me. I knew it had to be a baby worm creature. I didn't know if I was in its egg sack or if it had some other plans for me but I didn't want to find out. I struggled even harder to catch and kill the worm before I became its first meal or whatever it wanted from me. The worm darted around my naked body until it soon found my crotch. It quickly pressed its way into my pussy before I could stop it. That's when I felt an orgasm suddenly hit me. The worm was fighting me with an aphrodisiac causing me strong and sudden orgasms and it was working since I stopped struggling. In the distance I could hear screams of terror as other girls were seeing the giant worm creature for the first time. Let me know what you think about this story or the types of stories you like. /files/Authors/Sara_S Thanks for reading!