Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Author: Sara Sanders Title: The Necklace Summary: It all started with buying her daughter a necklace Keywords: g, f, F, nc, bd, trapped, time, best, tort, paranormal, teen, preteen The Necklace 2009 Niki was an ordinary woman with two daughters Sara (14) and Tina (11). They had just moved into town. The house that they were moving into was an old mansion that no one had lived in for a long time. Earlier that week when Niki was looking to buy the house; she saw a 13yr old girl in only her underwear run out of the house. A neighbor said that some of the local kids use to run around the old house and scare themselves. Niki got the house for really cheap since the rumor was that it was haunted since a witch lived in the mansion at one time. Niki didn't really care about roomers since the divorce left her almost broke. Everything seemed to be working out well with the move, except that Sara wasn't happy about moving to a new town. She was upset about having to leave all of her friends. One day while Niki was driving to the grocery store she noticed a garage sale. She decided it was worth checking out. Niki looked around for a few minutes before deciding that there was nothing to buy. The she noticed a beautiful necklace with a pink stone. It seemed perfect her daughter Sara. When Niki arrived home she went to Sara's room and tossed the necklace onto her bed. Sara was taking a shower at the time so Niki opened the bathroom door and told Sara that she had left something on her bed for her. When Sara came out of the shower she found the necklace on her bed. She first put on some undies and then stepped in front of her mirror. Sara put on the necklace and admired how cute she looked standing there in her pink bra and undies with a matching pink stone necklace. Then all of a sudden Sara disappeared and the necklace fell to the floor. After a little while Niki was wondering if Sara had found the necklace. She really wanted to know how she liked it. When Niki walked into Sara's room, she was nowhere to be found. Then she saw that Sara had tossed the necklace on the floor. Niki was reall upset with Sara; she had never been so rude before. Niki decided that she would just give the necklace to her daughter Tina. Then she saw it. There was a black and white photo on Sara's dresser. The photo was of her daughter standing in a large field with nothing on but her bra and undies. Niki was extremely shocked that her daughter was now also letting someone take nude photos of herself. She had raised her better than that. Niki assumed that Sara had runaway again. What Niki failed to notice was the date on the back of the photograph was 1955. 1955 Sara was shocked to find that her room had been replaced with a large field. Then she realized how exposed she was. She was standing there in just her bra and undies. Sara felt the cool breeze against her still wet body. Sara had a strange feeling that something was looking at her. When she turned around she saw their house but for some reason it was now the only house on the hill. The old mansion looked newer that before. Sara tried to cover herself as she ran towards the house. When Sara got inside she found that no one was home. She ran up to her room to get some clothes on; then she could figure out what just happened. When she got to her room she saw that there was a girl tied to her bed. The girl only had on a pair of white undies and bra. Sara soon realized that all of the clothes in her closet and dresser were gone. Now she was really confused. 2009 Niki took the photo of her daughter Sara to her room. She was going to question Sara about the photo when she returned and then ground her for life. Niki couldn't believe that Sara had posed for a photo like this. Then she heard the front door open; it was Tina coming home from swim practice. Niki hid the photo so Tina wouldn't find it and get any ideas. Before Tina walked into her room Niki said that she had a surprise for her. When she showed Tina the necklace she was so excited that she hugged her mom. Tina closed the door to her room to change out of her swimsuit but she decided to try on the necklace first. She slipped on the necklace and then in a flash she was gone. The necklace dropped to the floor with a thud. A photo of Tina appeared on the floor. 1955 All of a sudden Tina found herself in the basement of the house. It was really dark but there was some light coming from under the door. Tina found her way up the steps and tried to open up the door but it was locked. Then she tried to turn on the light but she couldn't find the light switch anywhere around the door. Then Tina felt something wet on her back. When she reached around to see what it was she got a hand full of slime. Tina screamed and ran back down the stairs. More slime started to drip down from the ceiling of the basement. Soon Tina was standing there in her swimsuit covered in the slime. As Sara walked up to the girl tied to her bed she felt someone grab her from behind. Then a rag was placed over Sara's mouth and everything went dark. When she awoke found that the other girl in her room had been untied. As Sara stood up the other girl attacked her for no reason. Sara was now fighting for her life. She was quickly over powered and forced down onto the bed. The girl tied Sara's arms and legs to her bed. Then the girl disappeared and Sara was now alone and tie to her bed in only her underwear. 2009 The next morning when Niki woke up she noticed that the house seemed extra quite. She went up to the girl's rooms and realized that both of them were gone. Niki figured that they were hanging out with their friends. She found the necklace on Tina's floor and picked it up. Tina was always leaving things on the floor. Niki thought it was a very unique necklace and she stuck it in her pocket for now. Niki went to the old library to find something to read and pass the time. The large room was filled with old books and stuff. Niki saw a large old book in on corner of the room on a small desk. She pulled up a chair to the desk and opened up the book. On the title page it said book of spells. Niki thought that this would be interesting. The first chapter was about gardening. There were spells for making killer vines and giant critters. 1955 Tina didn't even see the giant slugs crawling towards her. She felt something push against her foot but she couldn't see what it was. The she saw the giant slugs crawling up her legs. Tina started to scream and run but she tripped over something. That's when she realized that the entire floor was now covered with the giant slugs. They began to cover her body. Then one pushed its way under her swimsuit and onto her chest. Soon others followed and started to fill up her swimsuit. Tina's swimsuit started to stretch and then rip off of her body. She was now naked and covered with the giant slugs. Sara was laying there in her underwear tied to her bed. She felt something wrap around her legs and then she was pulled off the bed. Sara was pulled out into the backyard by the vines around her legs. Once she was outside more vines wrapped around her body. A vine pulled off her pink bra but Sara's chest wasn't exposed since the vines were covering her entire body. Soon pieces of her shredded undies were pulled away from her body. She was now completely naked. Sara moaned as the vines pressed into her crotch. She was extremely scared but at the same time excited. 2009 Niki continued to read the spell book completely oblivious to what was really going on. On another desk in the library two more photos were added to an old photo album. One was of Tina lying naked in the basement with giant slugs attacking her and the other one was of Sara being attacked and stripped naked by the killer vines. Niki had no idea that her two daughters were now trapped in the past. The spell book was filled with other weird spells about making non living things come to life and things like youth. 1955 A slug was now pressing down into Tina's vagina. She tried to shake off the slugs but they wouldn't come off her body. The pressure on her crotch was too much for her to handle and she screamed just before she blacked out. When Tina woke up the giant slugs were gone but she was still covered in slime. Her swimsuit was completely destroyed. She noticed that the basement door was slightly open. Tina ran out of the basement to find her mom. The vines pulled Sara down into the dirt and then left her there. Her arms were pinned down by the dirt around her. Sara was planted like a flower in the flower bed. Then she felt something press against her crotch. It was an oversized worm that was wiggling its way into her vagina. Sara screamed as her vagina was stretched to the limits. As the worm was entering her vagina; there were roots wrapping around her boobs. Sara screamed as the roots tried to pull off her breasts. Soon she blacked out. 2009 Niki finally got bored of reading the ridicules spell book and looked around for something else in the library to read. That's when she spotted the photo album on the other desk. It was full of strange photographs of girls. Then she saw the photo of Sara in the field in only her underwear. The next photos were of Sara planted in the ground in back yard and Tina screaming as a dog rips off her dress. 1955 Sara was still planted into the ground when she woke up. The worm was gone but her crotch was now wet. The roots were still pulling on her breast and it was starting to get dark. Then the vines went into the ground and pulled her out of the ground. Sara used this opportunity to run. She ran towards the woods. As Sara entered into the woods she realized that her feet were stuck to the ground. There was a sticky web that covered the ground and a large hole in the ground. Sara had seen the discovery channel and knew what was about to happen. As she tried to turn around the huge spider came out of the hole and quickly covered back with more web. The spider wrapped Sara's naked body up in the web and pulled her down into the hole. As Tina came out of the basement she didn't that noticed things were different in the house. She went to her room to get some clothes on. When she got to her room, all of the clothes in her closet were someone else's. Tina grabbed some of the clothes and ran to the shower. Once she cleaned off she got dressed in the clothes that she found. Tina had on a pair of white undies, bra, and a sundress. She looked outside of the bathroom for the giant slugs but didn't find any. As Tina was walking back to her room she felt her bra tighten. Her bra was tightening down on her small boobs and was starting to pull her boobs off of her chest. With the bra squeezing on Tina's boobs she didn't notice that her undies were giving her a wedge. She ran to her room while holding her tortured breasts. Tina's undies started to push into her vagina. She screamed when her undies ripped off and continued to stuff itself into her vagina. Tina ran downstairs to find her mom but instead she was met by a large dog. It growled at her and she ran out the front door with the dog following close behind her. She had almost forgotten about the bra pulling on her boobs and the undies shoved into her vagina. Then the large dog jumped on Tina's back which knocked her down. It grabbed a hold of her dress ripped a chunk out of her dress. As Tina crawled away the dog ripped away another piece. Her bare butt was now exposed. Right as the dog was about to take a chunk out of her behind the undies in her vagina came out and wrapped around the dogs snout. Tina lied there exhausted as she watched the undies attack the dog. 2009 Niki turned over one of the photos and saw a date written on the back was 1955. That's when Niki realized that her daughters were trapped somewhere and were really being tortured. She could see want was happening to her daughters but couldn't do anything about it because it had happened a long time ago. Then Niki saw a photo of herself when she was 10yr old. When she picked up the photo she disappeared into the air and the photo fell back down onto the photo album. The date on the back of the photo read 1952. 1952 Niki had shrunk in size and her clothes were now too big for her. That's when she knew that this stuff was for real. She was now about 10yr old and her chest was almost flat. Niki started to run out of the library. Her pants and undies fell off as she ran out of the room. As Niki ran out of the library she noticed that the necklace had disappeared out of her hand. Niki soon realized that everything she saw and read was real. Niki ran outside of the house but the vines quickly pulled the 10yr old Niki back into the house. For the next three years Niki was tortured in a variety of different ways. 1955 One day Niki found herself tied to the bed in her undies and bra. Then a 14yr old girl appeared into the room. An old lady quickly came up from behind the girl and covered her mouth with a rag. The girl quickly passed out and the old lady turned her attention to 13yr old Niki. She told Niki that if she was able to tie the girl to the bed then she would send Niki to her own time. The rope around Niki untied itself. Then the old lady disappeared and the girl was starting to stand up. Niki took advantage of the situation and shoved the girl onto the bed. She then tied her arms and legs to the bed. Once she was done tying the girl to the bed, Niki disappeared. 2009 Niki ran downstairs and out the door. She saw someone pulling their car into the driveway and that's when she realized that she was only wearing her bra and undies. She was embarrassed but was not about to go back inside the house. As she ran down the side walk she realized that the necklace had appeared in her hand. Niki saw a garage sale and tossed the necklace into a box of junk and keep running. She didn't want to have anything to do with the necklace or the house ever again. Being the house sex toy for three years was more than she could take. 1955 Sara could not see anything once she was dragged into the hole. She felt the web tightly around her breasts. Then Sara fainted from the pressure of the tight web around her body. When she woke up she found herself tied to her bed in undies and a bra. Somehow she had been reset to start the tortured all over again. Tina was now almost naked; wearing only a bra that wanted to squeeze her boobs off. She ran back inside the house. Once inside the house the bra fell off her body. Tina rubbed her sore breasts as she stood naked in the living room. Tina heard a buzzing sound and then felt a sting on her butt. All of a sudden she couldn't move her body and she collapsed to the floor. A giant wasp picked her up and flew up to the attic. Tina was then stuffed into the wasps nest. Tina heard the clock strike midnight and she found herself back in the basement. 2009 As the 13yr old Niki ran down the street; she had completely forgotten about her two daughters that were still trapped in the past. Let me know what you think about this story or the types of stories you like. /files/Authors/Sara_S Thanks for reading!