September 24, 2006

Almost sixteen months have passed since I've updated anything, and 
for that I do apologize, but real life over that period of time has
really intruded and taken up almost all of my time, making it next 
to impossible for me to get back into 'writing mode'.

I've made a couple of additional edits to "The Ad", plus some edits 
to both "Katy 1" and "Katy 2a" - just some basic things to make
some portions make more sense without changing the story, and I also 
changed my ISP, so I had to change my e-mail. 

I'm still kind of stuck as far as the "Katy" stories go, but I *am*
working on a couple of ideas, and I hope I can get "Katy 2b" finished
and posted soon. When? Right now, I don't know, but hopefully before 
the end of the year. In "Katy 2b", I'll be introducing a couple of new
characters that will be joining the fun, so stay tuned!

As always, feedback is definitely appreciated.

June 2, 2005

Due to the huge number of downloads of the text version of "The Ad",
I have decided to upload a text version of "Katy 1" and "Katy 2a" 
(which I have completed the edit of). When I finish with "Katy 2b", 
I will be uploading it in both text and .rtf Versions.

May 23, 2005

I have finally - finally! - finished my edit of "The Ad".
Yay! I have uploaded two versions, one in rtf format, and the 
other in plain text (for quicker download, for those of you
on dial up.), and I have to say thank you for your patience!

Now that I am finished with the edit of "The Ad", I hope to be
able to continue now with the "Katy" series. I am now doing an edit 
of "Katy 2a" to correct some minor mistakes, and then I will begin 
work on "Katy 2b". After that, I might even do another story about 
what happened on the honeymoon trip to the Pacific. I have some 
ideas in mind for that, but I'm not sure yet. I'll see if I can 
make it work. :)

May 16, 2005

I am nearing the end of my edit of "The Ad" - only 4 more
chapters to go - and hopefully, I can get that done this 
week. As soon as I am finished, I will upload it, and then
try to get back to the "Katy" series. Sorry that this has taken
so long, but after all, "The Ad" is a long story!

April 24, 2005

A brief note of explanation to all of my readers.

Instead of adding new updates to the Readme.txt
file, I decided that I would post all updates in a new file, 
to keep you informed of what I'm doing with my stories.
Each update will be dated, and will read newest at the top,
to the oldest at the bottom, sort of like a blog.

I am currently going through, and revising, "The Ad",
as there are just too many mistakes - for which I
apologize. I should have done this before I posted the
story, but I didn't. Don't worry, I'm not changing the story, 
just cleaning it up. When I re-post it, for those of you on 
dial-up, I will post it as a plain text file, so it doesn't 
take so long to download.

As far as the "Katy" series goes, I'm kind of stuck and
don't know where I want to go with the story yet, so once
again, it is on the 'back burner' while I edit "The Ad". Also,
real life situations have kind of intruded on my time as well.
I just ask for your patience, as I will get around to finishing
the "Katy" series, soon.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to 
e-mail me (but, please, no spam) - my e-mail address is at 
the top of each story - or, if you want to remain anonymous,
go to the "S" Authors page at Asstr, find the e-mail link for me,
and send it to me that way. I will try to answer all e-mails that
I get.

I hope you are enjoying what I have written so far. Thanks for 
stopping by.