Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. ****!!!ATTENTION-----ATTENTION-----ATTENTION!!!**** You must be at least 18 years or older to view/read/download the following story. If you are under the legal age of 18 years, you are ordered to cease and desist further interaction with material found within or on this website under the Law. If you continue, you may face fines and/or jail time. Please, I urge you to go back now if you are not a legally consenting adult. Further more, this story, and all other stories written by myself, the author known as S.R., are complete works of fiction. Though some characters may be loosely based on actual people, no person/s within any of my works are real people. No actions, sexual or otherwise, contained in my stories, have actually occurred. Everything written by I, S.R, are total works of fiction. After all, who here thinks the guy who created James Bond was actually a British spy? Anyone think the british woman who writes Harry Potter is a wizzard? Or that Tom Clancy is engaged in life-or-death struggles to prevent wars? In addition, if you find my writings, which are mostly material of a sexual nature, to be offensive, I urge you to turn back now. My stories - my works of fiction - are simply that, and not intended to do anything other than exist as a collection of words and an expression of ideas and thoughts. If you find anything held within any of my stories to be offensive, please remember it is simply a story. Thank you and enjoy... Deception, Love, and Innocence - Part 1: By S.R. (m/f, teen, 1st, love) ----------------------------INTRODUCTION--------------------------- First off, let me tell you that I tend to tease a lot in my stories. By this I mean that, you won't get any actual full-on sex until part 3. What you will get is a good, thought out story, with an actual plot, and a lot of erotic stuff, leading up to the eventual full-on sex. So I advise you to take your time with this story. It's not a quick fix. Second, this story is inspired by two seperate woman of my past. The first, a friend, my best friend, whom I loved for quite a long time in secret. I waited far too long (about two or three years too long) to tell her my feelings. Had I acted those two or three years sooner, all would have been different. No sense in crying over it now though. The second is the physical representation of Jess. The attitude. The slutty persona. She was just as I describe: a goddess, who flirted far too much, and wore far too sexy clothing. I can't say I cared for her as I cared for the first girl, but I can tell you she was the best lover of my life. No one else has yet to live up to her. Also, I welcome and seek out comments and discussions of my work from it's readers. Please feel free and encouraged to contact me at for any reason related to my works. Praise, critisizm, questions or comments, requests, whatever. ----------------------------PART 1--------------------------- I was in my second, or sophomore year of high school when my life began to change, rapidly. First off, my mother died the July before. It wasn't sudden, as she'd had cancer for years and lived well beyond her life expectancy, never the less, it took its toll. So, of course the kids at my school laid off and where nicer too me. I was never picked on, but I wasn't in the 'in crowd'. I was in that large, middle, gray area. This year, though, things took a 180. Suddenly, all the cool kids talked too me. Now, I wouldn't have cared about that with the loss of my mother, except for that one, specific girl who made the whole situation better. Her name was Jessica. She went by Jess though. We'd been friends since the first grade but only acquaintances in the seventh grade. In the 8th grade, though, we grew very far apart, as we had no classes together. Ninth grade was pretty much the same as eighth, only a different building. So, when suddenly Jess started to make the time for me, and pay attention too me, I actually took notice. She'd gotten extremely hot over the past few years, and I can tell you I'd spanked the monkey to the thought of her more than a few dozen times over the past years. So now that this blond-bombshell with C-cup tits was paying ME some attention. Well, needless to say there was a lack of toilet paper in the house for the next few weeks, if you get my drift. She was the epitome of the word HOT. A fox, with naturally bleach-blond hair cut at the shoulder, sapphire blue eyes, C-cup tits that where the absolute perfect size -- not too large, and not too small -- and an ass like a goddess. The tightest thing I've ever seen, anywhere. She was also a bit promiscuous, and her clothes proved it. Tight pants, thong panties (which where obvious whenever she'd crouch down to get a book), tight shirts, and on occasion, no bra at all. She gave me half a stiffy every time I saw her. As midterms began to approach, the school district surprised us with a four-day weekend, most likely do to the extended contract talks between the teachers and school board. They'd do anything to avoid a strike after what had happened 6 years ago when they'd been out of school a month. So it was that Thursday that Jess approached me at my locker. She had her backpack slung over her shoulder, and her hands in his back pockets. Her shirt wasn't quite long enough, and her belly button was in view, as well as her breasts stuck out a bit due to her stance. "Hey Cowboy," she said with a sweat little smile. Ever since the first grade, when I'd worn a Cowboy costume the entire month of October. It was a cute little nickname she'd given me, that though others had picked up on it over the years, no one used it consistently except her. She was also the only one I enjoyed hearing it from. The way she said it alone was so soothing, sweat, and sultry. "Whatcha doin?" she asked, playfully, biting her lower lip. "Uh, just.. grabbing my lab book." I muttered, always nervous around her. "Well hurry up, slow poke, or we'll be late." she said adorably. I had to fight the urge to simply kiss her. Physical attraction aside, I knew in my heart and head, I was falling for her, hard. She was simply the best, sweetest, nicest, most beautiful person I knew. It sometimes felt as if I was being punched in the gut, only it was enjoyable, to be around her. I guess that's what love feels like - an enjoyable punch in the gut. Pulling the book out, I shut my locker and turned the combination so it was locked. Without another second, Jess grabbed my hand in hers as the first bell rung and pulled me along. I remembered when we where kids and she'd tried to hold my hand. Other than when we risked crossing the street on our own those scant few times, I'd always refuse. I never specifically said 'cooties', but it was just the general thing kids of that age do. As we go to the staircase, she let go as she began to ascend up the stair case, only a few other kids now where jogging up and down them to their classes. Jess and I simply walked, and I always made sure to stay behind her. A good, nearly eye-level view of her perfect, toned, ass was a quick and fun jolly in the morning before one of the worst classes we both had. I had been lucky this year to have more than half my classes with her. After watching her as we climbed the stairs, she jogged ahead of me to the class, I followed suit, and we hit the door only a second before the last bell rang. She giggled, and I smiled as two of our classmates got there right behind us and where told to go to the office. The class was, as usual, extremely boring. I was the type of kid who had the ability to read something once in a book, and know it. It was what had allowed me to coast through years of school without taking notes, or studying more than once. Sometimes the plan backfired and I'd forget to read the material even once, but that was so infrequent no one really cared. My GPA was still one of the best in the class, without becoming a nerd. After that we headed to lunch. For the first time since sixth grade, we sat together along with four of her friends, and two of mine I'd been able to bring into the 'in crowd' along with me. We rarely spoke anymore though, as they where too engrossed in Jess' friends, and I couldn't blame them. They where all physically attractive. But Jess had caught my eye, and my heart. Lunch was usually one of my times to shine. You remember that kid in your high school who always leant out money? You know, the one who could either afford to throw a dozen dollars away and be cocky about whom he gave it too? That was me. Except, my money went to Jess, her friends, my friends, and typically one or two loners who'd basically leeched themselves too me. Both Jess and my family where pretty well off, considering her father was a corporate lawyer and her mother a real Eestate Aagent, who typically found clients in her husbands books. My father owned a chain of fancy car dealerships; Lexus, jJaguar, Mercedes, BMW and so on. My mother had been an architect for most of her professional life until her diagnosis. So, money came flowing out any which way from Sunday, and the end result was a MAC, and Credit cards of my own, as well as a bundle of cash each morning. So why did Jess and her friends need to borrow from me? It was simple, Jess' parents had always been, and where still, totally neglectful. She had a credit card for emergencies, and could sometimes manage to get a few hundred bucks from one of them before they left town on business, but it was nothing like my house. Aside from playing hero to everyone, which got me a little more respect and appreciation even if it didn't pad my wallet, it was also fun because of the conversations. Two of Jess' friends where, for all intents and purposes, sluts. So they'd often ramble on about some guy they'd given head too, or fucked, or teased, complain about how tight there bra's where, and so forth. They'd sometimes drag Jess into the conversation with some remark about her thong panties or something, but not too often. It was simply a fun time to be a guy, and a teenager. Having just turned 16 in May, my father being the car dealer had, of course, given me a car. Now, some saw this as spoiled, but if they'd been offered a free car, how many would have refused it? Anywho, with Jess' parents so often not home, she'd yet to even take her test for her license, so I'd been driving her home in my Jag convertible, and sometimes teaching her how to drive. The first time I'd done this, she was so afraid of crashing the damn thing she'd insisted upon sitting on my lap, so if anything went wrong I could take over. It had taken an incredible amount of will power and stamina to keep myself from getting hard as her rock of an ass passed across my lap, her hair in my face, and her back up against my chest with my arms under and around hers. As we walked to the car, her arm through mine simply out of habit, I caught some glances from people. I'd heard there was considerable speculation about the two of us, and whether we were an item or not. Jess and I had never even spoken about that, and not wanting to ruin a good thing, I avoided the topic myself. As we pulled out of the lot, she asked if I'd help her study at her house tomorrow morning. I agreed, and made my way home, already anxious about the next day. ----------------------------PART 2--------------------------- Friday morning couldn't come fast enough. Showering and not bothering to shave for the fifth day in a row, I made my way through the morning traffic to her house by 8:45. I was one of those odd people who was both a morning, and night person. My grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-great grandfather had been in the Navy, and so waking up at the crack of dawn was almost genetic. On the other hand, my mother and father had always been night owls, so staying up late was also common around our house. The end result was when most kids where falling asleep after only 5 hours rest the night before, I could manage just fine. Having had an actual full 7 hours, I was energized to get going. Pulling up, I was surprised to see her mother's Land Rover in the driveway. Leaving the Jag near the front door (the driveway was fairly mammoth), I darted towards it and rang the bell. After the second time, her mother arrived and opened it. She was on her cell-phone, papers in hand, and obviously getting ready to go out. She mouthed a 'Hello' to me, and after a few minutes on the phone, finally hung-up. "Never go into business with family," she said to me as she crossed the hallway. "They'll make you nuts!" she shouted from the den. I glanced around, having only recently been in Jess' house for all of a few minutes a about two months ago, and not since. I'd spent considerable time here as a kid, though. Coming out from the den she walked towards me. "I'm sorry to be in such a rush, but my idiot of a husbands just now informed me of a fiasco with three of our clients, something about those bastards at the IRS," she said, "They're foreclosing on three properties I have up for sale and have buyers interested in, so I've got to fly out to meet him in Aspen." she said, sighing and shaking her head as she turned away and began to rifle through some papers. "Jess is upstairs, probably still asleep, and I left her some money on my nightstand, be sure to tell her, uhh.." she started glancing around for something. "Oh, I left the flight information and my cell number near the phone of she needs it, all right?" she asked, as if I was paying more than a little bit of attention. "Oh, yeah. OK." I muttered. Within another few seconds, she'd donned her coat and was out the door. About thirty-seconds later, I heard the car pull away. After a minute of standing around, I figured I'd see if Jess was awake. The house was silent, with the exception of a lawn mower in the yard next door. I knew her room was at the end of the hall, and slowly made my way there. The door was closed, but not completely. Pushing it open, I glanced in and could only see the dresser and floor and walls. While not messy, the room wasn't neat. Some clothes where sprawled on the floor and furniture, and I quickly made out a black lace bra near the mirror. Finally, entering the room, I saw Jess. She was spread out on the bed, up against the far wall. Her hair was ruffled, her arms above her head at different positions. She had only a sheet wrapped around her leg and a blanket up against the wall. What stunned me he most was her attire. She was face up towards the door, clad only in a red satin thong and green T-shirt that was bunched up near her breasts. Her legs where spread apart naturally as I approached her. I'd seen her in a one-piece bathing suit in the 8th grade, but never anything like this. I could feel my cock jump at the sight of her and felt a bit dizzy as well. It wasn't every day you got to see an incredibly hot girl whom you think you loved in her panties. The room also had a slight chill too it, which made visible through the flimsy top, her hardened nipples. I watched as her chest rose, and fell as she breathed deeply. I stood next to the bed for a few moments, simply looking at her. She was breath taking. I realized I'd never seen this side of her. It was the naive, playful side, but the innocent, natural side of her. The side you could only see when someone was either unconscious, or truly innocent of anything. It was rare, and a gift. Knowing I couldn't stand there and enjoy the site forever, I slowly moved my hand to her arm. It was cold to the touch. Slowly, I nudged her trying to rouse her from her sleep. After the second attempt she inhaled quickly, then yawned stretching her arms as she blinked. She then closed her eyes again for a moment before opening them and looking up at me. She smiled that perfect smile of her. "Hey Cowboy," she said in greeting. "What time is it?" she asked, curiously. I glanced to the alarm clock above her head. "9:15,." I replied, looking back too her, making sure to keep my eyes glued to her face and nothing else. She must have been aware of her state of near-undress, but seemed not to mind. She jumped in the bed and slid over again the wall, and patted the part of the bed she'd been on. "Its way too early, come on, lay down." she said, closing her eyes again. What else could I do? Slowly, I sat and then put my legs up, lying rather stiffly there on the bed. She then tugged and pulled at the cover behind her until it was covering part of her. Then she snuggled up against me, and covered herself and me in part with the blanket, making a shivering sound. "Aren't you cold?" she asked as she draped her arm across my chest. In all honesty, I was rather warm. Aside from already being warm from my sweater and jeans, the prospect of being so intimately close to her was making my blood begin to boil. "Not really." I managed to say. "Well I am." She said, now draping a leg over my own, her foot rubbing slowly back and forth against my right shin. My hands where at my side, and I could feel her loose breasts pressed against my upper arm, and the slightest hint of satin on one of my knuckles. My hand was literally inches, if not centimeters, from her pussy. The simple thought of that made my heart beat faster and faster. I actually started to breathe faster as well. "Why didn't my mom wake me up like I asked?" she asked. "Oh, she left, she said something about having to go to Aspen cause of some business thing with your dad." I said, not really paying attention to even my own speech. It felt as if I was only half there. "That is so like her." she said, her head in part on my shoulder, so close to mine. Jess had always been affectionate, and not by any means shy, but I never in my wildest dreams thought she'd be hugging and rubbing up against me, half-naked, in bed. OK, maybe my wildest dreams where wilder than that, but I never thought in reality it would ever happen. After about another minute, although it felt like an hour as I was keenly aware of every second passing by, Jess sighed. "Oh well. I better get my shower." she said, pulling the covers back. I began to move, but was halted by her words. "That's OK, I'll just climb over you." she said. Before I had a chance to move, she'd moved into a kneel on the bed, and moved her one leg over my body. Her legs where now spread, clad only in the panties, over me. My heart seemed to skip a beat. Within another second she was over, and moving away from the bed. I turned my head to watch her tight, firm ass move. She was wearing thong panties after all. Personally, I never could wear anything like that. I mean, most people hated 'wedgies', yet thongs in effect where just one, constant one and it didn't seem to matter. She roamed her room as if I wasn't there, bending over at one point to grab a stick of deodorant she'd dropped on the floor. As she did so, she stretched out her right leg into the air to balance herself. Her legs where spread wider than ever before now. I suddenly realized I wasn't breathing. With her hairbrush, and deodorant in hand she exited the room for a moment. Then promptly return with a white, terry cloth towel and made her way to the doorway next to the closet; her bathroom. She closed the door, but again not all the way. I was still petrified with raging hormones and couldn't think. We'd been so close for so many years, she had to see my like a brother, right? Certainly, she could have any guy in school, would she even want me? My mind ran amuck without me for the next few minutes or so as the water in the shower ran continuously. Obviously, it was still heating up. While not frigid outside, it was a chilly 50 something degrees, and on those days it could take awhile. Slowly, I sat up in her bed, my jeans feeling unusually tight in the crotch. Taking a few deep breaths, I tried to calm myself and my raging hard-on. Figuring it would be best to walk it off, I stood and began to slowly walk around the room. When I came to the cracked door to the bathroom, I stopped. 'Should I look?' I asked myself, always wanting to see this beautiful, sweat girl naked. I knew the answer. Despite my personal wish to have the first girl I saw naked (in person) be one I was about to have sex with, I slowly put my eye to the door. My heart skipped a beat, as my pulse quickened faster, and faster. My breathing was now almost panting as I looked upon this awesome goddess. She sat on the edge of the tub, her back too me, completely nude. Her hand was gingerly waving back and forth under the shower faucet as steam rose into the air making a fine mist about her. After about ten seconds of this, she stood up and walked across the room to the vanity. I could know see her breasts from the side. They where perfectly shaped, round orbs that molded into her body. I could not, however, see below her waist. The angle at which she stood and at which the door was opened prevented anything but a partial back, side view. She picked up a razor there, and turned away from the door for a moment before walking back to the shower. Unfortunately, I still didn't get a peek at her 'garden of Eden'. She then pulled back the shower curtain fully, stepped in, and drew it back. Stepping back, I fought my self to breath and not jiz as I stood there. Looking around the room, I found myself overwhelmed. The past 15-20 minutes had been remarkable. They rivaled any make out sessions I'd had with girls over the past few years, any issue of Playboy I'd ever seen, every stolen glance at a girl in my school -- combined. ----------------------------PART 3--------------------------- I desperately wanted her, more now than ever. I couldn't think about anything but her as I walked slowly back to the bed and fell back onto it, my legs hanging over the side. My clothes felt tight and restricting. My body was hot, and beads of sweat were forming on my forehead as I smiled at my luck. Some might see it as an insult that someone so attractive would flaunt herself in front of you, as if you weren't a sexual being, but I knew Jess well enough to know she was just comfortable. When she was comfortable with them, it was if she had very few inhibitions or secrets. So I knew it was a combination of luck and that comfort. Glancing to the side, I found her pillow. I grabbed it and held it over my face, inhaling deeply. It smelled of her perfume and shampoo. It felt as If I where holding her so close, and smelling her hair instead of just the pillow. I remained like that for a period of time, I wasn't quite sure of how long. When the shower water stopped, I quickly tossed the pillow back to the bed and sat up. By now my raging hard-on had dropped off and was thankfully going limp. When I heard the shower curtain pulled back, I moved to Jess' desk, and opened her Lab book. Next to the lab book was a notebook. At first glance, it seemed like a simple notebook, but as I glanced at it the second time, I saw my name there. Picking it up, I stared at the page. All over it where different types of scribbling. All with my name. Different combinations, such as what her married name would be if she was married to me, my name inside of hearts along side hers. It was a virtual confession of love! Right there, in front of me! The girl of my dreams, the one I'd been secretly in love with, was in love with me! Suddenly, everything started to make sense. Why she'd grown distant in the 7th grade, stopped talking to me in the 8th grade, why she'd had her schedule changed in early freshmen year to not be in classes with me. She was in love with me, and unsure how to handle it! Relief washed over my like an ocean tide. A smile formed over my face and I couldn't help but feel as if the entire world was in existence simply for my benefit. It was an arrogant thought, but one that I felt I deserved. As I was snapped back to reality by the creak of the bathroom door open, I put the notebook down and slid it under the textbook to make it seem as if I'd never seen it. I had to decide how to proceed. Would she be angry and hate me for reading her things? Embarrassed? Happy? Or was I missing the big picture? As I watched her saunter from the other room, a towel wrapped around herself and her we hair in disarray, I began to wonder if the past few months had all been leading up to today. If the attire in which Jess slept in, the manner she was positioned when I entered, her hugging me, her leaving the door open, the note book out, and all the other cute, comfortable, sexually oriented things she did. Was it all part of some master plan to try to get through my thick skull, and nervous persona? I took a deep breath as Jess wandered around behind me, going from drawer to drawer, obviously gathering clothing. I began to wonder how far she would take this, if in fact I was correct in my assumption it was all a show for me, when she spoke to me. "Hey, Cowboy, could you gimme a minute or two?" She asked, gently, standing by the bed which had a few items of clothing on it. I turned in the desk chair and thought of how to respond. After a moment, I had made my choice. "Actually," I said as I stood up and summed up a large amount of courage. "I was wondering if we could talk a minute." I said, not wanting to put this off, knowing my momentary ability to speak to her in full sentences would soon fade. I took a few steps toward her, my hands rubbing back and forth against each other like you do when your cold, only slower, as I glanced at the carpet. Drops of water where visible where she'd walked. I was now keenly aware that she was nude, and wet, once again. "What's wrong?" She asked, concerned, taking a step forward to meet me. "I.. uhh.." I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. My heart felt as if it was going to explode. My knees where weak, my palms sweaty, and my throat dry. I'd never said anything as difficult in my life. So, after years of knowing it, but never admitting it to anyone, I just said it. I said those three magic words. "I love you."," we both said in unison. We then both blinked, and starred at each other for only the briefest of moments before smiling an ear-to-ear grin, and embracing one another. It was like something out of a movie, or book. It was perfect as my hands ran across the damp towel and her back. I felt tears begin to well in my eyes and sting at them, as I fought them back. After a minute, we both stepped back from the embrace slightly. I knew what needed to be done, what I wanted to do, what she wanted to do. I gingerly put my hands on her cheeks, caressing them for a moment. I then moved my head in slowly, closing my eyes as I did. We kissed. For the first few seconds, it was a simple peck on the lips. Then our tongues met, and it became so much more. It was an intimate moment. One we would both remember even into our old age. I felt her hands on by sides, right below my hips, as we continued to lock-lips. It was gentle, and slow. Not the furious, rushing of a normal teenage relationship. It was special. After a minute or two, we released and we hugged once again, as I kissed slowly and softly from her ear, down to her neck and onto her shoulder. I wasn't sure how far to keep going until she whispered into my right ear. "Make love too me." she said, softly as she took my hands in hers. I responded by guiding my lips back up her neck to her ear, all the while leaving a trail of slow, soft, kisses along the way. She then stepped beck, and released my hands and drew her own to the top of the towel. She swiftly, but gently, pulled the segment of the towel holding it in one piece out and away, and let the piece of terry-cloth fall away to the floor. I looked upon her glistening, wet, sensual form, and allowed myself a quiet moan of pleasure at the sight before me. "You are the most beautiful thing I have ever, or will ever see, in my entire life." I said to her as she stood there before me. To my utter delight, I found her clean-shaven in that region as well. I was surprised at how controlled I was. I had always thought I would be wild, furious, and ravaging. My hormones alone should have taken control of me. But somehow, I remained cool. Confident. Calm. It was a rare moment in my shallow sex life. I'd never gone beyond 'second base'. That is, local second base, which is hands under the shirt. Slowly, I stepped towards her and pressed her body close to mine, feeling the drops of moisture from the shower invade my own clothing. I ran my hands from her face, down along her neck, over her shoulders, and then down her back, and onto her ass. I grabbed each cheek with my hands, and pulled upward. Jess seemed to know what I was thinking and jumped up, wrapping her legs around my waist, her breasts now closer to my eyes. I looked up, though, at her face. Into her eyes. I saw love there, as well as lust. Moreover, I saw my future, and knew it included her. Gently, I moved to the bed where I kneeled on it, kissing her once again. Then, I released my grasp on her while she held on tight as I set her back upon the bed. She untangled her legs and left them on either side of my own, her feet occasionally finding mine and rubbing them, as I continued to kneel over her, kissing her, and caressing the soft, supple skin of her arms up and down. I could feel the goose bumps emerge at the tender, almost ticklish touch. Our kiss was broken as she began to laugh, and I joined in. I then bent upwards so I was now looming over her, and pulled my shirt up over my head. Unlike normal, I didn't bother to fix my hair after tossing the sweater aside. As I bent down to kiss her again, I felt her cool hands run across my chest. It was a slow, rhythmic motion, with little pattern, but it felt good. We continued to kiss, and as my knees began to weaken, I lowered my still clothes lower half against he flesh. My cock was hard once again and was tenting my jeans, and I could feel her grinding against me. After a few more minutes of kissing, I broke from our embrace of limbs and lips, and stepped off the bed. Jess lay there, watching, as I removed my belt, and unzipped the fly of my jeans. I then pulled them down, leaving only my boxers. As I moved my hand to the waistband, she stopped me. "No, wait... let me." She said, as she stood up and moved to me. There, she kissed me once more. She then kissed down along my neck, along my chest, my stomach, and then kneeled before me and drew down the shorts as my raging hard-on sprang out. It was a good size,; 7.5 inches long, and circumcised. She kissed around it in a circle, and then touched it gently with her nimble fingers. Her touch made my hotter than ever. This was the most intimate thing I had ever experienced in my life. I groaned with pleasure as I closed my eyes and cocked my head back. I then felt the warm, wet feeling of her tongue on my member, as she licked gently at the head in a clock-wise motion. She then continued in a counter clockwise motion. I was in bliss, unable to speak. She then took the head within her mouth, sucking on it, but not too strong. I felt her hands cup my balls, and fondle them ever so gently to my gratitude. I then felt her slowly start moving in, and out, back and forth along my rod, a light amount of suction being applied. It felt like being jacked off times ten. After a few minutes of this, I could feel I was about to cum, and she slowed. She then drew out to the tip and bit down gently just beyond the rim of the head, and licked the head furiously. Another second and I would have exploded, but she stopped and stood up. We kissed again, and I could taste the salty taste of semen on her lips and tongue. It didn't matter, though. I then whispered to her, "Your turn." I said, as I guided her to the bed. I placed her down on her back, leaving her legs hanging over the edge. Kneeling down, I gently took her foot and began to massage it, tenderly. I worked my way up her calves, to her knees, and stopped and began on her left foot. When I reached her knee this time, though, I use one hand on each legs and worked my way slowly upwards, along the outside of her thighs, down the back along her firm ass and the back of her thigh's, and then finally up the inside of her thighs. I stopped, resting my hands on her slit. I could feel the early trickles of wetness on my palms, as I slowly began to caress her tender lips with my hands. After a few, smooth, gentle strokes with my palms, I cut back to my fingers and began to trace around her opening, slowly in ovals, moving closer, and closer, and closer with each, delicate, stroke. She was breathing heavily, her eyes closed, and her head back. Her right hand way fondling one of her own breasts as I used three fingers from each hand to part the delicate flesh. I then moved my head down slowly, and drew my tongue over her once, slowly, pain-stakingly, as she gasped with pleasure as I found the sweet nub that was the center of pleasure for her. Being sure not to pay attention to just one area, I planted soft kisses along her entire pelvic area. I then traced a heart with my finger around her sweet pussy, and began to kiss the supple flesh of her inner thighs, as I continued to run my hands across her body. Up the sides of her thighs, down the back, massaging her ass and then up again across her now increasingly wet spot. I moved in once again, kissing and gently licking the area, up and down with slow, even strokes. I took my time there, and when I noticed her arching her back, I began to move upward upon her body once again. It wasn't a sudden stop, but as she had done with me, it prevented a full-out orgasm for the time being. I think we both knew we wanted to climax together. I kissed my way slowly up her stomach until my face was between her breasts. I ran my hands up from her sides, sending a shiver throughout her body. I molded my hands to her firm, supple breasts, as I tenderly kissed around them. The room was still quite cold, and I cold notice the hint of sgoose bumps across her flesh, but our own body heat combined with our desire and lust seemed to heat the room up enough. I gingerly ran my hands across her nipples, sending waves of pleasure throughout her. I then used my middle fingers on each of her nipples and formed fast moving, gentle circles around her nipples. Feeling her tense, and hearing her growan, I smiled as I moved up farther, kissing up along her collarbone and her neck. Her chin, and then once against her lips. As I kissed her on the cheek and gently bit her ear lobe, I felt her hands draw across my back and onto my ass. She then moved to my ear. "Fuck me." She said. "Please, fuck me." she said, as if she had to actually beg for me to do so. Kissing my way back, I bent upward, still kneeling on the bed. Her legs where spread wide as I guided my steel-hard cock to the gates of heaven. She moaned as the tip of my member first touched her pussy. I then slowly guided myself inward, as if parking a car into a tight, slow, dark, wet parking space. Once I was inside of her, I leaned downward and kissed her breasts again as I slowly drew outward, being sure not to withdrawal totally. She then put her arms around my neck, and hers legs around my waist. As I kissed her lips once again, I stood up, grabbing onto her ass to support her. Stumbling, I fell back against the wall as she began to buck her hips wildly. I moved with her motions as well, as I turned around, putting her back to the wall. We pounded each other, hard, slamming against the wall with each quick thrust. We both groaned, and moaned, as we pleasured one another. "Auuhh! Auuuuuuhhhhhh! Oh, yeah!" she panted, as I continued to fuck her, relentless. I could feel my lips curl as a low, primal growl escaped my lips. He then began to grunt with every thrust, like an animal. It was so wild, so barbaric, and so enjoyable. I didn't even need to concentrate on the motions, we where so fluid together. She began to scream, and soon so did I. After a few minutes of this, I felt the pressure return. Without warning, I released my load, letting it flow into her. I struggled to stay standing, to continue fucking as the explosion of pleasure ripped across my body. Falling back, I hit the bed as Jess continued to ride me. She was now the 'cowboy', and I her 'fucking bronco'. After another few seconds, I felt her slow and arch her back, screaming in segments as she did as she climaxed as well. After a few seconds, she collapsed on top of me, our sweaty but cold flesh meeting. I felt her damp hair cascade across my face, and brushed it away. We where both unable to breath, unable to speak, and simply content as we where. After a minute or two she climbed off of me and fell down next too me. We both stared up at the ceiling for what seemed like an eternity. After a little while, as we snuggled together, our naked bodies pressed together once again, though this time in love only, and no longer lust, I noted as Jess began to breath heavily again, as she had when I had first awoken her. As she slept, using my bare chest as a pillow, I pulled a cover over us, and shut my eyes as well, falling into the deepest, best, most well earned and well-deserved sleep of my entire life. The End...?? S.R. ----------------------------HEY YOU!--------------------------- Yeah, you! If your down here, you've read the entire story. I want to know what you think! Yeah, that's right, I want your opinion. Praise, critisizm, questions or comments, requests, whatever. In the 72 hours between putting this up and the weekly download report from ASSTR, over 1,300 people read this story. Obviously my other encouragment for you to drop me a line didn't get enough attention. So here it is again! E-mail me, S.R. @ for any reason related to my works.