Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Copyright (c) Robin Neal, all rights reserved, reposting without permission prohibited PET 3. GOOD GIRL, BAD GIRL Be good, be good, be good! WHY? What did being good really mean, and why did everyone refuse to ever shut up about it? The instructors ordered me to be good, my maids begged me to be good, the other brainless prissy girls took such pride in being good. Cissy suggested that I would be happier if I tried harder to be good. She was saying the same thing as everyone else, she just had a fancier way of saying it. If I heard it even one more time I was going to lose it. 'Cissy,' I thought, 'if the House wants me to be good, when is it going to start being good to me?' When was the House going to stop making me do things I didn't want to do? When was it going to stop punishing me? And most of all, when was the House going to let me GO? That was what I really wanted, I kept telling myself. Beyond that, I didn't think very far. Just to be free! I had a right to make my own decisions, to act like I wanted to act, to be who I wanted to be instead of a House girl. I came back from class in a miserable frustrated mood, on a hot, muggy, rainy day when the Couture Instructor had threatened to send me to Cissy if I didn't pay attention. Being mad at her wasn't what was bothering me. Being mad at the other girls who whispered about me didn't bother me either. I was so used to being mad at them all that I barely noticed any more. What bothered me was my own stupid weakness, because I shouldn't have let them make me cry. I looked straight ahead all the way back upstairs and I didn't make a sound, but the tears were running very slowly down my face and streaking my mascara. The duty Trainer and the other girls in my muster could all see them. When I got to my room I slammed my door shut, kicked off my hated, uncomfortable uniform pumps and threw myself on the bed, pounding my pillows with my fists in an agony of frustration and wiping my eyes with the bedspread. The day maid wasn't around, and it was a good thing for her. She'd be sorry if she bothered me today. I had three stuffed animals on my bed, two bunnies and a bear, and the last time I'd been in a mood like this I had hit her with two out of three before she made it to the door. She was lucky she was so quick, too, because the next thing to hand had been the water glass on the nightstand. My door opened after a soft knock and I wheeled around, a bunny ready in my hand. Cissy was in the doorway. She was dressed for business as she always was this time of day. It was very unusual for her to be away from her office in the Administration wing before five. I put the plush animal down and rubbed my hands over my face, trying to get myself together as she took a couple of steps into the room and set her purse on the bureau near the door. I got off the bed and stood up straight, not quite in the attention posture that I was supposed to assume, and said, "Good Afternoon, Cissy." Then, realizing how awful I must look and knowing that I couldn't hide my tears from her, I put my chin up and looked her defiantly in the eye. "Good Afternoon, Pet. I'm sorry you don't seem to be feeling well. Mademoiselle Helena rang me to say that you had had a difficult day at Couture, and I thought I would drop up to make sure you were all right." Cissy's voice was calm and cultured as always, and she looked genuinely concerned in her reserved way. I was sure it was an act. She had probably come to punish me or at least lecture me. I mentally added one more death to the ones I already owed that tyrant Mademoiselle Helena. "I'm all right," I muttered, staring at the floor. "Don't worry about me." "Pet, that's precisely why I'm here. I am worried about you, and I'm sure you know why. Each time you misbehave, you simply take a step away from the happiness that I have always wanted for you. My role is to help you move toward that happiness." I knew I shouldn't say anything, but I couldn't help myself. I was just so mad. "Cissy, you never help me do anything. You just order me to do things!" I thought that would be it, that she would just punish me right then, but she didn't. She said, "Let's sit down, Pet. It will be easier to talk." She sat on the edge of my bed and I reluctantly sat down next to her, refusing to meet her eyes. I ground my teeth as she just watched me, patiently waiting for me to look at her, and finally I had to. She pursed her lips. "Now, do I really order you to do things?" I squirmed in frustration and finally blurted, "Sometimes!" She looked contemplatively into the distance. "Yes, sometimes I do. But not often, and only when you already know how you should behave and you refuse. Isn't that right?" It was obvious where she was leading me. How could she think I was that stupid? I didn't let her do it. "Should!" I gritted. "That's the problem and you know it, Cissy! You're always the one who gets to say what 'should' means. It's not fair!" I was starting to cry again and that made me even madder. "Very well, do you think you should act disrespectfully in Mademoiselle Helena's class?" "I shouldn't even have to BE in it!" My voice broke and I buried my face in my hands. I had hardly ever been this contrary with Cissy and I couldn't believe I hadn't been punished yet. She was still infuriatingly calm. "We are not talking about your schedule, Pet. I hardly have more control over that than you have. You know that you must take class. We are talking about your behavior. Aren't we?" She refused to understand. I felt like I was in a nightmare. My hands were shaking even though I had them knotted into fists, my nails digging into the palms of my hands and my lower lip between my teeth. Tears were streaming and I couldn't think. Why was she asking me all these questions, why didn't she just punish me? "I don't know, I don't know! I don't know anything and I want to leave! I want to get out of this place!" I sobbed in anguish. Cissy put a gentle hand on my knee, but I shrank away from her toward the head of the bed. She tried again. "And go where? Pet, I don't think I've ever seen a girl as unhappy as you were before you were brought to the House. You were so unhappy, so unhealthy. Undisciplined. Unloved." I'd never head her voice soften like this before. She was emotional, almost. "The House cares for you, Pet. I care for you. You have everything a girl could want here, if you would simply accept the support and authority of the House. You can learn and grow and be happy here. But you must behave properly. It isn't that difficult." But I barely heard her. I huddled against the headboard and stared at her like a cornered animal, swiping at my cheeks with the back of my hand, my breasts heaving with unbearable frustration. The room seemed to be getting darker, it was hard to see her face through my tears and I wanted to beg her to leave, to just get out and let me cry myself to sleep because I knew that if she said one more thing, I was going to lose control. We could talk about it later, I didn't care, it wouldn't make any difference anyway, but I couldn't seem to get any words out. She sighed deeply, her shoulders dropping a fraction, and finally she said, "All right, Pet. I think you should bathe, and then you can rest until this evening. I'll have a tub drawn for you, and soon I hope you'll feel more like being good." She turned to reach for the call button. Being GOOD! I just couldn't stand to hear it even one more time. It rang in my head like fingernails on a blackboard, amplified a thousand times. I would tell you what went through my mind in that moment, but I really don't know. Tantrums are like that. I reached blindly behind me and my fingers closed on a little embroidery of a heart that stood in a gold frame on the nightstand. It happened like I was watching someone else do it, the picture frame coming around in a vicious arc at Cissy's head and the sound of breaking glass, and someone screaming. It must have been me. The next thing I knew, I was lying on my back on the floor a couple of steps away from the bed, the breath all gone out of me and little shards of glass scattered across the carpet and the throw rug at the bedside. Cissy stood next to the bed, staring down at me, her left hand over her ear, pale and shaken. The look in her eyes was impossible to describe. I was so afraid that I couldn't move a muscle. Cissy steadied herself visibly as I watched, taking slow deliberate breaths. She took her hand down, and there was a little smudge of blood, dark against the line of her jaw under her ear. She pulled a silk handkerchief slowly out of the sleeve of her jacket, reached up again and wiped the blood away, pressing against the side of her head, without taking her eyes from mine for a moment. Then she stepped past me and picked up her purse from the bureau. She walked out without a word and closed the door behind her. As I lay on the floor waiting for whatever was going to happen to me, all I could think of was that look in Cissy's eyes. It hadn't been anger or even the wintry promise of retribution that I had sometimes seen before. It was more like a kind of hurt and frustration, eerily similar to some of my own feelings. Stark fear knotted my stomach so tight I could barely breathe, and I realized wonderingly that what I was afraid of wasn't being punished. I was afraid that Cissy would never speak to me again, that she had finally realized that I could never be a House girl. Why should that thought frighten me so? It was what I had wished for over and over and over, since the first night I had come to the House. It had been wrong, so wrong to hit her like that. But all she had done to me, all that the House had done to me for all this time, that was wrong too, wasn't it? Hadn't she deserved it? I had pictured striking back at her a thousand times, and it had always seemed right. Now that I'd done it, why did I feel so horrified, so guilty? Was it just because she was my lover, or was there more to it? A storm of conflicting emotions raged inside me and I had no idea what was right or wrong or what I really wanted. And it didn't really matter anyway, nothing mattered now because Cissy would have to tell them, she would have to tell the Mistress what I had done, and then it would all be over, one way or another. I didn't know if any girl had EVER done anything as bad as this. I still couldn't get up, I just turned on my side and curled into a ball, sobbing and choking. It seemed like a long time, but it could only have been a minute or two before my day maid burst in, pale as a ghost, and rushed to kneel at my side. She bathed my face with a cool, damp cloth and started loosening my uniform. As soon as she could, she helped me up and into bed, and coaxed me to drink some water. I had passed out before she finished undressing me, and it wasn't until I awoke later that evening that I was taken downstairs by the duty Trainers for a punishment that seemed to me very routine. I was placed naked in a tight cylinder of plexiglass that forced me to stand very straight and on tiptoe, with my arms over my head, or lower my bottom onto a set of dull metal points that were even more painful. I was left there until I collapsed on the points from sheer physical exhaustion, sometime later that night, and then I was released and taken back to my room and put to bed. Cissy and I sometimes talked about my punishments, because she wanted to know how I felt about them, but we never discussed that one. We never discussed what I'd done, either, and it gradually dawned on me that she hadn't told anyone else. The next day there was no class and I stayed in bed, recovering, and she came and took me to dinner, greeting me as if none of it had ever happened. When we were in the Dining Hall, though, she was quieter than usual and I knew that my time at the House had come to a crossroads. Cissy and I were in a crisis that was going to change everything, and soon. We couldn't just go on the way we had been. I walked around tense and nervous, and tossed fitfully at night, and then a couple of days after the episode in my room, Cissy sent a message up to my night maid when she came on duty, to get me ready for a "training experience." I had vaguely heard of these, the girls called them "nights out" and they involved going outside the House. ***** In episode 4, Pet finds herself in an impossible situation. She has promised herself she would never do this, but what choice does she have?